What is needed to disconnect a home phone from Rostelecom. How to turn off the Rostelecom phone through a personal account or office: a sample application. We turn off the landline phone "Rostelecom"

Services from the telecommunications company Rostelecom are very popular among landline phone owners. Each of them will easily pick up tariff plan, which will be convenient and bring maximum savings. In addition, the company provides Internet and television services. If you decide to become a Rostelecom subscriber, then the connection will not take much time.

Connection is made in one of the following ways:

The second and third methods are focused on clients who need additional advice from a manager who will competently answer all questions of interest.

After confirming the application, you will be able to discuss the time when the company's specialists will connect Rostelecom's fixed-line communications with the equipment setup. They will also conclude an agreement, a copy of which will remain with you. Residents of small towns and the private sector may need a telephone connection for subsequent Internet connection. In this case, payment will need to be made separately for using the services landline phone and the Internet.

How to turn off a landline phone Rostelecom

Before disconnecting your home phone, think about the fact that access to the Internet from Rostelecom will also be closed for you, since it is provided if there is a telephone line. In addition, when the phone is disconnected, the use of digital television... It is necessary to understand that if you issue only disconnecting your home phone from Rostelecom, then the payment for using the Internet and digital television will continue to be charged. In order not to get confused in all the nuances, it is better to consult with the company manager.

You need to choose one way to disconnect your phone:

  1. Go personally to the nearest office of the company and write a statement there. The method is suitable for those who have a sufficient amount of free time, since queues are not excluded in offices.
  2. Write an application and send it by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt. A handwritten application must necessarily include the text of the refusal from the landline telephone service, indicating its number, as well as the number of the contract concluded with Rostelecom. In addition, the application must include your passport details, residence address and contact phone number. You will also need to indicate the exact date of termination of the service, this can be, for example, the moment of delivery of the letter. On the official website "Russian Post" you have the opportunity to check the fact of delivery of the letter: its individual number will necessarily be indicated on the check.

Representatives of the company will call you back to confirm receipt of the application and appoint the time for the appearance of specialists who will carry out the technical side of the shutdown procedure, but only if there is no debt on your part.

The use of the landline telephone service from Rostelecom can be terminated only in one of the indicated ways. It is naive to believe that the disconnection of the service due to the resulting debt does not require a procedure. The debtor will be disconnected from the connection, not the service, and the monthly payment will continue to be charged.

Widespread distribution mobile communication is making home landlines a thing of the past. Accordingly, the issue of refusing Rostelecom's services remains topical.

Before informing Rostelecom employees of your desire to terminate the contract for the use of a home telephone, you must make sure that there are no debts for the communication services already rendered.

This can be done in one of several ways:

  • by calling the free number of Rostelecom's customer support service: 8-800-100-08-00, selecting the desired item in the voice menu or contacting the operator;
  • by checking the data in your personal account on the company's website;
  • by contacting the nearest Rostelecom office;
  • by checking the information through the Sberbank ATM in the service replenishment tab.

If there is a debt, it must be paid off. The easiest way to do this is through personal Area on the site using a bank card - the whole procedure will take only a few minutes.

If the balance is negative, the application to disconnect the home phone service will not even be accepted.

Having dealt with the debt, you can proceed to terminate the contract. Since the issue is serious, the intention to terminate the agreement must be confirmed in person, when contacting the office, or by phone, during communication with a company employee. The person who signed it must terminate the contract.

Ways to disconnect your home phone

You can refuse to use Rostelecom's home phone in one of several ways.

The methods are as follows:

  • by visiting the nearest office of the company;
  • by calling the Rostelecom contact center;
  • by leaving a request through your personal account on the organization's website.

The first option is the most time consuming. When using it, you need to find out the location of offices, select the nearest one and specify the time of its work. At the chosen time, you will need to visit the office and inform its employees about the intention to terminate the contract for using a home phone.

As a rule, the application for disconnection is filled out by the office employees themselves, who clarify the personal data of clients and enter them into the form. After a while, the stationary phone disconnects.

Those subscribers who live far from the company's offices can send applications to disconnect the service using postal services... The application form is available for download on the Rostelecom website.

Disabling the service by calling the contact center takes a minimum of time. During the conversation, the operator will clarify the personal data of the client and make an application on his behalf to disconnect the phone.

The last way to cancel the service - via the Internet - is also convenient and does not take much time.

In order to use it, you must:

  • log in to your personal account and find the section dedicated to your home phone;
  • select a number and press the disable button;
  • form an application for refusal of the service and send it to work;
  • wait for a call from a Rostelecom employee and confirm the stated intention.

Temporary disconnection of the service

Sometimes it is necessary to cancel the service for a certain time, for example, for a period long absence in connection with a business trip or vacation. In order not to completely disconnect the phone, but at the same time not to pay for communication services during their actual non-use, you can apply for a temporary disconnection.

This can be done:

  • visiting the nearest Rostelecom office;
  • by calling the contact center of the company.

Previously, Rostelecom subscribers only had access to the first method of temporary blocking of the service. It was necessary to go to the office, draw up a written application, put your signature under it and wait for the processing of the submitted application.

Considering that few have a lot of free time to visit the company's offices, Rostelecom provided its customers with the opportunity to temporarily block the service by contacting the contact center.

Today, you can lock your phone for a while without leaving your home.

This requires:

  • dial the number of the customer support service;
  • give the phone number to be disabled and account information;
  • indicate the period of disconnection of communication services and request blocking for this time;
  • wait until the phone is disconnected.

Blocking the phone for a certain time allows you to save the used number for the subscriber. At the same time, during the absence of a person on the phone, no calls will be received and no subscription fee will be charged.

You should be aware that this service is paid, but the amount of payment is still less than the monthly charges, which could have been without a temporary shutdown.

IN modern world the stationary apparatus gradually fades into the background. Its place is taken by mobile phones and smartphones. Many reasons contribute to this: an increase in the monthly fee, the convenience of mobile communications, which is much cheaper per month. Therefore, it is important to study all the nuances. How to disable home phone Rostelecom or suspend service for a while.

What you need to do before writing a waiver

A person may be forced to abandon their phone different reasons... Popular options are:

  • lack of funds to pay for services (the subscriber decided that the use of mobile communications would be enough for him);
  • a long business trip is planned;
  • moving to a new location;
  • moving to vacation home for summer.

A temporary disconnection can be made by calling the operator, and it is allowed to refuse a home phone only in documentary form. It is important to know what preparatory steps to take. Before writing an application, you need to contact the operator to clarify the question: "Is it possible to turn off the phone, but leave the Internet and interactive TV?" Quite often, the entire service package is delivered over one cable, and an Internet explorer for the rest of the options.

It is also worth finding a service agreement in advance and finding out who signed it. Only that person is entitled to deactivation. If there is a debt on the number, then you will not be able to turn off the landline phone, first you should pay for everything. Therefore, call Rostelecom in advance and check with the operator for the amount owed.

Suspending phone use

Until February 2015, Rostelecom's home phone was suspended only by the customer service office. I had to go there to fill out the appropriate form. Today the procedure has been simplified and the subscriber has a choice. How to disable Rostelecom's landline phone temporarily? The procedure is carried out in the "Personal Account". You can easily suspend a Rostelecom phone over the Internet at lk.rt.ru.

How can I temporarily turn off the home device in another way? Call the corporate number of the company - 8 800 100 08 00. The operator will identify you as the owner and ask for the contract number. The procedure takes only a few minutes. It is also easy to unlock the Rostelecom home phone.

The blocking period is not limited. The client decides for himself whether it is possible to turn off the home phone for 6 months or for one. But the fee will still be charged from you - 95 rubles / month. This cost includes:

  • line service control;
  • saving the number.

We terminate the contract for the supply of services

The only way to turn off your landline phone is to write a statement. You can provide it directly at the company's office or by mail. If you have chosen the option of disabling the Rostelecom service by sending a letter, then please note that the period will be calculated from the date of receipt of the letter. Therefore, it is necessary to send an application with a notification, so you will have a supporting document on hand.

How is the landline switched off, without the presence of the owner of the number? The answer is only in the presence of a power of attorney or certificate of ownership of the apartment. This means that the husband will not be able to fill out the landline refusal form for his wife if he is not the owner of the living space. The owner will have to visit the office in person. Users do not always know how to refuse services, stop making payments on the account. In some cases, the use of the services will be unavailable, but the debt will increase. Over time, the company has the right to collect the entire debt by court order.

Blackout at the office

In order to find out the location of the nearest office where you can turn off the telephone line, you should go to the official resource of the company - rt.ru. Proceed according to the current template:

  1. In the upper right part, select your location;
  2. Go down below until you see the link "Sales Offices";
  3. Look for the nearest customer service salon in the list of offices in the city.

When going to the office of the company, do not forget to take with you:

  1. The passport;
  2. Apartment documents;
  3. Agreement;
  4. Payment receipts.

The specialist will provide a sample, according to which the request is made to refuse the telephone line.

Sending refused by mail

A written request that is sent by mail is made in any form. What is written contains the following data:

  1. In the header - the name of the department that connected the line and legal address companies (from the contract); Personal data of the owner of the number (full name, passport data, place of registration, contact phone number);
  2. Request body - full name, please turn off the phone on the basis of the contract;
  3. Date;
  4. Signature.

After a while, a company employee will contact the contact number to clarify the date and time when the wizard should come to delete the connection point.

From additional documents copies:

  1. Passports;
  2. Agreement;
  3. Powers of attorney if you are not the owner of the apartment.

Perhaps, having refused the number, after a while you will change your mind. In this case, you will be assigned a new digital combination.

Today the landline telephone no longer represents any value. You can call relatives, friends or colleagues from a mobile that each person has. Also in the modern world, Internet communication is gaining popularity. It allows you to call a person from anywhere without paying for traffic and see him during the call. The only negative is the permanent internet connection. That is why the landline phone is out of our daily life. Think about it: when was the last time you used it? Probably a long time ago. This question is now being asked by a lot of people and they end up trying to turn off the phone.

Disconnecting the home phone

First you need to find the contract that you signed with the company on telephone services. Did you find it? Ok, let's move on to the next item. Try to carefully study the contract. It should tell you how to turn off the phone, what is needed for this and where to go. As a rule, the contract specifies under what circumstances the company can disconnect the home phone.

On the official website of the operator, find the number of the consultant who should be contacted before you go to the office. Find out from him how the disconnection is made, in what time frame the company can terminate the contract and what you need to do for this.

Before you go to the office, pay your home phone debt, if there is any, and keep your receipt.

If all requirements are met, you can contact the company, a telecommunications marketing specialist. In the application, indicate the reason for the refusal, attach an agreement and a receipt for payment of services to it.

That's all. It remains only to wait for a decision. As a rule, it arrives within a few days, it depends on the operator. If you were refused, contact the company to find out the reason and resolve all disputed issues.

Now you know how to turn off your home phone, but what will happen to the Internet? It will turn off automatically, of course, if you are using a combo plan. Before disconnecting your landline phone, conclude a contract with another Internet provider or switch to a different tariff.

Remember that before disconnecting the landline phone, you must carefully study the contract. So consultants will not be able to mislead you, and you will quickly find out the answers to your questions. The consultant will be able to understand you faster, so you will spend less time terminating the contract.

We turn off the landline phone "Rostelecom"

How to disconnect Rostelecom's home phone? This is easy enough. As we have already found out, it is necessary to find a contract, study it, pay the debt and contact the company. You need to take a contract, a receipt and a passport with you. In the manager's office, you will write a statement.

If you cannot come to the company, send registered letter... It must include a form, which can be downloaded from the official website. The answer should come within a week to your return address.

How to disconnect Rostelecom's home phone via the Internet? Today, there is Internet in almost any home, and it would be very convenient if the operator took care of its users and allowed to terminate the contract without leaving home. Let's see if this is possible.

Is it possible to turn off the Rostelecom landline telephone via the Internet?

How to disconnect Rostelecom's home phone via the Internet? Unfortunately, this cannot be done. To connect the services of this operator, you just need to go to the site and write a request. They did not provide for such an opportunity to disconnect services. How to disconnect Rostelecom's home phone? Today, in order to refuse the services of this operator, you need to be present in person or send a registered letter.

How to disconnect the MGTS home phone?

Moscow is a city where many people are connected to MGTS. If you are going to disconnect from the selected operator, then you should adhere to the following algorithm:

  • Find a contract and study all the points.
  • Go to the official website. Find the operator's phone number and the address of the service center on it.
  • First, contact the operator and find out how the shutdown will occur, what you need to take with you.
  • After that, you can go to the office, where you will need to write a statement about disconnecting the landline phone.

That's all. It remains only to wait until the application is approved. If you have recently connected these services, then most likely you have been installed optical modemwhich is legally owned by the company. After disconnecting your home phone, you need to wait for the master to pick it up.

So you learned how to turn off the MGTS home phone. Moscow is a huge city with a large number of offices of this company. Disconnection is quick and easy.

How can I temporarily disable my MGTS (Moscow) home phone?

To temporarily turn off a landline phone, you must contact the office with a passport, where you will write a statement on the suspension of the tariff. This service will not be free. If you've decided to turn off your home phone for a few months, then it might pay off. There is no need to disconnect the landline telephone for several weeks. Otherwise, you will not save.

To temporarily turn off a landline phone, you need to pay 300 rubles. In this case, you will be temporarily blocked, but not disconnected from the telephone line. It is because of this that 205 rubles will have to be paid every month. You can renew services any day for free.

Disconnecting the MGTS landline phone during the vacation

How can I turn off my MGTS (Moscow) home phone while on vacation? As we have already found out, the company provides the possibility of temporary blocking, but it turns out to be quite expensive. It is not advisable to turn off your phone while on vacation, as you can only lose money. How can we reduce the cost of landline phone services?

You can apply to MGTS by the 20th day of the current month with an application and a passport for transferring to new tariff... As a rule, they consider such applications rather quickly and switch on a new tariff from the first day of the next month. You can transfer to the cheapest tariff for a month. The change is free of charge.

How to return the old tariff

It is quite easy to return the old tariff plan, although the transition is carried out in different ways:

  • When switching from a time-based to a fixed rate, you can simply call hotline and select the required tariff plan. On the first day of the next month, he will connect.
  • When switching from a time-based to a combined tariff, you must come to the office by the 20th day of the current month and write an application to change the tariff plan.


Now you know how to turn off your home phone. Different operators work on the same principle. First you need to find and study the contract. Then you should call the consultant and find out the answers to all your questions. Only after that you need to go to the office and write a statement about disconnecting the landline phone. Of course, these are pretty simple steps that everyone can handle, but there are times when they refuse to disconnect. If you have such a situation, you need to go to the office, find out the reason and solve the problem.

How to turn off your home phone on different operators? Only consultants can accurately answer this question. Everywhere there are pitfalls that must be overcome. In one company you need to go to the office or draw up a registered letter, in another you can just go to the site and leave a request.

How to disable Rostelecom's home phone through your personal account? Is this even possible? What methods are there today? All these questions will be discussed in our article.

When disconnecting, you will need to personally confirm your intention to refuse communication services. Therefore, you will either have to go to the office, or in the future talk with a company specialist by phone.

It is important that at the time of disconnection of the landline phone, you should not have any debts. Otherwise, the application will not be accepted until you have fully covered all obligations.

How to check debt? This is quite simple to do:

  • Initially go to your personal account, go through authorization.
  • Then go to the section with your home phone.
  • Find the number in it.
  • Find out the current balance.

On the portal, you can immediately replenish your account. The easiest way to do this is from the card, the whole operation will take the minimum amount of time. In the future, you can perform direct disconnection.

You can also find out the balance when you call the operator. To do this, you need to contact the contact center, indicate your number. The specialist will provide information of interest on the current state of the account.

How to refuse a home phone Rostelecom

There are several ways to perform a shutdown:

  1. Come to the office in person.
  2. Call the contact center.
  3. Via the Internet in your personal account.

In the office

You need to look through the map of offices on the company's website and find the nearest one. Check the schedule and visit it at a convenient time. Tell the specialist the reason for contacting that you want to abandon your home phone.

You will not need a sample application, usually the employee fills it out on his own. He will recognize your personal information and enter it into the form. After a while, it will shutdown.

If you have a debt, the employee will ask you to complete the repayment. After replenishing the balance, you will have to go to the office again to re-apply and refuse the phone.

When calling

You can call the operator and ask him to disconnect. He will take care of the application for the subsequent refusal of the service. The whole process will take a minimum of time and should not cause problems.

In the Internet

How to turn off the Rostelecom phone through your personal account? To do this, you need:

  1. Log in to the LC.
  2. Find an item with a home phone.
  3. Choose a number in it.
  4. Press the button to disconnect.
  5. Fill out an application for refusal from a landline phone.
  6. Submit it for review.
  7. Wait for a call from a specialist and confirm your desire.

How to temporarily cancel the service?

Sometimes you need to go on vacation or to another city for a while. You will need to refuse to provide communication services in order not to pay for them. How do I temporarily turn off my phone?

There are two ways:

  1. Visit the office in person.
  2. Call the contact center.

Previously, it was only possible to request a temporary lock when visiting the office in person. This requires:

  • Set aside time and come to the office.
  • Prepare a request for temporary disconnection with the employee.
  • Confirm your wish and sign.

The application is executed by the operator within a short time. After a few hours, the phone will be turned off, you can safely go on a trip. But not everyone has enough free time to come to the office.

Now it is possible to request a blocking in the contact center. It's easy to do this:

  1. Call support.
  2. Give your phone number and your account details.
  3. Request a temporary block.
  4. The phone will be disconnected.

Why is it worth turning off the phone for a while?

  • You will not receive calls while you are away from home.
  • If a tariff is used with monthly fee, then it will cease to be charged.
  • You can save your number after activation.

The disadvantage of temporary blocking is that this service is paid. Therefore, you will need to deposit a certain amount into the account. But you will be able to keep the previous number in case of temporary disconnection and there will be no problems in the future with its change.

As you can see, it is quite easy to disable or lock. Now this can be done even remotely, without visiting the office in person.