Social psychologist job description. Job description for a psychologist. Requirements for the qualifications of a psychologist

Job descriptions taking into account professional standards 2016-2017

Sample job description for a social psychologist

A sample job description was compiled taking into account the professional standard Psychologist in the social sphere

1. General Provisions

1.1. The social psychologist is classified as a specialist.

1.2. A person is accepted for the position of a psychologist in the social sphere:

1) having higher education in the profile of professional activity;

2) completed training under professional development programs;

3) having experience of practical or volunteer work, close to this type of activity, at least 2 years.

1.3. A person who does not have or did not have a criminal record for crimes, the composition and types of which are established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, is allowed to the work specified in paragraph 1.2 of this instruction.

1.4. The social psychologist should know:

1) social psychology, psychology of small groups (types, relationships in small groups, pressure in a group), psychology of the masses, methodology of individual consultations and trainings (specifics, types, duration, etc.);

2) teamwork methodology;

3) management psychology, organizational psychology;

4) regulations for interdepartmental interaction and rules for the exchange of professional information between specialists from different departments;

5) the technology of teamwork, the organization of the activities of specialists from different departments;

6) methods of activating social, psychological and other resources for training interdepartmental teams;

7) techniques for effective communication with specialists;

8) conflict management (types of conflicts, methods of resolution, etc.);

9) conflict resolution technology;

10) psychology of crisis states (concepts, approaches, factors, methods and techniques of work), riskology, psychology of extreme situations, psychology of grief, loss, loss;

11) the psychology of crisis states, the consequences of experienced crisis situations, their manifestations in behavior;

12) family psychology (structure, functions, stages, problems of intra-family relations), methods of family counseling, family crises;

13) problems of socialization, social adaptation, characteristics of the social environment;

14) technologies, methods and forms of providing psychological assistance for violations of socialization;

15) problems of socialization at different stages of a child's development, impaired socialization (maladjustment, deprivation);

16) modern directions of the youth movement (types of youth groups, their interests, activities and ways of spending free time);

17) domestic and foreign social psychology (modern trends, topical problems, methods of work);

18) psychology of extreme situations (approaches, problems, types of assistance, consequences);

19) psychology of addiction, addictions, deviantology;

20) age characteristics of personality development in different periods of life;

21) features of personality development in an unfavorable social situation;

22) typology of problems of citizens of different etiology (social, socio-medical, socio-legal, pedagogical, etc.);

23) the infrastructure of the municipality, the resources of the local community to support individuals and social groups;

24) the basics of psychological counseling (types, forms, methods);

25) the basics of organizing and conducting psychological training (methodology, conduct, results, consequences);

26) methods and techniques of general and social psychology;

27) methodology for conducting trainings;

28) developmental psychology (characteristics of age periods of development, features of development, developmental disorders, etc.), gerontology, educational psychology;

29) psychology of education and pedagogy;

30) goals, objectives and functions of social organizations;

31) typology of social groups in need of assistance (social, socio-psychological, socio-legal, etc.);

32) psychology of refugees, migrants, marginals;

33) technology for working with different social groups;

34) organizational psychology (conceptual approaches, features, types, etc.);

35) basic principles, types, strategies and tactics of negotiation;

36) the basic theories of providing psychological assistance to the personnel of organizations (management, organization, selection, etc.);

37) requirements for document flow in the field of personnel management, interdepartmental interaction, provision of services in the social sphere;

38) legislation of the Russian Federation and international documents in the field of protection of children's rights;

39) peculiarities of adaptation of orphans and children in foster families;

40) psychology of grief, loss, loss and manifestation of trauma in the behavior of children and adults;

41) psychology of education (family education, institutional education), the roles and functions of parents;

42) national and regional peculiarities of life and family education (folk traditions, ethnocultural and confessional characteristics of education);

43) tasks solved by specific bodies and organizations of the social sphere;

44) national and regional features of everyday life and family education (folk traditions, ethnocultural and confessional features of education);

45) problems of socialization, social adaptation and maladjustment, characteristics of the social environment;

46) the basics of the prevention of asocial phenomena in society;

47) methods and technology for managing modern risks;

48) methods for developing programs for preventive and psychocorrectional work;

49) the basics of drawing up an individual program for the provision of psychological services;

50) the basics of forecasting and design in social psychology;

51) modern standard requirements for documentation, frequency, quality and conditions for the provision of services in psychology;

52) requirements for information confidentiality, storage and handling of personal personal data;

53) the basics of human and environmental safety;

54) principles, methods, technologies for monitoring social phenomena;

55) records management;

56) Internal labor regulations;

57) labor protection requirements and fire safety rules;

58) ……… (other requirements for the necessary knowledge)

1.5. A social psychologist should be able to:

1) select effective forms and methods of psychological training for specialists of the interdepartmental team in accordance with the tasks;

2) carry out psychological training of specialists of the interdepartmental team, taking into account their qualification level;

3) develop training programs for specialists of interdepartmental teams to provide psychological assistance to organizations;

4) advise individual specialists on working in an interdepartmental team;

5) keep documentation and official correspondence;

6) use modern technologies for working with information, databases and other information systems to resolve issues of organization and work of interdepartmental teams providing psychological assistance in the social sphere;

7) assess the risks and factors of social and psychological tension;

8) organize the work of a group of specialists to provide psychological assistance to the population in need of it based on the results of monitoring the psychological safety and comfort of the population's living environment in order to reduce social and psychological tension;

9) develop materials based on the results of monitoring the psychological safety and comfort of the living environment of the population and present them in Internet forums and the media;

10) argue your position;

11) carry out preventive work to reduce social and psychological tension, taking into account the data of monitoring of psychological safety and comfort of the living environment of the population;

12) to conduct individual and group counseling on the problems of reducing tension, revealed during the analysis of the results of monitoring the psychological safety and comfort of the living environment of the population;

13) interact with different individuals and groups on issues of psychological assistance to clients;

14) organize psychological support for clients in need of psychological assistance;

15) provide psychological support to clients to get out of difficult life situations;

17) to exert psychological influence on the social environment of clients within the framework of professional ethical standards;

18) justify the use of specific psychological technologies for clients to overcome the difficulties of socialization;

19) conduct psychological educational activities among the population;

20) interact with other workers, bodies and organizations of the social sphere on the issues of support for persons in difficult life situations;

21) develop programs for individual work with clients, taking into account specific professional tasks;

22) develop programs of group work for psychological support of clients;

23) develop programs for the provision of psychological assistance to members of social groups in difficult life situations, with the participation of specialists on an interdepartmental basis;

24) make contact and develop constructive relationships with different socially vulnerable groups of the population;

25) develop programs and conduct psychological examination of clients;

26) analyze the results obtained in the psychological examination, determine the degree of reliability of the information received, draw up a psychological conclusion;

27) adapt and apply foreign experience in providing psychological assistance to socially vulnerable groups of the population;

28) develop individual and group programs for providing psychological assistance to clients;

29) conduct psychological studies and trainings for diverse groups of clients;

30) apply different types and methods of individual, group psychological counseling in accordance with the age, gender and characteristics of the life situation of clients;

31) create a team and work in a team to provide psychological assistance to clients;

33) resolve conflicts and contradictions in the work of providing psychological assistance to clients;

34) conduct a psychological examination of the social environment of representatives of socially vulnerable segments of the population in the framework of professional ethical standards, human rights;

35) analyze applications and appeals of bodies and organizations of the social sphere for receiving psychological services;

36) conduct psychological analysis and assessment of the performance of clients in accordance with the standards and regulations in the social sphere;

37) negotiate with representatives of bodies and organizations of the social sphere on the implementation of their appeals and applications;

38) draw up contracts and other documentation for the provision of psychological services in the social sphere;

39) work with information networks, search for new information on the profile of activity;

40) apply in practice methods of teaching adults, individual and group work for psychological assistance and increasing the effectiveness of professional activities of clients;

41) evaluate the effectiveness of providing psychological assistance to clients;

42) critically evaluate feedback from recipients of psychological services, psychological education in the social sphere;

44) communicate and interact with children and adolescents of different ages;

45) conduct psychological testing of candidates for foster parents;

46) ensure verification of information received from candidates for foster parents;

47) determine the psychological safety for the child of the environment in the foster family and its environment;

48) develop programs of psychological training, business and role-playing games, taking into account the specific tasks of preparing clients;

49) apply active psychological teaching methods, including conducting psychological trainings, business and role-playing games;

50) adapt and apply foreign experience of psychological work with foster families in the practice of their own activities;

51) apply different types and forms of counseling in accordance with the problems of clients;

52) use modern technologies for working with information, databases and other information systems to resolve issues of providing psychological assistance to clients;

53) analyze the requests and requests of the population, bodies and organizations of the social sphere for adjusting programs of psychological education;

54) develop and coordinate regulations with bodies and organizations of the social sphere;

55) use the results of monitoring psychological safety and comfort of the environment when developing a plan for psychological education and conducting information consultations;

56) select and develop tools for assessing the effectiveness of work on psychological education and the possibilities of providing psychological services;

57) use different forms and methods of psychological education, including active methods (games, exercises, trainings);

58) competently, accessible to any strata of the population to present information about psychological services;

59) create visual materials for psychological education;

60) overcome communication, educational, ethnic, confessional and other barriers in conducting psychological education;

61) organize interaction between specialists in preventive and psychocorrectional work;

62) analyze and summarize data on the state and dynamics of the psychological health of the population, identify the risks of its violation;

63) identify problems of psychological health of the population that require psychocorrectional work;

64) use the results of monitoring the psychological safety and comfort of the living environment for the development of programs for preventive and psychocorrectional work;

65) select and develop tools for preventive and psychocorrectional work aimed at improving the state and dynamics of the psychological health of the population;

66) carry out various types of psychological counseling of the population on psychological health issues;

67) develop programs and conduct public polls on psychological health issues;

68) determine the sources of the necessary information, search for it and use it to improve activities in the field of implementation of preventive and psychocorrectional work with the population;

69) maintain documentation, official correspondence in accordance with the requirements for documents in the social sphere;

70) develop new forms and methods of providing psychological assistance to clients;

71) evaluate the effectiveness of psychological education, without violating ethical norms and human rights;

72) own technologies for working with information networks, basic software necessary for monitoring the psychological safety and comfort of the living environment of the population;

73) store and process personal data of clients;

74) conduct office work and official correspondence;

75) ……… (other skills and abilities)

1.6. A psychologist in the social sphere in his activities is guided by:

1) ……… (name of the constituent document)

2) Regulations on ……… (name of the structural unit)

3) this job description;

4) ……… (names of local regulations governing labor functions by position)

1.7. The psychologist in the social sphere reports directly to ……… (name of the manager's position)

1.8. ……… (other general provisions)

2. Labor functions

2.1. Organization and provision of psychological services to people of different ages and social groups:

1) training of interagency teams to provide psychological assistance to social groups and individuals (clients);

2) organization of monitoring of psychological safety and comfort of the living environment of the population;

3) providing psychological assistance to social groups and individuals (clients) who have found themselves in a difficult life situation;

4) organization of psychological support and psychological assistance to representatives of socially vulnerable segments of the population (clients);

5) providing psychological assistance to employees of bodies and organizations of the social sphere (clients);

6) psychological support of processes related to the formation and activities of foster families (clients);

7) organization of work to create a system of psychological education of the population, employees of bodies and organizations of the social sphere;

8) development and implementation of programs of preventive and psychocorrectional work aimed at improving the state and dynamics of the psychological health of the population.

2.2. ……… (other functions)

3. Job responsibilities

3.1. The social psychologist performs the following duties:

3.1.1. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 1 clause 2.1 of this job description:

1) identifies problems of an interdepartmental nature in the social sphere, prepares proposals for the formation of a team of specialists of different profiles to provide comprehensive psychological assistance to clients;

2) develops programs of interdepartmental interaction together with specialists of another profile;

3) trains specialists of the interdepartmental team;

4) carries out psychological training of specialists of the interdepartmental team;

5) conducts a psychological assessment of the effectiveness of the activities of the specialists of the interdepartmental team;

6) advises specialists of the interdepartmental team on the provision of psychological assistance to clients;

7) keep records of the results of work.

3.1.2. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2 clause 2.1 of this job description:

1) develops programs for monitoring psychological safety and comfort of the living environment of the population;

2) determines the psychological criteria for the compliance of the living environment of the population with the needs and capabilities of people;

3) monitors the psychological safety and comfort of the living environment of the population and analyzes the data obtained;

4) identifies and evaluates psychological risks, factors of social and psychological tension;

5) summarizes the obtained data and develops, on their basis, psychological recommendations to minimize negative phenomena;

6) prepares messages and publications for the media (hereinafter - the media) based on the monitoring results;

7) assesses the effectiveness of the work carried out based on the results of monitoring the psychological safety and comfort of the living environment of the population;

8) keeps records of the work performed.

3.1.3. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 3 clause 2.1 of this job description:

1) develops individual programs of psychological support for clients, including using resources from various sources;

2) creates a team and conducts programs to activate the personal resources of clients, including on an interdepartmental basis;

3) provides group and individual counseling for clients;

4) conducts psychological trainings on the formation and development of the qualities necessary for an independent life and socialization in clients;

5) assists in creating a social and psychological supportive environment in the environment of clients;

6) develops programs for the use of resources of social networks in order to provide psychological support to clients;

7) attracts the social environment of clients to their psychological support and creates special pages, blogs, groups in social networks;

8) performs work on psychological education and attracting the attention of the population to the problems of clients.

3.1.4. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 4 clause 2.1 of this job description:

1) carries out an initial check and analysis of documents indicating the presence of client problems (protocols, acts of social services, police), reveals information that requires additional verification;

2) requests the necessary information from other specialists (social workers, teachers, specialists of the guardianship and guardianship authorities);

3) selects a set of psychological techniques, plans and conducts a survey of clients;

4) summarizes the results of psychological examination, assesses the psychological needs, risks and resources of clients, identifies the psychological characteristics of their social environment and living conditions;

5) identifies typical psychological problems of different social groups of clients;

6) develops, together with other specialists and clients, "road maps" in order to determine life goals and objectives at specific stages of socialization, the formation of social behavior norms, including in a multicultural environment;

7) develops programs of psychological assistance to clients, including with the involvement of resources from various sources;

8) conducts individual or group counseling of clients on the psychological problems identified in them in order to level the influence of an unfavorable environment, help in socialization and adaptation to living conditions;

9) conducts talks (lectures) aimed at educating clients;

10) interacts with the social environment of clients in order to organize psychological support and help in solving their life problems;

11) prepares materials on the provision of psychological assistance to clients and presents them in Internet forums and the media;

12) keeps records of the identified socially vulnerable segments of the population and the types of psychological assistance provided.

3.1.5. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 5 clause 2.1 of this job description:

1) develops plans, coordinates the forms and conditions for providing psychological assistance to clients;

2) provides individual psychological assistance to clients;

3) conducts trainings for clients in order to improve the efficiency of their work (trainings for team building, group cohesion, etc.);

4) conducts psychological trainings aimed at expanding and strengthening the internal resources of clients;

5) advises clients on the psychological aspects of choosing and maintaining a career, recruitment, selection and placement of personnel, certification, work with a personnel reserve;

6) improve the qualifications of clients in the psychology of social work;

7) conducts classes with clients on management, effective organization of labor, advanced training;

8) creates an information resource on the psychology of the social sphere and uses its content in activities to provide psychological assistance to clients.

3.1.6. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 6 clause 2.1 of this job description:

1) carry out psychological examination (testing) of candidates and prepare a psychological opinion on their possibility to become substitute parents;

2) draws up programs of psychological assistance to clients taking into account the national, ethnocultural, confessional characteristics of foster parents and children transferred to families;

3) develops programs and conducts group and individual psychological sessions for clients (trainings, discussions, analysis of situations, role and business games, etc.);

4) advises clients on the psychological problems of the functioning of foster families;

5) prepares children for placement in a foster family;

6) consults children on psychological problems in foster families;

7) keep records of data on the provided psychological assistance.

3.1.7. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 7 clause 2.1 of this job description:

1) develops a plan for psychological education of the population, employees of bodies and organizations of the social sphere;

2) brings to the notice of state and municipal bodies, social organizations information about the list of psychological services and the possibility of obtaining them;

4) organizes volunteer projects and programs aimed at increasing motivation in receiving psychological assistance;

5) prepares information for the mass media about psychological services in the social sphere (videos, programs on television and radio channels, etc.);

6) conducts group and individual informational consultations on the possibility of receiving psychological services;

7) engages in psychological education citizens who have successfully completed psychological assistance programs;

8) summarizes and evaluates the results of work on psychological education in order to formulate recommendations for its improvement;

9) keep records of the work performed.

3.1.8. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 8 clause 2.1 of this job description:

1) carries out diagnostics of the state and dynamics of the psychological health of the population living in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, municipal formation;

2) carries out the generalization of information on risks and the formation of a forecast of possible trouble in the state and dynamics of the psychological health of the population living in the subject of the Russian Federation, a municipal formation;

3) develops and implements, together with other specialists, programs of preventive and psychocorrectional work aimed at improving the state and dynamics of the psychological health of the population;

4) consults the population on psychological health problems;

5) assesses the effectiveness of programs of preventive and psychocorrectional work aimed at improving the state and dynamics of the psychological health of the population;

6) prepares materials on the state and dynamics of the psychological health of the population and presents them in Internet forums and the media;

7) keep records of the work performed.

3.1.9. As part of the fulfillment of his labor functions, he carries out instructions from his immediate supervisor.

3.1.10. ……… (other duties)

3.2. In performing his duties, a psychologist in the social sphere:

1) ensures the confidentiality of the information about the client obtained as a result of the activity;

2) complies with the requirements of professional ethics.

3.3. ……… (other provisions on job responsibilities)

4. Rights

The psychologist in the social sphere has the right to:

4.1. Participate in the discussion of draft decisions, in meetings for their preparation and implementation.

4.2. Request clarifications and clarifications from the immediate supervisor on these instructions, issued tasks.

4.3. To request on behalf of the immediate supervisor and receive from other employees of the organization the necessary information, documents necessary for the execution of the order.

4.4. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management concerning the function performed by him, with the documents defining his rights and obligations in the position held, the criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of his labor functions.

4.5. Submit proposals for the organization of labor within the framework of their labor functions for consideration by their immediate supervisor.

4.6. Participate in the discussion of issues related to the duties performed.

4.7. ……… (other rights)

5. Responsibility

5.1. A psychologist in the social sphere is held accountable:

For improper performance or non-performance of their duties provided for by this job description - in the manner prescribed by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation, the legislation on accounting;

Offenses and crimes committed in the course of their activities - in the manner prescribed by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

Causing damage to the organization - in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. ……… (other liability provisions)

6. Final provisions

6.1. This job description was developed on the basis of the Professional standard "Psychologist in the social sphere", approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of 11/18/2013 N 682n, taking into account ……… (details of the organization's local regulations)

6.2. Familiarization of the employee with this job description is carried out when hiring (before signing an employment contract). The fact of familiarization of the employee with this job description is confirmed by ……… (by writing on the familiarization sheet, which is an integral part of this manual (in the job description familiarization log); in a copy of the job description kept by the employer; in another way)

6.3. ……… (other final clauses)

Job responsibilities psychologistdepend primarily on the organization in which he works. If we are talking about a school, then the exact title of the position of such a specialist will most likely be a teacher-psychologist, and for this case we have developed an appropriate one. This sample job description for a psychologist is intended for a human resources specialist. Therefore, among the job responsibilities of a psychologist are adaptation and motivation of employees, participation in the formation of corporate culture, etc.

Job description of a psychologist

Surname I.O. ________________
"________" _____________ ____

1. General Provisions

1.1. The psychologist belongs to the category of specialists.
1.2. The psychologist is appointed and dismissed by the order of the CEO of the company.
1.3. The psychologist reports directly to the CEO / HR director.
1.4. During the absence of the psychologist, his rights and obligations are transferred to another official, which is announced in the order for the organization.
1.5. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of a psychologist: higher professional education (psychological) and work experience of at least two years.
1.6. A psychologist should know:
- legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials on personnel management;
- structure and staff of the enterprise, its profile, specialization and development prospects;
- HR policy and company strategy;
- systems and methods of personnel assessment;
- the basics of general psychology, social psychology, labor psychology, psychological counseling;
- the fundamentals of professiography, vocational guidance work.
1.7. The psychologist is guided in his activities:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- Company Charter, Internal Labor Regulations, other company regulations;
- orders and orders of the management;
- this job description.

2. Job responsibilities of a psychologist

The psychologist performs the following job duties:
2.1. Studies the influence of psychological, economic and organizational factors of production on the labor activity of employees of the enterprise in order to develop measures to improve their working conditions and increase work efficiency.
2.2. Identifies the most pressing issues and problems that need to be addressed (staff turnover, violations of labor discipline, ineffective work), determines ways to eliminate the causes that cause them.
2.3. Develops professiograms and detailed psychological characteristics of the professions of workers and positions of employees, determined by the influence of the working environment on the neuropsychic stress of the worker, gives recommendations regarding the conditions for the optimal use of a person's personal labor capabilities, taking into account the prospects for the development of his professional abilities.
2.4. Prepares proposals for management and participates in the implementation of activities aimed at increasing labor productivity and job satisfaction.
2.5. Participates in the implementation of measures for the production and professional adaptation of young specialists and workers.
2.6. Develops and applies in practice methods for assessing organizational culture, moral and psychological climate and management styles in the company and provides management with systematized information and recommendations based on the results of the study.
2.7. Participates in the implementation of measures to form and broadcast corporate culture and improve the social and psychological climate in the team.
2.8. Advises heads of departments on management psychology, advertising, negotiation, work with personnel and clients.
2.9. Selects methods and techniques of personnel diagnostics adequate to the tasks set and conducts diagnostics, gives a qualitative analysis and interpretation of diagnostic results and recommendations to heads of departments
2.10. Conducts interviews with applicants and leaving employees.
2.11. Systematically analyzes feedback on the results of the implementation of ongoing activities, makes changes to ongoing activities.
2.15. Carries out individual service assignments of his immediate supervisor.

3. The rights of a psychologist

The psychologist has the right:
3.1. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise concerning its activities.
3.2. Make suggestions for improving the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction.
3.3. Within the limits of their competence, inform their immediate supervisor about all deficiencies identified in the course of their activities and make proposals for their elimination.
3.4. Request, personally or on behalf of the management of the enterprise, from the heads of departments and specialists, information and documents necessary for the performance of his official duties.
3.5. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of its official rights and duties.

4. The responsibility of the psychologist

The psychologist is responsible for:
4.1. For non-fulfillment and / or untimely, negligent fulfillment of their duties.
4.2. For non-observance of the current instructions, orders and orders for the preservation of commercial secrets and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety regulations and fire safety.




socio-psychological service

in the social protection systempopulation

Section 1. Organizational and methodological foundations

socio-psycho logical service





Definition of the concept


Forms of conducting


Psychological education

Dissemination of psychological knowledge among the population in order to increase its psychological culture

Formation in the population of ideas about the direct connection between the concepts of a successful life perspective and psychology. - Formation of a request for psychological services among the population. - Coverage of urgent social and psychological problems of society, with the presentation of the main approaches to their solution. - Providing the population with information on psychological problems of the individual. - Formation of a psychologically competent, comprehensive assessment of the existing reality among the population

Lectures, talks, seminars, communication clubs, thematic exhibitions of psychological literature, appearances in the media

This area should have systematized, structured contacts of the psychologist with the population, focused on increasing the motivation for seeking help from a specialist and implementing the recommendations received. It is advisable to accompany information material for the audience with illustrations from practice (the examples given should ensure that the anonymous nature of the client's communication is preserved) and disclose questions that are in demand, relevant to the audience.

Psychological prevention

Purposeful, systematized joint work of a psychologist and social worker aimed at preserving, strengthening and improving the psychological health of the population

Observation, lectures, trainings (differentiated byproblems and age data of participants)

- Prevention of possible socio-psychological and psychological problems among the general population.

Revealing amongpopulation of risk groups (dependence on psychoactive substances, codependency, disability, etc.).

Creation of favorableemotional and psychological climate asamong the staff of the incineration plant, and among the groupof people, being on social and psychological rehabilitation in it

Psychological diagnostics

The process of identifying, measuring and evaluating individual psychologicaland individual psychophysiologicalpersonality traits withthrough specialized, scientifically based methods, techniques, technologies

Individual, group

Identification of the causes of problems in the life of the individual.

Determination of the strengths of the personality, its resourcepotential, reserve capabilities that can be activated in the course of correctionalwork.

Identifying individual interests, a person's inclinations to provide a constructive self-determination, self-realizationand integration into society

In the implementation of this direction, it is necessary to be guided only by scientifically grounded, approved methods and technologies. The use of psychodiagnostics by a psychologist is possible if there is professional knowledge about its methods and the conditions for their correct application.

Psychological correction

Purposeful change of the properties and qualities of the personality by psychological methods, the provision of specific assistance in order to ensure the fully valuable development and functioning of the individual

Individual, group:

In a closed natural group (family, employees, etc.)

In an open group for clients with similar problems

Mixed form (individual-group) - thematic psychological trainings

Restoration of the integrity of the personality and the balance of its psychodynamic forces.

Correction of emerging social, psychological problems that have arisen in the process of the individual's life.

Modification of an individual's behavior through enrichment and changes in the environment and teaching him new, socially acceptable, constructive forms of behavior

Adequate use of training opportunities presupposes the presence of: personal experience of participation in groups and special training of the leader (trainer)

Psychological counseling

Providing specific assistance to a mentally healthy individual, in his awareness of the nature of his difficulties, in the analysis and solution of psychological problems associated with their own characteristics, the prevailing circumstances of life, the nature of interpersonal relationships

Assessment of the client's mental health level and determination of indications for other methods of psychological assistance.

Providing professional assistance in solving the problem stated by the client.

Providing emotional support and attention to the client's feelings.

Expansion of consciousness and increase in the psychological competence of the client.

Achievement by the client of a state of psychological comfort and preservation of psychological health.

Increased stress and crisis resilience.

Correction of adaptation disorders and personal disharmony.

Mobilization of latent psychological resources of the client, providing independent problem solving.

Increasing the client's personal responsibility for the course of their own life

Individual consultation and group

Novice consultants need to have a clear definition of the consulting process and the profession of the consultant. In psychological counseling, a psychologist can rely on various scientific theories and methodological approaches (gestaltteralia, group therapy, behaviorism - social learning, etc.). Each direction is characterized by specific methodological techniques, goals and objectives. Counselors are most effective when they develop their clients' ability to help themselves constructively after counseling ends.

Socio-psychological rehabilitation

A set of programs and actions aimed at restoring the social functions of a person, his social and psychological status in society

Harmonization of the client's emotional state.

Correction of the client's communication sphere.

Restoration of a positive perception of life, oneself, family, society.

Expanding the client's positive social experience.

Restoration of social skills that ensure productive functioning in the environment.

Restoration of the body's defensive forces, strengthening of an active personal position.

Building confidence and motivation to overcome difficulties

Conversations. consulting, clubs, trainings, support groups, creative workshops, etc.

Directions, methods and methods for the implementation of measures of social and psychological rehabilitation depend both on specific categories of citizens (disabled people, minors, the elderly, adults with family and marital problems, etc.), and on the topic of the social and psychological problem of alcoholism, drug addiction, violence, loneliness, job loss, marital disharmony, etc.).

For disabled people, social and psychological rehabilitation consists in restoring (forming) the ability of a disabled person to perform various social roles (family, professional, etc.) and to be able to be really included in various spheres of social relations and the life of society.

Socio-psychological patronage

A holistic, dynamic, integrated system of targeted social and psychological support and assistance: to a family, children, an individual citizen, who are in difficult and dangerous situations for themselves and the surrounding situations. (It is carried out within the framework of the activities of the social and psychological service.)

Determination of the nature of the problem and the possibilities of its solution.

Assistance in establishing contact with the client.

Preparation of the necessary accompanying documentation.

Creation of conditions for the restoration of the potential for the development and self-development of the family and personality, as a result of the effective performance by an individual or family of their main functions.

Implementation of psychological support for the client in the process of patronage.

Providing psychological support to the client in the process of working with specialists. - Tracking the results of customer interaction with other specialists

Patronage (an individual activity of a specialist aimed at providing specific assistance and support to the client, designed to mobilize and increase his adaptive capabilities); group work (Working with a group of children, families, alcoholics, etc.)

The practice of patronage is based on an integrated approach that equips the psychologist with a perspective view of clients' problems, focuses on considering all aspects of an unfavorable situation.

Practice is always differentiated and depends on the nature of the problem, its scale and place of action. Support and assistance (scientific base, technological techniques and methods) are selected based on the client's existing problem and are organically combined with the main components of social patronage (control, socio-psychological impact, social assistance and support).

The relationship of a specialist with a client of patronage is built mainly on a "subject - object" basis and is based on the principles of humanism, respect for the personality and life experience of the client, taking into account his potential and best qualities.

Collaboration is carried out in a spirit of equal and well-structured collaboration with an emphasis on stimulating and maintaining the client's internal and external resources.

Activities are carried out according to a predetermined plan (in the manner stipulated by the contractual relationship)

Urgent psychological help by phone

Emergency psychological assistance and support for different groups of the population in case of critical, crisis states, conflict situations

Psychological support for the client.

Mobilization of the client's intellectual, spiritual and physical strength in order to relieve emotional acuteness, overcome a crisis state, change the feeling of loneliness characteristic of this state with a sense of community with other people, increase self-esteem, restore control over a traumatic situation


The specificity of telephone counseling lies in creating an atmosphere of empathy and acceptance of the subscriber, in the ability to feel his state, while the consultant needs to maintain a high degree of reflectivity, control over both the subscriber's state and his own. The consultant must master the techniques of psychological protection from those negative experiences with which subscribers turn to him


For effective work, a practical psychologist needs a separate office and a room for group studies or a combined office of 5 m by 6 m.

The combined office of a practical psychologist should be designed for 13-15 seats. In the combined office, in accordance with the envisaged work, the following zones are equipped: for individual counseling, training, for psychological relief, archival storage, processing of psychodiagnostic data, methodological work, etc.

The walls of the office are painted in light colors. The violet color is excluded. Red, orange, yellow, and also glossy paints and wallpapers, which excite the central nervous system, are limited in use.

If possible, the office is equipped with a personal computer, audio and video equipment, a fund of psychodiagnostic techniques, as well as correction and rehabilitation programs is formed, a telephone can be installed, lockable cabinets (safe) are purchased to store psychological information and confidential documents.

Informational and methodological materials can be placed in rooms for psychological work (not a psychologist's office): “tips of the day” - recommendations for clients (parents, children, spouses, etc.), colleagues (educators, social educators and specialists on social work); A psychologist's mailbox (for questions to a psychologist); replaceable thematic stands on topical issues of age, social, pedagogical, medical psychology; information about ongoing psychological activities (educational seminars, trainings, correctional classes, etc.).

General principles of organizing a workspace in a psychologist's office:

The space should be visually divided into work areas;

The safety of the client must be ensured - both physical and psychological;

The workplace must comply with sanitary and hygienic standards: illumination, air purity, sound insulation;

No personal information (photos of relatives, etc.):

The client can be offered a chair or an armchair (deep soft armchairs for relaxation programs);

The presence of paints, colored pencils, paper, incl. colored plasticine.

The equipment of a psychologist's office contains the following blocks:

Documentation planning its activities:

Documentation reflecting the results of psychodiagnostic research and psychological assistance activities;

Software, hardware and instrumental support of correction and rehabilitation work;

Software and instrumental support of relaxation, tonic, educational and other trainings;

Computer databases on the methods of psychological diagnostics, correction, rehabilitation, prevention and counseling (in accordance with the specifics of the work of a given institution);

Computer databases on clients and their problems;

Library, card index, video and audio library.

The child psychologist's office should additionally contain:

There is a carpet on the floor.

For games: cubes, pyramids, etc.,

A large soft toy on which the child can react to their aggression.






Activity objectives

Understanding and explanation of mental phenomena, possession of the laws of development and functioning of the mental

The use of psychological laws for the development and successful functioning of a particular sphere of social relations. Mastering the laws of functioning of the psyche in a certain socially useful activity (engineering, managerial, etc.)

Solving actual for a person and a group of people problems of psychological development and functioning in certain conditions; promoting personal growth and self-knowledge

Transfer of the sum of professional knowledge, skills and abilities, broadcast of personal experience and personal meanings that help the student to self-determine in the world of professional values


Observation, self-observation, experiment, interview, testing, mathematical modeling, statistical data processing

Designing the living environment based on psychological principles; psychodiagnostics, psychological training and organizational counseling

Psychological counseling, psychocorrection and prevention, training and psycho therapy

Traditional and modern technologies of psychological education and translation of personal experience

Object name

Individual Test Respondent Subject


Client Patient

Student Colleague

Required knowledge

Scientific psychology of the humanities and natural sciences, methodology and methods of scientific research, mathematics, logic, biological sciences, broad humanitarian education

Knowledge of the relevant branches of scientific psychology, skills in mathematical and scientific modeling, design, research, knowledge of psychotechnics of a diagnostic and influencing nature, teaching skills

Broad academic education (first of all - human), scientific and practical psychology, research skills, knowledge of diagnostic and influencing psychotechnics

Deep and diverse scientific knowledge (in psychology and related humanitarian and biological fields), general cultural

Requirements for the personality of the specialist

Discipline, diligence, thoroughness, high social responsibility, structured, developed thinking; scientific intuition, flexibility of mind, interest in learning patterns and principles, objectivity

Flexibility and sharpness of mind, observation, sociability, openness, inclination to cooperation and empathy, developed motivation for help, developed intuition, reflexive abilities

Flexibility and sharpness of mind, observation, sociability, openness, inclination to cooperation and empathy, developed motivation to help, developed intuition, reflexive abilities

Developed conceptual thinking, artistry, high communicative culture, emotional openness, developed pedagogical motivation

Subjective attractiveness of activity

The possibility of self-realization for a person who is inclined to objective knowledge of the world, other people and himself

The possibility of self-realization for a person inclined to practical activity, possessing the makings of a manager and an interest in the inner world of other people and his own

The possibility of self-realization for a person with a pronounced motivation for help, interested in his own personal growth

The possibility of self-realization for a person with pronounced demonstrative character traits and a scientific and pedagogical mindset

Scope of application of professional knowledge and skills

Research institutions of academic and departmental subordination, universities

Sphere of production, management, mass communication, social sphere

Psychological centers, consultations, private practice

Higher and secondary specialized educational institutions

The interest of society in a specialist

Society is interested in obtaining information that is important for understanding and managing human behavior in various socially significant situations.

Psychological support of various spheres of social life of society and a specific person

Helping people in difficult life situations

Formation of professional culture, systematization of knowledge, training of specialists

Efficiency criteria

Knowledge to predict and manage human behavior

Effective human activity in a certain area of \u200b\u200bsocial life

Adaptation of a person in a difficult life situation, the release of mental resources for the development of creativity

Training of highly professional specialists

Section 2. Moral and ethical principles of the work of a psychologist

The principle of respect for the individual.

The rule of equal relations. Inadmissibility of discrimination against a client based on social status, sex, religion and any other grounds.

The rule of non-repayment of damage to the client.

The rule of refusal from psychological intervention in that tea, if the psychologist believes that his actions may harm the client.

The principle of professional competence.

The rule of scientific character of the applied methods. The psychologist must use scientifically recognized methods.

The rule of interaction with the client. To notify their clients of the limits of their competence and the possibilities of psychological science regarding solutions to specific practical issues.

Rule of professional development. The psychologist may seek advice from more qualified colleagues. Continuous improvement of professional knowledge and skills is the responsibility of every specialist ta-psychologist.

Confidentiality principle.

The rule of using psychological information. Psychological information about a client should not be subject to open discussion or transfer to anyone, except for previously agreed cases (for example, a consultation).

Rule of limiting disclosure of personal information. When carrying out psychological intervention at the request of a client, the information received about him can be communicated to a third party only with the permission of the client himself and within the limits determined by him.

The principle of responsibility.

Safety rule of working methods. The psychologist should use only those methods that are safe for the client.

The rule to prevent unreasonable expectations.

The rule of not being involved in a professionally uncertain situation, i.e. in a situation in which the role or functions of the psychologist would be inappropriate or ambiguous.

The principle of professional independence.

"The rule of revising the results of a psychological examination. Only an expert commission consisting of three or four psychologists whose qualifications are not lower than the qualifications of the specialist who received the initial result can revise the results of a psychological examination.

The rule of professional independence from ideological, political and religious beliefs. The psychologist should strive to ensure that his conclusion is as objective as possible.

Section 3 Standards for the duration of various types of work of psychologists of a social service institution

p / p

Types of jobs

Average time


Primary examination

15-20 minutes

Per client

Individual psychological express diagnostics (using 1-2 techniques)

1-2 hours

Per client

Individual psychological diagnostics, processing of results, drawing up a conclusion and recommendations


Per client

Group psychodiagnostics, processing of results, preparation of a psychological conclusion

16-17 hours

Based on a group of 20-25 people.

Individual counseling for children:

a) primary school age:


Course *

b) middle school age:


Course *

c) senior school age:


Course *

45 minutes

30 minutes.

1.5 hrs

1 hour

2 hours

1 hour

For one meeting

For one meeting

For one meeting

For one meeting

For one meeting

For one meeting

Individual counseling for adults (parents, teachers, social workers, etc.):


Course *

1.5-2 hrs

1 - 1.5 hrs

For one meeting

For one meeting

Family counseling:


Course **

2-3 hours

1 - 1.5 hrs

For one meeting

For one meeting

Psychological and vocational guidance counseling:

a) children of secondary school age;

b) children of senior school age

3 hours

5 h.

Per child, including conversations with parents and teachers (excluding psychodiagnostic work)

Individual psychocorrectional work:



2-3 hours

1-2 hours

One lesson

One lesson

Group psychocorrection and consulting work (trainings, psychological schools, seminars, etc.):

Cycle preparation;

Cycle execution

8-16 hours

16-32 hours

For one cycle of classes

One group

Counseling and psychotherapeutic correspondence

3 hours

One letter


8 hours

For a month

Psycho-self-regulation (mobilization of the personal resources of the consultant and activation of his professional potential)

20 minutes.

Before or after consultation or group work; not more than one hour in total during the working day

Daily registration of accounting documentation (accounting for work done per day, current planning)

30 minutes.


Generalization and analysis of work results, drawing up plans and reports

8 hours


Preparation of materials for a lecture, seminar, training, correctional lesson

1-6 hours

For one event

Methodical work

4 hours


Professional development (training at seminars, courses, participation in trainings for specialists, observation of the work of experienced colleagues)

40 h.


Consulting in scientific, methodological centers, institutions

8 hours


* the average course duration per client is 6 consultations.

** the average course duration per family is 6 consultations.

Job description of a teacher-psychologist of the department of social services for families and children [name of company]

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the section "Qualification characteristics of positions of education workers" of the Unified qualification reference book of positions of managers, specialists and employees, approved. by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated August 26, 2010 N 761n, and other regulatory legal acts governing labor relations.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The teacher-psychologist of the department of social services for families and children belongs to the category of specialists and is directly subordinate to [name of the position of the immediate leader].

1.2. A person who has a higher professional education or secondary vocational education in the direction of training "Pedagogy and Psychology" without presenting requirements for work experience or a higher vocational education or secondary vocational education and additional vocational education in the direction of preparation of "Pedagogy and Psychology" without presentation of requirements for work experience.

1.3. The teacher-psychologist of the department of social services for families and children is appointed and dismissed by the order of [name of the position of the head].

1.4. The teacher-psychologist of the department of social services for families and children should know:

The Convention on the Rights of the Child;

National standards of the Russian Federation in the field of social services for the population;

Theory and methodology of social work;

Program-methodical literature on social work;

Advanced domestic and foreign experience in social work;

Pedagogical psychology, general pedagogy, personality psychology and differential psychology, child and developmental psychology, social psychology, medical psychology, child neuropsychology, pathopsychology, psychosomatics;

Fundamentals of defectology, psychotherapy, sexology, psychohygiene, vocational guidance, occupational studies and labor psychology, psychodiagnostics, psychological counseling and psychoprophylaxis;

Methods of active learning, social and psychological training of communication;

Modern methods of individual and group professional advice, diagnostics and correction of the normal and abnormal development of the child;

Methods and techniques for working with students, pupils with disabilities;

Methods and ways of using educational technologies, including distance learning;

Modern pedagogical technologies of productive, differentiated, developing education, implementation of a competence-based approach;

Basics of working with a personal computer, e-mail and browsers, multimedia equipment;

Methods of persuasion, argumentation of one's position, establishing contacts with students, pupils of different ages, their parents (persons replacing them), colleagues at work;

Technologies for diagnosing the causes of conflict situations, their prevention and resolution;

Internal labor regulations;

Labor protection and fire safety rules;

- [other knowledge].

2. Job responsibilities

Educator-psychologist of the department of social services for families and children:

2.1. Carries out professional activities aimed at maintaining the mental, somatic and social well-being of the client.

2.2. Takes measures to provide various kinds of psychological assistance (psychocorrectional, rehabilitation, counseling).

2.3. Conducts psychological diagnostics of the psychophysical, intellectual and emotional development of children.

2.4. Determines the degree of deviations (mental, physical, emotional) in the development of minors, as well as various types of violations of social development and conducts their psychological and pedagogical correction.

2.5. Identifies psychological problems of children, families, individual citizens - clients of the institution, participates in the development of plans for psychological, pedagogical and social rehabilitation.

2.6. Forms the psychological culture of children and adolescents, parents (persons replacing them), including the culture of sex education.

2.7. Develops individual and group programs of social and psychological rehabilitation.

2.8. Determines the tasks, forms, methods of psychological and pedagogical work on the basis of individual and group rehabilitation programs.

2.9. Provides social and pedagogical assistance aimed at creating the necessary conditions for the implementation of the parents' right to raise children, overcoming pedagogical mistakes and conflict situations that give rise to homelessness and neglect, to ensure the development and upbringing of children of a family at risk.

2.10. Carries out a set of measures aimed at preventing social orphanhood, provides advisory and practical assistance to children transferred to families through the center, and to those involved in their upbringing.

2.11. Provides reports on the work done in a specific time frame.

2.12. [Other job responsibilities].

3. Rights

The teacher-psychologist of the department of social services for families and children has the right:

3.1. For all social guarantees provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2. To pay for additional expenses for medical, social and vocational rehabilitation in cases of damage to health due to an industrial accident and an occupational disease.

3.3. Require the creation of conditions for the performance of professional duties, including the provision of the necessary equipment, tools, a workplace that meets sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations, etc.

3.4. Independently make decisions within their competence and organize their implementation by subordinate employees.

3.5. Require management to assist in the performance of their professional duties and exercise of rights.

3.6. Receive information and documents necessary for the performance of their duties.

3.7. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management regarding its activities.

3.8. Improve your professional qualifications.

3.9. Supervise the work of subordinate employees, give them orders within the framework of their official duties and demand their strict execution, make proposals to the management on their encouragement or imposition of penalties.

3.10. [Other rights provided for Labor legislation Russian Federation].

4. Responsibility

The teacher-psychologist of the department of social services for families and children is responsible for:

4.1. For non-fulfillment, improper fulfillment of the duties provided for by this instruction - within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description is developed in accordance with [name, number and date of the document].

HR manager

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]


[initials, surname]


[day month Year]

I have read the instructions:

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]


Job description

dated __________ No. _______

Service of individual psychological assistance for youth "Trust Cabinet"

Consultant psychologist

General Provisions.

He is hired and dismissed from his position by order of the Director of the Center in accordance with the established procedure and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Reports directly to the head of the department.

Qualification requirements.

Has a higher professional education.

Must know.

Resolutions, orders, orders, other guiding and normative documents of higher and other management bodies for youth affairs concerning work with children and youth, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the basics of professional psychological activity, methods and techniques of psychological diagnostics of various profiles, the basics psychological counseling, the specifics of working with children and youth, labor legislation, labor protection standards and safety regulations.

Qualification requirements: higher education, work experience of at least 1 year.


Providing professional activities aimed at providing psychological assistance to various groups of young people, children, adolescents and their parents.

2. Psychological education of young people and promotion of the protection of individual rights in accordance with the Convention on the Protection of Individual Rights.

3. Information, methodological and diagnostic support of the service.

Job responsibilities.

1. Owns a complex of methods and technologies of psychological diagnostics, correction and non-medical psychotherapy.

2. Prepares and participates in the release of printed materials of the Center in the direction of the department.

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Despite the fact that the position of a psychologist was introduced in educational institutions in 1988, there are still no established ideas about the content and forms of his professional activity. As a result, the subjects of the educational process often make demands on it that are not characteristic of its role. For example, the administration often offers the psychologist classroom guidance, and sometimes the teaching of academic disciplines (especially when the psychologist also has a pedagogical education), seeks to monitor his activities in detail, and requires a report on the results of diagnostics and counseling. The teacher expects support from the psychologist in realizing his usual style of pedagogical communication and help in manipulating students and their parents. In turn, the parents hope that the psychologist will protect their child from the "school negativity" and at the same time authoritatively confirm the "correctness" of family education. Children, if the psychologist manages to establish a trusting relationship with them, look for an older friend and protector in him. It is easy to see that in many ways these expectations are contradictory.

A teacher-psychologist of an educational institution is an independent specialist and an equal member of the teaching staff who is responsible for that side of the pedagogical process that no one else can professionally provide, namely, for the mental development and psychological health of children and schoolchildren. It should be noted that, being an equal member of the team, a teacher-psychologist in an educational institution takes its definite place in the entire educational process.

In various educational institutions, the teacher-psychologist is assigned different tasks, which depend not only on the type and type of the given institution, but also on the administration's requests for the role of a specialist in a particular educational institution.

The most pressing problems faced by the educational psychologist are: the difficulty of defining one's role in a given institution, the problem of taking a worthy place in the educational process, the difficulty of defining one's responsibilities that are not in conflict with the general concept of the educational institution.

The main activities of a practical educational psychologist are: psychological education, psychological prevention, psychological counseling and psychodiagnostics, psychocorrection and development. All these types of work in practice exist only in unity, in interaction. In any particular situation, each of the types of work can be highlighted depending on the problem that the psychologist solves, and on the specifics or profile of the institution where he works.

In general, specialists carry out professional activities aimed at preserving the mental, somatic and social well-being of children, their optimal personal development and social adaptation, contribute to the protection of individual rights in accordance with the Convention on the Protection of the Rights of the Child, and take measures to provide various types of psychological assistance.

In various literature published at the present time, consideration of a number of organizational problems is practically omitted, which are of decisive importance for the adaptation of a practical psychologist in the conditions of an educational institution and, thereby, for all his subsequent work.

How a psychologist can build relationships with the teaching staff and administration, students and their parents, depends on his real status in the educational institution and, accordingly, the conditions for the future work of a specialist.

Job description of a psychologist - sample

The boundaries of his functional responsibilities in practice turn out to be quite flexible and range from the roles of “eternal duty”, “social activist”, “messenger on small errands,” etc. to “an expert on the most important issues of education and training”. It is also important that a specialist cannot always determine the job and functional responsibilities of his professional activity.

Unfortunately, the existing legal norms do not clearly define the duties of a teacher-psychologist in an educational institution. So in the requirements for tariff and qualification characteristics by position (Appendix 2 to the order of the Ministry of Education of Russia and the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia dated August 31, 1995 No. 463/1268), three sections are included: "Job responsibilities", "Must know" and "Requirements for qualifications for categories of payment ".

The section "Job responsibilities" contains the main functions that can be entrusted in whole or in part to an employee holding this position, they are the basis for the development of job descriptions in the field, securing the duties, rights and responsibilities of the employee, approved by the heads of the institution in agreement with the relevant trade union committees. The duties of an educational psychologist include:

  • implementation of professional activities aimed at preserving the mental, somatic and social well-being of students (pupils) in the process of education and training in institutions;
  • promoting the protection of individual rights in accordance with the Convention on the Protection of the Rights of the Child;
  • promoting the harmonization of the social sphere of the institution and the implementation of preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of social maladjustment;
  • determination of factors that impede the development of the personality of students (pupils) and taking measures to provide various types of psychological assistance (psychocorrectional, rehabilitation and counseling);
  • rendering assistance to students (pupils), parents (persons replacing them), teaching staff in solving specific problems;
  • psychological diagnostics of various profiles and purposes;
  • drawing up psychological and pedagogical conclusions based on research materials with the aim of orienting the teaching staff, as well as parents (persons replacing them) in the problems of personal and social development of students (pupils);
  • maintaining documentation in the prescribed form and using it for its intended purpose;
  • participation in the planning and development of developmental and correctional programs of educational activities, taking into account the individual gender and age characteristics of the personality of students (pupils), promoting the development of their readiness for orientation in various situations of life and professional self-determination;
  • providing psychological support to creatively gifted students (pupils), promoting their development and search; determining the degree of deviations (mental, physiological, emotional) in the development of students (pupils), as well as various types of violations of social development and conducts their psychological and pedagogical correction;
  • the formation of the psychological culture of students (pupils), teachers and parents (persons replacing them), including the culture of sex education;
  • advising employees of an educational institution on the development of this institution, the practical application of psychology, focused on increasing the social and psychological competence of students (pupils), teachers, parents (persons replacing them).

The section "Should know" contains the basic requirements for an employee in relation to special knowledge, as well as knowledge of laws, regulations, instructions, other guidelines and regulations, methods and means that the employee must be able to apply when performing job duties. So a teacher-psychologist (8-14 categories) should know: the Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation and federal educational authorities on education issues; Declaration of human rights and freedoms; The Convention on the Rights of the Child; regulatory documents regulating issues of labor protection, health care, career guidance, employment of students (pupils) and their social protection; general psychology, educational psychology and general pedagogy, personality psychology and differential psychology, child and developmental psychology, social psychology, medical psychology, child neuropsychology, pathopsychology, psychosomatics; fundamentals of defectology, psychotherapy, sexology, psychohygiene, vocational guidance, professional studies and labor psychology, psychodiagnostics, psychological counseling and psychoprophylaxis; methods of active learning, social and psychological training of communication; modern methods of individual and group professional counseling, diagnostics and correction of the normal and abnormal development of the child; rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection.

As we can see, these sections are general, not filled with specific content. The teacher-psychologist needs to rethink and structure the entire array of practical problems, determine the priority areas of his activities, fill them with specific content.

It should be noted that the double subordination of the teacher-psychologist (to the head of the institution for administrative issues and the methodological center for professional issues) introduces a certain amount of confusion in the organization of the professional activity of a specialist. It is precisely the competently composed functional duties that will help the educational psychologist to coordinate their position with the administration's requests in solving professional issues; to develop unified ideas about the function of a psychologist in an educational institution; predict the real results of activities.

The functional responsibilities of a specialist are compiled taking into account the general job responsibilities approved in the tariff and qualification characteristics and areas of activity, as part of the work of the psychological service of the educational institution, taking into account the requests of the administration of the educational institution.

So, for example, a teacher-psychologist can indicate in his functional duties such areas of work as:

  • Conducts psychological diagnostics of various profiles and purposes (in order to determine the structure of the personality, the level of development of the child's intelligence, the characteristics of his neuropsychic sphere, professional abilities, emotional relationships in the family).

    Determines the degree of deviations (mental, physical, emotional) in the development of students. Determines the factors that prevent personality development.

  • Offers a program of psychological and pedagogical assistance, taking into account the data of the diagnostic examination. Draws up a psychological conclusion and consults on the materials of a diagnostic examination with the aim of orienting a student, parents (or persons replacing them), schools (teacher, school psychologist) and specialists in psychological and pedagogical correction.
  • Carries out corrective work in individual and group mode based on a psychological conclusion and in accordance with the age and intellectual development capabilities of a particular child.
  • Promotes the development of a positive self-concept of the child, his sense of confidence, the adequacy of self-esteem, the ability to navigate in various life situations, communication skills
  • Corrects deviations in personality development on the basis of a psychological conclusion and in accordance with the age capabilities and personal characteristics of a particular student, correction of the emotional state; eliminates the consequences of the influence of negative past experience; forms communication skills.
  • Carries out preventive measures to prevent social maladjustment. Provides advisory assistance to parents in the formation of an environment that develops the traits of an active, independent and responsible personality in a student, in choosing an educational route and a microenvironment for communication to which he could successfully adapt. Helps to effectively and consistently organize the process of social adaptation.
  • Conducts psychological work on vocational guidance of students.
  • Keeps working documentation in the prescribed form.
  • Participates in the work of the psychological and pedagogical council of the center
  • Etc.

Functional responsibilities are approved by the head of the educational institution and signed by the educational psychologist.

Appendix 3

The psychologist of the military unit is responsible for the organization and state of psychological work in the military unit, the psychological state of personnel, the effectiveness of work to maintain psychological stability and preserve the psychological health of servicemen.

Job description of the psychologist of the city methodological center for working with the family

He reports to the deputy commander of the military unit for educational work, but on special issues - to the formation psychologist. He directs the work of the psychological assistance and rehabilitation center of the military unit, and on special issues - the psychologists of battalions (equal to them) 1. The psychologist of the military unit is obliged:

‣‣‣ know the psychological qualities of every officer and warrant officer (midshipman) of a military unit, all servicemen of individual units of a military unit, as well as servicemen requiring increased psychological and pedagogical attention;

‣‣‣ organize and conduct social and psychological study and psychological examination of servicemen of a military unit;

‣‣‣ organize and carry out psychological work in the performance of combat (combat training) tasks, combat training tasks, combat duty (combat service), guard and internal (duty and watch) services, daily activities of a military unit;

‣‣‣ to organize and conduct events of professional psychological selection, to participate in the placement of servicemen in divisions and military specialties; to study social and psychological processes in a military unit and subdivisions, to forecast their development, develop proposals and take part in the formation of a healthy moral and psychological state of servicemen in military collectives;

‣‣‣ organize work in the military unit to provide qualified psychological assistance to servicemen and their psychological rehabilitation;

‣‣‣ to draw up and regularly update, together with the officer for social work and crime prevention of the military unit, the socio-psychological characteristics of the military unit;

‣‣‣ to carry out measures for the psychological adaptation of servicemen to the conditions of military service, to carry out their psychological support;

‣‣‣ to identify, together with the medical service of the military unit, servicemen with mental disabilities, to carry out dynamic monitoring of servicemen with signs of neuropsychic instability, to organize the provision of qualified psychological assistance to them; carry out measures to preserve the mental health of personnel,

‣‣‣ to carry out measures to counteract the negative psychological impact on servicemen and to develop proposals for commanders to increase their psychological stability;

‣‣‣ to carry out measures to prevent suicidal events, to identify persons prone to suicidal behavior;

‣‣‣ train officers, warrant officers (warrant officers), sergeants (foremen) in the forms and methods of psychological work with subordinates;

For military units, where there are points of psychological assistance and rehabilitation, battalion psychologists are provided by the state.

Appendix 3

‣‣‣ provide methodological support for combat (special) training in order to form psychological stability in servicemen;

‣‣‣ to organize psychological work with the personnel of subdivisions and individual servicemen performing tasks independently outside the points of permanent deployment, as well as performing tasks with weapons;

‣‣‣ comply with ethical standards of professional activity of a military (naval) psychologist;

‣‣‣ develop the material and technical base of psychological work;

‣‣‣ report on the psychological state of servicemen, members of their families and civilian personnel of the military unit, the psychological work carried out to the deputy commander of the military unit for educational work, and inform the division psychologist on special issues;

‣‣‣ provide methodological assistance and guidance to the activities of battalion psychologists.