Formation of a procurement plan in an electronic budget. How to post a procurement plan through an electronic budget. Problems arising in the operation of the electronic security system

Oksana Balandina, Chief Editor of the State Order System

From July 1, 2018 to January 1, 2019, customers have a transitional period - it is allowed to carry out both electronic and paper procedures. As of 2019, paper tenders, auctions, quotes and requests for proposals will be banned, with eight exceptions.
Read what purchases to conduct on the ETP, how to choose a site and get electronic signature, according to what rules to conclude contracts in the transition period and after.

If a purchase is canceled in the purchase schedule, you do not need to reset the position. In the tab the basis for making changes, you must select "cancellation of purchase".

Create a procurement schedule in your personal account on the website. Of personal account send the schedule for verification to the control body under Part 5 of Article 99 of Law No. 44-FZ and to the EIS.

How to create a schedule line item in e-budget

Before generating the schedule, create items based on the purchasing plan items.

Some of the tabs of the schedule items will be filled in automatically, some - fill in yourself.

The " General information»

Complete three blocks.

1. General information:

  • schedule item numbers and purchase plan items;
  • procurement identification code and serial number of the IKZ;
  • version, status of the schedule item;
  • type of purchase from plan item;
  • the dates when the position was created and approved.

2. Customer details:

3. Information about the position of the schedule:

  • name of the procurement object;
  • oKPD code 2;
  • name and code of goods, work, services;
  • the way you define the supplier.

Tab "Specification of TRU"

Specification of goods, works, services - indicate the name and OKPD 2.

Purchase Conditions Tab

Complete the sections:

  • securing the application;
  • securing the contract;
  • the amount of the advance;
  • the schedule according to which you will conduct the purchase;
  • advantages;
  • requirements for procurement participants;
  • public discussion of the procurement;
  • banking support of the contract.

You will be able to edit the conditions of financial support of the application and the contract if you check the boxes “Required to secure the application”, “Required to secure the contract”.

Demand to secure the application and the contract in accordance with Articles 44 and 96 of Law No. 44-FZ.

Procurement Rationale Tab

Select from the list the method by which you define and justify the NMCK in accordance with Part 1 of Article 22 of Law No. 44-FZ. Justify the NMCK, attach documents that confirm the calculations.

Tab "Approval sheet"

Select from the directory the employees who will approve the procurement plan. For the “Approvalers” block to appear, check the box “Approval required”.

The plan is approved by the head of the organization or an employee who is authorized. This procedure follows from the form of the Procurement Plan - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 5, 2015 No. 553.

General tab for special purchases

Schedule special purchases are generated based on the purchase plan items. Approve and justify each purchase.

What purchases are classified as special

Special purchases are:

medicines (clause 7 of part 2 of article 83 of Law No. 44-FZ);

goods, works, services up to 100,000 rubles. (Clause 4, Part 1, Article 93 of Law No. 44-FZ);

goods, works, services for cultural and educational institutions up to 400,000 rubles. (Clause 5, Part 1, Article 93 of Law No. 44-FZ);

business trips, cultural events (clause 26, part 1 of article 93 of Law No. 44-FZ);

teaching and guide services (clause 33, part 1 of article 93 of Law No. 44-FZ);

collection and processing of primary statistical data (clause 42, part 1 of article 93 of Law No. 44-FZ);

access to information from databases (clause 44, part 1 of article 93 of Law No. 44-FZ).

Use positions to form a schedule.

How to create a schedule in the Electronic budget

Create a document in the schedule form from 2017.

Complete the tabs:

  • "General information";
  • "Schedule positions";
  • "Special purchases";
  • "The final indicators of the schedule";
  • "Results by KBK";
  • "Results on CWR";
  • "Justification of purchases";
  • "Approval sheet".

General tab

The tab consists of five blocks.

1. General information about the purchase:

  • status, year for which the schedule was created, planning period;
  • the number of the procurement plan, according to which you form the schedule.

2. Customer information - the field is filled in automatically.

3. Information about the contractor - the employee who is responsible for the schedule. Fill in the block using the directory of the organization's employees.

4. Information about the manager or authorized official. Indicate full name, position, phone number and email.

5. Documents with which you will justify:

  • nMCK calculations;
  • a way to identify a supplier.

The requirements are established in clause 11 of the Rules from the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 5, 2015 No. 553.

Schedule Positions Tab

Use this tab to add items to the schedule. Click on the "Enable Position" button. Select the item you want to add from the list. Remove the position from the schedule by clicking the "Exclude position" button.

Special Purchases Tab

The tab is formed on the basis of the items that are included in the schedule. The fields are not available for editing.

Schedule Totals Tab

This tab displays:

  • the total amount of the initial maximum prices of contracts with the NSR and SONO;
  • the total amount of the initial maximum contract prices that you enter through requests for quotations;
  • the total annual volume of purchases.

Fill in manually or using the button "Fill based on the entered positions".

The tab "Total by KBK"

In the tab - information about the codes of the budget classification of items that are included in the schedule.

If financial commitments exceed the budget commitment limit, a "!" Will appear. Please fill in the correct information.

CWR Results tab

The tab contains information from the items that are included in the schedule. The fields "Type of expenses" and "Total by type of expenses" are not available for editing. The field "Extra-budgetary funds" is available only for customers - budgetary and autonomous institutions.

Procurement Rationale Tab

The tab is filled in automatically according to the data from the items that are included in the schedule.

Tab "Approval sheet"

The Approval Sheet contains employees who approve and approve the documents in the Electronic Budget. Fill out the tab in the same way as when working with schedule items or purchasing plan.

When you fill out the schedule form, make sure that the information is correct - click the "Check Document" button.

If you make a mistake, you will see one of three messages:

  • error - the field was filled in incorrectly;
  • blocking error - the field was filled in incorrectly, it is impossible to save the schedule;
  • warning - the field was filled in incorrectly, but the error will not affect the work with the information.

Go back to the edit window and make your edits. Next, check the document again. If there are no errors, the system will display the "Document meets requirements" window. Save the schedule.

How to approve a schedule in an e-budget

On the list form of the schedule form, select required document and click "Agree".

In the approval window, click the “Approve” button. The document goes into the "Approved" status and is available for approval.

The schedule is approved by the employee who is indicated in the Approval Sheet. The customer is obliged to approve the schedule within 10 days from the date on which:

  • the scope of rights in monetary terms has been brought up - state customers and federal state budgetary, autonomous institutions, unitary enterprises that operate under Part 6 of Article 15 of Law No. 44-FZ;
  • approved the FHD plan - federal state budgetary institutions and unitary enterprises;
  • concluded agreements on subsidies - federal state autonomous institutions and unitary enterprises in accordance with part 4 of article 15 of Law No. 44-FZ.

This is stated in paragraph 2 of the Rules, which were established by the Government of the Russian Federation by decree of June 5, 2015 No. 553.

Attention: an official who violates the terms will pay a fine of 5,000 to 30,000 rubles. The sanction is provided for by part 4 of Article 7.29.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

In 2019-2020. development of all modules of the GIS "Electronic budget" continues.Since 2019, the placement of procurement plans is carried out only using the "Electronic Budget" system.By the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 23.10.2018 No. 21-02-04 / 75903 it is regulated the procedure for the formation, approval and placement of procurement plans, procurement schedules in the "Electronic budget" system.Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 14, 2018 No. 1528 amended into the GIS "Electronic budget": a subsystem for managing national projects, a subsystem for managing wages were introduced, the functionality of other subsystems was added, the procedure for performing individual operations and providing access to the GIS was revised.

The purpose of the workshopexplain to the participants of the budgetary process the procedure for working in the "Electronic Budget" system, give comments to new regulatory documents. At the seminarspecialists from the RF Ministry of Finance and the Federal Treasury, methodologists and system developers will speak.

The seminar is intended heads of planning and economic departments, contract managers of federal and regional bodies executive power, GRBS and their subordinate institutions, federal budgetary, autonomous and state institutions, managers and specialists of tender and legal departments.


  • Features of posting information on a single portal budgetary system Russian Federation chief administrators of federal budget funds, as well as financial bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the provisions of the new regulatory documents. Review of changes in the Orders of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation on the composition and procedure for posting and providing information on the single portal of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation. All-Russian, federal and regional Lists of state and municipal services and works: changing the procedure for the formation of state and municipal assignments.
  • Procurement management in the "Electronic budget" system (for customers); formation of procurement plans and procurement schedules. The order of work in the EIS public procurement. General questions on the organization of control: subjects of control (federal / regional / municipal, as well as their linking to the control body, determination of the control body for the organization (customer, authorized body), placement of objects of control before passing control. The timing of the control. Changes to the Control Rules in accordance with the decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 17, 2017 No. 315 and of March 20, 2017 No. 443. The use of LK UZ EB or LK UIS in the formation of PP and PGZ by different types of customers. Formation of PP and PPP by branches. Possibility of deleting the placed PP or PP. Possibility of deleting lines from the placed PP and PP. Formation of IKZ (indication of zero OKPD, zero CWR, ordinal line number in PP, PPZ), including when changing PP, PPZ, when forming an application containing information constituting a state secret. Formation of a purchase notice without specifying the PPP line: as a standard functionality and as a temporary measure - a “workaround” if there are problems in the formation (change) of PPP.
  • Exercise of treasury control under Part 5 of Art. 99 of Law No. 44-FZ: subjects of control, objects of control, timing and procedure for conducting control.
  • Features of planning the limits of budgetary obligations in 2019 for the adoption and implementation of budgetary obligations to ensure the performance of the functions of institutions. Formation and approval of budget estimates of the institution in accordance with General requirements, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia 112n. Features of the allocation of costs to sections of the budget estimate. Filling out the justifications (calculations) of planned estimates. The procedure for making changes to the budget estimate. Planned changes to the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia 112n.
  • Budget spending in 2019: limitations and opportunities. Budgetary appropriations, limits of budgetary obligations: distribution (bringing), increase, redistribution. Remains: need, features of use, return. Conclusion of contracts in 2019: adoption of budget (monetary) obligations, advance payments.
  • Methodological issues of the formation and maintenance of the FHD plan in institutions. Features of planning in 2019 ... The procedure for filling out the plan. The procedure for filling in the indicators of financial condition. The procedure for filling in indicators for receipts and payments. The procedure for amending the FHD Plan and Information. How to reflect planned indicators in accounting for a budgetary and autonomous institution. How to take into account planned assignments for income and expenses. How to take into account the fulfillment of the income plan. How to fulfill the FHD Expenditure Plan. How to make a commitment. How to transfer obligations at the beginning of the year. Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 13, 2017 No. 227n “On amendments to the Requirements for the plan of financial and economic activities of a state (municipal) institution. How to reflect planned indicators in accounting for a budgetary and autonomous institution. Practical issues of cost allocation and cost formation.
  • Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia of August 31, 2018 N 186n "On Requirements for the preparation and approval of a plan for financial and economic activities of a state (municipal) institution" new requirements for the FHD Plan of 2020, we analyze the changes: the composition of the sections - differences from Order 81n; filling rules - new budget classification and KOSGU; deciphering indicators of receipts and payments - tables of justifications. FHD plan for 2019 - what changes to take into account.
  • Formation of budget (accounting) reporting in the Accounting and Reporting subsystem of the "Electronic Budget" system. Orders of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 02.11.2017 No. 176n and dated 14.11.2017 No. 189n. The procedure for the formation, presentation, set and consolidation of budget (accounting) statements in the Accounting and Reporting subsystem of the "Electronic Budget" system. Setting up the reference book for the coordination of reporting forms. Import of reports. Manual input of information. Control and approval. Acceptance of reports from subordinate organizations. Creation of summary reports, export and submission to the parent organization. Interaction of users with the Federal Treasury bodies in case of questions arising when working in the Accounting and Reporting subsystem of the Electronic Budget system.
  • Approaches to the implementation of national projects, the procedure for the formation and conclusion of agreements on the implementation of a regional project and on the provision of inter-budgetary subsidies. Methodology and implementation mechanisms for federal and regional level: regulatory regulation, budget classification, agreements on the implementation of a regional project on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, interbudgetary transfers to regions. End-to-end planning of goals and indicators (interrelation of strategy, national projects, state programs, etc.). The procedure for the formation and conclusion of agreements on the provision of subsidies in the information system between the main manager of the federal budget and the supreme executive body state power subject of the Russian Federation.
  • Answers to students' questions and practical recommendations.

The seminar will feature:

Sirotenko Elena Lvovna, Head of the Department of the Integrated Information Systems of Public Finance of the Federal Treasury of Russia;

Markova Christina Anatolyevna, Deputy Head of the Financial Technologies Directorate of the Federal Treasury of Russia;

Prizhennikov Nikolay Olegovich,counselor, Treasury Service Methodology and Treasury Payments Division, Department legal regulation budget relations of the Ministry of Finance of Russia;

Guseva Natalia Mikhailovna, ph.D., State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 2nd class;

Ochirova Baya Vyacheslavovna, head of the Methodology Department of LLC "R.O.S.T.U." (Group of companies "Caseysystems") developer of complex automated systems in financial management

EB is a system developed by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation in conjunction with the Federal Treasury, designed to ensure transparency, openness and systematization financial activities state and subordinate bodies, as well as budgetary institutions of different levels. With the help of electronic books, you can generate and store reports, draw up and place documentation intended for state and municipal orders, and conduct planned activities.

The functioning of the GIIS EB is regulated by the Government Decree No. 658 of June 30, 2015. The state information system consists of several subsystems that integrate various information flows:

  • management of income and expenses;
  • budget planning;
  • procurement management;
  • coordination money;
  • frames;
  • reference data and so on.

Procurement planning in eB for ordering organizations is also mandatory - the procurement plan in the "Electronic Budget" for 2019 should be placed by all institutions conducting their procurement activities.

How to form a PP in the "Electronic budget" system

Based on the Federal Law on federal budget for 2019-2020 GRBS bring the limits of budgetary obligations to the RBS and subordinate institutions, which, in turn, must use the "Electronic Budget" (procurement plan for 2019) for subsequent planning (letter of the Ministry of Finance No. 21-03-04 / 78050 dated November 24, 2017).

State and municipal customers must develop and approve the PP within 10 working days after the delivery of the LBO, and budgetary institutions, GUP and MUP - within 10 working days after the approval of the financial and economic activity plan.

The schedule in the "Electronic Budget" is formed in the same time frame on the basis of the previously developed and signed PP.

PP is drawn up for the reporting year and two subsequent financial period, that is, for three years. The formation regulations are set in the letter of the Ministry of Finance No. 21-03-04 / 35490 dated June 17, 2016. After agreeing on the planning document in the electronic library, the system sends the plan to the customer's personal account in the Unified Information System.

Let's consider step by step how to form a PP in the "Electronic budget".

Step 1. In the GIIS DL dialog box, select the "Procurement Management" section. Then go to the "Forms" tab, then "Planning", then "PZ" and at the end of "PZ Positions". All values \u200b\u200bin plans are selected from the list of proposed options.

Step 2. Select the "Create" option. You must complete the following tabs:

Before filling, you need to check the settings in the part of automatic filling of some sections ( general information, customer details).

Step 3. Next, fill in the basic information. The type of order (reference book) must be selected, the subject of the purchase, OKPD2 code or several codes (which must be indicated additionally) must be indicated. If necessary, fill in information on mandatory public comment or other additional information.

Step 4. It is necessary to fill in the "Amount of financial security" tab.

Step 6. After filling in all the tabs, a "Approval sheet" is formed. To do this, you need to mark in the PP the requirement to approve the document and pull up from the directory officials - coordinator and approver. Next, you need to send the planning document for subsequent approval and approval. In the context menu "Procurement management" select the "Forms" tab, then "Planning", then "PP" and "My Documents".

Step 7. After completing all the above actions, the PP is sent for control.

Problems arising in the operation of the electronic security system

First of all, problems can arise when moving documentation to the EIS. In this case, the responsible executor must send a request to technical support Unified information system by attaching all supporting files (screenshots and complaints) to the letter.

It is not uncommon for a protocol on zero limits to come after control of the PP. This may happen due to the fact that RBS either made a mistake when filling out the limits, or did not enter the LBS. The customer must resolve this issue directly with the manager of budgetary funds.

If the customer has difficulties in forming planning documents in the DL system, then the contractor should use the tab “Electronic budget” → “User's Guide” → “Procurement plan”. The user manual provides a detailed description of the procedure for the formation of PP and schedules, as well as other features of work in the EL system.

Oksana Balandina, Chief Editor of the State Order System

From July 1, 2018 to January 1, 2019, customers have a transitional period - it is allowed to carry out both electronic and paper procedures. As of 2019, paper tenders, auctions, quotes and requests for proposals will be banned, with eight exceptions.
Read what purchases to make on the ETP, how to choose a site and get an electronic signature, according to what rules to conclude contracts in the transition period and after.

In the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 07.07.2017 No. 21-07-05 / 43320 "On plans for the procurement of goods, works, services to ensure state needs"It is said that government customers form procurement plans that do not contain information constituting a state secret for 2018 and the planning period of 2019 and 2020, and their subsequent direction to the main managers in the budget planning subsystem of the state integrated information system for public finance management" Electronic budget ".

The user manual on the formation of procurement plans and sending them to the main managers, as well as on the adoption of procurement plans by the main managers, will be posted on the official website of the Ministry of Finance of Russia in the "Internet" information and telecommunications network in the " Information Systems Ministry of Finance of Russia / Subsystem budget planning of the "Electronic Budget" system until July 14, 2017.

How to generate, agree and place procurement plans in the EIS through the Electronic Budget

Create a procurement plan in the procurement management section of the Electronic Budget. To do this, log into your personal account on the website and fill out the plan form. From your personal account, send the plan for approval by the GRBS and place it in the EIS.

What information to specify in the plan and what to do if you encounter an error - read the instructions below.

How to create bulk purchases in e-budget

Create bulk purchases - information about goods, works and services and information about financial support.

If necessary, generate three UZ cards:

  • for federal needs - enlarged purchase card 200;
  • social security of citizens - a large purchase card 300;
  • capital construction, investment projects, real estate objects that are included in the federal address investment program, - enlarged purchase card 400.

Build KM throughout the year as information about procurement needs becomes available.

Items will be included in the procurement plan.

For details on how to create a bulk purchase and item, see Sections 4.3 and 4.7 of the User Guide.

If the field is not available for editing, make sure that the procurement plan item is in the "Draft" status and has been opened using the "Open document for editing" button. If you cannot fill in the field, please contact technical support. magazine Is a magazine on the pages of which the leading experts of the industry give practical explanations, and the materials are prepared with the participation of specialists from the FAS and the Ministry of Finance. All articles of the journal are the highest degree of reliability.