Lev Chernoy. "The First Russian Entrepreneur". Sight. black lion as a mirror of gangster capitalism Lev semenovich black biography

Chernoy Mikhail Semenovich, Chernoy Lev Semyonovich, Chernoy David Semyonovich

After graduating from the Tashkent Polytechnic Institute, Lev Chernoy was admitted to the Tashkent Excavator Plant as the head of the Quality Control Department of the branch that produced goods popular consumption... It was reported that on the basis of this branch in Lev, he created one of the first production cooperatives in Uzbekistan. To work in it, he attracted his older brother Mikhail, who took over the organization of production, while Lev was engaged in the supply of raw materials and sales of products, and financial issues. In his own words, Mikhail Cherny, in the early 1980s, he was engaged in functionary work at the Tashkent Sports Association, during which he met the coach of the USSR national tennis team Shamil Tarpishchev, who in the 1990s entered the top political elite of Russia.

Information was published that Lev Chernoy relied on the support of organized criminal groups in Tashkent, whose leaders were his former school friends. According to various publications, one of the Chernyh brothers (Lev or Mikhail) studied at the same school with Alimzhan Tokhtakhunov (nickname "Taiwanchik"), who later became one of the brigade leaders of the "Izmailovskaya" organized criminal group in Moscow. According to some reports, money for the promotion of the Chernykh cooperative was allocated from the local common fund, since Lev was of interest to criminals in connection with the creation of a structure for laundering proceeds from racketeering, prostitution, arms and drug trafficking. Through connections with the Uzbek criminal community, primarily with Gafur Rakhimov and Tofik Arifov, Lev Chernoy, presumably, established relations with such major figures of the Russian underworld as thief in law Vyacheslav Ivankov (“Yaponchik”) and Otari Kvantrishvili. Thanks to this cooperation, Chernoy became one of the largest "shop workers" in Uzbekistan, working in the shadow production of consumer goods.

In the field of selling consumer goods, the Chernyi established cooperation with an employee of the Uzbekintorg foreign trade organization (according to Mikhail Cherny, this happened in). "Uzbekintorg" supplied abroad the products of Uzbek factories (metallurgy and chemistry), and in return received goods of mass demand that were in short supply in the USSR, which were sold in Uzbekistan, including through the Cherny brothers.

In the late 1980s, the Blacks moved from Tashkent to Moscow, where they founded the Soviet-Panamanian joint venture Columbus. The closest associate of Chernykh in the Columbus joint venture was Yakov Goldovsky, a native of Tashkent. The official activity of the joint venture was called timber trade. There was information that Italians of Bulgarian origin took part in the organization of the enterprise, the name of Laura Vidinlieva was called.

In the late 1990s, the shares of Lev Cherny and in Siberian aluminum smelters were bought out by Sibneft shareholders Boris Berezovsky, Badri Patarkatsishvili and Roman Abramovich. And in the early 2000s, Mikhail Chernoy sold his shares in Rusal to Oleg Deripaska, and in UMMC and Kuzbassrazrezugl. Mikhail Chernoy remained on good terms, but with Deripaska, he had a long lawsuit in British courts, claiming that Deripaska had not fully paid off with him for Rusal shares.

In the 2000s, Mikhail Chernoy left for permanent residence in Israel.

Since 1998, Lev Chernoy has tried to implement political projects in Russia, creating for himself the image of a patriotic entrepreneur and statesman. On this basis, Lev Chernoy actively collaborated with Boris Berezovsky. In 1999, Lev Chernoy created and headed the Institute for Advanced Research at the Department of Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which "conducts systemic research in the field of macroeconomics, sociology and high technologies", "participates in the development and implementation of the Basic Research Programs of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences" Economics and Sociology of Knowledge " and "Scientific and technological forecast for the development of the Russian economy." It was reported that Lev Chernoy supported the creation of the Unity party, but what contribution he made to its creation is unknown. In 2000, Chernoy created the Interregional Public Organization for Assistance to Democratic Reforms "Mobilization and Development", which functioned at least until 2012.

Date of information update: 2015.


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Lev Semenovich Chernoy was born on December 1, 1954. in Tashkent. The residual effects of poliomyelitis forced parents to send their son to a specialized boarding school. However, already in the 8th grade he was transferred to an ordinary Tashkent secondary school № 129.


In 1972, Lev Chernoy entered the Tashkent Polytechnic Institute, where he studied and at the same time worked as a laboratory assistant at the department scientific organization educational process.


Lev Chernoy. Fanned aluminum fingers

First, a little history. The leading in the USSR, the first in Russia Achinsk Alumina Refinery (AGK) by 1996 brought to the handle. The aluminum industry desperately needed raw materials, and the only plant for its production that remained in Russia was all in debt. Eleven thousand unemployed people roamed the city. And this despite the fact that AGK is a city-forming enterprise.

Here the Ruben brothers appear from foggy Albion and together with the Cherny brothers come up with an economic innovation - tolling. Nobody knew what it was exactly. But after all, we have as it was in the days of Chernomyrdin: it is incomprehensible, but great. But in fact, the "fraternal" company Trans World Group (TVG) imported raw materials - alumina, from which aluminum was made and exported. The native, Russian plant received only the minimum for work, and even for the fact that they undertook this, Mr. Soskovets exempted TVG from taxes. It would not have worked out for anything else, but for tolling ... Bottom line: $ 300 million a year - only "visible" profit of the company.

In the third quarter of 1997, the external manager G. Fetisov took over the AGK in a completely ruined state. By the end of the first quarter of 1998, the combine not only restored production, reached its design capacity, but also sells alumina at $ 25-30 below the market price per ton, thereby knocking out the soil from under the TVG for lobbying for tolling - they say, domestic raw materials are too expensive ... And then the tax authorities began to stir: it became clear to them that tolling profits, past federal and local taxes, were going straight into the offshore pockets of A. Bykov and L. Cherny. And to see that these pockets are bottomless, like the bins of the homeland under socialism.

Business partners

The archives of the Swiss police will now keep Mikhail Cherny's fingerprints forever ... "

At the end of December 1999, in one of the conference rooms of an expensive Manhattan hotel, an uncrowded but rather representative press conference took place. It was convened by one of the first Russian-speaking immigrant millionaires, Sam, aka Semyon Kislin, and was chaired by lawyer Derald Walprin from the reputable law firm Rosenman & Colin LLP with offices in New York and Washington. The speech at the press conference was that Kislin was caught in the midst of the pre-election struggle, like chickens in the pluck. A wealthy man, he regularly contributes to the Republican candidate for office and has recently been particularly active in supporting then-New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who was about to run for the Senate to replace Alfonso D'Amato. However, the Kislin family also made contributions for the re-election of Democrats Clinton and Gore, as well as for the demotion of Democrat Chuck Schumer to the Senate, and Sam, as expected, took a picture with the President and decorated his office with this picture.

It can be added that on November 25, 1996, the Israeli police replied to Interpol on a request dated November 22 of the same year about Tcherny Mikhail Simionovich, born on January 16, 1952, who immigrated to Israel on July 21, 1994 and received Israeli citizenship under registration number 313675308. “Judging According to the information we have, the Israelis told Interpol, the Cherny brothers were born in Uzbekistan, where they entered the underworld. In Israel, they are suspected of belonging to the Smoolovo criminal group (I admit that this is how they transcribed Izmailovo - AG) One of the brothers, David, is in New York. Lev Chernoy in London, and Mikhail (“Misha”) in Israel. "Misha" went abroad several times a month, especially to Paris, Vienna, Zurich, Geneva and Istanbul. In addition to the above information, he has several passports - Polish, American Uruguayan and Russian. Perhaps he also has a diplomatic passport. " It was also noted there that the presentation of this certificate cannot serve as a warrant for the arrest of Mikhail Cherny or a request for his extradition. "All of the above information," it concluded there, "is for the police only." Mikhail Cherny's “American Uruguayan” passport struck me as suspicious - rather, it could be about Paraguayan passports, which at one time were almost freely bought by Russian nouveau riches, including, say, the late Babek Sirus. I examined the Israeli response to Interpol through a strong magnifying glass - no, that's right, "american auruguay"

Black was shown the door

In the first business week of this year, an event took place that many media outlets undertook to comment on. The number of publications that the notorious British Trans-World Group (TVG) made a decision on a "friendly section" with entrepreneur Lev Cherny and from January 2000 will represent itself in Russia on its own, almost overshadowed the number of reports on Vladimir Putin's nomination as a presidential candidate RF.

Novaya Gazeta more than once addressed the topic of the alliance between TVG and Lev Cherny, who coordinated the activities of the British holding in the CIS countries, mainly in those areas where keywords are "aluminum", "alumina", "tolling". What happened? The group comments on the demise of the seven-year alliance for the development of the aluminum complex of Russia and the CIS countries in a statement to the press as follows: “Mr. Lev Chernoy pursues his own goals in Russia, and is also engaged in a variety of activities, developing projects and taking part in areas that are not included into the range of activities and areas of interest to the group. "

In a word, TWG made it clear that it did not want to have anything to do with everything dubious that hovers around the already former coordinator. But he adds: "There is no reason to assume that certain interests of the group and the interests of Mr. Lev Cherny will not coincide in individual enterprises." And further down the text: "This is a friendly section that gives the group more flexibility and the ability to continue mutually beneficial relationships with existing partners, develop new partnerships and create new alliances."

Flexibility. Now the TVG has realized that Lev Chernoy has specifically slowed down in recent years, giving preference to his own interests, and not corporate ones. Divorces, literally and figuratively, went on in succession. And in all cases, Lev Semyonovich Chernoy appeared, who, however, recently started talking about some kind of solidarity. With whom? He had a fight with his brother Mikhail. He was left by Vladimir Lisin (Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant), Oleg Deripaska (Siberian Aluminum Group). Then a scandal erupted in Kazakhstan, where Chernoy under the TVG brand essentially lost his sense of proportion, transferring funds to the accounts of his offshore companies. As a result, the enterprises of the mining and metallurgical complex, which produced about 1/5 of Kazakhstan's GDP, were brought to a deplorable state in just two incomplete years, and the Kazakh leadership pointed the door to TVG and Cherny. Apparently, even then between the British and the coordinator sparkled.

Capitalism in a cold climate

If the Russian aluminum industry if there was a face, it would resemble the face of Leo the Black - crumpled, covered with pockmarks, isolated from the outside world by a metal detector and an army of guards built. At the age of 45, Leo, who suffered from polio as a child, still feasts with a severe limp, twisting and swinging his injured leg; his eyes are like two blue coin slots, his hair is pressed against his forehead in a vampiric triangle. He is dressed in a black suit and smokes Kohib's cigar.

"Am I afraid of the mafia?" - asks Chernoy with a smile. “If I answer you no, it will not be true. If I say yes, then this will not be true either. "

With this one semi-transparent answer, Chernoy summed up post-Soviet Russia. After the collapse of the USSR in 1991, a struggle began between the semi-formed, often conflicting, democratic impulses of Russians and the age-old criminal culture, which has an untold share of power there. The West has enthusiastically embraced the rise of parliamentary democracy in Russia - with majestic promises of aid and investment - but Russia's trajectory has left little room for optimism in recent times. Today, even many of Russia's elected officials speak of the country as a kleptocracy, whose social, political and economic institutions are so infected with organized crime that even the most avid optimists have lost hope. Western companiesThose who invested in the Russian economy in the early 90s either paid dearly for this mistake, or they had to make such compromises that they never thought about.

“More often than not, in this stormy sea, it is not clean-shaven, tanned, brand-new sailors wearing snow-white sails that achieve success,” says Lev. reading out a prepared statement, “a slovenly skipper. pirate ship commanders. And don't be afraid. These are the laws of primitive capital accumulation that apply everywhere. "

Poisoned by aluminum. "The above persons use the services of hired killers"

In RUSSIA, the already legendary "aluminum wars" may break out again. The fight over the abolition of tolling has been going on for months. This English word means that foreign company processes imported raw materials at Russian factories, and then exports the finished metal. Tolling is beneficial for aluminum smelters - after all, a foreigner pays him for work. It is beneficial to intermediaries (such as the well-known British firm Trans World Group) - they receive their percentage of the transaction. Tolling is unprofitable for tax authorities and civil servants who make up the budget sprawling at the seams - according to them, the budget loses $ 300 million annually due to tolling schemes, that is, almost half of the IMF tranche expected by Russia. If we draw a “line of fire” in this war, then on one side (“for tolling”) there are large metallurgical plants, primarily KrAZ and BrAZ (where businessman Lev Chernoy has great influence), as well as the Ministry of Economy, which is interested in sustainable work industrial enterprises... Against - the Ministry of Taxes and Duties, the Ministry of Finance, 23 senators who sent a letter to Vladimir Putin with a request to abolish the tolling, and Oleg Deripaska's Siberian Aluminum company. Deripaska has his own reasons: Sibaluminiy has created a joint venture with RAO UES of Russia, which is headed by Anatoly Chubais. Relying on more favorable terms of access to energy resources. So there are no idealists in the aluminum business - if Chernoy had reached an agreement with Chubais, then Deripaska would have opposed tolling.

Lev Chernoy. "The first Russian entrepreneur"

Black Lev Semenovich, born in 1954 in Tashkent. Jew. Citizen of Israel.

Leo is the middle of three brothers. The elder brother, Mikhail, born in 1952, lives in Israel, the younger, David, born in 1958, in the USA. L. Cherny, after leaving Russia for the West in 1994, lived in Great Britain and Israel. (10.04.00)

Chernoy killed the site. No way, no matter what ...

03/23/2000 by the decision of the Internet Users Society-Niue, which administers the .nu domain, the registration (delegation) of the domain name from the previous owner was canceled. In connection with this decision, the press service of the entrepreneur L.S. Cherny informs all interested parties the following.

While studying at the Tashkent Polytechnic Institute, student Cherny was actively engaged in speculation, for which he was prosecuted. He bought himself freedom in exchange for cooperation with the KGB. After graduating from the university, the Chekists provided Lev Cherny with a warm place - he took the post of head of the quality control department of the branch of the Tashkent excavator plant, which produced consumer goods. (Сompromat.Ru 10.03.00)

On the basis of this branch in 1985, Lev created one of the first in Uzbekistan production cooperative... To work in it, he attracted his older brother Mikhail, who took over the organization of production, while Lev was engaged in the supply of raw materials and sales of products, financial issues... The co-op was essentially the first and the last joint venture brothers.

Germany laundered Trans World Group

German investigators have completed their money-laundering investigation by the UK-based Trans World Group (TWG), saying they have found no wrongdoing. The closure of the case can be considered a victory for the owners of TWG brothers David and Simon Ruben, who claimed that their company has never broken the law.

British TWG since the early 90s. was a key player in the Russian aluminum market, being a co-owner of the Krasnoyarsk, Bratsk and Sayan aluminum plants. The name of TWG, its founders, the Ruben brothers and Russian partners, in particular the brothers Mikhail and Lev Chernykh, have been repeatedly associated with high-profile scandals in Russia and abroad. Some of these scandals were prompted by suspicions of TWG and its partners' connections with international criminal circles. TWG closed its activities in Russia last year after selling its aluminum assets - large stakes in KrAZ and BrAZ - to the current owners of Russian Aluminum.

Siberian barber

From rags to offshore riches

In 1992, members of the Big Ring of the London Metal Exchange (permanent major players of the exchange. - "!") Agreed to establish control over the production of aluminum in Russia and its export supplies. By this time, the Moscow liberal reformers announced that the market would regulate everything by itself, and completely removed themselves from the operational management of the economy.

The members of the LME Big Ring chose David Ruben to play the role of the “market”, who rolled up his sleeves and began to regulate russian market aluminum. To begin with, Ruben established close contact with the brothers Lev and Mikhail Cherny, who controlled a significant share of non-ferrous metal exports from Russia. After the self-elimination of the state, this market was rapidly criminalized, so the English stock exchange needed authoritative counterparties. Ruben quickly explained to Chernoy that it was unreasonable to work by agreement with the “red directors” on rollback schemes. We must take ownership of the factories. For this, the simplest scheme was developed.

Trader firms, founded on shares with the "red directors", were supposed to register independent offshore companies and buy back the shares of the factories with the money from metal exports. David Ruben, in partnership with the Cherny brothers, established the TWG network of companies, which quickly brought the scheme conceived to life. Oleg Soskovets provided political cover for TWG. At first, everyone considered Deripaska to be Soskovets' future son-in-law. At the stage of "divorce" with Lev Cherny, Oleg Vladimirovich already acted as the fiancé of Lisa Berezovskaya, daughter of Boris Abramovich. The marriage PR campaign ended with the wedding of Deripaska and his daughter Valentin Yumashev.





Area of \u200b\u200binterest

Personal life

Lev Semenovich Chernoy, born in 1954, native of Tashkent. Jew. Citizen of Israel.

Leo is the middle of three brothers. The elder brother, Mikhail, born in 1952, lives in Israel, the younger, David, born in 1958, in the USA.

L. Chernoy, after leaving Russia in 1994 to the West, lived in Great Britain and Israel. In the second half of 1998, he again moved to Russia, where he lives in a dacha located in the Zarechye state farm.

Carier start

LEV CHERNOY graduated from the Tashkent Polytechnic Institute and was admitted to the Tashkent Excavator Plant as the head of the Quality Control Department of the branch that produced consumer goods. On the basis of this branch in 1985, Lev created one of the first production cooperatives in Uzbekistan. To work in it, he attracted his older brother Mikhail, who took over the organization of production, while Lev was engaged in the supply of raw materials and sales of products, and financial issues. The cooperative was essentially the brothers' first and last joint venture.

First connections

Soon L. Chernoy became one of the largest "shop workers" working in the shadow production of consumer goods. Production was provided with raw materials and materials that were obtained through systematic theft of state property on an especially large scale. In this L. Chernoy relied on the support of the organized criminal groups in Tashkent, whose leaders were his former school friends. According to some reports, the money for the promotion of the cooperative was allocated from the local "common fund", since Lev was of interest to the criminals in connection with the creation of a structure for laundering proceeds from racketeering, prostitution, arms and drug trafficking. Through ties with the Uzbek criminal community, primarily with Gafur Rakhimov and Tofik Arifov, L. Chernoy established relations with such major figures of the underworld as thief in law Vyacheslav Ivankov (“Yaponchik”) and Otari Kvantrishvili (“Otarik”).

The publication"

In 1990, L. Chernoy became a partner of Sam Kislin, an American citizen, a native of Odessa, who owns Trans Commodities, supplying raw materials to metallurgical enterprises in Russia. Lack of working capital forced the directors to resort to the services of L. Cherny and Kislin. The scope of activity of Trans Commodities expanded and soon L. Chernoy registered the firm Trans-CIS Commodities Ltd. in Monte Carlo (Principality of Monaco). (TCC), which effectively took over the Trans Commodities business. Kislin's attempts to achieve a civilized partition were harshly suppressed: he was advised to "think seriously if his wife wants to see him and his children alive."

According to the US FBI and Swiss police, Yaponchik became a partner of L. Cherny in Trans Commodities, and the company was actively used to “launder” dirty money, including money received from the drug business.

In 1991, L. Chernoy met in Moscow Goran Stanovich, a representative of the small firm Trans-World Metals (TWM), owned by the English businessman David Ruben. At that time TWM brokered the supply of small quantities of tin to the London Metal Exchange (LME) and cooperated with VO Raznoimport.

TCC started working with TWM. It was then that the aluminum industry of Russia and other former republics of the USSR became the sphere of L. Cherny's main interests. In 1992, a conglomerate of intermediary firms called the Trans-World Group (TWG) was formed around TWM.

On the initiative of L. Cherny, since 1992 in the aluminum industry of Russia, a scheme for processing tolling raw materials (alumina) in the “under customs control”That exempted aluminum producers from paying customs duties and taxes, but at the same time leaving about 2/3 of foreign exchange earnings on the accounts of intermediary firms.

Thanks to work with Russian aluminum smelters, Trans-World Group has become one of the three largest suppliers of aluminum to the world market in a short time. In 1995, more than 1 million tons of aluminum, or 5% of the world production volume, came to LME through TWG firms, the total annual turnover of its firms reached billions of dollars.

L. Cherny played a key role in this. He himself argued that a foreign partner in the person of Ruben was needed to raise funds to finance operations with aluminum smelters. However, in reality, Trans-World Metals by its scale could not play the role of a large investor, and L. Cherny needed TWG only to legalize capital of criminal origin, primarily for investing funds from the common fund in a legal business. President of TWG D. Ruben is assigned the role of “zits-chairman”. Officially listed as the general consultant of TWG, L. Chernoy, according to the testimony of the company's employees, single-handedly resolves all issues related to business in Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine.

Throughout his entire career in big business L. Chernoy is in the field of view of law enforcement agencies. Thus, at the beginning of 1992, the American company Newtel Co., founded by emigrants from Russia, carried out a large-scale operation to collect ruble funds from Russian buyers for the purchase of imported industrial goods and food products. The collected funds were converted into hard currency (the total amount was in the millions of dollars) and transferred abroad. They are said to have been converted through Stolichny Bank by L. Chernoy.

Aluminum market privatization schemes

IN COOPERATION with L. Cherny's firms “Mirabelle”, Trans-CIS Commodities and others, acting in Russia on behalf of TWG, Russian aluminum smelters reoriented themselves to export raw metal. Due to this, they received the minimum funds that were necessary to survive in the face of an almost complete loss of the domestic market. L. Chernoy used the factories' lack of working capital to make them dependent on the intermediary firms belonging to him. Manipulating the timing of payments, he put things in such a way that to replenish working capital, factories were credited from their own profits, and even at an inflated percentage. Thus, the profit was hidden in costs, the state did not receive taxes from it.

Along with this, seeing the high profitability of operations in Russia, L. Chernoy took vigorous steps to establish control over the plants through the acquisition of significant blocks of shares. To bypass the 20% restriction imposed by the Government of the Russian Federation on the free purchase of shares russian enterprises, L. Chernoy has created dozens of anonymous offshore companies in Monaco, Gibraltar, Switzerland, Virginia, Bahamas, Cyprus, etc. In turn, these offshore companies established subsidiaries in Russia, of which there were over a hundred. The network of these firms was actively involved in buying up shares, which allowed TWG to become a shareholder in enterprises by the beginning of 1995, which produced a total of more than 2 million tons of aluminum per year. These are Bratsk (BrAZ), Krasnoyarsk (KrAZ), Sayansk (SaAZ), Novokuznetsk (NkAZ) and Nadvoitsk (NAZ) aluminum plants.

When making payments for the products of aluminum smelters, as well as when buying up their shares, funds were repeatedly used that were stolen from the banking system with the help of false advice notes. The payments on behalf of Trans-CIS Commodities were made by firms with which TCC was bound by joint venture agreements and with which TWG allegedly paid for contracts abroad with their foreign partners. The investigation into the case of fake advice notes revealed that most of these firms were fictitious and disappeared after payment under the agreement with TCC. There were no formal grounds for bringing charges against the head of Trans-CIS under such a scheme, but this is what convinces some experts on economic crimes that L. Chernoy, in particular, with his rare ability to use gaps in legislation and weaknesses of the financial system to extract arrived. According to experts, L. Chernoy is involved in the theft of at least $ 800 million out of the total amount of about $ 2 billion stolen from the Russian banking system using forged bank documents.

Farewell to partners

It is assumed that information about the role of L. Cherny in operations with fake advice notes was possessed by someone Igor Beletsky, who worked with him at the Columbus joint venture, and Deputy Chairman of Roskommetallurgy Yuri Kaletnikov, who was in charge of the aluminum industry. Both were victims of car accidents. Also killed was Alexander Borisov, president of Mediko JV, one of the firms through which Trans-CIS Commodities contracts were paid.

L. Chernoy avoided cooperation with law enforcement agencies in every possible way. Senior Investigator for Particularly Important Cases of the Investigative Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation S. Glushenkov, who was in charge of the case of false advice notes, in March 1997 had to state that “it was not possible to personally interrogate Mr. Cherny, although attempts to contact him had been made since 1994 ”. All these attempts only led to the fact that at the end of 1995 L. Chernoy from Venezuela sent a letter to the Investigative Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in which he denied his involvement in the investigated cases and that he owned the company Trans-CIS Commodities.

The emergence of the combination "Black - Bulls"

In the fight for the division and redistribution of property in the aluminum industry, the forces of organized crime were most actively involved. The death toll in this struggle (which journalists called the “Great Patriotic Aluminum War”) was in the tens. Particularly bloody were the clashes between groups vying for control of the Krasnoyarsk aluminum plant. At the suggestion of L. Cherny in 1991, one of the local criminal leaders, Anatoly Bykov (“Bull”), entered KrAZ, whose “godfathers” were the leaders of the Uzbek organized crime groups, in particular T. Arifov. He recommended Bykov to his former compatriot L. Cherny, and he convinced Ivankov-“Yaponchik” to place a bet on “Bull”.

Over the next two years, “Byk” managed to oust or destroy all of its competitors and became the head of the organized criminal community of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. A corresponding section of the spheres of influence of criminals in the aluminum industry of the region took place: the thief in law Vladimir Tyurin (Tyurik), who represented Yaponchik in Eastern Siberia, oversaw the supply of alumina to BrAZ, Bykov was legalized as one of the co-owners of KrAZ, and Vladimir, closely associated with Bykov Tatarenkov (“Tatarin”) tried to establish control over the SaAZ. “Tatarin” headed a gang of up to 60 active fighters and for its cruelty was recognized as the most dangerous criminal formation in the East Siberian region. During May-June 1994 alone, the Tatarin militants killed 10 people who were involved in the struggle for influence at KrAZ.

Shortly before that, in April 1994, O. Kvantrishvili was shot dead in Moscow, who, as it became known later, was taking certain steps in order to squeeze L. Cherny's firms in the aluminum complex of Russia.

Travel abroad

Fearing for his life, L. Chernoy moved to the West with the beginning of the criminal showdown. There, especially at first, he constantly moved from place to place, alternately living in London, Paris, Monaco, New York, Tel Aviv, Caracas.

After the murder of “Otarik,” a certain Lev Cherepov, who had previously been hiding in Moscow from responsibility for his involvement in the drug business in Kyrgyzstan and who had maintained close contacts with Kvantrishvili, also went abroad. Having worked in the internal affairs bodies for quite a long time, Cherepov acquired extensive connections with high-ranking officials both in the republic and in the center. At the same time, he established close contacts with organized crime, in particular with groups of the Chechen diaspora in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. Cherepov's close ties are "Yaponchik" and the leader of the Solntsevo criminal community, Sergei Mikhailov ("Mikhas").

Having received a residence permit in Germany, Cherepov became a “business partner” of a number of criminal “authorities”, such as, for example, the Laskin brothers. Together with them, Cherepov, along with semi-criminal commerce, was actively involved in operations for laundering dirty money, racketeering, and drug smuggling.

With the support of mafia structures formed mainly by immigrants from the former USSR, Cherepov gained fame among business representatives with commercial interests in Russia and the CIS countries. Among them was L. Chernoy, who, given the nature of Cherepov's connections, invited him to work for TWG. Cherepov agreed, and his tasks were to lobby Cherny's interests in law enforcement agencies and interact with leaders of organized crime. To put pressure on entrepreneurs and officials, Cherepov hires Chechen “brigades” who carry out terrorist acts or carry out intimidation actions.

And again goodbye to partners

In 1995, the victims of contract killings were: in April Vadim Yafyasov, vice-president of the Yugorsky design bureau, Oleg Kantor, president of the same bank, in June, Felix Lvov, a representative of the American company AIOC.

Bank "Yugorsky", faced with serious financial problems, tried to reorient himself to servicing aluminum smelters, and a few days before his death, Yafyasov even took the post of commercial director of KrAZ, where the structure represented by him and Kantor became a competitor to TWG. Moreover, Yafyasov was a partner of L. Cherny for some time and had information about his business. Despite the pressure exerted on him, Yafyasov agreed to testify in the case of forged advice notes, which, according to law enforcement officials, was the reason for his murder.

AIOC, like TWG, worked with Russian aluminum smelters under a tolling scheme and was viewed by Cherny as a dangerous competitor. In May 1995, Lvov, speaking at parliamentary hearings in the State Duma, sharply raised the issue of the need to revive the domestic aluminum market in Russia and called for an investigation of violations of the law in the course of privatization in the aluminum industry, which directly affected the interests of L. Cherny. After that, Lvov repeatedly received both anonymous threats and offers to move from AIOC to TWG, and was soon killed.

In June 1996, in the center of Moscow, the president of the National Sports Fund, Boris Fedorov, received a bullet and four stab wounds, shortly before that he refused to cooperate with Trans-World and released some information about the business of L. Cherny and his partners in Russia. On the night of April 24, 1999, Fyodorov, under unclear circumstances, suddenly died at his home in Moscow.

Hold on to power

The conflicts that began in 1997 with Russian top managers and shareholders of a number of enterprises on further development led to the fact that they refused to cooperate with TWG. Faced with the real prospect of losing a significant part of the influence in the aluminum complex, L. Chernoy decided to use everything, including the most severe measures. Cherepov was entrusted with organizing the use of force against the leaders of the aforementioned enterprises through his connections in criminal structures. According to available information, Cherepov met with the leaders of the organized criminal group of the Chechen diaspora in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan and reached an agreement on the conduct of terrorist attacks by their militants against persons who will be indicated to him. To pay for these shares, L. Chernoy allocated more than $ 10 million to Cherepov.

Business and law

ACTIVITIES L. Cherny and his firms have repeatedly become the object of attention of law enforcement agencies in a number of countries. In particular, the US Federal Bureau of Investigation has attempted to uncover the TWGs used financial schemes tax evasion. IN Western Europe some companies associated with TWG are under surveillance as likely to be involved in drug smuggling. The National Criminal Investigation Service (NCIS), part of the UK Home Office, is investigating the TWG in collaboration with intelligence agencies in other countries. This investigation was prompted, in particular, by serious suspicions that TWG was being used for massive laundering of the proceeds of international organized crime. L. Chernoy is one of the main persons involved in this investigation. In the UK and Israel, a warrant for his arrest can be issued at any time, since the law enforcement agencies of these countries have revealed the facts of tax evasion by his firms and illegal operations to buy land planned for civil construction.


IN SUMMER 1998 L. Chernoy moved to Russia, where he plans to stay permanently, hoping to hide from possible criminal prosecution. Here he is conducting an active PR campaign to create an image of himself as a major entrepreneur-patriot, a statesman, which would allow him to legalize himself and legalize his business. Many central newspapers (Komsomolskaya Pravda, Trud, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Parlamentskaya Gazeta, etc.) spend millions of dollars to pay for publications within the framework of this campaign. In addition, L. Chernoy tried to use the capabilities of B. Berezovsky to enter the Russian establishment and even the presidential entourage. However, having paid for the purchase of the Kommersant publishing house by Berezovsky (through a fund headed by L. Cherny's man Kia Jurabchian) and a controlling stake in TV-6, L. Chernoy essentially did not receive anything in return, because on the eve of the elections, politicians and high-ranking officials are trying distance from him, so as not to be compromised by ties with such an odious person.

L. Cherny's relationship with Berezovsky did not go unnoticed. The Swiss prosecutor's office, conducting an investigation into Berezovsky, also became interested in the firms associated with L. Cherny, and in the course of investigative measures arrested one of their top managers, David McNeil.

Nevertheless, at present L. Chernoy continues his public campaign, main goal which is not only personal positioning in the ranks of the political elite, but also the introduction of their protégés into the structures of all branches of government on the federal and regional levels... L. Cherny's close ties with the top of organized crime and the origin of his capital give every reason to assume that he is performing the task of ensuring the massive penetration of criminals into power.

On December 10, 1954, in the maternity hospital of the city of Tashkent, far after midnight, after a weighty slap by a midwife, a faint squeak was heard. Everyone sighed with relief. The boy was born long and hard, as if this world did not want him at all.
Downtrodden by the Soviet reality and for the rest of their lives frightened by “beria”, his parents gave him the proud name Lev. As if in revenge to the whole world for the frailty of creation. And in the struggle for the life of a sickly boy, my mother, a convinced communist, not trusting the “pest doctors” exiled from Moscow, quietly, at night, read the old-regime prayers to the formidable god Yahweh so that the boy would survive. And he did survive ...
But active work in the CPSU annihilates God's help - little Leva fell seriously ill with polio. And the doctors, although fellow tribesmen, really turned out to be pests: the leg below the knee had to be amputated.
And how can a disabled boy live? Especially in the Soviet society, ruthless to everything that goes beyond the norms lowered from above. One can imagine what inferiority a cheerful and energetic boy must feel, deprived of the innocent childhood joys of socialist Uzbekistan: picking cotton during the holidays and pouring water over gopher minks, like all pioneers. And just give the abuser change. It would be very hard if there were no patron. He was the ataman of the surrounding hooligans, Lyova's classmate, Alimjan, a physically strong boy, but not particularly diligent in his studies. The alliance was obviously mutually beneficial.
Having ensured his safety within the school and the surrounding area, Leva slowly approached the age when boys are interested in girls. But maturing pimpled virgins are not interested in smart ones - they need slim, strong and beautiful ones. Like Alimjan.
Wiping himself off among the company of Alimjan, who from his youth knew all the surrounding girls, Lyova and tasted the fruit of sinful love, which turned out to be much tastier than imitating Onan in the toilet of a communal apartment, under the impatient cries of neighbors. In order to taste such love, muscles and a cheerful look were not needed. There would only be money. Levchik remembered this life lesson forever.
Student years at the Tashkent Polytechnic passed to the sounds of the Beatles. The Soviet government did not encourage, but did not cut long hair by force either. In dancing, it was allowed to cuddle. Girls in the seventies fell for jeans, ostentatious independence, Chumay port and romantic Okudzhava. Leva mastered three chords on the guitar with a sin in half, but real branded jeans were expensive, and child-loving parents drove themselves into the coffin, if only their crippled child was warm in this life.
But even the generous parental assistance for the purchase of the desired girlish caresses was not enough - Tashkent is not Kiev, and even less Moscow. Affordable young girls are tight. They had to withstand strong competition with the wealthy sons of the Uzbek party nomenklatura.
And Levchik, in search of additional earnings, got down to business: he began to “skate”. Clever Jewish boys play the violin or chess. Not very smart ones - go to the deputies, and the smartest - “ride”. To put it simply, they play cards in such a way that the saying “I would know the buy, I would live in Sochi” does not work for such guys. This is not Sochi, Monte Carlo smells here. Specifically. Sleight of hand and no cheating. Your money will be ours, and if something goes wrong, then there is Alimjan with a gopa and "four on the side - yours are not." Old business. This is how it was done in Odessa, and this is how it was done in Tashkent. Well, maybe the color was thinner: after all, the farmers from the Tashkent bazaar were not Odessa bindyuzhniki from Malaya Arnautskaya.
However, Levchik, who had not seen anything better, was not embarrassed. There was enough money both for chewing gum and for American cigarettes: in those idyllic times, it was still possible to seduce girls with them at no additional cost. But the “office” did not doze either: they tied the student Cherny in Samarkand red-handed. Lyova did not want to go to the zone, and he began to knock at the KGB on students telling jokes about Brezhnev, blackmailing people, and the same “skated” like himself. Not disinterested, of course. The security officers provided Lyova with an increased scholarship and the opportunity to engage in cheating already under their “roof”. Leva knocked to the pile and the local lads, unless you refuse school friend Gafur, who now walked in authority.
According to the concepts of the time, the Chekists distributed Cherny smartly - immediately to the post of head of the Quality Control Department of the branch of the Tashkent Excavator Plant, which produced consumer goods, which is now called consumer goods. There is no time left for the game of cards. And Leva is already used to living widely.
But it was not in vain that his father constantly said to him: “There is no leg, but there is a good potz and aidishe kopf”. Lyova creates an underground workshop for the production of scarves and blouses with lurex - aboriginal ladies are as greedy for everything shiny as magpies. My mother kept the bookkeeping, and the chief power engineer of the knitwear association stole the necessary materials for her son. In Tashkent, a bribe thrust into the right hand in time decided a lot. Even Brezhnev's son-in-law subsequently sat down for Uzbek bribes. The production was carried out by the Leva siblings, and the "roof" was provided by the local KGB and old school friend Gafur. For perestroika, Chernoy has already emerged as a big "shop-worker".
As soon as cooperatives were allowed, Lyova immediately legalized his shadow “shop”. But little has changed in the organization of production: as before, raw materials and materials were obtained through systematic theft of state property on an especially large scale. The only novelty was the laundering of Gafur's proceeds from racketeering, prostitution, arms and drug trafficking.
A tornado in the form of Gdlyan and Ivanov, who knocked out a fair wedge in the shadow economy of Uzbekistan, flew past Chernoy - the Chekists covered it. In addition, extremely cautious and calculating, Lyova always avoided direct compromise, and repeated attempts by the local Interior Ministry and the Moscow prosecutor's office to find documentary evidence of his involvement in organized crime were unsuccessful. You can't sew school friendship to business ...
Meanwhile, Gafur brought Cherny together with the thief in law Vyacheslav Ivankov, known to the country as “Yaponchik” and Otari Kvantrishvili (“Otarik”). Uzbekistan became cramped for Cherny. Moreover, in Moscow Gaidar proclaimed the construction of capitalism.
And if so, then Levchik took the first independent step in his life - he "threw" his brother Misha on 1 (one) BILLION DOLLARS! (This is not a typo.) So listen to jokes about the "poor ..." after that, well, these, the very ones, in general, you understand who ...
Already in the 90s, Leo became a business partner of an American citizen, a native of Odessa, Sam Kislin, the owner of Trans Commodities. This was the time when all foreigners were paranoid about Russian metal. Any. From scrap metal to zirconium, foreign businessmen found in the crumbling USSR a land of unafraid bureaucrats and beggars, by Western standards, of directors of the world's largest factories. The lack of working capital forced the heads of enterprises to resort to the services of such gesheftmakers as Chernoy throughout the country. Moreover, Western buyers did not waste their time on “glass beads”.
Comprador intermediation gave a good profit: Chernoy had 50% of the difference between domestic and international prices. And the supply volumes were constantly expanding. But greed ... Greed ... Until now, Chernoy keeps one personal chauffeur - he saves on the salary of the second.
Not wanting to share with Kislin anymore, Leva registered Trans-CIS Commodities Ltd. (TCC) in Monte Carlo, which practically appropriated not only the business, but also the name of Kislin's company. So Leva again threw a partner. So far, only for money. Attempts by a friend of Sam to achieve a civilized partition came across the advice: "Seriously think, if the wife wants to see him and the children alive." Sema grew up in Odessa and also had aidishe kopf. He met with Yaponchik in the company of Cherny. He didn't have to repeat.
The same Yaponchik became a partner in Cherny's new firm and the firm, in addition to buying metal in Russia, became a powerful laundry for laundering Ivankov's “dirty” money, including those received from the drug business. This is documented by the Swiss police, which opened a criminal case against Cherny. (As L. Chernoy himself asserts in his interview: “Nezavisimaya Gazeta” on 24.12.99. “… The details of this case are widely covered in Reuters, France Presse, Figaro, New York Times.)
1991 was a fateful year for Lyova. In Moscow, he met Goran Stanovich, a representative of the small intermediary firm TWM (Trans-World Metal). The company itself was headed by David Ruben, who was not long in coming. The value of this company was that it had brokerage place on the London Metal Exchangewhere Leva and his Monegasque company TCC could not get through for a year: not everyone is allowed there. TSS Cherny became an agent for TWM. It was with the light hand of Ruben that Lev Chernoy became seriously interested in aluminum.
Over the course of a year, Chernoy, Yaponchik and Otarik have amassed a conglomerate of intermediary “floats” around TWM, called the Trans-World Group (TWG), which they registered with the help of David Ruben in London as a holding company.
In 1992, Chernoy approached Soskovets, who sanctioned in the aluminum industry in Russia a method of siphoning money out of the country unprecedented in the economic history of mankind - tolling. The regime of tolling raw materials (alumina) “under customs control” exempted TWG from taxes and customs duties on imported raw materials and exported metal. At the same time, up to 75% of foreign exchange earnings remained on the accounts of intermediary firms. Thanks to tolling, TWG became one of the three largest players on the London Metal Exchange in a short time. In 1995 TWG sold over 1 million tonnes of aluminum on this exchange. 5% of all world production. TWG's annual revenue reached $ 5 billion. TWG President D. Ruben repeatedly stressed in the British press that “it was Lev, with his connections, who set up business on the territory of the former Soviet Union”. Chernoy was listed in TWG only as a general consultant, but, according to the testimony of the company's employees, he resolved all issues related to doing business in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan alone. Ruben waved the papers without looking.
Chernoy, under threat of being deprived of raw materials and jobs, transferred Russian aluminum factories to export raw metal. With an almost complete loss of the domestic market and working capital, the factories were forced to submit. This is how a new kind of neo-colonialism was born - the work one. The factories worked for a breath of oxygen. There was no question of getting back on its feet - no one was going to share profits from metal sales with factories. So the most profitable business in the world finally fell on its side in Russia. Working capital Gaidar and Matyukhin deprived him, finished off Chernoy and tolling.
In 1992, when the iron curtain was replaced by a continuous metal export, Leva Chernoy finally turned from a petty rogue into a big shark of capitalism. Exactly in the sense that they invest in it outside the borders of our long-suffering Fatherland. All youth complexes are satisfied. Anything is possible, anything is available, any luxury, any pleasure. Family, three children. And Cherny still lacks something. Something all gnaws at him and does not allow him to enjoy life. The complexes of a young cripple, who have always been offended by children - children, they are cruel - do not allow the use of luxury. Leva saves on everything, even on children, all the worries about whom, and Leva herself, was always paid by her wife from her own income.
Black has always lacked his own worth. And the significance is in their own eyes.
He just had not enough money. Those that are, it is a pity to tears.
In order to bypass the 20% barrier to foreign ownership of shares in Russian enterprises, he bakes offshore firms in Monaco, Gibraltar, the Bahamas and Cyprus like pancakes at Maslenitsa. In turn, these offshore companies register subsidiaries in Russia, of which there are already several hundred. And this whole gang was involved in buying up shares, which allowed him to become a shareholder in enterprises producing more than 2 million tons of aluminum per year by the beginning of 1995. These are Bratsk (BrAZ), Krasnoyarsk (KrAZ), Sayansk (SaAZ), Novokuznetsk (NkAZ) and Nadvoitsk (NAZ) aluminum plants. When buying up shares in factories, funds were used that were stolen from the country's budget with the help of the so-called “Chechen advice notes.” The investigation into the case of fake advice notes revealed that most of the companies making payments were one-day floats and disappeared after payment under an agreement with TCC. Under this scheme, there were no formal grounds for bringing charges against the head of Trans-CIS. Lyova learned not to substitute himself back in Soviet times. Or the Chekists, whom I knocked on, trained. Chernoy showed his rare ability to use gaps in the legislation and financial system of the country, which always left loopholes for those in power.
From that moment on, Leva realized that everything was allowed to him. That God, whose motherly prayers he remained to live, does not exist, but there is only the Golden Taurus, which exists only so that the Black one scrapes him with a file.
And strange events spread across the country. It seems that they are not connected with each other. It seems to be ... Cherny's partner in the Columbus JV Igor Beletsky and Deputy Chairman of Roskommetallurgy Yuri Kaletnikov (in charge of the aluminum industry), having agreed to testify in the case of "Chechen advice notes", die one after another in car accidents. A little later, Alexander Borisov, the president of SA "Mediko", one of the companies that pay for the Trams-CIS Commodities contracts, also crashed to death in a car.
In April 1994, Otari Kvantarishvili, Otarik, was shot dead in Moscow by a hired killer, whom Gafur had introduced to Cherny at the dawn of perestroika. Reason: Otarik became seriously interested in the aluminum business. It's hard to lose close friends, but Lyova used to do that.
In April 1995. the vice-president of the commercial bank “Yugorskiy” Vadim Yafyasov was killed; in July, the president of this bank, Oleg Kantor, was brutally stabbed to death at the guarded dacha of the Government of the Russian Federation “Snegiri”. Reason: Bank Yugorsky, faced with financial problems, tried to switch to financing the profitable aluminum industry. Yafyasov, a few days before his death, even took the post of commercial director of KrAZ. And if you consider that Yafyasov was a partner of Cherny for a long time and had information about his business. According to the investigators, the death of the bankers came as a result of their decision to testify in the case of forged advice notes.
In September of the same year, Felix Lvov, a representative of the American company AIOS, was killed. This company worked with Russian aluminum smelters on tolling invented by Black, and accidentally wandered into his "vegetable garden". Lvov had the imprudence to declare at a hearing in the State Duma about the need to investigate the facts of violation of the law during the privatization of the aluminum industry, which directly affected the interests of L. Cherny, who was then seizing KrAZ through Bykov. Lvov was offered a post at TWG. He refused. And, after a while, he was found killed.
Anatoly Bykov (Byk) was the coordinator of some of the murders and intimidations. Competent sources claim that Lyova did not spare his hard-earned $ 10 million for these purposes, part of which went through Chechen channels to purchase weapons for separatists in Chechnya.
It seems that everyone who, in one way or another, communicates with Black, stains from him with a black mark. There is no evidence that could be taken to court ... But let us ask ourselves the sacramental question of Roman law: who benefits? And only Black is profitable. He “chopped off the tails”.
Chernoy avoids cooperation with law enforcement agencies. Senior Investigator for Particularly Important Cases of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation S. Glushenkov stated in March 1997 that “it was not possible to personally interrogate Mr. Chenoy, although attempts to contact him had been made since 1994.”
But the MVD suddenly lost all interest in Chernoy. In 1998, he was in Moscow, he personally and very intimately communicates with a number of politicians and high-ranking bureaucrats, lives openly, does not hide from anyone, but for some reason investigator Glushakov is not interested in him. Why? This is a great mystery.
And in the West, Black was surrounded by flags like a wolf. The US FBI has opened a case on the concealment of taxes TWG, In France and Germany, companies associated with TWG immediately come under total surveillance of law enforcement agencies, in Switzerland a criminal case has been opened against L, Cherny is prosecuted, the National Criminal Investigation Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Great Britain, in cooperation with Interpol, is investigating Regarding the “laundering” of the drug mafia's income through TWG, L. Chernoy is the main person involved in this case. In Kazakhstan, they want to talk with him about tolling, which was banned there, as well as about money laundering of the drug mafia. In Israel, he faces arrest for illegal operations to buy land planned for civil construction. The only place on the planet where Chernoy is not needed by law enforcement agencies is Russia.
Preparing Russia as a springboard for tampering, since last year Lev Chernoy has been leading a massive PR campaign in the country to create an image of himself as a major entrepreneur - a production worker. He bribes trade unions (FPSR secretary A. Isaev supported him publicly through the press), took R. Abramovich and B. Berezovsky to support. Through the latter, he actively buys up the media (TV-6, Kommersant, etc.) Berezovsky understands. That it is not entirely decent to dance in circles with an offshore Israeli - they may think badly - and so he stocked up with parliamentary immunity.
Chernoy completely took over the Kedr party, which, after being exposed, pulled out of the election race. Rather, it was filmed by number 2 in the party list - director Ivan Okhlobystin. He turned out to be a decent person.
Behind last year Chernoy stated that he had met with Zyuganov. Vengerovsky, Zhirinovsky (who bargained for the second place in the list for Bykov), Ryzhkov Jr., Veselkin, Petrenko, Kolesnichenko, Kurginyan, Isaev, Lipitsky, Podberezkin, Berezovsky, Dzasokhov, Kokov, Nazdratenko, Rossel, Yakovlev, Simminov , Mitin, Evsyukov, General Nikolaev (to whom he offered financial assistance). I am far from accusing all these people of short-sightedness: of course, they did not meet with Leva, but after all, even talking to him on the phone is dangerous for her reputation ... After all, most likely, Leva, as has happened more than once, decided to play with them "into the dark" in financial and political poker: play and throw. In what in what, but in this sport he does not know equals ...
And at the same time, he is actively “chopping off the tails” that could compromise him: Yaponchik on American plank beds, Bykov on Hungarian ones. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
The siblings have long been afraid to have common affairs with him, and his wife, during a divorce, according to Western press reports, even ordered, out of fear, his removal for 400 thousand dollars. Chernoy did not give her a divorce for a long time, as saving his own funds he lived on money from her business. Chernoy himself claims that he eats “the same thing as everyone else,” and he has one suit, since he “does not need fifteen suits or ten cars. He is not interested in a luxurious vacation. " This is very reminiscent of Panikovsky's complaints to Bender, when he, being in the bathroom, complains that he has not been in the bath for a year and that his girls do not like him. In fact, in Soviet history, there was such a leader of the entire industry who, from the age of 17 until his death, wore the same patched tunic - Iron Felix, “to make life with whom” Lev taught at school.
After all, everyone around here yells that Leva Chernoy is a very rich person. That Leva Chernoy is an outstanding industrial entrepreneur. And Lyova also puffs out her cheeks, like the father of Russian democracy and a face close to the emperor. And what is his wealth? There are no houses. There are no factories. There are no steamers. The car is one. One suit. He has shares in a dozen offshore companies on foreign islands, so what? What kind of Russian businessman is he if he doesn't own anything in Russia except tolling? He boasts of his Russian-Israeli citizenship, but is he a citizen? Citizenship provides for residency, that is, the payment of taxes to your homeland. And Chernoy does not pay taxes to either Russia or Israel. He does not pay taxes anywhere. He is a poor gigolo supported by his ex-wife.
Avoiding journalists all his life, Chernoy himself is now actively speaking in the press with the ideas of "state capitalism and solidarity of entrepreneurs." In it, Chernoy is actively talking about his desire for supreme power. About the transformation of the state into a single firm, with the complete subordination of all the power structures of the country to it. And the most important thing there, of course, means he. It is not for nothing that his favorite hero is Napoleon Buonapartius. So I want from rags to riches that I can no longer endure.
Lev Chernoy turned out to be surprisingly commonplace. He ended up with what all smart, but impressionable and flawed teenagers end up with - the desire to remake the world to his liking. Lev Chernoy dreamed of becoming Leon Trotsky, although due to his illiteracy he did not read the biography of the latter ... Unlike the lazy Leiba, who grew up in lobby, wealth and universal love, Chernoy earned his billions with hard work and then, it only seems that the life of a crook is easy and carefree. Other people's money is not easy to get. And to facilitate this process, Leva builds a black hole in one separate state. The ashes of Marx are knocking at his heart.
Dmitry Karasev.