Beeline mobile internet disappeared. Why is the Internet disappearing? Reasons and recommendations. Single free telephone of the customer support service Home Internet "Beeline"

Today mobile internet is becoming more and more popular, although 3G data packages are still expensive, but the speed that we could only dream of is now quite satisfying.

Of course, a lot depends on the provider, beeline, mts, megaphone, tele2 and so on, but the competition between them and the development of infrastructure is growing so that it is always at hand in your android phone.

Although 4g has already appeared in most cases, we still rely on the older 3G standard, and 2G is gradually becoming history.

Unfortunately, the mobile Internet on the android phone sometimes surprises - it disappears. It can even happen all the time at a certain time, regardless of whether it is unlimited or limited.

Also, the speed of mobile Internet may not be encouraging, which depends on many factors: phone model, range, weather, network load, and so on.

High-speed fixed Internet, of course, works much better, but not in the entire area you can not get it, especially when traveling, but let's return to the main topic of why mobile Internet still disappears and what to do to make the connection stable.

The first reason why the Internet disappears in the phone is poor coverage

The stability of the mobile Internet depends on the coverage. If it often disappears in your phone, then you may be too far from the antenna.

To make sure it's not your android phone's fault, try using two at the same time.

If the situation repeats on another device (tablet / smartphone), then the matter is in the line (coverage). What to do then?

You will not do anything until the provider installs another antenna, closer to you, unless you change the operator, if there is one.

The second reason why mobile Internet disappeared on android is incorrect settings

In addition to the fact that you have lost mobile Internet, the settings of the operator and the phone itself can affect.

You can only find out which data (access point) to register from the operator and if they are correct, then try to reset the network settings of the phone itself (perhaps the glitch is in them).

To do this, go to the "Settings" settings and do "Reset", after that the phone will restart, only before that we save important data.

NOTE: On iPhone, you can only reset network settings. To do this, To do this, go to the "Settings" settings, go to "General", select "Reset" and click "Reset network settings".

What to do if the mobile Internet continues to disappear in the android phone

If you didn't succeed in solving the problem, then you still have two options. The first is to contact the operator and ask him.

For many, engineers can scan the line and fix errors if any.

The second option is to reflash your phone. It should be used if before the internet worked consistently and never disappeared.

Only the "flashing" procedure is not easy. Doing it yourself, without knowledge and experience, you can even completely ditch your phone - "get a brick".

What affects mobile internet

Mobile Internet speed depends on many factors. The first and most obvious is the range and availability of these standards where the user is located.

The coverage itself is not equivalent to being able to get full speed. The transceiver station always gives a weaker signal and the connection speed is less than the declared standard speeds, which are maximum values.

Therefore, they are very difficult to obtain in practice. Equally important is the hardware you use to connect to the network - your device must support this standard.

Fortunately, for the vast majority of modern Android smartphones, this is not a problem.

The density of buildings, weather conditions and the number of people who currently use the same station have a significant impact on the speed.

Therefore, achieving maximum bandwidth all standards are impossible in practice. Good luck.

If life has become boring and there are few problems in it, buy a Beeline SIM card.

I bought. True, I did not know then that everything would be as it turned out. Bought Tambovsky unlimited Internet without speed and traffic limitation in 3G / 4G networks throughout Russia for 590 rubles. per month. From April 17th, bought by me unlimited tariff, however, Beeline will cut to 30 GB per month, read about it. I also purchased a Beeline USB modem - model ZTE MF823. I tested the work on a home laptop - the Internet on the 3G network worked fine.

I arrived at the office (Moscow, Yuzhnoportovaya street, 15). I re-flashed the ZyXEL Keenetic 4G Internet Center to work with this modem for the latest firmware, updated all components. Configured Wi-Fi. Details:

There are two computers in the office - a Samsung netbook with Windows 7 and my old laptop Asus K50AB with Windows XP SP3, which I brought from home when I bought myself a new one. The laptop, albeit old, but quite productive, based on AMD Athlon X2 64 with 2 GB of RAM, is more than sufficient for my work tasks. So:

The ZTE MF823 modem is installed on the computer (to access its settings through the page http: //m.home/), installed in the ZyXEL Keenetic 4G router, the Beeline LTE signal is full, the average speed at is 20 Mbit / s. The router is 50 cm from the computers, Wi-Fi is at the maximum.


On a Samsung netbook, the Internet from Beeline works excellently, any sites are quickly opened, etc. On the Asus laptop, the Internet practically does not work.

As it turned out later, only sites that work through the Internet do not open (or open with huge brakes). http protocol... Pages are loaded normally via an encrypted https connection. ICQ, Skype are working, all downloads and updates are loaded, I even checked torrents. Only pages are not opened via standard http and only on an Asus laptop.

Moreover, the problem is not permanent. If you distort the modem 10 times or restart the router several times (dynamic IP, DNS on the machine), you can achieve the result when the Internet on Asus suddenly flies in, including the http pages. But this is only temporary. In an hour or tomorrow, there is a stupor again. Only page titles or half of the content may be loaded, and some of the elements will not open, it may just be "The connection was dropped." Through different browsers - Firefox, Chrome, etc.

Dance with a tambourine

First of all, I clean the cache, cookies, history, and check my computer for viruses. Does not help.

I go to the status page http: //m.home/, I try to change the network from "automatic" to 3G - it does not help. Moreover, more often in 3G, a complete stupor occurs already on two computers and smartphones connected via Wi-Fi. In 4G, the Internet works even on a netbook and smartphones.

I connect my Asus instead of Wi-Fi via network cable... Same. I try to register Google or Yandex in the DNS adapter settings - it does not help. That is, it does not depend on the "hardware" - the effect is the same on both network adapters.

I go back to Wi-Fi, specify Google or Yandex DNS in the router settings - it does not help. I change WPA2 to WPA - it doesn't help.

By the way, I don't use any proxies (automatic detection of network parameters in Explorer).

Prescribing IP manually did not help either (for example, if you take the IP, bring up the mask and the assigned DNS from the "working" netbook and slightly change the IP on it, and enter the taken data into the parameters of the "TCP / IP Protocol" of my laptop adapter).

I cleaned up the Windows routing, entered the route -f command in the Run cmd line - it did not help. I checked ping to sites, no problems.

I removed the antivirus, turned off the brandmauer, Skype (it also occupies port 80, through which http goes), rebooted - it did not help.

I checked the \\ WINDOWS \\ system32 \\ drivers \\ etc \\ hosts file, I did not find anything superfluous there, except

I got into the system registry to look for "superfluous": the AppInit_DLLs parameter in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Windows \\ section - I did not find any values \u200b\u200bor registered paths there.

I called Beeline. Described the situation to the operator. We made an application. Already in the process of its registration, I realized that the case was hopeless. The girl from the contact center "got stuck" - is my reception good. YES! A GREAT! Yes, I rebooted everything a hundred times. Yes Yes Yes! I wiped the SIM card with an eraser. Koh-i-Noor eraser, branded. She doesn't know exactly what https is. The specialist is called! And I clarified in advance if she can help me on technical issues. I dictated literally by letter, and she still, apparently, thinks that https is one such site that I can't open. A couple of days later, I received an SMS in response that my problem was transferred to the technical department and will be taken into account when further development networks. All. We got off.

With all this I, besides important work, shamanized periodically for several days in a row. Perhaps some of the procedures are even superfluous, network settings are not my strong point. However, for some reason if you distribute the Internet to the same Asus laptop from another provider, for example, MTS, having made a smartphone an access point, the Internet starts work for 5 points, incl. and the http protocol.

I also checked the ZTE MF823 4G modem: I moved the Beeline SIM card from it to the Huawei P2 smartphone, made it an access point again - http on the laptop is not again in the gag. Of course, I tested the modem without a router, installing it directly into the USB port of the laptop - the effect is the same.

That is, all the hardware is checked, it works in normal mode, there are two options - Windows XP SP3 and / or Beeline.

Tough measures

Formatting drive C: on Asus laptop. I reinstall Windows XP. I install the official drivers from the manufacturer's website. Nothing else yet. Just Firefox browser and modem utility. DOES NOT WORK! Yes, does not work even on bare Windows... Again, secure https (pages through which is not cached on the remote server) flies, http (with caching) - or sites somehow load with huge gags, or do not open at all.

The curtain! I even wrote in support of Asus, I didn’t get anything intelligible from them, although the support is not bad. They brought it down, which is very similar to the problem of the provider, and advised to try a proxy.

Partial solution

Instead of a proxy, I installed Yandex browser and installed it in its settings turbo mode... That is, it launched traffic through the Yandex. Oh Gods! The Internet is working! Everything opens, including pages via http... True, banners are being "cut", etc. to save traffic.

A light appeared at the end of the dark tunnel. Since in Firefox and Chrome the mobile Internet from Beeline via the http protocol on my laptop does not work, but through the "Turbo" Yandex browser flies, it means that it is quite possible to sin on Beeline. Something somewhere on their server is crookedly configured and information in the form of traffic is not given completely or the cache is not cleared to the end. Perhaps this curvature manifests itself precisely with my windows version XP in which something is causing a joint conflict. But it doesn't make me feel any better.

It is not possible to achieve intelligible results from Beeline. Sometimes it is possible to solve the problem for a while by entering the "Settings" - "Router" through the web-admin panel of the modem and there change the last digits of the IP-address of the page http: //m.home/. After restarting the Internet can temporarily fully earn... Apparently, because there is a complete re-registration of the device.


I think later to buy a modem + Internet from another operator. If anyone knows how to solve my problem, I will be glad to comment.

I don’t know, maybe I have such a karma, but no matter how much I tried to make friends with Beeline, the relationship never worked out. Then I bought a SIM-card with the "Welcome" tariff for calls for 1 rub. to China, the next day Beeline quietly corrected 1 rub. for 2. Then I bought "Internet forever", and then for several days I was trying to get from the subscriber service to register my tablet Huawei MediaPad T1 on the equipment, otherwise the free Internet would not work on it. I would also tell you how I tried to conclude a contract for a virtual multichannel number in Beeline Business at work, but this story is not new. However, such a mess and unprofessionalism, as in Beeline, you will not find, at times, even in the FMS. And finally, about the quality of communication.

A user of any operators can face such a problem as the lack of Internet on his device cellular communication... Whether you are a subscriber of MTM, Tele2, Megafon or Beeline - it doesn't matter. If you suddenly find that the Internet connection is not working, then first answer yourself a few simple questions:

  1. Is my phone or tablet frozen?
  2. Have I run out of my mobile traffic package?
  3. Have I run out of funds in my account and have a positive balance?
  4. Has the device lost network reception, that is, has the transmission signal from base stations disappeared?
  5. Is mobile data disabled on your device?

In the article we will look at how to find out the reasons why the Internet Beeline does not work and how to deal with it.

In case of device freezing, sudden loss of signal (in a place where reception is usually stable), in most cases, a simple restart of the smartphone or tablet will help.

Packages and balance

Checking the funds and the remaining available traffic volume of Beeline will help sending USSD commands to the support service:

  • Use the dialing button to send the USSD code * 107 # (for a prepaid settlement system) or order a financial report with the command * 110 * 321 # (for tariffs with a postpaid settlement system) - this way you can clarify information about the remaining and available traffic.
  • Request up-to-date data on the current balance by sending the symbols * 105 # - in the received information message you will see whether your balance is positive. If the account is negative or zero, in most cases, you will not be able to use the Internet. You need to replenish your account in order to continue using access to the global network.

Signal strength

If the signal level is too low and you are in a place of reliable reception, and restarting the device did not help, try asking your relatives or colleagues - what is the signal on their devices? It is possible that the problem is at the nearest base transmitting station - this happens quite rarely and problems of this kind are eliminated mainly promptly, but there is still a possibility of this.

If you are on the go, then most likely you have moved from a confident coverage area to a place where packet data transmission: 3G and 4G is missing. The density of stations is growing over time, but there are still a lot of places where it is impossible to use the mobile Internet.

This might come in handy:

Is the signal strength normal or even very good, but the Internet is not working or is working very poorly? This happens when the congestion of the network and specifically that base station the range you are in is too high. The problem is common in large cities with a high population density. We will show you a method how (albeit not on for a long time) break through the heavy traffic of the cellular network. Activate "Airplane mode" on your device by clicking on the airplane icon in the drop-down menu of the main desktop of the device. Wait a few seconds and then turn it off. When "Airplane mode" is on, all cellular antennas on your device will be turned off, and upon a new activation, the SIM card will register in the network as a newly appeared user and will receive access priority for a while compared to other subscribers.

Device settings

Anything itself mobile device allows you to enable or disable the Mobile data function. Check if this feature is disabled. on devices, we tell in a separate review on our website. Here are some general guidelines:

Go to the main menu of the phone and find the item "Settings".

Find the section " Mobile networks"Or" Data usage "-" Mobile networks "(depending on the device).

The item "Mobile data transmission" must be activated.

SIM card settings

There is also a separate review on the settings of the SIM card and the transfer of mobile data on our website. The settings are located and saved in the profiles of the "Mobile networks" - "Network modes" section. If you are not sure whether your settings are correct or thinks that they could have gotten off, then order auto-tuning from the operator by the Beeline technical support number 0611 or set it up manually, following the instructions on our website in the article "".

Reinstalling the SIM can also sometimes help solve the problem. Remove and reinstall it - possibly poor contact or misalignment in the slot. Possibly a software glitch.

Attention! If the card is not new and has been used for a long time, there is a possibility that it is faulty - replace the SIM card in the operator's salon. The service is free.

Operator service settings

In order for the user to gain access to the global network and have the ability to exchange multimedia messages, Beeline offers to connect the option "Package of three services". The service provides the user with the ability to access MMS, WAP, Internet services. It is connected by default on new SIM cards, but has the ability to independently be disabled by the user.

Perhaps you turned it off? Check the list of connected services and options by dialing to 067409, the list will be sent in an information message, request and receipt of information is free. You can also activate it yourself - by calling the operator, when visiting the Beeline salon, through or when dialing the service number 067409. Calling and activating the option are free.

Home Internet Beeline

What should I do if the connection on home devices is lost when connected via the provider's dedicated line? If you lost access to the network while using, then try to make network settings yourself as written in our instructions in the article "" or call the service number directly: 8 800 700 8378 or to short number 0611 (call from Beeline numbers is free).

Beeline is one of the largest operators in Russia, providing its subscribers with the opportunity to exchange calls and messages. But it is equally important that the company is an Internet provider. In our age of high technologies, it is extremely difficult to do without the resources of the worldwide network. First, a person needs information. Instead of buying newspapers, listening to the radio and watching TV, many people only get news from the Internet. Secondly, today few people deny themselves the pleasure of wandering around social networks... Thirdly, a person may urgently need certain information, and the Internet is the first assistant in this.

That is why, when it stops functioning, we start to panic. Why is the internet not working? Why is there no network? To determine this, you need to understand everything in order.

On a mobile phone

Does your phone support internet?

The first thing to do if the internet is down is to make sure your mobile supports it. Information about this can usually be found on the box from under the device. Of course, this is unlikely, but if you have purchased a very cheap model, it may very well be that your phone does not support the Internet. In this case, the only way out is to replace the tube. There are no more ways to connect to the network.

Make sure the internet is connected

Check if your SIM card has "Three services package". This option also allows you to use the mobile Internet. The service is provided free of charge, usually it starts working immediately when the number is connected, but there is always a small chance of a system failure, so it doesn't hurt to check.

Alternatively, you could disable this option earlier. In this case, dial * 110 * 181 # and press the call key. To check if the “Three services package” works for you, call 0674 09. You will receive an SMS with a list of active services on your phone... If the above is on this list, then everything is in order; if not, dial 0674 09 181.

Make sure you have enough funds on your balance

This is trite, but many customers of the Beeline operator simply forget to check the account balance, and then they wonder why there is no network. For those who have forgotten: the command * 105 # will help to check the balance. If there are no funds in your account, top up and the problem will be resolved.

The Internet can also be turned off if there are funds in the account, but they are not enough to write off the monthly subscription fee for him. You will be able to make calls, write SMS-messages, but the use of the worldwide network will be in the “not working” status. The amount of payment for the Internet for each Beeline tariff is different, you should know how much is charged for this service from your phone account. Consider also the fact that funds are debited not necessarily on the first day, but on the day you connected the Internet.

Check if you have exceeded your traffic. If the entire volume is used up, then your Internet speed will be greatly reduced, so it will be almost impossible to use it. In this case, you can buy a package additional traffic or wait until next month the Beeline operator will lift the speed limit.

Check if data transfer is enabled on the device

You may have accidentally turned off the data connection on your phone, so there is now no network access. It does not hurt to check if your device is allowed to access the network:

  • Go to the device settings through the menu;
  • Find the section that is responsible for network access. It may be called "Data Transfer", "Network Settings", etc .;
  • Turn on data transmission if necessary.

Did not help? Try just restarting your device. Freezing is a very likely reason why the Internet does not work.

Read as well as yourself.

Refer to the official website

Today you can find the information you need on the official Beeline website.

Home Internet

To find out why it does not work, it is best to call the service beeline support by number 8 800 700 8000.

If you have no desire to contact someone for help, and you want to try to solve the problem yourself, refer to the official Beeline website.

Almost everyone uses the services mobile operators, including Beeline. Its network provides high-quality and reliable communication with other subscribers: calls, communication via messages or the Internet. Thus, continuous communication with each other is ensured at any time of the day or night. But sometimes there are failures in which the network does not catch.

There are several reasons why there is no Beeline network. And they are all quite easy to remove.

  1. If you have ceased to catch the network at home or at work, and previously such problems did not arise, then first just restart your phone. Most of the time it works. If not, move the SIM card. It is possible that the point is in it, and after you insert it back, the network will work as before. This is one of the reasons why the Beeline network does not work.
  2. If the above actions did not lead to anything, then, obviously, the point is not in your phone, but in the operator. Ask your colleagues or relatives if Beeline is catching them. If they also do not have a network, then wait a while, most likely, the operator has some problems that he will fix in the near future, and the network will reappear.
  3. Do not exclude the possibility that you simply lost the settings inside the phone. Check it out - go to "Settings" and find the network settings. There should be Beeline. If not, then select it manually and this will be the solution to the problem.
  4. But there is one more weighty reason why Beeline does not catch the network - if you are on a trip. The network coverage is extensive, covers a fairly large area Russian Federation, but it is not absolutely everywhere. If your location is at a great distance from the operator's tower, then the answer to the question why Beeline does not catch the network is obvious. When you move to another location that is within range, the network will recover. This is a common occurrence when traveling anywhere in Russia. The main thing is not to panic when you find an inactive network. After all, as already mentioned, everything is easily removable.