How to make a plan for social science exam. Is there a model for drawing up a plan? Preparing for the EEG on social studies: how to make a complex plan

So, did you work the next topic and want to check yourself? There is nothing better than try to build sophisticated plan - Make a task 35. We are on the fact that work with the task of 35 is the most effective method Repeat material. Take the wording of the codifier, and build your plan! For example, "socialization of an individual".

Here is an example of a plan:

35. "Socialization of the Individual".

1. The concept of "individual"

2. Signs of personality:

- Worldview

- Consciousness

- statuses and roles

3. Institutes of Socialization:

- Church

4. Socialization agents:

- Parents

- Priests

- Teacher

Rules for writing a task 35.

So, look into the plan.

1. We have 4 points, and not 3, as the task is formulated. Why? As, I advise you to protect yourself and here, as in any written task of the USE. An extra point will save and retain the maximum score if one of the items are not credited.

2. We showed our understanding of the main term of the topic proposed - . All our items disclose this concept.

3. Socialization is the process, so we started with, and finished (the result of the socialization of the individual).

4. The easiest way to start a plan with the concept. His we see, we do not paint. Just show it. Other points reveal.

5. Show understanding of the specifics:, school, parents.

6. One clause clause follows from the other. 3d - out of 4th, comply: family - parents, church - priests.

7. All task we build in the column, not in the line. Show the expert that we detail the items in subparagraphs.

How to build complex three-part plans in the task 35?

We brought an example of a two-storey plan for social science; EEG (individual - personality). And how to do with more complex design designs? For example:

35. You are instructed to prepare an expanded answer on the topic. "Implementation of the prestigious needs of a person." Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.

The principle is the same: choose the most important (extensive) concept, and begin to deepen it, reaching less important. We put priorities for the volume of terms: 1) of man 2) (view of software) 3) their implementation.

At the same time, feel the topic. It seems that you can start with the concept of "man", but the essence - in the needs, start with them!

Now, pushing away from the concepts and types of needs, we begin to build a complex plan:

1. The concept of "need"

2. Types of human needs according to A. Mashloau:

a) physiological

b) existential

c) social

d) prestigious

d) spiritual

3. Prestigious needs:

a) Power

b) wealth

c) Career

4. Ways to implement prestigious needs:

a) entry into the political party

b) entrepreneurial activity

c) passing training courses

Show knowledge of the theory (oil). Again, the 4th point follows from the 3rd, show knowledge of social reality. How to achieve power? How to earn wealth? How to make a career? We answer these questions clearly and shortly!

And last. More than four points do not build, die stop in time. First, on the exam in social studies, the road every minute (the task of part with still will have to rewrite to the cleanstik). Secondly - more response content - more chances of the error.

And now the task for an independent workout:

35. You are instructed to prepare an expanded answer on the topic. "The role of financial institutions in the economic system." Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.

We are waiting for your answers and discuss in the comments and in our group.

Many graduates, preparing for the delivery of the USE, often ask the question - how to write a plan for social science? Indeed, this is one of the most difficult tasks of the current exam format. It requires showing the possession of the theme material on a serious, substantive level.

What should be plans for social studies?

The main requirement for the task is to compile a complex plan on the present subject of the social science. Here, as anywhere, you will need a skill to generalize and systematize information, it is precisely submitted to it in the form of theses and establish internal links between social facilities. Let me remind you that the graduate must most correctly and accurately designate the paragraphs of the plan, the discontinuity in subparagraphs at least two of them. The plan must contain points that are required to disclose. They are located in the general hierarchy under the numbers from 2 to 4.

At the heart of a successful plan lies an objective and banal thing - strong knowledge. Task 35 checks your knowledge in the context of a given form, nothing more. And if you, for example, thoroughly studied the topic "Social knowledge" and know its features, species and methods, then there are serious prerequisites for the fact that it will be possible to hook at least a score. So learn the topic, the benefit for this today there are many auxiliary instruments.

But still there is little. It is necessary to clearly understand in what sequence should be a plan and what should go for. To begin with, I propose to look at the universal "blank" plan, which is theoretically suitable for any topic.

1. Concept... (any social phenomenon or object can be expressed by the term, so we start with this. Optionally, you can reveal the definition).

2. Types, Elements, Types ... (almost every object has typolization, such as unemployment types, types economic Systems etc.).

3. Signs, features, features ... (Similarly, with the previous paragraph).

4. Functions.

5. Role, value, place ... (Social object is always entered into the context of public life, therefore it affects its separate parties, which we reflect in this paragraph).

I will explain again, you only have a general structure that can vary significantly depending on the topic, but the main logic in it, which should be adhered to, making plans for social science ege 2016. The wording of theses may be in question or casual form, and maybe them combination.

Do not forget that I need a practice everywhere! Find topics on the Internet, good, there are a huge amount of them today, and make plans. I do not advise you thoughtlessly downloading the options and try to remember them. So you just boil your head and do not understand anything. In addition, there are many presented plans for frankly low quality that do not meet the requirements.

And yet, making up plans for social studies. Imagine that you got the task: briefly state the topic of a person who does not understand anything in it. You need to explain it extremely intelligibly, clearly and most importantly correctly. Try to take this mission and, if you can perform it, you will undoubtedly write a wonderful plan.

In conclusion, I bring an example of a plan corresponding to all stated requirements.

Theme "Social Control".

1. What is social control?

2. Types of social control

a) internal;

b) external;

3. Characteristic features of social control

a) the presence of sanctions;

b) formalizations and orderliness;

Many graduates, preparing for the delivery of the USE, often ask the question - how to write a plan for social science? Indeed, this is one of the most difficult tasks of the current exam format. It requires showing the possession of the theme material on a serious, substantive level.

What should be plans for social studies?

The main requirement for the task is to compile a complex plan on the present subject of the social science. Here, as anywhere, you will need a skill to generalize and systematize information, it is precisely submitted to it in the form of theses and establish internal links between social facilities. Let me remind you that the graduate must most correctly and accurately designate the paragraphs of the plan, the discontinuity in subparagraphs at least two of them. The plan must contain points that are required to disclose. They are located in the general hierarchy under the numbers from 2 to 4.

At the heart of a successful plan lies an objective and banal thing - strong knowledge. Task 35 checks your knowledge in the context of a given form, nothing more. And if you, for example, thoroughly studied the topic "Social knowledge" and know its features, species and methods, then there are serious prerequisites for the fact that it will be possible to hook at least a score. So learn the topic, the benefit for this today there are many auxiliary instruments.

But still there is little. It is necessary to clearly understand in what sequence should be a plan and what should go for. To begin with, I propose to look at the universal "blank" plan, which is theoretically suitable for any topic.

1. Concept... (any social phenomenon or object can be expressed by the term, so we start with this. Optionally, you can reveal the definition).

2. Types, Elements, Types ... (almost every object has typolization, such as unemployment, types of economic systems, etc.).

3. Signs, features, features ... (Similarly, with the previous paragraph).

4. Functions.

5. Role, value, place ... (Social object is always entered into the context of public life, therefore it affects its separate parties, which we reflect in this paragraph).

I will explain again, you only have a general structure that can vary significantly depending on the topic, but the main logic in it, which should be adhered to, making plans for social science ege 2016. The wording of theses may be in question or casual form, and maybe them combination.

Do not forget that I need a practice everywhere! Find topics on the Internet, good, there are a huge amount of them today, and make plans. I do not advise you thoughtlessly downloading the options and try to remember them. So you just boil your head and do not understand anything. In addition, there are many presented plans for frankly low quality that do not meet the requirements.

And yet, making up plans for social studies. Imagine that you got the task: briefly state the topic of a person who does not understand anything in it. You need to explain it extremely intelligibly, clearly and most importantly correctly. Try to take this mission and, if you can perform it, you will undoubtedly write a wonderful plan.

In conclusion, I bring an example of a plan corresponding to all stated requirements.

Theme "Social Control".

1. What is social control?

2. Types of social control

a) internal;

b) external;

3. Characteristic features of social control

a) the presence of sanctions;

b) formalizations and orderliness;

Line UMK G. A. Bordovsky. Social Studies (10-11)

Line UMK G. A. Bordovsky. Social Studies (6-9)

Social Studies

Preparing for the EEG on social studies: how to make a complex plan

In 2018, the evaluation criteria for social studies have changed. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Methods of Training History and Social Science of the RGPU. A. I. Herzen (St. Petersburg) Olga Sobolev, as part of a series of webinars, spoke about innovations in Question No. 28 and shared with teachers useful advice For successful exam preparation.

Criteria for evaluation

At first glance, nothing has changed - this year the disciples will see the same wording of the task number 2, as before. However, the evaluation criteria changed - they became more specific and stricter. The number of maximum points is now 4 (it used to be 3), and instead of subtracting the score for the error, the accrual of points for no error will be practiced. Criteria changed as follows:

  • 28.1: fit for mandatory plans. This criterion remains the most important. If the student did not get into the mandatory paragraphs of the plan, 0 points are set for all task. However, the estimation appeared. Now it is indicated that one of the required items must be detailed in subparagraphs, and the other may not be detailed or to be sub-clause. With full hit in the mandatory paragraphs of the plan, 2 points are accrued. 1 score student gets if he has one opened point or two unpropered items.
  • 28.2: compliance with the plan of complex type. This criteria takes into account the number of items and their quality, degree of disclosure of the topic. Previously, the points were accrued depending on the number of different items, now the requirements have become more accurate. In the plan there must be at least three points, two of which are detailed - in any other case, 0 points are charged on this criterion.
  • 28.3: correctness of wording.The score according to this criterion is now the nature of the bonus, and it can only be obtained in the absence of any errors anywhere at 1 point on criteria 28.1 and 28.2.

Working on this task, it is important to take into account one contradiction in the evaluation system. In the recommendations of the FIPI, it is indicated not to count the paragraphs of the plan with an abstract-formal character. At the same time, an abstract wording "concept of a political party" was used in the formulation of the FIPI. Be that as it may, it is better to avoid wording that do not reflect the specifics of the topic.

The directory contains detailed theoretical material on all topics verified by the social science. After each section, there are multi-level tasks in the form of the USE. For final knowledge control at the end of the reference, there are training options that are appropriate. Students do not have to look additional information On the Internet and buy other benefits. In this directory, they will find everything necessary for independent and effective preparation for the exam. The directory is addressed to high school students to prepare for the social science of social studies. The manual contains detailed theoretical material on all the topics verified by the exam. After each section, there are examples of the assignments of the USE and the training test. For final knowledge control at the end of the reference, the training options corresponding to the social studies are given. All tasks are answers.

Stages of preparation

The compilation of the plan is a meta-delta ability to own for successful surchase EGE. Experienced authors of the Russian Tutorial Corporation in their curriculum help to form the necessary skills at the following steps:

  • 5-6 Classes - Simple Text Plan
  • 7-8 classes - complex text plan
  • Grade 9 - a simple performance plan on the topic
  • 10-11 classes - a complex performance plan on the topic

Read and see also:

  1. Train drawing up a plan at each lesson. For example, register with students the plan of the upcoming classes, in the abstracts, allocate paragraphs and subparagraphs, make a complex plan at the end of the lecture - that is, we work out this skill at different stages of studying the topic.
  2. Do not propose students to learn by heart the complex plans drawn up by the codificant! This will not help "weak" students. For example, in 2017, the theme of plans with the codifier points did not coincide.
  3. Try to disassemble different phenomena on the plan with such a fixed basis: the concept, signs, structure, origin, development, diversity, role, modern condition. At the same time avoid the abstract formal formulation of the points of the plan with this basis.
  4. When there is a study of complex topics with two combined concepts, be sure to consider the relationship of phenomena, detect similarities and differences between them. In some cases, it is also necessary to determine which place one phenomenon occupies in the structure of another.

According to statistics, in the social science of social studies, the task number 28 is one of the most difficult for students. Score maximum amount Points will allow an understanding of requirements and thoughtful consistent training.

The manual is designed for independent or under the guidance of the teacher, the training of schoolchildren and applicants to the exam. In its full, the material of the Social Studies Course, which is verified on the exam is included. The theoretical part of the manual is represented in a brief and accessible form. A large number of schemes and tables make it easy and quickly navigated in the subject and find the information you need. Training tasks correspond to modern format The exam, all changes in the content of the examination work made in recent years are taken into account.

Compilation A complex plan is deployed Answer on a given topic.

Separately, you should stay on the task entered in the examin 2010, - task C8. It requires a comprehensive plandeployed response on the specific topic of the social science.Performing this task assumes

    compliance with a given topic;

    completeness of the reflection of the main content in the plan;

    compliance with the structure of the proposed response plantype.

The main condition for performing this task is systemic, deep, sufficiently volumetric and versatile knowledgethemes requiring attracting social science, and sosame knowledge of adjacent academic disciplines And, if possible, operadiant knowledge received from the media.

When performing a task, graduates are to:

but) on the one hand, in the specified formulation of the topic to detect
known to them meaningful material;

b) on the other hand, build the logic of the presentation of knowledge by
topic in the form of a complex plan.

When drawing up a complex plan, you can use the following recommendations:

    submit the content of the social science, revealthe proposed topic;

    divide this content into semantic parts by highlighting eachof course, the main idea;

    cover each part;

    in each part, highlight several provisions that developmain thought;

    check if the items and subparagraphs of the plan are not combined,is the subsequent lay plan with the previous one, is completelythe main content of the topic is reflected in them;

    if necessary, make adjustments;

    remember that the plan should cover the main content.topics;

    in the headlines (paragraphs and sub-clauses of the plan) undesirable repeatrhine similar wording.

In the compilation of a complex plan of an expanded response, students can use the universal algorithm:

I.. Concept, essence ...

II.. Characteristic features, basic principles

    Specific signs ...

    The most important tasks, the main functions ...

V.. Forms, types, types, classifications ...

VI . Structure...

VII. The main stages, stage of development ...

VIII.. Features of development ...

IX.. Development Trends B. modern world, in the Russian Federation

X.. Value ... in the development of society, personality


    You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the problem"Biological and social in man." Make a plan in accordance

    You have to speak at the school conference on the topic "Man's activities in her diversity." Make a plan in accordancegreat

    You need to write an abstract on the topic "Communication as Formma interpersonal interactions. " Make a plan according towith which you will illuminate it.

    For performance on seminar occupation You need Podmotofor detailed response to the topic "Interpersonal conflicts and SPOthere is a resolution of their permission. Make a plan according to which youyou will cover this topic.

    You are instructed to prepare a report on the topic "Cognition of Mancom peace and yourself. " Make a plan according to whichyou will cover this topic.

    You are preparing to test on social science on the topic "SocialIBE OF INDIVIDE ". Make a plan according to which youyou will cover this topic.

    You are instructed to write an article in school newspaper on the topic "ka in the lives of modern society ". Make a plan, in accordancewith whom you will cover this topic.

    You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer to the topic "Religionas a form of spiritual culture. " Make a plan, in accordance withthose you will cover this topic.

9. You need to write creative work on the topic "
how social value" Make a plan according to
with whom you will cover this topic.

    works of high school students with a presentation on the topic "Multivarianceand driving forces of the Company's development. " Make a plan, in accordancewith whom you will cover this topic.

    You are instructed to write an article in a school newspaper on the topic "Onpopular progress. " Make a plan according to which youyou will cover this topic.

    You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer to the topic "Moralas a regulator social relationship" Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic.

    You are a member of the Research Competitionworks of high school students with a presentation on the topic "Entrepreneurship in the economy". Make a plan according to which you willlighting this topic.

    You need to write a creative work on the topic "Polyticker in modern society. " Make a plan in accordanceregistration with whom you will cover this topic.

    You will have to speak at the school conference on the topic"Taxes B. Russian Federation" Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic.

    You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer to the topic "Systemma Russian law. " Make a plan according to which youyou will cover this topic.

    You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer to the topic "Conthe station of the Russian Federation is the main law of society and the state. " Make upthe plan, according to which you will cover this topic.

    You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer to the topic "Gosudarism in a market economy. " Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic.


Answer to task 1.

When analyzing the answer, it is taken into account:

    the correctness of the statement of clauses of the plan in terms of theircompliance with the given topic and the clarity of the expression of thought;

    reflection in terms of the main aspects of the topic in a certain(adequate given topic) sequence.

* The answer to task number 1 is a sample of the estimation of the task C8 onEGE (according to demonstration optionplaced on the "topic.Kima)according to criteria with points.

(other wording is allowed, not distorting its meaning)


One of the options for disclosure of this topic:

1. The most common theories of human origin:

a) religious

b) " evolutionary theory Ch. Darwin

at) labor theory F. Engels

2. The main approaches of scientists to determine the concept of "man".

3. The biosocial nature of man:

a) man - part of nature

b) a person is a public creature

4. The relationship and mutual influence of biological and social
in man.

Possible other quantity and (or) other correct formulasplan points plan.

The wording of the points of the Plan is correct. In the aggregate itemsthe plan covers the main aspects of the topic and disclose it individed sequence

The wording of the points of the Plan is correct. Separate aspects for this topic did not find reflections in the plan. Topicdeployed consistently.


The wording of the points of the Plan is correct. In the aggregate paragraphyou plan cover the main aspects of the topic, but are not representedin a certain, adequate topic, sequence.

Separate formulations of the points of the Plan are correct. Holisticand the consistent disclosure of the topic does not give a plan.

The wording of the plane points does not correspond to the topic.


Wrong answer.

Maximum score


Answer to task 2.

I.. Activities as a way of human being.

II.. Specific features of human activity.

III. Structure of activity:
1) Subject

2) Object




IV. Motives of activity.

V.. Two main types of activity:

    practical activities

    spiritual activity

VI. Leading activities in human life:

    a game

    teaching 3) Labor

Answer to task 3.

I. . Concept and specific signs of communication.

II.. Features of communication in the formation and development of man.

    Communication as a subject-subject interaction.

    Types of subjects of communication:

    really existing subjects

    illusory partners

    imaginary partners

V.Means of communication.

Vi.Types of communication:

    immediate and indirect

    direct and indirect

VII. Factors contributing to successful communication:
1) mutual understanding

2) Solidarity 3) tolerance

Answer K. Job 4.

I.. The concept and specific features of the interpersonal conflict.

II.Participants of the conflict.

    Causes of interpersonal conflict.

    Reason for conflict.

V.. The main concepts that reveal the essence of the conflict.

VI. Conflict functions.

VII . Types of interpersonal conflicts.

VIII.. Factors affecting the successful resolution of interpersonal con

IX.. The relationship of interpersonal conflicts with other types of social

Answer K. Task 5.

I.. Cognition as a form of adequate reflection of reality.

II.Structure of knowledge:

    subject of knowledge

    object knowledge

3) the result of knowledge

1) agnosticism 2) skepticism 3) gnosticism

IV. Forms of knowledge:

    sensual (sensation, perception, presentation)

    rational (concept, judgment, conclusion)

V.Views of knowledge:

    scientific and unscientific knowledge

    religious, mythological, artistic knowledge

VI. Methods of knowledge of the man of the world and himself.

VII. Multifier forms of human knowledge.I.,.

Answer K. Task 6.

I.. The concept of socialization.

II.. The task and function of socialization.

    The ratio of the concepts of "socialization" and "upbringing".

    Socialization types:1) primary

2) secondary

V.. Factors promoting successful socialization:

    socialization agents

    social elevators

    socio-economic and political conditions

Answer to task 7.

I. The concept of science:

    science as Social Institute

    science as a branch of spiritual production

    science as a special knowledge system

II.Species of science:

    fundamental sciences

    applied Science.

    classification of sciences depending on the subject and method of knowledge

    Specific signs of science.

    Functions of modern science:

    cultural and ideological






V.Development of science.

VI. Features of the scientific picture of the world.