What is the essence of personnel policy. Personnel policy of the organization - the main directions. Active HR policy is divided into two subgroups

Personnel policy of an organization - a set of activities that are aimed at managing its personnel to achieve the goals pursued by this organization.

Concept and elements

The personnel policy of the organization is purposeful activity, designed to form the workforce of the enterpriseready to achieve her goals in the best way. It is a set of provisions and tasks that determine the main characteristics and methods of working with personnel in a given organization. Accordingly, the key object of the organization's personnel policy is its personnel, which is understood as the staffing of the employees related to it.

The mission of the personnel policy is to determine at the appropriate time the general directions of work with employees, to precisely establish the tasks planned for the solution.


The personnel policy at the enterprise includes the following main directions:

Types of personnel policy

The difference in the types of personnel policy of an organization is determined by how directly its management affects the situation with personnel. Taking into account this factor, there are four main types of personnel policy, which will be discussed below.


Passive policy, as its name implies, assumes that the management of the enterprise there is an explicitly defined program that includes a sequence of actions with regard to the formation of the personnel composition of employees. At the same time, the structural unit that is responsible for this direction (personnel department or HR department) does not make predictions for the future about how many personnel this company may need in the future, limited to following the mentioned program... Also, she has not developed a toolkit that would allow to determine the quality of the personnel who currently work at the enterprise.

In the development programs of a company that adheres to a passive policy, personnel problems are mentioned only for reference. These documents completely there are no attempts to analyze the situation in this area at the enterprise and how it was formed.

As a result, the enterprise only reacts to the emerging incentives. He lacks the urge to identify trends in advance and respond to them in planned ways.


A reactive personnel policy is characterized by the fact that a company, unlike a company with a passive policy, is is able to determine crisis situations in this aspect of her activity... In particular, personnel workers enterprises are able to determine that the company has a shortage of personnel required to meet the challenges it faces. They are also able to detect when employees are not motivated to perform their duties in accordance with the existing requirements at the enterprise. Likewise, the enterprise can identify a conflict situation in time.

In all cases, the responsible employees of the company promptly respond to the problems that have arisen and try to solve them, while no action is taken to prevent the occurrence of similar problems in the future.

Personnel services in companies that pursue a reactive personnel policy, are able to analyze the current situation and correct it with emergency measures.

The development programs of such enterprises already specifically highlight the problems with personnel, which they analyze. These documents contain suggestions on how to solve them. At the same time, mid-term analysis for companies with similar personnel policy still difficult.


This version of the personnel policy assumes that specialists of the appropriate profile at such an enterprise are able to make a medium-term forecast relatively further development situations with personnel. The personnel service is not limited to a statement of the current situation, but is able to determine the direction of its evolution.

Accordingly, the development programs adopted in this organization contain reasonable indications of how many staff of what level the company will need in the short and medium term. They also indicate the personnel development goals that the company should set.

Thus, the company's management tries to anticipate and prevent possible risks.

What distinguishes the preventive policy from the most effective, active personnel policy is that in this case the enterprise lacks mechanisms and tools with which it could influence the personnel situation.


Finally, an active HR policy assumes that the company exist as developed projections how the situation with personnel will develop in the future, as well as extensive opportunities for targeted impact for this policy. The personnel service in an organization that pursues an active policy is ready to:

  • create programs of action in the field of personnel management, anti-crisis and others;
  • regularly monitor the situation with personnel in the company;
  • make modifications to the implementation of programs, taking into account changes in the situation within the company, as well as the situation in the external environment, both in the medium and long term.

An active personnel policy will be effective if, on the one hand, it is possible to correctly determine its key tasks, on the other hand, if it is determined how, with the use of what mechanisms and tools, the organization will be able to bring the personnel situation to the optimum.

An active HR policy assumes that the organization strives to achieve results on the following points:

  • high quality level of goods and services (product offered to consumers);
  • the main focus on the compliance of the product with consumer needs;
  • implementation of services using the necessary technical means;
  • flexible organizational structures with high adaptability to the situation;
  • application of the most modern achievements in the field of technical progress;
  • qualified personnel of the enterprise.

Closed and open

Another way to classify the personnel policy of an enterprise is division into closed and open.

A closed personnel policy suggests that new employeewho has not previously worked for this company, can find a job in it only as an ordinary performer... Initially, only the basic position is available for him. In the future, from this level, he has the opportunity to grow up the career ladder. At the same time, hiring an employee from outside immediately to positions of a higher hierarchical level is not practiced in such an organization. This version of personnel policy is adopted in companies that seek to maintain a certain atmosphere within themselves and profess their own organizational culture.

The closed personnel policy has the following features:

  • it is characteristic of the situation on the labor market, when there is a shortage of fresh personnel, a shortage of new employees;
  • it assumes that new employees quickly adapt to the organization with the help of mentors, as well as thanks to the atmosphere in the team;
  • training of personnel is carried out within the organization, in the course of it teachers strive to develop a common view among new employees, instill in them common approaches;
  • opportunities for growth from a lower level in a given organization are relatively high, since by definition (almost) no one is accepted from outside to higher hierarchical positions;
  • motivation prevails over incentives, the organization seeks to meet the needs of personnel for safety and stability;
  • the process of introducing innovations needs to be specially stimulated.

In the same time open personnel policy can be characterized as follows:

  • it is practiced when the offer on the market work force it is large, there is a sufficient number of employees of the necessary qualifications who can be hired by this organization;
  • this approach implies that newcomers adapt, entering into competition with previous employees, they have the opportunity to offer their own approaches that are not typical for this organization;
  • training of new employees can be carried out in centers external to the organization itself, where they are also trained in approaches that are new to itself;
  • career growth in such an organization is complicated, since higher posts in the hierarchy can be replaced by applicants who have come from outside; raising your own employees is not the only and often not the most common way to fill these posts;
  • incentives (or extrinsic motivation) prevails over satisfaction of requests for security and stability;
  • new employees propose innovation without initiating this process in the company, the culture encourages them to put forward such proposals.

When developing a personnel policy, you need to understand that it is component overall strategy company development... Personnel policy should be consistent with the overall goals that the company sets for itself, and not go separately from them.

The personnel policy of the organization can be formulated in a single document bearing the appropriate name "Personnel policy" or in a number of documents, including memoranda, instructions and rules.

The development of personnel policy takes place in several stages:

The development of personnel policy and its adoption by a group, the composition of which may be different, is carried out. It may include, among others:

  • the head of the organization or its owner (in large organizations this can be a council of shareholders or top management);
  • deputy heads in various areas (both in personnel and sales, production, marketing, finance, etc.);
  • experts in various fields (they are leading specialists of the company)
  • a specialist who is directly entrusted with drawing up plans for this profile;
  • a psychologist who is responsible for the work process.

Thus, the personnel policy of an organization can belong to one of four types according to the degree of activity; in the optimal case, it will be active. However, it is rare to find a company that has a pure type of personnel policy, most often mixed - for example, preventive with elements of reactive, and so on.

It can also be divided into closed and open, both of these options are acceptable in different situations. The ability of an organization to adapt to emerging challenges makes it more resilient in the harsh conditions of market struggle.

The development of personnel policy is carried out by a special group, and it itself is formalized by a document called “Personnel policy”.

Your attention a video that contains additional information on the development of the organization's personnel policy.

- the general direction of work with personnel, reflecting a set of principles, methods, a set of rules and norms in the field of work with personnel, which must be understood and formulated in a certain way.

The purpose of personnel policy - ensuring the optimal balance of the processes of updating and maintaining the number and quality of personnel in accordance with the needs of the organization itself, the requirements of the current legislation and the state.

The personnel policy is not always clearly defined and presented in the form of a document, however, regardless of the degree of expression, it exists in every organization.

Formation of personnel policy

It starts by identifying potential opportunities in people management and identifying areas of work with personnel that need to be strengthened to successful implementation organizational strategy.

The formation and development of personnel policy is influenced by external and internal factors.

Factors external environment - those that the organization as a subject of management cannot change, but must be taken into account in order to correctly determine the need for personnel and the optimal sources of covering this need. These include:

  • labor market situation (demographic factors, educational policy, interaction with trade unions);
  • economic development trends;
  • scientific and technological progress (the nature and content of labor, which affects the needs for certain specialists, the possibility of retraining personnel);
  • the regulatory environment (i.e. those "rules of the game" that are established by the state; labor legislation, legislation in the field of labor protection, employment, social guarantees, etc.).

Internal environmental factors Are factors that are amenable to organizational control. These include:

  • the goals of the organization (on their basis, a personnel policy is formed);
  • management style (rigidly centralized or preferring the principle of decentralization - depending on this, different specialists are required); financial resources (this determines the ability of the organization to finance activities for personnel management);
  • human resources of the organization (associated with the assessment of the capabilities of employees of the organization, with the correct distribution of responsibilities between them, which is a source of effective and stable work);
  • leadership style (all of them do not equally affect the conduct of a certain personnel policy).

Directions of personnel policy

The directions of personnel policy coincide with the directions of personnel work in a particular organization. In other words, the directions of the personnel policy of a particular organization correspond to the functions of the personnel management system operating in this organization. As an example, consider the characteristics of the main directions of personnel policy.




1. Personnel management of the organization

The principle of the same need to achieve individual and organizational goals (main)

The need to seek honest compromises between management and employees, rather than prioritizing the interests of the organization

  1. selection of evaluation indicators
  2. qualification assessments
  3. assessment of assignments
  1. A system of indicators that take into account the purpose of assessments, assessment criteria, frequency of assessments
  2. Suitability, determination of the knowledge necessary to perform this type of activity
  3. Performance evaluation
  1. professional development
  2. self-expression
  3. self-development
  1. The need for periodic review job descriptions for continuous staff development
  2. Independence, self-control, influence on the formation of execution methods
  3. Ability and opportunity for self-development

6. Motivation and stimulation of personnel, remuneration.

The principle of compliance of wages with the volume and complexity of the work performed

Effective wage system

  1. The principle of an even combination of incentives and sanctions
  2. The principle of motivation
  1. Specificity of the description of tasks, responsibilities and indicators
  2. Incentives influencing the increase in labor efficiency

HR policy tools

The tools for implementing personnel policy are:

  • current personnel work;
  • personnel management;
  • measures for its development, advanced training;
  • measures to solve social problems;
  • reward and motivation.

As a result of using these tools, the behavior of employees changes, their work efficiency increases, and the structure of the team improves.

Stages of development of personnel policy:

  1. analysis of the situation and preparation of forecasts for the development of the enterprise. Determination of the strategic goals of the organization;
  2. development of general principles of personnel policy, identification of key points and priorities;
  3. official approval of the organization's personnel policy;
  4. propaganda stage. Creation and support of a personnel information promotion system. Informing the team about the developed personnel policy and collecting opinions;
  5. assessment of financial resources for the implementation of the selected type of strategy - formulation of principles for the distribution of funds, ensuring effective system stimulation of labor;
  6. development of a plan of operational measures: planning the need for labor resources, forecasting the number of personnel, formation of the structure and staff, appointment, creation of a reserve, relocation. Determining the significance of activities;
  7. implementation of personnel activities: provision of a development program, selection and recruitment of personnel, career guidance and adaptation of employees, team building, professional training and advanced training;
  8. performance assessment - analysis of the compliance of personnel policy, activities performed and the organization's strategy, identification of problems in personnel work, assessment human resources.

Types of personnel policy

The types of personnel policy can be grouped in two directions:

  1. By the scale of personnel activities.
  2. By the degree of openness.

Types of personnel policy by the scale of personnel activities

First foundation may be associated with the level of awareness of those rules and norms that underlie personnel activities, and the associated level of direct influence of the management apparatus on the personnel situation in the organization. By this basis the following types of personnel policy can be distinguished:

  • passive;
  • reactive;
  • preventive;
  • active.
Passive personnel policy

The very notion of passive politics seems counterintuitive. However, we may encounter a situation in which the management of the organization does not have a pronounced program of action in relation to personnel, and personnel work is reduced to eliminating negative consequences. Such an organization is characterized by the absence of a forecast of personnel needs, means of assessing labor and personnel, and diagnostics of the personnel situation in general. In a situation of such a personnel policy, the management operates in an emergency response mode to emerging conflict situations, which it seeks to settle by any means, often without trying to understand the causes and possible consequences.

Reactive HR policy

In line with this policy, the company's management exercises control over the symptoms of a negative state in the work with personnel, the causes and situation of the development of the crisis: conflict situations, lack of a sufficiently qualified workforce to meet the challenges, lack of motivation for highly productive work. The company's management is taking measures to localize the crisis, focused on understanding the reasons that led to the emergence of personnel problems. The personnel services of such enterprises, as a rule, have the means of diagnosing the existing situation and adequate emergency assistance. Although the company's development programs staffing problems are singled out and considered specially, the main difficulties arise in medium-term forecasting.

Preventive HR policy

In the true sense of the word, politics arises only when the management of the firm (enterprise) has reasonable forecasts of the development of the situation. However, an organization characterized by a preventive personnel policy does not have the means to influence it. The personnel service of such enterprises has not only personnel diagnostics tools, but also forecasting the personnel situation for the medium term. The organization's development programs contain short-term and medium-term forecasts of the need for personnel, both qualitative and quantitative, and tasks for personnel development are formulated. The main problem of such organizations is the development of targeted personnel programs.

Active personnel policy

If the management has not only a forecast, but also a means of influencing the situation, and the personnel department is able to develop anti-crisis personnel programs, conduct constant monitoring of the situation and adjust the implementation of programs in accordance with the parameters of the external and internal situation, then we can talk about a truly active policy.

But the mechanisms that the leadership can use in analyzing the situation lead to the fact that the grounds for the forecast and programs can be both rational (perceived) and irrational (hardly amenable to algorithmicization and description).

Accordingly, we can distinguish two subspecies of active personnel policy: rational and adventurous.

When rational personnel policy, the management of the enterprise has both a qualitative diagnosis and a reasonable forecast of the development of the situation and has the means to influence it. The personnel department of the enterprise has not only personnel diagnostics tools, but also forecasting the personnel situation for the medium and long term. The development programs of the organization contain short-term, medium-term and long-term forecasts of the need for personnel (qualitative and quantitative). In addition, an integral part of the plan is a HR program with options for its implementation.

When adventurous personnel policy, the management of the enterprise does not have a qualitative diagnosis, a well-founded forecast of the development of the situation, but seeks to influence it. The personnel department of the enterprise, as a rule, does not have the means of predicting the personnel situation and diagnosing personnel, however, the plans for the development of the enterprise include plans for personnel work, often focused on achieving goals that are important for the development of the enterprise, but have not been analyzed from the point of view of changing the situation. In this case, the plan of work with personnel is based on a rather emotional, little reasoned, but, perhaps, correct idea of \u200b\u200bthe goals of work with personnel.

Problems in the implementation of such a personnel policy may arise if the influence of factors that were not previously included in the consideration increases, which will lead to a sharp change in the situation, for example, with a significant change in the market, the emergence of a new product that can displace the existing one at the enterprise. In terms of human resources, retraining of personnel will be necessary, however, rapid and effective retraining can be successfully carried out, for example, in an enterprise with more young staff than in an enterprise with very qualified, well-specialized, elderly staff. Thus, the concept of "quality of personnel" includes another parameter, which, most likely, was not taken into account when preparing a personnel work plan for this type of personnel policy.

Types of personnel policy by degree of openness

The second reason for the differentiation of personnel policies, there can be a fundamental orientation towards their own personnel or external personnel, the degree of openness in relation to the external environment when forming the personnel composition. On this basis, two types of personnel policy are traditionally distinguished:

  1. open;
  2. closed.

Open personnel policy characterized by the fact that the organization is transparent for potential employees at any level, you can come and start working both from the lowest position and from a position at the top management level. The organization is ready to hire any specialist, if he has the appropriate qualifications, without taking into account the experience of work in this organization.

Such a personnel policy is typical for modern telecommunications companies or automobile concerns, which are ready to "buy" people at any job level, regardless of whether they have previously worked in such organizations. This type of personnel policy is also characteristic of new organizations pursuing an aggressive policy of conquering the market, focused on rapid growth and rapid advancement in the forefront of their industry.

Closed personnel policy characterized by the fact that the organization focuses on the inclusion of new personnel only from the lowest official level, and replacement occurs only from among the employees of the organization. This type of personnel policy is typical for companies focused on creating a certain corporate atmosphere, the formation of a special spirit of involvement, and, possibly, working in conditions of a shortage of human resources.

Comparative characteristics of open and closed types of personnel policy

HR process

Open personnel policy

Closed personnel policy


The situation of high competition in

Labor shortage situation, no inflow of new workers

The ability to quickly engage in competitive relations, the introduction of new approaches to the organization proposed by newcomers

Effective adaptation through the institution of mentors ("guardians"), high cohesion of the team, inclusion in traditional approaches

Personnel training and development

Often carried out in external centers, facilitates the adoption of new

Often carried out in corporate centers, contributes to the formation of a unified view, general technologiesadapted to the work of the organization

Staff promotion

Opportunity for growth is hampered as recruitment trend prevails

Preference for appointments to higher positions is always given to company employees, career planning is carried out


Incentives (extrinsic motivation) are preferred

Preference is given to issues of motivation (meeting the need for stability, security, social acceptance)

Implementation of innovations

Constant innovative impact on the part of new employees, the main mechanism of innovation is the contract, determination of the responsibility of the employee and the organization

The need to specifically initiate the process of developing innovations, a high sense of ownership, responsibility for changes due to the awareness of the common destiny of a person and an enterprise

Human Resources Shevchuk Denis Alexandrovich

5.1. Types of personnel policy

5.1. Types of personnel policy

Analyzing existing in specific organizations personnel policies, there are two reasons for their grouping.

First foundation may be associated with the level of awareness of those rules and norms that underlie personnel activities and, associated with this level, the direct influence of the management apparatus on the personnel situation in the organization. For this reason, the following types of personnel policy can be distinguished:





Passive personnel policy. The very notion of passive politics seems counterintuitive. However, we may encounter a situation in which the management of the organization does not have a pronounced program of action in relation to personnel, and personnel work is reduced to eliminating negative consequences. Such an organization is characterized by the absence of a forecast of personnel needs, means of assessing labor and personnel, and diagnostics of the personnel situation in general. In a situation of such a personnel policy, the management works in a mode of emergency response to emerging conflict situations, which it seeks to settle by any means, often without trying to understand the causes and possible consequences.

Reactive HR policy. In line with this policy, the management of the enterprise monitors the symptoms of a negative state in work with personnel, the causes and situation of the development of the crisis: the emergence of conflict situations, the lack of a sufficiently qualified workforce to solve the tasks at hand, the lack of motivation for highly productive work. The company's management is taking measures to localize the crisis, focused on understanding the reasons that led to the emergence of personnel problems. The personnel services of such enterprises, as a rule, have the means of diagnosing the existing situation and adequate emergency assistance. Although in the development programs of the enterprise personnel problems are singled out and considered specifically, the main difficulties arise in medium-term forecasting (Shevchuk D.A. Decision-making on the formation of a reserve for promotion to commercial bank... - M: "News of higher educational institutions. Geodesy and aerial photography ”, special issue, 2001).

Preventive personnel policy. In the true sense of the word, politics arises only when the management of the firm (enterprise) has reasonable forecasts of the development of the situation. However, an organization characterized by a proactive HR policy does not have the means to influence it. The personnel service of such enterprises has not only personnel diagnostics tools, but also forecasting the personnel situation for the medium term. The organization's development programs contain short-term and medium-term forecasts of the need for personnel, both qualitative and quantitative, and tasks for personnel development are formulated. The main problem of such organizations is the development of targeted personnel programs.

Active personnel policy. If the management has not only a forecast, but also the means of influencing the situation, and the personnel service is able to develop anti-crisis personnel programs, conduct constant monitoring of the situation and adjust the implementation of programs in accordance with the parameters of the external and internal situation, then we can talk about a truly active policy.

But the mechanisms that the leadership can use in analyzing the situation lead to the fact that the grounds for the forecast and programs can be both rational (perceived) and irrational (hardly amenable to algorithmicization and description).

In accordance with this, we can distinguish two subspecies of active personnel policy: rational and adventurous.

When rational personnel policy, the management of the enterprise has both a qualitative diagnosis and a reasonable forecast of the development of the situation and has the means to influence it. The personnel department of the enterprise has not only personnel diagnostics tools, but also forecasting the personnel situation for the medium and long term. The development programs of the organization contain short-term, medium-term and long-term forecasts of the need for personnel (qualitative and quantitative). In addition, an integral part of the plan is a HR program with options for its implementation.

When adventurous personnel policy, the management of the enterprise does not have a qualitative diagnosis, a well-founded forecast of the development of the situation, but seeks to influence it. The personnel department of the enterprise, as a rule, does not have the means of predicting the personnel situation and diagnosing personnel, however, the plans for the development of the enterprise include plans for personnel work, often focused on achieving goals that are important for the development of the enterprise, but have not been analyzed from the point of view of changing the situation. In this case, the plan of work with personnel is based on a rather emotional, little reasoned, but, perhaps, correct idea of \u200b\u200bthe goals of work with personnel.

Problems in the implementation of such a personnel policy may arise if the influence of factors that were not previously included in the consideration increases, which will lead to a sharp change in the situation, for example, with a significant change in the market, the appearance of a new product that can displace the existing one at the enterprise. In terms of human resources, retraining of personnel will be necessary, however, rapid and effective retraining can be successfully carried out, for example, in an enterprise with more young staff than in an enterprise with very qualified, well-specialized elderly staff. Thus, the concept of “quality of personnel” includes one more parameter, which most likely was not taken into account when preparing a personnel work plan within the framework of this type of personnel policy.

The second reason for the differentiation of personnel policies, there can be a fundamental orientation towards their own personnel or external personnel, the degree of openness in relation to the external environment when forming the personnel composition. On this basis, two types of personnel policy are traditionally distinguished - open and closed.

Open personnel policy characterized by the fact that the organization is transparent for potential employees at any level, you can come and start working both from the lowest position and from a position at the top management level. The organization is ready to hire any specialist, if he has the appropriate qualifications, without taking into account the experience of work in this or related organizations. This type of personnel policy is characterized by modern telecommunications companies or automobile concerns that are ready to “buy” people at any job level, regardless of whether they have previously worked in such organizations. This type of personnel policy may be adequate for new organizations pursuing an aggressive policy of conquering the market, focused on rapid growth and rapid advancement in their industry.

Table 5.1

Comparative characteristics of the two types of personnel policy

Closed personnel policy characterized by the fact that the organization focuses on the inclusion of new personnel only from the lowest official level, and replacement occurs only from among the employees of the organization. This type of personnel policy is typical for companies focused on creating a certain corporate atmosphere, the formation of a special spirit of involvement, and, possibly, working in conditions of a shortage of human resources.

Comparison of these two types of personnel policy for the main personnel processes is illustrated in Table. 5.1

This text is an introductory fragment. From the book Crisis Management: Lecture Notes author Babushkina Elena

3. Style, types, conditions for the development of personnel policy at a crisis enterprise It should be noted that the concept of “personnel policy” in various sources has an ambiguous meaning. Some believe that personnel policy is a specific program and activity

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10. Essence and meaning commodity policy... Formation of a product policy Product policy is a complex multistage activity of a company. The main condition for the survival and prosperity of a company is the launch of a new or modified product on the market.

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5.2. Stages of building personnel policy In a market economy, one of the decisive factors in the efficiency and competitiveness of an enterprise is ensuring high Quality human resources. The essence of the personnel policy is to work with personnel,

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5.4. Conditions for the development of personnel policy Personnel policy in general, the content and specifics of specific programs and personnel activities is influenced by factors of two types - external to the organization and internal. Factors of the external environment can be combined into two

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2. Scenarios for the development of personnel policy and human resource management strategy Personnel policy is a brief declaration of the main intentions and obligations of the company to ensure effective interaction between a person and an organization, as well as corporate

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2.1. The role and significance of HR policy and HR management strategy Fig. 2.1.1. System-forming factors of HRM The basis for building a human resource management system - system-forming factors - is an ideological platform (personnel

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2.10. Development of a personnel mission Fig. 2.10.1. Factors of the external and internal environment affecting the definition of the mission and development of the strategy Taking into account the factors of the external and internal environment (Fig. 2.10.1) allows not to ignore the global trends in the world market and aims at

1.1 The concept of the organization's personnel policy, its content and goals

The concept of "policy of the organization" in the general case includes a system of rules in accordance with which the system as a whole behaves and according to which the people entering this system act. In addition to financial, marketing, foreign economic policy in relation to competitors, any organization develops and implements personnel policy. This approach is typical for commercial companies and organizations - in the system public service... It is there that the principle of matching the personnel policy and the organization's development strategy is most consistently implemented.

An organization is a system where people work together to achieve common goals. The effective functioning of any organization (company) presupposes awareness by all employees, not only by the management, of the goals and values \u200b\u200bof the organization and their participation in the development of company policy.

The personnel policy of the organization justifies the need to use in practice certain specific methods of recruitment, placement and use of personnel, but does not deal with a detailed analysis of their content and the specifics of conducting practical work with frames.

The term "personnel policy" has a wide and narrow interpretation.

In the broadest sense of the word, it is a system of rules and regulations (conscious and formulated in a certain way) that bring human resources in line with the company's strategy. With this understanding, it is necessary to pay attention to the peculiarities of exercising power and leadership style. This is reflected in the rules internal regulations, collective agreement, and, of course, in the philosophy of the organization. It follows that all activities for working with personnel - selection, compilation staffing table, certification, training, promotion - are planned in advance and agreed with the general understanding of the goals and objectives of the company.

In the narrow sense of the word, personnel policy is a set of specific rules, wishes and restrictions that are implemented both in the process of direct interactions between employees and in the relationship between employees and the organization as a whole. In this sense, for example, the words: “The personnel policy of our company is to hire people only with higher education"- can be used as an argument in solving a specific personnel issue.

The goals of personnel policy can be formed as follows:

Unconditional fulfillment of the rights and obligations of citizens in the labor field provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, compliance by organizations and citizens of the provisions Labor Code RF, regulations, standard internal regulations, collective agreement and other documents;

Subordination of all work with personnel to the tasks of uninterrupted and high-quality provision of the main economic activity organizations;

Rational use of the personnel potential at the disposal of the enterprise;

Formation and maintenance of efficient, friendly production teams;

Development of organizational principles labor process; development of intra-industrial democracy;

Development of the theory of personnel management, principles for determining the social and economic effect from the activities included in this complex.

The goal of personnel policy can be defined in another way - the creation of a cohesive, responsible and highly productive workforce.

1. Providing organization labor force high quality, including planning, selection, hiring, releasing (layoffs, retirement), analysis of staff turnover, etc.

2. Development of employees, vocational guidance and retraining, certification and assessment of qualifications;

3. Improving the organization and stimulation of labor, ensuring safety, social benefits.

The content of the personnel policy is not limited to hiring, but concerns the fundamental positions of the enterprise in relation to the training, development of personnel, and ensuring interaction between the employee and the organization. While personnel policy is associated with the choice of target tasks designed for the future, current personnel work is focused on the prompt resolution of personnel issues. Naturally, there should be a relationship between them, which usually happens between strategy and tactics for achieving the set goal.

The target task of personnel policy can be solved in different ways, and the choice of alternative options is quite wide:

1. Dismiss or retain employees; if you save, then which way is better:

a) transfer to reduced forms of employment;

b) use at unusual works, at other objects;

c) send for long-term retraining, etc.

2. Train workers themselves or seek out those who already have the necessary training.

3. To recruit from outside or retrain workers to be dismissed from the enterprise.

4. To recruit additional workers or to make do with the existing number, subject to its more rational use, etc.

IN modern conditions, personnel policy should be focused on the priority of social values, social policy, because final goal the reforms being carried out are not the market as such, but the well-being of every person.

The main goal of personnel policy is the creation of a personnel management system based mainly not on administrative methods, but on economic incentives and social guarantees, focused on converging the interests of the employee and the organization, achieving high labor productivity, increasing production efficiency, getting the organization the best economic results.

Analysis and ways of improving the personnel policy of Company Telecom Premier LLC

The policy of an organization, as a rule, is understood as a system of rules in accordance with which the people of the organization act. The most important component of the strategically oriented policy of the organization is its personnel policy ...

Analysis of the organization's staffing

An organization's staffing is a highly complex and contradictory phenomenon where many processes and relationships interact. On the one hand, it is associated with the characteristics of the state of the organization's personnel ...

Analysis of the personnel policy of CJSC "Center for Implementation Protek"

The concept of "policy of the organization" in the general case includes a system of rules in accordance with which the system as a whole behaves and according to which the people entering this system act. In addition to financial, marketing ...

Analysis of the essence, goals and content of the organization's personnel policy

personnel policy personnel ...

HR policy and HR strategies in the organization

Personnel policy is a purposeful activity to create a workforce that would best facilitate the alignment of the goals and priorities of the enterprise and its employees ...

The principles of personnel policy are aimed at achieving the goals of the enterprise, must take into account the interests of the administration and employees, but are limited by the actual state of the labor market and the current legislation of the state ...

Personnel policy of the organization "ESKad"

The initial number of employees in ESKad LLC was 1150 people in 1959. The increase in production volume led to an increase in the number of employees. ESCad LLC currently employs 2,279 people ...

The main directions of the personnel policy of the enterprise

The personnel policy of the organization is the general direction of personnel work, a set of principles, methods, forms, an organizational mechanism for the development of goals and objectives aimed at maintaining, strengthening and developing human resources ...

Fundamentals of personnel policy at the enterprise

The phrase "personnel policy" both at the level of social psychology and at the level of theoretical consciousness is most often understood as the activity of the subject of management in relation to personnel ...

Features of personnel policy in the context of strategic changes in the organization

Personnel policy represents the activities of its subjects, exercising their power in relation to personnel. In the educational and reference literature, personnel policy is considered as a strategy, a general course of formation ...

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the personnel strategy of LLC "Logistic-Center"

At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, another change took place in management science - the emphasis shifted from control to encouraging the employee to think to involving the employing company in the implementation of the ideas ...

Ways to improve the personnel policy at Bolshoi Remont LLC

The implementation of the goals and objectives of personnel management is carried out through the personnel policy at enterprises. Personnel policy - the main direction in working with personnel has its own goals and objectives (Figure 1), a set of fundamental principles ...

Improvement of personnel policy at the enterprise

personnel policy management Personnel policy is a set of rules and norms, goals and concepts that determine the direction and content of work with personnel ...

Theories of content and process of motivation and features of construction modern system staff motivation

It should be noted that all tasks of personnel management and its goals are implemented through personnel policy. Different authors have different approaches to the definition of personnel policy, their opinions are given in Table 1.1. Table 1...

The concept of the organization's personnel policy implies increasing the level of competitiveness and profitability on the basis of stabilizing and rationalizing the existing personnel potential by transforming the organizational culture, systematizing work on personnel management, optimizing material incentives and social protection of employees and ensuring the full use of knowledge and experience of highly qualified employees, attracting young specialists.

The main goal of personnel policy- creation of a personnel management system, based mainly on economic methods and social guarantees, focused on converging the interests of the employee and the organization, achieving high labor productivity, increasing production efficiency, getting the organization the best economic results. Constituents main goal personnel policy are economic and social goals. Economic goals are derived from priority production principles keeping the organization competitive and extracting maximum profit... Achieving the optimal balance between costs and results is an important achievement of personnel policy. In the current economic conditions, personnel decisions are rarely aimed at an absolute reduction in personnel costs; more often they are designed to optimize the ratio between these costs, on the one hand, and labor productivity, on the other.

When developing and implementing social goals the organization needs to consider primarily factors such as wage, social expenses, optimization of working time, equipping jobs, providing more freedom of action and rights to participate in decision-making, etc. In modern conditions, personnel policy should be aimed at social values, social policy and the well-being of each person.

The main goal of the personnel policy is aimed at solving the following tasks.

  • 1. Ensuring conditions for the implementation of the rights and obligations of citizens provided for by labor legislation.
  • 2. Compliance by organizations and employees with regulations on trade unions, model internal regulations and other documents adopted within the framework of the state personnel policy.
  • 3. Ensuring the optimal balance of the processes of updating and maintaining the numerical and high-quality staff of the organization, its development in accordance with the needs of the organization itself and the state of the labor market.
  • 4. Subordination of all work with personnel to the tasks of uninterrupted and high-quality provision of the main economic activity with the required number of employees of the required professional and qualification composition.
  • 5. Rational use of the human resources available to the organization.
  • 6. Formation and maintenance of effective work of labor collectives, development of intra-industrial democracy.
  • 7. Development of principles for organizing the labor process.
  • 8. Development of criteria and methods for selection, training and advanced training of personnel, their remuneration.
  • 9. Development of principles for determining the social and economic effect of activities included in the personnel management system.
  • 10. Formation, optimization and stabilization of the staff of key structural units companies.
  • 11. Creation of an effective system of motivation for company employees.
  • 12. Creation and development of a system of training and advanced training for specialists and managers.
  • 13. Formation and strengthening of the business corporate culture of the company.

A more detailed hierarchy of goals and objectives of personnel policy is shown in Fig. 1.5.

It should be noted that companies determine the goals and objectives of personnel policy depending on their stage life cycle and the development strategy chosen in accordance with it. For example, the Rosneft company has identified the following main tasks of its personnel policy:

  • maintaining required level social protection of employees and their families;
  • providing employees with the opportunity to realize their abilities for the benefit of the company's business for a decent remuneration;
  • ensuring the preservation and growth professional experience, its transfer from distinguished experts to young professionals through a mentoring system;
  • formation of a fair and transparent system of remuneration, tied to the result;
  • search and attraction of talented youth to the company, assistance in their education in specialized universities and in production;
  • organization professional development young professionals;
  • ensuring the further development of young professionals with high potential for their possible appointment to leadership positions;
  • using the strategy of "internal growth" - promotion to key positions of the best managers and specialists from among the company's employees.

Another example of personnel policy is the policy of the company OAO AvtoVAZ (Table 1.2).

Figure: 1.5.

Table 1.2

Characteristics of the personnel policy of JSC "AvtoVAZ"

HR process

Policy features


The situation of labor availability and low competition in the labor market

Personnel adaptation

Effective adaptation due to the institution of mentors ("guardians"), high team cohesion

Personnel training and development

Held in internal corporate centers, contributes to the formation of a unified view, common technologies, adapted to the work of the organization

Staff promotion

Preference for appointments to higher positions is always given to company employees, career planning is carried out

Motivation and stimulation

Preference is given to issues of motivation (satisfaction of the need for stability, security, self-realization)

Implementation of innovations

The need to specifically initiate the process of developing innovations, a high sense of ownership, change due to the awareness of the unity of man and enterprise

As an example, consider the experience of OJSC "Cheboksary Aggregate Plant" (hereinafter - OJSC "ChAZ"), which, after reforming its own personnel management system, laid the following goals at the heart of its new personnel policy.

  • 1. Creation of a team of managers, specialists, workers and employees, corresponding to the needs of the enterprise in qualified personnel.
  • 2. Creation of a motivational environment and appropriate infrastructure for continuous professional development of employees.

To achieve these goals, a number of operational tasks (fig. 1.6).

The need to solve the above tasks led to the transformation of the personnel department into a personnel management department, consisting of two departments: the personnel management department and the personnel development department (Figure 1.7). To solve the problem of a shortage of competent personnel, a resolution of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation of November 4, 1993 No. 1137 "On the organization of work in the field of personnel training

Figure: 1.6. Goals and objectives of the personnel policy of OJSC "ChAZ"

The purpose of Resolution No. 796 was the formation of an Interdepartmental Commission for the Staffing of Economic Reform, the leadership of which, within two months, should submit a draft regulation on the Interdepartmental Commission for Staffing the Economic Reform and proposals on its personnel. According to this decree, HR departments and similar personnel services it is recommended to transform into departments (services) of personnel management with the assignment to them of the responsibilities of forecasting and planning the need for personnel, organizing work on the assessment and formation personnel reserve, training, certification, rational use of personnel. Their activities should be based on the widespread use of scientific methods, information and pedagogical technologies, close interaction with the bodies of the state employment service.

It is necessary to organize retraining and advanced training of managers and employees of departments (services) of personnel management, as well as training in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions of specialists in marketing and stock exchange business, economics and sociology of labor with specialization in personnel management and in-depth study of economic, social -management, sociological, psychological, legal, pedagogical, cultural disciplines.

The personnel management service in its traditional sense was not capable of performing the assigned tasks, since it did not have the functions of planning, organizing, coordinating, stimulating, controlling and did not participate in the development of personnel policy. It was limited only to the technical execution of documents related to personnel records management.

The personnel service has become not only an organizational and methodological center that forms and develops a personnel strategy and controls the implementation of the personnel management function at the enterprise, but also a carrier of the idea of \u200b\u200bconstant development.