Experience in using CSR by Russian companies. Experience in using CSR by Russian companies internal CSR on the example of the organization

From the scandalous corporation " Enron."And tobacco companies, to adorable by progressive humanity, Apple and Tesla are almost all major Western companies in addition to financial reports every year publish voluminous documents that tell about the benefit of the Company. They can be called differently: "Report on environmental responsibility", "Supplier Responsibility Report" (it describes how the company is following that its partners in Asia do not exploit workers) or the "annual report on corporate responsibility", but unites them One common desire is to tell customers, investors, tax officials and politicians about their nobility and ethics. Why do they do it, and is there really corporate social responsibility (CSR) helps to conduct a business?

Have you read an article about?

What it is

According to KSO supporters, corporate social responsibility is not charity, not burden and not meaningless expenses. To some extent, it can be compared with the geopolitical concept of "soft power", when the state, aspiring to spread its influence, spends some of the money not on aircraft carriers and bombs, but for medicines and food for needy, training programs, support for friendly regimes, etc. d. However, there are important differences, because the main tasks of any corporation are not an increase in influence, but to maximize investors' income (if it works honestly) or maximizing top management income (if corporation is corporate).

It is believed that corporate social responsibility with the right approach, if it is organically embedded in the fact that the corporation does, will give in return to new opportunities, innovation and competitive advantage. Of the obvious examples of such an advantage - the appearance of hybrid cars and electric vehicles, when the new product has not only managed to change the market, the rules of the game, bring the benefit of society, but also brought the company to the production leaders in this product (hybrid cars - Toyota, electric vehicles - Tesla). Of course, in addition to the noble intention, to reduce the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere, these companies competently used the sentiments of people who are ready to appreciate the goods not only for its convenience and comparative cost, but also for its utility. Without such a point of support, any social responsibility program will be deregulated into ordinary PR or charity.

Other form

Corporate social responsibility may have another form, for example, when the increase in profits occurs due to helping to society. Let's say through solving infrastructure and health issues in backward countries. As an interesting case, you can take the Ebola epidemic, because of which the cost of cocoa for several months increased by 10-15%. This is despite the fact that the epidemic happened not in Côte d'Ivoire and not in Ghana, which produce 60% of all cocoa beans in the world, and in neighboring countries. In 2014, the prices of chocolate rose on only fears that the epidemic will get to Côte d'Ivoire or Ghana. At the same time, Nestle, Mars, Hershey and other major producers of chocolate were allocated money on the fight against the disease. However, the impact on the quality and efficiency of work can also have a more familiar disease like malaria or AIDS. Therefore, helping to solve the most flamerating problems of health care, companies may insure against interruptions in work and increase their effectiveness.

Another interesting example with Nestle is the company's company to the Indian market. Nestle needed uninterrupted supply of high-quality milk, but in India it had to buy it from a large number of small farmers. The region in which the corporation posted the dairy, suffered from drought, high mortality among calves, and the peasants lacked the refrigerators. To solve these problems, the company built in each city of the region, the milk collection point with away brigades, which included experts in quality, agronomists and veterinarians. The company taught farmers to work correctly at all stages, ranging from the creation of irrigation systems and the cultivation of the hay. As a result of these measures, the death rate of calves in the region decreased by 75%, and milk production increased 50 times. Nestle received uninterrupted supply of high-quality raw materials, and one of India's poorest regions could significantly improve the quality of life.

What about bloodthirsty capital?

Despite the fact that the ultimate goal of the good affairs of the company is to receive profits, and not exclusively long-term (the average period of ownership in the United States is seven months, this is a record low in the history of the stock market), corporate social responsibility is not a deception or pretense. After all, besides the chase of profit, the views of the Company are enormous influenced by the objectives of the company, corporate culture and management ability to understand and solve complex tasks.

Indeed, in the XIX century. Capital, without a shadow of doubt, destroyed the peoples (Belgian Congo), used slaves (USA) and did not care about the activities of the public defendant, poverty and mass hunger (India) caused by its activities. Nevertheless, attentive reading the works of the most famous criticism of capitalism, Karl Marx, will tell us about the state of the society of that time more than the ideologist of communism wanted to tell. Without going into details, it is sufficient to note that Marx himself, criticizing the terrible crimes of the British in India, considered the destruction of the backward rural communities with a blessing and historical opportunity. Say, from such a support of the Eastern despotism and the sewer of the superstition, who said man with chains of traditional rules, had to get rid of anyway.

Obviously, even in our crisis for a liberal world order, such views hardly cause sympathy. That is why there will be no mistake to say that the level of "bloodthirstiness" capital in pursuit of profit is often determined by the general level of "bloodthirstiness" of society. After all, if the crimes can justify the idea of \u200b\u200ba bright future, then why should they justify the profit of 300%?

Corporations against state

However, sometimes one desire to meet the expectations of society or an increase in the efficiency of work is not limited. The incomes of the largest international corporations are calculated by tens of billions of dollars and exceed the budgets of many countries. Showing his ability to solve social issues, companies as if competed with states for the title of affective manager. Naturally, tax deductions are attached to this rank. Or the society will assume that it is better to leave the money to companies that in every way prove their benefit, solving public issues and creating jobs, or the question of offshore and tax evasion will be put by an edge. Similarly, with state regulation. If corporate social responsibility at the oil-producing, and then the tobacco company is at a good level, it will be easier for it to prolob the mitigation of certain rules and restrictions that reduce profitability.

And it is not just words. After all, the victory of Trump, and braces, and the strengthening of the position of the right-hand parties in Europe is directly related to the acute opposition of national states with multinational corporations and technocratic elites. And corporate social responsibility in this political struggle are one of the most important tools.

Where to begin

Experts believe that corporate social responsibility begins with three points.

  1. It is necessary to find the intersection points between the company and society, responding to questions as a business affects society and how society affects the business. Specific questions may be the most different, for example, how does production affect the environment? Are the working conditions safe? Does the work of employees payable? How does the Company affect the competitiveness of the company? Is the society able to put the right amount of qualified employees? How does it apply to investors?
  2. It is necessary to choose social issues that the company is capable of solving. Naturally, taking into account points of intersection and mutual interest.
  3. It is necessary to choose a couple of problems whose solution will have the most tangible effect for the company and society, and focus on them.

Based on the foregoing, the sensational cleaning of snow in New York and Boston, paid by Pornhub, is an ordinary advertisement, and not an example showing what corporate social responsibility is, since there is no connection between the snowstore and the work of the porn.

Or examples from the life of domestic retail. Cleaning the forces of garbage officers in Parc - PR, but the employment programs for people with disabilities or disposal of polyethylene packages are corporate social responsibility.

Underwater rocks

However, despite the existence of a clear description, which is corporate social responsibility and with what it is eaten, the discrepancies remain. After all, besides companies that are quite clearly aware that the purpose of their existence is to earn money, there are still politicians, activists and journalists. Each - with his idea of \u200b\u200bthe social consequences of a company's work and how it can be corrected or ates. However, as soon as the business begins to oppose society, corporate social responsibility is deprived of its very essence, the main task of which is to search for common interests, opportunities for cooperation and refusal to play with the "zero amount". At the same time, when confronting, corporate social responsibility degenerates into charity, attempts to pay off and drink.

This is on the one hand. On the other hand, the very appearance of this term we are obliged to just activists, journalists and politicians who managed to prove that society is not all equal, in what conditions working workers hired by Western companies in Bangladesh. That society is not indifferent to the fate of those who regularly feed on fast food or addicted to saham-containing drinks. That society worry oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico and the North Sea, etc.

Faced with the onset of activism, the company understood that it is better to take the initiative to their hands, but not everyone managed to go on the media skipping and glossy reports on "good deeds". In such reports, you do not find a description of the company's strategy for solving common to business and society problems, but rather a collection of non-other stories that the company has done good. At the same time, the emphasis is not on the results, but on hours of work or spent the amounts, in addition, statistics on the company as a whole are always overlooked. For example, the company could well reduce harmful emissions in one of its enterprise due to their increases on the other. In addition, in these reports written in the best traditions of pre-election booklets, almost never cannot find a specific verifiable goals that the company puts.

Moral dilemmas

When the company operates in one country, its leaders and employees are much easier to understand what the reaction of the company's company is at the expense of their increases on the other. In addition, in these reports written in the best traditions of pre-election booklets, almost never cannot find a specific verifiable goals that the company puts.

When the company operates in one country, its leaders and employees are much easier to understand what the reaction to the Company will cause certain consequences of their activities, comply with unwritten rules and keep moral values. However, at the multinational level, universal values \u200b\u200bbecomes much more difficult, which immediately returns us to the issue of hypocrisy. The most vivid examples can be found from American companies that depend on the market in China or really want to get on it. On the one hand, the head of Apple Tim Cook can afford to criticize legally elected state power (during confrontation around gay marriages), gaining glasses in the eyes of the target audience, on the other - his company is ready to delete news applications from the Chinese AppStore on the first request of the authorities and Without clarifying the reasons for such a decision (a scandal with Newyorktimes).

Another example is Facebook, the head of which during and after the election campaign in the United States has repeatedly spoke about the need to build an informed society and the importance of strong media. At about the same time, Newyorktimes disappeared information that Facebook develops software that will allow the company to comply with the requirements of Chinese censorship and return to the market (now Facebook is blocked in China).

Question of survival

As society is developing, the attitude towards the social consequences of a particular business. Because of what companies who failed to adjust the new public expectations in time, suffer losses or a drop in profits. Examples of this is a relationship to the tobacco industry, which could fool his head for quite a long time and challenge the negative effect of their activities, and the fate of the manufacturers of asbestos and chlorofluorocarbons, some of which after unsuccessful struggle with public opinion faced with the ban on their products and went bankrupt. Such a fate can expect manufacturers of cars that will not be able to adjust the new requirements in time, dictated by more socially responsible competitors. Yes, and the same Facebook, struggling to look attractive for the younger generation, having received with access to the Chinese market the fame of the censorship in the imaging of the site to communicate parents, can lose more socially responsible competitors.

Corporate Social Responsibility and its Future

Business and society depend on each other. On the one hand, this is an obvious fact, on the other, it is often forgotten about him. In our country, in the heat of political discussions, it is often possible to meet the opinion that the harm caused by a non-good oligarch enterprise allegedly ends at this oligarch and does not affect the budget (they say, it's still not paying taxes!), For the general condition of the economy and Revenues of ordinary people. And when an activist with his actions undermines the very possibility of business to work effectively, he wins the battle, while the society loses the war.

Representatives of large businesses that do not understand that a healthy society needs to be successful to successful corporations. After all, their purchasing power depends on the level of incomes of people, the level of education, health and equality is the ease of searching for qualified employees and the effectiveness of their labor. The quality of government solutions, the situation with the protection of property rights and the rule of law has great importance.

And with the development of society, business and activists will find all new ways of mutually beneficial cooperation, when the confrontation benefits and does not turn into war against all. The history of developed countries shows that today business is much more active on cooperation with society than in the 90s. Here and some companies take the initiative to their hands, making that their corporate social responsibility turns into a source of competitive advantage, thereby reducing the likelihood that one day their business model will be legally limited.

Our way

Domestic companies inherit CSR ideas, investing money in the environment, improving working conditions and cultural initiatives. In the West, each major company has its own CSR projects. Supermarkets, for example, give damaged products homeless and poor. In some cafes in the morning, they are fed free to those who cannot afford breakfast. And the assistance of the environment and became a trend at all. For example, Dell technological company uses plastic packaging collected as garbage on the ocean. Also, Dell computers are 25% produced from recycling - plastic and carbon. And this is not to mention packages and bottles that decompose, and do not lie in centuries, about economical water spending and ethical attitude towards animals.

Of course, corporate social responsibility was listed to us by companies with Western capital and at first domestic entrepreneurs considered it a waste of money. If you can leave yourself more profit, then why invest in CSR? Especially since our consumers pay little attention to the ethical business. In the West, many customers will prefer eco-friendly, albeit a more expensive package. I am pleased to buy something from those who lit up in social activity. And even refuse services companies that violate labor rights or spoil ecology. The domestic consumer is poor. He will take the cheapest product. Select the most affordable service. But a younger and secure generation appeared in big cities, which makes another, conscious choice.

And back

Last year, the Center for Internet commerce Allbiz He conducted a survey among small and medium businesses. It turned out that 90% of respondents are confident that CSR is a very positive thing, but in practice only one second respondents is introduced. Of these, 42% believe that corporate social responsibility is, first of all, the social protection of personnel, medical insurance and the development of employees. Another 14% talk about cooperation with public organizations, and 13% about charity.

The survey participants call different motivation - this is a reputation among customers, respect for Western partners, attracting new employees who choose the most responsible companies. Of course, potential applicants are interested in those employers who comply with labor rights, create kindergartens and schools and provide a social package.

Our popular CSR direction is the assembly and utilization of garbage. We are also talking about used batteries and installing special containers for separate assembly.

In addition, our companies are actively developing sports movement. One of the most notable examples is half-marathons. And we have diabetes days. Thus, together with Johnson & Johnson, it was checked at a sugar level of more than 68 thousand people.

Business fights with discrimination, supporting human rights initiatives. Thus, one famous network bank has equipped all its branches for people with special needs and for mothers with wheelchairs. Inclusion makes it possible to include those who usually invisible in the public life - people with disabilities, old people, etc.

From programmers - society

Corporate social responsibility has in its movement and unconditional leader. Thus, IT companies are shown the greatest activity in social activities. High profits and participation of Western partners help them insert into CSR.

For example, Microsoft is engaged in the security of children on the Internet, and also finances educational initiatives and cooperates with non-profit organizations. Schoolchildren of grades 5-11 read lectures on how to behave in the Internet space. For people from regions, weakly covered by the internetization, the Bibliomost project was created. In collaboration with Microsoft, libraries provide 3.2 million people free access to the network, and therefore - the ability to receive information and learn. In addition, the company gives libraries software in the amount of about $ 9 million.

Another project "Microsoft" in our country allows you to work with large amounts of information. He settles the relationship between developers, public organizations and government agencies. Due to this, it is possible to digitize economic data, information on government services and infrastructure projects. This is also useful for citizens, and for potential entrepreneurs who want to use data for their projects.

In addition, in the framework of the initiative, the "Open World of Information Technologies" "Microsoft" opened 35 training centers throughout the country. There people acquire the basics of computer literacy and learn to program.


In general, over the past decades, we have a lot of CSR projects. More and more companies prescribe corporate responsibility in their budgets and support employee initiatives.

Despite this, until the Western Scale of the CSR, we are far from far. What is the reason for the lag? First of all, CSR is the prerogative of large business. Small companies cannot spend so much money. Secondly, after the frank breaking of the country's resources - people have no confidence in business yet. This trend is gradually changing: new business projects appear, the younger generation will grow up. Thirdly, many things that entrepreneurs consider their social responsibility, they are familiar to our person. For example, a kindergarten for children of employees in the West is a huge plus. Here, people are accustomed that during state-owned companies and so should be kindergarten. In America, the company pays for medical insurance, and our medicine is conditionally free. Similarly, the population is accustomed to the fact that schools and parks should be near the house, they do not consider it an additional blessing.

Another problem is that many entrepreneurs are very strange to understand CSR. For example, seriously believe that the white salary and payment of all taxes is "corporate social responsibility".

Also prevents almost complete indifference states. It does not seek to reduce taxes for those who have shown themselves in charity and social activities. Local authorities often ignore such projects.

In some countries, corporate social responsibility receives not only support, but also control by power, turning into mandatory activities. For example, in France, the CSR is even trying to consolidate the law. While it will affect only the 100 largest companies. They will be obliged to annually create plans to protect the rights of workers, environmental protection and human rights development. Those that will violate this condition will pay a fine up to 10 million euros. Ecology damage will cost up to 30 million euros.

Essence and importance of corporate social responsibility

In the modern world, issues of building a socially responsible business are given increased attention. At the same time, the requirements and expectations of society are growing towards its representatives, especially to major corporations.

Today, under corporate social responsibility (CSR), it is customary to understand the multiple set of obligations to external and internal stakeholders who are voluntarily ready to accept. Such commitments, as a rule, exceed the minimum established by law and are focused not only for compliance with the requirements of society, but also to satisfy its expectations.

The most common approaches to the definition of the essence of the CSR are the following:

  • CSR as a voluntary contribution of the business environment in improving the life of society;
  • CSR as a focus of business for sustainable development;
  • CSR as a complex of areas of policies and events related to the fundamental values \u200b\u200bof the business and its key stakes, as well as those who take into account the interests of the people of communities and the environment.

One way or another, the social responsibility of the business always lies compliance with the current standards of the law. In addition, CSR suggests the production of high-quality products, environmental protection, care for employees, their families, local communities and society as a whole. In accordance with this, the main levels of building and organizing social responsibility of the business are determined (Figure 1).

Note 1.

The higher the level of responsibility, the more active the company develops and promotes the CSR concept. Accordingly, the voluntary component of its implementation increases.

The essence of the CSR is reflected in the aggregate of the activities through which it is implemented. As you know, all stakeholders (parties interested in the company's activities) are divided into external and internal. In accordance with this, the CSR is also divided into two types (Figure 2).

External CSR is focused on the implementation of socially significant events and initiatives against external stakeholders (society, state, suppliers, etc.). The internal CSR, on the contrary, is aimed at building socially responsible interaction with internal stakeholders. Consider the basic mechanisms of their implementation in more detail.

Events of internal corporate social responsibility

Note 2.

The internal CSR is reflected in the complex of events aimed at internal stakeholders. These include business owners, management and other employees of the company.

The main activities of the internal CSR are socially responsible practices in relation to personnel. First of all, we are talking about ensuring safe working conditions and a worthy level of its payment. It also includes the development of human resources and the provision of social packages for workers and their families (voluntary medical and social insurance, preferential vouchers for rest and in children's camps, places in kindergarten, etc.).

One of the rapidly gaining popularity of the activities of the internal CSR (especially in Europe) is considered to be Timbilding.

Under thymbynding, you should understand a wide range of actions aimed at improving the efficiency of the interaction of members of the company's labor collective. Its basic task is the command of education, that is, the formation of a group of specialists involved in various fields of activity of one organization, combined with one task, as well as responsible for the results of the work (both personal and collective).

The policy of tymbliding is the collective participation of the Labor team in the life of the local community. Thus, thymbynding, developing the inner side of the social responsibility of the business, allows to expand the boundaries of the external CSR.

Events of foreign corporate social responsibility

External corporate social responsibility is implemented through a whole complex of events. The main ones are considered:

  • sponsorship and charity;
  • interaction with power and local communities;
  • promotion of protection and environmental protection.

Consider the essence of the measures presented above in more detail.

Sponsorship is the targeted financial support to the business of any socially significant events, shares and other events. Most often, the object of sponsorship is sports and cultural events and events.

A characteristic feature of sponsorship is receiving a business benefit in the form of an opportunity to demonstrate the audience of its own logos. Thus, sponsorship, as a type of CSR events, is based on the mutual achievement of goals within one project. In essence, sponsorship is a bilateral transaction, which is based on contractual relationships associated with the presence of certain conditions and mutual obligations of the parties.

Charity, unlike sponsorship, is of gratuitous nature. In the general sense, under it should be understood to provide disinterested assistance in need. The volume, composition and content of such assistance is determined by the benefactor based on its vision of needs and opportunities. Often charity acquires no money forms.

Note 3.

CSR includes charity and sponsorship, but in no way comes down to them.

An important role within the framework of the external CSR is given to the interaction of business with the authorities and local communities. As part of this group, the implementation of joint programs of public-private partnership is of particular popularity. Often, business (especially large corporation) promotes the development of infrastructure in the presence region (builds and repair roads, establishes relay ties, reflects the urban territory, etc.).

An important direction of the external CSR is the protection and protection of the environment. In particular, it is about reducing energy consumption, responsible environmental management, the implementation of measures related to utilization and recycling of waste, landscaping territories, etc.

A significant role in the implementation of external CSR activities is given to corporate volunteering.

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education

St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University

Engineering and Economic Institute

International High School of Management


Under the discipline "Business Ethics"

On the topic: "Corporate social responsibility and its impact on the effectiveness of the enterprise"


student G.23715 / 13 Simonova K.S.

student G.23715 / 14 Frost A.M.

Checked: d. E. N., Saichenko O.A.

St. Petersburg 2014


Chapter 1. Corporate Social Responsibility

1.1 Definitions

1.2 Types of CSR

1.3 Principles of CSR formation

Chapter 2. The influence of CSR for the effective development of the company

2.1 Methods for assessing changes in financial indicators due to social activity

2.1.1 Payback indicator

2.1.3 Process Indicator

2.2 Financial Policy

2.3 Marketing complex

2.4 Reputation

Chapter 3. Approaches to Social Responsibility and Examples

3.1 Relations with partners

3.2 Relations with employees

3.3 Relationships with consumers

3.4 Environmental

3.5 relationship with society

3.5.1 Social Investment Programs

3.5.2 Social Program Implementation Technologies




In recent years, the topic of social responsibility, both in Russia and all over the world, is paying increasing attention from business, power and society. As a result of strengthening competition, globalization of financial, labor, commodity flows, strengthening the influence of large transnational companies, the transition to the innovation economy, the exacerbation of environmental and social problems is to rethink the value of the business in the social environment. Instead of the traditional understanding of the business as an activity aimed at obtaining profits from the production and sale of goods and services and distributing it between the participants, the presentation of business as a source of public welfare growth is achieved through the production and sale of goods and services.

Despite the change of understanding, the Russian business still has ambiguous perception among the population, the state cannot fully and effectively finance social needs, the scale of the Russian business has not yet reached that value that allows you to create public wealth in sufficient volume.

The modern world lives in conditions of acute social problems and in this regard, the social responsibility of business - enterprises and organizations related to the development, manufacturing and supply of products and services, trade, finance, since they have basic financial and material resources to work for Solutions facing the world of social problems. Social transformations in society are successful when they consciously and responsibly participate the most significant forces. The interaction of political, social and economic entities, based on the principles of social partnership, makes it possible to ensure the stable translational development of the state. With an increase in the importance of non-financial factors of sustainable development, such as social stability, environmental safety, actualizes practical and theoretical aspects of social responsibility. Understanding the leaders of the business of their key value and the leading role in such a work led to the birth of the concept of "corporate social responsibility" in the late 20th century, which became the most important part of the concept of sustainable development of not only business, but also humanity as a whole.

The importance and priority of corporate social responsibility issues are due, firstly, a high degree of economic development of leading countries of the world creating material opportunities to maintain modern standards of quality of life of the population; Secondly, the increase in the role of intangible factors of economic growth related to the need for investments in human capital as a key condition for innovative economic growth based on the potential of intelligence, the formation and creativity of employees.

The purpose of the work is to determine the impact of corporate social

responsibility on the company's effectiveness.

consider the essence of the CSR;

consider the principles and types of CSR;

consider the effects of CSR on the efficiency of the enterprise;

consider the CSR action to specific companies.

corporate Social Responsibility Activity

Chapter 1. Corporate Social Responsibility

1.1 Definitions

In world practice, there is no well-established definition that such corporate social responsibility is. Therefore, each organization defines this concept in different ways.

"Business for social responsibility": Corporate social responsibility means achieving commercial success in ways that value ethical principles and respect people, communities and the environment.

"International Forum of Business Leaders": Corporate social responsibility is understood as the promotion of the practice of responsible businesses that benefit business and society and contribute to social, economic and environmentally sustainable development by maximizing the positive impact of business on society and minimizing negative.

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development: defines corporate social responsibility as a business commitment to contribute to sustainable economic development, labor relations with employees, their families, the local community and society as a whole to improve their quality of life.

Business For Social Responsibility "Business For Social Responsibility" USA: "CSR means such business management, which meets ethical, legislative standards and public expectations or even exceeds them."

World Business Council For Sustainable Development: "CSR is a constant business commitment to deal on the basis of ethics and contribute to economic development, at the same time, improving the quality of life of its employees and their families, as and society as a whole. "

"Corporate Social Responsibility in Europe" (CSR Europe): "CSR is the concept of integrating concerns about social and environmental development in business operations of companies in cooperation with their shareholders and an external environment."

Institute of Research of the World Bank (WorldBank): "Corporate Social Responsibility:

) a set of areas of policies and actions related to key stakeholders (stakeholders), values \u200b\u200band fulfillment of the requirements of legality, as well as those who take into account the interests of people, communities and the environment;

) Business focus on sustainable development "

To date, there is no unified global definition of corporate social responsibility, but all the approaches submitted are one in one: corporate social responsibility is the company's responsibility to all individuals and legal entities that it faces in the process of activity and the society as a whole.

1.2 Types of CSR

Corporate social responsibility is manifested in the implementation of various socially significant programs and events of both internal and outer or external focus. Recently, it is increasingly more often to hear about the increase in social spending of companies, expanding the social programs of the largest corporations, the emergence of new and new registered charitable foundations, publications of social reports of well-known companies, adopting business associations of charters and memorandums on the benefits of corporate social responsibility and transparent business . Each self-respecting company will acquire its own social "mission", which sets out the principles of corporate social responsibility. In the internal social policy, programs of medical and pension insurance are applied, social packages appear in new private enterprises. If the manual cannot organize a full-fledged corporate benefit and services system, it is trying to create, at least the visibility of the social package.

Internal corporate social responsibility is a social policy held for employees of your company, and therefore limited by the framework of this company.

Internal corporate social policy is based on the current opinion of the Company on the need for a company not only to ensure profit and pay taxes, but also take care of their employees. However, society sends business not quite clear signals relative to their wishes. Therefore, the company often forms social policies based on its own ideas about this process.

The internal social responsibility of the business can be attributed:


Salary stability.

Maintaining socially significant wages.

Additional medical and social insurance staff.

Development of human resources through training programs and training programs and advanced training.

Assisting employees in critical situations.

External corporate social responsibility includes:

Sponsorship and corporate charity

Promotion of environmental protection.

Interaction with the local community and local government.

Readiness to participate in crisis situations.

Responsibility to consumers of goods and services (production of high-quality goods)

Conducting corporate social policies, the company reaches certain purposes that positively affect the development of the enterprise:

The development of own personnel allows not only to avoid the flow of personnel, but also to attract the best specialists in the market.

Rising labor productivity in the company.

Improving the company's image, reputation growth.

Lighting the company's activities in the media.

Stability and stability of the company's development in the long run.

The ability to attract investment capital for socially responsible companies is higher than for other companies.

Preservation of social stability in society as a whole.

Tax breaks.

1.3 Principles of CSR formation

The principles of corporate social responsibility determine the main provisions expressing the nature and essence of the organization and activities to implement corporate social responsibility in the company. If we assume that the principle is the main, reflecting essence of the CSR rule, we can conclude that non-compliance with the requirements of one principle of corporate social responsibility distorts the essence of this concept.

Principles of social responsibility are formed at the expense of public expectations. Recently, public expectations addressed to business have changed significantly, at present the society has not been indifferent as a company leads its activities than it is guided and how it disposes of its income. Thus, it was necessary to develop the principles of companies in corporate social responsibility cancers.

In order for the company to carry out its activity in such a way as to comply with the expectations of society, it must develop a program of action related to the observance of ethical, legal, charitable, environmental, commercial and public principles. In other words, we are talking about how to become a worthy corporate member of civil society. Consider what to draw the attention of the company, when developing the principles of corporate social responsibility.

Consider the following principles of corporate social responsibility:


· Transparency. Principles of Social Policy, Social Programs and Mechanisms of their implementation must be clear and understandable

· Publicity. Any information about corporate social responsibility, with the exception of confidential, should be available to the public.

· Accuracy. Unacceptable concealment or falsification of data on corporate social responsibility.

· Dialogue. Social policy is based on the maintenance of dialogue with all stakeholders, it is necessary to have feedback to the recipients of social programs.


· Focus. Availability of priority areas for the implementation of social programs

· Unity in time (sequence). Responsibility for the current and last activities, as well as for the future influence of the company's activities on the outside world.

· Unity in space. Universal principles of corporate social responsibility for all regional divisions of the company.

· Regularity. Refusal of single and fragmentary shares in favor of systematic programs and projects within the framework of fixed priority areas of corporate social responsibility.

· Integration. Penetration of the principles of corporate social responsibility in all business processes and the decision-making process at all hierarchical levels.

3. Significance.

· Relevance. The implemented corporate social responsibility programs should be timely and in demand.

· Scaligence. Corporate social responsibility programs should cover a significant audience and be noticeable to society as a whole.

· Efficiency. The funds spent on the implementation should significantly help solve problems, while the results of the programs are subject to regular assessment and accounting.

Non-conflict prevention.

· Political non-commissioning. Non-participation in pre-election races, supporting political parties or individual political figures.

· Maintaining a distance from the church. Refusal to support the clergy, church, individual denominations or religious flows.

· Refusal to support nationalist movements

· Refusal to support fan clubs. Including sports, musical or other youth trends, opposing themselves the rest.

The company has the right to call himself socially responsible, which means that the company is valid on the principles of social responsibility and carries out a range of social programs in priority for her directions. The company's social activity is expressed in the conduct of a variety of social programs of both internal and outer or outer focus. The distinctive features of social activity programs are the voluntaryness of their conduct, systemic nature and association with the Mission and the Company's Development Strategy.

Chapter 2. The influence of CSR for the effective development of the company

.1 Methods for assessing changes in financial indicators due to social activity

Empirical and theoretical studies of the economic problems of charity in the smallen degree talked to assess the impact of corporate social and charitable programs on the company's main activity, as well as measuring the magnitude of the business effect of corporate charity, or, in a broader sense, the business effect of corporate social responsibility.

The subject of research in the last five years has become the motives and directions of social activities, the form of corporate responsibility, structure, and, less often, the volume of charitable funds, the issues of the implementation of social partnership. The factors of the formation and barriers to the development of corporate social responsibility were studied, and, in addition, the reasons for the incomprehension of business and society interests. These studies were initiated, as a rule, non-profit organizations. This peculiar "diagnosis" of business allowed them to understand what the business was guided, to whom to contact proposals, how to build mutually beneficial relations from businesses, etc.

The results of these studies, although they are of course, interest to business, however, do not respond to all the questions you are interested in, while companies that exercise social and charitable politics want to know how efficiently this or that direction of social and charitable activities.

Since this problem is of interest in academic circles, and in environmental environment, work on the creation of methods for assessing the results of the charitable business of the business is undoubtedly already underway. However, the problem is the lack of information on the conducted studies. The results of regional studies, initiated by non-profit organizations, as a rule, go out in small circulations and do not always fall into the hands of those who can be interesting. The results of studies that are held on orders for commercial companies are usually used only for internal needs. These studies are applied, focused on business processes and company interests, take into account the specifics of activity, which significantly increases their value. Let's hope that as a further study, the information will become more affordable.

Abroad, since the late 1980s - early 1990s, studies of the impact of social and charitable programs on economic indicators of the company were repeatedly conducted. According to Walker Information, by the end of 1999, 34 academic and journalistic articles on the issue of studying the business effect were presented to the general public on the problem of studying the business effect, of which 13 reports on the results of empirical studies on this topic. In 2000, the Book of Weiser, John & Zadek, Simon Conversations with DisBelievers: Persuading Companies to Address Social Challenges, which contains a detailed systematic analysis of several dozen research conducted in Western Europe and North America, is estimated by the representativeness of the business effect indicators, The weaknesses of research are analyzed and recommendations are made to improve them.

These are not the only sources of research information. Many studies are held annually and you can learn about the sites of their organizers, such as Cone / Roper, Mori (Market & Opinion Research International), Corporate Citizenship, Council On Foundation, Walker Information, London Benchmarking Group, etc. True, over time, sites are updated, and it is extremely difficult to obtain these years. However, in free access there is a sufficient amount of information that allows you to identify the fields of the company's activities in which the most likely to receive a business effect, a list of possible business effects, indicators used to assess the business effect, high-quality and, most important, quantitative The values \u200b\u200bof these indicators.

Among the areas of the company, in which the most likely to receive a business effect, allocate finance, marketing and sales, personnel management, risk management. Most often, the business effect is characterized by the creation of a stable business environment, a decrease in operating risks, strengthening confidence, creating a positive image, an increase in capitalization, an increase in financial indicators and sales growth, an increase in the efficiency of a marketing complex and an increase in labor productivity, a decrease in recruiting costs, the development of innovations that promote recruiting costs Expansion of the market, and other benefits obtained.

Studies revealed three main indicators for assessing the business effect related to the participation of the company in charitable programs: an indicator of payback of investments aimed at charitable programs (Return on Investment), an indicator of charitable assistance efficiency compared with the effectiveness of others, not charity, funds - advertising, stimulation Sales, etc. (Efficientcy Measurement) and the process of implementing charitable programs (Process Measurement).

2.1.1 Payback indicator

Payback indicator Shows the relationship between charity costs and the share of capital gains, which arose thanks to charitable activities. On the one hand, this indicator is the most convincing and representative, since theoretically makes it possible to assess the effectiveness of charity and its influence on the growth of economic indicators. On the other hand, it is most complicated for measurement and therefore can be used far from each company's activities. It should be borne in mind that the results of charitable activities are more difficult than charity costs, express in cash equivalent. This is due to the fact that indispensable not only the results of charitable activities themselves are inevitably, and the fact that the increase in economic indicators has occurred thanks to charitable activities.

However, the payback indicator is well applicable, for example, to such a specific type of charitable activity as socially responsible marketing (CAUSE Related Marketing). When carrying out a charity event on a certain market for a certain period of time, it is possible to measure the value of sales growth as a result of the fact that part of the funds are sent to charity.

2.1.2 Efficiency indicator

Efficiency Not so representative, as an indicator of payback. It allows us to conclude, for example, "more" or "less" is effective charitable activities compared to other, not charity, funds - advertising, sales stimulation, etc., but not intended to provide a specific quantitative value.

2.1.3 Process Indicator

Process rate The implementation of charitable programs is even less convincing. It shows the presence or lack of communication between charity and the indicators of the company's main activity, but does not show how much charitable activities "more" or "less" is effective compared to other means or its quantitative expression. The relationship between social and charitable programs and an increase in the indicators of the main activity can be described as cases (Case Studies), characterizing the situation and explaining what has been achieved as a result of the implementation of charitable programs and that could not be achieved if charity programs were not implemented .

In most cases, it is impossible to give money to the currency and the process indicator. However, for the quantitative interpretation of these indicators, the methods of expert assessment can be used, during which experts assign values \u200b\u200bof the specified indicators of the values \u200b\u200bin points, and then the rating is then calculated on their basis. This method can be successfully used in the analysis of stakeholders. The analysis of stakeholders is based on the assessment of the company by various groups of interested persons - shareholders, employees, consumers, that is, those that directly depends the prosperity and results of the company's main activity.

2.2 Financial Policy

Business effect is characterized by an increase in the company's financial indicators due to the implementation of social and charitable programs. The key indicators of the business effect in this case are: Income with investment (ROI - Return On Investment), Asset income (ROA - RETURN ON ASSETS), sales revenue (ROS - RETURN ON SALES), net profit, etc.

Studies in this area are based on comparing financial indicators of companies that are actively carrying out social and charitable programs, with financial indicators of companies less involved in social and charitable activities. The most convincing data can be obtained in the event that the characteristics of the main detail of companies forming the samples are maximally coincide. Such characteristics include, for example, the scope of activities, comparable assets, the number of employees, etc.

Sandra Waddock & Samuel Graves, Consulting Company Towers Perrin and Social Investment Forum deserve greatest attention.

Waddock & Graves was held in 1997, and its authors became laureates of the prestigious Prize named after Milt Moskovs (Milton Moskovitz Prize) in assessing the impact of corporate social responsibility on financial performance of companies. The objects of the winner study were 22 companies, of which 11 are with high indicators of social responsibility and 11 - low. It is noteworthy that the authors continued to work with the sample of companies that were studied in 1994 by Collins & Porras researchers, and thus received curious comparative data. A significant positive correlation was established between the high value of income from assets and social activity, as well as between the income from sales and social activity, while the dependence of income from social activity was less significant.

The study showed that for 10 years with companies that implement the concept of social responsibility, financial indicators were higher than that of socially not responsible companies, namely: income on investment capital is higher by 9.8%, income from assets - by 3, 55%, sales revenue - by 2.79%, profit - by 63.5%.

Study of the consulting company TOWERS PERRIN held in 1999 in two samples - socially responsible companies and not socially responsible. 25 socially responsible companies were allocated on the basis of how they are building relations with the most important groups of stakeholders: investors, consumers, employees, suppliers by representatives of local communities. This group of socially responsible companies included Coca-Cola, Jonson & Jonson, Prockter & Gamble, General Electric and others. The study was conducted both on the basis of internal data of companies and based on the external data provided by Fortune (rating of the best companies in America), and Standards & Poors 500 data (quantitative indicators based on the value of shares).

The study showed that on the analyzed sample for 15 years the income of the shareholders of socially responsible companies was 2 times higher than the average (respectively, 43% and 19%).

Social Investment Forum basses its activities on the principles of socially responsible investment, that is, such an investment process, which, with financial analysis, along with other factors, takes into account the social and environmental aspects of the company's activities. This process also includes identifying the most socially responsible companies.

The report on the trends of socially responsible investment for 2001 gave the basis of talking about some interesting facts. Thus, the concept of socially responsible investment determines the choice of shareholders of a socially responsible company: in the United States to decide on the investment of each eighth dollar affects the level of social responsibility of the company. And the value of the assets of companies recognized by socially responsible investors and exposed to voluntary social audit in 1995-2001. increased from $ 639 to $ 2.340 trillion dollars, respectively.

2.3 Marketing complex

The impact of social and charitable programs on the economic efficiency of marketing and sales to measure quite simple. Indicators serve as sales data; recognition of products and brand; Interest in products; the number and motivation of buyers who have committed the first purchase; reasons for changing the goods brand; Characteristics of buyers and their segmentation; Efficiency of information campaigns and PR; The intention to acquire products, etc.

The connection between events of socially responsible marketing as a specific type of charitable activity and growth of sales is most obvious and easily. An example is the already classic action of the Socially Responsible Marketing of American Express, held in 1980, when, when calculating the CAR card, one cent was sent to the repair of the Statue of Freedom. This campaign in the first month led to an increase in the number of calculations using the company's cards by 28% and an increase in the number of new users by 45%.

It should be noted that the assessment of the indicators of the business effect of social marketing events is the rare case when charity activities are directly related to the company's main activity. That is why the business effect is so easy to express quantitatively. In many other cases, studies include the analysis of stakeholders and the relationship of consumers and customers to the company is revealed; their expectations from the company (for example, the company should take part in solving social problems); The impact of social responsibility to make a decision on making a purchase, etc.

A study conducted by Cone / Roper consulting company in 1997 showed that socially responsible marketing can contribute to an increase in sales as 78% of buyers willingly buy products if part of the purchase funds will go to charity, 66% willingly replace the trademark on the brand of that company which supports social projects, and 33% of buyers after the price and quality react to how much the company is socially responsible.

Similar studies conducted worldwide also revealed that a significant share of buyers is ready to change the trademark on the one that is more associated with good deeds: the United Kingdom - 86%, Italy - 75%, Australia - 73%, Belgium - 65%. The MORI Research Center in 1998 promulgated that 28% of the surveyed British boycotted the purchase of products of socially not responsible companies.

The studies described offer respondents to predict the following situation: the services of which company (socially responsible or socially not responsible) will choose the buyer with other equal terms, such as the price and quality of the goods or service. The disadvantage of all these studies, however, is that they all talk about intention to act in a certain way, but do not reflect the very action. Information about the perfect action is very rare. One of the exceptions is a survey conducted by the Conference Board organization, which revealed that 46% of respondents acquire products only socially responsible companies.

2.4 Reputation

The reputation indicator is the evaluation of the opinion of the interested parties about the company and their intention to make economic actions and make decisions related to the company. The impact of strengthening the reputation on increasing economic indicators of the Company is mainly manifested through the behavior of interested parties, in more simply - through clients who acquire the company's products; Investors investing capital in the company's shares; Partners trusting companies; employees; Local community, etc. (See Fig. 1).

Effective social and charitable politics

Rising confidence from employees, shareholders and other interested parties

Strengthening reputation

Growth of the main performance indicators, primarily capitalization

Fig. one

The most interesting research on the impact of the social activity of companies on the reputation and indicators of the company's main activity is the one that held Walker Information and Council On Foundations in 1996. First, this study confirmed the hypothesis that social factors on par with economic affect the performance of the company's main activity. Secondly, it established the relationship between social responsibility, reputation and dedication to the trademark.

In the course of the study, a model of influence factors was developed and the specific value of each of the effects of influence on the example of industrial and trading companies was determined (see Figure 2.). In this case, social responsibility was viewed as a factor affecting the company's reputation, and reputation, in turn, as a factor affecting the dedication of the trademark. The effect factors were calculated on the basis of the survey results using the score method. Respondents were asked to estimate the degree of influence of each factor. The coefficients quantitatively expressed the relationship between the following dependent values \u200b\u200b- components of social responsibility, social benefits, economic benefits, company reputation and the dedication of the trademark. The coefficient of influence shows how much the value of one factor changes when the other changes.

For example, for an industrial company, an increase in the company's reputation indicator by 1 unit will lead to an increase in the loyalty of the trademark by 0.42 units. Interpret the value of the coefficients is very simple. The value of 0.5 means a significant connection, the value of 0.1 is insignificant.

PR Influence ratio for production company

K bargaining - influence coefficient for trading company

Fig. 2. Model socially responsible company

The values \u200b\u200bof the coefficients are correct only for the company under study, however, it is possible to obtain an idea of \u200b\u200bthe order of the values \u200b\u200bof the effects of influence. The technique allows you to calculate the value of the effects of influence for any company, to determine which activities have the greatest impact on the efficiency of the company's main activity, and concentrate on them available resources.

During other studies, expectations of stakeholders are revealed. In 1999, Environics Research Group with the assistance of Council On Foundation and Prince Wales Business Forum conducted a public opinion pollemium poll. The study was conducted in 23 countries and during it 25,000 people were interviewed. The results showed: two of the three respondents believe that companies should be more socially responsible than this is at the moment. These data suggest that, firstly, the degree of influence of interested persons on the activities of companies and, secondly, to maintain a good reputation of the company is false more attention to the implementation of social and charitable programs.

Thus, there are a number of studies that are with a greater or less reliability demonstrate the relationship between social and charitable programs and indicators of the company's main activity. Depending on the scope of the company, the business effect can be expressed in the monetary equivalent, quantitatively (point estimate) or qualitatively.

Similar studies can be carried out in Russia. The most simple, in our opinion, to estimate the influence of charitable activities on the indicators of the marketing complex and reputation. It can be assumed that the proportion of people choosing a socially responsible company will be lower than abroad. Nevertheless, this will allow you to identify the tendency of consumer preferences. For individual large companies, successful both in the main and social activities, it is possible to assess the impact of social activity on the company's reputation.

World War War shows that awareness of charity as an additional resource for business development leads to an increase in the number of companies interested in participating in society, and, accordingly, to an increase in business investment in the social sphere. In Russia, the promotion of the idea of \u200b\u200bobtaining practical benefits from corporate charity can, no doubt, to become such an important element of motivation to participate in the social sphere.

Chapter 3. Approaches to Social Responsibility and Examples

The policy of corporate social responsibility (CSR) includes several areas of responsibility:

· Before partners;

· Before consumers;

· Before employees;

· Environmental;

· Before society as a whole.

The approach to the implementation of corporate social responsibility policies depends on the size of the organization, the business sector, the established traditions, the views of the owners and shareholders. Thus, some enterprises focus only on one component of the CSR (environmental, on social programs for the local community, etc.), others seek to make a social responsibility philosophy an integral part of the entire activities of the Corporation. For example, large Western companies include the principles of the CSR policy in the strategic plan, mention them in the descriptions of corporate mission and values, as well as in key internal documents (employment contracts, regulations, regulations on the Board of Directors, etc.). This approach to social responsibility is explained by its close relationship with corporate ethics: an organization that welcomes innovation and independence of thinking cannot allow the work of its employees to disperse with the provisions of the corporate ethical code or other standards of activity.

3.1 Relations with partners

Example: One of the leading coffee shop "Starbucks" ("Starbucks Coffee Co.") includes a social responsibility policy in all aspects of their work. This applies to approaches to the choice of coffee suppliers (observance of human rights, labor protection standards by coffee makers), environmental relations, to the personnel. From 1998 Starbax supports the organization of Conservation International, which advocates sustainable technologies in agriculture, protection of biodiversity through a change in coffee production approaches. The results of the program was an increase of 60% of the revenues of farmers growing coffee on new technology, and by 220% - the number of coffee plantations located in the rainforest area without damage to biodiversity.

Example: The largest bank of Great Britain "CO-OPERATIVE BANK" - one of the leaders in the dissemination of the principles of social responsibility in the banking sector. An important document regulating its activities is the "policy of ethical investment". It includes 8 points, which describes the company's position in relation to social investments that determine its refusal to participate in weapons sales transactions to representatives of the dictatorial regime, from investments in tobacco companies and organizations engaged in the production and sale of natural fur. "CO-OPERATIVE BANK" became one of the first English banks that published an annual report (1997) on politics and a social responsibility program. The company regularly passes social audit and basses its marketing policy on ethical principles. In addition to the introduction of CSR to business practices, publication of its policies and reports, the bank consumes more than $ 3.2 million for various socially significant programs.

Such companies are usually not limited to the inclusion of the principles of CSR in the regulations and create internal ethics committees that participate in the preparation of the company's strategic plans in terms of social responsibility, it is estimated from this point of view the current work of the Company, give advice and recommendations to the management of the principles of social responsibility . In the absence of such committees, these functions are fulfilled by the Board of Directors.

3.2 Relations with employees

The attitude of the organization to employees occupies an important place in the general policy of the CSR. Social responsibility to personnel determines the content of such documents as the job description and employment contract, affects the quality of people's quality assessment system, their service promotion, premium accrual policies and increase wages. In addition, the socially responsible company invests resources to inform staff on the principles of social responsibility (through corporate prints, information stands, etc.), includes these issues in the internal learning program.

Example: "People are the main value of the" Coca-Cola Achbisi Eurasia ". So that employees can implement their professional and personal potential within the company, the company implements development programs and seeks to create a comfortable working atmosphere.

We pursue such goals as:

Improving the professionalism and responsibility of employees.

2. Training in the field of industrial safety and labor protection.

Analysis of incidents and identifying the potential risks of their occurrence. Development of measures to prevent.

Regular audit of the control system. "(C) Coca-Cola Hellenic

3.3 Relationships with consumers

Responsibility to consumers and partners determines the attitude of the enterprise to the quality of its products.

Example: CJSC "TPK" DM Textile Management "at each stage of production performs not less than triple quality control of raw materials and finished products. Every year there is a voluntary certification of goods by independent organizations: production has ISO certificates and ecotect (the highest certificate for textile products, allows you to supply it In the EU), special attention is paid to the goods for children - all raw materials (cotton, dyes, etc.), as well as the product at the exit are certified. The success of the measures applied is the fact that 98% of the products are assigned the first grade. The company actively conducts work with By buyers for each sales channel, all complaints and claims are considered in the shortest possible time.

3.4 Environmental

Example: "One of the most important priorities of the company is environmental safety." Coca-Kol Aichbisi Eurasia "constantly seeks to increase its environmental standards and improve environmental protection technologies.

The company monitors compliance with the principles of environmental protection at all stages of the production chain, systematically analyzing the current indicators and defining the task for the future. "Coca-Cola Aichbisi Eurasia" realizes that all employees need to know and understand the environmental values \u200b\u200bof the company, since each employee has an impact on the environment.

Such a position of the Company is reflected in the current personnel assessment system, which includes key performance indicators in the field of environmental protection (hereinafter - OOS). The company allocates several priority areas in the field of OOS and protecting natural resources, based on the overall development strategy and business features.

These destinations are:

· Rational water use, water protection and water source protection;

· Effective use of energy resources and climate conservation;

· Reducing the weight of the packaging of products and the amount of formed waste;

· Increase in the percentage of waste transmitted for processing. "(C) Coca-Cola Hellenic

3.5 relationship with society

3.5.1 Social Investment Programs

An important aspect of social responsibility of business structures is their interaction with society as a whole.

The traditional practice of charity companies gradually goes into the past.

Leading corporations go beyond the "classic" philanthropy - cash or commodity assistance to charitable, social, cultural organizations.

The new approach to participation in the life of society includes not only traditional material assistance from the company's profits, but also providing employees to support a society and even its participation in attracting funds from other benefactors for joint social projects.

One of the trends of the last three years is an increase in investment in projects of enterprises relating to social responsibility.

These are investments in companies that are not related to the production and sale of tobacco and alcohol, as well as in those that are recognized by socially responsible, leading active social policies.

This kind of investment includes:

· Direct investments in socially significant projects that can pay off;

· Cash donations;

· Free provision of funds and public organizations of its employees, including top managers;

· Add to gratuitous transfer of goods or services;

· Providing opportunities to workers to sacrifice money for social projects from their salary (many companies add corporate funds to them);

· Using the company's influence to promote a socially significant program, solving a public problem.

Example: Diazheo Programs, the largest international food producer, implemented in partnership with non-profit organizations, enable residents of areas, cities in which it works, successfully solve social problems and expand the knowledge and skills of personnel.

The program "Water for Life" is associated with the access of the population to clean water, which is relevant for the southern countries, and the program "Skills of Life" is aimed at learning the unemployed, young people, is to provide professional knowledge in order to reduce unemployment and poverty.

Table 1. Partnership in Social Investments

It is important to note that the success of cooperation provides:

· Responsible approach to the company to choose partners;

· A single understanding of the partners of the goals and the expected results of activities;

· Agreed PR policy on partnership;

· Conclusion of a legal contract and coordination of the cost of implementing the program.

.5.2 Technology implementation of social programs

There are many forms of corporate participation in social spending by local authorities: from direct financing of projects before implementing programs together with other organizations, charitable funds, private investors (see Table 2).


The implementation of the CSR principles implies the development and implementation of a reasonable enterprise management strategy, monitoring its activities, drawing up corporate social reporting. Immediately benefit will be able to get not immediately; It is necessary to achieve a qualitative result for at least five years. The advantages of CSR are improving labor productivity, improving product quality. Especially it should be noted by the decision of personnel issues. A socially responsible company has wider opportunities to attract and keep in the company of talented and energetic professionals, and people want to work at an enterprise with a good reputation. Among the advantages providing commercial benefits - investor confidence and, accordingly, improved access to capital and obtaining long-term investments. Large investors want to deal only with absolutely transparent and understandable companies to minimize entrepreneurial risks. In this paper, the economic and social benefits of socially responsible behavior were identified, the essence of CSR was considered, the effective influence of CSR on the development of the company, as well as concrete examples, confirming that the CSR takes place is not an important place in the development and improvement of the enterprise. Corporate social responsibility management means optimizing the ratios of efforts and resources directed to the achievement of commercial purposes and to pay social obligations to stakeholders. The practical implementation of the scientific results obtained by the author will significantly increase the efficiency of management of industrial enterprises, as well as create an adequate system for the development of corporate social responsibility as the strategic goals and operational tasks of the enterprise.



Belyaeva I.Yu. Corporate Social Responsibility: Management Aspect: Monograph. / I.Yu. Belyaeva. - M.: Knourus, 2008

Dauling, the reputation of the company. Creation, management and evaluation of efficiency. / G. Dauling. - M.: Imilzh-contact. 2003.

Federal Educational Portal: Economics Sociology Management - URL: http: // Ecsocman. hse.ru/data/2010/04/23/1213594719/belaieva_korporativ_otvetstv. PDF.

O. Alekseeva. Social responsibility of companies - the experience of the West and Russia

Social reporting of corporations. Library of financier. IFRS: .

. The importance of foreign experience in promoting the principles of corporate social responsibility in Russia



Budokina, E.A. Formation of corporate social responsibility and growth in market capitalization of companies / E.A. Budokina, N.V. Kucherina // Bulletin of the Scientific Research Center of the Corporate Law, Management and Venture Investment of the Syktyvkarian State University. - 2007. - № 13. - p.22.

Savitskaya L. Corporate Social Responsibility. Victims or benefits? / L. Savitskaya // New management. - 2008.


Previously, the social components of the business reputation were considered in detail, which are hardly decisive on the authority of the modern company. Any business is integrated into society, uses its natural and human resources, infrastructure, achievements in the field of science and culture, respectively society expects from entrepreneurs to participate in solving social problems. Today, the socio-responsible activity of any organization becomes the norm and part of the ethics of doing business. This is due to the following factors:

  • o social activity of the population, which advocates that all decisions affecting their interests were taken with their participation;
  • o state regulation of the business activity of large businesses in public interest;
  • o The impact of the social environment for making management decisions in organizations.

Any organization seeking to enjoy authority and influence in society, you need to know what to top XXI in. Most leading global companies have formed their own policies. corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) . Moreover, the associations of companies were created, the purpose of which is the development and promotion of the concept of corporate social responsibility, this topic began to be developed by researchers and experts working in the field of corporate governance, and the study of the concept of corporate social responsibility included in all training courses on corporate management of leading economic universities.

The leading association of US corporations engaged in the development and promotion of the CSR concept, (Business for social responsibility) defines corporate social responsibility as "achieving commercial success in ways that are based on ethical norms and respect for people, communities, the environment."

Corporate social responsibility policy according to Business For Social Responsibility - This is a interrelated set of policies, practices and programs that are integrated into the business chain, supply chains, decision-making procedures at all levels of the company and include responsibility for the current and last activities and future influence of the company's activities on the external environment.

At the World Business Congress "For Sustainable Development" Lord Hill Richard Watte in the report " MAKING GOOD BUSINESS SENSE"Used the following definition:" Corporate social responsibility is a constant commitment to business on the basis of ethics and contribute to economic development, at the same time improving the quality of life of its employees and their families like society as a whole. "

The concept of CSR in companies of different levels, various areas of business may differ, however, it usually includes the following key components:

  • o corporate ethics;
  • o Corporate Social Policy in the Company;
  • o policies in the field of environmental protection;
  • o Principles and approaches to corporate governance;
  • o Questions of human rights in relations with suppliers;
  • o relationships with consumers;
  • o Personnel policies.

Corporate ethics is not accidental one of the main features of the socially responsible business, since the ethical issues of business are gaining the greatest relevance in the modern global world. The most clearly this tendency confirms the appearance of such a thing as socio-ethical marketing . As is known, marketing is a holistic concept of the management activity of the company, which is characterized by a uniform entity, common principles and functions and is aimed at the orientation of production and sales, to requests for end users. The concept of social and ethical marketing requires a balance of all three factors: the profit of the company, the purchasing needs and interests of society. For her, the following principles are characteristic:

  • o The main goal of the enterprise should consist in satisfying the reasonable, healthy needs of consumers in accordance with the interests of the Company;
  • o The company must be constantly engaged in the search for opportunities to create new products in accordance with the needs of consumers;
  • o need to abandon the production and sale of goods harmful to society;
  • o Consumers must support enterprises producing goods that satisfy normal, healthy needs;
  • o Consumers should not buy products that are manufactured by environmentally friendly technologies.

Any organization should understand that the emergence of social and ethical marketing is due to ever increasing doubts of the Company about the compliance of the concept of net marketing to modern challenges, to which environmental pollution can be attributed to environmental pollution, the depletion of natural resources, the rapid growth of the world's population, economic and financial crises, etc. . Citizens are increasingly wondering if this or that manufacturer always acts taking into account the long-term benefit of consumers and society?

For example, recently there are increasingly complaints about Coca-Cola, which positions itself as an organization with a high level of social responsibility, since it produces popular non-alcoholic drinks that satisfy the tastes of a wide range of consumers. However, public groups that express the interests of consumers and environmental defenders make it a number of serious accusations:

  • o Coca-Cola gives consumers a low nutritional value;
  • o Sugar and phosphoric acid contained in the drink damage to teeth;
  • o Coca-Cola contains a number of adults harmful to health, such as brominated vegetable oil, caffeine, saccharine;
  • o For bottling beverages, it is increasingly used, i.e. Non-refundable bottles, many of which are made of materials that cannot be biochemical decomposition.

In essence, we are talking about social dimension in business, i.e. On the practice of bringing the value added of the added social value in the business activity ( added Social Value.), which increases the company's cost, being part of its main intangible asset - business reputation. With a competent approach, the social aspect of business activities can significantly increase the Gudville company. This is due to the following factors:

  • o increase sales;
  • o strengthening brand positions;
  • o expansion of opportunities for attracting, motivating and rewarding employees;
  • o reduction of production costs;
  • o Support for investors.

With all the potential benefits, the peculiarity of the practice of corporate social responsibility is that the company's maximum benefit from it can be learned when they speak about its social initiatives. To successfully solve this problem, it is important to choose the right to choose the direction of socially responsible work and develop a relevant and effective communication campaign to promote this work.

CSR will bring the maximum benefit to the Company and the Company itself, if the following three conditions are observed.

  • 1. The choice of the direction of socially responsible work, which logically fits into the company's strategy and does not contradict its values \u200b\u200band business style.
  • 2. The readiness of the company to allocate resources on socially responsible work, including temporary and human.
  • 3. The company's assertion that it knows how to measure the effectiveness of socially responsible initiatives and how to correctly communicate its achievements on this field.

Understanding the importance of public respect, large international companies to strengthen their reputation seek to focus on public significance of their activities. For example, Assahi Corporation in its corporate philosophy emphasizes that it seeks to fulfill its obligations to shareholders and local communities. She declares that open-hearted observes the moral principles of management based on social standards.

Company's mission Johnson & Johnson. On its site gives an even more detailed definition of social responsibility: "We are responsible both to a society in which we live and work and the world community as a whole. We must be good citizens: support fair working and charitable undertakings and make fairly due Our share of taxes. We must welcome civil and social improvements, as well as the development of the education system, health care. We are obliged to maintain property in due order, which is having the honor of owning, taking care of environmental protection and natural resources. "

Example tobacco company is indicative Philip Morris Internationalwhose products cannot be called healthy health. Understanding this well, the company chose a strategy of an honest and open dialogue with society, rightly believing that thereby only strengthens the confidence of the population. In particular, in the most circulation Russian media Philip Morris International I published information on serious problems related to smoking, where I stated: "We are aware that there is concern about our products in society, and we share this concern. Complies with the expectations of society and exceeding them - an integral part of our business."

The company supports his declaration by practical actions. Thus, the Russian branch of the Transnational Corporation "Philip Maurice Izhora" positions itself in Russia not as a tobacco manufacturer, but as one of the largest taxpayers, generous investors and good employers in the Leningrad region, in dire need of new workplaces. In addition, the charity of this company is widely known, in particular, the social program to combat adolescent smoking. As a result of such a reputational strategy, despite the production of harmful products, the company enjoys credibility and respect in society.

Question about experts in the field of reputation management faces: What is the algorithm for the development of the CSR program, especially if this practice has not yet had? As an algorithm for action, you can consider Figure 4.2 (see page 112).

As can be seen from fig. 4.2, the process of forming the CSR program usually begins with the audit of all social programs of the company. Types of audit may be different, while it is important to take into account that social innovations cost ten times cheaper and brings more income to dozens than traditional "technological" innovations. For a particular company, they mean an increase Roi. (Return on Investment) 4-16 times within 6-12 months.

Evaluation of intangible assets of the company, including reputation, can be carried out on the system of audit of corporate stability Corporate Responsibility Audit. (CRA), which comprehensively assesses the activities of companies in five main economic and social indicators:

  • o quality management system;
  • o energy saving and environmental protection;
  • o relationship with personnel;
  • o labor relations;
  • o Relationship with the local community.

Fig. 4.2.

Such an approach allows companies to increase reputational capital and profitability. It conducts a quantitative analysis of the strategic and financial effect from the active responsible business practice, while the preferences of all interested parties are taken into account. CRA Integrated into all major international social responsibility ratings of business.

It is possible to determine the effectiveness of corporate citizenship management Corporate Citizenship Management Framework (CCMF.). The technique was developed by one of the world's leading centers for the study of corporate citizenship. Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship. CCMF. Assesses the following areas of corporate responsibility:

  • o Management and accountability to society;
  • o market;
  • o operational activity;
  • o responsible business practice;
  • o Relationship with local communities.

The easiest way to introduce innovative culture in the company is a gradual transition to socially oriented innovation through small pilot projects. They make it possible to painlessly test new approaches and techniques, and then transfer them to the main business activity.

Critics of corporate social programs argue that they are built on the business effect and are just the cover of that harm that is caused by corporations to society by their activities. If we proceed from the fact that any corporate social project is an attempt to achieve a balance between the moral demands of society and the interests of the business, it makes sense to assess projects from the point of view of which the project is aimed at creating a public good, and to what extent benefits directly for Business.

This is how the principles of social and ethical marketing of FC "URALSIB" implements in practice. Since 2007, the Bank has a red line of quality project: on all promotional materials, including outdoor advertising, printed products and Internet sites, there is a unified contact information for which the client can convey its wishes with a single postal address and telephone Contact center numbers. The quality of financial products and customer service is monitored. In 2010, the "Secret Buyer" method for the quality of the service is comprehensively rated by 188 bank offices in 11 cities. Local research on quality product consulting is carried out on an ongoing basis; According to the specialized questionnaire, all key points of sales are investigated; For 2010, more than 1,000 visits of secret buyers were committed.

Another example. In a small Altai town, a confectionery factory has released chocolate candies with a red cross. A certain percentage from each sold box was listed at the expense of the Red Cross organization. As a result, more than 70 children of the city received a qualified medical and psychological assistance to the nurses of the Red Cross. In not easy to sell chocolate Summer time People specially bought candy to help children.

The company, who wants to strengthen its reputation, should constantly demonstrate the social component of his business, only in this case the respect for it increases with all the target audiences without exception, since the activities of the organization in the field of CSR are perceived positively to all civil society. However, specialists in reputational management cannot not take into account the fact that citizens today do not want to see only donor gestures from business. Public expectations are not an abstraction, therefore it is impossible to put a sign of equality between CSR and PR.

Successful authoritative companies demonstrate that social responsibility is not an option for them, but an element of strategic risk management. An increasing number of investors prefer to make investments in organizations that demonstrate a high level of social responsibility, while they are oriented towards all sorts of indices and targets.

For example, the Global Sustainability Index Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI), calculated since 1999, became the first targeted landmark in the field of share capital, which is used to assess the financial activities of companies that are international leaders in the field of sustainable development. Annual overview of companies appropriate index criteria DJSI, It is based on a thorough assessment of economic indicators, environmental impact indicators and social activities. It takes into account issues such as corporate governance, a change in business climate, standards in the field of supplies, working conditions. Its results affect decision-making by investors / investment funds in 14 countries that have chosen the index group. DJSI As targets when making decisions on portfolio investments based on the principle of sustainable development. Currently, the volume of investment in projects oriented indexes DJSIis $ 4.1 billion.

In the UK, the corporate responsibility index ( Corporate Responsibility Index) Compiled by movement Business In The Community Based on voluntary participation and with the support of 150 companies, more than half of which enters the index FTSE 100. Members of Movement Business In The Community There are 700 companies, 16,600 participate in its programs. The goal of the movement is to "promote the involvement of companies to continuously improve the impact on society and the creation of the corresponding incentives."

Published Business In The Community The corporate responsibility index aroused disputes on the criteria for social responsible entrepreneurial activities and reflecting it in the reporting. Newspaper published in London Sunday Times compared the inclusion of companies into the calculation of the index with the "appeal to corporate conscience", as it stimulates the increase in social responsibility.

Reports on the compilation of the index contain comparisons of the indicators of each company with indicators of analog companies, as well as with the indicators of all the company's index participating and thus help analyze deficiencies within companies, develop proven its effectiveness of the direction, taking into account the possibilities of their further perfection.

In particular, Reputex Sri Index Assesses the change in the market share of the market held by a group of joint-stock companies registered on the Australian Stock Exchange and relevant mandatory minimum requirements in the field of social responsibility and social risk management. At the base of the index Reputex SRI There is a point of view that socially responsible organizations that effectively manage social risk will increase competitive advantages, strengthen business reputation, increase financial performance, business value and corporate resistance in the medium term. They will also contribute to the development of the economic and environmental sustainability of their activities.

Obviously, the trend of development of the index system is aimed at assessing the activities of organizations by external observers in accordance with the demonstrated social responsibility and on their ranking. If companies ignore the specified trend in the context of increasing public attention to these issues and growth of competition, they expose themselves to an additional risk.

The issues of social responsibility of the business are beginning to attract attention and domestic business. But the process of becoming CSR in Russia is just beginning, because for domestic entrepreneurs this is a new stage in the development of business consciousness and business philosophy. By making the first steps in this direction, many domestic companies broadcast their social activities only the "near circle" - the state, shareholders and staff. The wider range of stakeholders is local communities, suppliers, consumers, etc. - is not yet key audiences for businessmen. The situation is also complicated by the fact that the population has a very ambiguous attitude towards the charitable activities of Russian businessmen, although citizens understand that the state cannot fully and effectively finance their social needs.

To eliminate this problem at the XIV Congress of the Russian Union, industrialists and entrepreneurs were adopted by the "Social Charter of Russian Business", where an attempt was made to postpone the ideology of corporate social responsibility to Russian soil. It was stated as follows: "We, representatives of the business community, we see our public mission in ensuring the sustainable development of independent and responsible companies, which meets the long-term economic interests of the business, contributes to the achievement of the social world, the safety and well-being of citizens, the preservation of the environment, observance of human rights ".

According to the British Charitable Fund Charities Aid FoundationRussian companies spend annually for charity about half a billion dollars (excluding sponsorship projects), of which 80% of funds are transferred to municipal and local authorities, and the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bare directly on target programs and targeted assistance.

Domestic businessmen are not easy to master Western communication technologies in the field of CSR, since in the transition to the market economy, Pasha entrepreneurs were in a situation where the approaches, principles and practices of social responsibility that existed during the planned economy ceased to work, while new approaches are in stage formation. From foreign experience, the practice of publishing an annual open social report of the company on the results of activities is most actively borrowed. This document needs any company, but it is addressed to a fairly narrow stakeholder group - the business community. To establish a dialogue with the population, other approaches are required.

Now we are increasingly being aware of the formation of a new type of social policy of a new type, adequate commercial objectives of companies. First of all, the resource-producing and industrial holdings ("Renova", Sulling, Norilsk Nickel) have thought about this, which have tens of enterprises in various Russian regions. The efficiency of these enterprises largely depends on the socio-economic situation of the relevant city and region, so quite market motives forced the company to form a policy stacked in the concept of corporate social responsibility.

For companies operating in other sectors of the economy, also requires a new look at social responsibility policies. Until recently, it was believed that in order to maintain his Renoma, it is enough to hold several one-time charitable shares. But the effectiveness of such events was extremely low and practically did not affect the increase in the company's authority. It becomes obvious that time requires a transition from one-time shares to the creation of a holistic interaction system with society within the CSR.

If the organization seriously thought about strengthening reputation through a corporate social responsibility program, it is necessary to come in seriously, providing for its following factors in it:

  • o The degree of importance of the company's activities for the state and society;
  • o Development of partnerships with society and power;
  • o Quality of the life of employees (staff development, labor compensation, health and working conditions);
  • o The ratio of quality and price of goods (works / services);
  • o Contribution to the development of local communities;
  • o compliance with the principles of conscientious business practice;
  • o information openness of the company and reporting in the field of CSR;
  • o involvement of non-commercial organizations in the implementation of social projects;
  • o Environmental activity and resource saving.

When choosing certain forms of CSR, companies need to relate them to the needs of society. Unfortunately, as long as sociological surveys show, Russian businessmen and ordinary citizens speak different languages. For example, the population believes that the business in solving social problems should focus on creating jobs, providing an additional social package to workers, the construction of social facilities, the improvement of cities and towns. At the same time, entrepreneurs themselves prefer patronage, participation in cultural and sports promotions, according to their ideas, this type of activity is most effective in terms of forming a positive image of their organization.

This discrepancy is important to take into account when compiling social programs. In order to increase the reputational effect on its social activities, the company, choosing facilities for charitable activities, should be guided by an important principle: comply with its status. Let's say a large company will cause the approval of local residents if she spends funds for the landscaping of the terrain where her business is. Norilskel, for example, formulated a policy of corporate citizenship, according to which a citizen corporation uses free tools for the needs of the region in which its production capacity is.

If the local community sees that the company is generously spent on pompous holidays or sponsors of the radical rock stars, while in the neighborhood needs an urgent repair of a kindergarten or school, respect for it is unlikely to increase. In order for the activities of the CSR to bring the greatest return, the organization should take part in long-term social projects.

Example from practice

A well-known pharmaceutical firm, producing contraceptive funds, has developed a program aimed at solving an acute social problem - reducing the number of abortions in our country leading in such a sad indicator.

Program tasks

Development and implementation of a social program aimed:

  • o PA increase the culture of relations between the floors;
  • o The upbringing of the belief that pregnancy should only be desirable and planned;
  • o propaganda of modern family planning methods;
  • o Preserving and promoting health as women and men;
  • o The birth of a healthy offspring.

Special conditions

The program is funded by the manufacturers of contraceptives, while the statement of stamps of specific drugs is not produced.

Main target audience

Young people, which, thanks to numerous social actions, safe sex well learned the need to protect against unwanted pregnancy and protection against sexually transmitted diseases. However, additional efforts need to promote not just the ideas of "safe sex", but a conscious approach to planning the future offspring.

Methods of exposure

  • o Propaganda healthy lifestyle, high culture of sexual relationships, care for a healthy offense.
  • o Details informing targeted audiences about the situation in the contraceptive market, their reliability, efficiency.
  • o The upbringing of the belief that pregnancy should be only desirable and planned.

Information distribution channels

  • o Print media.
  • o Television (programs about health and healthy lifestyle, popular talk shows, youth programs).
  • o Radio (the most rating for representatives of target audiences).
  • o Newspapers and magazines (women's glossy publications, publications for young people, popular medical publications for a wide audience).
  • o own editions - newsletter..
  • o Internet publications and thematic sites.
  • o Places of concentration of representatives of target audiences: Wellness and sports centers, youth clubs and discos, mass walks, leisure centers, etc.
  • o Massive events.
  • o Educational programs in schools and universities.

Key event

Organization and holding in the State Duma Discussion of family planning problems, reduce the number of abortions and conservation of women's health with the participation of representatives of all interested ministries, departments and committees of the State Duma. According to the results of the discussion, a broad discussion on this topic in the media was deployed.

Reached results

  • o young people have increased the family planning culture.
  • o The attention of society was attracted to the problem of abortion.
  • o Young people became more likely to seek advice from specialists.
  • o The demand for modern means of contraception has increased.

This socially-oriented program can be considered a successful example of the organic connection of the company's two strategic goals: on the one hand, the company's social responsibility was demonstrated, which had a positive effect on its reputation, on the other hand, the program was in line with the company's commercial interests and contributed to the development of her business.

A special conversation deserves such a type of business activity as charity, which can be viewed as one of the most effective tools for strengthening the company's reputation, clearly demonstrating citizens as a business supports the most unprotected citizens.

At the same time, as corporate social responsibility is quite new for Russian society, so charity has its own history and traditions. Back to top XX in. Charitable activities in the Russian Empire was sufficiently developed, which served as a significant amount of cash capital, the cost of own real estate, annual income and expenses of charitable societies and institutions. It is significant that during this period, the private charity of Russian entrepreneurs has always been targeted.

In the Soviet society, who proclaimed social equality, the state formally refused the charity of individuals. At the same time, such social movements such as the All-Russian deaf and dumb society, the Russian Society of the Red Cross, the All-Russian Society of the Blind, in which a large number of citizens took part.

In the post-Soviet period, a wide range of public organizations has been formed in Russia, which served as an organizational basis for the formation and development of the non-profit sector of social services in the following years. In the 1990s, charitable activity characterizes not only the moral aspect, the software and formation of channels for financing social projects in Russia.

In modern Russia from benefactors, according to research results, they receive assistance and support for more than half of the needy. The leader in the provision of charity is a large business, a somewhat less active representatives of the average businesses, as for small business, it is at the end of the list of companies-benefactors. The prevalence of non-etinakov charitable activity in various sectors of the Russian business. It is important to note that charitable activity is still wearing, rather, "response" character - in most cases the initiative inquiry comes from citizens and organizations that need it. The own charitable business activities are noticeably less common. The focus of Russian business in its charitable activities does to assist organizations working with socially vulnerable groups of the population. Most often, the objects of charitable support from commercial companies are the following organizations and institutions:

  • o orphanages and shelters;
  • o nursing homes and disabled people;
  • o Public organizations of veterans and disabled;
  • o youth and children's associations;
  • o Medical institutions that have insufficient funding from the local budget and other sources of resources.

Turning to the consideration of the most common types of assistance, the following can be allocated.

  • 1. The need to purchase materials for materials and inventory (computers, sports accessories, educational literature, building materials, etc.).
  • 2. Payment of housing and communal services and the overhaul of buildings.
  • 3. The organization of leisure (holidays, rides for the city, abroad), to which, according to representatives of organizations working with the needs of the population, remains the least of all means.
  • 4. Payment for the treatment and acquisition of medical equipment, the purchase of drugs.
  • 5. Construction of roads.
  • 6. Development of children's sports and the organization of sports events.
  • 7. Improving ecology, gardening, cleaning of territories.

According to the Public Chamber's website, among the beneficiaries, the view is common that commercial companies leading charitable activities do not receive any benefit for themselves (34% think so), and if they benefit, then only moral (32%). The practical benefit that business removes from charity is connected, according to 17% of the beneficiaries, with tax breaks, and another 17% of respondents believe that with the help of charity companies make advertising. The reputational component of charitable activities is usually not mentioned.

At the same time, company managers when planning charitable budgets consider these costs as costs social Marketing . The latter implies the development and implementation of social programs that make it possible to capitalize business by strengthening the company's reputation, product promotion and attracting new consumers. It is assumed that the species and forms of charitable activities should strengthen the image that the organization places the world.

For example, the company ABBYY. Russia, which is one of the leaders of the software production in the country, is considering help in need as part of the general policies and the practice of social responsibility of their business. It conveys their developing programs to the Yunior Children's Health Camp, where gifted children rest and study computer science. There is a program for students: presenting a student card ISICThey can purchase software with a 20% discount. People with disabilities are provided or free of charge or discounted up to 75%. The company does not hide that such social marketing technologies allow you to educate civilized consumers of software-oriented software produced by their company.

This example is well illustrating the efficiency of charity built into the company's overall reputational strategy. In this case, we can talk about the formation of a favorable public opinion, which ultimately leads to an increase in business shareholder value.

Example from practice

One of the largest hydropower companies in Russia has developed a charitable program, which unites into a single continuous process to socialize a child raising in an orphanage or boarding school, its professional orientation, obtaining higher education and replenishment of rows of hydropower.

Objectives of the program

  • o form the personnel potential of the industry.
  • o Strengthen the company's reputation as an organization with a high level of social responsibility that makes a significant contribution to the economic and social development of the regions of the company's presence.

Create a bright positive image of hydropower (new energy) as one of the promising sectors of the economy, in which young people can implement both professional and life strategy.

Program tasks

  • o Help in socialization and harmonious development of children from orphanages and disadvantaged families.
  • o Detection of talented children, help in disclosing their abilities and talents.
  • o Creating vocational guidance programs and assistance in admission to special universities for high school students.
  • o Creating support programs for scientific and educational projects, scientific research of schoolchildren, students and young scientists in the field of hydropower (new energy).
  • o Creating the tradition of the arrival of young frames on the company's facilities.
  • o Activation and consolidation of the professional community to work with children and young people, the transfer of knowledge, ideas and a unique culture of hydropower to a new generation.


  • o Children from orphanages, boarding schools and disadvantaged families.
  • o youth.

Partners and target audiences

  • o Pedagogical public.
  • o scientific public.
  • o Professional and business community.
  • o Company employees.
  • o Authorities.
  • o Local communities.
  • o Public organizations.
  • o Wide public.
  • o Media.

In tab. 4.2 The main activities of the company are given.

Table 4.2.

Main activities

the name of the project

Project description

Who is calculated

Festival "Energy Children"

A series of cultural and educational shares (concerts, contests), which involves pupils of orphanages and boarding schools. At the same time, seminars and workshops for teachers and organizers and creative workers of educational institutions are held

Children and teenagers 6-17 years old, teachers

Environmental Promotion "Obragay"

Purification of rivers and reservoirs with the participation of children from orphanage and boarding schools, environmental children's organizations

Children and teens 6-17 years

Equipment for educational rooms or rooms of social adaptation, children's and sports grounds

The creation of sports and gaming rooms to develop creative, intellectual, physical abilities of children in the early stages. Creating conditions for mastering the main household skills and skills that cannot be purchased under living conditions in the boarding school. Children and sports grounds in cities and towns

Children and teens up to 15 years, all local population


Educational program that allows you to attach children and youth to the profession of hydropower. The program is a pass-through for the entire charity project and covers all age groups - from kindergarten to graduates of universities.

It includes the following components.

  • 1. Contests for the best Children's drawing, story, craft associated with the river (children 5-8 years).
  • 2. School competitions, Olympics and scientific and practical projects on the basics of hydropower (children 8-17 years).
  • 3. School mugs "Young hydropower".
  • 4. Open school lessons on hydropower, conducted by veterans and support of HPP.
  • 5. Release of encyclopedia "Hydropower from A to Z" (children 8-15 years old).
  • 6. Grants for students of senior courses for the passage and writing course and diploma work on the HPP.
  • 7. Release of new university textbooks on hydropower

Children and adolescents, professional community, pedagogical, university and scientific communities, HPP staff

Personal student scholarships and grants for training in specialized universities for orphans who won school competitions and olympiads

In profile universities, places for gifted orphans stand out, their training is paid, they are also assigned personal scholarships.


Grants for students and young scientists

Students and young scientists who have created promising developments in the field of hydropower

Students of senior courses, young scientists

Support for children and youth schools in swimming, rowing slalom and sailing

Allows you to tie water sports with HPP, which will positively affect the company's image

Children and teens 6-17 years

Local history trips "to the origins of the river"

Pass under the guidance of a teacher or local history, sports competitions, quizzes on the knowledge of the history of the region may be arranged during the campaign. The route includes a visit to the HPP, the story about how it uses this natural resource. At the end of the hike, a diary / travel report is created, where the most vivid impressions and events are entered, photos. Following the results of the School or Local Local Lore Museum, the participants of the campaign receive gifts

Children and teens 10-17 years

Christmas trees

Are an important urban event, pass in the main halls of the city

All target audiences

Open Day on the HPP "We are open to all"

Social reporting of the company in front of the local community, the exhibition, the performance of the leadership, answers to the questions of the population. In a solemn atmosphere, material assistance, grants, scholarships, etc. are awarded. At the end - a concert. Disco for youth "I choose hydropower"

All target audiences

The advantages of this charitable program, designed for a long time, are that it covers the main life stages of the life of a orphanage, starting from the first years of life, ending with the relevant profession and good employment. Since monogorods, such a charity project, develop around hydroelectric power stations, makes n't only strengthen the authority of the company in the eyes of the local population, but also to replenish the army of hydropower young, well-educated, loyal employees.

The concept of social responsibility of business. The need for social responsibility in business. Social responsibility levels of business. Formation of social responsibility by the methods of public relations ...

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