Garage production ideas. Small business in the garage: ideas that work. Restoration and binding of old books

If you still think that a business needs at least a couple of extra million and a full-fledged office in the city center, then it's time to reconsider your views on entrepreneurship.

Many stories are known large companieswho started their activities in their own apartment, rented room or through a "homemade" website on the Internet, and today these same companies are the flagships of the market.

Vitaly Kitaev, CEO of Oriense:

“Our company Oriense has created and sells navigation and orientation devices for blind people. We started our business as a student project, in fact, in a garage. We received grants, investments and, in the end, developed into a full-fledged company. "

The fate of successful ones is easy to repeat if you have a desire to start your own business and a room that is not used in any way, but at the same time is in a "working" condition, for example, a garage. And also an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to make money on a few square meters. If the latter is not available, pay attention to the franchise offers - gentlemen, franchisors have already come up with everything for you. It remains to choose and use.

Production of stamps and plastic cards

At first glance, it seems that a spacious room with electricity, water supply and good ventilation is enough for a business in a garage. But you won't be able to close and make money - you will have to interact with customers, suppliers and set up sales.

In addition, even a small business requires an equally careful approach to organization and management. It is even more difficult to do a business in a garage than to open, for example, your own store, because you will need to spend a lot more effort, energy and knowledge to attract the first customers, and not all people perceive products made in the garage adequately. Therefore, in order to build the right interaction with clients, you need either a good sales experience or an experienced mentor. Finding such a mentor is very easy through franchising.

Yes, you can start a business in your own garage with a franchise. Moreover, in the franchising market there are many proposals that put forward minimum requirements for premises. For example, the production of seals and stamps with companies, or the production of plastic cards with a franchise network will be quite “fit” in the garage.

Do not make premature conclusions that this business is too "small" and will not bring you the desired income. Let's speculate.

The first question most entrepreneurs ask is how stable the business will be. The stability of any business depends on the flow of customers. Who needs stamps and plastic cards, who will order them from you?

First, existing and new companies. Secondly, government agencies. Thirdly, individuals - cadastral engineers, lawyers, lawyers. In the end, stamps and cards, like any other thing, are lost and worn out. Thus, stable demand will provide companies with orders and long-term relevance in the market.

If you want to open similar business on your own, you need to find quality equipment suppliers. Today there are many suppliers, but those who will provide equipment that will not break down in a month will have to look.

Ramil Gariev, Head of Franchising Department at Cardzavod:

"For our 8 years of experience we know reliable companies that provide not only high-quality equipment, but also exclusive prices."

In addition, you need to develop a complex software for the production of plastic cards and put the work of the sales department.

The franchisor will tell you about the production technique, provide necessary equipment and consumables, will teach you how to run a business and interact competently with the client base. All this will allow you to unmistakably enter the business and start earning almost immediately after opening. This means that in order to acquire a franchise, you do not need to be an experienced and sophisticated entrepreneur or even know how to make a product.

Otherwise, you will have to learn from your own mistakes by making the wrong steps. It is not known when it will be possible to achieve a decent income. And it is this uncertainty that often pushes entrepreneurs to buy a franchise.

The only requirement of the franchisor is the presence ... no, not an office, but premises. You can own it or rent it, as long as it is a separate workspace. The ideal option is a garage. But before starting a business, it is worth doing its insulation, unless, of course, you are guided by seasonal activities or are not going to freeze while working in the cold season. In fact, this is enough to prepare your production room, that is, a garage, for operation.


For car enthusiasts with an entrepreneurial streak, the garage is a particularly suitable place for business. Moreover, it is very easy to make money on car enthusiasm, because whoever else but you will better understand lovers of speed and beautiful cars.

And the absence of an entry fee and subsequent royalty payments to the franchise can be a major argument in order to try out a business through franchising. You will only have to pay for a set of equipment and materials that the franchisor will provide.

Most likely you are already familiar with the technology for painting a car body with liquid rubber, but this product has recently appeared on the market, so it is worth talking about it in more detail.

It is a rubber-based waterproofing material for covering the surface of a car. For the knowledgeable - a new method of body tuning, designed for both protection and transformation appearance cars.

Today, a car is not only a comfortable mode of transport, for most it is also a loyal companion, and, if you like, an expensive accessory. Therefore, every self-respecting motorist monitors the state of his iron friend. And in this sense, it doesn't even matter what brand or what class the car is - the popularity of your business is guaranteed to grow. But only on the condition that you take a responsible approach to your business. This applies to both organization and coating technology. If you work in partnership with a franchisor, you shouldn't have any problems, because he will control you at every stage of business development.

In order to establish such a business, the garage must have convenient access roads and be securely closed so that the car owner can safely entrust you with his transport.

Coating and imaging

From an ordinary garage, you can make not only a car workshop, but also a design studio. IQDEMY, represented on the market by a network of art centers, can help with this.

The main activity of SUN Studio is the service of printing - drawing an image on any surface on almost any scale, which allows making special equipment.

Thanks to the technology of ultraviolet printing, the image can be "transferred" to various materials - from wood and glass to ceramics and stone. Ample opportunities allow you to create a unique pattern on the floor, walls, doors, furniture, interior elements, laptops, phones and even snowboards - there are no and cannot be any restrictions, except for the customer's imagination.

And if you are thinking about who uses printing services, then the answer is simple and concise - everything, since the customers of art centers are both individuals - people are ready to decorate private houses and personal items, and legal entities are companies that want to stand out with their exterior and manufactured products.

However, it should be noted that starting such a business requires no less 3.5 million rubles - this is the amount of the minimum start-up investment, for which the franchisor company promises to provide everything necessary to start work - equipment and consumables. And all the necessary knowledge can be obtained in the course of training or from consultations with coordinators.

Also, for the full functioning of the center, in addition to a workshop (read garage), you need a small office space for serving clients, accepting and issuing orders.

By the way, it is impossible to organize such a business on your own. The consumables required are unique to the market and belong to the Unibrait brand. And, if you are ready to purchase a company franchise, you must invest at least 2 million rubles.


Entrepreneurs are trying to come up with such business ideas that would solve many everyday problems of an ordinary person and would at least slightly simplify his life. Often times, this business concept turns out to be distinctively winning and profitable. For example, franchise networks for the repair of digital equipment and for refueling and repairing printer cartridges, despite the fact that they specialize in a narrow niche of the service sector, are confidently on the market and have been operating for several years.

“All legal entities are our potential clients. Moreover, almost everyone, from large enterprises to students, has a printer. And if the service is provided on high level, then the client is guaranteed to come for the service again ”.

Service Plus and Gas Station franchises will instantly turn your garage into a service center. In addition, this is the same business option that requires minimal investment - to start such a business, you only need about 200 thousand rubles.

However, the obvious simplicity of the case hides a lot of moments, without knowing which it is a difficult and long process to open a service center on your own.

Alexander Ragulin, co-founder of Zapravka5 company:

“The two main difficulties in business are technical process and marketing. The cartridge refueling market today is quite large and highly competitive. "

If you are more interested in the Service Plus offer, then you should know that the franchisor is similarly ready to support its partner - to select suppliers of spare parts, teach how to work with China, use specially designed accounting programs for service centers and advise in case of questions regarding repair and attracting customers.

If you seriously decide to try yourself in servicing equipment, then the garage room will need to be divided into 2 parts - the order acceptance area and the repair area.


Believe it or not, you can even make beer in your garage, and it's absolutely legal.

Beer is one of the favorite folk foamy drinks. And, as you know, where there is a popular product, there are also big players who have taken most of the market. At the same time, local participants were also identified in the "beer" field, who also managed to find a grateful client.

The only thing that will allow you to join the ranks of the current players is a quality product. For example, a real traditional English drink is ale prepared according to old recipe, which, under the control of English brewers, produces craft

Newbies rarely enter this business because brewing involves knowledge of the beers and strict brewing technology. And why reinvent the wheel if everything has already been invented before us?

By the way, a small brewing enterprise today is even more adapted to the market than large producers. Judge for yourself: a private brewery pays much more attention to the quality and taste of the drink than, for example, a beer factory. That is why the consumer begins to gradually rebuild, giving preference to his favorite drink, rather than the well-known trade mark... In addition, large-scale production does not have the ability to flexibly respond to changes in the market and, if necessary, make changes to the recipe, while small breweries can confidently level out the difficulties arising from the outside.

Even the smallest villages in England had breweries that locals loved to drop in for ale with austere British flavor. The Brewery of Angelic Antique Ale does not change traditions - the franchise is relevant for cities with a population of 3 thousand or more people.

The only thing that the entrepreneur should take care of is the premises, as the franchisor stipulates that the production can be organized only far from the residential premises and in the presence of all communications.

One way or another, the support of the franchisor is the undoubted advantage of the franchise. But no matter what path to business you choose for yourself - franchising or organizing on your own, no matter what niche your soul falls into, there are several components of success that every entrepreneur should know - desire, a thoughtful approach to business, and the quality of the product or service that you offer to the market.

For many people main goal in life is complete financial independence - to work for yourself, to have own business and not obey the picky bosses. A garage business is the perfect way to make that dream come true.

Convert garage to room service not as difficult a task as it might seem at first glance. Even with a small start-up capital and minimal effort, you can start a business that can provide good income in the future. The main thing is to bring one of the business ideas in the garage to implementation.

To begin with, entrepreneurs should decide on the specifics of their business project and its focus... It is advisable to choose based on your own capabilities, skills and abilities - if you have creative potential and love collecting antiques, then you should not open a turning workshop, even if such a project in the future can bring excellent profit.

There are several main areas of the garage business:

  • production of various goods;
  • service;
  • processing of materials or raw materials.

Each of these areas requires certain equipment and capital investments. Moreover, business beginners will have to develop their customer base, which means - to spend advertising campaign.

Top 10 working ideas

1. Opening a sales outlet.

It is quite possible to open a grocery store in the garage.

In accordance with the current legislation, the garage belongs to the objects of stationary trade, which means that you can organize a store in it. Before creating a business plan, it is advisable to analyze the demand for certain groups of goods. For example, in a large garage complex, you can sell auto parts or supplies.

To organize a store, the premises should be insulated and provided with high-quality equipment, which will require a lot of money, time and effort.

2. Car repair shop.

By opening a car workshop, you can help your neighbors in the garage with repairs on a reimbursable basis

If you are a car enthusiast with a lot of experience and are able to quickly fix even the most serious breakdown, then opening a car repair shop will be an ideal way to start making money for yourself. For this you will need hand tools (sets of wrenches, screwdrivers, jacks, etc.) and a welding machine. Before starting work, it is also advisable to take care of the safety of the workplace and equip the premises.

Forge is a promising and uncompetitive option

Artistic forging is a highly demanded activity. This venture may seem quite costly at first due to the need to buy expensive materials, but, in fact, due to the lack of competition in the market, with the right approach, it quickly pays off.

4. Car wash.

For a car wash inside the garage, you do not need to thoroughly re-equip the room

A car wash can be organized in almost any garage, you just need to equip the room and the area around it. Run water and prepare the sewerage system, take care of fire safety and decide on the equipment. Additionally, it is possible to arrange interior cleaning and engine wash services.

5. Production of decorative sculptures.

Making garden sculptures out of plaster and concrete is a minimum cost, but it is also a great way to create a profitable business. A beginner in this business will need to learn how to prepare a solution and buy molds for casting: foam, wood or cardboard.

6. Laundry.

Opening a laundry room can capture the attention of dormitory students with laundry problems

It is very difficult to find a public laundry in small towns, so such a business, provided there is no competition, can pay off very quickly. First you need to get the necessary equipment and detergents, as well as conduct a competent advertising campaign. The best option will be the organization of laundry in the garage near the student dormitories.

7. Tire fitting.

If the garage is located next to a gas station or roadway, then it would be advisable to organize a tire service. The room should be heated, ventilated and well lit. You will also need expensive equipment (compressor, vulcanizer, jack, tire changer), which is better to rent at the initial stage of the business.

8. Car tuning.

Car tuning gives scope for creativity, but is relevant only for big cities

Fans of creativity will like the prospect of creating something original and specific from ordinary cars. But, unfortunately, this type of business will be relevant only for residents of megalopolises. In small towns, it will not be easy to find consumers of this service, which means that in addition to purchasing expensive materials, you will have to spend a lot on advertising.

9. Glass cutting.

In areas with a large concentration of industrial premises, the garage can be converted into a glass cutting workshop. The technology of work is quite simple, and if desired, even a beginner can master it.

10. Service for diagnostics of malfunctions.

Like its owner, the car also needs regular diagnostics.

This service is very popular with car enthusiasts, so you can make good money by diagnosing car malfunctions. You will need to purchase special software, an adapter and a scanner to determine the machine block code and report errors. remember, that computer program should be regularly updated as new car brands appear every season.

Best options for beginners

1. Hire of children's goods and toys.

Children's toys are not cheap, so recently the rental services have begun to be used in great demand... You can buy the most popular baby products, colorfully and brightly decorate the garage and start promoting your services to the target group of consumers.

2. Antique shop.

The antiques resale business never loses its relevance. The main thing in this business is knowledge of the real market value of a thing, because on deals with those who want to get rid of stamps, coins or household items, you can earn up to 500% of the profit!

3. Pottery.

The pottery workshop can be interesting for both adults and children to visit

Making clay products will not only increase your income, but it will also help relieve stress, relax, and develop creativity. It is worth starting with the manufacture of stucco ceramics, and after the first customers appear, buy potter's wheel and molds for blanks. With successful business development, production can be expanded and master classes for children can be held.

4. Atelier for sewing and repairing clothes.

Atelier for tailoring is a great business option for women

One of best ideas business for women. All you need is a sewing machine, materials and the ability to sew accurately and accurately.

5. Printing services.

Nowadays, you will not surprise anyone with a copier or scanner, but the provision of printing services can bring significant profits in the shortest possible time. Especially if your garage is located next to educational institutions or administrative buildings.

6. Production of wooden pallets.

Due to the widespread use of pallets in various fields, such a business can be very promising.

Pallets can be made manually and without special equipment. If you persistently search for reliable distribution channels, your business will quickly return to net profit.

7. Sharpening of tools and knives.

In residential areas, sharpening services will be in great demand. In addition to sharpening kitchen knives, you can also make money on processing tools for beauty salons (hairdressing scissors and nail clippers).

8. Mini-workshop for the manufacture of furniture.

Furniture self made will always be in demand

Huge competition in the furniture business should not scare a novice businessman - with a well-chosen direction and a creative approach, you can develop a good client base in a short time. You can make custom-made cabinet furniture (wardrobes, walls or beds) or frameless (poufs, armchairs). Additional income can be obtained by mastering decoupage, decorating or aging furniture.

9. Repair of household appliances.

This service will be relevant in any city and region. In order to start a business, you need to have the appropriate qualifications and have a personal transport on which you could deliver large-sized equipment.

10. Production of products on a lathe.

Turners, as a rule, do not sit idle

Turner services are in demand both from private firms that do not have a master on their staff, and from auto repair shops. To get started, you only need a lathe and a set of standard tools.

Ideas with minimal investment

1. Renting out premises.

This is the easiest and most effective way to get passive income without investment - you can get from 4000 to 6000 rubles per month. The specific rental price will depend primarily on the location of the garage, the availability of communications in it and its size.

2. Service for temporary storage of things.

A temporary storage service in your garage will help people avoid cluttering their balconies

Many residents of megalopolises are faced with the issue of storing things that they do not use in the summer - skis, sledges, winter car tires. The garage owner can benefit from this and make money from providing storage services. The profit, of course, will be insignificant, but it will be possible to receive it after the first client.

3. Point of reception of secondary raw materials.

Certain types of raw materials can be sold to organizations that are involved in production and processing. These materials include paper, cardboard, glass, textiles, rubber and scrap metal.

4. Growing plants.

Growing vegetables or mushrooms in the garage can be put on commercial rails

A heated and well-lit garage makes it easy to grow plants and mushrooms. This line of business will not require significant investments, because it will not be difficult to equip a greenhouse in a room for an experienced summer resident, and the crop can be sold to small grocery stores.

5. Making decorative products and souvenirs.

You can make holiday New Year products (for example, Christmas balls), magnets, soap and candles, badges and souvenirs. The scale of production in this case does not depend on the amount of start-up capital, but only on your range of imagination - the possibilities in this area of \u200b\u200bactivity are almost limitless.

6. Sale of clothes.

Garage sales in Russia are still not widespread

Garage sales have long gained popularity in the United States, and in last years and in our country, enterprising owners of garage boxes are adopting this experience. Selling clothes (like a stock store or second-hand) means providing yourself with a year-round income.

7. Computer workshop.

Computer workshop is a win-win direction

If you are well versed in computers, then you can try to open a workshop in your garage to repair them. But keep in mind that for this the room must be dry, insulated and well lit.

8. Packing of goods.

Owners of wholesale bases and shops often save on the services of packers, so if you wish, you can easily set up production for packaging bulk products and cooperate with large entrepreneurs, selling them the finished prepackaged goods.

Who said that you have to live in a village to run small farming?

Fashion on healthy eating makes many residents of large cities strive to the markets in search of home and quality products. Caring for a chicken is not difficult, their diet is as simple as possible, and if the size of the garage allows you to place a dozen laying hens in it, you will ensure yourself a stable profit.

10. Services of a personal trainer.

Perhaps the most original way to generate additional income is to organize sports training in your garage. If you are an experienced athlete and can offer copyright training methods, then you will not have to compete with large gyms - you can quickly build up a client base.

How not to be mistaken when choosing a direction of activity

In order to choose the right direction for your business project and not go into the red, you should follow just a few simple recommendations:

  • Choose the idea that can pay off as much as possible and bring profit in the shortest possible time;
  • Focus on customer needs;
  • Do not join competitive struggle with large entrepreneurs;
  • At the beginning of the implementation of your project, try to do without hired labor in order to save money;
  • Don't buy expensive equipment to start production;
  • Make a business plan by analyzing all upcoming expenses and estimated income.

A garage business for aspiring entrepreneurs is a great chance to start a business without significant costs. In the garage, it is possible to organize the production of goods, organize trade or equip a room for the provision of services.

Don't forget that the success of your business depends solely on your desire and hard work. And if you still doubt whether it is worth trying, then remember - the story of the famous apple started with assembling computers in the garage.

Many business people who own corporations once started with. Even without a significant initial capital, you can open a small production of any goods or provide services to the population.

It is absolutely not necessary to then expand your financial activities, a garage business can be opened in order to receive additional income and work for pleasure. or in a big city, the main thing is that there is a desire to engage in this type of activity.

How profitable is it to do a garage business

The profitability of this type of earnings depends on the line of business, on the quality of the manufactured goods or services provided, as well as on the amount of time that will be devoted to this business. Running a garage business, you can save on the following expense items:

  • Premises for rent.
  • Hiring workers.
  • Business registration.

Glass workshop of an entrepreneur from Blagoveshchensk.

If the garage is owned, then there is no need to pay a monthly rent, which can significantly save money.

Most garage self-employment options can be done independently without additional assistance.

Although it is not safe to work without registering a business at the tax office. A garage entrepreneur can be fined for illegal business.

Broom production from plastic bottles - this type of business is described below.

If the sale of goods or services occurs only for a limited circle of acquaintances, then you can do without registering entrepreneurial activity, the main thing is, in this case, not to “shine too much” and not tell strangers about garage self-employment.

By minimizing costs, the profitability of this type of business is significantly increased. Entrepreneurship will be profitable even if if you devote no more than 3 - 4 hours a day to garage work.

The most common areas of this type of self-employment:

  • Repair of scooters and mopeds.
  • Furniture workshop.
  • Household appliances repair atelier.
  • Garage smithy.
  • Herbal tea production.
  • Manufacturing of plates and house numbers.
  • Turner services.

When you can't do without hired employees

Some types of garage business will require additional labor.

Options for running a garage business yourself

This category of garage business is the most common. It is impossible to list all the options for such self-employment, because it is possible at any time to invent some new direction in this business. The most common options are:

  1. Furniture workshop - you can do this business yourself. It is enough to purchase woodworking machines and tools necessary for this type of activity. Garage furniture production can start with the production of benches and garden benches. After gaining the first experience, in order to increase the profitability of production, it will be necessary to expand the range of furniture produced and its quality.

Weak ideas

Not all small business ideas can be implemented in the garage business format. Doubtful ideas for a garage business include:

In fact, it is impossible to say how effective the ideas presented in the video are. It depends solely on who and how gets down to business. They have lost their freshness, and are not relevant for those who are looking for something original, but they can work if the idea is supported by an enthusiast.


In order to organize a garage business you need minimum start-up capital and small time costs... If there is a garage that is not used for its intended purpose, then there must be done overhaul, and use this platform for the described ways of earning, you can come up with something original and unusual, in this case there will be no competition at all, which will allow you to become a monopolist in this area of \u200b\u200bbusiness in a short time.

From China

A number of ideas that can be realized with only a garage at your disposal are in the video selection.

One of the simplest and most affordable sites for small business development is a garage. Perhaps this unclaimed building will turn out to be a source of good income. At first, the garage business can be a part-time job, and then the main activity. Here are ten of the most promising ways to get richer.

Making decorative sculptures

The garage business can be based on the production of plaster or concrete garden figurines. You will need to learn how to prepare a high-quality solution and acquire a variety of molds for casting - wooden, cardboard, metal, polyurethane or foam.

This will require a minimum of equipment costs. Even if the initial capital is only a few thousand dollars, feel free to start building a business in the garage. Ideas for the production of decorative items can be brought to life even in a room with a small area.

Metal casting

A possible range of products may include doorknobs, soldiers, fishing tackle weights, etc. A small electric smelter is required to operate. You can either make it yourself or purchase it. It is important to have high-quality forms so that the finished products do not cause complaints about quality. In addition, the production area must be connected to a three-phase electrical circuit.

Working with foam

When looking at payback garage business ideas, one cannot fail to mention artistic styrofoam cutting. It is best to work with customers directly, providing them with bespoke products. The only drawback of this type of activity is that you will have to purchase expensive equipment for the production of decorative items in the garage.

On the positive side, the vast majority of foam shops do not cut material. Large firms prefer to make money on volume. This is where opportunities open up to organize a successful small business. Any ideas in the garage can be realized - from Roman columns to curly patterns made of foam.

Glass matting

Business ideas in the garage include painting on glass using sandblasting or special matting paste. Creativity is not needed in this matter: a stencil is applied to the glass, and it forms the necessary pattern.

As you can see, equipment for production in a garage in this case cannot be called complicated. You don't need thousands of dollars to get started. If you have free funds, you can purchase a sandblaster. It will cost 120-150 thousand rubles. As for the paste, the costs here will be significantly lower: a batch of material will cost a maximum of five thousand rubles.

The main desire. Even if you have to do only five or six jobs a month, you will be provided with an average salary. Advertising companies, souvenir shops, stained glass and glass workshops, as well as design companies may be interested in the above-described products.

Car wash

You can wash cars in the garage. To open such a case, you will have to solve a lot of questions. With the right equipment and staff, the business promises to be profitable. The number of car washes is growing rapidly, but this does not mean that small business in this area has no place.

On the contrary, many drivers recall with hostility the huge queues at large facilities. This fact explains the demand for car wash services located in residential areas. In addition, the client can be offered to clean the interior, polish the dashboard, wash the engine, etc.

The choice of the appropriate equipment is fundamental. You need to decide on a group of devices. So, there is household and professional equipment. The latter is capable of performing its functions up to eight hours a day, however, specially trained people are needed to work with it, and it is not cheap.

It is also recommended to be responsible for choosing a supplier. It is best not to spare money and order equipment from the official representative of the manufacturer. Experienced specialists will competently advise you and help you choose the right devices. In addition, you can always count on a quality guarantee of equipment and service.

Don't forget about development marketing strategy with the mandatory inclusion of advertising costs.

Vehicle repair

Consider how to open a car service in a garage. The first step is to decide what services you will provide. So, you can repair bodies, engines, tire fitting, install alarms, cut locks, tint windows, change mirrors, bumpers, etc. It is important to take into account your own capabilities and dimensions of the room. Don't try to cover the whole range of services at once, start small. This will help to avoid large investments and, accordingly, big risks.

As the business develops, it will be possible to purchase the appropriate equipment and expand the list of services. For example, repairing the suspension and transmission requires a standard set of tools. The most versatile types of activity include painting and body repair, since the same equipment is quite suitable for such works for both expensive foreign cars and well-worn types of domestic cars. This fact allows you to count on the widest range of clients.

Manufacture of cabinet furniture

Many garages are equipped for assembly shops for a wide variety of pieces of furniture. To start a business in this area, you will not need to overcome numerous difficulties. it profitable business in the garage. Furniture production ideas can be realized without expensive equipment: the necessary components can be ordered from large manufacturers. All that remains for you is to organize a high-quality assembly of products.

Over time, you can expand your business and make any pieces of furniture yourself (as an option - according to customer sketches). To do this, you need to purchase a special machine and learn how to work on it.

Creation of frames for greenhouses

There is intense competition in this area. Interesting ideas and innovative solutions will help you achieve success. For example, you can try to make the frame especially strong when minimum costs... In this case, the product will be in high demand. The required minimum of tools: milling and rolling machines, grinder, welding machine. Some craftsmen do without rolling and welding, fastening metal frames with bolts.

Organization of a sales outlet

To open a store, you will need to make cosmetic repairs in the room, water. If the location of the garage allows you to bring communications to it, go for it! Consider the location of your competitors when choosing your business line.

It will be a waste of time and money to open the fourth bakery in a residential area. Your garage can be transformed into a store of household chemicals, cosmetics, auto parts, bottled water, food.

Even at the planning stage, it is necessary to coordinate everything with the SES, get acquainted with the norms that determine the sanitary classification of commercial enterprises.

Netting production

Such products are most in demand in the warm season. So, the mesh-netting is used to shelter trees, to enclose the territory, and it also acts as a base for the roof of sheds. This is a pretty good, and most importantly, low cost business in the garage.

The ideas for the production of a chain-link mesh do not imply the purchase of expensive equipment. Only one machine is needed to develop the business. The standard semi-automatic version will cost no more than forty thousand rubles. For an automatic machine, you will have to pay about two hundred thousand.

The wholesale price of the netting is one hundred rubles per square meter. In this situation, the cost of purchasing the machine will pay off quickly.


The garage can be empty or generate real income. Which option to choose is up to you. Basically, starting a business in a garage is not that difficult. Of course, everything depends on the specific direction. However, if you do what you love, then success will not be long in coming!

As a business idea for men, consider starting a business in a garage. This property can bring real profits with minimal investment. The founders of the largest corporations Apple and Harley Davidson began their activities in such a room.

Depending on the size of the area, you can open your own production or provide services to the population. This will help save on rent, which means it will reduce the cost of starting a business. Of course, garage space won't be enough for a large-scale business. However, this is a great idea for a startup or small business.

When opening your own business, you can register an individual entrepreneur or not.

BBQcash recommends choosing the first option, because according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, any provision of goods or services for money more often than once a year is called entrepreneurial activity, which means that a citizen is obliged to pay taxes.

Let's consider an example when it is not necessary to issue an IP: Anatoly repairs strollers, bicycles, etc. in his garage. At the same time, he does not place advertisements about services anywhere, mostly friends turn to him. His profit and clients are inconsistent, the premises are not equipped for entrepreneurial activities.

When registering an IP, the following rules must be observed:

  • Get all the necessary papers from the tax office.
  • Re-register the garage as a business point in the municipality. You need to call an architect who will take measurements, and do everything he says.
  • Follow certain requirements: the building must stand on a foundation, be decorated in accordance with all the rules, have an emergency exit, be fenced off (in a residential area), have a parking lot.
  • After inspection by the architect, an act will be issued, which must be certified by signatures in the fire inspection, utilities.

These are just standard rules. Each area has its own requirements. In addition, laws are constantly changing, so first of all you need to contact the city administration, the tax service and the Chamber of Entrepreneurs. They will tell you what to do.

Step-by-step steps for a beginner entrepreneur starting from scratch:

  • Assess the business: will there be a constant influx of customers, what is the competition, what is the budget for opening it.
  • Make an informal assessment: how long is it planned to be engaged in this business, is there staff, support from partners, etc.
  • Draw up a business plan. Otherwise, the case will simply burn out.
  • Estimate the size of the room. A lot of space is needed for production (for placing equipment, storing raw materials and finished products). If there is not enough space, an extension can be made (this requires permission from the municipality).
  • Analyze the location. If the garage is located outside the city, and in the settlement itself there is a similar organization, then no one will go far. There are exceptions, but very rarely.
  • First you need to try to produce a product or provide a service, only then start a business. When equipment is needed for a project, it is better to start with a used one. If the idea burns out, then at least with minimal investment... When things go uphill, you can spend money on more expensive equipment, and used equipment will remain just in case (breakdown, expansion, etc.).
  • Improve room characteristics. It will be much more pleasant for customers to purchase products at a point with interior and exterior decoration. In addition, it is more comfortable for employees to work in good conditions: in warmth, cleanliness and comfort, which means that they will lead labor activity better quality. Additionally, you can carry out sewerage, heating, so as not to freeze in winter, equip ventilation.

Choosing a direction and developing a strategy

To prevent the business from going bankrupt immediately, you need to think carefully about everything. Step-by-step actions:

  • Planning. At this stage, it is necessary to determine the sphere (choose the one in which there is knowledge and experience). Analyze the market, competition, financial investment opportunities.
  • Registration as an individual entrepreneur.
  • Purchase of equipment, tools, etc.
  • The decision to hire employees (how many people are needed, for what positions, their earnings, etc.).
  • Selection and training of personnel.
  • Purchase of raw materials for the manufacture of products.
  • Equipment adjustment, production technology development.
  • Sale of goods or provision of services.

Top 50 ideas

BBQcash experts advise you to pay attention: the specifics of the business must correspond to the locality in which the company opens. In megalopolises and small towns, it has differences.

Automotive sphere

The first thing that comes to mind when the phrase “business in the garage” is activity related to cars.

Tire fitting

This idea is one of the most profitable, especially in the spring and fall. The purchase of equipment will take about 245,000 rubles. These are the minimum investments, the amount may differ depending on the region. A lot of money, but the project will pay off quickly. In order to return the initial capital, it is recommended to open one month before the start of the season.

Installation of noise insulation

This is a simple job that you can learn on your own. In order for the business to bring more income, it is advisable to additionally engage in the installation of alarms, window tinting, and leather trim.


This activity is quite difficult and requires special skills. To gain experience, you can provide services at a low cost. Not forgetting to warn that a beginner will work with the vehicle. For more profit, you can do airbrushing, painting discs.

Salon dry cleaning

It is necessary to prepare a garage for running a business:

  • conduct water and heating;
  • install a drain;
  • dig the drain.

This will take about 150,000 rubles. On average, 130,000 will be spent on the purchase of equipment. Approximately 5,000 will have to be paid for registration and advertising. Also, one should not forget about the salaries of employees. Its size depends on the region.


This is a very large responsibility, personnel must be well trained and qualified to eliminate the risk of adverse consequences (for example, an accident as a result of improperly performed work). In addition, a service station requires a large garage and an area for parking. Starting such a business requires significant investment.

In order for the service station to generate income, you need to provide services for:

  • bodywork;
  • repair of engines;
  • restoration of electronics.

Vehicle diagnostics

There are 2 ways to do it:

  • using special equipment;
  • visual assessment of the condition (implies the installation of the lift in the garage).

In the first case, it is possible for a specialist to visit the client's territory. The average investment amount is 50 thousand rubles. In any type of diagnosis, certain skills and abilities are required.

Small car repair training

This type of business is quite rare, however, it is in demand (especially among auto ladies). Often they want to get basic knowledge: changing oil, wheels, determining a breakdown by sound, name of parts, etc.

People are often unaware that such services are available. To find clients, you can place ads on social networks, on the radio.

Car restoration

Broken cars can be purchased, repaired and resold. It is not necessary to buy rarities, because the prices are high. If you have the knowledge and skills in car repair, there is a chance to make a good profit by selling several cars a year.

Bottled motor oil

You can buy a barrel of liquid from wholesalers and sell it in liters to car owners in your garage.

Various car accessories can be sold for more income. Such a business can be organized without individual entrepreneurs. However, before starting activities, it is better to consult with the Chamber of Entrepreneurs.

Sale of auto parts

You must select one or more of the most popular car brands in the city. Monitor prices, manufacturer of parts from competitors. After that, purchase spare parts that are in demand.

Car seat covers

There are a huge number of companies selling such accessories. To have clients, you need to come up with something extraordinary.

To find out as much as possible about the products interested people, you can order targeted advertising on social networks. These are banners that appear on the page of potential customers (those who have recently entered the corresponding request in the search).

Anti-freeze production

You will have to spend an impressive amount on equipment. but car business durable and such production will bring good income in the future. To open a case you need:

  • equipment - 300 thousand rubles;
  • raw materials - 20;
  • manufacturing technology;
  • containers for bottling.

Anti-freeze can be implemented in bulk or in bulk.


If a decision was made to produce original products that have no analogues, it is necessary to analyze the market to determine whether there will be buyers for it.

If the city already has a similar product, then you need to carefully consider the work of competitors. Transfer the positive aspects to your production, and avoid mistakes in your activities. The product should be of higher quality, but at an acceptable cost. Only in this case it will be possible to win the competition and get a good profit.


This type of activity requires a special permit from the city administration. For production you need (in thousand rubles):

  • brewery - 50;
  • raw materials - 10;
  • accessories and containers for bottling - 30.

Everything can be purchased online.

Besides beer, you can also make moonshine or homemade wine.

Wooden crafts

You can make a lot of things: rolling pins, bats, decorations for stairs, houses, baths. If you buy some tools, it is possible to produce in the carpentry workshop:

  • dishes;
  • boxes;
  • candlesticks;
  • chess;
  • icons, etc.

If you achieve mastery in this business, then customers will be willing to pay tens of thousands for unique products.

Topical business in our country with severe winters. Moreover, it is very profitable to make children's felt boots. If one pair is enough for adults for several years, then an actively growing child may need 2-3 per season.

You need to buy:

  • a carding machine;
  • vibropress;
  • industrial washing machine and dryer.

It is necessary to find suppliers of quality wool and come up with an interesting design. After that, you can safely start production.

Garden figures

In Russia, more and more people, following the example of America, are abandoning apartments in favor of private houses and cottages. Therefore, such a decor item is gaining popularity. In addition, many have summer cottages, which are also decorated with garden figures.

Initially, you can start with the simplest sculptures and sell them at low cost. When high skill is achieved, you can take on expensive orders.

The size of the initial investment (in thousand rubles):

  • equipment - 105;
  • arrangement of the premises - 45;
  • consumables (from the account of 60 orders per month) - 60;
  • purchase of 5 matrices - 45;
  • total - 255.

If you plan to hire a worker for production, you must not forget about his salary. It depends on the region of activity, an average of 30 thousand rubles.

Making garden sculptures brings about 100 thousand rubles. per month (if there is a constant influx of customers). Therefore, the business will pay for itself in 3 months.

Drinking bowls and feeders

There are many interesting models on the Internet. You can make goods from various materials: wood, iron, plastic, etc. The business will generate good income if the point is located in a village or near farms. There is nothing complicated in making feeders and drinking bowls, every man with skillful hands will cope with the task.

Plastic bags

Until recently, the right to such production belonged exclusively to the state. Now everyone can make bags with or without a logo. The business is expensive (about 5 million rubles will have to be spent on opening), however, after 12-14 months it will pay for itself and start generating income.

The circle of potential buyers is wide:

  • opening retail outlets;
  • hypermarkets and supermarkets;
  • individuals;
  • hardware stores;
  • manufacturing enterprises that need packaging material;
  • warehouses;
  • delivery service;
  • a cafe.

It is necessary to obtain a permit for production, because bags will come into contact with food, their production must take place taking into account sanitary standards. Therefore, it is advisable to hire trained people for quality control.


Handicrafts are now at their peak of popularity. However, this business is quite specific and not suitable for everyone. Has the following disadvantages:

  • problems with the purchase of raw materials;
  • requires creativity, diligence.

Production requires the following tools:

  • jams;
  • cleavers;
  • secateurs;
  • knives;
  • hammer, awl, pliers;
  • container for cooking rods.

They are often decorated with apartments, offices, entertainment venues. The stores have a fairly small range of aquariums (by size). Therefore, custom-made custom measurements is a great business idea.

Aquariums can be produced for private customers or delivered to specialized stores. Additionally, it is recommended to breed ornamental fish. This will be another source of income.

About 100 thousand rubles will be spent on equipment. Consumable costs:

  • silicate glass or plexiglass (the price depends on the thickness) - 750-3,000 rubles. per sq.m;
  • glue - 300 rubles / package;
  • acetone / gasoline as a degreaser.

The cost of the product depends on the size, wall thickness. For example, an aquarium of 250 l (100 * 50 * 50, glass 6 mm) will require 1 sq. m. glass and 2 packages of glue. The cost price will be 2,200 rubles. You can sell it for 6,000 (the price is lower than in stores by about 700-800). Profit at an average load will be about 60,000 per month.

Toilet paper

Large-scale production, of course, will not work. You can start with small volumes. Additionally, it is necessary to equip a room for raw materials and finished products.

There will always be a demand for toilet paper. The competition in this area is high. In addition, the start-up capital is quite large (about 3 million rubles). Monthly expenses are about 1,020,000 rubles. (in the production of 60 tons of toilet paper). Plus salary for personnel, taxes, utilities.

From a ton of raw materials, 9,500 rolls are obtained. The average cost of one is 8 rubles. If such a volume is performed daily, then the profit will be in the amount of 2,280,000 rubles. per month.

It is advisable that the room where the keys will be made is located in the city center or other busy area. People will not go far, because every shopping center has such points.

To open a business, you will need several machines, which will cost about 100,000. The purchase of material for the first time will take about 50,000. The average cost of a key is 150-350. If you carry out 10-15 orders a day, you can actually earn 30-40 thousand rubles. per month. Additionally, you can engage in the manufacture of locks.


To open a point you need:

  • sewing machine;
  • a device for cutting leather;
  • a device for embossing it;
  • edge processing machine;
  • press;
  • decorating machine.

You can cut the material yourself and buy ready-made strips. For greater profitability, it is recommended to sew punching bags, collars for pets.


This is a fairly simple production that does not require the purchase of special equipment. If you make shelves from wood, then a saw, sandpaper, fasteners and other standard tools are enough. You can also make products from glass, plastic.

Processing of skins

The advantage of this business idea is that employees do not have to have specific qualifications. Anyone can easily master the equipment for dressing skins.

The business is very profitable. One skin brings income in the amount of 1,500-4,000 rubles. (depending on the type of fur). It is recommended to start with dressing rabbits, sheep, goats. The raw materials of these animals are cheaper. Therefore, in case of damage, minor losses will be incurred.

Construction and repair

This is a business that will always be in demand, construction and repair work will always be relevant.

Paving stones

This material is used for the improvement of roads on the street. It is durable, capable of withstanding high loads, and has a long service life.

Do not confuse paving stones with paving slabs (the latter is laid for decorative purposes). Their production technology is different.

Clients can be large construction companies, shops or individuals. No construction process is complete without the creation of sidewalks and paths, so there will always be demand for the material.

The equipment for business will take about 250,000. The cost of 1 square meter of paving stones is about 160, and it can be sold for 350 rubles. If you produce 50 square meters per shift, then the production will pay off in just 3 months.

Production of this building material will bring good income if:

  • there are no brick factories at a distance of 150-200 km;
  • bricks of various shapes and / or colors are made;
  • the production working around the clock is well established, which allows us to produce large batches of material;
  • second-hand brick is additionally sold (the price is lower, there is demand).

In addition to bricks, foam blocks, artificial marble, concrete can be produced.


To open an enterprise you need:

  • special machine;
  • apparatus for external processing;
  • specialized wire and its holder;
  • packing material (wooden boxes);
  • other tools and special form.

In addition to nails, self-tapping screws can be made.

BBQcash experts warn: production is dangerous and you need to be extremely careful in the process. All workers must go through safety precautions, wear special gloves and shoes.

Colored rubble

The production is very simple:

  • Purchase several tons of crushed stone from wholesalers.
  • Paint with special paint (it must be of good quality).
  • Dry thoroughly and sort into bags.
  • Find buyers and sell.

Clients can be summer residents, cottage owners who want to give their site an attractive appearance, as well as small construction firmsengaged in the construction of private houses.


The advantage of this type of activity is a small initial investment with a good profitability (in thousand rubles):

  • machine - 250;
  • material for the first time - 20;
  • furniture, additional tools, special uniforms - 100;
  • unforeseen expenses - 20.

The garage for such a business should be spacious. It is desirable to have additional storage facilities for finished products.


A business will only generate income if there is no competition. Investments are quite large (from several hundred rubles), and the income is low. Therefore, you need to carefully analyze the market and think about whether such production is advisable.

This activity is only suitable for part-time work.

Building mixtures

No construction or renovation work is complete without this material, so the business will bring good profits. Step-by-step actions:

  • Register an individual entrepreneur.
  • Prepare the room.
  • Select mixtures for production, find out the formula.
  • Purchase the necessary equipment, raw materials, additional tools.
  • Find customers and start production.

Manual punching of parts

Because non-automated production for large orders will require several workers. This must be taken into account when calculating the costs of starting a business.

It will take little investment, the equipment is inexpensive and will pay off quickly. Additionally, you need to think about insulating the garage, because you will have to spend a lot of time in it.

Wooden window frames

Now plastic windows are popular, however, there are also enough connoisseurs of wood. The competition in this area is fierce. When manufacturing, it is very important to select high-quality material and process it correctly.

You can make frames to order or sell finished products to specialized stores. In the first case, windows are made according to individual measurements, and in the second, they are made in standard sizes.


The range of such products is quite large:

  • for heating baths;
  • private houses;
  • change houses, etc.

For manufacturing you need:

  • material;
  • welding machine;
  • bulgarian;
  • sketches;
  • additional tools.

Furnaces can be made to order or sold wholesale and retail. If there is no experience, it is better to hire a welder and other specialists.


The clients can be furniture manufacturers or individuals. It is most profitable to make custom-made countertops. Tool list:

  • grinder;
  • end and circular saw;
  • jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • cutter;
  • glue gun, etc.

You can hire workers or, with a small volume of orders, carry them out yourself, which will help save on staff wages.

Furniture manufacture

Despite a lot of competition, the business idea is still profitable. You can make exclusive products with interesting designs to order.

Shop equipment

Such furniture is made from various materials provided by the customer. The equipment requires a standard set of tools.

Children's furniture

There are a huge number of manufacturers of such furniture. To attract customers, you need to stand out with interesting design solutions, colors, promotions, etc.

It is imperative to provide for the age for which cabinet furniture is made. For example, for kids under 3 years old, you can attach a business board, from 3 to 6 years old - various pockets and lockers for toys, from 6 years old - equip a place for reading, drawing, sports equipment. Wooden cots for babies according to individual designs, children's sandboxes are very popular.


First of all, you need to draw sketches according to which the furniture will be made. For production, you need to purchase (costs in thousand rubles):

  • laptop and printer (25-30);
  • sewing machines (40);
  • devices and tables for cutting (15);
  • overlock (20);
  • decoration press (10);
  • additional tools (10);
  • material (10).


This does not mean furniture of past centuries, but artificially aged. Before starting production, it is necessary to analyze the market and the availability of customers. Not everyone is ready to put “old” furniture in their home.

There are several ways to give your pieces a vintage look:

  • mechanical;
  • using paint;
  • chemical;
  • thermal.

Additionally, you can decoupage furniture (decor based on applying a picture or pattern to a product).

Furniture restoration

People often want to restore old furniture. Someone wants to leave inexpensive products for pleasant memories, others - to preserve antiques, which cost a lot of money.

It is possible not only to restore furniture on request. Additional income will be brought by the purchase of old interior items, the return of their attractive appearance and resale. In this case, the price should be set lower than in stores. It is unlikely that anyone wants to purchase used beds, chairs and tables at the cost of new ones.

Booths for dogs

It is not necessary to make only outdoor pet houses. These can also be home booths built into furniture. For example, in a chest of drawers, bedside tables, wardrobe, etc. This is a very interesting business idea that helps to save space in the apartment and comfortably accommodate your pet.

To attract interested parties, you can place advertisements in pet shops, newspapers, on thematic forums, social networks. Customers can be owners of cats and dogs or specialty stores.

Childen's goods

You can make a good profit on this business idea, because it is not customary to save on children.

Toy furniture

These include:

  • doll houses;
  • children's kitchens;
  • lockers;
  • furniture for dolls, etc.

In order for children to like products, you need to carefully consider the details, choose bright colors that attract attention. You can also make bodyboards, wooden toys.

Metal constructors

There is a full and partial production of constructors. In the first case, it means independent production from start to finish (including parts). The second option includes the development of models, the search and purchase of the necessary parts (cars, crowbars, etc.). Also, for products, you need to think about packaging.

Board games

For this kind of activity, you need to be a creative person with a developed imagination. To create board games, knowledge is required in different directions: from developer to designer. If you cannot cope with this on your own, you can hire specialists.

In addition to board games, you can create puzzles, coloring pages, educational posters, etc. The circle of clients is extensive: individuals, bookstores and stationery stores, orphanages, kindergartens, schools, camps, hospitals, etc.

Carnival costumes

These products are usually ordered from China at a low price. However, the goods from the Middle Kingdom have a long wait. Therefore, parents are ready to overpay a small amount, if only the carnival costume was ready in a short time.

You will need:

  • interesting sketches;
  • the cloth;
  • decor elements;
  • sewing accessories.

You can sell online, in kindergartens, primary schools... And also wholesale to children's stores, theater studios.

Play equipment

This includes outdoor and home equipment. The first option includes slides for children, swings, houses, etc. The second - wall bars, pools with balls and so on.

During production, it must be borne in mind that products must be durable and safe. You can find many sketches on the Internet or come up with them yourself. In the latter case, it is recommended to release the product under your own brand.

Play equipment can be sold to stores, sold to parents or to schools, preschool institutions, entertainment facilities for children. Also, this kind of products are often rented, which brings additional income.

Other business ideas

There are a lot of ideas out there that are not based on manufacturing and the automotive industry.

Dog breeding

The garage needs to be refurbished to keep the animals comfortable. Additionally, the yard must be fenced so that the dogs can walk calmly and do not pose a threat to anyone.

You can choose any breed. Husky dogs are especially popular in 2018-2019. The price for such a puppy with all the documents varies from 25,000 to 50,000 rubles. A woman can also become a breeder.

In addition to dogs, pigeons and rabbits are suitable for breeding. It is also possible to grow mushrooms for sale.


You will have to invest a large amount to open a sports club. Equipment and exercise equipment are expensive. For classes, you must hire a professional trainer.

Such a business will be profitable only in a small settlement where there are no large fitness centers. In a small town or village, you don't even need advertising. Learn about the gym by word of mouth.

Photo studio

The garage will need to be completely refurbished, creating the necessary lighting, decor, etc. The photo studio can be rented out or you can conduct photo sessions in it yourself.

These are just some of the business ideas that can generate income with a garage. It is necessary to analyze the market where it will be conducted entrepreneurial activity, turn on your imagination and come up with a business that has no competition and will be in demand. All great business projects were once invented by the same people, so creating something new and profitable is really real.