Transferred to the electronic form of the service. MED: not all services need to be fully converted into electronic form. Converting municipal services into electronic form

The Ministry of Economic Development adheres to the position that not all services should be fully transferred to electronic view, the principle of reasonable expediency is needed, said the deputy director of the department state regulation in the economy Pavel Malkov in his report on the directions of improving the interaction of the state with citizens and business.

“For all federal and for priority regional services, a matrix should be developed at once - which procedures are transferred to electronic form, and in what time frame. Non-priority regional services are the region's area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility, "Malkov said at the All-Russian Forum" Information Society - 2014: Achievements and Prospects ", which took place on October 9-10 in Chelyabinsk.

According to him, each subject must decide for himself which procedures to translate into electronic form, and which ones are completely inappropriate. At the same time, absolutely for all services, information on a single portal should be preserved, for all services the payment of the duty in electronic form should be ensured - where it is, the ministry believes.

Malkov recalled that in July last year at a meeting of the Presidium of the Council for the Modernization of the Economy and innovative development The Ministry of Economic Development proposed a new approach to transfer services to electronic form. These innovations are reflected in the concept of development of mechanisms for the provision of services in electronic form. The next step is to consolidate this approach in the regulatory framework.

A year ago, Deputy Minister of Economic Development Oleg Fomichev spoke about the fact that only popular public services should be converted into electronic form. , while maintaining the ideology of a single portal for the publication of public services of all levels, not all of them are economically feasible to be entirely converted into electronic form. Translation costs for rarely used services do not pay off.

The Ministry of Economic Development proposes to abandon the now adopted scheme of five stages of service provision, and go to a modular system in which the service is divided into a set of administrative actions. The decision to transfer to electronic form is made for each specific block.

As the website of the ministry's press service explained, the modular system provides for the transfer of individual administrative procedures into electronic form. With this approach, for each service, an individual set of procedures to be converted into an electronic form is determined - for example, informing, paying a fee, making an appointment, submitting documents in electronic form, etc.

The work plan - the "matrix" of transferring services to electronic form, which Malkov mentioned, displays for each service a specific set of electronic services (administrative procedures), services provided, as well as the timing of their implementation.

The Ministry of Economic Development believes that for all federal services, priority regional services to be optimized, according to the Concept for the development of mechanisms for the provision of state and municipal services in electronic form, the specified "matrix" for transferring services to electronic form should be developed at a time.

When asked which, in the opinion of the Ministry of Economic Development, services out of 35 priority services should not be fully transferred to electronic form, the answer was received: “All priority federal and regional services subject to priority optimization according to the Concept should be converted to electronic form in all administrative procedures, unless otherwise provided by law, or if the implementation of all administrative procedures is not applicable in practice (for example, for services that do not require payment of a state fee, the corresponding administrative procedure cannot be implemented). "

How to be regions

In order to optimize the procedures for the provision of services, the regions need to form an appropriate methodology, which, first of all, will be applied to 35 priority services, said the website in the press service of the Ministry of Economic Development. The work is being built in accordance with the Concept for the development of mechanisms for the provision of state and municipal services in electronic form, as well as an action plan ("road map") for its implementation, approved by a government decree.

The executive bodies of the subjects have the right to start measures in relation to other state and municipal services on their own without making an appropriate decision on federal level... This is, again, about the activities provided for by the Concept, as well as the Action Plan.

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications was instructed not later than the fourth quarter of 2014 to develop appropriate methodological recommendations. In the near future, plans and schedules of measures for the transition to the provision of priority services by the executive authorities of the subjects and local governments will also be approved.

G2G and G2B

According to Malkov, the Ministry of Economic Development is involved in a large number of projects in the field information society - all of them are in the field of improving the quality of interaction between the state and business, the state with the citizen and improving the quality of internal communications of government agencies (G2B, G2C, G2G, respectively).

Referring to the G2G project on organizing interagency cooperation, Malkov said that the methodology for designing interagency interaction needs to be significantly improved.

“The project is already cramped only in the service sector and within the framework of only the authorities. In addition, there are also government functions, a large number of organizations that provide services using data from authorities, and much more. All this needs to be reflected in a new methodology, ”he said.

Malkov also touched upon the topic of a new direction of work, which is indicated in the roadmap "Improving the quality of the regulatory environment for business" (order of the Government Russian Federation dated June 11, 2013 No. 953-r) and is associated with the task of reducing business costs. “It is known that every year business state power a huge volume of all kinds of reports is provided. According to the most rough estimates, the total volume of business costs for the provision of more than one thousand reporting forms is about 1.5 trillion rubles and takes more than 6 billion man-hours per year, "Malkov cited the data of the Ministry of Economic Development.

However, according to the ministry, the country lacks a system for assessing business costs, and a system for assessing the practical value and necessity of these reports. The Ministry of Economic Development of Russia begins work on developing approaches to improve the entire reporting system, including optimizing the forms themselves and the data provided. “At the exit, unified rules for constructing reports and unified methods of submitting them should be obtained, primarily through electronic channels,” said a representative of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia.

More than 100 thousand regional and municipal services are presented on the single portal of public services (EPGU) (data from the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications).

Earlier in October, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia presented a report on the results of monitoring the quality of the provision of public services in electronic form, which was carried out from April to May 2014. 638 state services of 64 federal executive bodies and bodies of state extra-budgetary funds, as well as 2,041 state and municipal services provided by executive bodies and local self-government bodies of 83 constituent entities of the Russian Federation were studied.

As of October,. A rating of 4.5 was achieved by six departments: FSS of Russia, Rossvyaz, Rosturizm, Ministry of Transport of Russia, Ministry of Finance of Russia and Rosfinmonitoring. Roskomnadzor, EMERCOM of Russia, Rosvodoresursy and Rosprirodnazdor started working between 4.4 and 4.0. Most of the departments are located below. Seven bodies received a zero rating, among them the Ministry of Education and Science and the Federal Archives.

II The process of converting services into electronic form

1. Analysis of the administrative regulations for the provision of state municipal services.

The process of analyzing the AR by the System Operator begins with the verification of the name of the service and its main parameters with the data of the IS "RSU". The AR is also checked for the possibility of providing services in electronic form, the possibility of sending interdepartmental requests and requirements for filling out an application for the provision of a state / municipal service. For a municipal service, a check is carried out for compliance with the approved standard administrative regulations. In case of inaccuracies, the System Operator sends the System User information about the necessary corrections. Work on transferring the service to an electronic form by the System Operator shall be terminated until the comments are eliminated by the User.

2. Designing the service data schema.

The service data schema is designed on the basis of the data corrected (if necessary) in the IS "RSU" and the corrected AR. The design is based on the following parameters AR: service delivery options, service delivery goals, service recipients), service application forms, as well as a list of documents provided together with the service application. When designing a service data scheme, the System Operator has the right to request consultative support from the System User on issues related to the provision of the service. The typical term for performing work at this stage is ten working days.

3. Design and development of the IAP prototype.

The design of the IAP is carried out by the System Operator using the IS "SPU" on the basis of the developed data scheme. The design of the IAP includes the development of visual filling of the form, integration with the subsystem of the IS "MFC" POP to ensure the possibility of receiving applications. Upon completion of the design, the IAP is displayed on the test EPGU to ensure the possibility of monitoring the final result by the responsible employee of the System User and conducting integration testing of the full cycle of providing the service in electronic form, provided for in paragraph 4 of these regulations. The typical term for performing work on this stage is fifteen working days.

4. Testing of the IAP prototype.

The responsible employee of the System User is involved in the testing of the developed IAP to conduct a comprehensive testing of the full cycle of the provision of services in electronic form, including the work of the IAP on the test portal of the EPGU, sending applications to the IS "MFC" POP, processing applications with sending intermediate statuses of processing applications and the result of rendering services (if sending the result is impossible due to the requirements of the AR) to the test portal of the EPGU.

Based on the results of testing, the System Operator, together with the System User, signs the test protocol developed by the IAP (hereinafter referred to as the testing protocol) and is approved by the DITOO in the form given in Appendix No. 2 to this regulation. The IAP testing protocol reflects the detected deficiencies that must be eliminated. In case of availability technical capability all indicated shortcomings are eliminated by the System Operator, about which the relevant information is entered into the Testing Protocol.

After eliminating the identified deficiencies (subject to the availability of technical capabilities), the testing protocol is signed by the System User together with the System User and approved by DITOO. The typical term for performing work on this stage is twenty working days.

5. Formation of a set of technical and operational documentation for the IAP publication.

The documentation required for IPF publication is developed by the System Operator and includes:

Private technical assignment;

Instruction for the EPGU call center;

Testing protocol.

The maximum term for the completion of work at this stage is no more than seven working days.

6. Publication of the IAP at EPGU.

The IAP is published on the EPGU by the System Operator on the basis of the approved IAP Testing Protocol. The term for the formation and submission of an application by the System Operator for publication is no more than 14 calendar days. Based on the results of sending the application, the EPGU operation service assigns an incident number within the framework of which the publication is carried out.

The publication period depends on the operating mode of the EPGU operation service for the IAP publication, as well as on the elimination of technical problems (if any were identified during the publication).

7. Integration of IS "MFC" POPs with VIS of the System User. Integration is carried out when it is necessary to provide services using the User's VIS.

To integrate the VIS with the IS "MFC" POP according to the standard scheme determined by the System Operator, a web service for receiving applications and a client of the web service are developed on the side of the VIS for sending messages about events of processing applications. Documentation with a full technical description of the necessary improvements at the request of the System User is provided by the System Operator (if there is an application from this System User to transfer the service to an electronic form).

Integration of VIS with IS "MFC" POPs using a scheme of information interaction that is different from the standard one, is carried out in agreement with DITOO. To agree on such integration, you must provide detailed technical description the proposed solution.

Based on the results of the integration, working group to conduct integration testing with the participation of responsible persons appointed by the User of the System, DITOO and the System Operator (hereinafter - participants in the integration testing). In case of successful completion, the participants of the integration testing sign the corresponding Protocol.

8. Connection of the IPF to the monitoring system.

After the successful publication of the IAP on the EPGU / RPGU, the System Operator develops autotests for connecting this IAP to the monitoring system. Depending on the technical capability, autotests can be short (with testing the accessibility of the IAP at the EPGU / RPGU) and complete (with testing the accessibility of the IAP at the EPGU / RPGU, filling the IAP with test data and sending test applications to the System User).

In the case of developing a full autotest, the System Operator informs the System User of a set of test data to enable the System User to select test applications among the general flow of productive applications submitted by applicants.

Monitoring of the IAP is carried out according to a schedule determined by the System Operator until the withdrawal of the IAP (termination of the provision of this service by the User of the System or the change in the IAP in accordance with the changes in the AR).

Information from the Trinity Department of Social Protection of the Population
Department of social protection of the population
Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative districts of the city of Moscow

From December 5, 2015 on Portal of state and municipal services (functions) of the city of Moscow (\u003e\u003e "\u003e open access to a modernized interactive application form "Benefits and compensation for families with children (including large families)"that contain 17 government services.

More details

1. Appointment and provision of a one-time allowance for women registered with medical institutions the city of Moscow up to 20 weeks of pregnancy.
2. Appointment and provision of a one-time compensation payment for reimbursement of expenses in connection with the birth (adoption) of a child.
3. Appointment and provision of an additional one-time benefit in connection with the birth of a child to young families.
4. Appointment and provision of a one-time compensation payment for reimbursement of expenses in connection with the birth of three or more children at the same time.
5. Appointment and provision of monthly child support.
6. Appointment and provision of monthly compensation payments to compensate for the increase in the cost of food to certain categories of citizens for children under the age of 3 years.
7. Appointment and provision of monthly compensation payments to reimburse expenses due to the increase in the cost of living to certain categories of families with children.
8. Registration and issuance of the Certificate a large family the city of Moscow.
9. Appointment and provision of a monthly compensation payment for reimbursement of expenses in connection with the increase in the cost of living for large families.
10. Appointment and provision of monthly compensation payments for the purchase of goods children's assortment families with many children.
11. Appointment and provision of monthly compensation payments to reimburse the costs of payment for residential premises and utilities families with many children.
12. Appointment and provision of monthly compensation payments for the use of the telephone to large families.
13. Appointment and provision of monthly compensation payments to families with 10 or more children.
14. Appointment and provision of an annual compensation payment for the purchase of a set of children's clothing for attending classes for the period of study.
15. Appointment and provision of a monthly compensation payment to a person caring for a disabled child under the age of 18 or a disabled child from childhood under the age of 23.
16. Appointment and provision of monthly compensation payments for a child under the age of 18 living in a family in which both or the only parent do not work and are disabled of group I or II (or have III or II degree of restriction of ability to work).
17. Appointment and provision of monthly compensation payments to disabled children under 18 years of age who have lost their breadwinner and disabled children from childhood under 23 years of age.

From March 1, 2016 translated exclusively into electronic form two government services:
Appointment of a one-time compensation payment to reimburse expenses in connection with the birth (adoption) of a child
Appointment of an additional one-time benefit in connection with the birth of a child to young families

More details

Parents will be able to submit a request (application) for the provision of these services exclusively electronically through Portal of state and municipal services (functions) of the city of Moscow (\u003e\u003e "target \u003d" _blank "\u003e, excluding guardians.
Guardians will continue to be able to apply for public services only in paper form to the Social Protection Department.

January and February 2016 will be transitional months when citizens will be able to apply for the provision of two public services in the same manner, i.e. both in electronic form through the Portal and on paper.

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Yakimova O.Yu.


The article discusses the main issues related to the transfer of municipal services to electronic form. Defined the main objective and the main tools for the formation of electronic government in Russia. To date, the Government of the Russian Federation has adopted several orders that should organize and regulate interagency information interaction in electronic form. Ministry economic development leads the project "Creation typical solutions for the provision of state and municipal services by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments in electronic form. " Technical requirements the project provides for the creation of standard programs (road maps) for all services. The article discusses the main work that was carried out in the Republic of Mordovia in 2008-2010. in the field of public and municipal government and which were aimed at expanding the use of information and communication technologies in various sectors of the republic.

Key words: e-government, state and municipal services, interdepartmental information interaction.


The article covers the main issues related to the transfer of municipal services in electronic form. Defined the main goal and the main instruments of formation of the electronic government in Russia. Today the Government adopted several decrees-material, which must organize and regulate the interdepartmental information interaction in an electronic form. The Ministry of economic development carries out the project "Creation of model solutions in provision of the state and municipal services of the bodies of Executive power of the subjects of the Russian Federation and bodies of local self-government in electronic form". Technical requirements to the project envisage the creation of standard programs (road maps) for all of the services. In the article the basic work, which were held in the Republic of Mordovia in 2008-2010 in the sphere of state and municipal management, and which were aimed at expanding the use of information-communication technologies in various sectors of the Republic.

Keywords: e-government, state and municipal services, the interdepartmental information interaction.


One of the main tasks of the current course of economic transformations in Russia is the transition to a new quality of socio-economic development based on information technologies.

The use of ICT is crucial for increasing the competitiveness of the economy, expanding the possibilities of its integration into world system economy, increasing the efficiency of public administration and local government. The development of information technologies transforms the post-industrial society into a new qualitative state - the information society.

The need to implement measures to form the infrastructure of the information society, including e-government and e-municipality, designed to ensure the transparency of the activities of authorities and local self-government (LSG), as well as the transition to the provision of state and municipal services in electronic form, requires an urgent analysis of the current situation. this segment an almost impasse situation and the search for solutions to overcome it. More than 15 years of experience in informatization of local self-government bodies, interaction with public authorities of all levels and developers of information technologies allows to fairly objectively and on a large-scale assess the state, trends and prospects of the formation of the infrastructure of the information society, e-government and e-municipality.

The aim of the work is to consider the process of transferring municipal services into electronic form.

Research methods: methods of scientific knowledge and research: analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction and concretization, generalization, formalization, analogy, modeling.

Main part

e-government information management

The main goal of the formation of e-government is to improve the quality of the provision of state (municipal) services to citizens, organizations and business representatives, as well as to improve the quality of execution state functions.

The main tools for the formation of electronic government in Russia are: a) transfer of state, municipal and budget services to electronic form and b) transfer of the execution of the corresponding state, municipal and budget functions to electronic form.

Summarizing, we can say that during the formation of electronic government the following goals should be achieved:

Improving the quality and availability of state and municipal services.

Reducing administrative barriers.

Reduction of budgetary expenditures for the provision of state and municipal services (performance of functions).

The parameters that determine the quality of the provision of state and municipal services should be considered:

Service availability - the ability to access the appropriate service at a convenient time in a convenient place;

Transparency of the procedure for providing a service - availability of an accessible regulation, which unambiguously and clearly defines the procedure and conditions for obtaining a service;

Service delivery speed - the minimum waiting time for a decision or response;

Time spent by the recipient of the service - the minimum time spent by the recipient of the service waiting in line, filling out questionnaires, collecting visas for a document, etc .;

The corruption capacity of the service is a clear regulation of the actions of civil servants, as well as a decrease in the number of personal contacts between employees and recipients of services.

The main condition for creating an information society and ensuring the functioning of e-government and e-municipality is the availability of fully formed and updated information resources in electronic form. Today, in the Russian Federation, information resources are formed according to the departmental principle, within the limits of powers determined by legislation. The owner of information resources is the organization at the expense of which they were formed and updated. As a consequence, the total volume of information resources of local self-government bodies constitutes the base of the pyramid of such resources on a national scale.

However, due to the absence of national requirements and recommendations on the composition, structure, formats and formation procedure, even information resources of the same name, not only at the level of municipalities, but also at the level of the constituent entities of the Federation, are of a heterogeneous nature. The absence of a unified normative and reference information makes the information resources of various state authorities, authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation and municipalities difficult to match or incompatible at all. The clearest example is the absence in the country unified directory addresses.

E-government, defined as a system of state (municipal) government using electronic means of processing, transmitting and disseminating information, if properly implemented, is a powerful tool for improving the quality of public administration, as it allows:

Provide state (municipal) services remotely (for example, via the Internet), which makes services more accessible and reduces the number of personal contacts between government officials and recipients of services;

Deliver services faster and in fewer iterations by automating individual elements of administrative processes.

The current legislation provides for a procedure for information interaction between organizations on the basis of relevant agreements. At the same time, certain legislative and by-laws limit the composition and volume of information provided in electronic form to third-party users. At the same time, if for the authorities the order and the possibility of information interaction in electronic form are somehow reflected in the documents mentioned, then the local authorities in most cases are not mentioned at all.

Until recently, the experience of interagency information interaction in electronic form was formed mainly by initiative, and in the absence of even the recommendatory influence of the federal center. As for the municipalities, they participate in this process in a “one-way traffic” regime, providing the information provided for by the legislation to the authorities of various levels and receiving almost nothing in return.

The Government of the Russian Federation has adopted several orders that should organize and regulate interagency information interaction in electronic form. Responsibility for the organization regional systems interdepartmental information interaction in electronic form, which also provides for the participation of local governments, is entrusted to the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Experience shows that work on the creation of such regional systems is not carried out promptly.

In theory, electronic municipal services should become one of the links in a three-tier architecture for the provision of state and municipal services (federal, regional, municipal levels), based on the use of registers and portals of state and municipal services provided in electronic form. However, today, municipalities are willing to follow this architecture on extremely rare occasions. So far, not even all regions have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bhow to create electronic services using public service portals. The situation with municipalities is even more complicated. When it comes to practice, local governments carry out the conversion of municipal services into electronic form based on their own ideas about how this should be done.

Spontaneous projects for the creation of municipal services in electronic form in the future lead to additional costs... If the solution is initially created using outdated technologies that do not provide interoperability, then adapting it for a portal of state and municipal services or ensuring interaction with other state or municipal systems may require repeated funding in the same amount - or, simply, rewriting from scratch. The spontaneity of municipal informatization prevents the creation of uniform services on the scale of the Russian Federation, despite the fact that it is municipal services that are often the closest to citizens and therefore the most in demand.

How to organize the development of municipal electronic services in the formed situation? Apparently, the only way is to find a compromise between the interests of the federal center, regions and municipalities. Without denying the autonomy of municipalities, they should be encouraged to create high-quality and interoperable systems. Such incentives can be carried out, in particular, through ratings, grants and pilot projects.

At present, the Ministry of Economic Development is carrying out the project “Creation of standard solutions for the provision of state and municipal services by executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments in electronic form”. The technical requirements for the project provide for the creation of standard programs (road maps) for all 58 services mentioned in the Order N 1993-r. According to the technical requirements, the roadmap should contain target indicators and indicators for the implementation of the program (by years of implementation), the target model for the transition to the provision of state (municipal) services in electronic form, sequence, characteristics and description of program activities, implementation timeframes, approximate amounts of funding, and also the expected final results of the program implementation and indicators of socio-economic efficiency. If such roadmaps are developed and communicated to municipalities, this will make the Order No. 1993-r a much more practical document.

The development of the information society in the Republic of Mordovia is carried out on the basis of improving the legal framework in the field of state regulation of information and communication technologies, informatization of the executive bodies of state power of the Republic of Mordovia, creation and development of the information infrastructure of the republic, formation of information resources of the region, provision of conditions for information security of the individual, society and the state, creating conditions for the availability of information and the provision of state and municipal services to the population, business entities by creating a portal of state services (functions), automating the activities of municipal multifunctional centers for the provision of municipal services.

In the field of state and municipal administration in the Republic of Mordovia in 2008-2010. work was carried out aimed at expanding the use of information and communication technologies in various sectors of the Republic of Mordovia.

In order to implement the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 15, 2009 No. 478 "On a unified system of information and reference support of citizens and organizations on issues of interaction with executive authorities and local governments using the information and telecommunications network Internet", the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Mordovia dated January 18, 2010 No. 10 of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Mordovia is determined by the authorized body for information resource republican register of state and municipal services.

As part of the deployment of the republican register of state and municipal services (functions) on the basis of a standard software and hardware solution of the Ministry of Information Science of the Republic of Mordovia, together with the State Institution Gosinform, the distribution kit of the republican register and the republican portal was deployed on the resources of the data center, based on a standard software and hardware solution.

At present, information on 179 services has been entered into the republican register of state (municipal) services, including 4 federal, 141 regional and 34 municipal.

After entering the information by the executive bodies of state power of the Republic of Mordovia, as well as by local authorities in the Republic of Mordovia, authorized body on maintaining the republican register, verifies the entered information and transfers them to the federal state information system "Consolidated register of state and municipal services (functions), and also publishes on the republican Portal of state and municipal services (functions), available at: http: // gosuslugi /

On February 1, 2010, by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Mordovia No. 37, the republican target program "Formation of an information society in the Republic of Mordovia until 2015" was approved.

The complex of problems to be solved by the Program is directly related to increasing the efficiency of the use of information and communication technologies to solve the problems of socio-economic development of the Republic of Mordovia.

The objectives of the Program are:

Improving the quality of life of the population of the Republic of Mordovia through the large-scale use of ICT in social sphere, in the field of life safety, as well as in everyday life;

Improving the efficiency of the system of state and municipal government in the Republic of Mordovia, increasing the availability and quality of public services for the population and business, as well as the openness of government bodies through the use of ICT;

Growth of the economy, living standards of the population and budget revenues due to the development of modern information and communication infrastructure, the use of ICT in the economy and stimulation of the development of the ICT sector.

As a result of the implementation of the Program in 2010, 34 projects were carried out within the framework of program activities: Development of a system for managing state property (including land resources), Implementation and technical support of the official website of state authorities of the Republic of Mordovia, Development and integration of automated information systems for registering the population of the Republic Mordovia, Development of information security systems in healthcare institutions, Development of an electronic social register of the population of the Republic of Mordovia, Development of an electronic archive system, Development of an electronic archive system, etc.

In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Mordovia dated December 3, 2009 No. 92-Z "On the republican budget of the Republic of Mordovia for 2010 and for the planning period of 2011 and 2012", 71.12 million rubles are provided for financing the Program.

During 2010, work was carried out to introduce the Republic of Mordovia standard information systems, the Republican register of state and municipal services (functions) of the Republic of Mordovia and the Republican portal of state and municipal services (functions) of the Republic of Mordovia.

The result of these works was the creation of the Portal of state and municipal services (functions) of the Republic of Mordovia on the Internet, available at With the help of the Portal, residents of the Republic of Mordovia can obtain the necessary information about public services provided by territorial bodies of federal executive bodies in the Republic of Mordovia, executive bodies of state power of the Republic of Mordovia, local authorities in the Republic of Mordovia.

At present, the executive bodies of state power of the Republic of Mordovia, as well as local self-government bodies in the Republic of Mordovia, enter information about state and municipal services in the Republican register.

On the Republican portal, the opportunity to receive 3 government services in electronic form is implemented.

Within the framework of the event "Creation and development of a system of Internet sites and information support of state authorities and local authorities of the Republic of Mordovia within the framework of the portal of state authorities of the Republic of Mordovia" of the republican target program "Formation of an information society in the Republic of Mordovia in the period up to 2015" work on the modernization and implementation of the official website of the state authorities of the Republic of Mordovia (website of the OGV RM).

The main indicators of the effectiveness of the use of ICT in the Republic of Mordovia are shown below in Table 1.

Table 1 - Indicators of the effectiveness of the use of information technologies in the Republic of Mordovia in 2010


Share of the ICT sector in GRP,%

Share electronic document management state authorities of the Republic of Mordovia in the total volume of document circulation,%

The share of organizations subordinated to the state authorities of the Republic of Mordovia connected to the unified telecommunication network of the state authorities of the Republic of Mordovia,%

The share of official websites of state authorities of the Republic of Mordovia that ensure their interactive presence on the Internet and meet the requirements of the legislation on the disclosure of information on the activities of state authorities,%

Share of government services provided using ICT, including using the Internet,%

Share of government orders placed by government authorities using ICT,%

Share of health care institutions using medical information systems,%

Share of public authorities using electronic digital signature when working with 3 or more automated systems,%

Despite the work done and the measures taken, the Republic of Mordovia is very far behind most regions in the implementation of information and communication technologies in the management of the region. According to the data of the electronic magazine "GosManagement", according to the level of implementation of the Electronic Government, Mordovia as of October 1, 2011 ranks 42nd in the Russian Federation and 12th in the Volga Federal District. It is impossible not to note the negative dynamics in this rating (33rd in the Russian Federation and 8th in the Volga Federal District in 2010). This suggests that it is necessary to increase attention to the processes of formation of the information society in the Republic of Mordovia.

IP listused literature

1. Braude-Zolotoryov M.Yu. Big boat of informatization // Russian newspaper, 07.07.2010.

2. Doctrine of information security of the Russian Federation: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 09.09.2000 No. Pr-1895. [Electronic resource] Access mode:\u003ddoc;base\u003dLAW;n\u003d28679 - date of treatment 10/30/2012.

3. On the republican budget of the Republic of Mordovia for 2010 and for the planning period of 2011 and 2012: Law of the Republic of Mordovia dated December 3, 2009 No. 92-З. [Electronic resource] Access mode: - date of treatment 10/30/2012.

4. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2009 N 1993-r // Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 23.12.2009.

5. Formation of the information society in the Republic of Mordovia in the period up to 2015: Republican target program: Decree of the Government of the Republic of Mordovia No. 37 dated February 01, 2010. [Electronic resource] Access mode: - date of treatment 10/26/2012.

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    The concept and principle of operation of "electronic government", assessment of the need and prospects for the introduction of information technology in government activities. Analysis of FTP implementation " Electronic Russia"in the Irkutsk region and the city of Irkutsk, its results.

    thesis, added 07/05/2010

    Analysis of the availability of electronic services of state and municipal services in the Republic of Mordovia. Research of measures for informatization of state and municipal services, analysis of the problems of interdepartmental interaction in their provision.

    practice report, added 02/08/2016

    The essence of state and municipal services. Formation of electronic government and development of the information society. Provision of public services in the Russian Federation on the basis of multifunctional centers. Regulations for the provision of municipal services.

    term paper added 06/03/2012

    Legal framework for the formation of portals for the provision of state and municipal services in the Russian Federation, analysis of regional experience. Analysis of the processes of providing services in electronic form on the portals of the governments of the USA, Canada, France, Germany.

    thesis, added 07/31/2016

    The use of information and communication technologies in the provision of state and municipal services. The e-government project, stages of the transition of the provision of services in electronic form. Monitoring the quality and availability of services.

    test, added 10/30/2015

    History of origin, stages of development and state of the art e-government. Features of the use of information technology in the document management system in government agencies. Description of the advantages of the websites of the North-Kazakh region.

    test, added 01/12/2011

    E-government development strategy in Mexico. Action plan for the implementation of the e-government development strategy. The stages of e-government development in accordance with the complexity of the types of interaction and services provided.

    abstract, added 11/04/2010

    The role and importance of electronic document management in municipal authorities. Legal regulation of electronic document management. Study of the peculiarities of the organization of the electronic document management system of the administration in the Moscow region, Mr. Anapa.

    thesis, added 01/24/2018

    The development of information technology as the most important factor in public administration. Providing access for individuals and legal entities to information about state and municipal services. Activities of the Portal of Public Services and "Electronic Government".

    abstract added on 05/04/2014

    The essence and reasons for the emergence, tasks and typology of electronic government. Action plan for the implementation of the e-government development strategy in Mexico. The role of the state in the development of the country's information technology complex.

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2 TRANSFER OF SERVICES IN ELECTRONIC FORM: GOVERNING DOCUMENTS 2 Federal Law "On the Organization of the Provision of State and Municipal Services" from the Federal Law Concept for the development of mechanisms for the provision of state and municipal services in electronic form Approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation from r "Road Map" for the implementation of the Concept Approved by order Government of the Russian Federation from p Requirements for the provision of state and municipal services in electronic form A draft resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation has been developed; was discussed on


4 ENSURING AUTHENTICATION, IDENTIFICATION OF USERS 4 1. Authorization of users through the ESIA 2. Creation of points of confirmation of the identity of users of the ESIA

5 TRANSFER IN THE ELECTRONIC FORM OF PRIORITY SERVICES: MANDATORY MEASURES 5 1. Recording the facts of service provision: total, in electronic form 2. Information about the service and the procedure for its provision at EPGU 3. Possibility of making an appointment through EPGU 4. Possibility of filling out forms and receiving a receipt for payment at EPGU 5. Possibility of submitting an application and documents through EPGU 6. Possibility of paying the state duty through EPGU 7. Interagency information interaction in electronic form 8. Possibility of receiving the result of the service in electronic form 9. Sending notifications to the Applicant about the status of the provision of the service 10. Opportunity assess the quality of service provision at EPGU 11. Possibility to appeal against the actions of the body at EPGU, official 12. Finalization of the administrative regulations for the provision of services

6 TRANSFER INTO THE ELECTRONIC FORM OF PRIORITY SERVICES: SOME CRITERIA 6 Appointment is implemented in electronic form The applicant can choose the date and time The applicant received confirmation in his personal account The applicant was accepted at the time chosen by him The application was accepted in electronic form the application with the attached documents was registered and the deadline for submission services begins to be calculated from the moment of registration of the electronic application The applicant received confirmation of the registration of the application in the Personal Account The applicant is released from the need to appear at the department to submit documents in paper form The result of the service is provided in electronic form Obtaining the result in electronic form frees the applicant from the need to appear at the department to receive result in paper form

7 ELECTRONIC TRANSFER OF NON-PRIORITY SERVICES 7 Prepare and approve a plan for electronic conversion of non-priority services

8 INTEGRATION WITH THE INFRASTRUCTURE COMPONENTS OF THE ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT 8 Ensure the integration of: RPGU with IPH RPGU, AIS MFC, AIS of departments with United personal account EPGU AIS MFC with SMEV through RSMEV AIS MFC with ESIA AIS MFC with FSIS Pre-trial appeal RPGU with a single search and navigation element EP Gosbar

9 TRANSFER OF SERVICES INTO ELECTRONIC FORM: OTHER REGULATORY LEGAL ACTS 9 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation from "On the use of the federal state information system" Unified identification and authentication system "in the infrastructure providing information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services in electronic form "Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation from" On the types electronic signature, the use of which is allowed when applying for state and municipal services "Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation from" On the use of a simple electronic signature in the provision of state and municipal services "Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation from" On federal state information systems ensuring the provision in electronic form of state and municipal services (implementation of functions) "Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation from" On measures to ensure the transition of federal executive bodies and bodies of state extra-budgetary funds to interagency information interaction in electronic form "Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation from" On citizens' assessment of the effectiveness of leaders territorial bodies federal executive bodies (their structural units) taking into account the quality of their provision of public services, as well as the use of the results of this assessment as a basis for making decisions on the early termination of the execution of their job responsibilities"Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation from" On the federal state information system that ensures the process of pre-trial (extrajudicial) appeal of decisions and actions (inaction) committed in the provision of state and municipal services "Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation from" On the development and approval of administrative regulations for the execution of state functions and administrative regulations for the provision of public services "Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation from" On a unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction "Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation from" On approval of the Rules for organizing the activities of multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services "

10 TRANSFER OF SERVICES INTO ELECTRONIC FORM: LEGAL AND METHODOLOGICAL DOCUMENTS 10 Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated r “On approval of the list of information held by state bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies, territorial state extra-budgetary funds or subordinate to state bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or bodies local self-government of organizations involved in the provision of state or municipal services "Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia from" On approval Methodical recommendations to ensure the operation of Multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services in terms of the functioning of information systems of multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services, security equipment, communication channels to ensure electronic interaction with federal authorities executive power, bodies of state extra-budgetary funds, executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies in the provision of state and municipal services ”. Minutes of the meeting of the Government Commission on the use of information technologies to improve the quality of life and conditions of conduct business activities of, paragraph 3, section I Technical requirements for the integration of information systems of executive authorities with a unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction within the framework of the process of electronic preliminary registration for an appointment for receiving state and municipal services (approved by paragraph 4 of section 3 of the minutes of the meeting of the subcommittee on the use of information technologies when providing state and municipal services of the Government Commission on the use of information technologies to improve the quality of life and conditions for doing business from the pr (version published at

ANNEX 13 to the minutes of the meeting of the subcommittee on the use of information technologies in the provision of state and municipal services to the Government Commission on the use of information

THE GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION POSTANO VLENIE dated March 26, 2016 236 MOSCOW On requirements for the provision of electronic state and municipal services In accordance with part


APPENDIX 6 to the minutes of the meeting of the subcommittee on the use of information technologies in the provision of state and municipal services to the Government Commission on the use of information

ANNEX 14 to the minutes of the meeting of the subcommittee on the use of information technologies in the provision of state and municipal services to the Government Commission on the use of information

Administration DECREE 401-p of December 7, 2015, Naryan-Mar On ensuring the achievement of the value of the indicator established by subparagraph "c" of paragraph 1 of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 07.05.2012

On the procedure for submitting reports on subsidies for the formation of the information society Yuri Zarubin Head of the Regional Informatization Coordination Department of the Informatization Coordination Department 17

1 APPENDIX 8 to the minutes of the meeting of the subcommittee on the use of information technologies in the provision of state and municipal services to the Government Commission on the use of information

APPENDIX 9 to the minutes of the meeting of the Subcommittee in the provision of state and municipal services to the Government Commission to improve the quality of life and conditions for doing business

ANNEX 1 to the minutes of the meeting of the subcommittee on the use of information technologies in the provision of state and municipal services to the Government Commission on the use of information

On the provision of public services in electronic form: regional aspect Natalia Yankovskaya, Department of Information Society Development, Administration of the Tomsk Region 1 On the provision of state

Provision of services on the basis of interdepartmental interaction In accordance with 210-FZ: Bodies providing state and municipal services are obliged to provide to other state bodies,

GOVERNMENT OF THE TYUMEN REGION ORDER July 30, 2013 1474-rp Tyumen On the commissioning of an automated information system to support the activities of multifunctional centers

GOVERNMENT OF THE ARKHANGELSK REGION ORDER of January 26, 2016, 16-rp Arkhangelsk On approval of the action plan to achieve the indicator "Share of citizens using the mechanism of obtaining" In accordance with

Type of document: FSIS DO. Instructions for connecting departments Documentation system: Project documentation Version: 1.1 2015 FSIS DO. Instructions for connecting departments FEDERAL STATE SYSTEM

Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 20, 2012 N 1198 Moscow "On the federal state information system, providing the process of pre-trial (out-of-court) appeal

ANNEX 8 to the minutes of the meeting of the subcommittee on the use of information technologies in the provision of state and municipal services to the Government Commission on the use of information

APPROVED by the Government Commission for Administrative Reform (minutes of the meeting dated March 1, 2011 114, section X, paragraph 2) RECOMMENDATIONS on the development of the procedure for the formation and maintenance of the register

Regulatory framework for the integration of CCGT with GIS GMP Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 27, 2010 210-FZ "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services", article 7, article 21.3 Resolution


APPROVED by the Protocol of the Subcommittee on the Use of Information Technologies in the Provision of State and Municipal Services of the Government Commission on the Use of Information Technologies

DRAFT Approved by the Government Commission for the Implementation of Information Technologies in the Activities of State Bodies and Local Self-Government Bodies of the Russian Federation from RECOMMENDATIONS for the development

08/15/2011 258-pr On the procedure for the formation and maintenance of the register of state and municipal services (functions) Khabarovsk Territory In order to ensure information transparency of the activities of state bodies

Approved by the minutes of the meeting of the commission to improve the quality and accessibility of the provision of state and municipal services in the Novgorod region dated 05/26/2015 9 Typical technological scheme for the provision

Automated information system for managing the activities of a multifunctional center (AIS MFC) Automated information system for managing the activities of a multifunctional center (AIS

Education WEB 2.0: AIS CONTINGENT Electronic diaries Ministry of Education and Science of the Perm Territory Automated information system "Contingent" AIS "Contingent" AIS

Department of Information Technologies of the Orenburg Region On the implementation in the Orenburg Region of measures aimed at achieving the value of the indicator "share of citizens using the mechanisms of obtaining

May 21, 2015 The quality of transfer of state and municipal services into electronic form as of March-April 2015 Braude-Zolotarev Mikhail Yurievich Director of the Center for IT Research and Expertise

\\ ql Resolution of the Administration of the Kostroma Region dated 06.24.2014 N "On state information systems that ensure the provision of state and municipal services in electronic form (implementation

APPROVED by the resolution of the Board of Directors of JSC SME Corporation on July 20, 2018 (Minutes 60) REQUIREMENTS for joint stock company Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises


1 APPENDIX 15 to the minutes of the meeting of the subcommittee on the use of information technologies in the provision of state and municipal services to the Government Commission on the use of information

TYPICAL PLAN OF MEASURES of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the transition to interdepartmental and inter-level interaction in the provision of state and municipal services Responsible Term Name

THE GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION P O ST A N O V L E N E dated July 10, 2013 584 MOSCOW On the use of the federal state information system "Unified system of identification and authentication

The requirements of Federal Law 210-FZ: transition to interdepartmental interaction, transfer of public services to electronic form, improvement of the quality of public services, organization of pre-trial appeal.

On the progress of work on the organization of interdepartmental interaction in the provision of state and municipal services Kaluga, April 11, 2012 Organization of interdepartmental interaction Article

Portal of state and municipal services of St. Petersburg CONDITIONS AND PROCEDURE for the provision of the state service "Issuance of permits for the carriage of passengers and luggage

Approved by the order of the administration of the municipal formation of the village of Mirnoe Blagodarnensky district of the Stavropol Territory dated September 07, 2015 41-r Typical technological scheme for the provision of

REFERENCE MATERIALS March 18, 2016 Issue I of the agenda of the meeting of the subcommittee on the use of information technology in the provision of state and municipal services of the Government

P R O T O K O L of the meeting of the subcommittee on the use of information technologies in the provision of state and municipal services of the Government Commission on the use of information technologies

DECISION OF THE HEAD OF THE ADMINISTRATION (GOVERNOR) OF THE KRASNODAR REGION from the city of Krasnodar On the regional information system of interdepartmental electronic interaction of the Krasnodar Territory In accordance with

Approved by the order of the Administration of the municipal formation of the village of Mirnoe Blagodarnesky district of the Stavropol Territory dated September 7, 2015 42 r Typical technological scheme for the provision of "Issue

GOVERNMENT I ff UDMURT ELKUN UDMURT REPUBLIC ^ Q0r KIVALTET ORDER of December 16, 2013 846-r Izhevsk On measures aimed at increasing the share of citizens using the mechanism of obtaining

GOVERNMENT OF THE KURGAN REGION DECISION from the city of Kurgan On approval of an action plan to achieve the value of the indicator established by subparagraph "c" of paragraph 1 of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation


Portal of state and municipal services of St. Petersburg CONDITIONS AND PROCEDURE for the provision of the state service "Issuance of duplicate permits for the carriage of passengers


REFERENCE MATERIALS May 13, 2016 Issue VI of the agenda of the meeting of the Subcommittee on the use of information technologies in the provision of state and municipal services of the Government

V.V. Andronov Chairman of the Committee for Information Technologies and Documentary Communications of the Presidential Administration and the Government of the Republic of Buryatia Organization of work on the translation of state and municipal

Government of St. Petersburg Committee for Informatization and Communications Information and Analytical Center Experience in implementing e-government in St. Petersburg based on the centralized architecture of MAIS

Concept for the development of mechanisms for the provision of state and municipal services in electronic form Vladimir Averbakh Deputy Director of the Department for the Development of Electronic Government ABOUT THE CONCEPT

APPROVED by the minutes of the meeting of the Governmental Commission on Administrative Reform of June 9, 2016 142 (paragraph 2, section III) METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS for the formation of technological schemes

APPROVED First Deputy Governor, Chairman of the Commission under the Government of Kurgan to improve the quality and availability of provision S.G. Putmin 2015 PLAN OF ACTIONS to achieve the value

Appendix 1 to the minutes of the meeting of the coordinating council for the development of the information society dated 23.05. 2 An action plan to achieve the indicator fixed in paragraph 1 "c" of the Decree of the President of the Russian


ANNEX 12 to the minutes of the meeting of the subcommittee on the use of information technologies in the provision of state and municipal services to the Government Commission on the use of information


Decree of the Government of the Volgograd region. dated 26.02.2013 N 77-p "On the procedure for the formation and maintenance of the state information system" Regional register of state and municipal services (functions)

Education WEB 2.0: AIS CONTINGENT Electronic diaries Ministry of Education and Science of the Perm Territory "Automated information system of electronic diaries of students and

Appendix to the order of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation dated_13.04.2012_ _107_ REGULATIONS on the federal state information system "Unified identification and


GOVERNMENT OF THE KURGAN REGION ORDER from the city of Kurgan On the approval of the action plan for further development systems for the provision of state and municipal services on the principle of "one window"

User manual for working with the service delivery module unified system provision of state and municipal services of the Moscow region 1 general information Reception and processing in electronic form

Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions) (hereinafter the Unified portal) federal state information system, providing: access to individuals and legal entities

MINKOMSVYAZ RUSSIA Topical issues accreditation of certification centers September 18-21, 2012 1 What has been done 2 Parameters on the basis of which accreditation was carried out Stage 1: verification of documents submitted

GOVERNMENT OF SAINT-PETERSBURG COMMITTEE FOR INFORMATIZATION AND COMMUNICATION St. Petersburg State Treasury Institution "Multifunctional Center for the Provision of State and Municipal Services"

Organization of work on accepting applications for the first grades of educational organizations of the Leningrad region in 2017 Artamonova E.R. chief Specialist department of general and additional education Service