Quotes motivation for success in life. A selection of the best inspirational quotes to motivate yourself to succeed. Motivational phrases for all occasions

Finding a job is a process that is always fraught with suspense and stress. Many people lose enthusiasm and self-confidence. At times like these, it's important to remember that tens of thousands of people have gone through what you are currently experiencing and have successfully dealt with it.

Often or an inspiring phrase helps to look at things familiar to us in a new way. We are offering to you 32 quotes successful people , among which you may find one that will cheer you up, and at the same time motivation.

1. "Our greatest weakness is that we give up. The surest way to succeed is to try again." - Thomas Edison

2. "One way to learn to do something right is to do it wrong at first." - Jim Rohn

3. "What defines your career is not what you achieve, it is what you overcome." - Carlton Fisk

4. "You can't build a reputation for what you're just about to do." - Henry Ford

5. "Those who are not content with fulfilling their duties alone reach the top." - Og Mandino

6. "Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. He comes to visit us at midnight. It's great when he comes and gives himself right into our hands. He hopes we have learned at least some lesson from yesterday." - John Wayne

7. "To be successful, your desire for success needs more than your fear of failure." - Bill Cosby

8. “The only way to get real satisfaction from work is to do it perfectly, knowing it. And the only way to do a great job is to love it. If you haven't found your favorite thing yet, keep looking. " - Steve Jobs

9. "To achieve something, you need to have two things: a plan and a lack of time." - Leonard Bernstein

10. "The fork in two roads - I chose the one where you go around travelers a mile away. Everything else does not matter!" - Robert Frost

11. “Build your own dreams, otherwise someone else will use you to build theirs.” - Farah Gray

12. “No one can go back and make another start. But everyone can start today and come to a different finish. ” - Karl Bard

13. "Of those shots you didn't make, 100% off the net." - Wayne Gretzky

14. “I have missed over 9000 times in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. - Michael Jordan

15. "If you do what you always did, you get what you always got." - Tony Robbins

16. "Any job is difficult. Look for a job that is challenging." - Unknown author

17. "I realized that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou

18. "If you think you are capable of doing something, or you think you are not capable of it, you are right in both cases." - Henry Ford

19. "Personally, I like strawberries with cream, but for some reason the fish prefers worms. That's why when I go fishing, I don't think about what I like, but what the fish like." - Dale Carnegie

20. "Old people always advise young people to save money. This is bad advice. Don't save up dimes. Invest in yourself. I never saved a dollar in my life until I was forty." - Henry Ford

21. "In the end, it is not the years of life that matter, but the life in those years." - Abraham Lincoln

22. "From hard work bent less peoplethan bending to avoid work " - Zig Ziglar

23. "Without deviation from the norm, progress is impossible." - Frank Zappa

24. "It's never too late to be who you could be." - George Eliot

25. "The man who has never been wrong has never tried something new." - Albert Einstein

26. "When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but we often do not notice it, staring at the closed door." - Helen Keller.

27. "Your only purpose is to become who you choose to be." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

28. "Obstacles are all those scary things that you only see when you look away from your goal." - Henry Ford

29. “Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.” - Thomas Jefferson

30. "People who are unable to motivate themselves should be content with mediocrity, no matter how impressive their talents are." - Andrew Carnegie

31. "If you want to be luckier, try more." - Brian Tracy

32. "The only condition on which success depends is patience." - Lev Tolstoy

Every person who is determined to succeed has doubts about the correctness of the chosen path from time to time. How often do we stop believing in ourselves, just once stumbling on a daily task! Most plans and dreams are ruined at the root, suppressed by harsh criticism of others. Suddenly, fears and anxieties appear out of nowhere, which block active progress.

Motivational phrases are a component that contributes to the formation of correct self-perception. Reading these statements, you are sure to be charged with the necessary energy for new amazing accomplishments. Everyday motivating phrases will help readers return peace of mind, tune in to victory and achievement.

“A person should be led forward not by defeats, but by intentions” (D. Everett)

Very often people make a global mistake - they stop believing in the existing prospects and opportunities. Some get used to thinking in patterns, others hope for good luck, while not wanting to make absolutely no effort. It is only when problems occur that a person begins to act actively to get out of the predicament. Few people think that we create such barriers for ourselves.

You need to act when you feel a great inner desire in yourself. In no case should you postpone active steps until later. Trust that you won't do them later. Motivating quotes are just as important to success as knowing your prospects broadly.

"An obstacle is what helps a person not to forget about his goal" (T. Krause)

Most people, when faced with difficulties, try to bypass them in all available ways. Choosing a position of avoiding problems, you can never achieve any satisfactory result. You begin to move in the completely opposite direction from your dream, and this cannot but depress and frustrate. Many successful people noted that when they saw an obstacle in front of their eyes, they began to build a plan to help them achieve their dreams.

If there were no difficulties, we would relax and do nothing. Only by remaining true to your goal can you achieve it. Remember that getting away can never be considered a profitable move. Motivational phrases like this define the nature of success as such.

"A pessimist always sees difficulties everywhere, and an optimist finds additional opportunities for everything" (W. Churchill)

Our victories also depend on the way we look at the world. A bold and enterprising person has many accomplishments. Moreover, from the outside it seems that they themselves come to them, without any significant effort. Of course, all this is just an appearance. Success always arises as a result of unlimited faith in yourself. In addition to diligent creation, a person needs to learn to be aware of his capabilities and prospects. Pessimistic people will never make any discovery: they live within the framework that they have invented for themselves.

Optimists move the world forward: take risks, act, make mistakes, fail, and again take active steps. It is important not to avoid mistakes, but to be able to get up every time after a deafening fall. Motivational phrases help build confidence in your own capabilities.

“Don't be afraid to live life by your own rules” (W. James)

Society, as a rule, tries to bend a person under itself, using powerful tools for this. Additional requirements are imposed on the personality, which it cannot bypass. If you think about it, we have to give too much to society: time, energy, prospects. The more years pass, the more difficult it is to believe in the existing possibilities, in the fact that they really exist. Only those who continue to act based on their own convictions will achieve meaningful results.

Inner satisfaction will appear only if you walk boldly through life, on anyone and not adjusting to the opinion of the majority. Remember that giving up is the easiest thing, it is much more difficult to continue what you started, overcoming obstacles. Motivating quotes for success are designed to reveal the true state of things to those who have already despaired and stopped believing in a dream.

"It is important to make an effort to what you want, otherwise you have to be content with what you have" (D.B.Shaw)

Nothing is given in life just like that. If you have a purpose for which your soul sings, then stay true to yourself under any circumstances. Do not give up on it, barely starting to move. Any dream requires realization and additional strength. It will be hard, sometimes even sad and painful, but don't back down. Otherwise, you will dream all your life, but you will not be able to come one iota in the direction of what you desire. If a person fails to achieve a goal for a long time, he abandons it. Motivational phrases help you avoid making this fatal mistake. Look ahead with hope and faith, not bitterness.

Instead of a conclusion

Summing up what has been said, I would like to note the following: success is a variable category. Good luck comes only to a strong person who is ready to work hard, make significant efforts to realize his intention. Nothing inspires a person so much to be successful and promising as motivating ones help to realize the importance of achieving their own plans, to work through existing inner fears and doubts.

Success in business is what the forces of each person are directed to and it does not matter at all whether it is success in business, in creativity or personal affairs... Everyone wants to be successful in their own business, and that's okay. There are a lot of successful people around us. Particularly successful ones share their advice and motivation to achieve the goal. Some advice or better to say business quotes have become a kind of aphorisms and good tool for motivation. Very simple but at the same time containing. We hope that my small selection of business quotes will be useful to you in achieving success in your business.

The vast majority of people give up two steps away from success. They stop their journey the moment success is just around the corner. And the saddest thing is that they will never know how close he was!

How to achieve a dream

  • “All our dreams can come true - only if we have the courage to follow them ...” Walt Disney
  • Do you actually have a dream? What have you done today to make it come true ?!
  • If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. Robert Orben
  • Many people wait all week for Friday, the whole month of the holiday, the whole year of summer, and all their life of happiness
  • When a person does not know which pier he is heading to, not a single wind will be favorable for him. Lucius Annay Seneca
  • The easiest to achieve are those dreams that are not doubted. © Alexandre Dumas (father)
  • A miracle always awaits us somewhere near despair © Erich Maria Remarque

Achieving Success

  • Success is nothing more than a few simple rules followed on a daily basis, and failure is just a few mistakes repeated daily. Together they make up what leads us to either luck or failure!
  • Belief in success is the most important factor in any project. Success is impossible without faith. © William James
  • When you start living with a purpose, everything instantly falls into place. Living with a purpose means doing what you love, what you are good at, and what you consider important to yourself.
  • For success, you don't need to be smarter than others, you just need to be one day faster than most.
  • If a person really achieved success, then his page is not on VKontakte, but on Wikipedia
  • Success is created not by ability, but by desire. © Richard Denny

  • Never be afraid to do what you cannot do. Remember, the ark was built by an amateur. The professionals built the Titanic
  • Whoever buys what is superfluous in the end sells what is needed.
  • Do something new every day that you didn't do yesterday, and you will succeed.
  • Giving up the phrase “I don’t have time ...”, you will soon realize that you have time for almost everything that you see fit to do in life.
  • Great things are accomplished not by super-efforts, but by perseverance.
  • Money must be managed, not served.
  • How many times do I have to remind you that work won't make you rich? How many times do I have to remind you that you get rich in your spare time?
  • We are what we do all the time. Perfection, therefore, is not an act but a habit.
  • First, listen to your inner voice, no matter how good things are on paper. Second, you can earn more if you do what you know well. And third: sometimes the best investments are those that you haven't made.
  • When it seems that the whole world is against you, remember that the plane takes off against the wind.
  • An idea that cannot be implemented is like a soap bubble.
  • Whoever works all day has no time to earn money.
  • A small leak sinks a large ship.
  • Our lives are wasted on little things, so keep it simple. Henry David Thoreau
  • Personally, I like strawberries with cream, but for some reason the fish prefers worms. That is why when I go fishing, I think not about what I love, but what the fish love. Dale Carnegie
  • Strive not to achieve success, but to ensure that your life has meaning. Albert Einstein
  • Opportunities are usually disguised as impossible hard work - so most people don't recognize and miss them. Anne Lenders
  • The world belongs to the optimists, the pessimists are just spectators. Francois Guizot
  • The more confident we are, the better we can develop and demonstrate our abilities. The more chances that our abilities will be appreciated.
  • You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start in order to be great.
  • It is not enough to have outstanding qualities, you must also be able to use them.
  • As I get older, I become aware of how fleeting time is. I don't want to waste it. I want to spend time with the people I love and do things that really mean something.
  • Never let failure be a valid option
  • There is nothing to fear but fear itself.
  • It is better to be in the company of people better than yourself ... Choose acquaintances whose behavior is better than yours and you will rush in this direction.
  • Millions of people saw apples fall, but only Newton asked why.
  • Opening a store is easy, but preventing it from closing is an art. © Confucius
  • It doesn't take too much energy to do something, much more to decide WHAT to do. © Elbert Hubbard
  • There is a golden rule that I am demonstrating by my example to my children: You must treat every person as you would like to be treated. Robert De Niro
  • If you want to get promoted quickly and lastingly, work harder and do better than expected.
    Performing the task, each time try to surpass your previous result, and soon you will surpass everyone around you
  • Who told you that this is impossible, and what great achievements give him the right to set limits for you?
  • Where and who will you be in 10 years if you go further than the current road?
  • A successful person always thinks about what he wants, and not about what he does not want.
  • Be sure of exactly what you want to receive from life, and twice as sure of what you can give in return.
  • Choose your main goal in life, do not be afraid to aim high, because no matter how high you aim, achievements may be lower.
  • If you don't know what you want, then don't say you didn't get a chance.
  • An educated person is not always one who possesses a large amount of knowledge, but one who knows where to find the necessary knowledge when it is needed.
  • Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.
  • Work hard! The world will not be paradise For those who want to live as a lazy person.
  • Falling is not dangerous, and not shameful, to remain lying - both.
  • He who does not know the value of time is not born for glory.
  • Never give up - never, never, never, never, not in large, not in small, not in large, not in small, never give up unless it is against honor and common sense... Never succumb to force, never succumb to the apparently superior power of your opponent. Winston Churchill
  • You can neither win nor lose as long as you do not participate in the races. David Bowie
  • The sense of self-importance makes a person hopeless: heavy, awkward and empty. To be a warrior means to be light and fluid. Carlos Castaneda
  • Anyone who wants to see the results of his labor immediately should go to shoemakers. © Albert Einstein
  • "If you want to make money, work; if you want to get rich, think of something of your own."
  • Leaders are not born or made by anyone - they make themselves.
  • If you cannot see yourself as rich, you can never achieve it. © Robert Kiyosaki.
  • Until you try, you will not understand. This is what I tell my kids. © Robert De Niro
  • Lack of sleep is not a problem. The problem is when you don't know why you wake up in the morning!
  • You don't have to work hard - you have to work at the right time in the right place. Philip Kotler
  • The most good job Is a high-paying hobby. © Henry Ford
  • The only way to define the boundaries of what is possible is to go beyond those boundaries.
  • If you want to make a person bad - give a fish, if you want to do well - give a fishing rod © proverb

    15 ways to be the best at what you do

    1. Be better today than yesterday.
    2. Do what inspires you.
    3. Pay 10% of your attention to the problem you are facing, and 90% to its solution.
    4. Do your job at the highest level.
    5. Praise others, especially when others want to be praised.
    6. Practice your craft daily to become a virtuoso.
    7. Work hard, don't make excuses.
    8. Learn to rise quickly after falls.
    9. Keep the promises you made to others and to yourself.
    10. Show nobility, especially in difficult times.
    11. Always try to exceed expectations.
    12. Take time every day to restore your physical and mental strength.
    13. Make your home comfort the foundation of your success.
    14. Play sports like a professional athlete.
    15. Inspire others to be better than they were yesterday

Everyone has periods of recession. Enthusiasm goes away, but business must continue to be done. How? In this case, we have great motivational phrases in store that will lift your spirit and give a new impetus to move forward! Reading motivational quotes gives you unlimited energy for non-stop activities!

Never ask for anything! Never and nothing, and especially for those who are stronger than you. They themselves will offer and they themselves will give everything!
Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. Master and Margarita

Each passing minute is another chance to change everything.
Sofia Serrano - Vanilla Sky

Don't make the classic mistake of all smart people: don't think that there are no people smarter than you.

Karl Van Loon - Areas of Darkness (Limitless)

If you are interested in motivational phrases for every day, we have such. And just in case, get in the habit of reading motivational statements at least once a day. Trust me - it will make you more productive.

There is so much to think about. Why bother with what you can't get back - you have to think about what else can be changed.
Margaret Mitchell. Gone With the Wind

Be sure to be friends with those who are better than you. You will suffer, but grow.
Vera Polozkova

You have to live so that the bastards remember you.

Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya

Motivational quotes about sports. Small selection:

Do today what others do not want, tomorrow you will live in a way that others cannot.
Jared Leto

You are what you do. You are your choice. The one you turn yourself into.
Johnny Depp

Whoever you are, be better.
Abraham Lincoln

Be attentive to your thoughts, they are the beginning of actions.

Lao Tzu

Find a job you fall in love with and you won't have to work a single day in your life again.

(Pick a job you like and you won't have to work a single day in your life.)

Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.

Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it was.
Dr. Seuss

Everything you do must be done well, even if you are committing madness.
Honore de Balzac

Be yourself. Other roles have already been taken.
Oscar Wilde

Say what you think, think what you say. Follow this rule, there would be fewer problems.
Robert Cody - Route 60 (Interstate 60)

Keep busy. It is the cheapest medicine on earth - and one of the most effective.

Dale Carnegie. How to stop worrying and start living

You cannot win if you only defend yourself. To win, you need to go on the attack.
Death note

You don't even need to think about great undertakings, you need to get down to business, otherwise, noticing the difficulty, you will retreat.

(Great deeds must be done without hesitation, so that the thought of danger does not weaken courage and speed.)
Guy Julius Caesar

Imagine a winner clearly, and this alone will significantly reduce your success.

Harry Fosdick


Achieving the maximum is not about consistency of success or happiness every second. To achieve the maximum means to use correctly everything that you already have now and through this to achieve consistency of success and every second happiness.

Ken Ravizza


Success doesn't come to someone who accidentally scorches their feathers. He can only come to someone who is ready to stick his head into the fire.

Reggie Leach


It doesn't matter what you strive for. It is important to maintain self-discipline and, having found out what tests fate has prepared for you, to withstand them with dignity.

Wilma Rudolph


The greatest glory comes not to the one who has never fallen, but to the one who rises as high as possible after each fall.

Nelson Mundella


Strong and successful man is not a product of its environment. He himself creates the conditions in which he needs to grow and develop.

Orisen Marden


Quality is the desire to do everything as best as possible, even when nobody cares about it.

Henry Ford


Dreams play cruel jokes only with those who do not have them.

Peter Reese


I will definitely achieve what is called success, and when asked what my secret is, I will simply answer: “I get up - every time I fall”.

Paul Harvey


Success comes to someone who is open to the right opportunities and is able to take advantage of them when they arise.

Alice McDougall


If you want to be successful, ask yourself the following four questions: Why? Why not? Why not me? Why not right now?

Jimmy Dean


The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single small step.

Lao Tzu


Hawks fly much higher when flying against the wind.

Winston Churchill


Every successful person, everyone who has achieved something significant, knows one magic rule perfectly well: in any difficulty or problem, the seeds of equal or even much greater benefit are laid.

Warren Clement-Stone


Success is 10 percent inspiration and 90 percent sweating.

Thomas Edison


Our strength lies in our ability to make decisions.

Buckminster Fuller


There is no greater pleasure in life than the pleasure of overcoming difficulties on the road to success.

Samuel Johnson


You are not paying the price of success. You are enjoying it.

Zig Ziglar


Your life should be a constant movement towards success, not a series of interruptions in this movement.

Arnold Glasgow


If you have to do it, but you are scared - grit your teeth and do it anyway!

Emmet Fox

Look at the postage stamp. You can only use it successfully if you stick it with the right side. It's the same with everything else in life.

Josh Billings


It took me twenty long years to change from a loser to a lucky one overnight.

Eddie Cantor


The main law of free enterprise: to receive, you must first give.

Scott Alexander


The calmer and more balanced a person is, the more powerful his potential and the greater will be his success in good and worthy deeds. The equanimity of reason is one of the greatest treasures of wisdom.

James allen


What you believe in and what you expect with all your soul and with all your heart will surely happen.

Frank Lloyd Wright


The road to success is never completely built.

Lily Tomlin


Hope is not a dream, but a way to turn dreams into reality.

L. Cardina Sunens


They can do it because they know they can.



We are born to be persistent, because only through persistence will we know who we really are.

Tobias Wolfe


Success has nothing to do with what you have personally achieved in your life. The true measure of success is what you have helped other people achieve.

Denny Thomas


People are born to win, not to lose.

Henry David Tory


To say that we did our best is not enough. We must achieve what is needed - and only then will we find real success.

Winston Churchill


Success is a process, a quality of our mind and a way of human existence.

Alex Nobel


Only those who are able to take risks and go further than others can figure out how far he can go.

T. S. Elliot


A person can succeed in absolutely anything for which he shows genuine enthusiasm.

Charles Schwab


Here are five must-haves for any entrepreneurial success - Focus, Insight, Organization, Renewability and Sociability.

Michael Gerber


One single sound idea is what it takes to truly succeed.

Napoleon Hill


We can accomplish whatever we want if we try enough.

Helen Keller


Success is achieved only by the one who remains after everyone else has left.

William Feeder


Failure is just an opportunity to start over, being much better prepared.

Henry Ford


If no one criticizes you, it means that you have not yet achieved success.

Malcolm Forbes


The opportunity lies somewhere in the middle of your problem.

Albert Einstein


If you want to succeed, here is a completely elementary recipe for you: thoroughly understand what you are doing, love what you do and believe in what you are doing.

Will Rogers


A person is able to change his outer world by changing his inner world.

William James


Show me an ordinary office clerk who has a clear goal in mind - and I'll show you someone who can change the course of history. Show me a man who is going to change the course of history without a clear goal in front of him - and I will show you an ordinary office clerk.

J. a penny


A successful person is one who takes full advantage of the chance presented to him.

Roger Bebson

To become successful, it is enough to do very little of all that we can do.

Ralph Waldo Emerson


If you have never been upset and disappointed, then you have never tried to take advantage of the chance that fell to you.

Julia Saul


Man is a goal-oriented social animal. His life makes sense only when current goals are achieved, and new ones are set instead.


The first step in the direction of success is to engage in a useful activity that gives us genuine pleasure.

Sir William Osler


Any person has the right to success, but his ability to find success directly depends on his will, thoughts and desires.

Ain Rend


A successful person focuses more on doing the right thing instead of doing the right thing.

Peter Drucker


I have suffered defeat after defeat - and it is because of this that I have achieved success.

Michael Jordan


The most important wealth in our life is not knowledge, but the results of our achievements.

Thomas Henry Huxley


People who have achieved a lot are those people who were not afraid of responsibility, risk and went to all necessary for the sake of ultimate success.

B. Forbes


Don't let things that are not in your control stop you from doing what you can.

John Wooden


Success is a continuous process of unleashing your potential, nothing more. Therefore, if you want to be successful, smile at your life and live it ... enjoy life, taste it, inhale its aroma and feel its rhythm!

Joe Kapp


Only those who can dare to fail are capable of real success!

Robert Kennedy


A true leader clearly sees the picture that needs to be achieved, he is inspired to achieve the set goal and is able to inspire everyone else to do it.

Ralph Lauren


A person cannot be defeated until he himself admits his defeat.

Napoleon Hill

To achieve twice as much success, you need to double the number of attempts, because each defeat is just an excellent opportunity to start over, being more carefully prepared.

Henry Ford


Everyone who is confident in his victory will sooner or later gain it.

Richard Bach


People actually change tremendously when they have faith that they can get what they want. This kind of faith is the first key that opens the door to success.

Norman Vincent Peel


Any great achievement is the result of careful preparation and a fair amount of effort.

Roger Stobach


Success and failure are predictable because they are a direct consequence of what a person does.

Brian Tracy


Success is the result of making the most of what you know, can and can do.

Zig Ziglar


If you do just the same as all mediocre people, you will not get more than what is at the disposal of typical mediocre people.

Brian Tracy


Difficulties and problems today Is the price we must pay for tomorrow's awards and achievements.

William Betker


Do what you can do now - so that very soon you will be able to do what seemed impossible before.

Theodore Roosevelt


Failure is just payment for learning success and nothing more.

Walter Brunel


Wealth is a good ideamultiplied by indomitable energy.

Buckminster Fuller


Our dreams are the driving force behind our successful growth!

Woodrow Wilson


Throughout our lives, we are confronted with great opportunities, ingeniously disguised as all kinds of setbacks.

Lee Iacocca


Victories in life are preceded by victory over oneself.

Stephen Covey


A great man clearly knows his purpose in life. Everyone else has only emotions.

Washington Irving


A successful person has a habit of regularly doing what losers fear.

Albert Gray


Clarity and certainty of goals is one of the most important components of success, regardless of what a person specifically strives for.

John Rockefeller


I can tell you the most important characteristic of an optimistic person: even if circumstances are not going well, he knows that very soon everything will be much better.

Frank Hughes


Many people look at the world and ask: "Why?" I look at the world around me with hope and ask: "Why not?"

George Bernard Shaw


Certainty in everything is an important component of success.

Henry Longfelow


The only brake on the road to our tomorrow's achievements is our doubts today.

Franklin Roosevelt


The way a person acts and what he achieves is a mirror image of his dominant thoughts.

Wallace Wattles


Success requires certainty of aspiration.

Vincent Lombardi


Man is a product of his dominant thoughts. For he becomes what he thinks about for more time.

Mahatma Gandhi


The secret to success is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of being used by them. When you do this, you will gain control over your own life, but if you do not, life will control you.

Anthony Robbins


First, be clear about who you want to be, and then do whatever it takes to become who you want to be.



If you can clearly imagine something, then you can achieve it. The only barriers in our life are those that we set ourselves.

Brian Tracy


The problem is a great chance to do your job much better.

Duke Ellington


Nature has endowed man with two main devices - he can think with one, and sit on the second. The success or failure of a person depends only on which of the devices he uses the most time.

George Kilpatrick


New knowledge is a great springboard for the jump to success.

James Allen


Successful people get ahead by taking advantage of the time everyone else is wasting.

Henry Ford


Man is in control of his life because he is in control of his relationship to it.

Napoleon Hill


The vast majority of people fail because they do not even suspect how close they were to success at the moment when they gave up.

Thomas Edison


You should definitely have long-term goals so that short-term defeats do not unsettle you.

Bob bailes


I'd rather strive to do something great and fail than agree to practice successful doing nothing.

Robert Schuller


Regardless of what you dream about - start working on it! And then real miracles will begin to happen in your life!



Our life will begin to improve only when we begin to use the chances that we get. And the most difficult thing that we have yet to do is to be completely honest with ourselves.

Walter Anderson


Success requires no explanation; failure does not accept excuses.

Napoleon Hill


I see dreams not only at night, but all day long - in this way I make all my dreams come true.

Steven Spielberg


Hope is the partner of strength and the mother of success. Those of us who have it strong enough regularly receive magical gifts from our own lives.

Sydney Bremer


A gem cannot be polished without rubbing. Likewise, a person cannot become successful without a sufficient number of difficult attempts.



If you do not know where you are going - no matter which road you take, you will come nowhere.

Henry Kissinger


Man is what he believes in.

A.P. Chekhov


Our goals are our dreams, which we turn into plans, and then, using our own actions, into the reality of our life.

Zig Ziglar


Here are four steps to any great achievement: clear planning, careful preparation, a positive attitude, and hard work.

William Ward


I have no time to waste my time looking back at the past.

Eleanor Roosevelt


Who told you that this is impossible? And who is he to use the word “impossible” so easily in relation to your ideas?

Napoleon Hill


Let your dreams be global, for petty dreams do not have the power to influence the human heart.



Yes, I walk slowly ... but I always go forward!

Abraham Lincoln


Everything that we need to achieve success is not in overseas distances, but in our own head - this is where we need to look for everything we need.

Robert Stevenson


show me successful businessand I'll show you an enthusiastically courageous solution.

Peter Drucker


The road to success is always a road uphill and to climb it, you need to make an effort.

Willie Davis

Success initially requires ten shares of effort to get one share of the result. After you cope with this, you will constantly receive ten shares of the result with one share of the effort.

Charles Givens


The only true criterion for success is comparing what you are doing to what you could have done.

Paul Meyer


By itself, this or that circumstance of your life does not matter, the only thing that really matters is your attitude towards it. And it is this attitude that determines success or failure.

Norman Vincent Peel


Sitting and taking notes is easy. But getting up and getting to work is much more difficult, although your success depends on this.

Al Butt


Success is getting what you want. Happiness is the desire to have what you have.

Dale Carnegie


The first thing to do in order to be successful is to love what you do.

Sister Mary Lauretta


Never, never, never give up - no matter what happens!

Winston Churchill


The most amazing success often comes right after the most bitter disappointment.

Henry Ward Beecher


Whatever happens - keep working, insisting that you want it - and so it will be.

Henry Ford