Didactic games on the topic of the profession. Tasks on the topic "Profession" for preschool children. Ball game "Say it differently"

"Who can not do without them"
Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the materials, tools, equipment needed by people different professions.
The course of the game: the teacher shows the children the object, and the children name the profession of the person who needs it. It should be borne in mind that the same items are necessary for people of different professions.
"What first, what then?"
Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the sequence of labor actions.
Game progress: the teacher asks to teach the doll to vacuum. Asks what needs to be done first, what then (plug into the socket, then press the button, vacuum, press the switch button, pull the plug out of the socket). Offer children and other work processes.
"What does Masha want to do?"
Purpose: to clarify the ideas of children about certain labor activities; about materials, tools and equipment required for work.

Course of the game: the teacher addresses the children on behalf of the Masha doll:
- Masha asks me for a basin, a bucket of water and soap.
Substitutes items for the doll.
- What do you think she will do? (wash). Correctly. And now Masha asks to give her a saucepan, milk, sugar, salt, millet. What is she going to do? (the doll wants to cook porridge). What is the name of the porridge? (millet).
In a playful way, other labor actions in which appropriate items are needed can be considered. Toddlers are shown these objects, for older children, the teacher uses pictures depicting objects or simply lists these objects without showing illustrations.

"Who needs it"
Purpose: to consolidate children's ideas about objects and their use in labor processes... Introduce professions.
The course of the game: the teacher shows the children various objects, asks them to name them and tell them when they are used and for what purpose (this is a ladle, the cook needs it to stir porridge, pour soup and compote).
"Guess what I'm doing?"
Purpose: to expand children's ideas about labor activities. Develop attention.
The course of the game: the teacher and the children join hands and stand in a circle. A child steps into the center of the circle. Everyone goes in a circle and says:
What are you doing - we don't know
Let's take a look and guess.
The child imitates actions not only by movements, but by transmitting sounds (vacuuming the floor, sawing, driving a car, washing, cooking food). Children guess the action.
"Who needs what for work?"
Purpose: to teach children to use nouns in speech. h. dates. cases (knife, board, saucepan, ladle - needed by the cook, etc.).

"Name the item you are missing"
Purpose: to teach children to select objects by analogy.
To the janitor - shovel to the seller - cash desk
To the doctor - a phonendoscope to the cook - a saucepan

"Who's doing what?"
Purpose: to teach children to select as many verbs as possible for the name of the profession.
What is the doctor doing? -… what is the cook doing? - ...
What is the janitor doing? -… what is the hairdresser doing? - ...

"Guess the profession by description"
goal: to teach children to find appropriate concepts. (cook - cooks; doctor - medicine, white coat, thermometer)

"Who is what, what?"
goal: to expand the vocabulary of children, to learn to select words for definitions different types professions.
What driver? - attentive, strong, focused ...
What kind of cook? - dexterous, neat, attentive ...

"Say the opposite"
Purpose: to teach children to choose words for antonyms.
Good - ... good - ... buy - ... dirt - ...
Enter - ... speak - ... take - ... litter - ...
Help - ... repair - ... break - ... early - ...
Difficult - ... fast - ...

"Correct mistakes in sentences"
Purpose: to train children in the use of sentences with the meaning of opposition.
The doctor prepares a delicious lunch for the children. - The cook prepares a delicious meal, and the doctor treats people.

"I will start, and you continue"
Purpose: to train children in the use of complex sentences.
The doctor treats people to ...
The builder builds houses to ...
The hairdresser cuts people to ...

"Small big"
Purpose: to train children in the formation of nouns with a diminutive suffix.
A shovel is a spatula, a bucket is a bucket ...

"What comes out of what"
Purpose: to train children in the formation of words by analogy.
Carrot juice - carrot; apple jam - apple ...

"Name that extra"
Purpose: to teach to group objects according to a certain criterion and highlight an extra object.
Rake, shovel, cart, ladle -? the ladle is superfluous, because the janitor needs a rake, a shovel and a trolley, but he does not need a ladle for work.

Gil Svetlana Alexandrovna
Murmansk region, Kirovsk.

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1 Didactic games on acquaintance with the world around on the topic "Profession of people". Purpose of studying the topic: to continue to expand children's ideas about various professions, their names and occupations. Foster respect for the work of adults, the desire to choose a profession and the need to work. Who does what. Purpose. Fix the names of actions performed by people of different professions. Game progress. Children take a picture of a person of a certain profession and say what he does. Chef (cooks food), doctor (heals people), teacher (teaches children), builder (builds houses), artist (draws pictures), pianist (plays the piano), writer (writes books), dressmaker (sews clothes), washerwoman (washes clothes), cleaning lady (washes floors), salesman (sells goods), photographer (photographs people), teacher (brings up children), weaver (weaves fabrics), machinist (drives the train), controller (checks tickets), typist (types on a typewriter), etc.

2 Who knows more professions Purpose. Teach children to correlate people's actions with their profession, to form appropriate verbs from nouns (a builder builds, a teacher teaches, etc.). Game progress. Educator. I work as a kindergarten teacher. This is my profession. I teach you how to behave, play with you, draw, read poems, stories to you, walk with you, put you to bed ... This is my profession to educate you. And what is Irina Vladimirovna's profession? She's making us dinner. That's right, cook. What other professions do you know? (Answers.) Every adult must learn a profession. Having mastered it, he goes to work and performs certain actions. What does the cook do? (Children: The cook cooks, bakes, fries, peels vegetables.) What does the doctor do? (Examines the sick, listens, heals, gives medicine, injections, operations.) What does a tailor do? (Cutting, basting, flogging, stroking, trying on, sewing.) The teacher names other professions of a builder, teacher, shepherd, shoemaker, and children name actions. Pronounce it correctly. Purpose. Formation of the correct pronunciation of sounds, consolidation of the names of professions. Game progress. Learn pure words or tongue twisters, jokes, so that whistling and hissing sounds are clearly pronounced when repeated; - The watchmaker, squinting his eyes, fixes the watch for us. - The water carrier was carrying water from the water supply. - Old watchman Tom guards the house. - The weaver weaves fabrics on Tanya's dress. - A bagel, a bagel, a long loaf and a loaf of dough baker baked early in the morning - Kirill roofer crooked the roof of the wings. Grisha was invited to cover the roof. - Porridge, porridge, yogurt, our cook Masha, instead of porridge made an omelet for lunch.

3 Professions Purpose. Fix the names of the professions and the actions that they perform. Game progress. You ask your child the question: "What is doing ..?" and name a representative of any profession, and the child answers. At first, it is better to take professions, from which the answer follows - the teacher educates, the baker bakes, the cleaner cleans. Mix well-known professions with unfamiliar ones, at the same time tell about professions unknown to your child. It turns out interesting if you ask in a row "What is the doctor doing?", "What is the veterinarian doing?" (make out the difference), and then also "teacher" and "scientist". Sometimes you hear interesting versions from children. Give me a word. (Additives). Purpose. Develop logical thinking, attention, memory; learn to pick up words in rhyme. Game progress. Children suggest words, finish the poem. In the carpenter's bag you will find a hammer and a sharp (knife). Any tool at the place and a plane, and (chisel). Popov S.A. We must fight the fire. We are brave workers. We are partners with water. Everyone needs us very much. So who are we? (firefighters). I would certainly like to become a pilot-pilot, I would then by plane To Moscow (I flew). Delyanu Liviu The blue pilot raises into the sky (the plane). Stepanov V. He drove the goats to the merry mound (shepherd boy). Demchenko G. But our painter does not come to the house with a brush and a bucket: Instead of a brush, he brought a mechanical (pump). Baruzdin S. So that people do not get wet in the rain The roofer covers (the house) with iron. Baruzdin S. White sawdust is flying, flying from under the saw: This is a carpenter making frames and (floors). Baruzdin S. Every day he brings a newspaper to our house ... (postman).

4 They paint the roof in front of the kids ... (painters). I fly dolls in the morning. Today I am ... (nurse). Shigaev Y. It's time to paint the rooms. They invited ... (painter). Baruzdin S. The circus can prancing, animals and birds ... (train). He brought us the southern fish, the future cabin boy ... (sailor). didactic games to familiarize children with professions "Who needs what?" Purpose: to teach children to correlate the tools of labor with the profession of people; name the relevant professions, subjects and their purpose. Game rules: name the profession in accordance with the subject of work, explain the purpose of the subject. Game actions: search for the necessary items. Equipment: on the teacher's table there are toys for the work of people of different professions: a set of medical instruments; a set of kitchen utensils; a hammer, nails, a wrench from a children's designer; large pictures depicting people of different professions (pictures and objects of the corresponding professions are selected). Course of the game: the teacher invites one participant to his table. The child takes an object and names it. The rest of the children should name who needs this tool, what they can do. The summoned child puts the instrument next to the picture of a person of the corresponding profession. The game continues until all the tools are named and laid out. It is possible to conduct

5 games using only pictures depicting people of certain professions and tools. "From word to word" Purpose: to teach children to consistently name the objects of labor and select a picture depicting a person of the corresponding profession. Game actions: sequential naming of objects depicted in the pictures, guided by the dotted arrows, naming and selection of pictures depicting people of a particular profession. Equipment of the game: cards, divided into squares, in which objects of labor are depicted; the squares are connected in series with a dotted line ending with an arrow that rests on an empty square; in this square it is necessary to put a picture with the image of a person who needs these things for work. The course of the game: the child successively names the objects depicted in the pictures, at the end he finds the desired image of a person of the corresponding profession. “Let's dress a doll for work” Purpose: to teach children to correlate work clothes with a person's profession, to name the corresponding professions. Game actions: finding the right items of clothing in accordance with the named profession. Equipment for the game: on the teacher's table, planar images of work clothes for dolls are laid out, on the stands are planar images of dolls: boys and girls, 1-2 pictures each depicting various tools (for different professions). The course of the game: the teacher tells the children that the dolls are going to work, everyone must dress in a work suit. Children can guess who each of them works by looking at the picture next to the doll. This picture shows an object that is necessary for work. Children take turns coming up, looking at the picture, choosing clothes and calling the corresponding profession. Then the adult asks the children to close their eyes, confuses clothing items, rearranges pictures, etc. Children correct mistakes. The game is repeated several times. The game can be played with dolls for which different work suits are specially made.

6 “We are going to work” Purpose: to teach children to orient themselves in the space of the room, to find their place in accordance with visual reference points - pictures with professional symbols. Develop attention, memory in the process of this game. Game actions: moving around the room (depicting a trip by car) and finding a chair or place with the appropriate professional symbols (picture). Equipment for the game: on the teacher's table there are “steering wheels” (circles in the middle of which people of different professions are drawn), in different parts of the room there are chairs, on them are pictures depicting instruments. The course of the game: the teacher invites children to his table, everyone can choose a profession, take the wheel and go to work, for this you need to carefully look at the chairs and choose a picture with a tool suitable for this job. The game is played several times, the teacher puts the pictures on the chairs, the children must find their place again. Then the children change their rudders (professions), and the game is repeated. "Getting ready to work" Purpose: to teach children to select tools for people of different professions. Clarify, consolidate the knowledge of children about the work of adults, use this knowledge in the process role-playing games... Game actions: finding the right tools, putting them in suitcases next to dolls in work suits. Play equipment: dolls in work clothes, suitcases (volumetric or flat with cutouts for pictures), sets of toy tools or sets of pictures with the image of tools. The course of the game: toy tools are laid out on the table, the teacher asks to collect the dolls for work. It is necessary to pick up toys or pictures by looking at work clothes.

Structure Project name Content Project passport Professions in kindergarten. Accountant. Addressing the project The project is addressed to preschool educators. Project leader Senior educator G. Mikhaleva. Participants

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1. Bricklayer builds dwellings, Dresses are the work of a tailor. But a tailor has nowhere to work without a warm roof! 2. The bricklayer would have been undressed, If skillful hands had not made an apron and a jacket and trousers in time. 3. Cook

Didactic games on the topic: "Professions of people".

(To form children's interest in people of different professions)

The purpose of studying the topic : continue to expand children's understanding of a variety of professions, their names and occupations. Foster respect for the work of adults, the desire to choose a profession and the need to work.

"Who does what."

Purpose. Fix the names of actions performed by people of different professions.
Game progress. Children take a picture of a person of a certain profession and say what he does. A cook ... (cooks food), a doctor ... (heals people), a teacher ... (teaches children), a builder ... (builds houses), an artist ... (draws pictures), a pianist ... (plays the piano), a writer ... (writes books), dressmaker ... (sews clothes), washerwoman ... (washes clothes), cleaning lady ... (washes floors), salesman ... (sells goods), photographer ... (photographs people), teacher ... (brings up children), driver ... (drives the train), controller … (Checks tickets) etc.

"Who knows more professions"

Purpose. Teach children to correlate people's actions with their profession, to form appropriate verbs from nouns (builder - builds, teacher - teaches, etc.).
Game progress.
Educator. I work as a school teacher. This is my profession. I teach you to write, read, count, how to behave, play with you, draw, read poems, stories to you, ... This is my profession - to teach you. And what is the profession of ...? She's making us lunch. That's right, cook. What other professions do you know? (Answers.) Every adult must learn a profession. Having mastered it, he goes to work and performs certain actions. What does the cook do? (Children: The cook cooks, bakes, fries, peels vegetables.) What does the doctor do? (Examines the sick, listens, heals, gives medicine, injections, operations.) What does a tailor do? (Cuts, binds, flogs, strokes, tries on, sews.)
The teacher names other professions - builder, teacher, shepherd, shoemaker, and children name actions.

Professions "

Purpose. Fix the names of the professions and the actions that they perform.
Game progress. You ask your child the question: "What is doing ... ..?" and name a representative of any profession, and the child answers. At first, it is better to take professions, from which the answer follows - the teacher educates, the baker bakes, the cleaner cleans. Mix well-known professions with unfamiliar ones, at the same time tell about professions unknown to the child. It turns out interesting if you ask in a row "What is the doctor doing?", "What is the veterinarian doing?" (make out the difference), and then also "teacher" and "scientist". Sometimes you hear interesting versions from children.

"Give me a word." ("Additives").

Purpose. Develop logical thinking, attention, memory; learn to pick up words in rhyme.
Game progress. Children suggest words, finish the poem.
In the carpenter's bag you will find a hammer and a sharp ... (knife).
Any tool at the place - both a plane and ... (chisel) ..
We must fight fire.
We are brave workers.
We are partners with water.
Everyone needs us very much.
So who are we? -… (firemen).
I would be a pilot pilot
I certainly wanted to become
I'm then on a plane
To Moscow would ... (flew).
A blue pilot raises into the sky ... (plane) ..
He drove the goats to the hillock cheery ... (shepherd boy).
But not with a brush and a bucket, our painter comes into the house:
Instead of a brush, he brought a mechanical ... (pump).
So that people do not get wet in the rain
The roofer covers with iron ... (house).
White sawdust is flying, flying from under the saw:
It is the carpenter who makes the frames and ... (floors).
Every day, a newspaper is brought to our house ... (postman).
In front of the kids' eyes, they paint the roof ... (painters).
I fly dolls in the morning. Today I am ... (nurse).
It's time to paint the rooms. They invited ... (painter).
A circus performer knows how to pranks, animals and birds ... (train).
He brought us the southern fish, the future cabin boy ... (sailor).

"Who can not do without them"

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about materials, tools, equipment needed by people of different professions.

Game progress: the teacher shows the children the object, and the children name the profession of the person who needs it. It should be borne in mind that the same items are needed for people of different professions.

"What first, then what?"

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the sequence of labor actions.

Game progress: the teacher asks to teach the doll to vacuum. Asks what needs to be done first, what then(plug in, then press the button, vacuum, press the switch button, pull the plug out of the socket) ... Offer children and other work processes.

"What does Masha want to do?"

Purpose: clarify the ideas of children about certain labor activities; about materials, tools and equipment required for work.

Game progress: the teacher addresses the children on behalf of the Masha doll:

Masha asks me for a basin, a bucket of water and soap.

Substitutes items for the doll.

What do you think she will do?(wash) ... Correctly. And now Masha asks to give her a saucepan, milk, sugar, salt, millet. What is she going to do?(the doll wants to cook porridge) ... What is the name of the porridge?(millet) .

In a playful way, other labor actions in which appropriate items are needed can be considered. Toddlers are shown these objects, for older children, the teacher uses pictures depicting objects or simply lists these objects without showing illustrations.

"Who needs it"

Purpose: to consolidate children's ideas about objects and their use in labor processes. Introduce professions.

Game progress: the teacher shows the children various objects, asks to name them and tell when they are used and for what purpose(this is a ladle, the cook needs it to stir porridge, pour soup and compote) .

"Guess what I'm doing?"

Purpose: to expand children's ideas about work activities. Develop attention.

Game progress: the teacher and children join hands and stand in a circle. A child comes out to the center of the circle. Everyone goes in a circle and says:

What are you doing - we don't know

Let's take a look and guess.

The child imitates actions not only by movements, but by transmitting sounds(vacuums the floor, saws, drives the car, washes, cooks) ... Children guess the action.

"Who needs what for work?"

Purpose: teach children to use nouns in speech. h. dates. case(knife, board, saucepan, ladle - needed by the cook, etc.) .

"Name the item you are missing"

Purpose: teach children to select objects by analogy.

For a janitor - a shovel, for a seller - a cash register, for a doctor - a phonendoscope, for a cook - a saucepan,….

"Who's doing what?"

Purpose: teach children to select as many verbs as possible for the name of the profession.

What is the doctor doing? What is the cook doing? What is the janitor doing? What is the hairdresser doing?

"Guess the profession by description"

Purpose: teach children to find appropriate concepts(a cook - prepares; a doctor - medicine, white coat, thermometer).

"Who is what, what?"

Purpose: to expand the vocabulary of children, to teach to select words of definition for different types of professions.

What driver? - attentive, strong, focused.

What kind of cook? - dexterous, neat, attentive.

"Correct mistakes in sentences"

Purpose: to train children in the use of sentences with the meaning of opposition.

The doctor prepares a delicious lunch for the children. The cook prepares a delicious meal, and the doctor treats people.

"I will start, and you continue"

Purpose: to train children in the use of complex sentences.

The doctor treats people to ....

The builder builds houses to ....

The hairdresser cuts people to ....

"Small big"

Purpose: to train children in the formation of nouns with a diminutive suffix.

Shovel - spatula, bucket - bucket,….

"What comes out of what"

Purpose: train children in the formation of words by analogy.

Carrot juice - carrot; apple jam - apple; ….

"Name that extra"

Purpose: teach to group objects according to a certain criterion and highlight an extra object.

Rake, shovel, cart, ladle - ...? The ladle is superfluous, because the janitor needs a rake, a shovel and a cart, but he does not need a ladle for work.

Municipal budgetpreschooleducationalinstitution

childgarden combined type 36 " Sparkle» citiesElabuga

Card file of didactic games.

"All professions are needed, all professions are important"

Compiled by:

kindergarten MBDOU teacher

combined type No. 36 "Sparkle"

Mardanova O.V.

Elabuga, 2015

Profession "Doctor"

Doctors are very smart and kind people, they know a lot about every disease, about every medicine. They help people who are sick.Then let's start our tour and get to know better those who work in the clinic.

White robe,
studying look:
- Do you have any complaints?
Come in a row!

Profession "Chef"

A star sparkles in the sky

The mustachioed cat sleeps in a ball,

Only the cook can't sleep -

The cook gets up in the dark.

Porridge gurgles lightly

And the scrambled eggs hiss

And under the delicious noise and hubbub

Appetite enters the bedrooms.

We will sit together in the dining room,

Like a huge family.

I'll be a chef in the dining room -

So I myself decided!

The profession "Firefighter"

Any of us can put out a fire or even a lit towel in the kitchen. But when disaster strikes - a real fire, who will help? Firefighters, of course. Only they can put out the fire quickly and correctly! Do you remember which phone to call in case of fire? That's right, 01!

In fire and smoke
He walks in the heat
Saving people
And at home from the fire!

Didactic games.

Didactic game "Flammable objects".
Purpose: to teach children among dangerous objects to find those that very often cause a fire. Develop logical thinking. Explain why these items were chosen. Arrange the cards correctly into two groups.
Training: It is necessary to pick up pictures depicting flammable and ordinary objects, or print out the proposed ones.
1 version of the game: the cards are divided between the players, the cards must be divided into two groups: flammable items and items that do not pose a threat to a fire.
2 version of the game: the teacher lays out several cards in front of the players, among which the bulk of flammable (or vice versa, not dangerous) items. The task of the players is to find an extra item.

Didactic game "What is useful in case of fire".

Purpose: teach children to find an item that can be useful when fighting a fire for a firefighter. Explain your choice. Develop logical thinking.
Training: It is necessary to prepare pictures with images of objects that may be useful in a fire and objects that are not needed in a fire, or print out the proposed ones. Prepare playing fields on which players will lay out cards.
1 version of the game: "Lotto". The host and 2 players play.
2 version of the game: 2 players play. The cards are divided equally between the players, each player chooses suitable cards from his cards (for example, those that will be useful in case of fire). Cards that do not fit the player must be exchanged with the second player. You can exchange them as follows: explain what is needed (or why not needed) this or that item in case of fire.

Role-playing game "We are firefighters"

Tasks: Introduce children to the rules fire safety; promote the development of discretion and caution; develop communication skills in the game, form concrete ideas about construction; foster a desire to help others.
Roles: firefighters, dispatcher, doctors, nurses, doctors injured in the fire.
Game actions: the fire brigade receives a call about a fire, there are victims, the help of doctors is needed. The dispatcher announces the call to the firefighters, calls the ambulance station and reports the victims in the fire.
Firefighters put on overalls (helmets, badges, etc.), go to the fire, take the victims out, take out a hose and put out the fire.
An ambulance leaves the scene of the fire. Doctors and nurses are examining the victims, some are being taken to the hospital.

The profession of "hairdresser"

Give scissors, hairbrush,
He will do your hair.
The hairdresser by all means
Cuts you modern.

Didactic games and exercises

Let's show the doll how a hairdresser works


    Clarify knowledge about the work of a hairdresser;

    Continue to form an awareness of the need to keep the body clean and tidy appearance.

Equipment: 2 dolls, attributes for playing the hairdresser.

Game content.

The teacher brings a large doll, which says that she came from another kindergarten, where children do not know how to play hairdressing. The teacher asks to help the doll, tell and show how to play this game.

The teacher clarifies with the children what items are needed, how to prepare a place for the game, offers to explain and show the actions of the hairdresser. The scope of actions depends on whether the children have corresponding ideas.

Let's make dolls beautiful hairstyles


    Strengthen hair care skills;

    Clarify the names of the items required for this;

    Form the concept of "neat appearance".

Equipment: dolls with hair of different lengths, hair care items.

Exercise content.

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the unkempt appearance of the dolls (they are without socks and shoes, their hair is not combed, etc.), asks to put them in order, to make them hairstyles. Clarifies which item is needed for this, draws attention to the fact that dolls have different hair lengths, so the hairstyles should be different. The teacher offers to remember what hairstyles can be made from long and short hair, shows individual techniques; children continue to work.

Choose a bow by color


    Exercise in tying a bow;

    Consolidate knowledge of primary colors;

    Continue to form an idea of \u200b\u200bneatness and tidiness.

Equipment: dolls in dresses of different colors, bows of different colors.

Game content.

The teacher draws attention to the fact that the dolls have an untidy look, offers to tie them bows, but choose them according to the color of the dresses.

Profession "Teacher"

The bell rang out loud

The lesson has begun in the class

Knows the student and the parent

Lead a lesson.


Didactic games

« Define a profession on the subject ».

Purpose: To consolidate the understanding of the purpose and functions of objects of labor, the ability to group them according to the method of use.

Move: Children take turns taking objects out of the bag (ladle, cotton wool, coins, hairbrush, paint, thread, syringe, etc., which are necessary for one or another professional activity... Task: by the subject, name the profession in which it is used.

“Who works where? "

purpose : to clarify children's ideas about where people of different professions work, what is the name of their workplace.


school teacher;

doctor - in a hospital, clinic, kindergarten, school;

cook - in the kitchen, dining room, restaurant, cafe ... etc.

"Correct the mistake"

purpose : to teach children to find and correct mistakes in the actions of people of various professions.

The cook heals and the doctor prepares.

The janitor sells and the seller sweeps.

The teacher cuts and the hairdresser checks the notebooks.

The music director washes, and the washerwoman sings songs with the children ... and so on.

“Who needs what to work? "

purpose : expand and clarify children's ideas about the objects of the world around them (materials, tools, equipment, etc., necessary for people of different professions to work.

For the teacher - a pointer, textbook, chalk, blackboard ...

For the cook - a saucepan, frying pan, knife, vegetable cutter, electric oven ...

For the driver - a car, spare wheel, gasoline, tools ...

To the teacher of art - brushes, easel, clay, paints. etc.

profession theme. games

From experience in familiarization with the outside world on the topic "Professions of people. Tools"

Aldoshina Lyudmila Pavlovna, educator

1 / Know the general concepts of "Profession", "Tools".
2 / Know the names of the professions: driver (chauffeur), salesman, educator, nanny, teacher, doctor (doctor), nurse, cook, locksmith (plumber), policeman, hairdresser, seamstress (dressmaker), electrician (fitter), crane operator, painter , plasterer, builder, carpenter, shoemaker, milkmaid, gardener, tractor driver, postman, librarian, poultry woman, bricklayer, etc.
3 / Know the names of the tools and what tools people of different professions use: dressmaker - scissors, needles, thimble ..., carpenter - saw, ax, plane, hammer ..., gardener - rake, shovel, hoe ... etc.
4 / Name the actions that people of different professions perform: educate, drive, collect, repair (repair), teach, heal, plow, sow, plant, harvest, etc.
5 / Know the place of work: cafe, restaurant, canteen, atelier, factory, school, hospital, pharmacy, post office, library, construction site, kindergarten, etc.
6 / Name the actions performed by the tools: sewing, sawing, planing, writing, chopping, etc.
7 / Be able to select definitions. The profession is interesting, difficult, necessary. Favorite work, interesting, easy. The work is conscientious, honest, hard.
8 / Know where and by whom parents work.

Purpose of studying the topic: to continue to expand children's ideas about various professions, their names and occupations. Foster respect for the work of adults, the desire to choose a profession and the need to work.
Didactic games.

1. Games for the development of speech.

1.1. "Orchestra".

Purpose. Development of auditory attention, ear for music and exercises in the sound "r" (consolidation).

Game progress. One group of children are trumpeters, another is drummers, and the third is violinists. The teacher is the conductor. Children perform imitation movements of playing a drum, trumpet, violin to a familiar motive without words ++: ru-ru-ru (for trumpeters), ra-ra-ra (for drummers), ri-ri-ri (for violinists). Having practiced each group separately, the teacher begins to conduct. Only the group to which she points with her stick sings. Children should follow her directions carefully. When the teacher waves both hands, they all play together, trying not to get lost (3-4 songs). You can use musical riddles: 3-4 children think of a song, play their "instruments", the rest guess it.

1.2. “Wonderful chest” (wonderful box or bag).

Purpose. Remember what tools people of different professions use in their work.

Game progress. The teacher shows the children the chest and says that it is wonderful, because it contains a lot of interesting things. Everyone will be able to find out what lies there, just say the following words: “Chest, little chest, open your barrel a little!”. Children take turns taking pictures or real objects out of the chest, showing them to everyone and clearly naming them.

Methodical instructions: Make sure that children pronounce the words loudly enough and pronounce sounds clearly.

1.3. “What for what”.

Purpose. Develop logical thinking, consolidate knowledge of the subjects of labor, exercise in the pronunciation of phrases of 3-4 words.

Game progress. Children are given toy tools or pictures, their images and preschoolers answer the question: "What are they for?" For example: A needle to sew clothes. An ax to chop wood, etc.

1.4. "Who does what."

Purpose. Fix the names of actions performed by people of different professions.

Game progress. Children take a picture of a person of a certain profession and say what he does. A cook ... (cooks food), a doctor ... (heals people), a teacher ... (teaches children), a builder ... (builds houses), an artist ... (draws pictures), a pianist ... (plays the piano), a writer ... (writes books), dressmaker ... (sews clothes), washerwoman ... (washes clothes), cleaner ... (washes floors), salesman ... (sells goods), photographer ... (photographs people), teacher ... (brings up children), weaver ... (weaves fabrics), machinist ... (driving the train), the controller ... (checking the tickets), the typist ... (typing), etc.

1.5. "Who needs what." (“What to whom”).

Purpose. Know the name of the objects of labor and their purpose. Exercise children in the pronunciation of phrases of 4-6 words.

Game progress. The teacher hangs up object pictures with images of tools and asks: “What is this? Who needs this item and why? ” Children answer these questions.

1.6. "Give me a word." ("Additives").

Purpose. Develop logical thinking, attention, memory; learn to pick up words in rhyme.

Game progress. Children suggest words, finish the poem.

In the carpenter's bag you will find a hammer and a sharp ... (knife).
Any tool at the place - and a plane, and ... (chisel). Popov S.A.

We must fight fire.
We are brave workers.
We are partners with water.
Everyone needs us very much.
So who are we? -… (firemen).
I would be a pilot pilot
I certainly wanted to become
I'm then on a plane
To Moscow would ... (flew). Delyanu Liviu

A hurrying thread runs after a needle
I can do anything for myself ... (sew). Delyanu Liviu

It's not hard for me to mend a sock myself
The pocket should be repaired, swept over ... (belt). Delyanu Liviu

There are probably a thousand poods in it!
Heavy ... (thresher).
I'm not bragging, I will say:
I will rejuvenate all my friends!
They come to me sad -
With wrinkles, with folds.
Very cute go away -
Fun and smooth.
So I am a reliable friend
Electric ... (iron).

In the world of various words,
That shine, burn and burn
Gold, steel. Diamond
There is no more sacred word ... (labor). Bryusov V.

The blue pilot raises into the sky ... (plane). Stepanov V.

He drove the goats to the hillock cheery ... (shepherd boy). Demchenko G.

Plane in hand - the work is different:
Knots, squiggles with a plane ... (we plan). Mayakovsky V.

But not with a brush and a bucket, our painter comes into the house:
Instead of a brush, he brought a mechanical ... (pump). Baruzdin S.

So that people do not get wet in the rain
The roofer covers with iron ... (house). Baruzdin S.

The crane is moving - huge height
Serves iron to the roof ... (sheets). Baruzdin S.

White sawdust is flying, flying from under the saw:
It is the carpenter who makes the frames and ... (floors). Baruzdin S.

We need to buy bread or give us a gift -
We take the bag and go out into the street.
We walk along the shop windows and enter ... (shop).

Well, in this store there is a pretzel, rolls in the window,
Healing bread with bran. The store is called ... (bread). Nishcheva N.

Every day, a newspaper is brought to our house ... (postman).
Seven brave fellows of daring mowers were sharpening their scythes, grass ... (mowing).
In front of the kids' eyes they paint the roof ... (painters).
We carry the boards up the mountain, we will build a new one ... (house)
I fly dolls in the morning. Today I am ... (nurse). Shigaev Yu.

It's time to paint the rooms. They invited ... (painter). Baruzdin S.

A circus performer knows how to pranks, animals and birds ... (train).
Ir-ir-ir-my dad ... (commander).
He brought us the southern fish, the future cabin boy ... (sailor).
Didn't drink or sleep, gnawed a tree ... (saw).
Sews, sews up and pricks with a sharp pointed nose ... (needle).

1.7. “A good word”.

Purpose. We develop logical thinking, teach children to understand and explain the meaning of sayings, proverbs, as well as use them in their speech, we work on diction.

Game progress. Children not only learn proverbs and sayings about work, but also answer questions about their text, try to explain why they say so.

The day is boring until the evening, when there is nothing to do. Judged not by words, but by deeds. If you want to eat rolls, don't sit on the stove. Business before pleasure. Business before pleasure. Work makes a person happy and beautiful. To live without business is only to smoke the sky. You can't easily get a fish out of the pond. Those who are ahead in work have an order on their chest. Life is given for good deeds. You can see the master at work. Patience and a little effort. Patience gives skill. Any work is honorable. The master's work is afraid. Get up early, understand well, do it diligently. A good start is half the battle. Mow, scythe, while the dew, dew - down with you and you're home. Measure seven times, cut one. For good Fedot, work is not painful. Honor and work live side by side. Human labor feeds, but laziness spoils. The sun paints the earth, labor paints man. The bee is small, but it works. Where there is desire and patience, there is skill. You cannot learn in childhood, you will suffer all your life. Made in haste - made for a laugh. The job done seems to be the easiest. Laziness is worse than illness. It is hard for those who run away from work. If there was a hunt, all work would get better. Do not rush with your tongue, hurry with deeds. If you work hard, you will eat bread. Work until you sweat, and you eat while hunting. No boredom if your hands are busy. Don't put off your work today until tomorrow. Happiness is not hovering in the air, but hard work. The bird is red with a feather, but man is skill. At work, even a year runs, with idleness, an hour creeps. The ability to drink does not ask for food, but feeds itself. They look at the tree in fruit, and the person in deeds. The lazy man's first enemy is work. Human happiness in work. Lazy hands are not related to an intelligent head. Labor unites people. A good deed has lived for two centuries. Stretch out your hand and take out the spoon. A person gets sick from idleness, but heals from work. Happiness happens to someone who gains in work and skill. Do not teach idleness, teach needlework. Take a walk, but don't forget your business. Less words, more action. A rolling stone gathers no moss. There would be a beginning, but there will be an end. If there was a hunt, all work would get better. The eyes are scary, but the hands are doing. You can't get bread by lying down. Whoever undertakes everything is given nothing. The end of the work is the crown. The hammer does not forge iron, the blacksmith forges. Do not count your chickens before they are hatched. We glorify the Motherland with labor, we decorate with labor. They plow arable land, do not wave their hands. Pick up a berry, pick up a box. Every business ends well.

1.8. "Phonetic charge".

Game progress. Children pronounce sound combinations behind the teacher, depicting the actions of objects of labor, the sound of machines.

The dental machine “howls”: in-in-in ... Scissors chick: chik-chik-chick ... The hammer is knocking: knock-knock-knock ... The drill buzzes: s-s-s ... Saw squeals: whack-whack-whack ... The bell rings: ding-ding-ding ... The pipe is playing: doo-doo-doo ... The drum is beating: bam-bam-bam ... The wheels are knocking: tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta ... The motorcycle hums: dr-dr-dr ... The car beeps: BBC ... They sing a song: la-la-la.

1.9. "Say it right."

Purpose. Formation of correct pronunciation of sounds, development of phonemic hearing and perception; skills of pronouncing words of various sound and syllable structures, development of memory.

Game progress. Learn catchwords or tongue twisters, jokes, riddles, make sure that whistling and hissing sounds are clearly pronounced when repeating; speak short phrases on one exhale. Pay attention that the child not only correctly pronounces the sounds being practiced, clearly called the words, but also reproduced the syllables.

Hay Kostya mows Sena. Senya carries hay in the canopy. Senya was carrying a cart of hay. Tongs and tongs are our things. Lazy Fedorka always has excuses. Yegor walked across the yard, carrying an ax to repair the fence. Axes are sharp for the time being. For the time being, the axes are sharp. The watchmaker, squinting his eyes, fixes the watch for us. The cap is not sewn in Kolpakov style, it needs to be re-wrapped, re-wrapped ... Frosya is flying in the field, Frosya takes out the weeds. Senya's son applied a haystack. The water carrier was carrying water from the water supply. The mowing mow, and the hare mowing. Old watchman Tom guards the house. The weaver weaves fabrics on Tanya's dress. Sasha sewed a hat for Sasha. Old man, old man, fix my heel. The baker baked the bagel, bagel, long loaf and loaf of dough early. Mom is babysitting Nadia and Nina. Roofer Kirill crooked the roof of the wings. Grisha was invited to cover the roof. Dig a boat with tow, not a drop will leak. In the Field-Polyushka field. Field-pole flight. Weeds will not be in the field if the field is flying. Porridge, porridge, yogurt, our cook Masha, instead of porridge made an omelet for lunch. (Stepanov V.) Petya the baker, bake a cheesecake, a roll and a cheesecake, a saichka and a bun. In the yard, firewood is chopped with axes, one firewood, two firewood, three firewood. Titus, are you here? Oh yeah fellow Titus, let's go, Titus, fish. In the yard, two woodcutters cut firewood with axes, two woodcutters, two woodcutters in the yard cut firewood with axes. The child of the nanny is nursing the nurse, but this nanny is young - the nanny will not appease the child. The trumpeter loved his trumpet, he blew into it: doo-doo-doo ... Sticks fell from the beam, sticks fell from the beam. It is necessary to re-chime the bell, re-chime.

Early, early we get up, baked ruddy pancakes,
Loudly call the watchman: Ruddy, hot.
Watchman, watchman, hurry up to bake ruddy pancakes,
Come out to feed the animals. Ruddy, hot.

Sewing a fur coat, me and mom, we are together
Sewing a skirt, handling the linen
Sewing a hat
Sewing a sneaker! Yuri will be efficient
Good seamstress Natasha! A ship boy.

2. Games for the development of fine motor skills.

2.1. “Building a house”.

Game progress. Children squat and, tapping one fist against another, pronounce the words.

Well, let's hit it with a hammer more fun,
Stronger, stronger we will hammer the cloves!

Knock knock, tok-tok, hit hard, hammer!

2.2. "Drummers".

Game progress. Stretch the index fingers of both hands forward and beat them alternately, like drumsticks, up and down, the rest of the fingers are clenched into fists.

Boom-boom, bam-bam, bam-bam, drumming

2.3. “Competition of drummers”.

Game progress. The players, tapping the fingers of their right hand under the table, beat out in turn a certain rhythm shown by the teacher. If they do it right, they get a chip. The winner of the competition is the one with the most chips. The initial rhythm can be chosen by the players themselves, without being shown by the teacher.

2.4. "Rake".

Game progress. Hands are stretched out in front of you, palms are looking down, fingers are bent, depict a rake. Children sort of scoop up the trash.

Leaves fall in the garden
I'll rake them down.

2.5. “Building a house for animals”.

Game progress. The teacher explains that we will build a house for animals from boards. The boards must be sawn. Children stand up in twos, holding hands, cross to cross. "Saw": s-s-s-s ... (the tongue must be firmly held behind the lower teeth). If the saw cuts hard, then it rings: s-s-s-s ...

Drank drank, drank live
We are building a house for animals.
S-s-s-s ... (making slow movements)
Z-z-z-z ... (movement accelerates).
The gray bunny will live in it,
And he will be friends with us.

2.6. "Ballerinas".

Game progress. Both palms on the table; the pads of the fingers are strongly pressed against the table, the palms are raised (as if the ballerinas are standing on their toes). Accompanying speech: One! Two! Three!

2.7. "Painter".

Game progress. We transform the right (left) hand into a brush. The fingers are the hair of the brush, they are soft and elastic. We dip the brush into the paint and paint with smooth, wide movements from top to bottom, from left to right, obliquely, trying not to miss a single section of the wall. When the hand gets tired, turn the other hand into a hand.

2.8. "We will build a new home."

Game progress. On the words of the first line of the poem, we build a house from the fingers: palms are directed at an angle, the tips of the fingers touch; middle finger the right hand is raised up, the tips of the little fingers touch each other, performing a straight line (pipe, balcony). On the words of the second line, we make an ax out of two hands, chop down trees (logs). On the words of the third and fourth lines, on two hands at once, we bend the fingers alternately, starting with the thumb and ending with the little finger. On the word "putty" bend and unbend the fingers of both hands. On the last line, we place the palm on the palm from the bottom up, as if putting a brick on a brick.

To build a new house,
They stock up on oak wood,
Bricks, iron, paint,
Nails, tow and putty.
And then, then, then
They start building a house.

3. Play exercises aimed at developing the ability to combine speech with movement.

3.1. "Sawers (saw)".

Game progress. Children are built in pairs against each other. Every two people give each other their right hand and begin to saw with their hands back and forth, while saying the words.

one). The saw screeched
Buzzed like a bee:
W-w-w-w ...
Cracked and became
Start over!

2). I sawed down a saw
Sawed off a piece
I ran into a bitch
Burst and became
Start over!

After the words “It cracked and became,” the children tear their hands apart, pretending to be a broken saw. You can bring in a worker who comes to fix the saws; he puts the hands of each pair together and the game continues.

3.2. "Musicians".

1. We are musicians
There are so many of us!
(Children walk in place)
We'll play a polka for friends.

2. Boom boom boom
Beat the drums!
(Children hide all fingers except index fingers in their fists)
Boom Boom Boom,
(Stretch your arms forward and tap your index fingers up and down)
Well, who is stronger!

3. Doo-doo-doo-
(Children raise their heads forward and upward and draw a pipe with their fingers)
Beeps are buzzing
The name of the guys!

4. Hey you bells,
(Children raise their hands up, shake their brushes, imitating bells)
Have fun call