Methods for organizing road construction works. Organization of work on the construction of highways Features of management of a road construction organization


V. V. Notchenko, O. V. Vinogradova, T. V. Zvyagintseva


The article examines the features of the road construction market, reveals the role of road construction for the development of entrepreneurship, clarifies the relationship between the customer and the contractor, describes the phases of enterprises' activity in the road construction market. The article also clarifies the characteristics of road construction enterprises necessary for successful functioning in the market; the grouping of characteristics is carried out.

Keywords: the road construction market, the specifics of the road construction market, road construction enterprises, phases of activity in road construction, characteristics of the activities of road construction enterprises.

The construction of roads for our country, which has a large area and territorial dispersal of settlements, is of great importance. In addition, roads are an essential element of transport infrastructure, the development of which not only supports required level providing the population of the country with public goods, but it is also a necessary condition for the development of entrepreneurship, the growth of business activity in the regions of the country. The importance of road construction in the country's economy is reflected in the data in Table 1, which indicate that "the production of general construction work for the construction of highways, railways and airfield runways" as a type of construction work in recent years has taken the second position after the production of general construction work for the construction buildings.

As a type of activity, construction has a number of distinctive featuresdistinguishing it from other activities. The general features of construction include the diversity of the final construction products, the technological interconnection of the operations of the construction process, the variability in the performance of construction work, the heterogeneous complexity of construction work, the need to involve third-party organizations in the production of construction products, the role of climate and local conditions in construction work. The main features of road construction, in addition to the generally recognized features of construction, include a small amount of work performed on one site, the need to carry out work at various objects, the remoteness of objects from each other. All this, taking into account a certain sequence of works, determines the specificity of the road construction technology, in comparison with other types of construction work.

Assessing the features of the road construction market that has emerged in Russia, it can be noted that the interaction of two key figures in any market, the buyer and the seller, in this market is very specific:

in the overwhelming majority of cases, state or municipal authorities act as the buyer, while the competing road construction enterprises act as the seller. Moreover, the actions of the buyer, usually called the Customer, are strictly regulated by law. Russian Federation, reflecting both the procedure for placing state and municipal orders, and strict control over their execution, that is, over the quality of construction work performed. Within the framework of the legislation, the Customer establishes requirements for the quality of work, materials used in the production of work, the timing of road construction work.

Table 1

The structure of works performed by organizations' own forces

by type of activity "Construction" (in% of the total)

No. Types of construction works 2012 2013 2014 Change for the period

1 Construction total, including: 100 100 100

2 performance of general construction works for the construction of buildings 31.6 35.1 38.0 + 6.4

3 performance of general construction works for the laying of local pipelines, communication lines and power lines 12.5 10.7 10.2 - 2.3

4 performance of general construction works for the construction of bridges, elevated highways, tunnels and underground roads 11.7 10.2 9.1 - 2.6

5 performance of general construction works for the construction of highways, railways and airfield runways 11.5 12.1 11.0 - 0.5

6 installation of engineering equipment for buildings and structures 8.2 8.2 8.4 + 0.2

7 preparation of the construction site 6.2 5.8 5.3 - 0.9

8 performance of general construction works for the construction of power plants and structures for the mining and manufacturing industries 2.8 2.9 3.6 + 0.8

9 assembly of prefabricated buildings and structures 2.8 2.8 3.0 + 0.2

10 execution of finishing works 0.8 0.7 0.9 + 0.1

11 other types of construction work 11.9 11.5 10.5 - 1.4

The seller, who is called the Contractor in the field of road construction, is forced to prove to the customer in advance before receiving the order that he is the best of all applicants for receiving the order. At the same time, the main selection criterion is the price of work, as a result of which a potential road worker should have a more pronounced opportunity to reduce the competitive price than competitors, provided that the requirements for the quality of work are properly met. In addition to the possibility of reducing the competitive price, the Contractor (road construction company) must also have the financial resources to secure bids for tenders and the execution of contracts, as well as the ability to attract labor and material resources to fulfill the road

construction works on time and with the specified quality. Thus, there is a definite sequence of phases for the implementation of road construction activities (see Fig. 1).

Figure: 1. Phases of road construction activities

In the first phase, construction company employees study the customers' proposals, track and select orders for road construction works, assess the potential for order fulfillment based on the information received. This phase is characterized by constant control over the market situation, including monitoring orders and opportunities to participate in competitors' competitions.

The second phase is characterized by the study of the tender documentation; determining the enterprise's capabilities to execute technical requirements The customer; assessment of the enterprise's capabilities to reduce the competitive price to strengthen its competitive position when participating in the competition; considering the issue of attracting subcontractors with a large amount of work; consideration of the issue financial security applications for participation in tenders; preparation of tender documentation for direct participation in the auction. The road construction company, in this case the Contractor, is determined by the Customer according to certain competitive criteria, the main of which is, as a rule, the lowest price. The customer establishes standard requirements for the quality of work, determines the characteristics of the materials used in the production of work, limits the time frame for road construction work and is confident that he can find alternative contractors at any time. These circumstances imply that the road construction company must have established stable contractual relations with other companies that for some reason do not participate in certain tenders, but are ready to cooperate with this company on a subcontract basis. In addition, in order to financially secure the execution of the contract, an enterprise needs close cooperation with banks, since in order to receive a state or municipal order, an enterprise needs to secure the possibility of obtaining a loan from a bank or a bank guarantee. Of no small importance for meeting the requirements of the Customer is the level of costs for the work performed by each potential contractor, since the lower it is, ie, the more efficiently the resources are used, the greater the degree of "pressure" on the order price can withstand a potential contractor.

If the application of this company and the conditions on which the construction company is ready to fulfill the order for road construction work meets the requirements of the Customer to a greater extent than similar applications and conditions of competitors, then this enterprise receives an order, a contract is concluded, the transition to the third phase of the cycle is carried out - the execution of work. Road construction works are generally considered completed after the expiration of the warranty period.

Following the logic of the previous phases, the third phase of activity, typical for road construction, includes the following works: planning the sequence of works and the costs of their implementation; organization of effective work; organization and implementation of technical and financial control for the process of carrying out work; organization of delivery of completed works. In terms of its content, this stage, as a rule, is the longest and most laborious, because, in fact, it determines the direct content of road construction work. In accordance with this, the optimal organization of actions within this stage will allow the enterprise to receive the planned income, which, in turn, depends on how much the enterprise has studied and taken into account the conditions of the external environment that affects its activities directly or indirectly.

Work on organizing and conducting warranty control, creating warranty service funds, optimizing the costs of warranty service, organizing work on warranty service will be referred to the fourth phase of the cycle of activities in the field of road construction.

Summarizing the above, let us present the characteristics of the activities of road-building enterprises that determine their stable competitive position, grouping them according to the nature of their occurrence (see Table 2).

table 2

The characteristics of the activities of road construction companies that determine

their stable competitive position

Item number Sign of grouping Characteristics of the activity of road construction enterprises

1 Economic The ratio of profit and cost, which allows, if necessary, to reduce the price for the execution of work on order

2 Financial Possibility of obtaining bank guarantees

Availability of financial resources or the ability to attract them to fulfill the order

3 Resource Technical capabilities of a wide variety of works

Possession of rights and opportunities to use innovative technologies

Access to materials and other resources necessary to fulfill orders

Compliant staff qualifications

4 Reputational trust relationships with subcontractors

Performance of warranty obligations in the retrospective period

No significant legal claims from business partners and government agencies

Sufficient experience in road construction

5 Organizational Ability and experience to move resources quickly and economically to the site of road works (high mobility)

Membership in a Self-Regulatory Organization (SRO)

Effective organization of work, taking into account the cyclical nature of their implementation

6 Market Compliance with the requirements for work from both state and municipal customers and private customers

Ability to use your competitive advantages, taking into account the specifics of business infrastructure

Willingness to cooperate with partner enterprises

Summing up the research, the following should be noted.

1. The road construction market is a very specific market dominated by the bargaining power of the Buyer, represented by state and municipal customers, who set prices; determine the requirements for the quality of work, materials used; approve the timing of road construction works; decide by competitive selection which company will fulfill the order for the construction of a particular road.

2. Based on the study of the activities of road construction enterprises when performing work on the terms of state or municipal orders, we come to the conclusion that road construction activities have a certain clear sequence (selection of orders, receipt of an order, performance of work on order, warranty service of objects handed over to the customer) , which requires enterprises operating in this market to organize their activities in strict accordance with these phases.

3. In this market, taking into account the above conclusions, the enterprise has less independence in making decisions regarding the timing of work, the materials and technologies used, than in other markets.

4. For a successful operation in the road construction market, enterprises must have certain characteristics in order to be able to achieve both the goals of exact adherence to customer requirements and the goals of effective functioning of their own company.

The desire of enterprises to comply with the characteristics noted in this article will contribute to their more successful functioning in such a complex and specific market as the road construction market.


1. Federal Law of 05.04.2013 No. 44-FZ (as amended on 05.04.2016) "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs." Internet version of the ConsultantPlus system. [ Electronic resource]: URL:

2. Vinogradova OV Analysis and directions of reducing the cost of materials in road construction // Bulletin of civil engineers. 2014. No. 5 (46). S. 112-116.

3. Notchenko V. V., Lineva E. L. Assessment of the state of the transport infrastructure of the region as necessary condition development of entrepreneurship // Scientific and technical statements of the St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University. Economic sciences. 2015. No. 1 (211). S. 172-181.

4. Notchenko V. V. Content and classification of external and internal environment enterprises // Proceedings of the Pskov Polytechnic Institute. Pskov: Publishing house PPI, 2011, No. 14.2, pp. 219-224.

5. Smirnov EB, Evtyukova KS The state of the construction industry in the Russian Federation / EB Smirnov, KS Evtyukova // Modern problems of science and education. 2012. No. 5.P. 267.

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Viktoria Valentinovna Notchenko - Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Economics and Enterprise Management, Faculty of Management, Pskov State University, Russia.

Vinogradova Olga Vladimirovna - postgraduate student of the Department of Economics of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Faculty of Economics and Management, St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Russia.

E-mail: [email protected]

Zvyagintseva Tatyana Viktorovna - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Enterprise Management, Faculty of Management, Pskov State University, Russia.

E-mail: [email protected]

V. V. Notchenko, O. V. Vinogradova, T. V. Zvyagintseva


In article investigated features of the market for road construction works, the role of road construction for the development of entrepreneurship, clarified the relationship between the Customer and the Contractor, characterized by phases of activity of the enterprises in the market of road construction works. The article also clarified the characteristics of road construction companies, necessary for successful functioning on the market; made grouping characteristics.

Key words: market road construction, features of the market for road construction works, road construction companies, phases in road building, the characteristics of the activities of road-building enterprises.

About the authors

Notchenko Viktoriya Valentinovna, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Economy and Management at the Enterprise, Management Faculty, Pskov State University, Russia.

E-mail: [email protected]

Vinogradova Olga Vladimirovna, Postgraduate student, Department of Business Economics and Innovations ”, Faculty of Economics and Management, Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Russia.

E-mail: [email protected]

Zvyagintseva Tatiana Viktorovna, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Economy and Management at the Enterprise ", Management Faculty, Pskov State University, Russia.

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1. Organization structure and production process management

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2. Work performed, production plan for the current year

Currently, the road-building organization Stroykhimservice LLC is performing work at the following facilities:

1) Object Construction and reconstruction of the M-7 "Volga" highway from Moscow through Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan to Ufa.

Reconstruction of the M-7 "Volga" highway Moscow - Vladimir - Nizhny Novgorod - Kazan - Ufa on the section km 856 + 500 - km 868 Republic of Tatarstan

2) Object Repair of the M-10 "Russia" highway - from Moscow through Tver, Novgorod to St. Petersburg.

Repair of the highway M-10 "Russia" Moscow-Tver-Novgorod-St. Petersburg on the sections: km 148 + 000 - 156 + 000 km; km 152 + 860 - km 156 + 000; km 180 + 201 - km 193 + 610; km 193 + 610 - km 198 + 610. Tver region

3) A lot of objects in Kazan

3. Material and technical base

3.1 Technical equipment level

The list of technical equipment of the enterprise involved in the work process:

SU1 - site for the construction of engineering structures

SU2- section for the construction of A / B coating

SU3- section for the construction of a road base

SU4 - gardening and landscaping site

· Engineer for the organization and traffic safety;

· Engineer for labor protection;

· Laboratory;

Production technical department;

Sector of economy, labor and wages;

· Department of the chief mechanic;

· Accounting department;

· Sector of legal and organizational personnel work;

· Head warehouse.

· Asphalt concrete plant;

· Environmental engineer;

· Department of Geodesy;

Facility commissioning department

4. Security production process materials and finished products, storage conditions and quality control of materials

Delivery of material is carried out by rail and road transport and cars. The delivery of material to the asphalt concrete plant is often carried out by rail.

Material storage is carried out in open industrial warehouses. Modified bitumen is stored in tanks, which are heated to maintain a constant bitumen temperature. The temperature is automatically controlled by compressor pumps. Bitumen cookers are watching this.

The quality control of materials is carried out in the production laboratory at the ABZ, and also ensures the timely identification of inconsistencies, the causes of their occurrence and the adoption of measures to eliminate and prevent them.

Operational control is carried out by work supervisors, foremen and foremen, laboratory personnel and the O&C service, as well as specialists who control certain types of work in accordance with operational control schemes for the performance of the corresponding type of work and included in flow charts or documentary processes. Work control schemes are the main working document for quality control of work for foremen, foremen and a construction laboratory.

Responsibility for operational control and execution of quality control documents bears chief Engineer... It is responsible for:

· Organization of operational quality control at facilities;

· Provision of control and measuring instruments and necessary documentation;

· Training of line engineers in the implementation of operational control.

Asphalt concrete mixtures and asphalt concrete must comply with the requirements of GOST 9128, SNiP 2.05.02-85, SNiP 3.06.03-85, draft (estimate).

Tests of asphalt concrete mixtures and asphalt concrete, sampling are carried out in accordance with GOST 12801.

The nomenclature of monitored parameters depends on the type and type of mixture and asphalt concrete, as well as on the production stage and field of application of the mixture.

During acceptance tests of mixtures, one combined sample is taken from the batch in accordance with GOST 12801 and its indicators are determined. A batch of a hot mixture is the amount of a mixture of one composition produced at one installation during a shift, but not more than 600 tons.

Periodic quality control of mixtures is carried out at least once a month, as well as with each change in the materials used to prepare the mixtures; the homogeneity of the mixtures is calculated monthly.

The temperature of the mixture when discharging from the mixer and when shipped to the consumer (shipped to its own facility) must comply with the requirements of Table. 8

GOST 9128. When shipped by road, the temperature of the mixture is determined in the body of each vehicle. The temperature of the mixture in the vehicle at the facility must not be lower than the value specified in table. 14 SNiP 3.06.03-85, and should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bgiven in table. 8 GOST 9128.

During construction (when laying in a pavement), control of the mixture and asphalt concrete is carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.06.03-85.

The quality of asphalt concrete is determined by the indicators of cores (cuttings) in three places per 7000 m2 of coverage.

The total specific effective activity of natural radionuclides is controlled by the registration method (according to the documents on the quality of the supplier). In the absence of relevant data, the manufacturer provides control using a competent specialized laboratory (according to GOST 30108). As an indicator of the specific effective activity of natural radionuclides asphalt mix take the greater of the values \u200b\u200bof the activity of radionuclides of the mineral materials used in it.

The work on the maintenance of the subgrade is aimed at preserving its geometric shape, ensuring the required strength and stability of the subgrade, shoulders and slopes, constant maintenance of drainage and culverts in working order. Particular attention should be paid to areas with unfavorable soil and hydrological conditions, places of emergence and development of depths, sections of roads in swamps and in areas of artificial irrigation.

The main tasks of maintaining the subgrade by periods of the year: in the spring period - to exclude waterlogging of the subgrade soils by thawed and ground waters; in the summer period - to carry out work on cleaning and restoring defects in drainage devices, roadsides and slopes; in the autumn period - to prevent waterlogging of the subgrade by atmospheric precipitation, to ensure the minimum moisture content of the soils composing it.

The spring period is characterized by an unfavorable combination of natural factors, as a result of which conditions are created that contribute to the maximum moisture of the subgrade. Therefore, in spring, the main attention should be paid to the regulation, improvement of the water-thermal regime of the roadbed and, above all, to ensure the surface runoff of water from the shoulders and slopes during snow melting.

Before the intensive melting of snow, the roadway, shoulders and slopes are completely free of snow and ice, which improves the thawing conditions of the subgrade soils. To ensure the passage of melt water, snow and ice are cleaned from open trays, receiving wells, pipe mouths, drainage outlets, slopes of drainage slots and funnels, side ditches and other drainage structures. The side ditches are cleaned by motor graders with cuvette-regenerators along their entire cross-section or manually by making 0.7 m wide slots in the snow throughout the ditch depth. Shields covering their openings are removed from small bridges and pipes, ice and snow are removed to a width equal to the width of the opening and to a length of at least 30 m up and down from the artificial structure.

If significant snow deposits have accumulated on the roadsides, which cannot be quickly removed, in these deposits, every 30-50 m along the length of the road, transverse cuts are arranged with a width of 0.5-0.7 m for the entire width of the shoulder with a depth to its surface. This is necessary in order to exclude the accumulation of water on the roadway formed from melting snow and to ensure its rapid drainage of the road surface (Fig. 1)

Figure: 1. Scheme of ensuring the drainage of water formed during snow melting: a - complete cleaning of the subgrade and ditches from snow; b - device of a longitudinal slot in the snow along the ditch; c, d - device of transverse and longitudinal cuts in the snow; 1 - snow deposits; 2 - longitudinal slot; 3 - transverse slot

If on the slopes of the excavations there is an exit to the surface of groundwater, it is necessary to clean the surface of the slope from snow and remove it outside the excavation, avoiding additional moistening of the soil of the slopes with melt water. This is especially necessary for areas oriented to the north.

With the onset of spring warming, careful monitoring of the road is established in order to timely detect signs of heaving. The first sign is the appearance of longitudinal and transverse cracks, wet spots in some places on the coating (the coating seems to "sweat"). The number of cracks gradually increases, they join, forming a network of cracks.

An important measure that prevents abysses or minimizes their impact as much as possible is digging drainage drainage slots on unreinforced shoulders. Cuts are dug on both sides of the heaving area in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 4-8 m from one another. They are 0.25-0.5 m wide, and the depth is equal to the thickness of the pavement with the underlying sand layer. Their bottom is given a slope towards the slope of 40-50 ‰. The funnels, in contact with warm air and being directly heated by the sun's rays, contribute to the quickest thawing of the ground floor and the removal of the resulting water.

Air funnels remain open until the soil dries out, which poses a significant danger to vehicle traffic. Therefore, in such areas, appropriate road signs and barriers should be installed, and the speed of movement should be reduced.

If signs of heaving still appear, it is necessary to protect the coating from destruction. To do this, on the heaving area, arrange a "pillow" of boiler slag, unfrozen dry sand or gravel-sand mixture with a layer of 10-15 cm. Wooden shields or temporary rutting are laid on the "pillow". In some areas where pavement is of low strength, traffic is shifted to detours or the speed and carrying capacity of vehicles are limited. Such areas are fenced off with barriers, signs and signs of speed limit and carrying capacity are installed.

The fight against the depths is stopped when the subgrade soil completely thaws and dries out. Decking, boards, mats, slag and sand are removed from the roadway, slots on the sides are filled up. After the soil dries out, the slots are covered with gravel or crushed stone and compacted to the required standards.

In heaving areas, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of heaving. Otherwise, the abyss next year may reappear and again the device of air funnels will be required. Instead, to drain water from the waterlogged soil during spring thawing, geotextile filters can be arranged, to which water from the subgrade and sandy base is pulled up and released onto the slope or dries up (Fig. 2) The filters are a geotextile shell with a diameter of 15-20 cm length from 1 m to 3 m, densely filled with geotextile waste. They are laid in trenches, dug to the full depth of the pavement so that one end of the filter goes out onto a slope, and are covered with soil. The distance between the filters is 5-10 m.

Figure: 2. Drainage filters from geotextile

Places on the surface that have undergone destruction or deformation are repaired. At the end of spring, damage to the roadbed is eliminated: the gullies are filled up, the shoulder edges are corrected (Fig. 3), the flooded soil is removed from the slopes of excavations and embankments, and the collapsed slopes are poured and strengthened.

Figure: 3. Typical defects of unfortified roadsides: a - overgrowth with weeds; b - formation of a groove at the edge of the carriageway; c - the growth of the shoulders; d - underestimation of the shoulders; e - ruts on the sides; f - general deformation of the shoulders

In the summer, they carry out work on the maintenance of roadsides, slopes, drainage ditches and the right-of-way by eliminating minor deformations and destruction: the curbs, slopes, the dividing strip and the right-of-way are freed of debris, foreign objects, weeds are mowed and shrubs cut down. To combat weed vegetation, mowing grass with mowers is used or chemical substances - herbicides in the form of solutions and suspensions (Table 1).

Table 1

Herbicide name

a brief description of

Consumption rate, kg / ha

seedlings of weeds

Powder, similar in composition to monuron. Apply in the same way as Monuron

The powder contains about 50% of a chemical product. Apply as a suspension. Spray the soil until weeds emerge. It is possible to spray already grown plants, but the effect in this case is weaker

The powder contains 50% of a chemical product. Apply as a suspension. Spray the soil before the weeds emerge

The powder contains about 85% of a chemical product. It enters plants through the sprayed leaves. Apply as a solution when the height of the growing weeds reaches 10-20 cm

TCA (sodium trichloroacetate)

The powder contains about 85% of a chemical product. Effectively suppresses both annual and perennial weeds. Apply as a solution by spraying the soil. Capable of maintaining its toxic properties in soil for up to 4 months

Ammonium sulfamate

The powder contains about 70-90% of a chemical product. It can be used to combat herbaceous and undesirable tree and shrub vegetation. Use as a solution for spraying vegetation

The use of herbicides should be coordinated with local agricultural land users. For the distribution of herbicides, trailed and mounted sprayers of various brands are used on factors and self-propelled chassis, as well as watering machines. When using herbicides, the requirements of labor protection and safety regulations should be observed due to their toxicity to humans and animals.

All those working with herbicides should be provided with overalls, boots, gloves, goggles, respirators or gauze bandages with a cotton pad. The duration of work with herbicides is no more than 5-6 hours per day. In areas where herbicides are used, and in places where they are prepared, you must not eat, smoke, store food in your pockets. Before eating, it is necessary to take off your overalls, wash your hands and face with soap, and rinse your mouth and throat. At the end of the work, the overalls must be handed over to the room designated for its storage, wash or take a shower. It is strictly forbidden to take home clothing or personal protective equipment.

Store herbicides in a strong, well-closed container in a separate warehouse. After work, the spraying equipment and the container in which the solutions were prepared should be thoroughly cleaned, rinsed with hot water and handed over to the warehouse. Remains of working solutions are buried in the ground to a depth of at least 1 m away from residential buildings, farmyards, sources drinking water... On areas treated with herbicides, grazing, picking berries and mushrooms, and mowing grass is prohibited until 15 days have elapsed from the time of treatment.

In the autumn period, work is carried out to prevent waterlogging of the subgrade soils next spring. Drainage ditches, mouths of culverts and outlets from drainages are systematically cleaned of foreign objects and dirt in order to prepare them for the passage of the highest flow rate of spring water. The openings of small bridges and pipes are covered with shields in order to prevent snow from entering the structures. They perform leveling and cutting of unreinforced shoulders to eliminate the track and liquidate stagnant water. Motor graders carefully plan slopes and ditches in snow-covered areas.

The enlarged indicators for the main works on the maintenance of the subgrade and the right-of-way are shown in Table 2.

table 2

Type of work

Mechanization means


number of machine-h

profession and qualifications

number of people

Subgrade and drainage system

Ditch-restorer DE-9 on the DZ-31-1 motor grader

6th grade driver

3rd class driver

Road workers of the 2nd category

Cleaning of pipes in spring from snow, ice and sediment with garbage removal

Equipment for T-927 on the combined road vehicle KDM-130A, Kamaz vehicle with grab

3rd class driver

Road worker of the 3rd category

3rd class driver

Digging and backfilling drainage funnels on roadsides in spring in heaving areas

Machine ED-201 on a wheeled tractor "JCB" 3cx for digging drainage slots

5th grade driver

Grading and Grassing

Caterpillar Motor Grader

6th grade driver

Hydro-seeding machine SD-101

3rd class driver

Road worker of the 2nd category

Mowing slopes and cleaning cut grass

3rd class driver

Road worker of the 2nd category

Combined road vehicle KDM-130A

4th grade machinist

ZIL vehicle MMZ-555

3rd class driver

Caterpillar Motor Grader

6th grade driver

5th grade driver

ZIL vehicle MMZ-555

3rd class driver

Combined road vehicle KDM 130A

4th grade machinist

DZ 31-1 motor grader

6th grade driver

Skating rink DU-11

6th grade driver

Mower ED-101 on the wheeled tractor "Belarus" MTZ-50

4th grade machinist

Road worker of the 2nd category

Strip layout to ensure flow

Bulldozer DZ-37

4th grade machinist

DZ-31-1 motor grader

6th grade driver

Right of way

Garbage collection, loading and removal from the strip

ZIL MMZ-555 car with grab

3rd class driver

Road worker of the 2nd category

Strip mowing and mowing

Mower ED-101 on a wheeled tractor "JCB" 3cx

4th grade machinist

Road workers of the 3rd category

Road workers of the 2nd category

Bypass roads and temporary roads in the right-of-way must be maintained in working order through periodic grading. At the same time, in the event of a spontaneous occurrence of entrances and exits from the road, they must be destroyed, and traffic on them is prohibited. At permitted entrances and exits, a hard surface must be arranged, depending on the type of soil, at a distance of at least 100-300 m from the main road in order to avoid its pollution.

6. Technology of works on the maintenance and repair of roads

6.1 Safety engineering

Introductory (general) instruction on safe working methods is carried out with all workers entering the construction organization, regardless of their profession, length of service and the nature of future work. The briefing is carried out in relation to the local conditions of production according to the given list of questions.

Introductory briefing is conducted by the head of the labor protection department. At the workplace, primary briefing is carried out, as well as primary briefing before the newly performed work of the foreman.

Applicants are familiarized with issues related to labor legislation, industrial injuries, safety requirements, requirements for the organization and maintenance of the workplace.

The instructed person is assigned to an experienced worker for an internship for 2 - 3 days.

6.2 The main types of work performed during the overhaul and repair of the subgrade and drainage system

Depending on the state of the subgrade and the drainage system during the operation of the road, it becomes necessary to perform various types of repair and restoration work associated with increasing the stability and performance of the subgrade, improving the shape and bringing its geometric parameters in line with regulatory requirements.

According to the features of the technology for performing work on overhaul and repair of the subgrade and drainage system, it can be divided into two groups:

works, the technology of which does not differ from the technology of erecting a roadbed during the construction of new roads; work, the technology of which differs from the technology of work in road construction.

The first group includes the overhaul work on raising the subgrade on flooded and snow-covered areas, on the arrangement of the subgrade and drainage at stop sites, car parks, recreation sites, during the construction of access roads and road maintenance facilities, historical and sights, as well as work on the device new drainages, drainage systems, drainage ditches, bank protection and erosion control structures and a number of other works. The same group includes the work provided for in the repair of eroded and destroyed sections of roads, raising small sections of the roadbed on wet or snow-covered places, cutting the slopes of excavations, arranging accumulation shelves in the excavations and a number of other works.

The second group includes the work envisaged as part of the overhaul to correct the parameters of the subgrade in the areas of softening of the longitudinal profile, ensuring visibility in the longitudinal profile and plan, and a number of other works. The same group includes the works on restoration of the roadbed in the areas of heaving, strengthening and other works that ensure the stability of the existing roadbed, work on the continuous cleaning of drainage ditches, strengthening the walls and bottom of the ditches in areas prone to erosion, and a number of other works.

With periodic changes in the classification of repair and maintenance of roads, the work of various technological groups can move from one type of repair to another for reasons that do not depend on the technology of their implementation.

Works, the technology of which does not differ from the technology of building new roads, are described in the reference encyclopedia of the road builder for the construction and reconstruction of highways.

This volume deals with work, the technology of which is different from the technology of building new roads.

6. 3 Preparatory work for the repair of the subgrade and drainage system

The composition of the preparatory work and the sequence of their implementation

Preparatory work should be completed, as a rule, before the start of the main work on the repair of the subgrade and the drainage system. In some cases, some of these works may be performed simultaneously with the main road repair operations.

The main preparatory work includes: the creation of a geodetic grid base, the transfer of cable power lines, communication lines, various pipelines, collectors and other communications; clearing the roadway and areas allocated for quarries and reserves; preparation and strengthening of local roads to which it is planned to transfer traffic from the road being repaired or the construction of bypass roads, as well as the construction of temporary roads to earth pits and quarries of sand, gravel and stone materials.

Additional works and activities include: removal of existing signs, fences, guide posts, poles of masts for lighting lamps; disassembly and removal of pavilions for bus stops; dismantling of fortifications of slopes, drainage trays and ditches; development of traffic schemes on the road repair section, etc.

Geodetic alignment base on the terrain, there are signs that fix in the plan along the road the tops of the turn angles and the main points of the curves, as well as points on straight sections at least 1 km and benchmarks along the road at least 2 km.

The main signs and benchmarks must be of reliable construction in the form of pillars or piles installed outside the right-of-way in accordance with special requirements.

Before performing earthworks, the geodetic alignment base is detailed. In this case, a breakdown of all pickets and plus points with a leader for the right-of-way is made; additional benchmarks are installed at embankments with a height of over 3 m outside the sole, at recesses with a depth of more than 3 m beyond the edges of slopes, at pipes being rebuilt and other artificial structures; establish intermediate benchmarks on rough terrain; split circular and transition curves with a leader and fixing intermediate points.

A detailed breakdown can be performed not simultaneously along the entire length of the road being repaired, but as the work front advances - with a backlog that takes into account the speed of the work flow.

In areas where the widening of the roadbed, softening the longitudinal slope, replacing heaving soil with non-heaving soil, remove existing posts, fences, lighting masts, pavilions at bus stops and all other engineering equipment and arrangement that may interfere with the work on the construction of the roadbed and road clothes. Dismantling is also subject to strengthening the slopes of embankments and excavations, drainage trays and ditches.

In sections of double-sided widening, all work is performed on both sides of the road, and in sections of one-sided widening, on one side.

Great difficulties in road repair arise with the transfer and reconstruction of air, ground and underground communications. As a rule, during the time from construction to repair of the road, it overgrows different kinds communications that have, and more often not related to the road itself. These are lines of technological and general communication, wire and cable, power lines in the form of overhead lines or high voltage cables, overhead and underground pipelines, collectors and other communications. Most often, these communications are located in the right-of-way of the road or at a certain distance from it and can be damaged during the course of road repair work. There are frequent cases when the cables of communication lines and power supply of lighting systems are laid directly in the body of the subgrade. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to the work on the transfer and reconstruction of engineering communications, the designation of their locations near the road.

Work on the transfer and reorganization of communications should be carried out according to special projects by specialized organizations on a separate schedule agreed with the contractor organization carrying out the main work on the road repair. In cases where the construction of the subgrade is ahead of the construction of underground utilities crossing the road, it is necessary, in agreement with the interested organizations, to provide for the preliminary laying of casings or other devices for the subsequent laying of communications without violating the integrity of the subgrade.

Before the commencement of excavation work, the road strip and areas allocated for quarries, reserves, buildings and structures are cleared, from forests, bushes, stumps, felling residues, large stones, construction waste, etc.

The road lane is cleared on separate sections in the order of priority of the excavation by the same methods and means as in the construction of new roads.

Side ditch-reserves, from which the embankments were erected, especially in the II road-climatic zone, as a rule, are overgrown with marsh vegetation and moisture-loving shrubs. Work on clearing the road lane is carried out with a brush cutter or a bulldozer in the summer and at the beginning of dry autumn, since in the spring there is surface water in the reserves and drainage ditches.

After clearing the road lane over the entire area where earthworks are provided, the fertile soil layer is removed to the depth specified by the project and placed in dumps for subsequent use in the restoration (reclamation) of disturbed and unproductive agricultural lands, as well as in the improvement of sites.

Removal of fertile soil is performed by motor graders and bulldozers. In areas of high embankments and deep excavations, these works are performed with a scraper or an excavator bucket with a telescopic boom.

A special place in the preparatory work is occupied by measures to organize the movement of vehicles during road repair, which significantly increases due to the movement of construction vehicles.

The organization of traffic flow is decided taking into account the traffic intensity, types of road repair work, the length of the sections being repaired, the presence of other roads, the terrain and other local conditions.

The best option for the safe production of work is the option of transferring traffic from the road section being repaired to other roads going in the same direction. In many cases, to remove traffic from the repaired section of the road, special detours are built during the work. The type and size of road pavements on bypass roads must correspond to the intensity of the traffic transferred to them, taking into account the planned duration of the bypass road.

A widespread option is to close one half of the carriageway and allow traffic on the other half. To do this, arrange road clothes for the entire width of the shoulder and organize an additional lane.

In all cases, it is necessary to develop special schemes for organizing traffic, placing signs, fencing and lighting work areas in accordance with the requirements of the current rules.

6.4 Repair of pavements and pavements

To repair asphalt concrete pavements include work on the arrangement of wear layers, rough and protective layers, work on ensuring the evenness and roughness of the pavements, eliminating ruts up to 45 mm deep, as well as restoring pavements by methods and methods that ensure the reuse of the old pavement material.

To overhaul pavements with asphalt concrete pavement include work to strengthen pavements with the correction of longitudinal and transverse irregularities, laying additional layers of base and pavement; broadening the pavement to the standards corresponding to the category of the road being repaired; elimination of tracks with a depth of more than 45 mm with the replacement of unstable layers by milling and regeneration methods; the device of new road pavements in the places of correction and reconstruction of the roadbed and other works.

As a rule, the repair of pavements and pavements is carried out as part of a general set of road repair works in accordance with a project developed on the basis of the results of diagnostics and a detailed examination of the transport and operational state of the road. The specific repair method is chosen depending on the condition of the road, traffic intensity, the availability of materials and road equipment, the established terms of repair and the amount of work, the possibility of bypassing the section being repaired.

Regardless of the method of repair used in the process of its implementation, there is a certain sequence of operations and works that must be analyzed when preparing a work organization project and adjusted taking into account specific conditions. Moreover, all work can be divided into several stages: preparatory work; preparation and delivery of materials; distribution and leveling of materials; seal; final work and maintenance of the repaired site and traffic management.

Preparatory work include:

· Assessment of the conditions for the repair, study and analysis of design estimates, clarification of the types and volumes of work; terms of delivery of materials;

· Selection of optimal compositions of machines and equipment, checking their readiness for work; preparation of technological maps and work organization schedules;

· Organization of quality control of materials and works;

· Organization of traffic on the repair site by installing fences and temporary signs, marking devices, lighting; arrangement of exits, detours or temporary roads;

· Cleaning, washing, priming the old coating, performing work on filling cracks, potholes and eliminating other defects;

· The device of the leveling layer.

The composition of the preparatory work can be reduced or expanded depending on specific conditions.

Before laying wear layers, rough layers, surface treatment or reinforcement layers, it is necessary to carry out maintenance work: repair cracks and carry out patching, fix edges and repair other minor damage. If the patching is carried out with a hot mixture, then after filling the potholes, you can immediately lay the wear layer by surface treatment or another method.

If patching is carried out using cold mixtures, then layers of wear, protective, rough and other layers can be arranged in 10-12 days, when additional compaction and formation of repaired places under the movement of vehicles occurs.

Irregularities can be eliminated by milling or laying a leveling layer. Minor irregularities can be eliminated by increasing the consumption of the base material when installing a protective layer or a wear layer. To eliminate unevenness up to 40 mm, a leveling layer is laid from fine-grained asphalt-concrete mixtures, and if unevenness is more than 50 mm, from coarse-grained mixtures.

Preparation and delivery of materials... The method of preparation and delivery of materials to the place of their laying depends on the chosen repair method and work technology.

Initial materials in the form of crushed stone, sand, bitumen or bitumen emulsion, etc. can be delivered to the place of work, from which the mixture is prepared and laid. Ready mix can be delivered, prepared in a stationary installation at the factory or in a mobile mixer in the process of moving from the place of loading to the place of laying. In any case, it is necessary to clarify in advance the requirements for the quality and composition of materials, the conditions for their preparation and transportation, and organize quality control.

Particular attention must be paid to maintaining the temperature of hot and warm mixtures during transportation. Depending on the air temperature and the requirements for the temperature of the material, the transportation distance may be limited or additional measures will be required to maintain the temperature by heating and insulating the body or containers of transport vehicles.

When transporting some materials of plastic consistency, their delamination occurs, to prevent which it is necessary to apply forced mixing during delivery. Loose materials, including asphalt concrete mixtures, during transportation, loading and unloading are subject to segregation, that is, separation into fractions, which can cause heterogeneity of the coating layers made of these materials. In order to avoid this phenomenon, it is necessary to comply with the requirements for the methods of loading, unloading and supplying materials to the laying machines, especially when using very heavy vehicles for transportation. It is important to ensure quality control of materials at the place of installation, provided by the norms.

Spreading and leveling... Laying, distribution and leveling are carried out with different machines and equipment, depending on the materials used and the technology of work. At the same time, it is important to comply with the requirements for weather conditions and the condition of the surface on which the material is laid, for the temperature of the material, for the thickness of the material to be laid, taking into account the margin for compaction, its uniformity, uniformity, and evenness. The fulfillment of most of these requirements depends on the setting and quality of control of the working elements of the laying and spreading machines. Therefore, their setup and preparation for work requires special attention.

Seal... The choice of compaction means, movement patterns, the number of passes of rollers or other compaction machines depends on the materials used, technology and laying machines.

The degree of compaction of the material is one of the most important factors that determine the strength, water saturation and other physical and mechanical properties of the pavement layers and pavement. For hot-laid materials, the temperature requirements of the mix at the start and end of compaction are of particular importance. Therefore, it is necessary to control the temperature of the material at the time of compaction, compliance with the requirements, the number of passes of the rollers and the pattern of their movement, as well as the achieved density of the laid layer. Materials laid in thin layers in a liquid and cold state do not require compaction.

Final work... After completing the basic repair operations, it is necessary to complete the final work, the composition and volume of which depend on the repair method and the material used.

So, for wear layers arranged using cationic emulsions, movement can be opened after the emulsion breaks down and water evaporates, which occurs in a short period of time. For layers of surface treatment, it is necessary to limit the speed and regulate the movement along the width of the carriageway for the period of formation of the structure of the laid layer, which is 10-12 days.

The final work includes the removal of temporary signs and markings, the installation of new signs and drawing of marking lines, the closing and elimination of temporary exits and detours.

When repairing pavements and pavements, machines and equipment used in road construction are widely used. In addition, special machines and equipment are used for repair work. Such machines include asphalt heaters, machines and equipment for milling and for the regeneration of old pavements, machines for widening pavement and the device of edge strips, etc.

6. 5 Regeneration of pavements and non-rigid road pavements

On-site, on-road hot reclamation methods and hot recycling methods (Regeneration is the restoration of lost material properties; recycling or recycling is the reuse of the material.). There are 4 main methods of this group: leveling and restoration of the shape of the coating without adding a new mixture; adding a new mixture, but without mixing; adding a new mixture and stirring; adding a new mixture and mixing it with the old one and simultaneously laying a new layer of asphalt concrete. The first two methods are practically not used on highways.

In any hot reclamation method, one of the main operations is to warm up the old asphalt concrete pavement. The task is to smoothly warm up the treated layer of asphalt concrete to the temperature of its processing and at the same time not overheat the binder, which, at high temperatures, deteriorates its properties due to the evaporation of light fractions and burns out if the heating exceeds the flash point of the binder, equal to 180-220 ° C for viscous and 45-110 ° C for liquid bitumen. Asphalt concrete processing temperature at viscous bitumen ranges from 100 to 150 ° С, rarely up to 180-200 ° С.

Heating of the asphalt concrete pavement is carried out using infrared gas burners, combined in blocks or panels of the preheater. Immediately after the burner panels are fully switched on, which are located above the surface of the pavement at a height of at least 5 cm, there is a rapid heating of the top layer of asphalt concrete, from which heat is transferred downward (Fig. 4).

Figure: 4. Temperature regime of the heated layer: numbers on the curves - heating time in minutes

The layer heating mode is controlled by changing the pressure in the gas system, changing the position of the panels above the coating surface or the speed of the heater.

Based on the limitations on the flash point of bitumen, the maximum duration of continuous heating of the asphalt concrete surface should not exceed 2.5-3 minutes at an air temperature of 20 ° C. After that, it is necessary to lower the heating temperature or take a break in the heat supply and then continue heating until the temperature of the entire layer reaches the required values \u200b\u200bto the depth of loosening (Fig. 5).

Figure: 5. Intermittent (gentle) mode of heating the asphalt concrete pavement at a heater speed of 2 m / min; Т - heating temperature, ° С; t n - the duration of the burners; t p is the duration of overheating in the operation of the burners; the numbers on the curves indicate the depth of the heating layer, cm

Heat exchange in the bed is uneven. Initially, the surface heats up faster than the lower layers. By the time of loosening, the upper layers cool down, but the lower ones continue to gain temperature due to the thermal conductivity of the accumulated heat. This provides an average stable temperature of 80-100 ° C with stirring.

As a rule, heating is carried out with a slow movement of the burner block in two or three stages. First, heating is carried out with a self-propelled asphalt heater for preheating to a surface temperature of 90-100 ° C, then in one or two stages of final heating to the required temperature.

The length of each panel or burner block is determined depending on the speed of the heater and the maximum permissible duration of continuous heating of the asphalt concrete. At a heater movement speed of 2 m / min and a heating duration of 2.5 min, the burner panel length is 5 m. At a higher movement speed, the panel length increases.

The depth of loosening, which is heated to the operating temperature, is taken not less than the thickness of the regeneration layer, which depends on the size of the grains of crushed stone or sand in the asphalt concrete, but not less:

20 mm for sand mixtures;

25 mm for crushed stone mixtures with grains up to 15 mm;

35 mm for crushed stone mixtures with grains up to 20 mm.

Typically, the heating depth is taken from 30 to 60 mm, depending on the thickness of the top layer of asphalt concrete and the maximum loosening depth that a thermo mixer can provide.

Leveling and restoring the shape of the coating by adding a new mixture and mixing it with the old

This technique is called Thermal Profiling, or Remix, and the machines for doing it are called Remixers. Of all the methods of hot regeneration, the method of thermal profiling and remixers of different companies and modifications are the most widespread.

The thermal profiling method is used in the case when the existing coating has many defects in the form of cracks, ruts, a network of cracks, and also when it is necessary to strengthen the old coating. To do this, add to the removed and loosened material of the old coating new material in the amount of 25-50 kg / m2 for repairs without reinforcement and up to 150 kg / m2 for repairs with reinforcement.

To select the composition of the added mixture, taking into account the properties of the old asphalt concrete, samples (cores) are taken from the pavement, the composition of the old mixture is studied, the required composition is designed taking into account the traffic conditions and road operation. Assign the type and composition of the added mixture so that after mixing it with the old mixture, asphalt concrete with the required properties is obtained. The old and new material is mixed in a mixer, a homogeneous mixture is obtained, which is laid in one layer of coating. The milling depth of the old coating can reach 50-60 mm.

The method allows you to adjust the grain size composition of old asphalt concrete, eliminate the effects of bitumen aging, increase the surface roughness and provide good connection between the regenerated layer and the old coating.

The technological process of the thermoprofiling method includes the following basic operations (Fig. 6):

Figure: 6. The sequence of technological operations carried out during thermal profiling: 1 - coating before repair; 2 - heating; 3 - loosening; 4 - collecting the loosened mixture, adding a new one, mixing; 5 - leveling, preliminary compaction; 6 - final seal; 7 - finished coating

The equipment for performing these operations consists of three panels of infrared radiation burners for preheating, mounted on a separate chassis (heater type DE-234), and a thermo-mixer type DE-232, which includes several blocks (panels) of heating gas burners, tanks for compressed gas, a receiving hopper for a new mixture, a ripper-milling cutter, a screw feeder for feeding new material into a mixer, a compulsory mixer (mixer), a screw leveler and a planning blade, a vibrating screed for preliminary compaction, etc. Modern remixers, if necessary, can perform all types of hot regeneration on the road.

Work begins after cleaning the coating from dust and dirt. The coating is heated in steps. First, the coating is preheated for 6-7 minutes. Then, at a working speed of 1.2-1.3 m / min, the coating is heated for 10-20 minutes, depending on the air temperature. After that, they go to a stationary mode of movement of 2.5-3 m / min, heating temperatures 110-120 ° C. Minimum heating time T m at a heater height above the coating surface of 50 mm for a layer with a thickness of 40 mm depends on the air temperature t in:

t in, ° C 10 20 30 40

T m, min 8.8 8 6.9 5.9

After heating, the top layer of the coating is milled and the resulting granulate is fed into the mixer, where a new hot mixture is introduced, which is mixed with the granulate, stacked and compacted.

It is important to note that the mixture is laid on a hot base, which improves the process of merging the upper and lower layers into a single monolith. As a result, a new, more durable coating is obtained in one pass, ruts, cracks and irregularities are eliminated (Fig. 7). Usually, however, a protective layer or an additional thin layer of new asphalt concrete is applied over the reclaimed asphalt layer.

Figure: 7. Type of coverage before and after repair

7 . Implementation rationalization proposals and new technologies

road construction company

a) The introduction of new technologies, techniques, structures and materials is the second stage of the development of innovations, the purpose of which is to ensure large-scale development innovative products and its introduction into economic circulation

b) The implementation stage includes implementation in working conditions (in the design, reconstruction, construction, overhaul, repair and maintenance of roads and road structures) in one or more road management bodies (in the same region with similar climatic and hydro-geological conditions) of innovative products that have previously passed the stage of experimental experimental implementation and recommended by Rosavtodor for large-scale use in the road sector.

c) The basis for the formation of the list of innovative products planned for large-scale use in the road sector are:

Industrial road methodological documents (ODM) put into effect (issued) by orders of Rosavtodor;

Standards of organizations approved by the letters of Rosavtodor.

The publication of the ODM and the harmonization of the standards of organizations is carried out in the manner prescribed by the ODM 218.1.001-2005 "Recommendations for the development and application of technical regulation documents in the field of road facilities".

d) Innovative products that meet the criteria for application at the second stage of mastering innovations (referred to in paragraphs b) and c) of section 6 of these Methodical recommendations), road management bodies include in assignments for the design of construction, reconstruction and overhaul and repair of highways and artificial structures on them.

The organization of work on the development of innovative products in the road sector includes:

Development of design documentation using innovative products;

Formation of plans for the development of innovations in the road sector;

Implementation of plans for the development of innovations in the road sector;

Monitoring and reporting the implementation of work on the development of innovations;

Information support for the development of innovations.

7.1 Development of design documentation using innovative products

a) Work on the development of innovations, the road management bodies begin with the organization of the development of project documentation for the construction, reconstruction, overhaul and repair of highways and artificial structures on them.

b) Bodies of road management in assignments for the development of project documentation introduce a special section "Application of new technologies, equipment, structures and materials".

c) In the section "Application of new technologies, equipment, structures and materials", the road management bodies include a list of innovative products (including alternatives for certain structural and technological solutions) recommended for use by design contractors in the design of construction, reconstruction, overhaul and repair of highways and artificial structures on them.

d) Information basis for the formation of a list of innovative developments by the road management bodies:

Database of completed research and development work of Rosavtodor (presented on the official website of Rosavtodor);

Bank of advanced technologies, equipment, structures and materials of Rosavtodor (presented on the official website of Rosavtodor);

The Rosavtodor Algorithms and Programs Foundation (presented on the official Rosavtodor website);

Organizational and administrative documents of Rosavtodor for the publication of industry road methodological documents;

The list of standards of organizations approved by Rosavtodor (presented on the official website of Rosavtodor);

Other information resources.

e) When developing project documentation for the performance of road works, the development of innovations is ensured by:

Replacement, on the basis of technical and economic calculations, of standard design solutions with new progressive technical solutions that ensure a decrease in construction costs, an increase in the durability and service life of structural elements of roads and road structures (with an appropriate feasibility study), solving problems of road works, as well as the functioning of automobile roads and structures on them in difficult climatic and soil-hydrogeological conditions;


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The sequence of construction is established based on the division of all road construction work into three periods: preparatory, main and final.

In the preparatory During the period, the organizational and technical preparation of construction is carried out to ensure its deployment in the initial sections, determined by the construction organization project.

IN main all construction work is carried out during the period.

IN finalduring the period, the bases and other temporary structures are being liquidated, and the lands are being reclaimed.

All types of road construction work are divided into:

    procurement - include the preparation and storage of materials, semi-finished products and parts manufactured by the construction industry enterprises (harvesting of stone, preparation of asphalt concrete, manufacturing of structures of bridges, pipes, road conditions);

    transport - road materials are transported by car, rail or water transport. This group of works includes the delivery of materials and semi-finished products to warehouses, factories, intermediate bases and places of direct laying;

    construction and installation work - work is being done on the construction of all elements of the cross-section of roads, arrangement of road conditions, construction of buildings and structures of road infrastructure.

By uniformity and repetition, road construction works are divided into linear and concentrated.

Linear- works, the volumes of which are evenly distributed throughout the object. These include: earthworks, foundations and coverings, culverts, small retaining walls, etc.

Focused- work of high labor intensity, concentrated on a small length (bridges, large excavations and embankments, road junctions at several levels, culverts of high flow).

For the organization of linear work, two methods are used: in-line and separate organization. Streaming the method is used to carry out road construction work on all linear objects of sufficient length. The integrated flow method provides for continuous and uniform production throughout the entire construction period. If the length of the road section is insufficient and the periods of unfolding and curtailing the flow exceed the time of its effective work, then the work is carried out by the method separateorganization, in which each construction process is performed independently.

Concentrated site work is carried out in a similar way.

When organizing construction in general, it is widespread and non-complex flow method when subgrade, small and medium-sized bridges and pipes are erected a year before the construction of the road pavement by the flow method, and the road clothes are built separately (by the flow method, not connected with a single schedule of all works).

With new road construction, as well as with reconstruction at a sufficient length, the flow method provides for: the implementation of all construction work by complex mechanized subdivisions (columns, detachments, brigades); providing them with the necessary resources, including those produced by mobile roadside installations; the movement of specialized units continuously one after another along the route of the road under construction with the established average flow rate, leaving behind a completely finished automobile road.

The main spatial parameters of the flow are: captures, plots, maps, assembly areas (depending on the type of work).

For the main time parameter, the flow rate is taken, calculated by the length of the finished road, completed in a shift (the main flow indicator). The flow rate is set in the process design.

In the process of technological design, the most modern technologies for the production of road construction works on the basis of complex mechanization are adopted. In each specialized stream, a leading machine is provided, with which the productivity of auxiliary machines and mechanisms is linked. The effectiveness of the choice of a set of machines is estimated by the cost of performing a unit of measure of work (1km, 1m 3, 1t, etc.).

The peculiarities of road construction must be taken into account when drawing up calendar schedules and building general plans. They must be "tied" to the topography of the area, take into account the mobile nature of the work, the supply of a large amount of building materials, structures and products. Construction plans should be drawn up for different periods of construction and for all areas with specific working conditions.

Features of the strategic management of enterprises in the field of road construction are determined by the specifics of this field of activity.

The technical and economic features of the field of road construction can be classified into general and specific.

Common features include:

  • - durability of building structures;
  • - long period of work;
  • - expensive one-time costs;
  • - technological interconnection of all operations included in the general construction process;
  • - wide cross-industry connections;
  • - a special form of payment for work;
  • - the influence of climatic and geographical factors on the organization of the production and construction process;
  • - different level of complexity of the work performed during the whole process.

Specific features include:

  • - the linear principle of organizing construction work;
  • - high capital intensity, material consumption and labor intensity.

The prospects of the road construction industry are beyond doubt. Successful infrastructure development is directly linked to innovative technologies and innovation processes.

Modern enterprises in the field of road construction build their activities on the same principles as most enterprises in the sectors of the national economy, namely:

  • a) self-financing (recoupment of the costs of production and sales of products, investment in the development of production at the expense of its own money and, if necessary, bank and commercial loans);
  • b) economic isolation (enterprises independently determine their economic activity, the direction of investment in order to make a profit);
  • c) financial interest in the results of activities (determined by the main goal - making a profit);
  • d) material responsibility (the presence of a certain system of responsibility for the conduct and results of economic activity);
  • e) control over financial and economic activities;
  • f) the need to form financial reserves.

It should be noted that there are two independent types of finance in the road construction industry: finance of the customer (investor) and finance of the contractor.

The state is most often the customer. At the same time, on the one hand, the volume of construction production and the financial condition of construction contractors depend on the budget's ability to finance road construction, on the other hand, on financial condition, solvency, the amount of work performed by the contractor depends on how much national needs will be satisfied.

All settlements between the contractor and the customer must comply with applicable legislative rules and GOSTs. The standards establish requirements for the quality of the work performed and the materials used, determine the future throughput of the highway.

Construction technologies are constantly being researched. Natural factors, increased traffic load of highways are taken into account. Techniques are being developed that speed up and reduce the cost of the construction process.

The stages of construction include:

  • 1) Procurement work.
  • 2) Transport and construction and installation works.

Procurement activities include the extraction and processing of stone material, the production of asphalt concrete mixture, the production reinforced concrete products, preparation of bitumen and crushed stone, production and painting of road signs, etc.

Transport work includes the delivery of construction cargo to the place of work, to manufacturing enterprises and the movement of construction cargo within the construction site or enterprise. Transport work is an important part of road construction.

Construction and installation work includes activities related to the construction of a roadbed, artificial structures accompanying the construction. Such work is conventionally divided into two parts:

An important component in modern construction is the complex or partial use of mechanization in labor. Using modern technology with a high degree of functionality and maneuverability, it became possible to produce a roadbed in the shortest possible time. Services for the rental of special equipment, which are currently actively used by enterprises, can reduce costs during construction work, thereby eliminating the need to purchase expensive equipment.

However, in the presence of modern technology and competent specialists, the quality of Russian highways sometimes leaves much to be desired. There are a lot of factors influencing this result:

  • - harsh natural conditions;
  • - failure to comply with contractual relations;
  • - long length of roads.

Contrary to the factors, the number of vehicles on Russian highways is growing every year, urging road construction enterprises to fight for quality and constantly improve.

Thus, the features of the strategic management of enterprises in the field of road construction are determined by the features of this area of \u200b\u200bactivity.

Due to the nature of the road construction industry, strategic planning takes on an important role. The seasonality of work makes adjustments to the strategy of planning the company's activities for the long term, while such a stage of strategic planning as adjusting the plan due to changed market conditions, the position of the organization itself, and the level of competitiveness of the enterprise acquires special significance.

Also, when drawing up a strategic plan, it is important to conduct a detailed analysis of the external and internal environment in order to determine the correct direction for further development.