Crystal growing instruction for children. Crystal growing instruction - design work - student research work - after school - the world of chemistry. Reviews of "Magic Crystals"

Children are fascinated by everything unusual, and what could be more amazing than growing crystals! Especially when their growth can be observed. Fortunately, today parents have enough opportunities to conduct such experiments at home. Growing crystals, for children, is a real journey into initial chemistry and cognition natural phenomena... Today I will show you what handsome men have grown from our set, I will tell you which color behaved better, we will analyze a few interesting facts about the object of study.

Hello dear readers of the blog, I am sure that none of you will be left indifferent by the correct facets of the crystals. They seem to have been specially carved into even polyhedrons by someone. My son, who is now 6 years 3 months old, has always been fascinated by the transparent stones in my jewelry, he, like Kai from “The Snow Queen”, could spend hours looking at their cutting. Based on this interest, we have already grown and also for Valentine's Day. And although we still have some borax left, we wanted to continue experiments with these magnificent solids. For this I purchased the Amazing Crystals kit (ours in the American version of Crystal Growing).

Set for children

It includes:

  1. 3 bags of ammonium phosphate.
  2. 3 small packages:
    white powder (potassium aluminum sulfate);
    blue (potassium aluminum sulfate, sodium chloride and sparkling blue);
    red (potassium aluminum sulfate and amaranth).
  3. Boiling water container.
  4. Transparent containers in 3 sizes for growing and further protection from dust.
  5. Covers for installing ready-made solids.
  6. Cardboard rings.
  7. Measuring spoon.
  8. Instruction.

Growing crystals for children - instructions

So, we follow the instructions:

Adult help is required!

  1. We take 200 ml of pure water, the transparency of the final product depends on its purity, bring it to 100 degrees or just to a boil. Pour boiling water into a container specially designated for this (you can use a regular glass).
  2. Pour the contents of one large bag into a container with boiling water and stir until everything is dissolved. Allow to cool for 15 minutes, it is better to use a water thermometer. The ideal temperature is 40 degrees Celsius.
  3. Pour the cooled liquid into a hexagonal container, and we will grow in it. Wait another 30 minutes for the mixture to stabilize.
  4. Now we choose the color that we would like to have: there is a separate paragraph in the brochure, which describes how you can mix the colors to get purple, pink, pale blue. Or choose the main ones. At this stage, it should be borne in mind that the container should be in a place where it is convenient to observe growth and there will be no need to move it for 4-7 days. For proper formation, a temperature of about 20 degrees Celsius is needed. Therefore, you should choose a warm room or put the container on the refrigerator, where it will also be warm.
  5. Gently, using a measuring spoon, pour the contents of a small bag, distributing it evenly over the entire surface of the water. DO NOT MIX!
  6. We observe the process every 2-3 hours. If the conditions are met, the crystals will grow by about 50mm on the first day. And will get taller about 40mm in 4-7 days. The size depends on the environment in which they are kept, in the cold the process will take longer, in isolated cases it can take up to several weeks.
  7. If after 2-3 days, small crystalline formations appear on the walls of the container, you need to put a cardboard ring on top, which is included in the set. It will help stop the material from escaping.
  8. As soon as the crystals have grown, you need to pour out the liquid from the container, holding the contents with your hand. You won't be able to use the liquid a second time, so make sure the process is complete. To see what size it grew in colored water, shine a flashlight on it.
  9. Rinse the finished specimens carefully with clean water. Don't pour too much, it can damage them! Wash the containers in which they were located, wipe dry. Take cover-stands that have not been used before. Place your beauties on a stand and cover with a hexagonal container on top.
  10. Now you can admire!

Our experience

In addition to what was in the set, my son and I used a kitchen clock with a timer and a thermometer. It helped us pinpoint exact time expectations without being distracted from other activities. My boy already had to determine the temperature of the water, but repetition will not hurt the learning process.

Chosen colors white (main) for large capacity, blue (main) for medium size and one more mixed (red and blue), hoping to get purple. This photo shows that in 45-50 minutes formations have already appeared in clear water. The colored contents have just been emptied from a medium-sized container and are gradually sinking to the bottom.

And after 2 hours it became clear that in the "purple", I do quotation marks, since it did not become one, it is impossible to consider anything. In this regard, I advise you not to mix paints if you want to observe the formation process. But in white, growth was seen perfectly!

Our jars stood near the glass door to the terrace. In the Dominican Republic, where we live, it is almost always hot. But this January turned out to be wonderful! The temperature for almost the whole month was kept at + 20 + 28 Celsius. And yet the sun's rays periodically "put on a show for us." This is how the blue growing crystal looked after 2 days.

Then we left for three days to the sea and upon our return we immediately started “bathing” our handsome men. A small parade of stars:

Here's what happened when mixing red with blue:

Now they stand under the caps in which they grew up, and the son can examine them, admire as much as he wants.

You may also be interested in sets:

And this one, its contents can be viewed in the video:

How it works?

When we pour a crystalline complex into very hot water, it breaks down into tiny particles. These particles are much smaller than our eye can see. Now we have a crystalline solution, it is so dense that if we poured more powder into it, it would no longer be able to dissolve.

The water cools slowly, some of it evaporates. Now she cannot keep the contents dissolved and the particles begin to gather in groups. Over time, others also attach to them and the groups unite. The bonding takes place in an organized manner, making the crystals we see with straight, flat edges.

1. A crystal is a solid object consisting of particles (sometimes atoms, sometimes ions, and sometimes a group of atoms - molecules), which are assembled in a certain chain. This chain of particles repeats over and over again throughout the crystal, making it the correct shape.

2. Crystals grow in seven basic forms called crystal systems (crystallographic). Each system has its own chain of connections: cubic, hexagonal, trigonal, monoclinic, tetragonal, triclinic and rhombic.

Photo enlarges when clicked

3. Many stones are composed of crystals of various minerals. So well-known of them: quartz, feldspar and mica.

4. Precious stones that sparkle in our rings, earrings and pendants: diamonds, rubies, emeralds are also crystals.

5. The largest diamond ever discovered The Cullinan Diamond was found in South Africa in 1905. Its weight is 621g.

Photo source: Wikipedia

6. Amazingly beautiful, huge specimens grow inside the stones. Sometimes they can be found by people exploring caves.

7. Mono-ammonium phosphate (which was used in our kit) is a component in some fertilizers used on farms. It is also used in some fire extinguishers.

8. The salt that we put in our food consists of the smallest crystals of sodium chloride.


Dear parents, I hope my article was interesting for you and made you want to repeat the experience. Growing crystals for children is a truly interesting activity, and, importantly, spending time together with a parent. Please share with me in the comments if you have already tried growing crystals at home? What were they made of? What shape? And on this I say goodbye to you, until the next interesting articles. And don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss them!

Crystals (from the Greek. krystallos, origin. - ice), solids, atoms or molecules of which form an ordered periodic structure (crystal lattice).

Equipment: glass container, wire (thread), the necessary supply of salt, the crystals of which you are going to grow.

Crystal growing stages:

Stage 1: Dissolve the salt from which the crystal will grow in warm water. It is necessary to warm it up so that the salt dissolves a little more than it can dissolve at room temperature. To do this, put the glass in a saucepan with warm water. Dissolve the salt until the salt is no longer dissolved.

Stage 2: Pour the saturated solution into another container, where crystals can be grown (taking into account the fact that it will increase).

Stage 3: Tie a crystal of salt to a string. The thread can be tied, for example, to a match (you can also make a jumper from the shaft of a ballpoint pen) and put the match on the edge of the glass (container) where the saturated solution is located. Immerse the crystal in a saturated solution.

Stage 4: Transfer the container with a saturated solution and a crystal to a place free of drafts, vibration and strong light. Compliance with these conditions when growing crystals is mandatory.

Step 5: Cover the top of the container with a crystal (for example, paper) from dust and debris. Leave the solution for a few days.

Important to remember:

1. The crystal should not be removed from the solution during growth without a special reason.

2. Do not allow debris to enter the saturated solution.

3. Periodically (once a week) change or renew the saturated solution.

Growing salt crystals.

The growing process does not require any special chemicals. We all have table salt (or table salt) that we eat. Table salt crystalsNaCl are colorless transparent cubes.Stages of growing crystals of table salt:

1.Pour water into a container (for example a glass) and place it in a saucepan with warm water (no more than 50 ° C - 60 ° C).

2.Pour edible salt into a glass and leave for 5 minutes, stirring first. During this time, the glass of water will heat up and the salt will dissolve. It is advisable that the water temperature does not drop yet.

3.Add more salt and stir again. Repeat this step until the salt dissolves and settles to the bottom of the glass. A saturated salt solution is obtained.

4.Pour the resulting solution into a clean container of the same volume, while getting rid of the excess salt at the bottom.

5. Choose any larger crystal of table salt you like and place it on the bottom of a glass with a saturated solution. You can tie the crystal by a string and hang it so that it does not touch the walls of the glass.

6. After 2-3 days, you can notice a significant growth of the crystal. If you repeat all the same again (prepare a saturated salt solution and dip this crystal into it), then it will grow much faster (remove the crystal and use the already prepared solution, adding water and the necessary portion of edible salt to it).

7. It must be remembered that the solution must be saturated, that is, when preparing the solution, salt should always remain at the bottom of the glass (just in case). For information: about 35 g of table salt can dissolve in 100 g of water at a temperature of 20 ° C. As the temperature rises, the solubility of the salt increases.

Growing crystals of copper sulfate.

They are grown in a similar way, just like crystals of table salt.

Copper sulfate is used in agriculture to combat plant pests and diseases, in industry in the production of artificial fibers, organic dyes, mineral paints, arsenic chemicals, for ore enrichment during flotation, steel bluing, in electroplating, etc.

Copper sulfate can be bought atstore "Everything for the garden and vegetable garden", "Flowers".

Safety regulations:

1.Work with this substance very carefully.

2.Crumbs should never get into food products.

3. It is necessary to use special utensils for growing crystals, mark it, for example, "For experiments."

4. After working with copper sulfate, be sure to wash your hands with soap - this compound dissolves well in water and can be easily washed off the skin.

When the crystal grows large enough, remove it from the solution, dry it with a soft cloth or paper towel, cut the thread and cover the crystal edges with a colorless varnish to protect it from "weathering" in air.

Growing red copper crystals.

Equipment: copper sulphate, table salt, a steel plate in the shape of the container section (a little smaller perimeter, you can use steel shavings or buttons), where copper crystals and a circle of blotting paper in the shape of a section will grow.

Growing stages:

1.Put a little copper sulfate on the bottom of the bubble (preferably evenly over the area).

2.Pour table salt on top and cover it all with a cut out paper circle.

3. Put an iron plate on the paper (or cover it with steel shavings).

4. Pour everything together with a saturated solution of table salt (we prepared such a solution from table salt).

5. Leave the container for about a week. During this time, acicular red copper crystals will grow. During the period of crystal growth, it is impossible to transfer the container, not to remove the crystals from the solution.

Every talented teacher knows that in order to teach a child something new, he must be interested. Today on sale you can find ready-made kits for creativity and entertaining experiences that can not only arouse a child's interest, but also keep him for a long time. Try to grow "magic" crystals at home - this experiment will bring a lot of pleasure not only to children, but also to their parents.

Home Crystallization Kits

Our parents did the experiment on growing crystals at school. Today, ready-made kits for conducting such an experiment can be found on sale. What are their advantages?

Using a ready-made kit, a child can not only grow "magic" crystals on their own. On sale you can find curly bases for crystallization, beautiful coasters, as well as a set of personal protective equipment for a young chemist. Often, the kit also contains a memo with a scientific explanation of the experiments and questions to test the knowledge acquired.

Complete set of young chemists

Each set of "Magic Crystals" contains reagents for chemical experiments and the base on which they will be grown. Also, the package may contain a container for growing and sticks for stirring the solution. Expensive sets are sometimes also completed with an apron, gloves and glasses. These means of protection for the young experimenter are intended, of course, only to create an entourage. The crystal growing experience is completely safe.

On sale you can find sets with pebble or curly bases. For example, the option "Magic Crystals: Herringbone" looks very interesting. In this set, the whole process takes place on a base made in the form of a Christmas tree. As a result of the experiment, an interesting craft is obtained - a herringbone consisting of greenish crystals.

"Magic Crystals": instructions for growing at home

Before starting your entertaining exploration, read carefully the instructions for using all the components of the selected set. The standard work plan is as follows:

  1. Place the crystallization base in a growing container.
  2. Add hot water to the appropriate reagent.
  3. Now powder can be added to the resulting solution for crystallization. It should be poured in so much so that undissolved grains remain. As soon as the active substance has ceased to dissolve, you have a saturated solution. In this case, you should have a few grains of the reagent.
  4. Then pour the solution into a growing container so that the liquid completely covers the base. In this case, the sediment should remain in the original container.
  5. Next, drop the remaining reagent grains onto the crystallization bases. These are the "seeds" from which your "magic" crystals will grow.

If, when pouring the solution, individual crystals surfaced on its surface, remove them immediately. Now all that remains is to remove the container to a safe place and leave it for a while. Cover the top with a piece of paper if the kit does not have a cover.

Crystal growth will begin almost immediately. Remember to keep an eye on the container. It is necessary to drain the solution as soon as one of the crystals appears on the surface. After that, you need to remove them all and dry them for a day.

What to do with the grown crystal?

If you follow the instructions, the crystal will be beautiful and interesting. You can simply keep it as a keepsake or use it in some kind of craft. Crystallization on a figured base looks especially interesting. The finished product does not need additional decor and looks interesting and unusual in itself.

Safety in crystallization experiments

The instructions for the crystal growing kit usually say that children under 14 lei should be supervised to conduct the experiment. Follow this simple rule, and the experience will only bring you positive emotions.

The reagents included in the kit are safe. But, of course, they cannot be tasted, and if they come into contact with the skin, they should be washed off immediately with water. Ready-made crystals are completely safe, they are strong enough, they can be taken in hand. Just try to avoid contact with water - liquid can ruin the result of your experience.

Price of crystallization kits at home

Now let's calculate how much it costs to grow a crystal at home. The cost of small sets intended for growing small elements is usually 150-200 rubles. Interesting sets, which include additional elements and curly bases, may have a higher price. For example, "Magic tree" (crystals grow here on the branches of the base) costs from 250 rubles.

Choose sets of your choice. If you wish, you can grow a whole collection of crystals of various shapes and colors with your own hands. The most important thing is to carefully study the instructions, since the kits may differ slightly in the configuration from different manufacturers.

Reviews of "Magic Crystals"

Crystallization kits hit store shelves a few years ago. During this time, many of our compatriots tried to grow a crystal at home. A large number of buyers enjoyed this interesting and entertaining experience.

Sets "Magic Crystals" have positive reviews. This is a great way to visualize chemical reactions to your child. Every parent knows that sometimes it is not at all easy to direct the child's energy in the right direction and to really captivate with something. Growing crystals is not only an interesting experiment, but also a real hobby for the whole family.

Although among the buyers of the described sets there are those who were not satisfied. It so happens that sometimes the crystals just don't start growing. There may be two reasons - non-observance of the rules for conducting the experiment or the manufacturer's defects (for example, improper reagent packaging).

Can a crystal be grown without a special kit?

It is possible to carry out a crystallization experiment at home without any special substances and devices. For such an experiment, you will need ordinary table salt. Dilute the saturated solution by adding at least 2 tablespoons of the selected substance to 200 grams of hot water. Throw a small pebble into the liquid, leave the container in a cool place for a week. As a result, you get a base covered with salt crystals. It can be carefully removed from the solution and dried on a paper towel.

However, keep in mind that salt crystals are quite brittle. The value of this experience lies in the process itself. If you want to keep something for memory, it makes sense to purchase a ready-made set of "Magic Crystals". Using real reagents and handy gadgets, you can observe an entertaining chemical process. As a result, you get beautiful multi-colored crystals with good transparency and strength.

Copper sulfate is a substance that, due to its beautiful bright blue color, is ideal for growing crystals. They can be presented to your loved ones or used as a decorative element. In any case, they will not leave anyone indifferent, and the manufacturing process can become truly exciting. So, how to grow a copper sulfate crystal?

Preparatory activities

Copper sulfate can be purchased at almost any hardware store. It is actively used in agriculture for pest control. However, one should not forget that this substance is toxic. When working with copper sulfate at home, be sure to use rubber gloves and do not allow it to enter the esophagus and mucous membranes. After finishing work, wash your hands thoroughly in running water.

A real miracle can be grown from copper sulfate, but do not forget about safety during the manufacturing process

In order to make a crystal, you will need:

  • water - if possible, use distilled or, in extreme cases, boiled. Raw tap water is categorically unsuitable due to the content of chlorides in it, which will react with the solution and worsen its quality;
  • copper sulfate;
  • glass;
  • wire;
  • wool thread - make sure it is thin. Long hair can be used. Copper sulfate crystals are transparent, and the thread should not be visible through them.

When placing the seed in a container with a solution, make sure that it does not come into contact with the walls or the bottom of the container. This can disrupt the crystal growth process and its structure.

Crystal Growing Instructions

There are two technologies for growing crystals from copper sulfate.

  1. If you don't want to wait long, you can use the fast method. It will take about a week in time, and as a result, you will receive many small crystals, fixed one on top of the other, like a colony of mussel shells.
  2. The second method is longer. It will help you grow a large, solid, gem-like crystal.

But both of them are based on working with a saturated solution of a substance.

Note! The higher the water temperature, the faster copper sulfate dissolves in it. But when the liquid reaches + 80C °, subsequent heating does not affect the solubility of the salts.

Quick way

By growing copper sulfate crystals quickly, you don't have to worry about seeding: you can do without it altogether. The sediment will easily fix on the thread.

Second way

In this case, you can grow a large crystal of copper sulfate, but it will take much longer. In addition, unlike the first method, the choice of the seed is fundamentally important. In addition, you will have to make sure that small crystals do not stick to it.

The larger and smoother the crystal of copper sulfate selected from the total mass, the more beautiful the final product will be.

You will need 200 g of warm water and about 110 g of copper sulfate.

Manufacturing instruction:

  • mix vitriol and water in a suitable container (glass or jar), leave for a day. Stir occasionally: the active substance should be completely dissolved. Then filter the solution through cotton wool or special filter paper. The sediment remaining on the surface of the filter can be dried and used again if necessary;
  • pour the resulting solution into a clean container;
  • select a crystal for a seed, tie it to a thread (hair). Fix the other end of the thread on a stick, put it horizontally on a container. The seed should sink into the solution in a strictly vertical position. Cover the dishes with a piece of cloth so that dust does not get inside;

Copper sulphate crystal suitable for seeding

  • after a few days you will notice that the crystal is growing. After a week, it will reach 1 cm, and over time it will increase even more;

Be sure to cover the container with the solution and the seed with a piece of cloth

While working, you may encounter some difficulties. They are easy to overcome by following simple rules.

When exposed to air, a crystal of copper sulfate loses some of its moisture, erodes and collapses over time. To avoid this, store it in a tightly closed container in a cool place. Experts advise to cover it with a colorless varnish - this will create a reliable protective film.

How to grow a crystal from copper sulfate at home (video)

Growing copper sulphate crystals is a long process, it requires attention and patience. However, the result will surely please you. Share your experience with us in the comments. Good luck to you!

An unusual experiment on growing crystals from salt can be done with children. This process is completely safe, as only salt and water are used and no additional reagents are required. It is quite simple to make such a craft with your own hands, but several rules must be taken into account.

1 How to grow a crystal from salt - preparation of tools and materials

Before you start making crafts, prepare necessary tools and determine the location for the container. The ripening process of the product will take some time, while the dishes cannot be moved or tilted.

  • The main component for crystal formation is salt. Use sea salt to get a smooth and transparent surface on your craft. It does not have impurities and fine debris like table salt.
  • Crystal formation will take place in water. It should also be well cleaned of impurities. It is best to pour distilled water or boil the liquid and filter.
  • The experimentware should not be metal. Since it can oxidize due to the action of brine. The volume of the growing dish is irrelevant and is only limited by the size of the desired crystal.
  • Avoid debris and debris in the container. They will prevent salt build-up on the main crystal. Therefore, before the experiment, the dishes should be well rinsed and dried.
  • You can use a thread, fluffy wire, dried twigs, or a large piece of salt as a base.
  • Additionally you will need: a wooden stirring spoon, a piece of gauze or bandage, paper towels, colorless nail polish, a saucepan, and a pencil.

2 How to grow a crystal from salt with many facets

The initial stage of the experiment involves boiling the liquid. Therefore, help the children warm up the liquid so that they do not burn themselves.

  • Prepare 120 ml. purified or distilled water. Pour it into a saucepan, place it on the stove and bring to a boil.

  • Decide on the type of salt to form the crystal. So, using ordinary table salt, the craft is formed within a few days, sea salt forms a crystal in 1-2 days, and with iodized salt you will have to wait a very long time for the product to grow.

  • Prepare a saturated salt solution. You can understand about its readiness by grains that could not dissolve in water. To do this, add salt to warm water and stir the solution thoroughly. First add half a glass of salt. If the water is clear without grains, then add another quarter cup.

  • Pour the solution into a dry and clean container. Make sure that the sediment remains in the pan, otherwise it will fall to the bottom of the jar and reduce the growth of the main crystal.

  • At this stage, you can add a dye to change the color of the crystal. But do not add too much of it, as in large quantities, the product will make the craft fragile.

  • Prepare the thread for the warp. It is desirable that it be thick with a rough surface. Tie it onto a pencil or long skewer. Their size should be larger than the diameter of the container for growing the crystal and with edges for stability.

  • Measure the required length of thread and cut it off. Do not let it touch the bottom of the container.

  • Place the pencil on top of the container. Make sure that the thread does not stick to the sides of the can.

  • Place the container of brine on a flat surface. If you want to grow a crystal with large branches, then keep the liquid with the filament in a warm place. Place the container in a cold place to form a crystal with smooth surfaces.

  • Now you just have to watch the growth of the crystal.

3 How to grow one large crystal from salt

To get a large crystal with smooth edges after the experiment, you need to use a slightly different technology.

  • Prepare a concentrated salt solution as in the previous step. Pour it into a container. But for this method For growing crafts, choose a flat and wide container. This way a large crystal will not be able to connect with the rest, smaller parts.

  • Leave the container with the solution for 2 days for small crystals to form. Then pour out the water and choose the most suitable growing piece.

  • Tie a small crystal to the fishing line. IN in this case it is necessary to use a smooth thread or thin wire (fishing line) so that salt grains cannot fix on it.

  • Re-mix brine. But this time, do not bring the water to a boil, but only warm it to room temperature.

  • Dip the crystal on the fishing line into the prepared container and pour in the saline solution in a thin stream. Attach the fishing line to the surface of the container with a pencil. In this case, the crystal should be located in the center of the container.

  • Growing a crystal in this way will take much longer than the previous option. Therefore, prepare a new salt solution every two weeks and be sure to filter it before pouring it into the container.
  • When the crystals have grown to the desired size, remove them from the liquid, pat dry and be sure to cover with a thick layer of colorless nail polish. It will prevent the water from evaporating, which will make the craft more durable for a long period.

It is very easy and safe to experiment with growing a crystal from salt at home. But to get the desired effect, strictly follow the rules specified in the article and do not forget about the finishing of the product.

In nature, real crystals grow for thousands of years, but with the help of the "Magic Crystals" set you can grow your crystal in a few days! This is a very interesting and entertaining activity that develops children's attentiveness, creativity and love of science. Watching the growth of a crystal every day, you will see how they change their shape and size, and at the end of their growth you will receive an extraordinary souvenir made by yourself!

There is a wide variety of kits for growing crystals:

Here are some of them in our store:

And in this article we will consider growing crystals using the example of medium (purple) and small (yellow) crystals.

When working with the kit, pay attention to the precautions and instructions for growing!

The sets are identical, differ only in size.

And so, open our set:

It includes:

  • Crystal Growth Powder
  • Seed crystals
  • Plastic container for growing crystals
  • Powder stirring spoon
  • Stone base for growing crystals
  • Gloves
  • Instructions

It is a crystalline powder. We pour it into a plastic glass.

Stir the powder until completely dissolved with a wooden stick or a plastic spoon. It is important that the powder is completely dissolved, this may take 2 minutes or more.

We take a stone base, wash it with running water.

carefully pour into a container with hot crystalline

solution. Use a stick to distribute the stones evenly over the bottom of the container. Cover tightly.

We are waiting for the solution to cool to room temperature.

Then carefully fill in the seed crystals (this is a small bag with white powder, it says "seed crystals"). The container must not be moved or shaken during and after these actions.

Cover tightly again and leave for 24 hours.

After 24 hours, remove the lid and then leave the container open.

Crystal growth can take 1 to 4 weeks.

During growth, the container must not be shaken or moved. Even music can disturb crystal growth !!!

When the top of the tallest crystal appears above the surface of the solution, you need to drain the rest of the solution and carefully follow the instructions to separate the crystal with a stone base from the bottom of the container.

Air dry the crystal, avoid contact of the crystal with water.

Enjoy the result!

Good luck to you and your children in experiments and experiments !!!

This set for growing crystals is available in our online store:

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Evgeniya Smirnova

To send light into the depths of the human heart is the artist's purpose


Crystals have attracted people since ancient times. Almost all precious gemstones, with a few exceptions, are minerals with a clear crystal lattice. Modern technologies allow you to grow artificial gemstones that do not look different from the real ones, have the same structure. Surprisingly, not only minerals, but ordinary grains of salt or sugar are also crystals that can grow. How to make salt crystals yourself? Let's talk about this in more detail.

First you need to select the substance you want to form into a crystal. Experiments at home have shown that the easiest way is to use regular table salt. This method has an undoubted advantage - all the necessary components are literally at hand, without requiring a purchase or search for special components. Read the instructions carefully before starting the experiment. Different salts are suitable for a "little miracle":

  • marine;
  • cookery;
  • copper or iron sulfate;
  • potassium chloride;
  • potassium alum;
  • potassium permanganate.

Be extremely careful when handling the substances used. You must immediately decide what result you want to get - one large single crystal or a few smaller ones. To do this, you will have to use different technologies. Note that growing single crystals is simpler in execution. Important: the container in which our beautiful stone grows is unacceptable to shake and move, otherwise it will turn out to be of an irregular shape. You can't:

  • to remove the crystal from the vessel without reason;
  • use food coloring to add color;
  • paint the surface of the finished "product" with paint.

How to grow a salt crystal at home

So, you've decided to learn how to make a crystal from salt. For a little preliminary practice, a ready-made crystal growing kit, which is sold in children's stores, is suitable. You can do this process with your child. He will certainly enjoy the lesson. There is an express way to get what you are looking for in 1 day, but then you get not one large, but several spliced \u200b\u200bsmall crystals. If you are ready for the anticipation and impressive results, we will tell you how to grow a crystal from table salt.

Required materials and tools

For the intended experience, it is necessary to prepare a set of required materials, which should contain:

  • two transparent containers (so we can watch the growth);
  • the substance that we will use for growing (in our case, this is table salt);
  • stick or tablespoon;
  • funnel;
  • filter paper;
  • thread, or better, if there is - a thin copper wire;
  • a lot of time and patience.

Step-by-step instruction

All the necessary materials have been prepared, it's time to start making a grain of salt a magic stone. What is the basic principle of how a small crystal becomes large? A small grain is added to a saturated solution of the substance, and the molecules begin to stick to it. The crystal is growing. In order for the molecules to stick, you need to cool the liquid or evaporate it. The slow cooling method achieves a faster result. We bring to your attention instructions on how to make crystals from table salt:

  1. In a glass container (it is better not to use a plastic one) we prepare a saturated saline solution. Add salt to hot water, mix thoroughly (for 100 grams of water heated to a temperature of 80 °, 36-38 grams of salt is required).
  2. The finished solution must be allowed to cool. An hour after that, it must be filtered - using a funnel with cotton wool or special filter paper.
  3. We filter the composition that has stood for several hours again.
  4. We tie a grain of salt to a copper wire or thread and lower it inside the container. It should be suspended without touching the bottom. Cover the jar with paper to prevent dust from entering.
  5. In a day or two, the bottom, walls, and the wire itself are overgrown with many small crystals. We take the second vessel, carefully move our embryo there and pour the liquid.
  6. We fill the remaining crystals with water again, and then all the time we maintain the liquid level in the jar with the growing crystal. About once a week, the solution must be filtered from precipitated crystals.
  7. After a few days, the growth will be clearly visible. Continue growing as long as you want until you get the desired result. Then carefully remove the wonder stone, rinse gently and cover with colorless nail polish to give strength.

Video tutorials: how to grow a crystal at home

You already know what a crystal can be grown from. After doing experiments with familiar substances, try experimenting with reagents. It can be alum, yellow or red salt, copper sulfate, aluminum sulfate. An important point: try not to use too poisonous reagents. At home, it is difficult to achieve adequate ventilation and temperature for experiments. The video below shows how to grow interesting types of crystals using the materials available.


In order to grow a salt crystal at home, you should prepare necessary equipment, materials and tools.
1) The main ingredient is salt. The cleaner it is, the more successful the experiment will be, and the sharper the crystal edges will be. Considering that table salt in most cases contains a large amount of small debris, it is better to give preference to sea salt without dyes and all kinds of additives.
2) It is also more correct to take water that is maximally purified from various impurities, i.e. distilled. If you don't have one at hand, pre-filter plain water.
3) To grow crystals, use a thoroughly washed non-metallic container that will not oxidize when exposed to salts. Better to take glassware. If even the smallest specks still appear inside the bowl, they will certainly slow down the growth of the main crystal, turning into a kind of basis for the development of small specimens.
4) The basis for the future large crystal can be either a small crystal of salt or any other object, for example, a wire, thread, a piece of a branch.
5) A wooden stick for stirring the solution, paper napkins, filter or gauze, varnish for coating the finished salt crystal are also useful when forming a crystal from salt.

Prepare the materials and tools necessary for growing the crystal, be patient and get to work. The process itself does not require much participation from you. In a glass cup, prepare a saturated saline solution from 100 ml of hot water and 40 g of salt, let the liquid cool and pass it through filter paper or rolled cheesecloth.

The next step is placing the object around which a crystal will subsequently form into a container with a saline solution. If you want a copy of the traditional shape, place a regular grain of salt in the bottom of the cup. If you want to grow an elongated crystal, tie a grain of salt to a string and secure it in the container so that it does not touch its bottom and walls. If your plans are to obtain a complex bizarre shape, a small curved twig or twisted wire should serve as the basis for the future crystal. As a basis for a crystal, you can use absolutely any object that is not subject to salt oxidation.

Be sure to cover the cup with the crystal with a lid, a sheet of paper or a napkin to prevent debris and dust from entering it. Next, store the container in a cool, dark, draft-free place and keep it calm. During the development of the crystal, do not allow changes in air humidity and sudden temperature fluctuations in the room where it is located, exclude its shaking and too frequent movement. Do not place the crystal near heating appliances or near the stove.

As the crystal grows, the salt content in the surrounding liquid will decrease. With this in mind, add a saturated saline solution to the container once a week. When the crystal grows to the required size, carefully remove it from the liquid, put it on a clean paper towel and gently blot it with a soft cloth. In order for a fragile crystal to acquire strength, cover it with a colorless manicure varnish. If this is not done, the craft will collapse. In a dry air environment, the crystal will crumble into powder, with increased air humidity it will turn into slurry.

White crystals are obtained from table and sea salt. You can get a craft of a different shade using several simple methods.
1) Colored salt crystal can be obtained if you use not ordinary salt, but, for example, copper sulfate, which can give the result of your labors a rich blue color.
2) Instead of clear nail polish for crystal treatment, you can use color coating.
3) At the stage of crystal preparation, add food coloring to the saline solution, for example, for coloring easter eggs.

If you notice that the crystal is not taking shape as planned, gently scrape off the excess areas with a sharp knife or nail file. Subsequently, treat those places of the crystal, the growth of which you would not like to allow, with glycerin or any other thick fatty composition. You can remove the applied product with alcohol or acetone.

There are several reasons to fail in growing a crystal from salt. First of all, a piece of salt taken as a base can dissolve. This is usually indicated by an insufficiently saturated salt solution that you used to grow the craft. Secondly, instead of one large crystal, you can get several small ones at once. This can happen due to the presence of impurities in the solution or the ingress of debris, dust particles and other unwanted objects into it. Thirdly, when receiving colored specimens, the color of the finished crystals may be uneven. The main reason for this reaction is insufficient stirring of the dye after adding it to the brine.

A slightly decent crystal will form no earlier than 3-4 weeks after placing its base in a saline solution, so be patient and do not forget to follow the basic recommendations for growing crystals from salt yourself at home.