Internet as one of the key methods of employee search. Advantages and disadvantages of staff search and work via the Internet

Serious work is needed to draw up scientifically grounded professionally qualified requirements for positions. As you know, the purpose of recruiting personnel is to create a pool of candidates for all jobs, taking into account, inter alia, future organizational and personnel changes, layoffs, transfers, retirements, contract expiration, changes in directions and nature ...

  • Introduction
  • 1. Techniques and methods of personnel search via the Internet
  • 2. Advantages and disadvantages of personnel search via the Internet
  • 3. Studying the experience of domestic and foreign companies that recruit personnel via the Internet
  • Conclusion
  • List of sources used

Internet as a means of searching and selecting personnel: advantages and disadvantages (essay, term paper, diploma, control)

At the moment, when appointing to a position, the professionalism and competence of employees is considered decisive. On modern enterprises recruiting and selecting personnel is a priority. Currently, many reliable and effective systems recruitment and selection of personnel. The recruitment and selection system must ideally correspond to the model of the organization, for which it is necessary to form an adapted, effectively operating staff of specialists.

Serious work is needed to draw up scientifically grounded professionally qualified job requirements. As you know, the goal of recruiting personnel is to create a pool of candidates for all jobs, taking into account, inter alia, future organizational and personnel changes, layoffs, transfers, retirements, expiration of contracts, changes in directions and nature of production activities.

When recruiting, the personnel service should proceed from the determination of the optimal number of personnel. There should not be as a shortage of workers, the consequences of which may be breakdowns production programs, industrial injuries, conflict situations in the team, and surplus, which may lead to an increase in cash costs for the fund wages, a decrease in interest in high-quality and highly qualified work, an outflow of skilled workers. The task of the personnel service is to monitor the compliance of the organization's personnel with the production tasks facing it. Having information about the strategy of the organization, its structure, main directions of activity and acceptable organizational culture, the personnel service can start searching and selecting the necessary workers. Distinguish between internal and external sources of staffing the organization.

TO external sources include ads in the media. Main advantage this method selection of candidates - wide coverage of the population at relatively low initial costs.

List of references

  1. Search and selection of personnel for the organization at the present stage Latypova MM Mining information and analytical bulletin (scientific and technical journal). 2010. No. 11.P. 125−128.
  2. Methodology for selecting top managers: A. Novikova, Kadrovik. 2013. No. 3. P. 174−176.
  3. Vikhanskiy O.S. Naumova A.I. Management. - 3rd ed. -M .: Gardariki, 2009.213 p.
  4. HR-Portal. [ Electronic resource]. URL:
  5. Financial Management Center (Center-YF) [Electronic resource]. URL:
  6. Encyclopedia of the Economist [Electronic resource]. URL .:
  7. Internet advertising as a tool for recruiting personnel for an organization Romanenkova ON, Gromov OV Labor and social relations. 2010. No. 4. S. 61−64.
  8. Recruitment and selection of personnel Belyakov N.S. -Moscow, 2010. -53p.
  9. Recruitment and Selection Gareth Roberts Competence-Based Approach / Gareth Roberts; [trans. from English. L. Zayko]. Moscow, 2010. Ser. Practical guides.
  10. Fundamentals of recruitment Yu. V. Dolzhenkov monograph / Yu. V. Dolzhenkov; Educational institution trade unions "Acad. labor and social relations". Moscow, 2011.
  11. Personnel Agency, personnel selection "Business Connection" [Electronic resource]. URL .: -
  12. The network of supermarkets "Avoska" [Electronic resource]. URL .: -
  13. Modern trends in international personnel recruiting Burchakova M.A.Vestnik Russian University Friendship between nations. Series: Economics. 2010. No. 1. S. 81−89.
  14. New forms of personnel marketing Kotlyarov I. D. Practical marketing. 2010. No. 8. P. 16−20.
  15. Personnel marketing Natalia Antonovna Govorova monograph / N. A. Govorova; Educational institution of trade unions higher. prof. education "Acad. labor and social relations ", Socio-economic faculty., Department. labor economics and exercise. staff. Moscow, 2012.
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M. N. Provotorova

GOBU SPO VO "Voronezh State Industrial and Humanitarian College"

e-mail: vgpgk @comch .ru

In the special literature and articles describing ways of finding a job, they often singled out as a separate methodthe Internet. The Internet is not a separate method of job search, but onlyadditional tool. Using the Internet, you can get acquainted with job advertisements on specialized sites; find out all sorts of information about specific organizations on their own sites; meet toanalytical materials on the labor market; undergo psychological, professional, career guidancetesting; send out your data (resume, cover letters) by e-mail and much more. When looking for a job, the Internet is not only effective, but also convenient.

Today the Internet as a means of finding a job - the best option... Its important advantage is the regular updating of the database of vacancies posted on the Web. This makes it possible to send a resume to the employer instantly, which significantly increases the chances of successful employment and saves time. You can start searching for vacancies through the websites of state employment centers. There are always a lot of vacancies here. For a beginner specialist, this can become a launching pad for building a significant professional portfolio. Today, considering Internet as a job search tool, also use social networks, thematic forums, blogs. They provide an opportunity not only to promptly respond to a vacancy, but also to leave your comment. Social networks allow you to communicate with the employer directly, to get detailed information. The disadvantage of searching for vacancies on the Internet is the likelihood that the ad is posted on the Internet for fraudulent purposes. Therefore use Internet as a search tool workonly through well-known sites recruiting agencieswhere ads are carefully checked for safety.

Job search using the Internet can be effective in four areas: posting a resume on specialized resources, viewing vacancies on specialized resources, searching for vacancies through social networks, requesting vacancies by e-mail. Let's consider these options in more detail.

1. Placement of resume on specialized resources. The first step you need to take to find a job on the Internet is to publish your resume on the largest job portals. All resumes get into the database of sites, after which they are automatically or manually checked, indexed by the site's search engine and appear in search results, become available for viewing by potential employers registered on the same sites. It is important to remember that sites provide an opportunity to post either a brief information about yourself or a full resume.

On most resources, filling out the resume form is done manually: you can copy parts of your work history one by one from a text document and paste them into the appropriate columns on the site. Some sites offer to download a resume directly from a file: the system itself will analyze the text of the resume and place the necessary paragraphs of text in the appropriate fields. After the download is complete, all that remains is to fill in the remaining empty fields, as well as check the operation of the automation. Many sites have another convenient option - the ability to upload a photo. Placing a photo in business style will give an additional chance that when searching for a resume, the employer will prefer a dozen other, faceless questionnaires to the personalized one.

2. Viewing vacancies on specialized resources. The most popular federal specialized job search sites are,, but it is worth looking at others as well:www. resume. ru , www. joblist. ru , www. superjob. ru ... The largest publications on the problem of job search also have their own sites on the Internet (www. rdw. ru - "Work For You",www. job- today. ru - "Work today", etc.).These and similar sites offer a wide range of job openings, as well as post your resume or job posting. Regional specialized sites for job search can be state: for example, the site of the employment center; can be websites of recruiting agencies that charge a fee for the information provided.

Full information on vacancies with direct contacts of the employer in the public domain is provided only by the largest or state job search sites, other platforms use any opportunity to make money: they can offer the purchase of a subscription for the services of a recruiting agency, paid services on resume writing and more. The largest portals entirely dedicated to job search offer wide range information services: advice on finding a job and writing a resume, on adapting to a new place of work, recruiters' consultations and guides on labor law... The main plus: a large number of registered employers in all regions of Russia.

3. Search for vacancies through social networks. Social networks in the context of job search can be divided into two types: general social networks and specialized. On social networks, many recruiting agencies, state organizations employment promotion and employing companies consider it their duty to create an official page.

Social networks provide an opportunity not only to search for job advertisements and leave your own ads, but also to find out the opinion of friends about a particular employer. Everyone who places an ad on a social network publishes on his own behalf, you can always go to the page with a profile and a list of friends, analyze the reliability and ask common acquaintances about the reputation of the employer or applicant. When viewing someone else's profile, you can always see if there are mutual friends. It is these contacts that will help establish business connections between employer and job seeker. By what a person publishes on his page on a social network, one can assess his general moral character, habits, inclinations and lifestyle.

In social networks there are not only individual publications on private pages about the search for employees, but also entire communities about the search for work, it is enough to enter the word “work” and the city of residence in the field for searching communities. In popular communities, posts are approved or rejected by a moderator to avoid inappropriate content. Another way to find an open vacancy using a social network is to publish a job search ad on your page, indicating your specialty in the text with a hashtag without a space (preferably several close options, for example, # programmer #IT # work). The "#" symbol, which is called a hashtag, instantly transforms any word written without a space after it into a hyperlink; therefore, if you click on such a hyperlink, the current news feed will open, sorted by publication date, starting with the most recent.

It is important to remember that a job search on social networks shows search results for only one network: searches for Vkontakte, Facebook and Twitter should be carried out in parallel. Vkontakte is the most popular social network that most employers prefer to go to. However, the reputation of a youth and not the most serious resource has been entrenched in this social network, while Facebook positions itself as social networks for business people, registration is possible only when specifying the real name and real facts of the biography, otherwise the administration of the resource will cancel the registration. Twitter, on the contrary, is devoid of any formality, it is an informal environment for communication and short dialogues, the resource is valuable for its extensive system of hyperlinks and ease of use. Many organizations prefer to keep a Twitter account to quickly track job responses, instantly reply to messages, collect statistics, and conduct express surveys.

4. Request for vacancies by email. Some companies do not publish information about new vacancies in the open access, but they are experiencing a staff shortage. In this case, you should initiate a direct appeal to a potential employer by sending a resume with a cover letter to the HR departments of the companies of interest. There are many resumes to be sent out this way, and cover letters are the most important part of the method.

For a job seeker, the determining factor in choosing a way to find a job may be the choice of a job: if the specialty is popular and is often found on the labor market in job advertisements, then it is better to use all the listed methods; if the specialty is rare, then the opposite strategy is needed: not the search for places of concentration of employers, but the search for individual employers. Some employers limit themselves to publishing information about vacancies only on their website, others prefer personal connections to search for future employees. Online resources make it much easier to find a job in another city or even in another country.

Today the Internet is a versatile and convenient tool for those who are looking for a job and for the selection of personnel.

External and internal recruitment can be distinguished.
Each of them has its own positive aspects and advantages.
External recruiting is about finding suitable candidates using third-party sources.

Internal recruitment is the filling of vacancies by employees already working in the company. The company can recruit itself, use job sites in personnel search, cooperate with recruiting agencies or a private recruiter.

1.4 Features of the process of recruiting personnel via the Internet

An important advantage of recruiting via the Internet is the high speed of the selection procedure: in a matter of minutes, you can not only find the required specialist, but also immediately contact - through the same global network - with the selected candidates. This provides high economic efficiency: searching and hiring employees via the Internet reduces material costs by 20 times, compared to using traditional methods, and the time spent on the same operations is reduced by an average of 40%.

The nature of online recruitment requires managers to rethink many of the familiar skills and procedures they use in selecting and hiring workers. The global network has turned the labor market into a real market system, not controlled by individual corporations and not limited by geographic space. The online recruitment process can be divided into three stages:

Attracting candidates;

Selection of candidates;

Contacts with candidates.

The Internet has immeasurably increased both the number of questionnaires (resumes) of potential employees entering corporations every day, and the number of requests from HR services to the websites of recruiting providers when searching for the necessary employees. The following data relating to the United States can give some idea of \u200b\u200bthe order of these values: during each Monday, about 4 million requests are received only on the site of one company that forms the "job board", at the same time, thousands of representatives of corporate HR services crawling the database of another online company, which contains information on more than 18 million potential employees, most of whom are looking for new jobs not "on fire order", millions of other profiles are posted on the Internet on more than 5 thousand smaller "message boards" ...

In these conditions, the key task of recruiting is to select the necessary employees quickly from the total number of candidates. All this has led to the fact that very large employers have their own advanced automated recruitment systems; most companies prefer to use multiple online providers to complete some stage of the recruiting process. Used for selection software products include multi-phase testing of job applicants. Along with tests designed to assess professional skills, programs are used to test the general level of education of the applicant. The proposed test programs and surveys should completely exclude discrimination of applicants on any grounds: gender, disabilities, national or racial origin, belonging to certain minorities, etc. Currently, there is already a practice of applying to the court of candidates who were tested for a certain job via the Internet with complaints about violation of their civil rights.

In contacts with candidates, one of the decisive factors is the speed of recruitment implementation. Practice shows that if contact with the found highly qualified applicant for the work of the corporation is not established within 24 hours, then such an employee can easily become the prey of competitors, which once again confirms the stated position that speed, flexibility becomes the necessary qualities for the manager of HR services and creativity.

The final stage of the recruitment process is signing a job contract outside of the Internet.

In the modern networked world, for the first time, almost all information that characterizes specific jobs has become publicly available, including such a factor that directly affects the desire to change jobs, such as the proposed compensation package. For companies, the freedom to choose new jobs has also influenced employee loyalty to employers, leading to increased turnover, which in turn is forcing employers to dramatically increase efforts to reduce the destabilizing effect of online recruitment.

1.5 Advantages and disadvantages of personnel search and work via the Internet

Pros of external recruitment:

Advanced search capabilities for a candidate. If you have time to select an employee, you can consider a larger number of candidates and opt for the most suitable one;

Search for young personnel. Typically, salary expectations of young professionals are much lower than those of more experienced employees. Sometimes a company needs just that. A new employee is often more objective and has his own point of view on many issues, looks at the difficulties and problems of the company differently.

Cons of external recruitment:

High costs. An independent search for candidates is accompanied by an impressive expense for the selection of each candidate.

This can make the recruiting process more costly than the company would like.
- There is a high risk of hiring an employee who does not meet the requirements and expectations of the employer when searching independently using external sources.

The uncontrollability of the process. The degree of control over recruitment is decreasing; this, first of all, concerns the timing of the vacancy closing.

In fact, this is one of the career opportunities for the company's employees.

Pros of internal recruitment:

There are no costs for recruiting an employee, no need to pay for the services of a recruiting agency, recruiting specialist or job site.
- Internal recruitment allows any employee to see career prospects, which positively affects the quality of his work and increases the possibility of retention good shots in company.
- The internal candidate knows the specifics of the company's work, the specifics, therefore, he begins to show good results faster.
- The internal candidate is time-tested and time-tested.
- Not extended search for candidates - sometimes searching for a candidate for a vacant company position is the best option, but occasionally there is a need to select a new external candidate.
The most important thing here is the ability and ability to “feel” the situation and choose the right approach to filling vacancies.

Ideal is a mix of internal and external recruiting.
It is important to maintain a balance that matches the needs and characteristics of each company, as well as an understanding of the labor market situation in order to select the best employee.

Chapter 2. Features of Internet recruitment in Russia

2.1 Recruitment in Russia

The history of recruitment in Russia is not so long - a little over twenty years. Nevertheless, during this relatively short period, it has gone a very serious way: from scratch (1990) to a state comparable in technology with the United States or Europe.

Today the recruiting services market is very diverse.

In my opinion, the notorious 1998 crisis gave a good impetus to its more intensive development. Recently, the service for the selection of temporary personnel has been in special demand.

The main consumers of this service have been and continue to be Western companies. The crisis has taught large firms that having bloated staffs is shortsighted - the economic situation can change, and staff cuts are painful and costly. On the other hand, the consciousness of potential candidates has also changed: they realized that even the most permanent job can disappear at one moment, i.e. in a sense, it is also temporary. The younger generation, students, for whom temporary work is an opportunity to pay for their studies on their own, and have pocket money, and gain professional experience, have also "grown up". Gradually, this service is becoming more and more popular, and if in December last year we selected one temporary employee, then in March there were already.

Actually, the main trends began to take shape 10 years ago. Mass recruitment is especially widespread in Russia. The relevance of mass recruitment is dictated by the market. The growth of industry, the development of companies, the constant appearance of a large number of new stores, factories, hotels leads to an increased demand for personnel of all levels. Of course, in a similar situation HR managers of large companies are often faced with a very difficult task - to carry out mass search and selection of personnel in the most efficient and rational way.

The need for mass recruitment from a company can be caused not only by business growth, when the company expands, opens a new factory or store and needs personnel. Mass recruitment is also essential when it comes to seasonal business surges. For example, a factory recruits workers, and a store recruits salespeople at the peak of large orders and sales. In addition, large-scale projects are typical for organizations with increased staff turnover - call centers and gas stations. An example of this in Russia is McDonald's. Staff turnover, especially in the summer period, is 70% of the total number of employees.

Search for personnel using a computer. How to save money on a recruiting agency Gladky Alexey Anatolyevich

Personnel search methods

Personnel search methods

Each head of the enterprise either personnel service When searching for candidates, he uses various methods of personnel search: one applies to recruitment agencies, the other independently searches the Internet, the third places vacancies in print media, and the fourth applies everything taken together and something else. In this section, we will briefly take a look at the currently most popular recruiting methods.

First of all, we note that all methods of personnel search can be divided into two groups: active methods and passive methods. Let's consider each of them.

Active methods of personnel search are usually used when it is necessary to find highly qualified workers, or workers in those specialties, the demand for which exceeds supply. One of these methods is the search for employees of the necessary specialties in educational institutions (for example, among students of the last years). IN in this case a potential employee can be invited for an interview and, in case positive result - to hire him even before he graduates from an educational institution (for example, on a part-time basis) with the condition that upon graduation the person will go to full-time work in this organization. The advantage of this method is that immediately after graduation, employees are usually picky, did not work in other organizations, are poorly familiar with the labor market conditions, their initial "labor education" will take place at this particular enterprise - and this is how it is known that it is much easier than "re-educating" an employee who has considerable experience and who knows his own worth.

By the way, such a "recruitment" of employees can be carried out not only in educational institutions, but also among competing enterprises, at labor exchanges, etc.

Contacting a recruiting agency is also one of the active methods of personnel search. The main disadvantage of this method is that any agency requires a considerable payment for its services.

Self-search for employees is one of the most popular active methods of personnel search. When using this method, the employer independently examines the offers on the labor market using the Internet, print media, by interviewing employees of the company, acquaintances, colleagues, etc.

Currently, all kinds of job fairs are becoming quite popular. Job fair also refers to active methods of personnel search; It should be noted that mainly applicants come to the job fair who themselves wish to change their current job.

It is advisable to use passive methods of personnel search when the supply for a given specialty on the labor market exceeds demand. One of the most popular passive methods is posting vacancies in print publications, on specialized job sites, on various message boards on the Internet, etc. More details on how to create and post a vacancy are described below in the appropriate section.

Also, passive methods of personnel search include placing advertisements on radio and television. It should be noted that advertising on television is one of the most expensive types of advertising, so it is not advisable to search for every employee in this way.

If the company has a vacancy (or several vacancies) that do not require an urgent search for an employee (ie, not “hot” vacancies), then you can use the method of waiting for persons offering their services (this method also refers to passive methods). However, when using this method, it is difficult to recruit highly qualified specialists.

Separately, it should be noted such a method from the number of passive methods, such as posting in print media an article about an organization, about working in it, the benefits of working in this organization, etc. The posting of such information is called "publicity". The advantages of this method include the fact that such articles printed editions are not accepted at advertising rates (unlike advertisements), but at rates for regular articles, which are usually much lower.

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Bibliographic description of the article for citation:

Komaricheva M.O. Internet as a means of searching for work and personnel // Scientific and methodological electronic journal "Concept". - 2017. - T. 39. - S. 2726–2730..htm.

Annotation. The article discusses such a method of personnel search as Internet search. The monitoring of various professional sites and social networks was carried out, as a result of which the pros and cons of this method were identified. The result of the work is a number of significant proposals for finding work and personnel on the Internet.

Article text

Komaricheva Maria Olegovna, student of the Lipetsk branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and public service under the President Russian Federation", Lipetsk [email protected]

Internet as a means of job and personnel search

Annotation. The article discusses such a method of personnel search as searching the Internet. The monitoring of various professional sites and social networks was carried out, as a result of which the pros and cons of this method were identified. The result of the work is a number of significant proposals for finding work and personnel on the Internet. Key words: recruiting, types of recruiting, the worldwide network, methods of recruiting, the advantages and disadvantages of recruiting methods.

IN modern world, a person cannot imagine his life without the Internet. He helps us in everything. Also, the Internet is now becoming an excellent way to find work and personnel. Today the Internet is the best way to find a job. Its main advantage is the regular updating of the database of vacancies posted on the Web. This makes it possible to send an employer a resume immediately after a vacancy appears, which significantly increases the chances of successful employment and saves time. As a job search, social networks, social networks, thematic forums, blogs are popular today. In addition to quickly responding to a vacant position, they provide an opportunity to leave a comment, communicate with the employer directly, i.e. I have an opportunity feedback... Social networks allow you to get detailed information about the vacancy without going through an interview. This saves a lot of time for both the employer and the employee. The disadvantage of searching for jobs on the Internet is the likelihood that the ad is posted on the web for fraudulent purposes. Therefore, it is better to use the Internet to search for work exclusively through proven and well-known sites of recruitment agencies, where ads and the persons who posted them are thoroughly checked for authenticity and safety. The World Wide Web for a company employee whose goal is to recruit and recruit them. further developmentis attractive enough. Since it provides access to a huge amount of the most diverse information. Recruiting is also called recruiting. Recruiting is a business process that is one of the main responsibilities of HR managers or recruiters [Recruitment and selection of Gareth Roberts competency-based approach / Gareth Roberts; Moscow, 2010. Ser. Practical guides.] There are varieties of it: targeted search. Its essence lies in finding the best candidate for a leadership position. Usually, a leader is sought among those who have proven themselves at work as a successful and active employee, and not among those who are in an active search. That is, such recruiting tends to be engaged in "enticing" the best employees from other firms, attracting them with higher fees and more favorable conditions labor; outplacement. This is a service based on the employment of personnel dismissed from the company. As a result, the dismissal procedure is much easier - unnecessary stress goes away, and compromise decisions are made much faster. The customer pays for this service; personnel leasing. A service according to which the agency renders an employee to the company. A task this employee perform work in accordance with the position held for a certain period. Mutual settlements between the parties in this case are as follows: the customer company pays the company to the lessor the fee fixed in a previously signed contract, and that, in turn, pays for the work of the “rented” employee. It's no secret that the most significant stage in the management process is recruitment. The future of the company depends on how this stage goes. Most employers have long mastered such a recruiting method as searching for employees on the Internet. It does not take so much time, effort. And now everyone has access to the Internet. Nowadays there are thousands of opportunities to find personnel and work in the worldwide network. The number of professionals who post their portfolios, resumes, examples of completed projects and works and many other performance indicators on the Internet is growing every day. Therefore, the search for personnel and specialists is greatly simplified. First of all, this is due to the fact that this approach makes it possible to assess the skills and abilities of a candidate without wasting time on an interview. Statistics show that large companies about 90% of their employees find it through the Internet, on personnel search sites. The positions that are offered on Internet resources differ in variety - from movers to top managers and bosses. It was also revealed that 7 out of 10 people job seekers, choose just such a search tool as the Internet. This indicator is explained by the fact that this way much more convenient and simpler, as it becomes possible to track vacancies in real time, while simultaneously performing equally important tasks. But do not forget that in the absence of good skills, work experience and sufficient qualifications, despite the number of vacancies offered, the chances of getting the desired job are reduced. There are various sites specializing in this, for example, such as: hh. ru, superjob. ru, rabota. ru and others. They are also suitable for professionals looking for work. You just need to register on the site, following the instructions. The job description must be as specific and informative as possible, without errors or typos. It is desirable to state your requirements in the form of a list. When compiling an advertisement, employers are encouraged to indicate their contact information and write a little about the history of the company. And for a job seeker, a phone number must be attached to his e-mail. A variation of this method of personnel search is also posting vacancies on the companies' own website. This is very effective for large organizations with a positive reputation, well-known, prestigious for potential employees. At the same time, applicants are given the opportunity to get acquainted not only with the positions, but also with the company as a whole, learn its history, corporate culture. Also, on many sites it is possible to leave a resume or fill out a candidate's questionnaire, which is usual for an organization. Additional information about the company for a potential employee, it is also the design of the site, the frequency of news changes, the openness of information, and so on. Search engines contain directories of various resources, broken down by topic. also in search engines there is a search string - a string where you can enter keyword (for example, "work"), and by clicking the "search" button, get a list of sites containing this word or phrase. There are search strings on many thematic sites, with their help, documents are searched for on a given site by a keyword. The advantages of this recruiting method include: notification of a vacancy for a large number of job seekers, full structured information from the applicant. Education, experience, achievements, personal qualities –Simplifies the selection and narrows the number of applicants. Among the shortcomings, one can single out the fact that recently portals and job search sites are introducing a paid service. You can find the right ad, but it can take a lot of time. The search for personnel through social networks takes a special place. Recently, social media has been taking over most of our time. However, there are many useful information, including work. In turn, it is easier for the employer to study the potential employee. With the help of his page on social networks, they can view his interests, social circle, photos, professional contacts... A source of more useful information is the list of groups in which the potential employee is and his activity in them. For this type of search, the organization must have its own account or group. This group should contain information about the organization, news, detailed information about the product or service being released. News should be constantly updated so that potential employees can track them. Anyone who posts an ad on a social network is published on his own behalf, you can always go to the page with a profile and a list of friends, analyze the reliability and ask mutual acquaintances about the reputation of the employer or applicant. When viewing someone else's profile, you can always see if there are mutual friends. It is these contacts that will help establish business ties between the employer and the applicant. By publications on a person's page, one can analyze and evaluate his general moral character, habits, preferences, inclinations and lifestyle. In social networks, there are not only individual publications on private pages about the search for employees, but also entire communities dedicated to finding a job: just enter the word “work” and the city of residence in the community search field. In popular communities, posts are moderated, so posts with inappropriate content are rejected. There is another way to find an open position using a social network. To do this, you need to publish on your page an advertisement for finding a job, indicating your specialty in the text with a hashtag without a space (preferably several close options, for example, # programmer #IT # work). The "#" symbol, which is called a hashtag, instantly transforms any word written without a space after it into a hyperlink; therefore, if you click on such a hyperlink, the current news feed will open, sorted by publication date, starting with the most recent.

The most popular resources in Russia are Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Facebook, My Circle, and so on. These networks are developing very rapidly and are constantly gaining an audience. It is here that most of the population is concentrated, namely, potential employees and managers who are recruiting personnel. And if Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte and My Circle gather a Russian-speaking audience, then more than 400 million users are registered on Facebook, and only about 1 million are Russian-speaking. Gathering here are politicians, businessmen, media representatives, social activists, bloggers, people with connections abroad. The network allows you to find middle managers and line specialists. It brings together a large number of different professional communities. In addition to social networks created for entertainment and communication, there are so-called business networks. They are not yet so developed and relevant in our country. The essence of their creation is to conduct business discussions, search for new contacts, jobs and employees. Social networks such as have already formed

formed as a "network for searching and establishing business contacts." The audience here is businesslike, but there is one drawback. This is the absence of a Russian-language interface; is one of Yandex's services. Basically, this site is similar to, but much better. Initially, this network was not planned as a business-oriented network, but today on the main page you can find the following links: vacancies, resumes, services and companies; is another analogue of You can find specialists in various fields on this social network, most of them have experience of working in Russian companies; is a social network for IT specialists; You can also use blogs and microblogs to find employees:,, ,,, twitter, chikchirik, tumbler and others. The main options for finding potential employees using social networks: 1. Post information in your group, and wait for responses. 2. Make a large mailing list about vacancies for subscribers of the group. 3. In social networks, there are a huge number of groups that unite users on different grounds. the employer only has to choose the right group to search for potential candidates. Professional groups, by interest, age groups, and so on. Thus, the advantages of recruiting personnel through social networks can be attributed to the fact that the number of users of social networks is growing rapidly and taking into account the fact that a huge number of people are dissatisfied with their current work, the flow of people interested in vacancies will be consistently high. By offering the best working conditions, it is possible to quickly fill vacancies from service personnel to high-level specialists. This method is one of the cheapest and fastest. Also, do not forget that these social networks have a focus - this is a business. These networks allow you to reveal the professional skills and qualities of a particular applicant. Among the shortcomings, one can single out the fact that there is a large flow of "interested" in vacancies, but not meeting the requirementsposted in the ad. To minimize it, you need to set clear requirements for job seekers, as well as describe your working conditions and bonuses. Many people believe that the Internet audience is limited, and it cannot be compared with the audiences of paper publications. However, many will disagree with this. The worldwide network is now gaining momentum very quickly, here you can find any information you are interested in. It is because of the large audience that more and more famous companies looking for staff on the Internet. It is very convenient and does not take much time. You just need to write an ad, where you will detail the qualities and skills that a potential employee should have, his responsibilities and other information necessary for him.

The efficiency and quality of production is due to the formation of the company's labor potential. This can be achieved by recruiting additional personnel of the required professional qualification level. The selection of personnel for the organization is important for maintaining the business, realizing its strategic goals and for solving personnel problems. When deciding on filling vacant positions, the employer has two options: to use internal or external resources. Internal resources are those employees who are already doing work in a given organization. Using external resources means attracting new employees. Of course, no one will give you a guarantee that on the Internet you will find the vacancy you need, and the employer will find the necessary personnel. This method can be considered additional to the usual methods of job and personnel search. In the process of recruiting, you should constantly analyze which search sources are most effective. The main thing to remember is that in order to find the right position, you need to be purposeful, desire to work, active life position and, of course, your experience and professional skills. Thus, the relevance of this method is due to the fact that labor resources are part of the working-age population, which, in terms of their age, physical, educational data, corresponds to a certain field of activity. In this case, it is necessary to distinguish between real labor resources (working people) and potential (those who can be involved in work).

The Internet gives us many opportunities, including job search. The number of people who post ads on the Internet is growing every day. This is not surprising. The worldwide network is gaining momentum and in the future we have every chance to develop this method even more. Which, I think, will be in the near future.

References to sources 1 Bukhanovskiy A.V. Social Computing: The Third Paradigm in Social Sciences. URL: ... Implementation of the social computing concept at the enterprise