Free online courses in investment and finance. Free Online Investment & Finance Courses Organization Financial Management Courses

Within the framework of the concept of continuing education, specialists strive to improve their qualifications even after receiving a university diploma. Seminars in finance are a new step in self-improvement and career advancement. Leaders large companies send their promising employees to improve their qualifications at KUMTs APR.

Seminars on finance and economics offered by the Consulting and Training Center of the Audit Chamber of Russia open up new professional horizons for participants. They are conducted in the following areas:

  • Internal audit;
  • Professional financial management;
  • Certified Financial Management;
  • Certified cFO;
  • IFRS;
  • Management accounting;
  • Control and audit;
  • Professional development of FMIS.

Classes are held at a convenient time with a choice of daytime or evening form of study. At the end of the seminar, you will receive a large amount of valuable information, work out a number of cases, and you will be able to ask questions you are interested in to well-known specialists with practical experience in the largest financial companies, banks, international corporations.

Are you applying for a serious position, are you interested in career growth? Come to seminars at KUMC APR to improve your professional level!

At present, there is a clear trend towards an increase in the importance of education in the life of each individual person and all mankind as a whole. This is due to the constant need for new knowledge, skills, and skills that would make the process of human adaptation to the existing conditions more operational and effective. At present, education no longer means a short period of life, which is spent on obtaining higher education... The concept of lifelong education is gaining popularity. Modern economic activity requires all categories of employees to constantly update knowledge and improve the skills that they need in professional activity... The concept of continuing professional education is designed to influence the acceleration of the transfer of new scientific, economic, technical, and organizational ideas into the sphere of practical application in the activities of business entities. It is necessary to move away from the existing practice of periodic and episodic training to continuous improvement in the professional field.

Financial management of an organization includes activities aimed at effectively attracting money from the outside and rational use of them in order to achieve maximum profit... Solving this problem requires attention, accuracy, analysis skills and forecasting skills from financial managers.

The organization of continuous thematic training and the direction of employees to refresher courses under the programs "Financial Management" provides the company with an increase in business performance indicators and an increase in profitability. Finance seminars in Moscow are represented by a wide range of training programs, from seminars with a narrow thematic focus to refresher courses. Training at seminars on the topic "Financial Management" allows you to fill gaps in knowledge and master all the innovations in the professional field. A specialist who realizes the importance of continuous professional education is constantly expanding the circle of his professional competencies... And this fact increases its value in the labor market.

The seminar programs are designed for company owners, CFOs, department heads and structural units, chief accountants, analysts, economists.

Training in corporate finance will be interesting for practicing financial managers who want to improve their skills, learn to see not only the current state of the company, but also be able to predict the future.

In Moscow, training in the programs "Financial Management" is very widely represented. These are seminars on internal audit and internal control, training courses for FMIS, training of professional financial managers and certification of financial specialists, training of auditors and controllers and many other seminar programs on financial analysis. Seminars on finance and economics offered by the Consulting and Training Center of the Audit Chamber of Russia open up new professional horizons for participants. The range of programs for which training is carried out at the Consulting and Educational - Methodological Center of the Audit Chamber of Russia is extensive and covers all areas of professional activity of a financial manager. We offer you a variety of options for training programs in finance and economics, and we also offer you to create a unique training program on the topics necessary for your company in a corporate format.

The program of our training events includes practical classes, in which our students can transform the theoretical knowledge gained into practical skills. In the process of discussing and practicing cases, you will have the opportunity to discuss the various solutions proposed by your training colleagues. Our experienced teachers, who have practical experience in the largest financial companies, banking structures, international holdings, will answer questions arising in the learning process.

We will be glad to participate in your professional growth!

Theoretical basis

The financial activity of any company needs to be properly managed: the formation, distribution and use of financial flows. The financial service should be engaged in enterprises not only accounting, but also the formation of a financial strategy, planning and forecasting financial activities, financial control... Efficient activity of any company is impossible without the work of the finance department. No organization, in whatever area it works, can exist without a department that will manage its finances and thereby provide it with a reliable financial base.

Many higher educational institutions of our country carry out training of specialists in the field of financial management of an enterprise. But after graduation from the university, training for financiers does not end. In this profession, there is always something to learn, what programs and techniques to master. Modern seminars, trainings and courses for financiers offer training, professional development, retraining and development of practical skills for workers in the financial sector, varied in content and goals.

About seminars for financiers

Rapidly growing advances in technology and changes in legislation are forcing many modern professionals to improve their qualifications and skills in order to find high-paying jobs, climb the career ladder, or simply perform well their duties in the current workplace. A course or training for financiers can provide either extensive theoretical knowledge or help to acquire useful professional practical skills, and only seminars combine both in the best possible way, and in the shortest possible time, because they last 1–3 days.

In addition to self-realization in the professional sphere, the seminar also has a significant social impact on the listener. A New Look to professional questions, communication with a successful specialist in their field becomes an incentive for development, a way to believe in yourself and set new goals for yourself in life and profession. Any seminar is able to add variety to the daily routine, give freedom of choice, feel the effectiveness of self-development.
For the seminar to be of maximum benefit, it is important to choose a finance training program that will be of interest to a particular specialist.

Conveniently, when the training program is described in sufficient detail, the lecturer who will conduct the seminar is indicated. Special attention should be paid to the name of the seminar author, because the experience and his practical skills in conducting large financial projects the success of the training will depend.

On the importance of seminars for employees of financial departments

Seminars for financiers include an impressive list of disciplines and topics, starting with general financial issues management of the economy of the enterprise, management of cash flows, financial and economic analysis before studying in practice such tools as the calculation and distribution of costs, budgeting, mathematical modeling, quantitative analysis data and internal audit.

Taxation is an important topic of seminars on finance. They set out not only general rules tax planning and optimization, but also such issues as legends, avoiding affiliation, tax security, protection from tax claims, the risks arising from tax optimization and the payment of "gray" wages and many other topics.

The seminars provide not only training in finance, but also often offer clear algorithms for managing financial flows, systematize the experience using case studies and joint discussion with other participants. The clear applied focus of the seminars on the topic "Finance" helps the trainees to find a solution to any problem related to the management of corporate funds.

Trainings for financiers

The Solon Training Center offers a variety of courses, trainings and seminars on finance, which are conducted by highly professional and experienced teachers: lawyers, economists, business coaches, teachers of the best Moscow universities, authors of publications in professional publications, directors of enterprises and heads of financial departments of large companies.

All seminars are held on the territory of Moscow, on weekdays at work time... As a rule, they begin no earlier than 10.00, so that all participants have time to get to the venue through traffic jams, and end no later than 17-18 hours.

Solon offers such a large number of seminars for financiers that sometimes two or more of them take place on the same day, so our clients have to make a choice in favor of one or another program. Taking this into account, we try to put on the same day programs that are as different as possible from each other, which will be of interest to different specialists who work in such a department as the finance department.

One of the key figures in modern company is a financial director or financial manager. None strategic decision for production, purchase or sale is not accepted without the approval of all financial issues. This profession in any country in the world is considered one of the highest paid, as well as very promising in terms of career. In the modern economy, there is a traditionally high level of demand for specialists capable of managing the company's financial flows. A good financier always takes a responsible approach to his own self-education and is able to make an excellent career in a fairly short time. Our resource site offers the attention of beginners and advanced financiers courses in financial management in Moscow and seminars on finance.

What can you learn from the offered courses?

Refresher courses in finance touch upon many pressing issues:
  • financial manager as an important link in the structure of management of the company's activities;
  • management and financial accounting;
  • balance sheet of the enterprise;
  • break even CVP analysis;
  • methods of calculating the cost of production;
  • managing pricing policy;
  • choice of a bank and cooperation with it;
  • types of enterprise budgets;
  • cash management;
  • financial forecasting;
  • financial risk management.

What is the purpose of the course?

Enterprise finance courses are designed to improve the professionalism of financial managers in management accounting, costs, pricing, budget management and enterprise costs. On our website B-Seminar.RU are collected only best companies in their segment, offering educational programs for teaching finance.

All courses are in Russian or english language from this collection are available upon request or regularly reissued.

Courses in Russian

1. The Science of Wealth

Volume: 11 video lectures.
Playground: "Lectorium".
Organizer: Friedrich von Hayek Institute.

The course is intended for those seeking a fundamental knowledge of economic theory. Pavel Usanov will talk about the main economic models - from Aristotelian catallactics to socialism - and explain how they are reflected in real life people.

2. History of economic thought

Volume: 11 modules.
Playground: Coursera.
Organizer: graduate School economy.

The historical aspect is important for a deep understanding of modern economic processes. The HSE professors will not only tell you what Marx meant by surplus value and why Smith advocated the free market, but they will also develop critical economic thinking in you.

3. Economics for non-economists

Volume: 10 modules.
Playground: Coursera.
Organizer: High School of Economics.

For those who do not want to delve into economics, this course is suitable. Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory Igor Kim simple language will explain the basic concepts of micro and macroeconomics. Find out what supply and demand are, what is the mechanism of competition and monopoly, what is GDP and where does inflation and unemployment come from - take financial literacy to a new level.

4. Financial markets and institutions

Volume: 9 modules.
Playground: Coursera.
Organizer: High School of Economics.

This course presents lectures by Professor Nikolai Iosifovich Berzon: the structure of the financial market (from stock to foreign exchange), stocks, bonds, the banking sector and much more. What you need for novice investors. If you learn to invest, then from the best!

5. Theories of money. From shell to bitcoin

Volume: 8 modules.
Playground: "Lectorium".
Organizer: European University at St. Petersburg.

If life is a game, then money helps to keep track of. This was the case when people exchanged bullion precious metals... So it is now, when the world is going crazy. Professor of Economics Yulia Vymyatnina will tell you what can be considered money and what is not, and what is the value of money. In 2015, her course won second place in the EdCrunch Award in the Humanities category.

6. ABC of finance

Volume: 6 modules.
Playground: "Lectorium".
Organizer: Tomsk state University control systems and electronics.

If you think you have a budget, financial plan and investments are the lot of economists, then you are wrong. Any modern person must skillfully invest and analyze the economic situation. Valeria Tsibulnikova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, will teach you this. The focus is on.

7. Financial literacy

Volume: 6 modules.
Playground: 4brain.
The authors: Grigory Ksheminsky and Evgeny Buyanov.

Many people cannot provide themselves with a decent life even with a good salary. Paradox? Hardly! This is a natural consequence of financial ignorance. The authors of this text course are convinced that wealth begins with a mindful attitude towards money and financial thinking.

8. Fundamentals of financial literacy

Volume: 13 modules.
Playground: Zillion.
Organizer: Moscow Academy of Entrepreneurship under the Government of Moscow, commissioned by TemoCenter.

What taxes do citizens pay? Why are loans denied to us? And how to ensure yourself a comfortable old age? More than six and a half thousand students have already received answers to these and other questions about the formation of a personal budget and planning expenses. You also have a chance to improve financial literacy.

9. Fundamentals of Finance for Youth

Volume: 5 modules.
Organizer: Centre additional education Novosibirsk State University.

The peculiarity of this course is interactivity. It consists of 100 mini-tasks, which, in turn, are divided into thematic modules (personal, household, global, corporate finance and financial institutions). By completing tasks, you earn points and move from level to level.

10. Business for "dummies"

Volume: 14 video lectures.
Playground: "Lecture hall".
Yuri Milyukov, founder of the Moscow Commodity Exchange.

How did these or those organizational and legal forms for business appear? How do banks, exchanges, insurers and logistics work? What are auditors, consultants, appraisers, experts and analysts for? The answers to these and many other questions are in the speeches of the famous businessman Yuri Milyukov.

Courses in English

1. Financial literacy

Volume: 4 modules.
Playground: open2study.
The authors: Peter Mordount, Paul Clitheroe.

What is the difference between goals in life and financial goals? How to make income prevail over expenses? What is the 10% rule? How is investment different from saving? How not to break the woods and not run into scammers? The answers to these and many other questions will be given by the teachers of Macquarie University.

2. Finance for all: smart decision making tools

Volume: 6 modules.
Playground: edX.
Organizer: University of Michigan.

Which is more profitable: rent or take out a mortgage? Buy a used car or a new one? Open a deposit or invest in securities? Making such important decisions is easier if you are familiar with the basic financial principles... Master them in this course. Its peculiarity is in the abundance of examples from life.

3. Financial mathematics

Volume: 2 modules.
Playground: Alison.

Money loves the bill. This short course will teach you how to balance debit with credit. You will understand the difference between profit and margin, you will be able to calculate lost profits and adopt different ones.

4. Finance for non-financiers

Volume: 5 modules.
Playground: Coursera.
Organizer: Rice University.

Professor James Weston is a respected expert in corporate finance. In this course, he explains how financiers make decisions. Very useful lectures for entrepreneurs who want to take their business to a qualitatively new level.

5. Behavioral finance

Volume: 3 modules.
Playground: Coursera.
Organizer: Duke University.

Behavioral economics studies how social and psychological factors influence market variables. For example, the prices of goods. This course will explain why people invest in pyramids rather than investment funds, make unnecessary purchases and other financial mistakes.

6. Financial planning for youth

Volume: 8 modules.
Playground: Coursera.
Organizer: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

A course that will not only teach you to set the right goals, plan a budget and invest, but will also allow you to try on the role of a financial advisor. Why not make solving financial problems your profession?

7. Introduction to personal finance management

Volume: 2 modules.
Playground: Alison.
Christine Williams.

In this course, lawyer Christine Williams teaches how to get rid of. First, she suggests drawing up a table of debt obligations and prioritizing them based on timing and interest rates. This will help you choose the right strategy and keep your monthly payments to a minimum.

8. Personal and family financial planning

Volume: 9 modules.
Playground: Coursera.
Organizer: University of Florida.

Professor Michael S. Gutter teaches students to pave their way to financial independence. The tax and credit system modules may seem uninteresting to you, as they are focused on America. But the general principles of financial literacy are universal.

9. Managing your money

Volume: 8 modules.
Playground: OpenLearn.

This course will help you put your finances in order. First, they will explain how to create a personal budget. You will isolate unnecessary or overly costly items and can optimize them. And then you will learn the basics of lending and investing.

10.5 Keys to Investing

Volume: 1 module.
Playground: Udemy.
Steve Bollinger.

In the era of the Internet and the growing popularity of online education, we have many opportunities to gain new knowledge through online courses. Since we have everything here about finance, we will also look for courses about finance - and not just courses, but free and from serious educational institutions. An important caveat: such courses are good for beginners as a start to further, more serious study. Also, good courses are usually in English, but some of them have Russian subtitles. Go!

Financial market analysis

National Research University Higher School of Economics

Time of passage: 10 weeks

The online course Analysis of Financial Markets, developed by professors of the Department of Finance of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, can be taken on the Open Education platform. The curriculum is designed for 10 weeks with a weekly load of 6 hours. As part of the video course, the student will be told about the features of the market functioning valuable papers and the works of its participants, as well as the basics of fundamental and technical analysis of stocks. Among the announced topics - methods of searching for "quality" companies and securities for investment, which is very important for a novice trader or asset manager. In addition, every week the student will have to take 5-10 practice tests and take at least ten tests. At the end of the course, the student will have to perform a large final work, consisting of tests and design problems.

Managing My Money

Open University in the UK

Time of passage: 8 weeks

According to the Open University, the most popular finance program on its website is the Managing my money course, developed by the Open University's True Potential PUFin financial literacy center. It includes both video lectures and extensive text materials, including an electronic textbook in epub format... It is assumed that the student will get an understanding of financial planning, investment instruments and ways of accumulating money, the basics of market analysis. Based on the results of each completed topic, the student must pass an online test. At the end of the course, it is proposed to write a final assessment paper for the entire curriculum. To complete the training, you need to register on the Open University website.

How to make strategic financial decisions (Make Strategic Financial Decisions)

Time of passage: 6 weeks for each course

This is a complete educational program, which can be passed in whole or in parts. It involves 4 courses for about a month each, defense of the diploma project and obtaining a certificate (without obtaining a certificate, you can take the course for free). All courses are taught by University of Michigan professor Gautam Cole. He will explain to the audience what the “value of money over time” is, how to make financial decisions and carefully diversify a portfolio, as well as assess the real value of assets.

Finance for Non-Financial Professionals

University of California Irvine

Time of passage: 4 weeks, approximately 1-2 hours per week

This course is part of the larger Career Success program. But you can go through it separately. It is suitable for beginners (the course description emphasizes that no special background is needed) and provides the most basic understanding of personal finance and investments: from the concept of "accounting" to more complex things like assessing the state of the market. This course is delivered by University of California professor David Standen - the one who founded one of the first online MBA courses in the world.

Financial Markets

Yale university

Time of passage: 8 weeks

The Financial Markets video course is available on two platforms at once: Coursera and on the Yale University website. It is moderated by the legendary economist Robert Schiller, laureate Nobel Prize in 2013. The curriculum is designed for 8 weeks - one for each topic. The student will be told about basic principles financial management, psychological aspects investment, stock and bond markets, futures and options, specifics of investment in real estate, monetary policy and market regulation, as well as social responsibility investor. All video lectures are accompanied by English subtitles. At the end of each week, the student writes a test based on the results of the material passed, and at the end of the course - an examination test.

Investments: financial strategy and assessment (Financial Evaluation and Strategy: Investments)

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Time of passage: 4 weeks, 6-8 hours a week

This course is not about finance in general, but about trading. So we are talking about investment instruments, ways to create a balanced portfolio and assess investment risks. They also promise to provide the listeners with the simplest technical skills: for example, use the Excel functions necessary for investors. The lecturer is Finance Professor Scott Weisbenner, who was a long-time economist at the US Federal Reserve.

This list is far from complete, but a good start! Good luck learning finance! And do not forget that the main thing is to be able to effectively apply knowledge in practice.