Laundry soap of the USSR. Is it true that in the USSR soap was made from dogs? Applying beauty soap

The rumor that stray dogs were allowed to produce laundry soap was actively exaggerated by citizens Soviet Union... That is why even children were afraid and hated by employees of special services involved in trapping stray animals. However, were dogs really allowed to wash in the USSR?

Animal fats

The composition of laundry soap has not changed for many years. According to GOST 30266-95, soap is based on alkalis and fatty acids of animal fat (GOST 30266-95, 4.3 Requirements for raw materials and supporting materials). The percentages indicated on the bar are indicators of the content of these same fatty acids: 72%, 70% and 65% (GOST 30266-95, 4.5 Marking). What is animal fat and how is it obtained?

According to the "Great Soviet Encyclopedia", animal fats are a product obtained from animal tissues. Beef and lamb fats are given as examples in this publication. In addition, the encyclopedia also speaks about liquid animal fats, which are part of the tissues of marine mammals and fish. No pets, in particular dogs, are mentioned in the article.

Journalistic investigation

There is a project on Sputnik FM radio in Ufa called “Lilya Seeking the Truth”, which is directed by journalist Lilia Shakirova. The main purpose this project is a refutation of rumors and conjectures with which the Internet is crowded today. In search of an answer to the question of whether it is true that dogs were made (and are still being made) the basis for laundry soap, Shakirova and her colleagues called several factories specializing in the production of such products.

The employees of the enterprises assured the journalists that animal fat is really used in the manufacture of soap, but not dog fat, but beef and pork fat. The experts said that dog fat is not suitable for the production of laundry soap. But even if it did fit, dogs don't have as much of it as required. Therefore, the losses when using dog raw materials would be greater than when using pig or cow.

Fighting stray animals

Thus, the rumor that it was dogs that were used to make soap did not find its confirmation. Where did such speculation come from? Most likely, they were associated with the active struggle of the Soviet authorities with stray animals, or rather with the diseases they spread. All abandoned cats and dogs were subject to capture and destruction. Moreover, ordinary citizens could even earn extra money on this. For example, for a stray dog, you could get about 1 ruble. Perhaps that is why the rumor about soap making from pets was born.

One of the first documents aimed at eliminating rabies is the decree of 10/01/1928 "On measures to combat dog rabies." Clause 2 of this document states that all captured dogs must be destroyed. No mention is made of any use of their fabrics for soap making. However, already in the third paragraph of the resolution it is said: "In the areas where there are recycling plants and special institutions, the bodies of destroyed dogs are to be sent to these institutions for their disposal for industrial purposes." What is this industrial purpose, the document does not indicate.

Laundry soap is widely known to everyone who lived in the era of the Soviet Union. At that time, this tool was considered universal. With its help, they not only washed dirty clothes, but also dealt with serious illnesses. There are many myths about making laundry soap. One of them, for example, says that it is made from the fat of stray dogs. Is it really? What miraculous properties does this brown bar have?

Manufacturing methods

It is worth reassuring anyone who thinks helpless animals are dying to make soap. In fact, no dogs were harmed in the making of the soap. The composition does contain animal fats, but most often it is lamb, pork or beef. Also oils and fatty acids are used in the production.

In the USSR, there were strict standards for the manufacture of laundry soap. Many famous manufacturers adhere to them to this day. Soap made in accordance with GOST always had a stamp on which you could see the percentage of acids. The larger it is, the better the soap was at removing dirt. According to the norms maximum amount contained acids - 72%.

Laundry soap, by the way, is not only hard. In stores, you can also find liquid soap, which can be used for washing dishes, washing clothes, washing hands, as well as soap in powder form.

Laundry soap rushes to the rescue

The range of application of laundry soap is huge. It can be found in almost every home. Despite its unpleasant smell, many people prefer to wash their hands with them, because it does not cause allergic reactions. In addition, laundry soap effectively fights germs.

In the USSR, it was actively used for medical purposes. How can laundry soap help improve health?

Applying beauty soap

  • Many people prefer to wash their hair exclusively with household soap. If you believe the reviews, then the hair after it becomes incredibly soft and manageable.
  • In order to get rid of acne, you do not need to buy expensive gels or cleansers. It is enough to buy a bar of laundry soap! The lather should be applied to the face and then washed off with warm water. And so that the skin does not dry out, you can use a baby cream.

It's hard to believe, but laundry soap can come to the rescue in a variety of situations, which is why most housewives believe that this tool should always be in the house.

Laundry soap. A bar of menacing brownish-gray or childish surprise, flaking and smelling bad. This is the opinion of modern housewives about a universal miracle remedy from the USSR. Jokes about laundry soap, such as the pungency of the deadly effect on bacteria of just one type of bar of soap and its relationship with city dogs, are composed. And it is in every home. Why is laundry soap useful?

First of all, it is hypoallergenic and anti-allergenic. The composition of this soap is simple: natural animal fats and sodium salt. On its basis, adding various perfumes and dyes, you can get other types of soap. How is it useful in everyday life?

In case of cuts and burns, treat the affected area with laundry soap, just soap the wound or burn. If a dog has bitten or scratched by a cat - soap foam is the first remedy. The antiviral properties of soap should be used during epidemics of acute respiratory infections and flu. Lubricate your nose with lather and let it dry - the soap will perfectly protect you from illness. If a runny nose begins, also lubricate the nose with foam - it will not. Laundry soap fights against fungal diseases of the feet and also effectively prevents them. Wash your feet regularly with soap, and after visiting public bath or the pool, rinse them thoroughly, leaving the foam for 1-2 minutes.

The soap will help with more serious health problems. In case of hemorrhoids, wash with laundry soap, gently setting the bumps. With thrush, vaginitis and genital infections, it is useful to wash off with laundry soap. It will locally help in the fight against infection, as well as relieve itching, redness, disinfect and protect. Laundry soap can be used to form constipation suppositories, its relaxing properties were used in Soviet medicine. This product is absolutely safe, suitable even for the smallest.

Laundry soap has long stood guard over beauty. Now the ladies will grimace, but laundry soap is great for skin and hair. It is great for washing your hair. Lather with soap and massage into scalp. Rinse off the product. It is great to rinse your hair with water and apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. For problem skin, laundry soap is an effective healer. Wash your face 2 times a day with laundry soap, be sure to use baby cream or other organic cream after it. The effect of such washing is that acne disappears, the skin is noticeably cleansed and smoothed, it acquires normal oily content and an even color. Laundry soap slows down skin aging. Use soap instead of gels - after a while you will forget about dry and flaky skin.

Laundry soap is a true guardian of beauty and health. Despite its oblivion, the effectiveness of this miracle remedy has been confirmed by generations and more and more women are choosing ordinary laundry soap instead of branded, newfangled personal care products.

Laundry soap became one of the first domestic products to be produced in accordance with the All-Union Standard (OST). OSTs were approved by the Committee for Standardization under the Council of Labor and Defense, having published the first standards in 1926 in the journal "Bulletin of Standardization". In it, along with a report on the OST for laundry soap, all-Union standards for wheat, ferrous metals, smoking tobacco, matches and other essential goods were presented. Moreover, the question of standardizing the production of laundry soap arose almost two years earlier - in the fall of 1924, because the quality of Soviet soap did not suit either the state apparatus or ordinary citizens.

To develop a standard for the production of laundry soap, a special Commission was established. She had to study the best pre-war domestic soaps; then test samples available on the market at that time; and compare the results. And on the basis of the data obtained, and taking into account the fats available in the Soviet Union, determine the optimal mixture for the production of such a laundry soap that would satisfy the demand of consumers.

The report, in which the OST for soap was submitted for approval, contained the results of the study western experience production and comparison of the Soviet product with foreign ones. In Germany at that time, there were about 30 varieties of soap, in the USSR - no more than five.Per capita soap consumption in the Soviet Union was several times less, and the laundry was washed mainly by hand. In the West - in Germany and the USA - at that time almost 50% of the soaps were liquid, while in Russia 90% of the presented soap was

For reference:

An important detail - in the first standard for soap production, it was noted that soap should be produced without packaging, since it does not provide any advantages, but makes production more expensive.

For modern laundry soap in Russia, GOST is used - an interstate standard - and in its current form it is very different from what it was almost a century ago. Now for the production of laundry soap, a list of 21 raw materials has been approved. The list of raw materials also includes a list of auxiliary substances used in soap making, as well as strict requirements for packaging and transportation.

From the first OST for laundry soap, the requirement for appearance: it should still be firm and dry to the touch, with a clear surface and no unpleasant odor.

Based on materials from the press service of FSUE "Standartinform"