Biology presentations presentation for a biology lesson (grade 7) on the topic. Amphibians and reptiles

SYSTEMATICS - biological science about diversity, classification of organisms and the relationship between them.

Systematics scientists describe all existing and extinct species and combine them into groups (classify).

View - a unit of biological classification. Closely related species, which have many common features, are combined into genera, childbirth - in families, families - in detachments or orders etc.

The largest systematic group is kingdom.

The very first scientist who tried to systematize information about plants and animals was Aristotle b. Animals were classified by him according to their habitat: aquatic, land and airborne.

Disciple of Aristotle Theophrastus he devoted his whole life to the study of plants and described many of their species. For centuries, his works have served to identify plants.

The entire history of mankind is associated with the accumulation of knowledge about plants, animals and mushrooms. However, for a long time there was no unified approach to the names of species of living organisms. This made it difficult to study and describe them.

The Swedish scientist managed to solve the problem Karl Linnaeus .

He proposed to assign to all types of organisms double Latin names . The first word - noun - shows family affiliation . Second word - adjective - actually species name to distinguish a given species from other species of the same genus. The introduction of double Latin names allowed scientists all over the world to understand each other, contributed to the development of biological science.

The Eukaryote Kingdom

Kingdom of Animals

Subkingdom Multicellular

Type Chordates

Subtype Vertebrates

Class Amphibians

Rod Frog

Species grass frog Lake frog

Homework: §8, answer to?

The group of amphibians belongs to the most primitive terrestrial vertebrates, occupying an intermediate position between terrestrial and aquatic vertebrates: reproduction and development in most species occurs in the aquatic environment, and adults live on land.

Most live in humid places, alternating between being on land and in water, but there are some purely aquatic species, as well as species that live exclusively in trees. Insufficient adaptability of amphibians to living in a terrestrial environment leads to sharp changes in their lifestyle due to seasonal changes in living conditions. Amphibians are capable of hibernating for a long time under unfavorable conditions (cold, drought, etc.). In some species, activity can change from night to day when temperatures drop at night. Amphibians are active only in warm conditions. At a temperature of ° C, most species fall into a daze, and at 1 ° C they die. But some amphibians are able to withstand prolonged freezing, drying out, and also regenerate significant lost body parts.

Some amphibians, such as the sea toad Bufo marinus, can live in salt water. However, most amphibians are found only in fresh water. Therefore, they are absent on most oceanic islands, where conditions are in principle favorable for them, but which they cannot reach on their own.

All modern amphibians are predators in the adult stage, feed on small animals (mainly insects and invertebrates), and are prone to cannibalism. There are no herbivorous animals among amphibians due to extremely sluggish metabolism. The diet of aquatic species may include juvenile fish, and the largest ones can hunt chicks of waterfowl and small rodents that have fallen into the water.

A common breeding feature of almost all amphibians is their attachment during this period to water, where they lay their eggs and where the larvae develop. Amphibians breed in small, well-warmed areas of water bodies. On warm spring evenings, in late April and May, loud croaking sounds are heard from the ponds. These "concerts" are organized by male frogs to attract females. The reproductive organs in males are testes, in females there are ovaries. Fertilization is external. Caviar sticks to aquatic plants or rocks.

The most poisonous vertebrates on Earth belong to the order of amphibians - the dart frogs. The venom secreted by the skin glands of amphibians contains substances that kill bacteria (bactericides). In the majority of amphibians in Russia, the poison is completely harmless to humans. However, many tropical frogs are not as safe.

The absolute "champion" of poisonousness among all vertebrates, including snakes, should be recognized as an inhabitant of the rainforests of Colombia, a tiny, only 23 cm in size, terrible leaf climber (locals call him "cocoi" Her skin mucus contains batrachotoxin. Indians prepare poison from the skin of "cocoi" for arrows. One frog is enough to poison 50 arrows. 2 mg of purified poison is enough to kill a person. However, this frog has a natural enemy the small snake Leimadophis epinephelus, which feeds on young leaf crawlers.

All amphibians, to one degree or another, are useful for humans, primarily because they eat many harmful invertebrates that damage agricultural and forest crops or carry diseases of humans and domestic animals. In terrestrial species, food items are usually more diverse than in species with an aquatic lifestyle. The common frog eats 6 harmful invertebrates on average per day. With a population of 100 frogs per hectare, they will destroy more than 100 thousand pests during the period of summer activity.

In a number of countries, large salamanders and frogs are used for food by people (France, Southeast Asia, America, etc.). There are farms in the USA that breed bullfrog; the hind legs (pair weighing g) go on sale, and the rest of the carcasses are processed for livestock feed.

Amphibians are very important as laboratory animals used in a wide variety of biological and medical research. In several countries Western Europe the number of many amphibians has dropped sharply. The reasons for this are various: changes in habitats as a result of land reclamation and economic development of territories, water pollution in spawning reservoirs, persecution by humans, etc. Therefore, in some countries, special laws have now been adopted to protect amphibians and prohibit their extraction. For laboratory purposes, axolotls are bred, attempts are being made to artificially breed other species.

summaries of presentations

Biology teaching methods

Slides: 21 Words: 981 Sounds: 0 Effects: 16

Urenskaya secondary school №1. Methodical development section of the educational program on the topic. Relevance of the topic. Methodical development. Kingdom of the Plant. Aims and objectives of studying the section. Features of adolescence. Forms of training. Various teaching methods. Multimedia materials. Research activities. Transformative activity. Expected Result. Results of interim and final testing. The level of formation of mental operations. Laboratory activities. Our achievements. Nominations. The name of the competition. Biology teaching methods. - Biology Teaching Methods.ppt

Biology grade 7

Slides: 20 Words: 177 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Insectivores. Bats. Rodents. Mouse-like. Lagomorphs. Predatory. Doggy. Bearish. Feline. Hyenas. Think and answer. The muzzle is the proboscis. Needles instead of wool. Swimming membranes on the legs. Insectivores are easily recognized by: Sight. Smell. Hearing. Touch. Which of the senses is most helpful in helping bats to navigate in flight? Hare. Hamster. Mouse. Gopher. Which of the following animals is NOT a rodent? The sighted. Blind people. Naked. What kind of babies do hares give birth to? Fangs. Incisors. Permanent teeth. The most developed among predators. - Grade 7 Biology.ppt

Body movement

Slides: 16 Words: 934 Sounds: 0 Effects: 82

Why do organisms move. Goal. The movement of living organisms. The movement of unicellular organisms. The movement of unicellular organisms using flagella. Movement of unicellular organisms using cilia. The movement of unicellular organisms using pseudopods. The movement of plants and fungi. Plant movement. Animal movement. Skeleton types of animals. Adaptations for movement in animals. Various animal limbs. All living organisms move. Materials used. Materials used. - Body movement.ppt

The lesson of the reproduction of organisms

Slides: 24 Words: 305 Sounds: 0 Effects: 151

Evolution biology

Slides: 23 Words: 274 Sounds: 0 Effects: 64

Circulatory system. Blood. A journey along the "tree of evolution". To form ideas about the evolutionary change in the circulatory organs of animals. Sub-kingdom of the Simplest. Infusoria. Type Intestinal. Type Flatworms. Type Ringworms. Shellfish type. Type Arthropods Class Crustaceans. Type Arthropods Class Insects. Type Chordates Superclass Fish. Type Chordates Class Amphibians. Type Chordates Class Reptiles or Reptiles. Type Chordates Class Birds. Type Chordates Class Mammals or Beasts. The heart is a muscular organ. Blood cells. Transport. Blood functions. Animals: Textbook. - Evolution biology.ppt


Slides: 30 Words: 2046 Sounds: 0 Effects: 9

Who is he. Amazing nearby. Who is this Bigfoot. Ideas of Bigfoot. Credibility. The case of the capture of a satyr. Maximov took part in the study of glaciers. A startling discovery. Children's joke. Photo evidence. The photo was taken by a firefighter in the forest. The author and description have long been lost. Traces. Washington state. Caveman. Correctly. Mistake. What is the average height of the Yeti. Next question. Let's try again. Where Bigfoot is called Almas. Next question. Let's try again. Where does Bigfoot live. Next question. Let's try again. The first film about Bigfoot. - Bigfoot.ppt

Types of ecosystems

Slides: 20 Words: 682 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Ecology. What is an ecosystem? Types of ecosystems: Marine ecosystems: Mountain ecosystems: Meadow ecosystems: Steppe ecosystems: Tundra ecosystems: Desert ecosystems: Swamp ecosystems: Freshwater ecosystems: Anthropogenic (artificial) ecosystems are created by humans in the course of economic activity. Marine ecosystems are strongly influenced by human economic activities. Mountains occupy significant land areas. The basis of meadow herbage is cereals. The steppes are located on the plains and along the southern slopes of the mountains. Today, European steppes on lowland chernozems can only be seen in reserves. - Types of ecosystems.ppt

Soil as a habitat for animals

Slides: 29 Words: 1199 Sounds: 0 Effects: 113

What we will be studying today. Soil as a habitat for animals. The soil. Adaptation of animals to habitat in fresh water. Adaptations of animals. Animal names. Solve the crossword puzzle. P. O. Ch. V. A. G. L. Make a diagram. Soil properties. Ecological groups of soil organisms. Animals. Environment factor. Habitat conditions. Oxygen. Earthworm. Desert animals. Natural voids. Independent work. Upper fertile layer. Homework. Lesson summary. Resources used. - Soil as a habitat for animals.ppt


Slides: 23 Words: 1078 Sounds: 0 Effects: 97

Assessment of the state of the pine forest stand. Study of the state of the stand. Gas composition. Gas composition of the atmosphere. The influence of plants on the composition of the air. Pinery. The state of the pine forest. Bioindication technique. Scale for assessing the state of the stand. Layering. Spruce. Pine. Birch tree. Aspen. Oak. Raspberry. State of the pine forest stand. Coniferous trees. 800 g CO2. Calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bgreen spaces. Practical conclusions. Suggestions. Thank you for your attention. - Pine Forest.ppt

Forest communities

Slides: 21 Words: 1031 Sounds: 0 Effects: 13

Forest community. Plants and animals. Biocenosis. Forest. Tiers. Powerful woody plants. Shrub layer. Forest communities. Lower tier. Forest communities. Various mushrooms. An integral part of the forest. Forest communities. Lots of birds. Variety of insects. Ants. Pollinators. Pests. Complex natural system. Bibliography. Thank you for attention. - Forest Communities.pptx

Food trophic links

Slides: 33 Words: 459 Sounds: 4 Effects: 61

Ecology lesson. Types of relationships. Types of biotic relationships. Pairs of organisms. Clover. The type of biotic relationship. Value. Trophic relationships in nature. Essential components of the ecosystem. Table. Producers. Consumptions. Reducers. Food trophic connections. Ecosystem components. The food chain. Food trophic connections. 1 troph. Food trophic connections. Rule. Trophic chains. Detrital food chains. Food trophic connections. Food trophic connections. Select consumers. Kelp. Flower nectar. A fun test. Homework. Let's live in peace. - Food trophic links.ppt

The Red Book of Russia

Slides: 29 Words: 2839 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Red Book. What is the Red Book. Animals of the Red Book. Far Eastern leopard. Red Wolf. Snow Leopard. Wild cat Manul. Wild forest cat. Amur (Ussuri) tiger. Polar bear. American bison. Ermine. Plants of the Red Book. Lady's slipper. The pyramidal tenacity. Lunar coming to life. Lily of the valley. The juniper is tall. Fish of the Red Book. Black cupid. Black bream. Whale shark. Birds of the Red Book. Pink flamingo. Owl bird. Mandarin duck. Demoiselle crane. We protect animals together. So many rare animals and birds are protected by the "Red Book". - Red Data Book of Russia.pptx

Animals of the Red Book

Slides: 13 Words: 1414 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Red Book. The task of preserving wildlife. Amphibians. Ussuri clawed newt. Reed toad. River beaver. Yellow pestle. The blind rat is gigantic. Far Eastern leopard. Snow Leopard. Amur tiger. Ringed seal. Thanks for attention. - Animals of the Red Book.pptx

Variety of bacteria

Slides: 13 Words: 442 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Kingdom of Mushrooms

Slides: 12 Words: 587 Sounds: 0 Effects: 4

Mushrooms. Kingdom of Mushrooms. The kingdom of mushrooms. Apical growth. Decay of the remaining base. Chytridiomycetes. Types of molds. Bruise. Pine tinder fungus. Motley moss. Fringed starfish. Kingdom of Mushrooms. - Kingdom of Mushrooms.pptx

Mushrooms biology

Slides: 15 Words: 212 Sounds: 0 Effects: 61

Travel to nature. Alive. Unliving. Nature. Plants. Animals. I drilled the ground, left the root. He was born himself, covered himself with a hat. Riddle. White mushroom. Boletus. Honey mushrooms. Mushrooms. Hat. "Hat mushrooms". Lesson topic: Scheme of the structure of the cap mushroom. Hat. Leg. Fruit body. Mycelium. Hat mushrooms are the fruiting body of the mycelium. Dictionary: Rules for picking mushrooms. 1. Unscrew the mushroom carefully. Sprinkle the resulting hole with leaves and needles. 3. Never pick mushrooms in vain: many animals feed on mushrooms and are treated. The value of mushrooms in nature: - Serve as animal feed; - mushrooms biology.pptx

The structure of mushrooms

Slides: 6 Words: 76 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

A variety of mushrooms. The structure of the cap mushroom. Types of cap mushrooms. Tubular mushrooms. Lamellar mushrooms. Reproduction of cap mushrooms. Cap mushrooms reproduce with the help of spores. Review questions. Tell us what the cap mushroom consists of. How do mushrooms reproduce? Draw 2-3 mushrooms in a notebook. - The structure of mushrooms.pptx

Variety of mushrooms

Slides: 6 Words: 92 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

A variety of mushrooms. Edible mushrooms. Inedible mushrooms. Collection rules. Cooking mushrooms. What edible mushrooms do you know? What are the signs of fly agaric and pale toadstool? How to pick cap mushrooms correctly? Why is it impossible to pick mushrooms near automobile and railways? Review questions. - Variety of mushrooms.pptx

Plants of the Saratov region

Slides: 8 Words: 369 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Forest plants of the Saratov region. The Saratov region is a region of European Russia that is unique in its natural features. The Saratov region is characterized by a wide variety of flora and fauna. Birch is one of the main forest-forming species. Birch is widespread throughout the Saratov region. Birch tree. Oak is a deciduous tree, reaching a height of 40 m. Oak blooms in May. The fruit is an acorn. Oak. On the shoots of the plant there are spines 2.5-5 cm long. The leaves are dark green on top, and light green on the back. Hawthorn berries are orange to dark red in color. - Plants of the Saratov region.ppt

Biology stem

Slides: 6 Words: 107 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

The structure and meaning of the stem. Plant shoot. The shoot is a stem with leaves and buds. The value of the stem. Stem structure. The meaning of the layers of the stem. Review questions. Find the layers in the picture: cork, bast, cambium, wood, core. What tissue makes the stem grow in thickness? How important is the core to the stem? On what part of the stem does the water with mineral salts move from the root? - Biology Stem.pptx

External structure of the sheet

Slides: 5 Words: 80 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

External structure of the sheet. Modified leaves. Leaf venation. Review questions. What are the main parts of the sheet. Explain the difference between sessile and petiolar leaves. What venation is characteristic of monocotyledonous plants? What venation is characteristic of dicotyledonous plants? In monocotyledonous plants, the root system is _______, leaf venation ___________, ____________. - External structure of the sheet.pptx

Plant respiration biology

Slides: 5 Words: 125 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Breathing of plants. Plants breathe too. They absorb oxygen and emit carbon dioxide. Plants breathe most actively at night. Experience "Breath of plants". The process of breathing and feeding. Review questions. What gas do all living organisms absorb when breathing? What gas is released when breathing? Why do plants grow, bloom and bear fruit better in the light than in the dark? Do plants emit more oxygen in the light or in the dark? - Plant Respiration Biology.pptx

Water regime of plants

Slides: 19 Words: 1249 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Study of the water regime of plants. Determine the influence of light and temperature on the transpiration process. Tuberous potatoes. Oxalis ordinary. The value of water for the life of plants. Plant water balance. The meaning of transpiration. Leaf as an organ of transpiration. Research methodology. Temperature. Water percentage. Raw leaf weight. Dry leaf weight. Change in water content throughout the day. Change in organic matter content throughout the day. The content of water and organic matter in the leaves. Monitoring the degree of stomatal openness. Influence directly on the transpiration process. - Plant water mode.ppt

Evaporation of water from leaves

Slides: 10 Words: 186 Sounds: 0 Effects: 35

Evaporation of water by leaves. Water evaporation is an important process in plant life. The evaporation of water by a plant can be verified by performing several experiments. Experiment 1. Experiment 2. Add a little water to the first tube. Add water to the second tube and add some oil. Experimental results. Some of the water has evaporated. Oil prevented the evaporation of water. There was less water (there was a process of evaporation of water by leaves). Experience 3. Evaporation of water is carried out through the stomata. Moisture evaporates through the open stomatal gaps. Stoma work. The stomatal cleft is open. There is enough moisture, the leaves evaporate water. - Evaporation of water by leaves.ppt

Plants on the windowsill

Slides: 10 Words: 2023 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Tropics on the windowsill. General questions of houseplants agricultural technology. Dieffenbachia. Spathiphyllum. Euphorbia. Ficus Benjamin. Monstera. Sansevieria. Hibiscus. Dracaena Golden Coast. - Plants on the windowsill.ppt

Plant care algorithm

Slides: 21 Words: 1136 Sounds: 0 Effects: 96

The role of indoor plants in human life. Types of indoor plants. Introduce students to the role of indoor plants. Live plants. Decorative flowering plants. Jasmine. Begonia. Fern. Mixtures. Top dressing. Plants in the interior of the kitchen. Description of the kitchen. Kitchen plan. Description of the premises. The choice of plants for gardening the kitchen. My plants. Usambara violet. Cissus rhomboid. Planting plants. My advice. Consolidation of the studied material. - Plant care algorithm.ppt


Slides: 20 Words: 314 Sounds: 0 Effects: 38

Visiting Berendey. Plants are symbionts. "Characteristics of different forms of thallus". Scale. Sheet. Bushy. Lichen is an autoheterotrophic organism. Plants are pioneers. Extreme people. Lichens are air indicators. Vegetative propagation of lichens. The value of lichens in human life. Yagel, Icelandic moss is a traditional food for reindeer. Tsetraria. Lichens are used in traditional medicine. Oak moss. Annie Lauren Smith. - Lichen.ppt

Lichen department

Slides: 21 Words: 390 Sounds: 0 Effects: 16

Review questions. What are the common signs of mushrooms? What departments are included in the kingdom of mushrooms? Class Ascomycetes or Marsupial mushrooms. Class Basidiomycetes. Class Deuteromycetes or Imperfect fungi. Kingdom of mushrooms. Division True mushrooms Division Oomycetes Division Lichens. Department of Lichens. Three types of lichen thallus. Scale or crusty. Leafy. Bushy. The body of a lichen is represented by a thallus or thallus. Lichen nutrition and reproduction. Workbook Page 10 №17, 19. The value of lichens in nature and human life. They accumulate solar energy and form biomass. Decompose organic matter to mineral. - Department of Lichens.ppt

Fern plants

Slides: 16 Words: 560 Sounds: 0 Effects: 12

Division Fern-like. Fern complication traits. Checking homework. Choose the correct statements. Horsetails and moss. The Legend of the Fern. Fern flower. General characteristics. Studying the structure of the fern. Fern structure. Reproduction of ferns. Read the passage. Fern life cycle. Fragment of a tutorial article. Fern-like. Homework. - Fern plants.ppt

Fern biology

Slides: 5 Words: 101 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Ferns. Ferns were huge trees 300 million years ago. The use of coal. Tell us where the ferns grow. What are the differences and similarities between ferns and mosses? How was bituminous coal formed? What is the significance of coal in the national economy? Review questions. - Biology Fern.pptx

Features of the reproduction of angiosperms

Slides: 59 Words: 994 Sounds: 0 Effects: 11

Propagation of angiosperms. Features of sexual and asexual reproduction. Test. The escape. The main feature of angiosperms. Root functions. There are angiosperms. Cambium in the stem of a woody plant. Right answers. The number of correct answers. Propagation of angiosperms. Reproduction of angiosperms. Vegetative reproduction. Organs of a flowering plant. Asexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction method. Justify the answer. Justify the answer. What method of asexual reproduction is shown in the figure. Justify the answer. - Features of the reproduction of angiosperms.ppt

Systematics of flowering plants

Slides: 15 Words: 467 Sounds: 1 Effects: 60

Plant taxonomy. Lesson objectives. Systematics of the angiosperm division. Flowering plants. Dicotyledons. Monocots. Cruciferous. Rosaceae. Solanaceae. Butterflies. Composite. Comparison of families. Diagram of the number of plant species of the Dicotyledonous class. Liliaceae. Cereals. - Taxonomy of flowering plants.ppt

Class Monocotyledons

Slides: 20 Words: 1105 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Monocotyledonous class. Goal. Onion. Botanical description. Onion varieties. Batun onion. Leek. The use of onions in medicine. Red onion varieties. What is a tiered bow. Decorative bow (allium). Ostrovsky onion (city-loving). Garlic. Application in medicine. Lily of the valley family. The flowers have a rounded bell-shaped perianth. Live flowers of lily of the valley. Lily of the valley was the favorite flower of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Questions to consolidate. Homework. - Class Monocots.ppt


Slides: 16 Words: 1362 Sounds: 0 Effects: 49

Cereals. Family of monocotyledonous plants. The family of cereals. Botanical characteristics. General characteristics. Leaves of cereals. Flowers of cereals. Flowering scales. Colorless scales. The fruit of cereals. Vegetative reproduction. Classification and significance of the cereal family. Corn. Female flowers. Sorghum. Dzhugara. - Cereals.pptx


Slides: 25 Words: 1213 Sounds: 0 Effects: 11

The family of cereals is a valuable food plant. Targets and goals. Monocot class. Flowers in cereals are small, form a complex inflorescence - ear, panicle. Inflorescence - ear, compound ear (wheat, barley). Valuable grain crops. Corn. The ears are densely surrounded by leaf-like envelopes. Millet. Sowing rice. Wild-growing representatives of the cereal family. The most harmful weeds are wild oats and wheatgrass. Subfamily bamboo. Some types of bamboo bloom once every hundred years or even less often. Bamboo has amazing properties. The use of bamboo in cooking. Application in medicine. Bamboo mats in Japan protect trees from frost. - Cereals.ppt

Family of cereals

Slides: 5 Words: 93 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Monocotyledonous plants. Cereals family. Common signs of cereals. Inflorescence and fruit of cereal plants. Plants of the family of cereals. Review questions. What are the characteristics of a plant in the cereal family? Name several representatives of wild plants of the cereal family. - Cereal family.pptx

Onion and garlic

Slides: 10 Words: 319 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Onions and garlic are food lily plants. The structure of the bow. Features of the bow. Using a bow. Growing onions. Onion care. The structure of garlic. Features of garlic. Growing garlic. Review questions. - Onion and Garlic.pptx

Difference between monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants

Slides: 10 Words: 89 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Differences between monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants. Monocotyledonous plants. Seed structure of monocotyledonous plants. What types of venation are found in monocotyledonous plants? What is the name of the root system in monocotyledonous plants? Dicotyledonous plants. Seed structure of dicotyledonous plants. What is the name of the type of leaf venation in dicotyledonous plants? What is the name of the root system in dicotyledonous plants? Review questions. What are the main traits of monocotyledonous plants? What are the main traits of dicotyledonous plants? - Difference between monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants.pptx

Legume family

Slides: 39 Words: 1771 Sounds: 0 Effects: 124

Legumes family. The legume family is one of the largest families of dicotyledonous plants. Distributed throughout the globe. They constitute a significant part of the flora of the tropics and temperate zones. Nodule bacteria live on the roots of legumes. A plant such as camel thorn also belongs to legumes. There are many legumes in tropical countries. Legume trees also grow in our country. Includes three subfamilies: legumes or mimosa butterflies cesalpinia. Common features of the family: Root system. Rod. Nodules are formed on the roots as a result of the activity of nitrogen-fixing bacteria. - Legumes.ppt family

Types of algae

Slides: 21 Words: 681 Sounds: 0 Effects: 7

Let's check our homework. In what water bodies are algae found? How to distinguish algae from higher aquatic plants? What do algae look like to you? Why is algae called filamentous? Spirogyra. They form green "cushions" in fresh waters. The Sargasso Sea has no shores. Unlike all other algae, sargassum does not grow from the ground. Whole islands can be formed from such algae. The usual size of the island is ten meters, very rarely - up to several kilometers. We have to send divers to help the propeller. Only volunteer divers with enormous exertion could help the ship. - Types of algae.ppt


Slides: 16 Words: 317 Sounds: 0 Effects: 1

Zoology is the science of animals. What does zoology study? Animals. Teaching. Logia. Morphology. Physiology. Cytology. Systematics. Ecology. Paleontology. Embryology. Z o l o g and I. Animal Sciences. Ethology. Zoogeography. View. Kingdom. A type. Class. Detachment. Family. Explores the external and internal structure of animals. Studies individual development (ontogenesis). Studying the behavior of animals. The peacock attracts the female's attention. Studies the functions of the animal organism. An opening in the esophagus. Gastric fistula. The science of animal fossil remains. Spider in amber. Fossilized clutch of dinosaur eggs. - Zoology.ppt


Slides: 41 Words: 2915 Sounds: 2 Effects: 74

Pleasant viewing. Animals. How plants differ from animals. Movement. African sundew. Stick insect. Animal. Konrad Gessner. Carl Linnaeus. Domestic cat. Who invented the skeleton. Sponges. An ordinary sponge. Pharetron sponge. How corals grow. Muscles. Actinia. Jellyfish. Corals. Ink bombs. Soft-bodied animals. Tropical scallop. Bivalve. Squid. Sharks. Vertebrae. Stingray stingray. Hammerhead shark. Profession. Bony fish. Flounder. The fish was sticking. Animals. Who looks like the first beasts. Platypuses and echidnas. The closest relatives. Primates. Hussar monkey. Chimpanzee. Thanks for attention. - Animals.ppt

Animal life forms

Slides: 20 Words: 652 Sounds: 0 Effects: 69

What is alive is cunning. Losev Grigory Vasilievich. The diversity of the animal world. Form. Needle eye. Drop fish. Carl Linnaeus. View. Hare. 1,149,200 species. Life forms of animals. Life forms of animals. The form. Professor at Moscow University. External similarity. Flying fish. The appearance of the animal. Homework. Internet resources. Zoofirma. - Animal life forms.ppt

Monuments dedicated to animals

Slides: 41 Words: 1295 Sounds: 0 Effects: 99

Monuments to animals. Motives for staging monuments to animals. The variety of monuments. Questioning of students. Motives for setting up monuments. Monuments. Monuments dedicated to animals. Application form. Results of the survey. Acquaintance with the variety of monuments to animals. Biological classification. Class arachnids. Reasons for setting up monuments to animals. Symbol. Reflection of the composition of the fauna. For decorative purposes, for the development of tourism. Facade decoration. Merit. The variety of monuments to animals. Dog Star. Avalanche. Barry. Monument to the dog. Pavlov's dog. Hachiko. Monuments dedicated to animals. - Monuments dedicated to animals.pptx

Animal game

Slides: 47 Words: 1147 Sounds: 0 Effects: 81

Our planetary neighbors. Neighbors on the planet. Magic square. 3. Year of the snake. Poisonous snakes. What is the emblem of medicine in our country. Rumba dance. Ecology. There is less oxygen in the water. Carbon dioxide. What happens at sea with oil. Marine biology. What fish are more in the seas. Ambergris. Why does plankton not sink? The cat in the bag. The cause of death. Blitz tournament. Frog. Musical pause. Mysterious. Plate. Zoo. Monomakh's hat. Lucky case. Guess. One-legged mistress. Crayfish. Born without a father. Ant. Ruff. Web. Capercaillie. Myths and legends. White whales. Dolphins. Myths. Transition of the course. - Animal game.pptx

Extinct species

Slides: 39 Words: 1750 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Extinct animals. Mammoth. Big horned deer. Archeopteryx. Sinosauropteryx. Dodo. Migratory pigeon. Choiseul pigeon. The loon is wingless. White-billed woodpecker. Spectacled cormorant. Laughing owl. Mysterious starling. Caroline parrot. Beautiful parrot. Hawaiian flower mamo. Guadalupe caracara. Moa. Royal condor. Epiornis. Heather grouse. Thylacine. Quagga. Blue antelope. Syrian kulan. Kangaroo Gray. Proechidna. Kangaroo rat. Extinct bandicoots. Dawson's Caribou. American bezon. Giant beaver. Dwarf elephant. Rabbit rat. Falkled Fox. - Extinct animal species.pptx

Homeless animals

Slides: 21 Words: 1045 Sounds: 1 Effects: 13

Animal structure

Slides: 40 Words: 741 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Biology grade 7. The musculoskeletal system of animals (evolution of the structure). The purpose of the lesson. The main functions of the musculoskeletal system. "Steps" in the study of the evolution of the ODS. Protozoa (amoeba, euglena, ciliates). Coelenterates. Worms (Flat, Round, Ringed). Shellfish. Arthropods (Crustaceans, Arachnids, Insects). What are the advantages and disadvantages of the external skeleton. Dignity. Inferior chordates (lancelet). What are the types of bone joints. Types of bone connection. The structure of the free limbs of the lever type. Dynamic pause (exercises to warm up the joints). Axial skeleton. - Animal structure.ppt

The musculoskeletal system of vertebrates

Slides: 28 Words: 710 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Musculoskeletal system (animals). Body covers. Covers of the body of chordates. Roots. Supporting structure. Outer skeleton. A collection of bones. 7. Chord. Lancelet chord. Fish skeleton. Frog skeleton. Snake skeleton. Bird skeleton. Rabbit skeleton. Strong external skeleton. Growth ability. Axial skeleton of the lancelet. Keel. Functions. Internal skeleton. Location on the surface of the body. Caudal fin. Reptiles. An excerpt from the film. Homework. Materials. All the best. - The musculoskeletal system of vertebrates.ppt

The nervous system in animals

Slides: 11 Words: 771 Sounds: 0 Effects: 1

Nervous system. For the first time, nerve cells appear in coelenterates. Nerve cells give command to the epithelial-muscle cells. Conducting irritation by hydra nerve cells? Unconditioned reflexes are characteristic of all multicellular animals. Why is the nervous system needed? So, for the first time, nerve cells - neurons appear in coelenterates. Nerve tissue has formed. Sea urchin. Starfish. Ophiura. Neuron. Numerous nerves extend from the nerve trunks to all organs. Roundworms? in the front of the body is the pharyngeal nerve ring. Paired nerve trunks extend back and forth from the pharyngeal ring. - The nervous system in animals.ppt

The circulatory system of animals

Slides: 15 Words: 185 Sounds: 0 Effects: 1

Circulatory system. Blood. Akhmetshina Guzel Zakarievna, biology teacher. Diagram of the structure of the circulatory system of the earthworm. Types of circulatory systems. Identify and name the organs that form the circulatory system of animals. Organs of the circulatory system. Arteries are blood vessels that carry blood from the heart. Veins are blood vessels that carry blood to the heart. Arterial blood - saturated with oxygen Venous blood - saturated with carbon dioxide. The circulatory system of vertebrates. Composition and function of blood. Functions of blood: Transport, Protective, Regulatory. Form elements of blood blood. - The circulatory system of animals.ppsx

Kingdom animals

Slides: 38 Words: 1065 Sounds: 0 Effects: 82

Animals. Contents Animal Kingdom Photo collection Test About the author. The animal kingdom. Photo gallery. There are two of the most ancient kingdoms on Earth. It even has its own Thumbelina and vampires. Friends and enemies coexist here. The most ancient kingdoms. Manifold. The lines of the planes diverge from the center of the section with rays. This symmetry of the body is called radial. Similarity. Like any other, the animal kingdom has its own structure. Some single out 13, others - 33. But the majority preferred to stop at 16. Types, in turn, are divided into classes. As an example, let us name the classes of mammals, fish, birds, amphibians, and reptiles. - Animal Kingdom.ppt

Animal types

Slides: 33 Words: 1000 Sounds: 0 Effects: 50

Sponges, Intestinal, Worms, Molluscs, Echinoderms. Repetition plan. Sponge Type. Sponge Sicon. The mouth. Pores. The body is formed by two layers of cells. By what principle are sponges divided into three classes: Cl. Lime sponges Cl. Glass sponges Cl. Ordinary sponges? Type Intestinal. Attached polyps. Coral polyps Attached Have a skeleton formed by the horny substance. How are coral reefs formed? What is the name of the largest coral reef? The symmetry of the body is radial (radial). Mouth. Tentacles. Hydra structure. Sole. Bud. Ectoderm. Endoderm cells Provide intracellular digestion. - Animal types.ppt

The simplest lesson

Slides: 7 Words: 265 Sounds: 0 Effects: 36

The topic of the educational project Protozoa are among the first on Earth. Question study topic: What are the biological characteristics of protozoa? Subjects: Biology, Ecology, Geography, Informatics. What can be found in droplets of aquarium and pond water? What is the life of a ciliate shoe? How protozoa react to influences environment? Can nature exist without protozoa? Topics for independent research: Results of presenting research: - Lesson Simplest.ppt

Biology grade 7 protozoa

Slides: 14 Words: 365 Sounds: 0 Effects: 87

Ciliary type

Slides: 24 Words: 1072 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Multimedia presentation of a biology lesson in grade 7. Infusoria type or ciliary. Objectives. Educational material. Lesson type: assimilation of new knowledge. Lesson stages. Stage "Challenge". Stage "Challenge". Stage "Challenge". At the “Challenge” stage, knowledge is updated. Stage "Comprehension". Stage "Comprehension". Stage "Comprehension". Stage "Comprehension". Primary fixing of the material. Physical education. Stage "Comprehension". Stage "Reflection". Ability to name and show ciliate organelles. At the “Reflection” stage, new information was analyzed. Ciliary type. Homework. Children's creative homework. - Type Ciliary.ppt

Intestinal grade 7

Slides: 28 Words: 293 Sounds: 0 Effects: 14

Coral Reef Community. Sea bottom. Coral in the aquarium. Red coral. White coral. Medusa cornerot. Aurelia. Actinia. Jellyfish. Cyaneus. Hydras. Models of animals of the type of coelenterates. Test. 1. Colonial coelenterates include: D) jellyfish; 2. Which of the listed animals has a two-layer structure of the body: 3. Which of the coelenterates leads an attached lifestyle: Cells perform the function of protection: 5. Radiation symmetry of the coelenterates have: - Intestinal 7 class.ppt

Biology of coelenterates

Slides: 7 Words: 137 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Type of coelenterates. Form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe type of intestinal cavities. What are the distinctive features of the classes of coelenterates? Explanation of the new material. Stage 3. Consolidation of the studied material. - Biology of Intestinal.ppt

Marine coelenterates

Slides: 40 Words: 1166 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Marine coelenterates. Work plan. All classes of Intestinal Cavities have been known since the Precambrian (more than 600 million years). The coelenterates are considered an ancient group close to the ancestors of all multicellular animals. The origin of the intestinal cavity. Hydroid polyps should probably be considered the initial form. Class Hydroid. Life forms. Polypic (polypic main). Medusnaya (short-term). Lifestyle. Sedentary. Floating. Freshwater hydras. Marine hydroid polyps. Many hydroids look like openwork twigs. Hydroid jellyfish. Hydroid jellyfish Bougainvillia (increased 3 times). - Marine coelenterates.ppt

Ringworms in Biology

Slides: 18 Words: 344 Sounds: 0 Effects: 10

Type Ringed worms. Class Polychaetes. To study the features of the external and internal structure, the life of annelids. Characteristics of biological progress: General characteristics of the Ringworm type. Earthworm. The movement of the worm in the soil. Nereis. Peskozhil parts with his tail, saving his life. External structure. On the sides of the segments - skin and muscle outgrowths - parapodia. The body is covered with monolayer epithelium. Digestive system. Circulatory system. Dorsal blood vessel. Semicircular vessels. Abdominal blood vessel. Nervous system. - Ringworms Biology.ppt

Characteristics of the type of annelids

Slides: 13 Words: 384 Sounds: 0 Effects: 45

Type Ringed worms. Lesson objectives. Homework check. Give a general description of the type roundworms... Type Ringed worms. General characteristics of annelids. Class Small bristle worms or oligochaetes. In the external structure, the earthworm is isolated. Consider the internal structure of an earthworm. Class Polychaetes or polychaetes. Leech class. Securing the material. Homework. - Characteristic of the annelid type.ppt

Round and flatworms

Slides: 26 Words: 564 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

The type of flatworms is the type of round, or primary cavity worms. Type Flatworms. The first three-layered animals with bilateral or bilateral symmetry. The body is leaf-shaped or tapered, flattened in the dorsal-abdominal direction. The space between the organs is filled with loose connective tissue (parenchyma) and fluid. Systematics. All planaria are predators, living in fresh and sea water. There are also terrestrial ones, but they live in humid places. Development is straightforward. Milky white planaria, Bipalia (terrestrial planaria), Many-eyed. Hepatic, Lanceolate, Feline (Siberian) flukes. Bovine, Pork tapeworm, Wide tapeworm, Echinococcus, Common worm. - Round and flatworms.ppt

Type Shellfish

Slides: 31 Words: 2083 Sounds: 0 Effects: 1

T and p m o l l y s k and. The origin of shellfish. The problem of the origin of the type of molluscs is debatable. The relationship between molluscs and annelids is indicated by some common features of the organization. Main characteristics of molluscs i. MOLLUSCS are a type of animals, large in number of species (130 thousand). All the spaces between the organs are filled with connective tissue. Main characteristics of molluscs ii. Very often, the body grows to the dorsal side in the form of an internal sac. The base of the body is surrounded by a large skin fold - the mantle. Respiratory organs are usually represented by primary gills - ctenidia. - Type Shellfish.ppt

Clams grade 7

Slides: 15 Words: 409 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Type Molluscs (Soft-bodied). Shellfish type. Class Armor. The Furrow-bellied class. The Shovelfoot class. Class Bivalves. Class Gastropods. Monoplakophora class. Class Cephalopods. Armored. Chiton marble. Grooved belly. Echinomenia coral. Monoplacophores. Neopilina galatea. Shovellegs. No. 1 siphonodentalium. No. 2 marine tooth. Gastropods. Nudibranch mollusc. Grape snail. Neptunia despect. Lambis isillipeda. (90,000 species). Field slug. Bivalve. Sea pearl. Tridacna large (250 kg). Mead Gray. Edible shellfish. (20,000 species). Cephalopods. (About 650 species). - Molluscs Grade 7.ppt

Molluscs biology

Slides: 29 Words: 1277 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Description of shellfish

Slides: 35 Words: 843 Sounds: 0 Effects: 122

Shellfish (soft-bodied). Types of animals. Frontal mini-test on the topic "Worms". Scoring of results. Riddle. Shellfish. Malacology. Classification of molluscs. Variety of shellfish. The external structure of molluscs. Variety of shells. Some species do not have a shell. Body parts of molluscs. Modes of movement. Cephalopod movement. Internal structure of molluscs. Senses. Gastropods. Bivalve. Cephalopods. Squid. Octopus. Fossil remains of shellfish. Ammonites. Mollusks from the village of Shuyskoye. Write down the numbers of the correct statements. What do annelids and molluscs have in common? - Description of shellfish.ppt

Characteristic of the Molluscs type

Slides: 33 Words: 2614 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Allowance. Shellfish type. A group of non-segmented secondary cavities. Aquatic molluscs. Circulatory system. Class Gastropods. Rapana. Number of teeth. Marine clam. Purple. Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. Nameless creature. Class Bivalves. Bivalve molluscs (Bivalvia) Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk during a year. Having reached sexual activity in the fourth year of life, the female is toothless. Millimeters managed to stretch the only limb by as much as 13. Pushing off from the bottom with a single leg thrust through the flaps. Among bivalve molluscs, it has the largest shell. - Characteristic of the Mollusks.ppt type


Slides: 15 Words: 901 Sounds: 1 Effects: 60

Cephalopods. Maluski. Cephalopods are exclusively marine animals. The main enemy of cephalopods is the giant toothed whale - the sperm whale. Cephalopods are bilaterally symmetrical animals with an external or internal rudimentary shell. Heart rate depends on water temperature. Squid. Squids are about 300 species, widespread, mainly in the tropics. Squids are predators. Common squid has a length of 2cm to 5m and a weight of 300g. Giant squids are called octopuses. The cephalopod mollusk - squid is in good demand. - Cephalopods.pptx


Slides: 5 Words: 428 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Oysters. Oysters are a clam that belongs to the family of bivalves. Oysters lead an attached and immobile lifestyle. There are many types of oysters, about 50 are known. Edible oysters are found in the Mediterranean and Black Sea, as well as off the coast of Japan. In the wild, unfortunately, they are less and less common. But artificial breeding is flourishing. From the history. Man has known oysters for a very long time. Oysters are a symbol of exquisite living. The oyster is perhaps the only creature that is served alive. That is why speed of delivery is so important. For Russians, oysters are a difficult and expensive product. - Oysters.pptx


Slides: 28 Words: 2199 Sounds: 0 Effects: 159

Arthropod type. The purpose of the lesson: to summarize and systematize the material studied. During the classes. Biological warm-up. Check your work. Reiteration. Arthropod classes presentation. Visiting Neptune. The value of crustaceans. Scary and terrible. The meaning of arachnids. The omnipresent six-legged. The meaning of insects. Dangerous Arthropods. Common wasp. First aid measures. Ticks. How to prevent disease. Wasp-like. First aid for bites. Generalization of the studied material. The nervous system consists of the periopharyngeal ring. Arthropods. Animals of the Red Data Book of the Stavropol Territory. - Arthropods.ppt

Arthropod structure

Slides: 12 Words: 495 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Arthropod type classes

Slides: 13 Words: 58 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Crustology is the science of crustaceans. Arachnology is the science of arachnids. Entomology is the science of insects. Crustacean class. Class Arachnids. Class Insects. Features of the structure of the main organ systems. Features of the internal structure. The insect world is beautiful! - Classes of type Arthropod.ppt

Biology arachnids

Slides: 15 Words: 239 Sounds: 0 Effects: 7

Class Arachnids. Biology. 7th grade. Manifold. Tarantula. Scorpio. Taiga tick. Tarantula spider. The spider is a cross. Living environments. Redling mite. The external structure of spiders. Spider warts. A characteristic feature of European spiders is the presence of three pairs of spider warts. The cobweb is a trapping apparatus. Cobwebs line the burrows of the spiders. A cocoon is weaved from the web, in which the spiders develop. Young spiders settle with the help of cobwebs. Eyes, chelicerae and pedipalps. The internal structure of the spider. Ticks. Ixodid tick is a carrier of encephalitis. Scabies mites that gnaw through passages in human skin cause scabies. - Biology Arachnids.ppt

The most dangerous spiders

Slides: 24 Words: 761 Sounds: 0 Effects: 1

The most dangerous spiders. Yellow spiders Sak. A spider bite is very painful. Like other spiders, they tend to bite defensively. Brazilian wandering spider. It is unlikely to kill an adult. It feeds on insects. Brown recluse spider. The spider is small. The brown recluse has 6 eyes in 3 pairs. Black Widow. Females are about 2 cm long and are more dangerous. Females always kill males after mating. They only attack when they see a threat. Tarantula (tarantula). There are many options for coloring tarantulas. In the dark, tarantulas hunt their prey. Water spiders. - The most dangerous spiders.ppt

The structure of crustaceans

Slides: 21 Words: 1128 Sounds: 0 Effects: 18

Crustaceans. Features of the external and internal structure. A group of animals. General characteristics. Arthropod type. Class Arachnids. Round shell. Crustacean class. The body of crustaceans. Head and chest. Examine with a magnifying glass cancer. Internal structure of cancer. Nervous system. Circulatory system. Digestive system. Sexual dimorphism. Features. Cephalothorax. Body parts and organs. The role of crustaceans. Homework. - The structure of crustaceans.ppt

Insect world

Slides: 15 Words: 744 Sounds: 0 Effects: 15

Insects. The purpose of the lesson. The reasons for the prosperity of the class of insects. Work in groups "insects protect". Insects have very advanced defenses. The number of insect species. Biological tasks. Wild bee honey can be obtained in hollows. May beetle, crab, water strider. The female mosquito has piercing-sucking mouthparts. Pupae of a cabbage butterfly. Insects do not have a vocal apparatus. The meaning of insects. The meaning of insects. Creative project "Life of insects". - Insect World.ppt

Insect biology

Slides: 14 Words: 771 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Introductory-overview lesson journey on the topic: “Class Insects. To consolidate skills in working with illustrative material, natural objects, additional sources. Equipment. collections of insects, tables “Type Arthropods. Class Crustaceans ”,“ Type Arthropods. Class Arachnids ”,“ Type Arthropods. Class Insects ”, handouts, natural objects .. Travel to the country of Insekta. He compiled the first systematic summary of animals, the so-called "Ladder of Creatures". Station No. 2. “Theoretical Task for the first team. Body sizes vary from 1-2 mm to 15-30 cm - Biology of insects.ppt

Insect biology

Slides: 11 Words: 474 Sounds: 0 Effects: 6

Insects class. The creative name of the project. Sixth population of the planet. Project context. Fundamental question. Problematic question. Private questions. Project stages. Composition of the UMP. Annotation. The project on the theme "Insects" is designed for 7th grade students. The project is designed for 1 month. The final completion will be extracurricular activity... Information sources. I. I. Akimushkin. Animal world. Stories about insects. - Biology Insects.ppt

"Insects" biology grade 7

Slides: 17 Words: 385 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Insects. Insects are the most numerous class of living things on Earth. Lepidoptera. Coleoptera. Flies. A genus of insects in the family Real flies (Muscidae). Ants. Ants (Latin Formicidae) are a family of insects from the ant family of the order Hymenoptera. Bees. Bees (singular bee; lat.Anthophila) are a section in the superfamily Apoidea of \u200b\u200bflying insects of the suborder Stem-bellied hymenoptera, related to wasps and ants. The science of bees is called apiology (apidology). - "Insects" Biology Grade 7.ppt

Characteristics of insects

Slides: 25 Words: 2013 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Class Insects. Black cloud. Characteristics of insects. Articulated limbs. External structure. Antennae. Legs. Oral apparatus. Digestive system. Excretory organs. Nervous system. Circulatory system. Insect development. Type Arthropods. Insect signs. The role of insects in nature. Scarab beetle. Ladybug poison. Colorado beetle. Hornet. Ant tincture. Wasps. Cabbage White. Natural flowers. Puzzle. - Characteristics of insects.ppt

Features of the class of insects

Slides: 18 Words: 1224 Sounds: 0 Effects: 45

Insects class. To systematize knowledge about the main orders of insects. Flower. Who is superfluous. Solve the riddle. Grasshopper. Interesting facts from the life of animals. Ladybugs. Bernhard Grzimek. Orders of animals of the class of insects. Living synonyms. Solve the puzzles. Flyers and jumpers. Two-tails. Mayflies. Solve the crossword puzzle. Let's summarize. Resources. - Features of the class of insects.ppt

Insect development

Slides: 18 Words: 330 Sounds: 0 Effects: 50

Reproduction and development of insects grade 7. Chedi-Khol district. The purpose of the lesson: Type arthropods. Crustacean class. Class arachnids. Insects class. The structure of insects. Head. Chest. Wing. Abdomen. Legs. ? male Testes Seed ducts Seed fiend. Channel Sperm. ? female Ovaries Oviducts Vagina Ovum. Egg. Fertilized egg. Fertilization is internal. Reproduction Insects are dioecious. Insect development. Incomplete transformation (metamorphosis). Complete transformation (metamorphosis). Metamorphosis is the transformation of an insect from a larva to a sexually mature stage. Incomplete transformation. - Development of insects.ppt

Types of insect development

Slides: 30 Words: 784 Sounds: 0 Effects: 92

Types of insect development. Choose from the following images of invertebrates and insects. What parts of the insect are shown. Lesson questions. What types of development can be found in the world of insects. The topic of the lesson is "Types of insect development." Clutches of eggs of various insects. Insects and their offspring. Insect development with incomplete transformation. Development with incomplete transformation. The developmental cycle of a grasshopper. Development with complete transformation or development with metamorphosis. Development with complete transformation. Egg. Compare the caterpillar and the butterfly. Comparison signs. The caterpillar and the butterfly have different types of mouthparts. - Types of insect development.ppt

Insect pests of cultivated plants

Slides: 32 Words: 1020 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Insect pests of cultivated plants. Orthoptera. Asian locust. Aphids. The bug is a harmful bug. Bedbug. Bed bug bites. Beet weevil. Colorado beetle. Apple blossom weevil. Bark beetles. Butterflies. Cabbage White. Apple moth. Unpaired silkworm. Hymenoptera. Coniferous sawfly larvae. Horntail larvae. Diptera. Cabbage fly. Go blind. Gadflies. Mosquitoes. Indoor flies. Cockroaches. Food. Lice. Fleas. Flea worm-like larvae. Insect pest control methods. Establish correspondence. - Insect pests of cultivated plants.pptx

Insect pests of agricultural plants

Slides: 11 Words: 672 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Insects are pests of fields and gardens. Interest in insects originated in ancient times. Colorado beetle. Pests of agricultural plants. Blood aphid. Classification. Chafer. Types of damage to plants by insect pests. Medvedka. Control methods. The end. - Insect pests of agricultural plants.ppt


Slides: 11 Words: 723 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Order Lepidoptera. Butterfly structure. Lepidoptera. Chest. Nutrition and reproduction. Life cycle. Example. Suborder Homoptera. Suborder Trunkless. Suborder Toothed. Suborder Proboscis. - Lepidoptera.pptx


Slides: 50 Words: 1556 Sounds: 0 Effects: 152

Butterflies. Scientific classification. Lepidoptera. One of the largest groups of insects. Types of butterflies. The structure of butterflies. Butterflies. Butterfly head. Proboscis. Faceted eye. Faceted eyes. Antennae. Butterflies. Wings. Butterflies. Wing structures. Legs. Abdomen. Pigments and coloring. Lemongrass. Polymorphism. Polymorphism. Seasonal polymorphism. Geographic polymorphism. Sexual dimorphism. Food. Reproduction. Butterfly life. Interesting fact. The smallest butterfly. The largest butterfly. Unusual butterflies. Butterflies. Apple glass case. Wingspan. Phyllocnistis unipunctella. Adaina microdactyla. Blastobasis decolorella. - Butterflies.ppt

Butterflies in biology

Slides: 14 Words: 340 Sounds: 1 Effects: 7

Order Lepidoptera. Butterflies in biology. Butterflies in biology. Characteristics of the order Lepidoptera. Life cycle of butterflies. Life cycle. The value of butterflies in human life and nature. Cabbage butterfly. Cabbage, as its name suggests, is related to cabbage. Caterpillar. Rare species of butterflies Ryazan region... Rare species of butterflies. Machaon. Thanks for attention. - Butterflies in Biology.pptx

Homoptera proboscis

Slides: 20 Words: 781 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Order Homoptera proboscis. General characteristics. Cicadids. The Cicadovs are characterized by a fixed articulation of the head with the chest. Cicadids. Leaf beetles. Leaf beetles. Aphids. Reproduction of aphids. Symbiosis of aphids and ants. Natural enemy of aphids. Aphids. Coccids (scale insects and scale insects). Coccids. "Regal" worm. Mexican cochineal. Use of carmine. Whiteflies. Whiteflies suck on plant juices and usually stay on the lower surface. Whiteflies. - Homoptera proboscis.ppt


Slides: 21 Words: 1047 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

The role of the bee. Table of contents. Literature. Objective of the project. Bees. The body of an adult bee. A pair of large lateral compound eyes. Oral apparatus. Chest. Respiratory system. Bee family nest. The cells are divided by structure. Queen bee. Swarming. Pollen. Honey. Honey is the juice from the dew of heaven. Bee venom treatment. Bee venom. The bee is a symbol of hard work. Thanks for attention. - Bees.ppt


Slides: 20 Words: 453 Sounds: 0 Effects: 109

Type Chordates. Chordates (lat. Features of chordates. Subtype Uncranial. Lancelet. Subtype Cranial. Fish. External structure. Fish. Reproduction of fish. Birds. Skeleton. Adaptation to flight. Reduce body weight. Features. Mammals. Skin of mammals. Subtype Sheaths. Class Cygnus. Close to the jawless is the modern class of cyclostomes, which include lampreys and myxinus .-- Chordates.pptx

Type chord 7 grade

Slides: 28 Words: 1155 Sounds: 0 Effects: 24

Type Chordates. Repetition plan. Features of Chordovs. The meaning of the internal skeleton is? Subtype Cranial (Vertebrates). Subtype Skullless. Lancelet class. Class Cartilaginous fish. Class Amphibians. Class Bony fish. Class Reptiles. Bird class. Class Mammals. Spine structure -? Lancelet. Chord. Spinal cord. A funnel of tentacles. The gastrointestinal tract. Gills. Fish. External structure. Head. The torso. Tail. The operculum. Dorsal. Anal fin. Caudal fin. Pelvic fins. Pectoral fins. Scales. Side line. Internal structure. - Type Chordates Grade 7.ppt

Classes of vertebrates

Slides: 13 Words: 1038 Sounds: 0 Effects: 61

Diversity of vertebrates. Roshchinsky secondary school. Chordate type. Subtype vertebrates. Fish class. Class amphibians. The class is reptiles. Bird class. Mammals class. Pisces class. FISH is an aquatic cold-blooded vertebrate. The shape of the body depends on the habitat and biology of the fish. The body of most fish is covered with mucus and scales. Fish move with the help of fins. There is a two-chambered heart. The excretory organs are the kidneys. The brain consists of 5 divisions. Fertilization in most fish is external. Caviar is thrown into the water (rarely - live birth). - Classes of vertebrates.ppt

Amphibians and reptiles

Slides: 15 Words: 1391 Sounds: 0 Effects: 73

Reptiles and amphibians. Information and bibliographic review grade 7. Each description is composed of several sections. Perhaps there are no more legendary animals than amphibians and reptiles. There is a thematic index at the end of the book. Information about reptiles and amphibians is located on pages: 5-160; according to the system: Detachments - Families. There are species that constantly live in trees and are even capable of gliding. “I know the world: Snakes, crocodiles, turtles: Children's encyclopedia” is dedicated to reptiles. They see, hunt, breed, and much more. - Amphibians and reptiles.ppt

Amphibians and reptiles

Slides: 24 Words: 1398 Sounds: 0 Effects: 18

Fish superclass. The rules for conducting an educational quiz. Fish. Class amphibians. The class is reptiles. Fish scales "passport" and "medical" book at the same time. Can a frog chest x-ray be taken? In green grass it is green, in dried and yellowed it is yellow. Fish were allowed into the aquarium to the blind pike. Can a frog shed its skin? Why snakes often stick out their tongues. The anglers' habit of spitting on bait is not just a tribute to tradition. Do frogs grow in central Russia in winter? A living organism cannot do without water. Why is too much plants in an aquarium harmful to fish? - Amphibians and reptiles.ppt

Pisces class

Slides: 20 Words: 763 Sounds: 1 Effects: 24

Fish is an animal

Slides: 22 Words: 571 Sounds: 0 Effects: 1

Classes of fish. The instinct is prophetically blind. A variety of fish appearance. General characteristics of the class of fish. Complete the sentences and answer the questions. Classification of fish. Number of species. Table. Make the names of the fish. Detachments. Large aquarium. Pipefish. Scat. Spiny shark. Choose the correct judgments from the proposed ones. Find the error in the picture. Name the fish. Proverbs about fish. Finish the proverbs. Glue production source. Make a crossword puzzle. A fish is an animal. - Fish is an animal.ppt

Fish class 7 class

Slides: 24 Words: 757 Sounds: 0 Effects: 64

Homework check. Evaluation criteria: 100% completed work - "5"; 75% completed work - "4"; 50% completed work - "3"; ASSIGNMENT # 2: Oral work with terms: Chorda. Central nervous system. Spine. Skullless. Systematics. Sharks. Stingrays. Representatives of the class Cartilaginous fish. Representatives of the class Bony fish. What emoticon shows your mood in the lesson? A) Study & 31. Homework. Pacific herring. The external structure of the fish. Variety of fish body shapes. Flattened (manta ray). Ribbon (eel). Oval (tuna). The location of the scales on the body of the fish (carp). - Pisces class 7 class.ppt

Biology Grade 7 "Pisces"

Slides: 27 Words: 488 Sounds: 0 Effects: 77

A variety of fish. Planet of fish. The jumper is muddy. What kind of sea fish resembles a chess piece in shape. Large predatory fish with a flat body and a sharp tail. Fish telescope. Neon. Cardinal. Coelacanth. Napoleon. Gurnard. Clown fish. The fish is a needle. Fish - Ruff. Saw fish. Amur. Burbot. Sardine. Where the Osetr River flows. Literary competition. Three minnows. Pike. Sturgeon. Catfish. Crossword. Crossword. Thanks for attention. - Biology Grade 7 "Pisces" .ppt

Commercial fish

Slides: 13 Words: 751 Sounds: 0 Effects: 9

Groups of commercial fish. Commercial fish. A variety of commercial fish. Detachment Sturgeon. Sturgeon. Order Salmoniformes. Salmon. Detachment Herring. Herring. Detachment Codfish. Cod-like. Detachment Carps. Carps. - Commercial fish.ppt

Systematic groups of fish

Slides: 18 Words: 610 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Systematic groups of fish. Ichthyology. Fish. Class Bony fish. Subclass Cartilage. Subclass Bony fishes. Subclass Lungs. Class Cartilaginous fish. Whale shark. Black sea katran. Bull shark. Great white sharks. Tiger shark. Long-winged shark. Cannibal sharks. Hammerhead sharks. Yellow sharks. Squad of Stingrays. - Systematic groups of fish.pptx

Shark squad

Slides: 54 Words: 3417 Sounds: 0 Effects: 131

Topic Subclass Cartilaginous fish. Check of knowledge. 1) What are the functions of fish fins? 2) What is the relationship between the appearance and depth of the fish? 3) List the adaptation of fish to environmental factors. Features of the internal structure of fish. Class Cartilaginous fish (630 species). H / Class Fish. Type Chordates. They appeared about 300 million years ago. External structure. Cartilaginous skeleton: The vertebral column and skull are often mineralized. Mouth - on the underside. Paired fins are horizontal. Gill covers are absent. Gills open outward as independent openings. The muzzle is elongated - the rostrum. - Shark Squad.ppt

The structure of lung-breathing fish

Slides: 13 Words: 396 Sounds: 1 Effects: 1

Lungs fish. The first are lungs. The structure of the lungs. Chord. African protopters. Lifestyle. Horntooth. Protopter. Lepidosiren. Questions. Answers. Websites. The structure of lung-breathing fish. - The structure of lungfish.pptx

Bony fish

Slides: 33 Words: 912 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Class Bony fish, diversity, meaning and protection. The purpose of the lesson. Others inherited from nature the instinct prophetically - blind. Bony fish. Left on the shore thirty-three heroes; in scales like the heat of grief. A fish swam to the tail-maker, put on its tail. Bony fish. Bony fish. Sturgeon squad. Detachment Herring. Order Salmoniformes. In the depths of the crackling waters, the fish Kolyushka lives. Clad in bronze on the sides, he floated in the darkness of the rut. Detachment Carps. The third time he threw a net, and a net came with only one fish. Goldfish. Squad Perchiformes. Bony fish. How many fish are there on deck. - Bony fishes.ppt


Slides: 44 Words: 4500 Sounds: 0 Effects: 104

Diversity of amphibians. Amphibians. In the evolutionary series, amphibians correspond to an intermediate link between fish and reptiles. Although most species are light, gas exchange occurs through the skin. Eggs (eggs) are devoid of shells and are usually deposited in water. It is generally accepted that amphibians evolved from cross-finned fish and gave rise to reptiles. Spread. Amphibians are ubiquitous except in extremely cold or dry areas. Development. Specialization. Cave forms, such as proteas, are colorless, but sometimes become colored in the light. - Amphibians.ppt

Amphibian characteristics

Slides: 19 Words: 677 Sounds: 0 Effects: 8

Amphibians. Toad. Table. Naturalists. + - + + - +. Biological problem. Similarities and Differences. Fish. Features of the development of amphibians. Signs. Can't you love a toad? Prize. I live in trees. Who is in the pond under the lush duckweed. Timing. Crossword. You answered correctly. The name of the amphibian. Frog. - Characteristics of amphibians.ppt

Characteristics of amphibians

Slides: 30 Words: 546 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

General characteristics of the class Amphibians. Class Amphibians. Divisions of the body. Movement. Body covers. Skeleton. Skull. Spine. Shoulder girdle. Front limb. Pelvic girdle. Hind limb. Musculature. Food. Digestive system. Circulatory system. Circulatory system (heart). Respiratory system. Lungs. Respiration mechanism. Excretory system. Metabolism. Nervous system. Forebrain. Senses. Vision. Hearing. Smell. Taste. Resources used. - Characteristics of amphibians.ppt

The structure of the class of amphibians

Slides: 20 Words: 1227 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Class Amphibians. Representatives of three orders of amphibians. The external structure of the frog. Sections of the front and hind limbs of the vertebrates (diagram). In amphibians, the limbs rest against the ground on the sides of the body. The internal structure of the frog. Diagram of the structure of the brain in amphibians. Diagram of the structure of the heart of amphibians. Lung breathing system and inspiration mechanism. Digestive system. Frog skeleton. Sense organs and eating behavior. Like a toad catches prey crawling on the ground. Covers and coloration. Territorial behavior. Marriage rituals. The female snake protects the eggs in the burrow. The development of the frog occurs with transformation. - The structure of the amphibian class.ppt

Structural features of amphibians

Slides: 39 Words: 1224 Sounds: 1 Effects: 103

Amphibians or amphibians. Features of the structure of amphibians. Features of the structure of amphibians. Type Chordates. The origin of amphibians. Body structure. Skin structure. Lubricate the frog skin vegetable oil... Frog skeleton. Modes of movement. Features of the structure of amphibians. Fish brain. Senses. Why does the frog itself jump into the mouth of the snake. Frog eye. The organ of hearing of the frog. The external structure of the frog. Physical minute. A heart. Respiratory system. How can you save a frog. Digestive system. Food for amphibians. Result. The genitourinary system. Features of the internal structure. - Features of the structure of amphibians.ppt

Protection of amphibians

Slides: 30 Words: 435 Sounds: 0 Effects: 9

Organ names. Signs. Diversity of amphibians. Scary animal. A variety of amphibians. Ambistoma. Crested newt. Fire salamander. Detachment. Toads. Toads. Pointing frogs. Pointing frogs. Frogs. Hairy frog. Ringed worm. Comparative characteristics... The importance of amphibians. Monuments to the frog. Monument to the Frog in Boston. Frog traveler. Monument to the frogs. City fountain. The Red Book of Russia. Red Book of Tatarstan. Frog. Take away the excess. Frog trio. Take care of them. Thank you for the lesson. - Protection of amphibians.ppt


Slides: 12 Words: 581 Sounds: 0 Effects: 28

Interesting facts about amphibians. The smallest amphibians. The largest amphibians. The largest toad - aha, lives in Central and South America. The largest of all frog species is the African goliath. The goliath frog is the largest frog in the world. The largest frog in our country is the lake frog. The rarest amphibian species in the world. The most powerful poison. The secretions of the skin glands of the kokoi frog are 20 times more toxic than the poison of others. Frogs are athletes. The common, or gray, toad hunts with its tongue. - Representatives of amphibians.pptx

Representatives of the class Amphibians

Slides: 35 Words: 465 Sounds: 6 Effects: 93

Amphibians. Class Amphibians. Amphibians. The most primitive vertebrates. Traits of adaptability to the environment. Streamlined body shape. Representatives of the class Amphibians. External structure. Physical education. 1. Representatives of the class Amphibians. Detachment. The Legless Squad. The torso. Tailed squad. Hidden gabber. The most highly organized detachment. Detachment Tailless. Fiery atelopus. Bicolor phyllomedusa. Bull frog. Kwak. The frog is a dart frog. Representatives of the class Amphibians. Three. Golaud. Tone. Monument to the frogs. Monument to the Frog in Boston. The frog princess in Moscow. - Representatives of the class Amphibians.ppt

Diversity of amphibians

Slides: 51 Words: 768 Sounds: 4 Effects: 227

Diversity of amphibians. Form the ability to work with the textbook. Lesson plan. Think and answer. A variety of amphibians. Compare the structure of the internal organs of amphibians with fish. Habitat. Internal structure. The skeleton of amphibians. Digestive system. The toad catches crawling prey. Binocular vision. The frog only catches moving prey. The breath of the frog. Circulatory system. The structure of the heart. The structure of the brain. Life cycle of amphibians. Development of amphibians. Working with terms. Amphibians. Tailed squad. Tailless amphibians. South African narrow loop. Round-tongued amphibians. - Variety of amphibians.ppt

The diversity and importance of amphibians

Slides: 36 Words: 1093 Sounds: 0 Effects: 2

Reproduction and development of amphibians. Impact of seasonal changes. Reproduction. Genitourinary organs of a male frog. The bags are resonators. Development of amphibians. The diversity and importance of amphibians. Characteristics of adult tailless amphibians. Reproduction and care for offspring. Male midwife toad. Diversity of amphibians. Detachment Tailless. Frogs. Toads. Tree frogs. Toads. Tailed squad. Newts. Salamanders. Ambistomas. Squad Legless. Worms. Diversity of amphibians. Amphibian poison. Poisonous vertebrates. Protection of amphibians. Protected amphibians of Tatarstan. - The diversity and importance of amphibians.ppt

Grade 7 reptiles

Slides: 28 Words: 1349 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Class: reptiles. General characteristics of the class. In the course of the conquest of land, reptiles acquired a number of adaptations: The body is subdivided into a head, neck, trunk, tail and five-toed limbs. The growth of the animal is accompanied by periodic molt. 3. The skeleton is strong, ossified. The spine consists of five sections: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and caudal. The shoulder and pelvic girdles of the limbs are strengthened and connected to the axial skeleton. The ribs and chest are developed. 4. The musculature is more differentiated than that of amphibians. Cervical and intercostal muscles, subcutaneous muscles are developed. - Grade 7 Reptiles.ppt

Biology grade 7 reptiles

Slides: 31 Words: 1182 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

The origin and variety of reptiles. The origin of reptiles. The first reptiles were cotilosaurs, which descended from the ancient Stegocephals. Cotilosaurs became extinct. In the Triassic period, cotylosaurs became extinct. The anapsids have retained some of the primitive features of cotylosaurs. Another order of animal-like animals - therapsids - appeared at the end of the Permian period. Animal-toothed in the structure of their teeth, skull, spine and limbs are close to mammals. In the mid-Jurassic period, synapsids became extinct. Dimetrodon. Foreigners. Teriodont. Animal-like reptiles were the most widespread and highly organized group of reptiles. - Biology Grade 7 Reptiles.ppt

Scaly squad

Slides: 18 Words: 276 Sounds: 4 Effects: 78

Class Reptiles, or Reptiles Order Scaly. The origin of reptiles. Ancient reptiles. Dinosaurs: 1-brontosaurus (apatosaurus); 2-tyrannosaurus; 3-triceratops; 4-stegosaurus. Brachiosaurus is the largest dinosaur. Length - more than 30 m, weight - 50 tons. Among carnivorous dinosaurs, the largest and most terrible was the tyrannosaurus. Height - about 6 m, length - 10 m, weight - 10 tons. The largest of the flying dinosaurs is the pteranodon. Paleontological excavations are direct evidence of the existence of dinosaurs on our planet. The external structure of an agile lizard. Snakes. It moves due to the bends of the body. - Squad Scale.ppt

Bird facts

Slides: 14 Words: 3171 Sounds: 1 Effects: 63

Bird class. A little about birds. A variety of birds. Evolution of birds. External structure. Digestive system. Circulatory system. Nervous system. The reproductive system. Excretory system. Bird eggs. Interesting Facts. Birds in human life. The value of birds in nature. - Bird Facts.ppt

Characteristics of the class of birds

Slides: 25 Words: 624 Sounds: 0 Effects: 88

Command. Bird class. Birds are highly organized representatives of chordates. Archeopteryx. General characteristics of the class. Look at the drawing. What organs can you name yourself. The structure of the skeleton of a bird. Let's get acquainted with the features of the internal structure. The internal structure of the bird. In a world of interesting things. The most big bird on Earth it is an ostrich. The smallest bird is the Cuban bumblebee hummingbird. The fastest bird is the eider. The Galapagos woodpecker uses a fork to eat. Birds frigates are real pirates. A puffin seabird can carry up to 40 fish in its beak. - Characteristics of the class of birds.pptx

Bird skeleton

Slides: 13 Words: 711 Sounds: 0 Effects: 104

How flight influenced the skeleton of a bird. Flight. The ability to fly. Skeletons. Skeleton analysis. Research progress. Lizard skeleton. Skeleton department. Dove skeleton. Bone structure. Comparison of the skeletons of a lizard and a dove. Bird bones. Literature. - Bird skeleton.ppt

Breeding birds

Slides: 19 Words: 391 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Birds. Seasonal phenomena in the life of birds. Reproduction. Outside, the bird's egg is protected by a leathery shell. Reproduction of birds. Grousing black grouse. Houbara lecturing. Singing nightingale. Why does the nightingale sing. Nest. Where do you see the success of building nests? Laying eggs. Incubation. Drink on the nest. Post-nesting period. Sedentary birds. Orientation of migratory birds during migrations. Scheme of nesting and winter areas of barn swallows. How the signs of high organization are manifested in the process of reproduction and development of birds. - Bird breeding.ppt

Bird watching

Slides: 20 Words: 623 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Phenological observations of the spring arrival of birds. Feathered wanderers. The birds are divided into. Migration routes. Phenology. Birds of Chuvashia. Objects of observation. Study participants. Time and place of observation. Observation results. Aquatic and semi-aquatic species. Birds that feed on insects. Village swallow. Influence of weather. Arrival dates. Individual individuals. Naturalist School. Arrival dates for most bird species. Research prospects. Thanks for attention. - Birdwatching.ppt

Birds grade 7

Slides: 9 Words: 161 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Habitat of birds. Purpose of the study. Research progress. The result of the research Birds of the forest. Birds of swamps, coasts and open water bodies. Birds of open air spaces. Signs: long narrow wings, notched tail, insectivorous mouth. Daytime predators. Signs: strong hooked beak, powerful legs. Birds of the forest. Birds of swamps, coasts and open water bodies. Ecological groups of birds. - Birds Grade 7.ppt

Bird biology class

Slides: 21 Words: 329 Sounds: 0 Effects: 37

Nelmachevskaya main secondary school. Timofeeva Nina Nikolaevna teacher of biology and chemistry. The plumage is based on contour feathers. The cerebellum in birds is poorly developed. The sternum of many birds carries a keel. The heart of birds is 3-chambered. Respiratory organs - lungs and air sacs. Environmental groups. Wading birds. Daytime birds of prey. Nocturnal birds of prey. Birds of the forest. Birds of reservoirs and coasts. Motley Mallard Catches frogs. He walks waddle, Stumble. Crying in the swamp. But it doesn't come from the swamp. Isn't it scary to live in it? No, the owner is not afraid. Two mighty wings The owner has ... - Biology Class Birds.pps

The internal structure of birds

Slides: 27 Words: 718 Sounds: 0 Effects: 12

Travel to the world of birds. The air is cut without effort, Like sickles crooked wings. Flashes - you will not make out, So only flies ... Habitats of birds and ways of movement. Water. Ground and air. Air. "External structure of birds". The beak in the life of a bird. - Build nests. - For protection and threat. - Clean feathers. - Get hold of food. - Holds egg breakers. Beak shape. The structure and role of legs in the life of birds. Types and role of bird feathers. Feather structure. Features of the internal structure of birds in connection with the adaptability to flight. Digestive system. - The internal structure of birds.ppt

Bird development

Slides: 31 Words: 1151 Sounds: 1 Effects: 46

Reproduction and development of birds. Annual life cycle. Seasonal phenomena. Reproductive organs. Egg development. The development of the embryo. Brood and nesting birds. Seasonal phenomena in the life of birds. Lesson plan. Bird reproduction organs. Female. Male. Working with the tutorial. Ovary. Testes. Oviduct funnel. Oviduct. Remains of the right oviduct. Seed ducts. Where are the reproductive organs located? Why does a female only develop one ovary? (Textbook, p. 218.). Tell us about the meaning of each structural element of the egg. What is indicated in the figure with the number 7? Egg structure. Protein. Yolk. Flagella (chalases). - Development of birds.ppt

The most important orders of birds

Slides: 13 Words: 654 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Groups of birds. Variety of birds of prey. Daytime birds of prey. Vulture. Wingspan. Owl squad. Owl. A large number of murine rodents. Chicken squad. Pheasant. Consolidation of what has been learned. Living synonyms. Thanks for attention. - The most important groups of birds.pptx

Fabulous birds

Slides: 21 Words: 1339 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Ecological groups of birds. Firebird. Exotic birds, legends about them. Description Heat - birds. Birds of paradise... Unusually colorful plumage. God, upon creation, took the legs of the birds of paradise. The birds of paradise build their nests high in the trees. Phoenix. Phoenix soars into the sky. Birds of happiness made of wood. Residents were engaged in wood crafts. The old men said. The child smiled. Blue bird. What ecological group do these birds belong to by the way of feeding? Which ecological group according to the habitat do the birds belong to? Comic questions. Knowledge control. The falcon has sharp claws, a curved beak. - Fairy Birds.ppt


Slides: 15 Words: 339 Sounds: 0 Effects: 107

Detachment Anseriformes. Horny plates. Geese are distinguished by a medium-length neck. White-fronted goose. Swans. White. Black Swan. Ducks. Mallard. Geese. Mountain goose. What colors of plumage are found in swans. Where geese build nests. What do geese eat? Distribute by birth. - Anseriformes.ppt


Slides: 11 Words: 278 Sounds: 1 Effects: 1

Bluethroat bird of the year. Bluethroat is a bird of 2012. The graceful beauty Sings to us by the river And the songs of a mockingbird Are very good. The Nightingale Sister Sings: "chak-chak-waa-rak" For singing a chat. They called it a bluethroat. And beautiful bluethroat with plumage, And beautiful bluethroat with its singing. And sparkles with plumage, And pleasant to look at, And the Nightingale will surprise you with wonderful sonorous singing. On a bush the bluethroat Zvonko sings a song Like a blue handkerchief. The bird carries with it Like the sky a piece of Blue, blue. (Vorobiev A.V.). Bluethroat on the pages of the regional newspaper "Vyatsko-Polyanskaya Pravda". - Bluethroat.ppt

Mammals grade 7

Slides: 24 Words: 678 Sounds: 0 Effects: 14

Class Mammals or Beasts. Orders: Monotremes, Marsupials, Insectivores, Bats. You recognized me? Lesson topic: Class Mammals or Beasts. Study of the external structure of mammals. Equipment: photographs and drawings on slides and textbook. General characteristics of the class Mammals: Class mammals: Subclass Oviparous or primordial animals: 1. order Monotremes. Equid-hoofed 11. Primates. Detachment One-pass. Platypus, two types of echidnas, three types of prochidnas Signs of a detachment of monotremes. SQUAD MUD: Marsupial wolf, Koala, Kangaroo, Wombat. Signs of a detachment of marsupials. - Mammals Grade 7.ppt

Mammals, or animals

Slides: 23 Words: 2425 Sounds: 0 Effects: 1

Mammals. Description of the class of mammals. Origin. Respiratory system. Digestive system. Nervous system. Star-nose. Tapirs. Ancient mammals. Handle. Squirrel. Lagomorphs. Artiodactyls. Bats. Insectivores. Predatory. Cetaceans. Cetacean skin. Pinnipeds. Marsupials. Predatory. Equid-hoofed animals. Thanks for attention. - Mammals, or animals.ppt

Mammal birds

Slides: 21 Words: 2144 Sounds: 4 Effects: 113

Project on. Biology and animal stories. Content. Birds Mammals Test Author Purpose Bibliography and Appendices End. Wandering pigeons. Hardly any birds gathered in such monstrous flocks. Birds. Introduction Stories about wandering pigeons Pigeons Eagle. Introduction. That is, birds are warm-blooded vertebrates. The bird skeleton has some peculiarities. Therefore, most of the bones are hollow, and some parts of the skeleton have grown together. But the front legs turned into wings. Doves. 6 species of real pigeons live on the territory of the former USSR. The rocky dove lives usually in the mountains, for which it got its name. - Mammals birds.ppt

General characteristics of mammals

Slides: 37 Words: 828 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Class Mammals or Beasts. Animals. Higher vertebrates. Habitat. Ground-air environment. Soil habitat. A variety of mammals. Dominant position on Earth. Mammals. Divisions of the body. The body of mammals. Horny scales. Mammalian skin. Glands. The skeleton of mammals. Musculature. Digestive system. The mouth of beasts. Baleen whales. Mammals breathe atmospheric air. Circulatory systems. Warm-blooded animals. Paired kidneys. Large hemispheres of the forebrain. Senses. Dissolved animals. Caring for offspring. - General characteristics of mammals.ppt

Systematics of mammals

Slides: 25 Words: 1647 Sounds: 0 Effects: 1

Mammals. Class Mammals. Oviparous. Marsupials. Insectivores. Incomplete teeth. Bats. Rodents. Detachment. Cetaceans. Pinnipeds. Predatory. Wolves. A family of bears. Cat family. Cougar. Wild and domestic cats. The largest cat in the world. Artiodactyls. Zebras. Hoofed animals. Primates. Lemurs. Materials used. Thanks for attention. - Taxonomy of mammals.pptx

Groups of mammals

Slides: 10 Words: 322 Sounds: 0 Effects: 31

Topic: Ecological groups of mammals. Class Mammals. Divide the animals into groups. Ecological groups of mammals. List the main ecological groups of animals. What is characteristic of burrowing animals? Confirm with examples. What do aquatic mammals have in common? 1. Typical land mammals: They have a short body, weak legs. They have a proportionally folded body, a developed neck. The ears and eyesight are well developed. Small ears, short very thick fur, developed subcutaneous fat. Limbs that have turned into fins. The group includes otters, sharks, dolphins, seals, walruses. - Mammal groups.ppt

Primate species

Slides: 19 Words: 824 Sounds: 6 Effects: 6

Primates. General characteristics of the detachment. Inferior monkeys. Common marmoset. Monkey. Broad-nosed monkeys. Baboons. Narrow-nosed monkeys. Great apes. Gorilla. Subspecies. Gorilla foot. Orangutans. Large monkeys. Monkey growth. Orangutans live alone and in families. Chimpanzee. Common chimpanzee. Mountain gorilla. - Primate species.ppt


Slides: 12 Words: 754 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Narwhal. Unicorn. Dorsal. Real northerners. Narwhal horn. Tusk. Scientists. Females. Interesting facts about narwhals. Narwhals do not live in captivity. Narwhal tooth. Thanks for attention. - Narwhal.pptx

Rodent animals

Slides: 29 Words: 1561 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Proboscis in biology

Slides: 6 Words: 483 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

In zoos, for example, elephants can easily collect coins or buttons from the floor. An elephant's trunk is much larger than a human hand. The dental system of the proboscis is also peculiar. Only the mammoth's body was covered with long and rather thick red hair. - Proboscis biology.ppt


Slides: 23 Words: 390 Sounds: 0 Effects: 67

Class Mammals. Squad Insectivores. The ancestors of insectivores were probably the ancestors of all placental animals. General signs: Insectivores have spread almost all over the planet. The order insectivorous includes 7 families: Tenrecovye; Golden moles; Hedgehogs; Shrews; Mole; Jumping. Family Slittooth. Scaletooth. Poisonous - the poison is intended to attack. It emits many sounds - from shrill screeching in a fight to peaceful squeaking. They live on the islands of Cuba and Haiti. The Terenkov family. The tenrek is striped. They lead a terrestrial or semi-aquatic lifestyle. They feed, depending on the species, on insects, plants and small animals. - Insectivores.pptx

Maned wolf

Slides: 11 Words: 500 Sounds: 0 Effects: 11

Maned Wolf. It is noteworthy that puppies of a maned wolf are born short-legged. The general color is yellowish-red, the chin and end of the tail are light. There is a black stripe from the top of the head to the middle of the back. The limbs are dark. On the face there are dark spots... The maned wolf inhabits mostly open grassy and shrub plains. It is rare everywhere in its range. Males are more active than females. Male and female rest, hunt and travel separately. Males in captivity establish hierarchical relationships. - Maned Wolf.pptx

Person's appearance

Slides: 13 Words: 452 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Appearance description. People help, please. Make a plan for describing your appearance. We start from the top of the head and gradually go down to the chin. Hair color is green, with red and blue feathers. The descriptions follow the detailed gradation of body parts and facial elements. In forensic science: In art history: A rough outline of an essay based on a painting. Introduction. Main part. What appearance do you like? What should be the appearance of a person? - Human appearance.pptx

Fruits from different countries

Slides: 23 Words: 299 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Fruit geography. Objectives: Find out what the benefits of fruits are. Kiosk. Spain. Israel. Costa Rica. Kiwi. Persimmon. Pineapples. Russia, Krasnodar Territory. Apples. China. Pears. Ecuador. Bananas. Mandarins. Egypt. Morocco. Turkey. Pakistan. Georgia. Mineola. Argentina. Grapefruit. Score. USA. Lemons. Oranges. Moldova. Coconuts. Malaysia. Portugal. Grapes. Market. Plums. Melons. Garnet. Uzbekistan. Seasonal deliveries of fruits from different countries. How to keep fruit? Fruit's life is short ... Vitamins. Vitamin A. Vitamin B. Mental ability. The work of the nervous system, muscles, heart. Motion sickness and motion sickness. - Fruits of different countries.pptx

Dairy products

Slides: 16 Words: 255 Sounds: 0 Effects: 64

Milk. A valuable food product. The composition of milk includes: proteins 3.6%, fats 3-4%, carbohydrates 4%, vitamins A, B, C, D and mineral salts. Varieties of milk. Whole pasteurized (3.2% fat), Six percent, Low fat, Sterilized, Ghee. Dairy products that are obtained by fermentation are called fermented milk products. By the nature of fermentation, fermented milk products are divided into two groups. 1st group. Products obtained by mixed fermentation - lactic acid and alcohol (kefir, kumis). Assortment of fermented milk products. Dairy products. Cottage cheese. Homemade cheese. - Fermented milk products.ppt

Respiratory system

Slides: 25 Words: 750 Sounds: 0 Effects: 82

Respiratory organs and gas exchange. Goals and objectives of the lesson. Plants, mushrooms and primitive animals. By breathing, all living things are divided into two groups. Gills. Respiratory system functions. "While I live, I hope ..." Ovid. Depending on the habitat. The main respiratory organ in the aquatic environment. Lamellar cirrus gills. Gill slits. Crustaceans. Fish. Pulmonary sacs. Trachea. Arachnids. Respiratory system of amphibians. Reptiles. Birds. Respiratory system of mammals. Respiratory system evolution. Fill the table. Find errors in the text. Homework. Literature. - Respiratory organs.ppt

The circulatory system of the body

Slides: 17 Words: 1146 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Circulatory system. Circulation - the circulation of blood throughout the body. The blood is set in motion by the contractions of the heart and circulates through the vessels. Enrichment of blood with oxygen occurs in the lungs, and saturation with nutrients - in the digestive organs. In the liver and kidneys, there is a neutralization and removal of metabolic products. Blood circulation is regulated by hormones and the nervous system. Blood circulation is an important factor in the life of the human body and a number of animals. The large vessels that carry blood to organs and tissues are called arteries. Arteries branch out into smaller arteries, arterioles, and finally capillaries. -



MKOU BUTURLINOVSKAYA secondary school №4


YEAR 2014

History of the discovery of sponges

Zoologists still do not know exactly where, in what place of the animal kingdom to place the sponges. Sponges received the status of animal organisms only in 1825 ., and before that, together with some other sedentary animals, they were classified as zoophytes - semi-animals, semi-plants.

  • Ilya Mechnikov's theory
  • Ernst Heinrich Haeckel's theory

Ilya Mechnikov

Ernst Haeckel

Characteristic invertebrates

Two-layer animals:

Three-layer animals:

  • Ectoderm
  • Ectoderm
  • Ectoderm, Endoderm, Mesoderm
  • Ectoderm,
  • Endoderm,
  • Mesoderm

(outer layer),

(gives rise to muscle and connective tissue)

  • Endoderm
  • Endoderm
  • Radial and bilateral body symmetry

Representatives: flatworms, roundworms, annelids, arthropods, molluscs and echinoderms

(the tissue that forms the internal organs )

  • Radial symmetry of the body

Representatives: sponges and coelenterates e

  • Near 3 thousand species;
  • In the aquatic environment, there are freshwater and marine, attached, usually colonial, live in places with the current or in the zone of ebb and flow;
  • Single or colonial, having a calcareous (Lime) or silicon skeleton (Glass and Ordinary), sizes from 1mm (Glass) to 1m (Ordinary);
  • Predators and filter feeders;
  • Well developed passive protection in the form of needles, release of a repelling odor, poisonous substances to protect against enemies and immobilize animals (bacteria, protozoa)
  • Lack of true tissues and germ layers

Dimensions vary widely: from a few millimeters to one meter in height or more . A sponge taken out of water resembles a piece of raw liver and smells bad

Habitat .

Sponges are extremely common animals in the aquatic world of our planet. They are found in the icy water of the Arctic and Antarctic, and in the tropics, in salt and fresh water bodies.

But the species diversity of sponges most in the salty waters of warm latitudes, tropics and subtropics.

The shape of the body can be extremely variable, often resembling a glass or a bag. The color varies from bright yellow to dark brown.

  • The body of sponges consists of different types of cells.
  • But they do not form tissues. Each cell functions independently.

  • Outer layer the bodies of the sponges form cells that resemble those of the integumentary epithelium of other multicellular animals. Among the cells of the outer layer, there are those that have a pore. These pores begin the tubular system that penetrates the walls of the body. The openings of these tubules are surrounded by cells that can contract and close them. The tubules carry water with food particles to the inner cavity.

  • This cavity is usually lined with special cells with flagella, the base of which is surrounded by a membranous collar (Fig. 58, Such cells form the inner layer .

In many sponges, they are located inside the body walls, forming flagellar chambers. The work of the flagella ensures the movement of water through the tubule system and internally

  • Between the outer and inner layers of cells is intercellular substance, in which different types of cells are located. Some of them form the internal skeleton of the sponges.
  • Another type of cells - amoeboid. These cells, using pseudopods, capture food particles that are digested in their

digestive vacuoles. Moving along the body of the sponge, amoeboid cells distribute nutrients.

1 - paragastric cavity,

3 - choanaocytes

(collar cells of the endoderm

Sponge structure

2 - mouth,

4 - ectoderm,

5 - needles of mineral

6 - channel.

The main types of structure of the aquifer system of sponges





In a number of Calcareous sponges, an increase in the size of the flagellar chambers and a reduction in the system of inlet and outlet channels occurred. Such sponges consist of a tube or branched tube system lined with choanocytes from the inside; the pores (ostia) open directly into the flagellar chambers. The aquifer is characteristic of only two genera - Leucosolenia and Clathrina .


The formation of the sicon is caused by the proliferation of the mesochila and the invagination into it of the sections of the paragastric cavity that form the radial tubes. Choanocytes line only the flagellar tubes and disappear from other parts of the atrial cavity. The walls of the body of the sponge thicken, and the leading channels are formed between the surface of the body and the flagellar tubes. The structure of the siconal type is characteristic of only a few species (for example, for Scypha and Grantia).


The most complex type of structure. These are colonial sponges with numerous osculums. There are many skeletal elements in the thick layer of mesoglea. The body wall is penetrated by a network of channels connecting numerous flagellar chambers


The sponge feeds on those food particles that water brings. This is the simplest type of sponge structure - ascon ... But in most sponges, a thickening of the mesoglea occurs and flagellate cells line the invaginations, cavities. This type of structure is called sicon , and when these cavities completely go inside the mesoglea and are connected by channels with the paragastric cavity - leacon .

Sponges, moreover, usually form colonies with many openings on the surface: in the form of crusts, lumps of lumps, bushes.

Fig 3.3. Development of limestone sponge

(according to Schulze):

1 - the embryo in the body of the maternal individual, large cells stuck inside the blastocoel cavity; 2 - free-swimming larva, large cells protruded again; 3 - invagination of small cells carrying flagella (gastrulation); 4 - attachment and beginning of larval metamorphosis.

In addition to asexual reproduction - budding, sponges also reproduce sexually. The way the larva develops is remarkable. From the ovum, a blastula develops, consisting of one layer of cells, and at one pole the cells are small and with flagella, at the other - large ones without flagella. First, large cells invade inward (1), then protrude and the larva floats freely (2), then flagellate cells invaginate again, which become the inner layer (3).

The larva settles and turns into a young sponge (4).

The peculiarities of the embryonic development of sponges give reason to scientists to believe that in them the primary ectoderm (small flagellate cells) replaces the endoderm. There is a perversion of the embryonic layers. On this basis, zoologists give the name to the sponges - animals turned inside out (Enantiozoa). Interestingly, the larva of most sponges is a parenchymula, in structure almost completely corresponding to the hypothetical phagocytella of II Mechnikov. It has a surface layer of flagellate cells, under which the cells of the inner loose layer are located. It can be assumed that the phagocytella switched to a sedentary lifestyle and in this way gave rise to the Sponge type. Another feature is the amazing ability of the sponges to regenerate. Even when rubbed through a sieve and turned into a slurry consisting of cells or groups of cells, they are capable of restoring the body. If you rub two sponges through a sieve and mix these masses, then the cells of different animals will gather in two different sponges.

In nature, sponges are essential as biofilters. Settling in reservoirs with significant organic pollution, they participate in their biological treatment. The practical value of sponges is not great. In some southern countries, the fishery of toilet sponges with a horny skeleton is developed; a freshwater sponge is used in folk medicine. The sponges have practically no enemies, except for some sea stars. Others are frightened off not only by the spiky skeleton, but also by the sharp, specific smell of the substances they release. These substances are toxic to many animals. But on the other hand, the sponges in the cavities and voids have many tenants and parasites - small crustaceans, worms, mollusks living under their protection.

** Task 3.1. Add captions to the figure and answer the questions:

Figure 3.4. Sponge structure (according to Pfurtscheller).

Some sponges are green in color. Why? ________________ _______________________________

How many sponges are in the picture? ________

What cells are typical for sponges? _______________________________

What type of nervous system does sponges have?


1. ______________

2. ______________

3. ______________

4. ______________

5. ______________

6. ______________

7. ______________

8. ______________

Task 3.2.

Put in tests + against correct, or - against erroneous statements:


Test 1. Is it true that with an increase in size, through a large surface, heat transfer in homeothermal organisms becomes easier?

Test 2. Is it true that with a decrease in size through a large relative surface, the elimination of waste products in unicellular organisms becomes easier?

Test 3. The radius of the ball has doubled. How will the surface of the ball change?

The surface will double. ()

The surface will quadruple. ()

The surface will increase six times. ()

The surface will increase eight times. ()

Test 4. The radius of the ball has doubled. How will the volume of the ball change?

The volume will double. ()

The volume will quadruple. ()

The volume will increase sixfold. ()

The volume will increase eightfold. ()

Test 5. What theory of the origin of multicellular animals was proposed by E. Haeckel?

Gastria theory. ()

Phagocytella theory. ()

Test 6. What theory of the origin of multicellular animals was proposed by II Mechnikov?

Gastria theory. ()

Phagocytella theory. ()

Test 7. What organism is not a multicellular animal?

Trichoplax. ()

Volvox. ()

Badyaga. ()

Test 8. There are small flagellated chambers in the mesoglea of \u200b\u200bthe sponge, and the paragastric (internal) cavity is expelled by the ectoderm. What is the name of this type of sponge?

Leikon. ()

Test 9. How do adult sponges move?

They crawl very slowly. ()

They can swim, throwing water out of the mouth. ()

Forming gas vacuoles in the mesoglea. ()

Immobile. ()

** Test 10. What sponge, which contains a pair of crustaceans, is customary to give in Japan for a wedding as a symbol of eternal fidelity?

Sea orange. ()

Sea Cup. ()

Venus's basket. ()

Badyagu. ()

** Test 11. What did the village coquettes use instead of blush?

Badyagu. ()

Holothurian. ()

Red corals. ()

Test 12. What is the name of the holes in the sponges through which water is discharged outside?

Estuary, osculum. ()

Oral opening. ()

** Task 3.3. Olympiad questions (no answers).

Why are cells microscopically small?

Basic theories of the origin of multicellular animals.

Task 3.4. Key words and concepts of the chapter.

Find in the text and write down a definition or a brief description of the terms below. Try to remember them. Record the systematic position of the indicated animals.


** Gastrula



Paragastric cavity


Gastrea theory

Phagocytella theory




Ordinary sponges

The skeleton of the sponges develops in the mesoglea. It consists of a fibrillar collagen protein or organic matter spongin and millions of microscopic needles (spicules) formed by silica or carbonic lime Needles have a variety of shapes mu and sizes .

Lime sponges

Glass sponges

Sponge processes


Breath .


Highlighting .

Isolation of food debris


Carbon dioxide

Digestive vacuole

Symbiosis sponges

Spongicol shrimp

Live in sponges in pairs

Hermit Crab with Cork Sponge

Dromia crab uses a sponge

Snake-tails (ophiura)

Sea acorn, Balianus

in a sponge.

Two generations of goats, fathers and children. Bokoplavs.







Most sponges hermaphrodites ... Reproduction sexual and asexual. The kidneys that form on the body, as a rule, do not separate from the mother's body, which leads to the appearance of colonies of the most bizarre shape. In the sexual process, the sperm fertilizes the egg; a larva emerges from the egg, swimming for a while in the water, and then attaching itself to the bottom. Most sponges live from a few weeks to two years; horse sponge can live up to 50 years or more.

Reproduction of sponges


The sperm are released into the water and enter the body

other sponges where eggs are fertilized . .

Asexual reproduction by external budding

Reproduction of sponges

A different way of internal budding exists in the freshwater sponge badyagi. In the summer, badyaga reproduces by ordinary budding and sexually. But by autumn, in the mesoglea of \u200b\u200bbadyagi, the formation of special globular clusters - gemmules - by amoeboid cells is observed. Gemmula is a multicellular mass surrounded by a membrane of two stratum corneum, between which there is an air layer with small silica needles, placed perpendicular to the surface of the gemmule. In winter, the body of the badyagi dies and disintegrates, and the gemmules fall to the bottom and, protected by their shell, remain until the next spring. Then the cell mass contained inside the gemmule crawls out, attaches to the bottom and develops into a new sponge

Regeneration of sponges

Sponges have a very well-developed ability to tissue regeneration : even if the sponge is cut into pieces, a new sponge will grow out of each piece after a while.

Survival sponges

The ability of freshwater sponges to endure unfavorable living conditions is remarkable. Their gemmules are very well preserved even for several years. When a reservoir dries up completely, for example, they can be carried to other places in a variety of ways, including with the help of the wind or by attaching to the legs of birds. And if such gemmules get into the water, they give rise to a new settlement of sponges.

Sponge gemmula

. Classification

Superkingship: Eukaryotes (Nuclear )

Kingdom: Animals

Subkingdom: Multicellular

Type: Sponges

Type taxonomy

More than 95% of all species belong to ordinary sponges.

Sponge Type

The skeletal structure is the main feature of the classification of sponges.







  • Have a silicon skeleton
  • Live in both salt and fresh water
  • Mostly colonial forms
  • Needles may be missing
  • Dimensions - up to 1 meter

  • Have a calcareous skeleton
  • Live in shallow seas and oceans
  • Body diameter no more than 7 cm, expressionless, often not colored
  • The needles are up to 7 cm

  • The needles are made of silicon and can be up to 40 cm in size
  • Easily damaged forms
  • Live alone or in colonies at great depths
  • These sponges are up to 50 cm in size








Annotation to the material

Grade 7 Biology Presentations in last years are becoming more and more in demand among teachers in all schools where it is possible to use computer technology in class. Scientists have recognized and proven that the use of multimedia electronic aids increases the level of learning in the subject, develops students' interest in learning new topics, forces them to independently create projects, participate in competitions and make their little discoveries while still within the walls of the school. The world of biology in presentations for grade 7 is interesting and understandable. It is not enough for a student today to see the text in a book. Looking at the slides in the lesson with the class, students analyze objects and study phenomena, get acquainted with unusual animals belonging to different classes, and learn about the diversity of nature.

Teacher can download presentation on biology grade 7 to explain a new topic and to test the knowledge of students, to demonstrate natural objects and to organize students' independent work in the lesson. The possibilities of an electronic interactive manual are huge:

  • Learning becomes clear
  • Complex material is explained very simply and clearly
  • A huge amount of time is saved during the lesson, since there is no need to constantly work with chalk and rags or tables that need to be replaced and fixed on the board
  • Students show more interest in the subject

From our section you can download free presentations on biology grade 7 for all teaching materials. Among the proposed works are the development of teachers participating in various competitions, projects of seventh graders, completed after studying the topic, research work students. It doesn't matter how many years you have been in school and how much you own PowerPoint. You do not have to collect material for the manuals yourself in preparation for the lessons. Come to our portal, here you can download without registration and completely free of charge presentations in biology for grade 7 using the textbooks of Sonin, Tikhomirov, Khrutskaya and others for an interactive whiteboard or screen.

The use of ICTs and presentations in biology classes in grade 7 allows the teacher to include each student in an active learning process in the lesson. Don't miss this great opportunity and the time to use it. Hurry up to download the material for the biology lesson today so that tomorrow's lesson is the best!

Beasts, mammals - presentation

Presentation on the theme “Animals. Mammals ”presents an interactive 32-slide biology guide for grade 7, which will give the teacher the opportunity to clearly and interestingly tell students about the huge class of animals that inhabit our planet. Her slides are filled with vivid illustrations, small explanatory texts, schematic drawings that will help tell about the diversity of the class ...

Presentation Fish class: cartilaginous, bony

The presentation was made for the biology lesson in grade 7 on the topic "Cartilaginous and bony fish". Its material will be a good visual aid to explain a new topic about representatives of these groups. Development material is presented on 39 slides. These are bright pictures, interesting texts, numerous schemes. It is such a complex of visibility that will help make a biology lesson understandable, ...

Class Bony fish

The presentation on the topic "Bone Fish" introduces 7th grade students to the numerous units of this class. The students will remember that bony fish are not all the same, so they were assigned to the following groups: Salmoniformes Herringfishes Perchiformes Sturgeonfifs Carps Each fish order is considered separately. There is enough text and visual on 43 slides ...

Class Cartilaginous fish

The presentation on the topic "Cartilaginous fish" will allow the biology teacher to tell the 7th grade students about the fish, which are considered the most ancient, which lived in the Devonian seas, and now live only in salt water. Almost all of these fish have become the main predators of our water bodies, but their role in nature is enormous. Everyone will be able to find out ...

Pisces presentation

The presentation on the topic "Pisces" was made by a 7th grade student under the guidance of a biology teacher. Her work is a wonderful project in which the schoolgirl summarized the knowledge gained on the topic, so you can download it for free this presentation for a biology lesson in grade 7, which will consider the general characteristics of the fish class. Questions that the student ...

Fish Superclass Presentation

A presentation for a biology lesson in grade 7 talks about the features of the fish superclass, which in turn is divided into two large classes: cartilaginous and bony fish. They are chordates that live in water. Due to the similarity in body structure, they were combined into one superclass. The 21-slide presentation is filled with material about ...

Fish variety presentation

The Fish Variety presentation is a 7th grade biology lesson manual. Using the information presented on 12 slides, you can introduce students to the groups of cartilaginous, lung-finned, cross-finned fish and their industrial significance: Class cartilaginous fish - shark and stingray Class bony fish - lobe-finned and ray-finned Sturgeon ...

Main taxonomic groups of fish - presentation

The presentation on the topic "The main taxonomic groups of fish" can be used in the 7th grade in a biology lesson when repeating or generalizing the material. Based on the proposed assignments and questions, the teacher can conduct a frontal survey, get individual answers to questions in writing, or use assignments for teamwork. Study result ...

Internal structure of fish - presentation

The presentation will tell you about the peculiarities of the internal structure of fish. The material can be used in grade 7 in a biology lesson when studying a topic for any teaching material, since the content of the development will meet the requirements of the program and the Federal State Educational Standard. The presentation was prepared by a teacher of the first category, who has experience in teaching the subject and knows the requirements for the compilation of electronic products ...

Crustaceans - presentation

A presentation for a biology lesson in grade 7 talks about a group of animals that belong to the class of crustaceans. You can download an electronic manual, consisting of 13 slides, for any teaching materials. Its material will help students learn the material quickly and efficiently, since the slides are filled with illustrations, texts, schematic drawings, which significantly improves the memorization process and ...

Bivalve molluscs presentation

A presentation on the topic "Bivalve molluscs" was given to a 7th grade student as part of a biology project. The schoolboy considers in his work a class of mollusks, which, according to scientists, currently number about 10 thousand species. Some representatives of this class have disappeared and have not been found on Earth at all for many years. Development can be ...

Shellfish - presentation

The presentation on biology on the topic "Molluscs" was made by a teacher from St. Petersburg to study new material using ICT. The development will allow you to tell students and support with clarity the basic information about mollusks, which have their own distinctive features and are a separate type of animal. The content of the electronic manual, made on 10 slides filled with diagrams, pictures, small text ...

Lancelet presentation

A presentation on biology on the theme "Lancelet" will allow 7th grade students to get acquainted with a rather interesting species of protozoa. Opening the electronic manual, students will immediately see a photo of the Russian biologist A.O. Kovalevsky, who is considered the main founder of evolutionary embryology, which studied the patterns of modification of animal ontogenesis as phylogenesis progressed. The following are slides that tell students how ...

Arachnids presentation

The presentation on the topic "Class arachnids (spiders)" tells 7th grade students about the arthropod type, which is studied by the science of arachnology. There are about 70 thousand species of spiders in the world. It will not be possible to tell the students about all the representatives of the class, but it will be possible to compare them with crustaceans and find out the distinctive features of the structure. Download presentation for the lesson ...

Mammals - presentation

The presentation on the topic "Mammals" will introduce students in grade 7 to the diversity of animals in this class on the planet. You can also download the development for conducting a biology lesson in other classes or for natural history. Students can use the Electronic Mammals Guide to prepare themselves for classes or to further familiarize themselves with a topic. On...

Internal structure of mammals - presentation

The presentation will introduce you to the internal structure of mammals. This development, performed on 24 slides, can be downloaded for a biology lesson in grade 7. It is recommended to use the material in parts over several lessons, considering the topics separately. On the slides of the electronic manual in the form of schematic drawings high Quality students will be able to examine the internal structure of animals and identify ...

Reptile presentation

The presentation on the topic "Reptiles" will tell about the main long-livers of the animal world of our planet. These animals are also the most ancient according to the estimates of research scientists. You can download a development about reptiles for a biology lesson in grade 7 or for independent study of the material by children, who, although they learn a lot of interesting things from the world of biology. ...

Presentation External structure of mammals

The presentation tells about the external structure of mammals, which depends directly on the habitat of the animal, its lifestyle. Completed an electronic manual for a biology lesson in grade 7 on 20 slides. They are filled with short texts, diagrams and pictures that reflect the essence of the topic. In development, the material is presented: General signs of the class animals External ...

Waterfowl - presentation

The presentation on the topic "Waterfowl" has enough interesting material and pictures to acquaint students with the group of birds that can stay on the water and get their food here. You can download the development, which tells about waterfowl marsh, river and near-water birds, for a biology lesson in grade 7. The material is colorful and ...

Variety of birds - presentation

The Bird Diversity presentation is a colorful visual aid for a 7th grade biology lesson. It tells about the many ecological groups of birds that inhabit forests, fields, steppes, water bodies and other natural communities of the earth. Such a large variety of bird groups in connection with living conditions is discussed on 16 slides, each of ...

Presentation on the topic " Predator birds”Talks about those birds, which we call day and night predators. The development can be downloaded for a biology lesson in grade 7. The manual is performed on 33 slides. There will be enough material for the whole lesson, so no other aids are needed for the lesson. The presentation "Birds of Prey" was made in the program ...

Class Amphibians or Amphibians

The presentation on the topic "Class amphibians or amphibians" will tell about a group of animals that have adapted to live both in water bodies and on land. They spend most of their lives as adults on the ground, but for their reproduction, growth and development of the larva, an aquatic environment is required. That is why they got this name. Material...

Excretory organs of animals - presentation

The presentation on the topic "Excretory organs of animals" will allow at a biology lesson in the 7th or 8th grade to repeat the evolution of the excretory system in animals and to understand the mechanism of urine formation in humans. Despite the fact that the development is presented without an outline, on its first slides the goals and objectives of the lesson are defined, which must be achieved when ...

Presentation Evolution of excretory organs

The presentation on the topic "Evolution of the excretory organs", which was performed by a 7th grade student in biology, examines the process of complicating the construction of the excretory system in animals, from flatworms to higher animals. This is a project in which material on the topic is collected and systematized: The excretory system of annelids: a diagram in longitudinal and cross-section ...

Mushrooms presentation

The presentation on the topic "Mushrooms" reveals the structural features of representatives of this kingdom, their role in the life of the natural community in which they grow, and their significance for humans. After looking at the many pictures, since the electronic manual is made on slide 21, students will learn to distinguish edible mushrooms from those that are poisonous and can harm health if ...

Internal structure of birds - presentation

The presentation on the topic "Internal structure of birds" reveals the distinctive features of the structure of the skeleton, digestive, respiratory and excretory systems in connection with the adaptability to flight. Animals and amphibians cannot fly. With regard to birds, nature acted in its own way, rewarding their body with special organs that help them to climb into the sky and maintain their ...

Presentation Diversity of amphibians

The presentation "Diversity of amphibians" can be used in a biology lesson or in extracurricular activities to summarize knowledge on a topic. In development, a game is presented that has 5 categories: Lifestyle Features of the structure of the body Habitat Use Reproduction For each question, players receive from 1 to 5 points ...

Presentation Class amphibians, tailless squad

A biology presentation for grade 7 will introduce students to those animals that belong to the amphibian class and represent the tailless squad. That is why they are called so in abbreviated form - tailless amphibians. Schoolchildren will find out what features this order has, in which there are about 3,000 species of animals. While studying the material on ...

Circulatory system. Blood - presentation

Presentation on the topic “Circulatory system. Blood ”will introduce 7th grade students at a biology lesson to the evolution of these organs in the process of development from the simplest animals to vertebrates. Based on the development materials, it is possible to explain what blood is in various animals, how the blood circulation circles work. Presentation slides present structured material about ...

Presentation Complication of animal structure diversity of species as a result of developmental evolution

A presentation on biology for grade 7 on the topic "Complication of the structure of animals, diversity of species as a result of evolution" will tell about such significant achievements of evolution as: Adaptation to the environment in which one has to live A huge number of species The structure of living things has become more complex Two results of evolution are considered in detail : Fitness ...

Animal breeding methods - presentation

Presentation on the topic “Animal reproduction methods. Fertilization ”was performed for a biology lesson in grade 7. It can be downloaded to explain the new material, since the slides of the manual are filled with rich text material, have many schematic pictures. In the development there are tasks for students, which will be performed in the course of explaining the material. To study the topic ...

Body Covers presentation

A presentation on the topic of "Body Covers" can be offered for use in a biology lesson in grade 7 or 8, depending on the educational program used in the school. The material offered in the electronic manual will make it possible to tell students about the similarities and distinctive features of the skin of various animals, to track how its structure was being improved ...

Bird eggs: structure and shape - presentation

The presentation on the topic "The structure of a bird's egg" was made for a biology lesson in grade 7. Its filling will allow the teacher to tell that in addition to the protein, shell and yolk, other components of the egg can also be distinguished, therefore, such words as latebra, blastoderm, yolk membrane and others will be included in the dictionary in the lesson. In the diagram ...

Presentation Amphibians

The presentation on the topic "Class Amphibians", which is proposed to be downloaded for a biology lesson in grade 7, will allow the study of new material in an unconventional form, which always arouses great interest among the children. The lesson will be built according to the following plan: Auction of terms (chord, spine, ventricle, coelacanth, eggs, fish, lateral line) Reports from our correspondents ...

KVN in biology with presentation

KVN in biology with a presentation can be held as an extra-curricular event in biology, dedicated to the Day birds or after studying the topic "Birds" in the lesson. Electronic development is presented along with a synopsis, which can be downloaded for free at the link. In addition, the archive contains sound files with recordings of bird voices: stork, sparrow, raven, wood grouse, woodpecker, ...

Sense organs, regulation of body activity - presentation

Biology presentation for grade 7 on the topic “Sense organs. Regulation of the body's activity ”- this is additional material for the lesson, in which it is necessary to explain to students how, thanks to the eyes, ears, skin, antennae, nerve cells in various living beings, there is a relationship with the world that surrounds them. Students will follow the slides of the electronic manual ...

Presentation Reptiles

The downloadable reptiles presentation for the 7th grade biology class provides visual aids that will guide students through another large class of animals and their representatives. Each creature related to reptiles has some of its own characteristics, but together they are grouped according to common characteristics, with which ...

Superorder typical birds - presentation, grade 7 biology

The presentation on the topic "Typical Birds" gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe feathered creatures that belong to this group. According to the systematics carried out by scientists, this large group represents a superorder of typical birds and a superorder of penguins. Running birds are not distinguished in this development, since they are also referred to the superorder of typical ones. The e-manual gives a general ...

Presentation of Ancient Reptiles

The presentation on the topic "Ancient reptiles" tells about those representatives of the class that once inhabited the Earth, but due to changes in natural conditions, they completely disappeared and are now considered extinct. These ancient animals include not only dinosaurs, about which schoolchildren know a lot, but also other representatives that 7th grade students will learn about ...

Groups of birds - presentation

The presentation on the topic "Groups of birds" can be used in the 7th grade in a biology lesson. Its author is a teacher who knows the subject well. He offers a guide for consolidating material on a topic or for self-study of material from a textbook with a number of tasks. You can download the presentation for a biology lesson, where ...

A presentation on the topic "Reptiles or reptiles" for grade 7 in biology will reveal the features of the external structure and lifestyle of this group of animals, which are common in almost all corners of the Earth. You can download an electronic manual for a biology lesson without restrictions on the use of teaching materials. The material of the interactive manual is interesting and corresponds to the program. The slides are filled with pictures, ...

The presentation on the theme "Lizards" will tell students about the largest suborder of representatives belonging to the class of reptiles or reptiles. These animals belong to the order of scaly and have about 400 different species, which are united in 40 families. You can download a presentation on the topic "Lizards" for a biology lesson in grade 7. Contents of the electronic manual, ...

Chameleon - presentation

A presentation on the theme "Chameleon", which can be downloaded for a biology lesson in grade 7, will tell about those lizards that have adapted to live in trees and are able to change color depending on where they live. The presentation explores the distinctive characteristics of chameleons, which enable them to adapt to the arboreal image ...

The presentation on the topic "Snakes", which we offer to download from this page at the link for free for a biology lesson in grade 7, will allow the teacher to expand the students' understanding of the animals of this suborder, which are part of a large class of reptiles. A multimedia manual on 19 slides was completed, which are filled with assignments for students, illustrative and test materials ...

Presentation Bird reproduction and development

The presentation on the topic "Reproduction and development of birds", which can be downloaded in biology in grade 7, presents material on 32 slides. To disclose the topic, the author proposes to study the material according to the following plan using the manual: Reproductive organs in the male and female Structure, various shapes and colors, egg development The development of the embryo, necessary ...

The presentation on the theme "Crocodiles", which can be downloaded for a biology lesson in grade 7 when studying the diversity of reptiles, is made on 17 slides. The material presented in the manual is amazing in its content, beautifully illustrated, so the development can be recommended for studying for those students who are interested in the natural world, despite the fact that they can study ...

Poultry presentation

The presentation on Poultry, which can be downloaded free of charge for a 7th grade biology lesson, will talk about what species of birds are raised by humans for industrial use. On the development slides, which is presented on 20 slides, there is a lot of textual material, illustrative, there are riddles about poultry, poems. The material of the manual is divided into ...

Birds - presentation

The presentation on the topic "Birds" was made for the biology lesson, which will be held in grade 7. The material of the interactive manual fully meets the program requirements, since the work was done by a biology teacher. You can download a free presentation on the topic "Birds" for any teaching materials. The content of the presentation, which is done on 14 slides, will give students an overview of birds, how ...

The importance of birds and their protection - presentation

The presentation tells about the importance of birds and the need to protect them by humans. You can use the electronic manual made on 19 slides in a biology lesson in grade 7. It is recommended to consider this topic together with the study of the material on the origin of birds, since the topics can be combined with each other. On the slides of the Interactive Explore ...

Rook bird presentation

A presentation on biology about a rook bird can be used in a 7th grade lesson. In the development, enough material has been collected to interestingly tell students about this feathered creature that lives in gardens and parks, living next to a person, but does not always attract his gaze, since it does not have bright plumage... Bird...

The presentation on the theme "Turtles" presents an interesting material about the representatives of this order, which belong to the class of reptiles. The world of turtles is unique and interesting. They are completely different from other reptiles. Although animals are similar to each other, scientists have divided them into 12 families and 2 suborders, which will be discussed in ...

Presentation External structure of birds

A presentation on the topic "The external structure of birds" for a biology lesson in grade 7 will give students an idea of \u200b\u200bhow birds look different from other animals belonging to the vertebrate type. On the basis of the slides, you can acquaint schoolchildren with the general characteristics of birds, the features of the external structure, which allowed them to settle throughout the entire Earth ...

Presentation Habitat and external structure of birds

The presentation talks about how the habitat affects the external structure of birds. You can download an electronic manual on this topic for a biology lesson in grade 7. The material on the slides will enable students to get answers to the questions, the study of which is provided for by the program: how the structural features of birds are related to flight and the habitat. Multimedia product ...

Musculoskeletal system of birds - presentation

The presentation on the topic "Musculoskeletal system of birds" will acquaint students with the structure of the skeleton of birds and muscles. Having studied the structural features of the skeleton and highlighting those features that are characteristic of flight, it will be easy for students to complete laboratory work. The development can be downloaded for a biology lesson in grade 7. The material of the manual is presented not only with information for study ...

Respiratory organs and gas exchange - presentation

The presentation on the topic "Respiratory organs and gas exchange" will allow 7th grade students in biology to understand the peculiarities of the structure of the respiratory system and the essence of the process itself in connection with those features that are characteristic of the body. The respiratory system of birds has a complex structure. To understand the material, students are invited to compare these systems in ...

Presentation Variety of reptiles

The presentation on biology on the topic “Diversity of reptiles” will give students the opportunity to see the many-sided world of reptiles, representatives of which are animals that live in different environments. The development material was made on 44 slides. There are many pictures and descriptions, there are diagrams and tables. After watching the presentation, 7th grade students will have a certain concept of the diversity of the reptile world ...

Presentation Subtype vertebrates. Fish are aquatic vertebrates

The presentation on biology reveals the structural features of representatives of the animal world belonging to the subtype vertebrates using the example of fish - aquatic vertebrates. Based on this material, 7th grade students will have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat structure the representatives of the animal world have, which scientists have attributed to the vertebrate subtype. The material of the visual aid presents ...

Periodization and lifespan of animals - presentation

The presentation on biology on the topic "Periodization and Life Span of Animals" will tell 7th grade students about which periods stand out in the development of each organism and how many years different living things can live. There are many interesting information... The author collected a whole collection of interesting facts and combined them with the program material, filling out the work ...

Charles Darwin About the causes of the evolution of the animal world - presentation

Presentation for a biology lesson on the topic “Charles Darwin. On the Causes of the Evolution of the Animal World ”will reveal to the 7th grade students the concept of heredity and variability, natural selection and the struggle for existence as the main driving forces of evolution. The study of material in biology is closely intertwined with other sciences, therefore the author of the development leads to disclose the topic of the lesson ...

Presentation Order of insects

The presentation will introduce grade 7 students to the main orders of insects and their distinctive features. Students will recognize the representatives of each group. The children's dictionary will be replenished with new names that will be active in the future. There are many illustrations on the slides of the presentation that give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe animals being studied. The content of the topic of the lesson is revealed on 25 slides, on which ...

Class Insects - presentation

The presentation on "Class Insects" was made by a 7th grade biology student. His project is about a group of animals that are the most advanced of all arthropods. You can download a presentation on biology on the topic "Insects" to study the material in the lesson or as a sample for performing design work seventh graders. Material about insects ...

Reproduction and development of mammals - presentation

A presentation on the reproduction and development of mammals for a biology lesson in grade 7 will allow students to identify, using the material presented on the slides, the features of the life cycle of animals belonging to this class. The development represents not only textual material. Information is presented in the form of tables, diagrams, which allows students to concentrate on the topic and open ...

Dividing birds into groups - presentation

The presentation on the topic "Dividing birds into groups" will allow 7th grade students to figure out how to combine birds into groups. The external structure of birds is different, as birds live in different natural conditions. In accordance with the place of residence, ecological groups of birds are also distinguished: Forests of Swamps and ...

Ecological groups of birds - presentation

The presentation on the topic "Ecological groups of birds" for a biology lesson in grade 7 will allow students to study in detail and, together with the teacher, analyze the conditions for adaptation to various habitats in nature for representatives of the Birds class. Depending on the specific place of residence of birds, ecological groups are distinguished. Each individual group has its own common features ...

Systematic groups of birds - presentation

The presentation on the topic "Systematic groups of birds" can be used in a biology lesson in grade 7 when meeting a new class of animals or when studying the classification of birds or when getting to know the diversity of the bird world. The following systematic groups were identified on the development slides: Penguins Ostrich (ratites) Petrels Pelicans (copepods) Anseriformes (duck and ...

Presentation Type Echinoderm

A presentation on the topic "Type Echinoderm" in biology in grade 7 was made by the teacher to introduce students to animals, which are among the most ancient creatures with two-sided symmetry. After going through the stages of evolution, their appearance has changed. They became five-pointed, having lost their axis of symmetry, but this property remained in the larvae. Download a free presentation on ...

Presentation Digestive organs, metabolism and energy conversion

The presentation acquaints students with the digestive organs of animals, with how the metabolism and energy conversion occurs in representatives of different types and classes. This development can be downloaded for a biology lesson in grade 7 using the textbook Pasechnik V.V. The material of the manual is presented on nine slides, which are filled with tests on the topic, tables and ...

Presentation Renewal, reproductive organs

Presentation on the topic “Genus extension. Reproductive Organs ”was made for a biology lesson in grade 7. It can be downloaded free of charge as a visual aid for studying the topic according to the textbook of V. V. Pasechnik. The material is downloaded from the link without registration and SMS. The electronic guide will help students consider the process of reproduction in animals as one ...

Development of animals with and without transformation - presentation

The presentation on the topic "Development of animals with and without transformation" tells about how living individuals of different classes develop, what stages of development animals go through. In the development, enough material is presented both about those representatives whose development occurs with transformation, and about those living beings whose development proceeds without transformation, then ...

Evidence for animal evolution - presentation

The presentation on the topic "Evidence for animal evolution" was made for a biology lesson in grade 7. The material of the e-manual is located on 18 slides. These are not only thematic tests, but also clear understandable schemes, photographs of scientists who have studied evolution, illustrative material on the topic. The following information is presented in short logical blocks on the presentation slides, which is ...

The presentation on the topic "Protozoa" will tell about those unicellular animals that belong to the group of eukaryotes. You can download a free manual for a biology lesson in grade 7. The visual aid contains enough material on the "Protozoa" topic to teach a biology lesson: Who are the Protozoa? Features of the structure of unicellular organisms ...

Presentation Evolution of the nervous system in animals

The presentation on the topic "Evolution of the Nervous System" gives students an idea of \u200b\u200bthe development of this system in different groups animals, about its complication in the process of their development, about the role in life. You can download the development for free at the link for a biology lesson in grade 7. The presentation material is presented in the form of tables and diagrams, figures and ...

Nervous system, reflex, instinct - presentation

Biology presentation on the topic “Nervous system. Reflex. Instinct ”will allow you to study the structure and development of the nervous system of animals belonging to different types and classes, and also to understand the reflex principle of its work. You can download an electronic manual for grade 7 along with a lesson outline, which defines goals, objectives, scheduled ...

The presentation on the topic "Dinosaurs" will introduce 7th grade students to the representatives of the animal world that lived on Earth many millennia ago, but disappeared due to a changed climate and a number of other reasons. You can download a development about dinosaurs both for a biology lesson and for students to get acquainted with these creatures on their own. The material may be interesting ...

Evolution of the senses in animals - presentation

The presentation introduces the evolution of the nervous system and sense organs in various animals. Her material can be used in a biology lesson in grade 7. In the manual, using the example of illustrative material, it tells about the structure of the nervous system, its significance and the significance of the sense organs for various living organisms. Looking at the slides ...

Gastropods - presentation

The presentation offers a fascinating virtual introduction to extraordinary creatures called gastropods. In a biology lesson, studying the topic, grade 7 students will consider the features of the body structure, the living conditions of representatives of this large group. You can also download the manual for elementary school, since the material will be of interest to students in grades 2 - 3, who ...

Atavisms and rudiments - presentation

The presentation can be used to study atavisms and rudiments that indicate our close relationship with representatives of the animal world. The manual can be downloaded both for zoology lessons in grade 7, and for anatomy lessons in grade 10, where this topic can also be considered. First, two concepts are defined, after ...

Orthoptera squad - presentation

The presentation introduces schoolchildren to representatives of the Orthoptera order, which belong to a large class of insects. We find these small animals everywhere in nature. In a biology lesson, 7th grade students will be able not only to see them, but also to learn the structure of the body, the peculiarities of life, the habitat of individuals. To make the lesson interesting, it is proposed to download an electronic resource, ...

Gorilla presentation

The presentation will be very interesting for both children and teachers, because it tells about the variety of gorillas and the peculiarities of their life and behavior. From the first page, after seeing a photo of this huge primate, I want to know more about the monkeys that were once considered our ancestors. A lot of interesting things are collected on 34 slides of the development, which ...

Squad Chicken - presentation

The presentation tells about the birds belonging to the Chicken order. Of course, in one biology lesson, 7th grade students are unlikely to find out about all representatives of this group, since there are 283 species in total, but they will get acquainted with many wild and domestic chickens. The tutorial will brighten up your biology lesson, so don't miss it. Better download ...

Sponges - presentation

The presentation on the topic "Sponges" tells about multicellular animals that live mainly in the vast seas. The topic is revealed on 19 slides. Download the manual is offered for showing at zoology in the 5th - 7th grade. Acquaintance with a new class of animals of the subkingdom of Multicellular begins with the study of general characteristics. Then a classification of the type of sponges is given, it is described ...

Scaly - presentation

The presentation tells about the oldest creatures on the planet, belonging to the Scaled order of the Reptile class. The information is interesting. It is planned to show it at biology lessons, so you can download the resource to all teachers who are preparing a topic in grade 7. The story begins with an excursion into antiquity. Using the map, it will be possible to assess the scale of the territories that were ...

Round Worms type - presentation

Zoology lesson presentation introduces a type of roundworm. Grade 7 students will get acquainted with the internal and external structure of unusual creatures related to animals, consider the structure of their body. You can also download the manual for independent study outside the home, for repeating the topic in grade 8. Roundworms, inconspicuous at first glance, turned out to be ...

Scorpions - presentation

The presentation is a ready-made scorpion textbook that can be shown to students in biology class while studying arthropods. This development is entirely devoted to the story of creatures that inhabited mainly warm sandy and rocky regions, but also found in wet areas. They have an unusual body shape, an even more mysterious lifestyle. And on ...

May beetle - presentation

The presentation on zoology is completely devoted to the story of the May beetle. A small insect is known to everyone, but despite this, there is a lot to learn about it. And the proof of this is the finished development, which is proposed to be downloaded for grade 7. The material in the manual for the biology lesson is presented clearly, in accordance with the plan. The theme is complemented by pictures: ...

Presentation Single-pass

The presentation for the 7th grade introduces schoolchildren to the animals belonging to the One-pass squad. This group is called in another way the First Beasts. They will be discussed on the pages of the manual, which can be downloaded for a biology lesson in grade 7. Before us is the most primitive of those mammals that can already be called modern. Among the prominent representatives ...

Pliers - presentation

The presentation introduces students to such difficult creatures as ticks. No one dares to call a meeting with these arthropods pleasant. However, it is better to know your enemy by sight in order to avoid danger, therefore it is proposed to download a manual for a biology lesson to tell grade 7 students about a dangerous bloodsucker. The finished resource is also suitable for displaying on ...

Kangaroo presentation

The presentation tells about the Australian marsupial animal - the kangaroo. The material is easy to read, interesting, pleasant to look at. You can download the manual both for biology lessons in grade 7, and for showing on the outside world in elementary school. And at home, children can read small texts with pleasure to broaden their horizons ...

Penguins presentation

The presentation invites you to take a journey into the world of ice and cold and meet penguins, amazing birds with wings, but cannot fly. The manual is performed on 17 slides. The material is interesting, uncomplicated in perception, so you can download the resource both for showing in elementary school, and for meeting representatives of the squad of penguins on ...

Intestinal type - presentation

The presentation introduces the diversity of the animal world belonging to the type of coelenterates. This manual was made to introduce you to a new topic in a 7th grade zoology lesson. You can download the resource without restrictions on the teaching materials for any biology textbook. On 20 slides, it is proposed to consider material that will fully reveal the topic. Students will be able to see on ...

Squad Cetaceans - presentation

The presentation offers text and illustrative material for acquaintance with the order of Cetaceans. Marine animals always attract the attention of children. In a biology lesson in grade 7, a detailed acquaintance with the representatives of this group is offered. You can download a ready-made manual and talk about amazing animals that have a similar structure. The author of the work is a student. She picked up interesting ...

Paleontology - presentation

The presentation can be shown in grades 5 - 7 when studying the topic "Paleontology" in biology lessons. Using the colorful manual, the teacher will be able to open the mysterious door to an equally interesting science that studies the most ancient layers of the formation of life on the planet. In the lesson, schoolchildren will find out when and in what sequence the geological eras went ...

The presentation will introduce its viewer to owls. These birds rarely catch the eye of humans, as they are nocturnal. The more interesting it will be to watch the manual and learn new things about birds, if you download the manual for the biology lesson in grade 7, made by the teacher. The pages contain amazing facts about birds. Did you know,...

Evidence for the evolution of the animal world - presentation

The presentation is filled with material for acquaintance with the evidence of the evolution of the animal world. Development reveals the topic in full. For this, the teacher uses not only concrete facts, but also figures, relies on the names of scientists who have studied this process. All this will allow 7th grade students to master the new material perfectly well, if you download a ready-made resource for a biology lesson ...

Squad Rodents - presentation

The presentation introduces animals called rodents. This is the most numerous order in nature in terms of the number of different species and subspecies. In the 7th grade, at a biology lesson, the topic is studied by schoolchildren with pleasure. Children know many representatives of the detachment, therefore, having seen the picture, they will actively participate in the reasoning. We offer you to download the e-manual to fill ...

Squad Hare - presentation

The presentation tells about a large order of animals - Hare-like. These cute creatures have a special place in nature. In a biology lesson, grade 7 students will get acquainted with the general characteristics of the group and its individual representatives. A small manual will help in organizing work, which can be downloaded to any teacher for free. Do not worry that the author of the development ...

Bats squad - presentation

The presentation was made as a project for a zoology lesson by a student Kirill Baranov, who spoke in detail about the representatives of the Bats squad. His work can also be downloaded for a biology lesson in the 6th - 7th grade, where it is necessary to reveal this interesting topic and introduce you to unusual creatures that can fly. We got into the group of bats ...

Marsupials - presentation

The presentation tells about an unusual order of animals that have a brood pouch, for which they were named marsupial mammals. The topic is studied in the section of zoology in grade 7. To conduct an interesting lesson that will be remembered by children and will give them not only knowledge, but also positive emotions, it is proposed to download this manual... A lot of interesting...

Order of mammals - presentation

The biology presentation describes all orders belonging to the mammalian class. In the lesson, grade 7 students will study the features of the units presented. Children will learn to understand what representatives of one group have in common, than they, being in a single family, differ from each other. Acquaintance with the world of animals begins with unusual representatives - the foot and mouth disease squad ...

Squad of Primates - presentation

The presentation tells about the lifestyle of representatives of the Primate squad. Grade 7 students in a biology lesson will get acquainted with the life of the most unusual animals, since they most of all resemble humans, and therefore are considered his ancestors. In this group, there are many different animals, differing in both size and habitat. Download the manual ...

Pinnipeds - presentation

The presentation tells about a large group of animals living in the water - pinnipeds. They are not entirely ordinary and unlike those mammals that live on earth. All pinnipeds live in water bodies, and mainly in the seas and oceans. They feed their young with milk, but they are not at all afraid of the cold and do not move with help ...

Passerine squad - presentation

The presentation acquaints children with interesting information about the birds that make up the Passerine order. A large manual, performed on 58 slides, will fit well into a biology lesson when studying a related topic. The development increases the horizons of schoolchildren, forms visual perception in 7th grade students. In a biology lesson, for which it is recommended to download a resource, children will compare individual birds ...

Proboscis Squad - presentation

The presentation tells about proboscis mammals, which have a unique feature - the trunk, for which they got their capacious name. Download the manual is recommended both for thematic lessons of biology in grades 6-7, and for home study of the material by schoolchildren. The topic is revealed by 16 slides: what is a trunk; main features ...

Artiodactyls and equid-hoofed animals - presentation

The presentation introduces two large groups of animals - artiodactyls and equids. These mammals have many similarities, so the study of the topic can be organized in one biology lesson. Grade 7 students will definitely like the material, because we offer to download a colorful presentation made on 11 slides to accompany the story. It gives a general ...










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