Interesting facts about earthquakes Presentation. Presentation "Earthquake. Causes of the emergence and possible consequences." Is it possible to predict an earthquake

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Presentation on the topic: Earthquake

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The whole earth was shocked, clouds rejected the ridge. The land took the city ... All the shackles of heaven could open up. Sustained the shakes of the Earth's joints, he squeezed the poor land into such vice that huge rocks broke into pieces ... Nizami Dyagilev Alexander Ludwigovich School №138 »Chelyabinsk Region, Trehgorod-1

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Earthquake - underground shocks and oscillations of the Earth's surface caused by natural reasons (mainly by tectonic processes), or (sometimes) with artificial processes (explosions, filling the reservoirs, the collapse of the underground cavities of mining workings). Small shocks can also be called lava climbing during volcanic eruptions.

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The Richter scale contains conventional units (from 1 to 9) - magnitude, which are calculated by oscillations registered by the seismograph. This scale is often confused with an earthquake assessment scale in points (on a 12-point system), which is based on the external manifestations of an underground push (impact on people, objects, buildings, natural objects). When an earthquake occurs, it becomes the known exactly of its magnitude, which is determined by seismograms, and not the intensity that it turns out only after a while, after receiving information on the consequences. - If you are a teacher to look at the site and do not regret!

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Intensity scales The intensity is a qualitative characteristic of the earthquake and indicates the nature and scale of the effects of earthquakes on the surface of the Earth, on people, animals, as well as on natural and artificial structures in the earthquake area. The world uses several intensity scales: in the United States - a modified Merkally (MM) scale (MM), in Europe - the European MacroSimic scale (EMS), in Japan - Schindo (Shindo) scale.

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Modified Merkally (MM) 1 score of the earthquake power is not felt. It is observed only by seismic devices.2 points of the earthquake power - very weak shocks are marked by seismic devices. Fights only in individual people who are in a state of complete rest in the upper floors of buildings, and very sensitive pets. 3 points Earthquake power - weak felt only inside some buildings, like a shaking from a truck.4 point Earthquake power - moderate recognizes on an easy rattling and oscillation. Objects, dishes and window windows, screening of doors and walls. Inside the building, the concussion feels most people.

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5 points earthquake power - pretty strong under open sky Feels in many, inside houses - all. General concussion, oscillation of furniture. The pendulum of the clock stops. Cracks in window windows and plaster. Awakening sleeping. Feels people and outside buildings, thin branches of trees are swinging. Chlupy doors. 6 points The force of the earthquake is strongly felt by everyone. Many in fright run out to the street. Pictures fall from the walls. Separate pieces of plaster are numbered. 7 points earthquake power are very strong damage (cracks) in the walls of stone houses. Antiseismic, as well as Russian rubles and Plentry buildings remain unharmed. 8 points The force of the earthquake is destroyed on steep slopes and raw soil. Monuments are shifted from the place or tipping over. Houses are badly damaged.

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9 points Earthquake force - devastating strong damage and destruction of stone houses. Old houses are crying 10 points earthquake power - destroying cracks in the soil sometimes up to a meter wide. Landslides and rods from the slopes. Destruction of stone buildings. The curvature of railway rails.11 Ballesting of the earthquake is a catastrophe wide cracks in the surface layers of the Earth. Numerous landslides and ribs. Stone houses are almost completely destroyed. Strong curvature and releasing rail rails.12 points Earthquake power - a strong catastrophe change in the soil reaches huge sizes. Numerous cracks, collaps, landslides. The emergence of waterfalls, rudd on lakes, deviation of the flow of rivers. No construction withstands.

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The most destructive earthquake January 23, 1556 - Gansu and Shaanxi, China - 830,000 people died, more than after any other earthquake in the history of mankind 1692 - Jamaica - turned into the ruins of G. Port-Royal 1693 - Sicilian earthquake, 60-100 thousand died. residents of 1737 - Calcutta, India - 300,000 people died 1755 - Lisbon - from 60,000 to 100,000 people died, the city is completely destroyed 1783 - Calabria, Italy - from 30,000 to 60,000 people died 1811 - New Madrid, Missouri, USA - the city turned into ruins, flooding in the territory of 500 sq. M. 1887 - the faithful (now Alma-Ata), Russia - material losses amounted to about 2.5 million Russian rubles; 2638 buildings were destroyed in 1896 - Sunrick, Japan - the earthquake focus was under the sea. The giant wave washed away in the sea of \u200b\u200b27,000 people and 10,600 buildings 1897 - Assam, India - on the square of 23,000 square meters. The relief is changed beyond recognition, probably the largest earthquake in the entire history of mankind

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April 18, 1906 - San Francisco, USA 1,500 people died, 10 sqm destroyed. Cities December 28, 1908 - Sicily, Italy 83,000 people died, turned into the ruins of Mescin on January 4, 1911 - the faithful (now Alma-Ata), Russia - the strength was 9 points (magnitude on the Richter scale 8), almost the whole city was destroyed , only single buildings, collaps and dams on mountain rivers were resistant December 16, 1920 - Gansu, China 20,000 people died on September 1, 1923 - Tokyo and Yokohama, Japan (8.3 by Richtera) - 143,000 people died, about a million left without bed As a result of the emerged fires on October 6, 1939 - Internal Taurus, Turkey 32,000 people killed 1948 - Ashgabat, USSR, - 110,000 people died on August 5, 1949 - Ecuador 10,000 people died on February 29, 1960 - Agadir, Morocco 12,000 - 15,000 people died 21 May 1960 - Great Chilean Earthquake, Chile, about 10,000 died, destroyed the cities of Concepcion, Valdivia, Puerto Montt July 26, 1963 - Skopje, Yugoslavia about 2,000 killed, most of the city turned into ruins

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April 26, 1966 - Tashkent, the USSR - the city is very destroyed on May 31, 1970 - Peru, 63,000 people died, 600,000 people were left silent on February 4, 1976 - Guatemala - more than 20,000 people died, more than 1 million people were left without well on July 28, 1976 - Tangshan, China - more than 655,000 people died on September 18, 1985 - Mexico City, Mexico - more than 7,500 people died on December 7, 1988 - Spitak, the USSR - destroyed the cities of Sport, Leninakan and many villages, 40,000-45,000 people died. May 28, 1995 - Neftegorsk, Northeast Sakhalin 1841 people died. August 17, 1999 - Izmit, Turkey, - 17,217 people died, 43,959 were injured, about 500,000 left without bed. December 26, 2004 - Earthquake in the Indian Ocean, 225-250 thousand people died from the tsunami followed. On May 12, 2008 - Sichuan, China, died about 70,000 people. January 12, 2010 - Maiti, - the number of dead 220 thousand people, 300 thousand were injured, 1.1 million lost housing. February 27, 2010 - Santiago, Chile - at least 799 people died, more than 1.5 million houses damaged by earthquake and tsunami.

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The presentation prepared a student of grade 6 "B" Matveyeva Alice.


Earthquake - underground shocks and fluctuations in the surface of the Earth caused by natural reasons (mainly by tectonic processes), or (sometimes) artificial processes (explosions, filling the reservoirs, the collapse of the underground cavities of the mining workings). Small shocks can also be called lava climbing during volcanic eruptions. The center of the earthquake is called the place in the earth's depths, where the earthquake originates, from where the elastic seismic waves are diverged. The epicenter of the earthquake is called the place on the surface of the Earth, the closest to the hearth. And the territory where the foci of earthquakes were or expected is called the seismic area.

Every year about a million earthquakes occurs on the whole land, but most of them are so insignificant that they remain unnoticed. Really strong earthquakes that can cause extensive destruction, happen on the planet for about once every two weeks. Most of them falls on the bottom of the oceans, and therefore is not accompanied by catastrophic consequences (if the earthquake under the ocean costs without tsunami).

The causes of the earthquake cause the earthquake is the rapid displacement of the part of the earth's crust as a whole at the time of relaxation (discharge) of the elastic deformation of stressful rocks in the earthquake focus. Most earthquake foci occurs near the surface of the Earth.

Earthquake intensity The intensity is a qualitative characteristic of the earthquake and indicates the nature and scope of earthquake effect on the surface of the Earth, people, animals, as well as on natural and artificial structures in the earthquake area.

1.Ball (invisible) - soil fluctuations marked by the device; 2. Ball (very weak) - the earthquake is felt in some cases by people in a calm state; 3. Ball (weak) - oscillation is marked by few people; 4. Balla (moderate) earthquake is marked by many people - and; It is possible to vibrate windows and doors; 5. Balls (rather strong) - swing hanging items, creaking of floors, racing glasses, sprinkling whitening; 6.Balls (strong) - Easy damage to buildings: Thin cracks in plaster, cracks in the furnaces, etc.; 7.Balls (very strong) - significant damage to buildings; Cracks in plaster and lambing of individual pieces, thin cracks in the walls, damage to flue pipes; Cracks in raw soils;

8. Ballov (destructive) - destruction in buildings: large cracks in the walls, fall of eaves, chimneys. Landslides and cracks width up to several centimeters on the slopes of the mountains; 9. Ballov (devastating) - Owls in some buildings, wall collapse, partitions, roofs. Owls, screaming and landslides in the mountains. Creation promotion rate can reach 2 km / s; 10. Ballov (destroying) - Owls in many buildings; In the rest - serious damage. Cracks in the soil up to 1 m wide, collaps, landslides. Due to the river valleys, lakes arise; 11.Balls (catastrophe) are numerous cracks on the ground surface, large collaps in the mountains. General destruction of buildings; 12. Ballov (strong catastrophe) - amending the relief in large sizes. Huge collaps and landslides. General destruction of buildings and structures.

Here are some sad figures: in 1995, the city of Neftegorsk was destroyed by the cavity. Of 3 thousand of its inhabitants, over 2 thousand were injured and were injured. The biggest earthquake of the 20th century occurred on December 7, 1998 at 11 am 41 minutes. In Armenia. It covered the territory with a population of over 700 thousand people. The power of underground jokes in the epicenter of the natural disaster reached more than 10 points. The cities of Kirovokan, Stepanakert, Leninakan, were especially injured, and Sitak was practically erased from the face of the earth.

Signs of earthquake. Sharp changes in the level of water in water bodies or her cloudy. The smell of gas in areas where there was no before that. Anxiety of birds and animals. Weak shoes of the earth's crust. Violation of radio, telegraph, electromagnetic devices.

What do you need to do with earthquake ?? With the first push, try to immediately leave the building for 15-20 minutes to descend only on the stairs, notifying the neighbors about the need to leave the building. If you stay in the apartment, you need to get up in the doorway or in the corner of the room, away from the windows, lamps, cabinets and mirrors. Do not allow panic. If the earthquake caressed you in the car, you need to immediately stop and do not leave the car until the end of the jokes.

This is what happens during the earthquake.


Earthquakes and volcanoes (3134 downloads)

Submitted by: rik.

The content of the presentation:

The meaning of the Russian word "earthquake" is clear and means the shaking of the Earth. If you formulate more precisely, the earthquake is the oscillation of the earth's surface due to the passage of the waves, the source of which is underground. In Greek, the earthquake sounds like Seismos, respectively, everything that is associated with earthquakes has similar names - seismic waves, seismic stations, seismographs, seismograms, etc.

The cause of earthquakes is the movement of layers of rocks located at a depth, measured by tens and even hundreds of kilometers from the surface of the Earth. This is a focus of an earthquake, its epicenter is on him on the surface of the earth.

Most often, seismic activity is observed in mountainous areas. Often, terrestrial oscillations are also observed in the Pacific coast.

Sometimes the focus occurs under the ocean bottom. From the jackets there are giant waves-tsunami of a huge devastating force.

Earthquake power is estimated in points. The most destructive earthquake is estimated at 12 points. Such a terrible natural phenomenon is accompanied by the destruction of all the structure and formation of wide cracks in the ground. Scientists make up detailed map of areas with seismic activity.

Every year there are more than 100 thousand earthquakes on our planet. People learn to predict them with the help of science achievements to be able to defend. In places of high seismic activity, the building is elevated by special projects, allowing them to resist during the most terrible natural cataclysms.

Volcanoes are often sampled called "Firewall Mountains". This association becomes clear if you look at the image of an awakened volcano. Therefore, it is not surprising that they wear the name of the ancient Roman god of the volcano - the Lord of the Fire.

Volcanic eruption is a formidable, dangerous for people. natural phenomenon. What is a volcano? Consider its structure.

As a rule, the volcano has a mountain view with a deepening at the top. This is a volcanic crater. In the thickness of the volcano passes the channel. This is a volcano vulley. It connects with a special chamber - a focus of magma.

Magma (from Greek - "Messiavo") is a molten mantle substance. Her appearance needs to be waiting where the pressure decreases and the split mantle can no longer be in a solid state. As a rule, this is observed near the borders of the plates. This explains the coincidence of the regions of the greatest activity of volcanoes with seismic areas.

Consider the reason for the eruption of the volcano. The eruption begins at the moment when the molten magma accumulated in the focus in the focus is rushing up and poured on the ground surface. Magma, watering to the surface, is called a lava.

Together with Loo, various gaseous substances, water vapor, volcanic dust are broken on the surface of the Earth, and what is especially dangerous - the clouds of hot ash. That ashes, who at one time the cellar under him Pompeii.

It happens that lava with increased viscosity, freezes and, as if plug, clogs the eats. When the pressure of the gas masses below pushes it, there is an extremely strong eruption, which is accompanied by an emission of whole stone blocks - volcanic bombs.

About 200 million earthlings live in areas located in dangerous proximity to the existing volcanoes. People sit out excellent volcanic soils, which are beautifully developing vegetation. People neglect the danger. And completely in vain, since, according to statistics, the victims of volcanic eruptions only over the past 500 years have become about 200 thousand people.

Catastrophic danger in volcanic eruptions represent: lava flows, mud streams, eruptions, gases, scorching clouds and volcanic floods.

Special danger occurs when the lavva flow of settlements has been reached to 1000 degrees. In a short time, liquid lava is capable of pouring areas of significant sizes. To protect against lava flows, they are bombarded with airplanes for the purpose of cooling. Also practiced with the removal of lava flows using artificial chutes and the construction of safety dams.

Earthquakes (1528 downloads)

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Submitted by: alexzaxarov.


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The concept of earthquake

In science, the earthquake is called any, even the smallest, oscillations of the earth's surface. These oscillations are accompanied by underground shocks. They can be slightly tangible, and can be destructive.

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Earthquakes may occur at any point of the planet. However, most often this phenomenon occurs in the seas and oceans. Such underground shocks man simply does not notice. Of course, the earthquakes occur on land. But they happen less often.

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Why arise earthquakes?

Earth or earthquake fluctuations can occur for two main reasons:

Natural. Tectonic processes in the earth's crust provoke a tangible shaking of land. This is a natural process.

Isual. As a result of human activity, nature gives a failure, as a result, irreversible consequences of the movements of the earth's surface arise. For artificial reasons include explosions, reservoir overflow, etc.

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How do earthquakes measure?

Scientists have long been studying the degree, frequency and intensity of earthquakes. In order to measure the degree and scale of the earthquake created several ways.

  • Richer's scale.
  • Earthquake intensity scale.
  • Mercally scale.

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Scale Richtor

The Richtor scale is based on magnitude. Depending on the degree of force of magnitude oscillations, the degree of earthquake itself is measured. The scale begins with scratch and reaches 9.5 divisions. If the earthquake with a magnitude is sufficiently small, then the shocks at the mark 9 are simply destructive.

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Intensity scale

Such scales use more often than others. And B. different countries Different earthquake measurement systems are used. For example, in Russian Federation Scientists use the Mercally scale.

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Modified Mercally scale

The modified scale of Merkali uses to measure the degree of intensity of the impetus to the earth's surface of the twelve ball. It is according to it that Russian scientists measure the scale of the destructive phenomenon. Each scale is prescribed certain parameters for which the earthquake is measured. For example, an earthquake of 3 points is felt like shaking in the car, and 8 points provoke landslides in the mountains, the destruction of large buildings and houses.

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Scale Medvedev-Shponheior Carnik

As well as the Merkali intensity scale, the Medvedev-Shponheior-Carnica scale also has a 12 ballroom system. Most often it is used to measure earthquakes in Europe.

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How do earthquakes measure?

To measure the power of jolts, scientists use electronic seismographs.

Earthquake (Grade 5) (682 downloads)

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Submitted: Lunohod


Earthquake is the oscillations of the earth's surface, which are accompanied by underground shocks. An earthquake can occur anywhere in the planet. Often, they pass in the world ocean, so the person does not notice them. However, on the surface of the sushi, such a phenomenon is also not uncommon.

Causes of earthquakes

There are two big causes of earthquakes:

Natural or natural. In most cases, they include the tectonic processes of the earth's crust.

Artificial. It includes many factors: explosions, reservoir overflow, etc. All artificial causes are associated with human actions.

Methods for measuring earthquakes

The earthquake is small when a person does not even notice him. Sometimes an earthquake brings a huge damage of human life. His power is destructive and dangerous for human life. In order to measure the degree of earthquake use different scales.

Richter scale

This scale is magnitude. It classifies earthquakes at various levels, depending on the power of the magnitud. The scale is divided from 0 to 9.5. For example, an earthquake with magnitude 3 is almost unnoticed, whereas with magnitude 8 has a devastating nature.

Intensity scale.

Most often, the earthquakes are classified by the intensity of the impetus, according to their strength and exposure to human life. There are not one intensity scale on the planet. In Russia, they use the scale of Mercally.

Modified Mercally scale

The basis of this scale is the twelve ball in the earthquake intensity measurement system.

1 Ball-invisible for humans and animals

2 points - noticeably animals

3 points - not felt everywhere (as shaking in the car)

4 points - average. Feels people (windows and doors hesitate)

5 points - strong. Feels each (accompanied by a chandelier swing, vibration of windows, creaking floors)

6 points are quite strong. Accompanied by damage to buildings (the appearance of cracks, showering plaster)

7 points are very strong. Great damage to buildings, cracks in the ground.

8 points - destructive. Damage to buildings, landslides in the mountains.

9 points are devastating. Accompanied by the crash of some buildings, partitions.

10 points - destroying. Building collaps, cracks in Earth up to 1 m.

11 points - disasters. Large columns in the mountains, landslides, cracks in the ground.

12 points - a strong catastrophe. Change of land relief. The destruction of all buildings and buildings.

Scale Medvedev-Shponheior Carnik

This scale is also twelve cleaned. It is often used in Europe and Russia. It was developed in the second half of the XX century.

Earthquake measurement devices

In order to measure the intensity and the earthquake magnitude, the seismograph is used. Previously, seismographs were with a paper ribbon. Today B. developed countries Electronic seismographs are used.

Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions (327 downloads)

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"Earthquake" Grade 7

Earthquake is underground shocks and oscillations of the earth's surface resulting from the displacement and breaks in the earth's crust or the upper part of the earth's mantle and transmitted over long distances in the form of elastic oscillations.

Earthquake earthquake earthquake, i.e. The point under the ground, which is the source of the earthquake, is called a hypocenter. Right over the hypocenter on the surface of the Earth is the epicenter of the earthquake, around which the area has the highest soil fluctuations.

Seismograph is a sensitive device that catches and registers underground shocks, marks their strength, direction and duration.

Depending on the intensity of soil fluctuations on the surface of the earthquake Earth is divided by the international 12-point MSK-86 scale (Merkali scale). Maximum intensity of mercali, points Typical manifestations of earthquake 1-2 Population does not feel the earthquake 3 Earthquakes Feel some people; Damage is missing 4-5 earthquakes feel most people; Building buildings There are no 6-7 small damage to buildings: cracks in walls and chimneys 7-8 Moderate damage to buildings: through cracks in weak walls 9-10 Large damage: collapsions of buildings of poor quality buildings, cracks in solid buildings 11-12 universal and almost complete destruction

The consequences of earthquakes

Earthquake consequences Dangerous geological phenomena. Tsunami, floods. Fires. Panic. Injury and death of people. Damage and destruction of buildings. Emissions of radioactive, emergency chemically hazardous and other harmful substances. Transport accidents and disasters. Violation of the functioning of life support systems.

Signs of the approaching earthquake of the gas smell in areas where they did not notice before. Flashes in the form of scattered light salary. I spark closely located, but not coming, electrical wires. Blue glow of inner walls of houses. The unusual behavior of animals.

rules safe behavior During the earthquake, it is not amenable to panic. Protect against debris, braid, heavy items. Being on the 1st floor quickly leave the building and move away from it to an open place. Being on the 2nd floor and above to take the safest place (on the removal from the windows, in the openings of domestic capital walls, in the doorways, in toilet rooms).

Questions on the topic you are at home alone. Suddenly, the glass and chandelier began to fall, and the shelves began to fall dishes and books. What are you going to do? Name the most typical consequences of earthquakes.

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