Where to go to work without experience. Where to go to work without work experience? Where to go to work in a crisis? Contacting the employment center

You will need

  • The best job sites in Moscow are www.hh.ru, www.superjob.ru, www.joblist.ru, www.ulovumov.ru. Students and young professionals should visit www.career.ru and www.futuretoday.ru.


Despite the fact that the crisis seems to have passed, the number of unemployed has not become much less. Now the labor market is still the employer's market, not. Therefore, employers, as a rule, are looking for employees slowly - they know that they can always find a decent specialist willing to work for small ones. Accordingly, not all applicants are considered.

However, this does not mean that it cannot be found. There are companies that are ready to hire a candidate with high salary expectations, as long as he is a real professional. Contrary to the popular myth that it is now possible to get a good job in Russia only through "connections", many people find decent jobs in such companies. For this, of course, you will have to go through a rather tough selection.

The first stage of selection is, of course, a resume. Most job sites have a specific form that you need to fill out. Keep your resume simple, concise, and clear about your key skills and strengths. Especially worth mentioning are your work achievements and experience. leadership workif it was. In the event that you have no work experience yet, focus on good knowledgeUniversity strengths, character strengths and willingness to learn on the job.

If the employer is interested in your resume, they will call you back and schedule an interview. Before the interview, you should go to the website of the company that invited you and find out as much as possible about it. Try to think about what questions an hr manager might ask a candidate like you. It will be useful to read articles about interviews and thematic forums. Even at this stage of selection, you may be offered a test or asked a couple of questions in your specialty, if, in addition to the hr-manager, a specialist of the department in which the employee is looking for will be present at the interview. So you should be ready for this too.

The final stage of the interview, as a rule, will be a conversation with a representative of the company's senior management. The most successful candidates reach this stage. At this level, it is important to discuss the details of the work, salary, benefits. You, in turn, will be tested for self-control, sociability and loyalty.

Do not forget about other ways of finding a job - ask your friends if they need a specialist in your profile. Few people enjoy being obligated to other people, but what if you really are a good candidate for a vacant position in their company. Do not be afraid to act, after all, you may need to help them someday.

Good afternoon friends!

Elena Nikitina is in touch, and today we will talk about how to get a job - dreams and realities, main and additional, schoolchildren and retirees - for every taste.

If you have no experience at all, then you have the main thing - youth, strength and enthusiasm, which helps to move mountains. Believe in yourself and read below.

For schoolchildren

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, citizens can work from the age of 14. True, with the consent of parents and guardianship authorities and no more than 2 hours a day in their free time from school. But even within these reasonable constraints, there is room for choice.

The easiest way to find a job is through the local employment service: as a rule, in the spring, information about earnings during the summer holidays is posted there. Most often these are works on the improvement of an urban or other territory. When I worked as a teacher in a boarding school, my children washed their own school, painted the walls with safe water-based paint, and for this they received money and the first entries in the work book.

You can also look for jobs in newspapers and on the internet. The most popular are the following:

  • promoter,
  • posting ads,
  • a distributor of newspapers in boxes,
  • extras actor (actual in large cities).

In Nizhny Novgorod, familiar youth found a part-time job on the information board shopping center... The guys in a strictly allotted time 2 hours a day handed out leaflets, paid them without cheating.

The most important thing is to know about the good faith of the employer. An honest organization enters into an employment contract. If this is not provided, ask around your acquaintances and friends: perhaps one of them has already collaborated with the company and can vouch for it.

It is much more difficult to get a job in a small town, and such vacancies simply do not exist. But the following options are possible:

  • look for work for the summer in a children's camp. Sometimes the administration is ready to hire a janitor, a kitchen assistant from among minors;
  • find a remote job. We have already written about.

From the age of 16, the daily working time increases to 4 hours on school days and up to 7 hours during holidays. Therefore, employers are more willing to hire young people on the staff.

Those wishing to work hard can knock on fast food chains like McDonald's. Information about vacancies is located directly in the cafe, the application can be filled out there or on the website.

For student

If you are reading this paragraph, it means that you are already thinking about looking for a job. And they did the right thing! The more experience you have by graduation, the more interest you are for the employer. Let's just agree: we will leave shifts at McDonald's at best for the first year, unless you are planning a career in this company.

The times when future economists and philologists spent the summer in train crews and washed theatrical scenes in winter (this is a description of the experience of mine and my fellow students in the early 2000s) are gone. Today on railroad and other low-skilled jobs, there are fewer students: young people prefer to build a career from a young age.

Therefore, we set goals, priorities and follow the call of the labor market. This means that we are looking for a job that is most consonant with the future, but not at the expense of the present. We focus on developing the necessary qualities and the ability to combine with studies. The recommendations are as follows:

  1. If you need customer communication skills, permissions conflict situations, sales, you can consider the positions: promoter, waiter, call center operator, manager. You can often choose a convenient work time, and in some organizations career growth is provided.
  2. The experience of working with children, acting and organizational data is being pumped up in the field of animation, quests, game fields. Busyness is usually in the evenings or on weekends. In the summertime, go as a counselor to the camp, including the sea. Do you dream of becoming a teacher? Go to your home school - if you are not given a part-time job, you may well be allowed to conduct lessons at no cost.
  3. Administrative work can be started at the trade union committee, at the department or at the selection committee. Always make an appointment to attend classes. The salary will be lower than the market, but you will be aware of all university events and get good recommendations.
  4. If you dream of working for a promising company, start with an internship. Do not be lazy to walk around and propose yourself. The bosses notice active and conscientious students and attract them to the staff.
  5. Part-time students can really get a job on the TC - they will also pay for the sessions. Until you have decided on a job, go to the employment service: you will be offered several reliable vacancies, and if you don’t fit, they will be registered.


Received a diploma of education, and work experience is indicated everywhere in the requirements for vacancies in the specialty? Don't be discouraged, the situation is not hopeless. Experienced personnel officers advise:

  1. Often in the job description, some items are rather desirable. Therefore, feel free to send your resume. Honestly indicate that you have no experience, but be sure to mention practice or internship on a similar topic. Describe your business qualities - perhaps they will help you make a choice in your favor.
  2. Clarify for yourself all the possible career options. What position are you ready to work in and which one will definitely not suit you? Do not be lazy to check with friends - perhaps what seems tempting to you is actually not very attractive from the inside, and what is scary is not so scary.
  3. If there is an opportunity to take a position a step lower than the desired one, do not be afraid to choose this option. At the same time, clarify the career prospects at the enterprise.
  4. Look for information on internships in areas of interest. Usually announcements about this are published on the Internet on thematic resources (at the end of the article you will find a useful list), but you can also look at the websites of companies.
  5. In the interview, show your willingness to learn and confidence in your abilities. My boss refused to work for a serious woman only because during the conversation she kept repeating: “I’m afraid of working in such a responsible position!”
  6. It is better to start looking for a job immediately after receiving a diploma, without delaying until the fall. Otherwise, while you are relaxing at sea, more agile classmates will take your place.

If you need work urgently

Sometimes you need to make money quickly. Options for a simple and short-term part-time job:

  • courier (some companies consider "conscripts");
  • outsourcing company (they accept everyone, money is paid after several shifts, a schedule to choose from);
  • extras actor (spectator in the hall);
  • shift work (beware of fraud).

For pregnant

It is not easy for a woman in a position to get settled. Not only is the work not immediately located, but the tummy is also growing - it is about to give out. It's good if you feel good enough to go to job interviews. Otherwise, you will have to wait for a more favorable moment, carefully thinking over the masking wardrobe.

The main goal now is to find an organization that will provide a baby up to one and a half years old. It can be both a state and a commercial structure, if you are ready to be hired officially.

Of course, it is better to notify the boss after employment. It is unlikely that he will be happy for you, but the family is more important than the opinion of the leader.

As soon as you find out about pregnancy, immediately order yourself a certificate of no criminal record. It is likely that you will not find a good job and you will have to go to a nursery school or a similar institution. There this document will be very useful.

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for a woman in a position to be forced to quit her job. on their own... Therefore, if you are not sure that you will have enough strength to resist pressure from above, choose a company carefully. It may be worth choosing a less profitable but more reliable job. Contact the employment office for advice.

Night shifts and others harmful factors now undesirable. But as a last resort, you will have to agree to this: perhaps later it will be possible to agree on a schedule with the team.

Remember that the convulsive thought “I want a job at any cost” should not betray you. Try to interest the employer in personal and business qualities... This will help you later on maternity leave easier.

For a woman after a decree

Often after leaving parental leave, a woman has to change jobs. It is much more difficult for her to find a job than for a girl without children. Although the opposite is also observed: often the employer is afraid of candidates of childbearing age, especially married ones. It is believed that as soon as they catch on to the place, they will immediately gather on maternity leave.

Mom needs stability, she is not prone to dismissal, and this is her plus. And, although the employer is afraid of frequent sick leave, employment is possible.

The most important thing when writing a resume is to indicate that there is someone to look after the child. If you live close to work, do not forget to inform about this as well - this is a significant plus for the employer.

And, of course, while on maternity leave, continue to improve your professional skills whenever possible (or acquire new ones if you cannot return to your previous activities). Certificates from courses and trainings are the best evidence of your professional competence and desire to develop.

Whoever worked Polina, while she had a little daughter! And a seller in a mini-market with a tight schedule (the girl was with her grandmother), and a nanny in the kindergarten, when it was time to socialize the baby. But Polina's soul always asked for creativity. Once she went to the Ariel factory of Christmas tree decorations, well-known far beyond the borders of Russia, completed a test task and got a job as an artist. And the flexible schedule made it possible to have time to take and pick up the child from the kindergarten.

Work for retirees

In modern Russian realities, rarely can anyone afford to leave workplace on the day of the anniversary. Continue labor activity people are most often driven by need, but there are other reasons:

  • desire to remain useful to society;
  • the need to do what they love (many teachers do not go on a well-deserved vacation without graduating from the class);
  • loneliness, boredom at home.

According to the experience of my acquaintances, a pensioner is hired much more readily than people of pre-retirement age. Age candidates are hired by enterprises where there is no career growth, high wages, frequent business trips, new technologies. According to statistics, every fourth company in Russia is ready to hire a pensioner.

In most cases, this is pedagogy, housing and communal services, security organizations, culture and art (cloakroom attendants and cashiers in provincial theaters).

The strengths of this age category are called:

  • old schooling - responsibility, diligence;
  • desire to stay in the workplace;
  • rich life experience.

Pensioners successfully realize themselves in creative professions (tutor, circle guide, tour guide), in areas related to their considerable experience (selling flowers, seeds, handicrafts). You can advise home or remote work, search for orders via the Internet, self-employment.

Employment of citizens with a criminal record

There are industries where citizens with a criminal record are not allowed to enter. This is the court and the prosecutor's office, military service, pedagogy, banking and some others. A police clearance certificate is required here from the applicant without fail. But other organizations are in no hurry to accept a person “with the past”.

The situation is complicated by the fact that some employers have access to the database of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is not difficult for them to calculate a previously convicted candidate, even if the opposite is indicated in the questionnaire. According to the law, such a questionnaire discriminates against citizens, so it is illegal to fire an employee for false data in it. But in practice, everything happens differently. All this significantly limits the human right to free labor.

In this situation, experts advise:

  1. Contact your local employment center or social center adaptation of persons released from prison for legal and informational support.
  2. Try to remove a criminal record. This right is established by law. You will need a certificate from the police and a characteristic from the place of residence.
  3. Search for any available earnings with the help of friends.
  4. Open IP (taxi, photocopies).
  5. Or consider remote work.

For a second job

If there is a need for a part-time job or you want to spend your free time with benefit, the second job can be very useful.

Compared to part-time work in the usual place, it even has a number of advantages:

  • fresh energy of a new occupation;
  • additional acquaintances;
  • the ability to combine work and hobbies (conducting a hobby group).

The most important thing when looking for a second job is to combine it not only with the first one, but also with free time, otherwise there will be no strength left at all. However, as practice shows, not having time to live is more fear than reality. As soon as any additional load appears, the organized person reallocates time, changes the pace and rhythm of life and, most valuable, finds thousands of activities to donate. For example, watching TV and long phone calls.

Martha, in the recent past, combined a 1/3 schedule in one place with a 2/2 employment in another. At the same time, she managed (although not always) to go to yoga, to English, to “indulge” in Italian in her free time, to earn extra money on quiz (intellectual team games) once a month, and even occasionally go to sea, asking time off from all the bosses at once.

With good income

Most people are interested in high-paying jobs. Nevertheless, a significant part of the population does not follow this direction to the end. By different reasons we are forced to agree to compromises.

How can you find good work?

  1. Set yourself this goal first. Determine your desired income level and don't lower the bar.
  2. Decide that you will definitely get your way.
  3. Please note that this will take time. Calculate how long you are willing to wait without much damage to your wallet and nerves.
  4. Think about what specialty could provide you with the required salary. What would you like, could and definitely did not do?
  5. What are you willing to do for a high salary? Will you be able to spend more time on the road, travel frequently on business trips or even change your place of residence? It is also useful to assess the moral aspects: some job duties can run counter to your character and life principles.

High-paying jobs vary. It can be both hard work in the North and an office pastime in the capital. If your goal implies not only big money, but also high social status, the tips are as follows:

  1. A decent salary awaits a worthy candidate. Your self-confidence should show through not only between the lines of the resume, but throughout appearance... Therefore, work on yourself. Improve your self-esteem, qualifications, experience and business skills.
  2. Create an engaging resume. Do not be lazy to resort to the help of a professional and do not skimp on it. And if you want to become a personal assistant to the manager, we have already prepared for you.
  3. Send out the questionnaire to attractive companies. Try to show each of them their usefulness.
  4. Along with this, apply for vacancies from sites - preferably the most tasty ones.
  5. At the same time, take up continuing education. Are you firmly convinced that you will get a good job? This means that attending courses will not be in vain. Perhaps you will find a place there.

How to find your dream job?

Instead of a thousand words, you can limit yourself to one story.

Since her youth, Marya dreamed not just of some profession - she wanted to make all people happy. A jack of all trades - Marya is engaged in weaving, painting, making dolls. She founded the Bereginya school for needlewomen in Ufa. Education and experience in organizational work helped. This was the first step in its implementation.

One of the school's partners in 2015 invited the participants to a Thai yoga massage class - since then, Marya's interest in this type of activity has only grown. According to her, this way you can make many more people happy.

Having adopted the experience of the best masters of Russia, the girl began to practice with friends. Gradually, amateur pursuits turned into earnings. She finds clients through word of mouth and, despite the current public VKontakte, she considers this tool the most effective for promoting her services. The girl pays a lot of attention to education and self-education. Without leaving her homeland, Marya received a Thai certificate and now dreams of an internship in Thailand.

Now Marya is not just a masseuse, but the creator of an on-site Thai yoga massage salon. Three more girls with a similar philosophy work under her leadership. They make three cities happy: Ufa, Chelyabinsk and Yekaterinburg.

Marya appreciates her work for positive emotions and the opportunity to comprehend psychotherapeutic practices with the help of massage (massage and psychology are linked together for her).

How to force yourself to get a job?

Dedicated to those who believe that all other items are not for him.

Usually, unwillingness to work is associated with self-doubt (fear of refusal at an interview is included), disappointment in previous activities, or elementary laziness.

If the state of inaction is to your liking, you are unlikely to force yourself to change it. Unless it is to find something that does not take too much time, such as freelancing. If the thickness of the wallet does not allow you to relax, then you will definitely be looking for a job - a matter of time.

Here's how to properly increase your motivation:

  1. Reboot (get out of your comfort zone: go on a hike, visit your family, etc.)
  2. Make a list of desires that would come true with the next salary.
  3. Stop being afraid of rejection. Not taken in one place - waiting in another. If you need work at any cost, the bar of desires can be lowered.
  4. Consider all possible and impossible options. Who knows what horizons will open before you? Not a bad idea for free people - seasonal work in another region: adrenaline rises and the pace of life rises.
  5. Learn a new craft. It never hurts.
  6. Ask friends for help. Whoever does not advise on a specific place of work will be able to suggest who sees you. Sometimes it is prophetically true.

Good luck to everyone who is open to new opportunities!

Interesting resources for finding a job

Especially for those who want to open up to something new, here are some tips for finding an unexpected job:

  • internship base,
  • vacancies and internships for students,

Where and how to look for a job correctly? How to quickly get a good job without education and experience? How to find a job you like?

We will tell you what steps you need to take to resolve the issue of employment in a short time.

Even a difficult time of economic crisis is not a reason to give up. And in difficult times it is quite possible to find a job, you just need to know where and how to look.

This article will be useful both for people who have little work experience behind them, and for experienced specialists in their field. Everyone will find many useful and effective tips for finding a job of their dreams.

So, let's begin!

1. How to find a good job and where to start looking at all

According to the Ministry of Labor, an increase in unemployment was recorded over the past month (January 2016) in most constituent entities of the Federation. The Ministry of Economic Development predicts this year an increase in the number of unemployed by 400-450 thousand people.

This number can be safely added to the 3.9 million people who are already registered as unemployed citizens.

However, surveys of HR services also inspire some optimism: a quarter of all companies plan to increase their staff this year, although they are going to hire only the most energetic and competent employees. How to find a job in a similar situation? Where to look for work in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities?

Where do you start looking?

The first thing you have to learn for yourself: you have to look for a job on your own - no one will do it for you. Although you shouldn't rely too much on the help of friends and family, telling them that you are looking for a job is your first priority. Also, do not overestimate the help of employment agencies: they are certainly useful, but they have their own interests and not every one of them fulfills its functions 100%.

Beforehand, decide for yourself a few important questions:

  • What kind of job do you want to find?
  • What schedule would suit you?
  • What salary are you expecting?
  • Will you be able to work away from home and what will be the acceptable daily travel time for you?
  • Will work change your quality of life for the better?

Having decided on the priorities, you can proceed to concrete action... If you know exactly what you want, you are less likely to get a job that you want to leave in the first week.

And it is also worth immediately identifying unpromising areas - such places where, firstly, they are not waiting for you, and secondly, even if they are waiting, they will offer the minimum wage.

A couple of years ago, the most unpromising in terms of careers were: science, utilities, culture, sports, security. Today, according to experts, the recession threatens banking and tourism. This will significantly increase female unemployment.

A decline in mortgage loans is projected to cut construction, pushing higher male unemployment.

The male part of the population also has nothing to "catch" in the automotive industry (at some factories there is only one shift left, and salaries have dropped by 20%). The staff in the field of auto sales will be reduced, however, some increase in vacancies in the auto repair business is expected.

Stagnation in the catering sector will expel thousands of waiters and cooks into the streets. Unemployment will rise among makeup artists, stylists, beauticians, hotel workers. Among office workers, a reduction in lawyers and economists is expected due to overproduction over the past 2-3 years.

All other areas are relatively promising.

2. Where to quickly find a job or a part-time job

There are quick ways to find work for students and people with no experience. We collected in this section practical advice that will help temporarily find a job for those who need quick earnings, but do not have professional skills.

For a student with no experience

There are thousands of offers on the Internet for graduates and university students. You shouldn't be too happy about the number of offers: not all vacancies promise really stable income. Students are offered usually low-paid and labor-intensive activities:

  • promoter;
  • courier;
  • waiter;
  • sales Manager;
  • animator;
  • security guard (watchman).

Some types of work involve exclusively seasonal employment, which suits students during the summer holidays. With the advent of the worldwide network, job searches have become much easier and more efficient. Now it is easier for a student with no work experience to find a vacant place. We have already written, this article also discusses options for earning money through the Internet for young people.

Few continue to use print media (although it is too early to discount newspapers and magazines devoted to vacancies): just go to the resource and familiarize yourself with the offers that have already been sorted into categories and sections. You can even draw up a detailed resume and post it on job search portals, perhaps employers themselves will choose your candidacy.

Without education

Work without education suggests about the same vacancies as in the case of a student part-time job - couriers, security guards, waiters, loaders, workers in trading rooms supermarkets. Do not count on the special generosity of employers and do not rush to respond to the first offer that comes across.

To get started, study all the vacancies that you liked, make a list of the offers you are interested in, ranking them in order of personal attractiveness.

Weigh all the pros and cons and do not be afraid to say "no" to the employer if the vacancy for some reason ceases to interest you (far from home, night shifts and other nuances). Don't be scared if you are offered pre-training. This way you will gain experience and skills that can be useful in the future.

Even getting a job as an intern, you can be persistent and quickly get a better place in the same company. We have already published an article on part-time work on our website, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with it.

Into crisis

The difficult economic situation is making adjustments to our lives. Above, we have already cited statistics on unemployment and reductions in certain areas. At the moment, there is a clear violation of the balance of supply and demand in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, and other cities of the Russian Federation.

How to find a job in a crisis? There is only one option - to be active in searching for vacancies: to post your resume not on one Headhanter website, but at least on 3-5 portals. Employers' budgets for finding employees are also limited, and search through recruitment agencies is mostly paid for employers.

The right approach to job search is half or even most of the success.

It is not so important whether you have experience and knowledge, whether you graduated from a university or only 9 grades of school, the main factor: self-confidence, awareness, desire to develop and improve. Our tips will also help you find a good job - read them carefully and be sure to use them in practice.

Tip 1. Be persistent and methodical - do you want to SEARCH or FIND a job?

Perseverance, methodicalness, systems approach and theoretical training are the leading success factors. Decide what you really want - seek work or to find her?

“I'm looking for a job” is a good psychological shield against claims from family members and relatives. Do not forget that you need to look for a job only in order to find it, improve the quality of life and change your financial status.

Important: job search is also a kind of work! You should approach this as seriously and responsibly as you would any work. Once you've compiled your resume, remember to update it and post it on multiple sites. Send it to all employers who are at least theoretically interesting to you. It doesn't matter if you seem annoying - companies tend to value persistent and energetic employees.

Illustrative example

An acquaintance of ours named Victor has been looking for a job for about a year and a half, but has not found a job until now.

The search for vacancies has become his kind of daily ritual. He regularly reviewed job search sites, subscribed phone numbers and company data, and often called potential employers. Sometimes I even went to interviews.

Even if he was quite satisfied with the salary and other factors, he still found some point on which this work did not suit him.

A female boss, an office in a non-prestigious area, no cooler in the workplace. In other words, Victor simply did not want to get a job, but wanted to look for it and create an appearance of activity.

With this approach, the chances of improving your life are certainly minimal.

Tip 2. What is better to choose - a high-paying job or a job you like?

Ideal, of course, is to have a high-paying job that you enjoy. But in practice, a highly profitable place is not always to your liking.

The question put forward in the heading of this paragraph is decided by everyone individually.

Psychologists insist that it is better to do what you like, even if this business does not bring high income right away.

  • At first, any job involves the development of professional skills. Perhaps at the moment the salary is not too high, but having improved your qualifications and level, you can always count on an increase in income.
  • Secondly, going to work that you don't like, like going to hard labor, experiencing negative emotions, is unhealthy.

The immune system directly depends on our psycho-emotional state: it has been proven that people who are engaged in an unloved business and perceive work as a "necessary evil" are more likely to develop infectious and chronic diseases.

At work, a person spends a significant part of his life. Do you want to be in constant depression, complain about life, sleep poorly and count the minutes until the end of the working day? We are sure not.

So, make a choice in favor of the vacancy that suits you personally, and not your husband (wife, mother-in-law, dad, mom).

Tip 3. Use as many different job search options as possible

Diversify your search as much as possible. The more job search methods you use, the higher your chances of success. In the next section of the article, we will take a closer look at them, outline the advantages (and possible disadvantages) of each of them.

There are certain rules of resume writing that should be followed if you want to impress the employer as a prepared, purposeful and serious person. The resume is the first, on which the employer is based in his conclusions, considering a specific candidate for the applicant.

The resume should be:

  • Concise and containing only relevant and important information. The employer usually does not have time to read your detailed and detailed essays, so the information should be posted as concisely, effectively, and correctly as possible. You should not describe your life path in the column "about yourself", starting from kindergarten. It should contain information that is useful to the employer, emphasizing your professional merit or testifying to the ability to work in a team.
  • Written without errors and logical inconsistencies. Even if you are hired as a turner at a factory, you must show yourself to be a competent and responsible person: fortunately, it is not difficult to check the text for errors nowadays. The ability to present information in a logical and structured way is a quality that is appreciated in any position.
  • Competently designed. Each column in this document is assigned a specific place. If you write about professional and personal qualities in one section or if you admit carelessness in the design of your resume, HR specialists are unlikely to bombard you with invitations for an interview.

The resume must indicate: personal and contact information, wishes for future work, experience, professional skills, education, awards and diplomas of a professional nature.

Scammers are companies that either want you to work for free or hope to get your money. Online fraud is especially common. Distinguishing honest employers from scammers is not easy: scammers know how to build trust and impress.

The surest rule

If someone wants you to transfer a certain amount of money to an account (down payment, loyalty check, payment teaching aids or materials), you are most likely getting bred.

Tip 7. Prayer for work is your extra helper

A prayer-appeal to the Orthodox Saint Spyridon of Trimyphunts helps believers to find a good job.

This saint and miracle worker, who lived at the beginning of our era, helps those in need gain confidence, independence, and find their life's work.

They pray to Saint Spyridon during the troubles of life, financial difficulties, in the absence of work.

4. Effective ways to find a job - TOP-7 popular options

Here we give effective ways job search. With the help of them, you can cover the maximum number of vacancies and offers.

1) Personal contacts: relatives, friends, social networks

Statistics show that in small companies 40% of employees get a job by acquaintance through friends, relatives or through social networks... By simply posting a message about job search in your status on Facebook or VKontakte, you will significantly increase the chances of finding a job through close or distant acquaintances.

Inform your surroundings that you are looking for a vacant position and word of mouth will become your assistants in this matter.

2) Professional communities

Professional communities are both a new and well-known phenomenon to mankind. This is the name of a group of people who are engaged in a certain field of activity and regularly exchange experiences, contacts with each other, jointly develop the most effective methods solving professional problems.

Often, representatives of such communities also exchange information about vacancies, vacancies and other information useful for a person looking for a job.

3) Newspapers Free Ads

Print editions are already somewhat outdated, but still valid way of finding a job. The main category of people using newspapers free ads, are older people, conservative and do not trust modern technologies. Some companies that publish job listings in newspapers duplicate them on Internet sites.

4) job search websites

The most relevant method today. There are dozens of sites on the Internet that daily update lists of hundreds of vacancies in all possible areas of work. The competent use of online portals will allow you to find a job quickly and free of charge.

Most popular job sites:

  • Job.ru is a popular portal for job seekers and employers. The very simple interface of the site will allow you to easily and simply wait for employers to call you. Registration and writing a resume on the site will take no more than 20 minutes.
  • Headhunter (hh.ru) - this convenient, functional and up-to-date site works in every city, has hundreds of thousands of vacancies in the list (depending, of course, on the population) and several million resumes from applicants from all over Russia;
  • Indeed (ru.indeed.com) is an equally popular portal, designed for an audience of applicants of all ages and specialties. Its convenience is that it collects data on a given vacancy from various Internet portals. The developers have also made a convenient mobile application.
  • Avito (avito.ru) - All-Russian site of free classifieds, which, among others, has sections for job search in the city of your residence: "vacancies" and "service offers";
  • Yandex Jobs (rabota.yandex.ru). Special job search service from Yandex - the most popular search engine on the Russian Internet.
  • Rabota.ru - profile well-known site.

These are just the most popular sites, there are many of them on the net. It is also worth paying attention to your local city portals. Very often they also publish advertisements of local employers.

It is better to look through vacancies from Monday, tracking new offers every morning. The possible "disadvantages" of this method include a large number of applicants per proposal.

5) Monitoring vacancies on company websites and targeted distribution of resumes

If you are a specialist in any profession or dream of working in a particular company, make your search more targeted: you can monitor vacancies on the resources of the companies you are interested in and send them your own resume to HR departments.

It is a completely reliable and productive method of finding a job, especially if you have something to interest the employer with. Competition among employers in the marketplace is very high: they also try not to lose valuable employees.

6) Recruitment agencies

Recruitment agencies work through recruiters: you leave them your resume, they look for an employer. Be careful - not all recruitment agencies are “clean on hand” - among them there are often scammers or simply firms that do not perform their work at the proper level.

7) Own website

Another modern and relevant method of job search. True, your own website will help if you have something to offer the employer - your high qualifications, confirmed by examples of work performed (portfolio), your abilities for certain activities.

Having your own website is especially useful in finding remote work for a designer, copywriter, marketing and advertising specialist.

Comparative table of the effectiveness of various methods of job search:

Search method Expenses Reaching employers' audience Search time
1 Relatives, friends, acquaintancesIs freeSmallTypically 3 days to a month
2 Professional communitiesIs freeSmall, targetedA few months
3 NewspapersAd costLargeNot limited
4 WebsitesIs freeAlmost all vacancies in the cityNot limited
5 Own websiteWebsite creation costLimitedNot limited
7 Monitoring vacancies on company websitesIs freeLimited, targetedNot limited
8 Recruiting agencyFree / or part of the first salaryLargeFew weeks

5. How to get a job - 7 popular areas of employment

Many people want prestigious jobs. In this section, we have reviewed the most popular areas of elite employment.

To the police

New cadres will always be in demand by law enforcement agencies: the work is hard, dangerous, but, of course, necessary. There are almost no delays in salaries for police officers, in addition, the officers themselves have an impressive list of benefits and privileges prescribed by law. But not everyone is hired to serve in the police.

Serving in the army, impeccable health, and good physical shape is almost a prerequisite. What matters is emotional stability, which is checked at the initial stage of selection of candidates through testing.

Young people of any sex 18-35 years old are taken to the ranks of the police. The educational requirements of candidates depend on the position for which they are applying. Profile education, of course, will not be superfluous if you have thoughts about career growth.

In the FSB

In theory, FSB employees can become citizens of the Russian Federation who are capable of fulfilling their official duties in terms of their professional, physical, personal qualities, as well as in terms of age and education. Besides the list mandatory documents, candidates are required to pass:

  1. Psychophysical stress testing.
  2. Tests for the use of drugs and psychoactive substances.
  3. Checking physical condition.
  4. Medical clearance.

In addition, all future employees of the Security Service must pass the registration of admission to the State Secret.

In Gazprom

Gazprom is the most profitable and stable company in the country, an influential player not only in the Russian, but also in the world economic market. Getting a job at Gazprom is a dream of many of our compatriots. It is believed that getting a job in this company without personal connections impossible, but this is just a stereotype.

You can start looking for a job in Gazprom from the websites of these companies, which regularly publish job listings. If, moreover, you are a good specialist in a specialized field, a certified graduate of a prestigious university, then it is quite possible that the doors of the company will be hospitably open to you.

To the bank

This direction has always been interested in people who dream of a career, stable earnings and high profits. Experts predict a certain decline in this direction in the coming years: most likely, ordinary workers - line managers, cashiers, and so on - will be laid off.

There are no strict educational requirements for consultants and clerks (Front-office workers). As a rule, students of economic and law universities, people with managerial experience come to banks.

There are a lot of starting positions in banks that people can take without experience. In 1-2 years, many young people manage to grow in terms of careers vertically or horizontally. True, employees without experience cannot count on very high salaries. However, a year or two can be tolerated for the sake of a future career.

On a rotational basis

On a rotational basis, construction workers, drivers, bulldozer drivers, tractor drivers and representatives of other specialties work, whose skills are required in the harsh conditions of the Far North and the Arctic.

The essence of the rotational method is simple: the team goes to work for 1-3 months and performs its duties without interrupting production - living in temporary dwellings at construction, mining or processing facilities.

In theory, any person of the required specialty who is ready to work in harsh conditions can be hired as a shift worker.


People seeking to find a job on a rotational basis can run into "scam" - firms that collect from "future employees" supposedly "entrance fees" for registration.

To avoid this, work only with companies that have representative offices.


To get a job abroad (we are not talking about China and Mongolia, but about Europe, USA, Canada, Australia), you need to look for a job either through recruiting agency, or on foreign sites.

The chance to work abroad is high among representatives of the demanded technical specialties - programmers, engineers, designers, IT specialists. Quite good options are offered to financiers, top managers.

Naturally, without knowing the language, getting a normal job in another country is almost impossible. Competition in the job market in countries Western Europe very high. In addition to local job seekers, immigrants from the eastern part of Europe, Turkey and Asian countries seek to find work there.

You can get a job in the Russian Federation in international companyand then look for opportunities to transfer to an overseas office. If you make every effort and effort, it will be quite a feasible task for an ambitious and purposeful person.

For the state service

Far from the worst employment option (especially during a crisis). There is almost always a competition for civil servants' vacancies: the best possible candidate is selected.

The process of joining the service is a step-by-step process - first all your documents and data are reviewed, then a face-to-face or written test is conducted for special training.

Work experience in a specialty (for example, in a bank, if you get a job in the financial part) will be of great help. Find out about vacancies in the service state apparatus can be found on the websites of the authorities of the city or region.

6. How to find remote work on the Internet

Working on the Internet is a great option for those who do not want to work according to schedule and “for an uncle”. Today on the Internet you can find work in all humanitarian and technical specialties. Linguists, philologists, teachers, designers, lawyers are in demand, medical workers, programmers. We have already talked about in detail in one of the previous articles.

To generate income, you only need constant access to the Network, a bank account or an electronic wallet. Plus the desire to learn and develop. You can find a remote job on the World Wide Web on special sites like FL.ru and Workzilla.

Internet business - a relatively new direction, which is becoming more and more relevant. On the Internet, you can open your own business (online store, legal portal, school), or you can just do what you like remotely.

If you are a journalist or a philologist, write texts to fill online resources with content. If you are a university teacher, prepare applicants via Skype or help with theses. Any talent can find an application: your skills can be converted into cash.

Working on the Internet has many advantages:

  1. You can work without special education. You can get special knowledge here, for example, by studying thematic articles, training e-courses and videos on Youtube.
  2. Income is not limited to salary.You set your own bar.
  3. The ability to manage your time. Working remotely, you yourself ration your working day, choose a weekend and control the duration of your vacation.
  4. Lots of opportunities for personal growth. Being your own boss, you can carry out the most daring and risky projects.

Of course, you need to grow to a stable income level - not all at once. And with experience, you will definitely come to understand how to act more effectively and competently. You can start right away by opening your own website and promoting it. We have already told you how to create your own website.

With the initial investment in marketing and optimization in a year, you can turn your project into a profitable business that generates a stable income.

7. How to look for a job in Moscow

Finding a job in Moscow is certainly not easy, especially during the economic downturn. You can count on official vacancies only if you have a Moscow registration. Informal employment is a common but risky option. If there is no employment contract, You are in full power employer.

Moving and finding a place in the capital is a challenge for energetic and ambitious people. If you have the ability, knowledge, skills and a suitable education, you can find many options for self-realization in the capital.

Be prepared in advance for a change in the rhythm of life, different prices and a different level of salaries. If you plan to live in a rented apartment, calculate the income level in advance to cover the rent and eat well.

To conclude the article, watch a short educational video on finding a job:

8. Conclusion

So, now you know a lot more about how to find a job. We hope that our recommendations will help you find a way to earn money that will completely suit you in terms of money and self-realization. We wish you find a high-paying hobby, then you don't have to work in the standard sense.

Take your employment seriously, because, according to statistics, a person spends more than half of his life at work.

We wish you every success.

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Where to go to work without experience? Is it possible to successfully find a job without having an education, and what to do if you don't know what you want and where it is better to apply yourself? In general, you are at a crossroads and do not know how to interest the employer - let's find out what advice the recruiters give.

Where to go to work without education

You have not yet received any profession, but you need a job urgently? What to do, where to go to work without education? Washing floors and unloading cars is, of course, a necessary occupation, but I want something more interesting.

There are areas of employment where you can learn the necessary skills quickly enough, and it is quite possible to get a job without education. You can find an application for yourself in trade, service, freelancing.

Going to work without an education in trade is a perfectly acceptable option for those who are sociable, eloquent and able to persuade. Young people are willingly hired as sales consultants, teaching them the basics of the profession on the spot.

Knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200bwill help you stand out favorably against the background of other applicants. It will also give you a chance to find a job: tutoring is a profitable occupation, at the same time honing your language skills.

The mistake of many young professionals with no experience is excessive ambition and overestimated expectations. Immediately you want everything and a lot. But if you are not being hired for your desired position, you can try starting from a lower position.

At first, you need to gain experience and establish yourself as a promising employee.

Another option for where to go to work without experience may be an internship in a large company. Many firms are ready to take newcomers and train them in accordance with their requirements and objectives.

If you don't know what you want

Where to go to work if you don't know what you want? A logical answer suggests itself - try to still define your desires and intentions.

You can seek help from a psychologist who, through testing, will determine your inclinations and recommend an area of \u200b\u200bemployment.

You can also test yourself by honestly answering a few questions:

  1. what do I like to do?
  2. what can i do best?
  3. what activities are unpleasant for me?
  4. what do I enjoy and what annoys me?
  5. how do others see me and what do they recommend me to do?

When you decide at least approximately, start acting - try to look for work in an interesting direction for you. After working, you will understand whether you have found your calling or you will have to continue your search.

It is not a fact that it will be possible to decide quickly. But the result is worth it - work should bring not only income, but also pleasure.

Alena Vladimirskaya, head of the hunting agency, will tell you how to find an interesting job if you have no experience.

Job search in Moscow is urgent problem for the majority of young professionals. Indeed, after receiving a diploma, it can take a long time before a suitable job appears. Attending interviews and sending resumes to the firms you like do not always give the desired result if you do not have enough experience.

The first step when looking for a job in Moscow is to define the goals of the applicant. Do you want to find a permanent job or a part-time job for a while? Will you work in your specialty or would you prefer another profession? Properly prioritized will help narrow the range of companies and businesses that may be of interest. You should also be aware that your first job will probably not be at all what you would like. Therefore, you should carefully consider all the pros and cons and not reject the vacancy right away.

Salary level for job seekers without experience

Special attention should be paid to wages. Minimum wage in Moscow for young professionals is 20 thousand rubles. Depending on the complexity, the applicant can count on an average monthly fee of 30-40 thousand rubles.

The histogram shows the change in the level of average wages in Moscow over the past 12 months:

According to Trud.com, 113,282 vacancies are open in Moscow today for applicants with no experience. The graph shows the number of vacancies in% by salary range in Moscow:

If you've been looking for a job for a long time, Trud.com can help you! Our site contains 113,282 vacancies in Moscow, among which you will definitely find a suitable one, and thanks to convenient filters, the search will become even easier. Trud.com is a faithful assistant in your job search!