Organization of PPR equipment. Who approves the project for the production of PPR works. Fig. 4. Construction site fencing scheme







Completed by student gr. FC 101 v Kuznetsov M.V.

Checked by D.E. D., professor Mikhaleva E.P.

1. Introduction

2. Main part

3. Conclusions


1. Introduction

One of the stages of technical preparation is the technological preparation of production. It is she who ensures the full readiness of the enterprise for the release of new products with a given quality, which, as a rule, can be implemented on technological equipment that has a high technical level, providing minimal labor and material costs. Technological preparation of production is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the standards of the Unified System for Technological Preparation of Production (ESTPP, GOST 14.001-73) and provides for the solution of the following tasks:

ensuring high manufacturability of structures, which is achieved by a thorough analysis of the manufacturing technology of each part and a technical and economic assessment of possible manufacturing options;

design of technological processes, including the development of traditional (basic for this type of production) processing, and individual technological processes, the development of technical specifications for special rigging and special technological equipment (the design of technological equipment is carried out in the manner adopted for the design preparation of production);

structural analysis of the product and, on its basis, the preparation of interdepartmental technological routes for processing parts and assembling products;

technological assessment of the workshop capabilities, based on the calculation of production capacity, throughput, etc.

development of technological standards for labor intensity, material consumption rates, equipment operation modes;

equipment maintenance and repair planning;

manufacturing of technological equipment;

scheduled preventive maintenance

debugging of the technological complex (performed on the installation series of products) - the technological process, tooling and equipment;

development of forms and methods of organizing the production process;

development of technical control methods.

Consider in more detail the aspect of organizing equipment repair at the enterprise.

2. Main part

2.1 The role of preventive maintenance (PM) in improving the use of fixed assets

Repair production is created at the enterprise in order to ensure the rational operation of its fixed assets with minimal costs. The main tasks of the repair production are: maintenance and repair of fixed assets; installation of newly purchased or manufactured by the enterprise itself equipment; modernization of operated equipment; manufacturing of spare parts and assemblies (including for equipment modernization), organization of their storage; planning of all works on maintenance and repair, as well as the development of measures to increase their efficiency.

The leading form of the system of technical maintenance and repair of equipment at industrial enterprises is the system of scheduled preventive maintenance of equipment (PPR). The PPR system is understood as a set of planned activities for the maintenance, supervision and repair of equipment. Maintenance and repair of equipment under the PPR system include: maintenance of equipment, overhaul maintenance, periodic repair operations. Maintenance of equipment consists in observing the rules of technical operation, maintaining order at the workplace, cleaning and lubricating working surfaces. It is carried out directly by production workers serving the units under the supervision of production foremen. Overhaul maintenance consists in monitoring the condition of the equipment, following the working rules of operation, in the timely regulation of mechanisms, and eliminating minor faults. It is carried out by the duty workers of the repair service without equipment downtime - during lunch breaks, non-working shifts, etc. In industries with a continuous production process, this amount of work at the onset of maintenance (or next repair) or the equipment stops for unscheduled repairs to eliminate the identified defects (this conclusion is made by the equipment repair technician). The backup equipment is switched on or the production is unloaded. Periodic repair operations include flushing equipment, changing oil in lubrication systems, checking equipment for accuracy, inspections and scheduled repairs - current, average (current increased) and overhaul. These operations are carried out by the repair personnel of the enterprise according to a pre-developed schedule. Not all equipment is washed as an independent operation, but only those that operate in conditions of high dustiness and pollution, for example, foundry equipment, equipment for the production of food products. Oil change is carried out in all lubrication systems with centralized and other lubrication systems according to a special schedule linked to the scheduled maintenance schedule. Oil change intervals are specified in the equipment specifications. It is allowed to change the oil according to the results of the analysis by the laboratory for the compliance of the oil quality indicators with the requirements of the regulatory documents (GOST). All equipment is checked for accuracy after the next scheduled repair. All precision equipment is periodically checked separately on a special schedule. The accuracy check consists in identifying the correspondence of the actual capabilities of the unit to the required accuracy of its operation. This operation is carried out by the quality control department controller with the help of a repair mechanic. All equipment is periodically inspected. Their task is to identify the degree of deterioration of parts, adjust individual mechanisms, eliminate minor faults, replace worn out or lost fasteners. When inspecting the equipment, the scope of the upcoming repair and the timing of its implementation are also specified. Routine repair is the smallest type of scheduled repair performed to ensure or restore the unit's performance. It consists in partial disassembly of the machine, replacement or restoration of its individual units and parts, repair of irreplaceable parts; also eliminates all identified comments reflected in the defective statement (compiled by the shop mechanic).

Medium repair differs from the current one in a large volume of work and in the number of worn out parts to be replaced.

Overhaul - full or close to full restoration of the unit resource with the replacement (restoration) of any of its parts, including the base ones. Consequently, the task of overhaul is to bring the unit into a condition that fully meets its purpose, accuracy and performance class. Progressive repair systems are based on the implementation of only two types of planned repairs during the repair cycle - current and major, i.e. no medium repairs. At the same time, overhaul is often accompanied by equipment modernization. Depending on the degree of centralization of repair work, there are three forms of their organization: centralized, decentralized and mixed. Centralized repair provides that all types of repairs and overhaul services are carried out by the forces of a mechanical repair shop subordinate to the chief mechanic of the enterprise, decentralized - by shop repair services under the guidance of a shop mechanic. The mixed form of organization of repairs is based on various combinations of centralized and decentralized forms. In many cases, the mixed form provides for the implementation of all types of repair operations and overhaul services, except overhaul, by workshop repair services, as is the case with a decentralized system. Overhaul is carried out by a mechanical repair shop.

In addition to various forms of in-plant repairs, specialized equipment overhaul has been organized outside the factory. Along with scheduled preventive repairs, which form the basis of maintenance and repair of fixed assets, unscheduled (emergency) and restoration repairs can also take place at enterprises. The need for emergency repairs can arise as a result of unexpected equipment failure. Refurbishment has as its object those elements of fixed assets, the further operation of which is no longer possible.

2.2 Characteristics of equipment at the enterprise by the degree of deterioration

Depreciation in the economic sense means the loss of the value of an object during its operation. Loss of value can occur for various reasons. If the cost has decreased due to the aging of the object and the partial loss of its performance, then they speak of physical wear and tear. If the cost has decreased due to the fact that the object has lost its competitiveness in the market in comparison with other similar objects and began to be in less demand, then they speak of obsolescence. Both types of wear develop independently of each other. This means that a completely new product can lose value before its use due to obsolescence. Even when calculating the full replacement cost by direct comparison with an analogue, such adjustments are made to the price of an analogue, which in one way or another take into account obsolescence.

Physical deterioration is such a loss of value, which is caused by a decrease in the performance of an object as a result of both natural physical aging and wear of structural elements during operation, and the influence of external adverse factors (accidents, shocks, overloads, etc.), the consequences of which were eliminated by repairs.

How do you find this loss of value? In many methods, wear assessment is based not on the cost itself, but on the external manifestations of wear: deterioration of characteristics (accuracy, speed, performance, power consumption, etc.), the onset of frequent breakdowns, the appearance of noise, knocking and other negative effects. It is believed that the index of decline in consumer qualities is at the same time an index of decline in value. In reality, the connection here is not as straightforward as it seems.

The physical wear and tear of the equipment depends on how long it serves, how much work is done with it and how well it is maintained. The amount of work done would be the best wear factor. A more easily measurable factor is the age of a piece of equipment. The year of manufacture of the product is recorded in the passport and even stamped on the nameplate.

At the time of purchasing the equipment, the company does not know what its actual service life will be. Therefore, in real practice, it is necessary to plan the service life. Since a certain share of its original cost is consumed annually over the life of the equipment, this share refers to the costs of the corresponding year.

The most difficult issue is the classification and description of equipment, its solution will require significant time and effort.

Firstly, it is very difficult to use the existing (accounting) databases of fixed assets accounting, because they are compiled according to completely different principles (there is no description hierarchy, there is no reference to technical places, etc.).

Secondly, during the reconstruction and modernization of equipment, its technical was often changed. circuit, device, etc. Moreover, such changes were not always made in the technological documentation and equipment passports. In practice, this leads to the fact that when describing equipment it is not enough to use only technological documentation and equipment passports. It is necessary to look at the equipment "live" - \u200b\u200bof course, this leads to an increase in time costs.

Thirdly, there are no standard requirements for the manufacturer to fill out equipment passports by the manufacturer. In this regard, different manufacturers do not always indicate a detailed diagram of the equipment device. Sometimes such passports are completely lost. Accordingly, there is simply not enough information to describe the structure of a specific piece of equipment.

This is one of the most serious questions arising in the process of describing equipment. The only way to solve this problem is to combine (in time) the overhaul of the equipment and its description.

In addition to technical issues, in the process of describing equipment, important methodological issues arise. First of all, they relate to the principles of equipment classification. There are various approaches. It can be classified by types of equipment, divided into main and auxiliary, etc., etc. It is much more important to define the equipment hierarchy.

The uppermost level should represent a set of technological objects (elements of the technological chain) through which the production of products is carried out. Further, individual pieces of equipment are determined, as well as components and assemblies of which it consists.

Thus, we distinguish the following three levels of the equipment hierarchy:

Level I: Technological facility (part of the technological chain).

Level II: Individual pieces of equipment

Level III: Components and assemblies.

This approach will create the necessary prerequisites for the correct determination of equipment wear, tracking its technical condition, making investment decisions and much more. Thus, detailing components and assemblies to the level of details will optimize the logistics systems, and linking the types and volumes of repair work to individual pieces of equipment will increase planning accuracy. The accumulation of reliable factual information about the operating modes of equipment, failures, repair work performed, replacement of individual pieces of equipment will allow you to most effectively manage the process of maintenance and repair of equipment.

Principles for determining physical wear and tear of equipment

The developed mechanism consists of the following six steps:

Classification and description of the equipment in the process chain of the workshop:

Development of key indicators characterizing the state of the productive capabilities of a single equipment.

Determination of weights for calculating the integral indicator of physical wear and tear of a single piece of equipment. The weights of the indicators are determined by the method of expert estimates.

Determination of the current values \u200b\u200bof key indicators, comparison with reference values. Determination of the wear of a single piece of equipment.

Depreciation calculation for groups of the same type of equipment. The same type is understood as the equipment on which the production of the same product (technological operations) is carried out.

Depreciation for a group of equipment of the same type is determined as the weighted average value of wear for each piece of equipment. Weighing is performed in relation to the actual load of the equipment.

The calculation of the technological chain wear is carried out on the basis of the actual wear data for the equipment groups. The calculation of the wear of the technological chain is based on the following principle: the maximum wear value (critical point) calculated for groups of the same type of equipment is taken as the wear of the technological chain.

The implementation of these principles allows:

Predict equipment wear and tear and identify bottlenecks in the process chain;

Effectively allocate funds for equipment repair and replacement;

Reduce the number of production incidents and failures.

It should be noted that, despite the obvious positive effect, the developed mechanism also has a number of disadvantages:

Firstly, the determination of the wear of the technological chain at the critical point in the case when the degree of influence of the physical state of various groups of equipment on the productive capabilities of the chain as a whole is not the same can lead to erroneous conclusions. Secondly, the high labor intensity of implementation and maintenance of the equipment databases in an up-to-date state.

Thirdly, the effective functioning of the physical deterioration monitoring system based on the indicated principles is impossible without an appropriate information system.

Nevertheless, these problems, one way or another, can be solved. For example, the use of equipment. Weights of correction factors, taking into account the degree of influence of the physical state of the same type of equipment groups on the productive capabilities of the technological chain, stage-by-stage development and implementation of the system: first of all, put the system for limiting and especially important equipment.

Thus, the determination of the actual wear and tear of equipment leads not only to the effective use of the repair fund, but is also a necessary condition for the effective management of production facilities.

The depreciation of fixed assets in certain industries reaches 80%, and the dynamics of the renewal of these assets does not exceed 11%.

Compared to 1970, the average age of equipment in the domestic industry has almost doubled: in 1970, 40.8% of industrial equipment was up to five years old, today it is only 9.6%.

Almost half of Russian enterprises are experiencing difficulties with equipment, while domestic manufacturers do not have sufficient capabilities to provide Russian enterprises with high-tech high-quality equipment.

A significant share of equipment and components is imported.

2.3 The structure of the repair service of the enterprise, functions and work system of its individual divisions

Repair of equipment at the enterprise is carried out by auxiliary shops.

Auxiliary production and maintenance in an enterprise can employ up to 50% of all workers. Of the total volume of auxiliary and maintenance work, transport and storage accounts for approximately 33%, repair and maintenance of fixed assets - 30, instrumental maintenance - 27, energy maintenance - 8 and other work - 12. Thus, repair, energy, instrumental, transport and storage services account for approximately 88% of the total volume of these works. The increase in the efficiency of technical maintenance of production as a whole depends to the greatest extent on their correct organization and further improvement. The structure of the repair service of the enterprise includes: department of the chief mechanic, repair production, repair and mechanical workshop, electrical workshop, workshop of instrumentation and equipment. Equipment repairs are carried out according to the schedule of each service provider.

2.4 Planning of repair work: composition of repair standards and their definition, drawing up long-term, annual and operational plans for repair work

The implementation of the PPR system requires a number of preliminary preparatory work. These include: classification and certification of equipment; drawing up specifications of replaceable and spare parts and establishing norms for the stock of the latter; development of albums of drawings for each standard size of equipment; organization of storage of spare parts and assemblies; development of instructions for production and repair personnel for the maintenance of equipment and technological documentation for its repair. The classification of equipment is aimed at a certain grouping of it according to the features of the same type to determine the number of replaceable parts of the same name, draw up instructions for the maintenance of equipment, develop a standard technology for repair work, etc.

The purpose of certification is to have a complete technical specification of all the tools of labor used at the enterprise. The passport is entered for each unit of plant equipment. It records its technical data and their changes, operating modes, permissible loads, results of inspections and repairs. The passport of the equipment is the initial document when organizing and planning its repair and maintenance. Drawing up specifications of replaceable and spare parts, drawing albums is necessary for their timely manufacture and development of repair technology. Replacement parts are machine parts that are subject to wear and tear and must be replaced during repair. Their service life does not exceed the duration of the repair cycle. Replacement parts that need to be kept in a constantly renewing stock are called spare parts. For the storage of spare parts, a general plant warehouse of spare parts and assemblies is created, and, if necessary, storerooms in production workshops.

The development of instructions for production and maintenance personnel, as well as the technology of repair work, is aimed at improving the organizational and technical level of routine maintenance and repair of equipment and thereby contributing to its more efficient use at the enterprise.

The organization and planning of equipment repair in the PPR system are based on certain standards that allow planning the scope of repair work, their sequence, timing, both for groups of homogeneous machines, and for the enterprise as a whole and its individual divisions. The system of these standards includes: categories of repair complexity, repair units, duration and structure of repair cycles, duration of overhaul and inter-inspection periods, duration of the repair period. They are also adjoined by standards for overhaul of equipment, rates of consumption of materials, spare parts and stocks of wearing parts. The methodology for calculating standards and their specific values \u200b\u200bfor different types of equipment and conditions of its operation are determined by the Unified PPR system. Each piece of production equipment is assigned a corresponding category of repair complexity. The more complex the unit, the higher it is, and vice versa.

With regard to a repair unit, they are developed by methods of technical regulation of norms for the cost of working time by type of repair operations and the nature of work. Table 1 shows the corresponding norms for one repair unit (in man-hours).

Table 1. Norms of work with one repair unit

Name Locksmith work Machine work Other work Total Flushing as an independent operation 0.35--0.35 Checking for accuracy as an independent operation 0.4--0.4 Inspection before overhaul 1.00.1-1.1 Inspection 0.750.1-0.85 Current repairs Overhaul 23.010. 02.035.0

Using the given standards, you can calculate the labor intensity of equipment repair in a shop, enterprise, etc. Determination of the scope of work on overhaul services is carried out according to service standards. For example, for the locksmiths, lubricators and machine operators on duty, the following service standards are set for one worker per shift in repair units: locksmiths - 500, lubricators - 1000 and machine operators - 1500.

For each type of equipment, the standard duration of the repair cycle is established. The repair cycle is the smallest repetitive period of equipment operation, during which all established types of maintenance and repair are carried out in a certain sequence. Since all of them are carried out in the period from the beginning of the operation of the equipment to its first overhaul or between two subsequent overhauls, the repair cycle is also defined as the period of operation of the equipment between two consecutive overhauls.

The overhaul period is the period of equipment operation between two next scheduled repairs. The inter-inspection period is the period of operation of the equipment between two regular inspections or between the next scheduled repair and inspection. The repair period is the downtime of equipment under repair. At present, the following standards of equipment downtime in repair are accepted per one repair unit (see Table 2).

Table 2. Standards for repair work

Type of repair in one shift (days) in two shifts (days) in three shifts (days) Current Capital 1.00.540.41

In the general case, the duration of the equipment being repaired Trem can be determined by the formula

Three \u003d trem * r / b * tcm * Kcm * Kn,

where t rem - the norm of time for locksmith work per one repair unit of this type of repair; r - group of equipment repair complexity; b - the number of simultaneously working locksmiths per shift; tcm - shift duration; Ksm - coefficient of shift work of repair workers; Кн - coefficient of fulfillment of norms by repair workers.

The duration of the repair cycle depends on the design features of the equipment, its operating conditions and other factors. For different types of equipment, it can differ significantly. For example, for metal-cutting equipment it is 26,000 hours, for forging machines and press-forging machines - 11700 hours, for foundry and forming conveyors - 9500 hours, etc.

The number and sequence of repair operations included in the repair cycle form its structure. Each group of equipment has its own structure of the repair cycle. For example, the structure of the repair cycle for turning, milling and other metal-cutting machines with a mass of 10 to 100 tons includes: one major, five current repairs and 12 inspections, and for the same machines with a weight of over 100 tons - one major, six current repairs and 21 inspections.

On the basis of repair standards and the results of technical inspection of equipment, annual, quarterly and monthly plans and schedules of repair work are drawn up. The plans determine the types of maintenance and repair work, their labor intensity, planned downtime for each type of equipment, the amount of repair work for each workshop and the enterprise as a whole. At the same time, the number and cost of spare parts and materials for equipment repair, the number of repair personnel by category are determined. Planning of repair work is carried out by the production planning bureau (PPB) of the chief mechanic's department. Planning begins with shop floor annual repair schedules covering all equipment in each shop. On the basis of the annual and quarterly plans, updated monthly plans and schedules are drawn up, taking into account the data of previous examinations and inspections. They are an operational task for the shop to carry out repair work.

Organization of repair work

Reducing the cost of repair work is one of the goals of effective housekeeping. Therefore, the implementation of repair work is preceded by technical, material and organizational preparation.

Technical training is characterized by the implementation of design work on disassembly and subsequent assembly of equipment, drawing up a list of defects, breakdowns and malfunctions. Their elimination requires a corresponding study of restoration work and operations. In turn, the material preparation for the implementation of repair work is reduced to drawing up a bill of materials, component parts, tools and fixtures. Material preparation presupposes the availability of a sufficient and necessary stock of replaceable parts, assemblies, as well as transport and lifting equipment. Organizational preparation for repair work can be performed using one of the following methods: centralized, decentralized and mixed. The centralized method is characterized by the fact that all types of repair work are carried out by the forces of the factory mechanical repair shop. In the event that they are performed by the shop repair service, the method is called decentralized. It should be noted that these methods have obvious drawbacks in the form of a complex and expensive work organization system. As for the mixed method, it allows to carry out repair work with lower costs and is characterized by the fact that all types of maintenance and repairs, with the exception of capital, are performed by the workshop service of the repair economy, and major repairs are performed by the mechanical repair shop. At the same time, you can successfully use the methods of nodal replacement of worn-out blocks by removing and repairing them at a recovery base, or you can perform repair work during technological and inter-shift equipment downtime.

2.5 Organization and remuneration of repair crews

The considered tariff system, differentiating the wages of workers by category, takes into account mainly the quality side of labor and stimulates the qualification growth of workers whose wages depend on their qualification category or position. By itself, it does not create a direct interest of workers in increasing labor productivity and improving product quality. The leading role in stimulating labor activity belongs to the forms and syntheses of remuneration, which, interacting with the tariff system and labor rationing, make it possible to apply a certain procedure for calculating wages to each group and category of workers by establishing a functional relationship between the measure of labor and its payment in order to more accurately take into account the quantity and quality of labor invested in production, and its final results.

Labor remuneration in accordance with Article 131 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation comes in two forms - monetary and non-monetary. Payment for labor in non-cash form can be made only if it is provided for by the collective or labor agreement and in the presence of a written application from the employee. Legally, the share of non-cash wages is limited to 20% of the total wages.

The remuneration system is understood as the method of calculating the remuneration payable to employees in accordance with the costs they have made, and in some cases with its results. Most enterprises use only two forms of remuneration: piecework and time-based. The choice of a remuneration system depends on the characteristics of the technological process, forms of labor organization, requirements for the quality of products or work performed, the state of labor rationing and labor costs accounting. With piece-rate pay, the measure of labor is the output produced by the worker, and the amount of payment directly depends on the quantity and quality of the output produced in the existing organizational and technical conditions of production. With time-based wages, the measure of labor is the time worked, and the worker's earnings are calculated in accordance with his wage rate or salary for actually worked time.

Both piece-rate and time-based wage systems can be supplemented by bonuses, which are combined with them and allow you to establish more specific relationships between the results of work and the size of wages.

It is advisable to apply the piecework wage system in the following cases when:

accurate quantitative accounting of the volume of work and an assessment of their dependence on the specific conditions of the worker are possible;

technically justified time norms have been established for the works and the correct tariffication of works has been carried out in strict accordance with the tariff and qualification reference book;

the worker has a real opportunity to increase output or the volume of work performed while increasing his own labor costs;

an increase in production will not lead to a deterioration in product quality and a violation of technology.

The piece-rate system of remuneration has the following varieties: direct piece-rate pay, piece-bonus, piece-rate progressive, indirect piece-rate, lump-sum.

Direct piecework wages are the simplest, since the size of the worker's earnings changes in direct proportion to his output. The calculation of earnings is based on the piece rate (P sd ), defined by one of the following formulas:

Where C i - hourly wage rate of the category of work performed.

Based on the assessment and the volume of work performed, the amount of wages is calculated

Where N i - the actual volume of work performed for the i-th type per month;

n is the number of types of work performed by the worker.

This system of remuneration is advisable where, according to production conditions, it is possible and justified to perform work by one performer. In conditions of multi-station service, when the time norms are set for each of the machines, the piece rate is calculated according to the formula

Where n is the number of machines established by the service rate.

If a worker works on several machines with different productivity or with a different nature of work, then piece rates are determined for each machine separately, and the price calculation itself is made according to the formula

Where H rip out is the production rate established when working on the i-th machine tool.

The piece-bonus system provides for the payment to the worker, in addition to piece-rate wages, calculated at the rates, bonuses for achieving the established individual or collective quantitative and (or) qualitative indicators. The bonus position usually includes two or three bonus indicators, one of which is the main one and characterizes the quantitative fulfillment of the established production rate, others are additional, taking into account the qualitative aspect of labor and the cost of raw materials, energy resources and materials.

Piece-piece-progressive system of remuneration provides for the calculation of the wages of a worker within the limits of the fulfillment of production norms at direct piece-rate rates, and when working out in excess of the original rates - at higher rates. Thus, piece rates are differentiated depending on the achieved level of compliance.

The limit for the fulfillment of production standards, in excess of which work is paid at increased rates, is set, as a rule, at the level of actual fulfillment of the standards for the last three months, but not lower than the current standards.

With a piece-rate progressive system of remuneration, the growth of workers' earnings outstrips the growth of their labor productivity. This circumstance excludes the possibility of mass and constant use of this system. It is usually introduced for a limited time in narrow areas of production, for a limited range of works, where for some reason there is an unfavorable situation with the implementation of the plan.

Indirect piecework wages are used to pay for the work of a part of auxiliary workers who are not directly employed in the production of products, but their activities significantly affect the results of the work of the main workers they serve. These workers include adjusters, repairmen, transport workers, and some others. Under this system, the size of the wages of auxiliary workers depends on the output of the served pieceworkers. The rate for indirect piecework wages is determined by the formula

Where C art. days - the daily rate of an indirectly paid worker,

H ext. main - shiftable production rate of the main employee served.

The wages of an auxiliary worker in an indirect piecework system are calculated by the formula

Where P to - indirect piece rate,

H f - the actual production of the serviced worker for the billing period,

n - the number of serving workers piece workers

The lump-sum wage system is a kind of piece-rate system in which the piece rate is set for the amount of work without establishing norms and prices for its individual elements. The piecework assignment indicates the amount of earnings, the amount of the bonus and the deadline for completing the assignment.

The brigade wage system, which is used at many enterprises in Russia, is based on the association of workers into production brigades. Such a system presupposes the appropriate organization of labor of workers, united by a single production task and incentives for the overall results of labor. It is advisable to use the brigade system in cases where coordinated joint efforts and interaction of a group of workers are required when performing a production task.

The brigade wage system allows for a more rational use of working time and production resources, increasing production and ensuring high-quality output, which ultimately has a positive effect on the overall performance of the entire enterprise and increasing its competitiveness. By providing the necessary conditions for the effective functioning of teams, a favorable psychological climate is created, staff turnover decreases, related professions are actively mastered, creative initiative and democratic principles in team management develop, and the general interest in collective labor results increases.

The brigade wage system is widely used in construction, coal and mining industries, logging, and repair work in transport. It is advisable to use it in the collective maintenance of large units, apparatus and mechanisms, and in other cases.

In the brigade organization of labor, both time-based and piece-rate pay systems are used.

With a time-based brigade system of remuneration, the total salary is formed in accordance with the staffing table, drawn up on the basis of staffing standards, service standards, tariff rates (salaries) and the provision on bonuses for collective labor results.

Thus, the collective earnings under the time-based brigade wage system include:

time-based wages at established tariff rates (salaries) for hours worked;

savings in the wage fund, which is formed in the temporary absence of any of the team members, as well as in the presence of vacancies;

a bonus for the collective results of the work of the brigade in accordance with the regulations on bonuses;

remuneration for labor input to the overall performance of the structural unit and (or) the enterprise.

When distributing collective earnings in the brigade, all members of the brigade should be guaranteed a tariff rate for fulfilling the labor standard, taking into account the hours worked. The savings in the tariff fund and the accrued bonus for collective labor results are distributed according to the labor participation rate (KTU). One or two KTUs can be used. In the first case, the entire above-tariff part is distributed to KTU. In the second case, the savings of the wage tariff fund is distributed over the first KTU, the amount of which depends on the availability of vacancies in the brigade and absenteeism of individual workers. The savings are aimed at stimulating those workers who performed the work duties of absent team members. For the second KTU, the collective bonus is distributed among the members of the brigade, depending on the fulfillment of the established indicators by each of them.

The brigade piece-rate system of remuneration has become widespread, and it is used, like the time-based one, in combination with bonuses for collective labor results.

To calculate wages under the brigade piecework system, a complex price per unit of output is calculated

The distribution of total earnings among the members of the piecework brigade is carried out in the same way as it is done under the brigade-based time-based wage system. A variant is also possible in which the distribution of the variable part of earnings, including extra earnings and bonuses, takes into account not the tariff rates, but the individual piecework earnings of workers.

If the brigade consists of piecework workers, time workers and specialists, then the total salary of the brigade is formed from the earnings of pieceworkers at piecework rates, the earnings of time workers according to the sum of their tariff rates, specialists according to the sum of their official salaries and bonuses accrued to the brigade according to the current regulation on bonuses for the collective results of labor.

The members of the brigade may be assigned personal payments, as well as individual additional payments for overtime and night work, on holidays and some others, which are not included in the total earnings of the brigade. The specific conditions for the application of one or another payment system are determined by what tasks the employer sets for himself. For example, if its goal is to increase production volumes and ensure high quantitative achievements in labor, then direct piece-rate and piece-bonus systems are most rational. In the case when it is important to stimulate the employee to improve his qualifications and work out in full the working hours stipulated by the schedule, it is advisable to use a time-bonus wage system.

Where T ci - tariff rates of the category of work performed by members of the team, T pC. - the norm of time, set per unit of work performed, n is the number of team members. The salary of the entire brigade is calculated using the formula

Where N f - the actual production of products by the brigade for the billing period,

m - number of work items

Time-based wages include a simple time-based and time-based bonus wage system.

In a simple time-based system, wages are calculated at the established tariff rate (salary) for the hours actually worked. Under the conditions of the administrative-command system, the wage rate was set according to the category of the worker. In some enterprises, this procedure has been preserved. At the same time, at enterprises that charge work with a deviation from the ETKS, the wage rates of a worker can be set according to the category of work.

According to the method of calculating wages, a simple time-based system is divided into three types:




The calculation of wages under this wage system is carried out at hourly, daily tariff rates and monthly salaries

With hourly wages, wages are calculated based on the hourly wage rate set for the employee and the actual number of hours worked by him for the billing period:

Z pov \u003d T h × AT h ,

where: Z pov - the total earnings of the time worker for the billing period;

T h - hourly wage rate established for the employee;

AT h - actually worked time in the billing period, hour.

With daily wages, earnings are calculated based on the daily wage rate and the actual number of days worked:

Z pov \u003d T d × AT day ,

where: T d - daily tariff rate;

AT day - the number of days actually worked.

With a monthly payment, earnings are calculated based on the established monthly salary (rate), the number of working days according to the schedule and actually worked in a given month.

A simple time-based wage system encourages the employee to improve their skills and work out in full the scheduled working hours. However, it has limited application, since it does little to interest the employee in the individual results of labor.

Time-bonus system of remuneration. Traditionally, widespread use at enterprises, both foreign countries and Russia, is hourly wages, supplemented by bonus payments for fulfilling the plan for the volume and quality of products, respect for equipment and tools, economical use of raw materials and materials, etc. The effectiveness of the time-bonus system is ensured not only by bonus payments, but also by the establishment of normalized tasks for time workers. To establish standardized tasks at the enterprise, technically sound labor standards must be developed. The time-bonus system of remuneration is used to pay for the work of managers, specialists, other employees, as well as a significant number of workers.

The use of a time-bonus system in combination with standardized tasks allows solving the following tasks:

fulfillment of production targets for each workplace and production unit as a whole;

improving the organization of labor and reducing the labor intensity of products;

rational use of material resources, increasing labor productivity and product quality;

deployment of collective forms of labor organization;

improving the professional skills of workers and, on this basis, the transition to a wide combination of professions and multi-station service;

strengthening labor, production and technological discipline, stabilizing the staff;

differentiation of wages, taking into account the qualifications and complexity of the work performed, as well as individual labor results.

2.6 Technical and economic indicators of the repair service of the enterprise and ways to improve them

The main technical and economic indicators characterizing the work of the enterprise's repair service are: labor intensity and cost of maintenance and repair of each type of equipment, the share of repair personnel in the total number of employees, the percentage of equipment downtime in repair in relation to the operating time fund, the consumption of auxiliary materials per unit of equipment.

3. Conclusions

The increasing importance of effective maintenance and repair of equipment for the smooth functioning of production requires their further improvement. The most important ways of this improvement are:

timely provision of the enterprise with spare parts and fasteners, strengthening the discipline of compliance with supply contracts between industrial enterprises and enterprises producing components for their equipment;

development of a system of branches for technical maintenance on the part of equipment manufacturers;

application of advanced methods and technologies for carrying out repair work;

improvement of the work organization system of repair personnel, advanced training of repair personnel, close cooperation in the supply of technical information with equipment manufacturers.

But at the moment, at most enterprises, the PPR system is practically inactive, and only routine repairs are carried out as the equipment fails. This in no way contributes to the normal operation of the equipment in the enterprise. But since during the disintegration of the economy, the first thing was to disrupt communications between enterprises in different regions, the system of supplying components practically ceased to exist.

4. List of used literature

1. # "center"\u003e Applications

Attachment 1

Appendix 2


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  • 1. The essence, forms and indicators of the level of concentration
  • 2. Economic aspects of concentration of production
  • 3. The role of small business in the country's economy
  • 4. Concentration and monopolization in the economy, their relationship
  • 5. Concentration and diversification of production
  • 6. Essence, forms and indicators of the level of specialization and cooperation of production
  • 7.Economic efficiency of specialization and production cooperation
  • 8. Essence, forms and indicators of the level of combination of production
  • 9. Economic aspects of combining industrial production
  • Review questions:
  • Topic 3. Legal basis for the organization of production
  • 1. The concept of production systems
  • 2. Types of production systems
  • 3.Organization of a new and termination of activities of an existing enterprise
  • Review questions:
  • Section II. Scientific foundations of the organization of production topic 4. The structure and organization of production at the enterprise
  • 1. Enterprise as a production system
  • 2. The concept of the production structure of the enterprise. Factors determining it
  • 3. Composition and organization of work of internal divisions of the enterprise
  • 4. Intra-production specialization of production
  • 5. General plan of the enterprise and the basic principles of its development
  • Review questions:
  • Topic 5. Tasks and forms of organization of the production process
  • 1. Content and main components of the production process
  • 2. The structure of the working (production) process
  • 3. Organization of the workplace
  • 4. Organization of maintenance of the production process
  • Review questions:
  • Section III. Organization of the main production processes topic 6. Organization of the production process in time
  • 1. Production rhythm and production cycle
  • 2. Norm of time for operation
  • 3. Operating cycle
  • 4. Technological cycle
  • 5. Production cycle
  • Review questions:
  • Topic 7. Organization of production by non-flow methods
  • 1. Batch method of organizing production
  • 2. Individual method of organizing production
  • 3. Forms of organization of sites (workshops)
  • 4. Volumetric design calculations for the creation of sites
  • Review questions:
  • Topic 8. Flow method of organizing production
  • 1. The concept of continuous production and types of production lines
  • 2. The basics of organizing one-subject continuous production lines
  • 2.1. Models and calculation methods for lines equipped with working conveyors
  • 2.1.1. Working continuous conveyors
  • 2.1.2. Work conveyors with periodic (pulsating) movement
  • 2.2. Models and calculation methods for lines equipped with distribution conveyors
  • 2.2.1. Conveyors with continuous movement and removal of products from the belt
  • 2.2.2. Conveyors with intermittent movement and removal of products
  • 3. The basics of organizing one-subject discontinuous production lines
  • 4. Fundamentals of the organization of multi-subject variable flow lines
  • 5. Multi-subject group production lines
  • Review questions:
  • Section IV. Organization of production services chapter 1. Maintenance topic 9. Tool management of the enterprise
  • 1. Purpose and composition of the tool farm
  • 2. Determining the need for a tool
  • 3. Organization of the enterprise's tool management
  • Review questions:
  • Topic 10. Repair facilities of the enterprise
  • 1. Purpose and composition of the repair facilities
  • 2. System of preventive maintenance of equipment
  • 3. Organization of repair work
  • 4. Organization of the enterprise's repair facilities
  • Review questions:
  • Topic 11. Energy facilities of the enterprise
  • 1. Purpose and composition of the energy sector
  • 2. Rationing and primary accounting of energy consumption
  • 3. Power planning and analysis
  • Review questions:
  • Chapter 2. Transport and storage services of production topic 12. Organization of the transport facilities of the enterprise
  • 1. Purpose and composition of the transport facilities of the enterprise
  • 2. Organization and planning of transport services
  • Review questions:
  • Topic 13. Organization of warehouse facilities of the enterprise
  • 1. Classification of warehouses
  • 2. Decisions on the organization of warehouses
  • 3. Organization of work of material warehouses
  • 4. Calculation of warehouse space
  • Review questions:
  • Chapter 3. Organization of the supply and sales activities of the enterprise topic 14. The content of the supply and sales activities of the enterprise
  • 1. Logistics and sales activities
  • 2. Organizational structures of supply and sales services
  • Review questions:
  • Topic 15. Organization of supply of the enterprise with material and technical resources
  • 1. Study of the market of raw materials and materials
  • 2. Drawing up a procurement plan for material and technical resources
  • 3. Organization of economic relations for the supply of products
  • 4. Legal basis for procurement
  • 5. Material stocks of the enterprise. Management structure and models
  • 6. Maintenance and regulation of stocks
  • 7. Inventory management systems
  • Review questions:
  • Topic 16. Organization of supply of material and technical resources to divisions of the enterprise
  • Review questions:
  • Topic 17. Organization of sales activities of the enterprise
  • 1. Organization of marketing research of the market
  • 2. Formation of the sales program of the enterprise
  • 3. Choice of distribution channels for finished products
  • 4. Organization of operational and sales work of the enterprise
  • 5. Settlements with buyers
  • Review questions:
  • Topic 18. Organizational structures of the marketing service
  • Review questions:
  • Chapter 4. Organization of the economic security service of the enterprise topic 19. Organization of the economic security service of the enterprise
  • 1. The concepts of economic security and security services
  • 2. The tasks of organizing the regime and protection of the enterprise
  • 3. Organization of access control
  • 4. Ensuring the protection of enterprise facilities
  • Review questions:
  • Problem book Introduction
  • A summary of the solution methods used and the main theoretical provisions
  • Examples of solving typical tasks
  • Tasks for independent solution
  • 2. System of preventive maintenance of equipment

    The planned preventive form of organizing the repair of technological equipment throughout the world is recognized as the most effective and is most widely used. The development of a system for preventive maintenance of equipment began in the USSR in 1923. At present, various versions of the maintenance system are the basis for organizing maintenance and repair of equipment at enterprises in most branches of the sphere of material production and service.

    System for preventive maintenance of equipment is a set of planned organizational and technical measures for the care, supervision of equipment, its maintenance and repair. The purpose of these measures is to prevent progressively increasing wear, prevent accidents and maintain equipment in constant readiness for operation. The PPR system involves the implementation of preventive measures for the maintenance and scheduled repair of equipment after a certain number of hours of its operation, while the alternation and frequency of measures are determined by the characteristics of the equipment and the conditions of its operation.

    PPR system includes


      and scheduled equipment repair.

    Maintenance - is a set of operations to maintain the performance of equipment when using it for its intended purpose, during storage and transportation. Maintenance includes

      routine overhaul

      and periodic preventive maintenance operations.

    Ongoing overhaul service consists in the daily monitoring of the condition of the equipment and compliance with the rules of its operation, timely regulation of mechanisms and elimination of minor malfunctions that arise. These works are carried out by the main workers and on-duty maintenance personnel (locksmiths, lubricators, electricians), as a rule, without equipment downtime. Periodic preventive maintenance operations are regulated and carried out by repair personnel according to a pre-developed schedule without equipment downtime. These operations include

      inspections conducted to identify defects that must be eliminated immediately or during the next scheduled repair;

      flushing and oil change provided for equipment with centralized and crankcase lubrication systems;

      accuracy check performed by technical control personnel and the chief mechanic.

    Planned repair includes


      and major repairs.

    Maintenance is performed during the operation of the equipment in order to ensure its operability until the next scheduled repair (the next current or major). Routine repair consists in replacing or restoring individual parts (parts, assembly units) of equipment and adjusting its mechanisms. Overhaul carried out in order to restore the full or close to full service life of the equipment (accuracy, power, productivity). Overhaul, as a rule, requires repair work in stationary conditions and the use of special technological equipment. Therefore, it is usually required to remove equipment from the foundation at the site of operation and deliver it to a specialized department where overhaul is carried out. During a major overhaul, the equipment is completely disassembled with checking all its parts, replacing and restoring worn parts, reconciling coordinates, etc.

    The repair and maintenance system, depending on the nature and operating conditions of the equipment, can function in different organizational forms:

      in the form of a post-examination system,

      periodic maintenance systems

      or a standard repair system.

    Post inspection system involves carrying out inspections of the equipment according to a pre-developed schedule, during which its condition is established and a list of defects is compiled. Based on the inspection data, the timing and content of the upcoming repair are determined. This system is applicable to some types of equipment operating under stable conditions.

    Periodic repair system involves planning the timing and amount of repair work of all types on the basis of a developed regulatory framework. The actual scope of work is adjusted relative to the standard based on the results of the inspection. This system is most common in mechanical engineering.

    Standard repair system involves planning the scope and content of repair work on the basis of precisely established standards and strict adherence to repair plans, regardless of the actual condition of the equipment. This system applies to equipment, the unscheduled stop of which is unacceptable or dangerous (for example, lifting and transporting devices).

    The effectiveness of the PM system is largely determined by the development of its regulatory framework and the accuracy of the established standards. The standards of the PPR system of the enterprise are differentiated by equipment groups. The main repair standards are

      repair cycles and their structure,

      labor intensity and material consumption of repair work,

      inventories for repair needs.

    Repair cycle is the period of time from the moment the equipment is put into operation until the first major overhaul or between two successive overhauls. The repair cycle is the smallest repetitive period of equipment operation, during which all types of maintenance and repair are carried out in the established sequence in accordance with the structure of the repair cycle. The structure of the repair cycle establishes the list, quantity and sequence of equipment repairs during the repair cycle. For example, a repair cycle structure might include the following repair sequence:

    K - T 1 - T 2 - T 3 - K,

    where T 1 , T 2 and T 3 - respectively, the first, second and third current repairs;

    TO- overhaul (only one overhaul is included in the repair cycle).

    The content of work performed as part of each of the current repairs is regulated and may differ significantly from others present in the repair cycle. In the structure of the repair cycle, a small ( M) and average ( FROM) repair: for example, T 2 \u003d C; T 1 \u003d T 3 \u003d M.

    Similarly, the structure of the maintenance cycle can be presented, establishing the list, number and sequence of overhaul maintenance work (shift inspection, partial inspection, lubrication replenishment, lubricant change, preventive adjustment, etc.). It is possible to include maintenance work ( TO) into the structure of the repair cycle, for example:

    K - TO 1 - T 1 - THAT 2 - T 2 - THAT 3 - T 3 - THAT 4 - K.

    The repair cycle is measured by the operational time of the equipment, the downtime in repair is not included in the cycle. The duration of the repair cycle is determined by the service life of the main mechanisms and parts, the replacement or repair of which can be carried out during the complete disassembly of the equipment. Wear of main parts depends on many factors, the main of which are

      the type of production on which the intensity of equipment use depends;

      physical and mechanical properties of the processed material, on which the intensity of wear of equipment and its parts depends;

      operating conditions, such as high humidity, dustiness and gas pollution;

      equipment accuracy class, which determines the level of requirements for monitoring the technical condition of equipment;

    Duration of the repair cycle T is determined in the worked machine-hours by a calculation method according to empirical dependencies, taking into account the influence of many factors, including those listed above:

    where T n - standard repair cycle, hours (for example, for certain metal-cutting machines T n \u003d 16 800 hours);

    ß P , ß m , ß at , ß T , ß r - coefficients that take into account, respectively, the type of production, type of processed material, operating conditions, accuracy and dimensions of equipment.

    The values \u200b\u200bof the coefficients and the standard duration of the repair cycle are determined on the basis of generalization and analysis of the actual data of the enterprise or are taken according to reference data.

    Overhaul period T mr and maintenance intervals T then are also expressed by the number of hours worked:

    , (104)

    , (105)

    where n T and n TO - respectively, the number of current repairs and maintenance work per one repair cycle.

    The duration of the repair cycle, the overhaul period and the frequency of maintenance can be expressed in years or months if the shift of the equipment is known. Correct maintenance of equipment during its operation, organizational and technical measures that extend the service life of parts and parts of equipment, contribute to a change in the actual duration of the repair cycle and overhaul periods in comparison with the norm. The service life of wearing parts and equipment parts is shorter than the overhaul period. Therefore, it is advisable to replace them as they wear out during the overhaul period. At the same time, the complexity of the repair is reduced, the volume of work on overhaul maintenance increases.

    Labor intensity and material consumption of equipment repair and maintenance depend on its design features. The more complex the equipment, the larger its dimensions and the higher the processing accuracy, the higher the complexity of its repair and maintenance, the higher the labor intensity and material consumption of these works. According to the complexity of the repair, the equipment is divided into categories of repair complexity. The complexity of repair work separately for the mechanical and electrical parts of the equipment is determined through the complexity of the unit of complexity of repair.

    Repair complexity category (TO) is the degree of complexity of equipment repair. The category of equipment repair complexity is determined by the number of units of repair complexity assigned to a given group of equipment by comparing it with the accepted standard - conventional equipment. At domestic machine-building enterprises, the repair complexity of conventional equipment is traditionally taken as a unit of repair complexity of a mechanical part, the laboriousness of the overhaul of which is 50 hours, per unit of repair complexity of its electrical part - 12.5 hours (1/11 of the labor intensity of the overhaul of a screw-cutting lathe 1K62, which is assigned the 11th category of repair complexity).

    Repair unit (r. e.) is the labor intensity of the corresponding type of equipment repair of the first category of repair complexity. Labor intensity rates for one repair unit are set by type of repair work (flushing, checking, inspection, current and overhaul repairs) separately for locksmith, machine tools and other works. The labor intensity of each type of repair work is determined by multiplying the time norms for a given type of work for one repair unit by the number of repair units of the complexity category of repair of the corresponding equipment.

    Total labor intensity of repair work (Q) in the planning period is calculated by the formula:

    q K , q T and q TO - norms of labor intensity of capital and current repairs, technical maintenance per one repair unit, hours;

    n TO , n T , n TO - the number of major and current repairs, maintenance work in the planned period.

    PPR production project - this is organizational and technological documentation, containing the technology and organization of the preparatory and basic types of construction and installation work at the construction site, quality control and requirements for acceptance, work of the final period, measures for labor protection and safety in accordance with the current regulatory and technical documents, as well as the standards of the Customer's organization. Does not apply to either working or project documentation object, which are only the basis for the development of PPR. Prepared before the start of all construction and installation work.

    PPR (decoding of the abbreviation - work production project) is one of the executive documents required for the construction, reconstruction and overhaul of the facility. Its main purpose is to choose the technology of construction and installation and / or repair work, which allows the most rational use of material, material, technical and labor resources while ensuring general safety. Without this document, it is impossible to properly organize and start the workflow. With its help it is possible to:

    • reduce the cost of materials and equipment;
    • ensure the safety of work;
    • reduce risks;
    • ensure compliance with the terms of construction or repair of the facility.

    In 2019, when drawing up the PPR, it is necessary to take into account only the changes made to the NTD (Town Planning Code, RD guidelines, JV rules, building codes and SNiP rules, GOST state standards, etc.). Requirements remain the same as in 2018, 2017 and previous years. Of course, it will be wrong to use ready-made standard documents common on the Internet, since in 2018 - 2019 many changes were made to the NTD and old ones were replaced. Every year a bunch of documents are updated and it becomes difficult to undertake the development of a project for the production of work on its own.

    The explanatory note is the main part and consists of the most important sections. It includes the entire organizational sequence of the work performed and provides links to technological maps by type of work performed. Engineering support of construction, taking into account the duration, the composition of the working personnel, the number of machines and mechanisms, are given in the preparatory period.

    In the annex to the PPR, work schedules are inserted that determine the technical and economic indicators of construction. The schedule is drawn up in accordance with the contract for the execution of work on the object without deviations, regardless of the duration specified in the construction organization project. Delivery schedules and requirements are divided by week, month or quarter depending on the construction time.

    Who develops a project for the production of PPR works

    The development of projects for the production of PPR works is carried out by the general contracting organization, or by order of a specialized organization. The development organization must have in its staff specialists with experience of work on construction sites, who know the technology of construction production. When using lifting structures, it is necessary to have industrial safety certification protocols for specialists. For the development of technical solutions adopted in the PM, the Customer often requires the developer's membership in the SRO.

    The General Contractor may prescribe in the contract with the Subcontractor the obligation to develop for him. In this case, based on the volumes performed by the Subcontractor, a decision is made on the development of PPR and / or separate technological maps for an already existing project for the production of work on the object.

    Who approves the project for the production of PPR works

    The PPR is approved by the technical manager of the contracting organization (chief engineer, technical director, deputy director for construction, or others) performing these works. Thus, taking all the prescribed measures for execution.
    The project for the production of works is submitted for approval in a completely finished form with all attachments and signatures. After signing, the seal of the organization is put and the project is submitted for approval to interested parties involved in the construction (Customer Departments, Customer's Construction Control, owners of utilities, etc.).

    Who approves the project for the production of PPR works

    The approval of the PPR is carried out by the Contractor in the following sequence:

    • Customer services: capital construction department OKS, OSH, fire department, power engineering, chief mechanic department and other representatives depending on the structure of the company;
    • OATI (for Moscow), GATI (for St. Petersburg) and similar organizations, taking into account the regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation in the territory of the work;
    • Owners of buildings and structures located near the projected facility;
    • Organizations-owners of intersected underground and overground communications (water supply, communication cables, gas pipeline, heating, etc.) when crossing them;
    • The owners of the machines and mechanisms used;
    • In some cases, representatives of Rostekhnadzor.

    To agree on a project for the production of work, a separate sheet with columns is included in its composition: position, full name, signature and comments. Based on the signatures on the title page, the signature of the technical managers of the coordinating persons is put.

    Who signs the work production project

    The signing of the PPR is carried out by specialists who have developed separate sections. The framed table of contents contains the signatures of the developer, reviewer and technical manager. Flow charts are signed by the compilers: Quality Control Department for welding by the chief welder or welding engineer, TC for quality control and incoming control of materials - by a construction control engineer, etc.

    How to compose

    You can draw up a PPR on your own by shoveling a bunch of regulatory documents. But it takes a lot of time and effort of specialists. Its design can be entrusted to developers - specialized companies.
    In order to start compiling it, you first need to study the MDS and then the composition of the future PPR will be clear. After you have studied it, you need to start studying the entire NTD for work performed, for example, a joint venture for concrete work, a joint venture for the installation of building structures and take only the necessary information and include it in the document. It is possible to take standard projects as a basis, but now it is very difficult to find relevant ones containing new labor protection requirements and construction technologies. Everything typical has long been outdated.


    During the production of construction and installation work, in most cases, it becomes necessary to make changes to the already developed PPR. This can be facilitated by: underground utilities not indicated in the construction plan were discovered; equipment that was supposed to be used is difficult to find and there is a similar one, but it is necessary to change the technology (for example, a concrete pump cannot deliver to a certain height, it is necessary to supply concrete with a bucket to the floors); changes in the working draft, etc. Only the developer and in agreement with the persons who signed it can make changes. Those. after that it is necessary to go through the procedure of its approval again.

    Discussion of the article "Project for the production of PPR works in construction":
    (here you can ask questions on the topic of the article, we will definitely answer them)


    In order to ensure the reliable operation of equipment and prevent malfunctions and wear, enterprises periodically carry out scheduled preventive maintenance of equipment (PPR). It allows you to carry out a number of works aimed at restoring equipment, replacing parts, which ensures economical and continuous operation of the equipment.

    The alternation and frequency of scheduled preventive maintenance (PPR) of equipment is determined by the purpose of the equipment, its design and repair features, dimensions and operating conditions.

    The equipment is stopped for preventive maintenance while it is still in working order. This (planned) principle of withdrawing equipment for repair allows making the necessary preparations for stopping the equipment - both from the side of the service center specialists and from the customer's production personnel. Preparation for scheduled preventive maintenance of equipment consists in clarifying equipment defects, selecting and ordering spare parts and parts that should be replaced during repair.

    Such training allows for the full scope of repair work without disrupting the normal operation of the enterprise.

    Competent execution of the PPR involves:

    • · Planning of scheduled preventive maintenance of equipment;
    • · Preparation of equipment for scheduled preventive maintenance;
    • · Carrying out scheduled preventive maintenance of equipment;
    • · Carrying out activities related to scheduled preventive maintenance and equipment maintenance.

    Planned equipment repair includes the following steps:

    1. Overhaul stage of service.

    The overhaul phase of equipment maintenance is carried out mainly without interrupting the operation of the equipment itself.

    The overhaul phase of equipment maintenance consists of:

    • · Systematic cleaning of equipment;
    • · Systematic lubrication of equipment;
    • · Systematic inspection of equipment;
    • · Systematic adjustment of equipment operation;
    • · Replacement of parts with a short service life;
    • · Elimination of minor faults and defects.

    The overhaul phase of service is prevention in other words. The overhaul phase of the service includes daily inspection and maintenance of the equipment and must be properly organized in order to:

    • · Dramatically extend the period of equipment operation;
    • · Maintain excellent quality of work;
    • · Reduce and accelerate the costs associated with scheduled maintenance.

    The overhaul stage of maintenance consists of:

    • · Tracking the condition of the equipment;
    • · Conducting by workers the rules of proper operation;
    • · Everyday cleaning and lubrication;
    • · Timely elimination of minor breakdowns and regulation of mechanisms.

    The overhaul stage of service is carried out without stopping the production process. This stage of maintenance is carried out during interruptions in the operation of the equipment.

    2. Current stage of scheduled preventive maintenance.

    The current stage of preventive maintenance is often carried out without opening the equipment, temporarily stopping the operation of the equipment. The current stage of preventive maintenance is to eliminate breakdowns that appear during operation and consists of inspection, lubrication of parts, cleaning of equipment.

    The current stage of scheduled preventive maintenance precedes overhaul. At the current stage of preventive maintenance, important tests and measurements are carried out, leading to the identification of equipment flaws at an early stage of their appearance. Having assembled the equipment at the current stage of preventive maintenance, it is adjusted and tested.

    The decision on the suitability of the equipment for further work is made by the repairmen, based on a comparison of the test results at the current stage of scheduled preventive maintenance with the existing standards, the results of past tests. Equipment that cannot be transported is tested using electrotechnical mobile laboratories.

    In addition to scheduled preventive maintenance, work is carried out outside the plan to eliminate any flaws in the operation of the equipment. These works are carried out after the entire working resource of the equipment has been exhausted. Also, to eliminate the consequences of accidents, emergency recovery repairs are carried out, which requires the immediate termination of equipment operation.

    3. The middle stage of scheduled preventive maintenance

    The middle stage of preventive maintenance is intended for partial or complete restoration of used equipment.

    The middle stage of preventive maintenance is to disassemble equipment assemblies for viewing, cleaning parts and eliminating identified flaws, changing parts and assemblies that wear out quickly and that do not ensure proper use of the equipment until the next overhaul. The middle stage of scheduled preventive maintenance is carried out no more than once a year.

    The middle stage of scheduled preventive maintenance includes repairs, in which the normative and technical documentation establishes the cycle, volume and sequence of repair work, even regardless of the technical condition of the equipment.

    The middle stage of preventive maintenance affects the fact that the equipment is maintained normally, there is little chance that the equipment will fail.

    4. Overhaul

    Overhaul of equipment is carried out by opening the equipment, checking the equipment with a meticulous examination of the "insides", tests, measurements, elimination of identified breakdowns, as a result of which the equipment is modernized. Overhaul provides restoration of the original technical characteristics of the equipment.

    Overhaul of the equipment is carried out only after the overhaul period. For its implementation, it is necessary to carry out the following steps:

    • · Scheduling of work performance;
    • · Conducting preliminary inspection and verification;
    • · Preparation of documentation;
    • · Preparation of tools, spare parts;
    • · Implementation of fire-prevention measures and safety measures.

    Equipment overhaul consists of:

    • · In replacement or restoration of worn out parts;
    • · Modernization of any details;
    • · Performing preventive measurements and checks;
    • · Implementation of works on elimination of minor damages.

    Defects that are found during the inspection of the equipment are eliminated during the subsequent overhaul of the equipment. Breakdowns that are of an emergency nature are eliminated immediately.

    The specific type of equipment has its own frequency of scheduled preventive maintenance, which is regulated by the rules of technical operation.

    Measures for the SPR system are reflected in the relevant documentation, with strict consideration of the availability of equipment, its condition and movement. The list of documents includes:

    • · Technical data sheet for each mechanism or its duplicate.
    • · Equipment accounting card (annex to the technical passport).
    • · Annual cyclical equipment repair schedule.
    • · Annual plan-estimate of equipment overhaul.
    • · Monthly plan-report of equipment repair.
    • · Acceptance certificate for overhaul.
    • · Replaceable log of malfunctions of technological equipment.
    • · Extract from the annual PPR schedule.

    On the basis of the approved annual PM schedule, a nomenclature plan for capital and current repairs is drawn up, broken down by months and quarters. Before starting overhaul or current repairs, it is necessary to clarify the date of setting up equipment for repair

    The annual PPR schedule and tables of initial data are the basis for drawing up an annual budget plan, which is developed twice a year. The annual amount of the plan-estimate is divided by quarters and months, depending on the period of the overhaul according to the PPR schedule of the given year.

    On the basis of the report plan, the accounting department is provided with a report on the capital repair costs incurred, and the manager is provided with a report on the implementation of the nomenclature repair plan according to the annual maintenance schedule.

    Currently, for scheduled preventive maintenance (PM), computer and microprocessor equipment (installations, stands, devices for diagnostics and testing of electrical equipment) are increasingly being used, affecting the prevention of equipment wear and a reduction in equipment repair time, reduction of repair costs, and improves the efficiency of electrical equipment operation.

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    Effective date: "__" ___________ 2016 *

    * The text of the document corresponds to the original. -
    Database manufacturer's note.




    "Recommendations on the procedure and rules for the development, coordination and approval of work projects with the use of lifting structures" (hereinafter the Recommendations), were developed by a specialist of Stronex LLC (A.E. Savalov) and Inzhstroyproekt LLC (I.E. Videnin) on on the basis of the terms of reference approved by the General Director of the Chelyabinsk Interregional Union of Builders on 05/10/2016.

    1 area of \u200b\u200buse

    Adoption of a unified approach of construction organizations to the composition and content of projects for the production of work with the use of lifting structures developed during construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities, both for the entire facility as a whole, and for a separate stage (type) of work;

    Providing in projects for the production of work descriptions of the technological sequence of work, ensuring a certain level of quality of work, using modern means of mechanization for work.

    2. Normative references

    - "Rules for labor protection during loading and unloading and placement of goods"; Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation N 642n of September 17, 2013; *
    * The text of the document corresponds to the original. Repeat, see above. - Note from the manufacturer of the database.

    Operational quality control schemes.

    Note - When using these recommendations, it is advisable to check the effect of reference normative documents in the public information system - on the official websites of Rostekhregulirovanie, the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, Rostekhnadzor, NOSTROY, SSK UrSib, on the Internet or according to the annually published information index "National Standards", which is published under as of January 01 of the current year, or according to the corresponding monthly published information signs published in the current year. If the reference normative document is replaced (changed), then when using this standard, the replaced (changed) normative document should be followed. If the referenced normative document is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which the link to it is given applies in the part that does not affect this link.

    3. Terms, definitions and abbreviations

    Capital construction object - building, structure, structure, facilities, the construction of which is not completed, with the exception of temporary buildings, kiosks, sheds and other similar structures

    Developer - an individual or legal entity providing construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction objects on the land plot that belongs to him, as well as performance of engineering surveys, preparation of design documentation for their construction, reconstruction, overhaul

    Technical customer - an individual acting on a professional basis, or a legal entity who are authorized by the developer and on behalf of the developer conclude agreements on the performance of engineering surveys, on the preparation of project documentation, on the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities, prepare tasks for the performance of these types of work , provide the persons performing engineering surveys and (or) preparing design documentation, construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities, materials and documents required to perform these types of work, approve the project documentation, sign the documents required to obtain permission to enter capital construction object into operation, carry out other functions provided for by this Code. The developer has the right to perform the functions of a technical customer independently.

    Person carrying out the construction - the developer or an individual entrepreneur or legal entity engaged by the developer or technical customer on the basis of an agreement, which organizes and coordinates the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of a capital construction facility, ensures compliance with the requirements of project documentation, technical regulations, safety measures in the process of performing these works, and is responsible for the quality of the work performed and their compliance with the requirements of the design documentation.

    Work production project (hereinafter PPR) - a document related to organizational and technological documentation, which contains decisions on the organization of construction production, technology, quality control and safety of the work performed.

    Area of \u200b\u200bpossible movement of cargo - the border of the service area of \u200b\u200bthe crane, which is determined by the maximum reach in the parking lot (section between the extreme parking lots) of the crane.

    Service area (working area) by crane - zone of movement of goods from storage sites to places of installation and fastening of elements.

    Dangerous zone - the area arising from the cargo moved by the crane.

    GOST - interstate standard;

    GOST R - national standard of the Russian Federation;

    RD - guiding document;

    ФЗ - federal law;

    SNiP - building codes and regulations;

    SP - a set of rules;

    MDS - methodical documentation in construction;

    VSN - departmental building codes;

    STO - organization standard;

    POS - construction organization project;

    ITR - engineering and technical workers;

    MSK SRF - local coordinate system of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

    PS - lifting structures;

    PPE - Personal Protective Equipment.

    4. Requirements for specialists involved in the development of PPR

    4.1 PPR is developed by the organization carrying out construction, in accordance with clause 4.6 of SP 48.13330 "Organization of construction" by specialists who have been trained and certified in the field of industrial safety, in accordance with clause 1.3, RD-11-06.

    4.2 Certification of specialists

    Primary certification specialists are carried out:

    Upon appointment to a position;

    When transferring to another job, if certification is required in the performance of official duties at this job.

    Periodic certification specialists are held at least once every five years, unless other terms are provided for by other regulations.

    Extraordinary check knowledge of regulatory legal acts and regulatory and technical documents that establish safety requirements on issues related to the competence of a specialist is made after the entry into force of new regulatory legal acts and regulatory and technical documents.

    The results of testing knowledge on safety issues should be documented in a protocol with the subsequent issuance of a certificate of attestation. The results of the extraordinary certification are recorded in a protocol.

    4.3 The procedure for passing certification of specialists should take place in the following sequence:

    a) Determination of the place of training of a specialist. Training (education) of specialists should be carried out in organizations licensed for this type of activity;

    b) The choice of areas of certification of a specialist in accordance with the type of work performed by the construction organization.

    As an example, below are the areas of certification of specialists who develop PPR for construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities:

    Attestation area А.1 "General requirements of industrial safety" - Mandatory area of \u200b\u200bcertification, for all types of activities;

    Attestation area B.9.31 "Industrial safety requirements when using lifting structures" - Recommended area of \u200b\u200battestation, which is necessary when developing PPR with the use of lifting structures designed for lifting and moving loads;

    Attestation area B.9.32 "Industrial safety requirements for lifting structures" - Recommended area of \u200b\u200battestation, which is necessary in the development of PPR with the use of lifting structures designed for lifting and transporting people.

    Note - When developing PPR during construction at chemical, oil, gas, mining or metallurgical facilities, specialists developing PPR must be certified according to special industrial safety requirements.

    c) Submission of documents for certification to the Rostechnadzor department.

    d) Certification of specialists and receipt of documents in accordance with clause 4.2 of these Recommendations.

    5. The procedure for the development, coordination and approval of the PPR

    5.3 The composition of the initial data for the development of PPR must comply with clause 5.7.6. SP 48.13330

    5.4 The developed PPR is approved by the person carrying out the construction in accordance with clause 5.7.3 of SP 48.13330 and agreed by the developer (technical customer) or their authorized representatives.

    6. The volume and content of PPR

    PPR should include text and graphic parts. The scope and content of PPR is considered on the example of the construction of a conventional object.

    Example of a cover page

    Name of company carrying out construction


    I approve:

    Developer (Technical customer)

    Representative of the person carrying out the construction


    N PPR

    Name of works

    AN OBJECT: "Object name".

    Developed by:

    Engineer LLC "Organization
    carrying out construction "

    Ud. N 00000001 dated 01.01.20

    Ud. N 00000002 dated 01.01.20

    City, year

    Layout of geodetic marks (Scheme of geodetic alignment base);

    Transport scheme;

    Building master plan;

    Technological maps for the performance of types of work;

    Slinging schemes;

    Warehousing schemes;

    Clarifying drawings (equipment, protective fences, etc.);

    Drawings concerning the safety of work;

    Schedule for the production of work on the object with a schedule for the receipt of building structures, products, materials and equipment at the object, a schedule for the movement of workers on the object, a schedule for the movement of the main construction machines on the object.

    6.1.1 Geodetic markings layout (Geodetic alignment base layout)

    1. The layout of geodetic marks (Scheme of the geodetic grid base) must be transferred by the customer (technical customer) to the person carrying out the construction at least 10 days before the start of construction, together with the act of transferring the geodetic grid base.

    2. A geodetic alignment base for construction is created with reference to the points of state geodetic networks available in the construction area or to points of networks that have coordinates and marks in the coordinate systems of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, on the scale of the general plan of the construction site.

    3. The layout of the geodetic alignment base should include:

    Construction site center network signs;

    Axial marks of the external alignment network of the building (at least 4 per building)

    Temporary axle marks;

    Coordinate catalog of all points of the geodetic alignment base in the MSK-SRF system

    Axes of the building (structure);

    The layout of the building on the ground.

    An example of a layout of geodetic marks is presented in Appendix A

    6.1.2 Transport scheme

    1. The transport scheme must be developed for any construction and agreed with the traffic police, if the existing transport infrastructure falls within the boundaries of the construction site zone or in the right-of-way of linear structures.

    To review and agree on the transport scheme with the inspector, it is necessary to prepare a letter in the form of Appendix B.

    2. The transport diagram must show:

    The territory of the construction site;

    Construction object and on-site warehouses;

    Construction camp;

    Intrasite temporary roads;

    Access roads to the construction site;

    Direction of traffic to the construction site;

    The direction of traffic on the territory of the construction site;

    Pedestrian traffic direction;

    Temporary traffic signs.

    3. The transport scheme is signed:

    The manager of the organization carrying out the construction.

    The manufacturer of the works;

    The developer of the transport scheme (engineer for the development of PPR);

    Inspector of the traffic police.

    An example of a transport scheme is given in Appendix B.

    6.1.3 Building master plan

    Stroygenplan includes:

    Designed and existing buildings and structures;

    The boundaries of the construction site and the type of its fence;

    Permanent and temporary roads;

    Parking places under unloading;

    The direction of movement of transport and mechanisms;

    Premises for sanitary and domestic services (construction camp);

    Smoking areas;

    Places of devices for the removal of construction waste and household waste;

    Wheel washing points;

    Places of substation installation;

    Storage areas for building materials;

    Pre-assembly areas (if any);

    The boundaries of the zones formed during the operation of the substation;

    Ways and means of lifting (lowering) workers to the place of work;

    Placement of power supply and lighting sources;

    Operating underground, overhead and air communications;

    Location of grounding loops. Designed and existing buildings and structures

    It is advisable to start the development of a construction plan with drawing the designed, as well as existing buildings and structures, within the boundaries of the improvement (red lines), see Fig. 1.

    Fig. 1. Designed and existing buildings within the boundaries of the improvement

    Fig. 1. Designed and existing buildings within the boundaries of the improvement Site boundaries

    1. The construction site fence should be installed along the border of the territory improvement.

    2. The type of fencing of the construction site should be selected in accordance with clause 2.2 of GOST 23407 "Inventory fencing of construction sites and areas of construction and installation work. Specifications".

    Types of security fences for construction sites are given in Appendix D.

    3. In places where the dangerous zone during the operation of the substation goes beyond the territory of the construction site, the protective and security fence should be made with a visor.

    4. In places where pedestrians pass, sidewalks with a protective canopy should be made, see fig.2. Requirements for the design of a pedestrian walkway and a protective visor are given in clauses 2.2.5-2.2.13, GOST 23407.

    Fig. 2. Diagram of a protective visor

    Diagram of the protective visor device

    1 - fence post;

    2 - fencing panel;

    3 - support (bed), step 1.0 m (board t \u003d 50 mm)

    4 - sidewalk panel (board t \u003d 50 mm);

    5 - horizontal element of the railing (board t - 25 mm);

    6 - handrail post (beam 100x100 mm), step 1.5 m;

    7 - roof rafters (board t \u003d 50x100 mm), pitch 1.5 m;

    8 - visor panel (profiled sheet);

    9 - canopy strut (board t \u003d 50x100 mm), step 1.5 m;

    10 - panel brace (board t \u003d 50x100 mm), step 1.5 m;

    11 - protective screen (when laying a pedestrian sidewalk along highways)

    Fig. 2. Diagram of a protective visor

    Symbols indicated on the construction master plans are given in Appendix D.

    5. It is advisable to enter the construction site from the existing public roads.

    When entering the construction site, the following must be installed:


    From the side of the street there is an information board, a transport scheme and road signs in accordance with GOST R 52290-2004 - N 3.2 "No traffic" and N 3.24 "speed limit 5 km / h"; sign "entry".

    On the information board, the name of the object, the name of the developer (Customer), the general contractor (technical customer), the name, position and telephone numbers of the responsible manufacturer of work on the object, the timing of the start and end of work, the scheme of the object (clause 6.2.8 SP 48.13330.2011 "Organization of construction"), see Fig. 3.

    Fig. 3. Example of a building information board

    Fig. 3. An example of a building information board

    The construction area of \u200b\u200b5 hectares or more must be equipped with at least 2 exits arranged from opposite sides, in accordance with clause 8.24 of RD-11-06.

    It is advisable to leave the territory of the construction site on the existing public roads. At the exit from the territory (if possible), establish a checkpoint and post the necessary road signs in accordance with GOST R 52290:

    Sign N 2.4 "Give way" (sign N 2.5 "Driving without stopping is prohibited");

    Sign N 4.1.1 "Driving straight", sign N 4.1.2 "Driving right", sign N 4.1.3 "Driving left", sign N 4.1.4 "Driving straight or right", sign N 4.1.5 "Driving straight or to the left ", sign N 4.1.6" Movement to the right or left "- (according to the situation);

    Exit sign.

    Fig. 4. Construction site fencing scheme

    Fig. 4. Construction site fencing scheme On-site temporary roads

    1. Intra-building roads should provide access to the area of \u200b\u200boperation of assembly cranes, to pre-assembly sites, warehouses, mobile (inventory) buildings

    The following dimensions must be applied to the construction plan:

    Road width;

    Turning radii.

    2. It is advisable to take the width of the on-site roads in accordance with clause 8.17 of RD 11-06-2007:

    For single-lane traffic - 3.5 m;

    With two-lane traffic - 6.0 m.

    When using vehicles with a carrying capacity of 25 tons or more, the width of the carriageway must be increased to 8.0 m.

    In places of curvature, the width of a single-lane road should be increased by 5.0 m.


    When designing roads for the installation of self-propelled jib cranes, the width of temporary roads should be taken 0.5 m more than the width of the caterpillar or wheel travel of the crane used in accordance with clause 8.18, RD 11-06, see Fig. 5.

    Fig. 5. Temporary road under the jib mobile crane

    Fig. 5. Temporary road under the jib mobile crane

    3. When tracing roads, the minimum distances must be observed:

    From the edge of the roadbed and the storage area - 0.5-1.0 m;

    From the edge of the roadbed and the fence of the tower crane and the construction site - 1.5 m;

    From the edge of the roadbed and the edge of the trench - in accordance with the distances indicated in table 1 of SP 49.13330 + 0.5 m.

    4. The thickness and construction of the pavement of temporary on-site roads should be determined in the PIC.

    It is recommended to take the thickness of the pavement of temporary on-site roads depending on the type of pavement material. The types of temporary road coverage are given below:

    Crushed stone (gravel) - 400 mm;

    From monolithic concrete 170-250 mm thick on sand preparation 250 mm thick;

    From precast reinforced concrete slabs 170-200 mm thick on sand (crushed stone) preparation 100 mm thick.

    4. Type of on-site roads:

    With circular traffic, fig. 6a. The rounding radii of the roads depend on the vehicles delivering the goods and are accepted from 9.0 to 18.0 m;

    Fig. 6a. Stroygenplan with a ring road inside the site

    Fig. 6a. Stroygenplan with a ring road inside the site

    Dead-end, with turning platforms, see Fig. 6b;

    Fig. 6b. Construction plan with dead-end roads

    Fig. 6b. Construction plan with dead-end roads

    Through, with a separate exit from the construction site to public roads, see Fig. 6c.

    Fig.6c. Stroygenplan with the second exit Parking places for unloading (loading) materials

    1. The dimensions of transport parking for unloading (loading) should be taken based on the following dimensions:

    Parking width - 3.0 m;

    The length of the camps is at least 15.0 m.

    2. Places for parking vehicles for unloading / loading arrange along the main temporary roads in the working area of \u200b\u200bcranes, see Fig. 7.

    Fig. 7. Stroygen plan with applied parking lots for unloading / loading

    Fig. 7. Stroygen plan with applied parking lots for unloading / loading

    3. After defining the scheme of on-site roads and parking lots, show the direction of traffic on the construction site, see Fig. 8.

    Fig. 8. The scheme of the direction of traffic on the construction site

    Fig. 8. The scheme of the direction of traffic on the construction site Premises for sanitary services (construction camp)

    1. On the territory of the construction site, premises for sanitary and consumer services for workers (construction camp), as well as security posts at the entrance and exit from the territory of the construction site must be located in compliance with the following conditions:

    Place the site for the placement of sanitary facilities on a flood-free area, on a prepared base and equip it with drainage drains.

    As a base, it is recommended to take a crushed stone base 250 mm thick, see Fig. 9a or a base made of reinforced concrete slabs 170 mm thick on a sandy base 100 mm thick, see Fig. 9b

    Fig. 9a. Crushed stone base 250 mm thick

    Fig. 9b. Reinforced concrete slab base

    Fig. 9b. Reinforced concrete slab base

    It is advisable to place sanitary facilities in special buildings of a collapsible or mobile type outside the * hazardous areas. It is possible to use separate rooms in existing buildings and structures for construction needs. When using existing buildings and structures, the requirements of clause 6.6.3 of SP 48.13330 must be observed;
    * The text of the document corresponds to the original. - Note from the manufacturer of the database.

    Sanitary facilities must be removed from the place of unloading devices at a distance of at least 50 m in accordance with clause 12.7 of SanPiN At a distance of no more than 150 m from the place of work, premises for heating workers and toilets should be installed, the calculation of which should be performed in the POS.

    If it is necessary to use territories that are not included in the construction site for the placement of temporary buildings and structures, follow clause 6.6.2 of SP 48.13330.

    2. It is advisable to equip the construction site with smoking areas at a distance of at least 10 m from sanitary facilities. Smoking areas must be equipped with primary fire extinguishing equipment in accordance with the "Fire Fighting Regulations in the Russian Federation". Mark the smoking areas on the construction plan with a cross.

    Symbols are given in Appendix D.

    Fig. 10. Placement of sanitary facilities Debris and household waste disposal facilities

    The construction site should be equipped with containers for the disposal of construction waste and household waste, see Fig. 11. It is advisable to place containers for household waste at the entrance and exit from the construction site. It is advisable to place containers for construction waste in the immediate vicinity of the construction site.

    Containers for construction waste should be metal, containers for household waste - plastic or metal.

    Fig. 11. Equipping a construction site with containers for construction and household waste

    Fig. 11. Equipping a construction site with containers for construction and household waste Cleaning point (washing)

    Composition of the wheel cleaning (washing) station:

    Base plates with drainage to a drainage well;

    Washing complex;

    Installation for cleaning wheels with compressed air (in winter).

    Fig. 12. Types of wheel washing points

    Fig. 12. Types of wheel washing points. A) in the form of platforms; B) in the form of overpasses

    1 - washing complex; 2 - drainage well; 3 - pipe d200-300 mm; 4 - channel N 30 (half-pipe d300); 5 - road slabs PAG-XIV

    Variants of placement of a complex of equipment for a wheel washing station, Fig. 13.

    Fig. 13. Variants of placement of a complex of equipment for a wheel washing station

    Fig. 13. a, b, c) - with single-row traffic, d, e) - with double-lane traffic and combining entry and exit

    The point for cleaning (washing) wheels of trucks and construction machines should be installed at the exit from the construction site, see Fig. 14.

    Fig. 14. Layout of a wheel washing station on a construction site

    Fig. 14. Layout of a wheel washing station on a construction site Substation locations

    1. It is advisable to start the substation installation on the construction plan with determining the substation installation site, see Fig. 15.

    Regardless of the type, the substation should be installed on a planned and prepared site in the immediate vicinity of the construction site, subject to the following conditions:

    Compliance of the installed lifting structures (hereinafter SS) to the conditions of construction and installation works in terms of carrying capacity, lifting height and reach (load characteristics of the SS);

    Ensuring a safe distance from networks and overhead power lines (see table 2 of SP 49.13330), places of movement of urban transport and pedestrians, as well as safe distances from the substation's approach to buildings and places of storage of building parts and materials, (see paragraphs 101-137 of the Rules safety of hazardous production facilities where lifting structures are used);

    Compliance with the conditions of installation and operation of the substation near the slopes of the pits should be carried out in accordance with table No. 1 of SP 49.13330;

    Compliance with the conditions of safe operation of several substations and other equipment (mechanisms) simultaneously located at the construction site (if any);

    Compliance with the conditions of the installation sites of lifting structures in the places of passage of underground communications.

    Fig. 15. Tower crane installation site

    The minimum distance from the boom of the crane or hoist (tower) during operation to the wires of the power line, which are energized

    Table 1

    Overhead line voltage, kW

    The smallest distance, m

    1 to 20

    35 to 100

    150 to 220

    500 to 750

    750 to 1150

    800 (DC)

    Compliance with the installation and operation conditions of the substation near the slopes of the pits according to table N 2

    table 2

    Horizontal distance from the base of the excavation slope to the nearest machine support, m

    Pit depth, m

    Sandy and gravel

    sandy loam




    Fig. 16. Installation diagram of the crane near the slope of the pit

    An example of the selection of a crane

    The selection of cranes is carried out according to three main parameters:

    - required lifting capacity.

    When choosing a lifting crane for construction and installation work, it is necessary to ensure that the weight of the load being lifted, taking into account the lifting devices and containers, does not exceed the permissible (passport) lifting capacity of the lifting crane. To do this, it is necessary to take into account the maximum weight of the mounted products and the need to feed them by a crane for installation to the most distant design position, taking into account the permissible lifting capacity of the crane at a given boom outreach;

    Required lifting capacity of the crane, t;

    Weight of the lifted load, t (bunker with concrete mix - 2.7 t);

    Weight of the load-gripping device, t (sling 0.05 t);

    Weight of attachments, tons (none);

    Weight of structures for reinforcing the rigidity of the load being lifted, t. (there are none)

    2.7t + 0.05t \u003d 2.75t

    - required lifting height;

    The crane operator must have an overview of the entire working area. The area of \u200b\u200boperation of the crane should cover the height, width and length of the building under construction, as well as the area for storing the mounted elements and the road along which the goods are transported.

    The required lifting height is determined from the elevation of the installation of the crane vertically and is made up of the following indicators: the height of the building (structure) from the zero elevation of the building, taking into account the elevation of the crane installation to the upper elevation of the building, a height margin equal to 2.3 m from the conditions of safe work on the upper elevation of the building, where people can be, the maximum height of the cargo being moved (in the position in which it is moved), taking into account the mounting devices or reinforcement structures attached to the cargo, the length (height) of the load handling device in the working position.

    Height of the upper elevation of the building, m (65.0 m - according to the project)

    The difference in the elevation of the cranes' parking and the zero elevation of the building, m (the crane is installed at the level of the bottom of the building foundation slab - -9.8 m);

    Maximum height of the transported cargo, m (3.0 m - the length of the bunker with the concrete mixture);

    Length of lifting device (3.5 m - length of lifting device).

    \u003d (65.0 m + 9.8 + 3.0 m + 3.5 m + 2.3 m) \u003d 83.6 m

    - required boom reach

    The required working reach is determined by the horizontal distance from the axis of rotation of the slewing part of the crane to the vertical axis of the load-gripping body (determined graphically), see Fig. 17.

    The approach to the building (structure) of the attachment crane is determined by the minimum outreach, which ensures the installation of structural elements of buildings closest to the crane tower, taking into account the dimensions of the crane foundation and the conditions for attaching the crane to the building.

    Fig. 17. Boom reach required

    Fig. 17. Boom reach required

    Based on the obtained values, we select a Liebherr 132ES-H8 crane, lifting capacity 8.0 tons, Lstr \u003d 50.0 m. Maximum lifting height - 85.7 m

    Lifting table of Liebherr 132EC-H8 tower crane, lifting capacity 8.0 tons, Lstr \u003d 50.0 m

    Boom reach

    carrying capacity

    Boom reach

    carrying capacity

    Lifting table of the Liebherr 132EC-H8 tower crane, lifting capacity 8.0 tons, Lstr \u003d 50.0 m (continued)

    Boom reach

    carrying capacity

    Technical specifications

    Required values

    Crane characteristics

    Carrying capacity, t

    Hook outreach, m

    Hook lifting height, m Warehouses for building materials and pre-assembly sites

    1. Warehouses of building materials

    By design and storage method of materials and products, warehouses are divided into the following types:

    Open (storage areas) - for storing materials and products that do not deteriorate under the influence of atmospheric and temperature precipitation and sunlight (prefabricated reinforced concrete structures, metal products, bricks, etc.);

    Semi-closed (sheds) - for storing materials that are damaged by direct exposure to atmospheric precipitation and sunlight (roll roofing materials, joinery, etc.);

    Closed (containers, booths) - for storing valuable materials, as well as cement, lime, dyes, glass, hardware, etc.).

    Locate open warehouses at the construction site in the area of \u200b\u200bpossible movement of cargo by a crane serving the facility, see Fig. 18.

    The area of \u200b\u200bpossible movement of the load is the space, the boundary of which is a circle described by the crane hook, with a radius equal to the maximum outreach of the crane boom.

    Fig. 18. Warehouse layout

    Fig. 18. Warehouse layout

    Open and semi-closed storage areas should be flat, planned with a slope of no more than 5 ° to drain surface water, free of debris and foreign objects.

    The placement of materials and structures in open warehouses should be carried out so that the goods with the largest dimensions are located closest to the lifting mechanism.

    Materials, products and structures during storage in warehouses and workplaces must be stacked in accordance with clause 7 of POT R O 14000-007-98 or in accordance with GOST and STO of the manufacturer of materials, products and structures

    An example of storage of sandwich panels according to the TU of the manufacturer

    Store packages of wall sandwich panels stacked in one or several tiers, the total height of which should be no more than 2.4 m, see Fig. 19. Place the bottom package of panels on wooden pads with a thickness of at least 10 cm, and located with a step of not more than 1 meter, providing a slope of 1 ° of the packages of panels during storage, for the gravity of condensate. When storing panels packed in boxes, the height of the tiers is not limited


    Provide 1 m wide passages between the stacks. Arrange passages at least every 2 stacks in the longitudinal direction and at least 25 m in the transverse direction.

    Fig. 19. Sandwich panels storage scheme

    It is prohibited:

    Storage of materials and structures outside the storage areas.

    It is prohibited to lean (lean) materials and products against fences, trees and elements of temporary and permanent structures.

    2. Large assembly sites

    Large-scale assembly sites are carried out if, due to large dimensions or weight, the structure as a whole cannot be delivered to the construction site. As a rule, large-span trusses, crane girders of industrial buildings and tall columns are subject to pre-assembly.

    It is also possible to enlarge assembly of structures into blocks (roof structures), as well as to enlarge assembly of flat reinforcing meshes into spatial frames.
    , it usually takes no more than a few minutes. [email protected] , we'll figure it out.