Panel from natural materials with animals. Firebird "from natural material with your own hands. Master class with step by step photos Bird from ash seeds

State budget educational institution School No. 37 in Moscow

Summary of the lesson on the topic: "Making animals and birds from ash and maple seeds."


Khairullina Elena Mikhailovna,

GBOU School No. 37 JSC.

2016-2017 academic year

Making "Animals and Birds" from ash and maple seeds.

Goal: teach children to independently make crafts from ash and maple seeds.



  • teach children to work with the template;
  • develop the skills of correct spreading of plasticine on cardboard;
  • to learn how to put ash and maple seeds on a plasticine base.


  • develop fine motor skills of the hands when rolling plasticine and pressing seeds;
  • develop creativity and imagination;
  • interest in making crafts with your own hands.


  • to foster a sense of beauty, ecological culture;
  • educate independence, accuracy, perseverance, hard work and patience.

Equipment: ash and maple seeds, dried leaves, plasticine, cardboard, templates, stacks, music center, "Sounds of the Forest" disc.

The course of the lesson.

Guys, let's imagine that we are in the forest. How much is there in total! Listen to the sounds of the forest.

(the disc "Sounds of the Forest" is played).

The inhabitants of the forest are very different: some jump on trees, others walk, crawl on the ground. There are those who hide in the thicket of the forest. Someone can be seen in a forest clearing.

In the forest, you need to be quiet so as not to disturb its inhabitants. After all, the forest is their home, and we come there to visit.

Now listen carefully to the riddles and guess them.

Not a mouse, not a bird

Frolics in the forest

Lives in the trees

And still gnaws nuts. (Squirrel)

In summer he walks without a road

Near the pines and birches,

And in winter he sleeps in a den,

He hides his nose from the frost. (Bear)

Angry touchy

Lives in the wilderness of the forest

There are a lot of needles

And the thread is not one. (Hedgehog)

What a dangerous beast

Walks in a red fur coat,

The snow rakes

There are enough mice. (Fox)

Flies all night -

Extracts mice.

And it will become light -

Sleep flies into the hollow. (Owl)

Well done, they guessed all the riddles correctly. Who guessed who we will do today? (children's answers)

So, today you will make an animal or bird craft from ash and maple seeds.

Guys, please look at the board and pay attention to how the samples are made. Especially how small parts are made, such as legs and eyes.

Now choose a template for your animal or bird figurine.

Hear how we are going to work.

  1. First you need to trace the template onto the cardboard.
  2. Fill the animal's head with plasticine by spreading it on cardboard.
  3. We make a plasticine base (body in the form of rollers).
  4. We make the body, we will not start from the face, but from the end of the body. We attach the seeds to the plasticine base sequentially.
  5. We finish small details (eyes, paws).
  6. Those who wish can decorate their crafts with dry leaves.

Unleash your imagination and get to work.

Since ancient times, Ash was considered a guide between the worlds. Ash resurrected life, endowed a person with magical power, drove away evil spirits.

The tree united opposites and was an allegory of eternal life.

Ash wood was used in divination. Amulets and magic runes were made from it.

In the old days in Scandinavia, it was believed that the gods live in Asgard - the country above the clouds. In the middle of the country rises a huge Ash tree growing through the worlds. An old tree named Igdrazil holds the firmament and covers the sacred spring with its roots.

If the tree dies, the transcendental kingdom will collapse, and the sacred waters will flood all living things.

ash names

Ash got its name due to the appearance of the crown. Despite the lush vegetation, the leaves of the Ash let in enough sunlight, so it is always clear and light under the tree.

This property makes it possible to sunbathe under the crown for many hours on a bright sunny day and at the same time not be afraid to burn out.

The Latin name of Ash is Fraxinus, which means "Ashes" in Latin.

Where does Ash grow

There are 70 species of Ash in the world. The most common in our country is the Common Ash.

The tree is found throughout Russia, in the Crimea and the Caucasus. Different kinds plants can be found in North Africa and North America, Eurasia and the Far East.

Ash can be found in parks and gardens.

AT wildlife This tall and stately tree prefers fertile, moderately moist soils. Ash can often be found in the middle of a field or along a sandy road.

What does Ash look like

Ash is a tall tree up to 30 meters in height with a lush crown. In the southern regions, there are representatives up to 60 meters high. The crown transmits sunlight well thanks to its sharp and long leaves and rare knotty branches. The trunk volume reaches 1 meter.

The bark of the tree is ash gray in color and is distinguished by its smoothness and unusual smell. The bark and leaves of this tree contain a substance called coumarin, which gives the tree the scent of fresh hay. That is why a weary traveler under a tree breathes easily and calmly.

In the spring, Ash turns purple. After a few weeks, future fruits, lionfish, begin to form.

These flat pots of seeds will only fall to the ground in winter.

When Ash Blossoms

Flowering begins in April-May and lasts until the leaves open. Due to the large number of flowers and pollen, Ash is an excellent honey plant.

The fruits ripen in September or October and can remain on the branches until early spring, helping small birds from hunger. These fruits are high in fat and protein.

The tree begins to bear fruit after an average of 25 years and can live up to 300 years. Ash leaves fall in late autumn, retaining their green color.


For medicinal purposes, the leaves, fruits, roots and bark of the tree are used.

A decoction of the roots relieves chronic respiratory diseases.

A decoction of the leaves has a sedative effect and is used in the treatment of disorders of the nervous system of the body.

Tea made from leaves or ash seed powder has a diuretic effect.

Ash leaf infusion is a natural remedy for increasing male strength.

In addition, preparations from Ash have tonic, hemostatic, antimicrobial, anthelmintic and other actions.

Ash Application

Ash wood has a number of advantages over other species. Strong, lightweight, moderately drying out, wood has been used for a variety of crafts for a long time.

Due to their flexibility, the Ash branches served as an excellent material for the bows of the North American Indians. In Russia, rims of wheels were made from Ash, skis and rocker arms were bent.

In modern industry, high impact resistance has made it possible to use wood for various sports equipment. Ash is used to make a billiard cue, baseball bats, racing paddles, skis and even gymnastic bars.

Thanks to beautiful drawing Ash is used as a veneer for cladding expensive furniture. When stained, veneer is difficult to distinguish from Olive wood.

The high strength of the wood allows the manufacture of railings, window frames, cladding and furniture.

Ash is used for landscaping especially polluted areas of cities.

In the Caucasus, Ash fruits are pickled instead of capers and used as a seasoning.

Sweet Ash juice, like Maple juice, is valuable source Sahara.


Despite all the benefits of fruits, bark and leaves, Ash is considered a poisonous plant, so it is necessary to use certain infusions and decoctions with great care.

In case of an overdose of preparations based on Ash, abdominal pain, hepatic colic, dizziness and nausea may occur, therefore, before using Ash for the treatment of any ailments, consult a specialist.

Nina Trifonova

Materials: Pine cone, acorn, ash seeds, maple leaves, linden, poplar or other trees, sunflower seeds, acorn caps, plasticine, PVA glue.

Stroke work:

Acorn (head birds) stick to a pine cone using plasticine (body).

We attach a plasticine ball for a crest on the head.

For stability, we will make the bird's legs from the caps of acorns, attaching them with plasticine to the cone.

Insert pieces of plasticine between the scales of the cone in the places where the wings and tail will be.

Connect the leaves of a maple, linden or poplar in a bunch, dip them in glue and insert them into a plasticine lump in place of the tail. Also attach the leaf wings to the body birds, having previously greased them with glue.

From a bunch of ash seeds, make on your head poultry crestplacing the seeds in a circle. Stick a seed with plasticine in place of the beak. Glue plasticine eyes on your head.

Our fabulous bird is ready!

Related publications:

"Gifts of Autumn". Contest of crafts from natural materials. Lyudmila Vologdina "Gifts of Autumn". Contest of crafts from natural materials. In our.

Purpose: to form practical skills in working with natural materials. On one of the walks, my little trackers noticed among the dead.

Now, when autumn has blossomed with all colors, nature shimmers with golden hues, I want to capture this beauty in all possible ways.

April 1 is International Bird Day, it is known to adults and children. Various events and promotions are held in schools and kindergartens. April,.

AUTUMN Autumn walks In our park, Gives autumn gifts to everyone: Red beads - Rowan, Pink apron - Aspen, Yellow umbrella - Poplar, Fruits.

The craft is made of natural materials with the addition of plasticine and paint. the theme of the craft is a forest clearing and the animals living on it. also.

Master class "Firebird" from natural material in three versions. Master - class with step by step photo

Petrova Olesya, 12 years old, studying at the Phyto-design Circle.
Leader: Gorina Svetlana Valentinovna, teacher additional education,
MKUDO Surovikinsky House of Pioneers and Schoolchildren.
Autumn is a great time of the year when the foliage on the trees changes color, the fruits ripen, the seeds ripen. It is nice to go on an excursion to the forest in clear weather, where you can collect leaves of various shapes and colors for future compositions.
In this master - class I demonstrate three versions of the compositions "Fire - bird".

This master class is intended for children of junior and middle school age, teachers and parents.
Purpose: interior decoration, gift.
Goal: making a composition from natural material in the form of a panel "Fire - birds".
- develop perseverance,
- develop creativity, fantasy, imagination.

"Fire is a bird" from ash seeds. Master - class with step by step photos

Ash seeds in the form of lionfish are very convenient for making crafts, are well stored, can be used in winter.

- ash lionfish,
- millet,
- chickpeas,
- mash,
- colored cardboard,
- scissors,
- gouache,
- PVA glue,
- brush.

Let's draw "Fire - bird" on colored cardboard.

Color the lionfish blue.

Let's add green dots to the blue lionfish.

Let's glue the painted lionfish onto the "Fire - Birds" contour. Glue without gaps, lionfish tightly to each other.

We glue the next row, closing the previous one.

In this way, we glue the tail completely.

We glue the body of the bird with blue lionfish.

We glue the whole body of the bird with lionfish without a gap in blue.

We continue to glue the neck with blue lionfish. We break the lionfish, not painted, in half and glue the beak.

Cut the blue lionfish in half. Glue the head with flat parts in a circle.

Color the millet yellow.

Glue the dyed millet on the tail in green dots.

Glue small twigs and mung bean cereals on top of the head.
We glue where the chickpea eye should be.

Let the glue dry.
The composition is ready.

Close-up of the tail.

"Heat is a bird" from the side.

"Heat is a bird" from dried autumn leaves. Master - class with step by step photos

It is advisable to collect the leaves for the composition in warm sunny weather. So that there is as little moisture as possible on the street. The collected leaves can be dried in old books. Place the autumn leaf between the sheets of the book, lay out the leaves in one layer. Do not stack the leaves on top of each other, otherwise they may stick together. You need to put a press on the book, usually two bricks. After two weeks, the leaves are ready for work.
Store dried leaves preferably in boxes or envelopes in a dry place.
The leaves keep well and you can collect a large number of beautiful leaves and use them in compositions after a few years.

To complete the composition, you will need the following tools and materials:
- dry leaves of different colors and shapes,
- dry rose petals,
- PVA glue,
- scissors,
- white cardboard.

On a white cardboard we will draw a contour "Fire - birds".

Glue the longer leaves on the "Fire - birds" contour tightly to each other.

Glue leaves of a different color and smaller in size on top.

We glue the next row, the leaves are the same as in the first row, but narrower in size.

Shade the wingspan with yellow leaves, gluing tightly to each other.

Leaves of a darker color, glue the edging of the wings.

Cut off the leaves and lay out the bird's neck.

Having cut a triangle out of a brown sheet, glue the beak.
Glue the head in a circle of yellow leaves.

Cut out drops from rose petals and glue one drop on each sheet.

Cut out circles from yellow rose petals and glue them into each drop.

Let the glue dry.

Glue a crest on the head from a green sheet, glue an eye by cutting out a circle from a rose petal.

The composition is ready.

Wing close-up.

Close-up of the tail.

"Heat is a bird" from seeds and cereals. Master - class with step by step photos

It is advisable to wash and dry the collected fruit seeds. You can store in bags.

To complete the composition, you will need the following tools and materials:
- pumpkin seeds,
- melon seeds,
- watermelon seeds,
- flower seeds,
- millet groats,
- mung bean groats,
- chickpeas,
- pistachios,
- PVA glue,
- black cardboard.

Draw the outline "Fire - birds" on black cardboard

We glue the fragment on the wings in the form of an arc with millet.

Glue the bird's head with seeds of black flowers.

Glue the neck and the outline of the wings with melon seeds on top.

Glue the contour of the wings from below with pistachio scales.

Distribute five pumpkin seeds on the tail. Draw a drop around the pumpkin seeds with PVA glue and cover with millet. Let the glue dry.

We glue the seeds of the dawn flowers at the base of the drop fragment.
In the wings between the millet arc and pistachio scales, glue the mung bean evenly.

Between the wings, the body of the bird, glue the seeds of brown flowers.
Decorate the large mung bean tail with green stripes.

My daughter Katya in this wreath became the "Queen of Autumn" in 2007!

It is my deep conviction that our education, since Soviet times, has been built on the following principle:

“If you didn’t fulfill the teacher’s task in childhood, you will still do it when you help your child” :-).

So, dear mothers, since we met on this page, it means that your child was given the task to bring an autumn craft. Did you guess right?

I have no doubt you will breathe a sigh of relief now! I have collected a bunch of ideas, and your craft from autumn leaves will definitely delight the teacher! 🙂

In order not to interfere with the whole experience of mankind in this matter, I tried to combine collages and applications that are similar in meaning.

Let's start!

Portrait from autumn leaves

I didn't find many examples of little people of their natural materials, but enough for inspiration. The face can be glued together from several fragments and an oval of the desired shape can be cut.

For hairstyles or hats, choose coarser plants. You can use spikelets or stalks of dry herbs.

Here are some more very cute characters "with mood". Mom. Don't try to find leaves of the right shape. To make the head, simply cut out a circle or oval from any sheet of paper. If there are no dried narrow blades of grass for your hair, cut the large sheet into thin strips.

I also found kids for them, though not from leaves, but from acorns. To make them quickly, you need a glue gun and a permanent marker. A scarf can be made from pieces of felt or any other brightly colored fabric. Unmatched kids!

Butterfly Birds

This is the most common type of autumn creativity. We make cute animals and insects from dry leaves of different colors and shapes. Leaves in contrasting colors are the hardest to find, as almost everything turns yellowish brown after drying.

To have a choice, dry not only autumn, but also green leaves too, then the palette of colors will be much wider and you will definitely get something out of it. dry rose petals look great on the tail of a peacock, take note:

Here are simple and expressive birds. By the way, the leaves with small flaws look quite harmonious, there are always many unexpected spots in the plumage of birds. a couple of lines with a pen, and the beak becomes like a beak. Chickens are made in a minute, you can make a whole brood.

Impossible handsome ... Apple bit off :-). This collage is made using colored cardboard details. My version of the hedgehog is framed on the right. There we also sprinkled semolina porridge on PVA glue here and there. I hope the teacher will like it ...

Here's another option for those who can sketch these simple drawings... Draw the lion's head and fish large - on the entire album sheet. Cardboard is preferred. The rest is clear from the illustration!

Information for educators and teachers! , there is a lot of useful and accessible!

More from ash seeds ...

Here is our latest craft. This is a beautiful owl in a frame of autumn leaves. Leaves were glued on PVA with an overlap on a sheet of A3 format cardboard along the perimeter. They did not try very hard, because then they cut off the excess along the edge, and another sheet is glued to the inside, and with the applique of an owl from ash seeds, so you also don't need to try along the ruler. Our beak is made from half an acorn. Well, in my opinion ...

From these seeds, you can come up with a lot of interesting things (application) - roofs of houses, a field of dry grass, an animal skin or bird feathers. The work is long and painstaking, but if you did not have time to collect and dry the leaves, there is a way out. Plucked from a tree and glued immediately.

Here are some more examples for inspiration.

A mosaic of dried leaves and flowers can be added to the drawing. This looks very nice:

Dry leaf hairstyle

In these pictures of their leaves, sponges, eyes and even cilia are cut out, but you can simply draw a face, not lay it out with thin branches, but we make a shock of hair not just from individual leaves, but from whole branches with dry leaves. The fact that they are not dried in the same plane, but in volume, gives our work a special charm. Well, what a beauty ... I found it in my favorite social networks, I decided to post it here so that the idea is not lost.

Cutting out figures from fallen leaves

I have highlighted these collages separately, since the autumn leaves are used a little differently - it's just material for cutting out simple figures and letters. You need to do this BEFORE the leaf is dry, otherwise it will crumble ... First we cut out, then dry in the usual way in old book or between newspaper sheets. You can cut out entire words and phrases this way.

To make the letters neat, print them on a printer of the correct size.

Now we put copy paper on the autumn sheet, on top - your printout. We circle so that the drawing remains on the yellow sheet. Remaining cut!

This way you can make not only the letters of the alphabet, but also simple silhouettes (animals, houses, clouds).

Interesting examples of paintings from autumn leaves:

Thuja twigs are used here, and the desired shape is cut out of dry leaves for application. For the house, you will need thin dry twigs, but you can also collect from matches.

RA from this picture you can take an idea. The female profile is simply drawn, but the leaves in her hair may be not paper, but real ! Is it hard to find them different sizes and shapes to make such a beauty?

Here are cute little owls. A silhouette is cut out of the paper, then we glue the leaves, as shown in the figure, and at the end of the work we cut off all the protruding excess along the contour of the cardboard blank. We make the eyes from paper in a contrasting color.

Colored collages

Autumn leaves are so beautiful on their own that they look great in frames and without any plot. Look how beautiful it is! The first layer is dark leaves, then put the contrasting and most beautiful ones, so the volume will be felt. All under the frame.

I also liked the idea: on a collage of leaves we put a sheet of thick cardboard in which a letter or a simple figure is cut out with a clerical knife.

Another unusual technique, which for some reason is called Iris-folding , I found on the site "Country of Masters". A detailed master class here:

Photo frame

For the autumn exhibition, you can make frames for photographs and for decorating essays and poems on the theme of autumn. Here are the options I found. In my opinion, very simple and effective.

Interior decoration

Fall leaf crafts can be very romantic.

To get such a tree, you need to dry the leaves in advance, and only then reattach them to a beautiful branch with transparent adhesive tape.

We work with a hammer ...

Unusual technique. I saw on the American website, translation, etc. The point is that the fallen leaves are placed between watercolor paper and a napkin, carefully tapped over the entire surface with a hammer so that the coloring pigment remains on the paper.

Roses from autumn leaves - master class