Applique from plasticine lesson. Education Area: "Artistic Creativity" (Lrak) Subject: "Flower" Good. Dictionary V. Dalya

Application from Plasticine "Narcissa", "Tulips"

Applique from Plasticine "Narcissa"

Smirnova Tatiana Vladimirovna, educator MDOU Kindergarten № 326 "River" Volgograd.

Master class designed for senior children preschool age (6-7 years), support teachers, teachers additional education and parents.

Purpose: gift for the holiday March 8, group decoration kindergarten, Crafts for the exhibition.

Goal: embodiment in the artistic form of the idea of characteristic features external structure Narcissus in technique - "Plasticography".

- improve the technique of working with plasticine, evenly distribute plasticine on the surface, fix the reception of "color stretching";
- contribute to the expansion of knowledge about the variety of spring colors, form composite skills, develop the touch sphere, creative imagination, aesthetic perception, fine motility of the fingers of the hands;
- to educate the careful attitude towards nature, curiosity, the ability to cooperate with each other.

- plasticine sets (normal, ball);
- Board for modeling, stack;
- paper napkin;
- White cardboard.

About Narcissa
Narcissus is a gentle spring fragrant flower. In Europe, Narcissa came from Asia Minor and loved in England. The scientific name of flowers means a fading smell, causing even a headache.
Motherland Narcissov - Southern Europe, Mediterranean countries (in particular, Spain, Portugal).
Narcissus is one of the most valuable spring ornamental plants. This plant is widely used for landing in flower beds, groups on lawns, for cutting, distillation, as well as for growing as potted culture in winter.
Narcissus, refers to the early-sighted colors that bloom and fruit in the spring and early summer.
Narcissus leaves are roasting, linear, dark green, depending on the variety can be of different lengths and widths. On the structure of the Narcissus flower consists of a tubular perianth with six dollars, the crown is located inside the perianth, there are six stamens inside the crown. The bulbs of the elongated, pear-shaped shape are covered with dense brown skin.
Roots growing from the bluing dons are most intensively developing in autumn and die annually. Narcissus flowers are simple and terry, sit on alertless blurry covered with a film. The flowering of daffodils begins in the first half of May and ends in June.
A large variety of Narcissus flowers give a form, magnitude and painting of the crown (white, yellow or two-color).
The genus Narcissus includes 40 species belonging to the amarylline family.


2. Stack of narcissus flowers, extra plasticine carefully remove.

3. Take ball plasticine pale yellow and paint the petals of the first Narcissa flower.

4. The base of the funnel-shaped "crown" is painted with orange color, the rest is yellow. Inside draw orange stamens. The contour of petals lay out thin yellow sausages.

5. Take the ball plasticine pale blue and paint the petals of the second dahcissal flower.

6. The base of the crowns is painted with white plasticine, the rest is yellow. Inside draw yellow stamens. The contour of petals Narcissus is laying down thin white sausages.

7. From the green sausages, draw the stems of colors and narrow leaves using the reception "color stretching". To the stems we draw "dry leaves" pale green.

Applique from Plasticine "Tulips"


Goal: Creation on the horizontal plane composition of tulips, reflection in the visual activities of the natural features of the plant.

- fasten the techniques of work in the plasticography technique, develop a small overall and motility of fingers;
- expanding the dictionary of children through speech games, to learn to select antonyms, develop creative imagination, form the eye meter, color perception;
- Expand the knowledge of children about spring colors, to cultivate the careful attitude towards nature, love for mom.

About tulips
The homeland of the tulip is the territory of modern Kazakhstan, where they are still found in the wild. The first country, where the tulips were introduced into the culture, most likely there was Persia. The flower received its name from the Persian word "turban". And indeed, in shape, it resembles a kind of headdress.
From Persia, tulips got to Turkey, where they were called "Lale". Lale's name is still the most popular women's name In the countries of the East. By the 16th century, about 300 grades of tulips were known.
The bulbs of sorts of garden tulips were brought to Russia for the first time in 1702 in the era of King Peter Great from Holland.
Nowadays about 2500 species, varieties, tulip varieties are known. In the Volgograd region the most rare and protected in wildlife Are: Tulip biting, Biberstein Tulip, Tulip Geesner.
Tulip flowers most often red or yellow, but there are pesto painted, white, greenish and dark, almost black.
The aroma of tulips is not too strong.
Tulips flowers wide open in the sun and close at night and cloudy weather.
Tulips can be planted as autumn and spring. But laughing ones planted in the fall, they manage to root a little to cold. In the spring they will germinate and bloom faster than bulbs squeezed in spring. The ordering order is simple, help: dig a hole, pour water, lower the bulb and fall asleep the earth.
Unfortunately, often people disappear flowers without need, without thinking about the fact that the torn flower will very soon get on and dying. Take care of flowers and admire their beauty!

1. We take purple and white plasticine, mix them until the lilac color is obtained. Pain the thin layer of the basis of the picture.

2. Stack draw tulips flowers, extra plasticine carefully remove.

3. Painter with red plasticine the first flower of the tulip, highlighting individual petals and contour with bright red sausages.

4. Pain in red plasticine and other two flower, also highlighting bright thin sausages of their petals and contour. In the middle of the second flower, we draw black stamens on short yellow legs.

5. From the green sausage draws stems and leaves using the color stretching. An abstract classes on the modeling "Polyana flowers"

Goal: continue to form children's knowledge about colors, form the ability to transmit the image and shape of a flower with a plasticine, to learn to transmit features external view Colors in modeling.


1. Continue to form the presentation of children about colors, a variety of appearance, learn to transmit the structure of colors in the modeling.

2. Form the ability to sculpt the flower buds from a ball with a flattening method, petals - the way of pulling, pinching; Continue to develop in children a small motility of the fingers of the hands, form a feeling of color and shape;

3. Rail love and careful attitude towards nature.

Material and equipment: Illustration with image of flowers, plasticine, stacks, green cardboard, napkins, skimming.

Node's move.

1. Organizational moment.

The educator reads the children a poem:

He came up, threw flowers,

But we are silent, and I and you,

Silent yesterday, silent now,

And it happens every time!

Rather stupid ease

Do not need to tear flowers

The child is clear, this is a sin,

After all, beauty is one for everyone!

2. Conversation about colors, careful about them.

Q: Guys, what are the flowers that grow in the field?

D: Wildflowers.

Q: Right. Guys, and who puts flowers in the field?

D: Nature.

Q: Right, in the field, the flowers grow by themselves and do not need human care. Not a man watering them, but nature. Not a person ferters them, but all the beneficial substances they get from the soil of the field.

Q: What do you know wildflowers?

Children's Answers (Vasilek, Clover, Chamomile)

Q: Why do you need flowers?

D: for beauty.

Q: True. Flowers bring us aesthetic pleasure, they please our eyes and decorate our beauty. Guys, and flowers can be broken?

D: No!

Q: Why?

D: They will die.

Q: Right, without land, the plants will die.

3. Gaying out riddles.

The teacher makes children riddles on the field colors, and the children guess. After guessing the puzzles, the teacher with children view illustrations of wildflowers, features of their appearance (Vasilek, clover, chamomile)

4. Fisminist "Flower".

Rose of a high flower in the meadow,

In the morning spring revealed petals.

Beauty and food to all petals,

A friendly underground gives root.

5. Productive activities of children (modeling).

The educator shows the children in advance prepared "clean".

Q: Guys, let's decorate our field with you?

D: Yes!

The educator together with the children clarifies the structure of the flower and suggests thinking how to sculpt the flower. The teacher shows a ball of blue plasticine.

Q: What flower looks like?

D: on cornflower.

Q: Vasilka flower consists of petals with pointed ends.

The tutor tells the children how to make petals with a stack. It is possible to split the petals with a stack and apply strokes.

After the teacher shows another ball from plasticine. Then flattens it.

The educator clarifies that you can make any plasticine flowers, demonstrates the modeling methods: the petals pull out the fingers; along the edge pinches; Stack makes cuts.

Specifies with children that for chamomile it is necessary to take white plasticine, for cornflower - blue (blue, for clover - red or pink. When the flowers are ready, they must be strengthened on the stalks. Children choose the desired color of plasticine and make flowers.

6. Summing up.

Having finished the work, the guys are attached using green plasticies on the "field" of their flowers. At the end, the teacher with the children admire "Poland Flowers" and celebrate every work.

Violetta Popova

Abstract classes on plasticine appliqué« gold fish» at preparatory to school group


1. To introduce children with a new type appliques - Plasticine Applique;

2. Teach children to seek a clear and neat image;

3. Develop visual motor coordination and fine motility of hands.

Equipment: Cardboard sheets of blue color, plasticine Yellow, Brown and Green, Simple Pencil and Stencil fish.

Preliminary work: viewing aquarium in group, reading a fairy tale A. S. Pushkin « gold fish» and reviews of illustrations for this work.

Structure occupation

Educator: Guys, please guess riddle:

Spruce in the river with a clean back silver.

Children: Fish.

Educator: Right. Well done! And now listen to the poem "Where sleeps fish» I. Tokmakova.

At night, the dark, sleep at night.

Fish, fishWhere are you sleeping?

Filia trail leads to normal

Trail dog to a cone,

Belkin track leads to a hollow,

Myshkin - to the hole in the floor.

Sorry that in the river, on the water,

No your traces nowhere.

Only darkness, only quiet.

Fish, fishWhere are you sleeping?

Educator: Today on applique we will make fishBut a little unusual way. We will learn to lay out the image fish from plasticine.

The theme of our work « gold fish» . What do you think what color plasticine will help us to portray « Goldfish»

Children: Yellow.

(You can offer children to lay the tail and fins fish orangeto create a brighter image)

Educator: Yes, it is yellow. On your workplace, blue cardboard, green and brown are cooked plasticine. Blue Cardboard Indicates the water in which your will swim fish, Green plasticine We will lay out algae. And what we will do from brown plasticineYou will answer yourself.

Children: Pebbles at the bottom of the reservoir. (if children are hampered, the educator explains himself)

Educator: We know with you that the body fish is covered with scales. Today we will scratch scales from plasticine. For this we roll with two fingers small balls and press them on our circuit fish. So continue until the body fish completely will not cover. Algae and stones are laid out in the same way. Eye fish highlighting black plasticine. (The tutor explains and shows on his cardboard)

Children begin work, the teacher helps them as needed. After appliques Fingering with children gymnastics:


Lived yes there was one nam (Palms are folded, smooth movements, imitating the movements of fins)

Two Yersh friendly with him (Palms are spread, move moving with two palms)

Three ducks flew to them, (Hands are folded in the closer, cramped palms)

Four times a day. (compress and squeeze fists)

Then children hang their work on the stand.

Educator: Look, guys, what an interesting aquarium it turned out. In it float alone goldfish. Did you like this occupation?

Responses of children.

Educator: You are today big young! Your fish It turned out very beautiful because you tried very much. Thank you so much for occupation.

Abstract lesson on technology.


Teacher primary classes

MBOU SS №10 Dimitrovgrad

Zemskova Ekaterina Ivanovna.

Topic: Plasticine applique.

Class: 4 A.

CMD:School of Russia.

The date of the:

Planned results:

Personal figs you:

    describe your feelings and sensations from contemplated works of art, decorative and applied products character, respectful refer to the results of labor masters;

    take other opinions and statements, respectful relate to them;

    based on the developed visual and design technological knowledge and skills,make a choice methods implementation of the proposed or own design.

MetaPrequent E Result:

Regulatory Wood:

    independently formulate the purpose of the lesson after preliminary discussion;

    perform a task according to the instructed by the teacher plan, to reclaim your actions with him;

    carry out the current and accuracy of the implementation of technological operations (with the help of simple and complex configuration templates, damn it tools), total control of general quality of the product performed, tasks; Check model B. action, make the necessary structural modifications;

Cognitive Wood:

    recycle the information obtained:compare and claim facts and phenomena; determine investigative relations of studied phenomena, events;

    draw outbased generalizesknowledge gained;

Communicative Wood:

    convey your position to others:express his point of view And try it justify leading arguments;

    listen to others trying to take another point of view ready to change your point of view;

    respectful to the position of the other, try agree.

Items for you:

    be able to use known means of artistic expressiveness in creating an artistic image (rhythm, texture, coloring, parts ratio, composition, light skin).

    know on the origin of artificial materials (general presentation), the names of some artificial materials, found in children's life;

    be able to under the control of the teacher build the entire execution process tasks (from plan or analysis ready sample to practical it implementation or execution), choose rational technical technological solutions and foryoh.

Methodical equipment lesson:

Material and technical base:

    Tools, fixtures: pencil.

    Materials: cardboard, plasticine.

Didactic lesson support:


    Samples of labor objects.

    Educational and technical documentation (UPD):

Teaching methods: verbal (conversation), visual.

Forms of organization of cognitive activity of students: Individual, frontal.

Wordwork: Pattern, applique, plasticine.

Type of lesson: combined.

During the classes:

    Organizing time.


    checking student appears

    filling a class magazine

    check readiness students for lesson

    pupils to work

    bringing to student lesson plan

    Checking the execution of homework students.

    [ Appendix 1]

What is applique?

What is a template?

What is plasticine?

    [Appendix 2]

Teacher's story About Plasticine Application. Types of plasticine appliques.

    Professional guidance work.[ Appendix 3.]

Teacher's story about how Plasticine is manufactured.

    Fastening students' knowledge.[ Appendix 4.]

Quiz on the topic studied.


    Practical work "Autumn leaf".

8.1. Induction training Teacher. [ Appendix 5.]

    Message student name practical work.

    Explaining students of practical work tasks (understand ways to perform work in the technique of "Application from threads").

    Familiarization of students with the object - sample.

    Familiarization of students with learning means, with which the task will be performed (scissors, glue, cardboard, threads).

    Familiarization of students with educational and technical documentation (instruction in IFC, ITC). [ Appendix 6.]

    Warning of students on possible difficulties in the performance of work (difficulties in the process of gluing threads).

    Safety Instructions

Rules for handling scissors:

    Clamped scissors are in the specified location.

    Do not work stupid and faulty scissors.

    Submire a comrade handle forward.

    Paper and cardboard cut only on the lines.

Rules for working with glue:

    Glue "BF" and "PVA" use only in well-ventilated rooms.

8.2. Independent work of students in UD.

8.3. The current instruction of the teacher (held in the course of the execution of students independent work).

8.3.1. Formation of new skills.

    Check the organization of the beginning of students' work.

    Check the organization of student jobs (desktop, tools, fixtures).

    Compliance with safety regulations, sanitation and labor hygiene when performing a task.

8.3.2. Mastering new knowledge.

    Checking the correctness of the use of educational and technical documentation.

    Instructing to fulfill the task in accordance with the technological documentation.

8.3.3. Targets.

    Instructing students on the implementation of individual operations and tasks in general.

    Concentration of students' attention on the most effective acceptance of operations.

    Assistance is weakly prepared for the task of students.

    Control over the careful attitude of students to learning tools.

    Rational use of student working time.

8.4. Including instruction teacher.

    Analysis of the implementation of independent work of students.

    Parse typical mistakes Pupils.

    Re-explanation by teacher to eliminate errors.

    Instructing teacher to perform homework. [ Appendix 7.]

    Cleaning jobs.

    Summing up the lesson teacher.

    Message of the teacher about achieving the goals of the lesson.

    An objective assessment of the results of collective and individual labor of students in the lesson. Placing marks B. class journal And in the diaries of students.

    Message about the topic of the next lesson.

    The task of students to prepare for the next lesson.


Appendix 1.

Actualization of students' knowledge.

What is applique?

Applique (lat. Application - applying, attachment) - a way to obtain an image; Technique of decorative and applied art.

Types of Appliques:

by content:




by the number of colors:



according to the presence of symmetry:



in form:



by the degree of fit:



by way of manufacture:



by the number of details:




by way of fastening:



And How private view Applications can be considered an application from plasticine, but we will talk about it a little later.

Also to perform work we will need a template.

What is a template?

Template - This is a device or tool for verifying the correct form of a number of finished products; The sample in which homogeneous products are made.

Plasticine - Material for modeling. Previously, it was made of purified and crushed clay powder with the addition of wax, animal fats and other substances that prevent drying.

Smart plasticine, or as it is also called - Hendgam.

Sculptured plasticine is used for more serious tasks in the modeling.

Disadvantages of plasticine:

    Fading into the light;

Appendix 2.

Statement by the teacher of the new material.

Today we will learn to fulfill the application from plasticine.

This is a very interesting technique.

Such an applixation technique from plasticine is called plasticography.

Plasticine can be used instead of paints for coloring.

Exist different kinds Appliques from plasticine.

    applique from integer parts

    plasticine flavoring appliqué

    applique from Plasticine Balls (Plasticine Mosaic)

4. Applique on glass

5. An unusual appellation type - appliqué on disks (DVD, CD, etc.)

Appendix 3.

And now I would like to tell a little about the material with which we will work today.

Plasticine - Material for modeling. Previously, it was made of purified and crushed clay powder with the addition of wax, animal fats and other substances that prevent drying. Currently, high-tech materials are used in plasticine production. Coloring in different colors. It serves to perform sketches figures for sculptural works, small models, small forms.

There are several types of plasticine:

Smart plasticine, or as it is also called - Hendgam is a substance based on silicone, to the touch resembles chewing gum. Due to this, it flows, rushes, breaks, etc., at the expense of other components can still be magnetic, glow, change color.

Sculptural plasticine Used for more serious tasks in the modeling. It is better to hold the shape, it allows you to work quite small details of the sculpture. Plasticine distinguishes special elasticity. This property allows you to use it for sculptural miniatures and modelwork. Does not leave stains and does not stick to the hands and special materials used in the work. The shelf life of plasticine is not limited: retains its properties for a long time, so it can be used over the years. For the manufacture of sculpted plasticine, a waxy mass is used with the addition of mineral pigments and fillers.

Disadvantages of plasticine:

    Fading into the light;

    hand pollution due to work with plasticine;

Appendix 4.

Fastening students' knowledge.



Guess the riddle:

    I'll make the whole world ready:
    House, car, two cats.
    I am the Lord -
    I have ... (Plasticine)

    I wonder anyone:

Wolf, doll in dress fashionable.

In the lesson we create.

Very needed ... (Plasticine)

    What do you know the types of plasticine appliques?

    And what happens plasticine?

Appendix 5.

Practical work.

We begin to manufacture plasticine appliqué.

We must understand ways to perform work in the Appliqué from Plasticine technique. Please look at the sample. This is a phased performance.

To perform work, we will need cardboard, pencil, plasticine.

First we supply a template on a cooked cardboard. Then, taking off the part of the plasticine and warm it, paint the picture. The essence is to "color" the entire picture. Only instead of the paints we will use multicolored plasticine.

Appendix 6.

Familiarization of students with educational and technical documentation (instruction in IFC and ICT).

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Tools and materials

Take a sheet of cardboard. Call on the template a picture of the autumn oak sheet.

Cardboard, pencil.

Prepare pieces of plasticine we need flowers.


Apply pieces of plasticine to the desired part of the picture.


Repeat the same with the rest of the picture.


Appendix 7.


We met with the technique of "Appliqué from Plasticine".

Your homework will end the performance started in the class.