Mineral powder asphalt concrete organic mixes. Mineral powder. Scope of mineral powders

In our country, there are specialized companies engaged in the supply of mineral powder. Quality products are made in compliance with the strict requirements of GOST and is implemented at sufficiently competitive prices. The main thing is to contact the right company in which you can buy mineral powder. The average cost of a ton of mineral powder varies from 1000 to 1500 rubles. Large companies offer their customers inexpensive materials on affordable priceand also deliver goods.

Turning to the organization with a good reputation, you must arrange the quality of the mineral powder, as well as its advantageous cost and delivery speed. It is better to spend too much time to search for professionals, but find the most favorable conditions.

Powder for asphalt concrete

Mineral powders designed to work with asphalt concrete mixtures are stone flour or dust, which is produced by crushing dolomites and limestone. These are key fillers of bitumen mixtures, which are used in the process of building roads from asphalt.

The use of mineral powder contributes to the improvement of the main characteristics of the coating. The working material becomes more viscous, and its adhesive indicators also increase. Accordingly, the strength, corrosion and deformation stability of asphalt concrete pavements increases.

This type of product has the following marking "MP 1 mineral powder." It is actively used in building areas not only as a filler for asphalt concrete compositions, but also as a filler for roofing materials, additives in dry construction and concrete mixes.

Mineral powder may be required as:

  • additives into asphalt mixtures;
  • fillers for dry mixtures and roofing materials;
  • calcium filler in the manufacture of feed;
  • additives for concrete mixes;
  • soil deoxidizer in S / x.

Today, you can find an activated and non-activated mineral powder. To obtain products with higher characteristics in the manufacture of mineral powder add surfactant or bitumen at the rate of 1 to 1. This prevents water absorbing by particles. When activating, the powder becomes unpretentious in storage and transportation. Powder manufacturers ensure that, subject to the storage rules, the powder will be an unlimited shelf life.

Among the main consumers of the mineral powder, asphalt concrete enterprises can be distinguished, which are added to the mixture into the asphalt. Powder in this case acts as a placeholder, which improves adhesive adhesives and viscosity. Due to the adsorbing properties of the surface, the mineral powder can absorb part of the oil bitumen, adding asphalt concrete characteristics such as mechanical strength, resistance to deformation, etc. Also increases its service life and save money on operation.

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The mineral powder is finely divided mineral material, consisting of a large extent (at least 75%) of particles of less than 0.071 mm, administered to the composition of the asphalt concrete mixture in order to increase the heat and waterproofability of the bitumen, increasing the density of the mineral skeleton and increasing the mechanical strength and temperature stability of the asphalt concrete.

Construction Dictionary.

Watch what is "Mineral Powder" in other dictionaries:

    mineral powder - Mineral Powder: Material obtained by salt of rocks or solid waste industrial production. Source: GOST R 52129 2003: Mineral powder for asphalt concrete and organic mixes. Technical conditions ...

    Mineral powder - - Material obtained by salt of rocks or solid waste of industrial production. [GOST R 52129 2003] Mineral powder - finely divided mineral material, consisting of a large extent (at least 75%) of particles ... ...

    mineral activated powder - Mineral powder Activated: The material obtained by salt of rocks or solid waste of industrial production with the addition of activating substances, with a grinding of bituminous rocks, including combustible shale. Source: GOST R 52129 ... Dictionary directory terms of regulatory and technical documentation

    Mineral activated powder - - Material obtained by salt of rocks or solid waste of industrial production with the addition of activating substances, when grilled bituminous rocks, including combustible shale. [GOST R 52129 2003] Mineral Powder ... ... Encyclopedia Terms, Definitions and Explanations of Building Materials

    The material obtained by crushing limestone and the dolomites and processed during their grinding. In order to hydropobization of the surface of its particles, an activating mixture is introduced (in an amount of from 1.5 to 2.5% to the mass of the mineral powder), consisting of small ... ... Construction Dictionary

    GOST R 52129-2003: Mineral powder for asphalt concrete and organic mixes. Technical conditions - Terminology GOST R 52129 2003: Mineral powder for asphalt concrete and organic mixes. Specifications Original document: activating substances: a mixture of surface active substances (surfactant) or products containing surfactants, with bitumen ... Dictionary directory terms of regulatory and technical documentation

    Mineral powder - 2.7. Mineral powder for Schma must meet the requirements of GOST 16557 78. It is allowed to be used as a mineral powder with appropriate technical economic justification Grains from the sefs of crushing rocks smallest 0.16 mm and ... ... Dictionary directory terms of regulatory and technical documentation

    Mineral powder. - Mineral powder. Mineral powder for the preparation of hot asphalt concrete mixtures must meet the requirements of GOST 16557 78 and the requirements of clause 3.5.2. GOST 9128 84 When used as mineral powders crushed ... ... Dictionary directory terms of regulatory and technical documentation

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Mineral powder is used as one of the components of organic mixes, including asphalt concrete.

Characteristic of substance

Under the mineral powder understand the material that is obtained after grinding rocks or powdered residues of industry. SNiP and GOST is used as a normalizing document. Mineral powder complies with the requirements of the State Standard of the Russian Federation No. 52129-2003 "Mineral powder for asphalt concrete and organic-mineral mixtures".

It is made by the method of grinding the following solid rocks: dolomitized limestone, dolomites, limestone. As raw materials, necarboratory raw materials and waste industry are also used, in particular on various production.

Two types of powder are used: activated and unactivated. For the first variety of material use special activating substances. They are a mixture of surfactant with bitumen. Depending on the properties and the raw materials used, the material is divided into two stamps:

  • MP-1. These are powders of carbonate mountain and bitumenting rocks.
  • MP-2. This is a lot of powder residues on industrial plants and non-carbonate rocks.

Activation of powder

It will have better indicators if the powders included in its composition will be activated. It's easy enough to do it. For these purposes, the so-called activation of powders with a mixture of surfactants and bitumen is carried out.

The essence of the process is as follows. At the crushing stage, the raw material is processed by an activator. Between the crushed particles of the material and the activator is formed a solid connection. Thus, the surface of the powders becomes hydrophobic, and individual particles interact better with bitumen. Mineral powder is chosen from the entire composition, since it has a large specific surface area (in the area of \u200b\u200b4 thousand cm 2 / g). This is the most homogeneous component of the mixture.

Which includes activated mineral powder, has a number of benefits:

  • Increased material density.
  • Strong consistency.
  • Resistance to moisture and frost.
  • Improved crack resistance.
  • The consumption of bitumen is reduced by 15%.
  • Laying the mixture is performed at a lower temperature.

Method of receipt

Mineral powder production occurs in several stages. It all starts with the preparation of the necessary raw materials. The starting material is dried in special drying drums. If there is a high strength, it passes pre-crushing on rolls or hammer installations. In some cases, this stage is skipped.

At the same time, the preparation of activating substances occurs. Bitumen and surfactants are heated to the operating temperature. Preparing a mixture for activation. The dried raw materials and the activating mixture are taken in the right quantities and mixed in but other types of devices can be used. When the mixture is well mixed, it is sent to the grinding grinding to the necessary subtleties. After that, the finished mineral powder is sent to the accumulative bunker or to store storage.

Storage and transportation

Mineral powder is stored in silo bunkers or storage facilities. In these cases, it is necessary to periodically carry out special eventsnot allowing the material to lift. It may be aeration, pumping and other processing methods. When packing into small containers (bags), the material is stored in warehouses. During the production of powder is transported by fully closed protective covers conveyors, conveyors, screws. Pneumatic transport is used for transportation through the enterprise.

Transport powder outside the enterprise is necessary in cementoses, closed wagons (bunkers), containers. Shallow packaging bags must be multi-layered paper or polyethylene. In this case, the mineral powder is transported in simple closed freight cars.

Mineral powder is made of their carbonate rocks by fine grinding on special equipment. It is used as an additive in the production of asphalt coatings. When the product is added to the asphalt mass increases its strength, wear resistance, other characteristics are improved.

This product is the residue from crushing limestone rocks. The most common form of mineral powder is a dolomitic or stone flour. Qualitative material is a thin-proof product.

Mineral powder is used for the production of asphalt. This product gives road coating strength, makes it more dense. A product is added to asphalt mixtures to clearly regulated quantities. Introduction in a mixture of carbonate powders allows you to extend the service life of asphalt coatings.

Coatings with the addition of carbonate powder substance resistant to corrosion. Sometimes no this product Compensate for the addition of bitumen, this leads to an increase in the cost of asphalt and deterioration of its quality.

This product is used to bring bitumen to a thin film state. With the introduction of mineral powder mixtures, concrete becomes more durable, heat-resistant. In the complex with a bituminous resin, it creates a binding effect and structures the system.

The hydrophobicity of the product ensures the uniform distribution of the powder in the thickness of the bitumen. It provides a decrease in saturation with water of asphalt materials, prevents atmospheric moisture, increases the life of road surfaces.

The production of asphalt concrete is also not accustomed without carbonate powder, it fills the smallest pores, producing the effect of clogging.

The plants for the production of asphalt use two varieties of the product - with the activation of superficially active substances and without it. Activated product requires the creation of additional conditions for transportation and storage in warehouses.


This product is fine, it has a large surface area due to the small size of the particles included in its composition. Thanks to this structure, the limestone product has adsorbing properties. When adding a product in bitumen, it adsorbs it by giving the strength to asphalt coating.

Produce this product by the method of fine grinding limestone rocks and dolomite. To obtain activated powder, bitumen and surfactants are added to conventional mineral raw materials.

Specifications according to Gosta:

  1. the water content in the product does not exceed 0.5%;
  2. blowing at contact with bitumen resin does not exceed 1.8%;
  3. the number of substances insoluble in water is not rationed;
  4. the product is a bulk, dry powder without extraneous impurities;
  5. when complying with the requirement for storage and transportation, its service life is unlimited.

The standard for which the finished product is produced is applied to both activated and not activated powder. The products obtained from non-carbonate rocks GOST 51 129 - 2003 does not apply.

This powder when mixed with bitumen absorbs its large part. Thanks to this asphalt acquires the necessary characteristics. At the same time, the quality of the final material, that is, the asphalt coating, significantly increases.

This product is made according to GOST 512129-2003. The norms are regulated by the GOST data, also apply to activated powder mixtures consisting of dolomite, lime and other minerals. The standard of the standard does not apply to mineral mixtures that are obtained from necarbonate rocks.


In industry produce two varieties of the product - activated and non-activated. The use of one or another variety of raw materials is due to the requirements. technical Conditionspresented to the product. At the moment there are two brands of mineral powder - MP1 and MP-2.

Mineral powder mixtures are also obtained when recycling waste industrial industries, such as non-condense concrete, broken brick.


The product has additives of superficial active substances. These additives give water-repellent properties powder. Activated mixtures are obtained by a grinding of various fossil breeds and waste industrial production, as an additive uses surfactants.

Surfactants give the powder water-repellent properties. The use of this or that type of raw material depends on the requirements of the technical conditions that are presented to preparing the finished product. At the moment there are two brands of mineral powder -MP1 and MP-2.

Mineral powders exist different quality. To improve product quality, the so-called chemical-physical activation is produced, this type of powder is obliged to be its name for this procedure. As a result of activation, the final product appear such beneficial features As, for example, hydrophobicity, increased adhesion.


The name of this powder speaks for itself. Due to the fact that the product did not pass the activation procedure. Its quality may be somewhat worse than the activated analog. The non-activated mineral powder is produced from carbonate rocks using special crushing equipment.

Classification by brands and GOST

The non-activated material is obtained from carbonates, shredding them on crushing units. Release MP-1 powder according to GOST P52129-2003.

Application area

Mineral carbonate powders are the main component of the asphalt concrete. Due to its unique properties, this component gives asphalt desired properties, namely:

  1. strength;
  2. resistance to deformation;
  3. strong pressure resistance;
  4. elasticity.

Also adding a carbonate powder helps to extend the performance of the asphalt coating. This product has no shelf life.

Mineral mixtures are actively used in such industries as, for example, construction.

Road construction

Mineral powders are actively used in the construction of roads, for the reason that they have the ability to translate bitumen into a thin-film state, which leads to an increase in the viscosity of the asphalt concrete. Road coverings with the addition of mineral powder are more durable and serve longer.

Production of dry building mixes

The product is often used as fillers for building mixtures. Mixes with additives of carbonate powders should be applied with a thin layer.

Adding to concrete

Mineral powder has a positive effect on the properties of concrete, to some extent it enhances its fortress, resistance to deformities. The product helps to reduce moisture absorption. The quality of cement depends on the amount of carbonate powder. What is more, the cement is better and vice versa.

2.15. Activated and non-activated mineral powders are used to prepare asphalt concrete mixtures ( GOST 16557-78), obtained by grinding carbonate rocks - limestone, dolomites, dolomitized limestone, limestone-shells, etc.

In addition, powder industry waste is used as mineral powders: dust of departure of cement factories, hydrocarbons and zerothelah mixtures of thermal power plants, waste of asbociferous production, ferro dust, flotofers, etc.

Powder waste industry should not contain contaminating impurities (construction trash, soil, etc.). Indicators of the properties of crushed main metallurgical slags, screws and zolotochet blends, as well as dusting of cement plants must meet the requirements GOST 9128-84, Indicators of the properties of other powder waste - the requirements of the specifications approved in the prescribed manner.

It must be borne in mind that for many powder waste industry is characterized by an excessively high degree of grinding (specific surface area up to 6-8 thousand cm per 1 g), which causes the increased porosity of such powders and an increase in the content of bitumen in asphalt concrete mixtures.

Table 5.

View of mineral powder

Hot and warm mixes

Cold mixes of stamps

dense marks

porous and high porous brands

Activated and non-activated mineral powders from carbonate rocks

Crushed basic metallurgical and phosphoric slags

Powder waste industry

2.16. Mineral powders and powder waste by GOST 12784-78.

The choice of mineral powders of their substitutes, depending on the type and brand of mixtures, is carried out in accordance with GOST 9128-84and tab.5..

Physico-chemical activation of mineral materials

2.17. One method of improving the properties of mineral materials included in the composition of asphalt concrete mixes is their physico-chemical activation.

The essence of activation is that the process of grinding, crushing or rubbing grains of mineral material is accompanied by a mixture with a mixture with a bitumen or other activator. Between the surfactant (or activator) and the frenched mineral surface there are strong connections. As a result, the mineral hydrophilic surface turns into hydrophobic and the conditions for the interaction of it with bitumen are improved. The greatest effect is achieved in the physicochemical activation of mineral powders, since this component of the asphalt concrete mixture has the most developed specific surface area (about 4000 cm 2 / g) and is more homogeneous for chemical and mineralogical compositions.

Due to this change in the properties of the grain surface, activated mineral powders are better wetted by bitumen and are not wetted with water, are not aggregated during storage and transportation, have a reduced porosity and bitmaking.

2.18. High quality Activated, mineral powders provide the possibility of preparing asphalt concrete concrete, strength, water and frost resistance, and in some cases with increased shifting and crack resistance.

Cold asphalt concrete mixes on activated mineral powder are not joined during storage; Coatings from such mixtures are formed faster under the movement of cars.

Bitumen consumption for the preparation of such mixtures by 10-20% less than mixtures on non-activated powder.

The use of activated mineral powders allows to obtain asphalt concrete rates with the highest amount of closed pores, which causes lower water saturation at a given residual porosity and water permeability of the coating.

Preparation, laying and sealing of asphalt concrete mixtures on activated mineral powder are carried out with a decreased (compared to SNiP) by 20 ° at temperature.

Raw materials for the preparation of activated mineral powders can serve as discharges obtained after the primary or subsequent stages of crushing carbonate rocks in the production of rubble, or crushed the requirements GOST 16557-78.

The activating mixture should consist of bitumen and surfactant surfactant in the ratio indicated in GOST 16557-78. Total amount The activating mixture should be 1.5-2.5% of the mass of mineral material.

2.19. The production of activated powder includes the following processes:

drying of mineral material (raw materials) in drying drums;

heated to working temperatures bitumen and surfactant;

preparation of an activating mixture;

dosing of the dried mineral material and activating mixture;

mixing mineral material with an activating mixture in agitator of any type (preferably in paddle);

supply of mineral material combined with an activating mixture into a gross installation;

grinding mineral material to the required subtleties of grinding;

the supply of the finished activated mineral powder into accumulative bunkers or to the warehouse (silage or bunker type).

Technology system Installations for the preparation of activated mineral powder is shown on fig.1.

The set of installations for the production of activated mineral powder can also include hammer or roll crushers for pre-crushing of limestone rubble before drying. The need for them occurs if the grinding material has high strength.

2.20. To obtain activated crushed gravel, the crushing process is combined with the processing of an activating mixture. As a result of selective crushing (weak grains are largely crushed) and the processing of freshly-forming mineral surfaces with an activating mixture is obtained by a qualitatively new material, in which the grain composition is changed, the shape of grains and surface properties. The ABP must be retrofitting with special units for the preparation of an activating mixture and a hammer crusher, included in the overall technological scheme for the preparation of the asphalt concrete mixture between the dryer drum and a hot elevator.

For the physico-chemical activation of crushing products, a mixture of bitumen with Cationic surfactants is used in a ratio of 1: 5 - 1:10; The total amount of activating mixture is 1.5-2.5% of the mass of gravel.

Fig. 1. Technological installation scheme for the preparation of activated mineral powder:

1 - conveyor for filing a dropout or rubble into a cumulative bunker; 2 - cumulative bunker; 3 - the transporter for the nutrition of the dryer drum; 4 - Capacity for volumetric dosing; 5 is a drying and mixing unit; 6 - dosing tank for the activating mixture; 7 - conveyor for supplying material to a cumulative bunker; 8 - cumulative bunker; 9 - feeder; 10 - ball mill; 11 - Elevator for the finished mineral powder; 12 - Randout bunker; 13 - auger for the loading of transport equipment.

Asphalt concrete prepared with the use of activated crushed gravel has a higher heat, water and frost resistance.

2.21. The activation of natural sand is achieved by treating its lime-pulp (activator) in the process of mechanical impact in the vibration mill. Due to the change in the shape of the grains and the activation of the newly formed surfaces, the interaction of activated sands with bitumen is improved, and the asphalt concrete based on them is characterized by higher shifting and corrosion resistance.

The sand activation is equipped from the produced serial units and machines and include in the overall technological line for the preparation of asphalt concrete mixtures.