Vintage soap cooking recipes. Ward soap: ingredients and equipment. Soaping in Russia

Can you imagine your life without soap? It is unlikely that, in everyday life, soap is a daily hygiene agent, and there were times when it was considered a luxury and was available exclusively for rich and noble people.

History of soap in ancient times

The history of soap begins at about 2800 BC. e. During the excavations in Babylon, clay plates were found with a recipe, which tells about the production of soap based on fat and ash. Soap made by this recipe used for medical purposes mainly to accelerate wound healing. In addition, it is known about the use of soap in ancient Egypt, for 1500 years BC. e., as well as the Phoenicians for 600 years BC. e.

In ancient Egypt, soap used 6000 years ago

Another theory of the origin of soap is associated with the Roman legend, according to which soap (lat. SAPO) got its name from the Sapo mountain, at which animals were sacrificed to the gods. When it was raining, the ashes and fat sacrificial animals were washed into the Tiber River, to the foot of the mountain.

Over time, women are erasing underwear in the river, noticed that mixing ashes and fat, much better help to wash the lingerie than ordinary river water. Thus, the composition of the soap was significantly different from the one we currently use. Usually, the soap mixture consisted of oil, ashes and animal fats.

From crafts to industrial production

In the X century, the first soaps began to appear in Italy, France and Spain. In the XVI century, Marseille became the main production center of production, where liquid, fragrant soap containing a high concentration of olive oil was produced. In 1688, Louis XIV issued a decree, the so-called Edict of Kolbert, which prohibited the use of animal fats and dyes in the production of soap. The demand for soap was big, but the price was high, so the fragrant mixture could afford only rich.

With the celebration of the bourgeois society in the XIX century, healthy image Life and cleanliness are erected into the rank of moral values. At the same time, the production of soap is gaining industrial turnover, which makes it publicly available. The growth of the popularity of soaps, undoubtedly, was influenced by scientific discoveries. In 1791, the Frenchman Nicolas Leblan invented the method of obtaining alkali from salt.

For years earlier, in 1779, Swede Carl Shelele, when washed with fats with lead oxide, received glycerin. And in 1823, French Chemist Michel Shevreyl, guided by this discovery, studied the structure of fats and explained their washing. This caused a real revolution in soap.

Michelle Eugene Shevreyl

Over centuries chemical formula Soap constantly changed to return to the origins today. Again in price natural soap, without preservatives, synthetic dyes and artificial flavors.

Soap is a product without which civilized humanity does not represent their life for many centuries. Today on store shelves you can find a rich assortment of detergents for every taste and wallet. However, do not everyone know what soap make and what an alternative can be shopping products, not always safe for our health.


Before you figure out what soap make, you should find out what it happens at all.

At the moment, this product is divided into:

  • Economic

Such soap is used when washing the linen and has a solid consistency. It may be with an outstand, but more often possesses its own, only inherent in him, not particularly a pleasant specific smell.

  • Toilet

This type of soap has an excellent detergent and is well foaming even in the water of medium hardness at room temperatures. It should have pleasant smell and color, as well as not to have an allergic or cutting effect on the skin.

  • Special

There are several types of such soaps, of which the most common is medical. It contains various disinfectants and therapeutic substances, such as sulfur, tar, ichthyol, etc.

In addition, the substantive types of soap for various industries that are not used in everyday life.

A bit of history

Scientists believe that soap was cooked in ancient Sumer, and the first preserved recipe for such a product refers to 2200 BC. e. The Romans have improved ways of producing detergents and began to include a variety of additives and fragrances in their composition. As for the Middle Ages, a piece of fragrant soap until the 14th and 15th century was appreciated by the weight of gold, they could only use the aristocrats and representatives of the highest clergy. After that, it took another 2nd centuries so that the washable means began to be made in industrial scale. The real revolution occurred in the twentieth century, when the soap formulation was replenished with numerous chemical additives that reduce the cost of its production.

What did soap do in the old

The basis for such a product in antiquity was the ash received from plant facing or wood. She was sieved through the sieve, wetted and made a "slide" where they put lime (in the ratio of 1: 2), which was quenched and crumbled into powder. After that, the mixture was poured with water, left for a day, then descended the first, most concentrated liquor. It was placed in a special vessel, once again drank ash water, merged and obtained even weakens. Then the first click was poured into the boiler and boiled. Thus, they received from what soap do at home and today.


The production of soap was based on the hydrolysis of fats with alkalis, with the result that alcohols and alkali metal salts are obtained.

For its manufacture in special cooking boilers, heated fats are washed with sodium hydroxide. As a result of the reaction in cooking boilers, the formation of a homogeneous viscous liquid - soap glue from soap and glycerin, which is thick in cooling. Of it prepare a product of a lower grade containing 40-60% fatty acids.

For the manufacture of the kernel soap glue is subjected to electrolyte processing. As a result of this procedure, the liquid is decreased by 2 layers:

  • top layer - contains 60 or more percent fatty acids;
  • nizhny - Dimder, with a large glycerin content and polluting components contained in the feedstock.

As a result of the peattery of the dried sound soap, a sawdite product is obtained with an improved structure, which contains 72-74% fatty acids.

In addition to the above-mentioned types of soap, a solid sodium and liquid potassium are also produced. In the first case, caustic soda is used, and in the second - potassium hydroxide.

What does soap make on soap plants

At modern soap-made enterprises use a variety of raw materials. From its value in the end the price that the consumer has to pay for the bar in a beautiful package or a bottle with a dispenser.

To speak as a whole, then what soaps are made at the factory, regardless of the product brand, is largely the same. In particular, animal and vegetable fats include animals and vegetable fats, as well as various fat replacements, such as rosin, tall oil, synthetic fatty and naphthenic acids. Moreover, preference is given to substances of artificial origin.

Composition of the economic soap

As you know, in the Soviet Union great attention was paid to the safety of goods folk consumption - All of them passed a strict examination. It fully complied with detergents, in particular, economic Soap.

As for modernity, what the economic soap is made, (the composition see below) is somewhat different from the ingredients of the Soviet period. In particular, often manufacturers add a variety of fonders and dyes that have synthetic origin. At the same time, the main components remained the same. It:

  • animal fats;
  • sodium;
  • water;
  • alkali;
  • fatty acid.

At the same time, another component, which was absent in the old formulation, appeared as part of the economic soap. This is a kaolin - white clay, which softens the effects of alkalis on the skin. True, it is not present in all varieties of soap, so when buying should carefully read the composition of the product.

What makes handmade soap

The basis of the product, as already mentioned, has not changed over the past century. Therefore, today, what soap is done at home, in from the point of view of the baseline, it does not differ from the formulation used by our ancestors. Another thing is that modern soaps are introducing a variety of additives.

The one who is going to make such a product for the first time can use a special white or transparent foundation that is sold in specialized stores. If you are confident in your abilities, you can take advantage of the Dedov's way and independently add liquor from ash.


To improve the composition of the soap and give it additional properties, add to it:

  • Fixed oils

Such products are taken in the ratio of 1/3 teaspoon per 100 g of a soap base. Good choice Sunflower or olive oil, which will prevent skin cutting and give it elasticity.

  • Chocolate

This supplement is suitable for skin of any type. It not only has a beneficial effect on the skin itself, but also raises the mood. Adding chocolate in soap is needed in the form of small pieces, in the amount of 2 g per 100 g of the base.

As you know, caffeine has a tonic effect on the skin. With the help of a small amount of ground coffee, you can make an excellent soap for the face and body with the scrub effect. For this, 2-3 spoons of ground coffee must be pouring boiling water, merge an extra liquid in 5 minutes. The resulting Cashitz need to shift in the dishes with the molten soap base and other additives, and then mix thoroughly.

If you are interested, from which soap do, the photos of coffee grades are difficult to confuse, since they are depicted on pars or brown mugs.

This natural product It is a storehouse of useful substances. On 100 g of a soap base, it is recommended to add 1-3 hours. L. Honey.

  • Food colorings

These substances include soap in order to give pieces a pleasant color. Usually, dosage is indicated on the bags, so you are unlikely to make a choice of their choice.


If you decide that your homemade soap It should be fragrant, then on 100 g of the finished base, you can take 4-7 drops of fragrant oil or perfume. At the same time, experts do not recommend remarking and use such substances in the amount of more than 2% of the total weight of the product. Among other things, essential oils have an antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, and some of them contribute to the preservation of the skin's youth and strengthen the immune system.

Now you know what soap makes (the composition is presented above) and you can independently make such a product in order to take care of your appearance with a means that will not contain harmful substances.

Ashes in combination with oils - the type of soap.

The production of toilet and economic soap today is a automatic and chemical process. IN last years Various aromatic additives and disinfection products were widespread. Particularly in America. However, doctors resemble: excess disinfection is frozen. The usual soap exempts from microbes no worse. And with two-time washing, almost completely destroys them.

L.egend says that the SOAP word itself (soap) happened from the name of the Sappo Mountain in ancient Romewhere sacrifices were committed by the gods. An animal fat, standing in the burning of the victim, accumulated and mixed with the woods of the fire. The resulting mass was washed off rain into the clay soil of the shore of the Tiber River, where the inhabitants werehed underwear and, naturally, the person's observation did not miss the fact that, thanks to this mixture, the clothes were overwhelmed much easier. therefore for a long time The invention of soap was attributed to the Romans.

But the earliest description of soaps was discovered by scientists at the Sumerian signs dating from 2500 BC. Judging by these, the soaps were made by a mixture of water and wood ash, which boiled and subsequently melted in it fat, thereby obtaining soap solution. But, unfortunately, the evidence of the use of this solution was not preserved.

Ingredients for the preparation of soap varied depending on the region. In the north of cooking soap an animal fat was used, and olive oil was used in the south, thanks to which the soap was obtained excellent quality.

The history of soaps in Russia goes to its roots in the Doparer Epoch. The craftsmen learned to make a soap from Potasha and animal fats. In each house, the production of this so necessary in the life of the product was established.

Russian soaps developed by the original way. For this, there were very favorable conditions: large stocks of salary, huge forest arrays. Whole villages were engaged in the "hidden matter". Rubule trees, burned them in the boilers immediately in the forest, and the ash brewed, they did lying, evaporated it, getting Potash.

Four millenniums ago created a soil-like semi-winged substance "SAPO". It was used not so much with hygienic as with cosmetic purposes. Sticky, easily drying, quickly washing the mass served for hair styling.

Washing without washing powder

For washing used detergent clay and juices of such plants, as the root, soap. After the invention, in the XVI century, the washing board received distribution and another wash way: the underwear was laid in Chan, the canvas was spread over it, which was saturated with ash. In Channels, the canvas poured hot water - from mixing with ash, liquor was obtained, and the underwear was dismissed faster. In Russia and in some other clicks took with them to the bath instead of soap.

What did soap do in antiquity?

Archaeologists have established that soap began to produce 6,000 years ago. In the ancient times, the soap was made from goat, raggy or bull fat with an admixture of beech ash.

It was three varieties: solid, soft and liquid. Moreover used soap not only for washing, but also for painting hair. They could not only wash, but also paint hair in yellow, pink or red.

He learned the Romans to this by Gallov, who wore long hair, and so that they lay well, lubricated them with vegetable oil, in which a red earth paint was added. When water got into this mixture, a thick foam was formed, thanks to which the hair became clean and fluffy. So it was opened one of the methods of soap production.

In Russia, soap production was distributed during Peter I, but up to mid XIX. The century soap was known mainly to know. The peasants were erased and washed alter - wood ashes were poured with boiling water and sprinkled in the oven.

For a simple people in those days, soap was inaccessible, and soaping was considered high art. Previously, at the dawn of history, soap replaced water, mixed with sand, sweat, or soda. Sumerians cooked wood ash with vegetable oils - This recipe was found when excavations on clay signs. The ancient Egyptians, the Greeks and the Romans also knew this secret, but mainly it was used as a medicine and in cosmetics.

Soap base

Today is a homemade ward soap using soapswhich you can buy.

The base for soap can be transparent and matte, as well as organic.

13:46 05.12.2013 | 2236

A source: newspaper "How are you?"

"And I will stand, the baby, early early, early, I am remembering, the baby, the Shuisian soap of Beloshenko," walks in the Russian folk song. Oh, how many sayings and proverbs about soap invented by the Russian people, and not list! Former fame of the Shuisian soap began to return the usual student of the Shui Pedagogical Institute, now the branch of IVGU Mikhail Lunyakov.

It was 4 years ago, now Mikhail not only graduated from an educational institution, but he entered the graduate school at the Department of Arts.

Path to passion

While a sophomore, Mikhail Lunyakov, somehow, at one of the classes on folk crafts, decided to cook with his own hands with his own hands on an ancient recipe, call him "Shuisky", make a beautiful packaging and offer tourists as a souvenir. After all, on the coat of arms of the city, a piece of soap is depicted.

Then I had no idea how and from what to make soap, but I knew exactly that the form of soap should be like on the coat of arms - in the form of Brousa, - recalls soap.
Studying documents at the local museum, Mikhail stumbled upon information on how Mylovar Lododagin cooked soap from cow's fat with the addition of almond oil. And in quality, this soap was inferior only to Italian. In the same book found an ancient soap recipe. For more detailed advice went to a familiar cheer, who told the technique of soap manufacturing.
Young people are not afraid. So Mikhail took, and I tried to prepare a soap mass. But to the real soap was still far away. The first experience was unsuccessful: the soap consistency was more like flakes. Not once, the guy burned with alkali - one of the components. This is today he cooks soap in medical gloves. It was not easy to cope with fat. But Michael did not give up, I tried also, picking up the proportion, with each time soap began to get better and better.

And lemon and geranium

Now the soylovar proudly talks about the fact that in his collection - about a dozen soap samples with various additives. The main plus is all organic components. And even fat - not a pork and not beef (and first I tried them), but vegetable. It is the fat that is added to sour cream, milk, even ice cream. The fact that there are no animal fats in soap, suits all buyers.
Soylovarus good-naturedly shares the secret of cooking "Shui soap":

I myself collect plants at the cottage, for example, mint and Melissa, sushi them, smear and add to soap. Now I have several varieties of soap. We use such supplements like lemon, orange, mandarin, cocoa, spruce, eucalyptus, mint, geranium, ylang ylang. Of course, add glycerin and cosmetic clay. In the manufacture of soap I use sunflower, olive oil and grape and peach bone oil. Sometimes I put dyes, but only food. Due to the natural components, the Shuisky Soap does not cause allergies at all.

At the traditional soap festival (it has already been held three times), one family from Moscow bought my soap like a souvenir, so then they made it specially for him. It turned out that only their child had no allergies!

We talked with Mikhail at the department at the Institute. He prepared for the meeting, only a conversation did not cost, spent a master class for journalists.

I took the container, poured alkali there, fat in a certain proportion, heated a mixture of up to 60 degrees, thoroughly stuck with a blender (the soap was cooked in the old chambers and stirred ... boat oars!). And then he began to "conclus" over the soap mass, in turn, adding peach and grape bone oil, dried herbs.

Then the finished liquid soap poured into a wooden form in the form of a rectangle. But wait for it to freeze, of course, did not become, because for this it would have to spend six hours.

But Mikhail brought ready-made soap bar and cleverly cut the "soap sausage" to smooth pieces. The colors of the shaken milk, with splashes from herbs - soap fell a very pleasant fragrance. Mikhail, with a smile watching our reaction, explained:

Soap handmade It differs from the soap of mass production, primarily its composition. After the reaction of washing in industrial conditions, the glycerin from the soap is removed almost completely, but handmade soap contains natural glycerin and all vitamins, proteins, waxes that have favorably affect the skin of the hands, face, body. After all, in my soap, only natural ingredients.


Separate history - about packaging. She was also invented by Mikhail, and also at the lesson at which it was necessary to draw a packaging for any products. By that time, the guy was seriously carried away by soap, so the packaging was invented specifically for soap. On a dense wrapper of gray (for old paper), a temple was depicted, which was destroyed in the Soviet period, and in this place a monument to Lenin was built. Ancient font on the wrapper is written "Shuisky soap" and, of course, the composition and date of manufacture are indicated.

And Mikhail Lunyakov collects old newspapers and magazines with soap advertising. Most old Journal - For 1885. Dreaming about the museum of soap and his shop. By the way, there are already some interesting exhibits for the museum. For example, the most valuable - a piece of soap with the date of manufacture: the 50s of the last century. The XXI century soap team supports everything. He recalls the city administration, when visiting guests from other regions come to see: "Breasting" with their soap and its author soap.

Soilovar Mikhail Lunkov did not take a fee with us for the master class, and vice versa, presented the author's soap with Eucalyptus and Celener.

From the history. Creating soap business in Shu appeared at the beginning of the XVII century. On March 28, 1638, Shuisky Voivod Sudakov received the royal diploma "On the permitting of the inheritance in the summer of inhibit the hut and soap." A few years later there were already 11 soaps. At the same time, the production of liquid green soaps began. And the Shuisian soap became famous when Ekaterina II rules in Russia. It was then that the city of Shuya became the main center of soap. In 1781, the Russian Empress Catherine II approved the coat of arms of the city of Shui, on which a piece of soap is depicted to this day.

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To prepare a good soap, you need to dial enough fern, dry it and then move it into the ashes.

Then, from this ashes, knead the thick dough on the water, to learn the balls from it, what's the size of it and well dry.

* Such soap persists a very long time, cleanly erases underwear and does not leave any unpleasant odor.

Soap from bones and fat

It is necessary to gain a sufficient amount of all kinds of bones and fatty, rigorous residues. Then make an alkali consisting of 4 garnts of ash and one ware garnity. (Garnet is an outdated volume measure, equal to about 3.28 liters, 1 garment \u003d 1/4 buckets \u003d 12 glasses). Alkali should be prepared in a spacious tub. Pour boiling water, stir as best as possible and let it stand 2h., Studit and pour it on a new ash again. So to do as long as it does not become strong enough, so much that if you lower the fresh egg in it, it should float.

Then take the iron boiler, folded into it cooked bones (big bones are better crushed), pour the alkali of half the boiler and cook on moderate heat. To interfere with more often and from time to time to pour fresh alkali, and to shoot and put in a separate dishes.

When the bones are absolutely damped, throw them out of the boiler. Put the rigorous residues in the alkali and cook them also, continuously interfering. Next, fatty alkali straighten and mix with the first-lined bone fat. Then put this mixture again on fire, cook, carefully mixing, and pour, from time to time, new alkali. It continues until the soap is sufficient. Finally, pour soap into any shape and dry.


Soap from loving , oil

Take 50 pounds of water and 100 pounds of lime, moistened with water in such a way that if you take it a little in your hand, then she should not stick to her. Then put it all into the cast iron boiler, pour 400 bottles of water into it and cook the whole mixture for a few minutes, stirring thoroughly. Next, strain and boil until the egg will float on its surface (fresh).

After that, take any amount of this alkali, add as much water to it and mix with an equal part of any native oil, put on fire and interfere with a wooden spoon for best connection All parts.

Then pour into this mixture as much clean alkali, but there were oils in it, and continue to cook on slow heat. For sample to take a few drops of the mixture, put on a piece of glass and when the drop will give out water, in this case, the fire is repaired and when soap is still in a warm state, pour it into wooden or tin forms, to give it a bit of bars and Dry.

* It is very important to comply with safety measures when cooking soap !!! It is necessary to protect your eyes, skin and nose with protective means !!!

Cooking soap kustar fashion

Take wood ashes and ash, obtained from the weeds dropped, and sieved it through a sieve, then scatter it on the floor, wetted and stirred until a uniformly moistened mass of ashes. After that, it is collected in a bunch, in which the reduction is formed on top. It is put on lime, which is quenched from the presence of moisture. Lime should be taken in half quantities from the weight of the ash taken. When the lime falls into the fine powder, it is covered with ash. Then watered with water and leave for 24 hours, after which they descend the alkali. This first alkali is most concentrated.

It is placed in a special vessel, and then again pour ash water, merge it and get a weaker alkali. When this alkali is ready, then the strong is poured into the boiler and heated to a boil.