Innovation is a specialty by whom to work reviews. New direction: innovation. Required professional skills

The concept of "innovation" is more popular all over the world than ever. Every day we learn about innovative discoveries and technologies from TV screens and media pages. Following the demand of the times, new educational programs are being opened in universities. "GlavSprav" visited the Institute international business and the rights of NRU ITMO to find out what and how future "innovative" specialists are taught.

What is “innovation”?

Bogdanova Elena Leonardovna, director of IMBIP:

There are many definitions of the word "innovatics", including scientific ones. But if we speak, without using pseudo-scientific terms, in understandable language, this is all that is new that is invented, designed and used in work.

Our country has staked on the introduction of new achievements of science and technology in the sphere of production, services and other sectors of the economy. In this regard, such a field of knowledge as "Innovatika" was opened, and personnel training has been conducted on it for several years. These personnel are in demand by the economy, they work in different areas. In production, this is a technical specialty: engineers must understand how inventions are formalized, intellectual property, how it can be commercialized.

Economists, I mean the next stage of education - Master's degree, must understand what to do with this invention, how to attract businessmen, how it can be sold, how to advertise on it.

“Innovation” is a technical specialty, divided into 2 levels: Bachelor's (4 years) and Master's (2 years). Considering that those who already have another higher education can study in the master's program, we can talk about the bachelor's program as the first higher education, and separately about continuing education.

Murashova Svetlana Vitalievna, head of the magistracy and professional retraining and second higher education:

By itself, “innovation” is perceived differently by economists and technicians. For the first, it is an abbreviation for the concept of "investment in innovation", i.e. investment of finance in any innovation in order to make a profit. And "techies" mean an approach to creating an innovative product as such.

We, in any case, focus on classical technical engineering education. Our graduates - both bachelor's and master's degrees - do not necessarily become inventors, but they must understand innovation and its effectiveness.

The direction of the bachelor's degree is now being licensed with us: these are engineers who are closely familiar with the theory of inventive problem solving. These people should be well versed in technical issues, in addition, they should be creative, be able to do patent research, understand how this innovation is an innovation. The concept of "innovation" is so broad that it is impossible to release just a narrow-profile engineer, in the field of electromechanics, for example. This is an interdisciplinary direction. The federal educational standard defines the subjects that must be included in the so-called federal component of the curriculum for the preparation of bachelors in this area. And we, for our part, supplement it with universal disciplines.

An important benchmark is the interests of employers

Bogdanova Elena Leonardovna:

IMBIP in the development of training programs went as if "top down": from the master's level to the bachelor's, and not vice versa. And in this regard, it was easier for us, because those students who once came to the magistracy recommended us how to expand and supplement training programs, gave advice. But among them were the heads of companies, and specialists, engineers who have been working in this direction for a long time. In this sense, it was easier for us: having made several editions of master's degrees, we collected the opinions of people working in this direction in order to put together a curriculum for future bachelors.

The main criterion for the selection of disciplines is future employment, because we must prepare those guys who will open the door to the future and will be in demand. Already finishing our institute, they should know where they will go to work. And, of course, it is important to train such specialists who will receive a large salary in the future.

Murashova Svetlana Vitalievna:

It is not the first year that we have been cooperating with the Stroytekhtsentr enterprise, which works in the construction of large industrial facilities. We also interact with the company "Aquapatent", which is engaged in patent development and protection of research in the field of ecology, protection of the aquatic environment. One of the partners of the university is the president of the college of patent attorneys of St. Petersburg Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Turenko, who gives our guys advice on which direction to conduct patent research, what is most popular now, and where there are problems.

Our future bachelor graduates can work as apprentices and assistant directors of enterprises. But everything is not limited to management. It can be programmers, assistants to IT managers of the company. If we take construction, then these are development departments that are now being created in all large companies... If this administrative work - then, for example, a committee on innovation in the government. If you see yourself exclusively as an inventor and want to do only this, please, this is the position of an engineer in a design office or any other company. There are many possibilities and ways.

In its content, Innovatika is an interdisciplinary program. But it is included in the enlarged group of specialties "Automation and Control", and this is a purely technical, engineering education. And therefore, our task is to provide fundamental technical knowledge that can be adapted in the shortest possible time to the needs of the employer. We attract employers and experts for many of our student and school projects.

... Let them teach me!

Murashova Svetlana Vitalievna:

We would like the guys to come with good knowledge physics. Unfortunately, as practice shows, schoolchildren do not pass the exam in physics well enough. Requirements in our university for a passing score - at least 210 points in 3 subjects. The problem is that the curriculum varies greatly from school to school. So we are ready to “pull up” those who are just below the required level, and give them equal opportunities to develop further. We are waiting for guys who want and love to learn, and we will try to guide them on a further trajectory.

I would especially like to say about foreign languages. Now the process of integration, globalization of all types of science is under way to such an extent that it will be difficult to do patent research - the main field of work - only in your own country. And knowledge foreign languages it is necessary at a sufficiently high level, moreover, in a business, technical language, in its industry. At ITMO we have a linguistic center that will be engaged in such training.

"School patent" as a ticket to Geneva

Bogdanova Elena Leonardovna:

Most of the work with our future applicants is school competitions, incl. international. I can name two forums in which children who are going to apply to us or are already our students participate.

The School Patent competition has been held for the third year already. Talented guys take part in it, and we provide the winners with preferences when applying to us. For example, a discount on tuition for admission to an off-budget place.

The second forum is "The Future of the World". It has a rating "The Golden Thousand of the World", and the guys participating in this forum with their business plans also receive prizes and preferences for admission. Our students also take part in organizing such events - this is a good practical experience for them. We are very pleased with the good results of the competition, because after it the guys really want to continue working in an innovative direction: to invent, design their inventions, move on, become famous ... And it is important for us that we helped to do this.

Murashova Svetlana Vitalievna:

Our institute is also the supporting organization of Rospatent, which means that free consultations from patent trustees are provided for the winners of school competitions for the registration and protection of their intellectual property. We have specialists who deal with the registration of intellectual property, and if our students come up with something, we advise them, and formalize inventions, giving them the opportunity to obtain their own patents.

Students-inventors of IMBIP also get the opportunity to undergo internships abroad. One of them is in the UN European Commission, in the innovation group, where a lot of research is done. Thanks to such internships, we are able to give the children an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is happening in the world now. And when we leave Geneva, the guys say that their world has turned upside down.

And if we talk about our university, of course, it is worth talking about innovative small enterprises. If one of our students wants to take a risk and is confident that his invention will be in commercial demand, he can create his own small business at ITMO. Such initiatives are now in great demand, which means they have all the cards in their hands!

IN modern conditions enterprises of all types of ownership are required to take actions to switch to innovative development mechanisms. This requirement is dictated by the market and placed under special control by the government of the Republic of Belarus.

However, there are practically no specialists fully proficient in all aspects of such work. Experience shows that graduates of engineering and economics are not always sufficiently trained specialists in related fields: engineers - in management, and managers - in engineering. An exception is the bachelor's degree prepared in the direction of "Innovation".

A graduate of this educational direction will be trained as a specialist-engineer and as a specialist-manager, that is, as a “technician” and as a “manager”. In its preparation, knowledge from different fields "intersects", forming, first of all, the skills of solving engineering problems, as well as everything that is required to know for the commercialization and practical implementation of innovations and inventions in production.

He will be able to analyze the efficiency of the enterprise and identify problems that need to be solved, search possible solutions and generate new ideas, ensure the formation of optimal projects and manage their implementation in production, evaluate possible risks on the way to the implementation of the project and minimize them, and thereby ensure the economic recovery of your enterprise.

It will be able to adapt to all types of activities based on systems analysis, modeling, automated control and other types of information computer technologies.

Such a volume of knowledge and skills is in great demand today in the labor market and provides special competitive advantages over other economic specialties.

Almost every organization, firm or enterprise in any industry and in any region of the country solves the problems of changes and improvements, which create a competitive advantage for them in the market, and allow them to maintain leadership positions in the economy. Evaluate the attractiveness and merits of an idea, determine the best ways to implement it, attract interested investors and, bypassing all kinds of risk, turn innovations into successful business - this is the art and skill of a specialist innovator!

Graduates of the specialty "Innovation" can work at manufacturing enterprises, business enterprises, research, design and design organizations, engineering centers, insurance companies, banks, authorities. On industrial enterprise they are one of the main assistants of the heads of the enterprise, and in the future - the main specialists or heads of the enterprise or firm.

Qualification awarded

Qualification - Bachelor. Direction of training "Innovatika"

Positions held

  • project manager;
  • business planner;
  • technical Director;
  • leader

Universities where this specialty is

  • Belarusian-Russian University (passing points in,)

ATTENTION! When calculating passing points, the score of the certificate is not taken into account (rules for admission of the Russian Federation)

Graduates of this specialty receive a diploma russian sample, since training is carried out at the expense russian budget and in Russian educational programs... Citizens of the Republic of Belarus can apply for this specialty on equal terms with citizens of Russia. Education is free.

About the specialty:

Description of the specialty innovation, in which universities teach innovation, admission, exams, subjects in the specialty.

The curriculum combines economics, management and many technical specialties. The student will have to master a large number of disciplines, such as: mechanics, production technology, electronics, economics, management and management. The student, in the learning process, will master system analysis and mechanisms for making and implementing decisions, introducing new technologies into industry, all the subtleties of modern innovation and marketing in modern spheres of the economy.

Employment in the specialty of innovation

This specialty is aimed at training specialists in innovative development of both the country as a whole and its regions, territories of industries and individual enterprises. Graduates will be able to find a place for themselves both in the organs government controlled different levels of government and various companieswho are interested in innovative development your business. Innovation specialists can count on the positions of project managers, business planners, technical directorsresponsible for hardware and software at all management levels, heads of various structural units.

Career in innovation

Specialists in this area are in demand in all spheres of the economy. The greatest demand is observed in politics, logistics and IT-sphere. The applicant for such a position is required to have knowledge of management, business management and IT technologies. High requirements for specialists correspond to high salaries. Young specialist will have to recruit positions at lower levels of management, such as project manager and innovation specialist

For creative, versatile and inventive people, this is the most interesting and useful specialty in a number of modern engineering and economic specialties and areas.

A typical example of an "innovator" is Steve Jobs. After all, it is generally accepted that he was not a technician high level (then Steve Wozniak did all the work for him). On the other hand, Steve Jobs was not a professional designer - he only proposed concepts that specialists implemented for him. Third, he was neither an economist nor a marketer - nevertheless, despite this, sales of iPods and iPhones were accompanied by explosive growth. The reason for Jobs's success is that he was a versatile specialist, the most famous "innovator." However, he was so in essence. And now such skills and abilities can be obtained at the university.

Elon Musk is a similarly outstanding personality at present, Innovator with a capital A. Electric vehicles, private spaceships, ground hypertransport, new sources of energy - all this is the embodiment of his ideas. Sometimes he is called the prototype of "Iron Man" from the film of the same name. Previously, such people were Archimedes, Leonardo DaVinci, Tesla - versatile inventors, not only interested in science and making discoveries, but also able to translate them into a result.

The "Innovatika" direction has absorbed both the engineering and technological part and the marketing and economic part. A graduate can work well as an engineer in an industrial enterprise, and as a marketer, advertiser, economist. Engineering and technical disciplines are the basics of working with measuring instruments, materials, preparation of drawings, computer knowledge and skills, computer networks, mobile technologies, information security. The economic part includes marketing, PR, advertising, risk management, logistics, etc.

The northern branch of RGUITP, a branch of the Moscow innovative university located in Veliky Novgorod, was one of the first in the country to start teaching students how to manage innovation. Nowadays, a huge experience has been accumulated, excellent teaching aids, materials and lectures have been prepared. Until 2013, training was conducted only in person. However, a huge number of requests from those wishing to study gave rise to the opening of a correspondence course in "Innovatics". In the long term - fully distance education, built on the basis of innovative technologies of "live presence". It is also possible that a significant part of the materials will be made publicly available. Many materials are already available on the site.

Its organization and management, ensuring the transformation of newly acquired knowledge into innovations demanded by society. This process can be based on both commercial and non-commercial interests (an example is the use in social sphere). The specialty "innovatics" uses many sciences and various branches of knowledge as epistemological roots. Among the main ones are the following: economics and entrepreneurship, philosophy and psychology, sociology and pedagogy, organization of production, marketing and logistics, as well as informatics.

Specialty "Innovation"

This subject is quite successfully used as a theoretical and methodological basis modeling and formal description of the activities of any organization and its management. Unlike other scientific spheres, the theory of innovation studies the progressive development of various objects, their transition from one type of socio-economic system to another, from one state to another, more stable and characterized by high parameters. This area of \u200b\u200bscience will ensure the use of the results obtained with the subsequent increase in intellectual capital.

Specificity of the subject

The specialty "Innovation" refers to a special one that has an independent object of research, represented by the process of implementing innovations in the socio-economic system. At the same time, specialists in this area of \u200b\u200bknowledge take into account the result of their use with the subsequent dissemination of new knowledge, the results of scientific and technical activities. The specialty "Innovatics" is based on the systematic scientific research, which have the following properties: novelty, relevance, feasibility, useful effect.

The subject itself in educational institutions examines the laws, patterns and principles of all in different systems. Also, research is being conducted on models and methods of describing an organization with subsequent activities at various levels of the economy.

Aspects of innovation

Innovation itself is a specialty introduced into scientific circulation by the Austrian economist Schumpeter. In Russian scientific literature, this term was first encountered in the 80s of the XX century. In the leading higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation, a new specialty "Innovation" has been opened.

This science contains the following aspects:

Activities in the field of innovation;

Modeling of various processes containing some novelty;

Organization and management of the implementation of all new technologies at domestic enterprises;

State regulation of these issues;

Management in this area of \u200b\u200bresearch;

Building the principles of scientific and technical activities on a commercial basis.

Summing up, it should be noted that innovation today is a powerful potential capable of transforming gray reality into an interesting, rich life.