Virtual communication: advantages and disadvantages of online contacts. Benefits of live communication Articles about comparing live communication with writing

We live in a society. Every day we have to meet and talk with those with whom we are connected at home, street, work - our whole life. Teaching the first skills of interaction with society for a child is the task of the family.

How do you express your thoughts?

Leaving our apartment, we meet neighbors, at work we are among colleagues, in public transport we are surrounded by fellow citizens. Whether we like it or not, we have to communicate. We communicate through speech that is understandable to others. It is very important to hear the voice of the interlocutor, his intonation.

Words play a huge role in communicating with each other. Each sentence expresses thought and feeling. It promotes mutual understanding. Of course, there are certain rules for verbal communication. Living in a certain place, a person quickly learns speech etiquette... Adults understand that legal words and expressions in a friendly company differ from business conversation... Words for communication should clearly express the idea, be precise and clear.

It is worth noting that the means of communication are not only words, but also the peculiarities of the voice, its timbre, soft or harsh sounding, the voice sounds quietly or loudly, the interlocutor speaks fast or slow. The role of the intonation with which the thought is transmitted is also important. Intonation can convey a real palette of feelings, our attitude towards the interlocutor. With gestures, facial expressions, expressive movements, a person strengthens his speech, it acquires liveliness and clarity.

What interferes with family communication?

Now you must admit that communication on the Internet does not give a full color to our speech. You can simplify expressions, use colloquial words, supplement the speech typed on the keyboard with various emoticons - and yet this does not replace eye-to-eye communication, real sincerity and sincerity.

The development of society is subject to the achievements of science. There were times when home phone was inaccessible to all citizens. There were payphone booths in the streets. There were no computers. People met and talked more often. Then suddenly everyone, including children, appeared cell phones... Everyone is in touch. There was no time at all to meet with friends for tea, to play something. It is not uncommon for every family member to sit by their laptop in the evening and play their favorite games.

However, it is already noticeable how the renaissance of board games is coming. People are beginning to understand that live communication is more important than sitting in front of monitors. Every year more and more board games appear on the market. They are produced in millions of copies and do not lie on the shelves.

We promote live communication

Why is it sometimes more attractive than computer ones? The main thing is live communication. Board games are designed for two or more participants. It is not difficult to choose an exciting board strategy now. There is such a wonderful game Activity . This fun can captivate both adults and children. It does not require any preliminary preparation: one day get ready for a party, and after dinner it is useful to have fun.

The task is simple and at the same time difficult. It is necessary to split into several teams, and then pull out the cards from the deck. A word is written on the card, but it must be explained for the members of the other team using facial expressions, pantomime, drawing, synonym. It takes only one minute to convey the meaning. This is where understanding, intelligence and a sense of humor should be! You can imagine how much laughter and pleasure this game in the company will cause!


Humanities is a group of disciplines that study various (mainly cultural) aspects of human existence.

Basic humanities:

ü philosophy;

ü languages \u200b\u200b- literary features of the language as opposed to linguistics;

ü literature;

ü religion, theology (theology);

ü arts: music, performing arts, dance, visual arts, painting and art history;

ü history (including the history of the humanities);

ü archeology;

ü ethnography;

ü regional studies;

ü cultural studies.

132. The twentieth century was marked by the use of new means of communication. First of all, here, of course, we must mention the telephone, the role of which in human life is constantly increasing. The telephone is a technical invention, and at first it was thought of as a way of operational business communication. However, very soon he began to serve the need for interpersonal communication. This invention has practically destroyed the writing of letters, and this loss is apparently irreparable.

Other technical inventions - primarily radio - had a rather positive impact on culture - if only by making music and, partly, literature in its live sound an accessible subject of cultural consumption.

The emergence, and then the further rapid development of television, often raised concerns about whether the television would replace the book. Something like that actually happened, but it gradually became clear that basically a TV and a book can get along well. However, the younger generation's new distribution of time, to the detriment of the book in comparison with television, causes some concern.

Another thing is the invention and penetration into the private everyday life of such a phenomenon as a computer. Computer with gaming programs becomes a universal toy for children of any age and even for adults. In general, the computer provides the opportunity for inexhaustible and interesting contact with its user.

What is the result a similar situation? A very unpleasant consequence of computerization is the shift in the user's consciousness of “real” reality and virtual reality (non-discrimination of the fictional world and the real world). But the problem is aggravated by the nature of computer games: a lot is based on aggression, cruelty (so far these are symbolic, conditional murders, but who can guarantee that in the mind of the player, especially adolescence, convention does not mix with reality?). Also, the virtual world becomes a substitute for the real world.

(According to A.B. Esin)

1) answer to the question: lawful;

2) confirmation, for example: the telephone is widely used for business and interpersonal communication, but its use has practically destroyed the writing of letters;

the computer provides the possibility of inexhaustible and interesting contact with its user, but an unpleasant consequence of computerization is the shift in the user's consciousness of the real and virtual reality.

2. What four technical inventions are considered by the author?


1) telephone;

3) television;

4) computer

3. Explain the meaning of the term "means of communication". Why radio belongs to the means of communication?

1) explanation of the meaning of the term, for example: means of communication are various methods, technologies for transferring information, communication between people;

2) an answer to a question, for example: information that is significant for an individual and society is transmitted by radio.

4. Imagine what needs of a person are served by television. List any two needs and illustrate how each needs to be served with a specific example.

The correct answer must indicate the needs and provide relevant examples, for example:

1) the need for up-to-date information about the situation in the settlement, region, country and the world as a whole (practically every TV channel produces several news programs during the day; several federal, European and world news TV channels are broadcast in the Russian Federation);

2) the need to become familiar with the cultural values \u200b\u200bof society (the TV channel "Culture" operates in the Russian Federation, the world popular science TV channels "Discovery", "Animal planet", etc. are broadcast).

5. It is believed that some of the benefits of "live" communication of people are lost when using technical means... Do you agree with this opinion? Give two arguments to support your position.

1) the student's opinion: consent or disagreement;

2) two arguments, for example: in case of consent

ü when using technical means, most of the non-verbal manifestations of communication are lost (facial expressions, gestures, postures, etc.);

ü when using technical means, the emotionality of communication is partly lost;

in case of disagreement arguments can be given:

ü the emotionality of communication in the network is conveyed by emoticons, pictures, statuses.

6. Make an outline of the text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

The following semantic fragments can be highlighted.

1) The telephone and its role in people's lives.

2) The influence of radio on culture.

3) Television and book.

4) The value of the computer in human life.

133. Are the following judgments about science true?

A. Science explains the structure of the material world and reveals the laws of its development.

B. Science, unlike other forms (areas) of culture, involves the use of artistic images in research.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are true

4) both judgments are wrong

Article 11.

Article 10.

Article 8

Article 7

Extracts from the Declaration of the Rights of Culture

Text No. 19

Culture has the right to international protection in a situation of wars and interethnic conflicts. Any actions leading to the destruction of historical and cultural monuments, including periods of war, interstate and interethnic conflicts, must be qualified as a crime against humanity in the international legal sense.

Culture has the right to support from the state, which bears legal and moral obligations to the past, present and future for the preservation and development of the cultural heritage of all peoples and ethnic groups living on its territory ...

State policy in the field of culture should be based on respect for human dignity, ensuring the freedom of choice by each member of society in forms of participation in cultural life and creativity.

State organizations (educational, educational, informational and educational) have a direct responsibility to foster citizens' respect for national culture, its history, traditions, national languages, to carriers of national identity, to form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe place of national culture in the spiritual heritage of mankind, its contribution to the treasury world culture.

As a guarantor of the preservation and development of cultural heritage the state is obliged:

a) consider as a priority task the preservation of the cultural heritage of the nation and ensure its transfer to future generations, paying special attention to the education and upbringing system as social institution cultural continuity;

b) to promote education among citizens of interest, love and respect for the cultural heritage of their people, for the culture of other peoples of the world;

c) provide artistic and aesthetic education of the younger generation, support for young talents<…>

1. How does the Declaration qualify actions to destroy historical and cultural monuments during armed conflicts? Justify the legality of this definition of such actions.

2. Title each of the following articles of the Declaration.

3. The Declaration requires the state to ensure the freedom of choice by each member of society in forms of participation in cultural life. Based on personal social experience, name any four forms of your participation in the cultural life of society.

4. The Declaration states that the state bears legal and moral obligations to the past, present and future for the preservation of the culture of all peoples living on its territory. Using social science knowledge and personal social experience, indicate two reasons why such obligations are imposed on the state.

5. Using the facts of social life and personal social experience, illustrate with three examples of activities government organizations RF on fostering citizens' respect for Russian history and culture.

6. How does the Declaration define the role of the state in relation to culture? Explain the meaning of the phrase "cultural continuity". Which institution of cultural continuity, according to the Declaration, should the state pay special attention to?

Text No. 20

Art illuminates and at the same time sanctifies a person's life ... it makes him kinder, and therefore happier.

But understanding works of art is far from easy. It is necessary to learn this - to learn for a long time, all your life. For there can be no stopping in expanding one's understanding of art. There can only be retreat
back into the darkness of misunderstanding. After all, art constantly confronts us with new and new phenomena, and this is the enormous generosity of art ...

You should not approach a work of art with a bias based on an established "opinion", out of fashion, from the views of your friends or based on the views of enemies. With a work of art, one must be able to remain "one on one" ...

By pretending to understand what you do not understand, you have deceived not others, but yourself. You are trying to convince yourself that you have understood something, and the joy that art gives is immediate, like any joy.

Like - so tell yourself and others what you like. Just do not impose your understanding or, even worse, misunderstanding on others. Do not think that you have absolute taste as well as absolute knowledge. The first is impossible in art, the second is impossible in science. Respect your attitude to art in yourself and in others and remember the wise rule: there is no dispute about tastes ...

Sincerity in relation to art is the first condition for understanding it, but the first condition is not all. To understand art, you need more knowledge. Factual information about the history of art, the history of the monument and biographical information about its creator help the aesthetic perception of art, leaving it free. They do not force the reader, viewer or listener to make a certain assessment or a certain attitude towards a work of art, but, as if "commenting" on it, facilitate understanding.

Factual information is needed, first of all, in order for the perception of a work of art to take place in a historical perspective, to be permeated with historicism, for the aesthetic attitude to a monument is always historical. If we have a modern monument, then modernity is a certain moment in history, and we should know that the monument was created today ...

Knowledge opens doors for us, but we must enter them ourselves. And I especially want to emphasize the importance of details. Sometimes a little thing allows us to get into the main thing. How important it is to know why this or that thing was written or drawn!

2. Illustrate with three examples the author's idea that knowledge makes art easier to perceive.

3. What are the two conditions for understanding art highlighted by the author?

4. Using social science knowledge and personal social experience, give two explanations why a person has to learn to understand art throughout his life.

Text No. 21

The main institution modern education is the school. It differs from other forms of education in the variety of preparation of students, as well as in special technologies used in the classroom. Fulfilling the "order" of the society, the school, along with other educational institutions, trains qualified personnel for different areas human activity.

Society's requirements for education are expressed in the system of principles of state educational policy. At present, the educational policy in the Russian Federation is based on the following principles: the humanistic nature of education; priority of universal human values; the right of the individual to free development; general accessibility of education; attention of the education system to the needs of learners; the secular nature of education in public institutions.

These principles determine the main directions of educational policy, as well as the nature of education in our country.

The rapid development of science and related production technologies put on the agenda the issue of reforming both the structure and content of education. Among the main directions of the ongoing reform are: democratization of the training and education system; humanization and humanization, computerization, internationalization of the educational process.

Today, only such a model of education can be called truly effective, within the framework of which there is a departure from the authoritarian style of the teacher's behavior, a decrease in his role as a source of information and an increase in the role of the student in the process of mastering the information he receives. A different approach to the development of criteria for assessing the effectiveness of educational results is not only the knowledge gained by the student, but also the level of creative and moral development of his personality.

(Based on materials from the online edition)

2. The text says that the development of education is associated with the development of the economy, science and technology. Drawing on social science knowledge and facts of social life, give two explanations for this connection.

3. In his speeches, the President of the Russian Federation has repeatedly emphasized that the availability of quality education is the key to the prosperity of our country. Give two explanations (arguments) to support this idea.

4. Using the text, name any four principles of modern educational policy in the Russian Federation. Explain any one of them.

5. What are the two differences between the modern school and other forms of education named in the text? Using the text and knowledge of the course, explain the meaning of the phrase: "The school fulfills the 'order' of the society."

6. Make an outline of the text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

Text No. 22

A person lives in a certain environment... Environmental pollution makes him sick, threatens his life, threatens the death of humanity. Everyone is aware of the gigantic efforts that are being made by our state, individual countries, scientists, public figures to save air, water bodies, seas, rivers, forests from pollution, in order to save animal world our planet, save the camp migratory birds, rookeries of sea animals. Humanity spends billions and billions not only in order not to suffocate, not to perish, but also to preserve the nature around us, which gives people the opportunity for aesthetic and moral relaxation. The healing power of nature is well known.<…>

The preservation of the cultural environment is a task no less significant than the preservation of the surrounding nature. If nature is necessary for a person for his biological life, then the cultural environment is just as necessary for his spiritual, moral life, for his “spiritual settledness”, for his moral self-discipline and sociality. Meanwhile, the question of moral ecology is not only not studied, it is not even posed by our science as something whole and vital for man.<…>

A person is brought up in a certain cultural environment that has developed over many centuries, imperceptibly absorbing not only the present, but also the past of his ancestors. History opens a window to the world for him, and not only a window, but also doors, even gates.

(D.S. Likhachev)

3. Give two proofs of the importance of the cultural environment for the development of personality.

5. Do you agree that for modern mankind the problem of preserving the cultural environment is equal in importance to environmental problems? Give two arguments (explanations) in support of your opinion.

6. After the Great Patriotic War people from various cities and villages of our country came to live in Leningrad. Gradually they acquired special "Leningrad" speech characteristics, behavioral traits. Explain this fact. Provide a piece of text that can help you explain.

Text No. 23

Just a hundred years ago, the overwhelming majority of people both in Russia and in Europe lived the way their grandfathers and great-grandfathers lived: with the interests of only their inner circle. Religion satisfied spiritual needs, the Church, her rituals and holidays, and her own artistic creation - what we call folk art. Professional art and science, as well as politics, and issues of public life, world history, philosophical thought, etc. were available only to the thinnest layer of wealthy and educated people.

Now they are available to everyone - to millions, billions of inhabitants of our planet of all nationalities, ages, classes, living standards, degrees of education. Television, radio, Internet, newspapers, magazines bring down to the “masses” such an avalanche of impressions, such an avalanche of information that no human brain can accommodate ...

More and more people in many parts of the world easily part with their country, feel themselves "people of the world" - they easily find themselves wherever there is application of their knowledge, where there is "demand" for them. Science, technology, tourism, trade, sports - all these spheres of life of modern mankind are indeed losing their national color, acquiring a universal character. The world becomes a single space.

(M. Chegodaeva)

2. What danger of mass media does the author point to? Give two tips on how to navigate the information flow for your peer.

4. The author writes that "the world is becoming a single space." What qualities do modern workers need to be successful in such conditions? Name any two qualities and explain why they are needed.

6. The opinion is expressed that in the conditions of transformation of the world into a single space, each country should try to limit the penetration of foreign goods, political and cultural values. Using text and social science knowledge, indicate one positive and one negative consequence of such a policy.

Text No. 24

Text No. 25

There is an internal culture - that culture that has become a second nature for man. One cannot refuse it, one cannot just throw it away, throwing away at the same time all the achievements of mankind.

The inner, deep foundations of culture cannot be translated into technology that automatically makes it possible to become a cultured person. No matter how much you study books on the theory of versification, you will never become a real poet from this. You cannot become neither Mozart, nor Einstein, nor even the slightest serious specialist in any field, until you have completely mastered one or another part of the culture needed to work in this area, until this culture becomes your internal property, and not an external set of rules.

The culture of each era is a unity of style (or form) that unites all the material and spiritual manifestations of that era: technology and architecture, physical concepts and painting schools, musical works and mathematical research. A cultured person is not one who knows a lot about painting, physics or genetics, but one who realizes and even feels the inner form, the inner nerve of culture.

A cultured person is never a narrow specialist who does not see or understand anything outside the framework of his profession. The more I am familiar with other areas of cultural development, the more I can do in my own business.

It is interesting that in a developed culture, even a not very gifted artist or scientist, since he was able to touch this culture, manages to achieve serious results.

(Based on materials from the encyclopedia for schoolchildren)

1. Make an outline of the text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

2. What, in your opinion, is the influence of culture on the formation of personality? Based on text, social science knowledge and personal experience give two explanations.

3. During the revolutions in different countries there were people who called to discard old cultural values \u200b\u200band start building a new culture from scratch. Is it possible? Write out a phrase from the text to help answer this question.

4. The text says: "The more I am familiar with other areas of cultural development, the more I can do in my own business." Use the example of any two prominent figures to support this statement (name the figure first, then give an explanation).

5. Find in the text and write down two characteristics of a cultured person.

6. What sentences of the text speaks about the importance of internal culture in human life? (Write down any three sentences.)

Text No. 26

We are entering an age in which education, knowledge, professional skills will play a decisive role in a person's destiny. Without knowledge, by the way, that is getting more and more complicated, it will simply be impossible to work, to be useful ... A person will introduce new ideas, think about what the machine cannot think about. And for this, the general intelligence of a person, his ability to create new things and, of course, moral responsibility that a machine cannot bear in any way will be needed more and more ... a person will have the hardest and most difficult task to be not just a man, but a man of science, a man morally responsible for everything that happens in the age of machines and robots. General education can create a person of the future, a creative person, a creator of everything new and morally responsible for everything that will be created.

Teaching is what a young man needs now from a very young age. You should always learn. Until the end of their lives, not only taught, but studied all the major scientists. If you stop learning, you won't be able to teach. For knowledge is growing and becoming more complex. It should be remembered that the most favorable time for learning is youth. It was in his youth,
in childhood, in adolescence, in youth, the mind of a person is most receptive.

Know how not to waste time on trifles, on "rest", which sometimes tires more than the hardest work, do not fill your bright mind with muddy streams of stupid and aimless "information". Take care of yourself for learning, for acquiring knowledge and skills that you will learn easily and quickly only in your youth.

And here I hear the heavy sigh of a young man: what a boring life you offer our youth! Just learn. And where is the rest, entertainment? Shouldn't we be happy?

No. The acquisition of skills and knowledge is the same sport. Teaching is hard when we cannot find joy in it. We must love to learn and choose smart forms of recreation and entertainment, capable of also teaching something, developing in us some abilities that will be needed in life ...

Learn to love learning!

(D.S. Likhachev)

1. The author believes that “you should always learn”. Using the text and social science knowledge, confirm with two arguments (explanations) the need for continuous education throughout a person's life.

Text No. 27

The twentieth century was marked by the use of new means of communication. First of all, here, of course, we must mention the telephone, the role of which in human life is constantly increasing. The telephone is a technical invention, and at first it was thought of as a way of operational business communication. However, very soon he began to serve the need for interpersonal communication. This invention has practically destroyed the writing of letters, and this loss is apparently irreparable.

Other technical inventions - primarily radio - had a rather positive impact on culture - if only by making music and, partly, literature in its live sound an accessible subject of cultural consumption.

The emergence, and then the further rapid development of television, often raised concerns about whether the television would replace the book. Something like that actually happened, but it gradually became clear that basically a TV and a book can get along well. However, the younger generation's new distribution of time, to the detriment of the book in comparison with television, causes some concern.

Another thing is the invention and penetration into the private everyday life of such a phenomenon as a computer. A computer with game programs becomes a universal toy for children of any age and even for adults. In general, the computer provides the opportunity for inexhaustible and interesting contact with its user.

What is the result of this situation? A very unpleasant consequence of computerization is the shift in the user's consciousness of “real” reality and virtual reality (non-discrimination of the fictional world and the real world). But the problem is aggravated by the nature of computer games: a lot is based on aggression, cruelty (so far these are symbolic, conditional murders, but who can guarantee that in the minds of a player, especially adolescence, convention will not mix with reality?). Also, the virtual world becomes a substitute for the real world.

(According to A.B. Esin)

1. Explain the meaning of the term "means of communication". Why radio belongs to the means of communication?

2. Imagine what needs of a person are served by television. List any two needs and illustrate how each needs to be served with a specific example.

3. There is an opinion that some of the advantages of "live" communication between people are lost when using technical means. Do you agree with this opinion? Give two arguments to support your position.

4. What four technical inventions are considered by the author?

5. Make an outline of the text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

Text No. 28

In the very general definition value is everything that is significant for a person and, therefore, is, as it were, “humanized”. On the other hand, it promotes "cultivation", the cultivation of the person himself. Values \u200b\u200bare subdivided into natural (everything that exists in a natural environment and is important to humans is mineral raw materials, precious stones, clean air, clean water, forest, etc.) and cultural (everything that created by man). In turn, cultural values \u200b\u200bare divided into material and spiritual, which, ultimately, determine the material and spiritual culture.

Material culture includes the entire set of cultural values, as well as the processes of their creation, distribution and consumption, which are designed to satisfy the so-called material needs of a person. Material needs, or rather their satisfaction, ensure the vital activity of people, create the necessary conditions for their existence is the need for food, clothing, housing, means of transportation, communication, etc. The created material values \u200b\u200bare the sphere of material culture.

But this sphere of culture is not decisive for a person, i.e. the end in itself of its existence and development. After all, a person does not live in order to eat, but he eats in order to live. A person's life is his spiritual existence. Since a person is distinguished from other living beings by his mind (consciousness), the spiritual world, then spiritual culture becomes the defining sphere of culture.

Spiritual values \u200b\u200bare designed to satisfy the spiritual needs of a person, i.e. contribute to the development of his spiritual world. And if material values, with rare exceptions, are fleeting - houses, mechanisms, clothes, vehicles and so on, then spiritual values \u200b\u200bcan be eternal as long as humanity exists.

2. Fashion designers release new collections twice a year, and many works of literature and visual arts do not lose their value for many centuries. Explain this fact. Provide a piece of text that can help you explain.

3. Make an outline of the text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

4. Using the content of the text, explain how the values \u200b\u200bof any two types contribute to the "cultivation", the cultivation of a person.

Text No. 29

A survey is a method of collecting primary information about the object under study in the course of direct or indirect socio-psychological communication between the researcher and the respondent (respondent) by registering the respondent's answers to pre-prepared questions.

The main purpose of the survey method is to obtain information, reflected in the mind of the respondent, about facts, events, and assessments related to his life. This information is expressed in the form of statements by the respondents.

However, the survey method has limitations in its application. The fact is that the data obtained as a result of the survey does not express objective facts, but the subjective opinion of the respondents. Therefore, the conclusions drawn on the basis of the information obtained during the survey need to be compared with the data obtained by other methods that more adequately reflect the objective state of affairs.

There are two main types of polling. A questionnaire is a written form of a survey that uses a mediating link - a ready-made questionnaire, or questionnaire. An interview is a survey in the form of an oral conversation between the researcher and the respondent. The questions asked by the interviewer are focused on a specific research goal and are prepared in advance in such a way that the respondent's answers reveal his real attitude to certain facts. If the questionnaire is filled out without the direct participation of the researcher and therefore the answers obtained in this way can be considered more objective, then during the interview the researcher asks leading questions and, with his emotional participation and explanations, has a certain effect on the respondent. However, the advantage of this method is a deeper level of respondents' understanding of the essence of the asked questions, provided by direct contact with the interviewer.

There is also such a kind of poll as an expert poll, when the role of the respondent is played by "experts" - people, by virtue of their profession, circumstances, life experience, have more information on the problem under study than everyone else.

(According to V.V.Kasyanov, V.N. Nechipurenko)

1. Make an outline of the text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

2. What social norms Should a social scientist take into account when conducting surveys? Indicate two types of regulations and in each case briefly explain your choice.

3. What are the two main types of survey considered by the authors? How are they different?

4. What qualities, in your opinion, should an interviewer have? Name any three qualities, and in each case explain your choice.

6. TV channels and newspapers often arrange polls of specialists in the field of economics, political technologies, different types sports. What is the name of this survey method? Explain why it is used to target audiences in the areas listed.

Text No. 30

A person does not even need a building, but a building in a certain place. Therefore, it is necessary to store them, the monument and the landscape, together, and not separately. Store the building in the landscape, to keep both in the soul. Man is a morally sedentary being, even if he was a nomad: after all, he also roamed in certain places. For the nomad, there was also a “settledness” in the vastness of his free nomadic camps. Only an immoral person is not sedentary and is able to kill sedentary in others.

There is a big difference between the ecology of nature and the ecology of culture. This difference is not only great - it is fundamentally significant.

Loss in nature is recoverable up to certain limits. Contaminated rivers and seas can be cleaned; it is possible to restore forests, livestock, etc. Of course, if a certain line is not crossed, if one or another breed of animals is not completely destroyed, if one or another variety of plants has not died. It was possible to restore bison both in the Caucasus and in Belovezhskaya Pushcha ... At the same time, nature itself helps a person, for she is "alive". It has the ability to self-purify, to restore balance disturbed by a person. She heals the wounds inflicted on her from the outside: fires, or felling, or poisonous dust, gases, sewage ...

It is quite different with cultural monuments. Their losses are irreparable, because cultural monuments are always individual, always associated with a certain era in the past, with certain masters. Every monument is destroyed forever, distorted forever, wounded forever. And he is completely defenseless, he will not restore himself ...

The land becomes cramped for cultural monuments, not because there is little land, but because builders are attracted to old places that are inhabited, and therefore seem especially beautiful and tempting for city planners.

Urban planners, like no one else, need knowledge in the field of cultural ecology ...

Every person is obliged to know among what beauty and what moral values \u200b\u200bhe lives. He should not be self-confident and arrogant in rejecting the culture of the past indiscriminately and “judgment”. Everyone is obliged to take an all possible part in the preservation of culture.

We are responsible for everything, and not someone else, and it is in our power not to be indifferent to our past. It is ours, in our common possession.

(D.S. Likhachev)

1. Make an outline of the text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

3. How can you explain the destruction of a number of cultural monuments today? (Give three explanations.)

4. What kind of participation in the preservation of cultural monuments can you and your peers take? (Using personal social experience and facts of public life, indicate any three areas (forms) of participation.)

5. What is the difference between the ecology of nature and the ecology of culture established by the author? How, in your opinion, are cultural monuments and the surrounding landscape connected?

6. What is the significance of the preservation of cultural monuments for society? Using the text and social science knowledge, make two judgments.

Text No. 31

The very concept of "morality" comes from the word "temper", which means "mental and volitional qualities of a person." The main purpose of moral culture is to be a regulator human relations.

A person exists in society, i.e. in the midst of their own kind, and therefore enters into a certain communication with them. All types of interactions between people are regulated in one way or another. This regulation is carried out by a system of social norms.

Morality as a vault certain norms and rules of conduct, acting on behalf of the common interests, ultimately provide for the individual interests. Of course, the rules of conduct always contain a certain limitation of the freedom of individual actions. But, being realized as necessary, they become a prerequisite for free choice of the most appropriate behavior from the point of view of society and the individual.

Unlike other types of social norms operating in society (for example, law), morality is based on informal sanctions. But no matter how deep social needs morality is generated and no matter how many groups it is supported, ultimately, it manifests itself in individuals: in their consciousness, activities and relationships that make up the moral world of man, the degree of his moral culture.

The sphere of the moral culture of the individual includes moral feelings (shame, compassion, etc.), moral consciousness (a set of knowledge and ideas about good, evil, duty, honor, decency, responsibility), moral habits, moral actions.

(Adapted after B. Sveshnikov.)

2. Make an outline of the text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

3. What difference between morality and other types of social norms was noted by the author? Illustrate this difference with two examples.

4. How do you understand the phrase: "The main purpose of moral culture is to be a regulator of human relations"? Using the content of the text, give two explanations.

5. Based on the content of the text and social science knowledge, confirm with two arguments (explanations) the author's opinion that morality is manifested in individuals.

6. At the lesson, the students discussed the problem of human freedom. They came to the conclusion that morality and other social norms make a person more free than the absence of any norms. Explain the conclusion of the students. Provide a piece of text that can help you explain.

Text No. 32

Morality is a specific way of regulating public life from the standpoint of humanism, goodness and justice, carried out with the help of requirements for human behavior and based on public opinion and inner convictions of a person.

Morality has no clearly defined boundaries; it is present in any social phenomenon, regulates social relations in all spheres of human activity (economic, social, political, spiritual). Where relationships arise between people, there is always a place for moral evaluation.

Moral norms arise spontaneously as a reflection of pressing social needs, they are formed directly in the midst of social life. They are not created by specific individuals or organizations. We cannot name exact time the emergence of a particular moral norm. These norms are not canceled and do not cease to be effective at exactly a certain time, like legal norms, but gradually die away. They, as a rule, are not written, but live in the minds of people.

In morality, the intrinsic motivation of human behavior is strong. The supreme authority in making a moral decision is the person himself, his conscience, and the decision that he will make will, in turn, become the subject of public approval or public censure ...

Morality is a very flexible regulator that allows you to assess human behavior in each specific situation; it is not formalized. If in law, and especially in politics, the main and decisive factor in assessing behavior is its result, then for moral assessment the motive of behavior comes first. This does not mean that morality is not interested in the outcome of human behavior; she considers it in indissoluble unity with those driving forces that led a person to commit certain actions.

(Adapted after A.V. Opalev)

1. Politics and business are often treated as spheres free from moral regulation. Give three reasons why moral standards are especially important in these areas.

2. The supermarket clerk S. learned that her colleague R. regularly cheated customers. Seeing that after her warning, her colleague's behavior did not change, S. turned to the administration, and
R. was fired. Some of the staff approved S.'s act, some condemned him.

Find in the text an explanation of S.'s act and the behavior of other employees. What positive qualities of S.'s personality manifested themselves in this situation (indicate any two qualities)?

3. There is an opinion that moral norms make a person completely unfree. Based on the text and social science knowledge, give two arguments (explanations) to refute this opinion.

4. Make an outline of the text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

6. The text contains the differences between moral norms and legal norms. Name any three of them. How is moral compliance ensured?

Text No. 33

Why do we need a special Declaration of the Rights of Culture in the presence of many dozen different institutions, on behalf of the state, it seems, protecting cultural, historical, scientific and other values?

The fact is that culture is not limited to cultural and historical monuments, just as it is not limited to scientific discoveries and science, which is a single whole with culture. Theater is not only separate performances, even if taken as a whole. Art is not a collection of cultural monuments, just as history is not a collection of documents about the past. Jewelry does not constitute jewelry art. Painting is not limited to paintings.

It is necessary not only to take care of the safety of individual works of art, evidence of history or scientific discoveries, but also to protect the rights to their existence, safety, accessibility both for specialists and for everyone interested. We must protect the entire sphere of culture, freedom of cultural (including scientific) information, defend the accuracy of information about cultural property (I repeat - and scientific equally). Is it possible to be indifferent to the fate of the culture of small peoples living surrounded by numerous peoples? Archives, libraries, museums, collections owned by the state or individual owners, national traditions and customs, traditional religions, etc. should be given special care.

Our duty is to maintain and improve the cultural climate as the most favorable for the preservation and development of all forms of culture. The education and information system should be built in such a way as to contribute to the development of the common human culture and culture of small peoples - their national face, their language and folklore.

Culture is a global one, not a closed, but an open aesthetic system ... There is nothing to hide in the world of modern communications ... Our literature, our art has enriched world culture... So, literature and art foreign countries affect our culture, enriching us spiritually, aesthetically. It is important that this process goes on continuously. And this is one of the goals of the Declaration of the Rights of Culture.

We have nothing to fear from the world view of nature and man, art and culture. Cooperation, dialogue and mutual understanding of the peoples of the world are a guarantee of justice and democracy, a condition for preventing international and interethnic conflicts, violence and wars.

(D.S. Likhachev)

1. Make an outline of the text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

2. The author believes that the education and information system should contribute to the development of national cultures. Using facts of public life and social science knowledge, indicate two specific measures to implement this idea and briefly explain the essence of each measure.

3. Using the text and social science knowledge, give two explanations of the author's thought: "... culture is not limited to cultural and historical monuments."

5. Using social science knowledge and personal social experience, give two explanations for the author's idea that cultural cooperation is a condition for preventing international and interethnic conflicts.

6.D.S. Likhachev notes that "our literature, our art have enriched world culture." Using the example of three specific cultural figures (or works, achievements), explain the author's idea (give an example and give a short commentary on it).

From a guest >>

The twentieth century was marked by the use of new means of communication. First of all, here, of course, we must mention the telephone, the role of which in human life is constantly increasing. The telephone is a technical invention, and at first it was thought of as a way of operational business communication. However, very soon he began to serve the need for interpersonal communication. This invention has practically destroyed the writing of letters, and this loss is apparently irreparable.

Other technical inventions - primarily radio - had a rather positive impact on culture - if only by making music and, partly, literature in its live sound an accessible subject of cultural consumption.

The emergence, and then the further rapid development of television, often raised concerns about whether the television would replace the book. Something like that actually happened, but it gradually became clear that basically a TV and a book can get along well. However, the younger generation's new distribution of time, to the detriment of the book in comparison with television, causes some concern.

Another thing is the invention and penetration into the private everyday life of such a phenomenon as a computer. A computer with game programs becomes a universal toy for children of any age and even for adults. In general, the computer provides the opportunity for inexhaustible and interesting contact with its user.

What is the result of this situation? A very unpleasant consequence of computerization is the shift in the user's consciousness of “real” reality and virtual reality (non-discrimination of the fictional world and the real world). But the problem is aggravated by the nature of computer games: a lot is based on aggression, cruelty (so far these are symbolic, conditional murders, but who can guarantee that in the minds of a player, especially adolescence, convention will not mix with reality?). Also, the virtual world becomes a substitute for the real world.

(According to A.B. Esin)

1. Make an outline of the text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

2. What four technical inventions are considered by the author?

3.Explain the meaning of the term "means of communication". Why radio belongs to the means of communication?

4. Imagine what needs of a person are served by television. List any two needs and illustrate how each needs to be served with a specific example.

6. It is believed that some of the advantages of "live" communication of people are lost when using technical means. Do you agree with this opinion? Give two arguments to support your position.

In our time, when there are so many means of communication in the world ( cellular, the Internet with all its possibilities of communication), at any moment we can contact the person with whom we want to talk, and often it is much more convenient than meeting in person with a person to discuss some issue or just talk to some common topics.

Therefore, we sometimes forget what it means to communicate for real, without any devices, and the topic the importance of live communication becomes more and more relevant. Let's talk with you on this topic ...

But before we start, I want to say right away that I am not at all an ardent opponent of modern devices and technologies. It's just that sometimes, thinking about how much time we spend at the computer, hanging out on social networks, plunging into the virtual world, fencing off from those useful things that we could do, I understand that everything should be in moderation, otherwise we are a lot we can lose ...

Let's try to figure it out. Why is it so necessary for us to communicate with our own kind in person? How can only correspondence communication with people harm the development of our personality?

The virtual world can in no way replace live communication. Communicating in social networksby hanging over the TV and computer games, we replace live communication with the virtual world that is convenient and beautiful for us. We create it the way we want it, at the same time moving away from reality and plunging more and more into it.

By creating our own virtual world and plunging into it headlong, we significantly limit ourselves in live communication and many consequences follow from this.

It even comes to such cases that millions of people make virtual dates for themselves, portraying themselves as who they really are not, posing wishful thinking, thereby plunging more and more into a fictional tale, and developing a complex for living communication.

Such communication is not just undesirable, it is unacceptable for the development of a person's personality. As a result, a person has a false worldview, which takes him further and further into the invented world. Thus, a person deceives himself and others, without even noticing how much he is mired in this.

In connection with the problem described above (and not only this problem) in many countries of the world there is already talk about restricting access to some social networks, since this is already developing into a rather serious social illness.

Thus, when a person tries to talk to a healthy normal person, there is a high wall in front of him due to the fact that they put pressure on his self-esteem and interfere with communication with normal people.

The problem is so serious that people who, for some reason, suddenly lose the opportunity to be in their virtual world, easily fall into stress, their nervous system is in a breakdown, and an unbalanced mental state prevails.

Think about the last time you were at an orchestra concert, theater, traveling, or just sitting in a cafe with friends or family. Remember how you felt there. Such feelings in the original cannot be given by the virtual world of the Internet or communication on the phone. These are living feelings, which means that they are transmitted directly through direct interaction between people. Therefore, live communication is necessary to be emotionally healthy.

Let's find out why we still need live communication and what it really gives us. To do this, please answer a few questions below:

  • Is it for you actual question getting married or getting married, if so, do you think that in order to achieve this goal, it will be enough for you to go online and write to someone in the chat?
  • Or would you still like to really get married or get married and spend your whole life with a person who is close to you not only physically, but also spiritually? He has a good sense of humor and is easy and pleasant to communicate with ...

  • Do you want to have a job at one level all your life or do you want to develop in this direction? You ask how this relates to the ability to communicate. And I'll tell you that being able to effectively communicate with people in real world, if you wish, you can get a better paid job at the first interview without any problems, since most employers are looking for people who can work in society, while creating an atmosphere of friendship and unity among other employees.
  • Do you want to develop in yourself the ability to react correctly under unforeseen circumstances, or in some stressful situations, finding the key to others with the help of the ability to communicate well and gain people's trust?
  • Do you want to be the soul of the company and at the same time have many friends who can support you in any situation?
  • Such questions are endless, so we will not continue to list them. If you answer "yes" to any of these questions, then it already becomes clear that it is important and necessary for us to work on our ability to communicate with people live, that we need to sit less in our virtual world!

    PS: Your comments on this article are welcome!