What will happen to the technology. Photo facts. Residents of Barnaul lined up for household appliances. What will happen to prices? It will be possible to go to the concert of Nirvana or the "Kino" group

Photo: Columbia Pictures

Self-driving cars must solve several problems at once: reduce accidents, restore humanity to the time it takes to drive, and allow motorists to drink on Fridays. The development of such machines is currently engaged in Google - it has even been tested in real street traffic. Technological obstacles stand in the way of progress (on the freeway, Google test cars feel great, but city streets are more difficult for them), and the law: the authorities are not yet eager to let such cars on public roads.

Sergey Maltsev

cEO of RoboCV
“Now there are two areas of development that can lead in the future to unmanned vehicles on our roads. The first is the driver's assistant, who automates some of the operations like driving in a traffic jam and parking. Over time, this technology can evolve to full control of the machine. The second direction is technologies for movement in closed areas like industrial facilities. There people are instructed, the processes are clearly set up and the movement is much easier to organize. These technologies, too, can later emerge from closed spaces onto public roads. We are now dealing with the second direction, because there is already a market for it and it is possible to sell a product. "

The Internet will work even in the wild jungle

Photo: plus.google.com/+ProjectLoon

Photo: Microsoft

Kinect and Leap Motion technologies already know how to recognize gestures using cameras. And the yet unreleased MYO bracelet offers to read the electrical activity of the muscles of the hands. Smartphones, meanwhile, are acquiring special processors that monitor their own position in space (Moto X, iPhone 5S). Technology, which once replaced the real world with a virtual one, is now exploring itself with might and main physical properties bodies around them.

Konstantin Zhukov

Oriense IT Director
“I believe that gesture control will not become ubiquitous and will continue to be used mainly for games. But the technologies behind gesture control are promising and have many uses in other areas. The introduction of the Kinect has revolutionized computer vision. Kinect has become actively used in robotics, augmented reality, as well as to help people with disabilities... For example, we use a similar sensor in a device for helping the blind, and colleagues from IS2you - in an intelligent cart that accompanies a person in a wheelchair. "

Sex will be done from a distance

Photo: realtouchinteractive.com

Devices for remote enjoyment are on sale now: Realtouch and Fundawear transmit hand touch. And this is just the beginning - it is likely that in the future these same technologies will allow the transmission of tactile sensations (and then, for example, smells) throughout the body. And it will be really interesting if virtual reality is connected to this business: thanks to the ongoing development of the Oculus Rift helmet, it ceases to be “that useless thing from the 90s”.

Olga Miloradova

“Already in modern society, teenagers, and many adults, find it increasingly difficult to establish contacts in real world, and more and more often, dating and romantic relationships are tied up in social networks, on dating sites - in general, on the Internet. If we are talking about healthy people, then most often these acquaintances are nevertheless transferred to real life... Because a person still needs real tactile contact, smells, tastes of another person and, undoubtedly, sex. Imagine that only nascent gadgets that imitate sex will reach much greater heights. Coupled with the increasing autism of children and the fact that people find it increasingly difficult to easily touch each other or make eye contact, this all leads to the fact that living relationships will suffer the same fate that will soon await paper books. People tend to avoid difficulties, so much easier: perfect sex without leaving your home. Already now, many have much more stormy relationships in online correspondence, it remains only to solve the problem of conception. However, is this a problem? A courier robot delivering sperm to your home? "

Lunch will be 3D printed

Photo: www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003dBIFi8but3Vw

With the sensational nutritional formula Soylent, supposedly replacing all the food a person needs, everything is unclear: no serious studies have yet appeared to confirm or deny its effectiveness. However, experiments with food are not limited to this: for example, they are trying to make food using 3D printers - Choc Edge printers that print chocolate are already available on the Internet. If you imagine that a universal nutritional mixture does exist, then it can just be refueled in such printers - in combination with the necessary flavors and dyes, you can end up with at least strawberries with a salmon flavor. And recently, the first hamburger was eaten from artificial, grown from stem cells, meat (although it still costs so much more than an apartment in Moscow).

Nikolay Kukushkin

“I'm sure Soylent or other 'meal replacements' will become much more mainstream and popular - but only as an alternative to sandwiches and chocolate bars. We are still very far from the possibility of a complete replacement of the diet without harming our health. "Right food" is too much complex concept... It may seem that we know almost everything about her, but this impression is deceiving - humanity has already fallen for this bait, and more than once. The scientific community has high hopes for artificial meat - first of all, as an alternative to modern industrialized livestock farming, which creates a huge number of real and potential problems for the environment. It is possible that in the next ten years this technology will develop very strongly - but in order to contribute to the food market, there is little worthy of taste and low prices. A major change in the consumer's mentality is needed, and this may take more than one decade. "

You no longer need to charge gadgets from an outlet

Photo: Nokia

Formally, wireless charging still exists: you put your phone on the charging surface. But on trips you need to take this entire surface with you. But there are other solutions - for example, a woman's purse has already been invented, in which the phone is always automatically charged using the recently invented tissue battery powered by solar energy. Over time, the range of wireless charging will increase, they will be installed in cafes and public spaces, and the battery life itself will become longer - and you can forget about the problem of a battery that always runs out.

Dmitry Lopatin

co-founder of Wira Energy
“The convenience of wireless charging isn't just about eliminating wires. It is also important that it is easy to make it anti-vandal and install in places public use (sockets are covered with chewing gum, and it is not always safe to place them outdoors). However, the wireless charging of the leading Qi standard has a range of 2 cm - the phone must lie on the mat, while when charging with a wire, we can use the phone. Therefore, although Qi will be distributed in the next 2-3 years, more long-range systems may enter the market in the future. Our company focused on two directions: in one, the range is up to 2 meters, and the transmission is carried out with a low-power directional beam at Wi-Fi frequencies, in the other, the range is up to 30 cm and NFC frequencies are used. In addition to gadgets, there are two other areas where this technology is relevant: electric vehicles and medicine. Implants are becoming more widespread and require secure wireless charging to power them. "

It will be possible to go to the concert of Nirvana or the "Kino" group

Photo: Fotobank / Getty Images

In 2005, Gorillaz made a splash with their holographic performance at the MTV Europe Music Awards; in 2010, the Japanese virtual singer Hatsune Miku appeared on the stage in the form of a hologram (another concert embodiment for her, in general, is impossible). But the real sensation was the performance at the Coachella festival in 2012 by the rapper Tupac, who was killed in 1996. The technology is already there, it remains only to deal with the rights and you can collect the 1969 Woodstock.

Photo: www.flickr.com/photos/ [email protected]

Already today, Advanced Arm Dynamics is installing functional bionic arms for patients instead of conventional prostheses, which, for example, can be used to type on a keyboard. There are similar developments in the area of \u200b\u200bthe eyes: theoretically, even after a complete loss of vision, it will be possible to see a digital picture. Bionic arms and legs still lack two-way communication - not only to receive commands from the brain, but also to send tactile, painful, temperature and muscle responses to it. However, this barrier has almost been overcome by scientists at the University of Chicago. If artificial bodies become more organic, it will make healthy people think about upgrading.

Nikolay Kukushkin

“Sending commands to muscles is, in principle, quite simple: we are talking about a small amount of muscles and a few bits of information per second. It is much more difficult with feedback, without which it is extremely difficult to control the bionic limb. It is much more difficult to understand exactly how sensitive signals are distributed in the brain and how we can artificially cause them. But neurobiology is developing explosively today, both from a fundamental and from a practical point of view. It is quite possible that in ten years we will be able to decipher, if not all, then the main connections between neurons - for something like this this year the European Community has allocated as much as two billion euros. If we succeed in doing this, then the fundamental barriers to the transformation of people into cyborgs will be removed. "

December in 2014 turned out to be not just nervous, but some kind of explosive, every next day more and more heated the atmosphere, increasing rumors, fears and uncertainty about the future. What will the course be, how much will the equipment cost tomorrow, how will sellers and buyers behave?Such a concentration of events and market fluctuations led to the fact that the heads of many of the world's largest companies visited Moscow in November-December. We tried to talk to everyone. Almost everyone willingly shared with us their views on what was happening. Coincidentally or not, but the most outspoken were Italian manufacturers household appliances... Their balanced view of the problem, deep understanding of the ongoing processes allowed us to go through this period of time more calmly and look ahead with a certain optimism.

Interviewed by Galina SIZIKOVA.

Paolo LIOI, General Manager for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Whirlpool.

Marco FALASKETTI, Marketing Director of Indesit Company in Russia.

Marco GARBULIA, Marketing Director of Elica in Russia.

Kirill BURMISTROV, Head of Marketing at Faber.

Daniel MARTINETS, Director of Business Development at Smeg.

Tatiana PECHALINA, Head of Marketing at Candy HooverGroup.

Ilya KOMARTSOV, Director of Zigmund & Shtain.

Vladimir ELISEEV, director of the wholesale department at Mie.


BT: What are the results of 2014 in your company: did you manage to implement all the plans? Does the volume of sales of equipment in the Russian Federation correspond to the expected volume?

P. LIOY, Whirlpool: Globally, the year ended positively for the corporation around the world. In North America, Whirlpool has traditionally been the # 1 brand in the large appliance category. In Europe, the situation is somewhat different for us, the competition is tougher, nevertheless, positions in the TOP-3 have been retained. In Russia, compared to last year, we see an increase in sales. Of course, this does not mean that we have achieved all our goals. But overall, the year went well. As before, we focus on the quality and functionality of our products, for which the buyer appreciates our brand.

M. GARBULIA, Elica: 2014 was not an easy year for the market, which underwent key changes not without the participation of geopolitical events, which certainly influenced the companies that import 100% of their products. Anyway, it was a very interesting year for Elica in Russia. We have a team with new business ideas, which have already allowed us to achieve positive results, despite the period of instability experienced by the market.

K. BURMISTROV, Faber: At the moment, we can say that we have implemented almost all the plans that were outlined. Sales volumes differ slightly from our expectations at the beginning of the year. But, firstly, forecasts very rarely coincide with the real situation by 100%. And secondly, the result is different for the better.

M. FALASKETTI, Indesit: 2014 was a transitional stage for us. We have become part of a large corporation - Whirlpool, which undoubtedly opens up new opportunities for us and, in our opinion, will strengthen our position in the market. The company has undergone some organizational changes, and throughout the year we worked to maintain the profitability of the business, which was under attack due to the unstable economic situation. We achieved our goal and maintained our leading position. Today we are already ready for a large-scale launch of new products in 2015. Their development was another ambitious task, which, we think, we have completed "perfectly." We are proud of our work and are confident in the success of our new products in the coming year.

T. PECHALINA, Candy: In general, we can say that this year was not bad for us. In some segments there are slight difficulties, but we are working on them. Considering that the market for large household appliances in general shows negative dynamics, our results against this background allow us to make optimistic forecasts for next year.

I. KOMARTSOV, Zigmund & Shtain: We managed to implement most of the tasks. The assortment has been significantly supplemented and expanded, becoming more modern. We expect the full effect of this work in 2015. Several more interesting projects in certain categories of equipment are on the way.

D. MARTINETS, Smeg: Given the circumstances presented, we are generally happy with the way things are going. Of course, not everything that has been planned has been implemented, but the results are positive. Sometimes we had to change our plans due to changes in the market situation, especially with regard to sales in regions where it became more difficult to work. There is a certain slowdown in growth rates, but in Moscow our sales have grown significantly.

V. YELISEEV, Mie: We have not yet summed up the final results for the year, but on the whole I can say that they are positive. Firstly, we have significantly expanded our product line, as planned last year. Secondly, we have made improvements in the models of equipment that have been on sale for a long time, and have expanded the network of service centers. Today, our appliances can be seen in almost all large chain stores of household appliances, and they are presented in a wider range compared to previous years. This year we opened three MIE branded stores, and the pre-crisis plans were to open ten more stores next year. The sales volume in 2014 generally met our hopes, which cannot be said about the exchange rates.

BT: Did the prices for equipment change significantly this year and how did this affect its sales?

T. PECHALINA, Candy: Yes, we adjusted prices, but not much. We always try to be in the middle price segment with a price index of 100%.

K. BURMISTROV, Faber: The prices for our products, of course, have changed throughout the year. I would like to note that not only upward. For some of the models, we managed to reduce prices due to production optimization and the use of new materials. On average, the prices in euros for our equipment for the current year have increased by 4%. This change did not have a negative effect on sales, which allowed us to achieve our goals.

M. FALASKETTI, Indesit: The pricing is certainly highly dependent on the economic situation in the country. Due to the instability of the exchange rate, we raised prices throughout the year - to a lesser extent for local production, and to a greater extent - for imported products.

D. MARTINETS, Smeg: As for prices, we have them in euros, so, of course, the price tag in rubles depends on the exchange rate.

P. LIOI, Whirlpool: As a rule, we define our pricing policy once a year, but in 2014, and this was the same for most players in the market, the price tag was updated several times. The prime cost of our products by 60-70% depends on what is produced outside the Russian market, because all of them (except for microwave ovens) are assembled in Europe. Therefore, in conditions of volatility and volatility of the exchange rate, we must be more flexible and able to quickly respond to changes in the external environment.

I. KOMARTSOV, Zigmund & Shtain: Prices change in accordance with the euro exchange rate, because we are a European company with a purchasing activity abroad and are forced to follow changes in exchange rates.

V. ELISEEV, Mie: We sell Italian equipment, and Italy is the European Union. Of course, the growth of the euro cannot but affect the price of our equipment.


BT: Which equipment from your assortment was in high demand this year?

What is the reason for this, in your opinion?

T. PECHALINA, Candy: The built-in appliances sold well. This year we have expanded the model range, improved distribution and made a competent price positioning. And also this market segment is showing growth. Washing machines showed negative dynamics at the beginning of the year, but thanks to our efforts, since August we can observe growth in this segment as well. Sales of vacuum cleaners that we manufacture under the Hoover brand also showed a good result.

P. LIOI, Whirlpool: There are three product segments that have seen strong sales growth this year. The first category is washing machines top-loaded, where we are the traditional global market leader. The second large segment for which demand is growing in the industry as a whole is built-in appliances. And the third segment of Whirlpool products, which sells well in Russia, is a solution for small apartments and young families - compact front-loading washing machines.

K. BURMISTROV, Faber: Considering that our company produces only kitchen hoods, it is not difficult to answer your question. If we go a little deeper into the details, then the most popular were built-in models in the middle price segment. This is due to both the general interest of consumers in built-in household appliances and the fact that we offer really interesting solutions for integration into kitchen furniture at an affordable price.

M. GARBULIA, Elica: The best selling products are still built-in hoods, which are mainly intended for kitchen manufacturers. The icon of the Elica range hood is undoubtedly popular, but other design novelties do not go unnoticed. Sales volumes of products of low and medium price categories have achieved good results this year, sales of premium segment hoods, in turn, remain stable.

M. FALASKETTI, Indesit: The balance of sales has been preserved among all categories of equipment without serious hesitation. The only thing worth mentioning separately is about new series washing machines Indesit Innex. The novelty quickly gained recognition both among our partners and among buyers. We were able to achieve amazing results, exceeding the sales targets for this line of washing machines, even without any advertising investments.

D. MARTINETS, Smeg: This year the market for built-in appliances has grown in general, and not only in our country, but sales of freestanding washing machines, refrigerators and dishwashers have decreased. Our strong point has always been and remains - retro-style equipment. Russians especially love this style, as it allows you to create a truly cozy kitchen. In addition, our devices are well combined with each other in color, style, fittings. The choice is great. For example, our popular retro-style refrigerators can be matched with built-in or free-standing appliances so that you get a single ensemble of the set of items you need.

I. KOMARTSOV, Zigmund & Shtain: Firstly, this is a 45 cm wide line of "slimline", which we specialize in. We are known as a serious player in this segment. In addition, our line of "classics" has a number of unique positions, respectively, is extremely in demand. Next year, we expect a surge in demand for other new products that we are introducing at the end of the year.

V. ELISEEV, Mie: We have three clear sales leaders in each product category. Among steamers, this is definitely MIE Deluxe, the next "successful" model I would call a vacuum cleaner with an aquafilter and separator MIE Ecologico. Among the ironing systems I would like to highlight the MIE Milano. I cannot call it a hit, after all, this is not a product for the general consumer, but in the luxury segment Milano is indeed a very popular ironing system. Demand for multifunctional products has sharply increased. Nowadays, everyone is more willing to buy a steamer with a steam cleaner and steam generator function than just a steamer and a steam cleaner separately. I think this is connected not only with the crisis, although the purchase of a multifunctional device will cost much less than two devices separately. Saving space in the apartment and unwillingness to spend a lot of time searching and buying affects here.


BT: Have your company's plans for the next year been adjusted during 2014? Do you plan to present at russian market new items next year? What price group will they be in?

M. FALASKETTI, Indesit: We are planning a major product update in the Hotpoint-Ariston line of washing machines and refrigerators with the No Frost system. Our company will present innovative products with an updated design and a set of unique characteristics. We believe this will strengthen the brand image. It is worth noting that the Indesit brand will also introduce new products in the refrigeration category next year.

K. BURMISTROV, Faber: Of course, our plans were adjusted. The situation not only in the world, but also in the consumer goods market is changing quite rapidly. We must correspond to the ongoing changes. Next year doesn't promise to be easy. Only active work, including on yourself, can lead to success even in the most difficult conditions. We presented new items this year and are going to launch new models next year. Since our assortment includes all price categories of products, from budget models to premium ones, new items will be presented equally in all categories.

T. PECHALINA, Candy: Yes, we are planning. There will be many new products. In addition to the usual models of appliances, next year we plan to sell a new line of large household appliances with the ability to control via Wi-Fi. This is exactly a complete line, and not one model - a washing machine, dishwasher, oven, hob, extractor hood, refrigerator. That is, all the appliances in the kitchen can be controlled remotely. At the same time, the price for these models will be in the middle segment, and, accordingly, the equipment will be available to everyone.

D. MARTINETS, Smeg: We are planning to present a number of new products, some of which we have already shown at the FURNITURE-2014 exhibition, which took place at the Expocentre in November. Our new models represent not only a retro style, but also a slightly different concept: they fit into lighter kitchens compared to the baroque style - in kitchens that are more of a Victorian style. And the technique will therefore be more voluminous. At the same time, in almost all series we will offer our customers new compact devices. In March we will present our 45 and 60 cm wide wine coolers with classic aesthetics. Side-by-side refrigerators with two and four doors, 70 and 90 cm wide, will also be on sale.Our small premium appliances are planned to enter the market in April: kettles, blenders, etc. will be added to the toasters already on sale planetary mixers.

I. KOMARTSOV, Zigmund & Shtain: We are a flexible company and do not make rigid plans. There is a general line that we follow in adjusting to the market. Our strategy has always been adaptive, unlike clumsy monsters. We plan to present novelties both in the mass segment for conquering the market, given the not very good market situation, and in the “boutique” segment, which is native to us and shows the level of brand “advancement”.

P. LIOI, Whirlpool: Yes, we are planning a number of new products: an updated line of built-in appliances, a fundamentally new range of refrigerators, as well as the next generation of washers and dryers. In addition, since December 2014, the Indesit and Hotpoint-Ariston brands have been owned by Whirlpool. We are now legally one company, although in 2015 the new products of all these brands will be present on store shelves, which means that the buyer will find the right solution for himself at the right price and functionality.

M. GARBULIA, Elica: In April this year, Elica presented a completely new range of products on the occasion of the Eurocucina exhibition. Today we work in Russia with three catalogs, one of which is presented only in the kitchen segment. It contains all the products in the Premium line. This approach is the best way to control the distribution system and maintain a stable margin for our partners.

Elica is already actively working on re-styling its product range for next year. The decorative hood segment continues to grow, primarily in the mid-low price category. We plan to present new models both under the JetAir brand and under the Elica brand. And for the first time in Russia, Elica will launch on sale new induction cooktops for the kitchen, which will be connected to kitchen hoods through the Wi-Fi system. These products will contribute to a significant expansion of the company's field of activity and are designed exclusively for the premium segment of consumers.

V. ELISEEV, Mie: Now everyone who sells foreign products on the Russian market has taken a wait-and-see attitude. And we are no exception. Some plans may have to be postponed, but it is too early to talk about it. If the purchasing power of Russians continues to fall, we will have to expand the model range in the middle segment, but if the market stabilizes, we will remain true to our long-standing strategy and continue to increase the range in all promising areas with an emphasis on premium class.


BT: At the moment, where are sales more active: in Moscow and St. Petersburg or in the regions? Do you feel the drop in purchasing power among the population?

P. LIOI, Whirlpool: For the last 20 years, the Russian market has been developing in a sinusoidal manner, but nevertheless it is growing every year by an average of 10-15%, the dynamics are positive. Of course, Moscow and St. Petersburg are the engines of growth, but the consumer is equally important for us everywhere: both in the center and in the regions of the Russian Federation. And if we talk about the purchasing power of Russians in the current situation, then we understand that the overall positive trend may change. But we are optimistic about the future, thanks in part to the acquisition of Indesit.

M. GARBULIA, Elica: Moscow and St. Petersburg are undoubtedly the key ones, here there are clients not only with higher purchasing power than in the regions, but also with constantly changing tastes and preferences. Nevertheless, Russia is not only Moscow and cities with a population of over one million. Elica invests in agent and distribution networks through which we are represented in the regions. But this task is not an easy one, in particular, during the period of fluctuations in demand, which is observed in the market.

K. BURMISTROV, Faber: Moscow and St. Petersburg are still in the first place. At the same time, in some regions, a tendency towards an increase in the share of sales is noticeable. For example, the southern federal district may soon become, if not the first, then the top three. No, there is no decline in the purchasing power of the population. On the contrary, people began to spend more. This is due to various factors, from the seasonality of demand to the high volatility of the ruble exchange rate. It won't last long, and purchasing power will decline next year, but it's too early to talk about it yet.

M. FALASKETTI, Indesit: On average, the purchasing power of the population is the same throughout the country. Russian consumers are demanding and, as a rule, give their preference to modern and high-tech products, and, of course, there is an obvious trend towards the development of sales in big cities, but there is a good indicator in the regions as well. The structure of our company allows us to cover the entire territory of Russia. If we talk about a decrease in purchasing power, then, as you understand, it very much depends on the situation in the economy. Separately, I would like to say about the growth trend of online sales. We pay special attention to this, in our opinion, an attractive distribution channel.

D. MARTINETS, Smeg: Our main task is not large sales volumes, but careful selection of partners. It is important for us that the partners with the quality of their services correspond to the quality of the brand, present our goods well and understand our pricing policy well. This applies not only to furniture showrooms, but also to boutiques and chain stores. We also open our mono-brand stores. They are already operating in St. Petersburg, Makhachkala and Syktyvkar. The plans are to open such outlets in other cities.

T. PECHALINA, Сandy: Moscow and St. Petersburg - a large share in sales. But people also buy in the regions. Especially now online sales are growing strongly in the regions. Due to the current economic situation, many are trying to spend money to avoid depreciation.

I. KOMARTSOV, Zigmund & Shtain: Of course, we do not live on another planet and we receive “reports from the front” every day. feedback from clients and news from partners. Therefore, we are well aware of what is happening in our market and understand what we will have to work with in the near future. We are represented in almost all regions of the Russian Federation, as well as in Belarus and Kazakhstan, so fluctuations in demand in one of the regions are covered by opposite waves in other regions. In fact, Russia is a set of local markets with its own rules of the game and factors influencing the market, therefore, if the territory is completely covered, the risk is reduced.

V. ELISEEV, Mie: Moscow is still in the lead, but every year the regions are increasingly showing interest in our technology. As a result, we have already opened a number of branded stores in the regions. As for the second question, the dilemma is that with the growth of foreign currencies, the wages of our consumers in rubles remain the same and, accordingly, their purchasing power does not correlate with these changes in the market. The decline in sales is already felt in comparison with last year, but it is difficult to call it a disaster. I think that those who need our equipment will buy it anyway, especially since tomorrow it will be even more expensive.


BT: Do you plan to raise prices for your products? What will be the growth? Could it happen that technology will become "beyond the means" for the majority of Russians?

P. LIOI, Whirlpool: Again, as for all market participants, a lot now rests on the cost of production and the dynamics of exchange rates. Therefore, objectively, in the current situation, price adjustment occurs more often than it was before, under more stable external conditions. But now all manufacturers of equipment are in this position. We are all in the same boat, including our customers. Just like them, every day we open news and look at exchange rates. Nevertheless, we are confident that Russian consumers will always be able to find in our assortment a solution that they can “afford”.

T. PECHALINA, Candy: We plan to be in the market. Positioning Candy is the middle price segment, so in any case, we will be with a price index of 100%. Most likely, the average price of equipment on the market will increase and the prices for our products will rise. But, despite this, our models will always be "affordable" for most Russians.

M. FALASKETTI, Indesit: Yes, now all suppliers are increasing prices for products and, starting in January, it will become noticeable for end customers. In general, this difficult moment opens up interesting opportunities and prospects for us. The Indesit brand will be able to offer the best price in the market while ensuring high quality standards, and Hotpoint-Ariston will offer the most advanced design solutions and the latest technology, but definitely at very competitive prices.

M. GARBULIA, Elica: The Elica company in Russia has always set prices in rubles, so it will remain so, despite the instability of the ruble against the euro. Over the past 12 months, the ruble has weakened significantly against the European currency, but at the same time we have changed our prices once and only minimally. Currently, we plan to increase prices in December 2014 - January 2015, but we are not talking about monthly price changes to cover the depreciation of the ruble.

K. BURMISTROV, Faber: Like most manufacturers, the cost of our products is significantly affected by the euro exchange rate. Therefore, it will definitely be necessary to raise prices. For our part, we will try to minimize this increase so that it does not scare consumers away. It is difficult to imagine such a situation when the equipment is not “affordable” for the majority of Russians. The advantage of a wide assortment is precisely that a buyer with any income level can choose an option that suits his pocket and suits him functionally and aesthetically.

D. MARTINETS, Smeg: The price in rubles depends on the euro exchange rate in the Russian Federation. As for the development itself, we are definitely not going to reduce the cost of technology, on the contrary, we want to make it more technological and premium. For example, most of our ovens will have a Pizza function.

Our strategy is to go up and produce premium equipment. Therefore, we add a variety of accessories to our new models of household appliances and increase their functionality, ensuring, of course, an excellent appearance.

I. KOMARTSOV, Zigmund & Shtain: As already mentioned, in the event of a weakening ruble, we are forced to raise prices to ensure uninterrupted supplies. Everything will depend on exchange rates. If they fall against the ruble, then the prices for our equipment will go down. The household appliances market is related to both the real estate market and the kitchen furniture market. We see the situation in these markets and we can predict what we will face in the near future. Of course, a decrease in demand is possible, but it will never drop to zero. The market does not die completely, so there is always an opportunity to fight for your place on it, convincing the buyer.

V. ELISEEV, Mie: Yes, we are forced to raise prices for products, but we are trying to minimize this growth by optimizing our work. As I said, we will adapt to the consumer capabilities of our customers, with our mobility it will not be so difficult.


BT: Are you going to expand / open production in Russia in order to minimize costs?

P. LIOI, Whirlpool: Next year we will be ready to talk about the localization of production. There are such plans, but we are not disclosing them yet. In addition to this, as I said, the acquisition of Indesit automatically gives us the localization of production in Russia, ready-made operating plants.

M. FALASKETTI, Indesit: Now is not the best time to invest, especially in production capacity, since the market for household appliances is likely to shrink in 2015. But, perhaps, it will be relevant to talk about this in the future.

T. PECHALINA, Candy: We have own production washing machines and refrigerators price Kirov | That's enough for now.

M. GARBULIA, Elica: At the moment, Elica sells in Russia hoods made by our factories in Italy, Germany, Poland and China. We do not plan to change our production structure, but we do not exclude the possibility of cooperation with local enterprises for special categories of products.

K. BURMISTROV, Faber: Faber factories are located in eight countries on three continents. We are not planning to expand production now. Cost minimization in our company occurs through the use of new materials and new production technologies.

D. MARTINETS, Smeg: We have no plans to open our own production in Russia. Made in Italy is our distinctive feature, our credo. We received offers, for example, to produce washing machines in Russia, but we did not dare. Although both in China and in the Russian Federation it is possible to produce quality goods, and in these countries many manufacturers make quality equipment, but we did not change the place of production.

I. KOMARTSOV, Zigmund & Shtain: Local production (as well as production in general) does not always mean cost minimization. To do this, there are other ways to do best deal On the market. Therefore, in the near future we are considering russian production only in the category of kitchen sinks, the project for which started recently.

V. ELISEEV, Mie: We are exclusively a trading company. If manufacturers of high-quality modern ironing equipment appear in Russia, we will be happy to consider the possibility of cooperation with them.


BT: Do you think 2015 will be an easier and more fruitful year in business terms than 2014, or will we face more difficult times?

T. PECHALINA, Candy: 2015 will definitely not be easier. The KBT market will not grow, except for certain segments. Accordingly, efforts will have to be made in order to maintain positions, and even more so to improve them. We will work on this next year.

M. GARBULIA, Elica: It is difficult to make any predictions now. Of course, we expect a decrease in market demand in the first half of the next year, but it will recover by the second half. Obviously, a lot will depend on the economic situation in the country. 2014 was a year of great change for Elica. Positive feedback from our customers gives us hope that 2015 will not only reinforce them, but also increase them.

K. BURMISTROV, Faber: As they say, times are always difficult, and 2015 will not be an exception. Given the slowdown in economic growth and the challenging business political environment, next year will be more challenging. But the fruitfulness directly depends on our work with you. It is possible to work fruitlessly in greenhouse conditions. Difficulties, in turn, push you to more active work, which ultimately leads to a positive result.

M. FALASKETTI, Indesit: 2015 will be a difficult year for all manufacturers of household appliances. I do not remember easy times in this industry, usually every year is characterized by certain difficulties and challenges. However, as already mentioned, we believe that the main opportunities open up precisely during a crisis, and exclusively for those who know how to act correctly and react quickly.

P. LIOI, Whirlpool: It will certainly be a difficult and poorly predictable year for the market as a whole. But the complex macroeconomic environment is the same for all competitors. If we do a good job and offer solutions that are the best in terms of their functional and technical indicators, they will definitely find their buyer. In each of our new line-ups, we are sure to show new technological capabilities - not only the findings of marketers (which in itself is secondary), but the best-in-class functionality and build quality. All of our products, scheduled for 2015, feature more advanced technology than previous generations. For more than a hundred years of existence in the market, having gone through different times and crises, Whirlpool has consistently relied on itself and its strengths. This is probably why we always look to the future with optimism, as we try to create the necessary prerequisites for it today.

D. MARTINETS, Smeg: Of course, we want and hope that the company's sales plans will be fulfilled and the market situation will be favorable.

I. KOMARTSOV, Zigmund & Shtain: Everything speaks of difficulties. But we are not afraid of them; this is far from the first crisis we are experiencing, so we know what we need to do. In addition, the Chinese character for "crisis" has two meanings, the second of which means "opportunity." A crisis is always a time for re-evaluating tactical and strategic plans and looking for new development opportunities, which we are going to do in the near future. Speed \u200b\u200bof reaction to change and adaptability are now at the forefront of achieving success.

V. ELISEEV, Mie: It does not depend on us, but now we can say that this year will hardly be easy. You need to be optimistic and believe that there is a silver lining. Difficulties make us stronger and make us work better and more efficiently.

Google Glass is a smart glasses from the search giant. They became available back in mid-2014. The only reason this technology still hasn't become popular is the price. If you want to buy smart glasses from Google, you have to spend $ 1,500.

But don't discount smart glasses. Once upon a time, not everyone could afford cell phones either. Titans like Microsoft and Sony are working on their devices. This means that in the near future you will be able to watch videos of cats during your morning run.

Automation is one of the main tasks that modern technologies solve. While most of the processes are automatic these days, we have to do some manually. For example, add information to your phone contact list. You probably won't have to do this yourself soon.

RelateIQ is already working on technology that will create a contact based on information about your current contact list, mailbox, messages. In the end, all you need to do is name the person. All information will appear on your phone.

3. Wearable electronics

Smart glasses and watches are devices that connect us to the outside world. But there are also technologies that connect us to our body. Large scientific institutes, corporations and small companies are engaged in their development. We are talking about headphones that measure heart rate, lenses that track blood sugar levels, and with NFC technology.

As soon as developers can make such gadgets available, the market will be filled with various implants that will read important information in real time and display it on the same smart glasses.

4. Smart home

This technology has already become a reality. Refrigerators tell you which foods are running low, and the oven can be controlled using your smartphone.

In the future, the oven will learn to reheat food while you drive home, and the refrigerator will order the food itself. At this time, you will be able to focus on more important matters.

5. Virtual reality

Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and PlayStation VR are all-new gaming experiences. Of course, science fiction writers have been flirting with the theme for a long time, but who seriously thought about it?

Game publishers and developers are spending multi-million dollar budgets to bring us new VR experiences. VR devices have room to grow: they are cumbersome and wired, but a start has been made. Soon we will be able to go anywhere in the world without leaving home.

6. Holographic images

Remember the holographic interfaces in Star Wars and Minority Report? Now this technology no longer seems to be something fantastic.

The scope of holographic projections is not limited to games and media. Imagine contact lenses that project an image onto the retina. People with vision problems will be able to see better without surgery.

7. Neurointerface

A semblance of a neurointerface has long existed and is successfully used in medicine. Quadriplegics - people with complete paralysis of the body - talk using a neurointerface using a computer.

Of course, the technology is far from perfect. However, with the development of neurotechnology, a paralyzed person will be able to return to society and live a full life.

Food delivery using one-stop service

The globalization of the Internet has reached incredible proportions. You can get access to the Internet almost anywhere in the world, and if the large-scale project of Elon Musk is successful, the Internet will be available everywhere.

Unsurprisingly, services like Uber are popping up. This is a taxi that you can call in almost any country using mobile application... More recently, Uber has also taken up food delivery. There will be even more universal services soon.

9. Digital distribution

The world is changing rapidly. Some 15 years ago, we could not have imagined that we would no longer have to keep stacks of discs with music, films and games at home. Steam and online cinemas have replaced our shopping trip. Instead of a new album of your favorite band, it is easier to buy a subscription to a music service at a similar price and get access to the entire discography.

Of course, digital distribution has not reached its climax, and many continue to use physical media, but such people are becoming less and less.

10. Robots

Robotics has made great strides over the past 10 years. Of course, more than a dozen years will pass before the appearance of terminators, but machines capable of shouldering heavy and monotonous work on their titanium shoulders will appear in the near future. For example, thanks to Boston Dynamics.

Solar panels are an environmentally friendly source of renewable energy

In the next 30 years, we will almost certainly move completely from fossil fuels to renewables. Oil and gas will eventually run out, but solar and wind energy will not. In addition, solar panels are much more environmentally friendly.

Israel has already tested a road that will charge an electric car while driving. Apple this year patented a technology that will allow you to charge your smartphone over Wi-Fi. If engineers are unable to create batteries that are large enough, then they have to make sure that they do not discharge at all.

Constantly growing volumes of Internet traffic set the pace of development mobile networks... Messengers, video calls, 4K video and streaming services require new data transfer technologies, so the emergence of 5G internet is inevitable in the near future.

14. Artificial intelligence

It’s just a matter of time before it’s complete. This will be a turning point in the development of human civilization, after which the world will change forever.

In fact, artificial intelligence no longer seems to be something out of reach, especially with the rapid pace of development of neural networks. Machine learning has already reached high level and is capable of many things, including writing scripts, books and songs.

Of course, the programs don't work as well as we would like, but the neural network is a great example that we are moving in the right direction.

15. Graphene

In 2004, the first graphene sheet was released. Since then, scientists have been trying to find a way to mass produce the material.

Graphene is a versatile material with exceptional properties. It can be used in almost all areas of our life. High-speed data transfer, water filters and even an unbreakable smartphone body are all graphene. When the production of this material is put on stream, we will have another industrial revolution.

Unbelievable, but true, the emergence of smartphones was predicted back in the 70s of the last century; in 1982, the impact of the Internet on everyday life was assessed as “colossal”. Such correct predictions belong to an expert in globalization issues and a comprehensive assessment of the coming changes Ray Hammond - a world famous futurologist. Within the project “Experience Intel. Look Inside ”Ray explained how our lives will change over the next 20 years.

People find it difficult to find words for the names of things that they will use in decades. For example, the "projector" was originally referred to as "magic lantern", and "refrigerator" - "ice box". However, this does not interfere with predicting and anticipating the very essence of technologies, as well as what opportunities will be available to people with the invention of new devices, because the main thing is inside, and not outside, both in humans and in gadgets.

Hammond sees the foreseeable future within the framework of several megatrends that radically affect human life:

Global population growth (from 7 to 9 billion)

"How do we feed and water so many people?" - the scientist asks. And then he offers a solution: “There is enough food for everyone, because its production will become low-cost and efficient.” Also, according to the futurologist, earthlings use ordinary seawater to meet their needs, creating numerous high-capacity desalination plants.

Renewable energy sources

The wind and the sun will share with us their inexhaustible energy to provide humanity with electricity. By the end of the 21st century, such methods of obtaining energy will prevail over the existing ones.


The word, which is perceived with caution by many, according to Ray's forecast, will significantly reduce the threat of terrorism and violence on Earth. Sounds unusual. Let's try to figure it out.

One of the components of globalism is education - more and more quality and more affordable lately. It is thanks to him that people can live a full and high-quality life, creating better conditions for the future of their children. As a result, there will be a dramatic decrease in the number of poor people, as well as wars and unrest.

The main idea is that progressive humanity should take care of countries isolated from the world community today, such as Africa and North Korea... According to Ray, the inclusion of these countries in the global life process will make life on the planet safe and comfortable for everyone, and this is the main mission developed countries... Otherwise, there will be exiled countries in the world acting like Samoli.

Health care

Then the speaker moved on to the topic of health, which is relevant at all times. Ray is one of the few people on Earth today who have their DNA genome decoded. Truly a man from the future. In his opinion, medicine in the coming decades will become individual, responding to the needs of each individual person. Stem cells, genome sequencing, and nano-medicine will soon have a say in increasing lifespan. People who are now 20-30 years old, Hammond believes, thanks to innovative technologies, will live 30 years longer than they think.


The development of microprocessors used in many electronic devices around us is characterized by periodic doubling of their performance. However, if until recently it doubled every 2 years, now the process takes less than 12 months. This means that robots, by which Ray means various technical gadgets, can already do the work much faster, more accurately and more efficiently for which a person spent so much time and energy. Is there a limit to such perfection and what will such a singularity lead to? Nobody knows this yet. However, answering the question of what will become the familiar to everyone by 2030 mobile phone or smartphone, the scientist pointed to his ear. What for? It is there that the chip will be located, which will not only act as a phone, an organizer, it will become a kind of World Brain (Google, as it is called now), which will be a person's best friend, always ready to help, prompt, call and fulfill almost any desire of the owner ... The profession of a translator may well sink into oblivion, because Maria (as Hammond called the chip after his wife) will be able to translate from any language in real time. Just imagine how the boundaries and possibilities will expand for each homo sapiens. One glance at a person will be enough to find out almost all the information about him.

In 20 years they will succeed in solving many problems of humanity, but they will not be able to surpass people in the categories of creativity and intelligence.

Not a single house, office, production can do without household appliances; it has firmly taken its place in people's lives. Naturally, it has its own lifespan, and sooner or later, your favorite refrigerator or TV becomes unusable. Economic experts constantly monitor market trends, not only in our country, but throughout the world, since the ratio of exports and imports affects the formation of prices. Appliance spending is not a priority, but it is just as important to a comfortable life. There is a wide range of equipment on the market that helps to save time for rest, family, work, favorite hobby, of course, many are interested in how affordable household appliances will be next year.

Market situation: trends

Market analysis shows that the rise in prices for household appliances is more or less stable, annually it is about 15%. For 2018, some experts predict a 20% price increase, and many factors can affect this. First of all, do not forget that the ruble is still not stable, exchange rate differences significantly affect the cost of household appliances.

The dollar also makes its own adjustments to the work of a domestic manufacturer that purchases various parts abroad. Many experts believe that the dollar in 2018 may rise again to the level of 70 - 80 rubles, there are also more pessimistic forecasts that the price will exceed the mark of 100 rubles. In such a situation, there is no point in talking about a decline in prices, they will not just rise, but rush upward at great speed.

Sellers and manufacturers will never work at a loss, trying not only to return the investment, but also to make a profit from it. At the same time, the purchasing power of the population will not increase, wages will remain at the same level, demand will fall, prices will creep up. Although analysts disagree on this issue, it is quite possible that 2018 will be a turning point, and the real income of the population will still increase, if nothing catastrophic happens.

How will the prices for household appliances change in 2018?

According to experts, the price of household appliances will rise unevenly. First of all, a significant increase in cost is expected for small appliances, laptops, cameras, telephones, microwave ovens, mixers, steamers, and so on. For larger equipment, prices will rise gradually, so that consumers will not notice much difference, such products include: washing machines, refrigerators, gas stoves, freezers, etc. ...

Influence of external factors

Sales experience shows that people are reluctant to purchase large equipment, trying to extend the service life of the existing one. It is assumed that there will be quite acceptable prices on the market, due to the goods remaining in warehouses, purchased at old prices, to influence the seller in this issue difficult, because some take advantage of the jump in prices, and increase them even for old goods.

The price of household appliances is constantly growing, but it is very difficult to predict the exact percentage even for professionals, within a short period of time there can be a sharp jump both upward and downward, and only at the end of the year, one wonders how much the prices have changed.

Buy now or wait? Household appliances price forecast for 2018

Many consumers are afraid that the cost of household appliances may rise significantly and they will not be able to purchase the necessary appliance for their home, so they try to study the market in advance. The experts draw some conclusions, but the sellers are completely different. Most hypermarkets selling small and large household appliances believe that you should not be intimidated by price increases in 2018, since it will be quite insignificant, not even exceeding 10%.

This is due to the fact that the warehouses are filled with goods bought before the rise in price of the dollar, it is they who will help stabilize prices in general and not hit the consumers' pockets hard. This forecast is relevant for technology that does not become obsolete quickly, there is no need for its constant improvement, and even in a couple of years it will be relevant.