The scenario of the autumn holiday in the dhow group of different ages. Script for the autumn holiday for a group of different ages. "Autumn sisters" script of the autumn holiday

Olga Nevmerzhitskaya
Scenario "Autumn Festival" in a group of different ages

Leading: Here and to us in group so many leaves have flown in! Both yellow and red! Look how beautiful! Do you know who decorates the forest so beautifully? This is a sorceress Fall! And we dressed up, learned autumn poems, songs, games to celebrate autumn holiday.

Song "Oh, what fall (Words and music by Z. Root)

Leading: Today came to visit us Autumn, daughter Autumnbecause her mother now has a lot of worries and troubles!

Autumn: I'm always on happy holiday

Come to you at kindergarten.

I like to have fun

Play with the guys.

I have a basket in my hands

In it autumn gifts

Everything I am rich in

Brought for the kids.

I brought vegetables from the garden bed,

But to know them,

Guess the riddles.

Potato: It is baked and boiled, fried, in soup, add roast.

It grows in damp earth, but a welcome guest on the table!

You clean it and it turns white. Queen of the fields and beds!

Hurry, take a big spoon, because there is nothing tastier than…. (potato).

Carrot: A slender girl lives in a damp earth-dungeon,

Pull her braid and you will see a sharp nose

If you really want to, you can crunch them!

Choose one of the many words you need…. (carrot).

Peas: The green house is a bit small - there are a lot of round guys in it,

They all sit in a row, and the house is called a pod,

A lot will come out oh-oh-oh! Delicious all the same…. (peas)

Beet: It's hard to live without it, you certainly can't cook borsch

And do not make a vinaigrette, so that it was red!

Although she grows in the ground, at the table she is honored, honored!

Often rubbing it on a salad grater is…. (beet)

Leading: Autumn, and what do you like to cook from autumn fruits?

Autumn: Various soups and compotes.

Leading: Autumn, do you think our children know how to cook soup and compote and will not confuse what to put where? Let's check!

A game "Let's cook soup and compote"(2 teams arrange fruits and vegetables in baskets)

1 child:

Rain, rain

All day

Drum in glass

All earth, all earth

Soaked from the rain.

2 child:

What to do after the rain?

Ride through the puddles!

What to do after the rain?

Let the boats go!

What to do after the rain?

Swing on the rainbow!

What to do after the rain?

Smile at each other!

3 child:

Wandering in the grove leaf fall

Through the bushes, over the maples.

Soon he will look into the garden

Golden ringing.

4 child: Let's collect a fan from the leaves

Bright and beautiful.

The wind will run through the leaves

Lightweight and playful.

Older group"Dance with leaves" (Waltz of music by V. Rozhdestvensky)

The youngest group"Dance with leaves" (Polka muses. I. Arseev)

(comes out Autumn, attached to the dress multicolored clothespins)

Leading: Autumn, What is it on you? Clothespins? Look like leaflets!

Autumn: I want to play with the guys!

(play with clothespins, who will remove all clothespins from clothes faster)

1 child: We cannot live in the world without miracles,

They meet us everywhere.

Magic, autumn and fairy forest

He invites us to visit him.

2 child: Leaves are golden, falling, flying,

Gold leaves cover the garden.

There are many golden leaves on the paths,

We will make a good bouquet of them,

We will put a bouquet in the middle of the table,

Fall the golden one came to visit us.

Song "Leaves are golden"(Words by N. Naydenova, music by T. Popatenko)

Leading: Well done boys! Autumn, do you like how the guys perform? Leading: Guys, what else do you think in the fall do people collect other than vegetables and fruits? (mushrooms) That's right guys! Let's recite poetry and sing a song about mushrooms.

1 child: White mushroom

I am a white mushroom! I am the king of mushrooms!

A priceless gift from the mushroom forests!

Growing in the oak forest and in the forest,

Glorified widely in the world.

And if you find me

You will find out for yourself how good I am!

2 child: Chanterelles

Although the fox is not our sister,

Still we are called chanterelles:

The color of red is similar to her.

We are a godsend for people:

We don't have a worm

Well, this is not a trifle!

3 child: Honey mushrooms

We are meadow mushrooms,

We are groovy guys!

We love to live in a big crowd,

Let's be generous with you.

Where you will find one fungus

You will pick up a basket there!

4 child: Brown birch

I am a humble dreamer. The grove is light for me.

Under a powerful birch, under a thin birch,

I often appear under fallen leaves.

Delicious and fragrant. For luck to the mushroom picker!

Song "Borovichok"(Music director 5.2010, words by V. Ionova, music by V. Filatova)

Leading: And now the youngest will sing a song for us group:

Song "Mushrooms - mushrooms" (Musical director 5.2010, Music and lyrics by N. Karavaeva)

Autumn: It will rain quietly,

Leaves will fall silently

Only there will be no sadness!

It's time for us to play!

(a game "Whose couple will run away faster from the rain under an umbrella")

Leading: Thanks, Autumn for funny Games , and now let's rest and listen to poems and a song about autumn.

1 child: There is no better position in the world,

Than giving gifts.

Fall, glorious artist,

Loves to draw.

2 child: Autumn is kind and wise,

And rain for nothing.

Paints autumn field gloomy

In a bright sunbeam.

3 child: The sun comes out clear,

Sitting on a cloud on horseback.

Red leaves are flying around

They rush with the wind somersault.

4 child:

If the leaves on the trees turn yellow,

If birds flew to a distant land,

If the sky is gloomy, if it rains,

This time of year called in autumn.

5 child:

Has come fall,

Our garden has turned yellow.

Leaves on a birch

They burn with gold.

Do not hear funny

Songs of the nightingale.

The birds flew away

To the distant lands.

Autumn: Thanks! I like it!

That's all, it's time to go

Goodbye kids!

Related publications:

The scenario of the matinee in the senior group of different ages by March 8. Veda: March-prankster is knocking with a gentle spring stream, He brought spring-beauty.

"Autumn Festival". The scenario of the autumn holiday in the senior group "Autumn Festival" The script of the autumn holiday in senior group Goals and objectives: To promote the development of musical and aesthetic in children.

"Autumn Festival". Entertainment scenario in the older group Purpose: To form in children a desire to participate in sports games; foster team spirit. Develop motor skills, interest.

Photo report. Scenario of entertainment in the senior group of different ages: "We have one such day, a holiday for boys, men." Children to music.

"Autumn gatherings".

Scenario of the autumn holiday in the multi-age group of MBDOU DS №58 "Rosinka".

Children enter the hall to the music. They stand in a semicircle in the center of the hall.

Host: We've heard a lot about autumn

Beautiful and wonderful words

And so she came, she came

Let's admire her again!

1 child: Autumn is coming,

And I see in the sky

How the birds fly away

To warm lands.

2 child: Cold and damp,

Mom to me again

Jacket with a hood

I began to put it on.

3 child: But it's beautiful in autumn

Yellow, red everywhere

The craftswoman is not lazy

Autumn sends greetings to all of us!

4 child: It rains often,

The squirrel is in a hurry home

She collected mushrooms

For my son and daughter.

Host: Autumn is a sad time!

But we will not be sad and bored.

We came to the holiday.

And games are fun to play

We will sing songs loudly

And we invite everyone to see us.

Let's call Autumn

Sing a song to her.

Children sing the song "Autumn has come"

Autumn enters to the music of the waltz.

1 child: what a beautiful autumn!

Autumn: Did you sing about me? How glad I am!

Bow to the ground, friends!

Well hello! Did you call me?

I came to you for a holiday,

Although business did not let go,

But I still found the time.

And while I was visiting you,
Here's a handkerchief I found.
Multicolored, painted,
Unusual, challenging!
I suggest you friends
I'll play with the handkerchief!

Let's get acquainted…

The game "Magic Scarf" is being held.
Fun, lively music sounds. Children move freely in a circle. Suddenly the music changes to a quieter, calmer one. Children squat and cover their eyes with their palms. Autumn, having spread a large scarf, bypasses the children to light music and covers some of them with a scarf.

Autumn: One! Two! Three!
Who is hiding inside?
Don't yawn, don't yawn!
Answer quickly!
Children call the name of the child hidden under the scarf. If you guessed right, then the handkerchief is raised. The child, under the headscarf, jumps to the cheerful music, and everyone else claps at him.

How glad I am to see you! Let's get to know each other - let everyone say their name.

Well done, what friendly guys!

They sit on the chairs.

Host: Hello Autumn, how beautiful you are!

What's in your basket?

Autumn: These are my gifts and riddles.

I want for you guys

Make your own riddles.

Riddles are all tricky ...

But you are smart!

I'll tell you a riddle

And I'll show you the answer.

Riddles about vegetables:

1. I grow in the garden,

Red, long, sweet (Carrot).

2. Sitting grandfather dressed in a hundred fur coats,

Whoever undresses him sheds tears (Onion).

3. One hundred clothes and all without fasteners (Cabbage).

Autumn: Oh, what good fellows! But that's not all the riddles in my basket. I

i have a lot of them in store for you.

Host: Autumn, and we know a song about vegetables.

Children perform the song "Garden - Round dance"

ozhzhevelova, assova

Children sit on high chairs.

Host: Autumn, they were waiting for you,

With falling leaves and rains,

Children rejoice here

And they will read poems to you.

Children read poetry:

1st child: Scarlet and yellow

The wind tears the leaves

Circling, circling in the air

Colorful round dance.

2nd child: The sun will only look out

Will hide again

Long, long sun

We will remember.

3rd child: Cold rain pours and pours.

Doesn't let us walk.

The road called the birds

This autumn has come to us.

Autumn: When the sun shines

You can take a walk

Clap, stomp fun

Play in the kindergarten.

Who will guess the riddle

He will play with me.

Riddle: Little kids

Sit on the branches

In brown shirts

With nuts in the pockets (cones).

Autumn: Disassemble the cones quickly,

Stand with them in a big circle.

And then don't yawn

Collect the cones from the floor.

Game "Bumps".

Music sounds in Shainsky "In secret to the whole world"

Children sit on high chairs.

Lead: On wet paths

Boots are marching

They wanted to run a little,

And the autumn rain

Knocks and knocks

And in wet boots

Doesn't order to walk.

But we are not afraid of the rain

We are having fun in the hall.

Whom the music calls

He's going to dance now.

Dance with umbrellas

Children sit on high chairs.

Autumn: I wonder if you guys saw it raining?

Very good! You saw the rain, but heard ...? The rain is small, quiet, quiet, like that!

(He gently claps his hands, the children repeat after him.

music). And sometimes it rains very hard, like that!

(Claps her hands harder and faster. Children repeat after him.

Old music sounds, but louder). That's how

drops are knocking, making noise!

The game "What rain?" ...

Autumn commands: "Quiet rain!"

"Heavy rain!", "Downpour!"

Children clap at an appropriate pace.
Host: Autumn, and we know a song about the rain! Do you want to listen?
Autumn: Of course I do!

The song "The weather is again outside the window" is being performed

Fall. Well done! You sing well!

I just remembered that

When I was going to you,

It lingered a little

All worked, dressed up,

I gave out to all the mountain ash

Bright red kerchiefs

Elegant, noticeable,

Noticeable from a distance!

And here they are!

And now the time has come

Dance for you, kids!

The girls are performing the Ryabinka dance of muses. G. Vikhareva

Autumn: I put it in a basket

Colorful pictures

I will scatter around the hall

I will guess a riddle.

Riddle: In summer they grow, in autumn they fall (leaves).

Lead: Leaves, leaflets

They fly and fly

Multicolored carpet

Will decorate our garden.

Children read poems about leaves:

1 child: Autumn golden

She came to us again.

Let's collect the leaves

And let's go for a walk.

2 child: Yellow leaves

The breeze blows.

Straight to the track

She throws the leaves.

3 child: Many leaves fell

On the track.

We will collect all the leaves

Little by little.

4 child: (Picks up a piece of paper)

Oh how beautiful

I have a piece of paper.

Dance with me

Little yellow friend.

Children perform a song - a dance with leaves.

"Dance of Autumn Leaves" music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by A. Makshantseva

They sit on the chairs. (?)

Host: We both sang and danced

And the poems told everything

We were very tired in autumn.

So tell us the secret

Do you have any gifts?

Autumn: I have gifts.

Very tasty friends!

Guess the riddle

And receive gifts!

Riddle: Touch your finger - smoothly,

And take a bite - sweet (apple).

Autumn: It's fun to play with you,

Songs to sing and dance.

I thank you for everything

I give apples to children! (Gives the basket to the leader).

Host: We thank you,

We'll give everyone an apple.

And we will take the autumn leaves

We will take it to our group.

We will decorate the group,

Remember you, Autumn.

Autumn: Goodbye, kids!

Children: Goodbye, Autumn.

Autumn leaves with music.

Apples are distributed to children.

Host: Our holiday has come to an end.

Thank you all for your attention.

And we, children, will once again walk through the elegant hall

And let's say goodbye to the guests.

Children follow the leader to the group to the cheerful music.

Goal: Create a joyful mood in children.

To cultivate love for nature, hard work.

To form independence, benevolence, sociability.

Develop creative imagination, memory, attention, speech. To consolidate and expand children's knowledge about the signs of autumn, forest animals.

Strengthen vocal and choral skills in the process of group singing. Improve the musical and rhythmic skills of children through dances, exercises, games.

Main characters:

Adults: presenter, Autumn.

Children: Hedgehog, Bunny, Fox, Mouse.

Leading:The cranes fly south

Hello, hello autumn!

Come to our holiday

We ask you very, very much.

1. Autumn Festival in the forest

And light and fun.

Here are some decorations

Autumn hung here.

2. Each leaf is golden,

Small sunny-

I'll put it in a basket

I'll put it on the bottom.

3. Gold leaves

They fly from the tree

The wind is spinning leaves

This is leaf fall.

4. The cranes fly south.

Hello hello autumn!

Come to our holiday

We ask you very, very much.

5. Here we are a joyful holiday

We have fun.

Come to our holiday.

Autumn is golden!

The song "Autumn beauty"

Words and music - Gulnara Azamatova-Bas.

Leading: Guys, let's call autumn to us for a holiday

Autumn, autumn we ask for a visit,

stay for eight weeks.

Leading: The music plays, the breeze sings

I hear someone is coming here!

(Lisa enters to the music.)

Fox: As autumn has come

Decorated all the trees.

Well, and I dressed up -

Look at me.

Redhead dress put on

On an autumn day, I'm not in vain.

Leading: Hello, fox - red-haired sister, we called Autumn, and you do not know where she is?

Chanterelle: Autumn sent me

so I can play with you

(The fox walks around the hall and scatters leaves.)

Leading: Come out, children, play with Fox,

we will collect colored leaves.

(Children take two leaves each.)

The game "Leaves" is held

(To cheerful music, children spin, run, dance, as soon as the music ends, children sit down and put down the leaves.)

Leading: Let's sing a song about leaves.

"Autumn Song"

Moose. An. Alexandrova, Words by N. Frenkel.

Leading: and now let's dance with the leaves.

"Dance with leaves"

Folk melody (Ah, you canopy my canopy).

Leading: guys, let's call autumn again.

Children repeat the words behind the leader:

Autumn, autumn we ask for a visit,

stay for eight weeks.

Mouse enters.

Mouse: I'm a mouse

I ran by here,

I heard a cheerful laugh.

And I decided in earnest

I'll drop by your place for a minute

See what kind of people

Lives in this garden!

Leading: Well, mouse, we are glad that you came to us, and you love a turnip?

Mouse: Yes.

Leading: Then I invite everyone to play an interesting game.

The game "Turnip"

Children stand in a circle. In the middle of the circle - "turnip", behind the circle - "mouse".

Turnip, turnip,

Grow strong, - Children go in circles and sing

Neither small nor large

Up to the mouse's tail! Yes!

The turnip grows at this time, and the mouse moves in the opposite direction. With the end of the singing, the children raise their clasped hands up, the "turnip" runs away, the "mouse" catches it. At the end, the "mouse" and "turnip" dance.

Leading: Let's call autumn for the third time, but louder.

Autumn enters.

VED. Hello, autumn! It's so good that you came!

FALL. Hello! I am Autumn

I will be glad to be with you

Have fun and play

Songs to sing and dance.

VED. Autumn, what do you have in your basket?

FALL. I have raindrops in my basket.

VED. And we are not afraid of the rain, let's play with the rain and sing a song about it.

The song "Autumn has come"

Music and lyrics by S. Nasaulenko.

Game "Cross the puddle in galoshes!"

Two children participate. At the signal, children put on galoshes and run to the chair and back. The one who comes running faster wins.

Leading: I see that a hedgehog has also come running to us from the magic forest.

Hedgehog: I am a forest prickly Hedgehog, there is neither head nor legs!

Finally I came to you, I found a path!

I was in such a hurry, so tired that I was almost too late!

Leading: and what did you bring us on the thorns? Mushrooms, apples, leaves, flowers. Let's play with them

Musical game "Little hedgehogs"

Leading: And also the bunny came to us.

Bunny: I'm a runaway bunny

I went along the path

I came to your holiday.

Leading: What's in your bag? Vegetables. And the guys themselves will guess which ones.

Game "Puss in a poke"

It is necessary to feel the vegetable or fruit without removing it from the bag.

Fall: The animals in my forest are friendly and very kind, let's see what dance they have prepared for us.

Dance "Kindness"

Fall: And I am not empty-handed to you. Eat my apples, and gain health for the whole winter. (Distributes apples.)

Nice fun we had

We became very close friends!

We danced, played

Everyone around became friends!

Fall: It's time for us to say goodbye

Get ready for the return journey!

Autumn Adventures

DOU autumn holiday script


Baba Yaga-

Equipment: Music center, recordings of songs, autumn leaves, pine cones, attributes for the game "Separate vegetables" (2 baskets, dummies of fruits and vegetables)

Holiday progress:

Summer has passed, has run, has gone,

The sky is frowning and the rain is drizzling.

There are not enough warm days left

Maybe nature is sad about this?

The forest promises mushroom wealth,

You will collect a handful of the last raspberries.

The sun will bloom the decoration of the forest,

You can call it golden autumn.

Presenter: Autumn has three autumn months - gentle, velvety September, rainy and rainy October and piercingly cold November. Nature prepares for a long winter vacation in the fall. In autumn everything freezes, trees and flowers, birds fly away to warm lands, and the low and cloudy sky mourns the past summer with tears of cold rains.

Leading. Very beautiful in autumn and in the forest. There is a carpet of leaves on the ground. Evergreen trees. Now let's talk about how to behave in the forest.

(Cheerful music sounds, Leshy runs in.)

Leshy. I! I know! You can pluck everything, break the branches, litter the streams, trample mushrooms and berries, scare everyone! Ooh!

Leading. Calm down, please. Who are you? You didn't even say hello.

Leshy. Is it really necessary to say hello?

Leading. Sure. After all, the word "hello" means "be healthy"!

Leshy. That's great! Hello! Do you know anything about me? Yes, when I am not sleeping in my hollow, the forest is restless, no one will pass: neither horse nor foot, because I ... that's right, Leshy!

Leading. All clear. Now listen to us.

I'm in a bush by a spring

Didn't touch the spider's web.

I walked through the forest for a long time

And he didn't scare anyone.

Hasn't muddied the water anywhere -

I just stayed in the forest.

Leshy. So, you need to go to the forest as a visit?

Leading. Of course, Leshy, because the forest is a home for animals and birds.

Leshy. Yes ... And I’m the Goblin because I live in the forest. But it’s boring to live like that. Where can I put my energy? I have how much of it! I just want to do something.

Leading. Find yourself a job. In the forest, animals and birds prepare supplies for the winter from morning to evening. And our children also know how to work. Here are some of the poems they will tell.

1 child:

Autumn, autumn, wait!

And don't sleep with the rains

Give us more summer

Sun and light.

2 child:

A crow shouts in the sky: - Kar-r!

There is a fire in the forest, a fire in the forest!

And it was very simple:

Autumn settled in it

3 child:

I walk on the leaves

And they crunch back.

I will pick beautiful leaves -

Mom will have a bouquet!

    In the morning we go to the yard

    Leaves are raining down

    They rustle under your feet

    And they fly, fly, fly.

The cranes fly away

Far away, to the ends of the earth.

For fields and meadows,

For tall haystacks.

In a dress of bright gold

Autumn wanders, rustling.

Leaves fly in the wind

They want to catch up with the cranes.

Host: Well done, guys! Now let's play the game "COLLECT THE LEAVES!"

The game involves 2 children. On 2 trays are 1 maple leaf, cut into pieces. On command, the children collect a piece of paper to the music. The winner is the one who is the first to compose a leaf from scattered particles.

(The swift music of flight sounds, Baba Yaga flies in on a broomstick with a number.)

Baba Yaga. Dryn-melon-melon! Has died out. So! Emergency landing. Hello, good people! Oh, Leshy! Did you ride my broom again without asking? Here I am!

Leshy. I won't anymore.

Baba Yaga. Okay, well, let's get acquainted! I am Baba Yaga, bone leg. Wherever I want - I fly there! What do you have here?

Leading. You, grandmother, got to the autumn holiday and the guys of the middle group want to tell poems about autumn:

1 Spun leaves motley round dance

The first thin ice shone on the puddles.

2.What for the time of the year, it is drizzling.

It's just Autumn in a hurry to kindergarten!

3. Autumn rains dripping on the roof.

The rain began to fall harder, and then softer.

4. Here we celebrate a joyful holiday,

Come, we are waiting for you, Golden autumn.

Baba Yaga. What a VOOM kids. Since we have a holiday, so let's play!

The game "SCARE" is held (conducted by Baba Yaga)

Musical accompaniment sounds. Children, each of whom is a "scarecrow", come out to the middle of the hall and spread their arms to the sides. If Baba Yaga says: "Sparrow!", Then you have to wave your hands. If the presenter says: "Crow!" - you have to clap your hands.

Baba Yaga. And now I want to see how your kids work. Now I will scatter the cones, and let the children collect them in baskets. (A game is held, Baba Yaga scatters the cones, and the children of the nursery group collect them in baskets)

Baba Yaga. Oh, how fun! Leshy, what are you thinking about?

Leshy. They advised me to dig up a vegetable garden, plant vegetables. And why are they needed, because candy is tastier?

Baba Yaga. And I have my own forest garden and different vegetables grow there! And guess what!

There a bush grew in the garden. You can hear only crunch and crunch!

In cabbage soup, hodgepodge is thick. This is (... Cabbage)

Himself, like a pig, a tail-hook!

What kind of vegetable (... zucchini)

You will drop a little under the bush

Looks out into the light (... _potato!)

Do not be alarmed if suddenly

Make tears shed (... bow)

Finally, they found a green one ... (cucumber)

A red spine is hidden, only an inch is visible from above.

And you will pick it up deftly and in your hands (... carrot)

Baba Yaga (to Leshem). Have you heard?

Leshy. Uh-huh.

Baba Yaga. So much for you, yeah! Guys, well done. All riddles were correctly guessed.

Host: The guys have amused you, you have completed all your tasks, so treat everyone with autumn gifts.

(Baba Yaga and Leshy treat the guys with apples)

Nature is beautiful at the end of autumn. Bright red berries adorn the rowan trees, but the calendar is relentless, the bright colors of autumn fade away. Winter is coming soon

Baba Yaga and Leshy: It's a pity to part with you, but it's time to say goodbye.

Scenario holiday for children of the older group of different ages "Hostess Autumn"

Goal: create a festive mood for children and parents.

Tasks: cultivate the desire to take part in the holiday.

Equipment: masks for vegetables and fruits, autumn costume, 2 baskets, butophoria of vegetables and fruits.

Characters: presenter, children, autumn, vegetables and fruits.

Event script.

Leading: Hello, dear guests, today is our holiday! See how beautiful it is in our hall!

Yellow leaf in the palm of your hand

It was once green

He flew up to our window.

Why did it turn yellow?

Who can't ask friends -

They will say: it has come ...

^ Children. Fall!

Child 1 The autumn wind is spinning

And they all fly and fly.

As if in warm lands with the birds

They want to warm up until spring.

^ R. 2 The cranes fly away

They leave their native land,

And they shout, "You are goodbye,

Meet us in the spring! "

R.3Suddenly out of nowhere

A cloud has come

And trees and bushes

As if trembling.

^ R.4I walk through the puddles

And although I know for sure

That you can't walk in puddles.

You just need to measure them!

R.5Only the rain has stopped

The air became clean and fresh.

The rejoicing soul sings

Calls for mushrooms to the forest.

Veda... We are now wave a leaf

We will invite autumn to visit!

Guys, do you want Autumn to come and visit us? (Yes)

So let's call her.

^ R.6 Here we are a joyful holiday

We have fun.

Come, we are waiting for you

Autumn is golden!

Everything: Autumn, Autumn, we ask for a visit!

(Children sing a song about Autumn)

(Autumn enters.)

Did you call me? It's me!

Hello autumn to you, friends!

I came to your holiday

Sing and have fun!

I want with everyone here

Make good friends!

Hello, autumn!

Hello, autumn!

It's good that you came.

We are Autumn, we ask,

What did you bring as a gift?

^ Autumn:

I brought you flour!


So there will be pies!


Brought you buckwheat!


The porridge will be in the oven!


Brought you vegetables!


And for porridge and cabbage soup!

^ Autumn:

And apples, what honey!


For jam, for compote.


Brought you a full deck of honey!

You and apples, you and honey,

You brought bread too.

Good weather

Have you got us a gift?


Are you glad for the rain?


We don’t want to, don’t!

^ Ved. Let's sing a song about the rain.

(Children sing the song "Kap-Kap")


I, too, did not come to you for a holiday,

I brought autumn leaves to all the children.

Well - take the leaves!

Dance with them merrily!

(Autumn scatters leaves on the floor, children take two leaves, stand in a circle. ^ Performing a dance with leaves)

Fall. Guys, I have the autumn riddles in store for you.

1 .. If the rain catches you,

It will immediately become a roof,

You can take it with you

Guess who he is. (umbrella)

2. Many dresses,

Lots of crunch

What is her name? (cabbage)

3. Will make everyone around you cry,

Although he is not a fighter, but ... (bow)

4. We fry it in butter.

We simmer and cook in a uniform.

I will grow up quite a bit,

I will dig myself (potatoes)

5. Round and smooth,

Take a bite - it's sweet

Sat in tight

In the garden (turnip)

5. Her greenery is an inch,

The sweet root is red.

I pulled out deftly

And in the hands - (carrot)

6. Though without wings, but flies,

Though without hands, but it happens

Picks pears from the tree,

And if it gets tired - it will fall

And disappear without a trace. (wind)

Fall: All vegetables are wonderful

But which one is the most,

Children love

I do not know yet.

Children “vegetables go out to the center of the hall. ^ Staging "Quarrel of vegetables".

Vegetables (together) : Which of us is the tastiest?

Who is the most important of us?

Cucumber: I am delicious,

I am the most important!

We live in brine

Everyone eats us to our heart's content.

Beet: Don't shout, cucumber,

You are, of course, well done.

But who is more important than beets?

Who, tell me, is more needed?

Sugar is boiled from beets

And beetroot salads

And the beetroot too.

Who is more important, who is?

Carrot: You are an important vegetable, beets,

But more importantly, I am a carrot!

You can't cook soup without me

You can't live a day without me!

Cabbage: So that you are empty

Best of all cabbage!

Rich in vitamins,

My guys love cabbage soup!

A tomato: Oh what a ridiculous argument

Tomatoes are healthier than all!

The one who drinks tomato juice,

That healthy one lives.

^ Autumn: Quiet, quiet, don't make noise,

Stop the quarrel quickly.

Every vegetable is a gift from God

Old and young know this.

Vedas: There are no tasteless vegetables,

All are useful, no doubt about it.

To grow, to be healthy,

You need to love vegetables.

Fall: Vegetables, don't you fight

Hold hands together

And at the holiday guys

We will sing and dance.

(Children sing a song about vegetables)

Fall: You sang and danced beautifully. Let's play together?

Games are held.

"Collect vegetables and fruits"

"Know the taste"

Fall... I also have a riddle for you, guess, get a fairy tale as a gift

Round and smooth

Take a bite - it's sweet

Sat in tight

In the garden ...

^ Children"Turnip".

Fall Now we are with you guys will see the tale "Turnip", and your parents will perform it.

(we distribute roles to parents and masks of the heroes of the "Turnip" fairy tale)

I guys are unpainted

I'll tell you a fairy tale

A familiar fairy tale

Russian folk.

I know a fairy tale everyone is happy.

Here it is in a new way.

In one village

Once upon a time there was a family

Once upon a time, we did not grieve

Everyone was friends with each other ...

However, I will introduce you

I'm with the whole family now.

(Everyone enters and bows)

Grandfather Danila is the head of the family,

The head of the whole house.

A nimble grandmother named Dusya,

A playful granddaughter named Lucy.

Kind and smart and loyal dog,

Whose name was watchdog

Purr cat named Tosya,

The mouse is a cheat named Frosya.

They were not bored when

All do their own thing.

And I'll tell you straight, was

Hard worker grandfather Danil.

Once I woke up

Yawned sweetly, stretched

He scratched the back of his head and thought.

Give a turnip

I'll plant it nonche, -

An idea, by the way.

I sowed a turnip in the garden,

And he began to dream in nature

A large turnip will grow,

big taka, big.

I'll go to the market through the forest

Sell \u200b\u200band buy "Mercedes".

Danil was waiting for the harvest

Lo and behold. and autumn has come.

The grandfather was in a hurry

See if the turnip has grown.

Sees: a miracle of miracles

Turnip almost to heaven.

What is not in a fairy tale to say

Can't describe it with a pen.

Danila began to pull,

Yes, it was not there,

And the poor fellow is so tired, well, there is no more strength.

Apparently the turnip has settled

We need to look for help.

He began to call grandma Dusya.

And they began to pull together,

Yes, it was not there.

And the poor fellows are so tired, well, there is no more strength.

Apparently the turnip has settled

In the ground firmly, very firmly.

Need help to look for,

They began to call the granddaughter together.

called together

And they began to pull together, -

but it was not so.

and the poor fellows are so tired

well, there is simply no strength.

Apparently the turnip has settled

In the ground firmly, very firmly.

Need help to look for

Grandfather Barbosa began to call.

called three

The four of us have already begun to pull,

Yes, it was not so

And the poor fellows are so tired

Well, there is simply no strength.

Apparently the turnip has settled

In the ground firmly, very firmly.

And I had to call for help.

Maybe Toska look?

name of the cat

Five of us have already begun to pull

But it was not so.

And the poor fellows are so tired

Well, there is simply no strength.

Apparently the turnip has settled

In the ground firmly, very firmly.

And I had to call for help.

Everyone began to look for Frosya.

the mouse runs out

And then the mouse came running

She pulled her thin tail between her legs.

Frosya grabbed

For Purr Tosya.

Well, Tosenka is a beauty

Grabbed hold of the dog

Dog Watchdog for granddaughter Lucy,

Granddaughter for grandmother Dusya,

Grandma Dusya for grandfather Danil.

They pulled themselves up that there was strength

Pulled, pulled.

Yes, and pulled! (applause)

Fall. Have fun from the heart

You are all very good!

Have fun with you guys

I didn't just come

The harvest was rich:

I brought a lot of apples

And so now

I'll treat you, friends, I'll treat you.