A comic tale about a turnip. "Turnip" in a new way: a scenario for playing out. The plot about the teremok in a new way for a fun company

One of my favorite staged fairy tales, alterations, I know it from the days of my exuberant pioneer youth. Then there was still no Internet in our USSR and, of course, in the form in which I remembered it, although it was interesting, but not very. I honestly admit that here I am describing a scene that I connected with my memories and that I stole from another site, I no longer remember from which one. You've probably all heard about this fairy tale in a new way and perhaps participated more than once.

So the participants: you need 7 people + a leader.

Props and distribution of roles.

You can simply invite 7 people, build them in a row, for example, by height, and only then announce that now they will show the Turnip fairy tale in a new way. You can use the method I described in the scene, i.e. find riddles about heroes and whoever guesses whom will play this hero. You can also prepare props: grandfather-a stick or stick, grandma-headscarf, granddaughter-hat and / or glasses, bug-bag, cat-scarf around the neck with a bow, mouse-handkerchief. Maybe someone else will have ideas about which props to use, write in the comments, let's together make the tale even more interesting.

The words of the heroes of the tale.

The words of the heroes are always the same and they must pronounce them as soon as they hear that the presenter named the name of the hero in his text.

Turnip - Here I am!

Grandfather - And Seryozha is great!

Grandma - We are all bitches!

Granddaughter - Right now, I'll paint my nails!

Bug - What do you want?

Cat - Tired of like dogs!

Mouse - Who's there?

So, the presenter reads the text, the artists depict the scene, each with their own words. You can just take the original, everyone knows the Turnip fairy tale by heart, or you can also take this option, in my opinion it is more interesting.

Tale Turnip in a new way.

Somehow early, hot summer, grandfather decided to sow turnips,
Which I did on Monday, in spite of the fatigue.
Chernobyl was not far off, the turnip grew huge.

Grandfather wanted to tug at her, nothing happened.
He then went for grandma, she watched TV shows,
Grandfather called her for help.
Grandma reluctantly flooded.

A woman and a grandfather are pulling a turnip, she doesn’t give in.
Grandma's head aches, and grandfather's loins.
The granddaughter passed by, returned from the disco,
Grandfather called her for help, promised that he would take it as a share.

And although this granddaughter had critical days,
She came to their aid, and the three of them got down to business.
Regardless of attempts, turnips are not one iota,
Grandfather swallows valerian, granddaughter injects grandmother with a syringe.

She ran past the bug, kept her way in the trash,
I wanted to have breakfast there, the poor thing overcame hunger.
Zhuchka's granddaughter invited me to provide help,
She, although she did not like turnips, did not refuse to help.

But all efforts are in vain, turnip, as if someone is holding,
Grandma whips valerian, granddaughter injects grandfather with a syringe.

The cat passed by about its cat business,
The bug invited the cat, the cat immediately refused,
But, sensing the valerian, the cat immediately agreed,
And the company for the new five got down to business.

Only there is no sense, the turnip did not even swing,
The cat whips valerian, the granddaughter injects a vein with a syringe.

The mouse ran past, the cat caught the mouse,
And she demanded menacingly that she would come to the rescue.

The mouse has nowhere to go, it cannot refuse,
But the granddaughter and grandmother escaped, because they are afraid of mice.

The cat immediately got angry, and let's yell at the mouse! -
You bastard ripped us off the harvest ?!
After these accusations, the cat swallowed the mouse.

The cat was not lucky, too, the bug also wanted to eat.
But the bug did not enjoy a delicious dinner for long,
Grandpa Zhuchka ate for dinner because he was Korean.

Scenario of the tale "Turnip" for the 2nd junior group.

Goal. Development of children's creative abilities by means of theatrical art.


1. To create favorable conditions for the development of a sense of partnership in children, the development of ways of positive interaction with adults and peers; contribute to the development of the child's personality;

2. To instill a steady interest in literature, theater, music;

3. To improve the performance skills of children;

4. Encourage children to create new images, promote the development of ways of emotional expression, self-realization, self-expression,

5. To promote the development of mental processes, qualities and personality traits - imagination, independence, initiative, emotional responsiveness.

Characters: Grandfather, Grandma, Turnip, Granddaughter, Bug, Cat, Mouse, Storyteller.

Scenery on stage: hut, vegetable garden.


Lived in the same village Ded

Together with Babka for many years.

Once I wanted grandfather

Steamed turnip for lunch.


Well, I guess I'll go

And I'll plant a turnip.


I went to the garden and planted a turnip.


Grow sweet turnip

Grow a big turnip.


The turnip has grown to fame

What is this miracle of miracles?

Turnip - almost to heaven!

Grandfather decided to pull out the turnip.

But it was not there-

One is not strong enough.

What to do? How to be here?

Call Grandma to help!

Grandfather (waves his hand):

Grandma, Grandma. where are you?

Help me to pull the turnip!

(Grandma grabs Dedka, trying to pull the turnip).


Once, that's it!

Two - that's it!

Oh! Do not pull out in any way!

You know, our hands are loose.

Let's call Granddaughter for help!


Come on, Granddaughter, run,

Help me to pull the turnip!

(Granddaughter runs out, grabs Grandma. They try to pull out the turnip).


Once, that's it!

Two - like that!

No! Do not pull out in any way!


That's a turnip! What a vegetable!

Know, you have to call for help ...


Bug! Zhuchenka! Run,

Help me to pull the turnip!

(Bug runs out, barking, grabs the granddaughter).


Here, the Bug is ready to help,

(Clings to the Granddaughter).

Once, that's it!

Two - like that!

Oh! Do not pull out in any way ...

Know you have to click the cat

To help a little.


Cat Murka, run

Help me pull the turnip!

(Stepping softly, the Cat comes out).


Once, that's it!

Two - like that!

Oh! Do not pull out in any way ...

Let's call, perhaps, Mouse ...

Hiding somewhere, coward!


Mouse-Mouse, come out!

Help me to pull the turnip!

(Mouse runs).


This mouse is very strong!

Stronger than a bear, stronger than an elephant!

One can pull a turnip,

She doesn't need help at all!

Well, Grandfather, grab the turnip,

Well, Grandma, hold on to Grandfather,

Granddaughter and you are not lazy:

Take hold of Grandma more tightly.

Bug for Granddaughter, Cat for Bug,


Pee pee!

Do you want a turnip? Pull together!


So they pulled out a turnip,

That she sat firmly in the ground.

(The turnip is pulled out, everyone falls).

Narrator ( addresses the audience):

Is the Mouse's strength great?

This friendship won!

Eat to health, Grandfather,

Your long-awaited lunch!

That's the end of the fairy tale,

And who listened - well done!

The artists bow.

Good afternoon, dear guests!

Another turnip-alteration for entertainment at the holiday. So the heroes are the same, they need 8 people, together with the presenter, but the text will be different, the host reads it. The actors say the words not when they hear the name of their hero, but when the presenter gives a sign, which must be agreed in advance. Before starting the story, I recommend a glass of drink, it will be more fun.

Grandfather "Will live! Fucked up mother! "

Grandma "Another needs strength"

Granddaughter "Well, think about it"

Bug “Let me eat! Bones are not enough for me! "

Cat "Where do you roam, my happiness"

Mouse “Fir trees are fires! Sha! Atas! "

Turnip "Now I am your first friend"

Think over the props, costumes for the heroes, you need to invite the biggest guest to the role of a mouse, you can play female roles - men and vice versa. A boy and a girl will look funny in the role of grandfather and grandmother.

You can play background music from "Village of Fools"

Without worries and without longing,
Somewhere near the river.
Once upon a time there was a grandfather Kolya, (out)
It seems not an alcoholic,
Although I was in my old years,
He stood firmly on his feet.
Although I poured it in the morning,
but he lived gloriously - he did not know worries.
The bastard will drink, let's shout:

"Will live! Mother is edren! " (leaves)

Grandma Anna lived with him, (out)
Oh, and it was harmful!
The growth of a giantess, the disposition of a chieftain.
She also had no life from her grandfather's drink.
Grandfather is on a binge - she is to a neighbor, for an intimate conversation.
Although at the same time she repeated:

"Another needs strength" (leaves)

The granddaughter was staying there.
This granddaughter is just power.
In a mini skirt - but a slit!
Like in a skirt, like without.
Breasts - bulk melons.
Lips - filled with juice.
And of course the miracle of the leg,
Like a Playboy cover.
Like a rose blossomed:

"Well, think about it" (leaving.)

And on the farm at the grandfather
It was, except for a trifle,
Two goats, and a vegetable garden,
Yes, the dog is at the gate.
Nimble, glorious, male. (Out)
And by the nickname - Little Ponytail.
Not at all from bragging,
He was just without a tail.
Either God did not give him,
Either he tore off where.
But lack of waving
Nobody annoyed.
The dog barked rather sluggishly:

“Let me eat! Bones are not enough for me! ”(Leaving)

Murka the cat lived there. (Out)
She was neat.
Whiskas ate, drank juice
And slept on the armchair.
Murka was young
And protected innocence.
And in the dreams of their girls,
I was waiting for the young prince.
There is bad weather in her soul:

"Where you roam my happiness!" (Leaving)

There lived freely the Mouse. (Out)
He was the strongest and taller of all.
The whole village of Mouse knew
He was the first bouncer
In a village tavern,
Under the name "SAKE"
And all the people in the village
The mouse called - mordovorot
It's just a class to communicate with him:

“Fir trees are burning, Sha! Atas! ”(Leaving)

Now you all know the inhabitants of their house.

One day in early May, an alcoholic old man
The thought appeared in reality.
He decided to plant a turnip,
He went out into the field at dawn, (exit grandfather)
I put the grains in the ground,
I buried it. Poured water. Said

"We will live, mother, mother!"

And he went to hand over the glass. (Leaving)
And then he went into a binge
And I forgot about my root.

Well, summer at this time
It was generous with the heat.
The turnips were ripe, poured, (out)
Yes, I washed my face with the rains.
So by autumn she
Has become large and strong.
All around admired:

"Now I am your first friend"

My grandfather went out to the field (out) - look:

"We will live, mother, mother!"

The old man pulled himself up,
The old belt burst
A frail movement, though such tension.
And for Turnip, at least that.
Grandfather tried it again!
But there is no progress:

"We will live, mother, mother!"

And he went out of the field, (leaving)
Finish your moonshine.

At this time from a neighbor
Grandma walked after the conversation. (Off)
Grandma sees - a turnip in the field,
The fields are twice as large.
Pulls like that. Yes, it pulls that way.
Yes, no strength, the stock has dried up.
In vain I went to a neighbor:

"Another needs strength" (leaving)

And stumbled on the porch
She crawled to the stove
Sends the granddaughter to Light (vy)
Pull turnips for dinner.

The granddaughter raised an eyebrow:

"Well, think about it"

I went out into the field to pick a turnip
And he doesn't know how to become her.
It will push her sideways.
That will press on the contrary.
The girl tore stockings
And Turnip is where it was.
The granddaughter spat with annoyance
And she left to change outfits. (Leaving)

The fence has a little tail
So it tears its strap
To eat first.
Little tail untied, (out)
They ordered to pull the turnip.
I ran up to grab my teeth
And let's shake her.
Only the turnips are all in place,
He smiles, sits and moves the tops.
Kobelek made this pssssss out of annoyance (peeing)
He also jumped for a minute
And wearily wandered into the booth. (Leaving)

Well, the cat was resting on the porch
And I saw the whole picture. (Out)
Passions suddenly boiled in Murka:

"Where you roam my happiness"

She wanted so badly
Apply your own maturity.
I pulled my paws
She pouted her lips in a bow.
I crept up behind Repa
And as claws dug.
I pulled that is strength.
Only blunt claws.
She dusted herself off, bent
And she returned on the armchair. (Leaving)

Then I woke up from a drinking bout
Kolya's grandfather, in an old bed.
And I decided to attract the people,
Go out to the garden together. (Out)
I made a circle around Turnip:

(Turnip) "Now I am your first friend"

Grandfather grabs the tops, squeezes the back and muscles.
The grandmother of my grandfather's trousers clutches in two hands.
The granddaughter also came running and pretended to be in a pose.
The wretch little tail grabbed her stocking.
Well, the murka dog is looking for a tail in the trail, it's not there.
Murka was very surprised, she grabbed the paw of the little tail.
Here they are pulling that Turnip, pulling.
Only forces wither, wither.
Let's yell at everyone:

"We will live our mother"

Granny answers nicely:

"Another needs strength"

The granddaughter has already brought everyone:

"Well, think about it"

The dog whines again at first:

"Let me eat, bones are not enough for me"

Murka straight hisses with passion:

"Where you roam my happiness"

Heavy that burlak howl
Then the Hero heard the Mouse. (Out)
For disassembly in the garden
Mordovorot hurried.
And I decided to help at least once:

“Fir trees are burning! sha! atas! "

He slowly approaches Rep,
He looks around everyone with an impudent look
Turnip tenderly hugs.
And he takes it out of the garden.
All gathered around:

"Now I am your first friend"

Here our people stretched out,
Startled, looked back
And he went to drink moonshine,
Fortunately, he is always there.
A feast in the village
Moonshine flows like a river.
And our story ends:

“Fir trees are burning! sha !, atas! "

Good holidays to you, dear guests!

Tales "Turnip" and "Kolobok" are familiar to us from childhood. Now we will try to remember them, but we will do it "in an adult way." Interesting scenes with all familiar heroes will decorate any holiday and amuse all guests.

Try these tales of rework for the drunk company by roles!

Merry tale "Turnip" for adult holidays

First you need to choose seven people who will participate in the scene. We need one presenter.

Participants should learn their roles, but don't be discouraged - the words are very simple and easy to remember. Guests of almost any age category can participate in the scene.

The leader must say the name of the hero, and he, in turn, his own words. In this competition, participants can sit at a table. The exception is the turnip, which should be located on a chair and constantly do something.

During the scene, the presenter should not be silent, but, if possible, comment on what is happening.

The stage requires musical accompaniment. It is advisable to choose Russian folk music. If you wish, you can give prizes to the best actors.

Turnip - Hey, man, remove the handles, I'm still underage!
Grandfather - Oh, my health has already become bad.
There will be a booze now!
Baba - Something my grandfather has ceased to satisfy me.

Granddaughter - I'm almost ready!
Hey, grandfather, grandma, I'm late, my friends are waiting for me!
Bug - Are you calling me a bug again? I'm actually a bug!
This is not my job!

Cat - what is the dog doing on the playground? I will feel bad now - I have an allergy!
Mouse - Maybe we'll have a drink?

Modern fairy tale "Kolobok" for a fun company

What other tales by roles are there for a drunk company? This tale should also involve about seven participants. Accordingly, you need to choose actors who will play the roles of grandmother, grandfather, hare, fox, kolobok, wolf, and also a bear.

Grandfather and grandmother had no children. They were completely disappointed, but their whole life was changed by the bun. He became their salvation and hope - they doted in him.

For example:

The grandfather and grandmother were already tired of waiting for the kolobok and constantly looked into the distance, hoping for his return, but he never came.
The moral of this fable is as follows: You should not rely on the love of a kolobok, but rather have your own children.

A funny tale for active guests of the celebration

We select five actors who will play the role of a chicken, a king, a bunny, a fox and a butterfly. The presenter should read the text:

“The fairy-tale kingdom was ruled by an optimist king. He decided to take a walk in the beautiful park and jumped up all the way, waving his arms.

The king was very joyful and saw a beautiful butterfly. He decided to catch her, and the butterfly only mocked him - and screamed obscene words, and twisted faces, and showed her tongue.

Well, then the butterfly got tired of mocking the king, and flew into the forest. The king was not very offended, but only more amused and began to laugh.

The cheerful king did not expect that a bunny would appear in front of him and got scared, having got into the pose of an ostrich. Bunny did not understand why the king was standing in such an inappropriate position - and he was frightened himself. There is a bunny, legs trembling - and screams in an inhuman voice, asks for help.

At this time, the proud fox returned to work. The beauty worked at a poultry farm and carried a chicken home. As soon as she saw the bunny and the king, she was frightened. The chicken did not lose the moment and jumped out, hitting the fox on the back of the head.

The chicken turned out to be very lively and first of all pecked the king. The king straightened up in surprise and took a normal pose. The bunny became even more scared, and she jumped onto the arms to the fox, taking her by the ears. The fox realized what to do with legs - and ran.

The king looked around, laughed and decided to continue on his way with the chicken. They grabbed the handles and walked towards the castle. Nobody knows what will happen next with the chicken, but the king will definitely treat her to delicious champagne, like all the other guests of the celebration. "

The presenter invites the audience to pour glasses and drink to the king and chicken.

A funny fairy tale for a company of adults

First of all, you need to pick up heroes. Both animate and inanimate objects will take part in this tale.

It is required to select heroes for the role of a kitten and magpie. You need to choose guests who will play the role of the sun, wind, paper and the porch.

Participants must portray what their hero needs to do.

“The little kitten went out for a walk. It was warm and the sun was shining, giving everyone its rays. The cute kitten lay down on the porch and began to look at the sun, constantly squinting.

Suddenly talkative magpies sat down on the fence in front of him. They argued about something and conducted a very loud dialogue. The kitten became interested, so he began to crawl carefully to the fence. The magpies did not pay any attention to the baby and continued to rattle.

The kitten almost got to its target and jumped, and the birds flew away. The kid did not succeed, and he began to look around, hoping to find another hobby.

A light breeze began to blow in the street - and the kitten drew attention to a piece of paper that rustled. The kitten decided not to waste the moment and pounced on its target. After scratching it a little and biting it, he realized that he was not interested in a simple sheet of paper - and let him go. The paper flew further, and from where a rooster suddenly appeared.

The rooster was very proud and raised its head high. The bird stopped and crowed. Then hens came running to the rooster and surrounded him from all sides. The kitten realized that he had finally found something to entertain himself with.

Without hesitation, he rushed to the chickens and took one of them by the tail. The bird did not allow itself to be offended and pecked painfully. The animal was very scared and began to run away. However, everything was not so simple - a neighbor's puppy was already waiting for him.

A small dog started jumping on the kitten and wanted to bite. The kitten realized that it was necessary to return home and painfully hit the dog with his nails. The puppy got scared and missed the kitten. It was then that the kitten realized that he was a winner, even if he was wounded.

Returning to the porch, the kitten began to lick the wound left by the chicken, and then stretched out to sleep. The kitten had strange dreams - and all the time he twitched his paws in his sleep. This is how the kitten got to know the street for the first time. "

The stage ends with thunderous applause from the guests. If you wish, you can award the most artistic actor with a prize.

Interesting scene for birthday and other adult holidays

I knew that Kudryavtsev had not forgotten my shot and did not trust me. Despite the fact that we spent the night in secret, he is wary of me. He could not trust an intelligent youth who knew nothing about the war.

Until I met Kudryavtsev, I did not know that I was such a bad soldier. After all, I could not even wrap the footcloths normally and sometimes, when I was told "to the left", I turned in the opposite direction. Besides, I was not at all friends with the shovel.

Kudryavtsev did not understand me, when reading any news, I commented on it and released spatial comments. At that time, I was not yet a member of the party - and Kudryavtsev already then for some reason expected some kind of trick from me.

Very often I caught his eye on myself. What did I see in his gaze? Probably that I am untrained and inexperienced, but he forgives me for now, but one more mistake - and he will kill me! I wanted to get better and made a promise to myself that I would definitely be a disciplined soldier and learn everything that was necessary. I had a chance to show all my abilities in practice.

We were sent to guard the bridge, which was often fired upon. A lot of reinforcements and literature were constantly going to the place of work ...

My job was to check the passes of people who were crossing the bridge. Whites often opened fire on the post where I was. The shells hit the water and sprayed me. The shells were falling near me, and the bridge was already destroyed. Any minute could be the last one for me, but I gave myself a condition that I would not leave the bridge anyway.

How did I feel? I did not feel fear - I was already ready for death. I saw beautiful landscapes in the distance, but they did not please me. I felt that I would not leave this post. However, one thought made me stand further - Kudryavtsev sees me and approves of my actions.

It seemed to me that I had been at this post for several hours, but in fact only a few minutes - as long as it took Kudryavtsev to reach me. I did not understand what Kudryavtsev needed from me. Then he pulled me hard by the belt, and I came to myself.

- Quickly left here! The man said.

As soon as we left the bridge, a strong shell hit him.

- See what's going on? Why were you standing there? Because of you, I could have been killed!

I sighed, but Kudryavtsev did not finish.

- However, you are still great, as you showed that you know the charter and was indestructible. You should be commended. But even if this is a matter of the past, I would like you to use your brains. The bridge was destroyed long ago, why were you standing there? What was the point in that? Was everyone ready to check the passes? If you were smarter, and did not go to the post yourself, I would not punish you!

5 / 5 ( 12 votes)

Every person in our country knows the turnip tale. Yes, my grandfather grew vegetables. Or what is it ... a berry? Not the point. The main thing is that we have a first fairy tale about this for you and your friends.

The fairy tale will be held in the form of an impromptu. The presenter reads the text, and when the name of the actor is mentioned in the text, he pronounces his phrase.

Everything is clear and easy. Let's take a look.

- turnip (words: tired of waiting)

- grandfather (words: eh, where are my 17 years)

- grandma (words: my pancakes are the most delicious)

- granddaughter (words: I love to dance)

- bug (words: better than homeless)

- cat Masha (words: moore, I like it)

- mouse (words: I'm in a mink)

Once upon a time there was a grandfather ( eh, where are my 17 years old) and grandma ( my pancakes are the most delicious). And they had a granddaughter ( i love to dance). The granddaughter had a bug dog ( better this way than homeless), the cat Masha ( moore i like), and a mouse lived in the subfield ( i'm in a mink). And I was also with my grandfather ( eh, where are my 17 years old) his vegetable garden, where he planted vegetables. And he was especially proud of his turnips ( tired of waiting). Autumn has come, and it was time to pull out the turnip ( tired of waiting).

Let's go grandfather ( eh, where are my 17 years old) pull out the turnip ( tired of waiting). Pulls pulls, but cannot pull! Grandfather called ( eh, where are my 17 years old) grandma ( my pancakes are the most delicious). They began to pull together: grandma ( my pancakes are the most delicious) for the grandfather ( eh, where are my 17 years old), and the grandfather ( eh, where are my 17 years old) for a turnip ( tired of waiting). If they pull it, they cannot pull it!

Then they decided to ask the granddaughter ( i love to dance) to help them. The granddaughter quit her job ( i love to dance), and came to help. The three of them became a turnip ( tired of waiting) drag. They pull, but she still does not go early.

A bug slept in the barn ( better this way than homeless). Her grandfather whistled ( eh, where are my 17 years old). And the four of them began to take out the turnip ( tired of waiting). They pull they pull, but they still can't pull.

I remembered the granddaughter ( i love to dance) about your kitty ( moore i like) and called her for help. The five of them began to pull the turnip ( tired of waiting). They pull pull, but she does not climb!

Well, apparently you will have to leave the turnip ( tired of waiting) in the ground - said the upset grandfather ( eh, where are my 17 years old). But then a mouse came running ( i'm in a mink) and said she could help. Once, and the mouse ( i'm in a mink) dived into the ground. Yes, how it bites the turnip ( tired of waiting) that she herself jumped out of the ground!

The grandfather is happy ( eh, where are my 17 years old), grandma smiles ( my pancakes are the most delicious), the granddaughter is dancing ( i love to dance), bug ( better this way than homeless) ran around Masha ( moore i like), and the mouse ( i'm in a mink) you yourself heard where she is. Everyone is happy and cheerful, because finally they will eat this delicious turnip ( tired of waiting)!

The next alteration fairy tale is the teremok. Here the actors must be given words. So that they learn them. Since the words are in verse, they learn easily. See:

The next tale is called Three Sisters. It is not very popular and not everyone will remember it. But it is a pleasure to show it at a holiday or just with friends. We look:

Remember the tale of the three little pigs? Now you can spend your evenings listening to this fairy tale and laugh and sow.

This is a musical fairy tale, and then everything depends on the actors themselves, who must play and show all the actions about which the fairy tales are told.

To listen to the tale and download it, follow the links below:

Fairy tales-alterations for a drunk company by roles
Fairy tales-alterations for a drunk company by roles. New Tales How good it is to sit with friends, drink beer and discuss the latest news. But sooner or later, simple gatherings will bore you too.

Source: xn —– 7kccduufesz6cwj.xn - p1ai

Funny fairy tale scene "Turnip".

This kind of entertainment, like playing funny fairy tales scenes at a birthday party, at a corporate party, appeared relatively recently and immediately gained popularity. Moreover, everyone wants to participate, especially if there are elements of dressing up.

Professional presenters and toastmasters are best prepared in this regard. They always have a certain set of things to transform: wigs, cool glasses, suits, skirts, funny ties, balls, sabers, weapons, musical instruments, masks, etc.

But at home you can play funny fairy tales too. Firstly, you can also find something suitable for dressing up, and secondly, the main thing is internal transformation, the ability to improvise, use your sense of humor and just fool around.

That is why funny, funny fairy tales of the scene go to "Hurray!" in a close, friendly company, in the circle of friends and relatives when celebrating a birthday, a holiday at home, at a corporate party.

Your attention is invited to play the famous fairy tale "About the turnip" and make it funny and cool. My recommendations for organizing this type of entertainment:

  1. The main thing is to correctly distribute the roles between the guests, taking into account their acting abilities.
  2. If possible, dress the actors in the appropriate costume or add some kind of clothing attribute so that you can see who it is?
  3. Makeup or makeup can be widely used
  4. Better that everyone has a text on a piece of paper or piece of paper
  5. The presenter reads the text of the tale about the turnip, making a stop at the place where the participants have to say their line.
  6. That is, every time you mention the role played by guests in a fairy tale scene, you need to say your own words or phrase. Naturally, you need to do this for a reason, but artistically and funny.

Here is the actual text for the fairy tale scene:

Grandma for the grandfather. Grandpa for a turnip. They pull - they pull, but they cannot pull.

Granddaughter for grandmother. Grandma for grandpa. Grandpa for a turnip. They pull - they pull, but they cannot pull.

A bug for a granddaughter. Granddaughter for grandmother. Grandma for the grandfather. Grandpa for a turnip. They pull - pull, but cannot pull.

Cat for the Bug. A bug for a granddaughter. Granddaughter for grandmother. Grandma for the grandfather. Grandpa for a turnip. They pull - pull, but cannot pull.

The mouse for the cat. Cat for the Bug. A bug for a granddaughter. Granddaughter for grandmother. Grandma for grandpa. Grandpa for a turnip. They pull - pull - and pulled out the turnip.

The guests utter the following phrases when their role in the fairy tale is mentioned:

Turnip - Man remove the handles, I'm still 18 and not!

Grandfather- I have become old, my health is not that!

Grandma- Recently, my grandfather does not satisfy me! (Preferably)

Granddaughter - Grandfather, grandmother, let's hurry, I'm late for the disco!

Cat - Get the dog off the playground, I'm allergic!

Mouse - Guys, maybe a stack?

These fairy tales funny scenes will take its rightful place in your collection of entertainment for adults at home, for a corporate party.

Among other things, there are other versions of this fairy tale scene. They will appear on this site shortly.

Scenario of a fairy tale for a corporate party with gags
This kind of entertainment, like playing funny fairy tales scenes at a birthday party, at a corporate party, appeared relatively recently and immediately gained popularity.

Source: prazdnik.korolevgg.com

Fairy tales in a new way for a corporate party and good mood

Corporate culture is an important factor in the environment in any company. If the organization has correctly formed the principles of corporate culture, people work with full dedication, and the company achieves its goals faster. Joint corporate events are another way to strengthen the friendly atmosphere and establish warm relations in the team.

There are many reasons for such events: calendar celebrations, company anniversaries, completion of important projects, birthdays of employees. Professional presenters, pop artists, singers, and dance groups are invited to hold the holidays.

Such performances do not require serious preparation, on the contrary - impromptu, improvisation is the most valuable thing in such productions. The costumes and decorations are selected stylized. Roles can be divided according to the character of the characters, but also by drawing lots. No rehearsals needed. Success depends a lot on the leader. Reading a fairy tale, placing pauses and accents, he helps artists.

There are several types of such fairy tales - shape-shifters. A pantomime-based tale does not involve memorizing texts. Each actor, getting used to his role (often an inanimate character), tries to illustrate the story of the presenter with gestures and body movements. Costumes and decorations are optional. Scenarios of fairy tales in a new way for a corporate party can be found on the Internet, or you can come up with yourself.

Fairy tale-pantomime for a corporate party

  • Characters:
  • Leading;
  • King and Queen;
  • Prince and Princess;
  • two Horses;
  • Oak and Puddle;
  • Breeze and Crow;
  • two Frogs;
  • Rogue serpent.

Action one

Host (V.): The curtain is opening!

(runs through the Curtain scene, imitating the opening of the curtains).

V .: Before us is a snow-covered meadow, and on it is a mighty spreading and slightly brooding Oak.

(Oak appears, swinging with mighty arms-branches).

V.: A young, imposing and slightly pensive Crow has settled comfortably on its strong branches.

(Crow appears and, croaking, "sits down" on the Oak).

Q: At the roots of the mighty oak, there is a wide, deep, ice-covered Puddle.

(If conditions do not allow Luzha to lie down, you can put a chair for her).

V .: in the Puddle, two cheerful green frogs freely croaked.

(Two Frogs jump out and, croaking, sit on different sides of the puddle; the Crow continues to croak, and the Oak continues to sway).

Q: Thunder is heard in the distance.

(Thunder appears, making loud sounds, shouting: "Fuck-tararah!").

Q: The curtain is closing!

(The curtain walks across the stage with its arms raised, imitating the closing of the curtains.)

Second action

Q: The curtain is opening! (The curtain returns to its place, repeating its movements only backwards).

V.: In a snow-covered glade, on the branches of a mighty spreading Oak, a pretty Crow sits, croaking at all the crow's throats. At the foot of the oak, a full-flowing Puddle spread, on which two croaking frogs perched.

(Participants repeat their movements, simultaneously accompanying the text).

V.: A fresh Breeze breathed, tickled the Crow's feathers, refreshed the wet paws of the Frogs.

(Breeze lifts the hair on the Crow's head and waves his hands at the Frogs).

Q: The beautiful Princess appears. She rides carelessly across the clearing and catches snowflakes.

(The princess duplicates the text with appropriate movements).

V: Suddenly, somewhere nearby, Horse # 1 whinnied. Prince Charming rode into the clearing, riding a young stallion.

(The first Horse appears with an exclamation of "Hoo-ho!" And the Prince Charming astride him).

Q: The prince and the princess met their eyes and were dumbfounded. They immediately fell in love with each other at first sight.

(The Prince and Princess first freeze, gazing intently, then bow).

Q: The young couple's curls were gently ruffled by a fresh breeze. Having played enough with the lovers, a fresh breeze sat under the wing of the Crow.

(The breeze repeats the movements along the text).

Q: Suddenly there was a rumble of thunder, and the Oak trembled with all his mighty body. A crow with a croak in panic flies south, and a fresh breeze follows it. The frightened Frogs began to croak.

(All of these actors portray and voice their roles).

Q: The Terrible Robber rode on his horse # 2. He takes the Princess with him.

(The Rogue on Horseback hugs the Princess and drags her along.)

Q: Everything is quiet. The prince sobs and tries to drown himself in a puddle of grief.

(The prince rests his head on Luzhe's lap and sobs loudly).

(The curtain runs backwards across the stage.)

Act three

Q: the curtain opens! (The curtain runs across the stage again, imitating the opening of the curtains).

Q: Within the walls of the castle, the King and Queen are crying, mourning their missing daughter. Everyone is crying, including Oak and Puddle.

(The King and Queen appear arm in arm, with loud sobs. Everyone greets them with bitter exclamations).

Q: The Prince asks the King and the Queen for blessing and rushes in search of the Princess.

(The prince kneels down in front of the Queen and she crosses him).

Q: Thunder rumbles again and the Rogue appears on his Horse. The Prince and the Rogue are fighting.

(Scene of the battle between the Prince and the Rogue on Horseback).

Q: The robber is defeated! A crow and a fresh breeze return from the south. A fresh breeze brings the young princess.

(The robber runs away, Breeze appears with the Princess in her arms).

Host: The King and Queen saw the prince and the princess and rushed to kiss everyone.

(The King and Queen kiss all the heroes of the fairy tale present).

Q: Then they heard the chimes. After all, they completely forgot that today is New Year, but they caught themselves in time and began to drink champagne.

Such a tale can be adapted to any season and any holiday.

A slightly complicated version of a fairy tale in a new way for a corporate party - by roles with text. The remarks are quite small and are repeated constantly throughout the entire production, after each mention of the leading character, creating a special charm for the actors.

"Turnip" - a fairy tale with voiced roles

For a fairy tale - improvisation, you need to prepare some props:

  • curtain (held by two participants);
  • a beard for a grandfather;
  • an apron for the grandmother;
  • a hat with a tail for a turnip;
  • elements of a dog, mouse and cat costume.
  1. Characters:
  2. Leading;
  3. A turnip with a replica "Oba, that's what I am ...";
  4. Grandfather - "I would kill, e-May"
  5. Grandma - "Where are my 17 years old?";
  6. Granddaughter - "I'm not ready";
  7. Dog Bug - "Well, you, damn it, give, dog work";
  8. Cat - “Get the dog off the playground! I have an allergy to her coat! I don't work without valerian!
  9. Mouse - Okay, gore you a mosquito? "

It's not bad if the role of the mouse that decides the whole problem belongs to the leader or hero of the occasion.

Host (V.): In Japan there is a theater where all roles - male and female - are played only by men. Today you are on tour with such a theater of 7 actors (invites those who wish) with a fairy tale in a new way for the Repka corporate party. ...

A small curtain is erected and the artists are hiding behind it.

Q: Dear viewers! See the fairy tale in a new way, don't you want to? Surprisingly familiar, but with some additions ... in one, well, very rural, area very far from being famous, there was a grandfather.

Grandfather: I would kill, e-May!

V.: and grandfather planted a turnip.

Turnip: O-ba-na! Here I am!

Q: Our turnip has grown big, very big!

(Repka emerges from behind the curtain)

Repka: Oba, that's what I am!

Q: Grandfather began to pull the turnip.

Grandfather: (leaning out from behind the curtain) Would kill, e-May!

Repka: Oba, that's what I am!

V .: Grandfather called Babka.

Grandfather: I would kill, e-May!

Grandma (emerging over the curtain): Where are my 17 years ?!

Grandma: Where are my 17 years old?

Host: Grandma for grandpa ...

Grandfather: I would kill, e-May!

Q: Grandpa for a turnip ...

Repka: Oba, that's what I am!

Host: They pull, pull - they cannot pull. Calling Grandma ...

Grandma: Where is my 17 years old?

Granddaughter: I'm not ready yet!

Q: Didn't you make up your lips? Granddaughter came ...

Granddaughter: I'm not ready yet!

Q: I took up Grandma ...

Grandma: Where is my 17 years old?

V .: Grandma for Dedka ...

Grandpa: I would kill, e-May!

Q: Grandpa for a turnip ...

Turnip: both-na, that's what I am!

V .: pulling, pulling - they cannot pull out ... Granddaughter calls ...

Granddaughter: I'm not ready!

Bug: well, you damn it, give, dog work!

Host: A bug came running ...

Bug: Well, you, damn it, give, dog work ...

Host: I took on my Granddaughter ...

Host: Granddaughter for Grandma ...

Grandma: Where is my 17 years old?

V .: Grandma for Dedka ...

Grandfather: I would kill, e-May!

Host: Grandfather for Turnip ...

Repka: Oba, that's what I am!

V .: pull-pull - cannot pull out ... took the Bug ...

Bug: well, you, damn it, give, dog work!

Cat: Get the dog off the playground! I have an allergy to her coat! I don't work without valerian!

Host: a cat has come running and how it will grab a bug ...

Q: The bug screamed ...

Bug: (squealing) Well, you fucking give, dog work!

V.: Took on the granddaughter ..

Granddaughter: I'm not ready ...

V .: granddaughter - for Grandma ...

Grandma: Where is my 17 years old?

Host: Grandma - for Dedka ...

Grandfather: I would kill, e-May!

V .: Dedka - for the turnip ...

Q: They pull, pull, and cannot pull. Suddenly the Mouse appears from the barn with a wide step ...

V.j: Out of need she went out and she did it under the Cat.

Cat: Take the dog away. Allergy to my wool, without valerian - I do not work!

Host: How will he scream with indignation ... Mouse ...

Mouse: Okay, gore you a mosquito?

V .: grabbed the Cat, the Cat ...

Cat: Take the dog away, I'm allergic to his coat, I don't work without valerian!

Host: the cat again grabbed the Bug ...

Bug: Well, you fucking give, dog's work!

Host: The bug grabbed the granddaughter ...

Granddaughter: I'm not ready ...

Q: The granddaughter flies to the grandmother ...

Grandma: Where is my 17 years old?

Q: Grandma broke into Dedke ...

Grandfather: e-May, I would kill!

V .: here the mouse got angry, pushed the people aside, grabbed the tops and pulled out a root crop! Yes, you see, by all indications this is not a simple mouse!

Mouse: Okay, gore you a mosquito?

Repka: Oba, that's what I am ...

(The turnip jumps out and falls. Wiping away tears, Turnip hits the floor with a hat.)

Fairy tales in a new way for a corporate party and good mood
You can invite Galkin or Baskov to a festive corporate event. If this is not your option, try to put the fairy tale in a new way with the team: an explosion of emotions and a festive mood are guaranteed.

Source: otprazdnuem.com


  • Turnip
  • Lukomorye
  • 12 months
  • flying ship
  • Morozko
  • By the pike's command
  • Teremok
  • The Bremen Town Musicians

Fairy tale script for corporate party by roles

Whom else should we congratulate?

Where it's fun, believe me, always.

But to shorten our path

Don't go around the big sea

Let's go with you through the Lykomorye.

We can't live without dramas

We cannot live without miracles.

(looking around) Where did Santa Claus disappear?

Cat - I am the Cat scientist in the Lykomorye,

I go everywhere without knowing grief;

To the right - I will give out an anecdote.

The Snow Maiden appears. Pugacheva's song "Think of something" sounds. Appeals to the Cat.

New Year's Eve.

You can do everything, you are the smartest

You can help me.

There is misfortune, as luck would have it:

Santa Claus was suddenly stolen;

What a holiday without him.

Well, how can I solve this problem here?

Snow Maiden - Come up with something, come up with something,

Think of something to give me my grandfather.

Lovely and beautiful.

Drag into the pond.

Let's purr with you,

It's good for the two of us.

Is it really so difficult for you?

Cat (waving away) - Well, go to the good fellows.

And you would dance sirtaki.

Straight clockwork as if from behind,

Like an Energizer in a unit.

Go straight from us into the swamp,

If you dare to go there.

And you will answer for the sritaki!

How the swamp sucked us in.

(to Kikimora) And you, Kikimora, so often

You look unhappy.

But there is no more patience.

Oh, to whom did I give

So many best years.

Others have husbands like people;

Just give them a hint

And immediately there will be renewal ...

Water (looks at Kikimora in surprise and wants to argue with her)

Kikimora - Let me tell you, don't interrupt!

I'm like iron today.

It's just useless.

Water - I told you yesterday from the mud

I got a cool fur coat,

Leatherette boots

I searched for eight whole days.

I take out everything that you dream

Just throw a cry right away.

You won't let me go

Hunt game.

I'm like iron today.

Don't interrupt me, don't interrupt me

It's just useless.

So there are only one frog.

And tell the truth something

They are very small.

Cleaning them is one concern -

There is only one trouble for me.

Wow hunting;

I would have shot a boar.

I'm like iron today.

Don't interrupt me, don't interrupt me

It's just useless.

Swamp, mud, H2O.

Where to go? Where to run,

To find Santa Claus?

Snow Maiden - Really bucks? How many?

I hope a little?

Granny hedgehog 1 - He captured Santa Claus,

He imprisoned him in prison.

Grandma hedgehog 2 - Straight Bin Laden.

Granny hedgehog 1 - Not long ago he went to the bank;

Grandma hedgehog 2 - What did you find there?

Granny hedgehog 1 - For all his wealth, he

I bought two bills there.

I was lying badly.

Already with me (takes out a bill from his pocket)

Granny hedgehog 1 - Yeah, that's the way it is

Grandma hedgehog 2 - What to do with him?

2 Grandma-hedgehog - The weather must be deteriorating

And I'm burning all over because of the heat. (Puts his hand to his forehead)

1 Grandma-hedgehog - Let's call the vet.

We want to be healed urgently

And hurry up, we suffer so much!

Veterinarian - Don't worry, we are leaving.

Snow Maiden (addresses to Grandma-hedgehogs) - Your appearance is not very important,

As if everything hurts you,

You are just old women with disabilities.

Here is an elixir that makes you young. (takes out a bottle of vodka on which

written "Elixir of youth")

You take the elixir for yourself,

In return you give me the bill.

Come to us again.

Oh, what nerves, I was very unlucky.

I disappear, damn it, I disappear.

We must remember exactly who I was with yesterday and where.

I am lost, (where is the bill?) I am lost.

The Snow Maiden comes out. Koschey does not see her yet.

Koschey - For him, for him I will give everything and lose.

Koschey - Nothing, nothing, I don't understand anything.

Snow Maiden - Without him, without him, the fate is not yours.

So you fucking villain

I was able to capture Santa Claus,

To imprison him in a dungeon?

Here is Santa Claus such made:

Under forty cold here in the afternoon,

Well, just like the Chukchi we live;

Arranged eternal ice;

My bank account froze.

(addresses the Snow Maiden) You just find my bill

And go away with Santa Claus

Wherever you want, and hurry up

Perhaps it will be warmer here? (Br-r)

puts it on the floor)

Watch carefully, student.

Oh, birdie, look quickly! (points a finger to the sky,

Koschey looks up. At this time, the Snow Maiden puts a bill under her hat.

Koschey naturally does not see this. Then he looks at the hat, Snow Maiden

makes passes, raises his hat, there is a bill of exchange)

Isn't it this bill, Koschey?

Yes, you Snow Maiden is straight Kio!

You're just an ice rose;

(solemnly announces) And here is the exit of Santa Claus!

Atas! The boys are dancing

Girls are dancing, atas! "

But the tale is not the end; -

(looks into the hall) - The Old Year is coming to an end,

All honest people gathered.

Yes, this is just stunned;

Then it's time to sing a song.

We know very precisely

What we need to drink urgently

Smile just by chance.

Before we go down to you,

This tree is for us.

The script for a corporate event by roles assumes the presence of an organizer-director - director, who will distribute them and monitor the preparation of employees for the holiday. You can make your own costumes and props, or go to your local theater and rent them if you have a budget for your New Year's party.

Scenario of a fairy tale for a corporate party on the roles of "Lykomorye"
On the eve of the New Year, fairy tale scripts are very popular for organizing company holidays. In this case, the new mood of the corporate party is 100% secured.

Source: newyear.parte.info

A fairy tale for a corporate party for the New Year 2018

A fairy tale with gags for a corporate party for the New 2018 Dogs

The generally accepted and very erroneous opinion is that fairy tales should be exclusively the way we remember them from the lovely stories of mothers and grandmothers. But time passes, and progress does not stand still. The generation of the XXI century is very different from the people of the period when everyone's favorite stories about Little Red Riding Hood, Petya and singing guitars, the Nutcracker and 12 months were written. Today, young people, gathering for merry New Year's corporate parties, compose and coolly play old fairy tales in a new way. For example: "Chicken Ryaba" with a progressive grandmother and a walking grandfather, "Turnip" with a full set of colorful characters, "New Year's story" with Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Snowman, Baba Yaga and Leshim. In addition to traditional options, you can use modern fairy tales that combine the most incongruous sorrows. Usually their plot is composed of elements of several works and filled with gags, funny remarks, gestures, etc.

What cool fairy tales can be spent on a New Year's corporate party

Adult fairy tale with jokes for a corporate party for the New 2018 Dogs are presented on entertainment Internet sites in dozens and even hundreds of interesting options. Experienced presenters will always be able to quickly find and play the most suitable scenario. But you can refuse the services of a professional and try to unite the work collective even before the holiday. Invite employees to take part in drawing up the plot and text of the New Year's fairy tale, as well as in the subsequent participation in it. Having turned on a vivid imagination, you can all together think about:

  1. The name of the future fairy tale;
  2. Storyline;
  3. The place of action;
  4. A sufficient number of acting characters;
  5. Jokes and gags for everyone;
  6. A positive ending;

Meanwhile, a fairy tale can be written in prose or in poetic form, with a small or large number of characters, with or without music. To compose a script in a new way, you will have to fill the text with youth expressions, words from the professional jargon of the team, quotes from new fashion films or cartoons. Using these techniques, every potential author will be able to give the plot a modern look, even with the classic selection of characters.

Fairy tale "Kolobok" for a corporate party for the New Year by roles

The well-known tale in a new way "Kolobok" by roles is an ideal option for a corporate party for the New Year. The presenter can always go on stage and read out a funny rework piece with a cool plot and an unexpected ending. But sitting and listening is not what young labor collectives are used to doing at festive parties. Therefore, it recommends distributing roles between employees in advance, properly rehearsing a funny theatrical production and showing it in roles on New Year's Eve. Of course, the management and other colleagues should not advertise a future surprise, let it become a pleasant surprise for the audience in the hall.

The text of the fairy tale "Kolobok" for a corporate party for the New Year by roles, we have placed for you in the next section.

The text of an adult fairy tale "Kolobok" by roles for a New Year's corporate party

Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a grandmother. We slept side by side - for order. Grandfather had long forgotten how he loved his grandmother. Their relationship actually developed platonically. Well, this is not a fairy tale - a tale about how a miracle happened to them last summer. However, I will not run in. I'll tell you everything in order - I wrote it down in a notebook.

They lived modestly - without income. We ate radish, drank kvass. Here's a simple dinner every day: from time to time. It is on this sad note that I will begin my story.

Once "found" on the old man: "In the house somewhere there was definitely unaccounted for flour." He looks at the grandmother sternly, she quietly looks away.

- Yes, there is a little flour. There is, yes, not about your honor. You can't touch her with your unwashed face. I was going to bake pies for the birthday.

- What a vile snake I warmed in my house. Or don't you know me? Come quickly here - so that there is food on the table no later than half an hour. Maybe you don’t understand? I'm going to kill someone! I explain in English: veri hangri - to eat hunting.

- I will do everything this very hour. Drink the kvass for now. For such a fool I will bake a kolobok. All the same, there are no teeth - at least you will lick this ball.

- That's okay, that's wonderful. So at once. What are those difficult? Is it hard to understand me? Do you think I don't mind - to threaten with brute force? Just know, my dove. You are in my priority right behind the stomach. Even though you beat your forehead against the wall - do you understand who is more important?

The grandmother sighed sadly, waved her hand at him, putting another on the fold. It turned out to be a bad gesture. Silently kneaded the dough, warmed up a place in the oven. And having rolled that dough into a ball, right in the heat and heat, she brought it up with a grip and closed the oven with a damper. Here are the things.

The old man was glad to the gingerbread man, substituting both nostrils and inhaling the aroma.

- Did you observe every point in the recipe, old woman? I don't want to get poisoned by eating a bakery product alone?

- Eat, Iris, dear. If anything happens, potassium permanganate is at hand. Don't worry - we'll pump it out. Do not have time? Let's bury it! What have you changed in your face? You would, Vasya, pray.

- Okay, stop listening to nonsense - time is up, it's time to eat.

The grandfather takes the fork with his hand - he starts poking into the ball, he yells in horror:

- Help, guard. My grandfather pierced my side with a fork. This is what your mother is. You broke the tightness - I will flow in the rain.

- You are that ... Whose are you, child?

- Yours, my dears. Your outside - your inside. After all, I was made of your dough. I know everything.

- A miracle, a miracle happened. A child was born without love. Last year's flour gave us a son. Grandma, urgently drain all the leftovers into the toilet, without looking back. Enough to breed poverty - we are already having a hard time living. The bakery son jumped and bounced right off the stove. I will live with you: I am your son - I ask you to love. One is quite enough for us - although the ball is, it does not roll.

- I apologize, interrupting your moments of joy, I want to tell you firmly: I will file for alimony. I foresee complications, since I just started life - I received such rudeness.

- Are you a round brother? And roll. You kati-kati away. Forget about us altogether. Here is my father's order: - Get out of here, this very hour. Sorry for bread, there is no word. But I'm not a cannibal. I can’t lift the fork on my own blood. Although you cut me from the sides, I cannot eat sons. But there is no urine to see - go away. Roll through the light.

The gingerbread man, with a drawn-out sigh, said quietly:

- It doesn't matter. If you reasonably judge, how can I continue to live with you? My side will be browned across my throat. And one day in the spring, for my edible essence, I risk being in the form of croutons on the table. Don't miss me. I will not come back - just know it.

The gingerbread man rolled to the floor, muttering softly. His soft sides were slightly crippled. Having dispersed on the floor, he jumped up and adieu. Behind the fence, where the grass is, came his words:

- Greed will ruin the frayer. I left - fate will judge.

Cool fairy tale "Ryaba Hen" for a corporate party for the New Year 2018: script

We bring to your attention another cool fairy tale "Ryaba Chicken" in a new way with a script for the New Year's corporate party 2018. And also, a few recommendations for its preparation and conduct:

  • First of all, the participants are assigned to the roles: Grandma, Grandfather, Mouse, Wolf;
  • The presenter prints out the text of the tale for himself in advance, and key phrases for each participant:

Grandfather: Well, think about it, I can’t do anything without eggs.

Wolf: Oh, what are the passions here, here, it seems, is my happiness.

  • Actors for a fairy tale are dressed up in costumes, individual elements of costumes, paper masks or simple tablets with the name of the character;
  • The host prepares the inventory in a timely manner: a plate of eggs (foam), a chair, a bottle;
  • I read the scene with special expressiveness and emotional intensity, the actors, in turn, pronounce the crown phrases and play along with the script. It is better to read your roles from a piece of paper, so as not to confuse words in the heat of excitement;
  • All participants are awarded with small funny prizes.

Scenario of a cool fairy tale "Ryaba Chicken" for adults for the New Year

In a village by the river. Once upon a time there were old people.

Grandma Martha, grandfather Vasily, They lived well, did not grieve.

Guests sometimes went to them. And once they gave

Chicken - neither this nor that, "Pockmarked" grandfather called it.

But Ryaba was young, she laid a pot of eggs.

The grandmother takes them into her hands And she calls my grandfather into the house.

Puts a quarter of the moonshine. Village surge

And he broadcasts in his grandfather's ear:

Eggs return strength!

Grandfather Vasily took courage, flushed, brave.

Well, think, business And without eggs I can go anywhere.

Lo and behold, there is no snack on the table, grandfather got up his nose,

About strength, they say, she spoke, And I forgot the snack.

The grandmother lifted her sock And ran to the cellar.

And all at the same time repeats:

Eggs return strength.

Suddenly a bandit, a vigorous mother, Came to take away the eggs!

Well, think, business And without eggs I can go!

Then the Neighbor's Mouse came in, I was reputed to be Vertikhvostka.

She has only one thing on her mind:

Oh, a guy would be cooler than me!

He sees that there is one grandfather in the house. Somewhere you can see no money!

Thinks grandfather is so-so ...

Oh, a guy would be cooler than me!

One, but three would be better. And she went wagging her tail,

Seduce Grandpa Kolya.

Well, think of things ... And without eggs, I can go!

Now he will sit on his grandfather's knees, Or he will stroke his bald head,

Leads gently on the back ..

Oh, a guy would be cooler than me!

She led Grandfather into temptation. He groans with delight!

Well, think about it, business, And without eggs I can go anywhere!

She twirled the mouse with her tail. There was a crash throughout the house.

I did something business, I broke the rowan eggs

And rushed about the hut!

Oh, man, better than me!

Grandfather runs here and there

Then Grandma Martha returned, at first she was surprised

Where the hell are the eggs? Yes, they lie on the floor.

As he screams, he screams.

Grandma: Eggs return strength!

Veda.: Sees a mouse in his hut.

Oh, a guy would be cooler than me!

Well, think, business, and without eggs I can go anywhere.

The grandmother grabbed the Mouse's hair, And the grandfather shouts: "Oh, women, be quiet!"

And how can, separates, Yes, more The Mouse protects!

The grandmother starts up her legs.

Eggs return strength!

The mouse hits the grandmother on the back.

Oh, a guy would be cooler than me.

Here's a story. Stop! Everyone freezes at once!

At this time, on the same day, Walked past the Wolf in its own way.

What for? I want to give a hint here, I was going to look for the Bride.

Hearing the noise of the struggle, He knocked on the door of the hut.

Oh, what are the passions, Here, it seems, is my happiness.

He immediately saw the mouse, he understood what the scandal was from,

Little by little the Bab separated the fighting!

Oh, what are the passions here ...

The grandmother hobbles to the chair ...

Eggs return strength!

His grandmother hurries to his grandmother And at the same time he says:

Well, think about it, business, and without eggs I can go!

The mouse demonstrates itself! “Why do I need a grandfather! I'm all like that "

And stroking the wolf on the back.

Oh, a guy would be cooler than me!

Oh, what passions are here, It looks like my happiness here!

Grandmother and grandfather made up, Mouse and Wolf got married

And now they all live together, What else is needed in life.

And everyone began to live without worries Day after day, year after year!

Meeting the holidays all together, And what else is needed in life.

Funny fairy tale-improvisation for the New Year for a corporate party with music

Another fairy tale-improvisation with music will certainly decorate the New Year's corporate party with positive emotions, lively laughter and natural enthusiasm of random actors. It has quite simple and familiar characters, so even amateurs can cope with their roles. We recommend not to warn guests about the impromptu performance, so that the audience is pleasantly surprised, and potential artists do not have time to come up with "excuses" for refusing to participate.

So, print out the script in advance, hand out the roles to the participants, give them pieces of paper with text and gestures that need to be repeated at the right time:

  • New Year 2018 - Well, you give! (Shakes his head in surprise)
  • Snow Maiden - Oba-na! (Hands up)
  • Santa Claus - Why don't you drink? (Staggers)
  • Leshy - Emm, for good luck! (Squats)
  • Waitress - Where are the empty plates? (Looks around)
  • Old ladies - Well, not a fig (clap their hands)
  • Guests - Happy New Year! (Jumps up and waves his arms actively)

For the role of the Snow Maiden, you need to choose a young sexy girl. New Year - chief or director. Santa Claus is the deputy director. Goblin is a solid uncle. The waitress is the most arrogant in the team. Old ladies - 3 aunts. Guests - the remaining hall.

On New Year's Eve

The people have a TRADITION to celebrate

People don't care about crisis, adversity

Satisfied shout loudly: Happy New Year!

But the New Year is sitting in front of us

He seemed to have just been born just about

Looks at people: at uncle and aunt

and out loud is surprised ... .. Well, you give!

And uncles and aunts dressed fashionably

To celebrate, they shout loudly: Happy New Year!

He rushed to congratulate (sticks his nose everywhere)

Santa Claus tired of matinees

He says it hardly coherently ... Why don't you drink?

In response, New Year: Well, you give!

And what's outside the window, there are whims of nature,

But they still shout: Happy New Year!

Then the Snow Maiden stood up, highly moral,

even though her appearance is far from sexy.

She will probably not go home alone,

Warming up from the road, he repeats: Oba!

And the grandfather already Sopit …… ..: Why don't you drink?

In response, the New Year …… .. Well, you give!

And people again, without delay and right away

Louder and louder shout: Happy New Year!

And again the Snow Maiden, full of forebodings,

He relishes, admiring himself ……. Both on!

The frost is groaning all the time …… ..: Why don't you drink?

Behind him a new year ... ... Well, you give!

Two frisky grandmothers, two women-yagas, as if they got up from the right foot

They coo under a glass so, without harming themselves,

And out loud they are outraged ... ... .. Well, not a fig for myself!

Snow Maiden passion, full of desire,

With temptation and languidly repeats .... Both on!

Frost screams ……. : Why aren't you drinking?

And after the New Year ……. Well you give!

It goes all the way, goes its own way,

And the guests all shout again: Happy New Year!

but the Waitress did her bit brightly and succinctly.

She threw arrows on the food,

Yaguski, forgetting about everything in their own way,

They sit, indignant ... ... Well, not a fig for myself!

The Snow Maiden gets up, slightly intoxicated,

Laughs, whispering with delight ... .. Oba!

And the grandfather already shouts ... ... Why don't you drink?






















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