GCD abstract - bird watching “At the feeder. A selection of games and exercises on the topic "Birds Drawing bird feeder first junior group

Dyachkova Natalia Mikhailovna

kindergarten teacher

combined type

"Golden Key" of Tambov


Learn to draw on a whole sheet, developing a sense of rhythm

Develop fine motor skills of the hand

Continue to develop the ability to hold the brush correctly

Reinforce knowledge of color (yellow), shape (round), size (small),

quantities (many).

Form a good relationship with birds, a desire to take care of them.

Dictionary activation: round, small.

Developing environment:

A sheet of paper with a picture of a titmouse

Disposable plates for each child

Yellow gouache


Rectangular feeder

The pencils

Problematic situation.

Here the bird woke up in the morning

Looked around the titmouse,

The whole earth was covered with snow.

And the titmouse was surprised

There are no grains, no food

She flies home to us,

Children, children, help,

And you feed me.

We need to help the titmouse,

Feed the bird, of course.

What can we give the bird

So as not to starve?

bread crumbs, grains)

There is a plate of millet on the table. The teacher, together with the children, pick up a pinch of grains,

transfer them to disposable plates (development of fine motor skills of the hand).

The teacher encourages children to name the color, shape and size.

Children examine the grains, determine that they are small, round (millet) and there are many of them.

need food.

The teacher shows the bird feeder.

What is it? (feeder).

Who is this feeder for? (for birds)

What is the shape of the feeder? (rectangular - children run their fingers along the edges of the feeder,

make rectangular shaping movements in the air, repeating after the teacher)

The teacher invites children to draw a feeder. Draws the attention of children to how correctly

hold a pencil. Sequentially showing how to draw a feeder (draw a horizontal

a line at the top, then a horizontal line at the bottom, then connect them with vertical lines,

swiping them from top to bottom).

The teacher offers to fulfill the request of the titmouse and / pour / draw seeds for her, and her


We will feed our birds

We will feed all the blue tits

So that they come to our kindergarten

And children draw seeds for their birds, rhythmically poking with their fingers. The educator encourages

place the grains on the entire surface of the sheet.

Physical education:

Going out to the site with the children, the teacher invites them to look around carefully and find

a bird feeder hanging from a tree made by the older children.

She praises the children who first saw her.

The teacher removes the feeder from the tree and shows it to the children.

Conversation on the topic: "Taking care of birds"

This is a bird feeder. In winter, when it is cold outside and a lot of snow, it is difficult for birds to find

food, so people hang out feeders and put bird food in them: grains, seeds,

bread crumbs. The feeder is hung on a tree by a string.

Birds fly high, so it will be easier for them to see food. And it won't hurt them on the tree

peck grains - neither cats nor dogs will get them.

The teacher invites children to take in advance

prepared bird food (bread crumbs) and

pour it into the feeder; explains: “Bread crumbs need to be kneaded with your hands so that they are

small, since birds have a thin and sharp beakand they can only peck small food. "

After the children have poured food into the trough, the teacher hangs it on the tree again.

Children move away from the trough and watch the birds, which fearfully fly up to the trough.

An outdoor game "Sparrow car".

In the afternoon - reading fiction. The tale "Cat, thrush and cockerel".

Goal: cultivate kindness and care for friends.

Didactic game on the sound pronunciation "Who screams like" (bird voices).

Drawing abstract in senior group

Topic: "Feeders for wintering birds"Goal: improve the technique of drawing with watercolors; consolidate the skill of depicting birds.

Tasks.Educational:to form children's ideas about wintering birds: their appearance, nutrition, habitat in winter conditions. Developing:to promote the development of interest in the animal world. Expand and activate the speech reserve of children. Educational: foster responsiveness, encourage the desire to take care of birds. Integration of educational areas:cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development. Preliminary work. Bird watching on a walk; Conversation: “Our feathered friends”; Reading fiction: M. Gorky "Vorobyishko", S. Marshak "Where did the sparrow have dinner?" Modeling on the theme: "Our feathered friends." Learning proverbs about birds. Material and equipment: painting "Winter Forest", presentation "Wintering Birds", album sheets, pencils, paints, brushes, cups of water, napkins.

Dictionary:food, feeder, wintering birds.

Methods:verbal (conversation, questions); visual (display); practical (d / and "Guess who", practical and mental actions).

Techniques:explanation, riddles, questions to children, reading the poem "Feeder", verbal reports of children, practical and mental actions, showing a presentation, physical minutes.

Means of education:communication between adults and children, clear, clear speech of the educator.

Form of organization of children in the classroom:group.

The course of the lesson.1. Organizational moment.

Educator: Guys, today I invite you to go to winter forest... Look at the trees around: white caps of snow lie on green paws of spruces and pines, and all around is silence. Can't hear anything. Why so quiet?

(Can't hear birds singing). -Tell me, please, what birds live in the forest in winter?

(Woodpeckers, tits, nuthatch). - What birds live next to humans in the city?

(Crow, tit, sparrow). -What kind of birds come to us with the onset of winter? (Waxwing, bullfinches).

Didactic game "Guess who?" Educator: About whom can I say? -Sly, dexterous, resourceful ... (crow) -Yellow-breasted, dexterous ... (tit) -Bold, cheerful ... (sparrow) -Stubborn, variegated ... (woodpecker) -Predatory, big-headed, silent .. . (owl) -Red-breasted, lively ... (bullfinch) -Bright, funny, friendly ... (waxwings). Puzzles: Educator: Guess my riddles: 1) Black-winged, red-breasted and will find shelter in winter. He is not afraid of a cold, with the first snow, right there! (Bullfinch) 2) What kind of bird is not afraid of frost, even though there are chicks everywhere in its nest of snow? (Klest) 3) I eat bugs, worms, I do not fly away for the winter. I live under the cornice, in a gray feather coat and in cold weather I am a hero. (Sparrow) 4) Who is wearing a bright red beret and a black satin jacket? He does not look at me, he knocks, knocks, knocks! (Woodpecker) 5) Northern guests peck rowan bunches, so smart and bright on the heads of the crest? (Waxwing). 6) Sleeps during the day, flies at night, scares the birds in the forest? (Owl) (Show presentation).

2. The main part.

Guys, we already know that people feed the wintering birds, so they take care of the birds, help them. On our site with you there is a feeder, but it is one, and a lot of birds flock to the feeders. I suggest you help the birds today and draw feeders for them. Do you agree?

(Yes). Physical education: "Owl" (2 times). It's dark in the forest

Everyone has been asleep for a long time.

(Children pretend to be asleep.)

All the birds are sleeping ...

One owl does not sleep

Flies, screams.

(Children wave their hands.)

Owl is an owl,

Big head.

Sits on a bitch

The head turns.

(Draw a large circle with your hands. Sit down, turn your head to the right, left.)

Independent activity children.

Finger gymnastics: Educator: Guys, you need to stretch your fingers. I decided to count the raven: (Children alternately hit their fist on fist) One, two, three, four, five. (palm on palm) Six is \u200b\u200ba crow on a pole, Seven is a crow on a pipe, Eight is sitting on a poster, Nine feeds a raven ... Well, ten is a jackdaw. So the counting-out is over! (Squeeze and unclench fingers)

3. The final part.

Educator: Well done! Everyone did it. See how many feeders we got.

T. Kulakova "Feeder" Birds flew to our yard in winter, Birds started a conversation with us. The sparrow chirped, looked for grains, Crowned a crow, a dove cooed, A tit tinkered, and a bullfinch whistled, Waxwing on a branch also sang a song. Hungry in winter for our poor birds, Few grains, crumbs, it is difficult to feed. We made a feeder. Attached to the birch, So that the wintering birds survive the winter easier.

Thematic selection of games and exercises, theme: "Birds"


Expand children's knowledge of birds.
Enrich children's vocabulary on this topic.
To consolidate knowledge about size (large-small), color (yellow, red, blue, green), position in space (top-bottom, right-left), geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle).
Continue to learn how to count a given number of objects and designate the number with a number (1 and 2).
Improve the skills of drawing with fingers and pencils, sticking, modeling.
Develop thinking, fine motor skills, coordination of movements.
Develop auditory and visual perception.
Foster a desire to help birds.


Demonstration pictures (crow, cuckoo, sparrow, nightingale, starling).
Pictures depicting a peacock, buttons of different color and size.
Clothespins, silhouette images of birds.
Pictures depicting a large and small nest, cards with numbers 1 and 2, eggs cut out of cardboard.
A silhouette image of an egg cut into two parts.
Plastic eggs, small bird toys.
Picture background for drawing berries, red finger paints.
Image of a seagull on a stick.
Paired pictures depicting birds.
Picture background with a feeder, glue, cereals, birds, cut from paper.
Cardboard blank "bird", wings cut out of paper, glue. Black plasticine.
Silhouette images of fish.
Pictures-backgrounds with the image of a birdhouse on one edge of the sheet and birds on the other edge, pencils.
A picture depicting a woodpecker, a tree trunk with beetles and a caterpillar, which are covered with plasticine, stacks.
A picture depicting a birdhouse scheme, geometric shapes from colored cardboard, corresponding to the scheme.
A blank picture with a titmouse, black plasticine, yellow finger paints.
Audio recordings of bird voices, a song from the m / f "Who are the birds?", "We will fill the birds with crumbs", "Nightingale" by Alyabyev.

Hearing the voices of birds

Look at the picture - this is a crow bird. Listen to her voice. Try to say it yourself like a crow "kar-r".

Look at the picture - this is a sparrow bird. Listen to his voice. Try to say it yourself as a sparrow "chik-chirik".

Look at the picture - this is a cuckoo bird. Listen to her voice. Try to say it yourself like a cuckoo "cuckoo".

Didactic exercise "Whose voice?"

Images of birds are placed in different parts of the room. An audio recording of the voice of one of the birds is played, and the children must find the corresponding picture with their eyes, and then approach it.

Didactic exercise "Eggs in the nests"

Here are the nests. Count them. How many nests are in the picture? Two nests. And the nests are the same or different. Various. One nest is large, the other is small. Show a large nest. Show small nest.

Place one egg in the small nest and two eggs in the large nest.
Place the number 1 under the nest that contains one egg. And what number shall we put under the nest with two eggs? Number 2.

Didactic game "Put a whole egg from parts"

This egg is broken. A chick was sitting in it. Grew up and broke an egg. To go outside. Let's try folding an egg. Make the whole from the parts.

Game "What's inside the egg?"

Take an egg from the basket, open it and see what's inside.

Children open plastic eggs and find toys that represent birds inside. Children call their bird, if they cannot themselves, an adult calls and asks the child to repeat.

Finger drawing "Berries for the bird"

In winter, birds feast on berries left on the branches of trees. Let's draw some more berries for the birds.

Playing with clothespins "Bird"

Attach clothespins to the bird so that it has a beak, legs and a beautiful tail.

Application "Birds at the trough"

On a winter day among the branches
The table is set for guests.
The board is new
A canteen for birds,
Calls to dinner
Taste the crumbs.

Spread glue on the surface of the feeder, pour cereals on top. Now the birds will flock, peck the grains. Stick the birds onto the picture.

Musical exercise "We will pour crumbs for the birds"

Children are ringing bells to the music.

Designing "Birdhouse"

People help the birds when they feed them. People also help birds when they build houses for them and hang them in the trees. Here is a house - a birdhouse - for a starling bird.
Let's lay out a birdhouse from geometric shapes.

What geometric shapes did you use? What color is the square? Triangle, circle, rectangle?
Now take a stick and attach a perch to the birdhouse, on which the bird will sit. And here is the starling flew to your birdhouse.

Visual activity "Help the birds to fly to the birdhouse"

Pick up a birdhouse, a birdhouse, and attach it to the tree. Well done. Let's glue it on. Now let's take pencils and draw a path from each bird to the birdhouse.

Dynamic pause "I hurry to get on the road"

Children move to music, depicting the flight of a bird (walking, running, jumping).

Listening to music: "Nightingale" by Alyabyev.

The corresponding audio recording is played back.

Look at the picture carefully and think, who is not a bird in the picture? How did you guess? And who is it?

And now you need to find a bird in the picture that is different from other birds. Where is she?

Didactic game "Find a Pair"

Choose a picture of a bird. Find your bird another exactly the same second bird.

Finger gymnastics "Sparrow"

You are a baby sparrow
In the cold, do not be shy.
Hit the feeder with your beak,
Eat up quickly.

Children interlock their thumbs and wave their palms, imitating the flight of a bird. Then they put the rounded right hand with the pads of the fingers on the table and tap with the pad of the index finger. Then the same is done with the left hand.

And here is the bird called the peacock. The peacock has a beautiful tail.

And we will make it even more beautiful when we arrange the buttons on the feathers of the peacock's tail.

Paper construction "Bird"

Glue black plasticine eyes to your bird, one on each side of the head. And then glue the wings, also one on each side of the bird's body. (After finishing the work, it is proposed to beat the craft).

Outdoor game "Warm, cold"

Now let's play the game “Warm, cold”. You guys will be sparrows. At the command "warm" - fly and chirp, and at the command "cold" - ruffle and squat next to each other.

Visual activity "Tit"

Children make a bird's eye from a piece of black plasticine. And yellow paint is painted over the bird's belly with a finger.

Exercise "Help the woodpecker to find food"

A woodpecker searches for bugs and worms under the bark of a tree. Take the stacks and peel off the top of the bark to find woodpecker food underneath.

Gymnastics for the eyes "Seagull"

And here is the seagull seabird. Let's follow with our eyes her flight.
Here the seagull flew up. Flew to the left. Sank down. Flew to the right. Spun over the waves.

Dynamic pause "Seagulls are fishing"

And now children are turning into birds - seagulls. Seagulls are sea birds, most of all they love to eat fish, which they themselves catch in the sea. Go for fish. Catch and bring two fish. (The teacher asks the child how many fish he caught and what color they are).

"Who flew to the feeding trough." Summary of GCD for drawing for children of the younger group

"Who flew to the feeding trough» .

Yulia Andreeva

"Who flew to the feeding trough» . GCD summary for children of the younger group

Nod "Who flew to the feeding trough

For children of the younger group.

Educational area: Artistic creativity. Painting.

goal: Formation of children interest in art classes.


1 Activate at children vocabulary(cold, beak, peck, feeder.

2 Teach rhythmic staining. Consolidate knowledge of colors.

3 Learn to observe birds: sparrow, titmouse, crow.

4 Educate at children accuracy in completing the task.

5 Develop fine motor skills.

Material and equipment:

Screen, bird, feeder, musical accompaniment.

Album sheet with picture feeders.

Paints - gouache: yellow, brushes, napkin.

Preliminary work:

1. Bird watching while walking.

2. Reading fiction

3. Listening to audio cassettes "Alone with nature", "Sounds of the surrounding world

4. Making riddles.

5. Consideration didactic material, book illustrations.

Course of the lesson:

A sparrow appears behind the screen.

Sparrow: chick-chirp, chick-chirp, chick-chirp

Educator: Oh guys, who is this to us arrived.

Children: Birdie

Educator: Guys, what birds do you know?

Children: Titmouse, crow, sparrow "

Slide show via computer presentation « Trough

Educator: Guys: “Who is brave? Who is the first arrived? Sure, sparrow: jumping, biting. Here are more sparrows arrived... What do they peck at the grains with? Beak, not nose. Sharp beak. They will peck and fly to a new place in a flock. How do they communicate? Listen. Are they chirping?

Educator: Guys, why do you need to feed the birds in winter?

Children: So that they do not die of cold and hunger.

Educator: Guys, let's go with you feed the sparrow

Educator: A sparrow gallops, gallops

Asks for little ones children

Throw the crumbs to the sparrow

I'll sing you a song

Physical minute.

Birds flew

Small by itself.

How they flew

All the people looked.

Children doing exercises: waving, running, squatting, knocking fingers on the floor "Grains peck", raise their legs, spin.

The teacher offers feed the sparrow, make out of hand "Cup"... A game "The bird bites the grains."

Educator: Well, here, guys, we are with you fed our sparrow, he ate, warmed up, look how he cheered up. Let's show how fun he is, how happy he is, flapping his wings. (Show children)

Educator: Oh, guys, look how many birds we have arrived.

Showing birds through the computer.

Educator: “Guys outside winter, birds

Children sit down at tables with models of birds.

The teacher explains and shows the techniques drawing... Guys - this bird feeder... Birds eat in feederbecause there are no grains in the snow. And the grains, what color? Yellow. We will paint them with yellow paint. (Children draw to quiet calm music).

Educator: You guys painted so many treats for my birds, and now feed them, let them peck your seeds with their beaks.

Educator: Well done guys, the birds say thank you for being theirs fed... How beautiful you are drew grains with the tip of a brush.

The teacher offers to make an exhibition of drawings and offers to say whose work you liked.

Children name their favorite work.

Educator: You painted, played. Now let's go outside with you and feed the rest of the sparrows on the site of our kindergarten.

Related publications:

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Anna Smirnova

Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten №22

Abstract of an open lesson in non-traditional drawing

Theme: « Let's feed the birds in winter»

Educator: Smirnova Anna Alexandrovna

in I younger group"Bee"

Yaroslavl, 2014

goal lessons:

1. Teach children paint in an unconventional way - fingersusing bright paints.

2. Teach draw dots("Food for birds» ) .

3. Create a joyful mood - feed the birds in winter.

Material: paints (yellow, napkins for each child, sheets for drawing for each child.

Course of the lesson:

1. In front of the pupils are prepared sheets of paper with painted bird feeder(empty).

The teacher tells the children about birdswhich need nutrition in winterbut in winter there is no way to get food ourselves birdsso people put feeders for birds, and poured food into them (grain, seeds, bread).

2. Let's draw for birds feed in our feeder. See how we will paint... Show drawing with explanation... Then the children sit down at the tables and draw on their pieces of paper.

3. finger gymnastics

The chicken went out for a walk, to pinch fresh grass - They walk in two fingers - index and middle - of each hand. Pinching movements by everyone fingers of each hand.

And behind her, the guys - Yellow Chickens - They all run fingers of both hands.

“Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko, Do not go far - Clap their hands.

Are threatening leading hand.

Row with your paws, look for the Grains "- Rowing movements with each finger both hands at the same time, large fingers fix the palms at the edge of the table.

Children pick grain alternately by two fingers each hand or both hands at the same time: large - index, large - medium, etc.

3. After the children draw on their sheets, the teacher shows a real feeder and offers to examine it. Final stage: summing up lessons.

Guys, today we are with you drew a feeder, Now birds will be fed and will be able to winter.

All good fellows, everyone did very well, everyone coped with the task.