An article about a beauty contest in a kindergarten. "spring beauty contest" a festive concert for mothers in the preparatory group dhow. Song "Dear Mom"

The decoration of the hall looks like this:

Near the central wall, there are chairs in a semicircle according to the number of boys. Under the introduction of the song "Factory girls" boys come out and stand in a semicircle by the chairs.

Boy: Drops are ringing outside the window

Finally spring has come

Many joyful moments

She cooked!

Boy: And it's not for nothing that we are in this hall

Everyone gathered today

We start the presentation

Under the name

Together:"Mini - miss"!

Boy: It is a holiday today. All is ready? Hey, nobody's late?

Boy: There the girls are all in updates, so call them to the hall!

Boy: Clap your hands quickly, Here they are, already right there!

Boy: Smile more fun, Niche girls are coming!

The song "Factory girls" sounds, girls come in. Boys sit on chairs and "play the balalaika", girls form a circle, make a "carousel", whirl and go to the chairs, boys clap them, then the boys get up behind the chairs, and the girls sit on the chairs and make “carnations” with their heads (flirt ), and the boys look over their shoulders.

Then the boys come out of the chairs and invite the girls to a slow dance.

The boys see off the girls, sit on the chairs, and the girls on their knees.

Children stand in a semicircle, boys for girls (in between).

Boy: Today is such a wonderful day

And so amazing!

Stars came down to us from the sky

And everyone was warmed with beauty!

Boy: Girls, we will sit, sit, look at you beautiful from the audience. (The boys take the chairs and to the song "Factory girls" leave, and the girls stand in a semicircle).

Leading: And now the floor is given to our contestants.

Girl 1: I got up so early today

I've been so worried since the morning

After all, the competition is in the kindergarten today

I have to come smart.

Girl 2: Mom bought me a new dress,

For this I will thank my mom.

Girl 3: And we twisted curls with our beloved granny yesterday,

So that my curls do not spoil,

Slept on curlers all night!

Girl 4: And my mom and I were learning words

So that I can read them without hesitation.

Girl 5: And we repeated all the movements with her,

So that I dance them beautifully in the hall!

Girl 6: And I tried on the dress all evening.

Girl 7: And I repeated songs about my mother.

Girl 8: And I chose a gift for my beloved granny.

Girl 9: And I was just expecting this holiday.

Girl 10: As the daughter of Alla Pugacheva -

I will soon become a singer

Ready to drink raw eggs

Although I really do not like them.

Girl 11: I also love to sing and a song for everyone, then I will sing.

Girl 12: And I, as a mother, will knead the dough and invite you all to visit.

Girl 13: And we were looking for cool hairpins

Not in vain, after all!

Items of female beauty

You should see everything on me!

Girl 14: And my mother and I were looking for new shoes, found, look how fashionable they are.

Leading: Oh, how much trouble and excitement!

Oh, how many worries and doubts!

Trust us girls, you are all beautiful!

And Julia, and Ksyusha and Lyubasha, Masha, and Dasha, Christina, Sonya, Eva, Ulyana and Lera.

And yet it's time for us to start

I wish you success.

Yes, our task is not easy, how to choose the one

That everyone is more beautiful, and she was kind, and brave

A dancer and skillful at work?

How we will choose it, I just don't know

But the contest "Mini - Miss"

I still declare.

The girls sit down. Baba Yaga and Koschey the Immortal come under the arm

Koschei: Hi everyone. (Approaching his parents) What are you doing here?

Baba Yaga: (Mimics the girls) Oh, dressed up, think of the beauties. And where are you going in your outfits?

Koschey: Listen, Yagusenka, where are we in general with you?

Leading: You are not in your fairy tales, but in kindergarten! Children are raised here! And these are our guests, mothers and grandmothers. They came to us on the 8th of March. That is why we, today, are all so smart and now we will congratulate our mothers, grandmothers, employees and girls on the holiday.

Baba Yaga: AAAA ... there it is.

Koschey: Have come up with different holidays, you have nothing to do.

Baba Yaga: Nothing, Koscheyushka, you don't understand, it's so romantic! By the way, you can congratulate me too.

Koschey: Congratulate?

Baba Yaga: Yes! This is also my holiday ...

Koschey: I completely forgot, you are also a grandmother. Only to give something I have absolutely nothing to you my dear friend.

Baba Yaga: I don't need anything, if only there is the same dress ... ... (points at any girl) or shoes like this ... ... ..

Koschey: I knew that you would bother me: I want the same dress, I want the same hairstyle!

Baba Yaga: Of course I want! Look what girls are all smart and beautiful here. As princesses sit, and the queen looks at me.

Leading: Our girls are so smart because today we have a "Mini - Miss" contest.

Baba Yaga: Miss, plus a mini? We have never seen anything like this in our forests, and never heard of it.

Leading: Don't you know what's in different countries contests are held annually, where the sweetest, educated and charming girls are chosen, awarding them the titles of Miss Russia, Miss Europe, Miss World. So we decided to hold such a competition in our kindergarten.

Baba Yaga: I am also quite nice, well-mannered and charming and I want to take part in your competition. What is it called there? AAAA, I remembered "Mini - Miss".

Koschey: You're not the right age for this contest!

Baba Yaga: And at least you behave yourself here. And don't remind me of age. I may be young at heart.

Leading: Dear guests, stop arguing. And if you came to our competition, then take part as a member of the jury. Do you agree?

Baba Yaga: Agree! We promise to evaluate the participants fairly!

Leading: And you will be assisted by an independent jury ……………

Koschey: Well, then, dear spectators and lovely boys, prepare your palms for applause, I announce the first "Dance" competition.

Dance to the song "One palm, two palms."

Leading: Our girls, like peavas, danced slowly. Lyubasha, Masha, Dasha, each, how beautiful!

Koschey: And Yulia, our beauty girls, of course everyone likes!

Baba Yaga: And then there are two girls, Ksyusha and Christina are laughing! Scarlet cheeks burn, eyes shine merrily!

Leading: Our ulyans are good, we love them with all our hearts!

Koschey: Eva and Lera walk like swans are floating!

Baba Yaga: Everyone is dancing just class, get a kiss from us.

Leading: Our girls are ready to perform

Show all your abilities on our holiday! Fans, support our girls with applause. (Baba Yaga and Koschey at this time scatter various garbage and unwind balls of yarn).

Leading: What have you done, pranksters?

Baba Yaga: What have you done, what have you done! Ali don't you see honey? They made a mess!

Leading: What for?

Koschey: We have such a lovely job, to do nasty things. We can't help ourselves! We would be glad not to be dirty, but ... ... alas, it does not work.

Baba Yaga: We wanted to check what helpers you grow up among the boys.

Competition for boys: "Remove the trash and roll up the balls"

Options for assignments at the discretion of the teacher: collect scattered pencils in a box; collect candy wrappers by grade in a bucket; collect the scattered mother's beads; collect the pyramid, wind the balls.

Leading: The next competition is called "Poetry"

Dear jury, this competition evaluates the expressive reading of a poem.

Baba Yaga: Koscheyushka, sit down with me here, and put your ears on the tops of your heads, and listen to the verses that these little girls are reading. (They sit in front of the girls, and they stand in a semicircle)

Girl 1: Our dear mothers, we will grow up - and we ourselves

We work and serve, in general we will live well.

Girl 2:I will become a good cook, tasty food for my family:

Soup, pancakes, potatoes.

I love to eat myself!

Girl 3: I will work at school

Put all the guys "five"

And of course I won't forget

Help mom at home.

Girl 4:I'll have flowers in the house

I will plant flowers in the garden

So that in any season

Give you beauty!

Girl 5:I will heal the sick

To improve their health.

I'll tell them:

- First of all, take care of your nerves.

- Secondly, you try, do physical education. Although the doctors are ready to help, you better be healthy!

Girl 6:I'll go to the hairdressers

Eyes, eyebrows.

Come, our mothers, I'll dye your hair.

I will quickly do my hair with a thin small comb.

It will be fashionable, super class!

Dads do not recognize you.

Girl 7:I want to become an accountant,

I learn different numbers.

There is an accountant in the restaurant

Both in the factory and in the bathhouse.

He keeps track of money:

Where is the expense and where is the income.

He knows mathematics

He will quickly count the numbers,

Here is the expense, and here the income is

Nothing will be lost!

Girl 8: I will be the Manager.

My family wants it so!

The firm is run by

Both intelligently and skillfully.

He distributes money like that

So that the business grows and grows stronger.

He gives instructions

To all your employees,

For the firm to move forward

Made a profit for them.

Girl 9:I'll go to school soon

I want to become a teacher.

The bell rang funny

In yellow-red September

Opened the doors of the school

Our noisy kids.

In a long life exam

Indirect track

Will lead to the land of knowledge

Our teacher is the helmsman.

Girl 10: And I will come to our kindergarten,

I'll start educating the guys

It's so nice

Play yourself, play

It's fun with the guys!

Work is paradise!

Girl 11: Don't worry about us, we are only six so far.

We still have to study at school, after we will choose.

Where to learn, who we will become, we do not yet know.

Girl 12: In the meantime, we only dream, we play and play.

We are in no hurry to work, after that we will solve everything with you!

Girl 13: We are glad to congratulate all the workers of the kindergarten,

It's good for us near them, oh, there would be more of them!

Girl 14: So kind, diligent are our educators!

We love them, do not let them down, we lead round dances together,

We sew, draw and count, very, very respect!

Boys come up to the song's intro

The song "Our Educator" is sung by everyone.

Baba Yaga: Listen, my dear friend, let's also hold a competition with these beauties, and let their mothers help them.

Koschey: Come on, my precious friend Granny - Yagusya. You get up here and show your beauty, and let them draw your portrait on a ball. Let the mothers keep a ball for their daughter, and the girls will paint ... ..with my shaggy Yagusya to paint.

Baba Yaga: Yes, where did you get the idea that I'm shaggy, it's just my haircut.

Koschey: Yes, I call you so affectionately, I just know very little good words.

Baba Yaga: I came up with it. Let the girls teach you this.

Koschey: Exactly! When you draw, then you will need to present the ball to my girlfriend Baba Yaga and sweet words tell her whoever does the best will win this competition.

Contests "Cheerful portrait" and "Compliments".

(at this time, with the presenter, 3 boys go out to change clothes, playing the role of grandmothers in the performance).

Koschey: Thanks to the girls for the funny portraits of my forest friend. And how many kind words they said to her, that even I wanted to congratulate her. My dear, my beloved and my ugliest beauty, I congratulate you on the women's holiday on March 8. From the heart and kidneys, I give you this flower. (Gives her a flower).

Baba Yaga: Oh, you pity me, my decrepit old man. Oh, and who else has come to visit us?

Staging of the song "Grandmothers - old women".

Leading: And now all stand in a semicircle and dedicate your congratulations to your grandmothers.

Child 1: People always say that grandmothers love grandchildren.

And I love my dear granny even more!

Child 2: Dress, feed the grandchildren and take us to kindergarten,

And in the evening he will read a fairy tale and sing a song tenderly!

Child 3: My beloved grandmother, kind, dear!

Let everyone in the world know how I love you!

Boy: If my grandmother just gets sick, the grandson will warm her with kindness and affection. My grandmother and I are best friends, just get well, my grandmother!

Child 4: The spring song flies away into the distance, I'm a little sorry to part with the song. Because I sing a song to my grandmother, because I love my grandmother!

Song "Grandmother" muses. and sl. I. Convent.

Koschey: Attention! The next competition is announced, it is called so funny “I go so all. dolce gabana ". We invite you girls to become models, and, walking along the catwalk, demonstrate not only your hairstyle, but also your ability to move beautifully.

Music "Green Carriage" sounds, girls performing dance moves.

Leading: And the next competition we have is comic and it is called "Fashionable". Girls come out and have a little joke.

Girl: I'll tell you girls a secret

More than a mom, there is no fashionista!

Mom's dresses are simply not counting,

There are even gold earrings!

Girl: And mine has lipstick!

Girl: And my hair is cool!

Girl: My very beautiful mother!

She paints her nails. And lips always!

Girl: Stiletto heels on my mother's leg

I even want to wear them sometimes!

All: We need to dress up like mothers,

To turn into a mom for a minute!

Who is faster than "Fashionista"

The girls put on their mother's dress, beads, high-heeled shoes and walk in circles.

Baba Yaga: My dear Koscheyushka, how I love you. Thank you for having such a funny, kind and very loyal friend.

Koschey: Oh, my forest friend ... brought me to tears, but I'm also very glad that I have such a friend.

Leading: And in our group, boys and girls are also great friends, now the next Golden Voice contest will be dedicated to our dear boys. The girls will sing a song as a gift to the boys, and you do not yawn to the jury, who sings better, celebrate.

Song "I was not born a boy".

Koschey: Why sit and be silent, get your hands out as soon as possible, clap, come on.

Leading: Our dear girls, you did a wonderful job with all the tasks. While the jury is discussing your performances, take the boys' word back. Boys, congratulate them, your dear friends.

(boys come out, read poetry)

1 boy: Ulny, Yulenka, and Masha,

2 boy: Christening, Eva, Sonya, Ksyusha Dasha and Lyubasha.

3 boy: How beautiful you are in the spring

4 boy: Some with an outfit, some with a soul.

5 boy: And on a wonderful day of spring

Together: We congratulate you all!

6 boy: In the group of girls we have -

Clever girls, beauties!

And to admit, to us boys,

I like it very much!

7 boy: We promise you today

Compliments to speak.

And you will grow up a little

We will give you flowers!

8 boy: To our dear girls

From the bottom of our hearts we will say today:

Although sometimes you are badass,

We love you anyway!

9 boy: We hope for a miracle -

From the girls, it will make sense!

They will grow up to school and will

Know a lesson in the top ten

10 boy: In general, be all like us,

Cute and strong!

11 boy: With these girls I’m no good!

Didn't have time to grow up - they need outfits!

Every day of excitement, every day of worries!

Oh, these young ladies! Oh, these mods!

We wish our girls to grow up and become like our mothers, We will not give you offense and congratulate you on the holiday.

The song of K. Orbakaite "Sponges with a bow" sounds and all the children run out to dance.

Tanya "Lips with a bow"

After the dance, the children remain staggered.

Child: Dear and golden, mummies, we want to say thank you.

Child: Beautiful mothers, there are many of you in the world.

You look in the eyes.

Open and straight.

No matter how far the road calls us.

Beautiful mothers accompany us all

Child: We rarely bring bouquets to mom.

But everyone upsets her so often.

And a kind mother forgives all this.

A beautiful mother forgives all this.

Child: Under the load of worries, without bending, stubbornly

She does her duty patiently.

Every mother is beautiful in her own way

She is beautiful with her mother's love.

Child:My dear mom

I would like to wish

To be at home with me more often

So that I do not get bored alone.

So that we read books

Sewed a hat for a bear

It's light for me next to my mother

And cozy and warm!

The kindest and dearest!

I always recognize him

And I run to my mother's call.

I will gently hug my mother

I will not upset her.

Child: Nothing is sweeter

Mom's smile

Like the sun's light flashes

The shaky one will dispel the darkness!

Like a goldfish flashing its tail

Will bring joy to the heart

Mom's smile!

Song "Dear Mom"

Leading: Dear grandmothers and mothers, may in your life,

It will be joyful every hour, every day and every year

All together, children and heroes: May happiness bring you!

Leading: And now we give the floor to the jury.

Jury: We consulted and decided that all our girls receive 25 points today. This is the highest mark of our competition. Let's welcome our members! All participants were awarded titles.

Koschey awards girls with honorary ribbons:

Miss Beauty

Miss Charm

Miss Smile

Miss Charm

Miss Modesty

Miss Kindness, etc.

The girls make a lap of honor to the applause of the fans.

Koschey: On behalf of all men, I once again want to congratulate our lovely mothers, kind grandmothers and the most charming girls on the holiday.

Together: Congratulations!

All children are encouraged with sweet prizes. Children give gifts to mothers, grandmothers, employees. handmade. After the holiday, everyone is invited to a tea party.

The stage is decorated with flowers and balls. In the background is the name of the Miss Technical School 2014 competition. Bright light on the stage. Music sounds. Leading on stage.

Lead 1: Happy holiday

Happy holiday clear

Happy holiday

Wonderful, wonderful

Lead 2: Happy caress holiday

Love and attention

Lead 1: Good afternoon dear friends, dear teachers and guests!!!

Lead 2: We are glad to see your smiling faces in this room.

Lead 1: It's spring now. We associate it with such words as love, charm, life, beauty.

Lead 2: And it is not surprising that it was at this time that we decided to hold our contest "Miss College 2014".

Lead 1: The participants of our competition are like spring flowers: the same beautiful, delicate, sensual.

Lead 2: "Everything should be beautiful in a person: face, soul, clothes, and thoughts."These words of the great Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov most accurately reflect the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe beauty contest - the idea of \u200b\u200ba handsome man who combines the perfection of the physical and spiritual, the unity of Beauty and Kindness.

Lead 1: So, let's greet the most beautiful, smartest and most unique of our girls - participants in the beauty and talent contest "Miss College-2014"! Please welcome!

Lead 2: Participant number 1 is the most active, energetic contestantAnandy Alekmaa from group 1, she is 22 years old.IN school age participated and won prizes in beauty contests. By participating in the competition, he wants to reveal himself, his talents, to defend the honor of his group. She believes that a woman should be free and independent.

Lead 1: Participant number 2 - sportsOpai-ool Buyanmaa - from the group of technologists, 18 years old. He is fond of dancing, plays chess, is a multiple winner in cross-country skiing. The girl was persuaded to participate in the competition by her friends, who believe that she must certainly become the winner today.

Lead 2: The next contestant at number 3 is the most mysterious girl from 14 Tokuk Sailana group, 18 years old.And we want to note right away that Sailana's coming of age day is today. Today's beauty contest for her is the fourth. In his free time he plays volleyball. She dreams of being a good housewife for her family.

Lead 1: Participant number 4 - Gentle, smiling Tyulyush Ayana - from group 7, 20 years old. In his free time he goes in for sports, loves to sing and dance. For Ayana, participation in a beauty contest is the first, and it was to try her hand at such a contest that became her motivation to participate. She believes that female happiness is a beloved husband, children, a cozy home and, of course, a favorite job.

Lead 2: Contestant number 5 - elegant Daryma Chayanafrom 21 groups, she is ___ years old.She is fond of sports, she is economic, hardworking, accurate. In today's competition, Chayana is determined only to win.

Lead 1: Charming participant number 6 -Kadin Anai-Haak from second group, 16 years old.It is not the first time that Anai-Haak participates in such a competition, considers himself a versatile person, enjoys sports, music, has been playing the piano since the age of five. In her opinion, female happiness is something important in life, and this happiness lies in the family.

Lead 2: Contestant number 7 is charmingBady-Hoo Milan from the 24 group, she is ___ years old. In beauty contests before today did not participate. Shesmart, talented, hardworking and of course beautiful.He believes that not the one who wants to appear beautiful, but the one who is.

Lead 1: The most creative participant at number 8from group 6 - Askyrova Anna 18 years old.He is fond of oratory, likes to write notes, is interested in everything new and unexplored, plays musical instruments. She admits that participation in a beauty contest is the most the best way show yourself, raise self-esteem.

Lead 2: Participant number 9 is an optimistic, positive Endan Tuyara from group 4, she is 23 years old. Z animated by sewing, knitting, weaving different types Kos, recently married, for the person with whom she is going to build happy life... For her, female happiness is her children. She says, "If you feel like a complete woman, it's safe to say that you are happy."

Lead 1: Oh how many beauties

Gathered today!

There is a western taste

And the manner of the east

Beautiful ladies of Shakespeare and Blok,

Madonnas, ballerinas, Stranger portraits ...

Where is the ideal? Yes, there is no standard!

Lead 2: And our esteemed jury will choose the ideal today. It includes: Charming, incendiary, the most breathtaking woman of our technical school ______________________________________________

Lead 1: Sweet, talented, gentle and charming - nature is poetically refined - _________________________________________

Lead 2: The most attractive, charming and elegant __________


Lead 1: The most beautiful, intelligent and unique


Lead 2: The wisest, fair, honest, but also strict chairman of the jury _____________________________________________

Jury members will put points on the score sheets at the end of each competition. And at the end of the program, the results will be summed up.Applause to our judging!

Lead 1: So, all the participants are on stage. The first competition of our program is called -"Business card", as in any business card we find all the necessary information about its owner. And in order for us to get to know our contestants better, and to them each other, they will now exchange business cards, i.e. tell us about themselves and their interests. The time limit for each participant is no more than two minutes.

Lead 1: So, meet the first participant _________________________

Lead 1: The first competition is over.Thanks to all the participants! Your stories are very interesting. We see off our beauties under stormy applause.

Lead 2: And while our participants are preparing for the next contest, our first musical gift from _____________________________________.

Musical greeting.

Lead 1: thank ___________________

Lead 2: As you know: "They are greeted by their clothes, but they are seen off, after all, according to their mind." After all, a real beauty queen should have not only beauty and charm, but also shine with mind, therefore our next competition is called "Intellectual".

Lead 1: I invite all the girls to the fashion show in a business suit.

Defile in a business suit. The moderators take turns asking questions to the contestants.

1.What form do the valentine cards that the lovers exchange?
2. A love suit of cards is ... What?
3. What is the name of the nymph who was unrequitedly in love with Narcissus and from this love dried up so much that only her voice remained of her.
4. Name the Deity of love.
5. In German - ich lib dikh, in Spanish - te amo, in French - zhe tem, in Ukrainian - I tebe kohayu. How will it be in Russian?
6. What vegetable rhymes with "love"?
7. With an excess of what seasoning in a dish, eaters usually ask a snide question: did the unfortunate culinary specialist fall in love?
8. Whom in Andersen's fairy tale did the steadfast tin soldier fall in love with?
9. What is your beloved Pierrot from the fairy tale "The Golden Key"?
10. What geometric figure is more often than others "love"?

Lead 2: Life sometimes puts us in the most unthinkable situations, and we somehow have to cope with them. How will you behave in the following circumstances:


1. They brought the "latest fashion" to the store - a suit that costs more than your income. What will you do?
2. At 2 am, your boyfriend returns with traces of lipstick. Your actions?

3. Did you come by taxi and find that you have no money? What will you do?

4. In the evening, it's dark, you are walking alone along the street and you understand that someone is following you, what will you do?

5. You really do not like your friend's boyfriend, and have compromising evidence on him, what will you do?

6. What costume will you come up with if you found out about the masquerade 1 evening before the start?

7. Everyone at the party will be in pairs, you have a fight with your friend, what will you do?

8. Your boyfriend is fond of extreme sports, and constantly invites you to try, are you afraid of what you will do?

9. Your boyfriend goes camping for a week, you refused to go, but you find out that there will be many attractive girls, what will you do?

10. Has your boyfriend ruined your favorite thing - your actions?

11. Your most cherished dream.

12. You won the 1 million rubles lottery. What will you spend this amount on?

Lead 1: Thank! I think the jury will appreciate your active desire to answer questions and your wit!

Lead 2: We see off our beauties under stormy applause.

The girls leave the stage and prepare for the next competition

Lead 1: While our beauties are preparing for the next competition, a dance group __________________________________ will perform for you. Please welcome!

Lead 2: L any girl is not only mind, but also talent.

Lead 1: And now we will be convinced of this, because our next competition is called "Minute of Glory". Dear participants, please observe the time limit - no more than 2 minutes.

Lead 2: the participants are invited to perform any number, and I invite the contestant number 1__________________ to this stage first. Please welcome!

The presenters take turns inviting the participants.

Lead 1: We let the participants go to prepare for the next competition, and for you dear fans - the game with the audience.

Play with the audience.

Lead 2: The next competition is "Hair and Makeup". Girls do their hair and give them names in 3 minutes.

Lead 1: So, meet the young hairdressers.

Participants do their hairwith the help of accessories prepared in advance and laid out on the tables: these are hairpins, hairpins, combs, varnish, elastic bands, artificial flowers and other decorations; young hairdressers give names to hairstyles, show them.

Leading 2. The next task for the contestants.No, we will not paint anyone additionally, we just find out if the girls know the sequence of applying makeup. I will give you sheets and pencils, and your task is to write down the numbers in the required sequence. Go for it!

1. Application of foundation - make-up base.
2. Correction or modeling of the face with powder
3. Lip contour.
4. Eye contour.
5. Eyeshadow.
6. Eyelash coloring.
7. Lipstick.
8. Dry blush

Lead 1: While our participants are preparing for the next competition for you _____________________________________________________________

Lead 2: Whoever a woman is, she always remains a lover of fashion. Our next competition is "Avangard".

Lead 1: In this competition, participants must show imagination, ingenuity, invention.... Meet the participant number 1________________

The presenters take turns inviting the participants. Defile in costumes made of unconventional materials.

Lead 2: M we release the participants to prepare for the last competition, and for you the next musical gift __________________________________

Lead 1: Our participants have one last chance to win the heart of our jury. Defile in evening dresses.

Lead 2: hello to our irresistible, mysterious and adorable members!

The participants are called again by their first names.

Lead 1: We will give our jury time to confer, and for you ...

Lead 2: So who is she - the Queen of the Evening? Who is she - this Girl of Our Dreams? The word of the jury.

Summarizing. The Chairman of the Jury has a floor. First, the winners in the nominations are awarded, then the 1st place. Miss College 2014 wears a ribbon and a tiara to the winner, all are presented with gifts. Group photo.

Lead 1: A woman both loves and forgives ...
And boldly makes the dream come true.
Is always beautiful woman it happens!
Thanks to those who see this beauty!

Happy holidays! Thanks for attention!

Alsou Gabdullina

Miss« Young lady» "For children of the children's sanatoriumUral Uchaly.

Prepared and conducted by A.G. Gabdullina

purpose: develop in children fantasy and creativity, in public

speak to an audience.


Interest children participating in the competition program.

Identify applicants for the title « Miss Young Lady» .

Give an opportunity girls showcase your creative



Attention! Attention!

Hurry to the hall to us.

Today in our hall

A fun day for you.

Beautiful and smart

Funny and noisy

Singers, craftswomen, beautiful girls!

There is a beautiful sun in the sky

The birds sing merrily.

They raise the mood

And hello spring send!

Good day!

We wholeheartedly welcome everyone gathered in the hall for miss contest« Young lady» .

Good evening, dear guys!

Good evening hour.

I am glad to welcome you in this large cozy hall and invite you to a wonderful, magical holiday - the ball of lovely girls... Open your eyes wider to see everything, protrude your ears to hear everything and prepare your palms for loud and friendly applause, because I invite you to scene of our title contenders Miss« Young lady» !

Now attention, friends!

Today is such a wonderful day

And so amazing!

Stars came down to us from the sky

And everyone was warmed with beauty!

Representation girls participating.

You are beautiful as stars

And the eyes shine with fire.

And your smiles are lovely

Eclipse the sun during the day!

You are so nice here!

You girls are just class!

Because we all want to

Be like you!

We wish you only happiness,

And we will tell you a secret:

Of our girls are more beautiful

In the whole world there is simply no!

Leading: Each of you knows that the best half of humanity is cute, kind, beautiful girls... Exactly girls drive our strong half of the planet crazy - it's you young people.

Look closely at the heroines of the celebration. They amaze with their youthful beauty, girlish charm, sincere smile. Let's hope that each of them will delight us with their erudition, artistry, originality of solutions to the most difficult problems. We wish them success! So, everything is ready, let's start competition!

To all girlswho decided to participate in our miss contest« Young lady» inherent beauty, charm, tenderness, mystery, elegance, charm, they are all delightful and talented, each in its own way. We will all cheer for each participant, wish everyone success and good luck.

Courage to victory

Don't be embarrassed!

You are Young lady!


Well, what kind competition without jury!

The jury is great

the jury is power

Not everyone can judge fairly!

Who will receive what title?

The jury will tell us about this at the end. The jury will tell us about this at the end. And to evaluate the skill of our contestants there will be a competent jury composed of

Everyone is evaluated competition on a five-point system

So, all the participants are on stage... Today we have to choose the best of the best. It's very difficult to choose one - the only one girl and call her the bestbecause they are all so beautiful.

1. competition -"Business card".

Leading: Attention! Attention! Starting the first test - "Business card"!

Now we will see how charming our girlshow they can speak. We will find out what their character is and what they are interested in

Each of girls he will tell us in an interesting way about himself, about his interests and hobbies. Content and form are taken into account.

2. Competition"Chupa Chups"

In order to successfully pass all the tests, not to lose heart, we offer the participants competition"Sweeten the life"... You, the participants, are offered candy (optional, no wrapper)... Determine what kind of candy it tastes (name).

3. Competition"Defile in suits"

With these girls I don't get anything

Didn't have time to grow up - they need outfits!

Every day of excitement, every day of worries!

Oh these girls,

Oh, those mods!

And now we turn to competition -"Defile in suits"... Our participants were given their homework to make costumes from improvised material. Now we'll see what they made.

4. Competition"Cleaning".

Leading: Everyone knows that Cinderella was very hardworking a girl... She did any job. Now we will see this. Competition"Cleaning". Girls it is necessary to drain the basin, take a sponge, dip the sponge into a basin of water, soak the sponge and run to the finish line and squeeze until the basin is drained. Let's see how our girls are neat, quickly and efficiently clean up.

5. Competition"Riddles about flowers".

Now let's plunge into the so-called "The world of beauty"... What holiday can do without flowers? Flowers are joy, an eternal source of inspiration, good mood.

Competition"Riddles about flowers".

1. Until late autumn on us

Casts bold looks

Her cheerful yellow eye

Through the eyelashes are white. (Chamomile)

2. What flower was guarded by the shaggy monster in the work of the same name by Aksakov (Scarlet).

3. For which heroine of Anderson the flower became a permanent place of residence (Thumbelina).

4. What flower is directly related to the king of beasts (Snapdragon).

There is a legend. The mermaid fell in love with a handsome guy who plowed the land for rye on the shore. He loved her too. But they could not agree in any way where live: in water or on land. Then the mermaid turned the guy into a flower. She thought that the wind would tear him off the ground, and he would fall into the river. But the flower was firmly held by its roots to the arable land. And people named the flower after this guy. (Knapweed).

5. As the legend says, this flower appeared on earth in an extraordinary way. When Aphrodite was swimming in the sea, some daredevils decided to spy on her. Angry Zeus turned them into this flower ... (Pansies)

6. I am a herb

With a lilac flower.

But rearrange the stress -

And I turn into candy. (Iris)

7. What flower is a symbol of passionate love? (Red Rose).

8. What flowers are customary to give on September 1 (gladioli).

1.- There is an oak, full of groats, covered with a roof. (Poppy)

2.- It blooms with a yellow flower, blown away after flowering.

What is this flower? (Dandelion)

3- Here's another baby

Bluer than the day

What is her name:(forget-me-not)

That's right, friends.

4.-The golden mean and the rays go around

Could it be a picture? The sun is in the blue sky.

No, not the sun on a piece of paper -

In the meadow, guys, a flower -: (chamomile)

5. They call me the queen of flowers!

For the color and smell of my petals

Although my green bush is ready to hurt you

But who will not forgive me the thorny thorns!

Who am I? (Rose flower)

6. Forever gloomy under the spruce,

It smells of dampness and delight.

Under her furry paw

Frosted lamps are shining. (Lily of the valley)

7. Sister in the meadows -

Golden eye, white eyelashes. (Chamomile)

8. Head on a leg,

There are peas in the head. (Poppy)

6. Competition"Specialty of the house"

Make a menu for tomorrow. House. back.

Leading: Scientists somehow at their leisure calculated that a woman washes 18 thousand knives, forks and spoons per year. In addition, it washes out 30 thousand plates and 8 thousand cups. Let's add another 3 thousand dishes of other types here, and in addition, delicate hands wash more than 40 thousand items in a year.

7. Competition"Dream flower"

Imagine and draw a flower of your dreams that you would like to see at home or receive as a gift. Time to complete the task is 2 minutes.

Let's play a game with the audience "Name a flower"... The viewer who guesses the riddles about colors the most gets a prize - stickers "Flowers".

Cute contestants, time is over. Drawings are shown to the audience and given to the jury to evaluate the creative task.

8. Competition"Magic Words".

Everyone knows how nice it is for us, female representatives, to hear pleasant, laudatory words addressed to us. But in life you need to be able not only to accept compliments, but also to be able to say kind, affectionate words yourself.

How many wonderful words

Soft, kind, gentle

You and I pronounce

When we give, we ask

We say goodbye, we meet ...

We are using.

Now our contestants show their knowledge of these words and their ability to be polite in competition"Magic Words".

(Girls demonstrate their knowledge of polite words and their ability to speak).

9. Competition"Our talents"

And also our girls are very talentedlove to sing and dance. And each of them has its own flavor. And what is this zest, the following test will show - "Here I am!" And now they want to show you their dancing talents and sing

I invite our participants to the next test.

Show us your talents and skills.

Sing songs and dance and recite poetry to us.

Give everyone smiles like rays of dawn

So that our strict jury does not make a mistake!

Of course, each of our participants prepared well for the upcoming competition.

While the jury is summing up the results, we will compete for the Audience Award. We will play it so: At my signal, applaud each participant with a round of applause. And we will evaluate for whom they clapped louder, and she will receive the main audience award.

Play with the audience.

In the meantime, the girls are preparing, I propose to test the strength of our viewers. I ask all fans to answer my questions.

Are there any number 1 supporters in the hall?

Are those who support participant # 2 ready to declare themselves?

Shout out in unison with everyone who supports the participant at number 3?

Do we want to hear the fans of the participant number 4?

And this is applauded by those who are rooting for the participant number 5.

Her fans give their applause to the participant at number 6.

And what are the fans of the participant number 7 silent about?

We see that our members have real support in the hall.

# Miss Charm

# Miss shy

# Miss smile

# Miss reasonable

# Miss hostess

# Miss charm

# Miss Young Lady.

The word of the jury!

Awarding all participants with diplomas and gifts.

So ours ended competition... You saw once again how talented girls are in our arrival.

We wish you happy, clear days.

For more light and kindness,

Health, joy, success,

Peace, happiness and warmth!

Play with the audience.

Here are the items in front of you. Take any of them. You should name a proverb, proverb, or catchphrase associated with the subject.

1. A needle and thread. (Where the needle goes, there the thread goes. A small needle, but clothed the whole world.)

2. Apple. (The apple of discord. The apple falls not far from the apple tree.)

3. Rope. (How long the string does not twist, but the end will be.)

4. Mirror. (There is nothing to blame on the mirror, since the face is crooked.)

5. Spoon. (Road spoon to dinner)

Riddles for the audience.

"Clever girls - clever girls"

Girls you need to guess riddles.

1. Balls hang on the knots,

Turned blue from the heat.


2. The white stone melts in the mouth.


3. The variegated mallard catches frogs,

Walks waddle, stumble.


4. This eye is a special eye.

He will quickly look at you

And will be born

The most accurate portrait of you.


5. Sleeps during the day, flies at night,

The passers-by are scared.


6. My tail cannot be distinguished from my head,

I'm always in the ground you will find.


7. From a hot well

Water flows through the nose.


8. On the squares of the board

The kings brought the shelves together.

Not for battle at the regiments

No cartridges, no bayonets.


9. I held your tail in my hand,

You flew - I ran.


10. Tail made of bone, and on the back - bristles.


11. Tail wagging, toothy, not barking.


12. Two abdomens, four ears.


13. Brothers have equipped themselves for a visit,

They clung to each other

And rushed off on a long way

They only left the smoke.

(a train)

14. He willingly breathes dust,

Not sick, but sneezes.

(a vacuum cleaner)

15. Natket, gossip,

Sits down and waits for prey.


16. Flowing, flowing - will not flow,

Runs, runs - will not run out.


17. New vessel, and all in holes.


18. People live under water,

Walks backwards.


19. Doesn't sing songs, doesn't build nests,

People and cargo are lucky.


20. The whole universe lives in him,

A common thing.

(TV set)

Playing with the audience

(conducted by two boys 5, 6)

5. Each of you are fans. Now we will ask riddles. For the correct answer - 1 point is added to the participant competition which you root for.

6.Dry in the hot sun

and breaks out of the pods ... (peas)

5. small, bitter, onion brother,

seasoning for food, and government for microbes. (garlic)

6. What did you dig from the ground, fry, boil?

that in the ashes we baked, ate, and praised! (potatoes)

5.the matryoshka stands on one leg,

wrapped up, intimidated. (cabbage).

6. I came without paints and without a brush and repainted all the leaves (Autumn).

5. He sees and does not hear himself, walks, wanders, prowls, whistles (Wind).

6. Sits - turns green, falls - turns yellow, lies - turns black. (Sheet)

5. They ask and wait for me, but when I come, they hide (Rain).

6. The more you take out of it, the more it becomes. (Pit)

5. What a nimble old man, eighty-eight legs.

Everything shuffles on the floor, it's hot at work. (Broom)

6. Sir, but not a wolf, but not a long-eared hare,

With hooves, but not a horse. (Donkey)

5. Red-haired Yegorka fell on the lake,

He did not drown himself and did not stir up the water. (Autumn leaf)

6. Not snow, not ice, but silver will remove trees. (Frost)

The forest is undressed, the sky is shining, this time of year is. (Autumn)

5. The cold scares them so much, they fly away to warm countries,

Can't sing, have fun, who gathered in flocks ?. (birds)

6. The sun no longer warms us, the drift of wind blows cold!

A breeze blew into the puddle and fettered it. (ice)

We invite you to the stage of all the contestants... A press conference awaits them.


Do you often have to change your appearance while hiding from the headmaster?

Would you like to sit in the director's chair?

Is it true that in the evenings you dance lambada alone?

Are you a secret agent of Chinese intelligence?

Is it true that you can wiggle your ears, nose and eyebrows at the same time?

They say that you are writing a message on a topic "Problems of using cell phones in the process of passing exams? "

They say you are allergic to banknotes. This is true?

Is it true that you are afraid of the school bell?


Rumor has it that your favorite food is lard in chocolate. Is it so?

They say that you know where Barmaley is hiding. This is true?

They say that you speak loudly in your sleep. This is true?

Do you often fall out of bed?

Do you like to eat?

There are legends about your beauty, about your kindness. What do you think about it?

They say that you cannot sleep against the wall, your knees rest. It's true?

You are a very smart person, well, just a genius. Do you agree with this?

Tell me now something most important, most intimate!

Tasks: create a joyful, festive mood for children and parents; contribute further development musical and creative abilities of children; to develop their plasticity, expressiveness of movements, artistry in musical and rhythmic performance, a sense of beauty, to form a positive "I-concept".

Equipment: baby carriages with dolls, balls, hoop, fans, chamomile flower, mannequins, hairpins, hair ornaments, combs, scoreboards, numbers for contestants (on hand), tokens with the image of the task for the contest "Miss Grace".

Preliminary work: talking with parents about the creation, name and presentation of hairstyles; learning dance compositions, songs, games with children.

Competition progress

Two leaders enter - a teacher and a child.

Leading (V.). This holiday is wonderful

We really need

Feast of Strangers

And beautiful ladies.

What amazing girls God created:

Each is a riddle, secret, ideal!

Good afternoon, dear guests! We are glad to see you in our preschool center.

Child. Today we are holding the "Curly-cuties" hairstyle contest.

IN. Let's welcome our members! Meet - participant number 1 (name, surname of the girl)!

Child. Participant number 2!

Each girl is paired with a boy.

IN. And now we meet hairstyle designers - our mothers!

IN. And now we need to present a respected jury, because no competition is complete without it. So (represents the members of the jury).

The first stage of our competition is called "Hairstyle Presentation". In it we will get to know each participant better, find out the name of the hairstyle, and also get to know her designer.

Child. Participant number 1 (surname, name of the girl).

IN. And hairstyle designer (mom's name, patronymic).

The girl calls her hairstyle. To the music, he defiles to the center of the hall, showing his hair from all sides.

Questions to the designer (in turn asked by the presenters)

- Who or what inspired you to create this hairstyle?

- How long did it take to get your hair done?

- How long have you thought about the name of the hairstyle?

- Did you use the services of a hairdresser?

- How many hairpins did you use for your hair? Etc.

This is how all the participants of the competition perform.

IN. So the first competition is over, and we are moving on to the next stage (addresses the child). Do you remember the name of the second competition?

Child. Of course I remember: the Ballroom Dance competition.

IN. That's right, this is a competition for the best dance couple. Here, the participants need to show their grace, beauty, ability to dance in pairs. So, waltz!

Sounds "Waltz" (music by L. Delibes).

IN. We give the floor to the jury.

Jury speech.

IN. Let's move on to the next competition, which is called Miss Grace.

Child. For this competition, participants need to go through a draw.

IN. On the token you will see the task, which gait you need to show.

The girls choose tokens.

IN. The first to show the queen's gait with a fan.

The girls take a fan and demonstrate a fan walk.

IN. And now the participants are demonstrating the gait of a gymnast with a ball.

Child. And, finally, the audience will be introduced to the walk of a mother with strollers on a walk.

IN. Thanks to our participants, and now - a musical pause.

The song “When I Grow Big” (lyrics by O. Devochkina, music by P. Moriah) is played.

Child. The next competition is called "Knight's Tournament".

IN. Two knights stand in a hoop with clasped hands behind their backs. At the signal, you need to push the opponent out of the hoop with your shoulder. The one who remains in the hoop brings his girl one point.

IN. While the jury is conferring, there is a musical pause.

Dance "White Daisy" (music by A. Varlamov) - girls are dancing.

IN. We give the floor to the jury.

Our final competition called "A moment of beauty".

IN. In this competition, the contestants, along with their designer moms and faithful knights, create designer hairstyles on a mannequin.

Thank you, but for now the jury evaluates the competition and sums up the results - a musical pause.

Dance to the melody of rus. bunk bed songs "My ring, cast gold".

IN. We give the floor to the jury.

In the beauty contest there are 5 nominations: "Fantasy", "Charm", "Elegance", "Tenderness", "Originality". Each girl is awarded a diploma for any nomination. Then all the participants with their knights make a circle of honor and leave.

The script for the beauty contest in kindergarten was prepared by E. Korobko

Leisure in senior group... Scenario

Yakovleva Olga Vasilievna educator, secondary school № 842, Moscow
Work description: I offer you a summary of leisure activities on the topic "Beauty Contest" for older children preschool age (5-7 years old). This material will be useful for educators working with older preschool children. This is a summary of leisure activities aimed at forming a gender-appropriate model of behavior, fostering a culture of relationships between girls and boys.
Educational area: "Socialization"
Formation of a gender-appropriate behavior model.
Teach the correct understanding of the role of women and men in society.
Promote the development of norms and rules of behavior.
Preliminary work:{!LANG-7d1e76989ef7c8455102b2a3beed1517!} {!LANG-56db711ecbca4627fd9768ac13a6123a!}{!LANG-8a05d7b8b1e270d474e852c82a827b9a!}



1 boy:{!LANG-0f80da950d57d9da1472b11ee2ccc357!}
2 boy:{!LANG-27b7be03fc1695a4231b2e9153dd9998!} {!LANG-7ce0df212044ade70cdc4c66c6a3fc4e!}{!LANG-56ad1b6d3b56d2df48d7130167ce1fc5!}
3 boy:{!LANG-1a40d89089c6de0a1d43f52f0c13952e!}




{!LANG-ce1aea339fd2d25740d9b3526c0d45c5!} {!LANG-db27dc0c9dd422bd8cdc4dbd8542aea5!}:
{!LANG-3e365cba6ad4271c5d156b2c7ba994d5!} {!LANG-bce55a7e8e1b83c47af184abce5fec78!}{!LANG-0008802b3311a5baafe6a2d3e369405c!}
{!LANG-07c8f6027de5f2f846a5d3eda8dc7d38!} {!LANG-6424f076639a0bf5ebf1d90cf02345df!}{!LANG-82452d03eeba6adf0afe427a368b3a3d!}





