Ready focus groups. Focus - groups program. Topic guide Topic: attitudes towards the problem of "single fathers". Types of qualitative research

Man / woman in real life and in the media.

The better half of humanity.

Women in my life.

When compiling a topic guide, planning and conducting a focus group, there are five stages:

1) introduction;

2) background questions;

3) basic questions;

4) additional questions;

5) the end of the discussion.

Stage 2. Conducting a focus group

The study group at the stage of the focus group plays the role of invited participants, some of the students - the role of observers. In a real study, a group of participants consists, as a rule, of 6-8 people, selected according to special criteria.

The function of "observers" is to record (record on video tape, tape recorder, on paper) everything that happens during a group discussion.

Basic requirements that determine the order of work in a focus group:

1) the questions follow in a logical order;

2) prior to the group discussion, a confidential contact between the group and the moderator, the members of the group, is established with each other;

3) the discussion ends in a polite and logical manner. Introduction(15 minutes) - discussions:

Emphasizing the significance of the given contact;

Emphasizing the importance of the research in which the respondents will take part (serious attitude to the problem and attention to their own thoughts and feelings regarding the issue under discussion);

Emphasis on the value of each opinion;

Introducing everyone, starting with the research group;

Explanation of the presence of observers, as well as technical means (video camera, tape recorder).

Question Blocks(about 10 minutes for blocks of background and additional questions; academic hour for basic questions; the number of questions does not exceed 10, of which 5-6 are basic).

Background questions can be asked during tea drinking at the beginning of work. With their help, a relaxed, friendly environment is created. Avoid talking ahead of time on the topic of research, it is better to choose neutral topics (weather, sports, children). You should not discuss issues that will cause polarizing opinions (religion, politics, etc.) and make members of the focus group hostile to each other.

The first question of the moderator “breaks the ice”. Its result should be the conclusion that the participants can have a general comment.

The moderator narrows down the discussion, naturally moving from general to main (specific) questions. Group discussion starts with open-ended questions that provide a wide range of opinions. At the end of the discussion, the moderator asks closed-ended questions to gain information on specific issues.

Levels of structuring questions (according to R. Merton):

1. An unstructured question is aimed at making the answer as free as possible, “not asked” by a question (for example: “What did you find the most interesting in the film?”).

2. Semi-structured questions are distinguished by types. Type A is a question structured by answer, but free of stimulus (“What did you learn from this metaphor that you did not know before?”). There are also type B questions: structured by stimulus, but free by answer (“What did you think and feel when Mulan“ failed ”matchmaking?”).

3. A structured question limits both the stimulus and the response (“Are cartoons for children and adolescents effective for the development of a non-sexist view of people?”).

End of discussion(5-8 minutes): completion of the focus group presupposes the control of the asked questions from the preliminary list, thanks to the participants in the discussion.

Moderator's job: The moderator's job is to get the participants to have a frank exchange of experiences and opinions. The following issues should be considered in preparing a discussion group:

Knowledge of the text of the questions by heart for complete freedom of discussion;

The most comfortable arrangement for focus group participants;

Professional communication skills of the moderator;

The atmosphere of trust in the group;

Balance of opinions;

Attention to the "tongue";


As a rule, high demands are made on the moderator.

Necessary psychological characteristics of a moderator: good memory, ability to listen, establish contact, sincere interest towards other people, benevolence, tolerance, sense of time, excellent speech skills (both written and oral), sense of humor.

The characteristics of appearance, as a rule, include the similarity of the moderator to the group. That is, the hairstyle, clothing (and even, according to many researchers, gender) of the moderator should be as identical to the characteristics of the group members as possible.

Professional skills include high communicative competence, as well as specific skills.

So, for example, according to the data of researchers who practice focus groups in collecting information, in the process of work, the participants are inadvertently divided into the following categories: "experts" (their moderator balances out the emphasized attentive attitude to all opinions), "dominant" (the moderator "switches attention "From them to other participants:" Are there other points of view? ")," Shy "(the moderator activates them non-verbally or calls them by name, invites to answer a question) and" chatty ", that is, they speak a lot and not the essence of the problem (with them, the moderator excludes contact with his eyes, non-verbally demonstrates boredom and, at the slightest pause, transfers the initiative to other participants).

Some typical mistakes when conducting a focus group:

The table is not used, the subjects are seated in a circle, as during training;

Several microphones with tape recorders are used, the recording is made on different tape recorders, which makes it difficult to analyze the results of the group discussion;

During the discussion, several people are talking, interrupting each other, which also complicates deciphering;

There are “additional observers” in the room, which affects the quality and freedom of discussion;

The focus group participant already has experience participating in a group discussion;

A focus group participant is an expert in the issue under study;

The moderator cannot coordinate the discussion in such a way as to "neutralize" some overly active subjects;

The moderator leads the focus group in such a way that the participants can guess about his opinion on the issue under study.

Stage 3. Processing of results

Together with the moderator and the teacher, all students process the results of the group discussion. In total, 4 academic hours are allocated for the focus group and the processing of the results.

The results of the focus group are summarized and analyzed, and then presented in the form of a report.

Focus group research report.

Usually, several groups take part in the study, staffed on different grounds, however, in this lesson, the analysis of the work of only one group will be carried out.

First, the answers and opinions of the group members are grouped on each of the discussed issues on one or more sheets of paper. In the event that there are several groups, pens or pencils of different colors are used. When analyzing the statements of each group on this issue, you can use quotations that clearly and specifically express an important point of view. These quotes are included in the report as an illustration of a particular position.

In a similar way, each discussed issue is described with a note about what proportion of the group expressed this or that dimness (all, most, many, several, a little, one or two, who had a special experience or a special position) and literally write down important quotes.

The results of the report are conclusions based on the materials of the group discussion.

A sample version of the report is given in the appendix.

test questions

1. What are the concepts that are closest in content to the concept of "gender identity"?

2. What problems do researchers identify in the process of developing a person's female / male identity?

3. How do researchers explain the existing differences in hysteria-types of self-perception in social groups of women and men?

4. What psychological data can be obtained using the focus group method?

5. What difficulties do you have to overcome in the preparation and implementation of this technique?

6. How would the research results change if the qualitative composition of the groups was expanded (the principle of professional or age recruitment of groups was introduced)?

Literature on focus groups

1. Bogomolova N. N., Melnikova O. T., Folomeeva T. V.Focus groups as a qualitative method in applied socio-psychological research // Introduction to practical social psychology. - M., 1996. - pp. 281-304.

2. Bogomolova N. N., Folomeeva T.V.Focus groups as a method of socio-psychological research. - M., 1997.

3. Melnikov T.Qualitative methods in solving practical social and psychological problems // Introduction to practical social psychology. - M., 1996. - S. 265-280.

4. HolmesO.Social Marketing Manual for Community Organizations. - M., 1996.

Literature on Gender Identity

1. Ageev V. FROM.Intergroup interaction: Socio-psychological problems. - M., 1990.

2. Aleshina Yu. E., Volovy A.S.Problems of assimilation of the roles of men and women // Questions of psychology. - 1989.— No. 5.

3. Harutyunyan M. YU."Who am I?" The problem of self-determination of young men andadolescent girls // Women and social policy (gender aspect). - M., 1992.

4. BernSch.Gender Psychology. - SPb., 2001.

5. VoroninO. AND.Woman in a male society // Sociological studies. - 1982. - No. 2. - S. 43-50.

6. KaganV. E.Cognitive and emotional aspects of gender attitudes in children 3-7 years old // Questions of psychology. - 2000. - No. 2. - S. 65-69.

7. Klecina I. FROM.Gender socialization: Tutorial... - SPb., 1998.

8. Kolominsky Ya.L., Meltsas M.X. Role gender differentiation in preschoolers // Questions of psychology. —1985. - No. 3. - S. 165-171.

9. KonI. FROM.Sexual differences anddifferentiation of social roles // The ratio of biological and social. —M., 1975.

10. KonI. FROM.Child and Society - M., 1988.

11. Lunin I. I., Starovoitova G.V.Research of parental gender-role attitudes in different ethnocultural environments // Ethnic stereotypes of male and female behavior. —SPb., 1997.

12. Pavlenko V. N.Ideas about the ratio of social andpersonal identity in modern Western psychology // Questions of psychology. - 2000. - № 1. - P. 135-141.

13. Homeland N. K.On the Problem of Using Gender Analysis in Psychological Research // Questions of Psychology. - 1999. - No. 2. - P.22-28.

14. Repin T. AND.Analysis of the theory of sex-role socialization in modern Western psychology // Questions of psychology. - 1987. - No. 4.

15. Hasan V. I. Tyumeneva Yu.A.Features of assignment social norms children of different sex // Questions of psychology. - 1997. - No. 3. - P. 32-39.


An example of using the focus group method for student research: "Defloration as a psychological trauma"

Goal:study of the influence of the first sexual experience on the girl's self-perception.


The first sexual experience is perceived by most girls as a traumatic situation.

In some cases, defloration is associated with an act of violence.

As a result of the mismatch of expectations related to the first sexual experience, girls develop a feeling of self-doubt.

Defloration incest creates feelings of guilt and shame for family members and for oneself.

Gender stereotypes suppress the sexual activity of girls, making them feel addicted andsubordinate.

Methodologyresearch: semi-structured interview and focus group.

The sample - boys and girls - students of the I-IV courses of universities and secondary specialized educational institutions, a total of 32 people (16 people were interviewed; two focus groups also worked - for young andfor girls).

Focus group topic guide

Background questions

1. Has everyone finished their session?

2. What subjects did you have to take in the session?

3. Where will you spend your winter holidays?

Main questions

(Explanation of terms that will be used in the process of work.)

1. At what age, as a rule, girls decide on the first sexual contact associated with defloration?

2. Why do they make this decision (decision that defloration is possible)?

3. What difficulties can a girl face during defloration?

4. Who and how assesses the consequences of a girl's defloration? Is the girl herself free in her assessment?

5. There is a concept of "date rape". What do you know about this concept?

6. Who is responsible for date rape? Examples of answering questions in the focus group process

Question number 3: What difficulties can

to have a girl during defloration?


Young men

"Fear of pain ..."

"Fear not to please your partner ..."

"Fear of the new ..."

"The main thing is to overcome the psychological barrier ..."

"Fear of the new ..."

"Fear of inexperience, not to please the partner ..."

Defloration as Trauma: Psychological Analysis

M. Taturina, T. Kraeva, N. Vieru, A. Lavrent'eva, S. Moslov, E. Kurochkina, G. Malekova, O. Barmina (NGPU, Nizhny Novgorod)

The problem of the perception of first-sex experience is one of the poorly studied in Russian psychology. Abroad, the "discoverer" of the topic was a classic of psychoanalysis - Sigmund Freud (works "Totem andtaboo "," Totems of virginity "). In Russian psychology in the field of studying adolescent sexuality, the most famous are the works of I. S. Kon ("Strawberry on a birch tree", "Introduction to sexology", etc.).

At the moment, the subject of analysis of the process of manifestation of adolescent sexuality and defloration is the medical (biological) aspect. For example, the work of A. M. Svyadoscha "Female sexopathology". Our research focuses on the emotional experience of changes in the "physical I" of girls, on the social consequences of defloration. Our goal was to study the influence of the first sexual experience on the girl's self-perception and on the scenario of her further sexual life.

We used a semi-structured interview and focus group as a methodology. The study involved young men and women - students of the I-IV courses of universities and secondary specialized educational institutions. The sample consisted of 32 people (including 16 girls participated in interviewing, 8 boys and 8 girls took part in focus groups). The analysis of the interview went through the following stages: identification of the semantic parts, and then - the assessment of the statements and their assignment to the semantic parts.

Our work has shown that:

The first sexual experience is perceived by some of the girls as a traumatic situation that leaves an imprint on the scenario of further sexual life;

In a number of cases, defloration is associated with an act of violence, which generates aggression and distrust towards others;

Defloration incest creates feelings of guilt and shame in front of family members;

As a result of the discrepancy between the reality of the expectations associated with the first sexual experience, the girls have a feeling of deep self-doubt in the psychophysiological plan;

Gender stereotypes suppress the sexual activity of girls, making them feel dependent and subservient.

The first stage in the analysis of the research results was the study of the reasons that underlie the first sexual experience of girls.

Every third of the girls surveyed considered their virginity a burden. Such correspondents wanted to get rid of him as quickly as possible, to be like their girlfriends who had already had their first sexual experience. They wanted to feel more mature and independent.

Every third of the girls surveyed saw their first sexual experience as a continuation of a relationship with a friend. They trusted their partners and they wanted to be closer to them.

One in four of the girls surveyed received their first sexual experience as a result of violence, incest, etc.

Based on the results of the study, we identified the following scenarios for the first sexual experience:

1st scenario mutual consentboth sides. This scenario has various options: scenarios "Regret afterwards" (arises under the pressure of social stereotypes), "Acceptance of experience", "Justified expectations", "Unjustified expectations", "Overestimations as a result of the first sexual experience."

2nd scenario- the first sexual experience obtained as a result of rape.As a result of rape, resentment and mistrust towards members of the opposite sex arises.

3rd scenario- the first sexual experience obtained as a result of incest.In this scenario, we also found different emotional responses of the girls. Avoidance, conflicts with relatives, lack of trust in relatives after the first sexual experience, where incest took place, as well as feelings of inferiority, humiliation as a result of rape and incest as the first sexual experience.

Thus, the psychological state of the girl after the flotation largely depends on the conditions under which the first sexual experience was obtained and on the girl's expectations. In case of unfavorable development of events, the first sexual experience can be regarded as a psychological trauma with long-term consequences; in similar situations, girls need the help of a psychologist. If the development of events is favorable and safe for the girl, defloration, accompanied by changes in the "physical I", is experienced by the girl independently and does not require the help of a specialist.

Chapter 20

The study of gender characteristics of a person by the method of psychological self-diagnosis

I. S. Kletsina

The complex of gender characteristics of a person is a multi-factor construct, which includes gender identity, masculine and feminine personality traits, stereotypes and attitudes associated with polytypical forms and models of behavior.

Gender identity- awareness of being male or female. Gender identity - awareness of oneself bound by cultural definitions of masculinity and femininity. Arising as a result of the process of interaction "I" andothers, gender identity manifests itself as a subjective experience of the psychological interiorization of masculine or feminine traits.

"Gender identity is related to our idea of \u200b\u200bour gender: do we really feel ourselves as a man or a woman." In other words, gender identity is an aspect of self-awareness that describes a person's experience of himself as a representative of a certain gender, awareness of his gender in a social context, that is, the individual's awareness and experience of the I position in relation to specific samples or standards of sex.

Masculinity and femininity- Normative ideas about somatic, mental and behavioral properties typical for men and women. IS Kon identifies three different meanings of the concept of "masculinity".

1. Masculinity as a descriptive, descriptive category denotes a set of behavioral and mental traits, properties and characteristics that are objectively inherent in men as opposed to women.

By analogy, three meanings of the concept of "femininity" can be distinguished.

Gender stereotypes—Standardized ideas about patterns of behavior and character traits, corresponding to the concepts of "masculine" and "feminine".

Gender attitudes- subjective readiness topolytypical forms and patterns of behavior, the desire to fulfill the roles expected from an individual of a certain gender.

All gender characteristics are components of the self-concept of personality. Gender is the earliest, central and actively organizing component of the self-concept. In most people, gender identity corresponds to biological sex. An underlying gender identity sense of being either male or female brings together core gender characteristics, and a person will exhibit gender-appropriate characteristics to maintain a sense of gender. A single man or woman, even with a consistent gender identity, will often exhibit characteristics and behaviors associated with the other sex. Global gender identity, as a rule, remains unchanged throughout life, but expectations, life interests, personality traits and sex-role behavior can change. These changes are a consequence of age-related transformations and accumulated life experience.

Gender characteristics as a multifactorial construct are not always closely interrelated. Each of the gender characteristics can have its own history of development and differ in the specifics of manifestation.

Purpose of the lesson

1. To acquaint students with methods for studying the gender characteristics of a person.

2. To promote the development of students' skills in analyzing their own gender characteristics.


Texts and questionnaires for the study of gender characteristics:

1. Test of Kuhn and McPartland "Who am I?" (Appendix 1).

2. Questionnaire S. Bem (Appendix 2).

3. Leary's test (Appendix 3).

4. Questionnaire S. Bem (modified version) (Appendix 4).

5. Questionnaire "Proverbs" (Appendix 5).

6. Questionnaire "Distribution of roles in the family" (Appendix 6).

Operating procedure

This lesson is designed for 6-8 hours. The time of the lesson depends on how much attention the teacher will devote to the discussion of theoretical information. In the course of a practical lesson, students are invited, under the guidance of a teacher, to consistently fill out a set of questionnaires aimed at studying gender characteristics, and then, summarizing and analyzing the results, prepare the text of the written work "Socio-psychological portrait (gender aspect)". The main part of the lesson - preparation of a socio-psychological portrait based on the analysis of one's own gender characteristics - can be carried out as an independent extracurricular work. Stages of work in the lesson:

Stage 1.Psychological self-diagnosis.

Stage 2.Preparation of the written work "Socio-psychological portrait (gender aspect)".


Chapter 1. Qualitative and quantitative research

1 Qualitative research: concept, types

2 Quantitative research: concept, types

3 Comparative characteristics of qualitative and quantitative research

Chapter 2. Research methodology

1 Methodology for conducting focus groups

2 Methodology for conducting online surveys

Chapter 3. Practical application of methods of qualitative and quantitative research on the example of the development of positioning of a new product

1 Introduction to the situation

2 Conducting a focus group, online survey


List of references



IN modern world the most optimal is a combination of quantitative and qualitative research. Specific marketing research is characterized by a synthesis of a high degree of formalization of the research process and non-formalized, descriptive characteristics of phenomena and processes studied using qualitative assessments.

The purpose of the study will be as follows: to make sure that it is necessary to apply a synthesis of qualitative and quantitative research when developing the positioning of a new product using the example of a focus group and an online survey, respectively.

Research objectives:

get to know the concepts of qualitative and quantitative research

to consider in more detail the method and structure of using focus groups and online surveys as methods of qualitative and quantitative research, respectively

apply each of the methods in practice

Research objects: qualitative and quantitative marketing research.

Research subjects: focus group and online survey.

Study structure:

Chapter 1 will discuss the concepts of "qualitative research" and "quantitative research", describe the main types of each type of research, describe the distinctive characteristics of each method.

Chapter 2 details the methodology for conducting focus groups and online surveys, highlighting the main benefits.

Chapter 3 will be a practical part, which will give a brief description of the product to be placed on the market; the goals and objectives of these studies, their scenarios are described; presents the research results and recommendations on further strategies for bringing the product to the market.

Chapter 1. Qualitative and quantitative research

1 Qualitative research: concept, types

Qualitative research provides information that cannot be quantified or that cannot be analyzed quantitatively.

Qualitative research can answer the "how?" and why?". This type of research provides very detailed data on the behavior, opinions, attitudes and attitudes of a very small group of individuals. At the same time, the data obtained cannot be expressed quantitatively (with rare exceptions), but they give a good idea of \u200b\u200bthe mindset of consumers. Thus, qualitative research is indispensable in the development of new products, advertising campaigns, the study of the image of companies, brands and other similar tasks.

The main methods of qualitative research are:

· focus group

· in-depth interview

A focus group is a group interview conducted by a moderator in the form of a group discussion according to a pre-developed scenario with a small group of “typical” representatives of the studied part of the population, similar in basic social characteristics.

In focus groups, models of consumer behavior are studied, ideas of communication strategies and tactics, and positioning ideas are searched for.

An in-depth interview is a semi-structured personal conversation between the interviewer and the respondent in a form that encourages the latter to give detailed answers to the questions asked.

An in-depth interview involves getting detailed answers to questions from the respondent, and not filling out a formal questionnaire. Although the interviewer has a general outline for the interview, the order of the questions and their wording can vary significantly depending on what the respondent says. When using the in-depth interview method, the respondent's statements are not influenced by others (as happens, for example, in focus groups).

Protocol analysis is one of the methods of marketing research, which implies that the respondent is immersed in a certain situation related to making a decision. The respondent must verbally describe all the factors and arguments that guided him when making a decision. The protocol analysis method is used in the analysis of decisions, the adoption of which is distributed over time. In this case, the researcher collects into a single whole the decisions made at individual stages of work. This method also used in the analysis of decisions, the process of which is very short. In this case, the protocol analysis method seems to reduce the speed of decision making. When buying chewing gum, people usually don't think about that purchase. Analysis of the protocol makes it possible to understand some of the internal aspects of such purchases.

This paper will consider an example of a focus group for a qualitative marketing research in order to develop the positioning of a new product.

1.2 Quantitative research: concept, types

Quantitative research is aimed at obtaining digital information about a large number of research objects: buyers, consumers, enterprises. The main task of quantitative research is to obtain a numerical estimate of the topic under study. Such studies are used when accurate, statistically reliable quantitative data are needed.

The results of quantitative studies are statistically reliable, they can be extrapolated to the entire studied population. Research using quantitative research methods is the main tool for obtaining the necessary information for planning and decision-making in the case when the necessary hypotheses about consumer behavior have already been formed using qualitative methods.

The main types of quantitative research:

· personal interview

· online survey

· telephone interview

A personal interview is a direct communication between an interviewer and a respondent using a structured questionnaire. Lengthy interviews are usually conducted in a pre-agreed place - at the respondent's home or work, in the office of the research company. At the same time, it is often necessary to arrange in advance to conduct a personal interview with the respondent, that is, to carry out the "pre-recruitment".

The online survey method is most convenient for respondents - filling out the questionnaire takes less time, respondents can think over and weigh the answers to the questions, which has a positive effect on the quality of the collected data. All types of questions and the logic of the questionnaire are supported, including transitions depending on the respondent's answers, rotation of answer options.

A telephone interview is one of the main methods of collecting quantitative data, which involves communication between the interviewer and the respondent using a structured questionnaire by telephone.

The duration of one telephone interview, as a rule, does not exceed 10 minutes, since respondents, as a rule, are not ready to communicate for longer.

Hall test assumes direct contact of the respondent with the product, there is the possibility of testing it, as well as answers to questions from a previously prepared questionnaire.

Conducting a hall test allows you to solve various marketing problems: from evaluating the names, appearance and taste of products to identifying priority promotion concepts.

In the practical part of this study, an online survey will be presented to help develop the correct positioning for a new product.

1.3 Comparative characteristics of qualitative and quantitative research

Qualitative and quantitative research has multiple differences, which are structured in Table 1. Comparative characteristics by type of research cover topics such as “type of question”, “sample size”, degree of professionalism of interviewers, “type of analysis” and “tools used”.

Table 1

Comparative characteristicsQualitative surveyQuantitative surveyType of questionsDisputed questionsSpecifically defined questionsSampling sizeVery smallLargeOperationInterviewer must have high professional qualitiesThere are few requirements for the interviewer.Type of analysisSubjective analysis and interpretation of dataBrief and statistical methodsUsed toolsVideo equipment, graphics, and tape recorders

While there are significant differences in characteristics between qualitative and quantitative research, it should be remembered that they are not mutually exclusive, but complementary types of research. This can be confirmed by any deep marketing research, which will necessarily combine various methods of studying market phenomena and processes: both formal, based on quantitative estimates and economic and statistical calculations, and informal, using qualitative methods of analysis and attributive estimates.

In the next chapter, the methods and features of conducting qualitative and quantitative research will be discussed in detail using the example of a focus group and an online survey, respectively.

Chapter 2. Research methodology

2 Methodology for conducting focus groups

When conducting a focus group, one should not forget about 2 distinctive features of this method.

First, in contrast to quantitative research methods, a focus group provides an answer to the questions "How exactly?" and why?". And secondly, the methods of in-depth group interviews used in focus groups make it possible to "pull" information from the respondent that does not lie on the surface, showing a wide range of attitudes towards the problem.

· preparation of a scenario (topic guide) focus group;

· selection of focus group participants;

· preparation of premises and materials;

· holding a focus group;

· processing of focus group results;

· analytical description of research results

Now let's consider each of the stages in more detail.

Determination of the purpose of the focus group.

Most often, focus groups are used to achieve the following goals:

· generating ideas;

· hypothesis testing for quantitative research;

· preparation of tools for quantitative research;

· interpretation of the results of quantitative studies;

· study of the characteristics of the behavior of certain groups of people.


The optimal number of participants is from 6 to 10 people. It is this amount that is most appropriate both for obtaining sufficiently in-depth information and for a high probability of generating a large number of ideas.

The selection of participants should also be approached with great care. Frequency, volume of consumption of a certain product category or a certain type of service, income level, age and other criteria that are significant for a particular study are used as criteria for selecting focus group participants.

Men and women should not be interviewed together if

the research topic touches on intimate issues or in cases where

either men or women can influence opinion (when some are obviously more competent than others). Also, one should not take part in the same focus group with friends of the researcher or people who know each other, as it is possible to foresee the degree of influence of the researcher or their influence on each other.

Focus group script.

A focus group scenario is a set of questions to be discussed. The content of the plan is determined by the degree of focus group formalization.

The script is quite flexible, as the response of the focus group participants will adjust it. Questions are divided into thematic blocks, between which there are links. Various qualitative techniques are recommended: role-playing games, unfinished sentences, associations, metaphors, doubts about the obvious, indirect (hidden) questions, etc.

The script consists of:

· introduction,

· background questions,

· main issues

· additional questions,

· the final part.

Conducting a focus group.

The duration of the procedure varies between 1.5-3.5 hours.

You need a bright, spacious room;

Technical equipment (tape recorder, video camera)

Data analysis.

First of all, audio and video recordings are transcribed and a verbatim report is compiled, which contains the edited focus group recording, a description of the non-verbal reactions of the group members, the observations of the moderator and his assistants. It is advisable to identify the reasons and nature of differences in opinions and assessments.

The results obtained are compared with the results

similar studies are subject to peer review. This is the last stage of the focus group.

2 Methodology for conducting online surveys

Online surveys are the filling out of a questionnaire by the respondent on the Internet, which he gets access to by following a special link. This method allows you to interview respondents with Internet access at any time convenient for them. It is one of the most convenient and progressive survey types.

The following types of research are carried out using online technologies:

· internet audience research;

· conducting online surveys, mainly where the study of hard-to-reach categories of the population is required or representativeness is not required. For example, testing Web sites and researching their audience; testing of advertising materials, concepts, packaging; surveys of special target groups; expert polls; online surveys of employees or customers according to the client base.

Benefits of using an online survey:

One of the main advantages of conducting an online survey is its efficiency and almost unlimited geographic coverage. Also, one should not forget about reducing time (not wasting the time of interviewers and respondents) and money costs.

The online survey method is very convenient for respondents (respondents have time to think about the question and the answer to it, filling out takes a minimum amount of time)

Filling out the online questionnaire is carried out according to certain rules established by the creator, therefore, as a result, the data obtained is most convenient for further analysis.

Perhaps the condition of "obligatory" filling in all the questions of the questionnaire, this in turn will provide a complete picture of interests, tastes and opinions. The anonymity of the questionnaire, in turn, will add "frankness" to the research results, which, of course, will have a positive effect on the research results.

The main types of online surveys.

· online interview without prior recruitment

· online interview with a pre-recruit

In conclusion, it should be noted that such a method of quantitative marketing research, such as online survey, is a new way of collecting information from respondents for further interpretation and application for specific purposes. Due to the "novelty", the development of this method is constantly being improved thanks to advanced technologies, therefore, you can be sure that its application will give all the best results for marketing research in various fields.

Chapter 3. Practical application of methods of qualitative and quantitative research on the example of the development of positioning of a new product

1 Introduction to the situation

The practical part of my term paper will be based on a project in the discipline "Marketing Research" to bring a new product to the market.

The ultimate goal of our research is to bring a new product (toffee) to the Russian market. In this regard, the project was carried out to develop the positioning of a new product on the market.

Our company is on the market confectionery in the segment sugary in the food industry. The development of the iris market in recent years has been characterized by a rapid pace and currently has the potential for development. In Russia, the volume of the iris segment is only 1.5% (in turn, the iris market is part of the sugar market, about 14% of the total confectionery market).

Brief information about our company:

Product name and description: Toffee, combining chewy creamy shell and melting filling based on natural hazelnuts, chocolate or caramel.

Consumers: the circle of potential buyers is all Russian citizens with an average income level and above average, living mainly in megacities, interested in our product

snack lovers

those who want to relieve stress

connoisseurs of pleasure

yearning for childhood

Market volume: as of January 1, 2012 - 116 million rubles

Price: price will be determined according to brand positioning

As discussed in Chapter 1, deep marketing research should include both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Our project was no exception, therefore, below will be described a focus group as an example of a qualitative research method, and an online survey as an example of a quantitative research method.

2 Conducting a focus group, online survey

Focus group.

To develop the positioning of a new product on the market, a qualitative research method was chosen: a focus group.

The purpose of our research was to identify the positioning of a new product on the market.

· choice of product concept

· study of "dissatisfaction" of consumers with already used substitute goods

· search for desired changes in taste, properties, sizes, etc.

· attitude towards the product in general

· study of the motive of consumption

· identification of preferences regarding the place of consumption

Our focus group consisted of 6 people. The target audience for the focus group was selected young people and girls aged 18 to 23 years old, living in Moscow, students or recent graduates of universities.

The venue was a quiet, cozy cafe in the center of Moscow.

Technical equipment: video cameras and tape recorders.

Observers and assistants: 2 people who, regardless of technical equipment, made their written notes and comments in a notebook.

The focus group scenario is presented in Appendix 1.

Online survey.

An example of quantitative research is an online survey.

The purpose of the research is to confirm or disprove the data obtained during the qualitative research (focus group) regarding the development of the positioning of a new product.

When conducting an online survey, the following tasks were set:

· determination of the optimal price of a product or service

· identifying empty niches

· assessment of the compliance of an existing product with market requirements

· frequency of purchasing a similar product

· the degree of planning for the purchase of similar products

92 people took part in the online survey.

The online survey was conducted using the portal<#"justify">Choice of product concept. Bright, stylish youthful iris in

Study of “dissatisfaction” of consumers with already used substitute goods. "Sticking" of iris to the teeth ("A sweet, non-sticky lump, you can put it instead of cement at home")

Search for desired changes in flavor, properties, size, etc. Desirable softness of iris, poor packaging for competing products ("I always have difficulty getting the butterscotch out of the wrapper", "I wish the iris was always soft!")

The attitude towards the product in general. Most of the respondents love sweets, including toffee ("Oh, yes! Sweet - always, with tea, as breakfast-lunch-dinner, when I don't have time to eat ... I love toffee Kis-kis tooth extraction")

Study of the consumption motive. The motive is to enjoy the sweet.

Revealing preferences regarding the place of consumption. Mostly at home, less often on the way somewhere or visiting ("Most often at a party", "I buy a bag once every couple of weeks, stuff it in my pockets, car, house, etc. I buy it home for a month ")

Online survey.

The online survey also resulted in responses to the assigned tasks.

Determination of the optimal price for a product or service. Since the majority of respondents (55.4% and 56.5%) consider Kis-Keys and Zolotoy Klyuchik to be cheap goods, and other competing products are relatively affordable, one can count on successful pricing between cheap and affordable.

Identifying empty niches. According to the results of the survey, almost all brands in the opinion of the majority of respondents are “gender neutral”, and only Meller was considered more “masculine” by more than 25% of the survey participants. Hence, we can conclude that the niche of “female toffee” is not occupied by anyone.

Assessment of the conformity of an existing product to market requirements. The product released to the market corresponds to the level of competing products.

Frequency of purchasing a similar product. Only 6.5% of the respondents buy iris or its substitutes more often 2-3 times a week. The rest of the participants were approximately equally divided into purchases once a month, a couple of times a month and once a week.

The degree of planning to purchase similar items. Buying toffee and gummies can be planned or completely spontaneous.

Looking at the marketing research on this market, having studied in sufficient detail the competitors, potential consumers, free market niches, as a seller, I would take the following measures to implement a successful strategy for positioning a new product on the sugar products market:

at the production level, the consistency of the product should be improved (softened)

at the level of the seller - to launch cool, bright advertising, involve professional advertisers, come up with a slogan "catching on the tongue" and packaging design

possible orientation to "female" iris

at the initial stage of product release, the price should be average relative to competitors, not too expensive, so as not to scare off an unfamiliar brand, but also not too cheap (as practice shows, too cheap goods are treated with prejudice in Russia).

In general, the market is not yet filled enough, therefore, correct positioning, logical segmentation, successful marketing research, and in the future - a well-structured and well-thought-out promotion policy, should, of course, lead to the emergence of a new one in demand, successful brand butterscotch on the Russian market of sugar products.


The results of the research, which were mentioned in the main part of the course work, firstly, made it possible to dive deep enough into the topic of qualitative and quantitative research, to get acquainted in detail with such research methods as a focus group and an online survey.

Secondly, it allowed to determine the benefits of using each of the methods, focus group and online survey.

Focus group benefits:

· the psychological atmosphere of group discussions on an emotional level provokes participants to openly express their judgments;

· group processes stimulate fresh ideas and thoughts;

· the reactions and answers of the respondents are spontaneous.

Benefits of an online survey:

· tight project deadlines, reduced research budget compared to conventional methods;

· reports are available in real time via the web interface;

· more high level the openness of the respondent associated with the anonymity of the survey

· ample opportunities for demonstration of video and audio materials, as well as images.

And thirdly, the application of the obtained theoretical knowledge in the practical part of the research made it possible “face to face” to face the conduct of qualitative and quantitative research, to learn how to correctly conduct and interpret them.

In general, the choice of research methods is largely dictated by the specific situation. But, nevertheless, when conducting research, it is necessary to set the goal of obtaining the most extensive information that reveals possible changes in consumer preferences that will occur in the near future.

Information should be used in the most active way to strengthen the company's position in the market, which is largely determined by a well-thought-out communication policy, correctly using the motives of consumer behavior, based on a carefully designed marketing mix.

To obtain this kind of extended information, it is necessary to use more open questions and apply, along with quantitative methods research, other techniques for obtaining deeper and better data.

focus group online survey

List of references

Printed editions:

1.Bagiev G. Arenkov I.A. Fundamentals of marketing research: textbook. manual. - SPb .: Publishing house of UEF, 1996.132 p.

.Belanovsky S.A. "Focus group method". Publishing house "Magister", 1996, 45 p.

.Berezin I.S. Marketing research. How they do it in RUSSIA. M: Top 2011, 145 p.

.E.P. Golubkov Marketing: dictionary-reference book.-M .: Delo, 2001.-2nd ed.-440 p

.E.P. Golubkov Marketing research: theory, methodology and practice. Edition 2, M., Finpress, 2000, 56 p.

.E.P. Golubkov Marketing Basics: A Textbook. M .: Finpress, 1999, 245 p.

.Svetunkov S.G. Marketing research methods. Tutorial. - SPb: publishing house DNA, 2003, 89 p.

.Tokarev B.E. Marketing research. M .: Economist, 2005, 153 p.

Sources on the Internet:

Focus group script.

Good afternoon! My name is Polina, today I will act as the organizer of our meeting with you. I am glad to welcome you to our focus group! I want to immediately thank everyone present here today! The purpose of our meeting is to identify the peculiarities of preferences of a specific target group, that is, you, young people aged 18 to 23, living in a metropolis and representing a large part of the target audience of a specific product that we will discuss, iris. But we will return to this a little later. I would like to note that the results of this focus group are very important for our company, which means that each of your opinions, each idea will be considered and analyzed with great attention. Well, now I want to introduce you to our colleagues and assistants today, who will act as observers at our meeting with you: Dmitry and Oleg. They will help us in the process of processing information not to miss the most important and valuable. Now let's all get to know each other better!

What is your name? How old are you? Occupation? If you are still studying, what would you like to do after graduation? Who do you live with? How do you spend your free time?

Katya K. 21, student of a creative university. I would like to be engaged in directing, by profession. I live with my parents. I try to devote my free time to my studies and my personal life as much as possible, and I don’t forget about simple charms. student life: booze, parties and all things.

Angelina. 21 years old, student of the PRUE G.V. Plekhanov. I would like to try myself in advertising, I would love to get a job at an advertising agency, I think I would succeed. I live with my parents, I'm going to move and live separately. I devote my free time to sitting in a cafe with friends, family events, a loved one, and sometimes I just roll around with a volume of Baudelaire in my hands.

Anya. 21 years old, student of the PRUE G.V. Plekhanova, head of the management group (construction and repair work). I would like to open a photo studio together with the investor, now we are working on a business plan. I live with a young man. I don't have it.


years old, student of the International Finance Faculty of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. In the near future I plan to get a job and work by profession, start building a career in a large international company. I live with a young man. We spend our free time with him, chatting with our friends and attending various events. I also like to spend time with my parents with my family.

21 years old, student of Moscow state university named after M.V. Lomonosov, after receiving my diploma, I plan to work in an international furniture company. I live with my parents going to live with a young man. At the moment, there is very little free time, but when I have it I try to spend it with a young man: we go to the gym, to exhibitions, to the cinema, we communicate with friends.

Seryozha. 22 years old, graduate of the Russian State University for the Humanities. Currently an employee of Sberbank. I live with a girl. In my free time I spend time with my girlfriend and my friends.

Are you a sweet tooth? When do you prefer to eat sweets? After a meal or as a snack? Do you like candy or cake, or maybe ice cream? And if we talk about sweets, which ones do you prefer? Do you like iris?

Katya K. is not really accustomed to sweets since childhood, so not really. I love sweet things with tea. Rather, of the three, candy and ice cream. I don't like chocolate ones, more suckers and chews. I think, yes

Angelina. Not that much, I was a fat woman as a child, and therefore they did not give me much, so I got used to it. Eat and eat, then after a delicious dinner. I love everything, but in moderation! In summer ice cream, in a cafe you can have a slice of cake, and at home you can have sweets. Of the suckers, I like barberries and duchess, and also, perhaps, gummies that can be swallowed later. Yes very.

Anya. Oh yeah! Sweet - always, with tea, as breakfast-lunch-dinner, when I don't have time to eat. Chocolates, bars, chupa-chups. I love homemade pies, cakes - absolutely not. Sweets - something like truffle, prunes / cherries. Butterscotch Kis-kitty love teeth.

Catherine. I can't say that I am a sweet tooth. I probably ate chocolate as a child. However, I like to eat a cake or cake with coffee in the morning or after a meal with tea. I can eat iris occasionally, but I love it.

Regina. I - yes! Although I struggle with this in every possible way. Usually I eat something tasty after dinner, I try not to eat something sweet, like a snack. I love both, and the third! Various sweets, but I love everything. Iris, like the rest of the sweet - I love it!

Seryozha. I love sweets very much. I love chocolate. I love everything that contains chocolate. I eat sweets both after meals and as a snack, and in general I always like to eat it. I am neutral about iris.

How often do you eat toffee? Where is this happening? Do you buy home often?

Katya K. I buy home once a month.

Angelina. I don't eat too often. Most often at a party, I look for toffee in a bowl of sweets, and sometimes in a cafe, they bring not gum, but toffee, along with the bill! It is very cool. I don’t buy home, but I can put a couple in my bag “on the path”.

Anya. I buy a bag every couple of weeks, stuff it in my pockets, car, house, etc. I eat when I want to smoke (I reduce the number of cigarettes per day)

Catherine. About once a month or two, I can buy toffee at a large supermarket, or, upon seeing, eat at a party.

Regina. Usually, she appears at home thanks to my mother. I myself do not buy often. Although, once I saw in the main building of Moscow State University "kitty-kitty" and ran to buy them!

Seryozha. If a girl buys, I can eat a couple of them. But very rarely.

What associations arise with the word "iris"?

Katya K. Often come across toffee, which firmly stick to the teeth. I wish this was not the case!

Angelina. Sweet, creamy, sticks to my teeth, but I love it.

Anya. KITTY KITTY. A sweet, unstickable lump, you can build it at home instead of cement.

Catherine. Immediately imagine the "grandmother's" toffee from childhood. Sweet, sweet ..

Regina. Usually - daddy's stories about how he lost his milk teeth thanks to "kitty-kitty".

Seryozha. "Hello, a torn seal!"

What brands of iris do you know? Which one do you prefer? How does the preferred brand differ from the rest for you personally? Taste? Product quality? Bright packaging? Famous brand? Maybe it resembles a taste from childhood? Are there any substitutes for butterscotch for you specifically? Any other gummies? Or candy with a toffee-like creamy taste?

Katya K. Kis-kis, The Golden Key. I like Kis-kis more, because when you eat "Klyuchik", it seems that it is the key that you eat) at the airport they sell such suckers with a creamy taste, so they are mega cool.

Angelina. Meller, Golden Key. I love Meller most of all, he has chocolate inside. And cool commercials used to be on TV, very captivating. There are Alpenlibe sweets, they are suckers, but toffee-flavored, very tasty.

Anya. Kis-kis, Meller. Both, but kitty-kitty more often. Because I can eat a pack of Meller on the way from the store to the house, but this doesn't work with kitties. Differs in consistency (probably) viscous and difficult to chew. I don't really like gummies at all. But Mentos and Frutella are nothing.

Catherine. I love most of all the classic Meller, which can be bought almost everywhere now. I also love kis-kis since childhood. Sometimes I buy them for my trip.

Regina. Except for "kitty-kitty" I probably don't know anything. Yes, "kitty-kitty" remained a thread from childhood, which occasionally pleases when it appears at home! True, there are always difficulties in pulling out the toffee from the wrapper.

Seryozha. Meller. From gummies I know Fruttella, Mentos, Haribo.

Do you think iris is a popular product? And in your opinion, what exactly could increase the consumption of this product in general? And specifically, what would you like to change?

Katya K. I think so. I think that Russian manufacturers lack bright packaging. Specifically, I would like him not to get stuck in his teeth.

Angelina. It seems to me that not really. Now they come up with so many new sweets and sweets that they probably buy little toffee. I think we need a new brand with a cool marketing campaign, something interesting, fashionable and youthful. You need your own chip! Cool slogan and bright image. I wish the iris was always soft!

Anya. No. Competent marketing company. I don't care to be honest.

Catherine. I think that iris is a popular product right now and many people like it. In my opinion, Russian manufacturers lack "modern" packaging and memorable advertising. Personally, I do not like that toffee must be washed down with tea or water, as a last resort, so that it does not stick to the teeth so much.

Regina. I'm not sure about the popularity of iris today. Advertising and a marketing campaign will certainly help increase consumption. Probably, his "stickiness" to the teeth is the main problem, but, on the other hand, this is a plus!

Seryozha. I think it is not a popular product as there are not many of them on the market. I believe that memorable advertising, bright packaging and unusual taste can bring fame. For example, Meller became popular through his advertising.

On this issue, our focus group is coming to an end. I want to say a huge thank you to all of you, the participants! The answers were lively and interesting! I hope you enjoyed working together as much as our team members! Also many thanks to all the assistants and observers! And now memorable gifts and souvenirs for everyone! ..

Appendix 2

Online survey questionnaire.

How old are you? *

What is your family's income? *

below the average

above the average

How often do you buy gummies, gummies, toffee, etc.? *

More often 2-3 times a week

3 times a week

once a week

3 times a month

once a month

Where "planned purchase" -4 points, "spontaneous purchase" 4 points

Where "adult" -4 points, "child" 4 points

Where "simple, laconic" -4 points, "bright, memorable" 4 points

Where "affordable" -4 points, "expensive" 4 points

Where "male" -4 points, "female" 4 points

Golden Key & M`s


1. Focus group as a method of qualitative research.

2. Technology of conducting a focus group.

Basic concepts and terms

In-depth interview, group dynamics, group discussion, qualitative methods, small group, moderator, report, topic guide, focus group, focused interview.


Andreeva G.M. Social Psychology. M., 1994.S. 163-230, 265-278.

Belanovsky S.A. Focus Group Method: A Study Guide. M., 2001.

Bogomolova N.N., Folomeeva T.V. Focus groups as a method of socio-psychological research. M., 1997.

Bryantseva E.A. Focus group method in a comprehensive study. M., 1998.

Vlasova M.L. Focus group without focus // Marketer. 1999. No. 1.

Glushakova T., Gryzunova N. Qualitative research in advertising: opportunities and limitations // Practical marketing. 1997. No. 10. S. 2-4.

Gorshkov M.K., Sheregi F.E. Applied Sociology: Methodology and Methods: Textbook. M., 2009.S. 182-193.

Yu.S. Kolesnikov Applied Sociology: Textbook. Rostov-on-Don, 2001.S. 150-167.

Debus M. Qualitative methods in social research... Focus group: Study guide. Barnaul, 1995.

Devyatko I.F. Measuring attitude: the formation of a sociological paradigm // Sociological research. 1991. No. 6. S. 49-59.

Dmitrieva E.V. Focus groups in marketing and sociology. M., 1998.

Guidelines for conducting focus groups. M., 1996.

Kwale S. Research interview. M., 2003.

Kopylova S.S. Focus groups: an answer to the question "why" // Marketing and marketing research in Russia. 1996. No. 2.

Maslova O.M. Quantitative and Qualitative Sociology: Methodology and Methods (based on materials round table) // Sociology. M., 1995. No. 5-6.

Melnikova O.T. Focus groups: methods, methodology, moderation. M., 2007.

Merton R., Fiske M., Kendall P. Focused interviews. M., 1991.

Naneishvili B. Focus groups as a method of qualitative marketing research // Practical marketing. 1998. No. 8-9.

Tavokin E.P. Fundamentals of sociological research methodology: Textbook. M., 2009.S. 153-178.

Folomeeva T.V. Focus group method in the study of the Moscow audience "BBC" // Vest. Moscow un-that. Ser. 14. Psychology. 1994. No. 3. S. 45-52.

Sharkov V.I., Rodionov A.A. Sociology of mass communication. Textbook: In 2 parts. Part 1. M., 2002. S. 133-148.

V.A. Yadov Strategy and methods of qualitative data analysis // Sociology 4M. M., 1991. No. 1. S. 14-31.

Yakubovich V.B. Qualitative methods or quality of results // Sociology 4 MM, 1995. № 5-6. S. 16-28.

Internet resources - Marketing, image, advertising research. - Sociological research of advertising (Koltsova O.Yu.).

www.europexxi.kiе - Sociological support election campaign (Bashkirova E. I.)

www.F: / TEMP /! / golubkov3 / htm / -Marketing research of advertising activities (Golubkov E.P.) Analysis of consumer preferences and assessment of the impact of advertising on the image of a company, product, brand! YES! Advertising and Marketing Magazine

Qualitative research methods are usually applied in cases where the researcher does not have a sufficient level of understanding of the problem or sufficient information to conduct quantitative research. Unlike mass standardized surveys, qualitative research does not pursue the goal of obtaining the same type and comparable answers to the same set of questions.

The main qualitative research methods are focus groups and in-depth interviews. An in-depth interview is an unstructured, direct, personal interview. During the conversation, the interviewer asks the respondent's views. An individual in-depth interview is used to investigate situations when confidential topics are discussed (health, family relationships, financial issues, etc.), as well as in interviews with experts or competitors.

Variety quality research is the focus group method. The first focus group was held in November 1941, when R. Merton and P. Lazarsfeld studied the effectiveness of radio during the Second World War. In 1956, the book "Focused Interview" was published, which described the methodology for analyzing the effectiveness of propaganda and training films in the army.

The focus group method allows respondents to freely express their thoughts related to the topic of collective conversation, while in a mass survey the respondent only answers the questions asked. At the same time, a free conversation allows the respondent to recall much more facts, and a detailed analysis of the transcripts, focus group videos allows us to reveal the hidden determinants of the respondents' perception and behavior.

There are many definitions focus groups. I. Goldman (1962) gives the following definition. Focus group - a group in-depth focused interview, in which “group” means the number of interacting people united by common interests; "Deep" means the search for information more complete than that which happens at the level of interpersonal communication; “Interview” means the presence of a moderator who uses the group as a mechanism to extract information; “Focused” means that the interview is limited to a small number of questions. From this definition it follows that the specificity of this method is the production of new knowledge in a specially selected group, in the course of constant interaction of the respondents and their mutual influence during communication. In this case, the concentration of attention focuses on a specific topic.

Focus groups have taken their rightful place among other group research methods. “Unlike nominal methods, they use the principle of group dynamics; focus group participants interact with each other as in a real situation - and this affects the formation of their conclusions. In the Delphic groups, the participants are territorially disunited. Here the researcher does not direct the group processes, but only summarizes their opinion. The method of brainstorming (brainstorming) pays attention to the development of a mutually acceptable solution in a particular problem situation. "

So, the focus group method allows you to identify the interests and values, conscious and unconscious attitudes of representatives of various segments of the public; identify the most popular and accessible information and communication channels for voters; study the reaction of respondents to various messages. It allows you to obtain extensive information about public attitudes and understand the trends in the formation and functioning of public opinion.

Of course, in relation to these focus groups, one cannot talk about representativeness (this required too many focus groups, which would negate all their advantages). At the same time, it is important that, when selecting respondents in focus groups, various categories of the population that are the object of research are represented, then the data of focus groups can be effectively used to assess the situation, formulate new ideas, and put forward hypotheses. The focus group method is one of the ways to "break through" to the consumer, voter, etc. and with a high degree of accuracy to determine the nature of advertising, PR and any other impact on public opinion.

Focus groups are held at eight stages.

1. Preparation of the research program . At this stage, a brief description of the problem and the subject of research is given, a goal is set and the main tasks are described, a brief description of the information that the customer will receive is given. Target groups are identified as an object of research. The scope of the study is determined (number of focus groups, cost of work, etc.). For example, if the priorities of voters are investigated, then as main goal focus group research will advocate the definition of the most important priorities of voters at a given time in a given social space (region, city, etc.). If you need to test commercials, then you need to understand how they are perceived by a particular social group.

So, the first thing that needs to be understood in order to conduct a research is what is the common problem facing the customer, and thus before you. For example, understand how to increase the demand for a particular product in the market or develop the most effective advertising strategy, or understand how to increase the rating of a given political party in the elections. Having understood the problem, further it is necessary to formulate specific research objectives, i.e. understand how the results can be used by the client, understand the client's capabilities, develop a research budget. For example, find out what advantages and disadvantages customers see in a given product, or test commercials and understand how they are perceived by one or another group, or test commercials and understand how they are perceived by a particular group, or understand how a political party program is perceived. by different social groups.

The clearer and more specific it is for what the research is needed, the more accurately you can determine the composition of the groups and the more correct it is to draw up a guide for conducting group discussions. It is advisable, together with the customer, to put forward hypotheses that will either be confirmed during the study or refuted. Without hypotheses, you can neither determine the composition of the groups, nor write a reasonable scenario for the conduct.

2. Determination of selection criteria.The number of focus groups in one study ranges from three to ten. In practice, 3-6 focus groups are used. Moreover, each individual focus group is selected
homogeneous. There are many criteria for the selection of participants
focus groups (gender, age, social status, educational level, place
residence, etc.), therefore the distribution of respondents is carried out
in accordance with the goals and objectives of the study. For example, in
electoral sociological research as homogeneous
categories of respondents can be ordinary party members,
non-partisan voters, “target” groups, etc.

So, the composition of the group members depends on the topic under discussion and the specific objectives of the research. Based on this, the researcher plans the type of group and agrees with the client on the selection criteria - characteristics,determining the "focus" for those specific individuals who will come to the group. These characteristics are important condition successful discussions and are directly related to the research topic, therefore they need strictly observeduring dialing. Often these are demographic criteria (gender, age, income level), but sometimes the selection can be based on other characteristics. For example, the owners of expensive cars, family members responsible for purchasing household appliances, people who support one or another party in the elections, etc.

3. Selection of participants. Usually the composition of the group is selected on the basis of a filtering questionnaire, the application of which has two purposes: a) to achieve the necessary homogeneity in accordance with the selected criteria; b) prevent the entry of persons whose participation in the study will interfere with the conduct of the focus group (professional psychologists, sociologists and marketers; acquaintances of the moderator; persons who have already participated in focus groups within the last year; shy, tongue-tied, etc.) ).

The main strategies for forming groups of respondents are: 1) coverage of broad target groups, 2) coverage of active consumers, voters, etc., 3) coverage of potential consumers, voters, etc. The main techniques for selecting respondents are: random selection (by phone book, by lists of residents, etc.), filtering questionnaires, the "snowball" method, forming a special sample, etc. But if there are separate discussions with each of the hypothetical target groups, the research will be too expensive and time-consuming. In addition, processing difficulties will arise. Therefore, we should try to reduce the number of focus groups to a reasonable minimum and combine representatives of different target groups in one discussion.

The composition of one group must be homogeneous so that the participants have a common ground for discussion, so that they feel free when discussing this topic. In general, the composition of the groups is always a kind of compromise. Moreover, there is general rules,which are followed when selecting the composition of focus groups: group members should not be familiar with each other; focus group participants can not be people representing areas of activity related to information; the group should not include people with special knowledge in the issue under discussion, since their opinion cannot be considered objective.

Sample selection of participants

Recruiting focus group participants should be done by a recruiter, an employee who knows how to get in touch with people and build trust with them. At the same time, he should not just recruit those who agree to come, but expose potential participants targeted selectionaccording to characteristics that are determined by the researcher and the client. These characteristics are communicated to the recruiter before he starts recruiting.

Here is a sample “timetable” for focus groups with the characteristics of the participants for each focus group:

Group discussions for testing product "X"

Requires 8 groups, of which:

Two with women who are the main buyers in the family and have purchased item "X" in the last month: 18-24 years old - Monday, June 11 at 7.30 pm and 25-39 years old - Tuesday, June 12 at 7.30 pm

Two with men who make a number of family purchases and have purchased item "X" in the past month: 18-24 years old on Tuesday June 12 at 6:00 pm and 25-39 years old on Monday June 11 at 6:00 pm

Two with teenagers who know product "X" and have used it in the last month: 14-17 years old - Tuesday, June 12 at 4.30 pm and 14-17 years old - Wednesday, June 13 at 4.30 pm

Two mixed groups of people who have not bought X in the last month. Shopping habits do not matter for these two groups: 18-24 years old - Wednesday, June 13 at 6:00 pm and 25-39 years old - Wednesday, June 13 at 8:00 pm

Each group should consist of 8-10 respondents. Groups will be held in our premises at: address indicated

Each discussion will take about an hour and a half. The remuneration will be X rubles for adults and X rubles for teenagers.

The role of the recruiter is to select members for a specific group according to specific requirements. After the recruiter has obtained the group's characteristics (and filtering criteria), they should think about how to find the people they want. There are several ways to do this: recruit people at random addresses or phone numbers, use address banks and respondents that are in the organization that regularly conducts public opinion polls.

4. Preparation of the premises and the necessary equipment. Effective focus groups are held in specially equipped rooms. The main room should be large enough to accommodate up to 10-15 people, including the moderator and his assistants, as well as the technician. The room should be free from distracting things and extraneous noise. It is necessary to prepare a TV, tape recorder, audio and video recording devices, which will be required for demonstration of videos, etc. Typically, focus group participants sit in a circle to see each other and the moderator. It is advisable to provide for the participants of the focus group a coffee break, gifts or cash rewards.

5. Development of a topic guide. The moderator leads the focus group according to a specific plan, which includes a summary of the focus group questions. 5-10 questions are brought up for discussion. Moreover, they should be the same for all focus groups. A guide is a scenario for conducting focus group discussions, as a rule, it is a list of topics, questions that should be disclosed during the discussion, as well as a description of those methods and techniques that will help to respond to a problem and provide the necessary information.

The presenter's plan is divided into several parts: the presenter's presentation (name, independent researcher, etc.), an explanation of the essence of the research and the basic rules of the focus group work (such and such a research center conducts a study of the perception of a given party by the electoral corps), presentation of the participants (name , place of work, place of residence), discussion (detailed discussion of each issue, problem), demonstration of materials (posters, brochures, etc.), videos, packages, etc. in order to identify the views of the participants.

General requirements to the topic guide: setting the framework for the discussion, defining the range of issues directly or indirectly related to the main topic of discussion. Focus group discussions are based on open-ended questions. In this case, the order of questions should be such that there is a sequence from more general to specific, and from more important to less important. Questions can be basic, guiding ("why ..."), checking or clarifying (returning focus groups to the topic under discussion), questions in an impersonal formulation (when discussing sensitive topics), factual (allowing to clarify facts and details), unrelated to discussion to organize the work of the group).

The guide should start with a general acquaintance (introduction) and “warming up” the group: the leader should introduce himself, introduce people, explain what will happen in the group and ask everyone to say a few words about themselves. The most important thing at the beginning of the discussion is to ensure that people relax, stop being ashamed of each other and the moderator, and begin to freely express their opinions. The moderator should get a first impression of the participants in order to know how to lead the group in the future.

Sample Focus Group Plan

(Marketing research project for the study of perception

shampoo "X" by the Russian consumer)

Introduction (5-10 minutes)

Objectives of the group discussion, rules for conducting and participating in it.

Acquaintance of the participants.

Main part (80 minutes)

Target group information

1. Purpose: to study the degree of importance of hair care for women and the means used for this (15 minutes)

What does it take to look feminine?

What is most important for you personally in the appearance of a woman (makeup, clothes, gait, hairstyle) and why?

Does the hairstyle affect your self-confidence and self-esteem?

What do you think is "beautiful hair"?

What types of hair can you name?

What hair care products do you currently use?

Do you use conditioner for your hair? Why?

What shampoos do you use?

How long have you been using this shampoo?

How many times a week do you wash your hair?

2. Objective: To identify (if available) and explore the differences between hair care products for men, women and children (10 minutes).

Do you buy one shampoo for the whole family or different shampoos for all family members? Why?

What shampoo would you buy or buy for a man?

Are there special hair care products for men? Are they needed or not? Why?

How do you think men's shampoos differ from other shampoos?

Is there a need for special shampoos for children or not? Why? Awareness of the target group about hair care products (shampoos).

Purpose: to study the state of the shampoo market in Russia and the awareness of the target group about it (10 minutes).

Method. Ask focus group participants to name the brands of shampoo they know and write these names on a large piece of paper or on a chalkboard. After you have named 15-20 different brands of shampoos, ask them to group them, and write down the names of the groups received.

What shampoos do you know? Please name.

Are all the above shampoos different? If yes, what are the criteria?

What are the criteria for choosing a shampoo?

Ideal shampoo

Aim to study the expectations of the target group for hair care products (shampoos) (10 minutes).

Method. List the qualities of the ideal shampoo that respondents listed on a large piece of paper or chalkboard.

What, in your opinion, should be the ideal shampoo (list the qualities)?

What should the hair look like after shampooing?

Method. Give respondents retail pictures or magazine photos and ask them to choose the pictures they think best illustrate the ideal shampoo. (Moreover, for each focus group, the same set of pictures and photographs should be prepared). The moderator pastes the selected pictures on a large sheet of paper and asks the respondents to describe the resulting collage.

What can you call the resulting collage?

What mood does this collage create?

Testing videos.

Objective: to study the reaction of the target group to the advertising video for shampoo "X" and the proposed slogan (15-20 minutes)Method. Show of the commercial for the shampoo "X".

General perception of the video.

Did you get better or did not like the shown video? Why?

What do you remember the most? What fragments? Why?

What mood does this video create?

What fragments of the shown video create such a mood?

Would you like to buy this shampoo?

Perception of the main idea.

(If the respondent answers “Sell a product / brand” or “Create an advertisement for a product / brand,” the moderator should ask another question).

In addition to all of the above, what is the main idea behind the advertising video about the advertised product?

What qualities of this shampoo did you learn from this video?

Is there something incomprehensible in this video?

Advantages and disadvantages of the video.

What caused you unpleasant associations and did not like the video?

Do you like or dislike the faces shown?

Did the main characters of the commercial look natural or unnatural?

Music perception.

Did you like the musical accompaniment of the video or not? Does the music fit or not fit this ad? Why?

Expressed wishes for changing the video.

What would you like to change in this video to improve it?

The audience and broadcast channels of this video.

Who, in your opinion, will enjoy this video the most and why?

After showing the videos, ask the focus group participants to compare them and name the ones they liked most.

Testing slogans (mottos).

Does this slogan reflect the main advantage of the advertised shampoo?

Does this slogan catch your eye? If so, what exactly?

What is best remembered for this slogan?

What are the main, in your opinion, the qualities and advantages of the shampoo remained unaffected in this slogan (motto)? What would you suggest as a slogan?

What is your favorite slogan and why?

Conclusion (5-10 minutes)

What, in your opinion, is very important that we did not say or discuss today?

What did you find most interesting and important?

Thank you for your participation.

Direct discussion (70-100 minutes)

Focus groups are not only more effective than individual interviews, but at the same time they are a cheaper method, since they do not require a large staff of interviewers. In a focus group, the moderator manages to simulate a real situation (a conversation between customers in a store, a dispute between adherents of different parties, etc.), which provides additional information.

From the point of view of K. Bogoslovskaya, today the following areas of application of focus groups in the Russian Federation can be distinguished: consumer product research, image research, media audience research, advertising research, political research and research on social issues.

Focus groups are widely used for advertising testing. Advertising product research falls into two groups: pre-test and post-test. The first testing method is used to assess the effectiveness of advertising impact at the stage of creating an advertising product. Such a study allows us to understand how clear a creative idea, scenario, slogan are, how they affect the image of a product or service, and what associations they cause in consumers. The second research method is carried out in relation to finished advertising products (labels, posters, videos, etc.), but before "launching to the masses." A similar technique is also used in the case of adaptation of foreign advertising products to the domestic market for goods or services.

The focus group method, and first of all, is used for the development and testing of questionnaires, on which mass surveys will be conducted in the future. For example, if the researcher is tasked with identifying the point of view of specialists in a certain field about the state of demand for a certain type of product (about the attitude to social institutions etc.), then before the final formulation of the relevant questionnaire, a focus group is preliminary conducted, where the details of future conversations or interviews are clarified.

The use of the focus group method is especially effective for identifying the optimal image of a particular subject of political life, for choosing the most appropriate form of propaganda of one or another idea, etc. For example, during the presidency of R. Reagan, his numerous speeches were first tested in focus groups. At the same time, the composition of the focus groups reflected the demographic composition of the future audience. All presidential speeches were aired after changes were made to the text and nature of the speech.

Thus, the focus group method allows “to reveal the difference in the understanding of a problem, event, life phenomena by certain groups of people. The group discussion method is widely used in applied marketing research, in the study of consumer demand, reactions to advertising, attitudes towards politicians, etc. This method, in a sense, combines quantitative and qualitative approaches, since groups must knowingly represent some kind of community. "

Here example advertising support for the construction business based on focus groups. The respondents for focus groups on the construction technology market are often heads of large and medium-sized private russian enterpriseshaving experience in the acquisition and use of roofing systems of various types, both as individuals and legal entities (with the involvement of designers and architects and without them). In our case, the first focus group consisted of 8 people, representatives of small and medium-sized businesses from 6 Russian regions (one of the respondents was a designer of the Development-Yug SIC, Krasnodar): Moscow and the Moscow Region, Arkhangelsk and St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk , Krasnodar and Rostov, Ulyanovsk, Irkutsk. The composition of the second focus group is 12 people, representatives of small and medium-sized businesses from Moscow, the Moscow region (7 respondents are private developers, 3 used the services of architects and designers at the design stage). Gender - male.

Revealed results.

Focus group 1. The main group of respondents (5 respondents) drew attention to option No. 1, which was associated primarily with a difficult household appliances, when providing additional details - with a snowflake, with a pipe section in which the letter "U" is spelled out.

Focus group 2.A successful compositional solution, the first letter of the logo, but poor elaboration of color options was noted. Overall - a positive perception (7 respondents). Attention was drawn to some connection between the logo and weather conditions - the “snowflake” (3 respondents), the ventilation system (2 respondents) and, possibly, with roofing systems.

Focus group 1.Option No. 2 was named the emblem of the environmental organization (4 respondents), when providing additional details - the section of the pipe.

Focus group 2.A successful compositional solution was noted, but "misleading associations" (3 respondents). Note: in both cases, respondents (5 reviews in total) drew attention to the inadmissibility of writing the company name with a small letter.

Focus group 1.Option No. 3 caused persistent rejection among 7 respondents ("falling and thorny window"), when providing additional information, no associations with roofing systems followed.

Focus group 2.The composition was named “unsuccessful” and “rough” (3 respondents). The rest of the respondents expressed a generally negative attitude towards the text, which was not associated with roofing systems even after the introduction of additional information.

Focus group 1.Option No. 4 was associated “rather with a sports theme” (5 respondents).

Focus group 2.The logo and typefaces were associated with “plumbing equipment” and “tourism business” (4 and 6 respondents, respectively).

Focus group 1.Option 5 reminded the respondents of the emblem of fashionable clothes, with the introduction of additional information there was no association with roofing systems.

Focus group 2. Various associations - military equipment, military clothing (3 respondents), sports equipment (2 respondents), paints and varnishes (2 respondents). There was no association with roofing systems both before and after additional information on the company was received.

As for the advertising materials proposed for the analysis, in general, the greatest interest among the respondents (this opinion was expressed by 15 respondents from both focus groups) was caused by the advertising "texture-roof-scales", which accurately and clearly informed about the type and quality of the promoted product associated with a "living" organism that requires a "human warm attitude." The smallest - a variant of the corporate identity “options with a house” associated with drugs (5 respondents each); a house of cards that lacks stability (4 respondents in the first focus group and 5 respondents in the second). The variant "eggs-feathers" rather resembled products that help the consumer to "comfortably and warmly" settle down, hide from "blizzards and adversity" (3 respondents of the first focus group, 4 respondents of the second focus group), however, it was noted (3 respondents first focus groups and 2 second focus groups) that the pen is “very free”, “flies - where the wind is taking”.

Conclusion: it is obvious that advertising to the end consumer and the professional (designer-architect) should be different. This conclusion is also confirmed by the association (the same respondent from the Moscow region) caused by the corporate nature of advertising, which greatly facilitates (in his opinion) the choice of necessary roofing systems and building materials. In other words, advertising in the Stroitelnye Materialy magazine (February 2002) evokes an association of a company that “has everything” for a professional. The rest of the respondents did not find such a vision of the issue. Thus, according to the respondents, the most successful elements of the corporate identity are options that emphasize the non-standard and flexible solutions provided by Unicma, but at the same time require a new color filling, more associated with roofing and similar roofing and heat-insulating materials. The name "Unicma" should be written with a capital letter, and the letter itself should exactly repeat the letter wrapped in the logo (all this fact was noted by 11 respondents when using leading questions). The company's advertising is perceived positively, but the inconsistency in the use of the corporate color scheme contributes to some loss of recognition (silver walls, red walls of a house, blue roof, red roof, red and silver lettering of the corporate name, presence and absence of shadows in letters naming the company name). There was inconsistency in the presence of other brands appearing in advertisements (different number and sequence of partner companies, etc.)

Despite the obvious attempt by the firm to position itself as a roofing company, the overwhelming majority of respondents (13) did not confirm this thesis. Alternatively, an opinion was expressed about the company's activities in the field of ventilation works and plumbing: if you remove the words "roofing systems", then the colors in the advertising text ("Building materials", February 2002) give rise to just such associations. To enhance consumer loyalty this brand requires, along with visual uniformity and color recognition, to pay special attention to the advertising motto, which should "unfold" into a familiar and beloved "picture". In general, against the background of competitors, advertising looks, but is not readable. The advertising block - one gets the impression - is not finalized or is in the process of reforming.

The most acceptable option for writing a company logo is to recognize option No. 1, taking into account the comments and wishes expressed: the spelling of the corporate name and the logo must be made in the same style, color and font scale, i.e. with uniform curvatures, color bonds. Perhaps, along with the "snowflake" and the "rain" should be included in the corporate identity canvas, we are talking about all-weather conditions. Only 5 respondents paid attention to this position - 4 “southerners” and 1 “northerner”.

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