Solving problems in personnel management. The main problems in personnel management and the reasons for their occurrence. These influencing factors are quite complex concepts and in practice are rarely implemented separately. Which of them is given priority, so is

Personnel management, in general, can be defined as a system economic management production, which includes a set of principles, methods, forms and techniques of management. Personnel management includes management theory and practical examples of effective leadership, which is understood as the art of management.

The strategy of functioning and development of any enterprise (organization) is unthinkable without recourse to personnel. In order to ensure the effective functioning of the enterprise, a strong team must be formed on it, capable of maintaining its high professional authority.

Until recently, the very concept of "personnel management" was absent in our management practice. True, the management system of each organization had a functional subsystem for managing personnel and social development of the team, but most of the work on personnel management was performed by line managers of departments.

The main structural unit for personnel management in the organization is the personnel department, which is entrusted with the functions of hiring and firing personnel, as well as organizing training, advanced training and retraining of personnel. To carry out the latter functions, training departments or technical training departments are often created.

Personnel departments are neither methodical, nor informational, nor a coordinating center for personnel work. They are structurally separated from the departments of labor organization and wages, departments of labor protection and safety, legal departments and other departments that perform the functions of personnel management. Services are created to solve social problems in organizations social research and service.

Personnel management services, as a rule, have a low organizational status and are professionally weak. As a result, they do not perform a number of tasks related to personnel management and ensuring normal working conditions. The most important of them are: social and psychological diagnostics;

analysis and regulation of group and personal relationships, management relationships; management of industrial and social conflicts and stresses; information Support personnel management systems; employment management; assessment and selection of candidates for vacant positions; analysis human resources and staffing needs; HR marketing; planning and control business career; professional and socio-psychological adaptation of employees; labor motivation management; legal issues labor relations; psychophysiology, ergonomics and aesthetics of work.

If in the conditions of the command-administrative system these tasks were considered as secondary, then during the transition to the market they came to the fore, and every organization is interested in their solution.

Thus, taking into account the above, we believe that the study of the role of the human factor in management, analysis of personnel policy, as well as style, management methods at a particular enterprise is quite relevant and requires its consideration.

Chapter 1 . Human resources management problems in the organization

1.1. The value of HR in HR management

The basis of management is the human factor, which lies in the knowledge of the subject of management of his business, in the ability to organize his own work and the work of the team, in interest, in self-development and creative activity. The central figure of management is a professional - a manager who is able to see the prospects for the development of the business he is engaged in, who is able to quickly assess the real situation, and who finds the optimal solution to achieve the set goal. In this regard, the manager must have certain professional and personal qualities: high competence, flexibility of thinking, the ability to take risks, assertiveness, the ability to implement plans, be a leader in the team.

The basis of the human factor is the personality - the psychological image of a person as a capable member of society, aware of his role in society.

In personnel management and in solving social problems of the team, it is necessary to be guided by the following scheme: in order to:

To motivate each employee to improve their qualifications, constant learning and mastering new knowledge and areas of activity;

Carry out an individual approach to each member of the team, allowing you to maximize his potential;

Focus on a healthy psychological climate in the team.

The basis of the concept of personnel management in an organization is currently the growing role of the employee's personality, knowledge of his motivational attitudes, the ability to form and direct them in accordance with the tasks facing the organization.

Changes in the economic and political systems in our country simultaneously carry both great opportunities and serious threats to each individual, the stability of his existence, introduce a significant degree of uncertainty into the life of almost every person. Personnel management in such a situation acquires special significance, since it allows to implement, generalize a whole range of issues of adaptation of an individual to external conditions, taking into account the personal factor in building a personnel management system of an organization.

Summarized, there are three factors that affect people in an organization.

First - the hierarchical structure of the organization, where the main means of influence is the relationship of power - subordination, pressure on a person from above, with the help of coercion, control over the distribution of material wealth.

Second - culture, i.e. produced by a society, organization, group of people shared values, social norms, behavioral attitudes that regulate the actions of the individual, force the individual to behave this way and not otherwise without apparent coercion.

Third - the market is a network of equal relations based on the purchase and sale of products and services, property relations, balance of interests of the seller and the buyer.

These influencing factors are quite complex concepts and in practice are rarely implemented separately. Which of them is given priority, such is the shape of the economic situation in the organization.

During the transition to the market, there is a slow move away from hierarchical management, a rigid system of administrative influence, practically unlimited executive power to market relations, property relations based on economic methods. Therefore, it is necessary to develop fundamentally new approaches to the priority of values. The main thing inside the organization is its employees, and outside it is the consumers of the products. It is necessary to turn the consciousness of the worker towards the consumer, not towards the boss: towards profit, and not towards waste; to the initiator, not to a thoughtless executor. Move to social norms based on common economic sense, not forgetting about morality. Hierarchy will recede into the background, giving way to culture and the market.

New personnel management services are created, as a rule, on the basis of traditional services: the personnel department, the department of labor and wages management, the department of labor protection and safety, etc. The tasks of the new services are to implement personnel policy and coordinate the activities of human resources management in the organization ... In this regard, they begin to expand the range of their functions and move from purely personnel issues to the development of incentive systems labor activity, professional development management, conflict prevention, market research labor resources and etc.

Of course, the structure of the personnel management service is largely determined by the nature and size of organizations, the characteristics of the products. In small and medium-sized organizations, many personnel management functions are performed mainly by line managers, and in large organizations, independent structural units on the implementation of functions.

In a number of organizations, personnel management structures are being formed, uniting, under the unified leadership of the Deputy Director for Personnel Management, all departments related to work with personnel.

Depending on the size of organizations, the composition of departments will change: in small organizations, one department can perform the functions of several subsystems, and in large organizations, the functions of each subsystem, as a rule, are performed by a separate department.

Generalization of the experience of domestic and foreign organizations makes it possible to form the main goal of the personnel management system: the provision of personnel, the organization of their effective use, professional and social development. In accordance with these goals, the organization's personnel management system is being formed. As a basis for its construction, principles are used, that is, rules and methods developed by science and tested by practice. The personnel management system of a particular enterprise (organization) is usually implemented on the basis of the development of the concept of personnel policy of the enterprise.

The personnel policy of the organization justifies the need to use in practice certain specific methods of recruiting, placing and using personnel, but does not deal with a detailed analysis of their content and the specifics of conducting practical work with personnel.

Speaking about personnel policy, one cannot equate it with personnel management. The concepts of "personnel management" and "politics" by themselves are far from identical, "Management" is a much broader term, one of the components of which is politics, in this case personnel policy.

With this in mind, personnel policy can be defined as a system of goals, principles and the resulting forms, methods and criteria for working with personnel, applicable to all categories of workers.

The personnel policy of the organization is a holistic strategy for working with personnel, combining various elements and forms of personnel work, with the goal of creating a highly productive and highly professional, cohesive, responsible team that can flexibly respond to changes in external and internal environment.

First, the provision of high quality workforce, including planning, selection and hiring, release (retirement, layoffs), analysis of staff turnover, etc .;

Secondly, the development of employees, vocational guidance and retraining, certification and assessment of the level of qualifications, the organization of promotion;

Thirdly, improving the organization and stimulation of labor, ensuring safety, social benefits.

The main goals of personnel policy should correspond to the mission of the organization and fully comply with the concept of its development. The very concept of development should cover the most diverse areas of the organization's activities and determine the tasks of management, taking into account the analysis of the real situation in the firm and in the market.

1.2 HR function in organizations

The personnel management system is the basis of the organization's management, since it implements the main task of management - the organization of activities. The effectiveness of management directly depends on the quality of personnel management.

To improve the efficiency of management in personnel management, the issues of optimizing the personnel structure, which are especially important for organizations going through the phases of crisis or in a situation of recession, come to the fore.

Consider the main provisions, principles and composition of the personnel management system from the point of view of effective organization management.

Personnel management is a subsystem in a more global system of business management, carried out within a certain organizational hierarchical structure (Fig. 1).

Staff - people who, within a certain organizational structure carry out established interrelated activities.

The main goal of personnel management in any organization is to ensure the effective activities of employees within the organization and the formation of personnel as individuals with high responsibility, collective psychology, high qualifications, a developed sense of business partnership, corporate and organizational culture.

Personnel management is a system of interrelated organizational, economic and social measures to create conditions for the normal functioning, development and effective use of the organization's human resources. The personnel management system includes such subsystems as personnel planning, recruitment and dismissal, training and development, motivation and remuneration, organization of activities, assessment and certification of personnel.

The effectiveness of personnel management is determined by the degree to which the overall goals of the organization are achieved. The effectiveness of the use of each individual employee depends on his ability to perform the required functions and the motivation with which these functions are performed.

The organization should establish specific methods, procedures, programs for managing processes related to human resources, and ensure their continual improvement. Together, these methods, procedures, programs represent a personnel management system, which is characterized by the following parameters:

Compliance of personnel with the goals and mission of the company (level of education, qualifications, understanding of the mission, attitude to work);

The effectiveness of the personnel work system - the ratio of costs and benefits, the need for investment, the choice of criteria for assessing the results of work with personnel;

Surplus or insufficient personnel, calculation of needs, planning of quantity;

Balance of personnel for certain groups professional activity and socio-psychological characteristics;

The structure of interests and values \u200b\u200bprevailing in groups of management personnel, their influence on attitudes towards work and its results;

Rhythm and intensity of activity, which determine the psychological state and quality of work;

The intellectual and creative potential of management personnel, reflecting the selection and use of personnel, the organization of the system for its development.

The structure of the personnel management system focused on business in the organization is shown in Fig.

In fig. 2 shows the composition of functional subsystems of the organization's personnel management system, combining homogeneous functions.

1.3. The role of the manager in personnel management

Assessment of the competence and professional compliance of personnel

The company's personnel is one of the most important resources for the successful development of a business. Along with financial and material resources, it is also subject to management, which should be built in such a way that the achievement of the company's strategic and tactical goals is supported by adequate and timely measures to change the organizational structure, streamline the responsibilities of managers and employees, timely professional orientation of employees and their proper training. A condition for the successful development of an enterprise is the balance of interests of its owners, staff and customers. Therefore, organizational improvement and personnel management is becoming one of the main functions management of the organization to ensure its effectiveness.

Naturally, the personnel management system depends on the enterprise management structure - whether the enterprise is independent or is it a holding structure consisting of a parent company and many subordinate firms. But even in holding structures, different management models are used - from concentration within the parent company of a number of common functions and, accordingly, the operational management of processes at its enterprises to the "joint-stock" management model, when the enterprises are basically independent, and the holding controls only the profitability and efficiency of the enterprises belonging to it. These models dictate their requirements for the personnel management system. However, along with those specific to each enterprise, there are basic elements of personnel management.

These basic elements include:

Operational accounting of personnel;

Organizational improvement;

Assessment of personnel competence and control over labor productivity;

Labor discipline control.

If personnel accounting is a completely clear and fairly regulated task, then organizational improvement, monitoring the professional compliance of personnel and labor productivity require an expert approach, an analysis of many factors and, therefore, processing a large amount of information. It is obvious that such problems can be solved without special tools (meaning software) efficiently and at the lowest cost is impossible. It should also be noted that from an information point of view, the above personnel management elements should be as integrated as possible. Personnel accounting (together with payroll accounting) is the core of the system, it serves as a supplier of information for the rest of the controls

Periodic evaluation business qualities personnel (competence, responsibility, work efficiency, etc.) through certification, passing exams for retraining courses allows you to analyze the effectiveness of the departments through the prism of personnel quality and optimize its number.

The business qualities of personnel can be investigated by comparing the qualifications of various employees within professional groups. The amount of factual knowledge of each employee determines the level (profile) of his qualifications. The amount of required knowledge given in the job description sets the level (profile) of the requirements for the employee. Assessment of the professional compliance of personnel is based on a comparison of the levels (profiles) of the requirements and qualifications of each employee.

Assessment of the professional suitability of personnel within one professional group using the suitability coefficient serves as the basis for the development of relevant measures aimed at improving its quality characteristics (training, rotation, reduction, etc.).

Having developed a methodology for calculating the employee suitability factor, taking into account the required (measured in points and established in the job description) and actual (obtained from the results of personnel quality research) quality, the HR director will be able to manage the qualitative composition of employees in professional groups, divisions, branches.

Comparison of the business qualities of different employees of departments throughout the corporation as a whole is the basis for making such management decisions as changing line managers, organizing assistance to management in working with personnel, and for strengthening supervisory activities.

Analysis of the quality of personnel will help evaluate the effectiveness of the existing organizational structure and the management system as a whole.

Thus, the results of assessing the quality of personnel serve as the basis for the following areas of personnel work:

Professional training. Continuous training of employees, especially in modern dynamically developing areas, will allow the company to respond in a timely manner to market changes and adjust its business. Prompt identification of employees who have an actual grade lower than required in certain areas of knowledge will help to correctly form a thematic calendar plan, establish and justify a training budget. Without an understanding of what and who should be taught, it is impossible to effectively deliver vocational training.

Rotation of personnel. The main goal of the personnel rotation system is the optimal placement of personnel at various levels throughout the company for productive business development. Rotation of personnel - internal reshuffle of personnel in accordance with the career and professional growth of personnel. It serves to improve the work of specific departments that, in terms of their business development indicators, do not achieve the assigned tasks, whose managers do not cope with their duties. The rotation system also allows solving the problem of career growth of managers of various levels and gives them the opportunity to realize their personal and professional potential.

The rotation is based on the selection of candidates who, in terms of qualifications, experience and professional training, meet the requirements specified in the job description.

Formation of a personnel reserve and career planning. On the basis of the talent pool (external or internal), staff rotation is carried out for certain positions. The specialists included in the talent pool are ranked by skill level (or by suitability factors). Thus, at any time you can select an employee who, according to his qualifications, meets the requirements set in the job description as much as possible.

If the qualification requirements for the position are generally known, career planning can be carried out on the basis of objective criteria and rules known to each employee.

If the job descriptions set the standards for the functions performed (in quantity, volume, monetary value and other indicators), and for a specific employee - the actual workload for production functions, it is possible to analyze and monitor labor productivity. This approach allows not only to accept management decisions on personnel, but also to create a system of motivation at the enterprise, depending on labor productivity.

Taking into account the volume of personnel costs, standard indicators for the functions performed and the described business processes (as a sequence of performing functions), it is possible to carry out a functional and cost analysis of business processes, products, customers of the enterprise. Figure 10 shows the logical cost allocation diagram for the cost functional analysis of business processes.

The difference between income and expenses allows you to assess the profitability of a business process (profitability of products) and spread the profit to customers (profitability of customers).

As seen from Fig. 10, to implement the assessment of the functional cost of business processes, you must have:

Their description as a sequence of functions performed;

Job descriptions as a list of functions performed at the workplace;

Cost splitting factor for workplace (full-time position) by functions performed (actual workload by function);

Cost allocation algorithms.

Figure: 3. Logical scheme of functional and cost analysis of business processes:

1 - Consolidation of expenses for a full-time position (salary, travel expenses, training, cost of a workplace, etc.);

2 - allocation of non-operating expenses (rent, telephone expenses, security, etc.) between divisions according to the appropriate algorithms, depending on the types of costs; 3 - assignment of general non-operating expenses to established posts; 4 - allocation of consolidated costs to full-time positions by production functions, depending on the actual workload; 5 - consolidation of costs by production functions for business processes; b - consolidation of income (by accounts, transactions) by products for the business process that implements them

Important elements of the personnel management system are personnel

policy and HR strategies.

Personnel policy - a system of goals, principles and the resulting forms and, methods, rules, norms and criteria for working with personnel adopted in the organization and corresponding to the business strategy.

Personnel strategy is a set of basic principles, rules and goals of work with personnel, taking into account the business strategy, organizational structure, personnel potential, personnel policy.

The goal of personnel policy is to ensure the optimal balance of the processes of renewal, preservation and development of the required qualitative and quantitative composition of the organization's personnel in accordance with the needs of the business.

HR strategy, or HR strategy, is based on HR policy and development strategy of the organization and is long-term. The development of a personnel management strategy consists in determining the main directions of action, resources, time parameters, a set of measures for the implementation of the selected course of action.

It should be noted that HR strategy depends significantly on the stage of the organization's life cycle. Organization functioning in general view goes through a number of stages, including the formation of an organization, its intensive growth, a period of stable functioning, a certain recession (requiring a certain transformation, reforming, restructuring of both the structure and the business) and the last stage - transformation (revival) or liquidation. In accordance with these stages of the organization's life cycle, business and HR strategies change. Table 2 shows the general approaches to the correspondence of the stages of the organization's life cycle, business strategy and requirements for personnel strategy.

Chapter 2. Analysis of the activities of the personnel department of CJSC "Stell"

2.1. Organizational and economic characteristics of the enterprise

The Russian enterprise "Stell" was founded on May 18, 1993 as joint-stock company (JSC) closed type (N 3462 dated 05/18/93. Registration chamber of the St. Petersburg City Hall). As a result of the adoption of the new Civil Code of the Russian Federation, AOZT "Stell" was re-registered and, as a result, acquired a new name CJSC "Stell", corresponding to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

At present JSC "Stell" has the following structural divisions: publishing house; printing house; HR department, marketing and sales service; accounting department.

At the beginning of 1995, under a contract with the Austrian firm "Bruder Henn", publishing and printing equipment was supplied and installed in the amount of 1 million 300 thousand DM:

Roland two-color printing machine;

Publishing computer system with color separation kit;

Equipment for making photos and printing plates;

finishing equipment.

The quality level of products manufactured at this equipment, comparable with similar production in the developed countries of the world.

The authorized capital of Stell JSC at the time of its foundation was 50 million rubles, the book value of the property at the time of privatization (December 1993) was 1.6 million rubles.

The main products of Stell JSC are high quality color art albums, magazines, booklets, advertising publications, colorful children's books.

Currently, Stell CJSC operates with the following

staff of specialists:

Administrative and managerial staff

general director - 1 person

commercial director - 1 person

secretary-assistant - 1 person

chief accountant - 1 person.

accountant - 2 people

engineer-economist - 2 people.

head of brand service

ting and sales - 1 person

marketer - 3 people

sales manager - 4 people.

lawyer - 1 person

head of management

staff - 1 person

hR specialist - 2 people.

Publishing house: director - 1 person.

deputy. directors - 1 person.

tech. editor - proofreader - 1 person.

artist editor - 1 person

head of the publishing system - 1 person.

artist-designer - 1 person

computer network operator - 1 person.

Printing house: director (aka technologist) - 1 person.

Chief engineer - 1 person

procurer - 1 person

printer (2 teams of 2 people each) - 4 people.

finisher - 2 persons

finishing technologist - 1 person

plate copier - 1 person.

assembler - 1 person

photographer - 1 person

driver - 2 people

Cleaning lady - 1 person

TOTAL: - 44 people.

This structure can be used as a basic one when Stell CJSC grows as production volumes grow.

Analysis of the composition of the employed showed that at the moment there are 70% of specialists who previously worked in the printing industry, and 30% in other sectors of the national economy.

For the majority of orders, printing works are carried out in 2-shift mode, other services work in one-shift mode.

Given the closed production cycle of production, it is possible to expand the functions of workers, which will ensure the mobility of work with personnel and the interchangeability of personnel in technological operations.

When organizing material incentives for employees

enterprises take into account the following factors:

The level of remuneration for similar jobs at other enterprises;

The system of remuneration for similar jobs at other enterprises;

The level of qualifications in works related to the artistic part of the product;

Lead time factor;

The factor of uninterrupted operation of equipment and technology that ensures the production process.

It was considered expedient to develop a combined remuneration system:

time-bonus for equipment and machinery maintenance;

Piece-piece bonus for jobs where labor rationing is possible;

salary and bonus for engineers and other categories of workers.

The concept of personnel policy of JSC "Stell"

The development of Stell JSC constantly requires the implementation of many functions for personnel management: planning the need for employees, recruitment, adaptation of new employees in the organization, promotion of promising employees, dismissal due to professional unsuitability or age, and so on.

2.2. C spruce and results of personnel policy

The personnel policy of Stell JSC is a system of measures for personnel management, consciously adopted by the management and acting at the enterprise.

The purpose of developing a personnel policy:

Creation of a personnel movement system in an organization and development of specific (proprietary) methods of interaction with personnel;

Improving the psychological climate and increasing the coherence of work in the team, stabilizing the staff, increasing the level of its functioning.

Personnel policy includes the following aspects:

general principles and priorities of goals;

organizational and staff policy (planning needs, recruitment, promotion, relocation, dismissal, creation of a reserve of employees); organizational and labor policy (working conditions, safety measures);

information policy (principles of information movement system);

financial policy (principles of distribution of funds, the basis of the compensation system);

personnel development policy (principles for preparing personnel development programs);

performance evaluation.

Methods: socio-psychological research (questioning, interviewing, individual psychological diagnostics of employees);

collection of information on the existing traditions of personnel policy at the enterprise; holding problem-related business meetings; preparation of teaching materials


  • an action plan for personnel policy and a financial plan for 3, 6 or 12 months in advance;
  • materials on personnel policy at STELL JSC: job descriptions, professiograms, testing programs, etc .;
  • adequate choice of methods of working with personnel;
  • decrease in staff turnover;
  • maximum use of the potential of employees of all levels;
  • increasing labor productivity through the optimal use of the professional potential of employees;
  • reduction in time and material costs when dismissing and hiring employees, as well as those associated with the adaptation of a new employee;
  • assistance to the manager in making decisions on admission and dismissal;

The organization has developed, adopted and operates adequate methods of planning human resources and personnel selection using a clear system of criteria; the relationship between human resource planning and organizational performance is clearly understood; realized the importance of various positions in the organizational structure.

2.3. Human resources management activities in the organization

Stell JSC has certain rules of conduct for its employees. They can be either enshrined in various regulatory documents (for example, in an employment contract, you can specify that an employee is paid a bonus in the amount of half of the official salary for not using sick leave during the year), or exist “in the minds” of employees (for example, “in our country it is customary to give gifts to employees for their birthday ").

Personnel management is a document that specifies the rules (a set of basic norms) for the behavior of employees in various life situations, both within the team and outside it.

Relationships within the team:

vertical relationships (with bosses and subordinates;

horizontal relationships (with colleagues;

employee-organization relationship).

Relations with the external environment:

  • clients;
  • partners;
  • competitors

The purpose of the development of personnel management: To give employees a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe rules and regulations that they should be guided by, as employees of this organization.

The main sections of the Personnel Manual:

labor relations - the procedure for hiring and firing employees;

working hours of employees - days and hours of work, late arrivals, absences and absenteeism;

relations between a boss and a subordinate - a "portrait" of a boss and a subordinate, the principles of delegation of authority and responsibility, career and professional growth, consideration of labor disputes;

financial discipline of employees;

security - confidentiality of information and responsibility for its disclosure, modes of admission to the premises of the organization, security measures;

working conditions and employee benefits - annual vacations, health and pension insurance, education; system of maintaining and improving activities - the procedure for submitting and considering proposals, solving problems, remuneration.

The personnel management is developed on the basis of the principles laid down in the corporate philosophy, and is their organic continuation.

Methods: socio-psychological research (interviewing, questioning, and so on); training seminars.


  • adaptation of new employees to the team is facilitated; the awareness of the employees of the organization of themselves as a single collective increases;
  • organizational culture is improving;
  • the team more easily adapts to changes in the external and internal environment of the organization;

a system of criteria for assessing employee behavior appears, which is especially important when resolving conflict situations; less energy of executive staff is spent on team management

The personnel development system is an important condition for maintaining the competitiveness of an organization. Even with the highest quality of the goods or services produced by the company, in order to achieve success, it is necessary that all parts of the company work quickly, smoothly and professionally. This is especially true in the context of the rapidly changing external environment of the organization, the impossibility of predicting its development for the long term.

All this requires high level the qualifications of the organization's personnel, the ability of people, especially managers, to accept correct decisions, clearly interact with each other using the most modern knowledge in various areas of organizational activity. It is no coincidence that it is recognized that highly qualified personnel are the most valuable capital of any organization.

Professional development programs are drawn up for employees at various levels of the hierarchy:

  • ordinary employees of the organization;
  • middle managers;
  • senior executives.
  • enthusiasm for the production of goods or services due to the intensive (and not extensive) way of development of the organization;
  • increasing the quality of work;

increasing the level of regular management of the organization.

Professional development programs are drawn up taking into account the specifics of each employee and the area of \u200b\u200bhis professional activity and can be developed for:

  • typical workplaces (for example, sales managers and sales contract managers);
  • groups of employees (for example, the sales department as a whole); personally.

Professional development programs can cover the following areas: personnel management, time-management, team-building, project management, the external environment of the organization, activity management, system analysis (fundamentals of systemic management of an organization, problem analysis, and so on.

Professional development programs are developed taking into account the results of personnel certification and serve as one of the tools for implementing the personnel policy of Stell JSC.

Methods: a course of lectures in various disciplines; trainings, seminars; individual counseling.

Results: increasing the efficiency of personnel; improving product quality; improving organizational culture based on a more qualified approach to solving organizational problems; increasing the level of regular management; stabilization of the staff on the basis of provision; organization of opportunities for professional, career and personal growth for employees.

IV. Personnel certification

Personnel certification is a set of activities in the process of which the head of the organization gets a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe strengths and weaknesses of the personnel available in the organization.

The results of certification bring a lot of valuable information, on the basis of which it is possible to establish and adjust the qualification requirements for personnel, competently plan further training events in the future and select employees that are best suited for the organization.


  • Regular assessment of professional and business qualities of employees, assessment of labor efficiency, professional development of employees.


socio-psychological research in order to determine the tasks of attestation, clarify the attitude of employees towards it, develop the parameters of attestation, and so on; develop a system of criteria for attestation; planning the attestation procedure in specific departments; results of certification.


obtaining multifaceted information about each employee of the organization

optimal use of the capabilities of each employee

identification of candidates for promotion, relocation, dismissal

optimal distribution of duties and determination of the degree of responsibility of the employee; obtaining a basis for planning further training activities in the organization.

Let's analyze the results of the implementation of the concept of personnel policy of JSC "Stell". First of all, let's analyze the use of labor resources at the enterprise.

We analyze the changes in the number and structure of industrial and production personnel of JSC "Stell" in 1998 and 1999. in table 1.

Table 1: The number and structure of industrial production personnel.


Average headcount (people)

The structure of industrial production personnel,% of the total

previous period

reporting period


previous period

reporting period


1. Workers

2. Leaders

3. Specialists

Total industrial and production personnel

As can be seen from the data presented, the number of industrial and production personnel at Stell JSC increased from 37 to 44 people, that is, by 7 people, which is explained by the growth of the enterprise and the increase in the volume of work. The structure of industrial and production personnel changed over the reporting period - the proportion of workers increased by 4.79%, the proportion of specialists decreased slightly, the number of managers, although it remained the same, but their proportion decreased by 3.87%.

The personnel policy of Stell JSC can also be assessed using indicators of the effectiveness of work with personnel.

The state of personnel in the enterprise can be determined using the following coefficients:

The rate of retirement of personnel Kvk is determined by the ratio of the number of employees dismissed for all reasons for a given period Ruv. to the average number of employees for the same period P:

Kvk \u003d Ruv / R * 100%,

According to the available data, let us calculate the disposal rate for 1999 of Stell JSC:

Kvk \u003d 4/44 * 100 \u003d 0.0009%

The coefficient of admission of personnel Kpk is determined by the ratio of the number of employees hired for a given period Ppk. and the average number of employees for the same period P:

Kpk \u003d Rpk / R * 100%

The hiring rate for 1999 was 0.0025%.

Ksk \u003d 1 - (Ruv / P + Pp) * 100%,

where Ruv is the number of employees who quit the enterprise of their own free will and due to violation of labor discipline for the reporting period;

R - average headcount working at this enterprise in the period preceding the reporting period;

Рп - the number of newly hired employees for the reporting period.

The stability coefficient was 92.73%, the following data were taken into account:

Ruv - 4 people;

R - 44 people;

RP - 11 people.

This coefficient indicates a fairly high level of organization of enterprise management. Ideally, the frame stability ratio should be close to 90-95%.

But the most revealing is the staff turnover rate.

The level of staff turnover (Utk) is estimated by the ratio of the number of employees who quit the enterprise of their own free will or on the initiative of the administration (Ruv) and the average number of employees (P).

Weft \u003d Ruv / R * 100%

For JSC "Stell" Utk was 9.1%, which is a low figure.

The enterprise has developed job descriptions for each category of RFP. Given the scope of this work, we are not able to provide examples of these job descriptions.

The company has also developed measures for the development of personnel, raising their qualifications.

Chapter 3. Changes to work and HR departments

When conducting the personnel policy of Stell JSC, the priorities are given to the interests of production. The interests of the employee are almost not taken into account. An individual approach to employees of the enterprise is not a priority of personnel policy (Fig. 4). However, this has both negative and positive features (table 2).

Fig. 4. Priority of personnel policy of JSC "Stell"

Negative features contribute to the destruction of personnel in the enterprise, which greatly affects the further work of the personnel (employees) of the company.

Positive traits can have a beneficial effect on the future work of personnel and their productivity. Also, positive traits can be stimulants, both for an individual employee of the company, and for the entire team as a whole, which will significantly affect the further productivity of personnel.

In primary labor collectives, in addition to the leader, the leader influences the behavior of workers. Leadership is a process of spontaneous, spontaneous leadership of a team from within, by the most authoritative members of the team. The most proactive, energetic, sociable, informed employees become leaders. In different situations of the life of the team, different workers can be leaders.

Leadership arises only when there are employees with a tendency to leadership in the team. If there are no such workers in the organization, the team was left without a leader. Leaderless teams are less efficient and have a lower level of cohesion. The greatest work efficiency and cohesion are achieved by those teams where the manager is also a leader. In this case, he can influence the collective not only by administrative measures, but also use social and psychological sanctions. However, the combination of a leader and a leader in one person is not always possible to achieve.

Specialists in the economics and sociology of labor, studying the socio-psychological structure of the team, should identify leaders in order to rely on them in organizing collective activities. The team should be influenced primarily through the leaders. However, managers, who do not correspond to their positions by any means, are afraid of leaders appearing in teams, considering them to be their rivals. Opposition and latent confrontation between the leader and the leader can lead to conflicts in the team.

The peculiarities of the interaction of team members regarding the adoption, implementation of decisions and control over employees form the leadership style.

The leadership style is determined by the peculiarities of power-administrative relations and consists of a number of elements. Among them, the distribution of powers between managers and subordinates, presentation of independence to them, participation in informing the team; manager's attitude to advice, statements and criticism from subordinates; the tactics used to influence subordinates; prevailing forms of addressing subordinates; features social control in a collective; nature of interactions with public organizations, including with the council of the labor collective; the position of the leader in conflict situations.

Depending on the combination of these elements, there are three main types of leadership styles: administrative; democratic; conniving.

For administrative The style of leadership is characterized by the display of subordinates from participation in the development and adoption of decisions, the lack of opportunity for subordinates to show initiative and independence, lack of mutual understanding between the leader and subordinates.

Democratic leadership style is the exact opposite of administrative.

Conniving style means that the leader, in essence, removes himself from the leadership process, lets it go by itself, basically all the work is done by deputies.

The combination of conniving and administrative styles creates bureaucracy, i.e. over-organization of work, irresponsibility of workers, discrepancy between word and deed, paperwork, on the part of managers, respect for rank among ordinary workers, servility.


Thus, as a result of our research, the following main conclusions can be drawn.

The specific task of any analysis of the labor resources of an enterprise is to find weaknesses associated with the use of labor, and its purpose is to develop recommendations that will not allow the enterprise to reduce the volume and quality of its commercial products.

After analyzing the methods and principles of the personnel policy of JSC "Stell", it can be concluded that the company is pursuing a targeted personnel policy, the concept of personnel policy has been developed.

The composition of the company's personnel is stable, which is clearly seen from the calculation of the indicator (coefficient) of personnel stability, which amounted to 92.73%.

The stability of personnel leads to an increase in labor productivity, an improvement in the moral and psychological climate in the team, and contributes to better adaptation of new employees in the team.

However, it is necessary to take measures to activate the personnel, motivate them to work, because the interest of each employee in the common business of the enterprise is hardly noticeable. After all, one of the subtasks of personnel policy is the selection of the most effective methods of personnel motivation. To motivate means to touch upon their most important interests, to give them a chance to realize themselves in the process of work.

The current state of education and the presence of elements of crisis phenomena in the formation of market relations imposes special requirements on the personnel management policy of any enterprise. In these conditions, it is necessary to significantly increase the focus of personnel management, strengthen labor discipline, and ensure the introduction of modern methods of incentives. labor motivation, control over the results and quality of labor, to achieve closer interaction of this type of management with the management of the enterprise as a whole. Modernization of management should be focused on consolidating the potential of the enterprise, increasing productivity and labor efficiency, both in the short and long term.

The determining factor affecting competitiveness, economic growth and production efficiency is the availability of human resources at the enterprise capable of professionally solving the set production tasks. For effective personnel management, an enterprise needs an integral system of work with personnel, which allows them to be managed from the moment of hiring to the end of a career.

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1) Bizyukova I.V. Management personnel: selection and evaluation. - M .: publishing house "Economics", 1998. - 150 p.

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3) Vesnin V.R. Fundamentals of management. - M .: Institute of International Law and Economics. Griboyedov, 1999 .-- 480 p.

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7) Gorfinkel V.Ya., Kupryakov E.M. Enterprise economy. - M.: Unity, 1996 .-- 368 p.

8) Gruzinov V.P., Gribov V.D. Enterprise economy. - M .: Finance and statistics, 1999 .-- 208 p.

9) M.V. Dorosheva Do you need such employees? - Moscow: ZAO Business School Intel-Sintez, 1997. - 48 p.

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V.M. Anisimova. - M .: “Publishing house“ Economics ”, 1998. - 494 p.

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12) Prokushev E.F. Primary level management. - M .: "Dashkov and K", 1999. - 329 p.

13) Rumyantseva Z.P. and other Management of the organization. - M .: INFRA-M, 1997 .-- 432 p.

14) Starobinsky E.E. How to manage staff. - M .: CJSC "Business School" "Intel-Sintez", 1999 - 384 p.

15) Organization Management / Edited by A.G. Porshnev, Z.P. Rumyantseva, N.A. Salomatina. - M .: INFRA-M, 1999 .-- 669 p.

16) Personnel management of the organization / Ed. AND I. Kibanova. - M .: INFRA-M, 1999 .-- 296 p.

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19) Personnel management. / Ed. B.Yu. Serbinovsky and S.I. Samygin. Moscow: "Prior Publishing House", 1999. - 432 p.

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21) Shipunov V.G., Kishkel E.N. The basics management activities... - M .: Higher school, 1999 .-- 304 p.

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Management plays an important role in the life of any enterprise. For effective management, it is necessary to properly manage personnel. Problems often arise from mismanagement. Problems like this are better prevented than solved. In order to prevent the problem, you need to understand what it is and start doing it when hiring personnel.

Staff management is a complex of different methods, principles and forms of influence on workers in order to improve labor indicators... The problem of the personnel management system is considered a hot topic not only for the heads of firms, but also for the personnel themselves. The best scenario for the development of the situation is as follows: the director treats his employees loyally and does not show excessive severity, and the employees do their work qualitatively and do not lag behind the deadlines.

This development option is not so common. A variety of reasons can hinder such development. Modern problems of personnel management are that leaders of organizations do not use modern technologies that would increase the effectiveness of working relationships. For a leader, experience alone is not enough in many cases.

Enterprise personnel management problems

Personnel management is a rather complex dilemma that requires costs, not only time and organizational, but also financial. The problems of enterprise personnel management are usually limited by the fact that the leader needs not ordinary people, but qualified employees. Most of the employees are educated and have some kind of professional skills. Problems can arise due to incorrect guidance. The most common problems are:

  • The firm does not have a very high reputation;
  • The chances of going bankrupt are very high;
  • The quality of the goods is poor.

If you look at the statistics, then usually difficulties arise due to the fault of the governing bodies. Statistics say that 71% of cases are associated with wrong leadership. The level of efficiency always depends on the leader. HR problems in an organization often arise because they cannot identify a crisis at an early stage.

The mistake of many managers is that they attribute problems to temporary difficulties. It is not uncommon for management to use the wrong methods to improve performance. These methods include harsh discipline, increased punishment, and more. As a result, personnel may leave the enterprise en masse due to rash actions of the management.

Increasingly, one can notice such situations when the rights of an employee are violated. Sometimes this is the fault of the managers, but often the workers themselves are the culprit. The worker may perform his duties poorly or not meet the deadlines. Actual problems personnel management consists in the fact that management must constantly improve their skills in personnel management. Achieving positive results requires an unceasing forecast of problems. Difficulties are best addressed early on.

When managing employees, the following types of problems can be distinguished:

  • The so-called excellent student problem. The most outstanding employee is often the leader. Since this employee usually has a narrower specialty and is not familiar with all the subtleties, he can make gross mistakes in the management of employees.
  • Senior problem. It is not uncommon for employees to observe their manager. The latter, in turn, may emphasize the fact that there is a certain distance between him and the workers.
  • The problem with the name "your boyfriend". The employee management function can be adversarial. A leader may face resistance from employees.
  • The problem of finding a hero. Many managers expect employees to do all the work correctly. Unfortunately, such employees are difficult to find in the modern labor market.
  • The problem is the big pay gap. Workers may be unhappy about this problem.
  • The problem of high staff turnover. If the organization cannot control staff turnover, then the use of staff can be ineffective. It is not uncommon for a firm to be reluctant to hire young employees, despite the fact that many may be valuable employees.

Often questions such as how to evaluate the effectiveness of employee management may arise? What criteria can be used to determine effectiveness? What data is required for this? Among specialists who are engaged in the analysis of personnel management problems, there is no consensus regarding the assessment of the system. The reason for this phenomenon lies in the fact that the activities of employees are directly related to production process and other factors.

To assess how effectively a manager manages personnel, you can choose one of modern approaches... One approach is to analyze production results. Another approach is to analyze the complexity of labor. The next approach is to analyze employee motivation. It is also necessary to determine what social and psychological climate is observed in the team. It may be necessary to address the improvement of the organization's personnel management system. But in any case, the problems of personnel management can be significantly reduced by taking measures appropriate to the specific situation.

Human resource management in the service sector (retail trade, hotel and restaurant business, consumer services) has its own characteristics.

In this article, you will learn:

  • how to manage sales personnel with minimal costs;
  • what specific problems of personnel management have to be solved by the HR manager of a trading enterprise;
  • what the effective economics of hotel or restaurant personnel management is based on.

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Regulation on non-financial motivation

Questionnaire for identifying internal employee loyalty

Regulation on material motivation and remuneration

Economics of personnel management in trade: how to retain employees?

The service sector occupies one of the key positions in the economy of a post-industrial society: it is characterized by a high level of profit (compared to the agricultural or industrial sector) and a significant number of jobs. Trade is one of the “whales” that support the service sector.

HR management in an enterprise dealing with retail, has its own characteristics: high staff turnover and long working hours give rise to the need for constant hiring of new employees and finding effective ways to retain experienced staff.

The main problems of personnel management in trade, as a rule, boil down to:

  • lack of practical experience among the employees of the trading enterprise;
  • difficult working conditions (long shifts, the need to constantly be in sight of buyers), scaring off potential employees;
  • difficulties in planning work schedules caused by fluctuations in consumer demand.

Retail business attracts mostly people with no work experience (for example, part-time students) and no special education. Low level of discipline, unwillingness to make a career and take care of your own appearance and behavior in the workplace, absenteeism - this is not a complete list of shortcomings of workers who chose the trade only because "a store or supermarket is not far from home", and there is no more interesting and profitable occupation at the moment.

Therefore, in order to achieve satisfactory results, the HR manager needs to carefully screen out candidates during the initial selection and apply effective ways motivating employees.

  • make the procedures for the search and selection of personnel massive in order to ensure the maximum number of candidates and choose the most suitable from them;
  • make it available to employees who are truly suited to work in the trade and do not see it as a "temporary option";
  • establish control not only over the appearance of employees, but also over their behavior in the workplace;
  • introduce short but intensive training programs for employees with no work experience in the enterprise;
  • build staff morale in every way you can to reduce turnover and improve performance;
  • establish a level of material remuneration for work that is fair from the point of view of employees;
  • resolve any conflicts arising between employees in time, while most of the team is not involved in them;
  • try to schedule work taking into account consumer demand trends in order to evenly distribute the workload among all salespeople, cashiers and other employees in the sales area.

Hotel personnel management: focusing on motivation

For the hospitality industry, human resources are of paramount importance because the services offered by hotels are intangible. The well-being of such an enterprise largely depends on the professionalism of its employees. For a hotel's HR economy to deliver the best results, a clear HR system should be established that encompasses not only the day-to-day administrative tasks but also strategic issues.

Practice shows that the most painstaking work with personnel does not provide a positive effect if employees are not sufficiently motivated. Illiterate management of hotel personnel affects the company's profits almost immediately: the results of numerous studies have shown that there is a direct relationship between the loyalty of employees and the loyalty of hotel customers. Therefore, even in a small hotel, it is important to implement, avoiding:

  • "Punitive" motivation techniques that contribute to the departure of the most creative, active and competent employees;
  • instability (you should not cancel motivational activities and cut the social package for no apparent reason, understandable to the staff);
  • ignoring the expectations and interests of employees;
  • mismatch between the system of motivation and overall strategy companies.

You should not rely solely on the material component of motivation: as a rule, an increase in salary ceases to motivate an employee after a few months, but from the process of work itself and the growth of career status it can provide a much longer lasting effect.

Personnel management in the restaurant business: we carefully select employees

Well-organized HR management allows to provide any restaurant with qualified employees who faithfully fulfill their duties and thereby increase customer loyalty (and, consequently, the profit of the institution). In order for restaurant personnel management to give a positive result, it is necessary to identify the most relevant staffing problems and find ways to solve them. Most often, restaurant managers have to solve issues:

  • training employees who are employed without work experience and appropriate education; low prestige of the profession (working as a bartender or waiter is considered not attractive enough, and this repels many promising candidates);
  • interpersonal conflicts in a team caused by the need for daily teamwork.

In addition, “random” people often find themselves in the restaurant business, finding jobs with the aim of making quick money (potential fraudsters) or looking for temporary work. Modern selection methods help to weed out such applicants: phased testing, role-playing games (including conflict ones), interviews with verification of special skills.

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IN modern world the main challenges for organizations face new challenges. The main ones are: stimulating the work of hired personnel, preventing the "brain drain", indexing wages in the context of inflation, ensuring that the level of qualifications of personnel meets the stringent requirements of the modern economy and, finally, strengthening the sense of belonging to the company among staff, etc.

But even now there are contradictions between the proclaimed goals and functions of personnel management departments, so the list of responsibilities includes actions for accounting, monitoring, motivating personnel, regulating relations between the management and personnel, but in reality, the functions of personnel management services, judging by the facts, are rolled up. The heads of these services assess their role in the management of social personnel processes as secondary, considering that everything depends on the management of the enterprise.

It is known that the successful development of production in modern conditions to a large extent depends on the competitiveness of the personnel. And it is achieved by constant training of personnel, improving their qualifications and strategic determination of their number and vocational guidance at the moment and in this production. The narrowness of the skills of the management corps, especially of its top echelon, negatively affected the transition to market relations from the very beginning of the reforms. It turned out that “many managers were unable to organize the work of their subordinate institutions as a whole and to orient it towards studying and meeting consumer demand in particular. Determining the directions of using resources, first of all, this relates to such important resources as personnel , fixed assets, financial resources ".

This gives grounds to assert that the key problem for the vast majority of Russian enterprises is the problem of ineffective personnel management. Right now the time is coming when it is necessary to pay more attention to the systematic training and, especially, retraining of qualified specialists. This will make it possible to respond faster and more efficiently to changes in the country, to strengthen the elements of stability, solidity, representativeness, sober calculation, and rejection of an excessively risky speculative game in market activities.

The market for educational services turned out to be practically unbalanced with the real needs of the skilled labor market. The quality level of employees of enterprises is significantly inferior to the requirements of the international labor market. The personnel management system at most enterprises does not correspond to the strategy of market reforms, which to a large extent hinders the possibility of implementing programs for sustainable stabilization, revitalizing production and restructuring the economy, improving the quality and competitiveness of Russian products.

It is necessary to train and significantly improve the qualifications of the governing body in management, marketing, innovation, personnel management and a number of other disciplines, taking into account the specifics of the current economic situation and the Russian market. Industry formation business services should become one of the primary problems of structural and investment policy.

Among the most acute problems, it should also be noted such as: the departure of qualified specialists, low performing and labor discipline of personnel, insufficient qualifications of personnel and individual managers, unsatisfactory moral and psychological climate, low level of employee motivation, and as a result, insufficient initiative of workers in solving production problems, confrontation between administration and staff.

It should also be noted the erosion of traditional values, which leads to serious disorders of personal beliefs and values. Stress, pressure and uncertainty are increasingly present in most forms of life in organizations. This has significantly complicated the system of motivation and incentives for employees, primarily in connection with hiring under short-term contracts, the establishment of various preconditions (including a probationary period), strict linkage of material incentives with the received profit and other factors.

When revising the methods of personnel management that do not correspond to the state of the external environment, the management may face a conflict generated by the rejection of new methods by the organizational culture of the company due to the conservatism and inertia of some part of the team. Such a conflict can be quite painful and destructive in its consequences.

So K. Davis identified three groups of reasons for resistance to innovation. The basis of all economic reasons is the fear of loss of earnings, which forms the employee's anti-innovative attitude. hired staff qualification incentive

Regarding the reasons of a personal nature that induce people to resist the innovation process, we can say that the main one is the resistance of the individual to depreciation, which very often brings with it the innovation process.

In the group of anti-innovation barriers, which are of a socio-psychological nature, most of the reasons are based on a person's reaction to the innovative processes accompanying in many organizations, a kind of encroachment on his psychological comfort.

These and some other problems raise the question of improving the personnel management system for managers. However, we often have to deal with the fact that, trying to put the work with personnel in the company at the proper level, managers make a number of mistakes that do not allow achieving the goals for which, in fact, work with personnel was started.

To eliminate such deficiencies, personnel development planning is necessary. First of all, this is planning the natural movement of personnel - retirement, dismissal due to illness, in connection with studies, military service, etc. This is not difficult to do, but it is important to timely prepare an equivalent replacement. Another is more difficult - to strengthen the potential of the team, to increase its competitiveness.

For this, there are several ways, including: careful selection of personnel, systematic improvement of their qualifications, creation of conditions for the most effective manifestation of their abilities and development of a methodology for assessing the actual effectiveness of the team.

Many commercial structures in Russia are now taking a different path. Instead of intensifying the work on the adaptation of collectives to the conditions of economic reforms, taking care of ensuring a painless psychological restructuring of each person, especially experienced specialists, workers are sometimes mercilessly dismissed as having not adapted to the new requirements. This approach is a manifestation of a short-sighted policy. After all, any replacement of an employee is an economically expensive undertaking. This damages the reputation of the firm.

The problem of "obsolescence" occupies a special place in the process of professionalization of management. "Obsolescence" occurs when an individual uses points of view, theories, concepts and methods that are less effective in solving a problem than others that exist today. Of course, not every example of ineffectiveness in a firm's personnel management is associated with "obsolescence." Laziness, lack of understanding, and overloading with other responsibilities can also lead to inefficiency. But the cost of developing and making second-rate solutions to emerging problems for a firm is likely much greater than the cost required to overcome the obsolescence of its staff.

Management practice shows, in the same way, that in any company, as a result of the combination different reasons the presence of conflicts is inevitable. Conflicts arise, often, due to staff dissatisfaction with the assessment of their work by the manager. In the case of very serious conflicts, there may even be a shift in organizational goals.

It is indicative that in the activities of the leader himself, as the main subject of management, there are various contradictions associated with undesirable tendencies in people's behavior. The difficulty in assessing these phenomena lies in their heterogeneity.

It should be noted that some work has been carried out in our country recently to prepare management personnel high class, various business schools are being organized, a lot of specialized literature, albeit of different quality, by domestic and foreign authors is published.

However, in the literature on management topics, as a rule, publications of an educational and teaching-methodological nature prevail, considering mainly the history and foundations of management, special management issues (financial management, personnel management, situational and system approaches to management, sociology of organizations, marketing). In this sea of \u200b\u200bpublications on management problems, there is clearly a lack of literature for specialist managers, top management.

There are also problems of the lower level of personnel management, which have their own aspects and characteristics. " An important point in their assessment is that, in terms of their mentality and roles, lower managers belong to managers, and vice versa, the position contributes to the fact that their psychology approaches the workers. This ambivalence of position in the firm often puts such executives under stress. "

Much has been said recently that the roots of the problems of most Russian enterprises lie in ineffective management. What is effective management, each of the enterprises that have managed to adapt to new conditions understands in its own way. Everyone finds their own levers of management, implements their own principles of management. But until now the valuable experience developed by each of the enterprises remained only his experience.

At the same time, there is a positive experience that should be studied, refined and recommended for implementation. The results of the activities of many enterprises and the accumulated experience of their work with personnel show that the formation of production teams, the provision of high quality personnel potential are decisive factors in production efficiency and product competitiveness.

Problems in the field of personnel management and daily work with personnel, according to experts, in the near future will constantly be in the focus of management. In the future, with the development of scientific and technological progress, the content and working conditions will become more important than material interest.