Preschooler presentation the future is in my hands. Career guidance presentation Is my future in my hands? Mou irmo "maksimovskaya sosh"

P l a n n e l The first day. October 6. Exhibition of popular science literature on anti-alcohol propaganda. Resp. librarian Simonova A.I. Exhibition of posters on anti-alcohol propaganda. Resp. social teacher Trofimova A.K. Show during the changes in the recreation of the 2nd floor of presentations on anti-alcohol topics. Resp. informatics teacher Pronkina L.N. Second day. October 7th. Carrying out the action "Give the class a smile" at big breaks. Resp. art teacher Yashkova G.V. Day three. October 8th. Watching videos about the effect of alcohol on human vital organs. Conversation on the materials of the videos "Poison in any dose is poison!" Resp. social educator Trofimova A.K. Day four. October 9th. Questioning among students in grades 8-11. Resp. social educator Trofimova A.K. and an asset of the school government. Day five. October 10th. Carrying out class hours among students of grades 8-11 with the general topic "Useful conversation about bad habits»Otv. class teachers 8-11 grades. The first day. October 6. Exhibition of popular science literature on anti-alcohol propaganda. Resp. librarian Simonova A.I. Exhibition of posters on anti-alcohol propaganda. Resp. social educator Trofimova A.K. Show during the changes in the recreation of the 2nd floor of presentations on anti-alcohol topics. Resp. informatics teacher Pronkina L.N. Second day. October 7th. Carrying out the action "Give the class a smile" at big breaks. Resp. art teacher Yashkova G.V. Day three. October 8th. Watching videos about the effect of alcohol on human vital organs. Conversation on the materials of the videos "Poison in any dose is poison!" Resp. social educator Trofimova A.K. Day four. October 9th. Questioning among students in grades 8-11. Resp. social educator Trofimova A.K. and an asset of the school government. Day five. October 10th. Conducting class hours among students of grades 8-11 with the general topic "Useful conversation about bad habits" Otv. class teachers for grades 8-11.

Free template from 3 "The future is in my hands" Within the framework of the week on the prevention of alcohol consumption among students in grades 8-11, various activities were carried out, including those recommended in the regulation "On the city week on the prevention of alcohol consumption among learners educational organizationssubordinate to the Moscow Department of Education "The future is in my hands" Within the framework of the week for the prevention of alcohol consumption among students in grades 8-11, various activities were carried out, including those recommended in the regulation "On the city week for the prevention of alcohol consumption among students educational organizations subordinate to the Moscow Department of Education "The future is in my hands"

"The future is in my hands" Day one. October 6 B school library an exhibition of popular science literature on anti-alcohol propaganda was organized. At the initiative of the 11th grade students in the recreation of the 3rd floor of the school, an exhibition of posters on anti-alcohol propaganda was placed. During the breaks in the re-creation of the 2nd floor, a presentation of anti-alcoholic presentations was organized. 4

"The future is in my hands" Day two. October 7th. During big breaks, the action "Give a smile to the class" was held. Armed with all possible means, students in grades 8-11 competed in creating posters. As the more experienced the eleventh graders won. Second day. October 7th. During big breaks, the action "Give a smile to the class" was held. Armed with all possible means, students in grades 8-11 competed in creating posters. As the more experienced the eleventh graders won. Free template from 5

"The future is in my hands" Day three. October 8th. There was a viewing of videos about the effect of alcohol on human vital organs. Then the conversation took place. Many of the high school students expressed the opinion that after what they saw, no words were needed. Poison in any dose is poison! Day three. October 8th. There was a viewing of videos about the effect of alcohol on human vital organs. Then the conversation took place. Many of the high school students expressed the opinion that after what they saw, no words were needed. Poison in any dose is poison! 6

"The future is in my hands" 11/2 / 2014Free template from 7. Day Four. October 9th. A survey was conducted among students of grades 8-11. The children were asked to answer 4 questions about their attitude to anti-alcohol propaganda activities at school. After careful processing, the results of the survey will be published in the third issue of our newspaper "School time". School Let blizzards and storms, Let the roads be steep! Ray above us, like a banner, Scarlet sail of dreams! Graduation year GBOU SOSH 2074

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Following the Industrial Revolution, the world began to change at a fairly rapid pace. Indeed, if in the last century world prospects were somehow predictable, today the future of humanity and our planet is very vague. Given that the world's population is constantly growing and the state of natural resources raises serious concerns, some experts go so far as to argue: world War, capable of destroying our civilization, can begin at any moment. Nevertheless, most people prefer to look to the future with optimism, and some even dare to dream of future achievements that can solve the current world problems once and for all. What will our world be like in the future?

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There are many professions on earth, But to choose such one among them, So that I would like the ability to her, Set my life a difficult task. To try and learn from year to year, Comprehending Science again and again ... Yes, there is no other way into the future life, You need to strive for the goal through sweat and blood. After walking the school path. I main road I will choose, After all, much still lies ahead, But I will not give up, I will reach. And having experienced all the hardships of fate, I will come to a simple conclusion, That the cards in my hands have been given, You cannot give them to another! With what zeal you planted trees, the same fruits you will collect from them. And the purpose of the labors will appreciate the time, It is without feelings, you cannot spend it ...

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There are many professions on earth, But to choose such one among them, So that I would like the ability to her, Set my life a difficult task. To try and learn from year to year, Comprehending Science again and again ... Yes, there is no other way into the future life, You need to strive for the goal through sweat and blood. After walking the school path. I will choose the main road, After all, much is still ahead, But I will not give up, I will reach. And having experienced all the hardships of fate, I will come to a simple conclusion, That the cards in my hands have been given, You cannot give them to another! With what zeal you planted trees, the same fruits you will collect from them. And the purpose of the labors will appreciate the time, It is without feelings, it cannot be spent ...

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“What our future will actually turn out to be - no one knows. One thing is clear - there are a huge number of options for its development, more than we can even imagine today. "

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We are the relay race of the distant messenger. We are the generation of the strong and skilled. We are overfulfillment of bold plans. We are endless, endless, endless. (Pavel Antokolsky)

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My future is in my hands. And it depends on me to make it bright and great. So that one would like to strive for it, live in it, raise children. Our future is being done today, right now. By me. By you. Us. You!

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It will depend on me that the enormous, but not immense, wealth of the country is spent sparingly; so that wars - meaningless, incomprehensible and unnecessary - stop; so that the beautiful face of my country is not disfigured by the ulcers of terrible diseases; so that my generation does not die in terrible agony from drug overdose; so that useless children do not hold out their dirty little hands for alms; so that old people travel around the world, and not in garbage dumps ...

2011 year

we - relay race of the distant messenger.

we - a generation of strong and skillful people.

we - overfulfillment of bold plans.

Us no number, no edge, no end.

(Pavel Antokolsky)

The most sacred thing a person has is his homeland and family. If I had a choice of birth, I would ask God to be born where I live now.

I am proud of you, my Russia! Since childhood, I have absorbed Your wonderful images, kind fairy tales and free songs. Can any other country in the world boast of such a huge cultural layer? Repin, Vasnetsov, Polenov, Lermontov, Gogol, Pushkin, Akhmatova - I don't have enough paper to list all your great writers, poets and artists. People who cannot help but be proud of, whom you want to match.

Your incredibly humorous language conveys all the subtleties of a huge incomprehensible Russian soul - my soul, Motherland! How can I think about the future without knowing my past? It should not be forgotten, it is in my genes, in my subconscious. You, my Country, were protected by my ancestors, they bequeathed to me their love for You.

And how can a Russian person fearlessly look at the vastness of Your expanses, my Earth; on the whiteness of the snow. How can you not admire the intelligence, beauty, incredible generosity and childlike spontaneity of Your people?

Your future, Motherland, is in my hands. And it depends on me to make it bright and great. So that one would like to strive for it, live in it, raise children.

It will depend on me that your enormous, but not immeasurable wealth is spent sparingly; so that wars - meaningless, incomprehensible and unnecessary - stop; so that mothers cry for joy and pride for their children; so that the beautiful face of my country is not disfigured by the ulcers of terrible diseases; so that my generation does not die in terrible agony from drug overdose; so that useless children do not hold out their dirty little hands for alms; so that old people travel around the world, and not in garbage dumps ...

There is no my beautiful future without the past and the present. But if I cannot change the past, then my present depends on you, Adults! And do you think of me when you bring reprocessed nuclear fuel into my beautiful country? And are you asking me if I want to die in your adult incomprehensible wars? And do you want to know if I can pay tuition fees at a university I like? And are you wondering what I think of a new store under construction when my school is crumbling right before my eyes? The future of my country is being done today, right now. By me. By you. Us. You Adults! Stop and think, which Country will you hand over to me in my outstretched hands?

But still, not everything is so bad and hopeless. There is something to say "Thank you". For giving me the opportunity to communicate with my peers abroad; for feeling happy wandering through the complex labyrinths of the Internet; for the fact that I have a mom and dad; and simply because I am on this beautiful blue Planet ...

And I really want you Adults to be proud of me: my parents, my teachers, my Motherland. I will try very hard. Perhaps I will write a wonderful book, or launch an ultramodern spaceship, or I will establish contacts with alien civilizations, or I will invent a new vaccine against the terrible diseases of mankind ... Well, let not me, my classmates, my generation.

When my generation grows up, it will appreciate the history of the present days, rethink today's values.

Probably every person thinks about what will happen tomorrow. And everyone is interested in how his life will turn out ... I believe that a person is the blacksmith of his own happiness. And how you live now, think, act - a lot depends on it. You must always be self-confident, have a purpose in life, and strive for something. If all this is not there, then there is no life. It is foolish to live in vain, to waste time on unnecessary things, deeds, actions that are unnecessary for you or those around you. Everything should be in balance: school, dance, friends, relationships with someone or something else. There are many examples, but the essence is the same. In my example…. My dream is a successful teacher in large city with great prospects. Or a psychologist with a very developed inner world. After graduating from school, I do not want to immediately jump out in marriage, give birth to a bunch of children and then sit and think about how to make them human. I have no desire to sit at home in a colorful dressing gown, wipe the noses of children, and complain that life did not work out. This means that now you need to think about your future. Wasting time, relying only on bad habits, watching TV for hours ...

My choice of profession was made on the basis of my abilities and talents. A teacher is not easy as it seems. I would like to see the work of teachers appreciated in our country. Where does the teaching profession begin? With love for children and for their work. Revival of traditional spiritual and moral values \u200b\u200bshould become priority area in teacher work. A teacher is a person of a big heart, great diligence, and the highest moral qualities. He is faced with a responsible task so that the graduate, after graduating from school, becomes a man of high morality, with his own civic position, which will allow him to confront the social problem of society. And although the teaching profession is not prestigious in our country, I hope that gradually the state will understand that the prestige of the teaching profession is largely due to the prestige of education in society. The need for education in knowledge as a value acquires in a socially - economic development in the country new meaningIn this regard, I am convinced that the prestige of the teaching profession will gradually increase.

To live like a ruler according to the rules means to be a conservative. I'm not one of those, I'm an innovator. Future family, how do I see it? In relation to the family, mutual understanding, trust, love should reign, I am against matriarchy and patriarchy. There should be equality with the person with whom you decide to spend your whole life. You need to love, appreciate, respect. And make the right choice, think well before legalizing the relationship. Do not fly headlong to the registry office, proceeding from only one affection and mutual interests. No need to waste time searching, thinking that all the best will be sorted out. True love comes by itself, alone and forever. You just don't need to think about it all the time, you need to exist your correct individual life. And not just to exist, but to live in full and very the best sense this word. Believe, wait, feel, act, and in any case be an optimist, think that you will succeed. And the result is good, striving for even better.

Date: 10/27/2015. Training for the development of life goals and values \u200b\u200b"My future is in my hands!" Number of participants: 6 people The lesson was conducted by a teacher - psychologist: Koryakovtseva Kristina Aleksandrovna. Start: 14:00 Time: 1 hour 45 minutes. The purpose of the lesson: the formation of an active life position, positive life goals and values \u200b\u200bof the graduate, the ability to plan a future life and achieve success. Objectives of the lesson: 1. To help the graduates realize the values \u200b\u200band goals that give a person the meaning of life. 2. Help the graduate to realize his own goals and aspirations and the necessary conditions to achieve them. 3. Formation of skills of self-awareness as a unique and full-fledged person, with their views, beliefs, values. 4. Formation of skills of taking responsibility for one's actions, one's life, development of skills of independence. 5. Formation of a positive image of the future. 6. Increase of self-esteem of the graduate, self-confidence and achievement of goals. 7. Formation of communication skills, the ability to listen, express your point of view, argue your position. Materials for the lesson: A4 sheets, Whatman paper, scissors, glue, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, various newspapers, magazines, relaxing music, exercise cards. Course of the lesson: On October 27, 2015, a training on the development of life goals and values \u200b\u200bfor graduates of the post-boarding escort service "My future is in my hands!" The training session began with an introductory part, which discussed the topic of the session and its relevance for graduates. After all, the future life of a person largely depends on how a person imagines his future, what goals he sets for himself, what he undertakes to achieve them, whether he knows how to use the opportunities provided. You need to know yourself, your desires, needs and opportunities, to foresee the consequences several steps ahead !!! In the lesson, the graduates were given the opportunity to look into their future, determine their life goals and conditions necessary to achieve them, make decisions and build their lives. After the introductory part, an interesting acquaintance with each other was held, the basic rules of work in a group were discussed. The guys really liked the acquaintance! Each in turn called his name, as well as one of his real hobbies, hobbies and one desired hobby, one that he would like to have, but which for one reason or another has not yet been realized. The one who introduced himself as the second, before telling about himself, repeated what was said first. The acquaintance helped the guys a lot to relieve tension and positively tune in to work in the group. The main part of the lesson began with the Weather Forecast Exercise. The training participants drew a picture corresponding to their current mood. After drawing, each participant shared his impressions and feelings at the time of the task, and also told what he depicted in the drawing. The guys reflected in their drawings sunny and warm weather, as well as rainy and cool, explaining this by the fact that their state of mind is calm at this time, it's cold outside and they want more warmth ...! The most important exercises for the graduates in the lesson were the Exercises "My achievements" and "My values." role in life. The ability to listen to each other was very important !!! The exercise aroused positive emotions in the children. The participants spoke about their successes with a sense of pride in themselves and said that they still want to achieve much in the future! The Magic Shop exercise was accompanied by calm meditative music and helped the participants to focus on life goals and the meaning of life, as well as to relax during the training. The children listened attentively to the psychologist's story and imagined a picture of the story. At the end of the exercise, the children described how their emotional state and their feelings had changed during the exercise. It became very bright and magical for the participants Exercise Collage of values \u200b\u200b(dreams) !!! The guys from different pictures from newspapers and magazines created a collage of their future, in which they reflected various areas your life: relationships, family, material sphere, self-realization, health. After completing the task, the participants gave a title to their finished work! The collage of desires aroused strong positive emotions of happiness and joy in the children, because they were able to reflect their most cherished dreams in the collage !!! After the exercise, the children talked about their feelings, emotions they experienced while completing the assignment. At the end of the lesson, reflection was carried out, during which the children talked about the feelings they experienced during the training, what difficulties they encountered in the lesson. And most importantly, they told whether they managed to realize what goals and values \u200b\u200bplay a major role in their lives !!! The conclusion of the lesson was the Exercise "Thank you for a pleasant activity." The guys shook hands and said "Thank you for a pleasant occupation!" The exercise made the guys feel friendly and grateful to each other !!! Post-boarding escort service Koryakovtseva K.A.