Specification per engineer sample. Qualification requirements - training engineer Characteristics for training engineer

Job responsibilities. Organizes vocational training of workers and advanced training of managers and specialists (training, retraining and advanced training of workers in production, in secondary vocational educational institutions, economic studies, practical training of students and young professionals during the period of their internship, as well as industrial practice of students and students). Based on the company's need for qualified personnel and taking into account the requirements of a market economy, it develops projects for long-term and current plans for personnel training, advanced training and skills of workers with the necessary justifications and calculations. Establishes contacts with educational institutions, draws up contracts for training, retraining and advanced training of employees of the enterprise. Draws up schedules for sending executives and specialists to educational institutions for advanced training in accordance with concluded contracts, and controls their implementation. Takes part in work on vocational guidance for young people, as well as in the development of educational and methodological documentation (curricula and professional development programs, manuals and recommendations, timetables for training groups, etc.). Supervises educational and methodological work for all types and forms of training and advanced training of personnel in production. He selects a cadre of teachers and instructors from among specialists and highly qualified workers with their subsequent approval in the prescribed manner, completes training groups. Monitors the systematicity and quality of the classes, student progress, adherence to the terms of study, the implementation of curricula and programs, the correctness of the established documentation. Carries out work on providing the educational process with the necessary methodological literature, as well as equipping educational and methodological rooms with equipment, technical teaching aids, inventory, visual aids, as well as introducing automated tools and modern active teaching methods into the educational process. Participates in the conduct of final classes, examinations, qualification tests, competitions of professional skills of workers. Organizes lectures and reports, seminars and consultations in order to improve the level of professional training of mentors, teachers and trainers. Prepares labor agreements (contracts) with teachers and instructors, makes estimates of the costs of training and advanced training of personnel, remuneration for training personnel and management of industrial practice, controls the correct use of funds for these purposes. Participates in monitoring the attendance of classes and the progress of employees enrolled in courses and in educational institutions on the job, training and advanced training of specialists in the system of secondary and higher vocational education, as well as institutes and refresher courses. Takes part in organizing the work of the qualification commissions and the educational and methodological council of the enterprise for vocational training of workers in production, the implementation of their decisions, the development of measures that contribute to the growth of labor productivity by improving the skills and skills of workers. Constantly improving the forms and methods of professional training and professional development of personnel in production, generalizes and disseminates advanced experience in this area. Analyzes the qualitative indicators of learning outcomes and its effectiveness (changes in the professional and qualification and official composition of workers and employees, growth in labor productivity, wages, etc.), maintains established reporting.

Must know: legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials on training and advanced training of personnel in production; structure and staff of the enterprise, profile, specialization and prospects for its development; personnel policy and strategy of the enterprise; main technological processes of production of the company's products; forms, types and methods of vocational training; the procedure for the development of plans for training, retraining and advanced training of personnel, curricula and programs, other educational and methodological documentation; the procedure for formalizing contracts with educational institutions; the procedure for drawing up cost estimates for the training and advanced training of personnel and the execution of labor agreements (contracts) with teachers and instructors; progressive forms, methods and means of teaching; the procedure for financing training costs; organization of work on career guidance and professional selection; the system of remuneration of teachers and instructors; the procedure for keeping records and drawing up reports on training and advanced training of personnel; foundations of pedagogy, sociology and psychology; fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management; labor legislation; rules and regulations of labor protection.

Qualification requirements.
Engineer for training personnel of the I category: higher professional (technical or engineering and economic) education and work experience as an engineer for training personnel of the II category for at least 3 years.
Personnel training engineer of the II category: higher professional (technical or engineering and economic) education and work experience as an engineer for personnel training or other engineering and technical positions replaced by specialists with higher professional education, at least 3 years.
Personnel training engineer: higher professional (technical or engineering and economic) education without imposing requirements for work experience or secondary professional (technical or engineering and economic) education and work experience in the position of a category I technician for at least 3 years or other positions replaced by specialists with a secondary vocational education, at least 5 years.

HR Inspector

Job responsibilities. Keeps records of the personnel of the enterprise, its divisions in accordance with unified forms of primary accounting documentation. Draws up the admission, transfer and dismissal of employees in accordance with labor legislation, regulations and orders of the head of the enterprise, as well as other established personnel documentation. Forms and manages the personal files of employees, makes changes in them related to work. Prepares the necessary materials for qualification, certification, competition commissions and the presentation of employees for incentives and awards. Fills in, records and stores work books, calculates work experience, issues certificates of the present and past work activities of employees. Produces records in work books about incentives and awards for employees. Enters information about the quantitative, qualitative composition of employees and their movement into the data bank of the company's personnel, monitors its timely updating and replenishment. Keeps records of the provision of vacations to employees, monitors the preparation and compliance with the schedules of regular vacations. Draws up pension insurance cards, other documents necessary for the appointment of pensions to employees of the enterprise and their families, the establishment of benefits and compensations. Studies the reasons for staff turnover, participates in the development of measures to reduce it. Prepares documents after the expiration of the established periods of current storage for depositing in the archive. Monitors the state of labor discipline in the divisions of the organization and the observance by employees of the rules of the internal labor schedule. Draws up established reporting.

Must know: legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials for maintaining documentation for the accounting and movement of personnel; labor legislation; structure and staff of the enterprise; the procedure for drawing up, maintaining and storing work books and personal files of employees of the enterprise; the procedure for establishing the names of professions of workers and positions of employees, general and continuous work experience, benefits, compensation, registration of pensions for employees; the procedure for accounting for the movement of personnel and drawing up the established reporting; the procedure for maintaining a data bank on the personnel of the enterprise; basics of office work; computer facilities, communications and communications; fundamentals of labor legislation; rules and regulations of labor protection.

Qualification requirements. Secondary vocational education without presentation of requirements for work experience or primary vocational education, special training according to the established program and work experience in the profile of at least 3 years, including at this enterprise for at least 1 year.


Job responsibilities. It organizes the use at the enterprise as workers and employees of persons with hearing loss (deaf, deaf and dumb), their rational arrangement, taking into account the profession, specialty and qualifications, medical opinion, recommendations of medical and social expertise. Identifies the possibilities of using the labor of persons with hearing loss and promotes the consolidation of such workers in labor collectives. Monitors compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents containing contraindications for the use of hearing impaired labor in certain types of work, when hiring and in the process of work of persons with hearing impairments. Provides assistance to those who have a hearing impairment during introductory and other types of briefings, in teaching safe working methods and familiarizing themselves with the current instructions and rules on labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation, in communicating to each of them production tasks, current forms of remuneration, standards and prices. Analyzes and summarizes the results of the work of employees with hearing impairments and ensures the publicity of their production achievements. Supervises the correct use of hearing impaired employees, the provision of materials and tools for the performance of production tasks, the timeliness of the execution and issuance of work orders, the compliance of wages with their labor contribution, the timeliness of the provision of social benefits and guarantees established by law. Promotes the development of mentoring, the organization of specialized study groups for training courses to improve skills and the development of new professions. Promotes the creation of opportunities and the necessary conditions for combining the training of persons with hearing impairments in higher and secondary vocational educational institutions with work at the enterprise, monitors the timely provision of benefits to students provided for by current legislation. Together with the heads of production departments, he monitors the timeliness of professional advancement of employees with hearing impairments, in accordance with their level of training, qualifications, and also taking into account the interests of production. Together with the administration and trade union organizations of the enterprise, it solves the issues of improving the housing and social conditions of this contingent of workers, assigning their children to preschool institutions, boarding schools and recreation camps, providing those in need with sanitary treatment, providing the necessary assistance in medical, legal and household service. Promotes the organization and effective operation of auditory rehabilitation rooms, consolidation and further development of the skills of speech communication between deaf workers and hearing people in the process of joint work.

Must know: resolutions, orders, orders, methodological and normative materials related to general and vocational education, employment of workers and production and economic activities of the enterprise, which employs a contingent of workers with hearing impairments; sign speech and methods of dactylological translation; specialization of the enterprise, production technology and range of products and work (services) performed; the equipment used and the rules for its operation; requirements for manufactured products, work (services) performed; forms and methods of organizing educational work and industrial training of workers; surdopedagogy; foundations of social psychology; methods and means of rehabilitation for employees with hearing impairments; fundamentals of economics, organization of labor and production; rules and procedure for registration of admission, relocation and dismissal of hearing impaired employees, granting them vacations and benefits provided by law; forms and systems of wages and material incentives; advanced domestic and foreign experience of working with a contingent of hearing impaired personnel; fundamentals of labor legislation; rules and regulations of labor protection.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education without presentation of requirements for work experience or secondary vocational education and work experience in the profile of at least 5 years.

Job description for training engineer

Director of the enterprise
(institutions, organizations)

Training Engineer


1.1. This job description defines the functional responsibilities, rights and
responsibility of the Training Engineer.
1.2. A training engineer is appointed and dismissed
in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the director
1.3. The training engineer reports directly to __________________.
1.4. A person is appointed to the position of a Training Engineer who has:
- Engineer for training personnel of the I category: higher professional (technical or

personnel of the II category for at least 3 years;
- Engineer for training of personnel of the II category: higher professional (technical or
engineering and economic) education and work experience as a training engineer
personnel or other engineering and technical positions replaced by specialists with higher
professional education, at least 3 years;
- Training engineer: higher professional (technical or engineering)
economic) education without requirements for work experience or secondary
professional (technical or engineering and economic) education and work experience in
positions of a technician of the I category for at least 3 years or other positions filled
specialists with secondary vocational education, at least 5 years.
1.5. The training engineer should know:
- legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials on issues
training and advanced training of personnel in production; structure and staff of the enterprise,
profile, specialization and prospects for its development; HR policy and strategy
enterprises; main technological processes of production of the company's products; forms,
types and methods of vocational training; the procedure for developing training plans,
retraining and advanced training of personnel, curricula and programs, other educational
methodical documentation; the procedure for formalizing contracts with educational institutions; order
drawing up cost estimates for training and advanced training of personnel and registration
labor agreements (contracts) with teachers and instructors; progressive forms,
methods and means of teaching; the procedure for financing training costs; organization of work
on vocational guidance and professional selection; the system of remuneration of teachers and instructors; order
accounting and reporting on training and advanced training of personnel;
foundations of pedagogy, sociology and psychology; fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor
and management; labor legislation; rules and regulations of labor protection.
1.6. During the temporary absence of the Training Engineer, his duties
assigned to ___________________________.


Note. The functional responsibilities of the Training Engineer are defined for
on the basis and in the scope of qualifications for the position of a Training Engineer
personnel and can be supplemented, clarified during the preparation of the job description, instructions based on
specific circumstances.

Training Engineer:
2.1. Organizes vocational training for workers and advanced training
executives and specialists (training, retraining and advanced training
workers in production, in secondary vocational educational institutions,
economic studies, practical training of students and young professionals during the period
their internship, as well as practical training of students and students).
2.2. Based on the company's need for qualified personnel and taking into account
requirements of a market economy, develops projects for long-term and current plans
training, advanced training and skills of those working with the necessary
justifications and calculations.
2.3. Establishes contacts with educational institutions, draws up contracts for training,
retraining and advanced training of employees of the enterprise.
2.4. Draws up schedules for sending executives and specialists to training
institutions for advanced training in accordance with concluded contracts,
monitors their implementation.
2.5. Takes part in work on vocational guidance for young people, as well as in
development of educational and methodological documentation (curricula and programs for professional
development, manuals and recommendations, timetables of study groups, etc.).
2.6. Carries out leadership of educational and methodical work in all types and forms
training and advanced training of personnel in production.
2.7. Selects a cadre of teachers and instructors from among specialists and
highly qualified workers with their subsequent approval in the prescribed manner,
completes educational groups.
2.8. Controls the systematicity and quality of the classes, the progress of students,
adherence to terms of study, implementation of curricula and programs, correctness of
installed documentation.
2.9. Carries out work to ensure the educational process with the necessary methodological
literature, as well as equipping educational and methodological rooms with equipment,
technical teaching aids, inventory, visual aids, as well as implementation in
educational process of automated means and modern active teaching methods.
Participates in conducting final classes, exams, qualification tests, competitions
professional skills of workers.
2.10. Organizes lectures and reports, seminars and consultations in order to
improving the professional development of mentors, teachers and trainers.
2.11. Prepares labor agreements (contracts) with teachers and instructors,
makes cost estimates for training and advanced training of personnel, remuneration for
training of personnel and management of industrial practice, controls the correctness
use of funds for these purposes.
2.12. Participates in monitoring class attendance and progress
workers enrolled in courses and in educational institutions on the job,
training and advanced training of specialists in the system of secondary and higher
vocational education, as well as institutes and refresher courses.
2.13. Takes part in organizing the work of qualification commissions and educational
methodical council of the enterprise for vocational training of workers in production,
implementation of their decisions, the development of measures that contribute to the growth of labor productivity for
by improving the qualifications and skills of employees.
2.14. Constantly improving the forms and methods of professional training and
advanced training of personnel in production, generalizes and disseminates best practices in
this area.
2.15. Analyzes the qualitative indicators of learning outcomes and its effectiveness
(change in the professional and qualification and official composition of workers and employees,
growth of labor productivity, wages, etc.), maintains established reporting.

The training engineer has the right to:
3.1. Interact with educational institutions on training and
advanced training of personnel at the enterprise.
3.2. Provide guidance to educational and methodological work to prepare and improve
qualifications of personnel in production.
3.3. Participate in the work of qualification commissions.
3.4. Monitor the attendance of classes and the progress of employees of the enterprise,
undergoing retraining and advanced training on the job.


The training engineer is responsible for:
4.1. Failure to fulfill their functional duties.
4.2. Inaccurate information about the status of the received tasks and orders,
violation of the terms of their execution.
4.3. Failure to comply with orders, orders of the director of the enterprise, instructions and assignments
head of department.
4.4. Violation of the internal labor regulations, fire safety rules
safety and security measures installed at the enterprise.


5.1. The mode of work of the Training Engineer is determined in accordance with
Internal labor regulations established at the enterprise.
5.2. Due to operational needs, the Training Engineer may
go on business trips (including local ones).

I have read the instructions: ___________________ / __________________
(signature) (full name)

"___" _____________ ____

I have read this job description: Date. Signature.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The training engineer is classified as a professional.

1.2. For the position:

- a training engineer is a person who has a higher professional (technical or engineering and economic) education without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary vocational (technical or engineering and economic) education and work experience as a category I technician at least 3 years or others positions filled by specialists with secondary vocational education for at least 5 years;

- an engineer for the training of personnel of the II category is accepted (transferred) a person who has a higher professional (technical or engineering and economic) education and work experience as an engineer for training or other engineering and technical positions replaced by specialists with higher professional education, at least 3 years old;

- an engineer for training personnel of the 1st category is accepted (transferred) a person who has a higher professional (technical or engineering-economic) education and work experience as an engineer for training of personnel of the II category at least 3 years.

1.3. The training engineer should know:

- legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials on training and advanced training of personnel in production;

- the structure and staff of the organization, profile, specialization and prospects for its development;

- HR policy and strategy of the organization;

- the main technological processes of production of products (services) of the organization;

- forms, types and methods of vocational training;

- the procedure for the development of training plans, retraining and advanced training of personnel, curricula and programs, other educational and methodological documentation;

- the procedure for formalizing contracts with educational institutions;

- the procedure for drawing up cost estimates for training and advanced training of personnel and the execution of labor agreements (contracts) with teachers and instructors;

- progressive forms, methods and means of teaching;

- the procedure for financing training costs;

- organization of work on career guidance and professional selection;

- system of remuneration of teachers and instructors;

- the procedure for keeping records and drawing up reports on training and advanced training of personnel;

- fundamentals of pedagogy, sociology and psychology;

- fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management;

- fundamentals of labor legislation;

- Internal labor regulations;

- rules of labor protection and fire safety;

— ____________.

1.4. A training engineer in his activities is guided by:

- Charter (Regulation) _______________________________________________;

(name of company)

- this job description;

— __________.

(other acts and documents, directly

Related to the job function of a training engineer)

1.5. The training engineer reports directly to _________

(name of the manager's position)

1.6. During the absence of a training engineer (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by an employee appointed in accordance with the established procedure, who acquires the relevant rights and is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of duties assigned to him in connection with the replacement.

1.7. _________.

2. Functions

2.1. Organization of professional training for employees.

2.2. Methodological support of training and advanced training of personnel in the organization.

3. Job responsibilities

The training engineer performs the following duties:

3.1. Organizes vocational training of workers and advanced training of managers and specialists (training, retraining and advanced training of workers in production, in secondary vocational educational institutions, economic studies, practical training of students and young professionals during the period of their internship, as well as industrial practice of students and students).

3.2. Based on the organization's need for qualified personnel and taking into account the requirements of a market economy, it develops projects for long-term and current plans for personnel training, advanced training and skills development of workers with the necessary justifications and calculations.

3.3. Establishes contacts with educational institutions, draws up contracts for training, retraining and advanced training of employees of the organization.

3.4. Draws up schedules for sending executives and specialists to educational institutions for advanced training in accordance with concluded contracts, and controls their implementation.

3.5. Takes part in work on vocational guidance for young people, as well as in the development of educational and methodological documentation (curricula and professional development programs, manuals and recommendations, timetables for training groups, etc.).

3.6. Supervises educational and methodological work for all types and forms of training and advanced training of personnel in production.

3.7. Selects a staff of teachers and instructors from among specialists and highly qualified workers with their subsequent approval in the prescribed manner, completes training groups.

3.8. Monitors the systematicity and quality of classes, student progress, adherence to training deadlines, the implementation of curricula and programs, the correctness of the established documentation

3.9. Carries out work on providing the educational process with the necessary methodological and reference literature, equipping educational and methodical rooms with equipment, technical teaching aids, inventory, visual aids, as well as introducing automated tools and modern active teaching methods into the educational process.

3.11. Organizes lectures and reports, seminars and consultations in order to improve the level of professional training of mentors, teachers and trainers.

3.12. Prepares labor agreements (contracts) with teachers and instructors, makes estimates of the costs of training and advanced training of personnel, remuneration for training personnel and management of industrial practice, controls the correct use of funds for these purposes.

3.13. Participates in monitoring the attendance of classes and the progress of employees enrolled in courses and in educational institutions on the job, training and advanced training of specialists in the system of secondary and higher vocational education, as well as institutes and refresher courses.

3.14. Takes part in organizing the work of the qualification commissions and the educational and methodological council of the organization for vocational training of workers in production, the implementation of their decisions, the development of measures that contribute to the growth of labor productivity by improving the skills and skills of workers.

3.15. Constantly improving the forms and methods of vocational training and professional development of personnel in production, generalizes and disseminates advanced experience in this area.

3.16. Analyzes the qualitative indicators of learning outcomes and its effectiveness (changes in the professional and qualification and official composition of workers and employees, growth in labor productivity, wages, etc.), maintains established reporting.

3.17. ______.

(other duties)

4. Rights

The training engineer has the right to:

4.1. Participate in the discussion of draft decisions of the organization's management.

4.2. In agreement with the immediate supervisor, involve other employees in solving the tasks assigned to him.

4.3. Request and receive from employees of other structural divisions the necessary information and documents.

In the totality of resources, labor resources occupy a special place. The results of the enterprise's activities largely depend on the quality of their selection and the efficiency of their use. Labor resources set in motion the material elements of production, create a product, value and a surplus product in the form of profit.

Personnel or labor resources of the enterprise Is a set of employees of various professional and qualification groups employed at the enterprise and included in its payroll.

The payroll includes all employees employed in both the main and non-main activities of the enterprise.

For planning the number of personnel, their training and distribution, for linking the work plan with other sections of the production plan, it is important classification frames (Figure 11).

It is based on a functional criterion, i.e. the principle of participation of individual groups of workers in production activities.

According to the field of activity, the personnel are divided into two groups.

1) Industrial production personnel (PPP) - those who are directly related to the production activities of the enterprise. It includes all employees of the main, auxiliary, auxiliary and service shops; research, design, technological organizations and laboratories; plant management with all departments and services, as well as services engaged in major and current repairs of equipment and vehicles.

2) Non-industrial personnel- employees of subdivisions not related to the production activities of the enterprise, which are on the balance sheet of the enterprise (housing and communal services, children's institutions, public catering, medical institutions, shops, cultural and household, etc.).

By the nature of the functions performed, the PPP is divided into the following categories:

1) workers - employees directly involved in the creation of material values \u200b\u200band the provision of production and transport services. Workers are subdivided into main and auxiliary. The main workers are workers employed in technological operations. Auxiliary workers serve the processes of the main and auxiliary production (transport workers, electricians, tool distributors, equipment repair workers, etc.);

Figure: 11. Classification of personnel of the enterprise

2) managers - persons empowered to make management decisions and organize their implementation. These are employees holding positions of enterprise managers (directors, chiefs, chief specialists (chief accountant, chief mechanic) and their deputies;

3) specialists - carry out engineering, design and economic preparation of production (engineers, mechanics, economists, lawyers, etc.);

4) technical executors (employees) - provide information and technical support for managers and specialists, preparation and execution of documentation, economic services and office work (machinists, clerks, secretaries, agents, archivist, statisticians, timekeepers, etc.).

Personnel have a qualitative, quantitative and structural characteristic.

Qualitative characteristic is determined by the degree of professional and qualification suitability of its employees to fulfill the goals of the enterprise and the work they perform.

You can evaluate it by the following indicators:

Economic: labor complexity, employee qualifications, working conditions, seniority, etc .;

Personal: creative activity, discipline, etc .;

Organizational and technical: rational organization of labor, equipment saturation, etc .;

Socio-cultural: collectivism, social activity, etc.

Quantitative characteristic personnel is determined by such indicators as:

1) shift strength (H cm) includes workers who must ensure the normal course of the production process during the shift.

2)safehouse(H jav) - provides for the number of employees to ensure the normal course of the technological process during the working day:

H jav \u003d H cm N,

where N is the number of shifts.

3) staffing (H pcs) - calculated in continuous production and takes into account the substitution of production workers during weekends and holidays (substitutions are set in the amount of one or two working teams):

H pcs \u003d H jav + P,

where P is a substitution.

For batch production H pcs \u003d H jav.

4) Payroll(H sp) - includes all permanent, temporary and seasonal workers, as well as workers employed to replace absenteeism due to illness, vacations and other reasons on a specific date:

H cn \u003d H jav (H pcs) K lane,

K lane \u003d T nom / Teff,

where K lane is the conversion factor from the attendance (staff) number to the payroll;

T nom - the nominal fund of time of work of one employee for 1 year, h (days);

Teff - effective fund of time of work of one employee for 1 year, h (days).

To calculate Teff, a balance of working time is drawn up, which characterizes the average number of hours and days of work of one employee per year.

When developing the balance of working time, the nominal and effective funds of the worker's time are calculated based on the shift schedule of the enterprise.

T nom \u003d (T cal - T pr - T out) N t cm,

Teff \u003d T nom - Trn,

where T cal is a calendar fund of time equal to 365 days;

t cm - shift duration, hour;

T pr, T out - the number of holidays and days off per year, respectively.

Trn - regulated absenteeism (planned whole-day absenteeism due to illness, vacations and other reasons).

The payroll is determined for a certain number or date, taking into account the employees who were hired and left on that day. For managers and specialists H jav \u003d H sp.

The difference between the payroll and staff numbers is a reserve of production workers for the smooth operation of the enterprise in case of vacations, illness and other planned losses of time.

When calculating the number of repair personnel, it should be borne in mind that these workers, as a rule, work in one shift, so their shift staff is the basis for calculating the payroll.

5) Average number of employeesan enterprise for a certain period is defined as dividing the sum of the payroll of employees for all calendar days of the period, including weekends and holidays, by the full calendar number of days in the period.

To correctly determine the average number of employees, it is necessary to keep a daily time record of employees on the payroll, taking into account the orders (orders) for admission, transfer to another job and termination of the employment contract.

6) Growth rates, gain the number of employees of the enterprise for a certain period.

Structural characteristic represented by the ratio of various categories of workers in their total number ( frame structure).

The structure of personnel can also be determined by age, sex, educational level, length of service, qualifications and other characteristics.

The professional and qualification structure of the company's employees is reflected in the staffing table - a document approved annually by the head of the enterprise and representing a list of employee positions grouped by departments and services, indicating the category (category) of work and official salary. The revision of the staffing table is carried out during the year by making changes to it in accordance with the order of the head of the enterprise.

Depending on the nature of labor activity, the personnel of the enterprise are subdivided by professions, specialties and skill levels.

Profession - type of labor activity (a set of special theoretical knowledge and practical skills), requiring special training to work in this area.

Specialty Is a type of activity within a given profession that has specific features and requires additional (special) knowledge and skills from the employee. The specialty defines the type of work activity within the same profession.

Employees of each profession and specialty differ in the level of qualifications.

Qualification - the degree of mastery by workers of a particular profession or specialty, which is reflected in qualification (tariff) categories and categories.

By the level of qualifications, workers can be divided into unskilled, skilled and highly qualified. The qualifications of workers are determined by ranks.

Leaders are distributed among structures and management levels. According to management structures, managers are subdivided into linear and functional, according to management levels - into senior, middle and lower level managers.

The combination of the listed and a number of other indicators can give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe quantitative, qualitative and structural state of the enterprise personnel and the trends in their change for the purposes of personnel management, including planning, analysis and development of measures to improve the efficiency of using the enterprise's labor resources.

5.2. Methods for determining the number of employees

The need for personnel is determined separately by categories of workers.

The initial data for planning the number are: the production program, the staffing table, the plan for carrying out organizational and technical measures, the movement of personnel, their turnover and the fund of working time.

There are the following methods for determining the number of main and auxiliary workers:

a) according to the technological complexity or labor intensity of service:

H \u003d T / (Teff K vn),

where T is the technological labor intensity of manufacturing a product or the labor intensity of service, respectively, for the main and auxiliary workers, n.-h (standard-hour);

K vn - coefficient of compliance with the norms.

The calculation of the number begins with the determination of the standard production technological labor intensity of the production program. It is calculated as follows: the quantity of products for each item is multiplied by the time required for the production of products in the planning period. The complexity of manufacturing a unit of production is determined by summing up the norms of time for all operations (example - table 8).

Table 8. Calculation of the labor intensity of the production program

With Teff \u003d 1825 h, H main \u003d 105000 / (1825 1.1) \u003d 52 people.

b) according to the production rate:

H main \u003d V / (H vyr Teff K ext),

where B is the annual volume of work or the annual program, t (pcs.); in our example, B \u003d 120,000 t;

H vyr - production rate, t / h (pcs / h); H vyr \u003d 5 t / h;

H main \u003d 120,000 / (5 1850 1.1) \u003d 11 people.

c) according to service standards:

H main \u003d (O / H obs) N,

where O is the volume of service (number of equipment units), pcs; (About \u003d 6pcs)

H obs - service rate (how many pieces of equipment should be served by one worker per shift), pcs / person; (H obs \u003d 3 pcs / person);

N is the number of shifts, N \u003d 3 shifts);

H main \u003d \u003d 6 people

d) for jobs. It is used when neither the amount of work nor the maintenance rate can be established for workers. Their work is carried out at certain workplaces (crane operators).

H vp \u003d M N,

where M is the number of jobs.

The number of management personnel is calculated on the basis of staffing tables.

Meeting the need for personnel in an operating enterprise involves not only determining the number of employees of the enterprise, but also comparing it with the available labor force, assessing staff turnover and determining additional needs or surplus personnel.

Staff turnover is the ratio of the number of all retired (dismissal turnover) or newly hired (hiring turnover) for a certain period of time to the average number of employees for the same period.

Staff turnover is the movement of the labor force due to the employee's dissatisfaction with the workplace (working conditions, wages, etc.) - the so-called "Active" turnover, and dissatisfaction of the organization with this employee (his indiscipline, systematic failure to perform duties without good reason, etc.) - "Passive" fluidity.

In any case, turnover is quite costly for every organization and society as a whole. Turnover costs include:

a) losses caused by equipment downtime due to the formation of vacant jobs, a decrease in the quality of manufactured products, a deterioration in equipment maintenance and the development of workers before they leave the organization;

b) losses due to reduced labor productivity during the period of adaptation at a new workplace, the temporary absence of moving workers in the field of social labor;

c) growing costs of unemployment benefits, severance payments;

d) unnecessary costs for recruitment, selection and training of personnel, registration of admission and dismissal of employees.

At the same time, turnover cannot be approached unambiguously, since the process of staff turnover performs a number of important positive functions: intersectoral and territorial redistribution of labor, qualification and professional advancement of personnel, servicing external and internal labor movements caused by technical progress.

In addition, the complete absence of labor movements in the organization, including turnover, leads to the "ossification" of the structure of the team.

The absolute scale of turnover is measured by the number of dismissals of employees of their own free will, as well as at the initiative of the administration (for a certain period).

The relative indicator of turnover - the coefficient of staff turnover - is defined as the ratio of the number of employees who quit for reasons attributable directly to turnover (of their own free will, for violation of labor discipline) to the average number of employees:

K t \u003d H t / H sp * 100,

where K t is the yield factor;

Ch t - the number of employees dismissed for reasons of turnover;

H sp - the average number of employees.

It is important to determine the motives of turnover - the immediate reasons for the layoffs of individual employees or professional groups, which can be grouped as follows:

· Dissatisfaction with production and economic conditions (working conditions and organization, working hours, earnings, lack of opportunities for raising education and qualifications);

· Dissatisfaction with living conditions (housing, cultural and medical services, provision of preschool institutions, transport, etc.);

· Personal motives (marriage, childbirth, etc.);

· Other motives.

The study of the motives of turnover can be carried out with the help of interviews or questionnaires of quitting employees.

Organizations can reduce turnover rates by: improving the organization of work and production; reduction of monotonous, low-skilled labor; improvement of working conditions; elimination of the discrepancy between the content of labor in the workplace and qualifications, individual abilities and interests of employees; organization of professional advancement of personnel and a developed system of advanced training; improvement of housing and other living conditions; improving pay and labor incentives; introduction of special measures for the adaptation of young workers.

I. General provisions

1. The training engineer belongs to the category of specialists.

2. For the position:

A personnel training engineer is appointed a person who has a higher professional (technical or engineering and economic) education without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary vocational (technical or engineering and technical) education and work experience in the position of a technician of the 1st category of at least 3 years or other positions replaced with specialists with secondary vocational education for at least 5 years;

II category personnel training engineer - a person who has a higher professional (technical or engineering and economic) education and work experience in the position of a training engineer or other engineering and technical positions replaced by specialists with higher education, at least 3 years;

Category I personnel training engineer - a person who has a higher professional (technical or engineering and economic) education and at least 3 years of experience as a Category II personnel training engineer;

3. Appointment and dismissal from it is made by order of the director of the enterprise on the proposal of the head of the personnel training department.

4. The training engineer should know:

4.1. Legislative and normative legal acts on training and advanced training of personnel in production.

4.2. The structure and staff of the enterprise, profile, specialization and prospects for its development.

4.3. Personnel policy and enterprise strategy.

4.4. The main technological processes of production of the company's products.

4.5. Forms, types and methods of vocational training.

4.6. The procedure for the development of plans for training, retraining and advanced training of personnel, curricula and programs, other educational and methodological documentation.

4.7. The procedure for registration of contracts with educational institutions.

4.8. The procedure for drawing up cost estimates for the training and advanced training of personnel and the execution of labor agreements (contracts) with teachers and instructors.

4.9. Progressive forms, methods and means of teaching.

4.10. The procedure for financing training costs.

4.11. Organization of work on vocational guidance and selection.

4.12. The system of remuneration of teachers and trainers.

4.13. The procedure for keeping records and drawing up reports on training and advanced training of personnel.

4.14. Fundamentals of Pedagogy, Sociology, Psychology and Labor Organization.

4.15. Fundamentals of Labor Law.

4.16. Fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management.

4.17. Rules and regulations for labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation, fire safety.

5. The training engineer reports directly to the head of the personnel training department.

6. During the absence of the training engineer (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in accordance with the established procedure. This person acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the quality and timely performance of the duties assigned to him.

II. Job responsibilities

Training Engineer:

1. Organizes vocational training of workers and advanced training of managers and specialists (training, retraining and advanced training of workers in production, in secondary vocational schools, economic studies, practical training of students of young specialists during the period of their internship, as well as practical training of students and students).

2. Based on the needs of the enterprise for qualified personnel and taking into account the requirements of the market economy, develops projects for long-term and current plans for personnel training, advanced training and skills of workers with the necessary calculations and justifications.

3. Establishes contacts with educational institutions, draws up contracts for training, retraining and advanced training of employees of the enterprise.

4. Draws up schedules for sending executives and specialists to educational institutions for advanced training in accordance with the concluded contracts, and controls their implementation.

5. Takes part in the work on vocational guidance for young people, as well as in the development of educational and methodological documentation (curricula and professional development programs, manuals and recommendations, timetables for study groups, etc.).

6. Supervises educational and methodological work on all types and forms of training and advanced training of personnel in production.

7. Selects a cadre of teachers and instructors from among specialists and highly qualified workers with their subsequent approval in the prescribed manner, completes training groups.

8. Supervises the systematicity and quality of the classes, the progress of students, adherence to the terms of study, the implementation of curricula and programs, the correctness of the established documentation.

9. Carries out work on providing the educational process with the necessary methodological literature, as well as equipping educational and methodological rooms with equipment, technical teaching aids, inventory, visual aids, as well as introducing automated tools and modern active teaching methods into the educational process.

10. Participates in the conduct of final classes, examinations, qualification tests, competitions of professional skills of workers.

11. Organizes lectures and reports, seminars and consultations in order to improve the level of professional training of mentors, teachers and trainers.

12. Prepares labor agreements (contracts) with teachers and instructors, makes estimates of the costs of training and advanced training of personnel, remuneration for training personnel and management of industrial practice, controls the correct use of funds for these purposes.

13. Participates in monitoring the attendance of classes and the performance of employees enrolled in courses and educational institutions on the job, training and advanced training of specialists in the system of secondary and higher vocational education, as well as institutes and refresher courses.

14. Takes part in organizing the work of the qualification commissions and the educational and methodological council of the enterprise for vocational training of workers in production, the implementation of their decisions, the development of measures that contribute to the growth of labor productivity by improving the skills and skill of workers.

15. Constantly improves the forms and methods of vocational training and professional development of personnel in production, generalizes and disseminates best practices in this area.

16. Analyzes the qualitative indicators of learning outcomes and its effectiveness (changes in the professional and qualification and official composition of workers and employees, growth in labor productivity, wages, etc.), maintains established reporting.

III. Rights

The training engineer has the right to:

1. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise concerning its activities.

2. Submit to the management of proposals for improving the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description.

3. To inform the immediate supervisor about all deficiencies in the production activities of the enterprise (its structural divisions) revealed in the course of fulfilling their duties and make proposals for their elimination.

4. Request information and documents necessary for the performance of his official duties from the heads of the enterprise departments and specialists personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor.