Presentation on the topic: "You have not seen such books yet! What is a flipbook? Flipbook is a new book series in a revolutionary format. For the first time in Russia! The books of this series are distinguished by their high." Download for free and without registration. Books in flipbook format will disappear from the book

WHAT IS A FLIPBOOK? FLIPBOOK is a new book series in a revolutionary format. For the first time in Russia! Books in this series are distinguished by high ergonomics, stylish design and the finest paper of excellent quality. The flipbook is much lighter and smaller than the pocketbook! Thanks to fine, but not translucent paper of excellent quality, even the most voluminous works can now be read anytime, anywhere! We have collected in a series the best that is in world and Russian literature, only the most famous and demanded works! Very soon you will be able to see for yourself: 20 flipbooks are released in November at once!

WHAT IS A FLIPBOOK? * Over a million flipbooks sold in Holland! Now you can try a unique novelty of the book market. Read convenient, compact and beautiful books at home, on public transport and outdoors! FLIPBOOK book, convenient for flipping. Flipbook format 80x118 mm, i.e. it is even smaller than a regular e-book. The books are printed on the thinnest rice paper, and therefore are practically weightless! Therefore, you can even hold a flipbook and turn pages with one hand!

WAIT IN NOVEMBER! Release Date ISBN Format Pages November x108 / 64, soft 432 RAY BRADBURY "Dandelion Wine" Annotation: Enter the light world of a twelve-year-old boy and live with him one summer filled with joyful and sad, mysterious and disturbing events; summer, when amazing discoveries are made every day, the main of which is you are alive, you breathe, you feel! "Dandelion Wine" by Ray Bradbury is a classic that entered the golden fund of world literature. “Bradbury's long life is filled with creativity, like a hive of honey. He teaches us love and shows us miracles. Those who are destined to fall in love will recognize each other by him. Parents pass it on to their children. Children to their children. " Russian magazine

WAIT IN NOVEMBER! Release date ISBN Page format November x108 / 64, soft 432 RAY BRADBURY "The Martian Chronicles" Abstract: Do you want to conquer Mars, this strange changeable world inhabited by mysterious, elusive inhabitants and not so kind to people? Go for it. But just get ready to fully drink the cup of regrets and longings of longing for the green planet Earth, on which your heart will forever remain. Ray Bradbury's cycle of amazing Martian stories is a classic that entered the golden fund of world literature. Science fiction is the architecture of our dreams, and our books will inspire our next generations of dreamers. R. Bradbury

WAIT IN NOVEMBER! Release date ISBN Page format November x108 / 64, soft 648 GUY DE MOPASSANT "Dear friend" Abstract: "Dear friend" is the story of an ambitious, but quite ordinary young man, Georges Duroy, who makes a dizzying career thanks to his cute appearance and his only talent - the talent to seduce women ... Three themes that are invariably relevant in literature - money, sex and power - against the background of the socio-political life of France during the Third Republic. He reached for tenderness like an abandoned child, frowning and embarrassed. He believed that love is not only lust, but also sacrifice, and hidden joy, and the poetry of this world. K. Paustovsky about Guy de Maupassant

WAIT IN NOVEMBER! Release Date ISBN Page Format November x108 / 64, soft 360 DANIEL GLUTTOWER "The best remedy for the north wind" Abstract: Emmy and Leo's Internet correspondence is a masterly and witty story of a chance meeting of two loneliness on the net. There are no breaks in their emails. Their thoughts rush to the monitor in an irresistible stream and turn into the text of the book. Their dialogue is spontaneous, full of energy, life and emotions. But will the feelings of the heroes withstand the meeting in real life? After all, the north wind is blowing right in their faces ... "The best remedy for the north wind" by Daniel Glattauer is a brilliant life-affirming novel in letters that immediately became a bestseller and brought the author worldwide fame. In Austria alone, the circulation of the book exceeded 850 thousand copies. The novel has been translated into 32 languages \u200b\u200band is read in Europe, America and Asia. Glattower does not say anything fundamentally new, he just builds a beautiful and slightly sad story, which will certainly be able to remind the reader that there is always a place for romance in the life of any person.

WAIT IN NOVEMBER! Release Date ISBN Page Format November x108 / 64, soft 360 By JEROME D. SALINGER "The Catcher in the Rye" Annotation: A classic writer, a mystery writer, at the height of his career, announced his retirement from literature and settled away from worldly temptations in a remote American province. The only novel by Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye, was a watershed in the history of world literature. Both the title of the novel and the name of its protagonist, Holden Caulfield, have become codenames for many generations of young rebels from the beatniks and hippies to modern radical youth movements. The novel is presented in a brilliant translation by Rita Wright-Kovaleva, which has become a classic of translation art. The day will come and you will have to decide where to go. And immediately you have to go where you decided. Immediately. You have no right to waste a minute. You can't do that. Jerome D. Salinger

WAIT IN NOVEMBER! Release Date ISBN Format Pages November x108 / 64, soft 360 JULIAN BARNES "Presentiment of the End" Annotation: "Presentiment of the End" is perhaps the brightest and most original novel of modern Britain. A novel that won one of the world's most prestigious literary awards in 2011 with the Booker Prize. The new Adrian Finn comes to the class of the elite school, where Tony Webster and his friends Colin and Alex study. The inseparable trinity quickly becomes a four, but Adrian holds on to it: “We were always kidding and very rarely spoke seriously. And our new classmate always spoke seriously and very rarely joked. " After school, the four swear eternal friendship and leave for a long time in different directions; the reason for this is romantic experiences and adult concerns, an unexpected tragedy and a desire to get rid of it as soon as possible ... And now, forty years old, Tony receives an unexpected letter from a lawyer and, starting to unwind an intricate tangle of causes and effects, realizes that the past, which seemed so simple and clear , conceals many shocking surprises ... Only Barnes is able, with such amazing calmness, without losing his head, to paint the chaos and vulnerability of human life. The Times

WAIT IN NOVEMBER! Release Date ISBN Page Format November x108 / 64, soft 432 DANIEL KIZ "Flowers for Algernon" Abstract: Forty years ago it was considered a fantasy. Forty years ago it read like fantasy. Exploring and expanding the boundaries of the genre, eagerly absorbing all sorts of newest trends, trying on a universal human face, bravely ignoring the Cain's stamp of the "genre ghetto". Now it is perceived as one of the most humane works of modern times, as a novel of piercing psychological power, as a filigree development of the theme of love and responsibility. It is not for nothing that Keyes called his book of memoirs, published in the 1990s, "Algernon, Charlie and Me." "... this work contains so much that in a certain sense it can be likened to an endless onion." Library Jourrnal

WAIT IN NOVEMBER! Release Date ISBN Page Format November x108 / 64, soft 504 KEN KEESEY "Over the Cuckoo's Nest" Abstract: Like the numerous high-profile events associated with the name of "the merry prankster" Ken Kesey, the release in 1962 of his first book "Over the Cuckoo's Nest" made a lot of noise in literary life of America. After his appearance, Kesey was recognized as the most talented writer, and the novel itself became one of the main works of the beatnik and hippie movements. Over the Cuckoo's Nest is a crude and devastatingly honest portrayal of the line between sanity and insanity. “If anyone wants to feel the pulse of our time, it is better to read Kesey. And if everything goes well and the order of things does not change, it will be read in the next century, ”wrote in the Los Angeles Times. Indeed, the book continues to live, and has not lost its former crazy popularity these days. Based on the novel, Milos Forman directed his famous film "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", which received five Oscars. If you have nothing to wake up for, then you will swim for a long time and dull in this gray interval, but if you really need it, then I understand that you can get out of it. K. Kesey "Over the Cuckoo's Nest"

WAIT IN NOVEMBER! Release Date ISBN Page Format November x108 / 64, soft 432 IAN MCEWAN "Unbearable Love" Abstract: Ian McEwan is one of the "reigning triumvirate" of contemporary British prose (along with Julian Barnes and Martin Amis), Booker Prize winner for his novel Amsterdam. "Unbearable Love" is a story of obsession, a survival guide for people whose comfortable lives are invaded by a dangerous, surreal mania. Becoming a witness, and in a sense, and an accomplice of an accident at launch hot air balloon, the hero of the novel tries to cope with someone else's unrequited, baseless and boundless love. How to keep the remnants of your own reason under control, if dark demons of madness and craving for an unattainable deity come together in the battle for your soul? For the novelist, as for God, there is no redemption, even if he is an atheist. The task has always been impossible, but this is what the writer invariably strives for. The whole point is in trying. I. McEwan

WAIT IN NOVEMBER! Release Date ISBN Pages Format November x108 / 64, soft 576 YANN MARTEL "Life of Pi" Abstract: "Life of Pi" has created a real cultural explosion in the world intellectual environment. The fantastic journey of a young man and a Bengal tiger described in the novel echoes the story "The Old Man and the Sea", with the magical realism of Marquez and with the absurdity of Beckett. The book became not only a bestseller, but also a symbol of the literature of the new century, the flag of a new culture. Pi's life is a fusion of black magic and reality, an exquisite multi-tiered parable about faith in all its various guises ... Irish Times

WAIT IN NOVEMBER! Release Date ISBN Page Format November x108 / 64, soft DAVID MITCHELL "Cloud Atlas" Abstract: "Cloud Atlas" is like a mirror maze, in which six voices echo over each other: a mid-nineteenth-century notary returning to the US from Australia; a young composer forced to trade body and soul in Europe between the world wars; a journalist in 1970s California exposing a corporate conspiracy; a small publisher - our contemporary, who managed to break the bank on the bandit autobiography "Blow with Knuckle Dusters" and fleeing from creditors; clone servants from a fast food establishment in Korea, the country of the victorious cyberpunk; and the Hawaiian goat herder at the end of civilization. In The Cloud Atlas, Mitchell demonstrates the wonders of writing. It is literally a mesmerizing book. Lawrence Norfolk

WAIT IN NOVEMBER! Release date ISBN Pages format November x108 / 64, soft 504 VICTOR PELEVIN "Generation" P "" Annotation: The protagonist of the novel, a representative of generation "P" with the corresponding youthful ideals, descends to a salesman in a kiosk, then masters intellectual hack in the field of advertising, and in as a result, it becomes ... an earthly embodiment of the husband of the goddess Ishtar, only instead of a conjugal function it performs an advertising one. The whole charm of Pelevin's novel is that everyone perceives it in their own way: it is deep esotericism and a brilliant abuse of advertising, and a political pamphlet and philosophical fiction.

WAIT IN NOVEMBER! Release date ISBN Page format November x108 / 64, soft 432 VICTOR PELEVIN "Pineapple water for a beautiful lady" Abstract: "War and peace" is an era in which there is "neither peace, nor war".

WAIT IN NOVEMBER! Date of issue Circulation ISBN Page format November x108 / 64, soft 648 ARTURO PEREZ-REVERTE "Flemish board" Annotation: "Flemish board" Arturo Perez-Reverte is an intellectual detective, paradoxical and multifaceted. The novel bewitches with a dizzyingly twisted plot, the movement of the action from one temporal and cultural layer to another. In the world of antique dealers and collectors, an old painting is the key to unraveling the atrocious crimes that take place today. But for every piece lost in a chess game, a human life will be paid. This outstanding book contains all the best that Perez-Reverte has. This is truly the quintessence of his work. El Mundo

WAIT IN NOVEMBER! Release date ISBN Pages format November x108 / 64, soft 720 DINA RUBINA "On the sunny side of the street" Abstract: Dina Rubina's novel is an unexpected virtuoso somersault "under the dome of literature", an absolute transformation of the writer's style, his usual intonation and range of topics. The fates of the heroes of the novel are bizarre; in the "high-voltage" plot, love and crime, talent and passion are intertwined, capable of destroying a person or raising them to the heights of creativity. Open this novel - and you will not be let go by the truly Babylonian crowd of types: urban madmen and drunks, Russian nobles, exiles and convicts who have served time, “white colonialists” and “hash hunters” ... “... I recommend this fresh prose by Rubina you penetrate freely, the gates wide open and the windows are welcoming, and you are immediately imbued with light and joy, because the City is waiting for you, and the sunny side of the street is especially beautiful! " M.Yudson "Vesti"

WAIT IN NOVEMBER! Release Date ISBN Pages Format November x108 / 64, soft 648 DINA RUBIN "Leonardo's Handwriting" Abstract: Dina Rubina's novel "Leonardo's Handwriting" is, according to critics, her best work. In it, the mystical theme, which is so beloved by the author, reaches its climax. The main character is Anna, a woman with a phenomenal gift to see the fate of people. Time has submitted to her, she sees the past and the future. Once the shadow of her mother disappeared into the mirror, and since then the fates of loved ones are reflected in the mirrors in Anna's head. However, she rejects her gift, because most of all she wants to penetrate the surface of the mirrors, revealing the inside of reality in front of her .... everything in Rubina's novel plays with the most fantastic colors of living life, human destinies, dialogues, monologues, "place and time", that is, everything that distinguishes the literature that one wants to read from the one that is forced or encouraged to read ... "" Russian newspaper"

WAIT IN NOVEMBER! Release date ISBN Page format November x108 / 64, soft 432 FRANCOISE SAGAN "Hello, sadness" Annotation: Here are three novels of the great Francoise: "Hello, sadness", "Vague smile", "A month later, after a year" the novels that began the early and the impetuous creative path of the writer, which, just like half a century ago, are sold in huge numbers and ignite the hearts of millions of readers around the world. The unprecedented success of the novel "Hello, Sadness" brought Françoise Sagan the prestigious literary critics' award, as well as worldwide fame and wealth, and after the release of "Vague Smile" Sagan was called a "circulation monster." Three subtle and deep works, three true masterpieces of world literature! Two themes prevail in my works: love and loneliness. It seems to me that at the heart of everything lies precisely the loneliness of people and how they try to avoid it. F. Sagan

WAIT IN NOVEMBER! Release Date ISBN Pages Format November x108 / 64, soft 504 MARTIN SUTTER "Small World, or I Have Not Forgotten" Abstract: Small man. Small city... Little country. Small world. Small World is a small world, especially for those who have something to hide. After all, the time of small people will soon come, and then big people will regret not being born small. After all, little people do not forget anything. A brilliant psychological novel that became a literary sensation and turned Martin Suter, a writer from Switzerland, into a European celebrity. One of the best film adaptations recent years with the inimitable Gerard Depardieu in the title role. Suter has an unmistakable sense of taste and ability to connect the opposite, which creates a tense conflict. Rheinische Post

WAIT IN NOVEMBER! Date of issue Circulation ISBN Format Pages November x108 / 64, soft 504 TATIANA USTINOVA "Uncut Pages" Annotation: How to find yourself, and most importantly, to understand: what is freedom and what are you ready for for it? Alex Shan-Girey is a famous writer who, by the will of fate, decides to part with his beloved woman Manya Polivanova, the author of popular detective stories. Manya, experiencing a break, gets involved in a dangerous investigation, and she is in mortal danger. Now Alex must act faultlessly and very quickly: will he have time to save his beloved, will she forgive him?

WAIT IN NOVEMBER! Release Date ISBN Page Format November x108 / 64, soft 504 JOANNE HARRIS "Chocolate" Abstract: The sleepy tranquility of a small French town is disturbed by the arrival of a young woman Vianne and her daughter. They appeared along with a noisy and bright carnival procession, and when the carnival was over, its bright joy remained in the eyes of Vianne, who opened her chocolate shop here. Somehow, miraculously, she learns about the innermost desires of the inhabitants of the town and offers everyone exactly such a chocolate delicacy that makes him feel the taste for life again. "Chocolate" is a story about kindness and tolerance, about confronting innocent temptations and rigid righteousness. The Hollywood film of the same name directed by Lasse Hallström (starring Juliette Binoche, Johnny Depp and Judy Dench) was nominated for an Oscar in five categories and a Golden Globe in four. Harris is the type of fiction writer who likes to turn a standard situation inside out, turn a cliché upside down and see what happens. Private correspondent

Recently, I practically do not buy books due to some circumstances, and this makes me a little sad. But in order not to be sad at all, I decided to please myself with two books, but not simple ones, but in the format flipbook... Bought Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes and "Hello, Sadness" by Françoise Sagan ... I must say right away that I liked both books.

I wanted to try something new, not only in terms of literature, but also in terms of book format. I do not have an electronic reader yet - this is in the plans, for now, experiments with paper books. Flipbook - it's like a pocketbook (pocket book format), only half the size and much lighter. I have compiled a short list of the advantages and disadvantages of this format. If interested - read on 🙂

1. Small size and weight flipbook ... For example, "Hello, sadness" in the flipbook format has dimensions of 85x120x12 mm, and the pocketbook is 180x115x7 mm. Considering that the flipbook version includes three works, and not one as in the pocketbook, there is a significant saving in space. The same story with "Flowers for Algernon", only here the flipbook also weighs less space on the shelf, in the bag, weighs almost 2 times less than the pocketbook - 90 g versus 168 g. Thus, if you take a book with you for reading in traveling or for reading in transport, the flipbook will take up less space and will be almost imperceptible in weight.

2. Cost flipbook compared to hardcover editions. If we compare similar editions of Flowers for Algernon, the difference is palpable: a flybook costs 224 rubles, and a hardcover book costs 313 rubles (in online store "Labyrinth" excluding discounts). However, it should be noted that a pocketbook is cheaper than a flipbook, by about 25% (152 rubles). In other words, 25% is a fee for a more convenient and high-quality format compared to a pocketbook.

3. High quality paper and printing. Flipbooks are printed on white rice paper and pocketbooks - on the newspaper. When your fingers touch the text, the flipbook does not smear the text, which cannot be said about the pocketbook. The font size is the same for both formats. It seemed to me that the eyes from the flipbook get tired less. The cover of the flipbook is durable - the pages are stitched and do not fall out anywhere.

4. Flipbook reads faster. Well, or so it seemed to me. For myself, I called this effect "the illusion of fast reading" - when during a usual trip to the subway in one direction you can read many, many pages, quickly turning them over. No need to look back and forth. I read faster, I am sloppy in terms of reading 🙂

5. Well, the last argument in favor flipbook Is the novelty and originality of the format. I am sure that even if flipbooks do not go to the people or they cease to be issued due to a sharp jump in the euro exchange rate (and flipbooks are produced in the Netherlands), they will soon become a second-hand book rarity. Unlike pocketbooks, flipbooks do not lose their presentable appearance even if you carried them in your bag. The cover is made of durable cardboard, does not wrinkle.

Like any phenomenon, flipbooks have some disadvantages:

1. First and foremost - flipbooks produces only one publishing house - Eksmo , therefore, the range of books in this format is rather limited;

2. You cannot read the flipbook with one hand. When I bought these books, it seemed to me that it would be convenient to hold the book in one hand and turn the pages with it. But if you do this, the pages wrinkle, so you have to read with both hands - hold with one hand, turn over with the other. Yes, I'm still not sure if it will be convenient to read large novels in flipbook format - "Anna Karenina" or Dostoevsky ...

I think I will continue to buy flipbooks. I mostly read in public transport, but I don't want to carry a heavy tamina with me ... Most likely it will be "Dear friend" by Guy de Maupassant 🙂 I really liked the French prose with an erotic touch 🙂

Eksmo Publishing House has suspended the release of books in flipbook format - editions on rice paper of a small size (approximately 18x8 cm) with horizontal text placement, resembling a book reader. Representatives of the publishing house told Izvestia about this.

We print flipbooks in Holland, this is a very costly process, and with the euro, which today, I'm afraid to say how much it costs, we will not be able to sell a flipbook at the price at which you can buy it, - said the head of the foreign literature group "Eksmo" Julia Rautbort.

In the opinion of representatives of printing houses, printing flipbooks is not particularly difficult, and it would be cheaper and easier to print books in Russia, and not in Holland.

If there is a client, it is possible to print flipbook format books in Russia, - he told Izvestia general director printing complex "Pareto-Print" Pavel Arseniev. - In order to print books on rice paper in a horizontal format, no special equipment is required. This will be done by the same printing machines that are in printing houses.

However, according to Eksmo representatives, the difficulty lies in the fact that the Dutch have exclusive rights to the technology.

This is Dutch know-how. "Eksmo" has the exclusive right to publish in Russia, but our printing houses do not have a license to print and replicate flipbooks, ”noted Yulia Rautbort.

Nevertheless, the publisher is leaning towards keeping the direction. Potential solutions are currently being sought, the editors said.

We will try to reduce the volume of flipbooks, perhaps they will become thinner, we will look for content that would be inexpensive in terms of rights. But in any case, today the economic situation in the country is not conducive to issuing a new batch of books right now, ”Rutbort told Izvestia.

Flipbooks appeared on russian market two years ago as a paper alternative to the reader. A palm-sized book, printed on thin rice paper, can be held and flipped with one hand. It is much smaller than a pocketbook and weighs no more than one hundred grams. The Catcher in the Rye by Salinger, The Martian Chronicles by Bradbury, Cloud Atlas by Mitchell, Norwegian Forest by Murakami, and Generation P by Pelevin were the first in this format to enter the domestic book market.

Representatives of the Eksmo publishing house noted that the novelty quickly gained popularity. Popular, classical and literature from school curriculum... The books were published with a circulation of 10,000 to 15,000 copies. The works of Ray Bradbury "The Martian Chronicles", "Fahrenheit 451", "Dandelion Wine" became hits of the direction and were reprinted in a separate edition.

The books were especially popular among schoolchildren. With a circulation of over 20 thousand copies, Tolstoy's works "Anna Karenina", "War and Peace", as well as "The Idiot" by Dostoevsky were printed.

I myself used flipbooks, half of my students had them, - noted the teacher and writer Dmitry Bykov in a conversation with Izvestia. “The books were compact, did not differ in price from regular editions, they were easy to read during lectures and easy to carry in a bag.

The success of flipbooks was largely dictated by a price comparable to that of regular editions. However, with the fall of the ruble, experts say, the retail price will soar from 200 to 500 rubles per copy.

However, a number of writers and literary leaders doubt the advisability of developing the direction.

Flipbook is a small joke of a large publishing house, - noted the writer Tatyana Ustinova. - My detective was printed in flipbook format, but the circulation was not particularly popular. Standard pocketbooks were much better distributed.

The director of the All-Russian State Library agrees with her foreign literature Vadim Duda.

I have not used flipbooks and I do not think that the flipbook could compete with the reader. It is much more convenient for me to have all the books in one device, - said Duda.

Flipbook is a new book series (more precisely, a new format of books), published by the Eksmo publishing house, books of an unusually convenient format. Books stand out in the book market for their high ergonomics, stylish design and simply weightless pages made of the finest rice paper (very strong, albeit thinnest, pages are not so easy to break, and do not shine through!). A flipbook is much lighter and smaller than a pocketbook, and even the most voluminous works can now be read anytime, anywhere!

The series contains the best works of the world and russian literature without abbreviations.

Flipbook format - 80x118 mm, this is perfect option for those who do not love e-booksbut wants to keep up with the times!

The thickness of the books is different, depending on the work, therefore there is a difference in the weight of the books, but on average - about 100 g. Weightless! You can take an entire library with you on the road!

The font for reading is VERY comfortable, like in ordinary books, you do not have to strain your eyes at all, so the books are ideal for reading on the road. And you can carry it in your pocket: such a book in a shirt pocket, trousers, fits perfectly.

There are already a lot of works in this format in Eksmo - choose according to your taste! The selection is excellent - the books here are really the best.

Flipbook REVIEW - article on our website.

Additional photos - below in the gallery.

Range of flipbooks (as of July 2014):

More than a million flipbooks have already been sold in Holland! Now you can also pick up this unique novelty of the book market. Read comfortable, compact and beautiful books at home, on public transport and in nature!

Flipbooks are a real salvation for those who love good bookswho have to spend a lot of time on the road, who do not have the opportunity to put many cabinets with books at home - now everything will fit into one cabinet, or even just a few shelves!