Sample resume of the manager (director). Sample Director's Resume Technical Director Skills

Looking for a job or planning to look for one?

Our sample of filling out a resume for the position of a technical director (an experienced specialist or a beginner with no work experience) will help you. Competent resume will greatly increase your chances of finding a job.

There are two types of CTO resume template

  • For experienced professionals.
  • For those who have no experience yet.

Template benefits

1) Frequent invitations to interviews. We have already helped many people create a “selling”, strong resume and understood what works and what doesn't. This CTO resume template is a field-proven practice.

2) Standard format. Every hr manager and director will instantly find the information they need in their resume. It's simple.

3) Compactness. If you think that someone needs 4 sheets of your work experience, you are deeply mistaken. HR managers love it when everything is clear, convenient and simple. Our sample is an example of how to properly write a resume for a CTO job.

4) Important things at the top. What is important to the employer will be located at the very top and will immediately catch the eye of those who are engaged in recruiting. This will give you an edge over other candidates.

5) The resume can simply be changed depending on the vacancy. To quickly find good work, it is most effective to slightly change the resume for each vacancy. It's simple - download and use our sample how to write a CTO resume. It allows you to make changes instantly.

To download a sample CTO resume, click on the link below.

We bring to your attention a completed resume sample of the Director of the branch, the head of the sales department (template), which you can use as an example when composing your resume

Sample CV Branch Director, Head of Sales

Full name: Ivanin Fyodor Dmitrievich

Date of birth (age): 06/13/1967, 46 years old

city: Livny

Higher education

work experience: over 10 years

Desired work schedule: full time


Branch Director, Head of Sales Department (Romashka LLC)

  1. - Anti-crisis management of an enterprise with foreign investments (\u003e 100 pharmacies)
  2. - organization of effective work of the enterprise;
  3. - organization and coordination of the work of the accountable structural units;
  4. - preparation and submission of reports to investors within a specified time frame;
  5. - holding business negotiations and meetings;
  6. - personnel (recruitment, mentoring, motivation), holding meetings and conferences;
  7. - achieving the planned results of profitability;
  8. - KPI monitoring of the company's performance indicators;
  9. - budgeting and cost control;
  10. - organization commercial activities;
  11. - development and signing of marketing agreements with domestic and foreign manufacturers;
  12. - development and signing of sales and purchase agreements with distributors of medicines, cosmetics, medical products, medical equipment;
  13. - analysis and management of sales, marginal income, turnover;
  14. - control over the implementation of the product sales plan;
  15. - planning and control of purchases;
  16. - changing the pricing scheme;
  17. - opening new pharmacies and coordinating the work of departments that take part in this;
  18. - interaction with regulatory organizations.


  • - growth of EBITDA margin
  • - brought the network to a profitable level out of stagnation
  • - reduced the number of unprofitable pharmacies
  • - opened 7 new pharmacies
  • - introduced a tender procedure for the procurement of works and services, a control system for the expenditure of enterprise resources, which gave 20% cost savings
  • - optimized inventory balances (reduced illiquid products by\u003e UAH 4 million),
  • - created the category management department
  • - developed and implemented an effective online pricing scheme
  • - reduced transportation costs by 30%
  • - reduced the cost of renting premises (savings\u003e 100 thousand UAH / year)
  • - ensured the achievement of the planned profit volumes
  • - developed and signed over 70 new marketing contracts and over 50 new supply contracts on favorable commercial terms
  • - increased income from commercial activities by 25%


Lviv National Medical University. Danila Galitsky (Lviv) Faculty of Pharmacy, pharmacist-organizer, master

Professional skills

People management experience

Organizational skills, including team building

Ability to plan and predict

Negotiating, concluding sales and purchase agreements, marketing agreements

Building an assortment and pricing policy

Sales and logistics management

The ability to accept to accept adequate management decisions and act effectively in an economic crisis

Additional education

Training course "Basics business activities"(Livny) 2014,

obtaining a certificate of completion of a training course in the direction of "Fundamentals of pidpriemnitskogo activities"

Organization courses and pharmacist (Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University) 2013,

obtaining a certificate confirming the title of a specialist

Pharmacy chain marketing management (Kiev) 2008

Personnel management (Kiev) 2007. Contact for this candidate with an indication in the subject line of the position for which he is potentially applying in your company

The presented example of a resume for the position of Project Manager can be used by you when composing your own resume

Vasiliev Vyacheslav Kharitonovich

Goal: obtaining the position of deputy director, head of department, director

Education: higher.

Family status:not married, has an adult daughter

Address: Saint-Petersburg, st. Lenin 176, apt. 56

From 1982 to 1984 he served in the USSR Armed Forces.

Mobile phone: +796599233 33-75

E-mail:[email protected]


1985 -1991 - Software "Electron"

Position: Radio mechanic, 4th grade.

1991-1992 - Mkapa "Vostokinvestmore"

Position: Commercial Agent

1992-1993 - LLC "Universal Russia" LTD.

Position: Deputy Director

  • organizational work:
  • search and selection of personnel,
  • department management and coordination of its activities,
  • setting tasks for employees,
  • interaction with contractors, creation of project reports,
  • solution of all problem situations at work.

Number of subordinates: 16 employees.

Achievements: increase in income up to 70% due to optimization of work with contractors, cost reduction.

1993-1998 - PKF "Kepling"

Position: Director

  • conclusion of contracts and negotiations for the supply of petroleum products;
  • operational analysis economic activity enterprises.
  • market Analysis;

Number of subordinates: 60 employees.

Achievements: during the period of work in this position, the company's turnover increased by 160%.

1998-2000 - Private Enterprise "OilPromService"

Position: Director

  • market Analysis;
  • justification and calculation of estimates;
  • attracting partners to cooperation

Number of subordinates: 35 employees

Achievements: the gross turnover reached the equivalent of $ 600,000. per month.

2000-2010 - NPP "Roskhimresurs"

Position: Director

  • project planning, formation calendar plan, timing and goals of implementation;
  • Interaction with the customer on all aspects of the project;
  • organizational work:
  • search and selection of personnel,
  • state management and coordination of its activities,
  • setting tasks for employees, communication with contractors,
  • solving all problem situations in work, creating project reports (presentation, documentary)

Achievements: scientific and technical developments, obtaining patents for them.

2010-2011 - LLC "Deacon"

Position: Deputy General Director

  • negotiating and concluding contracts for work and materials and selling products;
  • market Analysis.

Foreign languages Russian - native; Polish - fluent;

Skills: Advanced user: MS Office (Word, Excel, Access, Outlook, Power point), Internet skills (MS Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera) and E-mail (Outlook Express), I am friends with technology. Driving license - all categories (B, C, D, E). Rifled weapon permit.

Personal qualities: Sociability, creativity, stress resistance, responsibility, punctuality. With a well-developed sense of humor.

When communicating, I understand from the first time and point of view.

I perceive the necessary information quickly and with appetite.

I have analytical thinking and perception.

Well-developed sense of taste and tact. Love live communication with nice people who have a lot to learn.

Interests and hobbies - pets, fiction.

Skiing, hunting, fishing. Development of projects and technologies. I have my own developments, patents, experience in their registration.

Sample resume for HR Director (Deputy Director)

Petrov Vladimir Vasilievich

Address: St. Petersburg, st. Lenin, 70, apt. ten
Phone: 8 900 0-65-32
E-mail: [email protected]l
Date of Birth: 16.03.1971
Family status: married, two children

Goal: Acquiring the position of HR Director.

The level of education: higher (specialist)
1986-1991 St. Petersburg Humanitarian Institute.
Faculty: management, personnel management.

1995-1996 Training Center "Managment Service".
Management, Human Resources.

2001 - present outsourcing company "Metro Group" (1500 people).

Job responsibilities:

  • * strategic planning,
  • * interaction with customers
  • * optimization of organizational structure,
  • * development of bonus policy
  • * organization of work of human resource management,

1996 - 2001 Chain of stores "Azbuka Vkusa" (1000 people).
Position: HR Director.
Job responsibilities:

1992 - 1995: International Service Check LLC (500 people).
Position: Head of HR Department
Job responsibilities:

  • * organization of the educational process,
  • * recruitment,
  • * HR document flow,
  • * certification

Professional experience:

  • * Planning for personnel needs, strategic planning ,.
  • * Development of a bonus system, personnel motivation system,
  • * Formation personnel reserve, certification of personnel.
  • * Corporate culture management
  • * Management of the corporate training center.

Additional Information:

Ready to work individually and as a team. Stress-resistant, sociable. I do the work by the appointed time (I can clearly calculate the deadlines for the task).

I am fond of sports, philosophy and psychology

Conversational English and French. Have experience of overseas business trips

From the very name of the position of the head, it becomes clear that the duties of this person include the management of any processes, department, or the whole enterprise. The main task of the head is to increase the key indicators of the company's productivity. When writing a resume for the position in question, you need to show maximum responsibility, attentiveness, courtesy and ingenuity, because at this level, the selection criteria are much higher than in ordinary jobs.

The first key requirements for a leader:

1. Having finished higher educationoverlapping with the scope of the organization.

2. Experience in similar positions.

List the points mentioned above when making an application. If you have certificates of completion of courses in subordinate management, include their names in your questionnaire - this will increase the chances of success.

Among the important personal qualities of a leader, it should be noted:

  • friendliness;
  • charisma;
  • persistence;
  • kindness;
  • moderate severity;
  • politeness;
  • attentiveness, etc.

Start preparing for your interview ahead of time. During it, you will need to make the best possible impression on the employer.

Director's resume is yours business card, this is what the employer sees first before meeting you. It should make an indelible impression and remain in the memory of the viewer. In your resume, try to use business style letters and resume writing standards, but if your job involves creative thinking, then the writing should be approached outside the box. Try to think through all the points you make up as much as possible. Never copy, changing only your data, as at the interview you will be asked for at least 2-5 points of what was written and it will be very strange if you cannot explain what the specified paragraph or phrase of your resume means. After such an interview, the road to the desired position in this company will be closed. So don't make mistakes - write your resume competently and independently.

What points should the director's resume contain (resume standards)

Resume standards are points that any resume contains according to the template and helps to draw it up in a high-quality and step-by-step manner. So, the template from which to build on:

  • personal information- The cap or the beginning of the resume is a photograph (high-quality business photo), the last name, first name, patronymic, gender, age, date of birth, marital status, presence of children, willingness to move and business trips are indicated.
  • Contacts - all possible ways to get in touch with you: mobile phone, home phone, email, skype and others. Be sure to register the most convenient type of communication.
  • Desired position and salary - indicate the options for the positions for which you are applying, but do not get angry, you are a leader and you must have a clear desired goal. You also prescribe: professional area (sales, trade, etc.), the desired salary, employment and work schedule. Paragraph wages do not miss so that the employer understands what you are counting on, and this will save you from unnecessary calls with an offer of work with a salary of 10,000 rubles.
  • experience - indicate first the general experience, and then, starting from the last place of work, the period of work, the name of the organization, the territorial place of work, the company's website, the scope of the company, position, responsibilities, functionality, achievements.
  • key skills–Professional - write those skills that will become the key, the basis for taking the desired position. Below you can find the most common ones that will make it easier to write a resume.
  • About myself- at this point write about your hobbies, interests, personal qualities (point 4 will help you with this) and any additional informationcharacterizing you.
  • Education- indicate the level of education, specialization, year of admission and graduation. If you took additional courses, have a secondary specialized education, have not yet completed your studies or have a second higher education, be sure to reflect in your resume - this is an additional plus in the employer's piggy bank.
  • Knowledge of languages- indicate what language you know and the level of proficiency in it. If you don't know better, skip this point, even if you indicate that you speak languages, sooner or later it will come out.
  • Citizenship, travel time to work- if you are a citizen Russian Federation, then write that, if not, then indicate whether you have a work permit. It is better to indicate the travel time if it is of fundamental importance for you.
  • Recommendations- in this paragraph, indicate those who will be able to give you a description - your immediate manager, personnel department, colleagues. Indicate in this order - last name, first name, patronymic, the company in which you worked together, position, contact phone number. It's also a great option to attach letter of recommendation from the last or previous places work.

Director's professional skills

The professional skills of a director are those skills that you can choose for yourself in the list below, they will help you write a resume faster and, most importantly, write what you are fluent in.


  • Knowledge computer programs (indicate which)
  • Negotiation experience
  • Experience in organizing events to promote the company and increase turnover
  • Experience in recruiting, training, adapting, motivating personnel
  • Experience in people management (indicate the number of people in subordination)
  • Ability to plan
  • Ability to control
  • Ability to make non-standard decisions
  • Team building ability
  • Ability to delegate authority
  • Ability to convince

Personal qualities of a director are those criteria that can describe you as a person, but do not forget that you are a director and experience leaves an imprint on your personal qualities.

Personal qualities of the director

  • Purposefulness
  • Optimism
  • Striving for self-realization
  • Striving for career growth
  • Striving for success
  • Ability to make independent decisions
  • Ability to be held accountable for decisions made
  • Strategic thinking
  • Assertiveness
  • Commitment to innovation
  • Thinking creativity
  • Stress tolerance
  • Desire to work and earn
  • Resourcefulness
  • Enterprise
  • Courage
  • Initiative
  • Exactingness
  • Punctuality
  • Active life position
  • Ready for autonomous operation

This list is approximate and you can add and adjust it for yourself.

Positive and negative sides of the director

As a rule, they are not indicated in the resume, but this question often arises at an interview or when filling out an employer's questionnaire. Therefore, you can add this item to your resume, or read and be ready for this issue.

Positive sides:

  • Developed intuition
  • Ability to inspire by example
  • Exactingness
  • The ability to get to the bottom of the problem

Negative sides:

  • Emotionality
  • It's hard to assess yourself
  • Exactingness

Pointing positive and negative sides, try to argue and describe why this side is peculiar to you and how it affects your work.

When writing a resume, try to be extremely honest with yourself and with your employer. Do not include facts or descriptions that could compromise you. A high-quality resume is a resume drawn up by you and written about the work you really did, do not be afraid to seem impudent if you really performed duties (if, for example, you are applying for a higher position than you held earlier) - indicate that the interview will put everything in its place and if You lied, then you will go on further searches after drawing conclusions, and if you wrote the truth about yourself, you will definitely get the job of your dreams. Quick and easy resume writing and good luck with your interview.