Retail formats. Modern retail formats. The main formats of food stores

The magazine "BTL-magazine" is preparing for publication an article devoted to merchandising of small trade formats.
Could you act as an expert on the pages of our publication and answer the following questions:

Thank you very much for the offer, I will try to answer your questions.

What are small trading formats? What types of ITFs are there on the market?

We include grocery stores (mini-markets), industrial goods stores, gas station stores, chain stores, retail stores such as "Boutique", "Sport", grocery stores, pavilions, kiosks, trays.
Let's take a closer look at grocery stores.

In residential areas, small forms of modern trade are most in demand - “convenience stores” or “shops around the corner”, they are also called convenience stores, a convenience store, ... large grocery retail chains of economy class ("Kopeyka" and "Pyaterochka").
In the West, "Convenience" is usually called stores with a retail space of 50-100 sq. meters. Mini-supermarkets at gas stations, enterprises with trade through the counter are the varieties of conviniences.

Against the backdrop of the globalization of trade formats, not only markets are suffering, but also small businesses. Its share in comparison with 2003 slightly decreased (by 0.9%), while the share of large and medium-sized enterprises continues to increase: from 22.7% in January-December 2003 to 25.9% in 2004. However, such an imbalance was noticed by the Paterson and Seventh Continent networks. In addition to the main supermarket format, they relied on small self-service stores of the convention type. This is one of the most promising trading formats. It is very stable both in terms of business and in terms of customer demand. In my opinion, this format will become even more in demand due to the lack of large retail space.

The selling area of \u200b\u200ba store of this format, as a rule, ranges from 200-500m2 (approximately). The assortment list is limited by the main groups of consumer goods and amounts to about 500-2000 items.

Prices are average, or below average. Service form - mostly self-service, or individual through the counter.

Conviniens is within walking distance of residential areas, up to 10 minutes on foot, and is intended for everyday shopping 3-5 times a week. Stores of this format are usually targeted at all categories of buyers living within walking distance of the store, regardless of income level.

What are the features of ITF (operational logistics, small shelf space and hall space, low turnover, many (?) Competitors ...)?

First of all, it should be said about the assortment, because the success of such a store depends almost entirely on the correctly selected assortment. At a minimum, the assortment of such a store should include the most popular and best-selling products. Of course, the shelf space in such a store is limited and therefore it will not be easy to compose an assortment matrix correctly there.

A small area, a small assortment, a small number of staff, a small number of visitors enable the store to make customer service individual, which large stores cannot afford and quickly respond to the requests and preferences of the buyer in this particular area.

Convinience is not designed for a large flow of customers, therefore, the aisles between the shelves are much narrower than in the supermarket - 0.9 - 1.4 m, which gives some restrictions on the use of POS materials, joint display, and pallet display organization.
As far as competition is concerned, neighborhood stores are formed exactly where there is no competition, otherwise both stores will lose.
One of these days I went into a small shop around 20 square meters from sandwich panels in a small cottage village outside the city. There was not a single store in the 5 km area, but I really wanted to eat. I had little hope in relation to this store, but still decided to stop by. Entering, I buried myself in a closed counter and a very cheerful saleswoman. I was amazed at how well the assortment was compiled there. This store seemed to have it all! I bought fruit, cottage cheese, chocolate, crab sticks, cat food and many other little things. Surprisingly, when I entered, I thought that there was nothing I needed there, because it was impossible to see anything from the abundance of goods, but for every my question: "Do you have ...." the seller answered: "Yes!" And then it dawned on me. From my experience, a really chic assortment is available in non-self-service shops with very contactable and polite sellers. And this assortment is achieved by communicating with customers and promptly responding to requests. I think if such stores had self-service, the assortment would take much longer, although it would be more convenient for regular customers to choose products.

What are the advantages and limitations of ITF for merchandising?

For merchandising, such stores have more disadvantages than advantages. It is difficult to make a stock of products - there are no warehouses or small, there are not enough shelves. It is difficult to choose a location for your product because of the small area. It is difficult to present products due to the fact that different product categories will stand side by side on the same shelf.
The advantages, perhaps, only include the fact that there are not so many competing brands on the shelf, and it is somewhat easier to carry out the work on product presentation, since there is no such close attention of competitors' merchandisers to these outlets. But if we are talking about a chain store with a strict contract, then everything will have to be done only through a contract and payment.

What assortment items should be placed on the shelf if space is limited?

Suppliers call these products "priority assortment"; retailers call them "top 100" or "beacon products". According to the Pareto rule, these are the very 20% of goods that give 80% of the category's turnover. According to them, buyers compare prices, they are bought most often. Depending on the area and residents, these can be completely different goods. For example, in a store in a cottage village you cannot do without a good assortment of food for dogs and cats. animals are likely to be found in every private home.

What are the selection criteria? Who orders whom: a stall or a supplier?

It all depends on the store - whether it is a chain or an independent store and on the supplier - whether it is large or small. Of course, a large supplier does not really want to make concessions to a small single store ...

What types of POSM work at the ITF?

In shops without self-service - coin boxes, shelf talkers, shelf organizers or just branded, standout price tags. I want to say especially about the price tags. In one small shop I buy ice cream all the time. There is a branded refrigerator of one brand, but I constantly buy another ice cream that the seller brings me. And this happens because there are branded price tags of this ice cream on a stand near the cash register, on a high counter, at eye level. A large branded refrigerator of another brand is poorly visible at a short distance, and the surface of the ice cream in the refrigerator is located much lower than the level of the hand. So draw a conclusion.

Exterior design means, which are not always paid attention to in such stores, can also push to make a purchase. But Coca-Cola has known this for a long time, and therefore almost every sign of a single store contains the Coca-Cola logo.
Small shop windows are often draped with curtains. This is a great chance to host your mobiles, posters and box mockups made for large stores. IN trading floor It is useless to place these materials; large POS materials are hardly visible at small distances. And in the shop windows it all looks beautiful and appropriate, "on the way to the goods." Very often in my practice I see how tasks are set for merchandisers about placing posters in sales areas. This happens because the marketing department plans a budget for the year, includes posters there, produces, and then thinks about where to put them. And no one is interested in the fact that in a small store there really is nowhere to put a poster.
In small self-service stores, the task of POS materials is to ensure that the buyer sees the product among a small number of overcrowded shelves. Here, a whole range of materials for points of sale are suitable for highlighting - wobblers, shelf talkers, labels on the neck of bottles, various non-traditional mini-mobiles attached to shelves, flags and even floor stickers. Dispensers will still be indispensable for small-piece goods, but you will hardly be allowed to put a branded rack somewhere. And even if they do, the condition of displaying only your goods will often not be met.

Name of the seminar, training, course But I Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr Price, rub.
- - - 25-26
- - 28 200
- 09-10
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The format of retail trade is a set of parameters by which the affiliation of a trade enterprise (both network and independent) to one of the types common in world practice is determined. As a rule, each of the formats has an established name. In practice, in order to determine the format, it is enough to evaluate the enterprise by a small number of basic parameters, omitting the secondary ones and those formed under the influence of local conditions. The main parameters of assigning an enterprise to any of the formats are:

Trading floor area;

The number of cash settlement centers;

Warehouse, auxiliary, office space;

Product categories present in the assortment, assortment width;

The share of goods produced specifically for this enterprise ("Brand of the seller");

Own production of products (for the food sector);

Service form (for self-service enterprises, the share of traditional trade "Over the counter");

Service provided;

Opening hours;

List of personnel;

Turnover per day, month, year;

Turnover per unit area;

Average number of purchases per day;

The level of prices for the basic positions of the assortment.

There are various systems for assigning a trading enterprise to one of the formats, based on a combination of groups of the above parameters (Table 1.1). Various sets of these groups form the basis for assignment to one format or another, depending on the classification.

Table 1.1 - Parameters of assigning a trading enterprise to various formats

Assignment options to different formats



In order to attract consumers, stores

Those located closer to the outskirts or in large populations (“sleeping quarters”) should offer a wide range of high quality goods at reasonable prices (“best value for the money” concept). Stores located in corridors should offer an assortment of premium brands at competitive prices.

Point of sale size

The size of the outlet affects the assortment of the store. Therefore, the expectations of the potential buyer from the size are clear: a large store is expected to have a wide choice, and an interesting limited assortment from a store with a small area.


Commodity matrix. Some stores stick to one of the main product categories (for example, grocery), while others may mix food and basic non-food items.

Product range, its breadth and depth. The choice of a product within the classification, limited both by the width of the assortment (the number of different product categories) and the depth of the assortment (the number of product items within each product category).

Price level

The greater the choice, i.e. the wider and deeper the assortment, the higher the costs of managing the outlet.

Atomosphere and service

Perceptions of quality or price, full or limited service are the parameters by which consumers choose where to shop

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There are various classifications of formats used today in Russian and Western practice. Note that since the market

civilized retail trade has been developing abroad for centuries, Western classifications of retail formats are very detailed, detailed and harmonious. The most detailed American classifications include more than one and a half dozen product formats. The task of classifying the formats used in Russia is complicated by the fact that along with modern trade organizations in our country, especially in the markets of small towns, trade

organizations that were formed back in Soviet times are like "fragments of Soviet trade." There are many classifications of retail formats. One example western classification is given in table. 1.2.

Table 1.2 - Basic types of retail formats


Specialty stores

Offer a narrow range of products with a wide range

Department stores, supermarkets

They offer several varieties of products, each type of product is sold in its own department

Small shops

Small retail establishments located near residential areas

Discount stores (discounters)

They offer a standard assortment of goods, at lower prices, since they have the opportunity to set a smaller share of profits due to a large turnover

Bargain Shops

They buy and sell goods at lower prices than regular stores. Usually they trade unsold leftovers, surplus goods, etc.

Brand Stores

Owned and operated by manufacturing firms and sells their products

Independent Stores

Belong to private entrepreneurs or are divisions of large corporations

Wholesale clubs

Sell \u200b\u200ba limited range of products at significant discounts to their members who pay annual dues


Aimed at fuller satisfaction of the needs of people in constant purchases of food and other goods. Therefore, they offer a wide range additional services - laundries, dry cleaners, shoe repairs, etc.

Combo Stores

They are a variant of a supermarket in the field of medicines. These stores combine food and medicine departments.


They occupy an average of 20 thousand sq. m and combine the principles of supermarket, discounter and wholesale

Exhibition halls

Offers a wide range of branded, well-selling products with a high premium brand, however, with reduced prices

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Main formats of food retail trade:

Grocery stores - over-the-counter (non-self-service) stores of less than 500 square meters. m. Customers first select products at the counter, then pay for the goods at a separate checkout counter, receive a check and, in exchange for this check, receive the selected item at the counter. The same system operates in the supermarkets described below. The over-the-counter system, which requires 30-40% more service personnel than a self-service system, and negatively affects the volume of products sold, since it deprives the buyer of access to goods, is the main reason for low labor productivity in this form of trade. Grocery stores can be further divided into two groups: specialty stores selling products such as milk, bread or fish, and department stores selling a wide variety of grocery items (often referred to as "Products");

Supermarkets - shops selling over 500 sq. m, which are being built in densely populated areas of large cities. Supermarkets played the role of universal grocery storeswhere you can buy all the necessary products in one place (a large number of commodity items);

Supermarkets - an object with a sales area of \u200b\u200b500 to 2,000 sq. M, a warehouse of 250-600 sq. M. m, cash points -5-16, positions in the assortment -4.5-15 thousand. Stores selling food products of a universal range and non-food products of frequent demand, mainly by self-service. During the construction of supermarkets, structures are used that exclude the presence of columns in the trading floor; retail premises in such stores are located on the same level with storerooms for storing goods. There may be a cafeteria and cooking department;

Convenience stores - Self-service stores with less than five cash registers... Their area is usually less than the area of \u200b\u200bsupermarkets, about 200-600 sq. m. Located mainly in the city center, mini-markets pay high rents and, as a result, offer expensive products that only wealthy people can afford.

segments of the population;

Department stores (department stores) with retail space when located in cities from 3500 sq.m. (in countryside - from 650 sq.m.) offering a versatile assortment non-food products and using various methods of shopping service to customers (self-service, by samples, by catalogs, through the service counter, etc.). Such a store has separate specialized sections (departments). Department stores provide a wide range of additional services to the population. Works on full or internal cost accounting. There may be a section (department) for the sale of food products, culinary, confectionery, cafeteria, etc. They are located in capital buildings. Department stores vary in size: from very large (on average one or two per city) to small (up to one thousand square meters of retail space) stores serving the population of certain residential areas;

Specialized stores. Self-service stores with one product group accounting for more than 80% of total sales are located in capital buildings. Trade is organized mainly "over the counter";

House of Trade is a retail enterprise that sells product complexes of toilet and wardrobe items for women and men (clothing, footwear, fabrics, haberdashery, perfumery), using various methods of shopping service for customers, with a retail space of 1000 m2. As a rule, it consists of several separate stores, with a single management, located in one building and working on full cost accounting. The structure of the House of Trade may include a department store, a supermarket, specialty stores, catering establishments, as well as a small wholesale store-warehouse. Distinctive feature This type of enterprise has a wider range of commercial functions than in conventional stores. The House of Trade, along with the sale of goods to the population, service through catering enterprises, provides a variety of services, including marketing, sells goods to wholesale buyers through stores, regardless of their departmental affiliation and form of ownership;

Manufactured goods - a retail trade that sells non-food products of a narrow range, the main of which are garments and knitwear, footwear, haberdashery, perfumery, with a trading area of \u200b\u200b18 sq.m .;

The firm store is a small retail enterprise with a sales area of \u200b\u200bup to 150 sq.m. with a limited range of industrial or food products, which is subordinate to the enterprise whose goods it sells.

Convenient (discount) store - an area of \u200b\u200b450-800 square meters, warehouses are insignificant or absent, 5-10 cash units, assortment - 1-2.5 thousand items, low prices, number of staff - 30-40 people, own production is absent. A distinctive feature of this type of enterprise is the creation in it of additional conveniences or advantages for customers in comparison with other enterprises: extended or round-the-clock operation; lower prices; combining the functions of retail trade, consumer services; purchases of agricultural products, etc .;

Hypermarket - an object with a trading floor area from 4 to 10 thousand square meters, a warehouse - up to 2 thousand square meters. m, checkout points from 25 to 40 pcs., assortment from 25 to 40 thousand items, special pricing policy, wide range, own production, up to 1 thousand personnel;

Shop near the house - trading floor area - 200-400 sq.m, warehouse - 100-200 sq.m, cash units - 2-6, assortment positions - 800-1200, price level - average, number of staff 25-30 people, no own production;

Trading networks - united in single network specialized stores in the form of separate buildings, stores in the territory of large shopping centers or leased departments of department stores;

The National Trade Network is a network of modern stationary retail outlets from 300 square meters of retail space. More often they work according to the self-service method, as a rule, they specialize in selling food products in the presence of related products, household goods, etc. Has a modern shop equipment, thoughtful arrangement of commodity

categories and distribution of buyers within the hall. The operating hours of outlets are long, the delivery of goods at the initial stage, as a rule, is carried out directly from manufacturers, rarely through intermediaries. In the future, mainly through our own distribution center.

The number of outlets in the retail network is 10 or more, in the small wholesale network - 5 or more in two or more cities, including the capital. The network has a unique form style and the level of service, actively promotes its own brand and offers programs for the joint promotion of brands by their owners.

Competitive advantages of various formats are presented in table. 1.3, which compiled a generalized classification of retail formats, which will be relevant in the coming years.

Table 1.3 - Formats of retail trade in food products





"Convenience store"

Trading floor area, sq. m

Warehouse area, sq. m

Little or no

Number of checkout points

Number of items in assortment, thousand

Number of purchases per day

Number of personnel, people

Own production workshops

Presented widely



Supply chain level

Direct communication with the manufacturer, sometimes without the participation of the distribution center (DC)

DC with the possibility of direct deliveries

Deliveries through wholesalers and / or through DC

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Concluding our review of food retail formats, let's look at what is happening in Eastern Europe, which, in a sense, is a reflection of the future of Russian retail (Table 1.4.).

Table 1.4 - Main retail formats in Eastern Europe

Main retail formats in Eastern Europe,%

Russia Moscow)


Ukraine, Kiev)




Convenience store

Specialized grocery store

Small format store

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The development of the hypermarket format for domestic retailers is more relevant in the regions, which is associated with a decrease in logistics costs. Many companies, evaluating the prospects of multi-format when going outside the home markets, began to actively develop new formats for themselves. Thus, the Paterson supermarket chain has formulated its concepts and decided to develop two new formats in the regions - a hypermarket and a grocery boutique. In the opinion of the company's specialists, the new formats, along with the development of the main format of the chain - the supermarket - will make it possible to occupy from 40 to 65% of the market in the regional cities where Paterson operates. The first Paterson grocery boutique was opened at the beginning of the second quarter of 2006 in Samara. In addition, in mid-2005, the chain introduced the division of the supermarket format into sub-formats: low, medium and high. In accordance with the subformats, a single assortment matrix of the network was compiled, pricing and marketing were changed, and internal re-registration of stores began. The company believes that thanks to the introduction of three sub-formats, the network's revenue increased by an average of 15-17%.

Changes in the format of networks are explained by tougher competition, the arrival of new players, as well as an increase in rental rates and saturation of markets.

Another actual format of Russian retail is multi-format, i.e., the combination of several trade formats within one retail network.

Recently, a new tendency in Russian retail has been more and more clearly manifested - the development of new formats by retail chains. Companies that own discounter chains are building hypermarkets, and supermarket owners are opening “convenience stores”.

Among the leaders of domestic retail are those who are developing several formats, such as the companies TD Perekrestok, Seventh Continent, and there are also mono-format chains, for example, Auchan, Kopeyka.

A common feature of the most dynamic retailers is that they tend to focus on one format - specialty stores, supermarkets, etc.

Leading russian companiessuch as Perekrestok, Seventh Continent and Pyaterochka are actively launching new projects in formats that differ from the main format in which the companies have achieved major successes. Pyaterochka and Seventh Continent are looking for happiness in the hypermarket market, while Perekrestok rushed to the convenience store market (aka “neighborhood stores”).

Belarus has developed a Concept for the implementation of state policy in the field of domestic trade and public catering for 2011-2015).

The concept provides for the fulfillment of forecast indicators for the increase in the number of stores, their retail space, the number of branded stores, the number of markets and trading places on them, retail

centers, their retail space and the number shopping facilities in them in the context of regions and the city of Minsk in accordance with Appendix 1 to the Activities for 2011-2015.

These forecast indicators provide for an increase in the number of stores by 2015 to 39.2 thousand units, their retail space - to 4427 thousand square meters. meters

The state and development of trade infrastructure in the Republic of Belarus and separately by region in the period 2011-2015 are presented in tables 1.5-1.12.

Table 1.5 - State and development of trade infrastructure in the Republic of Belarus in 2011-2015

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From the data in Table 1.5 it follows that in 2012 there were 7 more stores built than in 201. It is also planned to open 5 more units in 2013, i.e. 156 units compared to 2012. In 2014, three units more, i.e. 159 units in relation to 2013 and in 2015 by 6 more units in relation to 2014.

Thus, in 2015 it is planned to open 165 units in the Republic of Belarus, which is 14 units more than in the current 2012.

Table 1.6 - Condition and development of trade infrastructure in Minsk in 2011-2015

Note: source

From the data in Table 1.6 it follows that it is planned to open new stores in Minsk every year. So now in 2012 there are 63 units, in 2013 there should be 2 units more - 65, in 2014 there is one more store and in 2015 the largest number of 4 units compared to 2014. The table also shows that by 2015 there will be 7 more stores compared to 2012.

Table 1.7 - Condition and development of trade infrastructure in the Brest region in 2011-2015

Note: source

Table 1.7 shows that in the Brest region in 2012 there was an increase in stores by one unit. There are plans to open another store in 2015.

Table 1.8 - Condition and development of trade infrastructure in the Vitebsk region in 2011-2015

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From table 1.8 it follows that in the Vitebsk region in 2012 the number of stores changed by one unit, that is, more than in 2011. There are plans to open another store in 2013.

Table 1.9 - State and development of trade infrastructure in the Gomel region in 2011-2015

Note: source

From table 1.9 it follows that in the Gomel region in 2013, 2014 and 2015, the number of stores will increase by one unit.

Table 1.10 - Condition and development of trade infrastructure in the Grodno region in 2011-2015

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From table 1.10 it follows that in the Grodno region no changes have occurred for the period 2011-2015.

Table 1.11 - Condition and development of trade infrastructure in the Minsk region in 2011-2015

Note: source

From table 1.11 it follows that in the Minsk region in 2012 the number of stores changed by one unit, that is, more than in 2011. There are plans to open another store in 2013.

Table 1.12 - State and development of trade infrastructure in the Mogilev region in 2011-2015

Note: source

From table 1.12 it follows that in the Mogilev region in 2012 the number of stores changed by one unit, that is, more than in 2011. There are plans to open another store in 2014.

According to the Concept for the implementation of state policy in the field of domestic trade and public catering for 2011-2015, the retail network will expand in the coming years, in particular, due to the enlargement of the size of stores: hyper- and supermarkets, shopping centers will open, the formation of large retail trade centers will continue. structures working on the technology of trade networks.

The following figures show how the "large format" trade will develop. If in 2011 there were 144 stores in the country with a retail area of \u200b\u200b1000 sq. m, then by the end of 2015 there should already be 165. In Minsk, these figures are 60 and 70, respectively.

In the capital alone, 60 new shopping centers, hypermarkets and supermarkets will start operating in the next 2-3 years. The share of large retail chains in the total volume of domestic retail trade is still small, but every year it grows by an average of 2-5%. In general, the influence of chain stores is especially noticeable in the regions - in some cities where the trading giants have come, they have managed to significantly pull the blanket over themselves, displacing traditional stores and mini-markets.

One of the main directions of trade development is the expansion and improvement of the retail trade and public catering infrastructure in the Minsk region. In 2011-2015 in the region it is planned to increase the retail trade network by 99 stores, including: 2011 - 20, 2012 - 19, 2013 - 20, 2014 - 22, 2015 - 18.

Particular attention will be paid to enlarging the size of retail facilities and, at the same time, maintaining an optimal ratio of large and small stores in order to ensure their availability in the pedestrian zone. The construction of hyper- and supermarkets, shopping centers, providing a wide range of retail and consumer services, such major representatives retailers like "Crown", "Vitalur", "Euroopt", "Rublevsky"

Also Belkoopsoyuz is implementing a program for creating supermarkets.

Conclusion: Thus, in the Republic of Belarus in 2012, 7 more stores were built than in 201. It is also planned to open 5 more units in 2013, three units in 2014 and 6 units in 2015.

Stores will open in regions:

There are three units in Minsk in 2012, 2 units in 2013, 1 unit in 2014 and four units in 2015;

In the Brest region in 2012, one unit and in 2015, one unit;

In the Vitebsk region in 2012, one unit and in 2013, one unit;

In the Gomel region, in 2013 there is one unit, in 2014 - 1 unit and in 2015 - one unit;

No shops are planned to open in Grodno region;

In the Minsk region in 2012, one unit and in 2013, one unit;

In the Mogilev region in 2012, one unit and in 2014

So far, we've talked about retail in general and the role of logistics in the life of every abstract average retailer. Although it is intuitively clear that the importance of advanced retail technologies, and in particular logistics management methods, for a large retail network and for a small kiosk located at the intersection of microdistrict roads is different. It is also obvious that the logistics of the Givenchy boutique differs significantly from the logistics of the Lenta hypermarket chain. Moreover, they differ as logistics technologies involved in the entire supply and sales cycle of these trade enterprisesand the importance of efficient logistics for the success of each of these retailers.

Let's try to classify retailers. This is necessary, on the one hand, in order to identify their differences, which greatly affect the place of logistics in the management structure of various trade enterprises. On the other hand, the classification will help to identify patterns of dependence of the role of logistics and the level of development of its technologies on the type of stores.

The format of retail trade is a set of parameters by which the affiliation of a trade enterprise (both network and independent) to one of the types common in world practice is determined. As a rule, each of the formats has an established name. In practice, in order to determine the format, it is enough to evaluate the enterprise by a small number of basic parameters, omitting the secondary ones and those formed under the influence of local conditions. The main parameters of assigning an enterprise to any of the formats are:

  • * trading floor area;
  • * the number of cash settlement centers;
  • * area of \u200b\u200bwarehouse, auxiliary, office premises;
  • * product categories present in the assortment, assortment width;
  • * number of positions in categories, depth of assortment;
  • * the share of goods produced specifically for this enterprise ("seller's brand");
  • * availability of own production of products (for the food sector);
  • * form of service (for self-service enterprises, the share of traditional over the counter trade is also assessed separately);
  • * provided service;
  • * opening hours;
  • * payroll number of personnel;
  • * turnover per day, month, year;
  • * turnover per unit area;
  • * average number of purchases per day;
  • * the level of prices for the basic positions of the assortment.

The format is primarily customer-oriented; therefore, the above list does not include, for example, such an important indicator for a business owner, such as whether a store is a chain store or an independent one. At the same time, some of the formats can successfully exist only in the network version, upon reaching the "critical mass" of retail space.

There are various systems for assigning a trading enterprise to one of the formats, based on a combination of groups of the above parameters (Table 2.1). Different sets of these groups form the basis for assignment to one format or another, depending on the classification.

Table 2.1. Parameters for assigning a merchant to different formats

IN modern conditions retail trade is becoming increasingly important, combining production, distribution, exchange and consumption, forming a single complex.
Modern trade has undergone serious structural changes: there has been a reduction in spontaneously organized markets, the consolidation of retail chains, the expansion of foreign operators, and increased competition between large retail chains. Retail turnover is currently formed mainly by commercial organizations and individual entrepreneursoperating in stationary networks. In an increasingly competitive environment, retailers offer consumers new products and services. condition consumer market today it is characterized by rigid structuring and the introduction of new formats and sub-formats of trade organization. Modern development retail is characterized by large changes in store types, sales methods and forms of service. In this regard, the existing "Soviet" classifications do not fully reflect the development trends of the retail trade network. It is more expedient to classify retail trade enterprises not only by types and types, but also by formats, which is dictated by the evolution of development of retail trade enterprises. The criteria for classifying stores by format are: assortment, form of trade service, price, location, atmosphere, promotion and target group of consumers. The criteria that characterize a particular type of retailer are twofold. Criteria such as price, service, promotion are a distinctive characteristic not only of the format itself, but also of the target group for which the format is oriented. The need to take into account target groups is also explained by the development of market relations, the creation of an effective competitive environment. The emergence of new formats is accompanied by an increasing degree of specialization and targeting of formats to the respective consumer groups. The retail trade network must be able to select the appropriate formats and ensure their development in a competitive environment to gain a foothold in the market and further development.
Format is a store form of retail trade, focused on a specific target group of consumers.
Currently, Russia has five main retail formats adopted by companies specializing mainly in the sale of food products:
-shop-warehouse (cash & carry),
-shop "at home". Hypermarkets and small wholesale cash & carry retailers offered by Western chains operate in the middle and economy segments of the markets, but are more democratic than supermarkets. An economical supermarket is divided into categories by price or supplemented with a new type of store - “near the house”. The convenience store is a grocery retail storelocated in a convenient location, has an extended working day and sells a limited range of everyday goods. Discounters attract consumers not only with low income, as it was before, but also with middle and high income, adjusting to the actual needs of consumers.
The new formats combine the use of such trade and marketing techniques as consumer self-service, offering a mixed assortment of goods, networking under common brands, and the use of the network organization effect.
At the same time, a number of peculiarities are observed in the development of Russian trade enterprises operating within the formats. Thus, companies operating in the hypermarket format operate in accordance with Western standards. In contrast to them, the principles of operation of enterprises of such formats as supermarket, discounter, "at home" do not meet the standards of similar foreign formats, primarily in the field pricing policy... For example, the high mark-up set on goods by Western retail outlets in the “near home” format is explained by the convenience of the location of these enterprises, which is considered in this context as a service. The specificity of the Russian format "near the house" is that the price level should correspond to the purchasing power of consumers in the area.
Each format has its own specific field of application.

Marketing and Commerce Economics

Shop building. Construction of shopping and entertainment centers, expansion of networks

Retail formats

In it we will consider:

At first,


AND third,

  1. Technology
    • testing goods,
    • other.
  2. . General market trends:
  3. .
    • the possibility of communication,
    • good service,
    • nice atmosphere,
    • convenience for the buyer.
  4. Impact of the real estate market.


Retail mistakes

  • Bad choice of location

How to avoid mistakes?

Based on the analysis:

site in cooperation with Kira and Ruben Kanayan, the Kanayan Retail & Development Consulting group of companies begins a series of publications dedicated to the development of formats in retail.

In it we will consider:

  • Various sectors and specializations of trade: a brief overview of the development of formats for large federal and regional chains of the Russian Federation, examples of stores and shopping centers.
  • New retail formats that appear on the market.
  • Trends and prospects for the development of each format.

Development of formats in retail

The concept and format of stores and shopping centers continues to be one of the most urgent. The retail market is undergoing significant changes, and we need to work for the future, not being limited by the experience and realities of today.

The situation now radically differs from the one that was twenty and even ten years ago: many formats have already worked abroad, there were enough materials and methods for them. Examples could be viewed, learned from them, adapted successful experience to Russian realities and open a new format in your city. Now, in many new directions in retail and commercial real estate, this is not observed. We can say that everyone started at the same time.

We have to analyze, invent, try, and many issues are at the stage of solution - not only in Russia, but also in the world. In this article, we will look at the factors of retail that influence the development of formats, as well as the typical problems and mistakes that retail makes when launching new projects.

Many traders and commercial real estate owners realize that their work has become much more difficult.

At first, the high saturation of areas makes itself felt, and the competition becomes more intense.

Secondly, many traditional sales techniques have weakened - they either ceased to work altogether, or buyers became less sensitive to them

AND third, investors looking to invest in development have become more cautious.

Therefore, you have to ask yourself questions: "What will the stores and shopping centers of the future be like?" and "What areas and formats of retail will be the most relevant, in demand not only today, but also in the medium term and will provide high commercial performance."

Every year, something new appears on the trade and entertainment market. Prospective directions at the moment (early 2018):

  • combined store formats that combine trade with entertainment and leisure, public catering and even trade with sports;
  • automated trading and the use of virtual and augmented reality technologies for product presentation and sale;
  • new in the format of "convenience store", "store along the way";
  • and, of course, the omni-channel that is popular today, integrating all known communication channels between the seller and the buyer.

They are working on all this in parallel: network retail companies, IT companies, wholesale and logistics firms, gas station chains, development consultants (including us). And tomorrow will bring new trends.

There are examples when the new turns out to be “well forgotten old” in a new version. For example, peddling, which almost disappeared in the 20th century, has returned in the form of online stores and delivery services, and instead of ruddy peddler guys ("oh, my box is full, full, there is chintz and brocade in it"), employees rush to customers in uniform with the same full boxes, and we see them every day on the subway and in our own yards.

Modern "customization" in the fashion market is a descendant of the 19th century milliners and the "custom tailoring" of the 20th century.

The fashionable word “sharing” is a modern analogue of rental, widespread in Soviet times, and “coliving” is, in fact, the same “hostel”.

"Pop-up" shops (points of temporary trade) were opened by merchants in the 19th century on a temporary entry into one of the merchant guilds. And in fact, many points in resort towns - Gelendzhik, Anapa, etc. operate using this technology. Most shopping centers and markets have a temporary lease zone. Although many traders do not know this term ...

Trade according to catalogs, samples or using demo shops has been known for several centuries: many representatives of the Russian aristocracy and prosperous merchants furnished their mansions using this form of trade.

Issuance points have also been known for the fourth century. Thus, the Utkonos chain at one time relied on the experience of Soviet order tables, and those, in turn, on the Western and pre-revolutionary domestic experience.

And “fresh markets”, “gastro” and “delhi-markets” are not fundamentally new phenomena, only now these formats have become more widespread and accessible to the average buyer, and not only to a narrow layer of the wealthy population.

When creating new retail chains, it is interesting to invest in the most promising areas. Of course, you have to take risks, like all innovators, but the degree of risk greatly depends on the approach. If the approach is “to make a cool, fashionable chip”, then it is more likely that the money will fall into the abyss, and the “chip” will leave extremely unpleasant memories of itself in the form of the stone faces of bank employees or the sale of a new Lamborghini.

Any experiment must be very carefully calculated and prepared, and we will talk about this further.

For existing networks, competent "formatting" also benefits:

  • reduced operating costs due to standardization,
  • you can fully compare all similar stores, plan and analyze,
  • adjust the typical parameters of a retail outlet (area, assortment, range of services, etc.),
  • and also assess the potential of each format and allocate more resources to promising formats, reducing obsolete or low-income ones.

Factors influencing the development of formats in retail:

  1. Technology... This is the most important factor. In various fields, developments appear that can and should be applied in stores and shopping centers... For example, these are technologies:
    • product presentations (3D models, augmented reality for interior goods, clothing, equipment, etc.),
    • testing goods,
    • design and finishing materials for the facade and interior,
    • promotion via the Internet and social networks,
    • communication with customers and employees at various points,
    • collection and analysis of data for assortment planning and work with customer bases,
    • distribution of goods, interaction of wholesale and retail,
    • automation in the trading floor, in the warehouse and in the provision of services,
    • other.
  2. Changes in various trading sectors. General market trends:
  3. Changes in consumer behavior, habits and values.

    The generation that is used to buying and consuming in new ways has grown up and its share has increased. These are young families who do not have a TV (why is it needed when all the news can be found on the Internet, and films can be watched in the cinema or on mobile device), girls who are indifferent to furs and gold jewelry and do not have a pocket mirror in their bag (they use a smartphone instead).

    In general, among buyers there has been a tendency to view shops and shopping centers not as a banal place to get necessary things, but as a place for receiving emotions and new impressions, acquaintance, pleasant pastime, learning and development. Accordingly, traditional stores still have the advantage of using the emotional factor in the sales process.

    In the future, people will increasingly appreciate in stores what cannot be found on the Internet:

    • the possibility of communication,
    • good service,
    • nice atmosphere,
    • interesting presentation of the product and the possibility of direct contact with it,
    • convenience for the buyer.
  4. Impact of the real estate market.

    When opening new stores and retail chains, it is important to analyze the supply of premises in the retail real estate market and highlight opportunities and limitations.

    In our practice, there were several cases when our clients, retail chains, first independently developed a new retail format and only then began to analyze the space market - already at the stage of searching for sites for rent. As a result, it turned out that there were not enough suitable sites in the city!

    For example, a convenience store was planned with a typical retail space of 450 square meters, but very few premises of such area were offered, and not all places were suitable in terms of location and environment. But on the other hand, the market was replete with offers of areas of 100–150 sq. M. m, and there was already an opportunity to choose really good places.

    Another example is a local or regional chain developing a “supermarket of non-food products” format with an area of \u200b\u200b700–1000 sq. M. m and also cannot find sites for it. All the best spots in concept shopping malls are given to federal or international operators, leaving a narrow choice in less significant centers and in street retail.

    For small formats in large cities, high rental rates can be noted as a danger, especially at checkpoints and prominent places. One of the regional chains, which works well in its region, was forced to close its project in the capital due to the fact that the "lease load" (the indicator of the share of rent in the turnover) was much higher.

    Therefore, the correct approach is to make sure that there are sites and take this into account when developing format parameters. Note that the multi-format network has a much better chance of increasing its presence and occupying space in almost all strategic places - in shopping centers, in street retail. And also to develop a strategy for territorial coverage and choose the best places for opening the first points.

Retail mistakes

Why do unsuccessful formats appear? Here are a few typical mistakes retail that merchants and store owners do:

  • “Rediscovering America with a reinvented wheel and bicycle” is a poor knowledge of the history and experience of trade, both domestic and foreign. Ideas arise that have long been realized. If you do not study experience and do not follow the trends, you will collect all the possible bumps on this difficult path of "discoverer". At one time it concerned the development of supermarkets and hypermarkets, today - the development of omni-channel, checkout windows, combined and hybrid stores.

  • "I and my friends like it"... This approach works well only if the interests of the owner and his friends coincide with the interests target audience, and (which is very important) this target audience is in sufficient quantity. Let's remember the law of large numbers and take vegetarian foods as an example. According to statistics, we have about 2% of vegetarians, including the orthodox directions - vegans, raw foodists (judging by the results of some surveys in Russia, in 2016-17 this figure increases to 3-4%). In the West, there are slightly more of them - up to 10%. Accordingly, in Moscow (according to statistics as of 01.01.2017, 12,830.66 thousand people), the market for vegetarian products numbers 256,613 people and is sufficient to open a store and even a small network. In Penza (523.73 thousand people) it will already be 10 475 people, in Tambov (290.37 thousand people) - 5 807, and in Morshansk (39.36 thousand people) - only 787 people. Accordingly, the market capacity differs at times, and a vegetarian seller in a small town will sadly sit at the counter and look at the empty drawer of his cash register.

  • Bad choice of location... Again about vegetarians. Even in the huge metropolis of Moscow, there was an example when vegetarian stores of the same chain existed perfectly in the center - a place of intense customer flows and congestion of all kinds of "non-traditionalists", but none of the stores took root in the outskirts. Another unfortunate example was the opening of a vegetarian fast food chain in a city with a population of one million. Many points opened near stops public transport in residential areas where people with low incomes lived. It is not surprising that hard workers, hurrying home from work after a shift, still bought on the way completely unhealthy, but hearty burgers, pasties and pies fried in oil, and the new point was completely ignored.

  • “We haven’t had anything like this” (variation: “Why not try it?”)... One of the pearls in our collection is the Clothes from Peru store in the city of Yakutsk. For those wishing to surprise the buyers of their hometown, we remind you about the size of the target audience and the regularity of consumption

  • ... We have already written about this a lot in our books. Fashion in recent years - markets and fresh markets, trampoline parks and petting zoos. Fashionable - set! Today, even in the remote outskirts of Belgorod and Taganrog, you can find mini-trampoline centers and well-fed cats in cute cages. Only the buyers have already jumped and settled down, and it is clearly necessary to look for something new. Until cockroaches and mice overpowered ... It is better to think about what customers need, and what they will be willing to spend money on regularly and over a long period. It is this format, tailored to the needs, that will be successful.

  • ... It is often found with a simple transfer of the foreign and capital format to the regions.

  • ... It is necessary to plan new retail formats for the future. Until now, some companies offer an option (concept, layout, design) similar to the successful western shopping center - but only built 10-15 years ago. It is immediately clear that such a standard solution is suitable for an underdeveloped market and is in no way suitable for modern Russian cities with a high saturation of areas in shopping centers and a variety of types of shopping centers - the project is already morally outdated, it is risky to do it. IN last years the market has changed. Therefore, if the project was developed even 1-2 years ago, and you are starting to implement it today, you need to conduct additional research and make adjustments.

How to avoid mistakes?

The complex of studies in the development of a new format should include:

  • Analysis of the main competitors, market players and existing formats;
  • Analysis of technologies in the production and sale of goods, logistics;
  • Analysis of the buying environment and trends in purchases of each type of product;
  • Analysis of areas for development (country, city, district, city district);
  • Analysis of the supply of space in existing and construction projects.

Based on the analysis:

  • The main parameters of outlets are being developed: general and trading area, assortment matrix, form of trade and presentation of goods, optimal trade equipment, etc .;
  • A Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is created;
  • The geography and the most promising territories for opening new stores are determined;
  • Resources (time, money, people) are assessed;
  • Uniform requirements for location, criteria for choosing a location and selection of premises for new stores are formulated;
  • A forecast is made for three scenarios: optimism, normal situation, pessimism (do not forget about this! Until now, many entrepreneurs consider only the desired, optimistic option);
  • A promotion program is being drawn up;
  • A site (or several sites) is selected for the "pilot" project.

Retail formatsformats, shop building, retailhttps: // Retail formatshttps: // 2019-11-24