Professions in the 2nd junior group. Synopsis of the occupation "Profession" in the second junior group. "This is the kind of house"

goal: Acquaintance of children with professions.



  • Expand and consolidate children's knowledge about the professions of people;
  • Improve the ability to roll lumps of plasticine between the palms of the hands in a circular motion;
  • Encouraging children to talk about work activities
  • professions familiar to them (chauffeur, doctor, hairdresser)
  • Expand the children's vocabulary by using nouns (names of objects - tools of labor of various professions).


  • Develop auditory perception, speech hearing, communication skills;
  • Develop speech, observation, ingenuity.


  • Foster friendly relationships;
  • Cultivate interest in different types professions.

Vocabulary work: doctor, salesman, chauffeur, hairdresser, educator, cook, manager, watchman, methodologist, nurse, junior educator, washerwoman, janitor.

Preliminary work: Talking about professions, reading passages "Who to be?" In Mayakovsky, examining illustrations, role-playing games "Hospital", "Hairdresser", "Shop", "Builders", "Drivers".

Material: Doll Katya, presentation “Guess the professions”, didactic game “Who needs what for work?”, Yellow plasticine, modeling boards, paper napkins for each child, metallophone.

GCD move

Musical game "Hello, palms"

Educator: Come in guys.

We have guests today. Let's say hello

Educator: Someone is knocking on us. A doll Katya came to visit us. She will soon grow up, become an adult, but does not know what to become? Let's help her guys. After all, you know many professions.

Katya, the children will name the professions of the people who work in the kindergarten. Whoever calls, sits on a chair.

Children list the professions of workers kindergarten: manager, senior educator, nurse, educator, junior educator, washerwoman, janitor, watchman, cook.

(Children take their places).

Educator: Children, today I came to kindergarten in a good mood, because I am always looking forward to meeting you. I love my job. Today we will talk about professions. My profession is called educator. Who knows why it's called that?

(Children's answers)

Educator: That's right, I am raising children.

Tell me, what is a profession?

Children: Work that a person does for other people.

Educator: What profession do you know? I will show slides, and you call them in chorus.

View the Guess the Professions presentation

Educator: Katya, here are how many professions our children know.

And now we will turn into pilots (metallophone sounds) and let's play the game "Airplanes".

Fizminutka "Aircraft" (to music)

Educator: Now take your places on the chairs.

Let's conduct a didactic game "Who needs what for work and what is superfluous?"

Didactic game "Who needs what for work"

Educator: You all coped with the task.

Educator: Now go out onto the carpet, hold hands and make a circle. We will play the game "When I grow up, I will ..."

Doll Katya: When I grow up, I will be a teacher.

(Children pass the Katya doll to each other and name the profession).

Educator: Guys, you all correctly named the professions .

Katya, our children, like real bakers, have learned how to bake pancakes, pies, bagels.

Now they will prepare a treat for your girlfriends.

(Children sit at tables and sculpt treats from plasticine for Katya's friends).

Doll Katya: Thanks guys. I will treat my friends and tell that I have learned a lot of professions. Now I know who I will be when I grow up. Thank you. Goodbye!

Educator:Guys, I think you all tell your parents about the professions that you remember.


- Independent play activity.Games at the request and interests of children.

Goal:develop the ability to perform play actions in play exercises, play on themes from the surrounding life. To familiarize with the elementary generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults. Stimulate the development of interest in joint games with adults and children, a positive response to the offer to play.

- Collective and individual conversations with children

: "What objects make life comfortable"

Goal: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the purpose of objects that make life convenient, to establish a connection between the object and the benefits from its use.

- Working with children on the sound culture of speech (didactic games to consolidate the sound in words) "Guess what sounds"

Goal: To acquaint children with the sounds of the world around them, to isolate and recognize them.

Story toy games

preparation for breakfast, canteen duty.

Didactic exercise "Who will wash their hands correctly."

Shifts in a natural corner: watering plants.


Strengthen the ability to be on duty in the dining room: wash your hands, put on an apron, put napkins, a bread box on your table, lay out spoons to the right of the plate. Participate in cleaning dishes after meals.

Walk 1

- Observation behind the snow

goal - to form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe properties of snow;

to consolidate knowledge about a seasonal phenomenon - snowfall; develop

sense of beauty.

- Outdoor games (throwing)"Throw it on."

Goal: improve coordination of movements.

Outdoor play"Run to the flag."

Goal: teach to perform actions strictly according to the signal of the educator. To develop children's attention, the ability to distinguish colors. Exercise in running and walking.

Elementary household labor

Goal:Get the kids interested in keeping our site clean.

Draw snow paths. Vocabulary work (games like "Find the word") "Frog and frogs"

Goal: Develop the speech attention of children.

Return from a walk(self service)

Reading fiction

Gianni Rodari "What color is the craft?"

Goal: Continue to develop an interest in fiction.

Strengthen the ability to listen carefully to works, answer questions about the text.

canteen shifts

Strengthen the ability to be on duty in the dining room: wash your hands.

Preparing for lunch, lunch

Preparing for sleep, sleep

Strengthen the skills to neatly fold and hang clothes on a chair before going to bed.

Gradual rise, gymnastics after sleep № 14

hygiene procedures.

Afternoon snack

GCD, additional education, leisure

Musical development.

Walk 2

Research activities.Something in the box

Goal: to acquaint with the meaning of light and its sources (sun, flashlight, candle, show that light does not pass through transparent objects.

Ind. WorkSpeech games

"What's gone"?

goal: Development of visual memory.

Outdoor games

Outdoor play

An outdoor game "Little white bunny is sitting"

Goal: teach children to listen to the text and perform movements with the text; teach them to jump, clap their hands, run away after hearing the last words of the text; bring joy to children.

Return from a walk(self service)

Form the ability to carefully remove shoes.



Work in the corner of the book (looking at the book, talking about the content, about writers, about illustrators, repairing a book in the presence of children or together with them)

To repair books.

Consideration of thematic folders and conversations on their content, consider thematic pictures of animals and their babies.

Role-playing games (the formation of role-based relationships)


Goal: to teach children to classify objects according to general characteristics, to foster feelings of mutual help, to expand the vocabulary of children: to introduce understood "toys", "furniture", "food", "dishes".

Municipal preschool educational institution.

Kindergarten number 29 "Trickle", Cheremkhovo


"All professions are important, all professions are needed."

Second junior group "Sweet Tooth"


E. S. Kovaleva

Project type : group, informational, creative, play, short-term.

Project participants : educators, children of the second junior group, parents.

Goal: show how many professions exist.


    To acquaint children with such professions as a cook, a seamstress, a doctor, a chauffeur, a hairdresser, a laundress, their labor processes, with objects - helpers;

    Foster respect for work, arouse the desire to work.

Estimated project results

    Knowledge of information by children about such professions as cook, seamstress, doctor, chauffeur, hairdresser, laundress;

    Understanding by children of the importance of these professions;

    Ability to organize role-playing games based on existing knowledge;

    Showing appreciation and respect for the work of adults;

    Creation of the folder "Professions";

    Organization of the photo exhibition "The Profession of My Parents".

Stage 1: Preparatory.

Create a developing environment:

    Replenish the "Kitchen" corner with the following attributes: aprons, dishes, vegetables, fruits.

    Replenish the game "Hospital" with attributes: syringes, thermometers, phonendoscope.

    Introduce didactic and board games: "Professions", "Who has what?", "Collect the picture from the cubes", "Who does what", "Wonderful bag", "What's superfluous?"

    Replenish the library with books by B. Zakhoder "All the works are good"; V. Mayakovsky "Who to be?"; K. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief", S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Stepa".

    Design the album "Poems about Professions".

    Add the paintings "Doctor", "Hairdresser", "Cook", "Tailor", "Chauffeur" to the group.

    Add transport to the boys' corner: trucks, cars, a tractor, etc.

Organization of the educational area directly:

Cognitive development: "Excursion to the laundry", "Travel to the country" Professions "," Objects around us. Assistant seamstresses "

Communicative development: "Conversation", "Me and my mother",

Artistic and aesthetic development: "Fruit for toys", "Beautiful napkin for mom", "Let's decorate the clothes."

Organization of joint activities of a teacher with children:

    Excursion to the laundry;

    Excursion to the kitchen;

    Conversation about the professions of parents;

    Didactic and board games: "Professions", "Who has what?", "Who does what", "What's superfluous?", "Collect a picture from cubes", "Wonderful bag";

Organization independent activity children:

    Board and didactic games "Professions", "Who has what?", "Who is doing what", "What's superfluous?", "Collect a picture from cubes", "Wonderful bag";

    Role-playing games "Cooking dinner", "Let's make the doll Masha's hair", "We treat the doll Dasha's throat", "Deliver the cargo";

Family interaction:

    organization of the photo exhibition "The Profession of My Parents";

Stage 2: Project implementation.

Cognitive development:

    "Excursion to the laundry"

    “Objects around us. Assistant seamstresses "

    "Travel to the country" Professions "

Communicative development:

    Conversation: "Me and my mom"

    "The story of a teacher and the profession of a seamstress"

Artistic and aesthetic development:

Modeling: "Fruit for toys"

Visual activity: "Beautiful napkin for mom"

Artistic work: "Let's decorate clothes" applique

Joint activities with children in regime moments

    Game activities: role-playing games "Cooking dinner", "Let's make a haircut for the doll Masha", "We treat the doll Dasha's throat", "Deliver the load";

    Didactic and board games "Professions", "Who has what?", "Collect the picture from the cubes", "What's superfluous?", "Who does what", "Wonderful bag";

    Excursion to the laundry; Excursion to the kitchen;

    Finger games "Cook compote"

    Guessing riddles about professions;

    Reading fiction;

Independent activities of children

    Coloring coloring pages "Professions", "Vegetables-fruits";

    Examination of paintings on the topic of the project;

    Board and didactic games "Professions", "Who has what?", "What's superfluous?", "Collect a picture from cubes", "Who does what", "Wonderful bag";

    Role-playing games "Cooking dinner", "Let's make the doll Masha's hair", "We treat the doll Dasha's throat", "Deliver the cargo";

Interacting with family

    telling parents about their work to children;

    organization of a photo exhibition: "The profession of my parents";

    a selection of illustrations, poems, riddles about professions.

Stage 3: Project presentation.

    Photo exhibition "The profession of my parents";

    Creation of the folder "Professions";

    Lesson on cognitive development "Travel to the country" Professions ";

    Album design "Poems about Professions".


"All professions are important, all professions are needed"

Second junior group

Finger games for the project: "All professions are important, all professions are needed":

"We will cook compote"

"We will cook compote,

You need a lot of fruit - that's it.

Let's crush apples

We will chop pears,

Squeeze out the lemon juice

Put the drain and sand.

We will cook compote

Let's treat honest people. "


What did the postman bring us?
He walks with a thick bag.
Translation, magazine, newspapers.
There are 2 cassettes in the parcel.
And a letter from Aunt Vali,
So that they were waiting for her arrival

(bend our fingers)


That is not hail, then not a thunder-roofer on the roof
He hits loudly with a hammer - the whole neighborhood hears.
He covers the house with iron to keep it dry.

(banging fist on cam)
(show the roof with your hands)


There are many noble professions,

(Connect the fingers of your right hand with your thumb.)

Both useful and pleasant.

(Connect the fingers of your left hand with your thumb.)

Cook, doctor, painter, teacher,

Seller, miner, builder ...

(Consistently connect the fingers of both hands with the thumb)

I don't name everyone right away,

(Open and close the jaws.)

I suggest you continue.

(Stretch your arms forward, palms up.)

Physical education for the project "All professions are important, all professions are needed":

"We are chauffeurs"

“We're going, we're going by car,

Step on the pedal

Turn on the gas, turn it off,

We gaze into the distance.

The wipers will clean the windows

Left, right. Purity!

The wind will ruffle your hair

We are drivers anywhere! "


“It's good to be a chauffeur,

A better pilot.

I would go to the pilot, let them teach me.

I pour gasoline into the tank

I'm starting the propeller.

Take the motor to heaven,

For the birds to sing. "


The cook is making porridge. (Simulated rotation of the hands)

The dressmaker sews a cloak. (Swing your hands)

The doctor treats Masha. (Open and close your mouth by sticking out the tongue)

The blacksmith forges steel. (Claps)

Lumberjacks are chopping. (Swing with slopes)

Builders build. (Simulated jumping up)

What will be done (Shoulder lift)

Our kids?

Riddles to the project "All professions are important, all professions are needed":

"Who is most useful in days of illness

And heals us from all diseases? "(doctor)

“He walks in a white cap with a ladle in his hand.

He prepares us lunch: porridge, cabbage soup and vinaigrette. " (cook)

“I see a plane in the sky

Like a luminous lump

The pilot controls it,

Otherwise, it's just ...» (Pilot.)

“All roads are familiar to me,

I'm at home in the cockpit.

The traffic light is flashing to me

He knows that I - ... "(Chauffeur.)

“Every day early

He takes the wheel in his hands.

Twists, twirls this and that,

But he won't eat it in any way! "(Chauffeur.)

“This sorceress,

This artist

Not brushes and paints,

A comb and scissors.

She possesses

By a mysterious power:

Who will touch

He will become beautiful. " (The hairdresser.)

“Tell me who is so delicious

Cooking cabbage soup,

Smelling cutlets,

Salads, vinaigrette,

All breakfasts, dinners?» (Cook)

Poems for the project "All professions are important, all professions are needed":

Kindergarten chef

A star sparkles in the sky

The mustachioed cat sleeps in a ball,

Only the cook can't sleep -

The cook gets up in the dark.

Porridge gurgles lightly

And the scrambled eggs hiss

And under the delicious noise and hubbub

Appetite enters the bedrooms.

We will sit together in the dining room,

Like a huge family.

I'll be a chef in the dining room -

So I myself decided!

The hairdresser

Give scissors, hairbrush,
He will do your hair.
The hairdresser by all means
Gives you a modern haircut.


Skillfully he drives the car -

It's not the first year behind the wheel!

Tight tires rustle slightly

He takes us around the city.


Rustling on the roads
Funny tires
Rushing along the roads
Cars, cars ...
And in the back - important
Urgent shipments:
Cement and iron
Raisins and watermelons.
Chauffeur work
Difficult and difficult
But how is she to people
Needed everywhere! ..

We are firefighters

By car, bright red

We rush forward.

Labor is hard and dangerous

We, firemen, are waiting.

Shrill siren howl

Can stun

Let's be water and foam

We put out the fire.

And people in trouble

We can help you

After all, we will fight with fire

Bravely day and night!

About the tailor, about the coat and more about something

My brother says:

I have


It hurts.

Even a flap

Turned away

And somewhere down


Then the rag doctor came

Or simply a tailor,

He groaned and groaned:

What happened?

Where is the patient?

My little brother says:

My coat hurts.

And I don't understand in any way -


Looked at the rag doctor

On the coat from all sides

And with a smile and with a sigh

Finally he answered:

It's easier than semolina.

That's why the coat hurts

What's your button

Life is hanging on the ground.

What do you kids want to be?

What do you kids want to be?
Tell us as soon as possible!

- I want to be a chauffeur.

Carry different loads.

- I dream of ballet.

Better there is none in the world.

- I want to be a great doctor.

I will treat everyone with medicine.
Delicious like candy.
I ate it - there are no diseases!

- In paints, I do not tea.
I dream of becoming an artist.
Order me a portrait.
I can handle it, no doubt!

- You with me, friends, do not argue
I want to be the first in sports.
To hammer the puck is a trifle
I play for Spartak!

- I want to become a pianist.
A wonderful artist.
Music with me since childhood
I love her with all my heart.

- I dream of becoming sooner
Educator of children.
Sing, walk, play with them.
Celebrate birthdays.

All professions are great.
All professions are important.
We know that our hands
The Motherland will need it!

L. Olifirova

Municipal autonomous institution preschool education Yalutorovsk city

"Child Development Center - Kindergarten"

Project Manager:


Komarova Lidia Antonovna ,

Project participants:

Children of the second younger group

Project type: group, creative, informational, play.

Project participants: children of the second younger group, educator, parents.

1st stage Search.


To give an idea to children about the profession of a cook.


1. To acquaint the cook with the profession, his labor processes, with the helpers.

2. Reinforce your knowledge of tableware.

3. To cultivate respect for work.

Estimated results of the project .

1.Knowledge by children of information about the profession of a cook.

2. Understanding by children of the importance of this profession.

3. Ability to organize role-playing games based on existing knowledge.

4. Demonstrating appreciation and respect for the work of adults.

Stage 2 Analytical .

Project development:

1. Create a developing environment:

  • replenish the "kitchen" corner. Add attributes: aprons, dishes, vegetables, fruits.
  • to add didactic and board games: "Professions"; “Who has what?”; "Assemble a picture from cubes"; "Who's doing what"; "Wonderful bag".
  • replenish the library with books by B. Zakhoder "All the works are good"; V. Mayakovsky "Who to be?"; K. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief".
  • to design the album "Poems about the Cook".
  1. 2. Organize educational activities directly:
  • Social and personal development, acquaintance with the profession of a cook.
  • Speech development - looking at a picture of a chef.
  • Productive activity (application), "Decorate the plate"; (modeling) "A bowl of apples".
  1. 3. Joint activities of the educator with children:
  • excursion to the kitchen,
  • conversation about the chef,
  • reading fiction,
  • didactic and board games,
  • plot - role-playing games: "Cooking borscht", "Invitation to visit", "Cooking compote for Katya's doll",
  • finger games "Salad", "Cabbage"
  • learning poems about a cook,
  • conversation about vegetables,
  • guessing riddles about dishes, vegetables and fruits.
  • Children's story "How my grandmother cooks".

4. Independent activity of children

  • examining paintings, illustrations,
  • coloring the coloring pages "Vegetables - fruits", "Dishes", "All works are good."
  • board and didactic games "Professions", "Vegetables - fruits", "Who has what", "Collect a picture from the cubes", "Who is doing what?", "Wonderful bag".
  • plot and role-playing games: “preparing borscht”, “inviting to visit”, “preparing compote for Katya's doll”.
  1. 5. Family interaction.
  • joint production of attributes for the role-playing game "Cook"
  • replenish the "kitchen" corner with dishes, vegetables, fruits;
  • sewing aprons.
  • A selection of poems about the profession of a cook.

Stage 3 Practical.

Forms of work

1. Directly educational activities.

1. Cognitive activity (speech development). Examining the painting "The Cook"

2. Social and personal development. Acquaintance with the “Cook” profession.

3. Productive activity (application) "Decorate the plate", (modeling) "Bowl with apples".

2. Joint activities with children in regime moments.

1. Play activities. Role-playing games: “Cooking borscht”, “Invitation to visit”, “Cooking compote for Katya's doll”.

2. Didactic and board games "Professions", "Who has what?", "Collect the picture from the cubes", "Who does what", "Wonderful bag".

3. Excursion to the kitchen.

4. Learning poems about the cook.

5. Children's story "How my grandmother cooks."

6. Reading fiction V. Mayakovsky "Who to be?", K. Chukovsky "Fedorino Gode", B. Zakhoder "All works are good."

7. Solve riddles about vegetables, fruits, dishes.

8. Finger games "Salad", "Cabbage".

3. Independent activity.

1. Coloring the coloring pages "Vegetables - fruits", "Dishes", "All works are good."

2. Board and didactic games "Professions", "Who has what?", "Collect the picture from the cubes", "Who does what", "Wonderful bag".

3. Role-playing games "Cooking borscht", "Invitation to visit", "Cooking compote for Katya's doll".

4. Interaction with the family.

1. Joint production of attributes for role-playing games.

2. To fill up the “kitchen” corner with dishes, vegetables, fruits.

3.Sewing aprons.

4. A selection of poems about the profession of a cook.

Stage 4 Project presentation.

1. Exhibition "The most beautiful plate", "Bowl with apples".

2. Presentation of the "Poems about the Cook" album.

3.Plot-role-playing game “Preparing a holiday for Katya's doll”.

Stage 5 Control.

  • Conversation with children about the profession of a cook.

Appendix # 1

Poems about the profession "Cook"

B. Zakhoder.


How easy it is to prepare dinner!

There is nothing difficult about this,

It's as easy as shelling pears:

It's time - and you're done!

(If mom prepares lunch.)

But it happens that there is no time for mom,

And we cook our own dinner,

(I don’t understand what the secret is!)


Cook, cook, cook!

Young, remote!

The cook knocked with a rolling pin,

The cook rumbled with a bowl,

Spoons, forks disassembled

Yes, he filled the pots.

The cook did not sleep at night-

The dinner party was laid,

He called all the guests,

He treated me to a delicious dish.

The guests ate and drank

The cooks were praised

The boilers were emptied

They drove home

And they left the cook

Only disassemble the dishes -

Get down, poor chef,

Have not eaten in bed!

Cups, spoons, cooks,

The nesting dolls were bathed

Give the cook food

Poultry, dried fruits,

Rice, potatoes ... And then

Delicious food is waiting for you.

Chef Vasya is very clever

Cleans a carrot with a knife.

Cheese rubbing on a coarse grater.

Back and forth and back and forth.

Soup interferes with a ladle

And crush potatoes with a crush

Cuts dill with a knife

Whack - whack - whack and in a bowl op!

It turned out delicious so that

He personally removes samples from the dishes.

Salt everything, pepper

And it will taste bitter with mustard.

And in our group today

There will be a new game!

All the girls are cooks

And the boys are cooks.

We will put on our robes

Head caps

And saucepans with ladles

Spread out on the tables

Our cubes are potatoes

And the carrot is a pencil.

Even the ball will become a bow

Our soup will be delicious

Salt everything, interfere

Pour on the plates.

Let's put the dolls in fun

And feed you before bed.

We are cooks today

We are chefs today.

But we'll wash the plates

The game is over.

Appendix # 2

Directly educational activities in the second younger group

Educational area "Socialization"

Profession "Chef"

Komarova Lidia Antonovna, educator

MAUDO "Child Development Center -

Kindergarten ", Yalutorovsk

Goal: develop cognitive activity, interest in the surrounding world.


1. Give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe profession of a cook, the items necessary for work.

2. Foster respect for adult work.

Integration educational areas : "Communication", "Labor", "Cognition".

  1. 1. Surprising moment. Conversation

The teacher brings the covered basket into the group.

Educator: what do you think is in the basket?

Children: toys….

Educator: let's see what's in the basket.

(vegetables in the basket)

Educator: name what vegetables I brought you.

Children: carrots, cabbage, potatoes….

Educator: what can be prepared from vegetables?

Children: soup, borscht, salad….

Educator: where do they cook?

Children: in the kitchen.

Educator: who cooks for you at home?

Children: mom, grandmother, dad.

Educator: guys, who do you think cooks for you in kindergarten?

Children: aunt, mom ...

  1. 2. Excursion to the kitchen

Educator: there is such a very important and the right profession - a cook. I invite you on a tour of our kitchen. There we will meet the chef Nadezhda Fedorovna.

The children, together with the teacher, go to the kitchen, where the cook meets them.

Educator: look at which kitchen is large and light.

Cook: guys, what is the soup at home?

Children: in a saucepan.

Cook: which pans are small or large?

Children: in big and small.

Cook: I will show you which pot I will cook your soup in (shows pots).

Educator: children, why such large pots?

Children: cook a lot.

Educator: Nadezhda Fedorovna, tell us, what subjects help you in your work?

The cook shows the items and tells what they are for.

Educator:guys, why would a cook need a knife?

Children: to cut vegetables, bread, peel potatoes, etc.

Educator: what is the ladle for?

Children: they are being poured soup.

Educator: what is the frying pan for?

Children: fry.

Educator: why do we need pots?

Children: what to cook in them.

Educator: meat grinder for what?

Children: chop vegetables, meat.

Educator: Nadezhda Fyodorovna, tell us what you prepared for dinner today? (cook's story).

Educator: Thank you for your story, and it's time for us to join the group. Guys, let's cook dinner for our dolls.

A role-playing game "Dinner for dolls" is organized in the group

"Certificate of Publication" Series A No. 0000676 sent on July 9, 2012. receipt No. 62502649561237

We invite teachers of preschool education of the Tyumen region, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and KhMAO-Yugra to publish their methodological material:
- Pedagogical experience, copyright programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scripts educational activities, projects, master - classes (including video), forms of work with family and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

Project type: group, informational, creative, play, short-term.

Project participants: educators, children of the second junior group, parents.

Purpose: to show how many professions there are.


To acquaint children with such professions as a cook, a seamstress, a doctor, a driver, a hairdresser, a laundress, their labor processes, with objects - assistants;

Foster respect for work, arouse the desire to work.

Estimated reproject results

Knowledge of information by children about such professions as cook, seamstress, doctor, chauffeur, hairdresser, laundress;

Understanding by children of the importance of these professions;

Ability to organize role-playing games based on existing knowledge;

Showing appreciation and respect for the work of adults;

Creation of the folder "Professions";

Organization of the photo exhibition "The Profession of My Parents".

Stage 1: Preparatory.

Create a developing environment:

Replenish the "Kitchen" corner with the following attributes: aprons, dishes, vegetables, fruits.

Replenish the game "Hospital" with attributes: syringes, thermometers, phonendoscope.

Introduce didactic and board games: "Professions", "Who has what?", "Collect the picture from the cubes", "Who does what", "Wonderful bag", "What's superfluous?"

Replenish the library with books by B. Zakhoder "All the works are good"; V. Mayakovsky "Who to be?"; K. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief", S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa".

Design the album "Poems about Professions".

Add the paintings "Doctor", "Hairdresser", "Cook", "Tailor", "Chauffeur" to the group.

Add transport to the boys' corner: trucks, cars, tractors, etc.

Organize directgenerally educational area:

Cognitive development "Excursion to the laundry"

“Objects around us. Assistant seamstresses "

Development of speech "Conversation" Me and my mother "

Modeling "Fruit for toys"


activity "Beautiful napkin for mom"

Artistic work "Let's decorate clothes" applique

Organization of joint activities of a teacher with children:

Excursion to the laundry;

Excursion to the kitchen;

Conversation about the professions of parents;

Didactic and board games "Professions", "Who has what?", "Who does what", "What's superfluous?", "Collect a picture from cubes", "Wonderful bag";

Organization of independent activities of children:

Board and didactic games "Professions", "Who has what?", "Who is doing what", "What's superfluous?", "Collect a picture from cubes", "Wonderful bag";

Role-playing games "Cooking dinner", "Let's make the doll Masha's hair", "We treat the doll Dasha's throat", "Deliver the cargo";

Family interaction:

organization of the photo exhibition "The Profession of My Parents";

Stage 2: Project implementation.

Forms of work


Directly educational activities

Cognitive development:

"Excursion to the laundry"

“Objects around us. Assistant seamstresses "

"Travel to the country" Professions "(open class)

Speech development:

"Conversation" Me and my mother "

"The story of a teacher and the profession of a seamstress"

"Fruit for toys"

Visual activity:

"Beautiful napkin for mom"

Artistic work:

"Let's decorate clothes" applique

Joint activities with children in regime moments

Game activities: role-playing games "Cooking dinner", "Let's make a haircut for the doll Masha", "We treat the doll Dasha's throat", "Deliver the load";

Didactic and board games "Professions", "Who has what?", "Collect the picture from the cubes", "What's superfluous?", "Who does what", "Wonderful bag";

Excursion to the laundry;

Excursion to the kitchen;

Finger games "Cook compote"

Guessing riddles about professions;

Reading fiction;

Independent activities of children

Coloring of coloring pages "Professions", "Vegetables-fruits";

Examination of paintings on the topic of the project;

Board and didactic games "Professions", "Who has what?", "What's superfluous?", "Collect a picture from cubes", "Who does what", "Wonderful bag";

Role-playing games "Cooking dinner", "Let's make the doll Masha's hair", "We treat the doll Dasha's throat", "Deliver the cargo";

Interacting with family

parents tell their children about their work;

organization of the photo exhibition "The Profession of My Parents";

a selection of illustrations, poems, riddles about professions.

Stage 3: Project presentation.

Photo exhibition "The profession of my parents";

Creation of the folder "Professions";

Open lesson on cognitive development "Travel to the country" Professions ";

Album design "Poems about Professions".

"All professions are important, all professions are needed"

Second junior group


Baranova N.A.

Terentyeva E.V.

Finger games for the project "All professions are important, all professions are needed":

"We will cook compote"

"We will cook compote,

You need a lot of fruit - that's it.

Let's crush apples

We will chop pears,

Squeeze out the lemon juice

Put the drain and sand.

We will cook compote

Let's treathonest people» .


What did the postman bring us?He walks with a thick bag.Translation, magazine, newspapers.There are 2 cassettes in the parcel.And a letter from Aunt Vali,So that they were waiting for her arrival. (sbend your finger) and)


That is not hail, then not a thunder-roofer on the roofHe hits loudly with a hammer - the whole neighborhood hears. (fromcloudy cam on cam)He covers the house with iron to keep it dry.(show the roof with your hands)


There are many noble professions,

(Connect the fingers of your right hand withbig.)

Both useful and pleasant.

(Connect the fingers of the left hand withbig.)

Cook, doctor, painter, teacher,

Seller, miner, builder ...

(Consecutively connect the fingers of both hands withbig.)

I don't name everyone right away,

(Open and close the jaws.)

I suggest you continue.

(Stretch your arms forward, palms up.)

Physical education minutes to the project"All professors these are important, all professions are needed ":

"We are chauffeurs"

“We're going, we're going by car,

Step on the pedal

Turn on the gas, turn it off,

We gaze into the distance.

The wipers will clean the windows

Left, right. Purity!

The wind will ruffle your hair

We are drivers anywhere! "


« It's good to be a chauffeur

A better pilot.

I would go to the pilot, let them teach me.

I pour gasoline into the tank

I'm starting the propeller.

Take the motor to heaven,

For the birds to sing. "


The cook is making porridge. (Simulated rotation of the hands)

The dressmaker sews a cloak. (Swing your hands)

The doctor treats Masha. (Open and close your mouth by sticking out the tongue)

The blacksmith forges steel. (Claps)

Lumberjacks are chopping. (Swing with slopes)

Builders build.(Simulated jumping up)

What will be done (Shoulder lift)

Our kids?

Riddles to the project "All professions are important, all professions are needed":

"Who is most useful in days of illness

ANDheals us all diseases? "


“He walks in a white cap with a ladle in his hand.

He prepares us lunch: porridge, cabbage soup and vinaigrette. "


I see a plane in the sky

Like a luminous lump

The pilot controls it,

Differently simply …


All roads are familiar to me

I'm at home in the cockpit.

The traffic light is flashing to me

He knows that I - ...


Daily early in the morning

He takes the wheel in his hands.

Twists, twirls this and that,

But he won't eat it in any way!


This sorceress

This artist

Not brushes and paints,

A comb and scissors.

She possesses

By a mysterious power:

Who will touch

He will become beautiful.