Obstacles to holding international exhibitions and fairs. International exhibitions and fairs. Successful participation in overseas exhibition

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International Exhibition - this is the display and demonstration of goods in front of foreign experts, consumers and the general public in order to familiarize themselves with the advanced achievements in the relevant industries and the results of scientific progress.

International exhibitions can be worldwide (EXPO), universal, thematic, specialized or industry-specific. World EXPO exhibitions do not pursue commercial goals and are predominantly of a political, scientific, economic and propaganda nature, the overwhelming majority of countries of the world take part in them. The organization of such exhibitions is supported by the state and diplomatic channels.

Universal exhibitions do not limit commodity nomenclature exhibited samples and cover all or most sectors of the national economy. A representative example of exhibitions of products and services of related industries are thematic exhibitions, for example, exhibitions "Health Protection", "Protecting the Environment", "Ocean", etc. On specialized the exhibitions exhibit goods of one or related branches of production and / or science.

Short termexhibitions are limited to no more than three weeks. Permanent exhibitions usually organized at diplomatic consulates abroad. Shopping centers that organize specialized exhibitions of goods of the respective country abroad are also one of the varieties of exhibitions of this type. They provide free exhibition space to interested companies and organizations of their country, assist in organizing an exhibition stand, pay for the installation and dismantling of exhibits, provide exhibitors with information about the conjuncture and situation on the local commodity market.

Mobilef Exhibitions are organized using means of transport, for example, floating exhibitions on board ships, in aircraft cabins, exhibitions in vans.

The most effective in terms of marketing and increasing sales are trade and industrial exhibitions, especially specialized branch, devoted to a separate (often rather narrow) branch of the national economy, applied science and technology. It is such exhibitions that have received especially great development in recent decades, and there is a tendency for their specialization to grow. There is an increase in the number of exhibitions of products of the machine-technical group. Machines and equipment are effectively shown to potential buyers in action, in working mode, which makes it possible to visually acquaint the visitors of the exhibition with their technological properties and design features.

International fair is an international economic exhibition of samples, an international market for goods and services, organized on time within a certain period of time and in the same place. The purpose of their conduct is to conclude commercial transactions not only nationally, but also internationally. The main difference between a fair and a regular market is that it is prohibited to sell goods with a take-away, i.e. trade is carried out strictly according to samples, although the sample itself may be sold at the end. The most famous international fairs are recognized as the Hanover International Fair, international fairs in Frankfurt am Main, Leipzig, Paris, Milan, Brussels, etc.

In recent decades, the border between exhibitions and fairs has practically disappeared, since now, not only at fairs, but also at exhibitions, trade is carried out according to samples, deals are made, marketing, commercial and advertising and propaganda work is carried out, which also includes PR-actions.

At the Vienna Congress of the Union of International Fairs in 1977, the following classification of international fairs was approved:

I. Industry-wide fairs (3 groups):

A.1. - technical and consumer goods;

A.2. - technical;

A.Z. - consumer goods.

II. Specialized fairs and (10 groups).

Groups of specialized fairs B.1. - AT 9. compiled in accordance with the needs of the person (food, clothing, housing, self-care, travel, communication and information, entertainment). Each of the groups includes both finished products and related equipment.

Currently, in European countries, the classification signs are narrowed. It is customary to group fairs / exhibitions both on a territorial basis (origin of exhibits) and thematic (a single concept or specific groups of products / services presented). Fairs and exhibitions are considered internationalwith a significant number of foreign participants (usually at least 10%) and professional visitors (usually at least 5%). Interregionalfairs and exhibitions offer the consumer products and services produced by several regions. Local (regional) fairs and exhibitions showcase products and services primarily from manufacturers in the region.

VALUE: Trade fairs allow, in a short time, with the help of individual contacts, to reach a wide audience of potential consumers and buyers with relevant information about the product. Potential consumers, buyers and technical specialists have the opportunity at the exhibition-fair to inspect the displayed goods, in some cases to get acquainted with them in action, advertising and informational and informational and technical literature, to compare the same type of goods, their quality and commercial characteristics, to find out the most advanced technical point of view samples, identify promising areas of scientific and technological progress, establish contacts with representative exhibiting companies, negotiate, conclude contracts, get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe immediate prospects for trade, listen to reports and messages at information and training seminars, symposia and conferences, etc. ...

Based on global experience, exhibition / fair events are classified according to five main criteria:

 geographical composition of exhibitors: worldwide, international, national, inter-regional, local, etc .;

 thematic (sectoral) principle: universal, specialized;

 the significance of the event for the economy of the city / region / country: federal, interregional, local significance;

 territorial location: held on the territory of their own country or in other countries;

 operating time: permanent (0.5 g., 1 year), temporary (from 0.5 to 5 months), short-term (from 2–5 days to 0.5 months).

Sales promotion

Under sales promotion means short-term promotions, the purpose of which is to induce the buyer to make a purchase immediately or within a certain period of time (during the period of the promotion).

Sales promotion activities can pursue various goals: promoting a new product to the market and encouraging the buyer to make the first purchase; stimulation tomaking a repeated or multiple purchase; attracting new segments of buyers to the store; sale of poorly traded and illiquid goods, etc.

Price stimulation. Price simulation is a price reduction action for certain commodity groups

Or categories. Price incentives can come in various forms.

Price discount as a percentage of the value of the product. This method of stimulating sales is advisable when it is necessary to get rid of inventory leftovers, illiquid and poorly circulated goods, from goods with an expiration date, etc. (price discount of 10, 30, 50%)

Establishing a new product price. Similar to the previous one. Often these two methods are used together when, in addition to specifying a percentage discount, the old and new prices are placed on the product's price tag. In this case, it is easier for the buyer to assess the size of his benefit. However, setting a new price can also act as an independent way to stimulate sales.
Discounts for second and subsequent purchases. primary goal this method sales promotion - increasing the total purchase amount and selling less popular items. In this case, there may be different options for using this method (1 purchase - 20%, the second - 30%).

There is another version of this method of promoting sales, when goods are formed into sets the cost of the set is set lower than if each of the goods was purchased separately.

Price discount during certain opening hours of the store. The purpose of such a promotion is to increase the flow of buyers during the hours when the level of attendance is lowest.
Simple discount programs... This promotion assumes that the owner of a simple discount card is entitled to a price discount on all subsequent purchases in this store or in the store of this trading network ... (issued free of charge or after purchase for a certain amount).

Accumulative discount cards. The amount of the discount is not fixed, but grows as the customer makes repeat purchases in the store.
Bonus program. In this case, the buyer is issued a bonus card (usually subject to the same conditions as the discount card), to which certain points (or bonuses) are credited with each purchase.
Another way to stimulate sales is to accept a used item in exchange for a new one at a premium.

Gift stimulation. This type of sales promotion assumes that when making a purchase, the buyer receives a promotion in the form of a gift.
(every 10th, when buying for a certain amount, etc.)

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) International fairs, exhibitions and salons as a means of stimulating international sales 2. Preparing companies to participate in international exhibition (fair) 3, Features of the exhibitor's marketing work at international exhibition (fair) 4. Organizational structures of the international native exhibitions and fairs

1. International fairs, exhibitions and salons as meansstimulating internationalmarketing

Participation in international exhibitions, fairs, salons iseffective means of communication policy in the internationalnative marketing that stimulates the sale of goods and services forforeign markets, effective method in the competition.International exhibitions and fairs are organized in variouscountries, but they are especially active in such countries,like Germany, England, USA, France, Italy, for a long timegives near Uz all the exhibitions and fairs held.

At the same time, there is an increase in the number of international exhibitionsand fairs, the expansion of their exhibition space, the growth of specialization, an increase in the share of machinery and equipment in the range of exhibited goods, an increase in the amount of concluded export-importdeals.

International Exhibition Is the display and demonstration of goods need by foreign experts, consumers and the general publicwith the aim of acquaintance with the advanced achievements in accordance withrelevant industries and the results of scientific progress.

Exhibitions can be held in different geographic locationsof the world, at different times and have different durations.

International exhibitions can be worldwide(EXPO), universal, thematic, specialized or industrymi, the World Expo is not for commercial purposesand are mainly political, scientific and economic andpropaganda in nature, they involve an overwhelmingmost countries in the world. The organization of such exhibitions supportsxia state and diplomatic channels.

Chapter 32 International exhibitions and fairs

Universal exhibitions do not limit the product rangeexhibits and cover all or most industriesnational economy. A representative example of product exhibitionstions and services of related industries are thematic exhibitions,onexample of the exhibition "Health Protection", "Protecting the Environment *,"Ocean", etc.

On specialized exhibitionsexhibited goods of one orrelated industries and / or science.

Highest marketing performance and increasedtrade and industrial exhibitions, especiallybenno specialized industry dedicated to a particular(often rather narrow) branches of the national economy, applied scienceki and technology. Such exhibitions have received in the last ten yearsdevelopment is especially large, and there is a tendency for theirsocialization. There is an increase in the number of exhibitions of machinery and equipmentnich group. Machinery and equipment effectively showpotential buyers in action, in operation, whichallows you to visually acquaint exhibition visitors with their technologiststechnical properties, design features (Fig. 32.1).


World Exhibitions (EXPO)





SH irokiyproductrange

Narrow product range


Short-term exhibitions

Permanent exhibitions

Traveling exhibitions




Shopping centers

Figure 32.1. The main types of international exhibitionsand- by content; b- by time

Short-term exhibitions limited to no more than three weeks.They can also include a relatively new type of organization.

2. Preparing a company for participation in an international exhibition725

Formulation of the tree of goals for participation in the exhibition-fairand end results

Determination of specific ways and methods of achieving goals
____________________ participation

Selection of an exhibition-fair for participationand sending an application for participation

* ~

Drawing up a program (plan) of preparation for the exhibitionDevelopment of a thematic plan

t Z

Development of a thematic exposition plan

* ~

Artistic design


Training of stand attendants and translators


Transportation of exhibits and exhibition materialsto the place of the exhibition-fair

Figure: 32.2. Stages of preparatory work for participation in the international exhibition-fair

The compiled lists of goals are broken down by rank of importance and compositionthe goal tree is displayed. This provides for the possibility of treasongoals in the event of a change in the relevant conditions.

Determination of specific ways and methods of achieving the goals of teaching stage in the exhibition (fair). Along with setting goals in the companyspecific methods and measures for their implementation are determined.For example, the purpose of demonstrating a new machine in run mode mightsuggest such specific measures to achieve it: the organizationspecial press conferences at the fair, demonstrationoperation of the machine in action on the first day of the trade fair, ondays - demonstration of the machine in working mode every hour for 5 minuteschickpeas, etc.

3 Features of the marketing work of the exhibitor at the international exhibition 729

stand attendants include a delicate interruption technique fromnazoyan avid visitor. The stand assistant at the very beginning of the conversation with the visitorshould identify his status and build a conversation in the appropriate way independing on who the visitor is - a businessman, engineer, magazinesheet, etc. This provides for the exchange of business cardswith the obligatory initiative on the part of the visitor of the stand, to himshould prompt the stand attendant.

Transportation of exhibits and exhibition materials to the place of pro conducting an exhibition-fair. At this stage, complex issues are being solvedpacking, transportation of exhibits and exhibitionsmaterials to the venue of the exhibition-fair, passing customs and other exit and entry formalities, warehousesvaniya, etc. At the same time, the company enjoys special benefits,provided to participants of international exhibitions and fairs.

Booth decoration at the exhibition venue carried out according to the developed plans and artistic composition of the wallsyes. In most cases, during the design work at these plans are subject to certain amendments and changes.

The exhibition stand should be extremely simple and straightforward;more effective is the emphasis on the product, and not on the name of the company, its releaserepentant; exhibition visitors are better attracted by a real product than its photographs, demonstration of its use by other companies and consumertel. The purpose of participating in the exhibition is to engage all five organsfeelings of visitors in order to attract them to the exhibit and remember it.

In some cases, especially with insufficient experience, companies aregrow to specialized intermediary agencies thaton a commercial basis undertake all the work or providepower in preparing for participation in an exhibition-fair and decorating an exhibition stand. However, it should be borne in mind that the main decisions remain with the company, which not only formulates the foundationsgoals of participation, but also coordinates all activities for theirachievement and stages of preparatory and exhibition work.



3. Features of the marketing work of the exhibitor at the international exhibition (fair)

Organizational work at the stand. Attract visitors - the basicsthe main task of the employees of the exhibition-fair. Work at the stand every daybut is constructed like this: *

Before the opening of the exhibition-fair in 15-20 minutes the guide of the wallsyes introduces employees to the program of the day, stand attendants check the

730 Glana 32. Meaductural exhibitions and fairs










Participation in international exhibitions and fairs is an effective means of communication policy in international marketing, stimulating the sale of goods and services in foreign markets, an effective method in the competition. International exhibitions and fairs are organized in various countries. They are especially active in countries such as Germany, England, USA, France, Italy, which account for about 2/3 of all exhibitions and fairs held. At the same time, there is an increase in the number of international exhibitions and fairs, an expansion of their exhibition space, an increase in specialization, an increase in the share of machinery and equipment in the range of exhibited goods, an increase in the amount of concluded export-import transactions.

International Exhibition - this is the display and demonstration of goods in front of foreign experts, consumers and the general public in order to familiarize themselves with the advanced achievements in the relevant industries and the results of scientific progress.

Exhibitions are an effective resource for organizing and conducting marketing research, since they provide interested organizations with extensive applied information. Each exhibition is a kind of cross-section of a very specific market situation, it provides an opportunity not only to search for relevant markets, but also to participate in entering these markets using the most effective methods. Each exhibition is an important and capacious in terms of material costs part of the marketing plan of any organization that takes part in it as an exhibitor, visitor or organizer.

Exhibitions and fairs occupy a special place in the arsenal of means of advertising influence, as they present very wide opportunities for demonstrating advertised products for establishing direct contacts with direct buyers and consumers.

An exhibition or fair benefits not only the exhibiting company, but also the consumers. One of the main advantages of fairs and exhibitions is the concentration of samples of a huge number of goods produced in different countries. This enables the buyer to familiarize himself with the existing offers on the market in a short time, get the necessary advice from specialists, make the necessary comparisons of prices and quality characteristics, negotiate and carry out a transaction. In this case, the buyer can get acquainted with the product in action, with the methods of its work, scope and efficiency. These factors make exhibitions and fairs very popular and attract a huge number of visitors.

In the modern marketing concept, fairs and exhibitions are emphasized. Many American firms use more than 20% of all marketing funds as preparation and participation costs for fairs and exhibitions. The share of the latter costs for European firms is even more significant. It reaches 25%. This situation is due to the fact that many firms see fairs and exhibitions as an important marketing tool that allows them to successfully solve existing problems, caused, first of all, by the need to ensure effective product and pricing policy, distribution and promotion policies.

Exhibitions play a special role in stimulating sales in international markets, as:

A common problem of lack of time for all, the distance and costs required for contacts with consumers and potential buyers are partially solved by participating in the exhibition,

Demonstration of goods automatically overcomes communication barriers,

· Exhibitions and fairs are one of the few means in which personal contact between the seller and the end consumer is possible.


The formation of fairs and exhibitions has its own long history. Along with the formation and development of market relations, fair and exhibition activities developed. The most important period in the formation of fairs and exhibitions is the first half of the 12th century. At this time, fairs were widely spread in France, England, Switzerland, the Roman Empire.

Progressive development industrial production, the improvement of communication facilities, the increasingly widespread use of the possibilities of concluding trade deals on samples instead of the previously carried out direct sales of goods placed by large enterprises in the places of trade, predetermined the further development of fair and exhibition activities.

Such activity became especially active in the 19th century. During these years, world exhibitions began to be held. The first of these took place in 1851 in London. It was followed by an exhibition in Paris in 1867. In 1879, the World's Fair was held in Philadelphia.

At the end of the XIX century. fair and exhibition activities have achieved wide development in many countries of the world, including Russia. In 1886 the All-Russian Exhibition took place in Nizhny Novgorod. The exhibition, which lasted 120 days, featured 9,700 exhibits in 172 indoor pavilions.

An exhibition is usually seen as a short-term event, usually held periodically in the same place, in which a significant number of firms use samples to demonstrate new products, ideas or services to inform potential consumers about their firm and its products in order to promote sales.

From the above definition of an exhibition, it follows that its main task is to demonstrate achievements in one or more areas of human activity.

Fair trade in Russia has rather ancient historical roots. In 1641, by decree of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, the first Russian fair was organized at the walls of the Makarievsky monastery, not far from Nizhny Novgorod. Among the participants in the fair trade were wealthy Russian merchants, traders from China, India, Bukhara, Tashkent, who offered for sale fur, silk, pearls, gold, silver, flax and other rare goods. After the fire of the Gostiny Dvor in 1816, the fair trade moved to the newly rebuilt stone Gostiny Dvor directly in Nizhny Novgorod, and in 1822 the Nizhny Novgorod Fair began to work. In 1896, chaired by a major russian entrepreneur Savva Timofeevich Morozov opened the first All-Russian trade and industrial exhibition.

At the beginning of the 19th century, another largest fair appeared in Russia - Irbit. In 1844, there was a rapid growth in the gold mining industry in Siberia, which became a powerful impetus for the revitalization of fair trade.

The revival of fair trade in Russia can be noted since 1991. In 1993, the All-Russian Joint Stock Company "Nizhegorodskaya Yarmarka" was awarded a high award in Madrid "Arch of Europe Gold Star", which had previously been awarded to only four companies on the planet: Japan, Germany, Mexico and Spain.

Fair trade in Russia as an organizational form of establishing commercial ties has become quite widespread. Traditionally, trade fair auctions were also expressed through the organization of trade in the form of sales exhibitions or exhibition-salons.


The exhibition market has firmly taken its place in the promotion of goods and services from producer to consumer. Participation in exhibitions today is an indispensable component of the success of a particular company.
The number of exhibitions and the variety of their subjects have significantly expanded in recent years.

It is customary to classify exhibitions according to territorial, sectoral and thematic characteristics.

Classification of exhibitions on a territorial basis:

International - with the participation of representatives from different countries,

Interregional - with the participation of representatives from different regions within one country,

· Regional - with the participation of representatives from different cities, villages, collective farms of the same region.

Exhibitions can be held in different geographic locations of the world, at different times and have different durations.

International exhibitions can be worldwide (EXPO), universal, thematic, specialized or industry-specific. World EXPO exhibitions do not pursue commercial goals and are predominantly of a political, scientific, economic and propaganda nature; the vast majority of countries of the world take part in them. The organization of such exhibitions is supported by the state and diplomatic channels.

Universal exhibitions do not limit the product range of the exhibited samples and cover all or most sectors of the national economy. An example of exhibitions of products and services of related industries are thematic exhibitions, for example, "New Year's Fair", "Southern Tourism Forum".

At specialized exhibitions, products of one or related branches of production and science are displayed. For example, "Southern Architectural and Construction Forum", "Wines and Drinks", "Spring Charm".

At modern diversified exhibitions with a detailed and well-thought-out classification, the main assortment of many branches of large and small industry is presented. Trade shows or special interest exhibitions focus on one or more groups of producers or consumers, or on a particular service sector. From the point of view of the territorial scope and significance of such exhibitions, they can be both international and national or regional.

The most effective in terms of marketing and increasing sales are trade and industrial exhibitions, especially specialized industry exhibitions dedicated to a particular branch of the national economy, applied science and technology. There is an increase in the number of exhibitions of products of the machine-technical group. Machines and equipment are effectively shown to potential buyers in action, in working mode, which makes it possible to visually acquaint the visitors of the exhibition with their technological properties and features. For example, these are exhibitions MOBI, YugAgroProm. YugAgroPishcheMash "," Medima ".

Exhibitions organized in conjunction with congresses serve primarily as complementary and illustrative exhibits. The visitors to these exhibitions are usually not so numerous, but they represent a circle of highly qualified specialists.

Globalization - Global exhibitions are the most significant trade fair events for certain industries on a global scale. They generate interest and attract both exhibitors and visitors from all over the world.

Europeanization - An exhibition event of a European scale - a meeting place for participants and professional visitors from various European countries (EU, European Free Trade Area, former CMEA member states).

Regionalization - In connection with the unification of Europe, exhibitions that have so far been events of a national scale acquire regional significance and allow tracing the development of the market of a particular European region. In terms of exhibitors and visitors, these European-wide regional exhibitions will be multilingual. Such exhibitions will reflect mainly the specifics of the "regional European" markets.

Localization - In the European context, local exhibition events are a significant factor in influencing the former large regional markets of a country. Regional markets are turning into local, local markets. Participants and visitors of such exhibitions should take into account the trade traditions of the region even more. Local markets are formed primarily under the influence of demand from general consumers or industrial enterprises.

Wide range of goods Narrow range of goods

The classification of exhibitions as a whole is intended only to help navigate the world of fairs and exhibitions, and indicates that exhibitions are very, very heterogeneous. Each particular exhibition, which can be more or less attributed to one type or another, has, in the final analysis, its own individuality and characteristic features that change over time.

The International Fair is an international economic exhibition of samples, an international market for goods and services, organized on time within a certain period of time and in the same place. The purpose of their conduct is to conclude trade transactions not only nationally, but also internationally.

The main difference between a fair and a regular market is that the sale of goods with a take-away is prohibited within its framework, i.e. trade is carried out strictly according to samples, although the sample itself may be sold at the end of the trade.

The most famous international fairs are recognized as the Hannover International Fair, international fairs in Frankfurt am Main, Leipzig, Paris, Milan, Brussels, etc.

In the last decade, the border between exhibitions and fairs has practically disappeared, since now, not only at fairs, but also at exhibitions, trade is carried out according to samples, deals are made, marketing, commercial and advertising and propaganda work is carried out, which also includes PR actions.

Fairs and exhibitions - considered international with a significant number of foreign participants (usually at least 10%) and professional visitors (usually at least 5%). International fairs and exhibitions showcase the main products and services offered by one or more industries.



The organization of preparation and holding of international exhibitions and fairs is carried out by committees created as working bodies and independent legal entities local institutions of different countries or their associations. At the same time, the governments of the states on whose territory the exhibition is held provide them with support and assistance in creating a material base and in establishing various benefits for participating companies and organizations and exhibition goods.

The participation of a company in the work of a particular fair or exhibition requires certain costs and ultimately can provide not only a positive result, but also bring some losses, create a negative opinion about the company and its product. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully justify a number of management decisions for participation in the exhibition. First of all, it is necessary to find reasonable solutions to the following main tasks:

· To determine the appropriateness of participation of the company in a particular fair or exhibition;

· To provide high-quality preparation for participation in the chosen fair or exhibition;

· To organize the work of the personnel of the fair or exhibition at the proper level;

· To summarize the results of participation in a specific event and develop appropriate marketing solutions.

To ensure high efficiency of participation in an international exhibition, the management and relevant employees of the exhibiting companies must carry out serious preparatory work, which can be divided into a number of stages:

At each of these stages, appropriate management decisions are made and implemented.


First of all, you need to clearly define the goals that the company sets for itself by participating in the exhibition. Typically, these goals include:

· Demonstration of your products, presentation of new products (services);

· Promotion of your brand, improvement of the company's image;

· Study of sales markets, the formation of a dealer network;

· Direct marketing of products;

· Study of products and strategies of competitors.

When planning to participate in an exhibition, one should not forget about all these goals. It is also necessary to collect information about exhibitions on topics related to the activities of your company. By participating in a fair or exhibition, each company wants to use specific events to achieve its main goal - to ensure effective business activities in the long run. This goal and its achievement should be subordinated to a lower level goal, in particular the goal of marketing. The latter, for example, are:

Ensuring an effective product policy;

Implementation of an effective pricing policy;

Ensuring an effective distribution policy for goods;

Implementation of an effective promotion policy.

The achievement of the formulated goals can be ensured if the goals of a lower level are achieved. As such goals, for example, in relation to ensuring an effective product policy, you can specify:

Expansion of the range of offered goods;

Appraisal of new products;

Improving the quality of manufactured goods;

Repositioning of goods on the market.

As for the pricing policy, here, to ensure its effectiveness, the possible goals of participation in a fair or exhibition may be:

Determination of the upper limit of the price of goods

Determination of the most acceptable level of service;

Adaptation of the methods of pricing policy to the used approaches to solving similar problems by competitors.

In terms of improving the distribution of goods, the main objectives of participation in fairs and exhibitions are usually:

Search for new trading partners;

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the existing distribution system;

Creation and improvement of the activities of retail chains.

Finally, to ensure an effective product promotion policy, the objectives of participation in fairs and exhibitions can be:

Creation of a high image of a product or service;

Activation of certain elements of the promotion policy;

Creation of a corporate image.

The above goals are clarified and specified for each specific fair or exhibition. In this case, along with those listed, other, more general goals can be formulated. In particular, these may be:

Increase in sales volumes in the short term;

Research of competitors;

Research of goods;

Presentation of the company and its products;

Expansion of the number of clients, etc.

The compiled lists of goals are divided according to the rank of importance, and a tree of goals is compiled. This provides for the possibility of changing goals in the event of a change in the relevant conditions.

The goals of a firm's participation in the work of each particular fair or exhibition can be very different. However, all of them must be subordinated to the goals of marketing, which in turn should be aligned with the long-term, medium-term and short-term goals of the firm. Formulating a goal, the firm should ensure that it is achieved.

The best arguments in favor or against participation in a particular exhibition can be the results of this exhibition last year and the results of other exhibitions by the same organizers. Study of catalogs, press reviews, opinion of colleagues, type of exhibition, number and level of participants, number of visitors.


When considering the preparation of a company for participation in a particular fair or exhibition, one should take into account how this preparation is carried out, namely, whether the company organizes preparation for participation in the work of this event on its own or uses the services of a commercial company with experience of work or communication in the field of fair and exhibition activities.

A firm can take part in collective expositions when individual organizations are directly involved in preparing for a fair or exhibition. For example, the preparation of permanent national fairs and exhibitions is, as a rule, involved in the chambers of industry and commerce of the respective countries and various government organizations. At the same time, various commercial firms can participate in the organization of collective expositions.

The services of commercial firms specializing in fair and exhibition activities can be used independently by exhibitor firms. In this case, they should keep in mind that the cost of services provided by such firms is at least 10% of the cost of the leased area.

So, exhibiting firms that have made a decision to participate in a fair or exhibition need to decide how preparation for this event will be carried out, inform the organizing committee of the exhibition about their participation in its work by submitting an application.

Ideally, preparation for participation in a particular fair or exhibition should begin about a year before its opening. This preparation involves the implementation of a number of works due to the need to achieve the formulated goals and requiring some costs, as a rule, disabilities firms.

All marked works should be arranged in a certain sequence with an indication of the possible timing of their completion, necessary resources and responsible executors. In other words, it is advisable to build a network schedule that simulates the process of preparation for participation in each specific fair or exhibition, and on its basis calculate the start and end dates of individual works that ensure timely preparation for this event.

Simultaneously with the indication of the responsible executors for individual works, it is necessary to have a manager responsible for preparing the company as a whole to participate in the work of this fair or exhibition.

As a result of the implementation of the entire range of works due to the preparation for participation in this fair or exhibition, the following tasks are solved:

1.the method of participation in a fair or exhibition is determined;

2. the need for the participation of intermediaries and their role in preparing the company for a fair or exhibition is revealed;

3. The list of exhibits and the area required for their presentation are determined.

Such exhibits are installed by the marketing management service and their selection is based on the results of market segmentation, taking into account both the location of the fair or exhibition and the composition of potential visitors to the event.

4. the choice of the stand and its design are substantiated, allowing to demonstrate the corresponding exhibits;

5. Personnel are selected and trained to work at the exhibition. The staff must know the exhibited product well, be able to show it in action, and also explain its main functions and advantages;

6. a plan for marketing research is drawn up, the implementation of which is designed to provide a solution to marketing problems;

7. the necessary materials for the exhibition catalog are being prepared. As a rule, such a catalog is created by the organizations of this event several months before its start and contains brief information about the participants of this fair or exhibition;

8. a plan is drawn up and in accordance with it, transportation, storage, storage and insurance of exhibits are organized;

10. relevant information materials are created and produced;

11. all organizational issues are coordinated with the organizing committee of the fair or exhibition;

12. invitations are printed and sent to potential visitors to the fair or exhibition in which the company is interested.

The solution of the listed tasks is intended to ensure the preparation of the company for participation in the work of a particular fair or exhibition.

Everything that was missed or left “for later” will not be reflected for the better on the company's image, on the return on investment in the exhibition. It is advisable that all negotiations with the organizing committee, ordering equipment and services, control over their implementation were carried out by one authorized representative of the company. Direct costs of participation in the exhibition consist of the costs of the exhibition area (equipped or unequipped), additional equipment and registration fee. Indirect costs include costs for: stand decoration; production of promotional materials and souvenirs; advertising in the media with an invitation to visit the stand at the exhibition; transportation costs for the transportation of exhibits; travel to the exhibition site and back, hotel accommodation; meals for staff, hospitality and business expenses.


The exhibition stand is usually called the exhibitor's business card. The costs of assembling and decorating a stand are expensive. And at the same time, the company should still strive to buy the best place for the stand and its original design. After all, all this determines the future profit and success of the enterprise. The exhibition stand is the face of the company. The decoration should be consistent in style and focus on the exhibits.

Each exhibitor should strive to arrange a stand:

2.on the central inner aisles,

3.in the corners,

4. close to "active" exhibitors and specialized premises for various events.

Conversely, stand placement should be avoided:

1. away from exits and central aisles,

2.in the back of the hall,

3.behind large columns, stairs,

4.Facing in the opposite direction from the place where the various events take place

The first question that arises before the company after making a decision to participate in the exhibition: what size is needed for the stand. But the most important thing is the ability to decorate the stand in an original way, to make it interesting for the visitor.

In addition to the size of the stand, its type also plays an important role:

Linear stand: has only one front side and is the most common type of stands.

Corner stand: is the ideal solution, especially for small and medium-sized companies, as it is easy to design and provides easy access to two aisles.

"Peninsula: this stand is open on three sides and allows the exhibitor to easily "control" the surrounding area.

"Island": ideal solution for large enterprises, because it makes it possible to completely control the surrounding area.

"Through": is devoid of the surface of two walls and has the advantage of two aisle exits, which provides a satisfactory "field of view" for the exhibitor.

"Vis-a-vis" : consists of two stands located opposite each other, usually linear.

"Stand in a row" : stand located in the middle of the row and open for inspection from one or two (opposite) sides;

"Block stand": this is a stand located separately from all other stands and open for inspection from all sides;

The issue of choosing the type of stand is one of the most important issues on which the success of participation in the exhibition largely depends. When choosing a certain type of stand, it is necessary to correctly choose the location of the stand in the pavilion, calculate the required stand area.

If possible, it is necessary to inspect the exhibition hall as early as possible, before the start of the exhibition, in order to understand in which direction the flows of visitors will go.

The firm must clearly define the thematic plan of its exposition. The stand should be designed in the same style. The attractiveness of the stand is always achieved by the catchy part of the exposition, which would have attracted the attention of the visitors of the exhibition even on the distant approaches to the stand. For this, posters, diagrams, photographs are used in the design of the stand. But their number should not be excessive. A large amount of textual information, pictures, posted throughout the exhibition stand, ceases to be perceived and not assimilated by visitors.

At most exhibitions, it is customary to lay out some of the advertising materials in plain sight so that visitors can take them with them. A stock of such materials should be kept at the exhibition stand. Advertising for distribution to visitors may consist of leaflets, booklets, brochures, catalogs, souvenirs.

Its purpose is to leave material for visitors for later more detailed acquaintance. This is also the most successful option for transferring the address and phone number of the company to potential clients.

In addition to publicly available materials at the stand, there are usually advertising or information materials for regular or respectable customers, managers of other companies visiting the stand. It is best to store such materials in the work area, along with the documents required for negotiations.

Inscriptions on the frieze of the stand (company name, trade mark) in some cases and telephone;

Posters for decorating the walls of the stand;

Screens with creeping lines or images placed directly above or near the exhibition stand;

Monitors for showing commercials. The main purpose of this type of advertising is to attract visitors, to interest them in the areas of activity, to make them show interest in a more detailed acquaintance with the offered tourist products.

The most essential thing for a tourist enterprise is to catch new trends and be, if not the first, then the original. The most important role is played by the original design of the exhibits, attractive advertising, good work of stand attendants, attentive attitude towards visitors. A small stand can successfully represent a large company: it is not only the number of exhibition meters, but their quality.

Finally, the exhibiting firm can use the stand in the open area. Such a stand is mainly used for large-sized goods such as trucks, trolleybuses, etc.

Depending on the type of event being held, certain aspects of the stand design can be brought in line with the goals of the fair or exhibition, while taking into account the composition of exhibitors and possible segments of visitors.

When decorating the stand, its appropriate equipment is provided and the necessary technical equipment is installed. As a result, all the necessary conditions for the successful work of staff employed at a fair or exhibition.


Construction of the exhibition pavilion (organization of the process of entry of exhibitors, import of equipment, control over the condition of stands and equipment, the state of fire safety). Organization of stage equipment, sound, pavilion decoration. Organization of a service bureau. Distribution of badges, folders to exhibitors (catalog, tickets, other materials).

Carrying out protocol events (exhibition opening, press conference, buffet reception).

Business program implementation:

Registration sheets

· Sociological research

Hall preparation (equipment, sound, number of seats)

Registration of participants, distribution of materials

Record keeping

· Conducting a sociological survey among participants in the business program

Preparation of the daily program of the day. Control over the condition of stands and equipment, other technical issues of the exhibition. Maintenance of the information center (sale of catalogs, consultations for exhibitors, organizational issues). Ensuring the operation of the VIP room, tasting rooms, etc. office space (purchasing products, hiring waiters and monitoring their activities, scheduling meetings, negotiations and presentations). Control over the operation of stage equipment, sound and light in the exhibition pavilion. Implementation of the presentation program and special projects (lotteries, quizzes, shows, concerts) on the stage. Formation of sets of souvenir products, their distribution. Public address announcements in the exhibition pavilion and on the territory of the exhibition center. Organization of the schedule of meetings of officials and partners. Implementation of a sociological research project. Organization of video and photography. Negotiations with partners, officials, leading media.


A modern exhibition is a multi-level marketing tool, a place where an exhibitor can simultaneously advertise, sell products and shape the image of his company. The professional component is largely formed by the business program of the exhibition, which includes a whole range of different events. For the organizing companies, the business program of the exhibition is a tool for “forced” attraction of the target audience.

Official events

Official events include: the opening / closing ceremony of the exhibition, press conferences, visits by officials, official receptions / buffets, awards ceremony for competition winners, etc.

Professional events

For professional events, it is important that their content and method of holding correspond to the type declared in the title. There are the following types of events:

Congress - congress, meeting. Has a complex structure of events, a wide geography of participants, a wide public response

Forum - mass meeting, congress. In terms of structure and preparation technologies, the forum is similar to a congress.

The conference - a big meeting, a meeting of representatives of any states, organizations, groups. It has a more scientific character, more homogeneous in structure and problems. One of the traditional types of business events at the exhibition.

Meeting - a meeting, a meeting devoted to the discussion of any special issue. Meeting participants receive a visual demonstration material, and exhibition participants - a professional audience.

Seminar - group lesson for special training, for advanced training. It is of a practical nature, the number of participants is more limited. Common type of business event at an exhibition

Symposium - meeting, conference on a special scientific issue. Assumes a professional audience

"Round table "- discussion, discussion on a topical topic. The principle of organization is the equality of participants.

Meeting of a professional club, association, union.

Special screenings - are used to demonstrate complex technological processes in various industries.

Specialized salons (auctions, shows).

Competition program

An important part of the exhibitions are competitions held by industry departments and reputable organizations. To conduct the competition, a competition commission is formed, the regulations on the competition and conditions for participation are developed. An important component of exhibitions is a professional application for participation in the competition (sent to the exhibitors along with the application documentation). Special attention of the organizers requires the development of a procedure for selecting and evaluating exhibits and infrastructure issues (equipment of tasting rooms, protocol issues, informing the public about the results of the competition, the procedure for awarding laureates).

Educational activities

Trainings - short-term refresher courses that are held within the framework of the exhibition

Consultation points - the work of specialists at the exhibition, providing methodological and legal assistance on specific issues of the industry market.

Presentation activities

Days of the country / region / region (company, public organization) - are complex events, including protocol events, seminars, symposia, conferences, business meetings, a presentation program.

Festivals and contests on the subject of the exhibition and on related topics.

Thematic excursions for specialists, university students are organized by the organizers of the exhibitions upon prior request. For the excursion to be successful, a special "presentation route" around the exhibition is developed, covering the aspect of interest. The organizing company must have a “guide” on the staff who knows the content of the issue. Exhibitors should be warned about the arrival of guests, then they can prepare, and tourists will receive souvenirs and gifts.

Events of the business program of the exhibition require a separate big work on their preparation and holding. When organizing them, special attention should be paid to the following issues:

· The right choice of the organizer;

· Creation of a "working" working body (organizing committee, working group);

· Development of a program that really meets the needs of the market and is interesting for specialists;

· Preparation of premises and equipment (communications, audiovisual means, interior design elements);

· Preparation of information materials for participants (program, abstracts, information materials and souvenirs of the exhibition);

· Provision of translation (for events with international participation);

· Organization of registration, service;

· Processing of final materials.


The distribution of prestigious advertising at the exhibition, the organization of special seminars, symposia and conferences, specialized "days of the country", the celebration of the thousandth or ten thousandth visitor and other events greatly contribute to the creation of a favorable image in relation to the exhibitor company and its products among exhibition visitors, in official and business circles, among the general public, since information about the exhibition is widely reflected in the media, and in some cases is accompanied by custom articles and materials of its participants.

Press conferences at trade fairs are organized in order to receive favorable responses in the local media, as well as in the event of a new product being introduced to the market, on the occasion of a company or country day, a given stand (or pavilion). At the same time, the information reported at the press conference should have, if not sensational, then at least unexpected, interesting message. The presentation of the representative of the corresponding stand (pavilion) at the exhibition - fair is carefully prepared. He should not be the head of the company, but a special employee responsible for PR work. The text of the speech at the press conference includes figures and facts that can interest the audience; the oral presentation is accompanied by multimedia materials or slides, as well as video, television and films.

Preparing a press conference at the exhibition involves determining the place and time of its holding, sending invitation tickets, drafting the text of speeches, making additions and amendments to it, preparing sets of advertising and other materials, drawing up a cost estimate, preparing a press release, checking the preparedness of the hall.

At the preparatory stage of organizing an exhibition, it is necessary to develop its advertising concept based on the results of media monitoring, taking into account various target audiences, and the tasks set by the organizer. At this stage, a system of information support for the exhibition is being formed. Information partners should be central and specialized newspapers and magazines, news agencies, rating radio stations, specialized TV programs, that is, media with a wide geography of distribution, large circulation, creating the greatest public resonance, attracting the attention of the general public.

Schemes of interaction of the exhibition organizers with the media

The organizing company of the exhibition cooperates with the media using various schemes

Direct sale of exhibition space, purchase of advertising space

Barter relations (exchange of exhibition space for advertising)

Information sponsorship

Partnership in organizing an exhibition project

The advertising campaign of the exhibition takes place in two stages. At the first stage, the emphasis is placed on attracting the maximum possible number of exhibitors, at the second stage - on attracting visitors (real or potential consumers of various types of this product or service). It should be noted that advertising in specialized media works quite well to attract specialists, and daily newspapers and magazines, news agencies, radio play the most significant role in informing ordinary visitors. The experience of working with the media allows us to speak about the expediency of working with 30-40 central and specialized publications of the Russian scale and 20-30 regional ones.

The advertising campaign includes the obligatory mailing of information messages by fax (obligatory to the information department and to a specific journalist covering this issue) according to the company's media database. Distribution is made as soon as information is received from the exhibition department of the company, but at least once a month at the initial stage and once every two weeks immediately before the exhibition. This is enough effective method make ourselves known in the news section of many media outlets, our announcements often appear.

The technique of promoting an exhibition project includes mailing advertising and information materials of the exhibition (first wave), invitation cards and an event program (second wave) to potential exhibitors. Faxing is also used (this inexpensive service is provided by many companies today). Courier services are used to deliver materials to VIP clients. The successful implementation of large-scale exhibition projects (international, national, intersectoral exhibitions) largely depends on the joint efforts of interested ministries and departments, public structures. The heads of these organizations, as well as of the subjects of the Federation (if necessary) can become members of the Organizing Committee for the preparation and holding of the exhibition. The organizing committee together with the interested federal authorities executive power, executive authorities of the subjects Russian Federation, public and other interested organizations approve the program of the exhibition. In parallel with the Organizing Committee, the preparation process is carried out by a working group , approved by the decision of the Organizing Committee at its first meeting. The organizing committee decides the fundamental issues of the preparation of the exhibition and its events, approves the concept, the working group - operational. It is advisable to hold meetings of the Organizing Committee once a month, the working group once every two weeks.

State support provides social and political significance, the level and scale of the exhibition, its events are the basis for solving a large set of tasks, a place for discussing corporate problems, contributes to the development of state policy aimed at supporting and stimulating the industry presented at the exhibition. The participants of the opening ceremony are also members of the Organizing Committee, invited representatives of the legislative and executive authorities, heads of ministries and departments, large Russian and foreign companies, the public, exhibitors, and the media. According to the script of the official opening ceremony of the exhibition agreed with the Organizing Committee, officials, prominent public and political figures are given the floor for a welcoming address to the audience. The closing ceremony takes place on the last day of the exhibition. , where the participants of the exhibition are awarded diplomas based on the results of professional competitions.

Working with media representatives at the exhibition

It is necessary to organize a press center on the territory of the exhibition, where journalists can get all the information not only about the exhibition, but also about the participating companies. The press center should always contain press releases, an event program, a catalog. New service of the organizers: press boxes (press releases of exhibiting companies, CDs, slides), which saves time for media representatives.


After the end of the fair or exhibition, the results of the company's participation in this event should be summed up. Commercial success can be analyzed by counting the number of contracts concluded for the sale or supply, and if such goals were not set at this exhibition, then by the number of visitors and their categories.

If, nevertheless, the ultimate goal is the sale of products, then the number of distributed price lists and information materials can serve as an indirect indicator. Be aware, however, that this advertisement can take several months to expire.

At the end of each exhibition, a note is drawn up briefly describing all the problems encountered during the preparation, how they were solved and what lessons should be learned in the future. Summarizing the results of a particular exhibition, you can fix all the "+" and "-" in hot pursuit, understand your weaknesses, and quickly adapt to new conditions.

It is necessary to familiarize the company's employees with the first results of participation in a fair or exhibition. In particular, it is advisable to inform about:

· The number of people who visited the fair or exhibition, and the changes that have occurred in comparison with the previous years;

· Acceptability of the stand location;

Validity architectural solutions on the stand;

· The correct choice of exhibits;

· Justification of the cost of funds for preparation and participation in a fair or exhibition;

· Conducted marketing research;

· Contacts with visitors of the fair or exhibition;

· Work with the media;

· Reports in the mass media about the participation of the company in the work of a fair or exhibition;

· Orders received.

This information shows how successful or unsuccessful the participation of the company in the fair or exhibition was. However, in order to have a more complete picture of the effectiveness of participation in this event, a comparative analysis of the goals of participation in the exhibition and the results achieved should be carried out.

At the same time, it is necessary to analyze the degree of achievement of each of the goals and all goals. This will allow you to identify what positive was done during the fair or exhibition and what else needs to be done to address the identified deficiencies and achieve success in subsequent events.

The success of the participation of various companies in exhibitions is ensured by:

· The correct choice of the required fair or exhibition;

· Successful selection of exhibits;

· Organization at the proper level of preparation for participation in the selected event;

· Reasonable selection of personnel;

· Organization of the presentation of the company and its exhibits at the proper level;

· Ensuring effective communication policies to draw attention to the participation of a firm in a fair or exhibition;

· Conducting at the proper level the analysis of the results of the company's participation in the work of this fair or exhibition and the development of recommendations on this basis to ensure more effective fair and exhibition activities.

The above factors are not fully taken into account by firms in their fair and exhibition activities, so their participation in these events is not always successful. It should be noted that the degree of influence of each of the listed factors on the effectiveness of a firm's participation in fairs or exhibitions is different.


Participation in foreign exhibitions is an indispensable part of the international marketing toolkit of any company. Such exhibitions serve to achieve a wide variety of business goals.

Hardly any other marketing tool has the inherent ability to present an enterprise and its products in its entirety, while simultaneously providing the opportunity for personal contact with customers. Personal trusting relationships between business partners are becoming the most significant factor for decision-making today, proximity to the buyer as a strategic factor of success - a key position in both international and domestic competition. Overseas exhibitions can also provide many of the necessary starting points for the implementation of business policy. In order to participate in international exhibitions with the maximum effect, it is necessary to follow fairly obvious techniques and rules.

The uniqueness of participation in a foreign exhibition as an element of the company's marketing policy is that it allows you to play your game on someone else's territory. You bring your exposition, but you don’t look for the client in the places of his “deployment” - your potential customers themselves come to the exhibition and visit your stand, although it is not easy to persuade them to become your clients. But this is precisely the art of successful participation in an exhibition.

At the exhibition, like nowhere else, you can "test" a new idea or new product. A sample that has not yet been launched into production will, according to the interest it arouse, give you an idea of \u200b\u200bits market potential. This does not require hiring a team of specialists to predict its purchasing power.

The success of the exhibition for its participant has nothing to do with the number of visitors to the exhibition: this indicator rather characterizes the success of the organizers.

Approximately 50% of success depends on the correct preparation for the exhibition, and 25% - on the competent post-exhibition study of the opportunities that emerged during the event.

Many exhibitors complain that the return on the event does not even compensate for the costs of holding it. Practice shows that this is largely due to the underestimation of many factors and misconceptions that feed the participants at the preliminary stage.

Exhibitions are not a marketing tool, but its most complex form. A well-trained exhibitor should have all the necessary tools at his disposal: mailing lists, media marketing, trade advertising, public relations and many others. The more complete this arsenal, the higher the potential for recoil.

The biggest costs in the budget usually go to exhibition equipment, although everyone expects the greatest return from exhibition advertising and other marketing tools. .

Success does not always depend on the size and size of the exposure. Sometimes the visitor does not have the spirit to go around the huge stand of the supergiant, but he gladly visits two or three small stands.

Many exhibitions are held around the world every year , and it is very difficult to decide which one to participate in. Some industries simply need to participate in a number of exhibitions. It is very difficult to form an idea of \u200b\u200ban exhibition without having visited it, and therefore it is necessary to use every opportunity to visit various exhibitions, both in your own country and abroad.

It is advisable to know the actual scale of the exhibition, the number of participants, the type of visitors. It is necessary to compare this exhibition with others, similar in theme and direction, which are held in your country and abroad. When deciding on participation in an exhibition, you need to consult with the sales department, which may have their own considerations.

When choosing an exhibition, many companies make the same mistake - the decision to participate in it is made only because there will be others. Forward-thinking companies always do rigorous research first , before spending time and money on participation in a particular exhibition. They put forward a number of criteria for the success of the exhibition in the light general plans company , which are also used in evaluating already held exhibitions . Times and trends are changing. The exhibition, which brought good luck to the company five years ago, this time may turn out to be unsuccessful and unpromising.

At this stage, the study of materials provided by the company organizing foreign exhibitions will help (sections of the exhibition, composition of participants, proposed events, etc.). The exhibition firm will be able to suggest the projected number and profile of the expected audience, as well as answer any additional questions. Study the time of the event (it should not coincide with a holiday or major event) and other similar positions.

The cost of the exhibition is usually estimated in dollars or euros for square meter... This includes the cost of booth equipment, the cost of rent, insurance, transportation and salaries of booth workers. The cost of building a stand can vary considerably, although prestigious expositions, as a rule, require better design, and purely commercial ones can be simpler or placed in showcases or on stands offered by the organizers of the exhibition. Usually the contractor builds a stand so that it will serve until the end of the exhibition, and then disassemble it and take everything that can still be used (this does not apply to models, photographs, slides, etc., which can be used and further). This is by far the easiest way to build stands, but non-professionals often object to it. The most common idea is to create a stand that can be used repeatedly. It would make sense if all the stands were the same shape and size.

Today, in the exhibition business, special exhibition elements and structures are used, produced by many companies and allowing to quickly and reliably assemble stands of any configuration and purpose. Exhibition elements and structures (including electrical equipment, podiums, showcases, etc.) are easily disassembled and assembled, transported and reused.

There are special firms, including many exhibition centers, that own the necessary exhibition equipment to enable them to assemble custom-made stands according to projects developed by the exhibition organizers or exhibitors.

Having made a decision, you should think about the form of the exposure. As a rule, exhibitions are successful, where three-dimensional exhibits are exhibited that can be viewed from all sides. Photos, diagrams, illustrations and text material can be effectively used to support a three-dimensional main exhibit, but by themselves they do not have the necessary attraction.

Today, along with the famous technical means - cartoons, sound recordings, telephones on which you can listen to explanations in several languages, - video equipment and virtual reality capabilities are widely used to show the real capabilities of technology, goods and services , technologies and know-how produced or offered by the exhibitor. More and more at exhibitions begins to use the world wide Internet. In addition, modern exhibition structures allow, at the request of the exhibitor, to give the stand the necessary attractiveness and "individuality". Competent use of existing exhibition equipment makes it possible to give each stand at the exhibition special individual features and, at the same time, create a single exhibition architectural ensemble without frills.

It is necessary to order exhibition services only from a specialized or from an advertising company that has an exhibition department. Cooperation with an exhibition company provides such advantages as cost savings with more high quality, execution of the entire range of exhibition services on time.

Therefore, when implementing the exhibition budget, it is logical to approach the selection of an exhibition company, which first of all masters its main components: the cost of renting exhibition space and building a stand. And if the company provides a full-cycle service - provides exhibition space, builds a stand, book a hotel, accepts stand attendants, issues visas, organizes presentations, does printing work and souvenirs, then this is an additional advantage.

The decision on the preparation of advertising material and on whether to distribute it free of charge to all visitors or only to a select few depends on the type of exhibition. Often a small brochure is published for free distribution, and a more detailed brochure for a special one. It is recommended to prepare advertising material for each specific exhibition. All advertising material must contain the exhibition logo. If the exhibition is held abroad, it is very important to indicate the country of publication on the printed matter, and in some countries you have to pay tax on the import of literature, even if you can prove that it will be distributed free of charge. Language problems may also arise. Particular attention should be paid to the accuracy of translations into foreign languages.

Exhibition organizers usually invite press representatives on the opening day or the day before, and therefore it is extremely important to be ready to receive correspondents at your stand. It is also advisable to hold a separate press conference a few days before the opening, where you can provide information about your exposition. Sometimes an exposition prepared for a prestigious foreign exhibition is presented before being sent abroad to the local press.

Most exhibitions have a press center where exhibitors can distribute press releases and promotional materials. In this case, you should constantly monitor the availability of materials and, if necessary, replenish them.

The exposition should be managed by one person, who has a reliable deputy. This could be the organizer of the exhibition, since he is familiar with all the details.


The number of exhibitions in our country increases every year, therefore, their quality begins to improve. At each exhibition, the organizers try to lure visitors, which leads to the creation of a healthy competitive atmosphere. As a result, the general level organizing and holding such events.

Analyzing the industry of exhibition and fair activities, I came to the conclusion that while in our country the organization and holding of exhibitions is not really worth it. high level, but is developing at a tremendous pace. Exhibition activities are developing well in those industries that occupy a leading role in the markets of the country and abroad, such as computer technology, automotive, etc.

Exhibitions are one of the main elements in the system marketing communicationssince thanks to them there is not only an acquaintance with new goods and services, but also an exchange of experience, a competent setting of prices for products, a sales and advertising policy.

With the advent of the Internet, communication between exhibition organizers, exhibitors and potential visitors has become easy and accessible, because on the websites of the exhibition companies you can find detailed information about the upcoming exhibition, the number of participants, and if necessary, ask a question of interest on this topic.

The most effective way to promote a product and achieve success for an enterprise is a skillful combination of exhibition and advertising activities. Therefore, the marketing department is an important link in the enterprise, without which it is difficult to imagine full work firms in the 21st century.

Exhibition and fair activities are an instrument of macroeconomic and investment policy. Today exhibitions and fairs provide market mobility, create the necessary information field, generate significant financial flows, and also bring additional income to budgets of all levels. Exhibitions are a link between domestic and international markets and help to attract foreign investment for implementation investment projects Russian organizations.

At the present stage of economic transformations in the Russian Federation, exhibition and fair activities have become a significant segment of the market. An exhibition industry has been created in the country, closely connected with a number of industries, with its own infrastructure, material and technical base, and specialized personnel.

Exhibition and fair activities have significant potential, which will increase manifold in the case of coordination and support from the state.

In this regard, the development of this sphere of activity in Russia can become an important element of the restructuring and technological modernization of the country's national economy.


4. Vaschekin NP, Paramonova TN, Samarina SM. Marketing. 2nd edition, 2003

5. Magazine "Exhibition activities" No. 3, 2000

6. Kotler F. Marketing. Management. 11th edition, 2005

7. Malikova L.V. Library book fairs. - M .: Art, 2002

8. Moiseeva N.K. International Marketing, Moscow, 1998

9. Nazarenko L.F. Exhibition as a marketing tool. - M., 1997

10. Nozdreva RB International Marketing, 2005

11. Pertsovsky N.I. International Marketing, Moscow, 2001

12. The role of exhibitions and fairs in the promotion of goods // Practical marketing. - 2001

14. Stryzhko A. "How to achieve success at the exhibition", 2000

15. Sementsova T. Modern technologies of exhibition marketing // Economic Issues. - 2001

Exhibitions and fairs occupy a special place in the arsenal of means of advertising influence, since they provide very wide opportunities for demonstrating advertised products for establishing direct contacts with direct buyers and consumers.

Despite the fact that the boundaries between the concepts of trade fair and exhibition are often indistinguishable and in practice tend to be limited to a minimum, it would be advisable to make a semantic contrast between trade fairs and exhibitions.

A trade fair is a short-term event, periodically held in the same place, in which a large number of enterprises, using samples, represent the objective scale of goods / services of one or several industries, so that the merchant visitor gets a clear idea of \u200b\u200btheir entrepreneurial opportunities, then as an exhibitor, with the help of the exhibited goods, he seeks to disseminate information about his company and its products and to conclude direct trade deals.

A trade and industrial exhibition is a short-term event, periodically held in the same place, within which a significant number of enterprises, using samples, give a representative picture of the offer of goods / services of one or several industries and seeks to inform end consumers about their company and its products with the ultimate goal promoting sales.

The fairs were born as a market event, the main purpose of which was sales. In contrast to them, exhibitions arose as a means of public demonstration of certain achievements of mankind, at first they were purely educational in nature, but as they developed they acquired a pronounced commercial orientation.

Thus, the purpose of the fair is to provide its participants - exhibitors with the opportunity to exhibit samples of their production, to demonstrate new achievements and technical improvements in order to conclude trade transactions. At the same time, the purpose of the exhibition is to show the scientific and technical achievements of one country or different countries in one or several branches of production, science and technology.

It should be noted that the custom established at many trade fairs / exhibitions to allow visits to a non-commercial public on specific days and hours does not in any way indicate a change in their nature.

By the composition of the participants, the venue and the economic significance, exhibitions and fairs are distinguished:





Regional fairs and exhibitions cover a 100 km radius, represent one or more industries, and are primarily intended to showcase the capabilities of small businesses.

Interregional ones have the same structure as regional ones, however, they have a wide range of operations and are usually addressed to larger enterprises.

National fairs and exhibitions, dating back to the late 18th century and originating in France, are a showcase for local industry. They are held domestically and abroad with the aim of demonstrating nationally produced products and promoting their marketing and are usually cross-sectoral in nature.

A prerequisite for holding international fairs / exhibitions, organized both domestically and abroad, is the participation of exhibitors and visitors from various countries. Firms of any country can usually participate in them without restriction.

They acquire international or, better to say, multinational character only if at least 10-15% of foreign exhibitors participate in them.

Among international exhibitions, one should highlight world exhibitions, the purpose of which is to show the achievements of the participating countries and large international organizations in the field of science, technology, culture. They are not directly for commercial purposes. As a rule, most countries of the world are represented at world exhibitions.

By the nature of the exhibitors, all exhibitions and fairs are divided into:



Exhibitions are universal, the subject matter of which affects several sectors of the economy. Specialized exhibitions are aimed at specialized visitors in a specific field. They demonstrate rather complex types of goods and therefore they have a marketing rather than a trade focus.

The growth of their specialization is characteristic of the development of international exhibitions and fairs, and this applies more to exhibitions than to fairs. The increase in specialization is due to the huge increase in the range of products produced by various industries, to such a size that even the demonstration of only samples of all goods in one place on one square becomes difficult. Therefore, more and more often international exhibitions and fairs are organized, representing only one or a few related industries. In addition, specialized exhibitions are focused on a clearly delineated group of specialists, the target audience and, of course, it is beneficial for exhibiting firms. A significant increase in the share of machinery and equipment among the exhibits is characteristic, which is associated with the growth of trade in these goods and their specifics. Equipment, devices and machines are best shown in action as it helps to reveal their performance, technological properties and design features. This is widely practiced at exhibitions and therefore attracts a wide range of consumers. The largest number of specialized fairs is in the industries producing consumer goods, including clothing, footwear, and fabric.

By timing and method of holding exhibitions and fairs, they can be divided into the following types:

  • - short-term exhibitions (solo exhibitions) Are held for no more than three weeks. They can be either general in nature, i.e. represent the achievements of their country in all branches of production activity, or be specialized.
  • - Traveling exhibitions

They are organized with the aim of expanding the circle of visitors using various means of transport. The organization of floating exhibitions, in particular, by Japan, Sweden, and England, is becoming more widespread. Such exhibitions are arranged on board a large ship that visits the port cities of several countries and carries out the display and sale of the displayed goods. Traveling exhibitions of samples of goods in vans and aircraft salons began to be used quite widely.

Permanent exhibitions

These exhibitions are organized most often at the diplomatic consulates and other missions of their country abroad with the aim of demonstrating samples of export products to potential foreign buyers for concluding deals on samples.

  • - Permanent shopping centers created by developed countries abroad began to play an important role. They carry out a wide range of activities in organizing specialized exhibitions in their countries of location. They provide exhibiting companies free of charge exhibition space, carry out at their own expense the design and decoration of exhibitions and individual stands, assembly and dismantling of exhibits, pay for the work of local design and other firms, provide exhibitors with information about the market situation.
  • - A new type of exhibitions is the so-called. trading weeks. They are usually organized in department stores in major cities to display and sell consumer goods.

By the frequency of exhibitions and fairs there can be:

  • 1. Periodic (held every 2.3 years, etc.)
  • 2. Annual
  • 3. Seasonal

The frequency of the fair / exhibition depends mainly on the type of products offered and the conditions of competition. So, for example, fashion shows are organized 2-4 times a year, while demonstrations of investment goods, new technologies, etc. can be carried out at intervals of two or even five years. In addition, fairs and exhibitions can be classified according to the direction of work:

  • 1. Trade fairs / exhibitions for the implementation of sales / orders
  • 2. Informational / introductory
  • 3. Conducted for the development of communications / contacts Kritsotakis Ya.G. Trade fairs and exhibitions. Technique of participation and communication - Moscow. 1997.

Exhibitions and fairs are of great importance as a meeting place for representatives of business circles from different countries to maintain direct contacts and establish new personal contacts. Since at exhibitions and fairs primarily best samples goods that meet the requirements of modern world standards, their visits by engineering and technical and scientific workers, designers, the study of the novelties on display contributes to the further development of technical progress and the emergence of new goods in world trade. In this sense, exhibitions and fairs, as a center for the exchange of economic, scientific and technical information, are of great information value.

The exhibition and fair business is dynamic. In this sense, the Internet is the most convenient way for potential exhibitors and visitors to exchange information. On the website of the exhibition company you can place such useful information, as a plan of exhibitions, coordinates and names of persons responsible for each exhibition or fair, plans of expositions; conditions of participation, lists of participants with whom negotiations are underway and with whom documents have been signed; programs of seminars, conferences, press conferences for each exhibition.

However, at the same time, in modern discussions about the future of a fair or exhibition, prospects are sometimes drawn with which one cannot always agree. For example, "physical presence as a visitor to the fair has become unnecessary." This conclusion is based on the widespread use of telecommunications, i.e. the classic fair is being replaced by a "TV fair". This is technically feasible. But in this case, the atmosphere itself disappears. Namely, it contributes significantly to the success of the company's development and sales at fairs. ...

You can often hear that fairs have outlived their usefulness, but the significance and effectiveness of fairs and exhibitions are still very high.

International exhibitions and fairs are held in many countries, but they are especially widespread in Western Europe and the USA. Five countries - Germany, England, USA, France and Italy - account for approximately 2/3 of all international fairs and exhibitions held. Among the largest trade and industrial fairs developed countries should be named international fairs held in Hanover and Frankfurt am Main (Germany), Paris, Nice (France), Brussels (Belgium), Gothenburg (Sweden), Padua, Milan, Trieste (Italy), Utrecht (Netherlands), Tokyo (Japan), Vancouver (Canada), Barcelona (Spain), Wellington (New Zealand).

Among European countries, Germany, France, Italy occupy a special place in holding such events, in order of importance, followed by Great Britain. At the same time, however, it should be noted and noteworthy exhibition activities in smaller countries, such as Spain, Belgium, Holland, etc. First of all, the scale of development of the exhibition business in Western Europe... For example, about 50 million people visit exhibitions every year (data for five EU countries). Exhibitions allow to set in motion serious capital. Thanks to the development of the exhibition business, 519,000 jobs have been created in Europe.

Fairs and exhibitions are very popular in North America and, in particular, in the USA; suffice it to say that in the 80s the total exhibition area increased by 43%. In the USA and Canada, according to the Trade Show Week Data Book, about 4.2 thousand exhibitions are held annually.

However, more dynamic development of fair and exhibition activities in comparison with Europe and America is observed in the countries of South-East Asia. The largest international fairs and exhibitions held in developing countries are fairs and exhibitions in Damascus (Syria), Tripoli (Libya), Accra (Ghana), Madras (India), Casablanca (Morocco), Santiago (Chile).

Thus, based on the available data, Europe continues to be a metropolis of trade fairs and exhibitions for historical, geopolitical, economic and other reasons, which, however, does not diminish the importance of exhibition activity in the North American continent and in the rapidly developing Southeast Asia.

International exhibitions and fairs serve international trade. Firms from any country can participate without restrictions. They began to play a large role as a place for the conclusion of international trade transactions. One of the main advantages of international exhibitions and fairs is that they concentrate samples of a huge variety of goods produced in different countries. ...

Buyers have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the existing offers on the market in a short time, get advice from specialists, make the necessary comparisons of prices and quality characteristics, negotiate, bargain commercial terms and sign a contract. The buyer can get acquainted with the product in action, the efficiency of its functioning, which is especially important when purchasing machinery and equipment.

The value of exhibitions and fairs for sellers also lies in the possibility of wide advertising of their products using a wide variety of advertising media... These are the meeting places for representatives of business circles from different countries to maintain direct contacts and establish new personal contacts in order to conclude transactions.

At such exhibitions and fairs, first of all, samples of goods that meet the requirements of modern world standards are exhibited, they are visited by engineering and technical and scientific workers, designers. The study of new products contributes to the further development of technical progress and the emergence of new goods in international trade.

Among international exhibitions, world exhibitions are held, the purpose of which is to show the achievements of the participating countries and large international organizations in the field of science, technology and culture. They do not pursue commercial goals.

The main type of contracts that are concluded at international exhibitions and fairs are transactions based on the exhibited samples (models, drawings, catalogs) with the subsequent delivery of goods. Another type of transactions is also possible - this is the sale of the exhibits themselves - machinery and equipment, durable goods and some types of consumer goods. If the buyer picks up the goods after the closing of the exhibition or fair (which is negotiated when concluding the transaction), then this will be a free-fair transaction

If general rules sale of exhibits is allowed at this exhibition, fair or intergovernmental agreements, they can be sold at it within the established contingents, which allows the exhibitor to cover all his expenses in local currency to pay for the area occupied by the stands, on transport costs and the stay of his representatives.

Exhibitions and fairs occupy a special place in the arsenal of means of advertising influence, as they provide very wide opportunities to demonstrate advertised products for establishing direct contacts with buyers. Exhibition events are especially effective in combination with a set of related advertising events ( advertising campaign in the press, holding presentations, press conferences, " round tables", meetings with experts, etc.). The high efficiency of this advertising medium is confirmed by the fact that every year many thousands of large exhibition events are held in the world that require significant costs

In order to exclude possible confusion in the concepts of fair and exhibition, it should be noted that fairs originated as market events, the main purpose of which is to sell the products or goods on display. In contrast to them, exhibitions arose as a means of public demonstration of certain achievements of mankind, at first were of a purely educational nature, but as they developed they also acquired a pronounced commercial orientation. Based on this, the following definitions can be given:

  • 1. Fair is a commercial event, the main purpose of which is to conclude trade deals for the goods on display.
  • 2. An exhibition is, first of all, a public demonstration of the achievements of certain branches of the material or spiritual sphere of society, the main purpose of which is the exchange of ideas, theories, knowledge while simultaneously carrying out commercial work.

However, every year the main differences between these concepts are increasingly blurred. Conventionally, all exhibition events can be classified as follows.

International fairs and exhibitions are, as a rule, regular (annually or with a different frequency) exhibition events that gather a large number of participants from many countries of the world. They can be subdivided into industry-wide, where products and products of various sectors of the economy are presented, and specialized, on which exhibits of one or more related or mutually complementary industries are demonstrated.

At international fairs and exhibitions, display of exhibits can be carried out both on a national basis (within the framework of national pavilions and expositions), and on a sectoral basis (when expositions are formed according to product groups)

Every field of activity, every branch of industry is provided with favorable opportunities to learn something, to evaluate something and to sell something during international, national and local exhibitions and expositions. Over the course of several days, old friendships are strengthened and new ones are established, new sources of supply and information are discovered, new trends, ideas or products are discussed, trade relationships are identified, innovations are made public and new markets are found.

For small businesses, exhibitions provide visibility and a meeting place with buyers or technologists who are truly interested in getting information, looking for new products and services, and perhaps ready to place an order immediately. If the exhibition is visited by the general public, then the manufacturer of the products has the opportunity to communicate with a large number of end consumers, to study their opinion.

Trade shows ensure that firms come into close contact with their markets. Often new products or new enterprises are presented at exhibitions. The periodicals usually publish preliminary and review articles about exhibitions, and the work of really large national shows with the display of cars, boats, boats and other similar goods is widely covered by the media.