What is an outsourcing company. What is outsourcing and why it is needed. What is outsourcing: simple words about outsourcing

We provide staff for shops and retail chains. To date, more than 2,500 workers work throughout Russia.

The main work that our employees perform is to display in the trading floor, loading, consultation of buyers commodity assortment, work on acceptance and shipment of goods, service of buyers at the checkout, as well as equipment equipment in logistics centers and management of lifting equipment.

We provide staff for shops and retail chains. To date, more than 2,500 workers work throughout Russia.

The main work that our employees perform is to display in the trading room, loading, consulting buyers for the goods assortment, work on acceptance and shipment of goods, service of buyers at the checkout, as well as the equipment of goods in logistics centers and management of lifting equipment.

We provide staff for shops and retail chains. To date, more than 2,500 workers work throughout Russia.

The main work that our employees perform is to display in the trading room, loading, consulting buyers for the goods assortment, work on acceptance and shipment of goods, service of buyers at the checkout, as well as the equipment of goods in logistics centers and management of lifting equipment.

We provide staff for shops and retail chains. To date, more than 2,500 workers work throughout Russia.

The main work that our employees perform is to display in the trading room, loading, consulting buyers for the goods assortment, work on acceptance and shipment of goods, service of buyers at the checkout, as well as the equipment of goods in logistics centers and management of lifting equipment.

We provide staff for shops and retail chains. To date, more than 2,500 workers work throughout Russia.

The main work that our employees perform is to display in the trading room, loading, consulting buyers for the goods assortment, work on acceptance and shipment of goods, service of buyers at the checkout, as well as the equipment of goods in logistics centers and management of lifting equipment.

The concept of outsourcing entered into russian practice Just a few years ago, but already found widespread. The essence of outsourcing is reduced to the transfer of the company specific operations on the execution of a third-party organization.

This phenomenon quickly gothes, the enterprises appreciated all the advantages of the system, and now there are quite high competition in the field of outsourcing services.

Outsourcing - what is it?

Outsourcing (English Outsourcing: Out - an external, outside, source - source) - a set of activities aimed at transferring certain processes and functions of another organization. In general, outsourcing is the use of other people's resources.

Basic signs of outsourcing

  • availability of a function of transmission of functions;
  • long-term agreement (more than a year);
  • transmission of only non-core (non-core) operations;
  • the possibility of transferring business processes (accounting, recruitment, maintenance).

What is an outsourcing company

An organization that makes functions is most often highly specialized, which improves the quality of service and the level of responsibility. Such companies are called outsourcing or outsourcing.

Types of outsourcing

There are many types of outsourcing - almost all non-core activities can be transferred to the execution of outsourcing companies.


One of the most popular forms of outsourcing is rightfully considered to be the transfer of a third-party organization. accounting and reporting in the enterprise. For the results of the enterprise-customer services.

Perhaps several collaboration options:

  • drawing up reports;
  • keeping accounting;
  • complete service (everyday accounting, reporting, creation and conduct of primary documents).

In general, outsourcing accounting services is a convenient function that allows not to create an accounting department at the enterprise.

IT outsourcing

IT outsourcing implies the transfer pretty wide spectrum Functions related to computers and other office equipment. Any service in this area can be attributed to either equipment maintenance (repair of the printer, monoblock, etc.), or to software (creating and maintaining computer programs).

IT Outsourcing is most common worldwide - this is due to the activation of use information technologies and high demands on specialists in this field.

Video - What are the advantages and benefits of IT outsourcing:

Outsourcing staff

Personnel outsourcing is more relevant for large enterprises where personnel turnover is possible. Questions Management of personnel are very costly in time and cost.

Special personnel agencies can take on the functions of hiring staff, calculating the tax burden related to wages, calculating premiums and compensation.

Calculation wages Much less often becomes the object of outsourcing services.

Responsibility for the quality of personnel personnel agency Not carries.


Legal outsourcing is convenient for medium and small companies. Special outsourcing company will make maintenance for tax and labor right. Also, the outsourcing can be reorganized, reorganization and elimination of legal entities.

High qualification of lawyers outsourcing companies allows you to fully pass legal functions. The staff lawyer will most likely cost more than a third-party specialist, since the workload on a specialist is usually low.

Video telling about legal outsourcing:


Logistic outsourcing is also called transport. It implies the transmission of third-party organization transport functions. It is convenient for those enterprises that enjoy logistic services from time to time and there is no need to contain their own logistics service.

The logistics company will take the functions of stocking and finished products, their transportation. All processes associated with transportation and storage are also included in the competence of the transport company.

Video about logistics outsourcing nuances:

Industrial (production)

Production outsourcing is characteristic of high-tech enterprises. Companies in the field of technology and telecommunications transmit a third-party organization the entire production process.

As a result, the cost of manufacturing is reduced, quality and reliability increases. Thus, they can focus on promoting existing goods and develop new types of products.


The main advantages of outsourcing include:

  • cost reduction;
  • reducing the number of personnel;
  • the possibility of concentration on the main activity;
  • obtaining higher quality services;
  • division of responsibility.

The outsourcing should be applied if the payment of the service of a third party company will be more profitable to maintain its own department. That is, the costs of outsource will be lower than the costs of the staff member.

The main advantage of outsourcing is the ability to concentrate on the main activity. So a part of non-core functions is transmitted to another organization, it allows you to save resources that are sent to the development of the enterprise.

Companies engaged in the provision of outsourcing services offer more high quality works and carry responsibility for its results. Their narrow specialization makes it possible to train employees in a timely manner and use advanced technologies, which is also an advantage for the customer's enterprise.


AT absolute indicators The cost of outsourcing is higher than attracting a staff member. But it is also necessary to take into account the real savings of time when comparing and take into account alternative costs.

The outsourcing company is responsible for all payments associated with employee wage: insurance contributionsPayment hospital sheet, maternity leave. Also, in case of temporary downtime, the costs associated with them will also take on an outsourcer.

Many outsourcing companies with long-term contracts offer discounts for the same amount of work. Payment of outsourcing services occurs only on the fact of the work performed.

Exist three types of payment outsourcing:

  • payment by results;
  • payment by the hour specified in the contract;
  • payment of actually spent time.

Most completed payment by resultscash It is translated only after receiving a specific quantitatively measurable result, for example, the preparation of accounting reporting.

Payment by the clockspecified in the contract is usually applied when performing non-standard tasks, temporary standards for which are not established. In this case, the outsourcing company puts forward a proposal for the time of execution, and the enterprise-the Customer agrees to the temporary framework.

Real spent time payment Used, for example, when ordering outsourcing services for personnel hiring. An outsourcing company spent time spent on recruitment. Responsibility for the subsequent work of the employee who taken to work is not boring. He is paid only to actually spent time.

Outsourcing in Russia

At the moment, Russia has already developed a certain understanding of what is outsourcing. But this, in turn, gave rise to many irregular stereotypes. Not all enterprises understand that outsourcing is not a hiring staff "from the side", this is a full cooperation in the specific area.

With outsourcing it is easier to increase power and increase market share. The outsourcing company provides support and full maintenance of a certain process, and therefore the customer is easier to focus on development.

Some large russian companies Already rated the dignity of outsourcing, especially in the field of IT technologies and recruitment. The long-term conclusion of contracts for the transfer of functions allows you to reduce costs from year to year.

Another feature of Russian outsourcing is the attitude of managers to the transfer of functions. It must be remembered that outsourcing is a division of responsibility, and not complete shifting of responsibility on the outsource.


Currently, many world leaders in various industries use the services of outsourcing companies.

Global example successful use Outsourcing is iKEA company (IKEA). At the moment, the company uses more than 2500 third-party organizations for the production of products. Chain supplies (logistics service) is also put on outsourcing. All the activities of the company focuses on the main form of activity - retail sales.

Other large nokia (Nokia) Completely brought to outsourcing maintenance and uses IT-outsourcing companies, which allows the company to reduce costs. Also, Nokia on outsourcing brought the service of the call-center, which allowed the enterprise to focus on the main production and marketing, as well as on the creation of a new product.

Discussion (14)

    Any outsourcing services have now become very popular, and there is simply no removal from customers. Well, much easier to transfer work on the outsource if you do not have time and where you pick up necessary man ourselves.

    Outsourcing in Russian This is when the same employees remain in the same places and perform the same work, but they are subject to another employer and receive a significantly lower salary. In this case, the former employer pays outsourcing. Companies are many times more than paid to this to their employees. Who is profitable who is profitable and where does the difference go?

    This is how it is in our area (Bashkortostan). We are, that is, those personnel, transferred to this outsourcing company, where you need to sign an agreement every three months. And how we explained we will work and in labor book The record will not, and the experience will not be. Hospital, holidays either. ?

    The reduction in the number of staffing staff primarily, the creation of an outsourcing company themselves by the head of production, a set in the state of outsourcing firm not qualified personnel, the lack of socialist, and finally taxes that could replenish the state. Here are our Russian outsourcing.

    Yes, the delimitation of powers! The head of the head from the bustle, every specialty of his business and performs his duties clearly. Drugs in socialism even doctors

    And tell me on labor protection can I provide outsourcing services? If so, tell me where to start, education there is a direction of technosphere safety.

  1. Hello.
    Our company is searching for personnel for work watch method On the territory of the Russian Federation.
    Now we are engaged in expanding the market for the sale of our services, namely, finding companies with which in the future we plan to work closely,
    For a small commission, we are ready to provide you with employees at the current time job.
    If you are interested in our offer, then all the conditions we will be able to discuss in the future.
    If you are interested in our offer, then we will wait for your reply to email.

    I am an accountant, I have long been dreaming to engage outsourcing services, but I'm afraid! And I'm afraid not so much that I can not cope with or that I will throw me, it scares me that I can trite not to find customers.

    My business is a cargo taxi service. it small organization, staff five people. There is also a salary to employees a senior dispatcher. The rest of accounting was transferred to a third-party organization. Accountant-Professional reporting for my company. It is convenient, so the outsourcing of accounting services for me is the perfect option.

    I can say that the outsourcing phenomenon is described here in ideal conditions, as it should be. A sort of "spherical horse in vacuum." In our realities in this area there are a lot of abuse. In fact, an outsourcing agreement is a loophole, which allows, for example, a variety of hubs, subordinated executive bodies authorities, after the conclusion of state contracts with the state. By the customer to give the stated work by a third-party sub. Contractor (at the same time GUP leaves itself margin and appears as a performer of work). This is absolutely legally, since neither 223 FZ, nor 94 ФЗ in no way regulate and do not prohibit the organization that won the competition, to attract an outsourcing contract to outsourced companies that actually perform work.
    I know this scheme is pretty good, since it often came across it personally, worked in public sector many years.
    This example, of course, does not mean that by itself the practice of attracting contractors within the framework of the outsourcing is vicious. In private business, for example, it is used quite successfully and justified. And if we talk about a small business, then outsourcing - almost a major means for saving the fot at the first time of the functioning of any organization.

    A fairly convenient proposal for doing business in the enterprise. And indeed, if the company is small, why have a whole for example, the accounting department so that once or two a year is one or another report))) Now everything is simple. You can easily enter into an agreement with a third-party office, which is engaged in a particular service required for you. And that's all! If necessary, you can use their services, thereby facilitating your work and freeing the time, and most importantly saving money! This type of service is really relatively recently popular in our country, but today it has been greatly popular.

    Undoubtedly, the outsourcing services are a great future. Now there are a lot of firms whose state is not a few. For example, in a firm in which 5 full-time employees, it is unprofitable to keep an accountant, a specialist in computers and IT, but there is also a considerable need for such services. Firms that provide outsourcing services also spend little time on such clients, receiving payment or by hours, or by the result. Profitable and convenient.

Updated 04/01/2014. The article is relevant for the entire 2014.
To date, the people have come to humans that the person's specialization already, the more competent in it. The professionalism of such a person is no doubt. But, often, for medium and small enterprises, the content of such a person in the state is an exorbitant burden. They simply cannot pay it. There is a concept as "outsourcing". What is it?

Aunting - this is the transfer of some production functions Or business processes for serving a third party company, which specializes in the right area. But, unlike support, having a one-time or episodic nature (came - made - left), functions for professional support of the performance of individual systems based on a permanent contract (for a period of 1 year) are transmitted to outsourcing.

What types of outsourcing

Traditionally, it is customary to allocate the following directions:

  • - in most cases it is programming; website development; Development and maintenance of software; Technology maintenance (Peripherals Setting: Printers, Mice, Scanners). Including may concern and develop sufficiently large and complex computing systems, as in the case of the date of the centers.
  • Production outsourcing - Transfer of part of the production functions by third-party manufacturers. For example, advertising agencies using typography and their printed power or wine houses that acquire wine and spill them under their own brands.
  • Business Process Outsourcing - Transfer to the organization-performer of a separate business process (or several), which is not the main one. For example, accounting, personnel management, advertising, logistics, marketing.
  • Outsourcing knowledge management - Management of those types of processes that require a deeper study or serious analytical processing of large data arrays, creating and managing knowledge bases (BZ), which will later be applied to support decision-making. This type of outsourss is just beginning to gain popularity in the United States.

Consider in more detail one of the directions, namely IT industry.
Here, outsourcing implies the transfer to the service of a third party company. information systems.
If we talk in general, then for successful business management today, it is not necessary to fulfill all the functions of the company with the help of your staff, because it is possible to shift these processes on the shoulders specialized organization. The firm that takes over "other people's" functions are called outsourcing, or outsourcer.

The most dissemination in practice received subscriber maintenance of computers. Thus, the customer is offered a full package of services, allowing him not to hire a system administrator.
The complex usually includes the following types of services:

  • setting up and hardware of equipment;
  • setup and update software;
  • network protection from unauthorized access from outside;
  • antivirus protection;
  • timely repair and replacement of accompanied equipment;
  • backup information (backup);
  • counseling and training personnel.

From the associated services, you can mark the laying of local networks, IP telephony and PBX setting, IT audit and consulting. That is why this type of outsourcing often acquires the service form of the entire complex of information systems of the client.

Data Cases (Code)

Today, even small and medium-sized companies are increasingly facing the need for large computing. It is not enough of its facilities and date-centers and data centers come to the rescue. It eliminates the company from attracting financing, solving problems with energy supply, purchasing server equipment and security. Also, the codes periodically require upgrades. Small companies It is just unprofitable. It is easier and cheaper to conclude a SLA contract with a commercial data center and get data processing services as a service.

The history of appearance in Russia

At the sources of outsourcing in Russian Federation Steel private security companieswhich allowed hundreds of enterprises to protect their business, no matter how small or large, it is, better and more professional, but at the same time do not contain several regular guards. At first everything was organized at a low level. But gradually niche developed, and marketing has gained increasing importance. Marketing specialists at that time simply disastrously lacked, it created a favorable soil for the emergence and formation of specialized advertising agencies that were able to conduct complex projects.

After advertising agencies PR-agencies and some research companies pulled up.
And in now distant 1998, a boom of Runet began. It was he who led to the emergence of not only thousands of sites, but also a gigantic market for their creation and promotion. For many people, it was an amazing opportunity, as a result of which 3 hosting companies appeared (like three whales): MasterHost, RTCOMM.ru and Utransit (former Valuehost). According to independent research of RUNET, more than 65% of Russian sites have to accommodate these three companies.

Now you know what kind of outsourcing is what types of outsourcing, its history and formation.

What are the types of outsourcing services? How to choose the outsourcing company? What is the features of online store outsourcing?

Good day to all visitors of the online journal "Khitirbobur"! With you Anna Medvedev. Our article we devote the subject of outsourcing.

The benefits of outsourcing have already been rated by many entrepreneurs and managers of enterprises. We will try to fully disclose this concept, as well as help you understand the nuances of the process.

This information will be useful to anyone who seeks to reduce costs and optimize their commercial activities.

So, let's begin!

1. What is outsourcing and when can it be needed?

The term "outsourcing" - English origin. His literal translation is "use of external resources."

This is the transfer of secondary functions of the organization of another company, which specializes in this direction. The presence of a business process and the duration of cooperation (1 year or more) distinguish it from other types of services.

What is the essence? The management of each organization seeks to ensure that all areas of its activities are on high level. But it is ideal.

In practice, it is quite difficult. After all, not every enterprise can afford to contain at the state of highly qualified employees, absolutely all departments are too consistent.

Usually, preference is given to specialists of the profile sphere. Of these, they choose the best, provide the ability to improve the qualifications, pay for their work at the proper level.

Employees of others, non-core services are rarely counting on it. Under this category, personnel, computer, lawyers and different employees fall into this category. And the result from their activity wants to get good.

It may also be situations when:

  • the company is too small to maintain additional services, for example, the personnel department;
  • the costs of the content of full-time employees are higher than on the remuneration of outsourcers;
  • internal resources are not so much to spend them on the search and content of frames for performing secondary functions.

Therefore, outsourcing cooperation is a very tempting alternative. You give a certain work by the firm that specializes only in this direction. Naturally, its employees have a higher qualifications and more professionally perform their work.

2. How can outsourcing - Overview of the top 6 of the main species

The outsourcing is optionally transmitted to the full amount of the work of a separate profile. You can conclude a contract for the execution of only part of the functions, leaving the field for activities and its full-time specialists.


The company contains one accountant. He is engaged in processing and systematization primary documentationnecessary for different reports.

On this work regular accountant ends. It transmits documents from the outsource, whose specialists make up all reporting and give it to the tax authority.

Let's see now, which of the types of outsourcing services are most popular.

View 1.

The ordinary staffing employee for maintenance of computers and local networks usually has a minimal set of professional skills and skills. And when it comes to programming, it becomes very bad.

Therefore, the sphere of computer maintenance - almost the first candidate for the outsourcing contract. About how it is better to do, read in the article "".

View 2. Accounting outsourcing

View 3. Outsourcing labor protection

The concept of labor protection for many is very vague. If a separate service is organized at large enterprises, then you often do not even know about it. And the law requires compliance with the rules and rules.

View 4. Legal outsourcing

With the legal department is problematic in all. Hiring highly qualified specialists may not have every organization. Small enterprises are generally unprofitable. In addition, there are no such lawyers who would be professionals absolutely in all areas of jurisprudence.

If you give the work of lawyers to outsourcing, you can get comprehensively competent business. About this - in the article "".

View 5. Personnel outsourcing

The work of the personnel department, especially in small enterprises, is often given to other specialists - the secretary, accountant, lawyer. If the organization is actively expanding, a careful selection of personnel is very difficult to pay time and due attention.

This situation is well known to many. It is also known at what level the work of the personnel. Outsourcing in this case is a way out of the situation, as described in the articles "" and "".

View 6. Sales outsourcing

The work of sales managers is a very twist sphere. They are always looking for and all, since conscientious, hardworking and efficiently get to get so simple.

But in the market of outsourcing companies, it is possible to find such. In addition, with a specialized firm, you can enter into an agreement on outsourcing online stores. This form of cooperation is described in the article "".

On outsourcing can also be given foreign economic activity. You can read this publication "" on our resource.

3. How to go to outsourcing - step-by-step instructions for novice businessmen

Where to start and in what direction to think? Let's make an exemplary algorithm.

Step 1. We carry out an analysis of the company's activities

Despite the fact that outsourcing has many advantages, not for all it is acceptable. And the first thing you need to determine - does he need you? And for this you need to thoroughly analyze the situation at the enterprise.

It means:

  • determine the goals and objectives of the transition to outsourcing;
  • calculate how much the contents of the standard service costs;
  • calculate how much outsourcing service will do;
  • compare indicators and draw conclusions.

The more carefully you will conduct an analysis of the company's activities, the more accurately you can determine the need to go to outsourcing.

Step 2. Choose an outsourcer company

The success of the entire enterprise is primarily depends on. Make a list of outsource requirements. Then examine the market and stop at several companies that match your requests as much as possible.

Regardless of the criteria that you have determined, a serious outsourcer firm must have:

  • good reputation;
  • work experience;
  • solid clients;
  • positive reviews;
  • licenses;
  • insurance.

Spend negotiations, specify the terms of cooperation and then define the choice.

When choosing a company, it is better to refer to specialists who can get a good advice. It is desirable that such a company worked in different legal directions and had a solid reputation.

We recommend contacting the portal "Rovem Company". Here you will receive an answer to any question in the field of jurisprudence or be able to order a deployed consultation. A large number of lawyers collaborating with the service makes it possible to choose a specialist who will suit you.

The word outsourcing was formed from the English term " out Source» - external source (Channel, resource). Technically, this means that the work of a non-permanent specialist belonging to the staff of the organization is used to fulfill a certain type of work.

Example 1.: Small construction company He is engaged in the repair of apartments and houses, but does not have in his own designer with a constant wage, but attracts as an independent professional needs.

On the other hand, in contrast to the wilted specialists attracted to perform any one-time work, cooperation on the principle of outsourcing is implemented on a permanent basis and involves interaction for a period of at least one year.

Example 2.: Service Brigade Services Repair grocery Store It will not be outsourcing, since it is performed at all (until the end of the repair). In turn, the services of the IT company engaged in constant promotion and update of the site, as well as technical support CRM Systems The same store - will refer to the category of outsourcing.

Any type of work can be made to outsourcing, with the exception of the main activity of a particular enterprise.

Example 3.: Car service with hired employees on piecework payment attracts to the calculation of the financial statements and salaries of the incoming accountant. In this case, specialists carrying out car repair will be the main state, and the coming accountant is an outsourcing specialist.

Thus, it is possible to formulate the following simple definition: Outsourcing is the transfer of nonsense processes to third-party specialists on a regular basis.

Views and categories of outsourcing

The main task of attracting external resources can be called a decrease in business costs and the possibility of concentration on solving the main task of the enterprise. Based on this, several types of outsourcing distinguish between this, which are conditionally divided into three characteristic groups: production, procedural and managerial.

Production and managerial outsourcing

The outsourcing production model consists in the transfer of processes for the production of products under the trademark of the customer's company or a certain category of components to it. Such services may resort industrial enterprisesFor which there may be unprofitable launch of a new separate line or workshop, as well as organizations involved in the scientific research and development of new technologies. Such a format of work has the most popular with electronics manufacturers.

Management (knowledge management outsourcing) - the transfer of business processes related to the analysis of certain information, data or statistics, on the basis of which the justification may be formulated for the adoption of certain management or investment solutions strategic planning Enterprises.

Procedural outsourcing and varieties

Procedural outsourcing is the largest group and the most popular type of delegation of tasks to third-party resources. He implies the transfer to the fulfillment of related permanent processes. Depending on the type of services, procedural outsourcing is divided into several subcategories:

  • Financial - Accounting and banking services, audit, design and preparation of documentation for tax authorities, salary calculation.
  • Legal - Preparation of contracts, registration of documentation in the field of enterprise enterprise, representation in courts, verification of partners.
  • Technical - repair and service production equipment, Communication systems.
  • Logistic - Supply of raw materials and goods, development of optimal routes, the provision of fleet, tracking and integrating the tracking system.
  • IT outsourcing - Maintenance and repair of computer systems, Internet resources, development and integration of software.
  • Cleaning - Office cleaning and warehouse, trading rates and industrial zones.
  • Service - Services call centers and technical support first levels.
  • Marketing - Market research, planning and organization advertising campaigns, promotion of basic services or product on the market.
  • Sales Outsourcing (Telemarketing) - Transfer of sales department functions.
  • Secret - Ensuring the safety of the enterprise (private security), resolving issues on the organization of labor protection in production.
  • Outsourcing frames - selection and personnel management, analysis of the efficiency of specialists, preparation and adaptation of employees.
  • Non-specialized - involves attracting specialists a certain type of activity (designers, translators).
  • Outsourcing power - Mobile power services for employees, catering.

A separate type of procedural outsourcing is an outstaffing (personnel leasing or borrowed work), which involves the provision of employees from one company another on a long-term basis.

Considering such services as outsourcing staff what it is simple words It can be formulated as follows: the staff is documented in the outsourcing company, although they work on the customer's company. The latter it allows you to get rid of problems with the selection of personnel, the design of documentation, taxes, as well as dismissal and subsequent social obligations, since if necessary, an inappropriate employee is simply replaced by an outsourcing company to another.

Since 2014, in the Russian Federation, this type of service is prohibited, with the exception of the following cases:

  • Temporary employees are sent to work in a company that can affect the activities of the guide (outsourcing) company or if the share agreement is valid between them.
  • The guide company is registered as an employment agency.

Types of outsourcing on geopolitical features

Outsourcing is also classified into separate groups and on geopolitical criteria, divided into:

  • Interior The contract is concluded between the parties operating in the legal field of one state.
  • International - Transfer of certain processes foreign companyFor the lack of a necessary view or level of services in the domestic market.
  • Offshore - international outsourcing, in which the priority is to attract inexpensive work force and inexpensive industrial resources. It can be a production, software development, call centers, etc. The most attractive countries for offshore outsourcing today are China, Romania, Philippines, India, Pakistan, Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Egypt and Bangladesh.

Who can provide outsourcing services and how such labor relations are regulated

Actually external labor resource can be both separate independent specialists and large companies. At the same time, they can be an independent subject. business activities, parts and divisions of large firms, as well as individuals.

Officially, the concept of outsourcing in domestic legislation does not exist, as well as strict Sample contract. Consequently, when designing such labor relationship Interactive parties can be any capable faces and legally working organizations, between which the contract for the provision of services is applied. In such a contract, as a rule, negotiate:

  • list of works (services);
  • qualifications of attracted specialists;
  • turnaround time;
  • responsibility of the parties and fines imposed in the breakdown of the timing of work;
  • calculation format for services;
  • contract validity;
  • requirements for data confidentiality;
  • terms of early termination.

At the same time, the agreements themselves may be issued for outsourcing provided in various volumes:

  • Full - With this format, the contractor receives full (or almost complete) information on the company's activities and performs all types of work on the selected sector. For example, it can be the development and integration of optimal logistics processes At all levels of the company.
  • Partial - only part of the work is transmitted in a particular field. For example, in the task of the outsourcer, only the maintenance of a particular software may include, without access to the entire IT system of the enterprise.
  • Joint - provides for the transfer of part of the services on subnogors. Thus, the outsourcing of accounting services for the enterprise can perform one specialist, and the delivery of the tax reporting attracted by the subcontractor.
  • Intermediate - implies the transfer of own specialists from the company under the management of an outsourcer.

What types of external cooperation are not outsourcing

Quite often outsourcing is confused with freelance services, but there is a significant difference. The freelancer is just a free specialist who theoretically can work under an outsourcing agreement, but only if it is presented it will be considered an outsourcer. On the other hand, an outsourcer can also be a large firm, not falling under the category of freelance. Thus, freelance is a workshop search format for a specialist, and outsourcing is a type of labor relationship between the customer and the service provider.

It is not an outsourcing and dropshipping, because in this case there are no such parameters as: the volume of work, the period of execution, the level of payment and the fixed term of the contract. Theoretically, in such relationships, the supplier simply nominally sells the goods to DropShipper, and he resells it to the end consumer.

The advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing

Speaking about attracting external resources for small business processes, it is worth understanding that such a format in practice has its advantages and cons. Knowing them, you can decide which activities can be entrusted with a third-party organization, and what is better to leave full-known specialists.

The main advantages are as follows:

  • Ability to focus on the main form of activity, Completing additional processes.
  • Getting more qualified services. As a rule, external specialists, working with several companies, have more experience, and intensively engage in self-development and education, which is necessary to maintain their own competitiveness.
  • Guarantees for obtaining results. If an outsourcer does not fulfill his duties on time and at the proper level, the fines are imposed on it.
  • Saving cash resources for labor. There is no need to pay wages, premium and other types of payments. Outsourcer takes payment exclusively for the scope of work.
  • Removal social responsibility When terminating the contract. When changing the employee, there is no need to report to the employment center and pay compensation.
  • Reduced tax liabilities. The staff members from the position of tax services are regarded as positively affecting the level of profits, while the outsourcing services are direct expenses in the activities of the enterprise.
  • Lack of problems with the nebody of employees (holidays, hospital). In such cases, as a rule, an outsourcer is obliged to provide a specialist for replacement.
  • The possibility of fast reorganization production processes and business transformation. The less employees in the organization, the higher its mobility and ability to adapt to dynamic changes in the market, simply refusing unnecessary services or quickly acquiring new ones.

Disadvantages of outsourcing:

  • Dependency on Contract Terms. At a regular specialist, you can assign a wide range of functions and responsibilities, without changing the payroll, while the outsourcer works strictly as part of the contract conditions.
  • The complexity of the search for a specialist, deeply understanding business features. A staffing employee does not need to explain the peculiarities of the industry, which allows him to take the most optimal solutions.
  • The need to disclose confidential data and business secrets. The transfer of internal data of a third-party organization increases the risks of theft of valuable information by competitive organizations.
  • The difficulty of assessing the potential of employees of the attracted contractor. Trusting the work of the company outsource, you rely on a third-party view of the qualifications of attracted specialists, which does not always coincide with your standards.
  • The possibility of occurrence conflict situations between internal and external specialists. When ordering specialist services from the company of an outsourcer (especially with partial outsourcing), staff members may regard the actions of the head as a low assessment of their professional abilities.
  • Probability of downtime. If, for example, a production equipment was rendered to outsourcing, the waiting for the Master's arrival in the event of a breakdown may stop the process for a long time, while the staff member, being constantly in place, would quickly solve the problem.
  • The need for continuous process control.

Analyzing the possibilities that the outsourcing provides that it is not difficult to formulate such simple words. In fact - this is a relationship between the employer and the performer not on the rights labor contract, with obligations arising from it, and on the terms of the partner agreement, delivering from a number of formalities and gives an additional degree of freedom for both parties.