How to design the title page of a project at school. The definition and purpose of the title page. Example of project theses

It is not worth talking about the importance of the title page in various works, because it was and remains the "face" of the author of the entire work. And here's how to do title page for the project, we'll tell you right now.

The basics of registration

Designing a project for a school involves many questions related to certain details, especially the title page. We bring to your attention a number of basic rules regarding this particular issue.

The title page of a creative or any other project assumes compliance with the following requirements:

  1. A4 paper / electronic media.
  2. Margins: left - 2 cm, right - 1 cm, top / bottom - 1.5 cm each.
  3. The line spacing should be 1.5.
  4. The numbering is not indicated on it.
  5. In the upper right field, the name of a specific educational institution is written in full (use of a 16 pt font is acceptable).
  6. In the middle, the name of the project is written using the font 24 pt. The next line contains information about its topic, which is written in capital letters - without periods, quotes and the name "topic" itself. In most cases, 28 pt applies. font.
  7. The main requirement for a name is its brevity, accuracy and compliance with the general content. A creative project of a student of the school may contain, if necessary, a subtitle containing brief information about the upcoming topic of consideration.
  8. The lower right corner of the title page is intended to indicate information concerning the author himself, where his full name, class, etc. are registered. For example, Bagauri Alexander, 11-A grade. If the head is indicated, then you need to write this word in quotation marks, with a capital letter and also indicate the full initials, position (font number 14 pt.). When there are several leaders, then they are all listed in alphabetical order. The same applies to the listing of consultants, if any.
  9. At the bottom of the sheet (bottom margin) directly in the center is the location where the project was completed.

Here's a sample:

Also used 14 pt. font.

It will be useful to check if everything is indicated on the title page. We remind you once again that it must contain information:

  • the full name of the institution;
  • about the name of the project;
  • about the full initials of the student, leaders, consultants, indicating the class, positions;
  • about the place of creation (city, village);
  • about the year in which the work is done.

Often the rules regarding the design of the title page are generally accepted, so all of the above points will be appropriate for further use.

Cover page presentation design

Specific requirements are also set for the design of the project presentation, and in particular for the title page. They help and facilitate the task associated with the visual perception of information by the commission accepting the work. To solve this problem, it is necessary powerPoint program and adherence to some recommendations:

  1. It is advisable to give preference to a white background, at least neutral.
  2. It is necessary to focus attention by using highlighting on text and semantic content, but not color.
  3. Limit to minimal or no sound effects.
  4. It is advisable to design the title page and other slides using large fonts. For ordinary texts, size 22 is suitable, for headings - size 30.
  5. Slides are arranged horizontally (the size of the landscape sheet).
  6. All types of materials used should be clearly visible - from pictures and graphs to formulas and tables. It is recommended to connect the use of handouts, which will give job applicants a closer look at the information of interest.
  7. With a title page, the number of slides cannot exceed 15, so as not to exceed the semantic load.

Since the title page is the main representative of the entire project, special attention is paid to it. A properly designed title slide allows the evaluating committee to form a positive opinion about the literacy and confidence of the student, who will subsequently present his project. Therefore, the "title" must be perfect. As described earlier, it should reflect the information related to the name of the submitted project, the name of the student / student, the position of the project manager / consultants and their initials.

The rest of the slides are devoted to the description of the goals and objectives, the relevance and significance of the topic, methods, objects and research subjects, technical informationpresented in the form of analytical data. The result of the presentation of the project is an indication of the results obtained during the process, proposals and ways to resolve the issue. Also, do not forget about the conclusions and the logical conclusion of the project.

Title page, title page - first page educational work, reveals student details and topic. It is used for an essay, term paper, thesis, report,. It indicates information:

  • Name of the student
  • Specialty
  • Educational institution
  • Work theme
  • The type of work
  • Year of completion
  • Inspector data

The design of the title page in accordance with GOST is regulated by the standard 2.105-95. It was adopted in 95 and to this day is the main standard for how to draw up the title page of an abstract and other works (coursework, diploma, control). This GOST is valid in all CIS countries, including:

  • Russia
  • Belarus
  • Ukraine
  • Kazakhstan

Download samples of the title page.

Cover sheet margins:

  • left margin: 30 mm;
  • right margin: 10 mm;
  • top margin: 20 mm;
  • bottom margin: 20 mm.

What font should be on the title page.

The guest specifies a font size of 14 for all fields, except for the table of contents and the title of the work. Usually Times New Roman or another sans serif font. All data except student information is centered.

Instructions - 6 steps for the correct design of the title page in accordance with GOST.

Depending on whether you make a title page for a control, coursework, diploma or essay, the completeness of the information will be a difference. But there is a number of mandatory data that are indicated for each job. The title of the title page contains the name of the ministry and the educational institution.

Step 1. Ministry of Education

We indicate the ministry of education of your country (14 font, capital letters)

Step 2. Univer.

Followed by the full name and form of ownership of the educational institution (14 font, capital letters)

Step 3. Department.

After that, we indicate the department (14 font)

Step 4. Type of work.

After that, depending on the type of work, in capital letters (16 font, bold Bold):

    • TEST
    • ESSAY

Step 5. Topic of work.

Full topic name, classic spelling 16 font, bold, lowercase

Step 6. Data of the contractor and the inspector

The data of the executor and the examiner for different works are formatted differently, but always have 14 font sizes and lowercase letters. Here are some examples ○ Sample for a diploma

○ Sample for coursework

○ Sample for control work

○ Sample for abstract

Can they lower the mark for incorrect registration of the title

Cover page design is important point on any subject and is part of the standard control. If a teacher has accepted a job in which the title page is incorrectly drawn up, he has no right to reduce the score for this, because in this case, the work was reviewed and approved by the reviewer.

Which universities are suitable for

These rules are GOST. Therefore, they are universal and suitable for any university in Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries. If in principle you do not want to redo it when the teacher requires it, you can refer to GOST 2.105-95. in which it is clearly spelled out for whom and how it works.

Is the design different for different items?

The sample title design does not depend on the subject. All of its elements can remain the same and only the name of the item can change. Exceptions are tests, which in some subjects may need a title page for a notebook. This is a regular A4 sheet folded in half. We have a separate material where you can download given sample or arrange it yourself.

Is the design different for specialties?

The specialty does not matter at all. All elements remain unchanged, except for the specialty, which needs to be changed for the current one.

Methodical development "Requirements for the design of design and research work of students
and product presentations "(group consultation)

According to clause 11 of the regulation on design and educational research activities of students of MBOU DO "TCD" Salut ", the following requirements are imposed on the design of design and educational research works:
11.1. Introduction (justification of relevance, definition of the goal, task, object, subject, research hypothesis). The introduction should include the formulation of the problem statement, reflect the relevance of the topic, the definition of goals and objectives set for the performer of the work, the characteristics of the object, subject, research hypothesis, the characteristic of the author's personal contribution to the solution of the selected problem.
Introduction is a very important part of the job. The introduction should provide clear answers to the following questions:
1. What is interesting this task from the point of view of science or its practical application?
2. What place do the results of this work take in general decision tasks?
3. Why was the work done, what was its purpose and to what extent was it achieved?

11.2. Main part(literature review, research methodology, research description). The main part must contain short review used literature and sources with the author's conclusions, the degree of study this issue, description of the main facts under consideration, characteristics of methods for solving the problem, comparison of old and proposed solution methods known to the author, justification of the chosen solution option (efficiency, accuracy, simplicity, clarity, practical significance, etc.). The main part is divided into chapters (paragraphs). There should be conclusions at the end of each chapter (paragraph). The conclusions essentially repeat what has already been said in the previous chapter, but it is formulated succinctly, already without detailed proofs.
11.3. Conclusion (conclusions and results). The conclusion should contain in a concise form the conclusions and results obtained by the author (indicating, if possible, directions for further research and suggestions for possible practical use of the research results).
11.4. Bibliography. The list of references contains, in alphabetical order, a list of publications, editions and sources used by the author, indicating the publisher, city, total number of pages.
11.5. application (scripts, questionnaires, results of social surveys, reviews, etc.) are attached at the end of the project as an attachment.
11.6. Title page must contain the name of the project, full name the author, the name of the association, the full name of the educational institution, full name head (indicated in full), year and place of compilation.
11.7. Work text:
- font Times New Roman (Russified) size 12 point, black color;
- top, bottom, left, right margins - 2 cm each;
- line spacing - single;
- paragraph indents (red lines) - 1.5 cm;
- text alignment - in width;
- hyphenation - automatic;
- page numbers are affixed on every page, except for the title page (ie the content is page number 2).
- page parameters: paper size - A4 format;
- orientation - portrait;
11.8. The text of the main part of the work is divided into chapters, sections, subsections, points.
11.9. Headings of structural parts of the work: "CONTENTS", "INTRODUCTION", "CHAPTER", "CONCLUSIONS", "APPENDICES" are printed in capital (capital) letters.
11.10. Section headings are printed in lowercase letters (except for the first uppercase) from a paragraph.Don't put a full stop at the end of the title! If the title consists of two or more sentences, separate them with a period. Headings and subheadings are given in the nominative singular and (less often) plural.
11.11. Category headings can begin with both an uppercase and a lowercase letter, subheadings - only with a lowercase letter (unless, of course, these are proper names). The endings of the headings with punctuation marks are not fixed.
11.12. Chapter title, the paragraph should not be the last line on the page. The distance between the heading (except for the paragraph heading) and the text should be equal to 2-3 spacing. 11.13. It is recommended to start each structural part of the work from a new sheet.

According to clause 12 of the Regulation on the design and educational and research activities of students of MBOU DO "TCD" Salut ", the following requirements are imposed on the design of the products of the design and research activities of students:
12.1. Basic presentation requirements:

Execution in microsoft program Power point 2003,2007;
File size no more than 3Mb, the number of slides no more than 15 pieces,
The presence of a title, introductory, informational and reinforcing slide. The title slide indicates the full name of the person. training, full name of the educational institution, the name of the association, full name project manager; the introductory slide should contain the topic, goals and objectives of the project; the pinning slide indicates the sources of information (author, year of publication, etc.), including Internet resources and illustrative material.
12.2. Basic requirements for creative works:
12.2.1. Book, magazine, newspaper, collection, almanac, reference book, etc .:
Text printed;
Compliance with a single design style;
A4 format;
Cover, title page, table of contents;
Basic information about the author, illustrator;
Availability of information about the project manager;
If documentary facts are used in the work, then be sure to indicate the source of information;
Photos, drawings, placed in the work must contain information about the author.
12.2.2. Models, layouts, flat compositions and other products made in different techniques:
Materials are selected at the discretion of the participants in the design and research activities;
The work must be accompanied by a passport: size 5cm * 10cm, font 14, project theme, full name. author, name of the association, educational institution, FULL NAME. head (indicated in full).

According to clause 13.7.Result (product) project activities, which is submitted for defense can be:
- for research and informational work: abstract message, computer presentations, devices, models and other forms;
- for creative works: written description of the work, script, excursion, poster reports, computer presentations, video materials, photo albums, models, prose or poetic works, dramatizations, artistic recitation, performance of a piece of music, computer animation, and other forms.
13.8. To protect the final individual project, students prepare:
1) product of project activity;
2) a folder with materials for design and educational research work in accordance with the requirements (clause 11 of this Regulation)
3) a short explanatory note to the project (no more than one typewritten page) indicating for all projects:
a) the original concept, purpose and purpose of the project;
b) brief description the progress of the project and the results obtained;
c) a list of sources used.
For design projects, the explanatory note, in addition, includes a description of the features of design solutions, for social projects - description of the effects / effect of the project;
13.9. Defense is carried out in front of the Commission of the IBO DO "CTR" Salyut "in accordance with the defense schedule.

Criteria for evaluating design and research activities
- the relevance of the selected study;
- the ability to use known results and facts;
- registration of research results (according to the Regulations);
- literacy of protection of research results;
- manufacturability and technical performance;
- the ability to reasonably answer questions.

IN this section we will consider existing design requirements research work students, performed individually under the guidance of a teacher (educator) or a group of schoolchildren (pupils) of an educational institution.

In this section, we will define research paper design rules for schoolchildren of any grade, as well as for pupils of a preschool educational institution (kindergarten).

Let's give an example and a sample of project design in primary school, on the world around, mathematics, Russian language and literature, history, biology, physics, computer science, chemistry, english language, in geography and other subjects.

We will show an example and a sample of the design of the research work of schoolchildren, the requirements and rules for the design of project pages, title page, headings, abbreviations and formulas in the design of the project, correct design of drawings, graphs, diagrams, tables and photographs.

The presented requirements and rules for the design of research work (project) are applicable for schoolchildren of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 10 and 11 grades, as well as for preschool educational institutions (kindergartens).

Research Paper Settings

Any research work or project of a student is drawn up on A4 sheets on one side.
  • left margin - 20 mm
  • right - 10 mm
  • top - 15 mm
  • bottom - 15 mm

The text of the research work (project) is typed in font Times New Roman.

Font size 14 .

Line spacing - 1,5 (one and a half).

Aligning text on a page - in width.

Paragraph indents are required with a value at the discretion of the author. Text research project must be well readable and well-formed.

Title page of research work and project

The writing and design of the student's research work begins with the design of the title page.

We provide an approximate design of the title page of the research paper.

Research project pagination

The research paper should be numbered at the end of the page. On the first page, the number is not put, the numbering is put and continues from the second page. The page number is located at the bottom center.

It is not allowed to use frames, animation and other elements for decoration in the design of research work.

Research Titles

The section heading is printed in bold, with a capital letter and no period at the end. Word wrap in headings is not allowed. An indent of 2 spaces is made between the text and the title.

Each chapter of the research paper is formatted from a new page. Chapters are numbered with Arabic numerals (1., 2., ...). In the numbering of a paragraph there is a chapter number, a point, a paragraph number (for example, 1.1., 1.2., 1.3., Etc.).

If the paragraphs contain clauses, then the clauses are numbered with three digits separated by a dot, for example, 1.1.1., 1.1.2., Etc., where the first digit is the chapter number, the second is the paragraph number, the third is the clause number.

Abbreviations and formulas in the design of research work

The text does not often use abbreviations other than the generally accepted ones (DI Alekseev Dictionary of abbreviations of the Russian language - M., 1977).

When surnames are mentioned in the text of the research project famous people (authors, scientists, researchers, inventors, etc.), their initials are written at the beginning of the surname.

If you use formulas in the text, give an explanation of the symbols used (for example: A + B \u003d C, where A is the number of sweets for Masha, B is for Dasha's sweets, C is for total sweets).

Project application design

Figures and photographs, graphs and diagrams, drawings and tables should be located and executed at the end of the description of the research project after the List of used literature on separate pages in the appendices (for example: Appendix 1, Appendix 2, ...). On these pages, the inscription Appendix 1 is located in the upper right corner.

Drawings, photographs, graphs, diagrams, drawings and tables

Figures in appendices are numbered and signed.
Their name is placed under the picture (for example: Fig. 1. Feeder for tits, Photo 1. Forest in winter, Graph 1. Change in the sales parameter, Diagram 1. Dynamics of wheat growth.

The tables in the annexes are also numbered and titled. Tables use single spacing for lines of text. The numbering and title are located below the table (Table 1. Student performance at school).

When registering a research paper, at the end of the sentence, which refers to the application, write (Appendix 1). A prerequisite should be the presence of the application itself at the end of the research work or project.

If you need arrange creative project , then for this we recommend using

As you know, any administration has high requirements for documentation. Therefore, it is important not only to compose the text of the work well, but also to arrange it according to all the rules.

The title page of the project is drawn up on an A4 sheet. The fields are formatted as follows:

  • The right margin of the sheet - 10 mm
  • Left margin of the sheet - 20 mm
  • Top and bottom margin - 15 mm
  • Line spacing - 1.5 or choose "Exactly" "18 pt."
  • There is no numbering on the title page. To do this, when entering page numbers, a tick is placed in the "Special header for the first page" section.

At the top of the title page, the full name of the educational institution is indicated in 16 pt. Times New Roman. Below the department is indicated in its full name.

In the middle of the sheet is written "... Project" in bold 24 pt. Instead of ellipsis, the type of project is indicated (creative, diploma, etc.). On the next line, the subject is indicated in capital letters, without a period at the end of the sentence and without quotes in 28 pt font. In some cases, the name of the project is indicated without the word "Subject:", but sometimes you will need to indicate this. The title should correspond to the content of the project, be very short but complete. The title may contain a small title, which should also be very short so as not to become a new project title.

On the left, the position of the project manager or managers is indicated, and on the right, the names of the project managers are indicated in a column, as well as information about the project author (last name, first name, class / group / team, etc.).

At the very bottom, the place of work is indicated (for example, St. Petersburg), and even lower - the year without a period and quotes in 14 pt font.

Now check all the necessary points again:

  • Full name of the institution
  • the name of the project
  • Surname and name of the performer, class / group / brigade, etc.
  • Surname, initials and position of the project leaders
  • Location where the project was completed
  • Year of work

This design of the title page is the most often required, but depending on the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of the country or region, it may vary.