Dymkovo duck coloring stencil. Summary of the lesson "Dymkovo toy" for children of the preparatory group. Master class of painting the Dymkovo lady

Drawing master class. Painting toys "Dymkovo cockerel"

Soldatova Elena Ivanovna, teacher primary grades MOU "Secondary school No. 1 of Novouzensk, Saratov region"
Description: the master class is designed for students in grades 1-2, teachers, educators, parents of all those who love to work miracles.
Using: as a gift, interior decoration, work for an exhibition.
Purpose: painting Dymkovo toys
- Teach children to paint a toy using different patterns
- Develop imagination, imagination, aesthetic taste
- To educate children in taste, sense of color, respect for the work of Dymkovo masters
- To please yourself and others


Let's sit side by side and talk okay. I wanted to tell you guys one amazing story... In a certain kingdom of the Russian state on the banks of the river stood, and still stands, a large village Dymkovo. Extraordinary toys were born in the village. On long, winter evenings, they molded those toys out of clay.
All toys are not simple
And magically painted.
Snow white like birch trees
Circles, stripes.
Seemingly simple pattern
But I can't take my eyes off

Dymkovo craftsmen's toys turned out to be unusually beautiful, bright, fabulous, magical. People believed that these toys protect from misfortunes, from troubles. Therefore, they were placed in the winter between the windows, decorated with toys at home.
-Today we will paint one of the Dymkovo toys. Guess which one?
-An unknown bird has started,
Everyone marvels at her:
Doesn't sing and doesn't fly
Everything burns and blazes.
Far across the world
Everyone knows this birdie,
This bird is not simple -
Painted, gold,
It's just a miracle - a trinket
Her name is a folk toy.
(Dymkovo toy cockerel)

For work we need materials and tools:
- brushes
-simple pencil

1. Take an album sheet and circle your palm.

2. Draw the outline of the cock and cut it out.

3.Circle the cock's wing using the template.

4. Before starting painting, let's remember what elements of the Dymkovo painting you know (circles, rings, dots, stripes, wavy lines, rhombuses)

5. First, draw a comb, beard, large elements of the pattern, using a thicker brush.

The development of fine motor skills, logic, attentiveness and perseverance in a child should be dealt with from an early age. Proven teaching methods include drawing or painting shape outlines. Parents, in order to captivate their baby, use various templates for drawing.

Dymkovo toys will be the most suitable for this purpose. Despite their apparent simplicity, they have small details, for the painting of which the child will need to make a lot of effort.

Dymkovo toys are created in several stages. They cannot be made without special skills, therefore the process of making such crafts by children is usually supervised by professional craftsmen.

On the way to obtaining a high-quality result, the toy must first be molded, then thoroughly dried, burned, whitened and beautifully painted. Skipping one of the steps listed above may result in the figurine being too fragile or not working at all.

Dymkovo toys are molded by hand. Despite the presence of uniform templates for drawing, in reality, not a single craft is similar to its counterparts, precisely because of the individual approach to their creation.

The sequence of creating a toy:

Simple coloring pages of Dymkovo patterns for small children

Dymkovo toys (templates for drawing, in particular) should be chosen based on the age of the child who will work with them.

The development of children will be beneficially influenced by painting the large components of the drawing, using the most saturated colors.

Among the most popular options for such pictures:

Drawing for coloring
Horse. The task for the kid will be to color the horse as he thinks it will be as beautiful as possible. Usually children are encouraged to use red, white, orange and yellow pencils. This set of colors, as a rule, is sufficient not only for their individual use, but also for creating new shades. On this version of the coloring, the child, if desired, can finish drawing the animal's face, or can simply give the picture brightness, without adding patterns to it.
Matryoshka. Coloring this drawing with a picture of a nesting doll is best combined with telling the kid the history of the origin of the primordially Russian toy. It will also be interesting for the child to learn the principle of playing with such a wooden doll. Pencils in red, black, white and yellow are usually used to brighten this sketch.
Lady. The process of coloring the lady will also become an exciting activity for kids. Despite the outward simplicity of the picture, giving it color requires thinking through the shades used in the work. To complicate the task, a goal can be set for the child to color the outlines of a woman so that the items of her clothing are combined with each other, and not merged. For this purpose, it is recommended to invite him to choose a shade for work among an unlimited number of pencils. Experience shows that guys most often choose red, yellow, green, blue, black and white.

Complex coloring pages with a lot of small elements

Dymkovo toys (templates for drawing, as well as drawings for coloring, are freely available on the Web), due to the variety of their options, can be used in work with older children.

For schoolchildren attending grades 3 - 5, it will be interesting to paint more complex patterns with a lot of small details.

Sketch for coloring Description of the picture and the principle of working with it
"Stroll". This picture for coloring is a complete artistic composition. It depicts a man and a woman sailing in a boat on the river. The task facing the child is to color not only the costumes of people, consisting of small details, but also the objects around them. These include the heavenly bodies, the pattern on the ship, and the waves. The main colors that the student will work with are red, blue, white, black and their derivatives.
"The Bears". This sketch shows a family of bears. Animals are depicted in human form: they wear clothes and jewelry. The difficulty of coloring this drawing consists in the presence of a large number of small details of the characters' clothing. To complicate the task, you can offer the child to make the picture as realistic as possible (paint the bears in the appropriate colors, as in life, and their clothes in the shades most often found in the wardrobe of adults). Usually, children work with such an image using blue, red, black, yellow, brown and white.
"Rider". This is one of the most popular coloring pictures used by educators when working with them. It depicts a boy on horseback. In this case, the child will need to carefully paint the smallest details of the image of a young man, as well as reproduce the color of the animal and surrounding objects. It is recommended to work with brown, black, red, blue, yellow, orange, blue and green colors.

Dymkovo toy Lady

Dymkovo toys (templates for drawing will help children master artistic skills) are associated with a lady figure in adults. A drawing template with a picture of a woman in a beautiful outfit will teach a child to draw details that create a realistic face of a person and details of his clothes.

The lady may look different:

It is worth choosing the most suitable option based on the experience and age of the children who will work with the template. At the initial stage, it is optimal to let the child finish painting the simplest image of a woman without unnecessary details.

For instance:

Dymkovo toys


Roosters drawn in the style of a Dymkovo toy can also look different. On some templates, they are depicted at full height, on some - only the upper part of the body.

The traditional version looks like this:



The traditional template for drawing a horse in the style of a Dymkovo toy assumes the presence of the outlines of an animal, sometimes with an already drawn muzzle. The purpose of the work young artist is the decoration of the existing image, subject to the maximum consistency of style.

If desired, the child can finish painting the surrounding objects or create a holistic composition, for example, depict a rider or another horse next to an existing one. It is recommended to use brown, black, red, green and yellow colors.




The traditional version of the sketch of the Dymkovo turkey is one of the most beloved tasks for children of average school age... For the guys, the interest in working with such a template lies in the available large field for creativity and imagination. In this case, they don't just have to draw small details on the body of the bird or add objects surrounding it. Here their task is, including coloring the tail of the turkey in any color scheme they like. Usually, for this purpose, children choose red, green, yellow, orange and their derivatives.

Classes using templates for drawing, in particular Dymkovo toys, not only develop creative (artistic) skills in the child, but also stimulate his attentiveness to details and meticulousness in completing assigned tasks.

Knowing what blanks to use, as well as how exactly to work with them, even a parent at home will be able to properly organize a lesson with a child.

Article design: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video on the topic: Dymkovo toys

Dymkovo clay toy "Bird":


IZO Dymkovo painting

Topic: Dymkovo painting. Horse.


Continue your acquaintance with the Dymkovo toy

Strengthen the ability to use the seal

To strengthen the skills of using the brush: rinse the brush, wring out,

Dry it, pick up the paint

Teach children to carefully paint over drawings without going beyond the contour line.

Develop in children fine motor skills of hands, memory

To cultivate the ability to listen to the task to the end, follow the advice

Teacher, foster independence in work, develop creative


Vocabulary work: Dymkovo toy, painting, printing, brush, gouache,


Develop hand-eye coordination.

Preliminary work: organization of the exhibition "Dymkovo Toy";

Consideration of illustrations and tables with elements of patterns; applique

"Dymkovo bell toy".

Preparation of material and equipment:

For the teacher: Easel, table, chair, Dymkovo toys, seal-ring from waste material, brush, jar of water, gouache, album sheet with the outline of the horse.

For children: album sheets with the outline of a horse, brushes, prints - ring, gouache, jars of water, napkins, brush stands.

GCD move:

Guys, look who's our guest today:

I am a lady madam!
I came to visit you.
I ask you a riddle
And guess it, friends!
Cheerful white clay
Circles, stripes on it
The goats and lambs are funny
Herd of colorful horses
Nurses and water bearers
Both riders and children,
Dogs, hussars and fish.
Well, name me.

That's right, this is a Dymkovo toy, well done! Today I invite you to an exhibition of wonderful craftsmen. See how many beautiful, bright, elegant objects are around. These things delight us with their beauty. What are these toys called?

Do you know why it is called the Dymkovo toy?

Yes, because it is made in the village of Dymkovo.

The smoke from the chimneys is a column
Everything is as if in a haze.
Blue gave.

Guys, do you know what each of these toys is called?

Turkey, rooster, dog, young lady, horse. Well done.

Today I invite you to become masters of Dymkovo toys and paint a horse.

Let's take a look at these toys.

What patterns do Dymkovo masters use to paint their toys?

Circles, rings, stripes, snakes, dots.

What colors do craftsmen use when decorating their toys?

Yes, the color scheme is very diverse: blue, orange, yellow, green, red, blue, a little black.

Dymkovo toys are painted with bright, elegant, festive flowers.

I have toys for you that the Dymkovo masters did not manage to paint. Can we help them?

We will paint the Dymkovo horse.

Let's remember. How we will paint it. What parts do we paint over completely?

Yes, you need to completely paint over the tail, mane, hooves. What color?


Where will we place the pattern?

That's right, along the legs, neck, trunk.

What patterns will we use to paint the horse?

Circles, points, lines.

Sit down at your workplaces.

Let's prepare our fingers for work - let's do finger gymnastics:

Finger thick and BIG

I went to the garden for plums.

POINTING from the doorstep

Showed him the way.

MIDDLE finger is the most accurate.

He knocks the plums off the branch.


A little finger-gentleman

Planting bones in the ground.

We will make the circles using a poke seal. To do this, you need to take the seal by the tip, lower its other end in gouache, remove excess paint on the edge of the jar and press it against the paper to get a print. The circles in the pattern are repeated, so you need to do this several times. This is how I do it. Then put the seal on the tray and take a brush. How do we get the brush?

That's right, with three fingers at the iron tip. I dip the brush into the water and remove the extra drop on the edge of the jar. Dip the brush on a napkin. And on the whole pile I draw paint of a different color. With the tip of my brush, I paint dots on our pattern. Now we need to paint over the mane and tail of our horse. To do this, I rinse the brush well in water, remove the extra drop, dip it on a napkin and pick up black paint. I paint over the mane and tail with straight lines from top to bottom. I don't go beyond the lines.

Look, children, now our horse has become beautiful and bright. Let's remember where we start to paint the horse. That's right, first we print the rings along the legs, neck, torso. Then draw dots with the tip of the brush, and then paint over the mane and tail with straight lines from top to bottom.

Now we can get to work.

I give each child individual instructions:

Sasha, keep your brush right next to the iron tip. Vika, take a drop of water on the edge of the jar.

Liza, do not go over the contour line with paint, paint over carefully.

Children, let's take a look at the horses that you painted. What bright, colorful patterns on them. You have done well. Now we can arrange an exhibition of Dymkovo toys.

Molding Lesson summary in middle group "Dymkovo toys".

Topic: "Dymkovo toys".

Program content: to teach to sculpt a Dymkovo toy from clay - a duck; consolidate sculpting techniques: rolling, stretching, pinching, smoothing. Form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe village of Dymkovo; expand knowledge about Dymkovo toys. Fix the score within 5, consolidate the knowledge of the colors of the spectrum.

Teach to give complete answers to the questions posed. Expand children's knowledge of transportation.

Material: clay, modeling boards, wet wipes, aprons for each child; basket with Dymkovo toys.

Progress of Direct Educational Activities:

Educator: Hello guys! Today we will have an unusual guest - a craftswoman from the Dymkovo settlement. Do you know anything about Dymkovo?

Children: Yes, we know. In the village of Dymkovo toys are sculpted and they are called "Dymkovo toys".

Educator: That's right (knock on the door). And here is our guest.

(The craftswoman from Dymkovo enters)

Craftswoman: Hello. I am a craftswoman from Dymkovo. I came to visit you to tell you about my native land.

Snow falls softly

Curling blue smoke

The smoke comes out of the pipes in a column,

Everything is as if in a haze.

Blue gave

And the big village Dymkovo was named.

They loved songs, dances

A miracle was born in the village - fairy tales.

Evenings in winter are long

And they molded it out of clay.

All toys are not simple

And magically painted.

Snow white like birch trees

Circles, cells, stripes -

Seemingly simple pattern

But I can't look away.

And glory went about Dymkov,

Having earned this right.

They talk about her everywhere.

An amazing miracle.

I did not come to you empty-handed. I brought you toys as a gift.

(Takes toys out of the basket)

But these toys are not simple. Do you know what they are called?

Children: Yes. These toys are called - Dymkovo toys.

Craftswoman: Right. Or maybe you know and from what material they are made?

Children: Dymkovo toys are made of clay.

Craftswoman: Look how many toys there are and they are all different. Let's count them.

(Children count toys)

Children: There are five Dymkovo toys.

Craftswoman: Dymkovo toy - one of the oldest crafts in Russia, has existed on the Vyatka land for more than four hundred years. The appearance of the toy was associated with spring holiday Whistlers, to which the female population of the Dymkovo settlement sculpted clay whistles in the form of horses, rams, goats, ducks. Later, when the holiday lost its significance, the craft was not only preserved, but also received further development... Craftsmen sculpt toys and paint them with a pattern that consists of many bright colors. What colors does the pattern of Dymkovo toys consist of?

Children: The pattern of Dymkovo toys consists of red, yellow, green, blue, orange colors.

Craftswoman: Then the toys were carried to the fair, where the craftsmen not only showed what they had made, but also sold them. Let's pretend we are at the fair and play a little.

Physical education.

We are daring guys

The buffoons are mischievous.

We invite everyone to the fair

We sell toys to everyone!

One two three four,

The circle is narrower, the circle is wider!

Toe and heel

And then squat down!

Turn left, right

Smile more fun!

Craftswoman: I invite you to become folk craftsmen. Now we will go to the workshop, where we will sculpt a Dymkovo toy from clay - a duck.

(Children sit at tables)

Craftswoman: First, let's take a close look at the duck. Look at her torso, what shape is it?

Children: The body of the duck is oval.

Craftswoman: Look what a long, elongated neck she has. What is the head compared to the body? Is it more or less?

Children: The head is smaller than the body.

Craftswoman: The duck also has a beak and a tail. You have planks and modeling clay on your tables. Let's discuss what techniques we will use in sculpting.

1 reception - rolling. We roll an oval between our palms.

Reception 2 - stretching. Draw out the neck and head of the duck.

3 reception - pinching. We pinch the beak and tail.

4 reception - smoothing. Smooth the surface, remove irregularities.

(Children do the work, the craftswoman helps them).

Craftswoman: Look what wonderful ducks we have made with you. Did you like being the masters of Dymkovo toys?

Children: Yes.

Craftswoman: It's time for me to go home. Goodbye, guys.

Educator: What did you meet today? What's new have you learned?

Children: We met the craftswoman, learned about the village of Dymkovo and about Dymkovo toys. And we ourselves were craftsmen and sculpted a Dymkovo toy from clay - a duck.

Educator: You are all great.

Abstract of an open lesson in the middle group "Dymkovo toys"

Software content: Cultivate interest in folk life and items of decorative and applied art, folklore of Russia, to consolidate the knowledge of children about the Dymkovo toy. Develop a sense of color, aesthetic feelings, the ability to listen carefully to the teacher and answer questions, the ability to create patterns from a circle, an oval and a point. Arouse the desire to do something ourselves, adopting simple techniques from folk craftsmen.

Integration of educational areas: "Cognition", "Communication", "Reading fiction", " Artistic creation"," Health "," Physical Culture"," Socialization "," Music ".

Dictionary: Dymkovo toy: turkey, rooster, dog, goat, deer, young lady; elegant, joyful, cheerful, festive.

Equipment and materials:Dymkovo toys, illustrations depicting Dymkovo toys, goat stencils, gouache, brushes.

Course of the lesson:

We close our eyes and imagine

Here and now we introduce ourselves.

What happened yesterday, we forget

We only think about what is now.

Nice, beautiful each of you,

You are the best thing in the world.

We open our eyes

Hello children!(children are standing around)

Educator: Guys, look how many guests we have today, let's say hello to the guests.

Finger gymnastics "Hello"

Hello, golden sun!

Hello, the sky is blue!

Hello, free breeze

Hello little oak tree!

We live in the same land -

I greet you all!

Today our guests are wonderful toys made by Russian craftsmen. (Demonstrate toys and illustrations of Dymkovo toys)

Russia was famous for its wonderful masters,

They turned wood and clay into a fairy tale.

They created beauty with paints and a brush,

Young people were taught their art.

These toys are called Dymkovo toys, they are made of clay and painted with bright colors. Listen to the story of how the Dymkovo toys appeared.

People lived in the same village. When it was cold outside and the winter frost fettered the ground, stoves were flooded in the houses, smoke enveloped the roofs, yes, so that nothing was visible, only smoke. So that village was named Dymkovo. Adults worked in that village from morning until late evening: they sowed bread, cooked food, grazed domestic animals: cows, sheep. And the children played in the meadow, sang songs. Then they did not have such toys as yours. And the adults thought: how to please the kids? They collected clay on the banks of the river, fashioned various funny figures, burned them in the oven, covered them with chalk and painted them with paints. This is how Dymkovo toys appeared: ladies, goats, horses, pigs, deer. Bright, funny, perky - they fell in love with children.

“... The smoke comes out of the pipes in a column,

As if everything is in a haze,

Blue gave

And the big village “Dymkovo” was named.

They loved songs, dances,

Miracle tales were born there,

And they molded there from clay

All toys are not simple

And magically painted,

Snow white like birch trees

Circles, cells, stripes -

Seemingly simple pattern

But I can’t take my eyes off ”.

Clay goat in apples,

He is good at himself, very handsome.

And here is a deer on slender legs,

All the beauty of the deer is in the horns.

And here are the Dymkovo ladies:

They have hands like a pretzel

Cheeks like apples.

I have known them for a long time

All the people at the fair.

Educator : Look, children, how beautiful these toys are.

Educator: Guys, do you know what each of these toys is called? (Children's answers)

Educator: What color are Dymkovo toys? (Children's answers: Always only white)

Educator: And what patterns do the Dymkovo masters paint their toys with? (Children's answers: straight line, wavy line, point, circle, ring, cage, lattice)

Educator: What colors do craftsmen use when decorating their toys? (Children's answers)

Educator: How, in one word, can you say about these colors?

(Children's answers: bright, smart, funny, festive).

Educator: What techniques are used to make patterns? (Children's answers: By dipping, with the end of the brush, brush flat on the pile)

Finger gymnastics to the music "Morning" (disc number 37)

Educator: I really liked what words you called Dymkovo toys. Now I will introduce you to the tale of the Golden Horns goat.

Once upon a time there was a goat called Golden Horns. The fur on his sides was covered in curls - red, blue, yellow, white. The goat walked through the fields and mountains, through meadows and forests. The Golden Horns goat was not afraid of anyone. A fur coat saved him from the cold, and a clever head from fierce animals. Once gray wolves surrounded the goat.Only the Golden Horns goat was not frightened. He looked at the gray wolves and said: "It's time to have supper, but the wolves are all kind of thin." And the wolf circle is narrower. Goat Golden Horns and says: "I was mistaken: there are also fat heads." And the wolves are getting closer. The goat Golden Horns shouted to the whole forest: "I chose a fat pair of wolves for dinner!" The Golden Horns glitter in the moonlight. The wolves were frightened and ran as fast as they could!

Educator: Dymkovo masters like to remember this tale. Clay toys are molded, baked in the oven, painted with cheerful colors, and the fairy tales themselves are told. That is why their toys are so funny. See what a beauty!

Physical education:"What happened?"

Raise your palms higher and fold over your head.

What happened?

The roof came out, and under the roof we are with you.

Raise your palms higher, and then bend in an arc.

Who came out?

Geese came out - here's one, and here's the other.

Raise your palms higher and fold in front of you.

What happened?

The bridge came out, the bridge was strong and straight.

Educator : Well done boys! We pass and sit down at the tables. And Queen Brush has prepared goats for us, only they have not been painted yet. Let's try and paint the goats. Let's remember how we will paint it. What parts do we paint over completely? (horns, ears, tail, hooves). And where will we place the pattern? (along the neck, torso, legs)

Educator: Now close your eyes, imagine with what pattern you will paint your Dymkovo goat, the color of the pattern, how you arrange it, where you will start drawing. Now we open our eyes and start drawing.

Independent work of children. Help for children in difficulty, individual work.

From the work performed, invite the children to make an exhibition "Merry Dymkovo Fair". When analyzing, note the location of patterns, color, accuracy of work.

Educator: (Holds a brush in the hands of the Queen) Here are our goats lit up. It becomes joyful and festive in my soul. Thanks for your work, masters.

Abstract of a drawing lesson in senior group on the topic: Painting Dymkovo toys

Software content: To develop in children the ability to freely use the elements of Dymkovo painting to decorate toys; clarify with children the sequence of applying the pattern, techniques for working with paint; foster independence, confidence, desire to create.

Material : a table with elements of Dymkovo painting and pottery wheels for all children, paints - gouache, brushes of two sizes, rags, coasters, glasses of water, a beautiful hanging cabinet with shelves, a turntable.

Preliminary work: Painting of silhouettes of toys, tiles, beads. Didactic game "Toy store", "What the toy will tell about itself." Consideration of tables of elements of painting, sketching them, talking with children about Dymkovo fishing.

Course of the lesson:

Educator: Children today, our group has turned into an art workshop, and you and I into artists. We will decorate our favorite toys to make them look like real Dymkovo toys. But first, let's recall the features of the Dymkovo painting. What attracts you to the Dymkovo toy?

Children: Pattern, simplicity, brightness, festivity.

Educator: What are the elements of the Dymkovo ornament? Name them.

Children: Out of five. Point, line, wavy, circle, cell.

Educator: What colors do artists use more often?

Children: Yellow, blue, orange, green, and the background of the toys is white.

Educator: How to use paints correctly?

Children: To prevent the paints from spreading, you need to pick them up on the tip of the brush, and carefully turn the work on the circle.

Educator: That's right, do not forget that first you need to paint large elements with one color with a thicker brush, then small elements of a different color with a thin brush. When applying one color to another, wait for the first paint to dry. Now, think about what pattern you will paint your toys. You can use tables.

Get to work.

During the activities of the children, the educator gives the children the opportunity (5-7 minutes) to work independently.

Lesson analysis: Our art workshop is closing. Here are how many bright, funny toys came out! Guys, we have a wardrobe in our workshop, its shelves are not simple, but magical. As soon as the toys hit these shelves, they came to life, started talking, and began to boast of their outfits to each other. Let's hear what they have to say!

The teacher talks about toys:

What a beautiful red blouse with long sleeves and a cape I have, on the skirt there are yellow cells with blue polka dots, and on the apron there is a pattern of dots. My master did a very good job, he picked up beautiful colors. (Lady)

And my outfit is even better: here the rings are orange and the peas are green, and the horns and tail are bright red, apparently, the cheerful mood of the artist who painted me. (ram)

That's how the toys got to talking. And the handsome turkey spoke too. Tanya, what does the turkey say about himself?

Children talk on behalf of toys.

Educator: This is how the toys showed off to each other with bright patterns, admired their outfits, and when the dancing melody was heard, the toys first slowly, then quickly spun in a merry round dance.

Children look at the works, listen to a Russian elegant dance melody ("The month is shining", "From under the oak", etc.)


Didactic game:

make a pattern based on the Dymkovo painting

Purpose: to form an idea of \u200b\u200bDymkovo painting, the development of sensory perception, the development of fine motor skills.

Making a game: silhouettes are cut out of thick white cardboard (young lady, horses, deer, water carriers). Elements of Dymkovo painting are cut out of thick colored cardboard (circles, rings, lines, dots, ovals). The child chooses a flat toy at will and comes up with a composition of Dymkovo elements.

Drawing lesson in the middle group

Drawing master class. Decorative plate "Dymkovo horse"

This master class is intended for kindergarten teachers, parents, children 4-5 years old
This master Class it is recommended to spend with children 4-5 years old.
Purpose: learn to create a decorative product for interior decoration
1. Strengthen the ability to draw with a poke, a cotton swab, a toothpick
2. Learn to rhythmically draw an ornament, combine colors
3. Develop fine motor skills
4. To cultivate accuracy in work and the ability to bring the work started to the end
5. To instill a love for folk crafts
6. To cultivate artistic taste
a large circle of colored cardboard (A4 cardboard format), a Dymkovo horse pattern, gouache, pokes, cotton swabs, toothpicks, a water jar, brushes, glue stick
Dymkovo toy is a miracle craft. Both adults and children are attracted by bright, funny toys. These products delight the eye, cheer up, reveal the world. happy holiday... In March, the children of my group and I worked on the project "Acquaintance with the Dymkovo toy". We learned the history of this toy, examined toys and illustrations of the most popular toys (lady, peasant woman, duck, turkey, horse, rider, visited the Bright Haze exhibition in the art studio of our garden. And we also drew individual elements of Dymkovo patterns, sculpted and painted Dymkovo duck.

Children! Today we will make a beautiful plate for decorating your home, but the plate is not simple, but Dymkovo one! Want to? Then let's get down to business.
Before us lies the material for our plate.

The first thing to do is to glue the template of our horse on a plate

We need to glue our template with glue and carefully glue it in the center of the plate.

And now let's start decorating the plate with Dymkovo patterns. First, with a foam rubber poke, apply large circles all over the horse figure. You can choose any color from the bright Dymkovo palette, mine is red.

Now, among the large circles, with a cotton swab, we will draw small circles, for them we have chosen a different paint, of a contrasting color

Draw large circles around the perimeter of the circle with a foam rubber poke, do not forget to draw rhythmically, leaving equal gaps

And between the large circles, draw small circles with a cotton swab

Let's check if the paint has dried on the large mugs? If yes, then with a toothpick we very carefully put a small black dot in the middle of the large circles.

Gently paint the tail and ears of our horse with a thin brush, paint the hooves with black paint.
Here we have such a handsome man!

And this is our ready-made decorative plate "Dymkovsky horse". In order to be able to use it for home decoration, we will glue a ribbon on the back side.

This is how beautiful our plate will look on the wall.