Personnel rotation mechanisms. Personnel rotation as an element of the business career management system. You may be interested to know

Continuous analysis of the company's activities is a guarantee successful business... In the process of exploring the data, leaders of the organization not only develop plans for improving the products delivered to the market, but also labor motivation... One of them is staff rotation. This procedure helps to maintain a high level of employee interest in the work being performed.

What is staff rotation

A full-fledged work of the company is impossible without regular renewal of the staff. The procedure can be carried out by hiring new staff or retraining old ones. The rotation of employees is one of the ways of vertical career growth, implying their transfer to other positions within the same legal entity... HR specialists believe that this procedure is one of the main mechanisms for recruiting personnel.

Staff rotation goals

The main purpose of the procedure is to train personnel in related professions, making them universal specialists. This will increase production efficiency by increasing the professionalism of workers. With the help of rotation, the personal qualities of employees and their ability to adapt to new environment... Relocation of personnel helps to achieve the following goals:

  • relieve the mental stress of employees and prevent conflicts;
  • create a personnel reserve;
  • to acquaint workers with the maximum number of tasks performed at the enterprise;
  • prevent epidemics of diseases among personnel if the work is associated with a harmful industry;
  • simplify the implementation of changes in the organization.

The importance of staff relocation for the company

One of the main tasks solved by the reshuffle of personnel is the exchange of experience between different branches enterprises. Employees move from one branch to another in order to acquire new professional knowledge or train newcomers. A situation is often observed when the divisions of an organization are acting inconsistently. This hinders business development. The rotation of personnel normalizes relations between employees of different departments. Using this event, you can solve the following tasks:

  • Formation of corporate culture. Regular turnover of managers and ordinary employees helps employees to realize that the organization is constantly changing and they must change along with it. Relocation of personnel helps to prevent the emergence of clannishness that runs counter to corporate culture in the enterprise.
  • Renewal of the staff without increasing the staff. When changing specialties, employees show initiative and offer new ideas.
  • Growth of personnel interchangeability. In case of illness of a specialist or an increase in the volume of work within the site, you can send employees from the reserve to help.
  • The emergence of healthy competition among employees.
  • Reducing the cost of training the team. Employees improve their skills not through oral training, but at the workplace, exchanging information with colleagues.
  • Reduced staff turnover. Employees see career prospects, so loyalty to the company increases.

Pros of personnel changes

The rotation of personnel allows employees to master related professions within one enterprise. The worker will be able to take on more job duties... During the movement, personnel development takes place. Team members gain practical experience and knowledge to help them build a successful career. During the rotation, employees of the enterprise will be able to:

  • Try your hand at different areas. Employees get the opportunity to compare working conditions in another department with the one where they came from, and choose the most suitable specialty for themselves.
  • Get a position that allows vertical growth.
  • Increase the level of satisfaction with the results of your own work.


The movement of employees to different positions is carried out in accordance with the plan developed by the manager and the personnel department. The rate of development of the organization affects the frequency of the procedure. The manager takes into account the qualifications of personnel, the personal qualities of a particular employee and the requests of the heads of different departments. Rotation is classified according to the following criteria:

  1. On the trajectory of movement:
    1. annular;
    2. irrevocable;
    3. castling;
    4. temporary.
  2. By the frequency of movement of personnel:
    1. annual;
    2. monthly;
    3. quarterly;
    4. daily.
  3. By the level of specialization:
    1. adjacent;
    2. completely new work;
    3. the specialty is the same, but the nature of the work is different.
  4. By volume of movement:
    1. rearrangement of lower-level workers;
    2. replacement of specialists;
    3. relocation of top management;
    4. rotation of managers.
  5. By process simulator:
    1. at the initiative of managers;
    2. at the request of the personnel department;
    3. at the request of the employee.
  6. By the degree of mobility:
    1. intra-organizational;
    2. between different branches of the organization.

On the trajectory of movement

The circular rotation of personnel implies that the employee changes several specialties over a certain period of time, and then returns to the previous position. When reshuffling, employees of the same specialization are swapped temporarily or permanently. In case of permanent displacement, the worker no longer returns to the "starting" position. With a temporary rotation, an employee is transferred to another department to work on a project, and after all tasks are completed, they are returned back.

By the frequency of movement of personnel

With an annual rotation, the change of employees in positions occurs once every 12 months. The quarterly movement of employees is carried out once every 4 months. Every day, workers are rarely transferred from position to position. This technique is used in large hardware or grocery stores so that beginners gain experience. The monthly movement of employees from one position to another is carried out in the middle and junior management. Heads of departments or branches are replaced every 5-6 years.

By specialization level

Of employees related professions HR often reassigns to other positions with similar responsibilities. With a shortage of specialists in a certain direction, part of the staff can be transferred to absolutely new job... With this type of personnel rotation, employees are trained in courses within the enterprise or outside it. An employee can be left in the same position, but transferred to another department or attached to any project, i.e. change the nature of work.

By objects of movement

Lower-level employees are more likely to be rotated because their work does not require specific skills. Every 5-6 years, the top management, deputy heads and heads of departments are moved. The rotation of specialists is a more complicated process. The HR department should examine the scope of the selected employee. People with highly specialized professions (programmers, accountants, design engineers, etc.) cannot be moved.

By initiator of the process

An employee can apply to be transferred to another vacancy, provided that his qualifications coincide with the requirements put forward by management. The head of a department or an enterprise can resort to personnel rotation when he notices a decrease in production rates or a deterioration in the quality of products. The movement of employees can be initiated personnel servicethat is part of the enterprise or interacts with it under an outsourcing agreement.

Conditions for a successful employee rotation

Many factors affect the success of the procedure. Leaders must make reshuffling an organizational value. All the advantages of this procedure are reflected in the corporate culture of the enterprise, otherwise employees will resist its implementation. The manager must clearly define the goals of the redeployment. The rotation of personnel will be successful if the following conditions are met:

  • availability of the employee's written consent for temporary or permanent transfer to another department;
  • an official program for the transfer of employees developed by the HR department and personnel service, drawn up as a separate document;
  • the presence of a large staff of employees (at least 500 people).

How to properly reshuffle frames

The internal movement of personnel begins after the issuance of the corresponding decree by the management. Previously, the personnel department will draw up a personnel rotation plan. Employees who are to be transferred to other departments or positions are introduced to the redeployment order. Specialists must write a written consent for the document to take effect.


It will not be possible to implement the system immediately, because the enterprise will lack the documents required for the reshuffle of personnel. It all starts with an introduction to staffing table divisions of the company special rotational positions. All members of the team must be informed about this. A person responsible for the selection of candidates is appointed to each division. Further training is carried out according to the following rules:

  • On the basis of applications and recommendations from authorized persons, the personnel service prepares documents for the transfer of workers to other positions.
  • The specialist keeps it average salary and the space occupied before moving.
  • A schedule for the transfer of an employee from one position to another is developed, and then approved by the head of the organization.
  • The specialist is notified about the upcoming transfer one week in advance.

Legal support

The mechanism for moving employees within one legal entity is regulated Labor Code RF (TC). According to Article 72, changes in the functions or conditions of an employment contract are permissible upon receipt of the written consent of the employee. Some HR officials believe that the worker's signature on familiarization with the transfer order can be used instead. This approach is wrong. Staff rotation is implemented as follows:

  1. Within 2 months, the employee is informed about the transfer to another position or to another labor link.
  2. The specialist signs the consent for the translation.
  3. In accordance with Article No. 57 of the Labor Code, amendments are made to the employee's employment contract.
  4. The personnel department issues an order according to the standard unified form No. T-5.
  5. The personnel department or the head of the unit makes changes to the employee's accounting documents (timesheet, personal account, labor book, etc.).

Personel assessment

The essence of this procedure is to identify the strengths of the selected specialist and determine the level of his potential capabilities. The methods of personnel appraisal during the rotation of personnel are different. Some companies pay more attention to the employee's performance, while others focus on his business qualities... Leaders, colleagues and the person being assessed can take part in the procedure. Personnel assessment can be done in the following ways:

  • questioning;
  • descriptive assessment from supervisors and colleagues;
  • comparison in pairs with other specialists;
  • analysis of behavioral attitudes during a practical test.

Procedure steps

After approval of all documents and coordination of actions with members of the labor collective, you can begin to redistribute specialists. Before the procedure, personnel management specialists recommend that the managers of the enterprise re-check the documents with the consent of the workers for transfer to another position or department. This will help to avoid claims from the team. The staff rotation plan is as follows:

  1. The employee in the vacant position makes a list of recommendations and requirements that will be presented to the newcomer.
  2. An employee who takes a new position studies schedules, plans and tasks assigned to him.
  3. The worker is sent for an interview with the head of the unit where he will work.
  4. The employee who held the position conducts theoretical and practical training for the newcomer within the timeframes established by the documents.
  5. The specialist learns new responsibilities, is instructed and gets acquainted with the recommendations.
  6. The employee is sent for an interview with the head of the unit, the specialist in the position, and the head of the HR department.
  7. Based on the results of the last interview, managers conclude whether the selected individual is suitable for the vacant position.


The time frame for the procedure is determined by the position held by a particular person. At the stage of promotion, which begins at the age of 30, employees begin active career growth. Movements in specialties take place every 4-5 months. Civil service positions are replaced every 3-5 years in accordance with Federal Law No. 79-FZ "On State civil service».

The heads of departments, their deputies and directors of enterprises are subject to rotation of personnel every 5 years. In the theory of management, the position has been established that the optimal period for occupying one specific position by a specialist is 3 years. But it is difficult to establish a general uniform term for all specialties, since the factors influencing the performance of employees will be different.

Disadvantages of staff transfers

One of the disadvantages of the procedure is the drop in productivity against the background of long-term adaptation of the employee to new working conditions. Some employees do not want to leave their positions and move to less prestigious ones, so conflicts with management may arise. For the rotation of personnel and training of employees, the leaders of the organization must allocate a large sum of money. The disadvantages of the procedure include:

  • The disappearance of highly specialized workers. Professionalism in a specific area is important for the production of certain goods and services. With the constant movement of frames, it will be difficult to achieve it.
  • Clannishness in dealing with important issues. In enterprises, an expert group of employees of the same level is often created. As a result, the interests of junior and middle managers are not taken into account, which leads to a decline labor interest.
  • Negative attitude towards the procedure. Many workers perceive the regular movement from one position to another as a waste of time.
  • The result of the procedure is unknown before the procedure.


Those who are not particularly familiar with the theory of human resources and their management may not know all the intricacies and processes to improve their work. First of all, you need to know about the methods of personnel improvement. This makes the life of the organization and the personnel service much easier. First of all, you should pay attention to the process called rotation.

What it is?

Rotation is the movement of personnel within an organization. It can be attributed to retraining of personnel or raising their qualifications. This measure is effective with both management and mid-level personnel.

The movement takes place between different positions within departments and between them. That is why staff rotation is effective in terms of their training and improvement.

Value for the company

Rotation - what is it for a company? Personnel changes are undoubtedly of great benefit. Moreover, competently conducted events give high efficiency to both the organization and its employees. Pros for the company:

  1. Reduced employee turnover - employees can be moved to other positions, which will help avoid layoffs.
  2. No need to expand the staff - personnel are updated due to existing employees, and not by increasing the number.
  3. Reducing the cost of searching, selecting personnel and training them.
  4. The staff is trained to work anywhere in different positions.
  5. Professional development - the more places an employee passes (it doesn't matter whether these are higher positions or equivalent in other departments), the more knowledge and skills he will receive.
  6. Interchangeability of personnel - for the duration of sick leave or vacations, it is not necessary to bring a person from the outside to a vacant position, it can be replaced by those who worked in this place during the rotation.

Rotation: employee perspective

For staff personnel changes bring no less benefit.

  1. Development in many areas - an employee can work not only in his specialty, but also in other areas.
  2. An incentive to prove yourself in a new place with better side - this increases labor productivity and is a good incentive for the employee to reach his potential.
  3. Vertical and horizontal career. Rotation of personnel is the movement of employees in different directions within the organization, which allows meeting the need for career growth.
  4. The opportunity to work in one company for a long time - there is no point in leaving the company that contributes to the comprehensive development of the staff.
  5. A close-knit team - an employee, having visited another's place, understands his job duties and the mechanism of the department itself, which reduces negativity and conflicts between colleagues.

As can be seen from the above, the rotation of personnel in an organization is an opportunity to stabilize and even improve the work of any company. This should be the main goal when implementing this process.

What kind of rotation can there be?

It is understandable that this is a useful process, but it is important to choose the best option for the organization. To do this, you should pay attention to the varieties:

  • For the management team, there can be both a promotion and a demotion. You can also change the terms of reference, which will automatically change the attitude towards work and subordinates.
  • For employees, circular rotation is more common. What is it? This is the transfer of an employee to equivalent positions with his subsequent return to a permanent place of work. It allows you to develop the potential of the employee and understand the work of departments, their connections and, possibly, optimize it.

Carrying out personnel transfers

First, it must be remembered when studying a process such as rotation that this is a complex and painstaking work that must be performed by trained people.

Secondly, before introducing personnel changes, it is necessary to train personnel. People should understand that the management values \u200b\u200bthem and offers the opportunity to advance, develop and fulfill themselves within the same organization. And you need to make sure that the staff understands the meaning of the measures being introduced so as not to provoke layoffs.

Only by combining these two points, it is possible to achieve a positive effect from the rotation, which can subsequently bring the company to a new level, increase its production, as well as profit.

Today there is no need to prove the interdependence of concepts such as "enterprise development" and "personnel development".

In the structure of an enterprise (organization), personnel, on the one hand, acts as a subject, since it is a component of production relations, and on the other hand, as an object that determines these relations. And the higher the corporate culture of the enterprise, the clearer its structure, the more specific goals are defined and reasoned, the more adequate they are to resource and financial costs, the clearer the ways to optimize production activities, which, in turn, will lead to the optimization of personnel policy, and therefore to improve the efficiency of personnel.

The head of a large institution with a staff of many thousands and a network of regional offices often has to resort to personnel transfers. One of the types of personnel movement is rotation , which is becoming an increasingly popular technique for the personnel policy of managers and personnel management departments.

Rotation - an important component of the team and career management mechanism for employees. Its essence lies in horizontal job movements in order to improve the qualifications of an employee, his professional category or category.

The rotation of employees of a certain level of professional training and education allows to reveal human potential without significant material costs, prevents erroneous decisions related to the promotion of employees, prevents the development of conflicts in the team. In addition, this technique makes it possible to test the effectiveness of the chosen way of increasing production efficiency, methods of team management.

Rotation should not be confused with the ordinary mechanical movement of personnel, aimed at preventing illegal activities of personnel, preventing corruption, "improving the personnel situation" in the team, etc. Such an understanding of rotation, at first glance, promises a simple and quick solution to emerging problems: it costs only remove from the team a worker who does not fit into it, and the labor process will return to its usual course. However, practice shows that excessive reliance on the effectiveness of such decisions can lead not to the stabilization of the team, but to staff turnover and a decrease in the authority of the leadership, not to the localization of negative phenomena, but to their integration into other teams. Therefore, rotation is aimed at improving the professional level of employees, and not at eradicating negative trends in the team.

Rotation needs to be well thought out. It should be seen as an integral part of the personnel development system, in which the movement of workers is individual, planned in advance and contributes to the resolution of production problems.

As an integral part of the personnel development mechanism, rotation is effective during the first 8-10 years of an employee's work. By the age of 34–40, an employee, as a rule, reaches a high degree of professionalism and requires a larger field for activity. In this case, the company is obliged to provide such an employee with opportunities for career growth, deepening knowledge and improving skills and abilities.

Rotation at various stages of an employee's position in the position has its own characteristics.

Preliminary stage lasts until a person reaches the age of twenty-five and includes studying at school, obtaining an average and higher education... During this period, a person can change several jobs in search of the type of activity that would satisfy his needs and would correspond to his abilities. If he immediately finds opportunities to apply his knowledge and skills, then the process of his professional self-affirmation and growth begins, according to which he will plan his future.

On stage of formation , which lasts about five years, the employee masters the profession, acquires the necessary skills, and forms his qualifications.

At this stage, which usually occurs between the 25th and 30th year of life, families are created, therefore, a married young specialist inevitably has a desire to receive a higher salary, which would be enough to provide for the family, improve the health of its members, arrange life, etc. .d.

For the promotion stage , which begins after 30 years and ends about 45 years, is characterized by professional development and career growth of the employee. At this time, there is an accumulation of practical experience, the formation of skills, there is a need to achieve a higher status and greater independence. The personality at this stage strives for maximum self-expression. A person develops a healthy desire to stand out among colleagues, to be noticed by leaders, to acquire new knowledge and skills. During this period, the employee's efforts are focused on self-realization, increasing the size of his own salary, and taking care of his health. It is very important that the employee is sure that he will be promoted up the career ladder after a certain time, that the administration is actively forming a personnel reserve for the management level, in which there is constant renewal. In turn, managers and personnel departments are required to prepare the candidate for a promising job transfer, which must go through with the lowest cost and with the greatest return.

Therefore, an executive officer or a personnel officer must know well the features of the organization in which rotation is supposed to be carried out, to navigate in production, financial, personnel issues. of this enterprise... Only under such conditions can a personnel change be qualified, which will lead to the stabilization of the team, the timely fulfillment of tasks, which, as a result, will have a positive effect on the efficiency of production as a whole. Well-thought-out rotation can help an enterprise survive in extreme socio-economic and political conditions.

Practice shows that unsuccessfully displaced workers often do not see prospects in the new team. The rotation carried out in this way loses its meaning. Such phenomena indicate poor work with personnel, the lack of career planning for employees. From the moment a person is hired and until his dismissal, it is necessary to carry out systematic horizontal and vertical advancement of the employee through the job system. The employee must see not only his near and distant prospects, but also the conditions for achieving these milestones. Rotation as one of the career paths can play an important role here.

Rotation can be especially beneficial if it meets the expectations of the employee and the business. The manager can painlessly replace an unreliable employee, plan his future career, refresh the staff of the enterprise, correctly distribute employees into microgroups, while remaining extremely open to the team. Acting in this way, the leader studies the potential of his subordinates, lays down the criteria for assessing their work, from which the conditions for career growth follow, forms personnel reserves... The employee, in turn, gets the opportunity to try his hand at a new team, to assess his ability to adapt.

There are several types of careers, depending on the nature of the rotation.

An employee's career growth can occur within one organization. This means that the employee in the course of his labor activity goes through all stages of professional development (training; job search, registration labor agreement, various phases of professional and career growth; retirement) in one enterprise. In such a career, rotation is appropriate at the stage of promotion employee on the career ladder. The duration of the employee's stay at new position determined by the degree of assimilation of new professional experience and, as a rule, ends with a return to the previous position with admission to the nomination reserve (for those employees who are already in this reserve, the waiting period for a higher position is reduced).

In other cases, an employee goes through the above stages of professional development in different organizations or different departments of the same organization. In this case, the terms of office of an employee transferred on a rotational basis are determined by the effectiveness of the functioning of the structural unit.

In order to manage the advancement of employees up the career ladder, an in-depth study of the motives that determine their work activity at each stage of their career is required. To this end, in many organizations in the personnel departments, trade union committees, consulting centers, among the leadership, blocks are formed to manage the career of employees.

AT last years the practice of creating performance monitoring groups appeared labor processanalyzing the state of personnel in order to identify the degree of compliance human resources the tasks facing the team.

Summing up the reasoning about the place and role of rotation in work with personnel, it should be emphasized that any rotation should be carried out in accordance with general plan personnel work and be based on the principles of legality, democracy, social justice, professionalism, mutual openness, proceed from the need for service, take into account the interests of the department and employees. Skillfully using rotation, managers not only strengthen the personnel structure of the enterprise (especially in the provinces, where recruiting sources are scarce), but also develop the creative potential of the team, ensuring high labor efficiency.

  • HR Policy and HR Strategies

Under rotation personnel is understood as a directed and systematic movement of an employee of one position to an equivalent one within a division of an enterprise or a change in his job duties without changing a position or an employee's transfer to another division in an enterprise or to another enterprise (Figure 8.4), which distinguishes it from a reserve when training is carried out for appointment to a higher position.

A schematic diagram of personnel rotation is shown in Figure 8.5.

The rotation of personnel is carried out in order to assess the potential of employees and the most rational use of their professional, intellectual and creative capabilities (selection of work for human abilities).

Goals and objectives of personnel rotation:

  • - the acquisition of new competencies by employees and the development of motivation to maximize effective workas well as maintaining them at a high level;
  • - reduction in the number of personnel due to the expansion of functional duties and the complication of production tasks within the framework of the position;
  • - the acquisition by the employees of the organization of a clear vision of personal professional prospects;

Figure: 8.4.

Figure: 8.5.

- selection of motivated and loyal employees who associate the growth of their professional career with the organization.

The standard terms of tenure for the positions of specialists and managers are established in relation to the main job categories existing in the organization.

  • top managers - once every five to seven years;
  • all other categories of personnel - once every three to five years;
  • workers - as required by production, but at least once a year.

AT russian organizations Today, we have accumulated sufficient experience in using personnel rotation, which opens up great opportunities for realizing the potential of employees. For example, in a number of oil companies there is a rule that business leaders should not stay in their positions for more than five years. In company Motorola there are employees who constantly move between national offices without having a permanent place of residence for several years. In Bank Vozrozhdenie, the employees of the conflicting divisions are swapped in order to enhance mutual understanding between the divisions. Experts consider staff rotation universal receptionable to solve a whole range of problems. However, not all companies can afford this method.

Managers of oil companies are constantly moving: from one enterprise to another, from enterprise to head office, from Moscow to regions, from region to region, and from regions to Moscow. The deputy general director of the Novokuibyshevsk oil refinery moved to Moscow and became deputy head of the oil refining directorate, and a year and a half later he was appointed one of the leaders of the Angarsk petrochemical company. L the head of the shop at the Novokuibyshevsk plant becomes the chief engineer of the Achinsk oil refinery.

Not only managers, but also young specialists of most oil companies "travel": in 2004 about 15 young specialists were sent from Moscow to the regions.

At Bank Vozrozhdenie, analysts from various departments of the bank periodically move to work in the client department, and the employees of the client service, for example, in the technical departments of the bank.

In the Moscow branch of the company Motorola a specialist can try himself in new role within several months or even one year - three years. Most of the employees eligible for long-term rotation are part of the so-called group of talented employees, which makes up about 20% of the workforce. For each of the group members, a individual plan professional development, which includes rotation.

A company that uses employee rotation has a lot more opportunities to realize the potential of the people who work for it. Experts are confident that many companies can avoid a bankruptcy crisis with the help of just one competent rotation of personnel.

What tasks can be solved with only one rotation of personnel?

Exchange of experience and expertise. In company Motorola many specialists very often go on long business trips. If a Nigerian office needs a specialist, then, as a rule, he is not hired from the outside, but a request is made to a specially created Global Rotation Center.

Interaction of departments. Often, divisions of the same company, which should, in theory, work together for the sake of the interests of the whole company, act inconsistently. In this case, rotation serves as a way to establish understanding between departments. The leading employees of the antagonistic departments who have changed places are given the opportunity to be in the shoes of the "enemy" by means of rotation. An employee of the finance department who will work for several months in the department internal audit, will begin to understand much better the claims of their meticulous colleagues. Moving from position to position allows other people to look at the company from different points of view, to see a lot from the outside.

Staff development. Manager of the engineering department of the Moscow branch Motorola the company is going to appoint the head of the system integration department. However, he does not yet have the proper leadership experience. Therefore, this employee was sent for professional development to the Polish office of the company, in Warsaw, to lead the cellular communications business.

Staff motivation and retention. If an employee declares that he wants to leave for another company, he should not be taken literally. Maybe he just wants a change. In that case, why not arrange a change of scenery for him in his native company? And the sooner an employer can track down a caregiver, the better. If a person is interested in moving to another job, then he is looking for something. If he is not offered another field of activity, then he can go to another company. In most companies, rotation is especially useful in this regard. The ability to move from place to place, the ability to travel is a serious motivator. A change of scenery is important.

Development of corporate culture. The point of the company’s rule to replace CEOs in five years is to make CEOs aware that their company is changing and they must change with it. Limited time working in one position also does not allow managers to create clannishness at enterprises, which over time may conflict with the corporate culture of the company.

According to HR specialists, the rotation of personnel as meaningful personnel policy not too common in russian companies... There is a simple explanation for this. Moving staff between departments and especially between offices is a rather expensive method of motivation. In company Motorola The Global Rotation Center is specifically responsible for calculating the feasibility of staff relocation. After all, it is often required to pay for the move not only of a specialist, but also of his family.

Naturally, the most painless rotation of employees takes place in large companies... For example, Bank Vozrozhdenie, which employs about 3,500 people, cannot yet afford to rotate staff between the office and branches. Moving between departments of the central office, which employs 700 people, is already quite possible. At the same time, it is better not to rotate some specialists, for example, the chief accountant. And in general - managers and specialists engaged in narrow, specific activities in relation to the main business of the company.

Some rotation options are generally unproductive. The Western style of rotation, when in many companies all personnel indiscriminately move through many divisions, is rather ineffective, because as a result, no one knows how to do anything properly. For a competent rotation, it is first necessary to determine the individual potential of the employee using structured interviews, psychological tests, an assessment center, etc. As a result, of course, rotation will be even more expensive. However, there is every reason to believe that these costs will pay off.

The duration of work in another equivalent position (mastering a related operation, function) is determined by the relevant manager and can range from one week to one year. The main criterion is that the employee must have time to learn how to qualitatively perform new duties.

For each main job category in the organization, the optimal and maximum rotation rate has been determined. At the end of the optimal tenure, an individual assessment of the employee's achievements is carried out.

The progress report is drawn up by the head of the department where the employee currently works and consists of two main sections.

  • 1. Assessment of achievements in work.
  • 2. Tasks for next year.

Assessment of achievements in work is carried out in two stages.

At the first stage, the following are recorded:

  • the results achieved in comparison with the goals set;
  • results in mastering competencies in comparison with planned ones;
  • completed training;
  • learned foreign language.
  • criteria for assessing achievements are accepted, namely:
    • - result of work - denotes the overall result in achieving the goals defined a year earlier,
    • - result in mastering competencies - denotes the overall result in mastering the competencies defined a year earlier,
    • - contribution to the changes that have occurred - reflects the results achieved in the process of making changes that meet the possibilities of their application in this area of \u200b\u200bwork,
    • - contribution to the achievements of others - reflects the employee's contribution to the overall achievements of the unit;
  • the analysis of the results obtained is carried out and the rating of achievements is determined:
  • - close to unsatisfactory - means weakness according to this assessment criterion, the presence of problems for this employee when solving problems in his current area of \u200b\u200bwork,
  • - good - means the ability of an employee to fully comply with the requirements for those working in this area,
  • - very good - means that according to this parameter of the assessment, the employee's work results constantly exceed the level required for this section,
  • - the highest - means that the employee constantly achieves outstanding results.

The final assessment of the work is carried out based on the results of a comparative assessment within a group of employees of the same level.

Comparative evaluation of results contains the following procedures:

  • selection of a group of expert experts;
  • drawing up groups of employees this level;
  • appraisal date;
  • determination of the order of placement by rating;
  • fixing the results;
  • communicating information to employees.

After the individual assessment employee, the head sets tasks for the next year:

  • in the area of professional activity - identifies the main benchmarks in the work that the employee must achieve during the next period and milestones;
  • in the field of mastering new competencies - new levels of employee competence are determined, as well as the tools necessary to overcome problems in the competence.

Based on the achievement of employees, a rating of the division is compiled, which serves as the basis for choosing the directions of rotation of the division.

In the period following the optimal tenure of the employee, the HR strategy and training department, together with the manager, conducts an analysis of the current appointment, which reflects certain opinions on personnel changes and transfers. The analysis of the current assignment shows the work of a given employee in this position from the moment of its occupation to the present. Only one analysis of the current assignment is prepared for one job. When an employee moves, a new analysis of the current assignment is drawn up, into which information is transferred that retains its value.

Organizational measures for the implementation of the personnel rotation system:

  • - introduction of special rotational positions into the staffing table of each unit included in the rotation system;
  • - Appointment in the above-mentioned departments of a person responsible for work with human resources, in functional responsibilities which includes the selection of candidates for transfer to positions and control over the implementation of the rotation system in this unit;
  • - creation of a vertical and horizontal career "ladder" taking into account the specifics and needs of each department and enterprise;
  • - creation of an expert commission for the certification of applicants;
  • - implementation software on personnel planning.

The results of the rotation are summed up on the basis of the results of the employee certification by the method of expert evaluation.

  • 1. Seven to nine experts are interviewed anonymously on the subject of business and personal qualities, professional knowledge, skills and abilities of the employee being studied. It is necessary that the opinion was presented: employees who, in comparison with the evaluated employee, occupy: a) higher positions (one or two employees, including the immediate supervisor); b) equivalent positions (two or three colleagues); c) lower positions (four to five employees, including workers).
  • 2. The employee submits to the head of the enterprise an analysis of the work of the unit that he headed in the rotation process, indicating the identified shortcomings, a list of measures to improve work with a reasonable time frame for their implementation, calculating the costs of their implementation and indicating the expected economic effect.

Promotion of staff rotation. The work on the rotation of personnel is stimulated materially and morally. The main types of incentives:

  • - announcement of gratitude;
  • - issuance of prizes;
  • - rewarding with a valuable gift.

The criteria for stimulating staff rotation are as follows. Are encouraged:

  • - managers who are actively involved in improving the personnel management system, in particular, through rotation;
  • - employees who have proven themselves in the rotation process. An important direction in work on staff retention

the formation of the personnel reserve remains.

Personnel reserve - this is a potentially active and trained part of the organization's personnel, capable of filling higher positions.

Personnel reserve - a specially formed group of employees who correspond in their qualities to the requirements for managers of a certain

Figure: 8.6.

level, passed the selection procedure, special managerial and professional training and potentially capable of leadership activities.

Work with the reserve, like most areas of work with personnel, is considered complex and is based on the following relationships (Figure 8.6).

The thoroughness of personnel assessment procedures, including an assessment of the potential of employees and the results of work performed during the rotation of personnel and the formation of a reserve, helps to identify those employees who do not meet the requirements of the organization.

If an employee does not meet the requirements of his workplace, then it is not always a mistake in hiring. A fairly common situation is when an employee does not have time to change following innovations in his profession (specialty). Therefore, it is precisely these workers that the organization seeks to get rid of in the first place, especially when it comes to the need to reduce personnel (for example, in the case of a reduction in production volumes, re-profiling of an enterprise, or other situations of business diversification that require a sharp reduction in personnel costs).

  • In accordance with the current Labor Code of the Russian Federation, personnel rotation must be carried out with the consent of the employee.
  • Swarovsky F. Personnel circulation // A careerist's guide. 2003/2004. S. 118-119.

"Human Resources Department of a Commercial Organization", 2013, N 12


The functioning of the organization is always influenced by external and internal factors. External factors include the state economy, changes in legislation and the taxation system, the emergence and development of competing firms, etc. Internal factors are a change in the structure of a company, the creation of new jobs, technological innovations, etc.

With changes in government policy, the attitude of the head to personnel management also changes. How to ensure the availability of highly qualified and competent employees, their training, the introduction of new ideas and, as a result, the competitiveness of the company?

The concept and goals of rotation

Rotation (from Latin rotation) means circular motion. Personnel rotation is one of the interesting and, perhaps, risky ways to manage personnel. It represents a sequential shift professional responsibilities employee, alternating stays in various positions to master related professions, different functions, specific skills and gain experience in acceptance management decisions... A significant change in job duties or transfer to another structural unit is possible. Usually, personnel rotation is the movement of employees within the company with pre-planned goals, which can be accompanied by a renewal of the personnel structure (recruitment of newcomers), take place with or without training. Its initiators can be the heads of the organization, the HR department, or the employees themselves.

The rotation of personnel allows, above all:

1. To train high-level managers - competent, knowing the specifics of the functioning of each structural unit.

2. An employee - to understand and study the activities of the company as a whole.

At the same time, specialists conditionally divide the rotation goals into motivational and organizational ones.

Motivational goals are determined based on the needs of employees. It:

Organizational goals are set in relation to the need to make optimal use of staff. These include:

There is also false rotation. Its essence is simple: one employee is assigned the duties of two. He is forced to master new functions and, along with them, perform the old ones. Thus, the employer cuts the payroll and the staff of employees, for example, during an economic crisis. The results of such an operation are obvious: strong employee dissatisfaction, decreased efficiency of their work and staff turnover. This should of course be avoided.

Rotation types and international experience of its application

According to the frequency of movements, staff rotation is annual, monthly, daily and, as Japanese practice shows, even hourly.

Along the trajectory of movement - circular, irrevocable and castling. In a circular rotation, an employee works in several positions and returns to his own. Irrevocable is characterized by movement without the ability to return to the starting position. Castling as a type of rotation is the exchange of positions at the same level. For example, in eastern car corporations it is considered normal for a sales manager to temporarily change positions with a colleague in the purchasing department.

According to the level of specialization, the rotation is carried out in the same specialty, in a related specialty, without changes in the nature of work and with them.

By object of movement - can be carried out among managers or among ordinary specialists.

In terms of the scale of the rotation, rotation can be internal (both at the enterprise as a whole and within a workshop or department), external (between branches and divisions of an organization located in one region), interregional (moving employees to another branch with a change of residence to another region, which only giant firms can afford) and international (while workers of transnational organizations move to other states).

By orientation, the planned rotation is allocated, which will be carried out in the future, and the actual one is the result of the implementation of the step-by-step plan.

The rotation mechanism is used in many countries around the world. So, in Germany, a program was developed to prevent corruption in federal authorities, the main principles of which are the analysis of positions (with the possible high level corruption) and limitation of the term of service in positions with a high rate, followed by rotation.

In Japan, the rotation of a civil servant is a guarantee of his all-round development, a successful career and the maximum benefit of the enterprise. A civil servant of the Land of the Rising Sun changes his place of work every two to three years, while consent to the transfer is required only in case of a change of residence. Approximately 40% of staff rotate annually, which solves the problem of interchangeability, reduces tension and stress levels, maintains high motivation for work and ensures low staff turnover.

In the People's Republic of China, rotation involves the planned transfer of civil servants. Once every ten years, the employee is transferred to another or similar position in a different locality. An important component of such a mechanism is the obligation government agencies all levels have a certain number of vacancies (rotation reserve) for the success of rotation.

Our country also has a wealth of experience in conducting rotation. During the reign of Catherine II, the transfer of personnel was widely used in relation to vice-governors, managers of treasury chambers and other positions. In the Soviet Union, rotation was used in the party and state apparatus... Under a tight management system, this meant consistently passing key positions to accelerate career growth. The leaders were deliberately moved from one enterprise to another with changes in their place of residence (district, region, republic) and when positive results promoted. At the same time, appropriate material, housing and social conditions were created.

The principles of rotation, the sequence of its implementation,

advantages and disadvantages

Personnel rotation is a rather complex personnel management tool. When carrying out it, it is important to follow some principles:

1. The principle of prospects.

Establishment of age qualifications for various categories of positions;

Determination of the maximum duration of work in one position;

Admitting the possibility of changing a profession or specialty;

Systematic professional development;

Taking into account the health status of people being transported.

2. The principle of personnel turnover: it is necessary to ensure a systematic change of employees to prevent professional stagnation associated with a long stay in one position.

3. The principle of staff matching: implies the presence of certain professional, business and personal qualities among the rotated.

4. The principle of personnel mobility: a change of place of work is conditioned by the transparency of prospects, the need to obtain a unique work experience in another city, region or another country.

5. Principle of regular reporting: it is mandatory to periodically evaluate the effectiveness of rotation measures.

Personnel rotation, as mentioned earlier, is a managerial process. It consists of several steps. The first step is to describe the subject of the rotation, that is, to determine what kind of work it is needed for, and to formulate the tasks to be performed. Step two is to determine the requirements for the selected and relocated employees. Step three is to select candidates. Step four is to control the adaptation period of the transferred employee. Step five is to examine the results of the rotation and assess the possibilities of their correction.

What are the advantages of staff rotation?

It serves as a good prevention of professional burnout. Working in one position for a long time entails a loss of interest in the responsibilities. As a rule, then the employee starts looking for another job, hoping to acquire new knowledge, skills, new experience.

Rotation helps to unite the team. As a rule, colleagues communicate within their department, thereby practically isolating themselves from other employees and departments. When moving to other departments, employees learn to interact with other people, in a new team, they learn to cooperate and reach compromises. Communication between departments is also being established.

This procedure will help prepare universal specialists - to ensure their interchangeability in the event of sick leave, vacations, long business trips, as well as for a managerial position.

The rotation of personnel is indispensable for the prevention and resolution of labor conflicts. If one of the belligerents is sent to another unit, it is possible that it is there that the employee will be among his own. Then he will be more useful to the company than when he works in a conflict.

Rotation helps to revive the former passion or introduce new ideas in the work of a particular department. Employees who sit in one position are quite wary of innovations, fulfilling their duties "as is customary." In this case, an employee with a "clean" look is able to bring new concept into the work of the department, see it from a different angle and, possibly, increase its effectiveness.

There are fewer minuses in the rotation of personnel than pluses. However, when deciding on its holding, consider in advance whether this event is suitable for your organization and your team. So, the obvious disadvantages of rotation are:

Yet a well-thought-out rotation plan can eliminate these difficulties. To do this, you must understand and comply with some prerequisites.

1. High-quality and successful rotation can only become if it is carried out on a voluntary basis.

2. A replacement must be prepared in advance for the rotated employee.

3. The employer, like the new manager of the displaced worker, must support him during the adaptation period.

4. Rotation should be mutually beneficial, promising and clearly defined for both parties to the employment relationship.

Let's summarize. Rotation is a complex human resource management mechanism and must not be neglected for its success certain principles, it is necessary to observe a number of conditions and the correct sequence of actions. A competent, professional approach to this complex process is of great importance. The goals, objectives, rotation plan and responsibilities of the persons who will be involved in it should be documented. Staff rotation is useful both for the management of the company and for the employees themselves, so please note: it is important to ensure the publicity of the events being held.