The most favorite magazine of children in the USSR. Children's magazines. "Murzilka", "Funny pictures" Humorous magazines for children

Maybe of course I exaggerate, but I remember exactly my childhood and my friends. The first favorite magazine was "funny pictures". Later, as aggravated, the tastes changed. Later I loved the "Murzilka", then the "pioneer" and "Young technician", even later "Ural Pathfinder" and "around the world". But it was later. The first favorite magazine was "funny pictures"

Comics, riddles, poems and stories of the best children's writers and poets.

And of course bright, colorful pictures with signatures.

This is the magazine attracted the attention of children.

And of course, the most beloved were funny little men with their "meeting of the club of funny little men."

These are these wonderful characters


(Artist I. M. Semenov)

Good, erudite and intelligent man with a pencil instead of a nose. This image created the People's Artist of the USSR Ivan Semenov. He endowed a pencil with an unusual ability - everything so as not to paint the hero, came to life. He is the most important in the company of funny little men - Chairman of the Club


(Artist A. P. Sazonov)

Iron man with a battery instead of a body and a "+" sign on the spot. Selfkin is able to fix any, even the most complicated, thing. Progress touched and Samelkin. So now he is also a specialist in computer viruses. Everything makes thoroughly, neat and leisurely


(Artist L. V. Vladimirsky)

The main hero of the fairy tale Alexey Tolstoy "Golden Key". One of the main members of the club of cheerful little men "from its foundation. Among the funny men, Pinocchio is the most curious and inquisitive


(Artist T. L. Skinovskaya)

The heroine of the fairy tale H. K. Andersen, the coquette of an inch appeared on the pages of "funny pictures" in the 60s. Girls immediately loved loving dancing, elegant heroine. The author of the image of the Olympic Bear Misha Victor Chizhikov recalled: "The thumbnails did not want to take a long time to the club. Because no one for a cheerful little man kept: then she didn't marry a little toad, then Mole. But problems with a male team in the club she seems like not It was, and if they were, then it is necessary to ask the pencil "


(Artist A. M. Laptev)

The naughty and restless hero of the books of Nikolai Nosov fell into some kind of trouble


(Artist E. T. Migunov)

Parsley came to "funny pictures" from the submissions of the area, which in Russia were arranged on the days of the holidays and fairs. Petrushka resourceful and fair, big lover of drawing and surprises


(Artist V.G.Steyev)

Gianni Rodari's fairy tale hero, Italian in the "funny pictures", very funny and rosal, loves to travel and invent funny stories, has many friends


(Artist Jiri TRNA)

Gurvinek once as a tourist came to visit us from Czechoslovakia. Yes, and stayed. He is very educated, smart. For versatile knowledge in the company, it is affectionately called "intelligence"

History of these characters on pages children's magazine Such is. The main characters of the new journal were to become small funny little men - Dunno, Chipollino, Pyratino. However, they were not enough, and it was decided to come up with two more. These two became a pencil and self-celkin invented by the children's writer Yuri friendly and painted by the artist and the founder of the journal Ivan Semenov

These characters have become so popular that they switched from magazine pages to screens in animation

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe appearance of "cheerful pictures" belonged to Ivan Semenov - the popular cartoonist of the "Crocodile" newspaper. He became the first editor of the magazine. Together with the artist Vitaly Statsinsky, he was attracted to the work of his colleagues - Academicians of the Aminadawa Kanevsky and Alexey Laptev. In honor of the release of the first issue of the magazine Samuel Marshak wrote not just a poem, and OED!

In a large family of Soviet
Magazines and newspapers
Today is the most childhood
The log is published.

His reader too
Still quite small
But less and younger
Reader magazine.

Magazine and child -
Have a good trip!
Let them be ahead
Grow, grow, grow!

The name of the magazine was chosen on the basis of the fact that small children for whom it was intended willingly consider funny and fun pictures accompanied by short witty inscriptions. But very soon it turned out that adults read together with children with children. So in "funny pictures" poems, stories, counters, riddles appeared. The author's composition of "merry pictures" could envy any domestic edition. It worked the best Soviet writers and artists: the roots of Chukovsky, Agnia Barto, Sergey Mikhalkov, Evgeny Vedernikov, Vladimir Suteev, Konstantin Rotov, Evgeny Migunov, Viktor Chizhikov and many others

This year, the magazine turned 60 years old - the first room was released in September 1956. This number is

It remains only to add that the log exists so far, the truth is the popularity of it is not the same ...


Used pages of journal "Cheerful pictures"
Illustrations from the set of postcards "Club of funny little men". Moscow, 1963. "Soviet artist"\u003ddfwd3oz9_qa.\u003dmp7qssjsfnc.

Lenusik, 24.07.05 21:56

Somehow went to the store. The books were not sold there, but stood a magazine tray. "And what," - Think, - "It's time." All sorts there "Tom and Jerry" and other pro-American labud "I dropped right away. And in the end, one single magazine with a wolf and a hare on the cover remained. I did not remember the name, unfortunately. I gladly open it and ... On the first page there is a comic about ... Volfopauka. That is what: the head of the wolf from his beloved cartoon, and the body of a man-spider from someone's favorite cartoon. In short, here is such an intermenimal. To be honest, it became somehow alone. Even to me. And I'm very loyal to modern "art."
In general, the question is: and whether there are now normal children's magazines, such as in our childhood: to play, and comics, and walking (but in moderation). Like now "funny pictures" and "Murzilka" are printed, and how much they differ from the fact that we read in childhood?

Nelumbo Nelumbo., 25.07.05 05:24

Familiar from childhood magazines must exist if not mistaken Christmas tree He worked as a corrector in the "Pioneer Pravda" or something in this spirit. Just the circulation of these magazines has declined greatly, they apply to subscription. Probably need to ask the catalogs of "subscription editions" in the post office. This is about the existence of "journals of our childhood." For the quality of the materials in them, I do not pass.

Latinique., 25.07.05 11:33

"Murzilka" saw a year two ago, there is nothing so so, no wiscuctures. Although, it seems to me when I was little more interesting (and the trees were big)
Indeed, it is worth asking in the post office or in large children's stores

Mom Ksyusha, 25.07.05 13:25

We have "Murzilka", and "funny pictures" in our kiosks. Even earlier, and I love to buy and read the Winnie Pooh, the magazine is such with Disney heroes. Very interesting and informative, with different tasks, stories and bright pictures. Little recently "Smeshariki" magazine. There, too, any rebuses, tasks, games, I liked it.
Comics All sorts of Olezhka does not very much. And now Cottina Passion - "Open the World with Wally." Reads and studies him with great pleasure. But this is an older child ...
So there are magazines, there is ...

Lenusik, 25.07.05 14:25

In, I thought about the wolly too. Cool such a magazine, but it really is too early. Although ... maybe you should try.

Needles, 25.07.05 15:27

"Bonfire" now exactly exists! Here about it can see: bonfire
And here there are reviews about different children's magazines (children feedback!) Reviews

Mom Ksyusha, 26.07.05 09:53

Oh, wolly - a childish passion from the very first issue. Already 39 numbers have collected. Olezhka is looking forward to everyone next, reads from crust to crust, all rooms know by heart, about which country in which number is also told and all the details. And a lot of these details loves to tell everyone. The entire rack of the book in his room is already in stickers.
On this basis, we for your birthday recently presented a cat political map of the world for the whole wall - a long-standing dream of a child.
By the way, there will be only 52 rooms. So soon run out.

Lenusik, 26.07.05 11:05

But now you can still collect? or all?
And we bought my son a children's card son for a year and a half. Here is a thing! We also study for a long time. True, he does not yet want to strictly memorize, but animals and monuments with pleasure.

Mom Ksyusha, 26.07.05 13:03

And I do not even know if it is possible to gather everything. In the kiosks sell the fresh number and 2-3 of the previous ones. I do not even know...

And we bought my son a children's card son for a year and a half. Here is a thing! We also study for a long time.

What are you great. And before memorizing countries, you will come. What your years is Malyshovsky.

Ma-Mashka., 26.07.05 21:54

We grandmother "Cheerful pictures" wrote. Advertising, of course, is too much, but in principle I am pleased. And advertising there is hidden under any tasks, such as "Collect flowers for the milk cow Milk Wei", etc.
There are ribbons-riddles, and most importantly, the selection of literary material is very competent. And now such children's books come across - no tears you will not look and do not read without horror.

Foil, 21.08.05 19:37

I bought at one number "Murzilki" and "funny pictures" - did not like, the pictures are scary (may publishers forgive me), and the content is not particularly ... it's better "Winnie Pooh" and "Disney".

Irina., 30.09.05 03:20

"Winnie the Pooh" seemed to me just a dog's dog. Full nonsense

Natalka Leontovich., 05.10.05 01:50

I liked so much new magazine "Teach me, Mom." He primarily developing, but also a little entertaining.

Lydmika., 05.10.05 04:45

And I did not like the magazine "Teach me, Mom!". It seems that it is created quite for one year old, drawings are not interesting at all, the tasks are weak very much. I say it is not because there is my child a lunder, no, on the contrary, I do not consider her such, all in moderation. But the magazine is weak very much. In any bookstore you can buy a brochure with fascinating tasks for intelligence, attention and the like. Terrible magazine. Made first at the price of "only 19 rubles." The following numbers came out 36. It's better "Murzilka" by 55. Expensive? But interesting!

Needles, 05.10.05 16:02

And I did not like the magazine "Teach me, Mom!". It seems that it is created quite for one year old, drawings are not interesting at all, the tasks are weak very much.

Vasilisa, 05.10.05 16:53

I was given to see the magazine "Pink Elephant" in my opinion, just super. It is still too early for us, of course, after 2. Boy in the country (Him 5.5) is shaking, it does not give anyone to me to read his mother Snoochka gave me to see
He seems to be also on the subscription only

FROLOVA., 06.10.05 05:00

I'm just looking for something for the year I look at see what this magazine is.

Needles, oh well you. What nafik magazines for one hundreds? Even for a two-year bed, this magazine is not suitable. He is older for children who can think more logically.

Animka., 06.10.05 12:16

We buy "from the late night of the kids" "Winnipuch" "Teach me Mom" \u200b\u200b(here not all tasks perform) "Toshka".

Anuta., 06.10.05 12:20

Needles, 06.10.05 15:13

I'm just looking for something for the year I look at see what this magazine is.

Needles, oh well you. What nafik magazines for one hundreds? Even for a two-year bed, this magazine is not suitable. He is older for children who can think more logically.

We need to tear and watch pictures. When he worked in a book, saw some kind of development from the year, but I don't remember now that it was ... then I didn't look too too much.

Natalka Leontovich., 08.10.05 16:25

FROLOVA., 08.10.05 19:43

I liked the magazine. I did not buy, we still early, but looked at the kiosk. Good, bright, clear magazine. Interesting. But the price for such a tonny magazine is a shipped - 50r. For such money, you can, damn, whole "caravan stories" buy ...

Luna., 08.10.05 19:52

At 3.5 years, "Teach me Mom" \u200b\u200bjust with a bang goes. Although it is written for 3-6 years, it seems to me that it is up to 5 years to 5. All logical tasters of the daughter and now easily performs, but with letters so far have been tugged with us.

And my clicks and loves this magazine very much, especially glued stickers

Lydmika., 17.10.05 03:26

Lydmika, it is clear why you did not like this magazine. Your child is more than 5 years old. And it is designed for children 3-3.5 years. Of course you, he seemed simple.

In any bookstore, there is a cherished shelf with developments books much more interesting than this brochure. However, this is my opinion. Each mother in the power to draw a weak similarity of those creatures that the magazine depicts. It seems to me that the release of this multi-month magazine is another trap for buyers. Otherwise, why do they offer to buy a subscription for already (72 rooms)? Stupid in my opinion ...

Lorik, 17.10.05 14:59

I have almost everything from the 2-4 years series. Satisfied very.

Lenusik, 19.10.05 15:02

Lorik, thank you I know this series. Not bad, we have a lot of everything from it. I can also recommend the "school of seven gnomes." Too Pts. good Series, and at a price cheaper than teach me mom, although much thicker and more informative.
And I am with my own shame still hooked on this mother, although I was not going. We went to Moscow, they scored everything on the road. Max liked it (I think because of what is easy). And then these stars on the card of success, in short, now I buy. Although I agree in the book full of publications, much better and cheaper. But let's see if there will be all the tasks there will be the same types, cease to take.
And I also buy restless kids. Also. As it seems to me, the ratio price quality is not in favor of the latter. But elementary presenting about geography for 15 minutes of study gives. Plus there is a folder, so that the future will remain. Although there is little information. Just for us. But for younger schoolchildren (for whom this publication is generally calculated) I think it is not suitable - primitive.

Desert Rose., 28.01.06 22:11

And we prescribe a children's magazine "Pink Elephant". He is Russian and very interesting. Wonderful illustrations, excellent poems and stories, in every room comic, very sensible, interesting and instructive, games, different tasks and puzzles. Each room is attached to the baby's book that needs to be done, and developing coloring. We write it two years old, and going further. The only thing - sometimes comes with a delay, it happened that for a couple of weeks, but perhaps it is to us, in Belarus, and in Russia there will be no such thing. But he likes us so much that we are ready to suffer. This is his only drawback. But the "cheerful pictures" tried to write out, and they began, but in half a year they switched to a "pink elephant". We like it more. But the "restless children" we only started advertising, the child is very waiting, but while he has not appeared in the kiosks yet.

irenka, 04.02.06 19:38

And we really like the cognitive magazine "Renegonal kids." In each release interesting information About a new country. And entertaining, and develops. This is what we buy weekly. In addition, sometimes "good night", "Disney", etc.

Desert Rose., 10.02.06 03:09

And we also appeared "restless kids"! Bought two numbers. Senior baby delighted!

, 25.04.06 23:39

And we read the magazine "Merry Bear", the magazine is simply wonderful, and the tasks are smart, developing and poems, the stories are good, everything is instructive and kind, colorful. Just like in our childhood. And the son - you will not care, writing the letters there. And last month he won the competition, drawing it and the photo was placed in the journal. Jumping from happiness. I must say that in the photo he was with dad, i.e. Dad also found himself in the magazine, in my opinion, he was still happier. In a word, we are waiting for every month with a look of the magazine and nothing else is needed. I advise.

Pushya, 26.04.06 00:30

And how much son of the years and where do you buy or subscribe to "bear"? What is the subscription index?

CAT, 26.04.06 13:16

Aleshka 6 years old, in the journal it is written that the publication for the younger school age, But together we read when he was 5 and he did not know how to read, now he reads himself, waits and does not give anyone, until the whole magazine will not study.
We subscribe by mail according to the "Post of Russia" catalog - the subscription index of 24262, it is still possible according to the "Rospechat" catalog - 79976. Familiar bought in the kiosks to Rospech. True, pleases that there are such magazines.

Smiley, 08.06.06 14:52

This is a magazine on the development of creative abilities in children from 0 to 11 years. In general about the comprehensive harmonious development of the child. (just about diapers you will not find anything there, including advertising)
These unjoyed people lay out in the community from time to time very interesting lessons - and for very small and older for children.

In the magazine "OS" there are no "nickered" materials, if some methods are herself, then specific advice gives step-by-step descriptions lessons and exercises.

Lelia, 21.06.06 23:49

From January I wrote on 3 months:
Funny pictures
Good night, children
School of seven gnomes

A subscription extended only on 7 gnomes ..... But only 2 Noer came out of 12.
The rest of the journals are complete from my point of view, information is not worth even the paper on which they printed.

Back for the second half of the year, he subscribed to the sparrows and the sandbox from the Carapus. I bought their magazine "For the most young" very little and Zhenya I liked.

Question: Does anyone buy or discharge "Smeshariki"? How is he you?

Cheerful pictures: Cheerful pictures (magazine) Soviet and Russian children's humorous magazine, published since September 1956. Funny pictures (television) TV show, published on the first channel. Cheerful pictures (publishing ... ... Wikipedia

Genre Humor Director Roman Kobzarev Scriptwriter ... Wikipedia

Monthly children's humorous magazine, from 1956, Moscow. Founder (1998) Merry Pictures LLP ... encyclopedic Dictionary

This term has other meanings, see funny pictures. Cheerful pictures ... Wikipedia

- ("Cheerful pictures",) Monthly humorous magazine for children preschool age and first-graders. Body of the Central Committee of the Wlksm. Published in Moscow since 1956. Circulation (1971) 5.6 million copies. On the pages of the magazine in bright pictures ... ...

Funny little men group of fabulous characters who have become permanent characters of stories and comics in the journal "Funny pictures" (since 1956), as well as children's books and cartoons. Contents 1 Composition and history of the group ... Wikipedia

Printed periodical. Like the newspaper, J. is one of the main media and propaganda, has an impact on public opinion, forming it in accordance with the interests of certain public classes, ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Cheerful pictures: Cheerful pictures (magazine) Soviet and Russian children's humorous magazine, published since September 1956 Cheerful pictures ( publishing House) Russian publishing house, giving magazines for children, founded in 2000 funny ... ... Wikipedia

Funny little men group of fabulous characters who have become permanent characters of stories and comics in the journal "Funny pictures" (since 1956), as well as children's books and cartoons. The composition and history of the group in the "Club of Cheerful Men" includes eight ... ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see Misha. Misha Specialization: Children's magazine Permium: 12 times a year Language: Russian Chief editor: Rakhat Misha Country ... Wikipedia


  • The funny childhood of "funny pictures", on September 26, 1956 the first room of the favorite millions of the children's magazine "Cheerful pictures" was published. It was a good, fun time - the second half of the 50s ... Category: Domestic artists Publisher: Open Systems,
  • Fun childhood of funny pictures, on September 26, 1956 the first room of the favorite millions of compatriots of the children's magazine` Messenger pictures` were published. It was a good, fun time - the second half of the 50s of the stormy ... Category: Miscellaneous Publisher: Open SystemsManufacturer:

Magazines for children already have no one century. The first magazine appeared at the end of the XVII century in Germany with a title that did not have anything in common with the children's literature "Leipzig Weekly List."
In Russia, the first children's magazine came out in 1785 - "Children's reading for the heart and mind." Then appeared magazines "Snowdrop", "Children's reading", "Rodniki", "Dawn". The best works of Russian and world literature were printed in them, they were published mainly for the youth.
But if in the nearby past the first magazines of our defensions were "funny pictures" and "Murzilka", today their huge amount.

"Funny pictures" - The only children's humorous magazine in Russia. All materials are based on comic poems, fairy tales. Children love the heading "jokes-riddles", where many tasks developing logical thinking are given. The magazine has a number of a cognitive column, for example, where camels live, what the pyramid is the highest. Famous writers were printed in the journal: Agnia Barto, Chukovsky's roots, Sergey Mikhalkov. Today, the journal opens the way to modern authors.
"Murzilka" - introduces children with history, ecology, achieving science and technology, rules of behavior. Many locations are assigned to puzzles, games in the company of friends, as well as competitions and quiz for the whole family. There are topics that are not exhausted by publishing in several numbers, but continue for a longer time. Such is the "art gallery" Murzilka ". The gallery introduces the reproductions of paintings - masterpieces of domestic and world painting, with the life and creativity of artists. From the room in the room are printed materials complementing the program elementary schoolrecommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. This is a "School of Safety" and "Cheerful Lessons of Mathematics and Russian Language", combined into a separate section of the "Puzzle, Games, Joints" application.
"Misha". In the "Mishe" there is anything that you like and what you need modern baby - Dynamic stories, funny poems, riddles, comics, answers to numerous "How? What for? Why?". Fascinating materials about nature and animals, as well as educational games, classes for "skillful hands."
"Cheerful lessons" - Colorful children's cognitive magazine - invites you to go to exciting travel through the knowledge pages. For you, funny stories, fairy tales, riddles, games, crafts, useful advice, scenarios of matinees and performances.
"Phil". Self interesting information about wildlife, reports from the zoo, cheerful quiz, environmental games, travel of famous naturalists. Each room has an additional coloring tab.
"Children's Encyclopedia". Thematic magazine for children and adolescents is the answer to any question, the abundance of the clarity of color photographs. Briefly and interesting about the most important thing.
Journal "CHATYKA" - This is the way to the fascinating world of the book for younger schoolchildren. The characters of the magazine - the boy Critika and the wise council from the room in the room traveling the fabulous world of the book, fun, but convincingly proving that "reading is the best teaching" and "Book - Your spiritual defense"
Novel-newspaper magazine for middle and older children. This is an assistant to guys and teachers: much of what is being held in the lessons of history, literature, geography, biology. In a fascinating form, you can read on the pages of this magazine: the stories and stories of Russian and foreign classics and the best modern writers, fairy tales, historical works, narration about artists and museums.
"Young naturalist". It has been over 80 years. "Pages of the Red Book", "Notes of Naturalist", "Secrets of the Seas and Oceans" and many other categories talk about the world around the world and fauna. In addition, the magazine has the "Council of Aibolit" for homemade pets, interesting crafts in the "DIY", informative puzzles in the "Games Games".

In addition to magazines that have come out for many years, there are currently a huge variety of new products of printed products that can be divided into two groups: entertainment and informative. The entertainment, for example, includes Mikki-Mouse magazines, Barbie, Tom and Jerry. This is a selection merry comics with heroes of popular cartoons. Age audience without restrictions. These publications are designed to entertain children, developing information in them, just pictures with comments. A circle cognitive magazines Very wide. Among them can be noted "Tomka and Company", "Phil", "Swirl" and "Swirl", "Winnie Pooh", "Fairy Tale magazine". These magazines in children affordable for children talk about nature and animals, art and history. Poems are printed in them modern authors and classics. Materials are combined on thematic content. Such magazines include entertaining part. As a result, young readers in a game form will know the world and at the same time joined the world of reading. Want to learn more about these and other magazines - come to the library of our city! The central children's library discharges the largest number of interesting and educational magazines for every taste and age. Children's magazines discharge all children's libraries, and libraries with a children's subscription.

Children's magazine "Cheerful Pictures": Features

In a large family of Soviet
Magazines and newspapers
Today is the most childhood
The log is published.
His reader too
Still quite small
But less and younger
Reader magazine.
Magazine and child -
Have a good trip!
Let them be ahead
Grow, grow, grow!
S.Ya. Marshak (Oda in honor of the exit
first log number)

Children's humorous magazine "Cheerful pictures" appeared in 1956 in the period "Khrushchev thaw."

The name for the magazine was chosen very carefully. Publishers focused on a reader audience consisting of small children who are undoubtedly loved to consider exciting images. It soon turned out that adults began to read the magazine "Cheerful Pictures". The edition from this moment has become "semey", there were added stories, poems, riddles and counters.

After some time, the children's magazine "Funny pictures" appeared a painted patron and a pencil symbol. Pencil is a very kind and funny little man who has a red griffel instead of the nose. He dressed very intelligently - in the blue blouse with a red bow on the neck and elegant takes.

The popularity of the Merry Pictures magazine received immediately after the first issue is released, hitting the scarce publications due to print restrictions.

The most amazing in the rooms of the magazine "Funny pictures" from the archive is that they are not at all susceptible to the censorship of Soviet times, such privileges had no edition of that time. The magazine was also the only publishing in the USSR, which did not publish information about the death of the head of state, which was then mandatory for all printed media.

Children's humorous magazine "Cheerful Pictures" noted its 55 anniversary. But his essence almost changed, on his pages he continues to bear the burdens, optimism and excellent mood.

If there is no possibility to buy a publication in stores - not trouble, download the magazine "Funny pictures" offers many sites on which not only a fresh number is represented, but also the archive.

The author's composition of the children's magazine "Cheerful pictures" is simply no equal. None of the journal did not work such a number of famous writers, poets, artists .... In the magazine "Cheerful Pictures" you can read the first works of now known authors of that period, when many publishers refused to publish them.

Special contribution to the work of the journal "Cheerful Pictures" was made by:

· Ivan Semenov is a popular cartoonist of the "Crocodile" newspaper, it was him that he owned the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a publication, the first editor of the magazine.
· Samuel Marshak - author of ODD for the magazine.
· Korean Chukovsky, Agnia Barto, Sergey Mikhalkov, Evgeny Vedernnikov, Vladimir Suteev - team authors of stories and articles;
· Ivan Maksimovich Semenov - People's Artist of the USSR, who invented the symbol of the magazine - a pencil.
· Nina Ivanova - editor of the magazine since 1972.
· Ruben Warsham - artist, chief Editor Edition since 1977.
· Victor Bivovarov, Valery Dmitryuk, Ilya Kabakov, Eduard Gorokhovsky, Alexander Mitta - Artists of Nonconformists and caricaturists of the new generation Sergey Tinyn and Oleg Tleruser - who started from 1977, made a different meaning to the work of the publication - notes of rebirth and the struggle for freedom, What was forbidden in magazines "for adults".
· Victor Bivovarov - the creator of the modern logo of the magazine (1979).
· Eduard Asspensky, Andrei Usachev, Evgenia Milutka begins to publish their first work for "funny pictures" in the 80s of the last century.
· Inna Antipenko - chief editor since 2000.

Journal "Funny Pictures" - For more than 50 years, give the reader optimism, joy and burdens!