How to make soap with your own hands. How to cook soap at home with your own hands. How to make homemade scrub soap

It's no secret that natural handmade soap is better than the usual store soap. But the reasons why you should choose it are not known to everyone. Also, not many people know that it can be quite easy to make at home.

Natural soap: its types, characteristics of the composition and recipes for making soap with your own hands at home

What is natural soap?

Soap is called natural if it is made without the use of fat substitutes, artificial colors and flavors. In its manufacture, only natural ingredients (and decoctions of plants) are used. Therefore, such a cosmetic product is harmless to the skin and suitable for children.

Another advantage of using handmade soap is the inclusion of medicinal ingredients in its composition, which greatly increase its benefits for the skin. Examples of such components are various valuable vegetable oils (, almond, burdock) and herbal extracts (extracts from ginseng, medicinal chamomile).

How is natural soap made?

Natural soap at home can be prepared using an organic soap base that is almost entirely natural. In the manufacture of such a product, only valuable vegetable oils and refined animal fats are used. It also contains alkalis, and natural dyes... When self-manufacturing this cosmetic product, you can completely control the process of its manufacture and avoid adding chemical additives that are present in its industrial counterparts.

You can make natural soap yourself in several ways: hot (the soap is boiled for several hours) and cold (the soap mass is kept under certain conditions for a long time).

IMPORTANT!The entire manufacturing process takes over a month. This is how long it takes to obtain a neutral pH.

How to choose a soap? Reading the label

To buy natural soap it is necessary to know its main differences from synthetic, which is made from refined products. When choosing it, you should pay attention to the following criteria:

  • Transparency. It should be borne in mind that soap made from vegetable or animal oils and alkalis is never completely transparent. Such a product can only be obtained by adding glycerin during the cooking process, which impairs its foamability. Therefore, in industrial scale various chemical components are added to this soap to eliminate this disadvantage.
  • Appearance. A natural product looks less attractive than a store one. It does not have bright, saturated colors and may crumble slightly from contact with water, which is quite acceptable.
  • Aroma. Real natural soap has a neutral odor. The presence of a weakly expressed aroma of essential oils or other constituents (chocolate, herbal decoction) is allowed.
  • Composition. The packaging of natural soap must contain a complete list of its components. The saponified oils should be listed first (there should be the largest amount of them in the composition), and then all the other ingredients.

Important!The list of ingredients should not contain surfactants, softeners, stabilizers, preservatives and colorants.

Types of natural handmade soaps

Homemade natural soaps come in a variety of formulations and serve different purposes. The most popular types are:

  • Dairy. The main component of this soap is natural milk (cow, goat, soy or coconut). It is characterized by a very mild effect on the skin, as well as gentle nutrition and hydration.
  • Coffee. This is a fairly versatile soap that perfectly removes grease and odors. If you add ground coffee beans or sea salt to it, you can get an excellent homemade skin scrub.
  • Baby. This product contains maximum amount moisturizing components. In its manufacture, decoctions of medicinal herbs (for example, chamomile medicinal) are often used.
  • Fruity. The addition of juice (pulp) of fruits and vegetables allows you to get not only an interesting color and smell, but also enhance the properties of natural soap, such as the ability to moisturize, nourish and lighten the skin.
  • Sadovoe. This soap is ideal for hand care after gardening. It perfectly cleanses and disinfects the skin. The antiseptic effect is achieved through the use of tea tree or patchouli oils.
  • For shaving. His characteristic feature is increased foaming. And the presence of special additives in the composition contributes to additional softening of hairs before removal.

Composition of homemade soap making products

IN composition of natural soap, cooked on its own, usually includes the following components:

  • Finished soap base... It is purchased separately from shops specializing in soap products, or you can prepare it yourself.
  • Base oils. These components of natural soap allow you to saturate the skin with vitamins and other beneficial substances that contribute to the process of regeneration, cleansing and moisturizing of the skin. Most often, olive, almond, castor, palm, coconut, sea buckthorn oil is used as the base ingredients.
  • Essential oils. They are responsible for the pleasant aroma of natural soap, and also have a positive effect on the digestive, immune, and respiratory systems. Essential oils of orange, patchouli, sandalwood, bergamot, lemon, lemon balm, lavender are used as ingredients for soap making at home.
  • Dyes. To make your own soap, you can use common food colors that are safe and easy to use. Natural pigments are often used in the soap making process to help create crisp patterns, but can cloud the base slightly.
  • Decorative and functional elements. To enhance the beneficial effect of using soap, some additional components are often added to it (for example, in peeling soap - ground coffee, sugar, sea salt or clay). Adding dried parts of medicinal herbs allows you not only to decorate appearance finished product, but also to improve the efficiency of its use.

Recipes on how to make soap with your own hands at home?

In order to make natural soap at home it is necessary to adhere to some of the following simple recommendations:

  • grind the soap base and dissolve it in a water bath;
  • add base oil at the rate of 3 tsp. per 100 g of soap base;
  • add a small amount of milk (water) or sugar during melting to acquire a more uniform consistency;
  • after melting the base, you need to pour essential oil, dye, glycerin into it;
  • add other ingredients (coffee, salt, clay, dry herbs);
  • pour the mass into a mold;
  • spray alcohol on the surface of the soap with a spray bottle to avoid bubbles on the surface;
  • place in a cool place (refrigerator) until it solidifies completely;
  • remove the finished product and use it as directed.
  • 1.5 cups of soap base mixed with goat (or other) milk
  • 4-6 drops of essential lemon oil;
  • zest of 3-4 lemons (finely chop and dry beforehand);
  • a small amount of dried herbs to choose from (lemon balm, linden, chamomile, lavender).

Heat the soap base with goat milk until completely dissolved in a microwave oven (or in a water bath). Add lemon zest, pour in (pre-prepared) herbal decoction and essential oil. Mix thoroughly, pour into a mold and refrigerate overnight. Remove frozen soap from the mold and use as directed.

Which soap is better: choosing the right one

Natural Russian soap

Among the Russian brands of natural organic cosmetics, one can single out the natural soap from the Spivak and Krasnopolyanskoye companies. They are in great demand among the fair sex due to their ability to effectively cleanse, moisturize, nourish the skin, and also fight the manifestations of acne. Soaps from these manufacturers contain salts, natural oils, wax and other natural ingredients that are gentle on the skin.

Crimean soap natural

Products brand "Crimean Soap Natural" is distinguished by its absolutely natural composition. The soap from this manufacturer is based on olive, coconut and castor oil, which, in combination with other natural ingredients, gives the skin gentle and high-quality care.

Natural laundry soap

Natural laundry soap is one of the most popular and economical ways to solve the problem of cleanliness. Its main purpose is to wash hands, wash clothes in cold and hot water, and remove stains. Laundry soap is made from natural raw materials and is absolutely safe for human health.

Other manufacturers

Among other producers of natural soaps, one can note the “Chamomile” soap, which contains valuable almond, avocado and shea butter, as well as a medicinal collection of herbs such as licorice, licorice, and yarrow. Suitable for gentle skin care of all ages (especially baby). It has a moisturizing, mattifying and anti-inflammatory effect.

Why are synthetic additives dangerous?

The synthetic additives present in store soap significantly reduce its cost, but cause dryness, tightness, irritation and flaking of the skin, as well as various allergic reactions.
Important!In some cases, the chemical components of hygiene products can provoke diseases such as bronchial asthma, chronic runny nose or eczema.
The most dangerous synthetic additives that are part of ordinary store soaps include: surfactants (surfactants), solvents, stabilizers, artificial colors, fragrances and fragrances.

For children: rules for choosing and using soap for babies

What soap to wash a newborn?

When choosing soap for an infant, preference should be given to products from trusted manufacturers with a good reputation, who are able to ensure the quality and safety of products at all stages of production.

The main requirements for high-quality baby soap are:

  • hypoallergenic soap base;
  • lack of synthetic components;
  • neutral pH level.

Before using a new care product for the first time, a child should be tested for an allergic reaction. To carry out it, you should soap the child's hand in the wrist area and rinse off after a few minutes. It is necessary to observe the site of exposure for several days. In the absence of redness or other negative reactions on the skin, the soap can be recommended for use.

The best soap for a newborn

To determine which soap should be used to wash a newborn, it is necessary to consider all of its available varieties:

  • Liquid. This soap has an optimal composition and is suitable for the care of young children. It does not dry out or irritate the baby's skin, and its gentle and gentle effect is suitable for daily use.
  • Cream soap. Part of this product usually glycerin is included, which makes the skin soft. This product is great for bathing a child. However, before buying, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the composition, since some manufacturers add flavors and fragrances to the cream soap.
  • Solid soap. Such a remedy is chosen for a child older than a month and is used no more than once a week. It can be used to wash baby linen and bedding.

We disassemble the ingredients in the composition of baby soap

Baby skin care needs especially soft and delicate products. This effect is achieved due to the special composition of natural baby soap. It should include saponified oils and fats, plant extracts and other natural ingredients. If there are extra ingredients in the composition, you need to know exactly what they are, because many of them can cause allergic reactions in a child. Therefore, preference should be given to natural soap with the simplest composition without fragrances, lanolin and bee products.


The use of natural handmade soap contributes not only to high-quality cleansing, but also to the necessary hydration, nutrition and restoration of the skin. This allows you to significantly reduce the use of various cosmetics, since many of its functions are already performed by this cosmetic product.

Interest in techniques that explain how to make soap at home is gradually increasing as people have a desire to have safe hygiene products.

Competently organized home soap making in accordance with the basic rules brings not only positive emotions, but also allows you to get an unusual type of detergent with useful characteristics.

Among the advantages, the naturalness of the product made with one's own hand is noted. There is an opportunity to make a beautiful soap, saturate it with your favorite aroma, give it a color that is comfortable for visual perception.

An extensive base of recipes makes soap making available to beginners with the use of a minimum number of operations and ingredients.

Raw materials and equipment

Before making soap, you should prepare the necessary utensils and equipment, stock up on components, and provide yourself with personal protective equipment.

It is known that soap was made at home from animal fat, but modern home-made soap making for beginners is based on the use of or a ready-made bar of soap. Many people like to make soap from remnants. No special tools are required, it is enough to select suitable dishes and prepare a blender.

homemade soap can generate income with established production

A soap formula is created for specific requests. Thanks to its wide capabilities, homemade soap can nourish, moisturize, cleanse the skin, make it less dry, restore elasticity and a healthy color.

Beginners make handmade soap at home according to ready-made recipes, but with experience they begin to experiment and create exclusive products.

From baby soap

It is advisable to master soap making for beginners with simple technologies. For example, you can make soap from baby soap, giving preference to varieties where the percentage of all kinds of additional components is less.

To make soap at home, you need a standard 100 g bar of baby soap.

  1. It should be turned into small shavings by rubbing, into which hot milk is poured (half a glass). After cooling, put the container in the refrigerator overnight.
  2. In the morning at 50 degrees, the mixture is heated in a water bath and a tablespoon of honey is added with stirring. You cannot boil.
  3. When a uniform consistency is reached, remove the pan from the stove and add olive oil (a tablespoon), as well as your favorite essential oil (3 drops).
  4. After mixing all the components, pour the mass into molds, sprinkling with alcohol.
  5. They take it out after the mass has completely hardened.
  6. Additionally, the resulting products are dried during the day at room conditions, placing them on white paper.

Using this algorithm, it is easy to make your own soap with your favorite scent at home. If you want to have a colorful copy, then the appropriate dye is introduced into the composition.

Using a soap base

When deciding how to make handmade soap, you can use a pre-made soap base technique. Having picked up fillers, a product is made with predetermined properties.

Uncomplicated soap production technology includes several operations.

  1. The acquired base is cut into small pieces.
  2. Place in a suitable vessel and melt in a water bath.
  3. Base oils are added with stirring.
  4. In order to obtain a rich color, a dye is added drop by drop.
  5. Stir in a few drops of essential oil.
  6. If required by prescription, add substances to help make the soap scrub.
  7. Poured into molds. To eliminate superficial foaming, sprinkle with alcohol.

After hardening, the product is laid out on paper and kept for about three days until fully cooked. For example, you can give several recipes, where a specific soap formula is indicated.

  • With added coffee

By using homemade scrub soap, you can provide yourself with a safe skin care product. At the stage of achieving the homogeneity of the melted base, pour in half a glass of water (pre-boiled), add two tablespoons of ground coffee and sea salt, pour in a similar amount of olive oil.

  • With coconut flakes

Making your own coconut soap , prepare a mixture of oils per 100 g of soap base (coconut - half a teaspoon, mint - 4 drops). You will also need coconut flakes (tablespoon). It turns out a scrub with cleansing qualities.

You can make chocolate soap from a soap base that will nourish your skin, making it soft and supple. Dissolving 100 grams of soap base, pour half a teaspoon of coconut oil, a teaspoon of milk into the mass. Then add two teaspoons of cocoa powder and chopped chocolate (it is better to take the milk variety). After achieving homogeneity, the mass is beaten with a mixer until foam appears. Add a drop of cinnamon essential oil, pour it out.

Creative ideas

Creating natural soap with your own hands, you can make exclusive products with creative imagination.

  • Photo soap

To make an unusual soap that includes a fragment of a photograph or beautiful drawinguse any transparent product recipe.

As an example, we consider the manufacture of soap on the basis of a finished colorless base, which will require 100 g. A photo is pre-printed according to the dimensions of the future mold. Pour a tablespoon of shea butter into the melted base. Cool the mass slightly and add your favorite essential oil - 3 drops. A little of the prepared composition is poured into the prepared rectangular (square) shape, the photograph is placed with the image down and topped up to the top. Dry for 6 hours. Then put the molds in the freezer for 5 minutes. After such a reception, the finished soap slips freely onto the table.

  • Orange charm

You can use the algorithm below to make soap at home with an interesting external design. At the preliminary stage, a pinch of calendula petals, poured into a tablespoon of oil squeezed from wheat germ, is insisted for 15 minutes. Pour the resulting orange oily liquid into the molten soap base (100 g). After removing from the heat and mixing in chamomile oil, pour the made useful soap with your own hands, sprinkling with alcohol. They wash sensitive skin, eliminating flaking and dryness.

Remnants soap

When mastering the basics of home soap making, it is easy to see that the raw materials for soap production can be cost effective. This applies to the situation when soap is made from remnants, which it is advisable to collect for some time, putting them in a separate container.

As shows step by step wizard class, soap is available in the manufacture, since it does not require special knowledge. Such soap making at home turns into a creative process that can unite the whole family.

To make original soap from remnants, it is advisable to pre-sort them. Pastel colored and dark brownish pieces are set aside separately. They are crushed, and each individual type is melted by adding rapeseed oil (10 drops), santalum (3 drops) to 200 g of a soap base. Beat with a mixer.

The dark mass is poured into a mold up to half and after 10 minutes the color mixture is poured. Sprinkle with alcohol and soak the soap from the remnants until tender.

This technology for making soap can be easier if all remnants are turned into shavings and mixed before melting.

Classic olive soap

If you want to make your own soap from scratch, then you can turn to the recipe for the Castilian variety, made on the basis of olive oil.

Many technologies governing how to make soap at home , it is prescribed to use a blender for its preparation, since manual whipping turns into a long tedious process. The room must be well ventilated. All work is carried out in gloves, glasses, a mask (respirator), a tight apron.

Making olive soap with your own hands, take a solution of caustic soda (130 g) and pour it in a small stream without splashing into cold distilled water (280 ml). The solution heats up a lot, so they give time to cool down to an operating temperature of about 55 - 60 degrees.


Do not pour water into alkali, so as not to get an uncontrolled reaction, fraught with burns.

A liter of olive oil is heated with slow heating to 65-75 degrees and carefully, while stirring, is poured into the prepared alkali. Lavender oil (15-20 ml) is added and, using a blender, beat the future soap from olive oil until a test for a stable trace appears. They are poured into molds, from which the workpieces are taken out after 2 days and placed in dark cool conditions for ripening. The soap will be ready in about a month and a half.

For example, you can make an anti-cellulite soap with your own hands, for which you grind baby soap - a bar of 180 g, pour it in a saucepan with olive oil (4 tablespoons) and add hot pre-boiled water (100 ml) while stirring. When a homogeneous consistency appears, pour in sea salt (3 tablespoons) and add coffee grounds (4 tablespoons). Stir, heat for another 3 minutes and pour.

Some recipes

When making soap with your own hands at home, it is advisable to choose recipes for beginners from the database of already approved samples.

  • Lavender soap

It is not difficult to make lavender soap with your own hands, using a ready-made base (100 g), which is melted through a water bath after grinding and poured in olive oil (5 g). Pour in dry lavender (a teaspoon of flowers) and additionally introduce essential lavender oil (12-15 drops). After thorough mixing, it is poured into silicone molds.

  • Honey soap

Having made the decision to create honey soap with your own hands, take a glycerin bar (100 g) for the base, rub it, dissolve in warm water (50 ml). Olive oil with glycerin (3 tablespoons each), honey (tablespoon), essential citrus oil (5 drops) are poured into the resulting homogeneous mass.

  • With clay

When making soap with clay with your own hands, use a white base (100 g), into which, after melting, add two teaspoons of pink clay, a teaspoon of wheat germ and grape seed oil, 3 drops of essential oil and 12 drops of D-Panthenol. After mixing, wait for the mass to set easily, and then place it on the molds.

  • With gelatin

Wrinkle-smoothing and skin softening gelatin soaps are most often made on the basis of a ready-made liquid soap or soap base. Gelatin (14 g) is poured with cool water (100 ml) and wait until it swells. Dissolve it in a water bath, pour in liquid soap (2 tablespoons), glycerin (half a tablespoon), a few drops of your favorite essential oil.

  • With oatmeal

A rejuvenating oat soap can be made quickly by melting a grated bar of baby soap on the stove and adding oatmeal flakes based on your preferences. After mixing, it can be poured into molds.

  • For problem skin

Black cumin soap is gaining popularity, designed to relieve inflammation from the skin. It nourishes and moisturizes, restores a healthy color. Some craftsmen have already learned how to make homemade products from crushed black bar, adding their favorite flavor.

Soothing Orange Soap

Making orange soap with your own hands, you can use additional components to get a scrub that cleans the skin.

Heat milk (150 ml) without boiling. Pour in grated baby soap (170 g). Leave under the lid for half an hour.

Soap making is a fun and creative process that makes it possible to obtain a product with the properties that your skin needs. Homemade soap is a maximum of natural ingredients and the fragrance that you like. It is also a great gift for loved ones, bringing the warmth of your hands.

Experienced soap makers make soap from scratch. In cosmetic stores, you can buy a soap base for making. But for beginners it is better to take baby soap as a "base".

You need:

  • 2 pieces of baby soap, 90 g each;
  • 4-5 tablespoons of base oil (olive, almond, coconut, cedar, palm, grape seed, cocoa butter, rose hips, sea buckthorn);
  • 100 ml boiling water;
  • 2 tablespoons of glycerin.

Other ingredients are optional.

Home technology

Rub the soap on a fine grater. Wear protective goggles and a medical mask to keep particles out of the eyes and respiratory tract.

Pour the base oil and glycerin into a saucepan.

Place a saucepan in a steam bath and heat the oil. Gradually add the soap shavings and add boiling water, stirring constantly. You can use a mixer, but only at medium speed. If any lumps remain, you can knead them with a pestle to make mashed potatoes. You should get a homogeneous mass, similar to shortbread dough.

Remove the mass from the steam bath and add the ingredients that will determine the properties of the soap, its color and fragrance. These are essential oils, dry herbs, clay, salt, seeds. Mix thoroughly.

Molds (you can take children's plastic ones for Easter cakes, or latex or metal ones for baking) grease with olive oil and spread the soap mass in them with a spoon, tamping well.

Remove the formed after cooling from the molds and put on paper. It should lie down at room temperature for 2-3 days and dry out a little.

Useful Supplements

To make the soap pleasing with color, aroma, benefit the skin, you can add:

  • oatmeal, ground sesame seeds, coffee, sea salt (2-3 tablespoons) - give the soap the properties of a scrub;
  • dry medicinal herbs (oregano, chamomile, celandine, yarrow, string) - such a soap will soften, disinfect the skin and promote its regeneration;
  • milk powder, coconut flakes, chopped almonds (2-3 tablespoons) - this soap moisturizes the skin well;
  • honey (2-3 tablespoons) and propolis tincture (1 teaspoon) - relieves irritation;
  • cosmetic clay - improves skin cleansing;
  • infusions of medicinal herbs (they are added instead of water).
  • essential oils - oils from chamomile, sage, vanilla, neroli, eucalyptus, pine, fir, cedar, vanilla, lemon, orange, etc. are useful.

Natural dyes

  • White clay, milk powder gives white color.
  • Pink and burgundy - beet juice, pink clay.
  • Orange - sea buckthorn oil, carrot juice, pumpkin juice.
  • Yellow - calendula petals, chamomile flowers, turmeric.
  • Green - henna, spinach, dry dill and parsley, dry seaweed.
  • Brown - cocoa powder, ground coffee, cinnamon powder, rose hips.

Soap maker errors

An overdose of essential oils is typical for beginners. It can cause allergies or irritation. If you are making baby soap, it is best not to add essential oils at all.

Many, wanting to get a red soap, use red rose petals or hibiscus tea for coloring. In fact, the former give a dirty gray color, the latter a dirty green.

If there is too much oil base, or it becomes greasy to the touch.

If you add too much dry herbs, the soap will severely tear the skin. The same will happen if dry herbs are not ground enough.

If you add salt to a hot soapy mass, it decomposes into fractions: water and soap flakes.

Be creative, experiment and don't be afraid to make mistakes.

Anton Smekhov

Reading time: 6 minutes


Modern housewives, including myself, bake bread at home, salt fish. This provides access to quality products and savings. I was interested in the question of how to make soap with my own hands at home.

This is not to say that the savings on using homemade soap are big. But we take baths and wash our faces every day, and we want to use healthy and safe hygiene products. These properties are the secret to the success of homemade soap.

Handmade homemade soap is a high-quality, environmentally friendly and beautiful product. It satisfies the hygienic requirements of family members and is suitable as a gift for a close friend, for example, on or.

Homemade soap making recipes

Many people are engaged in making soap with their own hands. For some it is, for others it is a way. Even a beginner will master this art.

In the work, a ready-made soap base is used, which is often replaced with baby soap or soap is cooked using solid oils, additives and other ingredients.

Regardless of the recipes for making soap at home, the end result is a beautiful and healthy product.

How to make classic soap


  • Purified water - 700 ml.
  • Lye - 270 g.
  • Olive oil - 1 l.
  • Coconut oil - 500 ml.
  • Grape seed oil - 500 ml.


  1. The oils specified in the recipe, as well as the alkaline mixture, separately heat to 40 degrees.
  2. Slowly add lye into the oil mixture, lower it into a blender and, using short approaches, mix the contents for three minutes.
  3. Pour ten milliliters of cinnamon oil into the resulting composition. After additional mixing, pour the mixture into a mold, wrap and leave for a day. This will keep you warm and help complete the chemical reaction.

Video recipe

Making chocolate soap with your own hands

The following recipe will appeal to those with a sweet tooth. Let's make a chocolate soap that has a seductive look and mouth-watering smell.


  1. Soap base - 100 g.
  2. Almond oil - 1 tbsp the spoon.
  3. Coffee - 1 tbsp. the spoon.
  4. Cocoa - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  5. Essential oil (vanilla).


  1. Melt the soap base first. It is allowed to replace it with baby soap, which is recommended to be passed through a grater or finely chopped. Mix the resulting mixture with almond butter, cocoa and ground coffee.
  2. Fill curly molds with the composition and wait until it hardens. I advise you to use small forms in the form of flowers, shells or animals. As a result, each bite of homemade chocolate soap will feel like candy.

Milk and honey soap recipe

At home, you can make a wonderful milk and honey soap. The manufacturing technology is simple and straightforward, and the result is a product that will give odds to many store goods.


  • Baby soap - 100 g.
  • Honey - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Milk - 0.66 cups.
  • Sea buckthorn oil - 1 tbsp. the spoon.
  • Citrus essential oil - 15 drops.
  • Glycerin - 1 teaspoon.
  • Chamomile flowers.


  1. Combine the baby soap passed through a grater with warmed milk, wait a little, and then hold it in the bath until it melts. Enter the remaining ingredients.
  2. Add to the mixture, then sea buckthorn oil with glycerin, then chamomile flowers with essential oil. Keep the mass on fire and stir without letting it boil. When smooth, distribute to the shapes.

How to make handmade cleansing soap

I bring to your attention a recipe for making handmade cleansing soap. If you regularly take care of your skin, it will help in this matter.


  • Baby soap - 0.5 bar.
  • Camphor alcohol - 0.5 tbsp. spoons.
  • Ammonium alcohol - 0.5 tbsp. spoons.
  • Glycerin - 0.5 tbsp. spoons.
  • Citric acid - 0.25 tsp.
  • Hydrogen peroxide solution - 0.25 cups.
  • Water - 1 glass.


  1. Pour baby soap through a grater into a container of water and wait a few hours until it swells.
  2. Place dishes with soapy water in a container with water and heat slightly.
  3. Into a homogeneous mass, add alcohols along with citric acid diluted in a spoonful of water. After mixing, remove the mixture from the stove and stir until it cools.
  4. While stirring, add hydrogen peroxide. The handmade soap is ready.

Video instruction

I think while reading the material, you noticed that in all cases the basis is the same, and the recipes differ in additives. If you wish and have imagination, you can easily create your own soap recipe, which will be characterized by an excellent composition, wonderful color and a unique smell.

How to choose a soap base and not make mistakes

In conclusion, I will tell you about the intricacies of choosing a soap base and about the mistakes that beginner soapmakers make. Soap base is an almost finished product, neutral in properties, colorless and odorless. The base is needed for making homemade soap.

It is not difficult to buy a soap base of Chinese, Latvian, German, English and Belgian production. The bases from Belgium and Germany are very similar in properties. This transparent formulation is odorless and produces a large amount of foam.

Products from England and Latvia are characterized by low surfactant content. As a result, the soap made from them foams worse. But these bases contain more natural ingredients.

The Chinese soap base lathers fine, but it smells. Fortunately, it is not difficult to drown out the smell with the help of a fragrance. Some bases can be mixed if desired. The main thing is that they correspond to each other in terms of fat content.

I recommend using an organic base. It does not freeze so quickly and foams worse, but it brings benefits to the skin. This is important, especially if you are.

Major mistakes beginners make

Remaining true to the topic of home soap making, one cannot fail to mention the mistakes and problems that newbies face. All mistakes are related to the aesthetic side of the issue. The soap slowly thickens, breaks, or falls apart when cut. Maintaining proportions and using quality materials helps to avoid such problems.

  • If the soap breaks when cut, it means there is a lot of caustic soda in it. This defect does not affect the quality of the product, only the appearance suffers. In some cases, essential oils cause excessive fragility.
  • If you get a mild soap, and when cutting the briquette falls apart, then the gel stage has failed. To solve the problem, leave the product to ripen for two weeks, and then cut it with a guitar string.
  • It is not uncommon for the finished soap block to become coated. The quality does not suffer from a visual defect. Cover the soap after placing it in the molds to fix the problem. The plaque is removed with a knife or water.
  • If the soap does not thicken, be sure to use the correct amount of lye. Often this effect is associated with a high percentage of soft oils. In this case, prolonged mixing of the solution using a conventional mixer will help to change the situation.

There are mistakes that are dangerous to health. In some cases, white spots appear in the soap. They are formed by alkaline crystals that are poorly dissolved in the liquid. Test several of these crystals using a special strip. If it really is alkaline, discard the soap.

I looked at 4 step-by-step recipes for beginners, instructions for home making and gave advice on choosing a base. Now I'll tell you interesting information about the origin of soap.

What do we know about soap?

According to historians, primitive people washed themselves regularly to prevent potential prey from smelling. They used water and sand as a detergent. The invention of soap was facilitated by the low efficiency of washing with sand. It is difficult to say when the soap appeared and who its author is. One thing is certain, it is older than paper and gunpowder.

Later, people began to rub the body with fat or oil, and then scraped the dirty film off the skin. For this purpose, clay was also used. According to one of the Roman historians, the first liquid soap appeared in Gaul. The inhabitants of the ancient state added ash to the melted goat fat, and the resulting mixture was used to wash the hair and when washing.

Later, the Romans borrowed the product from the Gauls, who used it to create fashionable hairstyles. In 164, the Roman doctor Galen discovered that soap washes and washes.

The Arabs are considered the creators of solid soap. For its manufacture in the 7th century, they used ash, seaweed, lime, olive oil, goat fat and potash. The Spaniards brought this recipe to Europe. As a result, soap making began to develop in European countries.

In those days, Christianity fought against pagan values, including the tradition of washing. Therefore, baths appeared in Europe only in the 15th century through the efforts of the crusaders. The knights of those times presented soap to the ladies as a gift.

In the seventeenth century, a revolution in soap making took place. Then there was shaving foam, and stubble became the conscious choice of men. Scented soaps were produced for women. Almost every well-to-do house had a washbasin.

The listed revolutionary changes have bypassed the rules of hygiene. People of those times did not completely soap themselves, saving an expensive product.

Two hundred years later, water pipes appeared in European cities along with sewerage systems. Every rich home had a tin can, and soap took a strong place in everyday hygiene. Today city dwellers spend about two weeks in the bath a year.

The simplest form of soap making at home is soap making from baby soap. In addition, for beginners in this business, this is just a godsend. Once you've tried to make soap with your own hands, you are unlikely to want to go back to regular soap. Firstly, it is beneficial to cook soap at home, and secondly, it is useful to use everything natural and healthy for yourself, and thirdly, this is a very exciting and interesting activity.

If you decide to make soap at home, but are afraid, so to speak, to ruin everything, then I think you should try to start taking the first steps using baby soap. There is less work and less time, but considerable experience. Do not be afraid to experiment, because it is from your imagination and great desire that an excellent result can be obtained. I will try to give you the most basic meaning of how to make soap at home as detailed and clear as possible.

I want to tell you about how to make real soap. It is, of course, better to start with the baby, adding various oils, flavors and dyes to it. Here are a few simple steps in the process of making the most basic soap recipes.

First, I choose the ingredients (baby soaps, colors, fragrances and base oils).

Secondly, I make soap shavings and a water bath.

Why do I prefer baby soap? Because there are no chemical additives in it. This soap is intended for the delicate skin of children, as such skin is susceptible to perfumes and alkaline environments. Therefore, you can safely add your ingredients (oils, decoctions, flowers), and you get a soap with the desired aroma, color and shape. Also, baby soap contains moisturizing glycerin, lanolin, vegetable oils, which have a beneficial effect on the skin without irritating it.
When choosing baby soap, I always pay attention to the smell - the less, the better, and it can be interrupted. The composition should also not contain chemical additives, fragrances and perfumes, since the desired result in this case cannot be achieved and you can only spoil everything. In addition, the packaging and quality of the soap should not reveal any suspicion. Of course, if in doubt, it is better to choose another option. And finally, learn from mistakes - try and draw the appropriate conclusions.

For me, the main characteristics of a good soap are the following:

Soap is odorless or virtually odorless.

It melts well and easily grinds into shavings.

Be aware of safety precautions when handling hot melted soaps and oils, or when making shavings, which can create harmful soap dust.

What additives to choose for making soap at home? You can add anything to your handmade soap, but not all ingredients will be able to maintain their color, smell and shape. Also, when choosing various components, start from what type of your skin is, what it lacks at the moment, what problems you would like to solve with it, etc. Various supplements will help you achieve results. You will find out what our skin needs from the article "Facial care at home" on the site "Sunny Hands" .

Base oil is added to soap to improve its quality and properties. Each oil is unique in composition and gives a variety of properties to the resulting soap: softness, creaminess, foaminess and others. In a special soap store, you can buy jojoba, olives, macadamia oils and use them in your first experiments. You don't need to add these oils if you are still in doubt about your abilities. You can add flavors and natural dyes... Well-known natural additives, such as decoctions, infusions, berry juices, dried petals of flowers, fruits, berries, parsley and dill, and so on, will give color and aroma to everyone. You can even use ready-made liquid or dry dyes, which are sold in the same specialty stores.

Essential oils, which can be purchased at the pharmacy, will also add special properties and flavor to your soap. And over time, when you gain experience, it is quite possible to buy them in a soap store.

Each oil has a different effect: relaxes or invigorates, has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, and much more.
As a scrub, you can use such ingredients as poppy seeds, coffee, clay (blue, white, pink, green), oatmeal (flakes, whole or ground), ground nuts. In this case, the main thing is not to shift the ingredients, since the soap can crumble and wash poorly.

To make soap at home from baby soap, you will need the following dishes and tools:
- fine grater (the finer, the faster the soap shavings will melt);
- sturdy water bath pot (iron and heat resistant);
- a glass or porcelain plate (heat-resistant) with a smaller diameter than a saucepan;
- molds for filling (soft disposable jars, silicone molds for baking);
- plate for melting solid butter;
- knife for cutting prepared soap and spoons.

Once everything is ready, you can start creating your own soap!
So, I rub the pieces of baby soap on a grater;

For a water bath, I pour water into a saucepan on the stove so that the plate with shavings is immersed to the brim in water. Heat must be transferred from the boiling water to the plate. And in order for the chips to melt well, you can add water or even milk to it, which is even better. The latter will give the soap special emollient properties. The melting process will be accelerated by melters such as sugar (plain or vanilla), chocolate or honey. You can add a decoction of herbs, after diluting it with warm milk. Herbal teas are also incredibly beneficial for the skin. Read how to cook them correctly. Moreover, all components must be added when the soap is in a water bath. The melting process takes 15-20 minutes on average.

Make sure that your soap does not boil, otherwise there will be unwanted bubbles in the soap. And as soon as the soap melts, becomes viscous and without lumps, you can safely add base oils (1 tablespoon per 100 grams). Then I remove from the water bath and add essential oils, dyes and other necessary components. It is better to do this at the end of the procedure, since such substances are volatile. I stir the resulting mass and pour it into molds. You can add different ingredients to the molds by making different soaps at the same time.

After spilling, the resulting soap should cool. To do this, I put it to cool in the refrigerator until a solid consistency is obtained. Then I put it in the air to remove the remaining moisture. The water will dry out the soap, so I cut off the excess with a knife.

Approximately how many ingredients to add to 100 grams of baby soap?

1 tablespoon of base oils

100 grams of any of the above liquids (milk, decoctions, etc.);

6-7 drops of essential oils;

4-5 drops of dye;

50 grams of other additives (honey, coffee, oatmeal, chocolate, sugar, etc.).

Soap recipes at home from baby soap.

Cleansing soap. Thanks to its constituents, the soap has a powerful disinfectant effect.

We need:

Baby soap-100 g

Water-2 glasses

Alcohol camphor-1 tbsp. l.

Ammonia alcohol-1 tbsp. l.

Citric acid - 0.5 tsp

Glycerin-1 tbsp. l.

Hydrogen peroxide - 100 ml.

Cooking like this:

Rub the soap on a fine grater, pour it into a saucepan filled with 2 glasses of water. After 3-4 hours, when the soap becomes slightly sour in the water, place the pan in a water bath and wait for the soap to completely dissolve. As soon as the soap has completely melted, add citric acid, camphor and ammonia. Mix everything thoroughly and remove from heat.

Finally, add hydrogen peroxide in small portions. Add 3-4 drops of tea tree oil if desired. Mix everything well again and pour into molds. After 2 days, you can safely use soap to cleanse problem skin. This type is prone to acne. How to get rid of acne read on the portal "Sunny Hands » .

Coffee soap scrub

Baby soap-100 g

Water-1 glass

Olive oil-1 tbsp. l

Sea buckthorn oil-1 tbsp. l

Essential oil patchouli-5-6 drops

Ground coffee-3 tsp.

Rub the soap. Melt in a water bath. After removing from heat, add all the oils, stir, add coffee, stir again and pour into molds. Coffee for this soap can be coarsely ground, because the soap is a scrub.

In general, for the manufacture of a scrub soap, you can take ingredients such as poppy seeds, large oatmeal, ground grape seeds, ground walnut shells, any cosmetic clay as abrasives.

Soap "Honey and Milk" marble.

The manufacture of this soap differs from the others not only in its recipe, but also in its extraordinary appearance - it will be marble in our country. First, I will list the ingredients:

Baby soap-100 g

Milk-150 ml

Honey-1 tbsp. l.

Olive oil-1 tbsp. l.

Sea buckthorn oil-1 tbsp. l.

Orange oil - 3-4 drops

Chocolate-3-4 cubes

We rub the soap, put it in a water bath, add milk and honey. Do not forget to interfere. When the mass is completely melted, remove from the heat and divide it into 2 parts exactly in half. Add sea buckthorn and orange oil to one part, and olive oil to the other and grate pieces of chocolate on a fine grater. When the mixture cools down a little, we begin to pour it into the molds in this way: the first layer is orange, the second chocolate, orange again, etc. Then gently mix the composition several times in a chaotic or circular motion and set to freeze.

Coconut soap

I just love the scent of coconut, so I make a scented coconut soap from time to time. And the composition of all the ingredients is much smaller and simpler:

Baby soap-100 g

Water-200 ml

Coconut flakes-3 tbsp. l

Coconut or vanilla oil - 3 tbsp l.

We rub the soap, as usual, put it in a water bath, add water. Grind the coconut on a coffee grinder. You can, of course, not grind, then the soap will take on the effect of a scrub. Remove the melted soap from the heat, add coconut shavings, vanilla or coconut oil to it, or you can mix it, but then you will have to add 1.5 tablespoons of each oil. Mix everything thoroughly and pour into molds. If you replace ordinary water in this recipe with milk, then the foam from this soap will turn out to be even softer, and the aroma of coconut will be even more pronounced.

Anti-cellulite soap

Baby soap-100 g

Water-50 ml

Olive oil-2 tbsp. l

Ground coffee-2 tbsp. l.

Large sea salt-2 tbsp. l.

Rub the soap and put it in a water bath. Then add olive oil and gradually pour in hot boiled water. Stir the whole mass continuously. When the soap is completely dissolved, remove it from heat and add salt and coffee. Mix everything again and lay out on the molds. After 2-3 days, the soap is ready for use. It is very effective to use such soap in the fight against cellulite 2-3 times a week, but it is worth remembering and knowing that it contains sea salt, which can dry the skin, so after taking a shower with such soap, you should moisturize the body well with nourishing lotion or milk. To make the body even more beautiful will help advice from the author of the portal "Sunny Hands" Olga Sheina that she shares in the article "Face and body care" .

Actually, as you can see, making soap from baby soap is not difficult at all, I would say it couldn't be easier. The cooking sequence is the same, only the composition of the food changes. The main points of cooking are clear, everything else is up to you. The composition and type of soap will depend on which additives you choose. Turn on your imagination and go! Successful soap making!

Best regards, Evgeniya Tsvetkova.