Sample lawyer resume for work sample. Lawyer's resume: professionalism, analytical mindset and even creative thinking. We write about achievements in the resume

Are you a student or recent law graduate? Then we come to you with this article! Read our instructions on how to write a lawyer's resume correctly, study our example at the end of the article and create your own in our constructor.


Many companies and law firms are happy to accept students and recent graduates on the staff in order to transfer their routine job duties... Of course, it will be boring to go through the documents all day long at first, but without this, nowhere is the experience and the opportunity to see the real side work.

Students can apply for internships - whether paid or not - or urgent work employment contract before graduation. Recent graduates with little or no experience are expected in the position of legal assistant or associate lawyer. Study internships or vacancies on the website of your faculty or go to the dean's office for information - your favorite university can not only give knowledge, but also help with work. For example, the website of the law faculty of Moscow State University has published more than 40 job offers, and the website of the HSE Faculty of Law has more than 30.

If you have any experience, everything is simple - correctly describe it. More on this,. But writing a resume for a lawyer without experience will be more difficult, but also realistic. Remember everything that you studied at the university: what documents were examined, cases were examined, laws were studied. What else to write about in our material, there is a sample there.

To make it a little clearer for you what to write about, we did samples of duties of lawyers for resume :

  • Submission of documents to courts and other state bodies;
  • Study of materials of court cases and their copying;
  • Analysis of postal correspondence, preparation of letters to the authorities;
  • Preparation of inquiries and documents (statements of claim, petitions, appeals and cassation complaints, statements, claims, contracts, acts, etc.);
  • Claim work;
  • Maintaining schedules of court cases;
  • Representing clients in government bodies, institutions, credit organizations, in an arbitration court;
  • Participation together with a lawyer in court proceedings;
  • Search for information on the Internet, preparation analytical reports on the required topic;
  • Legal due diligence of counterparties;
  • Visits to court, government agencies, bailiffs, banks on behalf of and under the supervision of senior specialists.

Examples of possible professional achievements:

  • Prepared more than 15 lawsuits in court in a month;
  • Resolved 70% of conflicts in pre-trial;
  • Conducted an examination of more than 30 contracts per month: purchase and sale, insurance, lease;
  • Represented the interests of the company in arbitration courts, courts of general jurisdiction and magistrates' courts in civil and administrative cases, in total - 11.

As you can see, each option uses measurable results - the number of claims, the percentage of resolved conflicts, the number of contracts. Regardless of the industry, employers love to see visual results of work.

Professional skills

The most important skill of a lawyer for a resume is knowledge of the legislation of the Russian Federation. The rest of the knowledge is also important, but not so much :) What else employers want to see in a lawyer's resume :

  • Knowledge of the basics of civil law, bankruptcy law, arbitration process, etc .;
  • Programs: Word, Excel, Garant, ConsultantPlus;
  • Skill in drafting contracts, procedural documents, analytical opinions and other documents;
  • Knowledge of the trial;
  • Competent Russian for drafting documents and communicating with clients and partners;
  • Business correspondence skills.

Agree, Word and Excel are quite possible to study well on their own. Examples of required documents you can look on the Internet and ask the teacher at the university to explain the subtleties. If it's still difficult - scroll down, there is an example of a lawyer's resume.


Jurisprudence is not internet marketing, it is difficult to do online courses here: it will not work to get fundamental legal and legal knowledge while sitting at home. But you can always enrich a lawyer's resume with information about some interesting and informative course. For example, we have a Yale Undergraduate Law Course, a Harvard Professor of Contracts, and a 6-week course on Intellectual Property and IP Law from the University of Pennsylvania. The names of famous universities will grab the attention of a recruiter!


The rules for drawing up and designing a resume are the same for any profession:

  • Avoid overly creative designs;
  • Use readable fonts;
  • Clearly write down achievements and responsibilities, preferably a list;
  • Download your resume in a format that will be convenient to view on any device.

For other mandatory rules when writing a resume, see. Also, do not forget to study which must be removed.

You should not choose bright design colors and non-standard templates to design a lawyer's resume. Stick to classics and restrained colors: black, gray, navy. We have: minimalistic, strict, stylish.

Covering letter

We remind you once again that with a cover letter, young specialists can somehow smooth out the little experience or its complete absence. Of course, provided that the cover letter is really catchy. for those who find it difficult to create from scratch.

In your cover letter, tell us about your motivation and professional dreams: you want to develop in this particular company, consider only the banking sector for study, etc. Often it is the cover letter that is decisive in the selection of candidates! To help - no kidding.

What you don't need to write about:

  • About all subjects from educational program;
  • Experience that has nothing to do with future job responsibilities. For example, working as a waiter or promoter. But the work as a secretary can be specified if you worked with documents and communicated with partners of the company;
  • About non-core courses. A long list of completed marketing or development courses will give the recruiter an idea - are you going to change the field of activity.

Sample resume for the work of a lawyer

They did not leave you without help and made a visual sample of the resume - study and.

The functions of a lawyer in any company are reduced to ensuring the legality of transactions, control of literacy in the preparation of contracts and other documentation, advising the manager on legal aspects commercial activities... The reputation of the company, the degree of trust in it on the part of partners and contractors directly depends on the qualifications of this employee. On our website, an applicant for an interesting vacancy can compose and download a ready-made example of a lawyer's resume, which will open up new horizons for his career growth.

It's easy to write a resume for a lawyer position

Over time, an unspoken resume form was formed, which is perceived by employers more effectively. This unapproved template contains the following information about an in-house attorney applicant:

  • personal data: full name, registration address, age, marital status, phone number and address email for feedback;
  • indication of the purpose of the resume - a vacant position;
  • information on the level of education: where and when the applicant studied - in the context of educational institutions, including advanced training or retraining courses;
  • chronology of experience: information on the full legal name of employers, duration of employment. This section also briefly lists the duties of the specialist at each duty station and his professional achievements.

Resume writing is a somewhat creative process. Therefore, a job seeker should win over a potential employer by telling a little more about himself.

Key skills and abilities for a lawyer resume

When the main places of work are arranged in chronological order, the lawyer can move on to writing the following sections:

  1. professional skills are skills conditioned by theoretical training and practical abilities of a person. For an employee of the legal service, the most useful character traits are literate speech, possession foreign languages, diplomatic negotiation, ability to make quick decisions in difficult situations and firm convictions;
  2. personal qualities that a lawyer can mention should characterize him as a responsible, purposeful and balanced employee;
  3. additional information - this section most often contains data on the availability of a lawyer with related specialties (knowledge of economics or accounting, the ability to shorthand, etc.). Most often, job seekers in this paragraph indicate computer literacy, excellent knowledge of specialized legal software.

Drawing up a resume should bring a specialist closer to the position of his dreams, therefore, it is worth considering the design and spelling very carefully. If any sections are difficult, you can download a document template and fill it with your own data.

What else can an employee's resume for a legal position contain?

On our website you will find several options for CV design. Some recruiting agencies recommend that you include references from previous employers in your description of your capabilities and skills.

The practice of applying feedback to an employee from his previous place of work is widely used in Europe. Making a recommendation for a resigned lawyer is a voluntary work of every manager. But the description of the employee as a responsible and competent lawyer will be additional proof of his high competence.

To new employer I was able to check the attached information, the contact information of the person who issued it is put on the recommendations.

Another resume focus that employers pay attention to is a high-quality photograph of the candidate. It is important for many employers to have at least an external impression of the person who will deal with all legal issues firms.

How to download a resume form

If you don't have time to compose a resume from scratch, or if you want to get a high-quality result in a shorter time, you can download a document template on our resource. Almost all resumes of applicants for the position are carefully checked for spelling errors, because literacy is extremely important for a company lawyer.

Lawyer Resume Sample is a ready-made and functional template. With such an assistant, create a unique description of your capabilities and key strengths easy peasy.

Arguments in favor ready-made solutions - saving time, using time-tested advice, high-quality design, maintaining a single style, the ability to insert photos, etc. Our resumes have several variations, the user can choose the one he likes best for himself.

Just a few minutes separate a good lawyer from his dream job! Our specialists have already done all the main work, you just need to enter information about the job seeker.

A lawyer is the company's guide in the world of legislation and law, which means that he is a specialist who must know everything and about everything. He is not only a consultant, but also a direct executor of the employer's instructions related to documenting the main legal points in the company's activities, an expert in the contractual work of the organization. An experienced employer reads a lawyer's resume meticulously, because it is this specialist who should become an example of scrupulousness, attentiveness and exactingness to compliance with the law.

Principles of writing a resume for the position of a lawyer

A lawyer is a specialist who is called upon to bring all the company's actions in strict accordance with the rules established by law. That is why a lawyer's resume should be, without exaggeration, "exemplary" in terms of design. While there are no formalized forms and guidelines for writing a resume, there are unwritten rules for a successful written presentation. They are based on the principles of drawing up business documents, as well as on some psychological aspects perception by employers of information about applicants.

An experienced employer will read the lion's share of information about the personal and even professional qualities of the applicant for the position "between the lines" of the resume.

The structure of a good CV

The classic (developed by the practice of using the document in the field of personnel recruiting, popular and successful) resume consists of 5-7 sections.

  1. Applicant's personal data - full name, place of residence, age, marital status, contact information.
  2. The purpose of the document is to indicate a specific title or range of desired positions (for example, "The purpose of the resume is to seek the position of a lawyer").
  3. Information block "Information about education", which includes a list of graduated institutions of basic vocational education and methods of obtaining additional education (courses, schools, trainings, seminars, master classes).
  4. Work experience section - description professional activity the applicant in the format of listing iconic jobs with an indication of the job duties performed, labor achievements.
  5. Section "Professional Skills" - the applicant's description of their own knowledge and skills in the field of the applied specialty.
  6. Information about personal qualities - character traits that contribute to the successful and high-quality performance of duties for the desired position.
  7. Additional information - information about skills, abilities, hobbies that are indirectly related to the functions of the job sought.
  8. Recommendations - characteristics of the personality and professional level of the applicant, given by the previous employers (as a separately attached document). Instead of recommendations, you can provide contact information of former employers for direct contact if necessary.

Do I need a photo

The expediency of the position of the photograph to the resume is a question that does not have an unambiguous answer, even among personnel recruiting specialists:

  • much depends on the functionality of the desired position - if it involves representing the company to clients, contractors, government agencies, the applicant's appearance matters, and a well-chosen photograph will certainly become an advantage;
  • on the contrary, the absence of a photo, provided that the content of the resume is highly attractive for the employer, will induce him to schedule a personal meeting (interview);
  • a low-quality photo that does not correspond to the basic rules of self-presentation is much worse than no photo at all in the resume.

For a lawyer - a specialist who will communicate with counterparties about the conclusion, amendment, termination of contracts, appear in court and others government agencies on behalf of the company legal issues - photo application is desirable.

The principles of a "correct" photo in a lawyer's resume are not too different from similar rules for other professionals.

  1. The photo must be of high quality - it is better to entrust its production to a professional.
  2. The picture must be of one person.
  3. It is not necessary to select an emphatically business photo (as for documents), employers are more comfortable with a free posture, a light smile of the applicant shown in the picture.
  4. Before taking a photo for a resume, you need to think over your image and environment to the smallest detail. It is recommended to collect your hair in a neat, business-like hairstyle, do light daytime makeup, wear a business suit or a suit close to that.

Key rules for formatting resume text

A competently, neatly drawn up resume is a mandatory requirement for a lawyer.After all, this specialist is an expert in the field of documentation.

The general principles of resume design are as follows:

  • the absence of any kind of errors and typos in the text (it is imperative to read it several times before sending it);
  • consistent formatting - the same headings, indents, font style and size, line spacing;
  • conciseness - including only the most important information in the resume. The total volume of the document should not exceed 2 pages.

The main quality of a professional lawyer is the ability to highlight important information and “weed out” secondary information.

Covering letter

A lawyer in his resume must demonstrate highest level knowledge in the field of business document management. Therefore, it is for him that it is very desirable to draw up a cover letter for the resume.

Accompanying a resume with a separate letter is a Western trend, which is gradually entering the national traditions of personnel recruiting. Some kind of its similarity is drawn up when sending a resume by e-mail (attached document).

A cover letter usually consists of the following elements:

  • the name and address of the company - the potential employer;
  • Full name and return address applicant;
  • a greeting in business style (for example, "Hello, dear Ivan Ivanovich!");
  • message about sending a resume indicating the name of a specific position;
  • an indication of the source of one's own knowledge of the vacancy;
  • a brief description of your strengths as a candidate for the position;
  • a request to send information about the decision made by the employer on the summary.

Features of drawing up a lawyer's resume + samples

Corporate lawyer (in house lawyer) is a specialist who is responsible for legal issues in a company of any form of ownership, of any organizational and legal form. As a rule, this is a so-called business lawyer with a specialization in the field of production or services in which the company operates (construction, trade, provision of consumer services).

Contrary to popular belief, a lawyer cannot know “everything about everything” - this is physically impossible. Good lawyer is a narrow specialist. That is why the resume should focus on your specialization.

Duties of a lawyer

The functions of a specialist working in a company are varied.

  1. Advising management and employees on legal issues, if necessary - with the preparation of written substantiated opinions.
  2. Claims work - filing claims for non-fulfillment of obligations to counterparties, clients, representing the company's interests in court.
  3. Contractual work - verification and approval of all agreements concluded by the organization, drawing up protocols of disagreements.
  4. Representing the interests of a company in government agencies on all legal issues (registration of a change in the composition of founders, changes to the charter, obtaining licenses, acquiring or alienating property rights to real estate, registering a pledge).

Depending on the field of activity and the size of the company legal work can deal with both a single employee and a whole legal department. In the latter, work among lawyers is usually distributed in accordance with the listed functional areas. There is also such a position as legal assistant (or trainee), the functions of which are:

  • documentary and technical support department work (lawyer);
  • execution of orders in all areas of activity.

Information about education in the CV of a lawyer

A lawyer is a specialist with a specialized education. At the same time, the requirements for the level of this education are usually high:

  • a small private company may well accept a lawyer with a secondary specialized education;
  • most medium and large organizations have higher education requirements;
  • large serious organizations sometimes set additional conditions, for example, on the availability of an academic degree or on the candidate's state education.

Information about completed by the applicant educational institutions are given in the summary in chronological order, with an indication of each:

  • the name of the educational institution;
  • period of study or year of graduation;
  • received specialty.

High school should not be listed on the list of graduated educational institutions.

For a lawyer of any specialization, it is extremely important additional education - narrow-profile courses, trainings, seminars, conferences.

All of this should be mentioned in the education section. However, one should not list absolutely all the implemented methods of obtaining additional knowledge, it is better to dwell on the most recent (for a period of up to 5 years) and relevant.

Work experience, achievements

Having a lot of experience in a similar position in a job seeker's career is a great advantage. However, the result of reviewing a resume is no less dependent on the chosen method of presenting information.

  1. A lawyer is not advised to declare broad profile own knowledge and skills - it will look incredible. Emphasis should be placed on only one branch of law or field of activity, that which is more close to the functions of the desired position.
  2. Responsibilities at former jobs should not be thoughtlessly copied from job description - it is better to give more specifics, to adapt the functions to those required for the position sought.
  3. The enumeration of the stages of work should begin from the last place of work.
  4. You should not list all the jobs if there are more than five. You should dwell on the most basic of them.

When writing a resume, you should not forget about your own labor achievements... Among them, it is recommended to indicate not only official incentives for former employers (certificates, awarded titles, commendations, one-time bonuses), but also specific labor indicators, for example:

  • an indication of a successful high-profile court case;
  • reduction of indicators successful work with bad debts;
  • an indication of the successful registration of complex legal action (mortgage, mortgage, change of founders, increase in authorized capital).

Professional skills and abilities

A lawyer should reduce the list of professional skills and knowledge to one or several specializations. So, if a resume is submitted for the position of a lawyer engaged in litigation, the following should prevail:

  • knowledge in the field of procedural legislation;
  • skills in calculating debts, the amount of fines and penalties;
  • the ability to legally competently draw up a claim;
  • skills in preparing documents for filing in court;
  • the ability to draw up a statement of claim;
  • the ability to represent the interests of the company in court - to act as a plaintiff, defendant, claimant, debtor, third party;
  • skills of interaction with bailiffs, preparation of requests, assistance in legal proceedings (arrest, sale of the debtor's property, etc.).

If the position involves contractual work, the resume should be dominated by:

  • knowledge in the field of civil and commercial legislation;
  • skills of drafting contracts, protocols of disagreements, additional agreements.

If a lawyer in charge of compliance is required corporate law, his skills are somewhat different:

  • knowledge of legislation on legal entities appropriate organizational and legal form (LLC, ODO, CJSC, LLC, partnerships, cooperatives, enterprises);
  • business document management skills;
  • skills of drawing up powers of attorney;
  • skills of representing the interests of the company in the notary, tax inspection, bank, statistics authorities and other organizations.

A lawyer who advises the team and management in the field of a specific area of \u200b\u200bproduction and services, in his resume, should emphasize in-depth knowledge of the legislation that regulates this area.

Personal information

Among the personal qualities of the ideal lawyer, employers welcome:

  • analytical warehouse mind;
  • a responsibility;
  • organization;
  • obligation;
  • punctuality;
  • stress tolerance;
  • sociability;
  • purposefulness;
  • attentiveness;
  • hard work;
  • creativity.

Creativity is, oddly enough, a positive and highly expected quality of a lawyer's personality. After all, legal work is not only dry adherence to the law, but often the search for new solutions. Non-standard application of the law is aerobatics in jurisprudence.

If there is no experience at all or the applicant is a yesterday's student

Looking for a first job without professional experience a lawyer should focus on the following points:

  • the level and quality of one's own education (if it is higher, obtained at a state capital university, this is very good);
  • passing practice in an organization of a similar profile;
  • personal qualities - easy assimilation of information, quick learning, attentiveness, purposefulness;
  • willingness to work as an intern.

Usually, labor activity lawyers start as an intern or legal assistant - this point should also be reflected in the resume

What you shouldn't write about

A lawyer is a person who demonstrates an ideal relationship with the law by his own example. That is why, by default, all facts that directly or indirectly indicate problems with the law are excluded from the summary of a lawyer. It is not necessary for a lawyer to mention disciplinary violations at previous places of work, bad habits - this indicates a low level of organization, self-exactingness, discipline.

Also, should not be ignored and general recommendations regarding information not desirable in the summary.

  1. The resume does not indicate too detailed personal data - you do not need to write the exact address, it is not necessary to indicate the middle name, and you certainly should not give the parameters of your own body - weight, height.
  2. It is not customary to list too many positive character traits in a resume (more than 5) - this can be perceived as unreasonable self-praise.
  3. You should not put information in your resume that testifies to your own scandal - information about the difficult termination of previous labor relations (litigation, complaints to the labor inspectorate, reinstatement at work).

A lawyer in an organization is both a standard of behavior and a “savior” in a difficult situation, and ultimately one of the most respected employees. Therefore, a resume for this position must meet the highest standards.

Get a job in the legal field without knowledge of legislation, the ability to analyze information, personal qualitiesthat help to cope with routine activities is almost impossible. Therefore, the advantages of an applicant for a vacant position in the branch of jurisprudence are: a good education, skills in working with legal reference systems, perseverance. Legal assistant resume template on the site will help you understand how to correctly place accents in order to make a positive impression on the employer.

The purpose of the document is to convince the reader that the job seeker is up to the job. The assistant must have a good understanding of the legal field in which the employer specializes.

The legal assistant cannot do without good knowledge rules of procedural law. He also needs to be able to understand the articles of the Civil, Labor, Land and Family Codes. In addition, an employee of the legal department or office will have to maintain confidentiality when working with important documents.

Due to the high requirements and a certain share of responsibility for such specialists, the main emphasis in employment is placed on the experience and education of the applicant. An additional advantage of a candidate is professional skills and achievements, good feedback and awards.

In addition to information about education and abilities, the document contains the following information:

  • place of residence;
  • age;
  • contacts for communication.

In order for the employer to remember the applicant better, it is necessary to take a clear business photo and attach it to the document. Faceless profiles are considered less often, so by sending a resume without a photo to an employer, you automatically reduce your chances of success.

Experience in a lawyer's resume

This section describes the places of employment and job responsibilities of the applicant at the previous job. Benefits of the applicant, which are worth mentioning in the margins of the section:

  • Professional achievements.
  • Oral and written thanks.
  • Employer awards.

It is good if the achievements are described in specific dates and numbers.


    LLC "Legal Protection"




    - Registration of conclusions, claims, contracts;
    - Collection and accounting of documentation;
    - Mailing correspondence;
    - Participation in litigation;
    - Acquaintance with the case materials.

    Achievements (over 2 years):

    - Won 18 cases in court;
    - 45% of cases were settled out of court;
    - Awarded with a diploma for a responsible attitude to work.

What to do if the assistant has no work experience

If there is no work experience, it is better to focus on good basic education and professional skills gained in practice during training.

Recent graduates from universities are often hired for the position of assistant, so your task is to convince the employer that you have the required level of knowledge and are ready for further professional growth.

Sample of filling out the section for legal assistant resume without experiencework might look like this:

Example without work experience:


    Studying at the department of Kazan Federal University allowed me to acquire deep theoretical knowledge. I used the opportunity to participate in olympiads, scientific conferences and competitions as a good chance to acquire practical skills that are necessary for working in my specialty.

Detailed information about the acquired skills and knowledge can be specified in the "About me" section.

How to fill in the education block

The section provides an opportunity to confirm the presence of a good knowledge base, which was obtained during the training period.

Information about which they write in this section:

  • educational institution;
  • faculty;
  • qualification;
  • specialization;
  • courses;

An example of one of the entities:


    Kazan Federal University / div\u003e




    Civil law

    Year of ending:

    Additional education:

      Year of ending:


      Contract law in the practice of arbitration courts

      Organizing organization:

      Institute for Business Development and Law

      Year of ending:


      Retraining program Jurisprudence

      Organizing organization:

      International Academy of Expertise and Evaluation

    A separate column of the questionnaire is reserved for information about the level of knowledge of the candidate's languages. Sometimes lawyers have to work with foreign documents and clients. Therefore, it may be important for an employer to be able to speak and write in a foreign language.

    Legal assistant resume skills

    Lawyers specialize in many areas, each of which requires its own ability. A paralegal or assistant must be stress-resistant, tidy and incorruptible.

    In his work, one cannot do without the ability to use reference and legal systems such as "Consultant Plus" and "Garant". Be sure to list all of your skills as required by the job.

    How to fill out the section "About me"

    The section is used to publish information highlighting the advantages of the applicant. Here you can tell in detail about yourself as a specialist. The block is also used to post information about the conditions on which the applicant agrees to perform official duties.

    • I represent the interests of the company in various government agencies. He actively worked with problem debts of citizens, led bankruptcy procedures individuals... Provided assistance in legal proceedings.

    How to fill in contacts

    The section contains information that allows you to quickly contact the candidate. Be sure to pay special attention to this block. For the convenience of the employer, write a few contacts. In addition to email and phone number, you can specify an account in the template in social network... It is possible that the preliminary interview with you will be conducted remotely, so please indicate your Skype just in case.

    Remember that the employer is unlikely to call back twice, so during your job search, monitor all incoming calls and letters.

    An example of filling in contact information:


    In order to increase their chances of success, the applicant must make their own self-presentation unique. Do not copy other people's profiles and do not exaggerate your capabilities. Remember that any information can be verified. After filling in the fields of the legal assistant's resume according to the sample, it is necessary to check the document for literacy and completeness of information. The finished form can be downloaded and sent to the employer in any convenient way.

A lawyer's resume is a description of the professional skills and personal qualities of a specialist, which can convince a potential employer that he needs this particular employee.

Over the past 20 years, jurisprudence has become a fairly popular field. On the one hand, the legal culture of citizens is growing, and services are more and more in demand. On the other hand, more and more universities are graduating specialists in this profile. Accordingly, competition in the labor market is very tough. We'll figure out how to put together a winning lawyer resume sample for 2019, which you can take on board and perfect.

Targets and goals

With so many offers from job seekers, it's not easy to impress an employer. It is necessary to show how the applicant stands out from the rest, why he will be more effective than them. In addition, a lawyer's resume is an example of how he can:

  • draw up documents;
  • characterize a person;
  • make a presentation;
  • urge.

Therefore, representatives of this profession should approach its preparation as thoughtfully as possible.

It is also imperative to identify your specialization and prove your superiority in it. Civil law requires some knowledge and skills, administrative - others, criminal - third.

The same goes for personality traits. Indeed, in different branches of law one has to deal with a completely different contingent. A bankrupt company, a persistent defaulter of alimony and an inactive bailiff need radically different approaches.

General structure

Before considering the details regarding the questionnaire directly for the legal sphere, let's remember what should be in the CV. First of all, these are contact details, and such, by which the candidate can be easily contacted. No one wants to work with a lawyer they can't reach.

In personal data, you can not be afraid to indicate age. Older human rights defenders are often valued higher than their younger counterparts with little experience. Next are the required blocks:

  1. Experience. Places, positions, responsibilities, achievements.
  2. Education. University, specialty, refresher courses. It is not necessary to mention those that are far from jurisprudence.
  3. Professional quality. Those that are necessary specifically for the defender of law and order. At the same time, it is worth considering the specialization (it is obvious that a lawyer and a notary's assistant are engaged in completely different things).
  4. Personal qualities. Here, too, each of them must correspond to the needs of the profession.

An example of a lawyer's resume with a photo usually looks more beneficial. Especially if he is engaged in representation in court. Employers want to make sure they are a pleasant, charismatic person with a business style.

Achievements in work

It is not enough to list your responsibilities in past positions. The only thing that can be proved this way is knowledge of the job description. It is important to demonstrate not what you did, but what you did.

An important task of a CV is to visually showcase a portfolio. In most industries, it is difficult to articulate specific achievements. On the other hand, a legal specialist can quote:

  • the number of cases carried out or contracts drawn up;
  • the ratio of victories to the total number of cases;
  • successful participation in high-profile cases, which all representatives of the industry have heard about;
  • the amount of money saved or the time that clients have left due to the efforts of the lawyer.

If the work experience is rather long, it is better to present the information in a generalized form, for example, "246 cases won in the last 10 years."

Professional and personal qualities

They are different, but at the same time they overlap. The professional skills of a lawyer in a resume is an example of what he knows and can do as a specialist. Personal qualities show, thanks to what own characteristics he brought these skills to perfection.

Let's try to draw parallels between them.

We should also mention the skills of interpretation, the ability to negotiate, work in a team, the presence of connections (for example, in an expert environment). It is advisable to include all this in the lawyer's resume: ready-made examples that are given in the annex to the article as samples, of course, do not contain the specifics of individual professional experience, but serve only as a hint.

If you look at a lawyer's resume for a job, the completed sample 2019 always contains information about the knowledge of information and communication technologies. At a minimum, this applies to the use of the "Garant" and "Consultant +" systems. You don't just need to find relevant regulationsbut also to compare their versions, study reviews of practices or recommendations of the highest judicial authorities.

Do not forget about electronic document management... E-mail is enough to interact with customers. And to submit the case materials to the court, you should study the functionality of GAS "Justice" and "My Arbiter".

And one more small, but important addition: in addition to the resume, it is imperative to send a cover letter - without it, many employers will not even open the submitted resume. This greatly reduces the chances of getting the desired job. We wrote about the rules for composing such a letter in the article "Covering letter to the resume: when and what to write." There is also a sample cover letter for a lawyer.