When it is appropriate to use the method of negotiations and agreements. Business meeting. Key Account Management

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

State educational institution of higher professional education


Department of Economic Theory


On the subject "Business Ethics"

On the topic "Methods of conducting business negotiations"

Completed by the student:

6 courses, groups VI-EZ-1

Specialty 0608

Gradebook code 05-46 -26

Marinina Tatiana Egorovna


st. Petersburg

1. Business meeting

2.Methods of conducting business negotiations

2.1 Variational method

2.2. Integration method

2.3. Equilibration method

2.4. Compromise method

3.Completion of negotiations

4. Analysis of the results of business negotiations

List of used literature

1. Business negotiations

Negotiation is a means, a relationship between people, designed to

reaching an agreement when both parties have concurrent or

opposing interests.

Negotiations are designed primarily to facilitate mutual

exchange of views (in the form of various proposals for solving the

discussion of the problem) to obtain an agreement that meets the interests of both parties

and achieve results that would suit all participants. Conversation

This is management in action. They consist of speeches and responses

speeches, questions and answers, objections and evidence. Conversation

can be easy or stressful, partners can agree between.

by yourself without difficulty, or with great difficulty, or not at all, to come to an agreement.

Therefore, for every negotiation, it is necessary to develop and apply

special tactics and technique of their conduct.

Due to the variety of negotiations, it is impossible to offer their exact

model. The generalized scheme of their implementation is as follows

Stage I - Preparation of negotiations

Stage IV - Conducting negotiations

Problem solving (completion of negotiations)

Analysis of the results of business negotiations

Preparation of business negotiations. The success of the negotiations depends entirely; on

how well you prepared for them. Before the start of negotiations

must have. developed their model:

clearly understand the subject of negotiations and the problem under discussion.

The initiative in the negotiations will be with the one who knows and understands best


be sure to make sample program, scenario of the course of negotiations. IN

depending on the difficulty of negotiations, there may be several projects;

outline the moments of your intransigence, as well as problems, where possible,

give in if a negotiation stalemate unexpectedly arises;

define for yourself the upper and lower levels of compromise on issues,

which, in your opinion, will cause the most heated discussion.

The implementation of this model is possible if, in the process

preparation of negotiations, the following issues will be studied:

1) the purpose of the negotiations;

2) negotiating partner;

3) subject of negotiations;

4) the situation and conditions of negotiations;

5) those present at the negotiations;

6) organization of negotiations.

2.Methods of conducting business negotiations

Conduct of negotiations. In the practice of management when conducting business

the following basic methods are used for negotiations:

Variational method

Integration method

Equilibration method

Compromise method

2.1 Variational method

When preparing for difficult negotiations (for example, if

you can already foresee a negative reaction from the opposite side),

find out the following questions:

what is the ideal (regardless of the implementation condition) solution

posed problem in the complex?

from which aspects of the ideal solution (taking into account the whole problem in the complex,

partner and his alleged reaction) can be refused ?,

what should be. to see the optimal (high degree of probability of implementation)

solving the problem with a differentiated approach to the expected consequences,

difficulties, hindrances?

what arguments are needed in order to properly respond,

on the expected assumption of the partner, due to the mismatch of interests

and their unilateral implementation (narrowing or, respectively, expanding

proposals while ensuring mutual benefits, new aspects of material,

financial, legal, etc.)?

what a forced decision can be made in negotiations on a limited

what extreme offers of the partner should definitely be rejected and

with what arguments?

Such reasoning goes beyond the purely alternative consideration

subject of negotiations. They require an overview of the entire subject of activity,

creativity and realistic assessments.

2.2. Integration method

Designed to convince a partner of

the need to assess the problems of negotiations taking into account public

interrelationships and the resulting development-cooperation needs;

The use of this method, of course, does not guarantee that an agreement is reached in

details; it should be used in cases where, for example, a partner

ignores social relationships and approaches the implementation of their

interests from narrow departmental positions.

Trying to ensure that the partner understands the need for integration, do not

overlook, however, from sight of him legitimate interests... So avoid

moralizing appeals, divorced from the interests of the partner and not related to

specific subject of discussion. On the contrary, explain your position to your partner and

emphasize which actions under shared responsibility for

you expect the results of the negotiations from him.

Despite the discrepancy between your departmental interests and interests

partner, highlight the need and starting points for the solution

the problem discussed in the negotiations.

Try to identify areas of interest that are common to all "and

opportunities for mutual benefit and bring it all to consciousness


Do not indulge in illusions and do not think that it is possible to come to an agreement on

each point of negotiations; if it were in fact, then the negotiations

would not be needed at all.

2.3. Equilibration method

When using this method, keep in mind

Determine what evidence and arguments (facts, results of calculations,

statistics, figures, etc.) is advisable to use in order to

encourage a partner to accept your offer.

You have to mentally take the place of your partner for a while, i.e.

look at things through his eyes.

Consider a set of problems in terms of expected from a partner

arguments "for" and bring to the consciousness of the interlocutor related


Consider also possible counter-arguments of the partner, respectively

"tune in" to them and get ready to use them in the process


It is pointless to try to ignore the negotiated

counter-arguments of the partner: the latter expects from you a reaction to his objections,

reservations, concerns, etc. d Before proceeding to this, find out that

was the reason for this behavior of the partner (not entirely correct

understanding of your statements, lack of competence, unwillingness

risk, desire to play for time, etc.).

2.4. Compromise method

Negotiators must be willing to

to compromises: in case of mismatch of interests of the partner, one should seek

the agreement is phased.

In a compromise solution, agreement is reached due to the fact that the partners

after a failed attempt to come to an agreement with each other, taking into account new

considerations partly deviate from their requirements (they refuse something,

put forward new Proposals).

To get closer to the partner's position, it is necessary to mentally anticipate

possible consequences of a compromise solution for the implementation of their own

interests (risk prediction) and Critically assess acceptable limits

May happen,. that the proposed compromise solution exceeds.

competence. In the interests of maintaining contact with your partner, you can here

go to the so-called conditional agreement (for example, refer to

the consent of a competent manager in principle).

It is difficult to quickly come to an agreement through concessions that are acceptable to both

parties (for example, in contrast to the complete refusal of one of the partners from their

requirements "or the so-called" rotten "compromise); partners in inertia

will persist in their opinion. Patience is needed here

appropriate motivation and ability to "shake" the partner with the help of new,

arguments and ways of considering the problem when using all

negotiated opportunities.

A compromise agreement is reached when

it is necessary to achieve the common goal of negotiations when their failure will have for

partners adverse consequences.

The above methods of negotiation are of a general nature. There are a number

techniques, methods and principles that detail and concretize them


1. Meeting and getting in touch. Even if not a delegation came to you,

but only one partner, he must be met at the train station or at the airport and

to take to the hotel. Depending on the level of the head of the arriving

delegation, it can be met either by the head of our delegation, or by someone from

participants in the upcoming negotiations.

The welcome and contacting stage is the beginning of a direct, personal

business contact. This is a common but important stage in the negotiations.

The greeting procedure takes a very short time. The most

a common form of greeting in European countries is a handshake, when

the owner gives his hand first.

The conversation prior to the start of negotiations should be

easy conversation. At this stage, there is an exchange of business

cards that are not handed out during the greeting, but at the table


2. Attracting the attention of the negotiators (the beginning of the business part

negotiations). When your partner is sure that our information will be for him

useful, he will listen to you with pleasure. Therefore, you must awaken

the opponent has an interest. ,

3. Transfer of information. This action is based on

generated interest in convincing the negotiating partner that he will

wisely, agreeing with our ideas and suggestions, as their implementation

will bring tangible benefits to him and his organization.

4. Detailed justification of the proposals (argumentation). Partner can

be interested in our ideas and suggestions, he can understand them

expediency, but he still behaves cautiously and does not see the possibility

applying our ideas and suggestions in your organization. Aroused interest and

having convinced the opponent of the expediency of the planned enterprise, we must

find out and differentiate his desires. Therefore, the next step in the procedure

conducting business negotiations is to identify the interests and

eliminate doubts (neutralization, refutation of remarks),

Concludes the business part of the negotiations, transforming the interests of the partner into

final decision (decision is made on the basis of a compromise).

3.Completion of negotiations

If the course of the negotiations was positive, then on

their final stage must be summarized, briefly repeat the main

provisions that were raised in the negotiation process, and, especially

it is important to characterize those positive aspects for which

consent of the parties. This will give you confidence that everything

negotiators clearly understand the essence of the main provisions

future agreement, everyone is convinced that in the course of

negotiations have made some progress. It is also advisable

based on the positive results of the negotiations, discuss the future

new meetings.

In case of a negative outcome of negotiations, it is necessary to preserve the subjective

contact with a negotiating partner. In this case, attention is focused on

not. on the subject of negotiations, but on the personal aspects, allowing

co-determination of the validity of proposals related to the continuation

negotiations, but on personal aspects, allowing you to maintain business

future contacts; Those. should refuse to summarize on topics

Sections where positive results have not been achieved. It is desirable to find

a topic that will be of interest to both sides will defuse the situation

and will help create a friendly, relaxed farewell atmosphere.

Protocol Events are an integral part of the negotiations,

bear a significant burden in solving the tasks set at the negotiations and

can either contribute to success, or, conversely, create a precondition for

their failures.

The business protocol covers a wide range of activities: it is

organization of meetings and service of negotiations, keeping records of conversations,

provision of souvenirs, uniforms, cultural program, etc. For

addressing these issues, it is advisable to create a protocol in the organization

group (2-3 people), which will deal with protocol formalities.

4. Analysis of the results of business negotiations

when the necessary measures have been taken to implement them; certain

conclusions for the preparation of the following negotiations:

The analysis of the results of the negotiations pursues the following goals:

comparing the objectives of the negotiations with their results;

determination of measures and actions arising from the results of negotiations;

business, personal and organizational conclusions for future negotiations or

continuation carried out.

The analysis of the results of business negotiations must pass

in the following three areas:

1) analysis immediately after the completion of negotiations. Such an analysis; helps evaluate

progress and results of negotiations, exchange impressions and determine

priority measures related to the results of the negotiations (appoint

performers and determine the deadlines for the implementation of the agreement reached);

2) analysis on. the highest level of management of the organization. "Such an analysis

the outcome of the negotiations has the following objectives:

discussion of the report on the results of negotiations and clarification of the deviation

from previously established directives;

assessment of information on measures already taken and responsibilities;

determining the validity of proposals related to the continuation


obtaining additional information about a negotiating partner;

3) an individual analysis of business negotiations is a clarification

responsible attitude of each participant to their tasks and organization in

the whole. It is critical introspection in the sense of controlling and learning from


In the process of individual analysis, you can get answers to the following

whether the interests and motives of the partner in


whether the preparation for the negotiations corresponded to the real conditions,

current situation and requirements?

how well defined are the arguments or compromise proposals?

how to increase the effectiveness of argumentation in a meaningful and methodological

what determined the outcome of the negotiations? how to eliminate negative

nuances in the negotiation procedure?

who should do what to improve the efficiency of negotiations?

Obtaining an objective and complete answer to the last question will play

critical to the future of the organization.

Conditions for effective negotiations. Prerequisites for business success

negotiations affect a number of both objective and subjective factors and

conditions. First of all, the negotiating partners must fulfill the following

both parties must have an interest in the subject of the negotiation;

they must have sufficient authority in making final decisions

(corresponding right to negotiate);

partners must have sufficient competence, the necessary knowledge in

regarding the subject of negotiations;

be able to fully take into account subjective and objective interests

the other side and make compromises;

negotiating partners must trust each other to a certain extent.

To ensure effective negotiations, certain

The basic rule is to do both. the parties have come to a conclusion

that they won something as a result of negotiations.

The most important thing in negotiations is a partner. He needs to be "convinced to accept

offers. The entire course of negotiations, the entire


Negotiation is cooperation. Any collaboration must have a common

base, so it is important to find a common denominator "for different interests


Rare negotiations go without problems, so a tendency to


Any negotiation should be a dialogue, so it is important to be able to ask

the right question and be able to listen to your partner.

Positive negotiation outcomes should be seen as a natural

their completion, therefore, in conclusion, it is necessary to dwell on the content

an agreement that reflects all the interests of the partners.

Negotiations are considered completed if their results were subject to

a thorough analysis, on the basis of which the appropriate conclusions are drawn.

List of used literature

1.Vergiles E.V .. Conducting business negotiations. –M, 2003

Methods for promoting tourism products, ensure competitiveness ... Chapter 5. Communication with clients, rules conducting business negotiations... Six rules conducting business negotiations by D. Carrnegie At the conclusion ...

  • Business conversation... Types of manipulation

    Examination \u003e\u003e Culture and Art

    In order to discredit the opponent, it is also used methodology “Spirals” or “cyclicalities” of questions. ... said. " “Answers – judgments”. This methodology comes down to first ... your emotions. Therefore, at running business negotiations or in public speaking, ...

  • Business conversation (6)

    Abstract \u003e\u003e Psychology

    Introductions and acquaintances; - regulations conducting business conversations; - regulations business correspondence and telephone negotiations; - requirements for appearance ... negotiations (have we prepared well: by content; by composition of participants; by methodology ...

  • Maintaining business conversations (2)

    Abstract \u003e\u003e Culture and art

    Adequate behavior. 2. Maintaining business conversations 2.1. Tactics conducting business conversations Business conversation is a form ... eyes in breaks and pauses negotiations and meetings to find out the true ... them. " He suggests the following methodology conducting such interviews: ...

  • Recruiting a negotiating teamExperienced negotiators in a special way
    organize negotiation teams. It is noticed, for example,
    that an important business meeting should be attended
    at least three employees of the institution:
    the head of one or another level of the hierarchy;
    two of his employees - an observer and a recorder.
    The leader usually takes an active position in
    negotiations. He enters into a dialogue with partners, asks
    questions, formulates his position and clarifies the position
    partners. The leader leads the discussion, defends
    his opinion and picks up arguments. He might be
    assertive, tough and fully involved in
    conduct of negotiations.

    Recruiting a negotiation team

    The first, the observer, tracks the psychological side
    negotiations: what interests are pursued by partners, are there
    differences between what partners say and what they want and what
    think. He is simultaneously in a negotiation situation and
    outside of it. He understands what is happening, and at the same time can objectively,
    from the outside, approach the analysis of the situation and the proposed positions.
    Despite the fact that the observer does not have an active position in the business
    conversation, its importance in a negotiation situation can hardly be overestimated.
    The observer evaluates the subtle nuances of verbal and non-verbal
    behavior of partners and tries not to miss any, at first glance,
    little things that can escape the attention of an active leader. IN
    during breaks or after the end of a business meeting, the manager and
    employee observer jointly analyze the results taking into account
    information obtained through observation. Such information happens
    surprisingly accurate about the characteristics of the
    negotiations of partners, their demonstrated and hidden goals and
    The second employee, the recorder, captures informative moments
    negotiations that are important for the subsequent decision-making. Experience
    shows that dictaphone recording during negotiations can
    to some extent replace the functions of the recorder, but then
    there is a need to decrypt a conversation recording, which
    is pretty laborious process... Therefore, the introduction to the composition
    the negotiating team of the recorder is warranted.

    One of effective methods is the method of fundamental
    negotiations. The method consists in creating social and psychological conditions
    to find a solution based on objective norms: instructions,
    legal laws or accepted conventions. Application
    this method requires a tough approach to considering the merits of the case and
    a soft approach to relations between negotiators.
    Principled negotiations create an opportunity to achieve the desired goal
    and at the same time remain within the bounds of decency, while maintaining positive
    relationships with partners. Basic rules of the method of principle
    negotiations are as follows:
    Do not engage in positional bargaining. Often the parties to the dispute
    occupy certain positions that they strive for whatever
    began to defend. However, it should be remembered that negotiations are only effective
    in the event that three results are achieved: a reasonable agreement,
    shortening time and improving (or at least not worsening) relationships
    between the parties. Arguing over positions leads to unreasonable agreements.
    When negotiators argue violently over their opinions,
    points of view and positions, they are to a certain extent looped and
    limit their own freedom. The negotiators try to show
    will and character, to defend their position from attacks and criticism. Thereby
    they associate themselves with their position and even identify their "I" with it.
    In such a situation, negotiators are less able to understand and
    feel each other. All their strength goes to them only to fight and defend.
    Positional bargaining is not effective. He creates the conditions for the emergence of gimmicks,
    omissions and tricks that delay the adoption of an objectively justified

    Business Negotiation Method

    Goodwill is not a way out. If one of
    of participants is open and kind, it makes
    vulnerable to a tough second party
    a position that insists on mandatory concessions and at the same time
    using threats and blackmail. In such cases, the solution
    is adopted in favor of a tough position. In this case, the second side,
    who has shown friendliness remains the loser.
    If the negotiator does not want to choose between hard or soft
    position, he can fundamentally change the game. It should only
    to start discussing not the problem of negotiations as such, but their
    organizational and psychological conditions, namely:
    analyze approaches to the problem, discuss behavior
    partners, propose negotiation rules, think over the time
    negotiations and the room in which they are held.
    Organizational and psychological side of the negotiation room
    situation contains the following elements:
    people as negotiators,
    their interests;
    possible solutions;
    criteria on which to rely when looking for a solution.

    Business Negotiation Method

    It is necessary to understand that in the negotiations, not positions are discussed, but hidden
    behind them are the interests of people. Therefore, you should focus on interests
    people, not positions.
    Let's take a closer look at each element of the negotiation situation.
    People are participants in the negotiation situation. People have values \u200b\u200band
    desires. The psychological qualities of people can "work" as a benefit
    negotiation situation, and its destruction. It's all about the conditions and
    intensity of manifestation of this or that quality. People's goals are
    desire to make a decision, as well as form certain
    relations. Most often, people want to earn income and make a partner their own
    a regular customer. Cultural negotiations are usually conducted in a context
    having a continued relationship, so it is advisable to track them
    development. Moreover, continuing a positive relationship is more important than
    obtaining a specific result in the negotiations, since the total
    income in the course of long-term interactions overlaps the unit profit.
    Usually, people's relationships "stick together" with the problem. Negotiators
    treat people as personalized "carriers" of problematic
    moments. Dissatisfaction with the development of the discussion is carried over to
    a person whose shortcomings are unconsciously exaggerated
    or just make up. It is common for people to carry their own
    state on a partner, especially in a situation of tension or conflict. On;
    example, one of the participants can reproach the other for unwillingness
    negotiate, although he himself takes an unnecessarily tough position.
    The negotiation situation is further complicated by the fact that
    the psychological distortions listed above come from both sides

    Business Negotiation Method

    How to overcome psychological aberrations? For
    There are several tricks for this:
    It is necessary to share the subject of discussion
    (negotiation problem) and analysis of human
    relationship. At a certain point, doing only
    improving relations between people and nothing else,
    you can significantly advance the solution of the problem
    It is necessary to strive for simple and "transparent"
    relationships based on real perception of each other
    friend, timely clarification of emerging conjectures
    and subjective interpretations, manifestation
    positive emotions and a long-term attitude
    If tension arises, you should immediately "release
    steam ": defuse the situation with a joke, organize a pleasant
    for all event, transfer the conversation temporarily to
    another channel.

    Business Negotiation Method

    If there is a misunderstanding, you should do
    "Communication break" and some time to devote
    clearing up the relationship.
    It must be remembered that people are prejudiced and
    tend to see what they want to see. From a vast volume
    information they highlight what confirms them
    preliminary presentations. Conversely, do not pay
    attention to what questions their thoughts.
    Therefore, you should know exactly about the internal subjective
    the views of their partners. Here you can ask yourself that;
    a question: “What would I do myself if I was in such
    the same conditions and would have had its capabilities and necessary
    characteristics?" ·
    Conversely, you should not draw conclusions about the intentions of partners,
    based only on their own fears and concerns.
    Suspicion is an illusion of protection and creation
    safe situation. In fact, forecasting only
    negative actions on the part of the partner will block the search
    fresh and original ideasleading to agreement. Besides,
    when suspiciousness is manifested; subtle changes in
    the positive side can be rejected and people cannot
    take advantage of the chances that arise.

    Business Negotiation Method

    It must be remembered that personal problem one of the negotiators - not
    other people's fault. Blaming others is not effective. Partner can
    also answer with accusation, and recriminations are a dead end for
    negotiations. Irritations and misunderstandings arise when one
    from the negotiating parties is not involved in the decision-making process.
    If it is necessary to obtain the consent of partners, they should be involved in
    discussion of the decision taken from the very beginning.
    You need to be attentive to your emotions and experiences.
    partner and discuss them. With such a discussion of the psychological side
    negotiations, an emerging problem can be resolved.
    It is important to organize "psychological relaxation" in time:
    talk about your grievances, distrust, grief or disappointment.
    After such "relaxation" it will be much easier to switch to business language.
    You should not overreact to emotional manifestations.
    partner. It is important to strive for inner peace and not "burn out"
    in vain. Interests as an element of the negotiation situation.
    The essence of the negotiations is not in conflict positions, but in conflict
    between the interests of the parties. Desires should be at the center of the discussion,
    the concerns and needs of the parties. Positions are what the parties have already accepted
    solutions. Interests and motives are what made partners accept

    Business Negotiation Method

    If the application of the method of fundamental
    negotiations will not create conditions for successful
    discussions, the negotiators must decide whether to
    continue to fight for the continuation of negotiations or their
    should stop. Before making such a decision
    you should check several times whether you have not missed
    any objective criteria that could
    allow a reasonable agreement to be reached. If that; cues
    criteria will be found, negotiations follow
    continue, since it is still better to have this or that
    agreement than to have nothing. If a
    the opposite side refuses to discuss
    problem, you need to think about what the consequences
    may arise if unfair
    options for solutions. And only after weighed everything
    "For" and "against", you need to leave the negotiating table.

    The basic rule is for both parties to come to the conclusion that they have won something as a result of the negotiation. The most important thing in negotiations is a partner. He needs to be convinced to accept the offer. The entire course of the negotiations, all the argumentation must be oriented towards it. Negotiation is cooperation. Any collaboration must have common basetherefore, it is important to find a common denominator for the various interests of partners. Rarely negotiations go without problems, so a tendency to compromise is important. Any negotiations should be a dialogue, so it is important to be able to ask the right question and be able to listen to your partner. The positive results of the negotiations should be viewed as their natural conclusion, therefore, in conclusion, it is necessary to dwell on the content of the agreement, which reflects all the interests of the partners. Negotiations are considered completed if their results have been thoroughly analyzed, on the basis of which appropriate conclusions have been drawn.

    Lecture number 8. Business negotiations

    Introduction ………………………………………………………………… ...... 3

    Business Negotiation Etiquette …… .. ……………… ................................ 4

    Negotiation methods ……… .. ………………………………… 5

    Basic negotiations ……………………………… .................... 7

    Basic elements of principled negotiations ……………………………………………… ... …………… ..7

    Differentiation between panellists and

    issues discussed …………………………………………… 7

    Influence of perception, emotion, difference

    interests on the results of the negotiations ... ... ...……. ……………..8



    difference of interests………………………………..………………….….9

    Mutually beneficial options……………………………............................9

    Conclusion ……………………………………………………………… ..12

    References ……………………………………………………… .13


    Business conversation etiquette refers, in essence, to ethics - the science of morality and ethics.

    IN modern worldwhen in the business sphere, everyday life, government circles, at work, in international relations, conflicts arise, more and more often their resolution is carried out through business conversation, negotiations.

    The essence of conflicts, the reasons for their occurrence in business areas and ways of resolving conflicts are related to the science of management - management.

    Managers even classified conflicts: "conflicts of purpose, conflicts of cognition, sensory conflict (emotions)" and developed methods of resolving them.

    The basis for resolving disagreements and conflicts is negotiation methods, which, according to strategy, are divided into three types: soft, hard and principled. The soft method consists in a strategy of concessions, the hard one - in the competition of will, the principled one - combines both and solves problems in their essence, making it possible to achieve the goal within the framework of decency.

    The results of negotiations are influenced by many factors: perception, emotions, positions of different parties, and others.

    To resolve various disputes, it is very important to clarify the way of thinking, thinking of opponents, which is very conducive to successful negotiations.

    An important point in negotiation, they also have emotions that need to be suppressed by the so-called method of "letting off steam", which allows you to get rid of the feelings of anger, fear arising in disputes. In addition, a hostile situation is relieved by apologies, expressions of regret, shaking hands, and inexpensive gifts.

    The conduct of principled negotiations involves two questions: how to develop objective criteria? How to use them in conversations.

    The objective criteria must be lawful and practical, regardless of the wishes of the parties.

    Business negotiation etiquette

    Nowadays, more and more often you have to deal with conflict situations in production, in the business sphere, in everyday life, and for more high level - in government agencies, international relations.

    Therefore, it is relevant to develop a culture of official communication, which includes a number of general points - the rules of official etiquette. Failure to comply with these rules leads to unpleasant consequences. So, the inability to conduct a business conversation, the inability to behave communicatively with colleagues at work, in addition to the loss of time for many people, bring a lot of unpleasant moments.

    To avoid these excesses, it is enough to observe formal, but absolutely obligatory requirements in the service: a polite tone of address, laconic presentation, to show tact, sociability, naturalness, benevolence.

    When conflicts arise, it is increasingly necessary to resort to negotiations in order to settle differences.


    Negotiations actually take place every day in the business world, in the family, and even in court, but getting them right is not easy.

    There are three methods of negotiating: soft, hard, and principled.

    Soft method... A person who is gentle in nature wants to avoid personal conflict and readily makes concessions in order to reach an agreement. He wants an amicable denouement, but the case most often ends with the fact that he remains offended and feels slighted.

    Hard method... A tough negotiator sees any situation as a contest of will, in which the side that takes the extreme position and stubbornly stands up to its own will get more. He wants to win, but often ends up causing an equally tough situation that drains himself and his resources, and also ruins his relationship with the other side. Principled negotiation is a third negotiation path that involves a position that is not based on weakness or firmness, but rather combines both.

    Principled negotiation method, developed within the framework of the Harvard negotiating project, is to solve problems on the basis of their qualitative properties, that is, on the basis of the essence of the matter, and not to bargain over what each party can find or not.

    This method assumes that you seek to find mutual benefit where possible, and where your interests do not coincide, you should insist on such a result that would be based on some fair norms, regardless of the will of each of the parties.

    The method of principled negotiations means a hard approach to the consideration of the merits of the case, but provides for a soft approach to relations between the parties to the negotiations.

    Principled negotiations show you how to achieve what you are entitled to by right and stay within the bounds of decency. This method gives you the opportunity to be fair while protecting you from those who might take advantage of it to the detriment of your honesty.

    Principled negotiation can be used to resolve one issue or more, in ritual-prescribed circumstances, or in an unpredictable situation, such as in negotiations with airplane hijackers. This method depends on the methods of the opposing side.

    Principled negotiation is a strategy designed to achieve all goals.

    In addition to the principled method, there is a positional method, a method of positional discussions, in which the emphasis is not on the essence of the dispute, but on the position of each of the parties. This method does not meet the main criteria: it is not effective, does not achieve the goal, and spoils the relationship between the parties.

    The principled method is an alternative to the positional approach and is designed for effective and friendly negotiations and achieving a reasonable result. This method can be summarized in four main points:

    1) people - the distinction between negotiators and the subject of negotiations.

    2) options: before deciding what to do, highlight the range of possibilities.

    3) interests - focus on interests, not positions.

    4) criteria - insist that the result is based on some objective norm.

    Below we will look at each of the basic elements of principled negotiation.

    Principled negotiations


    The distinction between the participants in the discussions and the issues discussed.Each participant in the negotiations pursues a double interest: regarding the substance of the matter and the relationship between partners. It should be remembered that the negotiator is, first of all, a person. The fundamental reality of negotiations, which are easily forgotten in the process of international and business contacts, is the fact that we are not dealing with abstract ideas of the “other side”, but with people. Your partners at the negotiating table have emotions, a deep commitment to certain values, different life views, moreover, they are unpredictable, just like you, by the way.

    Each negotiator is striving to reach an agreement that would satisfy the vital interests, and for this purpose it is being conducted.

    Relationships are usually tied to a problem. The main consequence of the human factor is negotiation is that there is a tendency for a relationship between the parties to discuss the merits of the case.

    Sometimes remarks are made to indicate

    the problem is taken as a personal insult, which leads to conflicts.

    In positional bargaining, a contradiction arises between the essence of the problem and the participants in the negotiations. If, for example, the relationship with the manager is important to the trade union leader, rather than meeting the demands of the workers, then he will yield in this positional bargaining, but this will cost him a stressful state and psychological damage.

    But resolving the substance of the matter and maintaining good relations need not be conflicting goals if the parties are determined to take both of these aspects into account.

    To find your way in the jungle human relations it is useful to always consider three main categories: perception, emotion and communication, which we will discuss in more detail.

    Influence of perception, emotions, differences of interests on the results of negotiations


    Whether a deal is concluded or a dispute is settled, the disagreements arising in this case are determined not by the coincidence of the train of thought of one partner with the train of thought of the other.

    Understanding the point of view of another person does not mean immediately agree with her. But if you better comprehend his way of thinking, you can move on to revising your own views. This helps to narrow the area of \u200b\u200bconflict, as well as to move forward in your own self-interest, which has received new impetus from the knowledge gained.

    You cannot draw a conclusion about the intention of people based on their own fears. Suspicion often stems from prejudice and makes it difficult to reach agreement. Also, you can not shift your own blame to another.

    It is very important to involve the other side in the dispute resolution process.


    In negotiations, especially if they are at an impasse, emotions can be more important than the discussion itself. In this case, the parties are more ready to fight than to cooperate to work out an agreement on a common problem. Emotions on the one hand evoke emotions on the other. Fear can cause anger, and anger can cause fear. Emotions can quickly lead negotiations to a standstill, or even end them altogether.

    Therefore, it is very important to manage, first of all, your emotions and monitor the emotions of your partners.

    One of effective ways Dealing with human anger, frustration, and other nervous emotions is to help release these feelings.

    People get psychological release if they just talk about their grievances. If you give the negotiators the opportunity to "let off steam", it is easier to talk to him. Moreover, if a person makes an angry speech and thus demonstrates to his constituents that he is not “soft”, he may be given more freedom in negotiations. Even if he nevertheless joins the agreement, then in the future, protecting himself from criticism, he will be able to rely on his reputation as a tough person.

    In many cases, apologies, expressions of doubt, a joint meal, etc., help to defuse emotions.

    Difference of interests

    The difference between positions and interests in a negotiation is that position is something that a decision is made about, and interests are something that prompted a decision.

    The main problem of negotiations is not conflict positions, but a conflict between the needs, desires, concerns and fears of each of the parties.

    Interests motivate people's behavior, they are a silent force against the background of noise due to positions.

    Behind opposing positions, along with contradictions, are shared and acceptable interests. Disagreements in interests can be resolved by reaching agreement.

    One of the most acceptable ways to reveal the interests of the other party is to put yourself in the shoes of the opposing party and determine which solution they think you should offer, and then ask yourself why they themselves did not make that decision.

    In almost all negotiations, each of the parties has not one, but many interests.

    The strongest interests are basic human needs: security, economic condition, vitality.

    In order to identify the different interests of each of the parties, it can be of great help to present them on paper, this will help to decompose the interests in a certain order.

    The likelihood of success in negotiations increases when problems are discussed openly and specific details are listed.

    In order for your interests to impress your opponents, you need to justify their legitimacy.

    You need to convince your opponents that in your place they would feel the same. For example: “Do you have children? How would you feel if trucks were rushing along your street at a speed of 100 km. in hour?".

    People listen better if they feel understood. They tend to believe that those who understand are knowledgeable and sympathetic people, whose opinion is worth listening to. Therefore, if you want the other party to respect your interests, start by letting them know that their interests are respected.

    You will better satisfy your interests if you talk about what you want to achieve, rather than about what you had.

    It will be easier to achieve your goal in negotiations if you are firm in protecting your interests, but gentle in dealing with people.

    People need to be separated from the problem, listen to them with respect, show them courtesy, emphasize their aspirations to understand their needs.

    Defending your interests firmly in negotiations does not mean that you find yourself understanding the point of view of your opponents. Quite the opposite. You can hardly expect the other party to listen to your interests and discuss your options if you do not take their interests into account and show that you are open to their suggestions.

    Mutually beneficial options

    A striking example of the loss in dealing with the problem of win-win is the sharing of an orange by two sisters. One sister needed an orange peel for dough, another pulp for food. They cut the orange in half. One removed the crust and threw out the pulp, and the other did the opposite.

    If they divided the orange in a mutually beneficial way, one would get the peel from the whole orange, and the other would eat the full orange.

    Very often in other negotiations, the disputants receive half of the fruit instead of the whole.

    To avoid such losses, it is necessary to invent as many mutually beneficial options as possible.

    One of the solutions to this problem is the search for mutual benefit and the desire to avoid joint problems.

    As a negotiator, you strive for solutions that satisfy the other side as well.

    There are three points to remember about common interests.

    n common interests are in any negotiation.

    n common interests are real opportunities, not chances.

    n having common interests makes negotiations smoother and more friendly.

    Different interests should be reconciled, as in the case of the sisters sharing the orange. This is really amazing: people usually think that differences create a problem, but differences can also lead to a mutually beneficial solution.

    Objective criteria.

    Attempts to settle various interests through positional bargaining rarely lead to positive results... Therefore, it is preferable to negotiate on a different basis, regardless of the will of both parties, namely on the basis of objective criteria.

    The approach to an objective criterion position is that decisions are made based on principles rather than pressure.

    The more consistently you are guided in solving a particular problem by the norms of justice, or by scientific criteria, the more chances that the agreement will be reasonable and fair.

    Conducting principled negotiations involves two questions: how to develop objective criteria and how to apply them in negotiations.

    n An objective criterion, at a minimum, should be independent of the wishes of the parties, be legal and practical.

    n objective criteria must be suitable, at least in theory, for both parties.

    To check whether the proposed criterion is fair and whether it does not depend on the wishes of each of the parties, it is necessary to check it for the possibility of mutual use.

    Fair procedures. In order to obtain a result, regardless of the aspirations of the parties, either fair criteria on the merits or fair procedures for resolving conflicting interests are applied.

    Remember the ancient way of dividing a cake between two children: one cuts it, and the other chooses a piece for himself. None of them, therefore, can complain about injustice.

    Another option for the one cuts, the other chooses fair procedure is for both parties to negotiate the terms of a fair agreement before they define their roles. So, in a divorce, before deciding which parent will take care of the children, the parents could agree on the right of the other parent to visit the children.

    Thus, principled negotiations based on objective criteria produce reasonable agreements with a friendly and effective outcome.


    Ethics business communication in general and business conversations (negotiations) in particular to the science of ethics - the science of morality and ethics, the relationship between people and the responsibilities arising from these relationships.

    All people are different from each other and therefore they perceive the situation in which they find themselves differently.

    Differences in perception often lead people to disagree with each other on a particular issue.

    This disagreement arises when the situation is of a conflicting nature. the conflict is determined by the fact that the conscious behavior of one of the parties (personality, group, organization) causes a disorder of the interests of the other party.

    Conflict resolution is most often carried out by the method of negotiations, business conversation.

    Studying the nature of conflicts, experts have drawn up certain rules for conducting negotiations.

    The developed methodology for conducting business negotiations includes various factors: perception, emotions, taking into account the difference in interests, developing mutually beneficial options, etc.

    Of all the methods, the most valid is the method of principled negotiations, based on objective criteria.

    Main literature

    1. Lebedeva M. M. Technology of negotiation: textbook. manual for university students. Moscow: Aspect Press, 2010.192 p.

    2.Chernyshova, Lidia Ivanovna. Business communication: textbook. manual for university students. Moscow: YUNITI, 2008.415 p.

    additional literature

    1. Malkhanova I. A. Business communication: textbook. manual for university students / 6th ed., rev. and add. - M .: Fund "Mir": Academic Project, 2008. 256 p.

    2. Petrova A. N. The art of speech. M .: Aspect Press, 2009.125 p.

    3.Piz A. The language of conversation (translated from English). M .: Eksmo, 2009.224 p.

    4.Post P. Business Etiquette... Personal Communications for Professional Success (translated from English). Moscow: Eksmo, 2008.304 p.

    5.Statsevich E. Manipulations in business negotiations: the practice of counteraction. Moscow: Alpina Business Books, 2007.138 p.

    6. Sheveleva OV Organization of negotiation: textbook. manual for the specialty "Management org." M .: Soviet sport, 2007.244 p.

    7. Sheinov V. P. Psychology of manipulation. Minsk: Harvest, 2009.704 p.

    8. Chernov I. V. Modern practice of business communication: key points. Moscow: GrossMedia: Russian Accountant, 2008.136 p.

    In the practice of management in conducting business negotiations, the following basic methods are used:

    1) The variational method of negotiating.

    When preparing for difficult negotiations (for example, if you can already foresee the negative reaction of the opposing party in advance), find out the following questions:

    • A) what is the ideal (regardless of the implementation conditions) solution to the problem posed as a whole?
    • B) what aspects of the ideal solution (taking into account the whole problem in the complex, the partner and his supposed reaction) can be discarded?
    • C) what should be seen as the optimal (high degree of probability of implementation) solution to the problem with a differentiated approach to the expected consequences, difficulties, hindrances?
    • D) what arguments are necessary in order to properly respond to the expected partner's assumption, due to the mismatch of interests and their unilateral implementation (narrowing or, accordingly, expansion of the offer while ensuring mutual benefit, new aspects of a material, financial, legal nature, etc.)?
    • E) what kind of forced decision can be made in negotiations for a limited period?
    • F) what extreme offers of the partner should be definitely rejected and with the help of what arguments?

    Such reasoning goes beyond the purely alternative consideration of the subject of negotiations. They require an overview of the entire subject of activity, creativity and realistic assessments.

    2) Method of integration of negotiations.

    It is intended to convince a partner of the need to assess the problems of negotiations, taking into account social relationships and the resulting needs for the development of cooperation. Applying this method does not, of course, guarantee agreement on the details; it should be used in cases where, for example, a partner ignores social relationships and approaches the implementation of his interests from a narrow departmental position.

    When trying to make your partner aware of the need for integration, do not overlook, however, his legitimate interests. Therefore, avoid preaching appeals that are divorced from the interests of your partner and not related to a specific subject of discussion. On the contrary, explain to your partner your position and emphasize what actions you expect from him within the framework of joint responsibility for the results of negotiations.

    Despite the discrepancy between your departmental interests and the interests of your partner, especially note the need and starting points for resolving the problem discussed at the talks.

    Try to identify in the area of \u200b\u200binterest common to all aspects and opportunities for mutual benefit and bring all this to the consciousness of the partner.

    Do not indulge in illusions and do not think that it is possible to come to an agreement on every point of the negotiation; if this were actually the case, then negotiations would not be necessary at all: it would be possible to proceed immediately to the conclusion of agreements.

    3) Equilibration method.

    Consider the guidelines below when using this method.

    What evidence and arguments (facts, calculation results, statistics, figures, etc.) is appropriate to use to induce a partner to accept your proposal?

    You have to mentally take the place of your partner for a while, i.e. look at things through his eyes.

    Consider the set of problems in terms of the pros expected from the partner and communicate the benefits to the other person.

    Consider also the possible counter-arguments of the partner, accordingly "tune in" to them and get ready to use them in the argumentation process.

    It makes no sense to try to ignore the counter-arguments put forward in the negotiations by the partner: the latter expects a reaction from you to his objections, reservations, fears, etc.

    Before proceeding to this, find out what caused this behavior of the partner (not quite correct understanding of your statements, lack of competence, unwillingness to take risks, desire to play for time, etc.).

    4) Compromise method.

    Negotiators should show a willingness to compromise: in case of mismatch of interests of a partner, an agreement should be achieved in stages.

    In a compromise solution, agreement is achieved due to the fact that the partners, after a failed attempt to agree with each other, taking into account new considerations, partially deviate from their requirements (they refuse something, put forward new proposals)

    To get closer to the partner's position, it is necessary to mentally anticipate possible consequences a compromise solution for the implementation of their own interests (forecasting the degree of risk) and critically assess the acceptable limits of the assignment.

    It may happen that the proposed compromise solution exceeds your competence. In the interests of maintaining contact with your partner, you can agree to a so-called conditional agreement (for example, refer to the principled consent of a competent manager).

    It is difficult to quickly come to an agreement through concessions acceptable to both sides (for example, as opposed to a complete refusal of one of the partners from its demands or a so-called "rotten" compromise); partners by inertia will persist in their opinion. This requires patience, appropriate motivation and the ability to "shake" the partner with the help of new arguments and ways of considering the problem while using all the opportunities arising from negotiations.

    An agreement based on compromises is when it is necessary to achieve the overall goal of negotiations, when their failure would have adverse consequences for the partners.