Gazprombank is a commercial trading platform. Gazprombank - a commercial trading platform How accreditation is carried out on the Gazprombank trading platform

Gazprom Neft has started trading in petroleum products on the electronic trading platform (ETP). At present

Gazprom Neft sets the tone for electronic trading in petroleum products.

Gazprom Neft has started trading in petroleum products on the electronic trading platform (ETP). Currently, the Gazprom Neft ETP ( is the most advanced electronic fuel trading system in Russia.

Gazprom Neft gradually came to online trading in petroleum products. It all started in 2006, when the company was headed by its current chairman of the board, Alexander Dyukov. He brought with him a new ideology - a state company should enter the market according to the principles of openness, transparency and accessibility, should be an example for other oil companies. The system of open and transparent tenders, the know-how of the new team of Gazprom Neft managers, began to be implemented in all areas of the company's activities, including the trade in petroleum products. As early as December 25, 2006, the company began wholesale petroleum products through tender sales.

“But after two months of working on tenders, we saw that open and transparent sales were not effective enough, and information processing turned out to be very difficult,” recalls Vadim Kudryavtsev, head of the marketing and pricing department of Gazprom Neft. “By March 2007, in the database our contractors have accumulated about 700 companies.Of course, not all of them participated in tenders at the same time, but even 300-400 participants created for each tender big problems... Moreover, we have a lot of products, and tenders were held simultaneously for two, three, or even five or six oil products from three refineries (Omsk Refinery, Moscow Refinery, Yaroslavnefteorgsintez - Siberian Oil), so all applications began to be processed physically hard. So the decision was made to create an electronic product. "

Complication instead of simplification

Initially, the task was not difficult - to create electronic document management, simplifying the processing of information on tenders. However, later it was decided to improve the trading system, to achieve greater efficiency. This decision was also influenced by the fact that just at that time, in mid-2007, government agencies were actively discussing the need to organize an exchange for trading in petroleum products.

Several principles were identified, in accordance with which the electronic trading floor Gazprom Neft. The first principle is auction bidding. The need for just such a system had to be convinced even during tenders, which did not allow counterparties to change their offers and raise rates. The second principle is openness, transparency and independence of trading. The so-called "human factor" has been completely ruled out; not a single Gazprom Neft employee has the opportunity to intervene in the course of trading. The data displayed on the computer screen is depersonalized, the participants see only the size of the orders. And even the administrator cannot follow the course of trading online, he has only information that is relevant at the time of the "click" - and the data changes every second. The third principle is accessibility. The electronic trading platform is available to everyone. To register on it, a potential participant, like any other Gazprom Neft counterparty, must provide his constituent documents (their list is publicly available) and undergo security checks. The security service, in turn, establishes only three requirements for counterparties - no tax claims, no other friction with the law, and no negative experience with Gazprom Neft. If these three conditions are met, the entrance to the ETP is unimpeded.

From anywhere in the world

ETP is an Internet portal that is accessible by password in real time from anywhere in the world. "We were looking for a partner for a long time, settled on the developers and owners of the electronic trading platform, - says Vadim Kudryavtsev. - They took their site as a basis, for almost a year they improved it and processed it for Gazprom Neft. As a result, a universal mechanism was created that allows you to work on any basis of shipment and delivery, that is, it provides for the ability to buy oil products not only at the plant, but also at any destination station. "In June 2008, the ETP was launched in test mode, and in September trading began on an ongoing basis, almost 50 thousand tons of petroleum products were sold on the ETP in the first ten days of the month (more than half of this volume was gasoline), the total proceeds amounted to almost 1 billion rubles.

Currently, trading on the ETP is held twice a week. This is due to the lack of qualified personnel - after all, organizing an auction requires special skills and knowledge. "You need to understand how much you need to lower or increase the initial price, what volume of oil products to set. Since the data is publicly available, too large volumes will frighten consumers and reduce trading activity, and too small will create the impression of a deficit, and the activity will be great," says Vadim Kudryavtsev ...

Trading on the ETP begins with determining the volume of petroleum products, which the regional sales department is ready to put up for auction after distribution through the tank farms. After that, "bidding is started" - data on the product, bidding time, price, minimum shipment lot, manufacturing plant, number of lots and the destination of shipment appear on the ETP. The starting price is determined by analyzing information provided by pricing agencies and own market analysis. Notification of upcoming trades is automatically sent to all registered counterparties. On the day of the auction, the notification is sent again, and everyone wishing to take part in the auction enter the site under their own password. Trading lasts half an hour, upon completion, the winner is determined - the participant who offered the highest price... So far, the auctions for each product are held one after another, although the platform's capabilities provide for a dozen auctions at the same time - it's just that the participants do not have time to follow so many auctions yet.

There are four bases for the supply of petroleum products to the ETP so far - these are the Omsk Refinery, the Moscow Refinery, Yaroslavnefteorgsintez and the Sokur station. Soon, another seller will appear on the site - Gazpromneft-Center, with the possibility of shipment of oil products at the Volodarskaya oil depot.

Both traders and consumers

Participants in the wholesale market of petroleum products showed interest in the creation of an ETP. The platform was fully operational in September, and by the middle of the month more than 220 companies were registered on it, about 60 more companies were undergoing the registration procedure at that time.

According to Vadim Kudryavtsev, both large and small traders, and even end consumers, take part in the auction. Small traders and end consumers are most active. When the latter are included in the struggle, the sale price can significantly exceed the initial price - up to 3 thousand rubles. per ton of product, because end consumers compare the price offered by the company with the one that is formed after going through a whole chain of intermediaries. It is important for end consumers to receive guaranteed volumes of petroleum products, because their business depends on the timely receipt of high-quality fuel.

Small traders are also interested in the platform with guaranteed volumes - after all, they also work with end consumers. In addition, it is much easier to justify the price set for the resale of petroleum products by the results of a fair auction than by contracts with third parties.

OTC market

Experts say that today the Gazprom Neft ETP is the most advanced mechanism in Russia. e-commerce petroleum products. Of course, it continues to be refined and improved. In particular, mechanisms are being worked out for the sale of petroleum products at the destination station and their shipment to any destination - this is not even a problem of the electronic site itself, but rather of ensuring logistics and creating appropriate contracts.

In addition, the possibility of extending the auction is being considered. When there is a serious struggle for a product, the bidding time should gradually increase. If no orders are received within five seconds, trading will be stopped.

In the future, the creation of a secondary market for oil products purchased from Gazprom Neft. "We are negotiating so that our product can be further sold on the site says Vadim Kudryavtsev. - Having bought fuel from us, a trader can put it up for sale, indicating that the volumes have been confirmed by Gazprom Neft.

In the long term, there is the possibility of sellers appearing on the ETP, independent of Gazprom Neft. Already large oil companies show interest in the created electronic platform, negotiations are underway. “In general, in order for us to become a full-fledged electronic platform, we need a couple more months,” Vadim Kudryavtsev is sure. “We need to introduce financial guarantees for the fulfillment of obligations, connect new sellers and expand the list of delivery bases. If we draw an analogy between exchanges and electronic platforms, then you need to understand that on the stock exchange they usually do not trade real products, but trade futures contracts and options on them. Therefore, the exchange and OTC market are different things. And the next task that Gazprom Neft faces is to form open pricing and create market indicators that in the near future they will be able to form the basis for concluding long-term contracts. "

Electronic platform Gazprombank is a subsidiary of OJSC Gazprombank. She was created to participate key clients organizations in the auction under 223-FZ. And since 2018, purchases have been carried out on the ETP GPB within the framework of 44-FZ.

Moreover, in this system banking services are immediately integrated, such as: bank guarantee, letters of credit, factoring and bank control of expenditure transactions on behalf of the client.

In 2018, the ETP GPB was included in the list of venues where e-procurement under 44-FZ and procurement of small and medium-sized businesses under 223-FZ

Official site of the site

In addition, ETP GPB can be integrated sAP systems, 1C, Oracle,, BSS, as well as any AIS (automated information system) built on the basis of the above. This greatly simplifies the work of the customer with purchases.

More detailed information on this issue can be found on the website of the Gazprombank electronic platform -

Accreditation on ETP GPB

From January 1, 2019, for participation in purchases under 44-FZ, it is impossible to be accredited separately at the site. Now the algorithm for obtaining accreditation at federal sites is different: first, the supplier needs to register in a unified information system, and accreditation for state sites it is assigned automatically after confirmation of registration in the EIS.

The data that the participant fills in when registering in the UIS is quite enough to apply for participation in the procurement after receiving accreditation for the GPB. But personal Area The ETP has more fields for filling in information about the participant, so if you wish, you can also fill them in.

Automatic accreditation at the Gazprombank site must be completed within 1 business day after successful registration in the EIS.

Because the unified information system does not notify the user about the correctness of filling out the documents, as well as about the result of registration (successfully or not), then for verification you can use the register of accredited organizations and a single register participants.

Important: in order to register in the UIS, the user (the head of the organization) must first pass authentication in the ESIA (portal of State services). If the supplier does not have registration on this portal, then first you need to register with the ESIA.

Services of the Gazprombank platform

The website of the electronic trading platform Gazprombank provides: services for training in participation in procurement for both customers and suppliers; the ability to issue an EDS for the ETP GPB, as well last news about the activities of the site.

There are such large customers as Voentorg JSC, Gazprom PJSC, Russian Space Systems JSC and many others, so contractors will be able to find purchases that will not only bring profit, but also raise the company's rating.

The following information is provided by the site itself:

Lightweight and comfortable design, detailed description required documents and the procurement process, and high level security - allows you to productively conduct and participate in procurement procedures on the electronic trading platform of the GPB.

If you need help or advice on how to bid on the Gazprom ETP, the specialists of RusTender will be happy to help you.

Ltd IWC"RusTender"

The material is the property of the site. Any use of the article without specifying the source - the site is prohibited in accordance with article 1259 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

OJSC Gazprombank is a large financial institution in Russia with a strong position in the international market.

For key clients of Gazprombank, an ETP was created - an online trading platform for carrying out procurement procedures.

ETP is an Internet resource that allows

  • for sellers and buyers to complete transactions,
  • customers can organize auctions, tenders and tenders.

Advantages of working at the Gazprombank site

Clients who are registered on a commercial trading platform get access to large customers (SAGAZ, Gazprombank, Uralmash-Izhora group, Gazprom) and others.

All procedures are carried out in accordance with FZ-223, there is integration with (state website).

How to learn how to work on an electronic platform?

For customers and participants of the electronic platform who have recently registered, special online training courses are held.

The program consists of two stages:

  1. theoretical (the lecturer talks about the rules of working in the system and shows slides)
  2. practical (work in the test version of the ETP GPB).

Training and test program will help you quickly get used to the marketplace

How to register on the Gazprombank trading platform?

To register on trading floors, you need to fill out an application and wait for the organization's decision.

Applications are considered within 3 days, but confirmation is not enough for work, you need to get electronic signature GPB.

To do this, you must fill out an application and attach a list of documents to it:

  1. A scanned original of an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, for individual entrepreneurs - EGRIN, you can send a copy of the document certified by a notary. It is important that the term for issuing the document does not exceed 1 month.
  2. A copy of the decision or protocol on the appointment of the head. If the certificate needs to be issued for another employee of the company, then be sure to attach a power of attorney.
  3. A copy of the spreads of the passport with a photo and registration, SNILS.
  4. Copy of the passport of the company representative.

After completing the application and sending copies of documents, it remains only to wait for the receipt.

What electronic signatures are suitable for Gazprombank's trading platform?

All marketplaces, free and commercial, can use the following electronic signature certificates:

  1. eS certificates accredited by the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation, but the start date of the validity must be indicated later than 04/15/2013;
  2. eS certificates drawn up by Trusted CAs. Only those are suitable, in which the Extended Key Usage field indicates the possibility of using GPB on the ETP.
  3. Certificates of the certification center GPB (OJSC), validity date - later 04/15/2013.

You can get an ES in the Trusted Certification Center

How is accreditation carried out on the Gazprombank trading floor?

To get accredited on trading floors, including GPB, an organization must collect a list of documents, fulfill several requirements and contact the organizers of the GPB.

But many companies are accredited only from the second and sometimes even the third time due to the fact that they do not know about the pitfalls.

Remember a few rules for accreditation:

  1. Try to collect and send documents as responsibly as possible. If you notice an error only after submitting, nothing can be changed. You will have to wait for the refusal and send the application again.
  2. The ETP GPB system accepts files only of small sizes, maximum - 18 MB, but this should not affect the quality of scanned images, they should be clear and easy to read.
  3. Be sure to pay attention to your constituent documents, read the order and minutes, perhaps errors were made in them or the document has expired. Be sure to look at seals and stamps.
  4. Don't rely on an individual approach. If you look at the list of trading platforms, even the most famous and extensive ones, then none of them will accept anything that goes beyond the established rules. For example, an application or a decision on big deal written more extensively and more interesting than usual. This will be considered a bug.

Getting started on an electronic site is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

1. Gazprombank - an electronic trading platform (ETP GPB)

At the modern level of technology development, it becomes possible to carry out trade events through electronic communication channels.

Gazprombank, an electronic trading platform, (ETP GPB) is one of the most striking examples of electronic trading platforms, the main function of which is to ensure interaction between sellers and buyers. This site is the leading one in the oil and gas sector. Within its limits, the largest purchases of the most famous customers and suppliers are made. You can get to the official resource by clicking on the link

A large number of customers and suppliers specializing in absolutely different areas operate at the Gazprombank site. The following industries and directions can be noted:

    engineering industry;

    construction industry;


    metallurgical production;

    direction of cosmonautics;

    aviation industry;

    agricultural industry and others.

Accordingly, the number of customers is striking in its numbers. On the official website of the ETP GPB we meet such buyers and consumers: Uralmashzavod, the Almaz-Antey concern, a group of organizations of the First Mortgage Company, Federal agency special construction, Mechel, the company of the Chelyabinsk Pipe-Rolling Plant, the Russian Corporation of Rocket and Space Instrumentation and information systems, holding Miratorg and many others.

All the above data confirm the fact that more than two thousand buyers successfully operate on the electronic trading platform Gazprombank (ETP GPB), and more than two hundred thousand manufacturers and employers take part.

4. Register on the electronic trading platform of Gazprombank ETP GPB

For cooperation and the opportunity to take part in tenders on the GPB electronic platform, you must register on the service. Registration is free of charge. You must have an electronic signature of Gazprombank.

Actually, the registration process takes place separately for Gazprom Group and corporate buyers. Registration assumes the following sequence of actions:

    filling out a form with personal data;

    attachment of the necessary documentation;

    sending to ETP GPB.

In the questionnaire, certain information about the participant and the company is indicated.

The list of documents for legal and physical users is different, does not cause difficulties, it is minimal. Legal representatives provide an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, as well as documentation confirming the ownership or the right of the manager. Private entrepreneurs prepare an extract from the USRIP and an identity document (passport, copy). In cases where the signature is issued to another representative, prepare a power of attorney. For individuals you must show your passport (copy).

The level of service on the electronic trading platform is at high levels. Accordingly, all operations are carried out with maximum efficiency. Registration applications are processed within several working days: from one to three. If you have a need for urgent registration, then you are offered the "quick registration" service.

Participants in the bidding of the Gazprom Group of Companies undergo additional manipulation Such manufacturers undergo additional registration. It is held in another automated system electronic purchase of PJSC Gazprom. This does not cause any particular difficulties, you just need to fill out another form. This system operates exclusively through Internet Explorer version 9.

Anyone wishing to become a participant in trading on the electronic trading platform of Gazprombank ETP GPB can get all the necessary information on the official website. You will find the following here:

    organization contacts;

    conditions of activity and bidding;

    rules and features of registration;

    complete information about ETP GPB.

ETP GPB opens up new opportunities for everyone.

5. Video instruction on how to register on the ETP GPB

For a guaranteed result in tender purchases You can seek advice from the experts of the Entrepreneurship Support Center. If your organization is a small business entity, you can get a number of advantages: advance payments under government contracts, short settlement periods, conclusion of direct contracts and subcontracts without a tender. and work only under lucrative contracts with minimal competition!

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